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Ken Wilson Tim Falla beU PL Vit ce SEEN Units Nice to meet you! 2 Whatdo you do? 3 Do you like noodles? Review & Check unit.-3 4 How often do you do yoga? 5 what are you watching? G Where were you yesterday? Review & Check units-6 7 Which one is cheaper? B What's she tike? Q What can you do there? Review & Check unit7-9 910 isthereabank near here? 11 Did youhave a good time? 12 I'm going to study law. Review & Check unit1o-12 Ty 16 20 8 30 5 39 49 54 58 6 68 B | ¥ Nice to meet you! Greetings | complete the conversation. Use the words in the box. Good Hew thanks you Chris How are you? Sarah Fine,’ And??? Chris 4 , thanks, © watts wortosn serie onde tan actin 1. how / you / are /? 2 it/ going / how's /? 3 things / how / are /? SB complete the conversation. Use the lines in the box. Not bad, thanks. Heyt Prety good. How are you? Hi, How are things? Sue ‘Heyl — Jane ? Sue ? Jane Read the conversation in Activity 3. Write a similar conversation. Jor Ben :_ Joe > Ben Unt 1 © Nice To MEET You! Language Practice AL Underline the correct forms of be. 1. Tam (is a student. 4, Mel and Liz amt | are sisters. 2. His name is / are Thomas. 5. You is /area teacher, 3. Edward and I is / are from Seattle. 6. Marina aim / is from Brazil D Complete the sentences about Neil. Use the information below. isname__i6 ei fi, myname is Neil, 1 Hioname a Fim 28. rm from Chicago. | DHe 8. ma photographer. / —_ 3. He Chicago 4. He photographer. B Read the sentences in Activity 2. Write similar sentences about Beth and David. Use the information below. |, Our names are Beth and David. We're 25.) Werte from Los Angeles. We've teachers. / oo Ls E E & e | write negative (—) and affirmative (+) statements. Use the information below. 4. Susan:21 (=) 23+) Susanion 2. She'e25, 2. Don and Roy: actors (=) doctors (+) 3. Frank: artist ( student (+) 4, Ted and I: from the US (—) from Canada (+) : Daniel (=) Douglas (+) Nice To meet you! © Unrt 1 comptete the conversation. Use the simple present of be and personal pronouns. Representative + ls ____ your name Jonathan Brooks? Jonathan Yes,2 itis Representative 2 ____you from the US? Jonathan No, *___ I'm from Canada. Representative your parents from Canada? Jonathan a Representative your wife a teacher? Jonathan Yes, Representative ‘Thank you for the information, Mr. Brooks, G Write tne words in the correct order to make questions. 1. are / you / how /? How ate you? 2 your / name / is / what / ? 3. old / you / are / how /? 4. are / where / from / you /? Now answer the questions above with information about you. "D cesses rons 1. Where yeu-ase from? X ere are you from? 2. Hinteacher. I neam-atuident. X 3. Mike is 18. Hoa student, X . 4. Claudia is from Canada, but his parents are from Brazil. X Unit 1 © Nace To Meer you! & complete the conversation. Use the question: ‘nd you? | Are you a student? How about you? Where are you from? Paul Hi, My name is Paul. ! Karen Karen. Nice to meet you, Paul Paul Nice to meet you, too. 2 Karen I'm from the United States. ? Paul I'm from Germany. + Karen No, I'ma photographer. § Paul I'ma student. the box. at's your name? Read the conversation in Activity 8 again. Write a similar conversation. Use the information on the ID cards. Sally Robertson Australia TEACHER Hiroshi Sally > Nice ¢ i Hiroshi Sally 9 fm$ Hiroshi" Sally No,” = Hiroshi. Hiroshi Ito Japan STUDENT astudent? Ntce To Meer You! © Unzr 1 Reading Read the text quickly. Read the sentences below. Check (/) True or False. True False 1: Fanilecpia a te oo 2. Jennifer Lopez is an actress. Oo 9) jeanier Laperina phoworraclies 1 4, Jennifer Lopez is a fashion designer, oO 1h iced fin estnesincerec an opines ba elccopss nite z com New York, 2. Her birthday is in June. 3. Her parents are from New York. 4, Her mother’s name is Selena. 