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Posted originally on the Archive of Our Own at

Rating: Teen And Up Audiences

Archive Warning: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings
Category: M/M
Fandom: ENHYPEN (Band), Stray Kids (Band)
Relationship: Kim Sunoo/Park Sunghoon (ENHYPEN), Park Sunghoon/Sim Jaeyun |
Jake, Park Sunghoon/Yang Jungwon, Kim Sunoo/Lee Heeseung, Kim
Sunoo/Sim Jaeyun | Jake, Kim Sunoo/Park Jongseong | Jay, Lee
Heeseung/Sim Jaeyun | Jake, Park Jongseong | Jay/Yang Jungwon,
Lee Heeseung/Park Jongseong | Jay, Everyone/Everyone, Kim Sunoo
(ENHYPEN)/Everyone, Sim Jaeyun | Jake/Yang Jungwon, Lee
Heeseung/Yang Jungwon
Character: Yang Jungwon (ENHYPEN), Kim Sunoo (ENHYPEN), Park Sunghoon
(ENHYPEN), Park Jongseong | Jay, Sim Jaeyun | Jake, Lee Heeseung,
Kim Doyoung (TREASURE), Choi Beomgyu, Choi Soobin, Choi
Yeonjun, Kang Taehyun, Huening Kai, Jung Wooyoung (ATEEZ), Lee
Felix (Stray Kids), Jang Wonyoung (IVE)
Additional Tags: Alpha/Beta/Omega Dynamics, Werewolf Sim Jaeyun | Jake
(ENHYPEN), Omega Kim Sunoo (ENHYPEN), Alpha Park Sunghoon
(ENHYPEN), Alpha Lee Heeseung (ENHYPEN), Established Kim
Sunoo/Park Sunghoon (ENHYPEN), No Smut, Suggestive Themes,
Minor Character Death, Lee Heeseung/Park Jongseong |Jay, beta
omega Jake, Mentioned Stray Kids Ensemble, Mentioned Lee Felix
(Stray Kids), Mentioned ATEEZ Ensemble, Jung Wooyoung/Lee Felix -
Freeform, Choi San/Song Mingi - Freeform, Jung Yunho/Kang
Yeosang, Mentioned TREASURE (Korea Band) Ensemble, Kim
Doyoung/Park Jeongwoo - Freeform, How Do I Tag, Omega Park
Jongseong | Jay (ENHYPEN), Polyamory, Everyone Needs A Hug, Kim
Sunoo-centric (ENHYPEN), Murder, Child Murder, Prince Lee
Heeseung (ENHYPEN), Mentioned NCT Ensemble, Park Sunghoon-
centric (ENHYPEN), Implied/Referenced Child Abuse, Past Abuse,
Child Neglect
Language: English
Stats: Published: 2022-07-31 Updated: 2023-09-27 Words: 278,517 Chapters:

by storybird24


Sunghoon and Sunoo always thought it was them against the world. What happens when
the world has other plans for them?
cross posted on wattpad under same name
Update every 2 weeks on Wednesday!


this is my first story on this account and i'm very excited to write for it!



- werewolf au
- college au
- angst
- fluff
- poly (all the members are together)
- no smut
- suggestive themes
- aged up characters
- sunoo centric (for the most part)
- child abuse/neglect
- mentions of death


「other notes」

as it says in the disclaimers this is a poly fic which means at some point all the members will be in
a relationship. if you're not comfortable with this feel free to not read the book. niki may or may
not be in the book, i haven't decided yet, but the other 6 members will be.
chapter one
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Sunghoon can't remember the last time he'd been this excited for something. He was practically
vibrating with excitement as he waited by the bus stop. It had only been a few weeks since he's
seen his mate but he yearned to hold his mate in his arms, to kiss him and hug him and love him.

While Sunghoon stood daydreaming about his lovely omega he barely registered the bus rolling up
until it let out a loud hiss sound. Snapping his head to the blue bus he watched as passengers pooled
out of the vehicle, people talking on phones, holding crying babies, students carrying books. As
more people clamored off the bus he looked for his mate. He tried sniffing the air to catch his scent
but there were too many people and the scents all blended together.

As the last bit of people began to climb off allowing for new passengers to hop on Sunghoon felt
his heart sink. Where was Sunoo? Had he gotten off at the wrong stop? Or maybe he was at the
wrong stop. The panicked alpha reached for his phone that was in his back pocket to phone his
mate but froze when he smelt the familiar citrus smell of his mate.

"Hoonie!" the omega shouts throwing his arms around Sunghoon.

"You scared me! I thought I was at the wrong stop," Sunghoon groans as he wraps his arms around
Sunoo's waist. The omega giggles, his face pressed against Sunghoon's chest.

"Fell asleep. I just barely woke up before the bus left again," he admits shyly.

"What have I told you huh? Don't fall asleep on the bus that's dangerous!" Sunghoon scolds pulling
back from the hug to look his mate in the face.

"I know I know! I just got sleepy" Sunoo pouts. It was the kind of pout that was over exaggerated
and other people would get annoyed by but Sunghoon loved it. Leaning down slightly he places a
chaste kiss on the smaller boys pouty lips making him blush red.

"I'm just glad you're here," he whispers. Sunoo smiles brightly his hand finding Sunghoon's to lace
their fingers together.

"Me too! Now show me around hmm?" he says. Sunghoon nods, grabbing Sunoo's suitcase with
his free hand.

"Let's go." The couple walk around campus, Sunghoon showing Sunoo where every, lecture hall,
library, residence halls, student centers and dining halls were.

"How am I even supposed to know where to go! This place is huge!" Sunoo pouts looking around
the campus. He was already confused on where everything was and he hadn't even started classes

"Don't worry, hyung will help you. Once you start moving around and getting into a routine you'll
memorize where everything is,"

"I hope so."

"Where's your dorm?" Sunghoon questions. Sunoo looks through his backpack a bit before handing
Sunghoon a map.

"Right there but I'm not sure where that is," he says pointing to a building circled in blue.

"That's ok, I know where that is," Sunghoon says tugging Sunoo in the direction of the dorm
building. It didn't take long to find the dorm room. As soon as they walked in they were greeted by
another omega.

"Oh Hi! You must be my new roommate!" a boy says. His hair was dyed a fine wine color, which
complimented him well.

"I'm Kim Doyoung, nice to meet you," he says reaching for Sunoo's hand giving it a firm shake.

"Wow your skin is so soft! Do you have a skin care routine?"

"Um no not really"

"Lucky~" Doyoung pouts, "my skin used to be naturally soft but then it stopped being that way
when I was in high school maybe? Ahh I'm so jealous! Not only is your skin soft but you're pretty
too! I'm sure you've got people all over you huh?" the omega says with a wink.

"Doyoung was it?" Sunghoon questions coolly. The omega gives the alpha a sheepish look, as if
he'd just noticed he was in his presense.

"I'd really appreciate it if you'd stop flirting with my mate," Sunghoon says pulling Sunoo against
his chest. Sunoo laughs turning around to pinch Sunghoon's cheeks..

"Don't get jealous Hoonie-hyung. Doyoung is just being friendly, right?"

"Yeah of course! S-sorry it wasn't my intention to upset you."

"He's not upset. My boyfriend here get's jealous really easy," Sunoo says patting his boyfriends

"Oh I get what you mean! My mate used to hate that I was flirty but I don't mean to be! It's just my
way of being friendly and getting to know people! Plus I love giving out compliments"

"You have your mate?"

"Yeah!" Doyoung exclaims. He grabs a picture frame from the nearby desk showing it to the

"There he is! Isn't he cute!"

"Hmm. What's his name?"

"Park Jeongwoo. He's a year younger but hasn't presented yet. We're thinking he'll be a beta, but he
could be an alpha too!"

"You both look cute together," Sunoo says.

"Thanks!" Doyoung says. He places the photo back on the desk. "I've already finished unpacking
so the empty bed and desk are yours. I've got some snacks and drinks in the fridge so help
yourself" Doyoung says as he swipes a backpack off the floor, slinging in onto his shoulders.

"Are you not staying?"

"Oh no I have to go meet Jeongwoo! But it was great meeting you to. I think you and I are gonna
be great roommates Sunoo" Doyoung says before he's out the door.

"He was nice," Sunoo says.

"He was something"

"Don't be jealous! He's just friendly"

"I guess so. It's good to know he has a mate," Sungoon sighs.

"Aye~ You're so cute," Sunoo giggles. He places a quick kiss on Sunghoon's cheek before
grabbing his suitcase.

"Come on hyung, let's unpack!"

Chapter End Notes

there it is! the first chapter, let me know what you think hehe
chapter two
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The couple managed to make it through their first few weeks of college and Sunghoon decided it
was the perfect time for them to go on a date. Despite knowing each other for a few years they
haven't gone on many dates and Sunghoon wanted to treat his beautiful mate.

Knocking on the omega's door Doyoung swung the door open, his usual bright smile on his face.

"Sunghoon-hyung! Hi!" he chirps. Sunghoon gives a soft smile back.

"Hey Doyoung. I'm here for Sunoo."

"Of course you are! He's still getting ready. I think this is like the fourth time he's changed his
outfit," the other boy says with a laugh as he lets the alpha in the room.

"It's only the second time, and I'm stressed because a certain someone won't tell me where we're
going for our date so I don't know what to wear!" Sunoo says glaring at Sunghoon who laughs.

"You look good in anything."

"Yeah? Maybe I should just wear that trash bag then" Sunoo says pointing to the box of trash bags
on the desk.

"Sexy." Sunghoon bites his bottom lip, looking his mate up and down. Sunoo gives a look of
disgust towards the older before tugging on a jacket.

"Perv," he mutters as he saunters over to the mirror looking over his outfit.

"I think I'm good now. Let's go!"

"Ok. Nice seeing you Doyoung," Sunghoon says as gently grabs Sunoo's hand. The couple leave
the dorm going to the parking lot where Sunghoon's motorbike was parked.

"Wait, you never told me what we're doing!" Sunoo pouts as he puts his helmet on. He sits behind
Sunghoon on the bike arms circling the alpha's waist.

"Trust me, you'll love it," Sunghoon says with a wide smile his canines showing slightly. He turns
the key on the bike bringing it to life and soon they're going veering on the road.

Sunghoon's grand date idea was for them to go cafe hopping. It had always been on Sunoo's list of
dates to go on and Sunghoon figured this would be a good first for them. Their first stop was a
place that was a personal favorite of Sunghoon. When he first discovered the place he knew Sunoo
would love it. The fairy lights hanging from the ceiling, the plants painted on the walls, it was
right up the omega's alley.

As soon as they walked through the door, the little bell at the top dinging he could hear Sunoo's
little giggles.

"Are we gonna do it?" he questions happily. Sunghoon nods and instantly the omega is throwing
himself into his mate's arms.
"This is going to be great!" he says, and it was.

The first cafe had been a success, Sunoo loving the interior of the place, as Sunghoon knew he
would. The second place was even better as Sunoo ordered several things from the menu. It was a
cat-themed cafe and their waiter even made them were cat ears, much to Sunghoon's distaste but he
endured it for Sunoo. They spent more time there than they had in the first place, per Sunoo's
request since he wanted to see Sunghoon in the annoying fluffy cat headband and took an insane
amount of pictures.

The next place they actually stumbled upon by accident. Sunghoon wanted to go to a small little
place he knew of, somewhere for a little peace and relaxed environment but this other place he was
extremely drawn to for some reason, it was like some driving force was telling him to go there.

Unlike the other two cafes, they went to today this one was pretty simplistic and almost invisible
compared to the shops that surrounded it. The couple snags a booth by the window sitting on
opposite sides of each other.

"This is different," Sunoo comments as he picks up the menu.

"A bit yeah. It's nice though. Not too....loud," the alpha says as he stares at the window.

"Thank you for doing this. I know you prefer to stay at home."

"No this is fine! Really I'm having a good time being able to be with you like this. I didn't think
we'd get the chance," Sunghoon says reaching over the table to hold one of Sunoo's hands. The
couple gazes lovingly into each other's eyes for a moment longer before looking away to their
menu's deciding what to get.

"Hello, my name is Jake and I'll be your waiter today!" the boy says in English, his accent thick
and foreign. He was a handsome boy with toned honey skin and a very boyish smile that was very

"Hmm, I'll try the Peanut Butter Lasagna with the hot chocolate. Extra whipped cream please"
Sunoo chirps as he places the menu flat on the table.

"What about you Hoonie?"

"Yeah um I'll just have a cappuccino," Sunghoon says shortly. He looks away from the menu to
smile at their waiter only to freeze. The smile immediately fell from his face as he gazed softly at
the golden skin man in front of him.

"Sunghoon?" Sunoo questions giving his boyfriend a worried look. Why was he suddenly looking
at their waiter like that?

He looked back at his boyfriend who stared at the waiter who was staring back at him. Both their
eyes were glowing, Sunghoon's a deep red while Jake's were yellow as honeysuckles. As they
gazed into each other's eyes Sunoo realized what was going on.

They were mates.

Chapter End Notes

sorry the plot is a little rushed i couldn't figure out what to write for a chapter before
this one. hope you guys are still able to enjoy it though :)
chapter three

Sunghoon and Jake stared at each other for a bit until the color in their eyes flickered away, their
eyes returning to their natural color. Awkwardly Jake cleared his throat and began fidgeting unsure
of what to do.

"So uh, you're my mate?" he says unsure. Sunghoon didn't say anything as his eyes linger on Jakes
form a second longer before he turns to Sunoo and then back to Jake again.

