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Perspective 1

Robotics, Artificial Intelligence and Drones in Solar Photovol- 2

taic Energy Applications - Safe Autonomy Perspective 3

Olufemi Olayiwola 1, *, Miles Elsden 1, and Mahmoud Dhimish 2 4

1 Institute for Safe Autonomy, University of York, United Kingdom; 5

2 School of Physics, Engineering and Technology, University of York, United Kingdom; 6 7
* Correspondence: 8

Abstract: While there is evidence of substantial improvement in efficiency and cost reduction from 9
integration of Robotics, Artificial Intelligence, and Drones (RAID) in solar installations; it is ob- 10
served that there is limited oversight by international standards such as the International Electro- 11
technical Commission (IEC) in terms of the hazards and untapped potentials. This is partly because 12
it is an emerging application and generally burdened with social acceptability issues. Thus, safety 13
regulations applied are adaptations of device specific regulations as deemed fit by individual com- 14
panies. Also, due to the fast-paced technological development of these platforms, there is huge- 15
potential for applications which are not currently supported by the device specific regulations. 16
This creates a multi-faceted demand for establishment of standardized industry wide polices and 17
guidelines on the use of RAID platforms for solar PV integrations. This work aims to address critical 18
safety concerns by conducting a comprehensive high-level system examination, applicable to the 19
monitoring and maintenance of solar PV systems. Standard safety assurance models and ap- 20
proaches are examined to provide a safe autonomy perspective for solar PV. It is considered that as 21
RAID applications continue to evolve and become more prevalent in the solar PV industry, stand- 22
ardized protocols or policies would be established to ensure safe and reliable operations. 23

Keywords: robotics, artificial intelligence, drones, autonomous systems, photovoltaics, safety, au- 24
tonomy, policies 25

1. Introduction 27
Recent advancements in robotics, artificial intelligence (AI) and drone technologies 28
Citation: To be added by editorial have enabled the development of sophisticated systems capable of performing tasks with 29
staff during production. minimal human intervention. These technologies have been deployed in various sectors 30
Academic Editor: Firstname Last- of the economy such as healthcare[1], transportation[2], agriculture[3], construction[4], 31
name power systems[5], and manufacturing[6]. They are fast becoming a part of our daily living 32
and our activities are now more dependent on their functionalities. Examples of these 33
Received: date
include self-driving (FSD) AI technology in electric vehicles[7], surgical robots[8], and 34
Revised: date
crop monitoring with drones[9]. The reduction in human intervention associated with 35
Accepted: date
Published: date
some of these applications has resulted in the new class of systems termed “autonomous 36
agents”[10]. The energy sector is not left out in this revolution with a conservative cumu- 37
lative annual growth rate (CAGR) of 23.6% and USD 20.83 billion 2023 forecasted market 38
for artificial intelligence applications [11]. 39
Copyright: © 2023 by the authors.
The energy sector encompasses various applications, including smart grids, energy 40
Submitted for possible open access
management systems, oil and gas exploration and production, and renewable energy. The 41
publication under the terms and
conditions of the Creative Commons
renewable energy sector, in particular, continues to develop new applications utilizing 42

Attribution (CC BY) license

robotics, artificial intelligence, and drones to overcome challenges that limit the benefits 43
( of renewable energy. It is widely known that renewable energy technologies face several 44
s/by/4.0/). challenges, including the availability of the main energy source for conversion, limited 45

Safety 2023, 9, x.

Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 2 of 24

installation space, high energy storage costs, natural disasters, and maintenance issues. 46
To address these challenges, strategies have been developed, such as wind turbine inspec- 47
tion with drones, robotic arms for renewable energy equipment manufacturing, and AI- 48
platforms for energy management. For solar photovoltaic energy generation, drones 49
equipped with sophisticated cameras and AI algorithms can inspect solar panels to detect 50
faults and damages[12, 13], enabling timely maintenance and repair. Autonomous robots 51
can clean solar panels[14], and AI can optimize the operation of solar PV systems[15]. 52
Additionally, machine learning algorithms can analyze data from solar panels, weather 53
forecasts, and energy markets to predict energy production and consumption patterns, 54
allowing for the system's optimal operation[16, 17]. 55
It is observed that, with the emergence of various RAID platforms, many companies 56
tend to define safety within their operational environment solely on acceptable practices 57
on use of individual RAID device as there are currently limited industry-wide policies for 58
solar PV integration of autonomous systems. This can be expected as several of these tech- 59
nologies are in their early adoption stage by a significant number of solar PV installation 60
companies. However, the absence of specific regulations often creates several gaps or 61
loopholes in such high-level system integration as indicated by [18]. [18] described the 62
gaps as semantic gaps, responsibility gaps and liability gaps. Identification of this gaps 63
would provide information and clarification of sources of errors arising from system in- 64
tegration as well as the party that bears the liability during disaster management process. 65
These gaps are inevitable since the integration of autonomous platforms into an existing 66
facility creates new fault points and can lead to varying failure scenarios. 67
It is worth noting that policies from regulatory authorities (IEC, International Robot- 68
ics Federation - IFR, Country specific UAV regulators) are not entirely oblivious to the use 69
of RAID platforms for solar PV site maintenance. For example, the European Union Op- 70
erations and Maintenance best practice guideline v5.0 [19] granted recognition to ther- 71
mography inspection using UAVs for solar PV site monitoring as supported by IEC TS 72
62446-3:2017. However, the scope of this guideline is limited to the use of UAVs for ther- 73
mography applications as it relates to procedures to obtain valid imagery. As described 74
in Section 3.3, the recent use of UAVs extends beyond thermography. Also, the guidelines 75
are yet to provide standard operational procedures as it relates to safety and hazard man- 76
agement. This is expected to cover instances of recent robotics integration and autono- 77
mous interactions within the site. 78
Furthermore, some of the current policies on the use of some autonomous platforms 79
limits viable application of the technologies for solar photovoltaics integration. An exam- 80
ple is the beyond-visual-line-of-sight (BVLOS) regulation which is designed to protect un- 81
involved persons during drone flights. A downside of this is that it severely restricts the 82
possibilities and ease of monitoring building attached photovoltaics (BAPV). Due to ex- 83
ponential increase in energy demand in several countries, commercial rooftop photovol- 84
taic installation has gained significant legal recognition and there are several installations 85
on rooftops of commercial buildings such as very large malls and industries. Several of 86
these installations are over 500kWp fully installed with over 1000 high wattage solar mod- 87
ules. Oftentimes, the allowed rooftop solar PV system size could be up to 1MWac or more 88
(the legal limit varies per country)[20, 21]. This implies that, there is need for monitoring 89
of a significantly higher number of solar modules spread out over a very wide area, at 90
different orientations and substantial height from ground. UAV (drones) monitoring can 91
be highly beneficial as it reduces fall from height risk, and damage of roofs from frequent 92
climbing by operations and maintenance staff. However, this application is currently lim- 93
ited with several UAV regulations which are yet to be considered in-terms of this specific 94
application. Thus, the research question is to identify whether there are new advances to 95
be made or guidelines to enable application at such scale? 96
Consequently, regardless of the need to apply beneficial technologies where neces- 97
sary, when the trustworthiness of the overall system is not adequately examined, it acts 98
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 3 of 24