5. One of her most famous roles is Guadalupe Perez, 6. One of her most famous movies is J. Lo. | e What do you do? Vocabulary 41 te te jobo under he planes. 5 6 2. 8. © Complete the sentences. Use the names in the box or your own ideas. Gisele Bundchen Russell Crowe Kylie Minogue Ronaldo L isan actor. 2 isa soccer player. 3 isa model. 4 as == isa singer. ‘Waar Do you 00? © Unrt 2 Language Practice AZ Undestine the correct form of the verb. 1. L work / works in Pusan, 2. He work / works in Houston. 3. She live / lives in Rio. 4. We study / studies languages in college. 5. They play / plays the guitar. 6. You work J works in an airport 2D Make the sentences negative. 1, Carol works in an office. Carol doesn’t work in an office, 2. Lwork in London, 3. Carlos and Rosa live in Tijuana. 4. Sandra studies English 5. We live in Chicago. 6. Roberto plays soccer, 3 ‘Complete the text. Use the verbs in parentheses. ‘These are Diane and Jon West. They're from | Portland. But they * dor’ live (not ve) in Portland. They 2 (live) in Washington. Jon is a chef, He# (work) ina restaurant. Diane * (not work) ina restaurant. She’s a college student. She? (study) English. Unit 2. * Waar po you 00? AQ Undertine the correct question word. a. What / Who is your name? b. What / Where do you work? What / Where does Brittney do? 4. What / Where does Mario live? ©. How | Where are they from? complete the conversations. Use the questions in Activity 4. 1 3 A o> > GP ode Where do you work 2 In an office, They're from Korea, In Philadelphia. She's an architect. My name's George. G Wirite the words in the correct order to make questions. 1. from / where / you / are /? 2. live / do / you / where /? 3. do / what / you / do /? 4. work / you / do / where /? Now answer the questions above with information about you. Waar 00 you Do? © Unrr 2 7 Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box. are do, Mark Where do you ‘live __? Carla [?__in Boston. But I? _ from Boston. Mark Really? Where * you from? Carla Miami, What about you? Mark 15 from Hartford. What do you * 2 Carla I'm a student. Mark Really? What's your major? Carla English. What”_____ you do? Mark I'm a doctor. 1% in a hospital in Hartford. Carla That's interesting, & Read the conversation in Activity 7 again. Write a similar conversation. Use the information on the cards. Akira Where are you from __? Helen 1? but I live? Akira Really? And what * Helen > Akira Where® 2 * Helen 7 in Santa Ana. What about you? Where Akira: In Ashiya. But I” Helen: Interesting. What * 2 Akira: Tm an Iwork# _____in Kobe. correct the sentences. 1, Where Hive-you? x Where do you live? 4. Where does she lives? X 2. What de he study? x 3. They netive in Dallas. X 5. What do you work? X 6. Where de you from? x Unit 2. * Waar po you po? 10 Reading A Read the text quickly. Underline the correct word in the sentences below. 1. In the winter, Andrew works in Antarctica / Australia. 2. In the summer, Andrew works in Antarctica / Australia, eee ‘AwpREW KELLY isa scientist. He's from Sydney, Australi, but in the summer he lives in ‘Antarctica —the coldest place in the world. Andrew lives and works in the Davis Research Station. He studies the animals there. “I study penguins and seals,” says Andrew. “They are really interesting animals. There are millions of them in the ocean and on the ice near the research station.” In the summer months, there are about 30 sclentists at the research station. “We don't live here all year,” says Andrevr. “In the winter, the temperature can go down to ~60°C. ‘The weather conditions are terrible and sometimes i's dark 24 hours a day!” in the fall, ‘Andrew goes back to Australia and teaches for six months at the University of Sydney. Does Andrew like his job? “Yes, I love it,” he says. “! love working with animals. And Antarctica is beautifull” penguin =o ERR BD Read the text again. Complete the sentences below with the correct numbers. 