"Um-" he didn't know what to say. What would someone even say in this situation? Instead of the
alpha saying something Sunoo clears his throat getting Jakes attention.

"He already has a mate," he says glaring slightly at the beta. Jake looks away from Sunghoon to
look at Sunoo. His eyes trail over the small boy's frame before zoning in on his neck.

From across the table Sunghoon frowns already knowing what Jake was looking for. He was
looking for Sunghoon's bite mark on Sunoo's neck, claiming him as his mate. It was a mark Sunoo
had yet to bare.

Sunghoon felt shame wash over him. It wasn't that he didn't want Sunoo to bare his mark, he did.
He wanted everyone to know that he was Sunoo's and Sunoo was his but it had never been the
right time.

"I think we should go," Sunghoon says standing abruptly. He didn't want to be in this situation any

"what?" Jake questions looking at him with a frown. It hurt Sunghoon's heart to see his new mate
looking at him with those puppy dog eyes but Sunghoon wasn't in the right mindset to deal with
him right now.

"Sunoo let's go now" he commands. Sunoo quickly scrambles out of the booth following Sunghoon
out the door.

"Sunghoon, what was that?" Sunoo questions once they're outside. Sunghoon huffs as he roughly
puts his helmet on his head.

"I don't know...I don't want to talk about it," he grunts.

"Something happened back there!" Sunoo protests.


"Sunghoon...he's your mate right?" Sunoo's voice breaks in the middle of his sentence and
Sunghoon can see the hurt and confusion written all over his face.

"No he's not. You are" Sunghoon says gently grabbing Sunoo by the waist, pulling him to his

"But he is too right? I saw it, I saw your eyes" Sunoo mutters against his mates chest. Gently
Sunghoon uses his pointer finger to lift Sunoo's chin so the younger was looking at him. Seconds
later Sunghoon leans down capturing Sunoo's lips in a soft kiss.

As he kisses Sunoo, his mate, his love he can feel his body burning. He knows that it's because of
Jake. He knows Jake is in there, watching them, watching him kiss Sunoo. As bad as it hurt
Sunghoon's focus was on Sunoo right now, not Jake. He wasn't even sure what he was to Jake
because how could someone have two mates?

"Hoonie" Sunoo whimpers pulling away from the kiss. Sunghoon's grip on the younger had gotten
too tight as Sunghoon got lost in his thoughts.

"I'm sorry" he whispers but he doesn't know what he was apologizing for. The fact that he hurt him
or that he had another mate, Sunghoon wasn't sure. Maybe it was both.

"Whether you bare my mark or not, you are my mate and I love you. Do you understand?" he says
staring into Sunoo's hazel eyes. Sunoo nods a light blush forming on his cheeks.

"Yes hyung," he whispers. Sunghoon smiles ever so slightly before pressing another small kiss to
Sunoo's swollen lips.

"Good. Let's go now," he mutters. They climb on the back of the alpha's motorbike and head back
to campus.

"I'll see you later yeah?" Sunghoon mutters once they're at Sunoo's dorm. Sunoo nods a smile on
his lips. He leans up slightly pecking Sunghoon's cheek.

"See you later," the omega says before disappearing into his dorm. Sunghoon frowns as he walks
slowly to his dorm.

Now in his room he laid in his bed staring at the ceiling. The moment from an hour ago replayed
over and over in his head everything he said, and didn't say eating away at him. The look of both
Sunoo and Jake was burned into his mind filling him with guilt.

"ARGH WHY!" he shouts at the ceiling. His room mate, Jisung who was still unpresented flinches
dropping his switch.

"Y-you ok?" he questions slowly slipping the headphones off his ears.

"Fine," Sunghoon grunts. He gets off his bed going to the desk to boot up his computer trying to
find something to take his mind off the fact that he might have two mates.
chapter four

No matter what Sunghoon did to keep his mind occupied, his thoughts always came back to a
certain brown-haired boy. At first, he could keep himself from thinking about Jake, but as the days
went on, the boy had wormed his way into Sunghoon's mind.

Today was no exception. As Sunghoon roamed the library trying to find some books for his
economics class, the smell of honey attacked his nose, causing his heart rate to pick up.

Looking around the small space, he looked for Sunoo, momentarily forgetting the younger boy
was still in class. He made eye contact with another boy and quite literally stopped breathing.
Sunghoon looked into the boy's brown eyes that were so new but felt so familiar, soft, and

"Oh...I-It's you," Jake says, chuckling awkwardly. Honestly, Sunghoon didn't know how to take
that comment.

"Um...Jake, right?" the taller of the two questions. As the words left his mouth, Sunghoon could
feel his embarrassment crash down on him in tremendous waves. Jake gave him a small smile
nodding his head.

"Yeah. I'm surprised you even remember my name seeing as you bolted from the cafe," he says.

"I'm sorry about that day. It shouldn't have happened like that."

"No worries. Your omega was there. I understand," Jake says with a forced smile. Sunghoon's
frown deepens as he notices Jake forcing himself to smile.

"I'm Sunghoon. Park Sunghoon," Sunghoon says in a vain attempt to introduce himself.

"Jake Sim," was Jake's reply as he stuck his hand out towards the taller. Sunghoon looks at his
hand for a second before awkwardly taking it, giving Jake's hand a shake. Once their skin made
contact, both boys felt their nerves jump until they released each other's hands.

"So um, I googled it," Sunghoon says after a minute.

"And what exactly is "it" Jake questions, his head tilting to the side slightly.

"Oh um, the whole two mates thing. I googled it," Sunghoon says before beginning to explain in
further detail.

"Apparently, it used to be a pretty common occurrence ten or so years ago. It wasn't a lot of people
but a good majority of the population found out they had two or even three mates. It was mainly
something that happened to alpha's but omega's would have more than one mate too."

Jake nods slowly as he processes the information.

"So which are you?"


"Alpha or omega?" Jake questions. Sunghoon smirks a bit

"Alpha of course," he says with a proud smile.

"Nice. I'm a beta," Jake says and Sunghoon nods. It made sense. Usually both alphas and omegas
had prominent scents which could be overwhelming at times, but Jake's was a perfect balance. It
was present but not enough to be overwhelming. It was nice.

"Have you gone here long? I don't think I've seen you around campus," Sunghoon questions.
Despite being on a large campus he was very observant and could easily remember faces.

"I just transferred here from my school in Australia," Jake explains.

"Wow Australia? I've never been out of the country."

"Really? Well um Australia is nice but I've always lived there. When I got the opportunity to study
abroad I took it. Change of scenery."

"I was going to go to America to study but then I met Sunoo and decided to stay," Sunghoon says,
his lips lifting into a smile for a second before he frowns.

"Sorry," he mutters glancing at Jake.

"Why are you apologizing? He's your mate right? You don't have to apologize for mentioning

"I guess it feels wrong. We haven't talked about it yet."

"We don't have to meet each other if it makes you uncomfortable," as Jake says the words
Sunghoon could practically see the boy's phantom ears flop down on his head sadly.

"That's not what I'm saying," Sunghoon says. Hesitantly he steps closer to Jake lessening the
distance between the two of them.

"I really screwed up last time but, I'd like to get to know you. That is if you'll let me."


"Y-yeah. Is that ok?"

"Yeah, it's more than ok actually," Jake says. His tan cheeks were dusted red as he smiled shyly at
Sunghoon. The pair stood peacefully staring at each other before a loud noise broke them from
their sudden trance.

Awkwardly Jake scrambled to get his phone out of his pocket, to turn off the alarm that had
interrupted his moment with Sunghoon. As Jake types in his password, Sunghoon notices the dog
on his lock screen.

"Is that your dog?" he questions and almost immediately regrets it because who's dog could it be if
not Jake's? It's weird to have someone else's dog for your lock screen. However instead of teasing
him Jake just nods with a bright smile.

"Yeah! Her name is Layla," he says as he swipes the timer away before putting his phone on
vibrate. As he exits his clock app Jake holds his phone up to show Sunghoon his screen saver
which is just another picture of his beloved pet, Layla.

"Isn't she cute?" he questions while looking at his phone lovingly. Sunghoon hums, agreeing with

"She's cute. I have a dog too. Her name is Gaeul. She's super small but the sweetest little thing," he
says as he plucks his phone from his pocket. He unlocks the device and heads straight for his photo
gallery to show Jake pictures of his baby.

There in the middle of the economics section of the library stood the two males who were happily
showing each other pictures of their dogs.

After ten minutes Jake let out a dramatic gasp as he suddenly remembered why he had the timer on
his phone.

"I gotta go. I'm late for class," he says. Sunghoon frowns at some part of him not ready to part
from Jake.

"C-can I walk with you? T-to your class I mean." Sunghoon wants to kick himself for being so
awkward. What was with him today?

"Sure I guess. If you want to."

"I want to," Sunghoon says.

"Follow me then" Jake says, spinning on his heels and heading for the exit, Sunghoon trailing
behind him.

The walk to Jake's class was silent but not awkward. It was nice to not have to talk. Sunghoon
wasn't particularly good at that part, which was why he was grateful to have Sunoo by his side.
The younger was charismatic, talkative and a little ball of energy. He perfectly countered against
Sunghoon's quiet and calm personality.

Jake however, didn't talk as well but his very presence was enough to make things not awkward.
Him just being there made the mood between the two calm and gentle.

"This is me," Jake says once they reach the building. Sunghoon looks up frowning slightly. Were
they really here already?

"I guess I'll see you around then?" Sunghoon says.

"Um yeah. See you a-around I guess," Jake says. He hesitates for a second before making his way
to the building. As Sunghoon watched him get further and further away he felt his heart twist in
sadness. He remembered being this way back when he'd drop Sunoo off at home, his heart not
ready to part with his mate. It was the same for Jake. They'd only met a week ago and here he was
pinning after the other man.

"Hey Jake!" he calls. Jake stops in his tracks turning to look back at Sunghoon. As Sunghoon began
to walk forward he could feel his nervousness coursing through his body like a deadly poison but
continued walking anyways. Once he reached Jake he held his phone out to him.

"Can I have your number?" he questions with reddened cheeks. He didn't dare make eye contact
with the Australian who was grinning from ear to ear.

"Of course," Jake chirps. He types his number into Sunghoon's phone before handing it back to

"I'll text you so you'll have my number." Jake gives his phone back to Sunghoon who takes it
without another word.

"Alright. Good luck in class," Sunghoon says now looking down at Jake who was still smiling.
"Thanks. I've gotta go now but I'll text you," Jake says. He gives Sunghoon a tiny wave before
turning to go inside the building.

Sunghoon smiled like an idiot to himself as he clutched his phone in his hand. 'Jake is going to text
me' he thinks happily.
chapter five

Sunoo sighs for the nth time growing ever more frustrated with his assignment. He shuts his
biology book with a loud thump before sliding it to the end of his bed. He presses his face into the
material of his pillow, sighing yet again.

Unlike high school where he could find a Quizlet online that would provide him all the answers, he
actually had to read and take notes for his classes. Biology had proven to be the most difficult class
(he'd never been that great at science) and the poor omega couldn't seem to understand a single
thing no matter how hard he tried.

He could ask Sunghoon for help but his Alpha had been weird lately. Sunoo was sure it had
something to do with the beta they met at the cafe. Sunghoon's other mate. Sunoo frowns as he
thinks about it. The beta, John was it? Sunoo can't remember. Anyways the beta was very
handsome with his tan skin, high cheekbones, sharp nose, and those eyes. Sunoo hated to admit it
but the beta had a pretty pair of eyes.

While Sunoo was wrapped in thoughts of Sunghoon leaving him for the handsome beta, he didn't
notice the person creeping up behind him until they threw themselves on top of him, their weight
crushing him.

"Yah! Doyoung! Get off of me!" he shouts, swatting at his roommate. Doyoung cackles as he
cages Sunoo under him. The older begins to relentlessly tickle Sunoo until the boy is squirming,
limps flying about as he laughs joyously.

"There! All better," Doyoung announces as he climbs off Sunoo's back to sit at the end of the boy's
bed instead. With Doyoung's weight off of him, Sunoo turns around sitting up to glare at him.

"What was that for?"

"You were stinking up the place with your scent. What's wrong hmm trouble in paradise?" he
questions a mischievous smirk on his lips. Sunoo rolls his eyes, arms coming up to cross over his

"No," he mutters, lying through his teeth. Doyoung cackles, head tossed back as he laughs.

"Come on, what happened?" he questions. Though Doyoung was being nosy, he genuinely wanted
to help Sunoo with whatever his problem was. Sunoo gnaws on his bottom lip, debating if he
should tell Doyoung or not when quite literally he was saved by the bell. His phone goes off with a
loud ping which has Sunoo luging for his phone sitting on the edge of his desk. Unlocking it he
sees a message from Sunghoon which has his wolf howling with joy.

"I'll tell you some other time. Gotta go," he says after reading Sunghoon's message that he wanted
to meet up. Doyoung pouts feeling cheated out of his gossip but shrugs as he hops off Sunoo's bed.

Sunoo flicks through his clothes before choosing a grey cardigan to throw over his t-shirt and
shoves his feet into a pair of old Nikes before leaving his dorm room.

Sunoo found Sunghoon standing by the bell tower in the center of campus. Upon seeing him, his
wolf howled, phantom tail wagging with joy. The omega ran to his alpha full force crashing into

"Hey, pretty baby," Sunghoon coos as he wraps his arms around his mate, placing a kiss on his
head. Sunoo smiles, cheeks turning red from the attention.

"Missed you," he mutters into Sunghoon's flannel.

