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Battery Powered Automatic Garbage Recognizer Bin

Chapter I


[A.] Background of the Study

The world generates 2.01 billion tones oftons of municipal solid waste annually, and

at least 33 percent of that is not managed in an environmentally safe manner

(Bhada-tata, Kaza, Yao, & Van Woerden, 2018). With the increasing population

and their consumption pattern, problems regarding solid waste management are


Turkey is the least environmentally friendly waste management country

while Chile has the worst waste disposal system (Global Waste Index 2022, 2022).

According to the article “Waste woes in the world” (2020), higher-income countries

generate at least twice as much waste per capita than developing countries. Higher-

income people not only consume more goods overall, but they also use up a higher

concentration of packaged and complex durable goods like cars, appliances, and

electronic equipment (Waste woes in the world 2020). However, in terms of the total

volume of waste, developing countries produce more than half of total solid waste

(Waste woes in the world 2020). Most developing countries don't have any organized

means of controlling solid waste (Lemmons, 2023). This is especially the case for

least-developed countries. Also, the scarcity of land—the critical resource for

landfilling (or dumping)—makes these countries’ waste disposal problems especially

serious (Waste woes in the world 2020).

In the Philippines alone, there are about 35,580 tons of garbage generated every day

(Castillo & Otoma, 2013). Even though, there is already a law and establishments

for proper waste management, many of the citizens still don’t follow. Moreover,

although the establishment of Municipal Recovery Facilities (MRF) has helped

lessen improperly disposed waste, not all local government units (LGU) comply. The

Republic Act (RA) 9003, otherwise known as the Ecological Solid Waste

Management Act of 2000, Section 32 of RA 9003 mandates the establishment of

MRF in a barangay or a cluster of barangays (Frequently Asked Questions, n.d.);

only about 21% or 8,843 barangays are being serviced by MRFs in the country

(Castillo & Otoma, 2013).

The city of Manila is one of the worst examples of places having severe waste

management problems. It is the location of one of the biggest dumps – the huge

trash mountain called Payatas. Explained in the web article, “Garbage Challenges

in Developing Countries” (2023), residents there generate 8,000 tons of garbage each

day, but for years, the government did not collect the garbage or educate the public

about recycling or other waste reduction options. As a result, the city's garbage

simply piled up at numerous dumps, which attracted flies, rats, and other vermin.
In the province of Oriental Mindoro, one the places installed with MRFs is

the city of Victoria. In order for the people to properly dispose and segregate waste,

the local government issued a policy stating that in the day of collection, garbage

collectors will not collect unsegregated waste. Due to this, people have begun to

differentiate their waste into proper containers. A lot of projects about waste

management also started. However, there are still some who carelessly discard their

trash as long as there’s a bin for it, and some litter without a care for its

environmental effect.

Schools have also begun to increase discipline in waste disposal and

segregation. Aurelio Arago Memorial National High School implements a strict rule

that every class’s wastes must all be properly segregated before bringing it to the

garbage collectors; otherwise, the waste would be left in the class, no matter how

many, until the next day of collection. Still, there are thousand of students, and not

everyone follows a rule enforced. Upon checking the waste bins of the students,

some were found to have mixed waste in their bin. Undisciplined students also

dispose their waste carelessly if its not their class’s bin.

Undisciplined actions and insufficient knowledge of the people towards

proper waste management leads to garbage pollution harming the environment and
human health. To solve improper waste disposal and poorly managed landfills that

generate pollution harmfully affecting the people and the environment, waste

management solutions are urgently needed (Admin, 2021).

One of the most popular solutions without jeopardizing the environment or

human health is the decentralized waste management. It is about the citizens of

every community taking ownership of their waste and segregating it within their

premise before sending the waste to a centralized large facility or often landfill

(Admin, 2020). Waste segregation is the sorting and separation of waste types to

facilitate recycling and correct onward disposal (Davies, 2023) (The Importance of

Waste Segregation, n.d.).

The most important part of this project is educating the masses about the

segregation of waste at the source which is the need of the hour. Post-collection

segregation takes longer, costs more and can wind up harming the environment if it

leads to recyclable waste being sent to landfill (Importance of Waste Segregation,

2017). Waste segregation is an economically beneficial prospect that makes

recycling much easier, promoting the optimized use of our resources and helps in

conserving it for future generations (Waste Segregation, 2019).

Clearly marked containers for different kinds of wastes are needed to make

segregating much easier. Nowadays, garbage bins have technologically improved.

