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The spectrum of consciousness ken wilber full version pdf

The artistic illustration of this stage is the image of the Sorcerer of Trois Frères and the corresponding mythological representations of the Titans in Greek mythology. Ecosystems do not conserve the structure of their circular processes as Margalef (1968) has pointed out. From this interplay emerges an intimate, creative relationship between
ontogeny and phylogeny, a non-equilibrium between evolutionary processes which underlies the development of higher complexity. Consciousness of mythic membership was most fully expressed between 4500 and 1500 B.C. 16. The Atman project consists of a variety of substitute goals and hedonistic self-indulgence. 35. 13. He shows that in each
stage of consciousness evolution, while most individuals manifest the dominant form of consciousness, a select few attain much higher levels that anticipate future evolution of all of humanity. In Biological Evolution, with the origin of life on earth, other types of processes are called into play. 17. 10. The ontogeny of structures of the neural mind
includes the organization of information which may be conservatively stored both in the outer world and the inner world (memory). Aptly synchronistic! According to Rowan, Wilber's early work "threw a flood of light" on the entire field of consciousness studies. Whereas macroevolution, in this phase, is at first characterized primarily by the
condensation of matter, and therefore by conservative self-organization, different processes play a role in the synthesis of matter in microevolution; they also result in equilibrium structures (stable nuclei and atoms) - or it seems so at least from a macroscopic or intermediate angle of view. In the phylogeny of biological microevolution, in contrast,
information is stored in conservative structures and transferred through them. The connection between macro- and microworld is primarily ensured by the evolutionary ultracycles which have been discussed in the preceding chapter. At first, they become effective in coarse-grain, one-sided action, such as the transformation of the earth's surface and
its atmosphere by the prokaryotes. Wilber postulates that this state of consciousness prevailed among the early hominids. He relates it to mythological stories of Eden, to wide-spread occurrence of snake symbolism, and to the first chakra phenomenology in the Tantric tradition. 19. 34. 28. 24. 25. What evolves in phylogenetic development to higher
complexity, is organization - an organization which, in principle, may be realized independently of time and space, as long as the environment is favourable. The stage of mythic membership coincides with the development of farming, rise of large settlements and cities, the institution of the great God-Kings, new forms of social control, and the cults of
the Great Mother. Using Erick Neumann's terminology, Wilber refers to this period as pleromatic-uroboric. This results in a "progressive narrowing of identity from the universe (Mind) to the organism (Existential) to the psyche (Ego) to parts of the psyche (Persona)." Here we find a parallel with the Chironic notion that a wound, or split, lies at the
core of the human condition. EVOLUTION OF CONSCIOUSNESS The first stage of consciousness evolution can be traced far back to the dawn of the human race. 3. 21. 5. The last stage of consciousness development systematically discussed in the book is the egoic structure of consciousness. In spite of what might seem to be a rather gloomy picture
of our present condition, Up From Eden does not end on a pessimistic note; on the contrary, Wilber predicts further evolution to undreamt of levels of consciousness. 31. His work formulates what he calls Integral Theory. Metabolic communication plays the major role in this second major phase of evolution. Each level is also generated by a particular
"dualism-repression-projection" or the "threefold process of maya". The Spectrum of Consciousness -- From the Psychological Perspective To heal the primary split between the whole organism and the environment, to give the entire universe. Vedanta Hinduism, Mahayana and Vajrayana Buddhism, Taoism, Esoteric Islam, Esoteric Christianity,
Esoteric Judaism Non-dual awareness Mysticism Unity with the One? However, it is not rigidly transferred but becomes effective in the interplay of genetic and metabolic communication in the epigenetic process. In Sociocultural Evolution, Sociocultural microevolution, the evolution of the individual in the last of the three major phases, is based on
the continuation of an outer differentiation in the differentiation of a symbolic inner world. 8. 20. According to Wilber, we begin with Unity, "no boundary" awareness or the "non-dual void". 26. 29. With the first sense of self comes the fear of death and the tendency to deny it; this is directly related to the discovery of time. This controlled burning, in
turn, makes the development of biological complexity on our planet possible. 18. The results of this co-evolution, however, are no longer transferred directly in the form of matter, but enter in the form of information a process of true phylogeny. Ken Wilber enrolled as a pre-med student at Duke University, and was almost immediately disillusioned
with what science had to offer. The development of the macrosystems is based on the development of macrostructures of metabolic processes which corresponds to a long-drawn ontogeny of dissipative structures. Also, a controlled long-time burning of smaller stars, such as our sun, is ensured by the carbon cycle which depends on the "phylogeny" of
some carbon. With rational thought, enters duality, and hence unity becomes repressed and is projected as a multiplicity of separate things. During the mythic membership stage while the majority of the population practices various exoteric distortions of the Atman project and indulges in ritual sacrifices, a few saints succeed in connecting with the
level of transcendent bliss and subtle oneness with the Great Goddess characterizing the Sambhogakaya (level 6). 9. Similarly, during the egoic-mental period, a few sages representing the avant-gard of consciousness evolution, reach the Dharmakaya (level 7/8). Thus, during the pleromatic and uroboric stage, a few truly advanced shamans achieve
the level of ecstatic trance and psychic abilities of the Nirmanakaya (level 5). 32. In 1998, he founded the Integral Institute, for teaching and applications of Integral theory. The phylogeny of mental concepts may take place in one or more individuals, in short or very long time-spans. He became inspired, like many of his generation, by Eastern