1. _Milione _ of seals and penguins live near the research station 2 scientists work at the Davis Research Station in the summer, 3. Sometimes the temperature in the winter is 4. Andrew teaches in Australia for__ months. 5. Sometimes it’s dark hours a day in the winter. B Read the text again. Answer the questions. 1. Where is Andrew from? 3, When does he go back to Australia? 2. What does he do at the research station? 4, Where does he teach? ms 3 Do you like noodles? Vocabulary A] ist 14 sso fond wor tn the ort aqure «lela le xlol- <|ululm|-lelulo alalmlola|>[5 U B w B F E E =|<|a 2lolzl-|>lalzlz elulm|[-lololol= \ = | falul>lulmlo/al>lzlola 3. ‘i and iB and UnrT 3. © Do vou tre NoopLes? 12 Language Practice Match the questions (1-5) and answers (a-c). 1. Do you like foreign food? a. Yes, wedo. 2. Does Matt like ice cream? _ . Yes, I do. 3. Do you and Ann go to college in New York? _ No, they don't. 4. Does Ellen work in Toronto? __ 1. No, he doesn’t. 5. Do Paula and Fred live in Hawaii? __ ». Yes, she does. pao compiete the questions and short answers. Use the correct form of do and personal pronouns. 1. A Do. you and Pam like sushi? B Yes,wedo __! DA Kelly and Bob study English? B No, 3A _____you live in the US? B Yes, 4A ____helike soy sauce? B Yes, 5A Tina work for IBM? B No, GA T know her? B Yes, 3 Waite the words in the correct order to make questions. 1. do / like / mushrooms/ you / ? Do you like mushrooms? 2. Max / does / work / in Pittsburgh / 2 3. in Mexico / Jesse and Chris / live / do / ? 4, Belinda / she / does/ know / ? 8. do / bacon / you and Mary / like / ? 6. English / do / study / you /? Do You Ltke Nooptss? © Unar 3 Qi write questions and short answers. Use he simple present and the information in the survey. 1. _Does Sharon live in Rome? Name: Sharon No. she docer't mie vein Rome? SSS work in Rome? = | ‘ike talian food? — Ko re a ame: Pat ana Alan Jones 4 v live in Rome? ‘work in Rome? _— Write questions. Use the simple present and the words in parentheses. 1. (you / like noodles?) Do you Ii oodles? 2 (your teacher / like sushi?) 3. (you / like American food?) 4. (your teacher / tive in the US?) 5. (you / live in the US?) 6. (you { work in a hospital?) Now answer the questions above with information about you. 1. Yes, | do. / No, | don't. - 2 a 13 Unit 3 Do You LIKE NoopLEs? G correct the sentences. 1. Bo he like noodles? X Does he like noodles? 2. Bows they work in an office? X 3. Does tive-he in Washington? X 4. Does she Hikes rice? X 5. bike-you soy sauce? X . “Do you like Italian food?” “Yes, | Hke.” X : 7 complete the questions in the conversation. Use the correct form of the verbs in the box and personal pronouns. do do tike like live work Linda Hi, My name’s Linda. Dan _ Nice to meet you, Linda, 'm Dan. Linda What ‘do you 4 , Dan? Dan I'machef. Linda * _____ here in San Francisco? Dan No, I work in San Jose, but I live here. Linda * San Francisco? Dan Yes, [love it, It’s a very exciting city. What about you? * ____ here? Linda No, I live in Los Angeles. Dan What? ¥ Linda [work at the airport. Dan your job? Linda It's OK. 14 Do You Lrke Nooptes? © Unar 3 Reading Read the text quickly. Match the photos (1 and 2) and paragraphs (A and B). | SPORTS AND FOOD = What do athletes eat? The marathon runner Jonny Wallick isa marathon runner from Taroato, (Canada. She weighs 55 kilograms. very day she runs 15-20 kilometers. In a marathon race she runs for over two hours, so Jenny needs a lot of energy She eats a lot of rice, pasta,and potatoes. She eats five or six times a day and she drinks alot of water and ‘orange juice. She doesn't drink tea or coffee because they make her thirsty. (Photo) The weight lifter Craig Smith is a weight lifter from Houston Texas. He weighs 90 kilograms. Every day he goes to the ‘gym and lifts weights. He needs a lot of energy, 00. He eats seven or eight times a day. He eats a lot of meat and fsh—beef, chicken, cuna, and salmon, He also likes co eat vogerables and frut. His favorite dish is chicken kebabs with rice and mushrooms. He drinks 2 lot of orange juice. (Photo __) @ Read the text again. Find food and drink words to label the pictures below. 