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MODULE 1 EXTRA PRACTICE SECTION B Name: .......................................


§ Choose the correct answers to complete the news headlines.
1 Finally – a Trade / Decline in Crime

2 Mayor Claims No Knowledge / Freedom of Fraud

3 New Army / Government after Election Surprise

4 Local Student’s Big Accomplishment / Knowledge

5 China Bans Trade / Development in Elephant Tusks

Company Announces Accomplishment / Development

6 of New Cancer Drug

7 Army / Freedom Called in to Help Flood Victims

Match A to B to make phrases.

1 take control ..... a of choice
2 freedom ..... b a country
3 rule ..... c event
4 long before ..... d of a situation
5 major ..... e you were born

Replace the words in bold with a word or phrase below.

lasted | led to | played a role | took place | widely believed
1 The long discussions resulted in a peace agreement. .....................................
2 The demonstration went on until 1.00 pm. .....................................
3 Advertising was influential in the election. .....................................
4 It is commonly thought that smoking is unhealthy. .....................................
5 The meeting was held in the school auditorium. .....................................

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Choose the correct answer.
1 By 1950, Detroit became / had become known as the Motor City.
2 When I saw her, I realised / had realised that I forgot / had forgotten her name.
3 Until the British arrived / had arrived in Australia, the local people
didn’t have / hadn’t had diseases like smallpox.
4 We didn’t expect / hadn’t expected this candidate to win, so the election results
were / had been surprising.

Complete the sentences with the verbs in brackets. Use the

Past Perfect Simple or Past Simple.
1 I ..................................... (enjoy) the concert! I ..................................... (not see) musicians playing
a sitar before.
2 Yesterday’s demonstration ..................................... (be) violent. Luckily, I .....................................
already ..................................... (leave) by then.
3 Last week, my grandmother ..................................... (talk) about her wartime experiences.
She ..................................... never ..................................... (tell) me about them before.
4 Several years ago, the government ..................................... (ban) texting while driving because
it ..................................... (cause) many accidents.

Complete the student’s talk with the verbs in brackets. Use the Past Perfect Simple
or Past Simple.

The Magna Carta was written more than 800 years ago. In
1199, after King Richard 1. ...................................................
(die), King John 2. ................................................... (rule)
England. He forced the barons and landowners to pay high.
taxes to pay for his wars abroad, and he also
................................................... (steal) their land. By 1215,
the angry barons 4. ................................................... (turn)
against the king, and they 5. ...................................................
(march) into London and took control of the city. After
................................................... (take place) with King John,
................................................... (agree) to the terms of the
Magna Carta. The document 8. ...................................................
(state) that
the king had to obey the laws and could not imprison people
without a proper trial. It 9. ...................................................
the basis for democracy in England and in other countries.
When you visit England, you can go to Salisbury Cathedral to
see a copy of the Magna Carta. In medieval times, the king
................................................... (not sign) a document. He
put his seal on it, and you can still see this mark.

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