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Harrison, J. P. (2008). Géotechnique 58, No. 5, 449–455 [doi: 10.1680/geot.2008.58.5.


Contributions to Géotechnique 1948–2008: Engineering geology, rock

mechanics and rock engineering
J. P. H A R R I S O N *

Throughout its history Géotechnique has regularly pub- Tout au long de son histoire, Géotechnique a publié, à des
lished papers on the fundamentals of engineering geology, échéances régulières, des communications sur les principes
the core concepts of rock mechanics, and the practice of fondamentaux de la géologie technique, les concepts essen-
rock engineering. In totality these papers provide a con- tiels de la mécanique des roches et la pratique de l’ingéni-
cise history of the development of these areas of geotech- erie des roches. L’ensemble de ces communications fournit
nics. Here, a review of many of these papers is presented une histoire abrégée du développement de ces domaines de
in terms of the specific themes of engineering geology, la géotechnique. Nous présentons ici un recueil d’un grand
rock slope instability, behaviour of intact rock and dis- nombre de ces communications sur le plan des thèmes
continuities in rock, field measurements in rock mech- spécifiques de la géologie de l’ingénieur, de l’instabilité des
anics, discontinuous rock masses, numerical modelling, pentes rocheuses, du comportement de roches intactes et
and rock engineering. Papers covering a wide range of discontinuités dans la roche, des mesures sur le terrain en
issues within these themes are outlined, together with an mécanique des roches, des masses rocheuses discontinues,
indication of how they have influenced later develop- de la modélisation numérique, et de la technique des roches.
ments. The review clearly demonstrates how Géotechni- Nous présentons des communications portant sur tout éven-
que has been at the forefront of rock mechanics, rock tail de questions dans le cadre de ces thèmes, en formulant
engineering and engineering geology for the whole of its une indication sur l’influence qu’elles ont eu sur des dével-
60-year existence. oppements ultérieurs. L’étude démontre clairement la façon
dont Géotechnique s’est maintenue à l’avant-garde dans la
mécanique des roches, l’ingénierie des roches et la géologie
KEYWORDS: historical review; rock mechanics; rocks de l’ingénieur tout au long des 60 années de son existence.

INTRODUCTION immediate aftermath of the Second World War a key

The 1960s saw many journals commence publication on the concern was to rebuild the scientific and engineering links
subjects of rock mechanics and engineering geology. Exam- that had been broken by the conflict, and so Volume 1 of
ples include the Quarterly Journal of Engineering Geology Géotechnique was able to carry a paper that reviewed
(Geological Society of London), Felsmechanik und Ingenieur- engineering geology in Switzerland in the context of the
geologie (International Society for Rock Mechanics, but isolation enforced by the War (Von Moos, 1948). Not only
superseding the Springer publication Geologie und Bauwesen, is engineering geology as we still recognise it laid out in
which ran from 1929 to 1962), Bulletin of Engineering this contribution, but the paper also underscores just how
Geology and the Environment (the then International Associa- much Europe has changed since the 1940s. Although being
tion of Engineering Geology), Engineering Geology (Else- cast as a review, the paper is largely a presentation of case
vier) and the International Journal of Rock Mechanics and histories, a format that has continued down the years for
Mining Sciences (Pergamon Press, latterly Elsevier). These papers concerning engineering geology and rock engineer-
journals continue publication in one form or another, and ing.
have developed enviable reputations. Perhaps, then, it is no Although issues such as weathering and alteration of rock
surprise that Géotechnique is often perceived as a ‘soils’ are nowadays firmly regarded as being within the realm of
journal. However, on perusing all 60 volumes of Géotechni- engineering geology, Mayer (1963), in the Third Rankine
que it is clear that this perception is incorrect: the journal lecture, discussed these under the title ‘Recent work in rock
contains many tens of contributions dealing with a wide range mechanics’. In particular, Mayer described the development
of issues in engineering geology and rock mechanics, and a of methods for measuring the ‘alterability of a rock’, and
good number of these are now seen to have been seminal. suggested that not only were there relations between ‘altera-
This short review brings together a number of these tion of rock’ and the elastic modulus and compressive and
contributions in a way that aims to show how Géotechnique, tensile strengths of rock, but that changes of rock texture—
throughout its history, has covered the entire range of which could be both chemically and microscopically ob-
geotechnical engineering in rock, from the fundamentals of served and thereby measured—might be one of the principal
engineering geology, through the core concepts of rock physical properties of rock. Indeed, Mayer made the point
mechanics, to the practice of rock engineering. that there was no great benefit to be gained from expensive
in situ tests if no effort was made to understand the micro-
structure of the rock. Engineering geologists are now fully
aware of these concepts, and it is therefore fair to say that
ENGINEERING GEOLOGY Mayer’s dream of being able to ‘look forward to the day
The Europe of 1948 was very different from the Europe when a series of standard tests in the laboratory and parallel
of 2008—in geopolitics as well as in geotechnics. In the tests in situ would make it possible to classify rock for civil
engineering work’ has been realised.