1 tes 2 4 = SB Complete the chart. Use the information in the text Job marathon runner x e Country 5 aE the US Weight 55 kilograms 2 tilograms How many mealsaday? [4 or 7 or 8 Eats a lot of. rice, pasta, and potatoes |? and 15 Review & Check Units 1-3 Vocabulary AZ Cicte the best answer to complete D Circle the best answers to complete each sentence. the text, 1. John works in a hospital. He's a. a doctor Juan Gonzalezis? Mexico, buthe } ‘bua model lives Los Angeles. He's chef. He! © anarchitect es 1 dia fight attendant works in Mexican” with hisbest | fend, Pablo, woncots Mein). Hien inn — (Giese nati fod at wo butatome ets | ° American food. He loves hamburgers, | a. teacher i ihsccoer plaged They are®_ favorite dish { c. student > 4. actor 3. What's your ___ foox!? an a. like b. love «. from «. favorite 4. with 4. hate daa 4, Are you a__ player? b. with a. office oon b. taxi aan « police 3. a, hospital 4. soccer b. restaurant «. food 5. ___do they live? a. Where ee b. What kind 4. a she . What bl 4. How about che d. they 6. __ of fish do you like? a Where 5. a his b. What kind Heller © What Pete I'm?at the beach Elsa Are! ? Pete No,* Yims wate? Elsa_I'mat home. 1$ ____ Pete Are you with” oan i Elsa No, Rick ® 8 Waar ARE YoU WaTcHING? © Unrr 5 Reading Read the text about Martha’s family quickly. Match the pictures (1-4) and the paragraphs (A-D). is my brother, Sam. He's talking to a friend on the phone. He loves his cell ‘phone—he uses it all the time. In the photo he's also eating, He always calls aple while he's eating. He's always hungry—and he isn't very poli ‘my sister, Vanessa. She's playing tennis with her boytiend, Andy. She really sports, She usually plays tonnis three times a week. She also goes swimming. he photo, Vanessa isnt playing very well. She isn't winning the game! ny dad. He's a bus driver. In this photo he’s siting in @ school bus. ding a book. He's waiting for the students, Theyre coming out of my morn. She works in a department store. But she isn't working in 3 She's walking inthe park with our dog, Jess. The weather isnt very faling—but my mom loves walking @ Read paragraphs A and B again. Correct the sentences below. 1. Sam is checking his e-mail. 3. Vanessa is playing tennis with her father. Sam is talking to a friend on the phone. 2, Sam doesn’t like cell phones. 4. Vanessa is winning the game. SB Read paragraphs C and D again, Answer the questions below. 1. What does Martha's father do? 3. Where does Martha's mother work? 2, What is Martha’s father reading? 4. What’s Martha’s mother doing in the photo? 29 G Where were you yesterday? Vocabulary What's the problem? Look at the pictures. Complete the crossword with the corresponding, adjectives Down Across 30 WHERE WERE You YEsTeRDAY? © Unrt 6 Language Practice A compiete the sentences. Use the affirmative form of the past tense of be. 1. You _were at home yesterday. 4, We late for class. 21 sick last week. 5, Ed and Juliet _ ‘on vacation last week. 3. Ronald in Taipei yesterday. 6. The station very crowded. @ Make these sentences negative 1, Joanna was in class yesterday. 