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ma-2190 traction Manual NSA MAT INSTRUCTION MANUAL MULTI-AMP® MODEL MS-IA for tosting Motor Overload Relays and Molded Case Circuit Broakors AND OPTIONAL ACCESSORY MODEL ITA-1 for testing Insulation Resistance It is recommended that this instruction manual be read thoroughly before proceeding with testing. A thorough understanding of the MULTI-AMP Model IMS-1A test unit will permit its use in many applications too numerous to list ‘Adaiicns Maqulsovsiabe at $5.00 & Multi-Amp Corporation eames ee INSTRUCTION MANUAL, MODEL MS-1A TABLE OF CONTENTS ‘MODEL MS-1A General Description .... 1 Common Test Applications « et Specifications 1 Overload Copacity «..+. 2 Selection of Output Terminal <2. +... 2 Selection of Common Terminal. 2 Testing Motor Overload Relays. pea 3 Test Procedure for Time Delay of Motor Overload Relays 4 Testing Molded Case Cireuit Breakers es Test Procedure for Thermal Element of ‘Molded Case Circuit Breakers ae Maintenance of Motor Overload Relays « 6 Maintenance of Molded Case Circuit Breakers .eseevecsesees Using the Tost Record Systom ° Figure le — Schematic Diagram ond Pars Uist for 120Volt Model META ...sceecceeeceee 10 Fgure 1b — Schematic Diagram and Parts Ust f for 240.Volt Model MS-TA «+++ n | [MODEL ITA-1 INSULATION TEST ACCESSORY 7 General Description -.seseseeseseseseesees 2 Specifications 12 Function of Controls. - 13 Operating Instructions. os Fld Instllation Instructions Ss Figure 2: Schematic Diogram and Ports list for Model ITA1 .... 14 (GUARANTEE ited puna avr aod worn. ts fr TERS Gone eat de thom xcead evry specitestion given, © comrrichr mutta CORP. 1880 Pert No, 2795979 GENERAL DESCRIPTION The MULTI-AMP Medel MS-IA test unit has a control of the output current. Integral metering, Patented circuit consisting of a continuously timing and control circuitry are included. The variable autotransformer which supplies a MULT! unit is housed in 8 convenient svitcasetype AMP output transformer, thus providing stopless enclosure for easy portability COMMON TEST APPLICATIONS ‘Model MS-1A will test time-current characteristics Auxiliary applications include testing of indine ‘of motor overload relays and molded case moter cutouts, fuse links, meters and ratioing circuit breakers rated up to 100 amperes by ‘current transformers. simulating overloads up to 300% of their rating, SPECIFICATIONS Rating: 0.6 kVA Input Voltage: 120 volts or 240 volts, as ordered by customer. Input Frequency: 60 hertz or 50 hertz, as ordered by customer, ‘Outpu Continuously adjustable in four ranges to meat a variety of test Gircuit impedance 0 = 140 volts at 4.5 amperes 0 - 24 volts at 25 amperes 0 = 6 volts at 100 amperes 0 - 3 volts at 200 amperes Ammeter: A large, easily read instrument with 3¥einch scale: ‘Scales: 5/10/25 Ranges (switch selected): 0-2,5/5/10/25/50/100/250/500 amperes. Timer: __Asolid-stote digital timer accurate to +0.5second. Measures elapsed time of the test from 0.1 second to 9999.9" seconds. Push-button reset, Housings Molded plastic, high strength suiteate type enclosure with easy: tocarry handle. Storage space is provided for test leads Dimensions: Height: 9 inches. Width: 14¥4 inches. Depth: 9 inches, Weight: Net: 35 pounds. Shipping: 42 pounds. Test Leads: Two No. 22 timer leeds each 5 feet long. These leads are used {o connect the binding posts on the MS-IA labeled CONTACTS to the contacts of the device under test which will open when the device trips. Two No. 4 high current leads, each § feet long. These cables are Is of the MS-1A to the current used fo connect the output termi lement of the device under test. + Ay 4978 and up. Page OVERLOAD CAPACITY Model: MSIA is rated at 0.6 KVA output and is equipped with four output terminals, each capable of tupplying its rated current, The current rating of these ouput terminals may be ‘exceeded for short durations provided the volt- ‘age rating is sufficient to “push” the desired current through the device under test and the connecting test leads. The overlosd capacity, represented by multiples of rated current, versus Time ON and Time OFF are given below ‘ate maxim moun, ‘curser ME ON ‘ie OFF 100 (1x) 30 minutes 30 minutes 150 (1.5%) 6 minutes 13 minutes 200 (2x0 3 minutes 8 minutes 250 (2.6x) 1 minute minutes 300 (3x 30 seconds 4 minutes 400 (4x 7 seconds 2 minutes Model MS-1/ also