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Name: Marian Gheorghe

Address: 45 Sharrman Road, Northampton, NN5 5JZ

1. COMMENCEMENT OF EMPLOYMENT: - Your employment with Greencore Food to Go Limited

(a subsidiary of Greencore Group PLC) (the “Company”) commenced on 18 June 2021 which is
also the date of commencement of your period of continuous employment. No other
employment with a previous employer counts toward your period of continuous employment
with the Company.

2. PLACE OF EMPLOYMENT: - Your normal place of work will be Northampton (15-17 Deer Park
Road, Moulton Park, Northampton, NN3 6RX). You may be required to work on a permanent or
temporary basis elsewhere as the Company may reasonably require from time to time.

3. WORKI NG I N THE UK & VETTI NG CHECKS: - Your employment is conditional (including

without limitation, if annual or repeat document checks are required) on you providing to the
Company with original documents as evidence that you have the legal right to work in the
United Kingdom.

You warrant that you are entitled to work in the UK without any additional approvals and will
notify the Company immediately if you cease to be so entitled at any time during your

I t is also your responsibility to inform the Company if you are charged or convicted of a crime
at any time during your employment with the Company.

4. JOB ROLE: - Operative.

5. HOURS OF WORK: Your normal hours and days of work are: Thursday - Monday, 8 pm -
4:30 am, 40 hours per week.

Each shift includes 1 X 20 minutes paid break and 1 X 30 minutes unpaid break.

6. FLEXI BI LI TY: - I n line with business requirements, and except for colleagues who have a
12-hour shift rota, the Company reserves the right to request a 2-hour window of flexibility
from you, in practical terms, allowing the business to request your start or finish times to
fluctuate by 2 hours each day. If you are required to start early you will be informed on the day
prior to the required early start. I f you are required to stay late you will be informed as early
as possible during the first half of your shift.

Additional hours worked in excess of 48 hours per week will be paid at 1.25 times the hourly
rate. Overtime hours are voluntary and are not contractually binding or guaranteed.

7. PROBATI ONARY PERI OD: - This appointment will be subject to the satisfactory completion
of a probationary period of 26 weeks. This will be confirmed in writing after your final
probationary review. You will not be deemed to have passed your probationary period until
you have had your final review and received confirmation that this is the case (even if the
final review takes place outside of the initial probationary period). This period may be

extended in accordance with the probation policy. The policy does not form part of your
contract of employment.

The Company reserves the right to end the probationary period early and terminate
employment should a colleague fail to meet Company standards. During this time, the
Company reserve the right not to follow a formal disciplinary process.

8. METHOD OF PAYMENT: - All hourly paid colleagues are paid weekly in arrears on Thursday
directly to a Bank or Building Society of their choice.

9. PAYMENT TERMS: - Your normal working days and hours are shown in Clause 5. Paid at a
basic rate of £9.96 per hour. Your guaranteed minimum contracted hours are 35 hours per
week, averaged over a 4 week period. You are guaranteed to receive pay for all the hours
that you work each week. Where you work less than your guaranteed minimum contracted
hours (over a 4 week average) because the Company has sent you home early, you will still
receive pay for at least your guaranteed minimum contract hours. However, if the Company
gives you the choice of finishing early or alternative work and you choose to finish early you
will only be paid for the actual hours worked.

The hourly rate will be reviewed in line with the relevant site agreement (where applicable).
There is no guaranteed right to a pay increase. If you are a member of the SMART (salary
sacrifice) arrangements, note that the salary details set out in this section (and in respect of
additional hours below) are your pre-salary sacrifice salary.

10. DEDUCTI ONS: - You authorise the Company at any time during your employment or following
its termination to deduct from your pay (which for this purpose includes basic pay, pay in lieu of
notice, holiday pay and sick pay) any monies you owe us, including without limitation, any
outstanding balance on any Company loans, any overpayment of salary or holiday pay, plus the
cost of repairing any uninsured loss/ damage to our property which was caused by your

11. AMENDMENT: - The Company reserves the right to amend your normal shift pattern as the
needs of the business dictate. If your shift times are required to change due to business needs,
five days’ notice of this change will normally be given including the day of notice, apart from in
exceptional circumstances when shorter notice can be provided.

12. OUTSI DE I NTERESTS: - I n accordance with the Working Time Regulations, you are
required to notify the Company in writing of any secondary employment that you hold, or
intend to hold, outside of the Company. The Company reserves the right to require you to
terminate the secondary employment should it adversely affect your job performance.

13. HOLI DAYS: - You have an annual holiday entitlement of 5.6 working weeks (inclusive of
bank holidays). The total number of shifts this equates to in a year is based on the number
of shifts on your rota per week. The management team reserves the right to nominate
specific dates which you must take as part of your annual holiday entitlement. You will be
given a reasonable amount of notice should this be required. I f you have a flexible contract
(e.g. part-time hours or a working day of longer than 8 hours) your holidays will be pro-rated

The holiday year runs from 1st April to 31st March. Anyone recruited by the Company after
the start of the holiday year shall be entitled to holidays pro rata to their service within the
holiday year. Annual leave may not be carried forward from one holiday year to the next.
You must give reasonable notice of proposed holiday dates which must be agreed in advance
with your Line Manager. Whilst every effort will be made to accommodate your wishes, the

staffing needs of the business must take precedence and it may not always be possible to
authorise holidays for the dates requested.