"Me too," Sunghoon says back.

"Why'd you want to meet up all of a sudden? Not that I'm not happy about it, I am just curious.
You've been avoiding me recently," Sunoo says, rambling. Sunghoon frowns, squeezing Sunoo a

"I haven't been avoiding you," he murmurs. Sunoo pulls back from the hug a big to cross his arms
over his chest.

"You have but whatever," he says with a slight eye roll.

"Well to answer your question Doyoung said you'd been stinking up the dorm and needed a break
from your scent," Sunghoon says with a teasing smirk.

"It's not my fault! Biology is difficult and all those words don't make sense to me!" Sunoo whines,
stomping his foot. Sunghoon laughs, head tossed back a bit.

"You're so cute," he mutters, pulling Sunoo against his chest again.

"Would you like to go get some food?" Sunghoon questions after a bit.

"Can we have tteokbokki?"

"Of course."

After having three servings of tteokbokki Sunoo leans back in his seat with a heavy sigh as he pats
his slightly bloated tummy. Tteokbokki had always been his soul food and if Sunghoon was paying
he couldn't let the opportunity slip to have his fill.

"Happy?" Sunghoon questions although he knows his omega is extremely happy with how sweet
his fruity scent is.

Sunoo sighs happily, his eyes drifting shut.

"Very," he mumbles a hint of a smile on his lips. Sunghoon smiles, happy Sunoo is happy. As he
admires his mate's lovely smile, he can't help but think of his other mate's smile, Jake. Both of his
mates looked absolutely gorgeous when they smiled.

Sunghoon flinches a bit, coming back to the present when a flash goes off in his face. Blinking a
bit to get the purple dots to fade away he sees Sunoo phone in hand as he giggles to himself.


"Your canines were showing," Sunoo says. He loved seeing Sunghoon smile so happily that his
canines showed, it was almost a rare sight.

"What are you so happy about, hmm? Is it me?" Sunoo questions confidence soaring.

"You're half the reason," Sunghoon admits.

" would you feel if I wanted to um," Sunghoon fidgets in his seat a bit as he thinks
over what and how to say what's been on his mind.

"I wanna get to know Jake," he says, getting straight to the point. Sunoo goes quiet, his focus up at
the glossy ceiling of the restaurant they were in.

"It's just we ran into each other a few days ago and he's nice and I'd like to get to know him since
ya know we're mated but only if you're ok with it too."

Sunoo's eyes flick to Sunghoon in shock. He couldn't believe Sunghoon was asking for his
permission to get to know his other mate. Sunghoon who was the alpha, the one higher up on the
hierarchy. Honestly, he didn't even need to consult with Sunoo if that's what he wanted to do but
Sunghoon wasn't your typical alpha.

He was kind and respectful to anyone and always thoughtful. That was the thing Sunoo loved
about him, Sunghoon was always respectful towards him, always putting Sunoo's feelings firsts so
who was Sunoo to deny him his one request. Who was Sunoo to defy the moon goddess?

Taking Sunghoon's hand Sunoo runs his thumb over the alpha's knuckles feeling the bone under
his skin.

"If you want to get to know him, then do it. I don't mind," he whispers, not fully trusting his own

"Sunoo," Sunghoon starts but Sunoo interrupts him.

"Ok well, I do. I do mind but he's your mate and it would be wrong of me to keep you from him"

"Are you sure Sunoo? You don't have to decide now, take some time to think about it ok. I don't
want you to rush it," Sunghoon says. He wanted Sunoo to think it over.

"If I think about it any longer I might say no. I wanna keep you all to myself but that wouldn't be
fair to you or to Jake,"

"So you're sure, it's ok?" Sunghoon questions again, just in case Sunoo wanted to back out. Sunoo
sighs as he gets up from his chair to circle around the table to place himself on Sunghoon's lap.

"I'm sure hyung," he says, hugging his alpha around the neck. He noses at Sunghoon's scent gland
smelling how happy he was. Sunoo felt bitter that Jake was part of Sunghoon's happiness but he
guessed he would have to get used to it because Jake would be a part of their lives now.

"Thank you thank you thank you," Sunghoon says. He grapes Sunoo by the jaw pulling him in for
a sloppy kiss, his happiness overbearing his rationality.

Though Sunoo was happy Sunghoon was happy, he hoped that he made the right choice by
allowing Jake into their life.
chapter six

Jake never really understood why everyone explained meeting their mate as such a dramatic
experience. He always felt like it was written for a Disney movie or something. People would say
things like "I was caught in a trance" or "it was love at first sight" or the one that really got Jake
chuckling was "They took my breath away". He just thought it was far too ridiculous to be real.
That is until he met his mate.

Meeting Sunghoon was a dream and a nightmare all in one. When they locked eyes Jake truly felt
like he was in a trance, that his wolf side had completely taken over and all he could focus on was
the alpha in front of him and his body screaming "mate mate mate". He also felt like his breath had
been taken away but really he was holding his breath cause holy shit!

The love at first sight part Jake definitely felt was the most dramatic bit because he didn't feel like
he was in love with Sunghoon. Definitely infatuated or admiring, those were better words to use.

Meeting Sunghoon was just about all he'd heard about and it was almost a perfect moment and all
too soon it came crashing down because his mate already had a mate. It was truly confusing.
Wolves never mistake their mate, so it was very weird that Jake's wolf was sure Sunghoon was his
mate when clearly Sunghoon already had one, an omega at that. Even if there was a chance that
Jake's wolf hadn't made a mistake and that Sunghoon truly was his mate somehow Jake wasn't
confident that Sunghoon would want to be with him. Why would he when he has an omega?

Jake had been stuck on this question since he met Sunghoon and that felt like ages ago. His wolf
sulked at not seeing his mate for several days. Part of him wished Sunghoon would just appear and
give him all the answers he was searching for and another part of him hoped he wouldn't see
Sunghoon for a while until he'd processed everything and prepared himself for rejection.

For now Jake decided to focus his attention on his school work. He'd worked hard to be able to
study abroad and he wasn't about to let his hard work go to waste.

"Excuse me," he says with a smile to the librarian. The woman gives him a sweet smile.

"Hello. What can I help you with?"

"Can you tell me where I can find this book?" he questions pointing to the book title in his syllabus.

"Ahh...Mr.Hans class," The woman says sympathetically. She reaches under her desk and pulls out
a small map.

"This is where we are now. So you'll wanna go through this section here and your book should be
on this shelf," she says, drawing a path and circling a small area on the map before handing it to

"Thank you!" he exclaims as he takes the map and begins to follow the kind librarians instructions.

It takes him a minute to find the book he needed when there were plenty of other interesting books
right in front of him. Jake took a moment scanning the selection of books in front of him before
picking up the book he needed.

After picking the book he opens it reading the first few pages as he walks to the front counter. On
his way there his senses get attacked by an overbearing smell. It wasn't a bad smell, in fact it was
wonderful and made Jake's wolf howl in delight.
Against his better judgment Jake looks up and sees Sunghoon right there in front of him staring
back at him

"Oh..I-it's you" he says and almost instantly regrets it.

"Um...Jake, right?" Sunghoon questions unsure and Jake felt his heart do a thing. He remembered
his name. Sunghoon remembered his name.

The world has a way of surprising Jake but at the moment he's not complaining. He'd wanted
Sunghoon to show up for days now and there he was in the library. He wanted answers to what was
happening to him and his life and there Sunghoon was providing them and a bonus, Jake didn't
want to be rejected and Sunghoon hadn't rejected him but instead wanted to accept him. Jake
thought this sort of thing only happened in dramas but dramas have to be based on something,

Happily he bounced into his apartment he shared with his cousin, Felix, feeling happy as can be.

"What's got you so chipper? Your tails wagging like crazy," Felix questions seeing his cousins
phantom tail wag happily behind him. Jake blushes and slaps his hands down on his tail causing it
to stop wagging.

"Um well...I met my mate," Jake says with a smile and Felix trips as he runs over to hug him.
chapter seven

Jake stared at his phone debating if he should text Sunghoon as he said or if he should just call him
instead. Deep down he'd wanted to hear Sunghoon's voice again. Living with Felix, Jake was used
to hearing a deep voice, trust him when he says Felix has the deepest voice in the family, but there
was something about Sunghoon's voice that was very soothing and maybe even a little sexy that
Jake instantly admired about the alpha.

Although he wanted to talk with Sunghoon he was afraid. What if Sunoo, it is Sunoo right?
Anyways, what if Sunoo was there? Would he be upset? He remembers Sunghoon mentioning that
he and Sunoo hadn't talked about the entire...situation. What if Sunoo didn't approve? Would he
hate Jake? Oh god, Jake hoped Sunoo didn't hate him. Honestly, he doesn't think he could handle
his mate's omega hating him. That would make things very awkward and honestly Jake felt
uncomfortable at the thought of someone hating him. Maybe that was the people pleaser part of
him talking.

Before he could dwell too much on his thoughts his phone makes a 'ping' noise and lights up with a
notification. Jake couldn't help but snatch his phone up, eyes scanning the screen to see if the
notification was a text from Sunghoon. It wasn't, just a notification from one of the various mobile
games he plays.

"This is stupid. I'm just gonna call him" he says unlocking his phone. Jake scrolls through his
contacts a bit before seeing Sunghoon's name appear. Hesitantly he clicks on the man's name and
watches as the phone comes to life with a dial tone. Jake waits a few seconds before his anxiety
sets in and just as he goes to hang up someone answers.

"Hell-" before the person, probably Sunghoon judging by the voice, could finish the word Jake had
pressed the red button ending the call. His entire face was in flames from embarrassment. He didn't
have a lot of time to reflect on his embarrassing actions because his phone lit up again, this time
with a call. For a long moment, Jake stared at his phone weighing his options before dramatically
throwing his hands up in the air as he decided to just answer the phone and get the embarrassment
over with.

"H-hello?" he mutters, mentally cursing himself for stuttering.

"Hey, did you hang up on me?" Sunghoon chuckles.

"Sorta? It was an accident," Jake says, only telling half the truth.

"Well, that's ok. Did um...did you need something?" Not knowing how to answer, or rather trying
to choose his words carefully Jake doesn't respond at first. The line has an awkward silence of
background noise from wherever Sunghoon is before the beta begins to speak.

"Just wanted to talk. To hear your voice," he admits suddenly feeling shy. This mate thing was
more difficult and nerve-wracking than he'd anticipated.

"I've wanted to hear your voice too," Sunghoon admits and Jake can feel his phantom ears point
straight upon his head.


"Yeah! I um I didn't wanna like push you into talking to me or anything if you weren't ready since
ya know we didn't have the best um meeting. Figured I'd let you talk to me when you were ready
but I've missed you."

'I've missed you' was Sunghoon trying to kill him because Jake swears the alpha is.

"I uh, I've missed you too," Jake admits softly. He can hear Sunghoon let out a sigh of relief
maybe, on the other side.

"That um, that makes me happy. That we miss each other that is. I'm not too sure how this whole
multiple mates thing works but I dunno I'm just glad," Sunghoon says speaking out his incomplete
thoughts. Sunghoon's dorky behavior made Jake giggle because it seemed like the alpha was just as
nervous as he was.

"Do you wanna meet up maybe?" Sunghoon says next. Jake's tongue darts out to lick over his lips
before biting the corner of his mouth.

"Um...will your mate be ok with that?" he questions nervously. He was all too aware that not only
his feelings were involved in this weird mess, but the omegas as well. He didn't want to disrupt the
balance in Sunghoon's relationship with him.

"Sunoo? Yeah, we have talked about it. A few times actually. He's ok with it. He wants to meet

"H-he does?"

"Yeah! Sunoo's big on people ya know and since you're my mate you're important to me so getting
to know you is important for Sunoo too if that makes any sense"

"Yeah I guess it does"

"But don't like feel pressured to ya know to be around Sunoo. If you're not comfortable with the
idea then we can put off you two like meeting officially and everything if that's what you want."

"No no!" Jake shouts and feels his face ignite in flames once more. "What I mean is it's ok. I'd like
to get to know Sunoo as well."

"Great!" Sunghoon exclaims and Jake can just imagine a smile on the alpha's face.

"He's in a class right now but he'll be done in an hour. In the meantime do you want to hang
out...just you and me?"

"Yes, yeah. Um I would really like that"

"Ok cool. Do you live in one of the school dorms? I'm not too far, I could pick you up?"

"I actually live with my cousin, not too far from campus. I could meet you in the courtyard?"

"Ok, See you soon"

"Yeah, see you soon," Jake says and the call ends there. It takes Jake a few minutes to wrap his
head around everything, that he would be hanging out with Sunghoon in a matter of a few minutes,
and then Sunoo in an hour. He would be meeting them soon and he was still in a stained t-shirt and

"Felix! I need help picking an outfit!" he shouts, rushing to the older betas room.
chapter eight

Sunghoon waited patiently at one of the picnic tables in the courtyard for Jake to arrive. His heart
thrummed heavily in his chest as he waited for the other man's arrival. It had been a couple days
since he'd last seen Jake and normally his wolf would be a little calmer but since he and Jake hadn't
had a proper bonding week his inner alpha was eager to be able to see Jake again.

After ten minutes of waiting he managed to catch Jake's scent in the wind. It was faint but there
and it had Sunghoon standing up from his seat to spot the beta. He caught sight of Jake halfway
across the courtyard looking somewhat lost in thought. It was a cute sight for Sunghoon. As Jake
walked through the courtyard Sunghoon could see him mouthing something before chuckling or
shaking his head all while playing with his fingers. Sunghoon wondered what he was saying.

