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What’s Under It?

• Directions: Read the list of words and phrases; then, decide
which are the two general categories, then put the rest of the
words/ phrases in the correct category.

read a book swim

OUTLINING build a model
outdoor activities
play baseball
ride a bike
ENGLISH FOR ACADEMIC AND bake cookies indoor activities
PROFESSIONAL PURPOSES climb a tree play cards

1.Define the process of outlining
2.Use a topic and sentence outline in selecting
and organizing information read a book climb a tree
3.Create an outline for essay on a given topic build a model play baseball
bake cookies ride a bike
play cards swim

Tell Me if it’s TRUE or FALSE What is OUTLINING?

• Read the following statements about thesis statement. Write • It is the process of organizing one’s ideas in a logical way.
TRUE if the statement is correct. Write FALSE if it states otherwise.
• In writing, it helps the writer what to include and not to
1. Thesis statement can be implicit and explicit. include.
2. Implicit thesis statement does not clearly express the main idea • It is a general plan of what you are going to write in the
of a text. finished. paper.
3. Explicit thesis statement expresses the main idea of the text
• It will show the order of your information, what each
paragraph will discuss, etc.
4. Thesis statement is the supporting idea of a text.
• An outline is a hierarchical way to display related items of
5. One of the key elements of a thesis statement, it is not a text to graphically depict their relationships.



• Outlining will help construct and organize ideas in a a. TOPIC OUTLINE
sequential manner and thoughtful flow. An outline that consists of a short phrase. It provides a
• Outlining is a vital part of the essay planning quick overview of topics to be included in an essay.
process. It allows the writer to understand how he or b. SENTENCE OUTLINCE
she will connect all the information to support the
thesis statement and the claims of the paper. An outline that is done in full sentence. It Forces part
of the essay to be written out in sentences before the
• Outlines break down a text into its main ideas and first draft. Further, it expresses the specific and
its supporting arguments or supporting details. complete idea that that section of the paper will
cover as part of proving the overall thesis.

Thesis Statement: The increased use of social media has led to

COMMON OUTLINE PATTERNS more suicides among today’s youth--a result of cyberbullying.
A. INTRODUCTION-BODY-CONCLUSION (IBC) FORMAT I. Effects and Consequences of Cyber Bullying
A. Damage victims
I. Introduction 1. depression
1. Background 2. decrease academic performance
2. Thesis Statement 3. suicides
B. Counselling TOPIC OUTLINE
II. Body 1. legal consequences
1. Major Support I 2. academic consequences
1.1 Minor Support 1 II. Prevention
1.2 Minor Support 2 A. Monitoring your Child
2. Major Support II 1. keeping tabs on activity
2.1 Minor Support 1 2. limiting access to social media
2.2 Minor Support 2 B. Counselling
1. consulting a school counsellor
II. Conclusion 2. finding a mentor
3. discussing the issue

Thesis Statement: The abuse of alcohol and drugs can affect a

COMMON OUTLINE PATTERNS person economically, psychologically, and physically.
A. Introduction-Methodology-Results-Discussion or the I. Alcohol and drug abuse can affect one economically.

IMRD format (usually use in research) A. The cost of alcohol abuse is high and getting higher.
1. The costs of DUIs can be enormous.
I. Introduction 2. Alcohol costs are always rising because of rising
production costs as well as state and local taxes.
1. Back ground B. The cost of drug abuse can be high.
2. Research Problem 1. Even the arrest for the possession of a minute amount
3. Scope and Limitation of drugs can result in high bail and court cost.
2. The cost of drugs fluctuates drastically according to
4. Significance of the Study the type of drug, its availability, and the amount.
II. Alcohol and drug abuse can have severe psychological effects.
II. Materials and Methods A. Alcohol abuse can damage a person psychologically.
1. Alcohol is a depressant and can alter the personality of
1. Participants anyone.
2. Procedure 2. The abuse of alcohol can lead to the psychological
addiction to alcohol.
3. Instruments B. Drug abuse can be detrimental to one psychologically.
1. Drugs impair one's ability to function normally because of
III. Results the hallucinations or numbness of "getting high.“
2. Drugs can become a psychological addiction.
IV. Discussion, Summary, Conclusions, Recommendations


General Principles in OUTLINING LET’S TRY IT!

• 1. Parallelism - Nouns should be made parallel with nouns, verbs Directions: Read and analyze the given articles
with verbs; This will enable the reader to recognize similarity and
function. This will enable the outline to be expressed in parallel below. Then, outline the reading text as specified.
sentence structure. Make sure to highlight the points of the text.
Article Title: How can humanity address the
damage inflected on the environment? (Topic
Article Title: Understanding Calories (Sentence

General Principles in OUTLINING

2. Coordination - Items of equal significance in the same category
or label.
Headings = using Roman Numerals
Subheadings = Arabic Letters
I. Definition of Communication
II. Functions of Communication
III. Forms of Communication
1. Oral
2. Written

General Principles in OUTLINING

3. Subordination – Though its most important and least important
details. Writer should distinguish major and minor components of
the outline
4. Division - Basic rule is to have two or more parts and this division
should be based on rank/level/category.

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