Lesson 2 Communication Models

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LESSON 2: Communication Models

Objectives: At the end of the lesson, the learners shall be able to:
1. Define what communication model is.
2. Discuss the function of communication model.
3. Differentiate the different communication model.

Communication Model
The communication model lays down the fundamental communication process. Successful
communication will require both the sender and the receiver to share responsibility in order to
make communication smooth, effective and efficient.

Function of Communication Model

1. To learn something
2. Research and Investigation
3. Forecasting

Types of Communication Models

 The Linear Models
1. Aristotle’s Model
The first and earliest linear model is that of Aristotle, who was a teacher of Rhetoric
and even put up an academy to produce good speakers.
2. Lasswell’s Model
Lasswell’s model of communication (also known as action model or linear
model or one-way model of communication) is regarded as one the most influential
communication models.
3. Shannon-Weaver Model
This is often called Telephone Model because it is based on the experience of having
the message interfered with by “noise” from the telephone switchboard back in
4. Berlo’s S-M-C-R Model
He described factors affecting the individual components in the communication
making the communication more efficient. This model also focuses on encoding and
decoding which happens before sender sends the message and before receiver
receives the message respectively.

 The Interactive Models

5. Osgood-Schramm Model
Field of Experience are the things that influences the understanding and
interpretation of message like culture, social background, beliefs, experiences,
values and rules.
6. The Westley and Maclean Model
This model can be seen two contexts, interpersonal and mass communication. And
the point of difference between interpersonal and mass communication is the
feedback. In interpersonal, the feedback is direct and fast. In the mass, the feedback
is indirect and slow.

 The Transactional Models

7. Barnlund’s Transactional Model

Both the sender and receiver must understand the codes sent by the other. So, they
must each possess a similar "code book". (The concept of code book is not
mentioned in the model but understood.)
8. Dance’s Helical Model
Dance’s model emphasized the difficulty of communication. Frank Dance uses the
form of a Helix to describe the communication process. He developed this theory
based on a simple helix which gets bigger and bigger as it moves or grows. The main
characteristics of a helical model of communication is that it is evolutionary.

Further Readings:

Exercise 2
Communication Models

Name: _____________________________ Date: ______________________

Grade and Section: ___________________ Instructor: Winstone Arradaza

Directions: Read the instructions and all the items in each test type carefully. Use blue or black
pen ink only. Avoid any form of erasure, alteration and superimposition on the final answer.

I. Below is a matrix showing the eight models of communication. Complete it by

writing the characteristics of each communication model.

Aristotle’s Model

Laswell’s Model

Shannon- Weaver Model

Berlo’s SMCR Model

Schramm Model

Westley and Maclean Model

Barnlund’s Model

Dance’s Model

II. Explain the following through an essay.

1. Importance of Communication Model

2. Difference among Linear, Transactional and Interactive Models of communication.


3. Function of Communication Model


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