As Jake approached the table he was at, Sunghoon took a few deep breaths calming himself.

"Hey," he says and Jake smiles at him, the little dimples at the corner of his lips making their
presence known.

"Um, hello," he says quietly. It's quiet after that, neither of them knowing what to say and
Sunghoon wishes Sunoo were here.

'Sunoo would know what to say. He'd say the right things to kick off a conversation and everything
will be fine' Sunghoon thinks. But Sunoo wasn't here it was just him and Jake. He needs to say
something, anything to get this conversation but only one thing can come to mind.

"So uh, what were you saying?" he blurts and feels his neck and cheeks redden in embarrassment
when Jake gives him a startled look. Gosh, why couldn't Sunghoon just ask him about his day?
That would make him seem less of a weirdo.

"Huh?" Jake questions, his brow cocked up in confusion. Sunghoon scratches at the back of his
neck for a second before explaining himself.

"As you were talking over here, I saw you mouthing something. What were you saying?" he can't
stop his curiosity and the words were already out of his stupid mouth so he might as well press for
an answer.

"Ahh well, I was rehearsing what I should say to you and um Sunoo," Jake says as his pinks turn a
light shade of pink.

"Rehearsing?" now it was Sunghoon's turn to be confused. What would Jake need to be rehearsing

"I don't want to say the wrong thing," the beta admits as he bows his head further to hide.
Sunghoon frowns.

"Why are you worried about that?"

"C-cause I really don't want to mess this up. I always thought when people retold the moment
they'd found their mate it was dramatic and sappy b-but I get it now. It is very cheesy and sappy
sounding but it's also a wonderful experience and I really wanna get to know you!" Jake starts his
rant and as much as Sunghoon wanted to stop him the Australian didn't really give him a chance as
he kept talking quickly.

"A-and I know you have an omega already so I totally get it if you know like don't want me as your
mate b-but if you did I promise that I won't come in between you and Sunoo. Right now other than
being rejected, that's my biggest fear. Oh and um please don't reject me. I mean it's totally your
choice if you want to or not but c-could you give me some time?" Jake ends his rant with his head
all the way bowed down and his body hunched over and Sunghoon really wished they'd properly
started their bonding time because he wanted to hold the beta to his chest and shield him from all
his negative thoughts. Instead of holding the man, Sunghoon opted for petting down his beautiful
and very soft brown hair.

"First off if anyone has messed things up it's me. I can't apologize enough for how I reacted when
we first met. Honestly, it's shameful. And secondly, I have no intention of rejecting you,"
Sunghoon says. Jake's head pops up so quickly that Sunghoon didn't have time to react and got hit
in the chin.

"S-shit," Jake mutters, clutching the top of his head "S-Sunghoon are you ok? I'm so sorry! See I
already messed things up!" Jake sort of whines as he sees Sunghoon with both hands slapped over
his mouth. Slowly Sunghoon brings his hands away from his mouth and lets out a heavy sigh.

"Jake, calm down. It's fine, ok? I was just really surprised that's all..also you have a hard head.
What's that thing made of a rock," Sunghoon questions as he goes to playfully hit Jake on the head
only to retract his hand when he remembers the other literally just injured the top of his head.

"You ok?"

"I-I think so. Are you? I really am sorry."

"Yes Jake, gosh. Don't apologize so much."

"So-" before Jake could get the word out Sunghoon placed his hand over the other man's mouth,
effectively shutting him up.

"I said don't apologize," Sunghoon says lowly. Jake can feel his cheeks warm and his heartbeat
picks up in speed having the alpha so close. Sunghoon must have realized this too, seeing as he
quickly retracted his hand and put some distance between them.

"Anyways, as I said before I have no intention of rejecting you. We're in a weird situation and well
you might laugh at me for this but um, I honestly believe in fate and if I'm fated to be with both you
and Sunoo well then I'm willing to sort everything out so we all can be happy."

Jake is grateful for Sunghoon's honesty because he'd been thinking the same thing. It gives him a
warm feeling in his chest that the alpha was accepting him.

"I won't laugh. Those are honest feelings and I understand sorta. I don't think mates are random.
They're supposed to be your missing pieces yeah? So yeah it's an odd situation but we were meant
to be in it I guess. I dunno. My brain is still a mess."

"Mine too, but together I'm sure we can fix that yeah?" Sunghoon questions. Jake nods, his smile
returning yet again and it makes Sunghoon smile. Why did both his mates have such pretty smiles?

"C-can I hold your hand?" Jake questions stumbling over his words. It takes everything within
Sunghoon not to lunge across the table and hold Jake to his chest. Gosh, the beta was already
stealing his heart.
"Um sure" he says trying to play it cool. He couldn't let Jake know he was practically melting

"S-sorry if it's too soon it's just I fidget a lot when I'm nervous and I usually am pretty calm when I
hold something like a pen or marker or something to distract myself but right now I'm-"

"Overwhelmed?" Sunghoon questions knowing all too well how the beta was feeling.

"Y-yeah" Jake mutters.

"It's ok. I understand," Sunghoon says as he holds his hand out as an invitation to Jake, letting the
beta make the choice. As the beta moves to hold the alpha's hand a woman struts up to the table.

"Ah, Sunghoon! Just the alpha I wanted to see!" she exclaimed as she carelessly tossed an arm
around Sunghoon's shoulders. The alpha grunts as he shakes his shoulder to get the girl off.

"What Wonyoung?" Sunghoon questions sourly. She ruined an almost perfect moment.

"Who stuck a stick up your ass?" Wonyoung questions all playfulness was gone from her voice.

"I'm sorta busy right now. I swear you choose the most inconvenient moments to show up,"
Sunghoon mutters.

"Well excuse me," Wonyoung says with an eye roll. She moves her attention from Sunghoon to

"And who are you?" She questions.

"Um, I'm Jake. Jake Sim, I just transferred from Australia" Jake answers as he nervously fidgets
with his fingers under the table.

"Ah of course! Ya know I've been meaning to interview you," Wonyoung says as she sits herself
down at the table.

"Interview me?" Jake questions as he looks to Sunghoon for help.

"Wonyoung here is the junior reporter for the school newspaper," Sunghoon says as Wonyoung
smiles proudly.

"Correct Sunghoonie! And as a junior reporter I'll have to say Jake Sim you're quite an interesting
specimen '' Wonyoung says and Sunghoon scoffs at the word 'specimen'. Wonyoung liked to use
"fancy" words for no reason.

"First off your GPA is godly I might need you to tutor me but really it's your athleticism that's
gathered my attention. Tell me are you an alpha," she questions a notepad in one hand and a pen in
the other.

"No, I'm a beta," Jake answers still feeling very awkward.

"Interesting. Your sports file shows otherwise. However, I guess you can't really rule a beta out for
being talented in sports. Tell me Jake what's your health plan?"

"I don't have one?"

"Work out routine?"


"Those are too boring. I'm sure our readers would really be interested to know if you have found
your mate yet," Wonyoung says with a devilish smile on her face. Jake fidgets awkwardly, his eyes
shifting to Sunghoon silently asking him for help.

"Wonyoung will you take your news shit elsewhere?" Sunghoon questions the girl recognizing the
beta's silent plea for help to escape Wonyoung's surprise interview.

"Excuse me Sunghoon but some of us continue to achieve our life goals, not wait around for them
to find us. You keep that ice prince shit up and not even Sunoo will stick around"

"Ice prince?" Jake questions feeling rather interested in the title. Sunghoon's ears turn red and the
alpha fights the urge to rip them off to hide his own embarrassment.

"Ah, you're not from here so you don't know," Wonyoung says as she sends a smirk Sunghoon's

"Well, our Sunghoonie here is notorious for being a bit of an ice prince. He's pretty cold to like
everyone and has a glare that will give you the chills and not the good kind. There are even stories
that he-"

"Wonyoung shut the hell up. It's because of you that I got that nickname in the first place!"
Sunghoon growls, feeling very annoyed. He should have kicked Wonyoung to the curb the second
they were done with Mr.Baek's third grade science project.

"Ok ok! How Sunghoon really got the nickname was because he used to be a professional figure
skater but quit. Now he has the nickname cause he's a rude little bitch who thinks he's too good for
everyone," Wonyoung says, sending a glare of her own towards Sunghoon.

"Fuck off," the alpha mutters. "Did you actually need something from me or did you show up to
terrorize me some more?"

"Oh well terrorizing you is always number one on my list Sunghoonie! But I found you first before
I found your runt of a boyfriend. Tell Sunoo I said to unblock me on Kakaotalk and to turn in his
advertisement proposal by tomorrow or I will have his head," Wonyoung says.

"Stop threatening my baby. He's perfect. Second, if he blocked you yet again then you probably
deserved it. However, I will remind him to turn in his proposal. I know it's important," Sunghoon
says and Wonyoung throws her arms around Sunghoon in an awkward-looking hug.

"Thanks, Hoonie! You're the best!" She exclaims before kissing the alpha's cheek and skipping

Jake sits in astonishment after witnessing the entire interaction between the two. He couldn't
believe that Wonyoung could be so careless and free-spirited around Sunghoon. They must be

"S-so, she was nice," Jake says after a moment of awkward silence.

"She's annoying is what she is," Sunghoon grumbles as he tries to wipe away the lip gloss stain
Wonyoung had left on his cheek.

"So did you two like date in the past or.."

"Wonyoung and I? Ew no! She's...we have a weird sort of friendship I guess you could say. She's a
lot to deal with sometimes but I respect her. She's the only beta in a family of alphas and even
though she's a total pain in the ass she works hard for others' respect and gives her work her all. I've
never seen her back away from a challenge, even against me"

"That's really sweet...:" Jake says and he lets things be.

"Can we talk more about that ice prince thing?" he questions feeling a little cheeky. Sunghoon lets
his head bang on the table and for a second Jake thought he'd cracked his head open.

"I wish she never mentioned that," the alpha groans and Jake giggles at his dorky behavior.

"I meant the figure skating part. However, if you wanna talk about how you got the name in high
school I'm totally down to hear about that!" Jake chirps.

"No definitely not the high school bit," the alpha grumbles with a playful glare, "I'm down to talk
about skating though. I love it," Sunghoon says. Before he had a chance to elaborate his nose
twitched a bit and he spun around. It didn't take him long to scan through the sea of students to spot
the person he was looking for.

"Sunoo's here," Sunghoon breaths out almost dreamily, "Let's stop talking about this ice prince
stuff. I don't need him teasing me....well any more than he has in the past."

Jake nods but Sunghoon doesn't see it as he looks over his shoulder carefully watching his omega
make his way through the sea of people in the courtyard.

From the other side of the table, the beta could only see Sunghoon's side profile but it was enough
to see that the alpha had a big, happy smile on his face. That smile told Jake all he needed to know,
that Sunghoon was completely and totally in love with Sunoo. He just hoped that maybe, one day
the alpha would like at him like that. Maybe, just maybe.
chapter nine

Sunoo knew he was putting himself in a compromising position when he agreed to meet Sunghoon
and Jake but he continued to remind himself that this was about Sunghoon, not him. The bonding
period between new mates was a very important deal to develop and strengthen the bond.

It was also extremely important to Sunghoon and Sunoo didn't want to ruin it by being emotional,
hence why he agreed to this whole mess in the first place. And why he was currently getting coffee
and muffins from the school cafe. He'd already put himself into this mess, the only thing he could
do was fake a smile and play nice, no matter how much his omega despised the beta.

"Hello!" He cheers as he puts the drinks and food on the table. Sunghoon was the first to react,
giving Sunoo a peck on the cheek.

"What's this?"

"A sort of greeting gift!" Sunoo chirps before tuning to jake, "Hi, I'm Sunoo,"

"Hi! I-I'm Jake," Jake says feeling a bit intimidated by the omegas' presence.

"Do you like muffins? I had no idea what to get so I just got blueberry muffins, hope that's ok,"
Sunoo says, pushing the muffins in the betas direction.

"Blueberry is fine. Thank you Sunoo-ssi!"

"Great!" Sunoo says before reaching across the table to grab his chocolate muffin.

The table falls silent and the tension is so awkward Sunoo felt like he was being suffocated.
Usually he flourished around people finding it easy to talk to just about anyone. That's what made
his dynamic with Sunghoon work. Between the two of them, he was the social butterfly and
Sunghoon was the wallflower. But now it wasn't just the two of them and that simple fact put a
bigger strain on Sunoo than he'd like it to admit.

"So, how was class Sun?" Sunghoon awkwardly questions, not being used to the one starting a

"Awful," Sunoo grumbles sourly. "Why do humans have to be so confusing?" the omega whines as
he recalls unpleasant lectures learning about human biology which made no sense to him.
Sunghoon laughs lightly as he reaches over to fluff Sunoo's hair.

"Humans can be pretty weird. However I seem to understand their biology courses pretty well. If
you want I can help you," Jake offers kindly and for some reason Sunoo feels angry.

"I can manage it just fine," he says a little meaner than intended, "I just don't wanna burden you,
that's all."

"I wouldn't mind helping you"

"Well someone has too. Sunoo sucks at bio," Sunghoon teases and the omega shoots him a glare.

"Yeah well Sunghoon you're shit at math," comes Sunoo's sassy rebuttal and Sunghoon casually
flicks the boys forehead.

"So are you!"

"At least I'm better than you!"

"That you are my love," Sunghoon says and Sunoo faces away from him not wanting Sunghoon to
have the satisfaction of flustering him.

"Yeah whatever,"

"What about you Jake? You any good at math?" Sunghoon questions.