can be used continuously for ‘any reasonable length of time at 70.7% of the current rating of the output terminal Example: Conside- the 03 volt terminal rated 200 amperes: {8) 200 amperes may be drawn at any voltage from 0:3 volts for 30 minutes provided the lest set is subsequently de-energized for 30 minutes. (6) 141.4 amperes (70.7% of 200 amperes) may be continuously drawn at any voltage from 0-3 volts for any reasonable length of time. (0 The following overload currents may be drawn at any voltage from 0 to maximum, volts for the Time ON indicated, followed by the indicated Time OFF. The maximum output voltage available when the current rating of the output terminal is exceeded (overloaded) will be less than the rated value due to the regulation of the trans formar in the test set. For example, when drawing 300 amperes from the 200-am- pere terminal, the maximum voltage aval able is approximately 2.4 volts. ‘Oveload Corrent fom ‘o0ampere 300 amperes 6 min, 13 rin 400 amperes 3 min. 8 min, Ut should be noted that because of the impedance of the device ander teat and the eownecting test lend, ‘the masionnn practical tect current available from the 0-9 volt terminal rated 200. aonveres i® ae provimutely 300 amperes, Higher enrrente are tequally available from the 0 =€ volt Lermival rated 100 anperes; HOWEVER, these higher currents ‘are available ovly for very short duvations ax lilvetrated. in the éverload ‘capacity table above, For example, ii possible to get 400 anrperes frown (ie terminal for 7 seconds, followed by 2 minutes off SELECTION OF OUTPUT TERMINAL Four output terminals at various voltage and current ratings are provided to adapt the MS-1A, fo a wide variety of test circuit impedances. The MULTI-AMP Model MS-1A test unit can be ‘operated most efficiently by using the terminal with the HIGHEST CURRENTLOWEST VOLTAGE rating suitable for the test. In this way, finer adjustment can be obtained by making full use of the variable autotransformer range. Even the smallest currents can be obtained from the highurrent terminals, The low current-HIGH VOLTAGE terminals should be used ONLY when testing high impedance devices where the low voltage terminal(s) will not “push” the desired test current through the device, The operstor should start with the low voltage terminal and move to 2 higher voltage terminal only when necessary, IT SHOULD BE NOTED THAT THERE IS NO RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE AMMETER RANGES AND THE RATING OF THE OUTPUT TERMINAL, All ammeter ranges can be used in conjunction with any of the output terminals, SELECTION OF COMMON TERMINAL When using test currents of § amperes or less, the common terminal labeled 0 TO 5A should be uiilized. When using test currents in excess of 5 amperes, utilize the common terminal labeled ABOVE 5A. TESTING MOTOR OVERLOAD RELAYS Always refe” to the manufacturers literature ‘applicable to the particular overload relay before testing, The test operator should be familiar ‘with the operating characteristics of ‘the relay the tolerances applicable to the operating char- acteristics and the means of adjusting the relay, if any. The test usually performed on these devices. is to verify the time delay characteristics of the relay when tubjected to an overload. One test point is usually suggested to establish whether the relay is operating correctly and within the bond of the time-curcent curve for the relay. The suggested test current is three times (3x) the normal current rating of thermal overload relays of three times (Gx) the pick-up current (setting) ‘of magnetic overload relays. It is, of course, easiest to make the connections and’ perform the tests on the relays if they are removed from the starter. However, it is not necessary to remove the relay as long as the test leads can be connected and the circuit de- ‘energized. It should be further noted that any leads already connected 19 the relay need not bbe removed ‘when conducting the tests. The high, current leads from the test set o the relay under test should be kept as short as possible and should be twisted fo minimize the losses caused by inductive reactance. un the test and note the fime required for the overload relay 10 trip. If the tripping time ex- ceeds the desired value, or if the relay does not trip at all, the relay may not be protecting the motor properly. If the