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Brief talk on Self-love!

Growing up, I've realised that one cannot depend on anyone to nurture him/her, to uplift him/her,
protect him/her. Its completely okay to expect it from Mom and Dad, but how long would you do
that? Life's so unpredictable. Not always Mom and Dad are near you. Or even if they are, life can’t
work like that for ‘survival of the fittest’ demands the entire you only to fight against the World. This
ain’t just restricted to us, the human beings, animals demonstrate self love and acceptance too. A
lion’s kingdom reflects its belief on itself. Why didn’t turtle rule the jungle? When God made us, the
human beings, best of the creation, it wouldn’t be okay to become subject to misery and lifelessness
just because we didn’t accept ourselves at first place. World’s growing fast, living within needs self
courage too.

Its ONLY you who can nurture you, lift you, protect you. You need to love yourself and value yourself
before seeking validations from World out there. Mark my words, this World-men and women are
not expected to revitalize you. Blaming them for your downfall would be a great mistake. Your
growth is limited to you. Mustering energy to spring up maybe hard, you might fall, keep falling but
remember rising is inevitable. Accept yourself, only then thinking of conquering the World. Set goals
and see the whole universe conspiring to help you achieve it. For any success to come in life, self
love is the key ingredient. Never has history seen a man ruling the World without a complete
satisfaction of his/her persona. Alexander- The Great, believed that he was born for a change. He
believed in his gutsy wild self, isn’t his name shining in the history? Or jerk your brain to think of
Benazir Bhutto, that iron lady knew that only her being there can evolve the nation into a ever-
growing creed with multitude of homo sapiens becoming the country’s pride. And you still think
without self-love, fate should pour in glories of World for you? A big NO. Come out of this ancient
belief. Finding for love all around? Keep doing it. Alas, you’ll lose the battle. Yes, unearthed love for
yourself? You win. You conquered. You revitalised.

Hardly do we've such people around who care. Better accept yourself. Your flaws and shortcomings,
you better know them. It is alright to err, to have shortcomings, to lag behind and to fall off.
Embrace the recent version of yourself like a Mom, only then can you evolve into being iron lady or
to yourself, see your best friend in a mirror! Happy Healing!

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