as impediment for companies willing to adopt autonomous systems in emerging indus- 99

tries, as the perceived risk may out-weigh the benefits. 100
To address this issue, this work aims to assist industry experts in exploring and iden- 101
tifying critical aspects that ensure the safe implementation of autonomous systems in the 102
solar PV industry and recommend the provision of tailored guidelines for failure man- 103
agement which can be considered standard industry practice. 104
In summary, the issues raised in this work are mainly as follows: 105
• Motivate for review of conventional practice and policies associated with the use of 106
RAID devices, that currently limit broad utilization for various solar PV installation 107
systems 108
• Highlight the need for a review of high-level systems assurance guidance or policies 109
which will serve as industry standard on the emerging use of RAID devices within 110
solar installations. 111
In view of the above, the contribution of this work is perceived as follows: 112
• To identify areas where conventional RAID device practices and policies could be re- 113
viewed and standardized for specific applications (use-case) such as with solar farm 114
integration. 115
• To examine several potential hazards associated with the use of RAID devices and 116
provide insight into areas that may require policy review for industry wide standard- 117
ization 118
• To provide insight into salient areas that could assist with this specific use case safety 119
guidance such as the autonomy level categorization and need for incident register 120
section dedicated to activities related to use of RAID devices. 121
For clarity and uniformity, the use of the word ‘device or platform’ in this work refers 122
to the AI subsystem, or individual robots and drones; while the use of the word ‘system’ 123
takes this a step further to indicate integration of the robot, drone, or AI platform into the 124
solar photovoltaic installation. 125
. 126

2. Safe Autonomy and Solar Photovoltaics 127

Autonomous systems by definition extend beyond just robotics and automation to 128
software development, sensors, control algorithms and systems development[10, 22, 23]. 129
According to [23], autonomous systems can make their own decisions and take own action 130
without real-time human interference. These definitions can be considered as the differ- 131
ence between robotics and drones’ applications that are fully controlled by humans and 132
tasks that are autonomous. In fact, once a system has been pre-programmed to act in a 133
particular manner, there is a level of autonomy involved. In view of this, we acknowledge 134
that there are different levels of autonomy in systems applications. For autonomous trans- 135
portation, there are five (5) levels of autonomy in addition to full manual control [24]. 136
These levels of automation describe the various levels of driver’s assistance provided by 137
the sensor enabled artificial intelligence integrated in the vehicle management system, 138
where the final level describes a fully autonomous vehicle that does not require any hu- 139
man assistance. The classification applied for autonomous road vehicles on levels of au- 140
tonomy serves as a very vital step in defining the term “safety” and therefore expected 141
reliability of the system. In contrast, there is still a need for such clarity in particularly for 142
energy systems application and this will be addressed under Section 3 of this work. 143
As previously discussed under Section 1, autonomous systems deployment has been 144
applied in various renewable energy applications such as in [25–27]. However, due to the 145
emerging nature of the applications, safety measures are usually considered only at the 146
RAID device level, based on the risk analysis of the operator/company and not at a stand- 147
ardized system integration level code of conduct. This creates a loophole for dangerous 148
practices and preventable system failures. This work aims to highlight critical aspects of 149
safety in autonomous platforms particularly as it applies to system level integrations in 150
solar photovoltaic energy installations. 151
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 4 of 24

In this work, we define safe autonomy in solar photovoltaic (PV) energy applications 152
as the use of automated systems including robots, artificial intelligence and drones in a 153
way that ensures safe and reliable operations with minimal human intervention. For this 154
purpose of this discussion, emphasis will be on safe autonomy for RAID applications. 155
It is important to note that safety in autonomous systems can be viewed from two 156
standpoints. One is the reduction of risk to human since the tasks involved are now car- 157
ried out by autonomous systems, such as is observable in [23, 28, 29], where RAID equip- 158
ment are used to perform hazardous tasks in space (on satellites) and at heights to install 159
or repair solar panels. Autonomous robots and drones equipped with sensors and AI al- 160
gorithms can perform these tasks more efficiently and safely, with minimal risk of injury 161
to human workers. The second standpoint is safety of system operations, to prevent avoid- 162
able issues, which can lead to injuries/death for those involved or within the vicinity of 163
the operation, damages to facility operated on (or interconnected ones) as well as the 164
RAID equipment itself[30]. 165
To ensure safe operations of autonomous systems, researchers are exploring various 166
methods to develop safe autonomy within the solar PV space. One approach is to use 167
sensors and cameras to enable autonomous robots to perceive their environment and de- 168
tect potential hazards [30, 31]. Another approach is to implement safety protocols and fail- 169
safes to ensure that the system can respond appropriately to unexpected situations or mal- 170
functions [32–34]. These are effective measures to prevent operational failures, and loss of 171
income associated via capital expenditure, downtime reduction, irrecoverable loss, and in 172
case of loss of life and permanent injuries, legal and insurance costs. 173
There exist several autonomous RAID applications in solar photovoltaics ranging 174
from solar cell wafer production to cell arrangement to form a solar module, mechanical 175
test of final product before packaging, packaging, installation, and maintenance [27, 35– 176
38]. As earlier mentioned, on a frequent basis, the safety protocols are implemented as 177
best understood by the company utilizing the application or solely based on device man- 178
ual. This approach often times do not adequately consider fault points introduced by the 179
integration of the device into the overall system, ease of transfer of knowledge (to opera- 180
tions staff), solar PV specific issues, and as such there is need to start providing frame- 181
works and policy guideline which can serve as industry standard for safety of humans 182
(involved and non-involved), adequate asset management, ease of regulatory inspection, 183
conflict resolution, warranty and insurance claims resolution. 184
In view of the above, this work aims to identify critical issues on the integration of 185
autonomous systems particularly RAID application within the solar PV industry with an 186
attempt to providing possible solutions and guiding framework. 187