relay operates too quickly, i may result in unnecessary nuisance trips. It should be remembered that thee devices operate ‘over a wide band and precise results should not be sought. A tolerance of 215% Is usually acceptable. Wf a thermal overload olay is not operating Bropety, tripping too, s09n or too ate, remove the theater element. Note is type, caling, ee, tnd compare with manufacturers data for oper. Sting cherecarises ‘of the motor. If corre! for the aeplaon, subsite 2 new hese of ihe ame rating and retest. I improper heater le. ments re Being uted, either Under 6 oversize, ‘place with the proper size Resler ond rele If © magnet overload clay 8 not operating propery, refer to the relay manufactures ler: Store for insirucions on making, edjsiments 1 the time delay. the relay Is operating lmprop- tly, may alto be desirable to verlfy te plekup patnt (minimum operating pein) of the relay To perform ths tat tf necessary to disengege the time ‘celoy feaiure. of the overload relay. Reter fo the manufacturers iterature for detiled instructions. TEST PROCEDURE FOR TIME DELAY OF MOTOR OVERLOAD RELAYS 1, Setup MS-1A wit 2. POWER ON/OFF button in OFF position (red lig oul) Bb. OUTPUT CONTROL knob at minimum, "0 position © ON-OFF-TEST switch in center OFF position 2. Connect one end of a high-current lead to one side of thermal element or current coil in overload relay. Connect other end of this lead to appropriate COMMON terminal of test set If fest current is in excess of § amperes, use common terminal labeled ABOVE 5A. If test current is 5 amperes or less, use common terminal labeled 0 TO 5A, 3, Connect one end of second high-current lead to other side of thermal element or current coil in overload relay. Connect other endl of this lead to output terminal labeled 0-3V, 200A (See SELECTION OF OUTPUT TERMINAL, page 2). 4, Use RANGE SWITCH fo select ammeter range so that test current will be read in upper 1/3 of meter scale, Connect test set to suitable single-phose power supply. Press POWER ON/OFF button (red light should glow) 7. Rotate OUTPUT CONTROL knob clockwise and mome ‘ON.OFF-TEST switch in TEST position to observe c Releate ON-OFF-TEST switch. press and hold jing on ammeter = CONTINUED — Page 3 8. Continue to rotate OUTPUT CONTROL knob clockwise while jos Gepeatedly moving to TEST position and releasing) ONOFF-TEST switch ntl desired fest current is reached. Suggested test current 1s three times Gx) the rating of thermal relays or three times (Bx) the pickup current of magnetic relays. If desired test current is not reached with OUTPUT CONTROL knob at maximum clockwise rotation, return knob to zero and transfer output leed from terminal labeled 0-3V, 200A to terminel labeled 0-6V, 100A. Proceed with current adjustment as in Steps 7 and 8. |f the relay utilizes @ high impedance thermal element or ‘operating coil and the desired test current cannet be reeched, transfer output lead to the terminal labeled 0-24V, 258, and repeat Steps 7 and 8, If test current is still not reached, {ransfer ouput lead to terminal labeled 0-140V, 4.5A, ond repeat Steps 7 and 8, (See SELECTION OF OUTPUT TERMINAL, page 2). 9. Connect & pair of light leads (timer leads) from Normally Closed Contacts fof overload relay to binding posts of test set labeled CONTACTS. 10. Set TIMER to zero by pressing timer reset button. NOTE: Before starting test, allow time for thermal element to cool; of in the esse of magnetic overload relays, for the piston to reset. Incorrect tipping time may otherwise result 11, Start test by pressing ON-OFF-TEST switch to TEST and releste. 1s and output is devenergized. TIMER in seconds. 12. When overload relay trips, TIMER st indicates total elapsed time of the NOTE: Test current may decrease (fall off) during the test because the resistance or impedance of the test circuit increases. Rotate OUTPUT CONTROL knob clockwise to Keep test cur- rent at desired value, 13. Turn test set OFF by pushing POWER ON/OFF button, 14. Record test results on Test Record Card. IMPORTANT NOTE In order to obtain accurate tripping times with some types of magnetic overloed relays, partiularly those using high viscosity dashoot oil, it may be necessary to “preheat” the relay by running rated current through the relay for 2 few minutes. TESTING MOLDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERS Always. refer to the