literature, particularly the Tao Te Ching. It involves final transcendence of nature and body, sanctity of personhood, higher mentality with rational comprehension and operational thinking, self-reflection and a grasp of historical time. In this way, we have only recently discovered something about the supernova which acted as a midwife for our solar
system. Evolution Comic Evolution Biological Evolution Sociological Evolution Random Evolution Emergent Evolution Directional Evolution 23. 33. Ontogeny dominates in cosmic evolution. Ken Wilber believes with Plotinus that humanity is poised midway between the beasts and the gods. This results in oppression, slavery, totalitarianism and
homicide on a grand scale in the form of mass sacrifice and genocide. 30. 14. However, the self and the body are not yet clearly differentiated and mental functioning is limited to the primary process and magical thinking. Kenneth Earl Wilber (born January 31, 1949) is an American author who has written about adult development, developmental
psychology, philosophy, world centrism, ecology, and stages of faith. A specific new level of exchange is developed that involves mutual recognition and esteem. No No Mind (Unity Consciousness) Mind and Body and the rest of the Universe Jung's Analytical Psychology, Psychosynthesis, Maslow, Progoff Transpersonal Bands Aim Therapies Cognition
Splits Dualisms Level of Consciousness 7. 22. The following typhonic period is characterized by separation of the individual self from the world of nature. This information transfer along the time axis does not happen in the same way on the macro- and microbranches of evolution. 15. Typically, exchanges on all previous levels are distorted and
exploited--the material, emotional-sexual, verbal membership, as well as egoic self-esteem maneuvers, are involved. However, there is a kind of unordered "phylogeny" in which matter is transferred criss-cross to new evolutionary sequences. The Atman project takes here the form of pursuit of agricultural products, money, gold and other possessions;
in this context, the God-King can be seen as a concretized expression of the extreme form of the Atman intuition. We have come a long way from the unconscious slumber to our present state and have the potential to move on further to subtle and causal realms and to the Absolute. In cosmic evolution, ontogeny is regulated by the interplay of physical
forces and the results, both in the macro- and the microbranch of co-evolution, are passed on in the form of matter. 4. Extinct species are replaced by new ones which establish different relations. Evolution of consciousness, and the nature of the "self." Has conceptualized this spectrum in a variety of ways, presenting numerous models, maps, and
diagrams, including anything from several to 17 levels, for within each level also lies numerous sub-levels. At the same time, war becomes an easily accessible symbol of immortality by providing an opportunity for killing and looting. Historically, this structure of consciousness operated in the human race approximately 200,000 years ago and onward.
The increased emphasis on ego leads to new terrors-great vulnerability, awareness of one's mortality, and fear of death. Deep structures of all the higher levels exist in the ground unconscious ready to unfold. Cont. Wilber emphasizes that each therapy has its place in the spectrum of consciousness, each addressing a different level of the spectrum.
Consciousness of this type is characterized by control of animal and emotional-sexual impulses, shift to temporal and mental goals, and extensive use of language. The traces which the extinct species leaves on earth become quickly erased and hardly influence the evolution of the dynamics of the system. However, it may also be generated in direct
contact with other individuals and their mental structures. Further evolution represents a real experiential possibility for all of us. This, however, facilitates the more finely tuned, continuously acting epigenetic processes in the eukaryotic organization of life's microevolution. The particularities of the history of matter transferred in such a way may be
reconstructed only in vague contours, primarily by isotopic ratios which, for example, permit the exact dating of a nearby supernova explosion. 1. Its lower forms started developing in the second millenium B.C. and in its high form, this consciousness structure is characteristic of much of contemporary humanity. The units of this early phylogeny are
highly normalized. Wilber postulates that this form of consciousness was characteristic of the average Neanderthal or Cromagnon man and woman. 6. During this time, murder and sacrifice flourish as a new way of magically avoiding death by offering another being as a substitute. This is the total opposite to Random evolution, and because of its
metaphysical, mystical, esoteric, and/or religious implications Directional Evolution is looked down at by mainstream Darwinists with the same horror reserved for Lamarkism and other heresies. The gain in flexibility, as compared with biological information, is evident. 12. As in the laterbiological phylogeny, complexity is thereby furthered; here in
the form of planetary systems. 11. Ken Wilber's first book, A Spectrum of Consciousness , appeared in 1977, the year of Chiron's discovery, and is credited with officially ushering in the transpersonal psychology revolution. KEN WILBERs SPECTRUM OF CONSCIOUSNESS 2. It is characterized by lack of real differentiation between inner experience
and external reality. Ken Wilber's Up From Eden, an extraordinary book with great conceptual clarity and wealth of information, will undoubtedly serve in the future not only as a most valuable guide, but as a powerful catalyst of this development. The increasingly active co-evolution of both branches seems to bring dissipative self-organization of
macrostructures - cores of galaxies and stars - into play. Viewed as a whole, however, an ecosystem which is still alive represents a web of dynamic relations, a space-time structure in which history is expressed in the same ways in which it is expressed in a dissipative structure. At this stage of primal embeddedness in the unconscious, the Atman
project is limited to the uroboric drive for unity that focuses on simple instinctual functions, such as food. 27. He left Duke, enrolled in the University of Nebraska at Omaha, and completed a bachelor's degree in chemistry and biology. Teleology, or Directional Evolution, assumes that evolution is purposeful and moves towards a final goal, whether
directed by an external cause or some inner striving.
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