3. Autonomous RAID Applications in Solar Photovoltaics 188

3.1. Autonomy Levels 189

In Table 1, we provide a description of the levels of autonomy used in autonomous 190
vehicles according to the Society for Automotive Engineers (SAE). This classification 191
makes it easier to define regulatory roles for adequate rider or passenger safety and asset 192
management. 193
Table 1 is a summarized extract of the automated driving levels recommended by 194
SAE for surface vehicles [39], and it can be further simplified as Level 0 (No Automation 195
- Manual), Level 1 (Driver Assistance – single automated feature can be activated per time 196
while the driver performs the remaining tasks), Level 2 (Partial Automation - Advanced 197
Driver Assistance System is available for combined longitudinal and lateral functions, 198
however human driver is fully involved at all times), Level 3 (Conditional Automation - 199
The automated driving system is able to perform all driving functions when activated, 200
however, the human driver should be ready to take over during failures or complex tasks), 201
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 5 of 24

Table 1. Levels of Automated Driving [40]. 203


You are driving whenever these driver support fea- You are not driving when these automated driving
tures are engaged - even if your feet are off the pedals features are engaged - even if you are seated in "the
What does the
and you are not steering driver's seat"
human in the
driver's seat You must constantly supervise these support features; When the feature
These automated driving features
have to do? you must steer, brake, or accelerate as needed to main- requests
will not require you to take over
tain safety
you must drive driving

These are driver support features These are automated driving features
These features These features These features These features can drive the vehi- This feature can
are limited to provide steering provide steering cle under limited conditions and drive the vehi-
What do the providing OR brake/accel- AND brake/ac- will not operate unless all required cle under all
features do? warnings and eration support celeration sup- conditions are met conditions
momentary as- to the driver port to the driver

Automatic Lane centering Lane centering Traffic jam Local driver- Same as level 4,
emergency OR AND chauffer less taxi, ped- but feature can
Example braking, blind adaptive cruise adaptive cruise als/steering drive every-
Features spot warning, control control at the wheel may or where in all
lane departure same time may not be in- conditions
warning stalled

Level 4 (High Automation – Self driving is available, and vehicle intervenes when things 205
go wrong, however, human can override if desired or based on legislation), Level 5 (Full 206
Automation – Driving does not require any human oversight) [41, 42]. 207
While this classification approach has successfully enabled the current regulatory 208
oversight for on-road motor vehicles, we observe that applying the same principle for 209
solar PV may not provide a robust solution. This is because the approach applied above 210
can be considered a single device scenario when compared with the range of interacting 211
system of systems applicable on a single solar PV installation/farm. However, since EVs 212
and RAID applications have similarities in terms of inclusion of autonomous systems, we 213
consider leveraging on the basic principles used in the automotive sector. To achieve some 214
form of generalization for RAID applications in solar photovoltaics, we propose consid- 215
eration of the autonomous processes/applications and the various anticipated failure 216
points/process. To do this, we at first consider the existing classifications or categorization 217
of RAID platforms and their applications within the solar PV sector 218

3.2. RAID Classification and Application 219

3.2.1. Robots Classification 220
A robot can be defined as an automatically controlled, reprogrammable, multipur- 221
pose manipulator capable of carrying out a complex series of action [43–45]. 222
According to [46–48], there are different classifications of robots for industrial appli- 223
cations based on different criteria such as mechanical structure, degrees of mobility 224
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 6 of 24

(number of joints ‘L’ – number of independent constraints ‘c’) [49] , useful configuration, 225
and operational mode. For the purpose of this work, classification based on operational 226
mode will be applied for clarity and generalization across various devices. In terms of 227
operational mode, robots can be classified into 6 types [46]. 228
• Autonomous Mobile Robots (AMRs): These are robots that are able to move around 230
with the aid of sensors and machine vision. They have onboard processors that allow 231
them to make smart decisions on the move. 232
• Automated Guided Vehicles (AGVs): This class of robots rely on preprogrammed 233
paths and are operated only when under full supervision. 234
• Articulated Robots: This refers to robotic arms used mostly in manufacturing plants. 235
They have different degree of motion based on the number of joints and coordinates 236
of motion at each joint. 237
• Humanoids: These group of robots perform human-centric tasks and are therefore 238
designed in human forms. They are essentially a subset of AMRs. 239
• Cobots: The term Cobots imply Collaborative Robots. This category of robots per- 240
forms tasks alongside or directly with humans. They are designed to significantly 241
reduce arduous tasks for human workers. 242
• Hybrids: This class of robots are a combination of any of the classes described above. 243
This is to enable them to perform more complex tasks than the single categories. 244
3.2.2. Artificial Intelligence (AI) Platforms 246
Artificial intelligence refers to any platform/process that is implemented to execute 247
tasks or make decisions like human beings. It is also defined as the ability to plan, reason, 248
learn or provide information via combination of concepts from a broad field of science 249
such as computer science, psychology, philosophy, linguistics, and many others [50, 51]. 250
AI is often classified in terms of capabilities as Narrow/Weak AI (single task), General 251
AI (multiple tasks as human) and Super AI (multiple tasks better than human), or in terms 252
of functionality as described below [52, 53]. 253