manufacturer's, literature applicable to the particular circuit breaker before testing, The test operator should be familiar with the operating characteristics of the circuit breaker, the tolerances applicable to the oper- ating characterises and the means for adjusting the circuit breaker, if any. The test usually performed on these devices is to verify the time delay characteristics of the circuit breaker when subjected to an overload. Eech pole of the circuit breaker should be tested independently. One test point is. usually sug ‘gested to estabish whether the circuit breaker Is operating correctly and within the band of the time-current curve for the circuit breaker. The suggested test current is three times (3x) the rormal current rating of the circuit breaker. It is, of course, easiest to make connections and perform the tee" on circuit breakers if they are removed from the circuit, However, it is not necessary 10 remove the circuit breaker, as long a5 the tet leads can be connected and the line side of the breaker de-energized. it should be further noted that any leads already connected 10 the circuit breaker need not be removed when conducting the test. The high current leads from the test set to the circuit breaker under test should be kept as short as possible and should be twisted to minimize the losses caused by inductive reactance, Run the test and note the time required for the revit breaker to tip. If the tripping time ex- ceeds the desired value or if the circuit breaker does not trip af all, the circuit breaker may not be protecting the circuit properly. IF the eireuit breaker operates too quickly, it may result in Unnecessary nuisance trips. i should, be re- membgred that molded case circuit breakers operate within a wide time band. Therefore, precise results should not be sought and, if the Circuit breaker trips within the time band, it is considered satisfactory. A tolerance of 215% is usually acceptable, Look for the circuit breaker that has unusually short time delay or takes an abnormally long time to tip or does not trip at all. In the latter case, electrically operating ‘and thereby exercising the breaker may correct the condition. TEST PROCEDURE FOR THERMAL ELEMENT OF MOLDED CASE CIRCUIT BREAKERS 1. Setup MSIA with ‘2, POWER ON/OFF button in OFF position (red light out) b, OUTPUT CONTROL knob at minimum, “O" position &. ON-OFF-TEST switch in center OFF position 2. Connect one end of a highcurrent lead to one pole of circuit breaker. Connect other end of this lead to appropriate COMMON terminal of test set. If test current isin excess of 5 amperes, use commen terminal labeled ABOVE 5A. If test current is § amperes or less, use common terminal labeled 0 TO 5A, 3. Connect one end of second high-current lead to other side of same pole of revit breaker. Connect other end of this lead to output terminal labeled 0-3V, 200A (See SELECTION OF OUTPUT TERMINAL, page 2). 4. Use RANGE SWITCH to select ammeter range so that test current will be read in upper 1/3 of meter scale. 5. Connect test set to suitable volt, single-phase power supply. 6. Press POWER ON/OFF button (red light should glow). 7. Rotate OUTPUT CONTROL knob clockwise and momentarily press and hold ONOFF-TEST switch in TEST position to observe current reading on ammeter. Release ON-OFF-TEST switch, = CONTINUED — rage 8 1. u 2, 4 Continue to rotate OUTPUT CONTROL knob clockwise while jogging (repeat- edly moving to TEST position and releasing) ON-OFF-TEST switch until desired test current is reached. Suggested test current is three times (3x) the rating of the circuit breaker. If desired test current is not reached with OUTPUT CONTROL knob at maximum clockwise rotation, return knob to zero and transfer output lead from terminal labeled 0-3V, 200A to terminal labeled 0-6V, 100A. Proceed with current adjustment as in Stops 7 and 8. (See SELECTION OF OUTPUT TERMINAL, page 2). Connect together (short) the binding posts of test set labeled CONTACTS with fone ight lead. Sot TIMER to zero by pressing timer reset button. NOTE: Before starting test, allow time for the thermal element to cool, otherwise incorrect tripping time may result. Start test by pressing ON-OFF-TEST switch to TEST and release. ‘When circuit breaker trips, TIMER stops and output is de-energized. TIMER indicates the toral elapsed time of the test in seconds. Nott : Test