"Um yeah. I'm majoring in engineering so math and physics are pretty much my best two classes,"
the beta answers and Sunghoon 'ohs' in admiration.

"T-that's amazing. I had no idea you wanted to be an engineer!" he gushes and Jake blushes under
the alpha's attention.

"Y-you didn't ask" he mutters

"I guess I didn't huh. Well regardless that's pretty cool," Sunghoon says with a smile. Jake fidgets
slightly as he moves closer to the table eager to ask Sunghoon something.

"What about you?" he asks wanting to know what the alpha's passion was.

"I'm still in between things. I really like film but dance is intriguing too," the alpha shrugs. That
seems to spark something in Jake.

"My cousin he's in the film club. If you're really interested in film I can talk to him, see if he'll let
you join or if you don't wanna join then I can see if he'd be open to teaching you some things"

"You think so? I mean film isn't something I've really explored much but if you think your cousin
would be willing to help then I'd really appreciate it," Sunghoon says. There was a bit of a twinkle
in his eye that Sunoo only ever saw when he was out skating on the ice. For a moment Sunoo
wondered why Sunghoon had never shared his developing interest in film with him.

Sadly the omega sits listening to Jake talk about his cousin, Felix and the film club. A beta named
Hyunjin who managed most of the camera work, an alpha, Chan who managed sound, Seungmin
and Jisung (who were mates) who managed the lighting, Changbin managed set work along with
Jisung, and then Jeongin and Minho who were dubbed the club actors when they weren't working
on other projects. As Jake talked Sunghoon listened intently, occasionally asking questions or just
tossing in a random comment, clearly enjoying himself.

The more they talked the more invisible Sunoo felt. It caused a dark ugly feeling to swirl around in
his gut. The omega gripped onto his pants and focused on controlling his scent so Sunghoon
couldn't smell the change in his emotions. That was another thing about them. Since Sunoo was an
omega and Sunghoon an alpha they could smell and sense each other's emotions pretty easily since
their biology allowed them to due to their sensitive noses.

He couldn't ruin this for Sunghoon. Strengthening the emotional bond was far more important than
the physical bond and if Sunoo ruined this he would never forgive himself.

'I need to leave' he thinks.

"Hoon," he mutters with a gentle hand on Sunghoon's arm.

"Yeah?" Sunghoon questions his attention barely on Sunoo.

"I'm gonna go home now" Sunoo mutters suddenly gaining all of his mates attention.

"What why?" Sunghoon questions his eyebrows scrunched.

"I'm just tired that's all," the omega lies with a careless shrug.

"Hang on for a few ok, I'll take you home," Sunghoon says brushing his thumb across the omega's
knuckles. Reluctantly Sunoo sits back down and waits for the two to finish their conversation.

"I'll see you tomorrow yeah?" Sunghoon questions and Jake happily nods.

"Ok!" the beta says with a blush on his face. Sunghoon smiles at him before taking Sunoos hand in
his and they part ways.

Sunoo was quiet the entire walk to his dorm, sadly trailing behind Sunghoon.

"Sunoo, are you ok? You were pretty quiet the whole time," Sunghoon says, stopping the omega
before he went into his dorm room.

"J-just tired."

"You're lying," the alpha says. He didn't sound upset but there was worry lying in his voice.

"I felt awkward ok! I didn't have anything to offer to the conversation so I just sat there!" Sunoo
says crossing his arms over his chest.

"Come on? My sunshine not having anything to offer to a conversation? Are you sure you're really
my boyfriend and not some imposter?" the alpha jokes poking at Sunoo's neck and stomach. Sunoo
giggles a bit as he pushes Sunghoon's hands away.

"But I'm serious Sunghoon, I just didn't know what to say" Sunoo says looking down. As he felt
tears brimming in his eyes. Sunghoon quickly engulfs his mate in a hug rubbing his cheek on top of
Sunoo's head.

Sunoo quickly wraps his arms around Sunghoon and pressed his face against the alpha's chest,
nosing along the older man's collar bones. The pair stand there in front of Sunoo's dorm, scenting
each other.

"Feel better?"

"A little"

"Good. Sunoo, you know you can just be yourself yeah? I know having Jake here might be a little
weird but all you have to do it be yourself babe. I managed to fall in love with you. I'm sure Jake
will too," Sunghoon says, trying to be hopeful but it only managed to make Sunoo feel worse. He
did not want Jake to fall in love with him, he wanted Jake to go away.

"Yeah, yeah maybe. I dunno"

"Well I think so. How about we hang out again tomorrow during lunch? Maybe the more time we
all spend together the better it will be" Sunghoon suggests and Sunoo had a feeling it would have
the opposite effect but he puts on a smile for his alpha.

"Yeah, yeah let's do it!"

"Great! I'll tell Jake. For now just try and get some rest, hmm?"
"I think that sounds like a good idea," Sunoo says. He parts from Sunghoon without giving him a
kiss goodbye.

"Good night" he says entering his dorm and shutting the door behind him, not waiting for
Sunghoon's reply.

'Lunch with Jake...Can't wait' he thinks sarcastically as he dives for his bed face first.
chapter ten

Lunch was awful. Sunghoon and Jake were so wrapped up in each other that Sunoo felt like the
biggest third wheel in existence. It irked his omega to no end. Things didn't stop at lunch, oh no it
went deeper than that. Every time Sunoo tagged along with the new mates it was like he wasn't
even there. Even after he took Sunghoon's advice to just "be himself" and inserted himself in the
conversation it seemed like he was pushed out as the couple stayed in their own little bubble.
Sunoo hated it, to say the least. Sunghoon was his, not Jakes.

He was the one Sunghoon had known for the last three years, he was the one the older had late-
night conversations with till three in the morning, the one he went to after winning a gold medal,
the one who said I love you to him every day. It had been Sunoo not Jake and yet now with Jake
here Sunoo felt replaced. Like Woody felt when Andy got Buzz. Old and tossed aside and
forgotten for something shiny and new. It made him feel angry, sad, and betrayed. Sunghoon had
said nothing would change, that he would still be by Sunoo's side and yet the space beside him was

The omega's head was filled with so many negative thoughts that his poor roommate, Doyoung had
stopped coming by their room so much, opting to stay with a friend instead. It made Sunoo go on
scent suppressants despite the pills harming his body. He didn't want his roommate to suffer. He
also didn't want to talk about it with him despite Doyoung's frequent offers. He didn't want a fellow
omega to know he'd failed at being a good omega to his alpha. That he was selfish in wishing Jake
had never existed, that he wished he'd kept Sunghoon from him and kept him from himself because
he was selfish and in pain. He didn't want Doyoung to know that without Sunghoon he was
drowning and his heart ached at the sudden separation. Doyoung shouldn't know how weak Sunoo
truly is. So Sunoo sucks up his emotions, takes the suppressants, and puts on a smile telling his
friend he was ok when it was clear he was not.

"I won't be able to study with you this weekend..." Doyoung says slowly as he and Sunoo walk to
the library for their usual evening study session. A few weeks ago they'd agreed to study for their
upcoming midterms together over the weekend. Despite hating studying Sunoo agreed, needing a
good distraction from his complicated life.

"What?" he questions, halting his steps. He turns to Doyoung who gives him a guilty look as he
scratches at the back of his neck.

"Well, it's just...Jeongwoo is coming up for the weekend. His brother lives up here and we thought
maybe we'd get together..." Doyoung hesitantly says as if he was unsure if he should tell the truth.
The omega wasn't blind, he could tell something had been going on between Sunoo and Sunghoon,
so he didn't want to say something that would aggravate Sunoo and make him feel worse than he
probably does already. Instead of getting angry Sunoo puts on a smile.

"That's so sweet, Doie. You should totally go!" Sunoo says with as much fake enthusiasm as he
could muster. Don't get him wrong, he was truly happy for Doyoung since it had been so long
since he'd had a chance to be with his mate. This past month, Sunoo had grown bitter when seeing
happy couples because it reminded him of everything he was missing so he was really looking
forward to studying with Doyoung as a distraction.

"Are you sure? I can always wait until next time he's able to—"

"Don't be stupid! You haven't seen him all semester. Go see your gorgeous future KBL boyfriend. I
can manage to study on my own," Sunoo says, cutting Doyong off. Sunoo was selfish sure, but he
wouldn't get in the way of love no matter how badly he wanted to.

"Ok. Thank you, Sunoo. You're a great friend!"

"You are too Doie. Now come on, I need to pass this next test or my mom will come down here
and kick my ass herself," Sunoo says referring to the history test he desperately needed to pass to
keep his mom from being upset with him.

"Ok let's go!" Doyoung says linking his arm with Sunoo's and tugs him to the library.


The days leading up to the weekend passed in a blur. All too soon Sunoo was walking with
Doyoung to the bus stop, sending his roommate off to his romantic getaway (sorta) with his
boyfriend before going for his solo library study session.

"Text me when you get there. And tell Jeongwoo I said hello," Sunoo says as the bus rolls up in
front of him.

"Of course! One day I'll get him down here so you can meet him," Doyoung chirps leaning in to
hug his roommate. After parting, they bid each other one last goodbye before Doyoung climbs on
the bus. Sunoo watches as it rolls away out of sight before sighing. He lets his shoulders slump,
letting his whole 'happy boy' facade fade away.

Lazily he walked back to campus going straight for the library. He found a quiet secluded area and
began diving into studying for his test. He re-read the chapters taking extra notes, noticing things
he hadn't before, and even wrote a basic thesis statement of the lesson just in case they were asked
to write a short essay.

After a few hours, Sunoo was mentally exhausted. Doyoung was always more of a study bunny
diving into multiple subjects and comparing notes, asking questions and all. Sunoo just wanted to
take things one class at a time, one test at a time. Now that he was done studying for his history test
he decided he was going to do something for himself.

Going into his dorm, Sunoo leaves all his study material on his bed before opening the closet.
Since he originally planned to stay at the library and maybe go home to watch some dramas, he
was in a stained gray t-shirt and sweatpants and that would not do. He rummaged around his closet
before deciding on a pair of loose jeans, a t-shirt, and a dark blue flannel. Sunoo even took the
liberty of putting on some light makeup (something he hadn't done in a long time), and even
changed his earrings from the usual small hoops he wore to something more stylish.

Looking at his reflection, Sunoo smiled to himself. He was pretty confident in his looks and seeing
his outfit today, he was even more satisfied with himself. He was a handsome young man after all.
Too bad his boyfriend wouldn't be with him to see that.

"No" Sunoo mutters to himself. He would not think about Sunghoon or Jake today. Today was
about himself and being happy. He wouldn't spend another minute today thinking about the two.

"Let's have a good day," he tells himself before getting his tote bag and slinging it over his

Since he had been so busy with relationship problems and school Sunoo had yet to explore the area
around campus. Today would be the perfect day to get out, do some exploring, and above all do
some shopping. Oh, how he had missed going through the store window shopping and actually
purchasing some things. Maybe he would find some new scented candles or maybe some more
accessories. Just the thought of shopping made a happy feeling spread through his chest.

Getting into the city, Sunoo headed straight for the shops. There were all sorts of things. Antique
shops, flower shops, and music shops (he spent a lot of time there) but, what really got him excited
was the clothing stores. He couldn't help but let out a little squeal of excitement when he got to a
store. He was surrounded by so many different styles of clothing he almost felt overwhelmed.

Row after row Sunoo, went through the clothes draping one thing after another over his arm before
rushing to the dressing room to try them on. He found lots of nice pants, silk shirts, graphic tees,
button-downs, cardigans, bucket hats, caps with little rings (not that he was too into them but, it
was fun to play around with different styles) and so much more.

By the end of being in one store, he had two large bags full, but that was only the start. In the next
store, he found some books he'd been interested in and some mangas. The store after that was more
clothes, followed by some make-up, and in another little trinket store, he found cute figures to put
on his desk.

Sunoo was having so much fun that he barely recognized the discomfort in his stomach as his body
told him to eat until he stumbled past a cafe. It had the most amazing smell coming from it. He
gave a tentative sniff, unsure of what he was smelling. It smelled of sugar, cinnamon, and just a
very gooey smell that made him assume it was either freshly baked cinnamon rolls or a pudding
cake. No matter what it was he decided he wanted it so he took a few steps back and headed inside.
Something about the simplistic style of the cafe gave Sunoo an odd sense of deja vu but he didn't
dwell on it too much seeing as his stomach continued to angrily growl at him demanding he ate

He takes a seat setting his bags down close by but out of reach from others. He picks up the menu
scanning it for something good to eat. He finds the cinnamon rolls and after smelling them from
outside and even stronger now that he was inside he was locked in on trying them for himself.

"Hello I'm Jake and I'll...Sunoo?" Jake says. Sunoo looks up and to his horror, there was Jake
dressed in his uniform staring at Sunoo. Suddenly everything hit him, why this place looks so
familiar. It was because this is where he and Sunghoon first met Jake. Of all the places Sunoo
could have picked to eat, why did it have to be Jake's fucking job?

"Oh...Jake," Sunoo says, his voice slightly monotone.

"What are you doing here?" Jake says, a small smile on his face.

"Same as the other people here. I'm hungry."

"Oh of course! What can I get you?" Jake questions pulling a notepad and pen from his apron.
Sunoo has half a mind to get up and leave, but he was already here and Jake had already seen him.

"I want a cinnamon roll and an iced americano," he mutters plainly. Jake seems to perk up at his

"Sure thing! Anything else?"

"Just that is fine."

