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College Of Engineering
Department Of Civil Engineering



1st Semester, AY 2023-2024


Objective: Analyze and Design a Covered Arch Roofing Stage using Midas Gen

The task is to thoroughly analyze and design a covered arch roofing stage using Midas Gen. Ensure that
your design includes the following critical elements:

• Covered Arch Roofing designed using Midas Gen.

• Accurate sizing and dimensioning of the pedestal and its footing.
• Design for a bolted connection, including the number of bolts and their specifications.


Submission Components:
a. Design Calculation: Employ the provided Excel Template to present your data and values.
b. Midas Generated Report: Utilize the Midas Word Generated Report.
c. Design Calculation of Pedestal, Bolts, and Footing: Include comprehensive calculations for these
d. AutoCAD Layout: Provide a clear AutoCAD layout of the covered arch stage.
e. Bill of Materials (BOM): Ensure that the total cost does not exceed P200,000.00.
f. Peer Evaluation: Maintain the confidentiality of your peer evaluations from your groupmates.

Please take a moment to watch the video below about Quiz 2 for your reference and information. The video
provides additional context and details related to your assignment.


A. Submission to the Instructor:

1. Project Details:
• Project Name and Location: Refer to the Excel file from your Quiz 2.
• Subject: "Design and Analysis of Covered Arch Roofing Stage.”
• The front page must bear the signatures of both the student and instructor.
2. Midas Gen Analysis Report:
• The Midas Gen Analysis Report must include signatures from both the student and instructor.
• Ensure that all required signatures are clearly visible on both documents.
• Submit the complete report to your instructor.
3. Design Calculation of Pedestal, Bolts, and Footing:
• Manual Calculation of the dimension and footing of pedestal.
• Number and specification of bolts to be used.
• Signature of Students and Instructor
4. Bill of Materials (BOM)
• Use the template provided
• Itemized List
• Quantities and Units
• Pricing/Cost
• Signature of Students and Instructor
5. AutoCAD Lay-out of the Covered Arch Roofing Stage:

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• Use the template provided
• Front Elevation
• Side Elevation
• Roofing Framing Plan
• Truss Details
• Arch Details
• Pedestal Details
6. Merge all Report Components into a Single File.

B. Submission via MS Teams:

1. Midas Gen Output File: Submit your Midas Gen Output file, also named:
(e.g. CEPE1S_2324A_4X_MT-Project_ABAD-BONIFACIO-RIZAL.mgb)
2. Submission Process: Scan the report with complete signature and submit it to the MS Teams
Assignment Tab with a file name: CEPE1S_2324A_<Section>_MT-Project_<Surname>.pdf.
(e.g. CEPE1S_2324A_4X_MT-Project_ABAD-BONIFACIO-RIZAL.pdf)
3. File Naming and Signatures: Ensure that both files are correctly named and contain the required

Important Notes:

• This exercise is weighted at 100 points.

• It is to be completed as a group project.
• Submission deadline: November 3, 2023 (Friday), 4:00 pm.
• If you have any questions, feel free to reach out for clarification or assistance.

Prepared by:
N. Reguindin

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