• Reactive AI: This type of AI is programmed to only provide predictable response 254
based on the input/stimuli it receives. This form of AI does not store the input and 255
does not learn with continuous usage. 256
• Limited memory AI: This level of AI functionality learns from previous use to im- 257
prove its output or response. Model training under this level can either be prompted 258
by developers or the AI platform pre-built to automatically update the training. An 259
example is the training of computers in playing games. 260
• Theory of mind: This level of AI functionality not only has memory, but it also begins 261
to interact with human thought and emotions. This is a very high level of human 262
behaviour mimicking and an example can be seen as exhibited by Sophia the human- 263
oid robot created by Hanson robotics in Hong Kong. The fluidity of human nature 264
and emotions however makes this very difficult to attain for now. 265
• Self-awareness: AI at this level would have achieved human-like intelligence and 266
self-awareness. The AI platform will be aware of itself and others’ emotions and 267
needs. There is currently no AI at this level however with continuous advancement 268
in technology, this is considered achievable. 269
3.2.3. Drones (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) 271
In the context of this work, we refer to drones as aerial vehicles that do not carry 272
human-beings on-board but that are rather controlled remotely or through pre-pro- 273
gramed on-board systems or remote facility. Generally, drones refer to a larger range of 274
devices ranging from small (1mm wing span), unmanned battery powered aerial vehicles 275
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 7 of 24

to large (61m wing span) unmanned underwater or aerial vehicles that use fuel engine 276
often used in the military [54–56]. 277
Drones can be classified in terms of their size/weight, and wing mechanism (fixed 278
wing, rotary wing) [57, 58]. In terms of operational functionality, drones are usually de- 279
signed to carry payload for different applications. This could range from ordinary camera, 280
specialized camera, LIDAR systems to missiles in military application. This work will only 281
discuss drones’ use to carry non-combatant payloads for solar PV applications. 282
3.3 RAID Applications 284
In order to gain a deeper understanding of the levels of autonomy and associated 285
risks in the applications of RAID devices, we conducted an analysis of recent RAID appli- 286
cations in the solar PV system context. The objective is to explore the breadth of applica- 287
tions and assist in defining the varying levels of autonomy and risk associated with these 288
applications. 289
Table 2 provides a snapshot of some of the RAID applications in solar PV systems [4, 290
12–17, 59–61]. It is important to note that this list is not exhaustive and serves as a repre- 291
sentative sample of the diverse range of system implementations that exist, depending on 292
the developers and their specific objectives. Each application in the table represents a 293
unique combination of RAID technologies integrated into solar PV systems to perform 294
specific tasks. 295
One key observation from the analysis is the significant variance in the level of au- 296
tonomy exhibited by these applications. While some applications are still in the early 297
stages of development and considered basic prototypes, others have already been imple- 298
mented in operational solar farms, albeit with full human supervisory roles. This variance 299
in autonomy levels reflects the current stage of development and adoption of RAID tech- 300
nologies in the solar PV industry. It is important to recognize that the level of autonomy 301
directly impacts the associated risks in these applications. Applications with higher levels 302
of autonomy, where the RAID devices operate with minimal human intervention, may 303
introduce additional risks that need to be carefully managed and mitigated. On the other 304
hand, applications with lower levels of autonomy, where human supervision is prevalent, 305
may have a different set of risks associated with human-machine interactions and the po- 306
tential limitations of human oversight. 307

Table 2. RAID application in solar photovoltaics. 309

Robots AI Drones
Inspection Maximum power point tracking Site inspection before system design
Cleaning Plant yield forecasting Construction monitoring
Ribbon disconnection failure detection Parameter estimation in modelling Site commissioning
Panel installation Defect detection Module maintenance inspections
Industrial production of solar cells/ modules System design Thermal imagery assessment
Thermal imaging Model optimization PV transmission lines inspection
Bird control Solar plant control Shading assessment
Carrying payloads for solar farm inspection Data analytics Asset security monitoring
Plant maintenance
Solar module cleaning
Cell material optimization
Embedded system control of robots and
Fault detection
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 8 of 24

The next level is venturing into full scale autonomy for individual devices and then 311
full-scale autonomy at the whole solar plant level. This may be inevitable as the devices 312
become more sophisticated and need to manage large utility scale farms. 313

3.4. Approach/Models to Safe Autonomy 314

Table 3 presents a comprehensive overview of recent models, approaches, and guid- 315
ance related to safe autonomy for the use of RAID. By examining the content of this table, 316
it becomes evident that a significant portion of the research and guidance available in this 317
domain either takes a broad approach, encompassing a wide range of applications involv- 318
ing RAID platforms, or focuses on the individual components of RAID systems. 319

Table 3. Safe autonomy approach for RAID applications. 321

Reference Model name/ Methodology description Domain/Industry

approach type
[62] Risk level 4 levels of risk in AI in general and regulation to ensure AI platforms
minimal risk
[63] Risk based regulation 12 years empirical data in Norway for clarification of All autonomous
and certification human and autonomous systems role to propose security transport systems
and risk-based regulation
[64] Self-diagnostics via Runtime verification and certification of autonomous AI + robotic platforms
semantic modelling systems to prevent hardware failure within any
operational condition or environment
[65] Self-certification In-situ verification, validation, and certification of AI + robotic platforms
runtime operations with continuous modelling of
[66] Subsystem data Provides a model for detecting subsystems fault via AI (railway system)
verification/validation quality and delay of exchanged data from the real time
data field
[67] Self-optimization Providing multi-layered strategy for reorganization and AI + swarm of drones
flight plan for swarm of drones through its navigation
control center (NCC)
[68] Environmental risk Simulation validation by integrating a safety unit UAVs
assessment consisting of a safety unit that incorporates external
environment sensory and fall-back layer
[69] behavioural Software based analysis of system behaviour using Multipurpose systems
assessment/self- unrestricted extended finite state machines approach verification
[70] behavioural Use of behavioural tree and differential logic to verify Multipurpose
assessment/self- system operation and inform decision process autonomous agents
[71] Risk assessment Hierarchical task analysis for collision avoidance systems. Autonomous
Human Reliability Analysis (HRA) is used to identify and vehicles/transport
assessing human related errors in autonomous systems
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 9 of 24