Discussion on this paper closes on 1 December 2008, for further Other important engineering geology case histories within
details see p. ii. Géotechnique are those by Terzaghi (1962a), in which the
* Imperial College London, UK. effects of sheeting joints in granite on the stability and


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construction of the foundation of the Mammoth Pool Dam offered additional case history data from Norway, some of
in California are reported, by Price & Knill (1967) with their which valuably linked elevation, time of year, and days of
discussion of the rock slope instability found at Edinburgh first and last temperatures above freezing and frost. As we
Castle Rock, and by Fookes et al. (1977) with their descrip- now attempt a fuller understanding of the effects of global
tion of the site investigation, engineering geology and rock warming on geotechnics, this work may have gained new
slope design at Fowey, Cornwall. While all three of these significance.
contributions are exemplary in the way they combine techni- De Freitas & Watters (1973) presented a detailed review
ques in order to develop a thorough understanding of the of toppling instability in rock slopes, together with a number
geomechanics of the sites, that by Terzaghi is particularly of field examples, and concluded that this is a common
noteworthy for the following concluding comment: phenomenon, which can be found at a variety of scales and
in a wide range of rocks. The key nature of this paper in
. . . on many projects, the results of the application of rock
encapsulating the phenomenon of toppling is indicated by
and soil mechanics to the solution of the problems of
the fact that this work continues to be cited by researchers
subsurface engineering will continue to be very disappoint-
in the field. Hamel & Adams (1974) added valuable field
ing until it becomes universal practice to maintain intimate
examples from North America in materials that had not been
cooperation between the designers of the projects and the
affected by the Pleistocene glaciations, and raised the inter-
resident engineers during the entire period of construction
esting hypothesis that rock creep—and by extension soil
. . . If, for geographical reasons, continuous cooperation
creep—may be a form of toppling instability. Given the
between the designers and the construction organization
current interest in numerical analysis using distinct element
cannot be maintained, it is essential that at least one of the
methods in soil mechanics, this hypothesis may deserve
resident engineers should be as thoroughly familiar with
further testing.
the reasoning on which the project was based as the
Of the many papers carried by Géotechnique on the
designers themselves.
subject of natural slope stability, one is extraordinary: the
Almost half a century after this was written, can we say with 1997 paper of Voight & Elsworth that considers the mechan-
certainty that this tenet is being universally applied, or are we isms behind, and the analysis of, instability of volcano
continuing to encounter difficulties that are largely avoidable? slopes. Such slopes are unique in that the instability derives
The principles of engineering geological mapping, to- from processes within the volcano, and the authors showed
gether with recommendations for field practice, were set out how the intrusion of magma leads to a complex system of
by Fookes (1969) in the context of the work undertaken at interacting effects such as over-steepened slopes and in-
Mangla Dam, Pakistan. This paper introduced a theme that creased pore pressures due to retrograde boiling and hydro-
continues to be developed in engineering geology: it under- thermal systems. This is without doubt an exotic branch of
pins Fookes’ 1997 Glossop lecture, in which the importance geotechnics, but one that fits well within the remit of
of developing a complete geological model was stressed, and Géotechnique. The work is an object lesson in tackling a
is arguably a precursor to the ‘total engineering geology complex problem from first principles, and although few
approach’ advocated by Baynes et al. (2005). These key geotechnical engineers will have need to reference this work,
concepts of developing a geological model in order to its significance for geoscience cannot be understated.