current may decrease (falloff) during the test because the resistance of the test circuit increases. Rotale OUTPUT CONTROL knob clockwise to Keep test current at desired value. Turn test set OFF by pushing POWER ON/OFF button, Record test results on Test Record Card. MAINTENANCE OF MOTOR OVERLOAD RELAYS ‘Application The prime function of the motor overload relay is to prevent operation of a motor for too long ‘2 period of time when an overload condition In general, motor starters are applicable 10 2 given horsepower range of motors, The voltage and current requirements of the application will “sine” the starter under NEMA requirements, but the actual sterting current, running current and ambient temperature will determine the overload relay rating required to protect the motor with: ‘out nuisance tripping. Selection of the properly rated overload relay ‘ean be made by reference fo tables or charts supplied by the manufacturer of the overload relays and motors. Whenever @ motor trips out, is poor practice 10 uprate the overload relay iminetely; the motor may actually be work- ing under an overload condition or the overload relay may be operating improperly. Uprating the overload relay could permit an overload to continue, resulting in deterioration of the motor Ingulation ancl reduction in motor life. Therefore, careful analysis should be made as to the cause of the nuisarce trip before changing the rating of the overload relay. Operating characteristics of the motor overload relay should be verified at regular intervals. Typical practce dictates inspection of overload relays at periods of one to two years, with an ‘actual test of tripping time to be made at inter- vals of two yaars. The test interval can vary with the type of service involved and the Importance ‘of the motor fo the process or production. Types Motor overload relays incorporate an element which actuates a set of contacts connected to the motor control circuit. These contacts open the circuit of the holding coil in the moter starter and interrupt the power fo the motor In general, there are three types of motor over load relays in use 1, Therraal — melting alloy or solder pot 2. Thermal — bimetallic strip 3. Electromagnetic In thermal type relays, time-current characteristics ‘are obtained by the thermal properties of the melting alloy or bimetallic strip, In the magnetic type, a damped plunger or moving iron device is used to produce time delays. Thermal — melting alloy or solder pot In this type, tripping is the result of heot ‘generated by the motor load current pass: jing through @ “heater” in the overlead relay, This overload relay consists of a ‘brass shaft which is suerounded by solder Fixed 10 one end of the shaft is 9 small ratchet wheel. As long as the solder is solid, this assembly is immobile. When the motor control circuit contacts are closed, 9 spring is held compressed by the ior mobility of the ratchet wheel. An over: loaded condition in the motor increases the current through the heater, thus melting the solder and releasing the energy in the spring. This interrupts the circuit of the holding coil in the motor starter and shuts down the motor, The starter may be reset only efter the temperature of the heater has cooled suf ficiently to permit the solder to reset and again make the reichel and shaft immobile. Reset is usually accomplished by an ex: ternal pushbutton on the face of the starter. ‘Many heaters offer a selection of either manual or automatic reset 2. Thermal — bimetallic stip This type uses 2 bimetallic strip — two pieces of dissimilar metal bonded together. ‘An incteace in heat will couse movement Of this bimetallic unit and eventually open 4 set of contacts in the motor control circuit, thus opening the holding coil circuit and shutting down the motor. The principle of operation is the same as the melting alloy type. When the bimetallic ‘element has cooled sufficiently, the motor control circuit may be reset either manually (or automatically Page 7 Page 3. Electromagnatic In this type of motor overload relay a damped plunger or moving iron device is used to produce the delays required and initiate the tip signal to the intercupting device. The “nest common type of magnetic ‘overload relay urilizes a plunger or iron ‘ore piston which extends from an cil filled

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