TranslationIntoEnglish Spanish Y7 Task2

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Spanish Translation into English Year 7 Task 2

Los móviles

Los jóvenes de hoy son nativos digitales. Con 15

años, nueve de cada diez niños tienen un móvil.
Por género, las diferencias de uso de ordenador
y de Internet no son muy significativas. Las
diferencias son más evidentes en el caso de la
disponibilidad del teléfono móvil: el 67,4 por
ciento de las niñas de 10 a 15 años tiene uno,
frente al 58,8 por ciento de los niños.
(Fuente: INE)

el género = gender
la disponibilidad = ownership

1 Lee el texto. Pon las cifras en orden.

a girls aged 10–15 years
b 58.8 percent of boys
c at the age of 15
d 67.4 percent of girls
e 9 out of 10 children

2 Lee el texto. ¿Verdadero o falso? Escribe V o F.

1 At the age of 15, 8 out of 10 young people have a mobile phone.
2 With regard to internet use, gender is not important.
3 Differences are more apparent with regard to mobile phone use.
4 More than 70 per cent of girls have a mobile phone.
5 Less than 60 per cent of boys have a mobile phone.

3 Traduce el texto al inglés.

• Identify known language and highlight all the familiar words.
• In factual reports or articles there are often lots of cognates and near-
cognates. Make a list of all those you can find.
• Identify words that you need to look up in a dictionary. Make sure that the
meaning you find fits logically with the rest of the sentence.
• Work with a partner to generate an English version of each sentence.
• Don’t leave any words out!
• Read your translation out loud, to make sure it sounds natural. If it
doesn’t, change a word or the order of the words, but don’t change the
overall meaning.

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