understand the geotechnical behaviour of the ground have
featured elsewhere in the journal. For example, Fookes &
Denness (1969) investigated the fissure and fracture patterns BEHAVIOUR OF INTACT ROCK AND
in Cretaceous sediments (both chalk and clay) of South-East DISCONTINUITIES IN ROCK
England, in work that has become a key paper on the The early years of rock mechanics were, not surprisingly,
geomechanics of natural fractures in weaker sediments, and concerned with the requirement to understand the behaviour
continues to be a reference source to researchers. Similarly, of rock material, leading to the publication of many papers
in the 16th Rankine Lecture, Meigh (1976) showed how the on the development of testing techniques and the analysis of
geotechnical properties and behaviour of the Triassic rocks the ensuing results. An early example of such work is a
of the UK could be understood in terms of their various report on the geotechnical properties of brown coal (Trollope
depositional environments. This contribution was built upon et al., 1965), which concluded that, in many ways (and
by Cripps & Taylor (1981) in their important paper on the principally because of the effect of moisture content), the
engineering properties of mudrocks. A recent elegant con- behaviour of this material is similar to that of overconsoli-
tribution carried by Géotechnique on understanding the dated clay. This similarity suggests a unified framework for
geotechnical behaviour of rock in terms of its constituent rock and soil behaviour, and some advances have been made
minerals and diagenesis is the work of Burton et al. (2001), in this direction using critical-state concepts (e.g. Gero-
who examined strength variation in young reef limestones. giannopoulos & Brown, 1978; Novello & Johnston, 1995;
The authors showed clearly how the transformation over Cuccovillo & Coop, 1999; Cuss et al., 2003). However, it
time of the mineral composition of coral from aragonite into seems that there is more work to do both in understanding
calcite affects the mechanical properties of these materials, the behaviour of rock in this context and in developing
and suggested that classification based on coral species wider appreciation of critical-state concepts within the rock
rather than the more usual age and/or diagenesis may be mechanics community. A few years later, the anisotropy of
most appropriate for engineering purposes. strength and stiffness of granite was explored through physi-
cal tests and microfabric analysis (Douglass & Voight, 1969)
in a truly benchmark publication, supporting such key papers
ROCK SLOPE INSTABILITY in the field of rock mechanics and structural geology as
The importance of understanding rock slope instability in those by Kranz (1979), Kranz et al. (1979) and Moore &
the context of engineering geology features often in the Lockner (1995).
journal. Terzaghi (1962c) reviewed slope stability in what he Perhaps because of its eminence in the area of soil behav-
termed ‘hard unweathered rock’, in a paper that has become iour, Géotechnique has attracted a number of contributions
highly cited (in for example, Jaeger’s 1971 Rankine lecture concerning the behaviour of weak rocks. Thus Elliott &
and the 1995 benchmark work by Schmidt & Montgomery). Brown (1985) presented detailed laboratory test results on
In a discussion contribution, Bjerrum & Jorstad (1963) the yield and strength of Bath stone, and used an analysis of

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plastic strain vectors at yield to demonstrate that an asso- cannot induce shear displacements that are sufficiently large
ciated plastic flow rule was appropriate for this material. to enable the residual strength of discontinuities to be devel-
Importantly, yield stress was found to be independent of oped, Xu & deFreitas (1988) developed a rotary shear
stress path. This work continues to be a significant resource, machine as a means of overcoming this limitation. This was
including influential work such as that on the effects of used to determine the strength of artificial discontinuities in
structure in natural soils and weak rocks by Leroueil & rock, with a later report (de Toledo & de Freitas, 1993)
Vaughan (1990). Dobereiner & deFreitas (1986) charac- dealing with the behaviour of a synthetic discontinuity
terised weak sandstones using mineral composition, packing infilled with various thicknesses of Gault clay. In this, and a
density, grain contact area and grain size distribution as a later discussion contribution by Papaliangas et al. (1995),
means of predicting geotechnical properties. These authors the complex mechanical conditions found in filled disconti-
developed an index parameter for assessing the strength and nuities were explored in a preliminary fashion; a conclusion
deformability of these rocks in terms of their saturated has not yet been reached on the fundamental mechanisms,
moisture content, thereby demonstrating once more how an as the recent work by Indraratna et al. (2005) demonstrates.
appreciation of concepts from both soil and rock mechanics
is required for these materials.
