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Certainly! Trees are one of the most essential beings on planet earth.

They work
continuously to clean the air that living beings breathe. Moreover, they make the world
a better place to live in by giving us numerous offerings. This essay on trees will help
you understand how important they are for us.

Trees are one of the most significant things on our planet. They help in improving the
health of humans and make them fit and happy. You can notice this in people who are
surrounded by trees as opposed to those who are not. Further, we must all look after
trees to do ourselves a favour. In other words, we are dependent on trees, they are not.
They have utmost significance in many ways of life. Firstly, they give us fresh air. It allows
us to breathe freely and live healthily. Similarly, we also get food from trees. On the
other hand, they provide us shade and shelter. We protect ourselves from the heat of
the sunlight and the rainfall. Most importantly, a lot of our medicines come from trees
only. The tree extracts help in the making of these medicines. Not only these medicines,
but trees themselves have medicinal values which we can use in a lot of ways. When we
are around trees, we can feel peace and calm. Similarly, its presence helps us relax. They
also bring down the temperature and are a saviour on sunny or hot days. Also, trees
work to conserve water as well as prevent erosion of soil. Thus, they have utmost
significance in various ways which essay on trees will help us understand.

In conclusion, trees are very important for every form of life on planet earth. If we do not
have trees, we will find it very hard to survive in this world. In fact, all species will not be
able to make it without trees. Therefore, we must continuously work to save trees and
plant more of them to give our future generations a better and greener world.

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