4. I was at the gym last night sJoanna wasn: in lace yesterday, 2. Luke and Gloria were here last week. 5. Mara and I were at a tennis game. 3. The pizza was awful, 6, The line was very long B write the words in the correct order to make questions. a. were / where / yesterday / you /? d. at / weren't / you / the barbecue / why /? Where were you yesterday? - b. the / good / was / barbecue / 2 e. Felicia / there / was / ? c. was / who / there / ? Now complete the conversation below with the questions above. Amy | Waere were you yeotarday?@ Keith I was at home. Keith Iwas sick. Amy Oh! I'm sory Keith That's OK. I'm fine now. * Amy Yes, it was great. : Amy Oh, lots of people. Amy Yes, she was. Why are you asking? 3 Unit 6 © WHERE WERE YOU YESTERDAY? Look at the photos. Write questions and short answers. Use the past tense of be and the words in parentheses. sally ‘Andy and Bob 1. (Sally / at s0ork / yesterday | ?) 4. (Andy and Bob | at home / yesterday | ?) Nao Sally at work yesterday’ 7 2 No, she wast 2. (Sally / at home (2) 8. (Andy andl Bob { at schoo! 2) 3. (Sally ) sick / ?) 6. (Andy and Bob (Tate (?) Answer the questions below with information about you. Use the words in the box or your own ideas. athome at work in class ‘on vacation ataparty atthebeach at the mountains. at a soccer game (on abus ona train ina store in the kitchen 1. Where were you at 3am, this morning? lwae 2. Where were you at 8 p.m. last night? 3. Where were you at 10 a.m. yesterday? 4. Where were you at 11 pam. on Saturday? 32 WHERE WERE You YesTEROAY? © UnzT 6 es 1. We was at home. x 4. Was you at the basketball game? X Wie were at home, 2. The train were crowded. X Where they-were yesterday? X 3. We ne-were late for class. X 6. “Was the train late?” “No, want” X "7 complete the conversation. Use the past tense of be. Debbie ‘Were you at home last night? Louisa No,I Debbie Where? ______ you? Louisa I! _____ ata soccer game. Debbie ‘__it goo? Louisa Yes, it‘ , but the weather’ ___very good. Where ® you and Mark? Debbie We? ___at home. 38 ‘Complete the conversation. Use the words in the box. Because it was wasn’t © Where = Where Why Daniel + Where _ were you last night? Steve 1? ___at Carla’s party. Daniel Was? ______ good? Steve No! The music was terrible and the food’ _very good. 2 were you? Daniel I was in bed. Steve were you in bed? Daniel? __T was sick, 33 Unrt 6 © WHERE WERE YoU YesTERDAY? Reading AL Read the text quickly. Where were Raquel and Nigel last year? Circle the correct answers. 1. Raquel was in: a. Austin. b. New York. Houston 2. Adam wasin; a. Austin. b. New York ——_c. Houston New students in town i eee at the University of Texas at Austin. 1 wasn't d in college last year. 1 was at school in New York. I'm studying French and German here. i ove learning languages, I also speak Spanish | because my parents are from Puerto Rico. We t all speak Spanish at home. 4 fe eee ean { ‘France for a month, It was great, Lwas with a Houston. Now hes studying Italtan at Austin, family in Paris, After that, 1 was in Germany and playing on the university basketball team.) for six weeks. Germany was great, too, but the He's really good at sports. } ‘weather was awful. Last night Adam was in a basketball game, / ‘Thats my friend Adam in the photo, Hes 1 was there, too. It was a fantastic game, from New York, too, but last year he was in The score was 97-95! i eee ee j D Read the text again. Answer the questions about Raquel 1. Where is Raquel studying this year? She's studying at the Unive! 2. What is she studying? 3. Why does she speak Spanish? 4, Where was she last summer? 5, What was the problem in Germany? check (V) True or False. Correct the false sentences about Adam. True False 1. Adam was at school in Austin last year o a 2. Adam is studying tench o oa ae ae ‘on the university baseball team. oO Oo 4 lanaipana wage oo 4 Review & Check Units 4-6 Vocabulary AZ Citcte the best answers to complete the text ‘What do you do in your } free time? 4 Fred Blomster is an English teacher. { very evening he watones | _. i He loves video ” too. Sometimes | he }__ on the phone with his 3 fnlends. Wha does ne acto’ 2 He goes *__ every moraing, and he} + soccer twice a week, too. ; Tv comics a shower I. a nap pege coffee - games e-mail I. homework pees - reads . sends plays . talks aoge 4. a. play sports leisure activities keep fit |. go to the gym arg bicycling soceer martial arts ee pur . tai chi 00s . oes likes . plays aege © cine the best answer io compte each sentence. 