oversight, which can lead to developing management


[72] ML safety assurance Provided a six-stage closed loop safety assurance model Any platform using
for any platform using Machine learning. It covers all Machine learning
aspects of ML assurance, verification, and deployment
[73] ML safety assurance This model provided upgrade to Hawkins, R. et al 2021 Any platform using
for real-time ML safety verification and deployment. Machine learning
[74] Safety Assurance Provides a comprehensive model for safety assurance of All autonomous
autonomous systems in complex environments. systems
[75] Safety Assurance Provides comprehensive guideline to autonomous All autonomous
systems integration. Right from algorithm level to systems
system-of-systems integration. Also provides broad
guidelines on where responsibility lies in cases of faults
or anomaly behaviour (either the human supervisor or
actual autonomous system)
[76] Reliability and risk- Detailed information about autonomous systems, and All autonomous
based assessment various aspects to be considered for safety and system systems
While these existing models and approaches provide valuable insights and guidance, 324
it is important to note that they may not directly address the specific considerations and 325
requirements of the integration of RAID technologies in solar PV applications. The unique 326
characteristics and challenges associated with the solar PV industry necessitate a tailored 327
approach to ensure the safe and effective utilization of autonomous systems. Therefore, it 328
becomes apparent that further research and development are required to bridge the exist- 329
ing gaps and provide more specialized guidance for the integration of RAID technologies 330
in the context of solar PV. This new application-based guidance should consider the spe- 331
cific requirements and challenges posed by solar PV systems, including aspects such as 332
monitoring, maintenance, safety protocols, and environmental considerations. 333
By developing application-specific guidance, we can ensure that the unique needs of 334
the solar PV industry are adequately addressed. This approach will enable the establish- 335
ment of comprehensive safety frameworks and protocols that account for the particular 336
nuances of solar PV installations and their interaction with RAID technologies. The 337
uniqueness of the solar PV application is inherent in the operational architecture. For ex- 338
ample, if we consider different stages in the life cycle of a utility scale solar plant, the 339
preconstruction, construction, and life-time system operation, some applicable RAID ap- 340
plications found are highlighted below: 341
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 10 of 24

Plant Design/ Life-time
production Construction
Layout Monitoring

• Industrial robots • LIDAR mapping • Panels • Drones and Robots for

for solar of terrain Installation panels cleaning
cells/module (Drones/Robots) assisted by • AI platforms for short-
production • Optimization of Robots for lifting term yield forecasting
• AI platforms for plant layout (AI the modules and • Environmental conditions
material platforms) marking out data capture and analysis
optimization • Plant yield installation for site maintenance
AI platform for forecasting over points. • Soiling assessment
its lifetime (AI) • Drones for • Defect detection
construction • Cybersecurity
oversite • Maximum power tracking
• Plant • Degradation analysis
commissioning • Overall plant control
with drones • Bird control
• Asset security and


Figure 1. Autonomous tasks within solar PV life cycle. 344

While several of the applications highlighted in Figure 1 may have been treated in- 345
dividually for safety considerations, most of the procedures during the life-time monitor- 346
ing are essentially been built as an autonomous system performing a task based on infor- 347
mation provided by another autonomous systems. An instance of this occurrence is when 348
the soiling sensor platform or autonomous drone inspection indicates that the solar panels 349
require cleaning and provides the information to robots responsible for the cleaning. The 350
robots will require other autonomous decision-making process from weather analytics 351
platform and path planning guidance on when to perform the task of panel cleaning. This 352
process indicates an interdependence of the autonomous systems which must be accu- 353
rately measured/predicted for safe maintenance. Any deviation or low accuracy/predic- 354
tion by any of the systems could lead to unpredicted action by the next sub-system. 355
In terms of risks associated, a faulty path planning from a robotic inspection, can lead 356
to collision with any of the module causing a sudden cable breakage and high DC current 357
surge through the system. This alone will cause system downtime, loss in plant yield, asset 358
destruction and could impact any human being in close vicinity. This is a ripple safety 359
risk that should be avoided as we approach the era of full autonomy within solar PV plant 360
maintenance. 361
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 11 of 24

Categories of system level autonomy for solar

Full autonomy (FA) Semi-autonomy (SA) No autonomy (NA)

This is based on closed loop All actions are implemented

communication and action of SA Level 2 (SA-LV2) SA Level 1 (SA-LV1)
by human-beings at this
autonomous agents. level.
A hybrid scenario where an
At this level human beings
RADID platform provides
and RAID platforms work
AI platform for weather information for human action or
All installation and
in collaboration at the same
forecasting provide vice-versa.
monitoring activities
information for drone’s implemented by human
inspection scheduling, • Human response to • Industrial robots beings such as:
followed by an active system alerts after assisting solar
drone soiling inspection. detection from cells/module • Physical site inspection
The information is fed into autonomous robotic production. for small rooftop
a digital twin to inform a inspection • Human actively on site system planning
ground robot to carry out • LIDAR mapping of assisting and monitoring • Visual inspection
solar panels cleaning. terrain robotic cleaning of • Site perimeter check

• Optimization of plant panels.

layout • Human using pre-
• System data analysis programmed path
on AI platforms planning of drones for
after data capture EL imagery while
while onsite observing BVLOS
Figure 2. System level autonomous categories in solar photovoltaics. 364

3.5. System level consideration 365

In view of the system level approach being explored in this work, we consider sys- 366
tem level autonomy levels as described in Figure 2. 367
It is essential to note, that a system level approach is recommended for guidance of 368
autonomous RAID implementation for solar photovoltaics for three (3) main reasons. 369
• Existing regulations for individual platform use: There exist various regulation 370
guiding use of the RAID devices/platforms in different countries. If carefully fol- 371
lowed, a huge proportion of device level risks can be managed. Thus, there is no 372
need for regulation duplication. However, most of the regulations generalize the 373
implementation aspect and lose out resolution of system integration. This creates a 374
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 12 of 24

loophole in terms of responsibility of involved parties when a risk occurs. This is an 375
obvious situation with regards to the solar photovoltaic system integration as vari- 376
ous forms of implementation are just evolving. 377
• Enabling ease of implementation at all levels: Solar PV energy is a renewable en- 378
ergy source that is highly scalable, and at best highly socially integrable. This means 379
that solar PV system of any size can be installed based on energy demand required. 380
Also, since various means have been achieved to enhance its social appeal and mini- 381
mize its intrusiveness, it is being installed in various locations, such as residential 382
rooftop, commercial building rooftop, carparks, commercial ground mounts, build- 383
ing integrated and building attached systems, floating systems, farmland integrated 384
and utility scale locations. Thus, while there are several existing rules guiding appli- 385
cation of the RAID devices individually, it is observed that some of the regulations 386
make it impossible for application in some of the areas where the solar PV are in- 387
stalled and which the RAID application will be very useful for system developers 388
and monitors. An example is found in the regulations guiding autonomous use of 389
drones for solar PV monitoring in densely populated areas such as commercial 390
buildings (malls). While the regulations are generally not in favour of such applica- 391
tion, the benefit of been able to implement autonomous monitoring is also highly 392
beneficial, risk averting from workers having to climb rooftop always (in fact, they 393
may damage the roof sheeting and lead to roof sheeting warranty issues) and cost 394
saving. 395
• Ensure system of system level assurance: In addition to the device level regulations 396
that exist, system level guidance will ascertain a higher level of asset and life protec- 397
tion, thereby boosting investor confidence. This is because at this level, impact on 398
the environment and uninvolved persons within the scope of operations will have 399
been adequately concerned. This reduces the legal issues risk associated with the 400
rights of uninvolved persons. 401

