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How to Enter the DataDNA Dataset Challenge

– Follow Onyx Data on LinkedIn (it’s Ok if you already follow Onyx Data).
– Share a LinkedIn post on your profile with your visualisation image and tag
directly using @ mention to @OnyxData @ZoomCharts, @Data Career Jumpstart,
@novyPro, @DATAcated, @The AI Journal and the hashtag #dataDNA.
– In your post, share an image of your visualisation or dashboard (remember, it
must be a single image).
– Complete this form -

How to Enter ZoomCharts Mini Challenge for Power BI:

1. Register for ZoomCharts Mini Challenge here and receive a Drill Down Visuals
Developer License for Power BI.
2. Submit your entry here.
3. Follow ZoomCharts on LinkedIn (
4. Share a LinkedIn post on your profile that contains @ZoomCharts, @OnyxData
and the hashtags #dataDNA, #builtwithzoomcharts.
Judging Criteria for Power BI reports:
1) Overall user experience and intuitiveness.
2) Navigation and user-flow of the report.
3) Implementation of drill down interactions and cross-chart filtering in data
4) Visual clarity and readability.
Here are some useful links to learn more about ZoomCharts and get inspiration for
your report:
1) Use-Case Gallery: Try live demos and download reports made by the ZoomCharts
2) Video tutorials: Watch engaging video guides on how to set up and use the
3) Documentation: Technical deep-dive about ZoomCharts visuals
4) ZoomCharts Blog: Useful tips&tricks for data visualization and report creation
5) Visuals Gallery: Explore all the possible customization options for Drill Down

The best report’s creator will receive a $300 Amazon Voucher from ZoomCharts.

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