1. Sandra a. plays b. does «. knows 4d. goes martial arts every day. 2. Rick __ swimming after work. a. sends b. plays © does . goes 3. Tess sometimes __ a nap after class. a. takes b. does © goes d. reads 4, He was late because the ___ was terrible, a. crowded b. train ©. traffic d. bus 5. Joy wasn’t here yesterday. She was a. sick b. late e fit d. broken 6. This gym is very__. a. fit b. crowded ©. broken 4. sick 35 Review & Check # Units 4-6 36 Language AL ircle the best answers to complete the conversation. Ray Hi Lisa. What !__ you doing? Lisa 1? _ reading a comic. Are you at home? Ray Yes,1' video games.* video games every evening. Lisa Where’ _ you last night? Ray + _at the gym. pore d. be a. play b. plays . playing 4. 'm playing 5. a. was b. were fc. be d. are 6 a. Tam b. Lwere . Was d. Twas D Circle the best answer to complete each sentence. 1. How often __ tennis? a. play you b. do you play & do play d. you play 2. The bus __late. a. no was, b. weren't . not was d. wasn’t 3. A __ reading? B Acomic. a. What is he b. What does he . What he d. What 4. A Are you checking your e-mail? B a. Tm. b. Yes, I'm. ©. Yes, Lam, d. Yes, I'm checking, 5. Stella__late. a. is always b. always is, . always 4d. are always 6, __at home last night? Was you . Were you Where you Wasn't poop Conversation Review & CHeck © Units 4-6 Circle the best sentence to complete each conversation. 1. A How often do you go swimming? B a. Every day. b. Yesterday. . At8 pam, 4. Yes, Ido. I play tennis - Do you like soccer? How often do you do that? A B a. How often do you exercise? b. « 4. What do you do to keep fit? 3. A Do you exercise? B A Igo swimming. a. I play soccer. What about you? b. How often do you go swimming? ©. Do you go swimming? d. I play soccer. How often do you play? 4, A Do you ever go jogging? B b. No, I don’t. | like jogging. . Really? I don’t go jogging. +d. No, Idon’t. But I do yoga a. No, Talways go jogging a Hello? => Hey, Kate. It's Freddy. Hey, Kate. I'm Freddy. ©. Hey, Kate. Is it Freddy? |. Hey, Kate. Who is it? re e 6A B I'm watching TV. a, How are you? b. What do you do? . What are you doing? d. How are you doing? 10. 1 2. What are you doing? => Actually, 'm not having coffee. I'm having coffee. No way! I'm having coffee. Ihave coffee. pose I'm playing a video game. 1. What game are you playing? Are you playing a video game? ©. What are you doing? d. Are you playing? A I'm not studying a. Me, too. b, Me, neither. c. Me d. Yes, Lam. Was the bus crowded? Was the bus crowded? ‘Wasn't the bus crowded? Really? see, |. Pardon me? ve Be Twas sick Why were you sick yesterday? You were sick yesterday. How come? When were you sick? |. You weren't in class yesterday. How come? BeogPp oD A Why are you late? B _ a. Because I'm late. b. Sorry I'm late. . Late? How come? d. Because the traffic was terrible. 7 Review & CHeck © Units 4~6 38 Reading Read the text, Circle the best answers. ee mee Dear James, How are you? Last week | was in Monterey, now I'm in San Francisco. 'm having a great: time here. Im writing this letter in a emall cafe downtown. tim having coffee, tool 'm staying with my friend Robin, She lives near the Golden Gate Bridge. She's a doctor She works at a hospital here, But che lor't working right: now, so we're epending a lot of time together. We go jogging on the beach every morving and we sometimes play tennis together, too. San Franciaco is a great city. Ib has everything: nice weather, beautiful beaches, great stores, Aid the restaurants are fartasticl We eat out every eveningl We were at a cool Vietnamese restaurant last right, The food wae delicious, Uove this place! See you next week. 1. Where is Carol? 