4. Safety in Autonomous RAID Applications 402

4.1. Research in Solar PV RAID Safety 403

To emphasize the increasing significance of safety guidance in the integration of 404
RAID applications in solar PV, we conducted an analysis of the research trend in this field. 405
This analysis, depicted in Figure 3, aimed to examine increasing interest, and need for 406
safety guidance on integration of autonomous systems in solar photovoltaics. The data for 407
this analysis was sourced from the Web of Science database and the search was conducted 408
on April 10, 2023. 409
The search strategy involved using specific keywords to retrieve relevant publica- 410
tions. As shown in Figure 3, the primary search words included "robotics," "artificial in- 411
telligence," and "drones." However, for the term "drones," we expanded the search to in- 412
clude synonymous terms such as "unmanned aerial vehicles" and "unmanned aerial sys- 413
tems," along with their respective abbreviations. This expansion was necessary as these 414
terms are frequently used interchangeably in the literature. 415
By examining the research trend, we aimed to gain insights into the level of attention 416
and focus given to RAID applications in the context of solar photovoltaics. The analysis 417
provides a quantitative measure of the scholarly output and interest in this field over time, 418
allowing us to identify potential gaps or areas that require further exploration. 419
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 13 of 24

References to RAID research

2021 - 2023

2016 - 2020

2011 - 2015

2006 - 2010

2001 - 2005

1993 - 2000

0 100 200 300 400 500 600

Number of Publications
Drones + Photovoltaic Artificial Intelligence + Photvoltaic Robot + Photovoltaic

RAID application proportions Safe autonomy and photovoltaic

11% 35
Number of Publications

34% 25

Robot + Photovoltaic 5

Artificial Intelligence + Photvoltaic 0

1993 - 2001 - 2006 - 2011 - 2016 - 2021 - Total
Drones + Photovoltaic 2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2023

Figure 3. From Web of Science: (a) References to RAID and Photovoltaics research; (b) Spread of 423
RAID application; and (c) Reference to safe autonomy. 424

Our analysis revealed a remarkable trend in academic research publications related 425
to RAID applications in the solar PV domain over the past five years. In fact, the volume 426
of research conducted in this field during this relatively short period has more than dou- 427
bled compared to the cumulative research output since the establishment of publication 428
records in 1993. This significant increase highlights the growing interest and recognition 429
of the potential of RAID technologies in solar PV applications. However, despite the sub- 430
stantial growth in research output, our examination of the literature, as depicted in Figure 431
3(c), indicates that there has been limited attention given to the risks associated with au- 432
tonomous systems in this area. While the advancements in robotics, artificial intelligence, 433
and drones offer exciting opportunities for the solar PV industry, it is crucial to recognize 434
and address the potential risks and challenges that come with their integration. 435
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 14 of 24

4.2. Associated Hazard and Risks 436

To conceptualize the associated risks with solar PV system integration and autono- 437
mous RAID platforms, we present the analysis using a trigger, hazard, consequence ap- 438
proach termed “bowtie” diagrams/graphs [77]. Furthermore, we use the same model to 439
present the current state of affairs and the proposition of this work. Note that the analysis 440
in this section is focused on autonomous RAID applications for monitoring and mainte- 441
nance of solar PV systems of various scales. As we integrate RAID in rooftop, commercial, 442
agrivoltaics, floating PV and other utility scale solar PV systems, we need to be aware of 443
the hazards. This will guide policymakers and stakeholders on safety principles to employ 444
to avoid or significantly minimize incurring losses of any form. 445
In Table 4, we present an initial list of potential triggers, hazards, and consequences. 446
We define hazard as a source of harm, the trigger as the cause of a potential hazard, while 447
the consequences are adverse effects that could easily occur as a result of the hazard being 448
triggered. Note that as systems size and degree of autonomy increases the probability of 449
a hazard occurring may increase. This is because, with larger systems, information for an 450
autonomous device may be obtained from another autonomous platform for decision 451
making leading to a ripple effect scenario. 452
Also, the relationship defined in Table 4 should not be considered as a one-to-one 453
causative or consequential scenario. Rather, it should be noted that there could be multiple 454
causes for a single hazard, while a single hazard could also have multiple consequences 455
and vice-versa. Let us consider a few of the relationships in the description below: 456
• Proximity (hazard) when a computer vision guided robot has its vision compromised 458
by light reflection/glare (cause/trigger) from solar panels during daytime operation. 459
The glare would alter the perceived imagery of the robot and it could collide (conse- 460
quence) with any object or human within a short time span if it is unable to instanta- 461
neously halt its actions during an operation. 462
• Terrain separation decreasing (hazard) could exist for faulty path planning or path 463
scheduling (cause) of robots and drones. This leads to collision (consequence 1) of the 464
devices concerned and will in turn cause damage to asset (consequence 2). In addition, 465
if any human on site may be involved in the collision and injuries may occur (conse- 466
quence 3). 467
• Fire hazard (hazard) is imminent for a drone/robot during operation with a damaged 468
battery from over-charging or heating from erratic weather condition (cause). This can 469
lead to crash of the drone/robot (consequence 1), fire on the farm at the crash area 470
which could in-turn affect the whole site (consequence 2). 471
• Cybersecurity hazard (hazard) also exist where the RAID equipment like a drone can 472
be hacked (cause) by external parties or repurposed by a human controller (cause) to 473
performed illegal operations such as hacking data centres (consequence). 474
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 15 of 24

Table 4. Real-time hazards, triggers, and consequence for autonomous RAID integration. 489