Work to improve our understanding of brittle fracture FIELD MEASUREMENTS IN ROCK MECHANICS
processes in rock continues, and one recent contribution to Some of the earliest work reported in Géotechnique on
this is the concept of the relative mobilisation of cohesive field measurements in rock mechanics was on geophysical
and frictional components of strength in these materials. methods to determine rock mass elastic properties. In parti-
Using case history data of breakouts around circular tunnels cular, Brown & Robertshaw (1953) used p-wave velocity to
in the Lac du Bonnet granite of Manitoba, Canada, Hajiab- determine the elastic modulus of rock in foundations, and
dolmajid et al. (2003) proposed that these components Evison (1956) used p- and s-wave velocities to determine
mobilise independently within the fractured rock that devel- both Young’s modulus and Poisson’s ratio. Terzaghi (1962b)
ops in these failures. This is a credible, but currently reported in situ stress measurements in Swedish mines, and
controversial, concept, and it will be interesting to see how presented results that showed how the principal circumferen-
it develops in coming years. tial stresses determined in a tunnel in ‘sound, granitic gneiss’
The mechanical behaviour of discontinuities has also been demonstrated significant variability of both magnitude and
thoroughly and authoritatively explored in the pages of direction. We now realise that such variability is inherent in
Géotechnique. In one of the earliest reports of direct shear rock, and is the result of the presence of discontinuities and
testing on discontinuities, Krsmanovic (1967) presented re- material heterogeneity and anisotropy. Indeed, the importance
sults obtained using 40 cm square specimens of sandstone of Terzaghi’s findings was recognised by Amadei (1996) in
and conglomerate. The large size of these specimens (rela- his influential work on the importance of anisotropy when
tive to those routinely used nowadays) and the massive size estimating and measuring in situ stresses in rock.
of the testing rig means these data are still of fundamental Of all the field measurements undertaken in rock mech-
importance. The vital problem of the shear strength of rock anics, determination of the in situ stress state is perhaps both
containing discontinuous joints was studied two years later the most common and the most difficult. Experience gained
by Lajtai (1969) through a series of careful direct shear over many years has confirmed that there are no general
tests. The supporting analysis concluded that compressive, relations that can be applied in advance of a stress determi-
shear and tensile failure mechanisms occur in these condi- nation campaign at any given location to estimate the
tions, a point that is perhaps not as widely recognised by magnitudes of the principal stress components. Prediction of
geotechnical engineers today as it might be. the principal stress directions (with, perhaps, the exception
Field tests to determine the shear strength of discontinu- that one component may act in a vertical direction) is
ities are awkward to perform, and as a result the analysis of equally difficult. Development of an instrument that would
the so-called tilt test has received significant attention in the allow determination of the complete stress tensor from a
rock mechanics community. In this vein, Cawsey & Farrar single installation was thus a crucial requirement from the
(1976) described a simple tilt test apparatus and presented outset of modern rock mechanics, and such a device was
friction angle results for natural discontinuities in the Upper described in Géotechnique by Rocha & Silverio (1969). This
Chalk. These results suggest that the initial friction angle for elegant yet sophisticated device took the form of a solid
these features is about 378, decreasing to about 348 after a epoxy resin cylinder, in the surface of which were embedded
few repetitions of sliding, but then increasing to about 408 a number of electrical resistance strain gauge rosettes: in use
after many sliding repetitions. As a result of visual inspec- it was cemented into a borehole and then overcored while
tion of the surfaces the authors concluded that the initial the gauges were monitored, with the complete stress tensor
reduction is due to the surfaces becoming smoother owing being calculated from the strain changes. This instrument
to both damage and infilling with rock flour, with the subse- was the first overcoring gauge capable of giving the com-
quent increase being due to angular fragments of chalk plete stress tensor from a single installation, but as the
jamming between the surfaces of the discontinuity. A de- cylinder was solid and of different elastic properties from
tailed discussion contribution by Hencher (1976) provided the rock in which it was installed it was possible for strains
further results for stronger rocks (Portland limestone, Dela- to be induced during overcoring that were sufficient to
bole slate and Darleydale sandstone), and showed that while debond the gauges. To overcome this problem the device
the residual friction angle was some 78 lower than the peak, was made into a thin-walled cylinder, with this critical
a shear displacement of more than 1.5 m was required for development being reported independently by Rocha et al.