"Ok! Be right back," the beta chirps, and soon he's walking away to go into the kitchen.

'So much for not thinking of Sunghoon and Jake' Sunoo grimly thinks as he rests his chin in his
Jake comes back a few minutes later with a cinnamon roll and an iced Americano setting them
down on the table. Sunoo assumes that would be all. Jake would leave and continue on with his job
and Sunoo would be able to eat in peace and leave but Jake placed a gentle hand on his shoulder.

"Hey break is in fifteen minutes. Do-" Jake stops talking, biting his lip. He gulps and
continues talking more hesitantly now "Do you mind staying so we can talk?" he finishes. Sunoo
stares into the beta's eyes saying nothing. What did this beta want from him now, he already had
his mate! What more could he want? But sure Sunoo will humor the beta and agree to talk.

"Sure Jake!" he says with a tight-lipped smile before shrugging the beta's hand off his shoulder.
Jake retracts his hand quickly and smiles at Sunoo.

"T-thank you Sunoo! I'll come right here when I go on break."

"Can't wait," the omega says sarcastically as Jake walks away to attend to other customers.

"Shoot me," Sunoo mutters to himself as he takes a large angry bite of the cinnamon roll. At least
the food is good.

The omega enjoyed his food and sat scrolling on his phone until Jake slid into the seat across from
him, a hesitant smile stretched out on his lips.

"So, what do you want?" Sunoo questions to start the conversation.

"I wanted to have a chance to talk. J-just you and me."

"How come?"

"C-cause! We're Sunghoon's mates and well-"

"Jesus! Spit it out!" Sunoo shouts growing irritated with Jake.

"See this!" Jake blurts "I know you don't like me and I understand you and Sunghoon were just
about perfect before I came into the picture but-" Jake hesitates. "I'm here now and I really like
Sunghoon so I want to get to know you as well?" Jake says almost as if it were a question. It made
Sunoo nervous.

"Why?" he speculates, still not sure of the beta's intentions.

"Oh, it's simple. Sunghoon talks about you all the time and from the sounds of it you're a good
person so I'd like us to be friends" Jake says giving Sunoo a warm smile.

'Friends' the word bounced around in Sunoo's head. He could hear the word being repeated over
and over, but it wasn't Jake's smooth honey-like voice. It was a voice that haunted Sunoo since his

'Come on Sunoo. Don't you want to be my friend? We can be friends right?'

'Come this way Sunoo? We're friends so you should trust me'

The word overwhelmed him, and sent his omega into high alert. His inner wolf yipped anxiously as
he urged Sunoo to get out of the cafe. That he was in danger and needed to run!

Abruptly Sunoo stands up, the back of his chair scraping loudly against the floor. The action
surprised both Sunoo and Jake, along with several people within the cafe who now had their eyes
glued to the omega.
"I-" Sunoo takes a deep breath trying to calm his omega.

"I'm sorry but we can't be friends," Sunoo says firmly. Jake's smile falls and his brows knit in

"What? Sunoo I know we don't know each other well right now b-but I wanna change that! I think
we could be good friends," Jake pleads. His frown did nothing to change Sunoo's decision, instead
it urged him to be more firm.

"No. No, we'll never be friends," Sunoo hisses. He grabs his wallet, chucks his bill amount on the
table and rushes out with his bags.

As he walked through the bustling streets his head swarmed with thoughts urging him to get to
safety. Somehow he managed to get back to his dorm safe and sound but the paranoid and anxious
feeling had yet to leave him. He shoved his bags under his bed and went to change. As he passed
his mirror, he paused to look at his reflection. Since when had he become so weak? So easily
broken? As he stares in the mirror Sunoo notices the bit of blood trickling down his nose.

"Shit," he mutters, reaching over to his desk and snatching up a few tissues to wipe the blood away.
All the stress was weighing down on his body more than he thought. He tosses the tissues in the
trash before trudging over to his bed. He pulls the comforter back and crawls under to take a nap.
He just wanted to sleep all the pain away. Maybe in the morning, his heart will hurt less.
chapter eleven
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Doyoung isn’t stupid. He could tell something was wrong with Sunoo, that something had been
wrong for several days. It was all he could think about for the entire duration of the bus ride. As he
climbed off the bus his hands clutched his backpack and he was so deep in thought that he almost
passed his mate.

“Ya know most people stop and stare at me, not walk right past me,” A familiar voice calls.
Doyoung halts his steps and spins on his heels and sees his mate with his gorgeously tanned skin,
soft brown eyes, and charming smile.

“Jeongwoo!” he shouts, running to jump and tackle his mate in a hug. Jungwoo immediately held
his boyfriend up, holding him close with a huge smile on his face. Doyoung sighed in contentment,
his head diving down to press against his mate's scent gland. As he breathed in the scent of his
mate his nose twitched, detecting a new smell.

“Woo…” he mutters. Doyoung cups his mate's face looking into his beautiful eyes.

“Y-you presented?” he whispers. Jeongwoo hesitantly lets Doyoung back on his own feet and
gives a sheepish smile.

“U-um yeah I did. I-is it ok?” he questions nervously. Doyoung doesn’t know this, but Jeongwoo
was so nervous about his mates' reaction to him presenting. It wasn’t that he was ashamed of his
classification, there was nothing to be ashamed of. He was just worried he wouldn’t be good
enough now.

“Is it ok? Baby you know I've never cared about your classification. Alpha, beta, omega I’ll still
love you the same”

“I was just nervous you’d want an alpha instead”

“Jeongwoo, my family may be more traditional but I’m not. I may be an omega but that doesn’t
mean I want an alpha. As long as I have you your classification doesn’t matter,”

“S-so it’s ok that I’m a beta?” Jeongwoo murmurs his hands coming up to meet Doyoung’s on his

“Yes, dummy! You didn’t get that from my whole speech?” Doyoung pouts. Jeongwoo chuckles
before leaning down to gently press his lips against Doyoungs.

“I love you”

“I love you too Woo,” Doyoung says before roughly grabbing Jeongwoo’s ears between his
fingers, “Don’t you ever do that again! Talk to me when you’re going through a hard time and
don’t ignore my calls,” he says. Jeongwoo whines reaching up to detach his boyfriend's hand from
his ear.

“I know I know! Jihoon hyung already gave me an earful! Stop stop,” he whines. Doyoung let's go
with a satisfied smile and pats his boyfriend's head.
“Good, now come on I’m excited to see Jihoon-hyung too”


The weekend was a blast. Doyoung forgot how much fun it was to hang out with Jeongwoo and his
older brother Jihoon. He grew up across the street from his mate and his brother and spent almost
every day with him but due to them going to different colleges he spent a long time away from his
beloved mate. Now it felt like he had to leave far too soon.

“Baby don’t pout,” Doyoung says as his mate pouts at him. They were at the bus stop but neither
of them were ready to part from each other.

“I’ll see you again for winter break. You’re still planning on going home right?” he says, playing
with Jeongwoo's fingers. The younger nods, his lips still curled down in a pout.

“Ok! That’s only in a month and then we have a whole week to spend together!” Doyoung says
cheerfully despite it being the opposite of how he feels. He felt the same way Jeongwoo did. He
didn’t want to part from Jeongwoo now but he had to go back to school.

“I know I know, I just want more time with you”

“Of course you do! I’m great,” Doyoung jokes, trying to lighten the mood.

“Facetime tonight?”

“Of course!” Doyoung says. Jeongwoo gives him a smile that slowly fades as he hears the clunk of
the bus approaching.

“Don’t forget to call me ok?”

“I won’t, promise”

“And tell Sunoo I say hi! I really can’t wait to meet him one day,”

“We’ll work something out. But I'll tell him you said hello” Doyoung says. As the other passengers
load onto the bus he lingers behind just a little, selfishly taking as many seconds as he could to be
with his mate.

“Kid you boarding or not?” the bus driver hisses. Doyoung turns to Jeongwoo giving him a quick
kiss before climbing into the bus.

“Be safe!” Jeongwoo shouts as the doors close. His beta was jumping excitedly, still a little
starstruck from his mates kiss.

“God I love him” he mutters to himself.

From on the bus Doyoung sits all the way in the back just so he can have a few more minutes
seeing his mate before he faded into a tiny dot and then disappeared all together. Turning to face
the front he sighs heart feeling both warm and heavy. This weekend had been so healing for his
human and wolf halves. His omega had been chirping happily the whole time happy to be close to
his mate. It was even excited to see Jihoon seeing as they’ve known each other since they were

Unfortunately his little happy bubble burst and reality seeped through reminding him of his adult
responsibilities and bringing him back to his normal life. Sighing he digs his phone from his bag,
plugging in his headphones and listening to some music to entertain him during the hour long ride.

The hour seemed to pass quickly and soon he was getting off the bus along with the other
passengers only to excitedly run up to his roommate and crush him in a hug seeing as he was
waiting for him. Usually Sunoo would pick Doyoung up and spin him but this time Sunoo
stumbled backwards, barely being able to hold him up. It worried Doyoung even further.

He felt guilt wash over him when he remembered something had been off with Sunoo. He could
tell his condition worsened over the weekend.

“H-hi Doie,” Sunoo says, his voice hoarse. Doyoung nuzzles against Sunoo’s cheek in a
comforting scenting action, smelling the lingering smell of distress on Sunoo’s neck.

“Everything ok?” he mutters, hands raised to cup Sunoo’s cheeks. He was pale, which wasn’t like
Sunoo who usually had a healthy color to his skin and his cheeks having a natural rosy tint.

“Yeah! I’m fine” Sunoo said, but Doyoung didn’t believe it.

“Are you sure?”

“Yeah yeah! Come on, let's go home and talk about your weekend,” Sunoo says, urging Doyoung
to walk to their dorm. Sadly Doyoung trails after him with worried thoughts in his head. He could
tell Sunoo had been hiding, he was familiar with it himself which is why he wants to help Sunoo so

“Doyoung I’m fine, promise! I was just dying of boredom without you while you were out with
your boyfriend” Sunoo says playfully. Doyoung pushes his roommate away and gives him a punch
to his shoulder.

“Yeah whatever dork. Did you remember to study for your test?” he says going along with Sunoo.
For now, he wouldn’t push, he'd wait for Sunoo to come to him.


Sunoo felt happiness and anxiety fill his chest when reading a text from Sunghoon. It was a simple
text ‘wanna hang out before class’ but the fact that Sunghoon wanted to see him was enough to
send his emotions into a whirlwind. He hadn’t texted him the entire weekend which hopefully
meant Jake hadn’t told him about the cafe blow-up. Sunoo didn’t know if he should be grateful for
it or not.

Still, he got dressed in a new outfit from his little shopping spree and even styled his hair a little
differently, in a vain attempt to gain the alpha’s attention.

When he found Sunghoon he couldn’t help but fawn over his alpha’s looks. Sunghoon had always
been very good-looking, but he also knew how to dress. Today he was in casual black slacks, with
a blue sweater and a button-down underneath. He was ogling for so long that Sunghoon had
enough time to walk up to him with a bright smile on his face.

“Hey, baby,” Sunghoon coos his hand reaching for Sunoo’s. The omega couldn’t help the small
smile on his lips having his mate hold his hand.

“Hi,” Sunoo mutters back.

“So I was thinking that we could have a movie night,” Sunghoon says as he wings his and Sunoo’s
intertwined hands. Sunoo perked up at the idea. He loves having movie nights. They were never
really about movies when it came to Sunghoon, it was just an excuse for him to cuddle Sunoo
without having to ask.

“Course we can! What are you thinking action, comedy, romance, sci-fi?” Sunoo lists in wonder.

“Not sure really. We can ask Jake what he’s into and decide from there,” at the mention of Jake
Sunoo stops in his place.

“Wha- what does Jake have to do with our movie night?”

“I figured we could invite him. Is that ok?” Sunghoon questions his brows scrunched. Sunoo’s
blood boiled. Movie nights were their thing. It was the one thing that hadn’t been tainted by Jake
and now Sunghoon wanted to bring Jake into it and ruin everything.

“Actually Hoon, I just remembered I agreed to help Doyoung with something. Maybe we have a
movie night at a different time”

“Can’t you just help him another night?”

“No sorry,” sunoo says. He lets his hand slip from Sunghoon before taking a step away from him

“I gotta get to class,” the omega says before rushing off.

Jake this, Jake that, when does it end? When will it go back to just them, Sunoo and Sunghoon?
Sunoo was sick of Jake being there every time Sunghoon wanted to hang out. The bonding time
between new mates should be over by now so why did Jake need to be included in everything?
Doesn’t Sunghoon realize Sunoo needed his time too? His time where Sunghoon was all his?

Apparently not considering he wanted to bring Jake into their movie nights.

Settled in his seat Sunoo sighs, chin in his palm as he stares out the window. Why did things turn
out this way? He went through his creative writing class scribbling drawings in his notebook
instead of writing like he was supposed to. He’d just do it later. After creative writing, Sunoo didn't
feel like going to his other classes and instead went back to his dorm. As he approached the door
Sunoo felt a gut wrenching pain in his chest and stomach that made him instantly drop to his knees
in front of his door. He whimpered in pain as the feeling grew worse and worse. He leaned against
the door for support pressing his forehead against the cool door. After a few minutes, the pain
began to subside but it was still bad enough that he couldn’t get up.

“Sunoo?!” Doyoung shouts from behind him. He didn’t have classes until late evening and had
gone to eat breakfast in the cantine only to return to his roommate curled up at their door.

“Oh my god hold on,” Doyoung says. He hovers over Sunoo putting his key in the lock and
pushing the door open. Thankfully he was able to reach down and hold Sunoo up from falling on
the floor since the door had been his only support.