Causes/Triggers Hazard Consequences

Electromagnetic interference affect- Close proximity with human, solar Destruction of solar module
ing RAID operations. module, or other equipment such as
weather monitoring station and IoT
Loss of GPS signal Terrain separation decreasing Destruction of equipment and
IoT devices
Accuracy of prediction Potential battery fires from robots, Loss of data/data collection gaps
drones, and other monitoring devices
Periodicity of data and prediction Fire Injuries (mild or severe)
Faulty planning Incursion into forbidden zone Potential negative impact on
wildlife and biodiversity in the
System training procedure and unex- Ground damage Asset loss from fire
pected interactions during real time
operation (especially for machine vi-
sion applications)
Unauthorized hacking and control of Crash/breakdown during operation for Crashes and asset destruction
drones or robots robots & drones
Unexpected human interference or Electromagnetic interference Malfunctioning of IoT and other
other emergency situations electronics in the vicinity
Human error Environmental hazards such as ad- Disruption of automated analyt-
verse weather conditions ics
Control error Water ingress/high humidity during Insufficient data for continuous
operations/storage and valid decision making (ei-
Reflection of light off solar panels and ther autonomous/manual)
other equipment on-site
Mechanical failure Falling Illegal use of device/platform
Time pressure Noise Major disruption of airplane
Environmental sources Unauthorized usage/access Disruption of drones or robots’
Power system failures or malfunc- Cybersecurity Dropping payloads on people
Improper assembly or installation

Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 16 of 24

4.2.1. Risk Probability and Severity 493

As with any potential hazard, it is important to consider the severity of the conse- 494
quences to determine suitable guideline or professional requirement for implementing the 495
procedures in a way that reduces the likelihood of the cause of the hazard or reduces 496
severity of consequences. Table 4 highlights a list of consequences ranging from skin-cuts 497
to equipment fires to fire-outbreaks on the whole farm, which could be worse if a human 498
is on-site the solar installation/farm or nearby. A fundamental approach to preventing 499
hazard that could lead to severe consequences, may be to ensure only platforms equipped 500
with a certain functionality or professionals trained for such specific purpose oversee the 501
operations. 502
4.2.2. Trade-offs 504
While there is need to regulate the use of artificial intelligence (AI) and AI enabled 505
platforms (robots and drones), there is also a need to ensure that the regulations prefera- 506
bly act more as guidelines to enable the desired advances in systems operations, rather 507
than hamper beneficial applications. This is observed in the scenario highlighted under 508
Section 2 on the use of drones on building-attached PV (BAPV) installation monitoring. 509
Asides from such scenarios, with the exponential advancements in AI, subtle instances 510
may occur, which would require a trade-off in terms of the benefits and associated risks. 511
General guidelines with provisions for risk/disaster management with possibilities of re- 512
sponsibilities of involved parties may be required. This will provide some guidance dur- 513
ing instances of fall-out or hazard which may be inevitable. 514

4.3. Proposed Perspective on System Integration 515

In this section, we discuss the current industrial practice and proposed safety prac- 516
tice/model. As shown in Figure 4a, the current industry practice is based solely on indi- 517
vidual device regulation adapted into company operational practice. This implies that the 518
safety protocols or guidelines applied by companies is based on risk assessments adapted 519
from standard UAV or robotics policies interpreted in a manner suitable to the applica- 520
tion. This assists various companies to reduce risk as much as possible in the absence of 521
industry wide guidance for solar PV integration. As previously mentioned, this situation 522
is inevitable because of the recent adoption of autonomous systems in solar PV integration 523
due to the recent capabilities and assurance cases around the systems. As such there is a 524
gradual improvement in the trustworthiness associated with the application from both 525
installers and clients. 526


Hazard (Company policy)
(Company policy)

(a) 529
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 17 of 24


Prevention Hazard Mitigation

Advisory/clarification on disaster management

Standard industry-wide

(b) 533
Figure 4: Safety model basis: (a) Current dynamics; (b) Proposed model. 535
To further accelerate the adoption and trustworthiness, we recommend development 537
of standard industry-wide guidelines/policies to outline safety use case for autonomous 538
system integration with solar PV installation. 539
Figure 4b illustrates the potential impact of the proposed guideline in three major 540
areas: hazard prevention, hazard mitigation, and disaster management of hazardous con- 541
sequences. These areas encompass various aspects of ensuring safety and addressing risks 542
associated with autonomous systems in solar PV applications. 543
Hazard prevention is a crucial aspect of the proposed guideline. By identifying and 544
addressing potential hazards early on, the guideline aims to prevent accidents, incidents, 545
or hazardous situations from occurring in the first place. This proactive approach can sig- 546
nificantly enhance the overall safety of autonomous systems in solar PV applications, re- 547
ducing the likelihood of adverse events. 548
Hazard mitigation is another essential focus of the proposed guideline. Despite pre- 549
ventive measures, certain hazards may still arise. In such cases, the guideline aims to pro- 550
vide strategies and protocols for effectively mitigating the impact of these hazards. By 551
outlining appropriate response actions, the guideline assists in minimizing potential harm 552
to humans, the environment, and the system itself. Prompt and effective hazard mitiga- 553
tion can limit the severity of consequences and aid in restoring normal operations swiftly. 554
Disaster management of hazardous consequences is a critical component covered by 555
the proposed guideline. In the event of a major incident or disaster, the guideline offers 556
guidance on managing the aftermath and addressing any hazardous consequences. This 557
includes strategies for containment, evacuation procedures, emergency response plans, 558
and coordination with relevant authorities. By providing a structured framework for dis- 559
aster management, the guideline aims to minimize the impact of such incidents and facil- 560
itate a more efficient and effective response. 561
Implementing the proposed guideline would not only enhance safety but also have 562
broader implications. Clarity provided by the guideline can facilitate the allocation of lia- 563
bilities in the event of unwarranted occurrences. This means that responsibilities and ac- 564
countabilities can be clearly defined, making it easier to determine who is liable for 565
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 18 of 24

specific incidents or damages. This clarity enables more predictable financial management 566
of the system, allowing stakeholders to better assess and manage risks and allocate re- 567
sources accordingly. 568
By promoting safety, clarifying responsibilities, and facilitating financial manage- 569
ment, the proposed guideline makes the operation and management of autonomous sys- 570
tems in solar PV applications more viable and sustainable. It provides stakeholders with 571
a comprehensive framework to address risks, prevent hazards, mitigate consequences, 572
and effectively manage disasters. Ultimately, the implementation of the guideline can con- 573
tribute to a safer and more reliable integration of autonomous systems in the solar PV 574
industry 575