Automatic segregation machines are now being used. One of the many automatic

segregating machines is i-Bin, an intelligent trash bin for automatic waste

segregation and monitoring system. It is a trash bin equipped with sensors, which

can intelligently segregate waste system that provides monitoring report of waste

collection (Pamintuan et al., 2019).(Pamintuan, Mantiquilla, Reyes, & Samonte, 2019).

Automatic segregating machines make waste segregation easier and faster.

However, it makes the people dependent on the machine alone. Proper self-discipline

is a must-have to solve these increasing waste problems from the root. Battery Powered

Automatic Garbage Recognizer Bin is made to foster self- discipline within the

people, especially in students.

Battery Powered Automatic Garbage Recognizer Bin is a battery powered

trash bin that uses Arduino boards and sensors to automatically recognize the type

of waste, specifically paper, plastic, and metal and segregate into three

compartments. Once it recognizes what type of waste the material is, the lid of one

of the three compartments for paper, plastic, and metal will base on the type of

waste recognized by the sensors.

The project aims to instill proper waste disposal and segregation practice in

the people, especially the youths. By doing so, the accumulated waste will be

properly segregated while in the process of educating the masses about the

importance of proper waste management.

Battery Powered Automatic Garbage Recognizer Bin is not an automatic

segregation machine. This product is programmed to recognize only non-

biodegradable materials namely paper, plastic, and metal. Furthermore, this project

is most preferable to be used in elementary schools than for public use.

The youth having awareness to problems caused by undisciplined waste

disposal and segregation will help in solving waste related problems harming both

the environment and human lives. Battery Powered Automatic Garbage Recognizer

Bin is an automatic non-biodegradable waste recognizer and segregating machine

that aims to develop self-discipline among the elementary students. We must cut the

problem at its roots, otherwise it wouldn’twould not be completely solved.

Statement of Problems
This is the problems to determine the capabilities and limitations of

Battery Powered Automatic Garbage Recognizer Bin.

1. What is the accuracy rate of Battery Powered Automatic Garbage Recognizer Bin

in waste type recognition?

1.1 Paper

1.1.1 Paper

1.1.2 Carton

1.1.3 Cardboard

1.1.4 Folder

1.1.5 Paper plate

1.1.6 Paper cup

1.2 Plastic

1.2.1 Plastic Bag

1.2.2 Plastic spoon

1.2.3 Plastic fork

1.2.4 Plastic cup

1.2.5 Plastic cover

1.3 Metal

1.3.1 Tin can

2. What is the speed (in milliseconds) of Battery Powered Automatic Garbage

Recognizer Bin in opening the lidwaste type recognition?

2.1 2.1 Paper

2.2 Plastic

2.3 Metal






Paper plate

Paper cup


Plastic Bag

Plastic spoon

Plastic fork

Plastic cup

Plastic cover


Tin can
3. What is the speed in milliseconds of Battery Powered Garbage Recognizer Bin in

waste type recognition?

4. What is the maximum waste capacity of Battery Powered Automatic Garbage

Recognizer Bin?

[1.2] Paper

4.1.1 Paper

4.1.2 Carton

4.1.3 Cardboard

4.1.4 Folder

4.1.5 Paper plate

4.1.6 Paper cup


4.2 Plastic

4.2.1 Plastic Bag

4.2.2 Plastic spoon

4.2.3 Plastic fork

4.2.4 Plastic cup

4.2.5 Plastic cover

4.3 Metal

4.3.1 Tin can

4. What is the maximum number of waste can be recognize by Battery Powered

Garbage Recognizer Bin in 2 minutes?

5. What is the maximum capacity of Battery Powered Garbage Recognizer Bin in 2


5.1 Paper

5.2 Plastic

5.3 Metal

5. How long will the battery power of Battery Powered Automatic Garbage last from

full charge to zero battery power?

Reference List

Davies, R. (2023, February 8). The importance of waste segregation: Axil-is blog. Axil

Integrated Services. Retrieved March 22, 2023, from https://axil-is.com/blogs-


Lemmons, R. (2023, March 19). Garbage challenges in developing countries - waste

management. Climate Policy Watcher. Retrieved March 22, 2023, from



Pamintuan, M., Mantiquilla, S. M., Reyes, H., & Samonte, M. J. (2019). I-bin: An

intelligent trash bin for automatic waste segregation and Monitoring System. 2019

IEEE 11th International Conference on Humanoid, Nanotechnology, Information

Technology, Communication and Control, Environment, and Management

( HNICEM ). https://doi.org/10.1109/hnicem48295.2019.9072787

Waste woes in the world. IMF. (2020, January 31). Retrieved March 22, 2023, from


WEKA Industrie Medien GmbH. (2022, March 18). Global waste index 2022:

Ranking the biggest waste polluters... WMW. Retrieved March 22, 2023, from



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