4, What do they do every morning? a. In New York. a. Robin works and Carol goes jogging, b. On the Golden Gate Bridge. b. They go to work. ¢. In San Francisco. ©. They play tennis. . In Monterey. d. They go jogging on the beach 2. What's Carol doing right now? 5. Where were they last night? a. She's writing posteards. a. Ata cafe. b. She's jogging on the beach. b, In the hospital. ¢. She's eating in a restaurant. Ata restaurant. 4. She's writing a letter and having d. At the beach, coffee. 6. How often do they go to restaurants? 3. Why are Carol and Robin spending a lot a Nae: of time together? i Every day. a. Because Robin isn’t working. «. Every week, , Because Robin and Carol are doctors. a. They never eat at restaurants. ¢. Because they like jogging and tennis. d. Because Carol is working | 7 Which one is cheaper? Vocabulary vetting wna arrtne pina NOG OD SAO Answer the questions with information about you. Use usually and clothing words. 1. What do you usually wear to work? Jusually wear 2. What do you usually wear to class? 3. What do you usually wear at home? 4. What do you usually wear to a party? B comptete the sentences with information about you. Use clothing words. A. Imever wear 2. Isometimes wear 3. Lalways wear 39 Unrt 7 © Watch ONE 15 CHEAPER? Language Practice AL comptete each sentence with the comparative form of the underlined adjective. 1, The book is good, but the movie is _betver. . This sweater is nice, but that sweater is a 3. Scott’s pants are baggy, but Nick's pants are __ 4. My jeans were cheap, but your jeans were 5. Today is hot, but yesterday was 6. The weather last week was bad, but the weather this week is, © Rewrite the sentences in Activity 1. Use than. aye we P M5} Wie the woe Oe ence odes to eke sentences, 1. that jacket / more / is / This jacket / than / comfortable / . This Jacket is more comfortable than that: jacke 2, mine / than / Your scarf / colorful / is / more / 3. My brother’s gloves / more / my gloves / stylish / than / are /. 4. The blue shoes / more / were / the black shoes / expensive / than / 5. more / The book / than / is / interesting / the movie / 40 WHICH ONE IS CHEAPER? © UNIT 7 Waite sentences about the two cars. Use the adjectives in parentheses and not as... as. 1. (big) The white car is not as big as the black one, 2 (expensive) 3, (old) 2 as 4, (cheap) 5. (stylish) 5 waite sentences with the words in parentheses below. Use comparative adjectives and one or ones. 1. (these shoes / nice / my old shoes) hoes are ni ld one 2. (your sneakers / dirty / these black sneakers) 3. Wis dress / colorful / that cheap dress) 4. (these new T-shirts / white / the old T-shirts) 5. (Evan's suit / dark / this suit) 6, (the black jacket / comfortable / the gray jacket) G correct the sentences. 1. The red tie is more-cheap-than the blue one. X —The red tie is cheaper than the blue one, 2. My T-shirt is baggier that your T-shirt. X 3. Which sneakers are comfortable, the white ones or the black ones? X 4. His car is more-geed than my car. X = 5. Mary’s shoes aren‘t as stylish than Cynthia’s high heels. x A UnrT 7 © WaTCH ONE IS CHEAPER? 7 Wiite the lines in the correct order to make a conversation. Clerk Al $40, $50. The green one is cheaper. It’s $30. Seed morsing How.can bbe vou? That's $40, please. — ft ‘The sweaters are over there, Leonard OK, Ill take the red one. Thanks... How much is the blue one? I'm looking for a sweater. But it isn’t as nice. What about the red one? How much is that? Clerk Good morning. How can Lhelp you? Leonard Clerk es ae OG Leonard & = Clerk Leonard = Clerk =? oe & Read the conversation in Activity 7. Write a similar conversation. Use the information in the note | Sneakers Clerk Good moming, How ean | help you > wiles 860 Barbara sneakers gray - $50 Clerk = __over there. ‘blab — $40. Barbara ‘Thanks...