this to develop. Unfortunately these valuable contributions (1974) and Worotnicki & Walton (1976). This arrangement
seem to have been ignored by the rock mechanics commun- remains essentially unchanged in the commercially available
ity in its subsequent development of tilt tests. Furthermore, hollow inclusion cells available currently.
the principle that friction angle may reduce as the shear
displacement continues to increase up to very large values is
probably—and erroneously—not accounted for in the major- DISCONTINUOUS ROCK MASSES
ity of analyses undertaken by geotechnical engineers. Although early work in rock mechanics tended to consider
Recognising that conventional linear direct shear tests rock as a continuum, by the mid 1960s the profound effect

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of discontinuities on its properties began to be acknowl- Although a certain maturity had been reached in the
edged. Development of techniques for the measurement and understanding of the geotechnical behaviour of discontinuous
analysis of discontinuity geometry then came to the fore, rock masses by the early 1990s, limit equilibrium analysis of
with one of the first such pieces of work being the seminal complex block shapes was hampered by their awkward
paper ‘Sources of error in joint surveys’ by Ruth Terzaghi geometry. As a means of overcoming this difficulty, the
(1965). This work commenced with what could now be powerful analytical technique of block theory had been
regarded as an introduction to the basics of hemispherical undergoing steady development for a number of years, and
projections, but then moved on to the classical analysis on so it was in 1995 that the 35th Rankine lecture was given by
orientation bias. Importantly, by introducing the concept of Goodman, one of its principal developers (Goodman, 1995).
‘blind zones’ in sampling, the paper concluded by setting This synthesis paper gave a clear and straightforward intro-
out the fundamental prerequisites for conducting minimally duction to block theory, and through the use of various
biased discontinuity surveys on outcrops, in tunnels and on examples showed how it could be applied to good effect in
borehole core. These principles have immense practical rock engineering. A particular strength of block theory is in
significance, and for these alone the paper is deserving of helping to produce hemispherical projection diagrams that
every geotechnical engineer’s acquaintance. The significance clearly and concisely show how the mechanical behaviour of
of this work in the development of rock mechanics and rock a rock mass depends on the orientation of the engineered
engineering cannot be underestimated: it is cited by over structure, and is perhaps the single most important reason
100 research papers, including such significant works as why geotechnical engineers should be familiar with it.
those of Priest & Hudson (1976), the ISRM suggested Uniquely for Géotechnique, and probably any geotechnical
method (Barton, 1978) and Einstein & Baecher (1983). journal, the paper included the words and music to Rankine’s
By the 1980s the effect of discontinuities on the mechani- ‘The three-foot rule’, together with an additional sixth verse
cal behaviour of rock was becoming much better understood, penned by Goodman that, in support of his conclusions
and thus Hoek, in the 23rd Rankine Lecture (Hoek, 1983), related to the strength of discontinuous rock masses, ex-
was able to elucidate the strength of jointed rock masses. horted engineers to adopt ‘a 3-d rule’! Unfortunately, despite
Although essentially a distillation of work published over the its obvious utility in analysing complex discontinuous rock
preceding decade on empirical peak strength criteria, the masses, block theory is not as widely used as it should be,
shear strength of discontinuities, the strength of rock con- and one can therefore conclude that Goodman’s exhortations
taining inclined planes of weakness and the strength of are unfulfilled.
fractured rock masses, the paper is a concise collection of Géotechnique continues to publish influential papers on
principles that remain central to the practice of rock engi- rock mass geometry. One of the most recent is that by
neering. Indeed, the concepts and material first collected Zhang et al. (2002), in which stereological principles were
together in this paper have gone on to form the basis of a used to derive a relation between observed trace length and
number of important papers and books, including the influ- size distribution of elliptical discontinuities. Additionally, the
ential work by Hoek and Brown on practical techniques for authors gave a procedure for determining major axis orienta-
assessing the strength of discontinuous rock masses (Hoek & tion, aspect ratio and the probability density function of the
Brown, 1997). major axis length for elliptical discontinuities from trace
The hydraulic properties of discontinuous rock masses had length sampling on different sampling windows. This is a
been under investigation at this time, with one particularly fundamental piece of work that will become an essential
noteworthy development being that of the crack tensor (Oda, reference for other workers in this field.