The daily holiday rate is calculated using the previous 52 weeks average qualifying hours
worked (or weeks in the business if less than 52). For further information, please refer to
your site HR department.

On termination of your employment, your entitlement to accrued holiday pay shall be directly
in proportion to your service during the holiday year in which the termination takes place.
Where on leaving the Company holiday taken exceeds accrued entitlement, deductions of this
overpayment will be made from any monies due to you from the Company.

14. BANK HOLI DAYS: - Bank Holiday working forms part of your contractual arrangements. There
is no right to time off on Bank Holidays unless you have booked and authorised holiday. As part
of your terms and conditions of employment, if the site is open you will be required to work
Bank Holidays if they fall within your working week. I f you work on a Bank Holiday this will
be paid at your basic rate of pay.

15. SI CK PAY: - If you are absent from work for more than three days by reason of incapacity and
you satisfy the relevant requirements, you will be entitled to statutory sick pay. The Company’s
requirements regarding reporting of absence and its processes and procedures relating to any
period of incapacity are set out with its “Absence from Work” policy a copy of which is available
from either your line manager or the HR department on request.

The procedure for reporting an absence can also be found in the “Absence from Work” policy.
Failure to follow the Company procedures for reporting absence could result in the Company
commencing disciplinary action against you. The Company reserves the right to request a medical
examination by a medical practitioner of its choice.

You must complete a self-certification form, available from your manager, to cover every day
of your absence. Should your absence continue for in excess of seven calendar days, you
must obtain a doctor’s certificate (fit note) stating the reason for your absence.

16. OTHER LEAVE: - Your entitlement to other forms of paid leave, such as
maternity/ paternity/ shared parental/ adoption are set out within the “Family Friendly Policy”, a
copy of which can be found on the intranet or is available from either your line manager or HR
Shared Services.

17. UNPAI D LEAVE: - You will be entitled to request additional unpaid leave up to a maximum
of 3 weeks during the holiday year. Leave will be granted subject to business demands.
Manager’s discretion may be applied where appropriate and extended leave will be considered
on an individual basis.


a) Group UK Company Pension Scheme

The Company has in place an optional contributory Group UK Company Pension Scheme.
Details are available from HR Shared Services. You are eligible to join this scheme upon
commencement of employment should you wish to do so. Membership of the Group UK
Company Pension Scheme is optional.

The Company reserves the right at any time and for any reason to withdraw, replace or
change the terms and/ or the providers of the Group UK Company Pension Scheme.
Furthermore, any membership of the Group UK Company Pension Scheme is subject to its
trust deed and rules as amended from time-to-time.

b) Auto Enrolment Scheme
Eligible colleagues who do not elect to join the Group UK Company Pension Scheme, will be
automatically enrolled into the contributory Auto Enrolment Scheme and contributions
deducted no later than the date permitted by legislation if certain eligibility criteria are met.
This date is normally 12 weeks from a colleague’s commencement of employment date (unless
the colleague decides to opt in sooner). Please note, colleagues, who will be automatically
enrolled, cannot ask to leave the scheme prior to being automatically enrolled.

Prior to commencing employment, colleagues wanting to join the Group UK Company Pension
Scheme will be required to complete a pension application form and return to HR Shared
Services. Colleagues who do not complete and return the form will be automatically enrolled
into the contributory Auto Enrolment Scheme (see above) if they meet the criteria set out in
legislation and if they have not already enrolled in the Group UK Company Pension Scheme.

c) SMART Arrangements
Upon becoming a member of a pension scheme, you will automatically be enrolled using the
SMART arrangements (the Company’s pensions salary sacrifice arrangement – Save Money
and Reduce Tax) if you satisfy the eligibility criteria and unless you opt out of SMART
arrangements. This constitutes a contractual change to your terms and conditions of
employment whereby the Company will reduce your entitlement to salary (before tax and
NI C) and will pay the equivalent amount of this reduction into the relevant pension scheme.
Once your entitlement to salary is reduced, you will not make pension contributions to the
relevant pension scheme.

I f you are a member of the SMART arrangements, and you are entitled to any Supplementary
Payments, the way in which these will be calculated will depend on which pension scheme
you are in, and in turn, the definition of Pensionable Salary which is applicable to you.

Where Pensionable Salary is your basic pay, Supplemental Payments will be calculated, where
necessary, according to your pre-salary sacrifice salary.

Where Pensionable Salary includes Supplemental Payments, these will be calculated, where
necessary, according to your basic normal pay, i.e. pay before Supplemental Payments are

“ Supplementary Payments” means overtime payments, and any other allowances for night

Any statutory payments which you may receive cannot legally be reduced and the Company
will explain to you how your pension entitlement will operate on a case-by-case basis.