$ cones? Clerk $60. es eee Barbara 7 ce? 2 — those? Clerk $50. Barbara OK." Clerk That's $50, please. 2 WHICH ONE IS CHEAPER? # UntT 7 Reading A] Read the text quickly. What does Zoe do? Check (V) the true sentence. 1. She's a designer. [ 2, She’s a model. oO 3. She’s a fashion journalist. [] Favorite clothes Zoe Hall isa model. she is 25 and lives with her parents in New York, but she works in lots of Gifferent countries. Last week she was in London, and this week she isin Tokyo, Inthe photo, Zoe is working at a fashion show in Paris She is wearing a long black skirt, a white silk blouse, and high heels. “love Wearing designer clothes when I'm working. They look really good! says Zoe. “The designers usually give us some clothes after the show, so I have lots of designer clothes at home.” But in her free time Zoe doesn't wear designer clothes. “They aren't as comfortable as ordinary clothes,” she says. She usually wears an old pai of jeans, a T-shirt, a baggy sweater, and sneakers. “When | go out with my friends, I sometimes ‘wear anice dress or a cool jacket, but they are never designer clothes.” L. Zoe's .. 4. Zoe a. twenty-four years old. a. doesn’t like designer clothes. b, twenty-five years old. b. only likes ordinary clothes. ©. fifty-two years old «. likes designer clothes and ordinary clothes. 2. Zoe's parents live in... 5. Zoe thinks designer clothes .. a. New York. a. are more comfortable than ordinary clothes. b. London. b. aren't as comfortable as ordinary clothes. «. Tokyo. ©. aren't comfortable, 3. At the fashion show in Paris, Zoe is 6. When Zoe goes out with friends, she never wearing wears... a. designer clothes. a. designer clothes. b. ordinary clothes. b. ordinary clothes. . jeans and a T-shirt adress, 43 8 What's she like? Vocabulary 7] wasn aescagtanacwia xenc sen wenn pains le be | Ken has black hair, She is short and He's short and thin. | heavy and hae ehort He loots frendy. | bord ha Steve ie tall and thin He hae curly hair. He looks emart. 2. _Bryan 44 Wanr’s sue Lrke? * UnrT 8 Language Practice Write the words in the correct order to make questions. 1, Meg / like / is / what /? What is Meg like? 2. Chloe / what / look / does / like ? 3. like / Walter / who / look / does / ? 4, what / Bruno / look / does / like / ? 5. are / like / Greg and Pam / what /? @ Match the questions in Activity 1 and the answers below. Sa. George Clooney. b, She's tall and thin, ‘c. He's serious and she's funny, d. She's quiet and shy, . He's short and has curly dark hair. SB complete the sentences. Use the words in the box. does has ‘’s ’s ’s_ ‘ke —itike. ~— look += What» Whe 1. A Who does your sister look __like __? B_ Natalie Portman, B 2A What he 2 He bossy. a a does he __ like? B He short andl heavy. 4. A What Kate look like? ° B She blue eyes and blonde hair. 5 Unit 8 » Wnar's sue uke? 46 Answer the questions below with information about a friend ora member of your family. 1. What's his/her name? “His (Henna) 2. How old is he/she? 3. Where is he/she from? 4, Where does he/she live? 5. What does he/she do? 6. What does he/she look like? 7. Who does he/she look like? 8. What is he/she like? B correct the sentences. 1, “What's-he like?” X “He's tall and thin.” What does he look like? = 2. “What ees Eric like?” X “He's nice and friendly.” 3, “What Sandy like?” X “She's cool and smart.” 4, “What's doesshelook like?” X “She's serious and hardworking,” 5. Marvin looks like serious. X 6. Andrea ie dark hair. X

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