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Université de Tunis Année Universitaire : 2022/2023

Session : □DS1 DS2 *□Examen □S1 □S2

Final □Rattrapage

Filière et niveau : Master Professionnel en Ingénierie et Analyse

Economique M2

Épreuve de : Evaluating Social Programs

Date : 10/01/2023 Durée : 02 Heures Nombre de pages : 4

Enseignant(es) : Ben Said Hayet
Observation : Documents non autorisés

Instructions: Please read carefully.

The exam has a total of 20 points. Answers should be as concise as possible. You are not allowed
to use notes, books or any other aids.

Exercice I (5points)
You may decide that they will help build community capacity for forest resource management
and that this will decrease illegal logging in indigenous communities and conserve the state of
primary forest in those communities. You may assume that stronger community capacity will
increase community knowledge about their rights, and with these rights, they will exert more
control over external actors, including those responsible for the illegal logging. You may also
assume this control will result in more illegal wood confiscated (bois illégalement confisqué) and
less illegal logging (connexion illégale). Your actions are contributing to less illegal logging and
the conservation of primary forest.

Question : construct the results chain

IMPUT :Trainer ; Activities :strengthe Out put Outcome

facilities, budget,etc n the capacity of Impact
communauty to Great indigenous More control of and Primary
supervise forest knowledge about vigilance over external forest
rights actors, more illegal
Learning low, etc conserved
wood confiscated

Exercice II (3points)

1: soil able to support bigger harvest theory of change
Needs Assessment 2: record-breaking1 maize harvests2 in Malawi. Impact
3: use of fertilizer increases theory of change
Theory of Change
4: In 2004/05, a severe drought led to a very poor corn
harvest. Needs Assessment
5: fertilizer is more affordable theory of change
6: Almost 5 million people (38% of the population) needed
emergency food aid. Needs Assessment

Exercice III (4points)

Match the items in Column I with the appropriate items in Column II (2.5points)

Descriptive questions
Normative questions
Cause-Effect questions
Did we reach our goal of admitting 5,000
students per year?N

Has school performance improved as a result

of the teacher education program CaE

Where is the program delivered? D

Has the program resulted in an increase in the

output of middle-level skilled workers to meet
the needs of the modern market?CaE

Did we spend as much as we had budgeted? N

How much did the program cost? D

Bat tous les records.

Récoltes de maïs.
Did we vaccinate 80% of children as planned?

When was the program implemented? D

Exercice IV (4 points)

Questions of multiple choices (4Points)

Question 1 The counterfactual is defined as…

A. The outcomes of people that did not get the program

B. The outcomes of people that wanted the program

C. What would have happened to people if everyone got the program

D. What would have happened to people in the absence of the program (correct)

Question 2 When is a good time to do a randomized evaluation?

A. After the program has begun and you are not expanding it elsewhere

B. When a positive impact has been proven using rigorous methodology

C. When you are planning to roll out a program with the intention of taking it to scale (correct)

D. When a program is on a very small scale e.g one village with treatment and one without

Question 3 Put these Components of program evaluation in the right order

- Program Theory Assessment 2

- Process Evaluation 3
- Needs Assessment 1
- Impact Evaluation 4
- Cost Effectiveness 5

Question 4 What we need for a cost effectiveness analysis?

A. Different target populations.
B. Standardize outcome measures. (correct)
C. Decision to make.
D. Only methodology.
Question 5 A treatment group is:
A. People who randomly assigned to get program (correct)
B. People who don’t assigned to get program
C. People who choose to get program
D. People who encourage others to get program
Question 6A control group is:
A. People who randomly assigned to get program
B. People who don’t assigned to get program (correct)
C. People who choose to get program
D. People who encourage others to get program

Question 7 A process evaluation is:

A. Compare what happened with what would have happened
B. describe what happened (correct)
C. Need a control group
D. Need a comparison group

Question 8The gold standard of impact evaluation is:

A. to make a large evaluation
B. to have an indicator to measure the output
C. is randomized evaluation (correct)
D. to make a target populations.

Exercice V (4points)
Case study: An awareness-raising Campaign around Domestic Violence Legislation
To increase knowledge of the new domestic violence provisions among community members
(men and women) in the village of Sudan by 50% and to double the number of women and girls in
this village who claim they would report violence perpetrated against them, a local NGO spent an
amount of 150.000 Dollars to train women and girls (about 100 girls and woman every year) and
cover the cost of facilities, equipments, foods and so on. The NGO expected that the monetary
benefits (MB): income and productivity gains, etc.) and non- monetary benefits (NMB): improved health
and safety, increased psychological well-being, empowerment, self confident, quality of life, etc. related to
these 100 girls and women are presented in this table:

Year MB + NMB

0 0

1 12.000

2 25.000

3 25.000

4 35.000

5 40.000

Question : is this programme worth running?

No because it is a risky project

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