1985). The crack tensor in this work resulted from integra-
tion over a volume of material of the geometry of circular
discs that represent cracks of uniform aperture, and was used NUMERICAL MODELLING
to obtain the permeability tensor of a fractured mass of The development of numerical analysis for rock mech-
impermeable rock. The mathematical development revealed anics is well represented in Géotechnique. One of the ear-
that the principal axes of the crack and permeability tensors liest contributions was by Zienkiewicz et al. (1968), who
were coincident, and a comparison of permeability results made a significant development in non-linear finite element
obtained from the crack tensor with those obtained by stress analysis by considering rock as a material with zero
numerical analysis both supported this and demonstrated the tensile strength. A number of surface and subsurface exam-
utility of the approach. The crack tensor concept continues ples were presented in the paper that clearly show how stress
to be key to developments in a wide range of problems in redistribution takes place to leave a tension-free zone that is
both the strength and hydraulic behaviour of discontinuous very different from the zone of tensile stress developed with
rock masses, and is likely to continue to be so as rock an elastic solution. With the current preponderance of con-
mechanics research extends our understanding of coupled tinuum-based numerical analyses in rock engineering, this is
hydro-mechanical properties of rock masses for applications a point that needs to be restated. Effectively, this work
such as nuclear waste isolation. utilised a ‘ubiquitous joint’ material. Such a material is
The deformability and deformation of jointed rock masses applicable when the location and development of particular
was explored in a reproduction of the Eighth Laurits Bjer- fractures is not important, but if this is not the case then the
rum Memorial Lecture (Barton, 1986). This compilation fracture propagation process must be explicitly captured. To
paper discussed aperture and conductivity of discontinuities, this end, Scavia (1995) introduced a two-dimensional bound-
compaction and depletion in fractured reservoirs, hydraulic ary element formulation that used linear elastic fracture
shearing, the modelling of shearing and dilation, in situ mechanics to model the propagation of discontinuities in
stress distributions, stability of underground openings, and rock, and used it to show how pre-existing cracks in a rock
fluid flow through fractured rock masses. Despite empiricism slope could extend, coalesce and lead to instability. Being
being a key part of the work in this paper, it nevertheless able to simulate progressive breakdown convincingly in this
forms the basis of many analytical and design techniques way is a critical step in understanding the behaviour of rock,
used to the present day. Arguably, this indicates that there is and as a result the approach has found notable success in
a great deal of fundamental research still to be undertaken modelling both fracture coalescence (Bobet & Einstein,
on the deformability and deformation of discontinuous rock 1998) and the initiation and progressive failure of natural
masses. rock slopes (Eberhardt et al., 2004).

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The end result of intense fracture propagation is a dis- history of the Kielder experimental tunnel in north-east
continuous rock mass, and distinct element methods are England. As an adjunct to the Kielder water scheme, this
usually used for the analyses of such material. Of particular was a series of short 3.3 m diameter headings driven through
interest is the flow of fluid through discontinuous rock limestone, mudstone and sandstone at a depth of up to
masses, and Harper & Last (1989) showed how a distinct 100 m. The paper defined ‘weak’ as ‘needing support’, and
element code could be used to interpret changes to the as such it encompassed both weak intact rock and strong
conductivity of a fractured rock mass caused by fluid injec- heavily fractured rock. These materials usually involve dif-
tion. This work showed that the response is highly non- ferent failure mechanisms and hence require different analy-
linear, a finding of practical significance for all rock en- tical techniques. Thus, among many others, this paper is
gineering applications in fractured rock that involve injection cited by both Brown et al. (1983) in their classic paper on
or abstraction of fluids. However, our knowledge in this area ground-support interaction, and Goodman in his 35th Ran-
is still limited (Jing, 2003). kine Lecture (see above). This case history is perhaps unique
An extreme case of discontinuous materials is given by in that it describes the progressive collapse of a section of
granular media, and as a means of studying these Cundall & tunnel that was deliberately permitted to fail. Such field
Strack (1979) described the distinct element method for experiments are rare indeed, and geotechnical engineers
assemblages of circular discs. This is probably the first should become reacquainted with this paper for this report
report of such a development, and has gone on to become alone.