Your membership of the SMART arrangements will automatically cease if you are no longer a
member of any pension scheme for any reason. You may resume membership of the SMART
arrangements if you are subsequently re-enrolled into a pension scheme and you meet the
eligibility requirements.

The Company reserves the right to amend or discontinue SMART arrangements at any time,
if it determines it is appropriate to do so, considering such matters as may be relevant from
time to time including changes to UK tax legislation.

19. BENEFI TS: - As a colleague of Greencore the following benefits are available:

• Membership at Costco; a cash and carry warehouse joining fee applicable)

• My core benefits platform
• Life Assurance cover
• Sharesave Scheme (after qualifying period)
• Company Shop membership
• Colleague recognition scheme
• Subsidised restaurant
• Extended leave – (please refer to company policy)
These benefits are non-contractual, and we reserve the right to amend or remove from time
to time to reflect best practice and any changes in legislation.

20. DATA PROTECTI ON: - During your employment, you acknowledge that the Company will
need to hold, access and/ or process personal data relating to you in accordance with privacy
notices as may be provided to you from time to time. You are required to familiarise yourself
with and always adhere to the Company’s (Data Protection Policy/ rules, guidelines and
instructions relating to data protection) and undertake to:

a) Take all reasonable steps to ensure that confidential information relating to or belonging
to the Company [ or its Associated Companies] or personal data which you access, hold or
process during the course of your employment will not be available or disclosed to third
parties and will be kept securely by you, particularly if such information is accessed by or
accessible to you via a mobile device; and

b) I mmediately notify (the Company/ the Company's Data Protection Officer) if you become
aware of any unauthorised disclosures of any confidential information relating to or
belonging to the Company(or its Associated Companies) or personal data or any other
breaches of the Company’s (Data Protection Policy/ rules, guidelines and instructions
relating to data protection).

c) You acknowledge that a failure to meet these obligations may lead to disciplinary action
under the Company’s Disciplinary Policy.

21. RI GHT OF SEARCH: - The Company reserves the right to search persons, property or
vehicles on Company premises. Refusal to be searched is deemed to be a breach of conditions
of employment and may result in disciplinary action being taken.

22. HEALTH, SAFETY & HYGI ENE: - You are expected to comply with normal working practices
and requirements of the Company, particularly hygiene and the provisions of the Health &
Safety at Work Act 1974. Failure to do so may result in disciplinary action. Details of your
duties under these procedures will be explained during induction and are available on site.

23. CONFI DENTI ALI TY OF I NFORMATI ON: - You must not at any time during your
employment (or after its termination), except in the course of your duties, disclose to any
person firm or Company outside the Greencore Group, any confidential information relating
to the business affairs or trade secrets of the Company, Greencore Group plc or any of
Greencore Group plc’s subsidiary or associated companies, or its clients or customers. For
these purposes "confidential information" means any information which is commercially
sensitive, or which may not be readily available to others engaged in a similar business to the
Company or to the general public.

24. TRAI NI NG: - Upon commencement you will be required to attend and successfully complete a
company induction. Any further job-related training required will be discussed with you on an
individual basis.

25. DI SCI PLI NARY AND GRI EVANCE PROCEDURES: - The Company has in force written
disciplinary and grievance procedures, which can be found on the Company intranet, from your
line manager or via HR Shared Services. You are required to familiarise yourself with these
procedures. These procedures do not form part of the terms and conditions of your employment.

I f you have any grievance relating to your employment, you should raise it in the first instance
with your line manager, in accordance with the Company’s grievance procedure.

I f you are dissatisfied with any disciplinary decision taken against you, you may appeal to the
HR department within 7 days of receiving your outcome letter.

We have the right to suspend you on full pay and benefits at any time to allow us to conduct
a disciplinary investigation or if your dismissal for any reason is being contemplated.
Suspension may be for whatever period we reasonably consider necessary.

26. COLLECTI VE AGREEMENT: The Company recognises the union BFAWU. The appropriate
terms of the collective agreement between the Company and BFAWU form part of your individual
contract of employment with the Company. For the avoidance of any doubt the contract of
employment takes precedence over any collective agreement.

27. VARI ATI ONS: We reserve the absolute right to make reasonable changes to these terms and
conditions of employment in order to accommodate the operational requirements and business
needs of the Company. You will be notified in writing of any change at least five days in advance
of any change.

28. TERMI NATI ON OF EMPLOYMENT: During the first month, there will be no notice period
required by either party. Your employment may be terminated by the Company or by you at
any time by either party giving the other not less than the following written notice:

Period of continuous service Notice from the Company Notice from

At least one month, but less than 2 1 week 1 week
1 week for each year of
Two years or more complete service (up to a 1 week
max. of 12 weeks)

During the 26 weeks probationary period the disciplinary procedure will not apply. The
Company will give statutory notice of termination in accordance with statutory provisions
(except in cases of gross misconduct).

COLLEAGUE SI GNATURE: _________________________________

DATE: _________________________________
29 June 2021


DATE: 29 June 2021


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