4.4. Safe Autonomy Pillars 576

In the context of addressing the highlighted hazards for autonomous systems integra- 577
tion in solar PV applications. We consider the following core principles (pillars) as mini- 578
mal requirement for safe autonomy. These pillars identify the various aspects that must 579
be verified in such system. 580

• Hazard identification and risk assessment: This forms an essential aspect of ensuring 581
the safe operation of autonomous systems in solar PV applications. It is crucial to de- 582
sign these systems to identify potential hazards, such as obstacles or adverse environ- 583
mental conditions, that could potentially impact their operation. Furthermore, a com- 584
prehensive risk assessment should be conducted to evaluate the likelihood and con- 585
sequences of these hazards causing harm to humans or the environment. This enables 586
the development of effective risk mitigation strategies and the incorporation of ap- 587
propriate safety measures into the system design. 588
• Safe operation design of autonomous systems: These systems should be designed to 589
operate safely under normal conditions, as well as in abnormal situations. Safety fea- 590
tures, such as advanced sensors, robust safety protocols, and fail-safe mechanisms, 591
should be integrated to ensure the system can detect and respond to potential hazards 592
or malfunctions, thereby minimizing risks to humans and the environment. 593
• Cybersecurity: This is a critical consideration in the design of autonomous systems 594
for solar PV applications. To maintain the safety and reliability of the system, 595
measures should be implemented to prevent unauthorized access or control. Cyberat- 596
tacks targeting these systems can compromise their functionality and potentially lead 597
to harmful consequences. Robust cybersecurity measures, including encryption, au- 598
thentication mechanisms, and intrusion detection systems, should be integrated to 599
protect against such threats. 600
• Interaction between autonomous systems and human operators/workers: When hu- 601
mans are required to work alongside autonomous systems in solar PV applications, 602
it is vital to design the system with human-machine interaction in mind. Safety pro- 603
tocols and interfaces should be established to facilitate safe collaboration and commu- 604
nication between humans and autonomous systems, minimizing the risk of accidents 605
or incidents. 606
• Maintenance and repair procedures: This should also be considered in the design of 607
autonomous systems for solar PV applications. The systems should be designed for 608
ease of maintenance and repair, with clear guidelines and safety protocols in place. 609
These measures ensure that maintenance or repair activities can be conducted safely, 610
minimizing risks to human workers, and preventing potential harm to the environ- 611
ment. 612
• Environmental impact (EI): EI mitigation is another critical consideration when de- 613
signing autonomous systems for solar PV applications. Efforts should be made to 614
minimize the system's environmental footprint. This can include reducing the use of 615
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 19 of 24

hazardous materials during production, operation, or disposal phases, as well as im- 616
plementing measures to minimize waste generation. By prioritizing sustainability 617
and environmental stewardship, autonomous systems can contribute to a cleaner and 618
greener energy ecosystem. 619
In summary, ensuring the safe and reliable operation of autonomous systems in solar 621
PV applications involves several key considerations. These include comprehensive haz- 622
ard identification and risk assessment, safe operation design, cybersecurity measures, hu- 623
man-machine interaction protocols, maintenance and repair procedures, and environ- 624
mental impact mitigation strategies. By addressing these aspects, stakeholders can pro- 625
mote the safe integration and use of autonomous systems in the solar PV industry. 626

5. Conclusions 627
In the realm of solar PV applications, existing regulations exist to govern the usage 628
of individual devices or platforms. However, it has been observed that numerous imple- 629
mentations combine multiple procedures, techniques, or platforms. This convergence of 630
different elements results in combined implementation, which subsequently leads to the 631
integration of these components into the solar PV system. Unfortunately, this integration 632
introduces additional layers of complexity and potential points of failure that demand 633
careful attention. 634
To address these challenges, we propose the establishment of a risk register—a sys- 635
tematic tool that identifies, assesses, and manages risks associated with the integration of 636
autonomous systems in solar PV applications. This risk register would be accompanied 637
by an assurance case, a comprehensive documentation that provides regulators with the 638
necessary information to prioritize interventions in critical areas. By setting up such a 639
structured approach, we can proactively identify and address potential risks, thereby en- 640
hancing the overall safety of autonomous system implementation. 641
Furthermore, in order to safeguard valuable assets, preserve human life, and protect 642
investments, it is crucial to give due consideration to the safety practices surrounding the 643
integration and utilization of autonomous systems in solar photovoltaic systems. This en- 644
tails implementing stringent safety protocols, adhering to industry standards, and contin- 645
ually evaluating and updating safety measures in response to technological advance- 646
ments and emerging applications. 647
In summary, it is imperative to acknowledge the propensity for combined implemen- 648
tation and integration of various procedures, techniques, and platforms in the solar PV 649
industry. To navigate this complex landscape, the utilization of a risk register, accompa- 650
nied by an assurance case, can provide regulators with the necessary information to pri- 651
oritize interventions effectively. Furthermore, to ensure adequate protection of assets, life, 652
and investments, a meticulous focus on safety practices surrounding the integration and 653
use of autonomous systems is of paramount importance. By embracing these measures, 654
we can foster a safer and more resilient environment for the integration of autonomous 655
systems in solar photovoltaic applications. 656

6. Author Contributions 657

Conceptualization, O.O. and M.E; methodology, O.O. and M.E.; writing—original draft prepara- 658
tion, O.O.; writing—review and editing, O.O., M. E., and M.D.; funding acquisition, M.E. All authors 659
have read and agreed to the published version of the manuscript. 660

Funding: Funding for this work was provided by the Institute of Safe Autonomy, University of York 661
under the UKRPIF Net-Zero funding. 662

Acknowledgments: The authors hereby acknowledge the contributions and support of various col- 663
leagues at the Institute for Safe Autonomy, and Department of Computer Science at University of 664
York, especially Prof. Ibrahim Habli and Dr. Phillipa Ryan of the Assuring Autonomy International 665
Program (AAIP) for their valuable insight to the questions raised by the authors. 666
Safety 2023, 9, x FOR PEER REVIEW 20 of 24

Conflicts of Interest: The authors declare no conflict of interest. The funders had no role in the 667
design of the study; in the collection, analyses, or interpretation of data; in the writing of the manu- 668
script; or in the decision to publish the results. 669

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