“Ok come on bub. Let’s get in here” Doyoung grunts as he drags Sunoo inside and into a bed.
Doyoung quickly locks their door before tending back to Sunoo who was feeling a lot better now
that the pain had mostly subsided and he was left with a dull ache in his gut.

“Are you ok?” Doyoung says handing him a bottle of water. After taking a sip Sunoo nods.

“Good, now tell me what the hell is wrong with you? I’ve tried playing nice hoping whatever it
was would work itself out but now you’re worse!” Doyoung exclaims “We’re close now aren’t
we? Hell I’ve let you borrow my underwear, you're my friend now!” the omega exclaims missing
the way Sunoo flinched at the word friend.

“Just tell me what’s wrong so I can help you fix it. It can’t be that bad right?” Doyoung says
kneeling on the bed and holding Sunoo’s hands in his. Sunoo didn’t want to tell Doyoung about his
personal things because even though yes, they were growing close he couldn’t fully trust him but
Sunoo had no one else. And so Sunoo tells him everything from the time he met Jake and all the
painful details in between. By the end, Sunoo was in tears as his roommate gently stroked his back.
So maybe Doyoung couldn’t fix this, and yeah it was worse than he had thought, but maybe not in
the way Sunoo thinks.

“Sunshine?” Doyoung coos after Sunoo’s tears dried up.

“Have you told Sunghoon how you’re feeling?” he questions and Sunoo shakes his head.

“C-can’t ruin things. H-he’ll hate me” Sunoo says close to sobbing again and Doyoung wonders if
there were any more tears for him to cry. He certainly hopes not.

“I think you need to tell Sunghoon. I can understand why you wouldn’t want to but maybe you’re
holding onto too much pain alone”

“B-but Sunghoon…he”

“I get it I do, but your feelings matter too! You’re putting way too much stress on your omega and
your bond. Mate bonds can break too ya know” Doyoung says.

“If you keep this to yourself and push yourself too much you might break your bond with
Sunghoon and I’d really hate for that to happen”

“D-don't wanna lose him”

“You won’t Sunoo, you won’t. But you need to tell him and take some time for yourself to unwind
and unpack everything. Properly process your emotions and come back with a clear head”
Doyoung explains. For a second Sunoo thinks about rejecting the idea. He’d already spent so much
time being the third wheel and being away from Sunghoon, that he didn’t think he could stand
actually being away from him, but then again Doyoung was right. Mate bonds can break as well
and Sunoo wasn’t sure he could physically, emotionally, or mentally handle that.

“Ok…I’ll talk to Sunghoon then”

“Good. I know it’s hard Sunoo…well not really but I sympathize with you. I have no idea if I could
go through this like you are, but you’re strong and I will be with you every step of the way”

“Thank you Doyoung”

“Of course! How about I get us some hot chocolate and we watch a drama and unwind?” Doyoung
suggests. Sunoo nods weakly, not having a lot of energy to do much else. All his crying really tired
him out.

“Ok, be back!” Doyoung exclaims as he rushes off to get them hot chocolate. Sunoo makes himself
comfortable on Doyoung bed. He lets out a heavy sigh as he relaxes into the sheets. He was truly
lucky to have Doyoung as his friend. Friend? Maybe Doyoung was on his way to being Sunoo’s
friend. Sunoo would like that. He was tired of being alone.

Chapter End Notes

thinking of writing a treasure version of this. it won't be a full group poly like this one
but it will have more rare/uncommon pairings like in this book. idk I sorta want to but I
already have my hands full with this one

hope you enjoyed this chapter since it was a little longer than the last few short ones.
next one is even longer than this so buckle up! lots of emotions will be expressed
chapter twelve
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Sunghoon was stumped. He thought things had been going well between the three of them but
maybe he had been wrong all along. As he watched Sunoo walk away he felt like his biggest fear
was coming to life. The last thing he wanted was to have to choose between his mates. Sunoo, well
Sunoo had been all he knew for three years, and now here is Jake, sweet, handsome, smart, and
very dorky Jake who had a spot in Sunghoon's heart now. He couldn't bear to let either of them go.
He wouldn't. He'll find a way to work things out with Sunoo, he had to because he refused to let
their bond break.

Sulking like a scolded pup Sunghoon goes to his class earlier than intended. Since when had Sunoo
had ill feelings towards Jake? Sure he'd been hesitant at first but it was Sunoo that begged
Sunghoon to meet him, Sunoo who encouraged him to get to know his mate so why was Sunoo so
angry earlier. And since when could Sunghoon not smell his mate's scent? Too many questions and
not enough answers. It bugged his alpha and wounded him deep in his soul. Had he been a bad
alpha? Surely he hadn't been missing signs all this time?

"Alright class, open your books to where we left off last time and get with a partner. We're going to
try a new exercise today!" his professor announces as she struts into the room ready to start her
class. With a heavy sigh, Sunghoon follows orders.

"Sunghoonie!" Wonyoung sing-songs as she skips over to steal the seat next to the boy. Sunghoon
groaned, getting ready to stand and move away but was forcefully pushed back down by the beta.

"Sit," she demands softly so Sunghoon does so. Honestly, he'd rather work with Wonyoung than
his other classmates. They sit shoulder to shoulder working on the various math exercises
Sunghoon would have struggled through had it not been for Wonyoung. Though she was a few
years younger than him she was an exceptional mathlete.

"How are you so bad at math," she laughs once the class is over and students begin filling out the

"Dunno. I'm good at other things. Math is just...stupid," the alpha grumbles, his ears reddening
from Wonyoung's teasing.

"Or maybe you're stupid," she teases this time earning a flick on the forehead.

"Yeah well not all of us had private tutors growing up you little–" Sunghoon stops as his nose
catches a scent he'd grown very familiar with.

"I'll see you around Won," he says ruffling the girl's hair before rushing through the crowd of

"Hey," he says once he catches up to Jake. The beta gives him his dorky crooked smile. Another
thing Sunghoon has grown familiar with and has started to love.

"Hi," Jake says. He moves to hug Sunghoon which the alpha easily complies with. He takes a
moment to sniff Jake, letting his calm scent wash over him.

"So, I was thinking, maybe we hang out. Watch a movie" Sunghoon suggests.
"Oh? I have some physics homework but yeah I'm down. I'll probably just work on it throughout
the movie though. Mr.Baek is really strict about assignments and they take forever to get through"
he rambles, hands moving about as he talks. Sunghoon found it cute.

"Um...will Sunoo be there?" he questions. Sunghoon frowns his attention suddenly anywhere but
Jake's face.

"Oh no. He um, had something to do" he admits and Jake's smile drops into a frown.

"Oh," he says

"Don't worry. He'll join us next time. Apparently, his roommate needed him for something so it's
just us tonight," Sunghoon says not wanting to mood to dampen.

"Yeah yeah...just us," Jake mutters. His smile returned but it didn't reach his eyes.

"Hmm let me walk you to class," Sunghoon says. He reaches to hold Jake's hand (a recent
development) but the beta shoves his hand in his pocket, acting as if he hadn't seen Sunghoon's
advance. Awkwardly Sunghoon shoves his hands into his pockets as he quietly walks beside Jake
to his class. Their departer was very awkward as Sunghoon went to hug him goodbye but Jake yet
again dodged as he quickly said goodbye and rushed into the lecture hall leaving Sunghoon to
wonder what the hell was going on with his mates?

He went about the rest of his day extremely unfocused and wanted to go home. The last few
classes were rough, to say the least. When he finally was done for the day he rushed to his dorm
wanting to clean it up before Jake came over. He wasn't the cleanest and neither was his roommate,
Jisung. Speaking of Jisung, he'd finally presented as an alpha and even found his mate, Jaemin, a
fellow alpha. Sunghoon had been so freaked out when he found Jisung pinned to the floor and
tickled by some random alpha. He almost attacked Jaemin due to his alpha mistaking his
roommates' cries of laughter for cries of distress. Had it not been for Jisung's embarrassed rambling
that he and Jaemin were just messing around and that Jaemin was actually his mate, Sunghoon
would have really fought him.

Sunghoon chuckles recalling the memory as he walks into his room. Looking around the space he
found that Jisung's side was actually fairly clean which meant he had less work to do. Tossing his
bag by his desk he makes up his bed first before collecting the clothes on the floor and tossing
them in his hamper, then tended to all the trash and random items that lingered around the floor.

Once he was done he threw himself on his bed phone in hand as he played some mobile game
Jisung got him addicted to. PubG. He played round after round until he got a text from Jake.
Sunghoon got excited as he quickly abandoned the game to read his mate's text only to be

Sorry can't do a movie tonight

Surprise quiz tomorrow gotta study...reign check?

Huffing Sunghoon replies back, ensuring Jake that they could make a reign check possible before
he clicks his phone off and tosses it aside. He had to admit he was pretty disappointed but school
came first with Jake and Sunghoon respected that. Maybe they could hang out tomorrow, yeah
tomorrow and maybe Sunoo would join. With that thought in mind, Sunghoon got up from his bed
gathering his things to shower and get ready for bed.

The next day came and went as Sunghoon found out from both his mates that they were busy and
he once again spent the evening alone. But it was ok, he told himself. Everything would be ok and
he could try again tomorrow. Only tomorrow was the same, as was the next day and the day after
that and the day after that, and so on until Sunghoon had gone a week without seeing either of his
mates. Seeing as he had two he felt he had a fifty-fifty chance of seeing one of them but no, they
were avoiding him. They were avoiding him and it hurt. He didn't understand. He had thought
things were well but apparently, they were not. But Sunghoon wasn't going to let it stay that way.
He will talk to his mates one on one and get an understanding from both of them so he could figure
out how they move forward because Sunghoon believes in an odd turn of events that they all
belong together.

Sunghoon decided to seek out Jake first. Since it's Monday and Sunoo doesn't have any classes
there was no way he'd be able to get the younger to talk. If Sunoo wanted to be alone there was no
way he'd get him to open the door. It was easier to run into Jake and see him on campus. Sunghoon
was aware that ambushing the beta like this could have a negative effect but he was desperate.

Even though his class was across campus Sunghoon hung around the science hall hoping to run
into Jake. Thankfully it was easy to spot Jake and he quickly rushed over before the beta smelled
him and ran away.

"Jake! Hey Jake!" he calls to Jake who stood still debating if he should run or not. He spent too
long debating and there was Sunghoon in front of him.

"Hey" he mutters standing close enough to the beta now to truly smell his scent. Clean and
refreshing. Jake held onto the ends of his jacket sleeves as he muttered a quiet 'Hello'

"Did I do something?" Sunghoon blurts.

"What no? Why would"

"Why are you avoiding me then?"

"I-I'm not. I is a lot right now and I'm b-busy. Yeah busy"

"You're lying," Sunghoon says, smelling a slight change in Jake's scent.

"I'm sorry," the beta says, shrinking in on himself. Sunghoon shakes his head as he gently
approaches Jake and wraps him up in a hug.

"Don't be sorry. I just want to understand...I don't know where everything went wrong" Sunghoon
mutters. Hesitantly Jake lifts his arms to wrap around Sunghoon's waist returning the hug.


"Didn't I already say you don't have to be sorry," Sunghoon chuckles.

"I know I just. I never meant to upset you"

"Don't worry. 's ok. But I do want to talk, to understand. Will you come over after class?"

"Yes. I will"


"Promise," Jake says, and Sunghoon smiles. He lets go of Jake to gently scratched his head.

"Sunghoon I am not a dog," the smaller chuckles as he pushes the alpha's hand away.
"Your phantom ears are becoming present. Figured you could use a scratch," Sunghoon teases with
a wink. Jake gasps as his hands fly up to his head and sure enough, his ears were poking out of his

"Stupid beta genes," he murmurs pressing his ears to make them disappear only to have Sunghoon
stop him.

"Your genes aren't stupid. I like your ears...they're pretty," he says with a flushed face. Hearing the
compliment also made Jake blush. No one outside of his family had ever called his ears pretty.
Awkwardly, Sunghoon clears his throat as he steps away from his mate.

"Well um I'll leave you to your class now...don't forget your promise" and with that, he flees the
science wing in hopes that his blush would go away, his heart would stop racing and he would stop
smiling. It didn't work. All day Sunghoon had a huge smile on his face. He was making progress
and he got to see Jake's ears. Beta's only showed their phantom ears to someone they were
comfortable with and for Jake to show his weather intentionally or unintentionally made Sunghoon
unbelievably happy. He only wished his happiness would stay even after his talk with Jake.

After his classes finished Sunghoon anxiously waited in his dorm for Jake. He tried distracting
himself with games on his phone and when that didn't work he went to youtube but nothing could
occupy his attention. It wasn't until a knock sounded on his door did Sunghoon abandon needing a
distraction. He ripped the door open thankfully finding Jake. He kept his promise.

"Come in," Sunghoon says, letting the beta inside. With nervous footsteps, Jake walks into the
dorm and takes a look around. There were some soccer players' poster up on the wall on the right
side as well as a soccer ball on the desk and some textbooks halfway shoved under the bed. Jake
assumed it was Sunghoon's roommate's belongings. As he turned to the other side of the room he
noticed picture frames on the wall. Pictures of Sunghoon as a kid holding a medal, more pictures of
a younger Sunghoon, this time on ice dressed in whatever costume he'd been assigned at the time.
There were a few pictures of him and his little sister, his mom, and then SUnghoon and Sunoo. The
two looked so happy in the photos. Sunoo with his arms around Sunghoon's neck, both of them
covered in frosting. The two of them dressed up for what Jake can assume to be a school dance,
lots of solo pics of Sunoo that Jake guessed Sunghoon took without the omega's knowledge.