the most highly cited paper in Géotechnique. The Kielder experimental tunnel yielded another rock
Not all numerical techniques reported in the journal have engineering case history, this one presenting final results
attracted the acclaim they deserve. One such example is that (Ward et al., 1983). This paper included high-quality mon-
by Jones & Bellamy (1973), in which a frictionless, lami- itoring data that decisively showed the beneficial effect on
nated, transversely isotropic elemental model for prediction stability of sprayed concrete linings, and of the detrimental
of mining subsidence was proposed. The authors demon- effect of delaying the introduction of support into a tunnel.
strated the efficacy of the approach by reference to two case Although these concepts are now universally recognised,
histories from UK coal mines, and while the technique given the advances made in both numerical modelling and
seems to be a great advance on the National Coal Board’s rock strength models, and the lack of more recent data, the
empirical method, it was probably developed too late to monitoring results themselves are probably more useful now
overcome the widespread use of the latter in the UK. That than at the time of publication. A similarly detailed case
said, a great deal of longwall coal extraction still takes place history is that by Douglas et al. (1983) regarding the trial
in various countries of the world, and one wonders whether excavation for the machine hall at Dinorwig pumped storage
geotechnical engineers in these locations would be better power station. This involved the careful instrumentation of
served applying the work of Jones and Bellamy than the roof of a 24.5 m span cavern in slate containing dolerite
attempting to make the NCB method fit their local circum- dykes, and a reconciliation of the observed and computed
stances. displacements. The paper (and the geotechnical work behind
it) is exemplary, and should be required reading for all
engineers involved in the design of large-span caverns. The
ROCK ENGINEERING paper emphasised the importance of extensively instrument-
One aim of a deeper understanding of rock mechanics ing such a structure and then using the results to both ratify
principles is improved rock engineering, and a number of and optimise the support and reinforcement design. It is a
papers appearing in Géotechnique tackle this issue. One of pity that, while we now have tools for numerical analysis
the earliest looked at the matter of stresses induced around that far surpass those available at the time of the Dinorwig
cavities of various shapes (Terzaghi & Richart, 1952), and project, we seldom implement anything like as extensive an
although the analyses were limited to those conditions for instrumentation scheme as was used there; somehow we
which closed-form solutions could be obtained, this work is seem to have embarked upon an approach that regards
immediately recognisable as presenting the fundamentals of numerical analysis as self-sufficient, when in fact it must
stress analysis around underground openings in a manner always be supported by rigorous field observations.
that continues to be used in almost all rock mechanics
textbooks. This pioneering paper dealt with fundamental
issues, and as such has been a source of reference for much
other influential material such as Ward’s 18th Rankine
lecture on tunnel support in weak rock (see below), and the CONCLUSIONS
important work on stresses in anisotropic rocks developed by This review clearly demonstrates that publications in
Amadei et al. (1987). Géotechnique have been at the forefront of rock mechanics,
Two Rankine lectures from the 1970s deal extensively rock engineering and engineering geology for the whole of
with different aspects of rock engineering. First, Jaeger its 60-year existence. Many of the contributions on these
(1971)—in the 11th Rankine Lecture—produced a particu- subjects published in the journal have proved with the
larly broad contribution in a paper that began with the passage of time to be either key contributions in their own
strength of intact rock and the influence of testing machine right, or to be the source of fruitful lines of development. It
stiffness, moved through testing methods and the strength of is apparent that this continues to be the case: many papers
discontinuities, and concluded with the stability of rock published in Géotechnique in recent years are likely to be
slopes and the strength of fractured rock masses. Much of similarly influential, and it will be interesting to watch the
the material in this paper now forms the basis of textbooks development of the concepts they propose.
on the fundamentals of rock mechanics and rock engineer- However, one unsettling aspect is clear: a number of the
ing, and the work on the frictional behaviour of both intact papers highlighted in this review present facts and concepts
rock and rock fractures influenced the significant publication that are crucial to high-quality geotechnical engineering, but
on rock friction by Byerlee (1978). This work remains a these same papers—and hence the crucial facts and concepts
source of reference to the rock physics community. they contain—have become lost to much of the geotechnical
The 18th Rankine Lecture (Ward, 1978) dealt with the community. Hopefully, through this review engineers will be
support of tunnels in weak rock, through a detailed case able to reacquaint themselves with their valuable contents.

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