"Sunoo put that together. Apparently not decorating my half of the dorm is a sin so he put those
up," Sunghoon says.

"They're cute. That's from when you were a skater, yeah?" Jake questions pointing to a photo and
Sunghoon nods.

"Yeah. Simpler times," he jokes as he sits on the bed and motions for Jake to do the same.

"So what did you want to talk about?" Jake questions as if he doesn't know.

"You've been avoiding me...actually you and Sunoo both have. I just want to understand why,"
Sunghoon says. Jake looks down playing with his fingers. He figured without him in the way
Sunghoon and Sunoo could go back to spending time with Sunghoon just like he wanted. Was the
omega avoiding Sunghoon because of him? Because he ambushed him at the cafe? Jake had only
wanted to make things better between the three of them...had he actually made them worse.

"I just...we've been spending a lot of time together and I'm happy I am but...maybe we should um
give each other some space"

"Some space?" Sunghoon questions confused. What does that even mean?
"Yeah like, you don't want to be around me every day do you?" Jake says. He can feel the sting in
his chest through his bond and instantly feels bad. He'd hurt Sunoo and now he hurt Sunghoon too.

"Jake, you don't really mean that do you?" Sunghoon murmurs. Jake couldn't look at him, nor
could he respond because it wasn't the truth but he had to lie. He had to lie and hurt Sunghoon
because he was getting in the way. He was getting in the way of Sunghoon and Sunoo and if he
continued he doesn't think he would be able to live with himself.

"Jake, please tell me you don't mean that" Sunghoon repeats again and that does it. Even though
their bond was so new Jake felt like he'd been burned in the chest.

"No! I don't, I don't but Sunghoon. I can't! I can't keep doing this!" Jake says. He felt close to tears.

"Can't what? What can't you do Jake? Is it me? Am I putting too much pressure on you?"

"NO!" Jake wails.

"Please Jake. Please" Sunghooon pleads. He couldn't handle it. He couldn't handle Jake pushing
him away along with Sunoo. Not now, not when their bond was still so new, so fragile. He couldn't
risk it breaking or being tainted by ill feelings

"Don't push me away. Let me in, let me help," he pleads, wrapping Jake in a hug. This time Jake
doesn't hesitate to wrap his arms around Sunghoon and press his face against the alpha's chest.

Sunghoon lets out a happy growl at the contact, his wolf feeling accepted. One of his hands leaves
Jake's waist to curl up in the beta's hair, carding his fingers through the male's soft brown curls.

'Yes. This is what it should be like' Sunghoon thinks. His mates should come to him. They should
confide in him when they are struggling or had worries. He is their alpha and alphas are made to
protect and care for their mates.

"My boy," the alpha murmurs, his head ducking down to nose along the bits of Jake's jaw and neck
that were exposed to him. He wanted to scent Jake so bad. Sure scenting didn't have the same effect
for Betas as it did on omegas and even some alpha's but Sunghoon was sure that Jake's beta would
appreciate it. He'd hold off for now, but maybe one day Jake would let him scent him, to cover him
in his scent to let him know he is cared for but also to let everyone know that Jake belongs to
Sunghoon and Sunghoon belongs to Jake

"Talk to me...tell me what's wrong" Sunghoon murmurs.

"Didn't wanna come between you and Sunoo and I have...S-Sunoo hates me" Jake sobs and
Sunghoon winces.

"I'm sure Sunoo doesn't hate you..."

"He does! M-met him at my job, the cafe and I just wanted to get him to understand me. I
said I wanted to be his friend and he yelled at me...said we'd never be friends," Jake says as his
phantom ears droop and his tail hangs low. Sunghoon hums as he runs his hand up and down Jake's
back. Maybe that's what was wrong. Jake had ambushed Sunoo with the friend's card and Sunoo
freaked out. Sunoo didn't like strangers imposing on him, claiming they wanted to be friends.

"Sunoo doesn't hate you. You scared him, that's all. He yelled at you cause his omega wanted to
protect him," Sunghoon says being very vague with his explanation. It was not his place to tell
Sunoo's history. The omega would have to do that himself when he trusts Jake...if he ever gets to
that point.
"W-why? I'd never hurt Sunoo...why'd his omega think that?" Jake questions more confused than
ever. Sunghoon shakes his head as he strokes Jake's cheek.

"I can't tell you that, Sunoo will have to when he's ready. But Jake I promise Sunoo doesn't hate
you," he says but Jake wasn't all that convinced.

"Is that why you've been avoiding me? Cause you think you're in between Sunoo and me?"


"Don't do that. Don't distance yourself ok? Come talk to me so we can make things better. Besides,
it's not your fault it's mine. I should have realized Sunoo wasn't 100% with this...I pushed him too

"I'm sorry"

"Jesus Jake it is not your fault! It's mine. I'm a bad alpha"

"No! You're not a bad alpha!" Jake growls, actually growls. Sunghoon had never heard a beta do
that before. It caused his cheeks to dust pink as he thought that an angry look looked good on Jake,
however now was not the time.

"We're all at fault. No one is communicating with anyone and everyone is getting hurt in the
process. This is such a weird situation and I'm sorry for my part in hurting you and Sunoo.."


"No Sunghoon, let me apologize ok. I feel so fudging guilty like I caused all this. I know you said
that it's not my fault but I feel like it is...I just want everyone to be ok"

"Of course you do! I do too. I want both my boys to be happy, healthy, and get along. But you're
right we're not communicating and it's partly my fault. I didn't make sure everyone was included
properly. I'll do better from now on. I'll talk to Sunoo and make things right so we all can be

"I-I'd like that...for all of us to be happy I mean"

"Then it's settled," Sunghoon says, bringing Jake to his chest yet again. As he sits there with his
chest pressed against Jake's he could feel the beta's heartbeat in time with his.

"Can I tell you something?"


"I don't think I could live without you Jake Sim. You're mine now and I have no intentions of
letting ok with that?" he questions looking down at Jake who looked like he was going to

"I-I don't think I could live without you either Sunghoon...I never knew having a mate would- that
it would feel like this. Sure I've heard about it from other people but feeling it, feeling this," Jake
says worming his hand between their bodies to feel his heart and Sunghoon's beating in rhythm
"It's such an amazing feeling...I- I think I love it"


" can I ask you something?"


"Can I kiss you?" he questions. Sunghoon doesn't bother responding as he slowly leans in, pressing
his lips against Jake's. Despite being the one to ask for a kiss Jake lets out a squeak of surprise
before grabbing hold of Sunghoon's shirt and kissing back.

"I thought you'd never ask," Sunghoon says once they pull back, and Jake giggles.

"W-wanna watch a movie?" Jake questions now feeling very embarrassed besides there being
nothing to be embarrassed about but Sunghoon shakes his head.

"I'd rather kiss you again" and oh boy, what did Jake just get himself into.


Chapter End Notes

jakehoon had their first kiss yay! i know it took a long time but don't hate me lol. also
don't hate sunghoon he has a lot going on in his mind but he's trying!

next chapter will be about him and sunoo. i'll warn you guys now sunoo's heat is
mentioned and there are a few suggestive scenes however i'll give you guys a warning
to where those scenes are placed in the chapter so you can skip over them if you're
uncomfortable by them.

if you have any questions about the characters biology feel free to let me know! some
things about them i made up to make the story more interesting and original
chapter thirteen
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Midterms were right around the corner and Sunoo was stressed. He was stressed about his
midterms, he was stressed about his grades and seeing his mom for semester break, he was
stressed over Sunghoon he was just....stressed. All of the emotions were taking a huge toll on his
body as well as the suppressants he'd been taking nonstop for the last few weeks.

He managed as well as he could, keeping his head held high as he went into his classes to take his
exams, however he was unsure what the results would be. He was unfocused the entire him, his
mind hazy and his body on fire. By the time the exams were over his body ached all over and all he
wanted to do was sleep. He wanted to sleep and never wake up. Unfortunately on Tuesday morning
he did wake up and his body ached. It ached to the point where he felt like his cells were being torn
apart over and over. He knew exactly what it was, his heat. With everything going on between
school and the mate situation he'd forgotten he was due for his heat soon. He never knew exactly
when it would come, with him being a halfbreed they were always irregular and only happened a
few times a year, unlike regular omega heats which happened four to five times a year.

Groaning, Sunoo kicks his blankets off letting them fall down to the floor. He lets out a sigh of
relief as the cool air of his room hits his burning skin, but it wasn't enough. Glancing to the other
side of the room Sunoo whines seeing Doyoung wasn't in his bed. He must have gone out for

"Ok...I can do this," Sunoo mutters to himself. He needed to get his medication.

It took a lot of effort but Sunoo managed to get himself out of bed and over to his desk where he
kept all his medications. fumbling through the pill bottles he found the meds for heat pains. Since
he was a halfbred his doctor had prescribed him special painkillers that would help ease the pain of
his heats since he wasn't a full wolf and his body couldn't endure the pain.

Popping a few pills Sunoo swallows them dry, not bothering to yet water. He just wanted them in
his system until he could yet some kind of releaf.

It would take awhile for the pulls to work so sunoo chuckled his shirt and pants off before laying
on his bed attempting to get comfortable. He closed his eyes and took deep breaths trying to relax
and take full control of his body. The last thing he needed was to hunt sunghoon down and have the
whole campus smell him in heat.

Sunoo grips onto his sheets and hisses as another wave of pain washes over him making it even
harder to control his wolf. Sunoo felt his canine grow at their full length as they poke at his plump
bottom lip. Leaning over he grabs his phone that had been sitting on the nightstand. He unlocks it
with his thumbprint to quickly go to the school app. He hits the blue and red button for emergency
heat leave watching as the automated message popped up confirming his leave.


With a heavy sigh Sunoo drops his phone by him on his bed. His eyes flutter shut as he takes a few
relaxed breaths. Slowly the medicine was starting to kick in and he could feel the pain subsiding
little by little. After a half hour of laying in bed Sunoo felt himself start to fall asleep.
It felt like no time had passed at all when a loud knock sounded from his dorm door. It startled him
out of his sleep, his wolf making an appearance, his eyes flash bright blue as he let out a
threatening growl warning the person on the other side of the door.

"Kim Sunoo, open the door," Sunghoon growls back. Sunoo lets out an involuntary pur hearing the
deep rumble in his mates voice.

'Stop it' he thinks to his wolf not appreciating him trying to take over. Getting up, Sunoo shuffles to
the door, arm wrapped around his stomach as he felt the pain slowly start to creep through his

"What are you doing here?" Sunoo shouts from his side of the door.

"Open. The. Door." Sunghoon growls this time using his alpha voice, giving Sunoo no choice but
to listen. He curses his biology as he unlocks the door pulling it open just for Sunghoon to tackle
him in a hug. Sunoo hardly has a chance to kick the door closed before Sunghoon is lifting him up
in his arms. Habitually, Sunoo wraps his legs around his mate's waist, arms going around his neck.

"Why didn't you tell me," Sunghoon whispers as he breathes in Sunoo's scent.

"T-tell you what?"

"You know what? Your heat. You should have told me Sunoo," Sunghoon growls and Sunoo feels
a shiver run down his spine. He forgot how protective and intense Sunghoon got during his heats.

"H-how did you find out? Doie isn't e-even here" Sunoo says, his mind beginning to fog over. With
the presence of his mate his heat was starting to take over his brain making it hard for him to think.
Sunghoon clicks his tongue against his teeth in annoyance.

"Tsk. That's what you're worried about? We filled out the mate files for school so when you go for
heat leave I get a notification as well" Sunghoon answers.

'Damn it' Sunoo thinks. He'd forgotten that the school required you to fill out mate information if
mates were going to the same school. He'd also forgotten about the fact that Sunghoon would get
leave off as well. Fucking werewolf laws.

"You should have told me Sunoo. I know things are so messed up right now but I'm your
boyfriend, your mate, your alpha. I should have known. I shouldn't have found out through a
fucking school app," Sunghoon says, anger and hurt laced in his voice. It pissed Sunoo off.

"Y-yeah? Well if you weren't so busy c-chasing tails with Jake m-maybe I would have told you,"
was the omegas rebuttal.

"Don't. Don't do that."

[ ]

"Well it's true! You're the one who said nothing would change. You're the one who said you'd stay
by my side. Sunghoon, you're the one who told me to be myself. Well you know what that got me?
A boyfriend who left me. You're no better than my fucking mom!" Sunoo spits out angrily.
Sunghoon moves to put Sunoo back on the floor and the omega hisses in pain as the material of
Sunghoon's shirt rubs against his swollen nipples.

"Ah," he whines in pain, hands shooting to cover his chest. He was suddenly aware he was dressed
only in his underwear while Sunghoon was bundled warm for the late October weather.
"Sit," Sunghoon says motioning for Sunoo to sit on his bed. Sunoo shuffles over plopping on his
bed and watching Sunghoon closely. Routinely Sunghoon goes to Sunoo's desk going through his
first aid kit collecting the materials he needed. Once he was done he dragged Sunoo's desk chair
over to his bed sitting in front of him.

"Move them," he mutters motioning for Sunoo to move his hands from his chest. As Sunoo did so
he found himself hyper aware of what Sunghoon was going to do, and even though he'd done it for
the heats they'd spent together Sunoo found himself growing embarrassed.

Sunghoon opens the jar of hydrocortisone, rubbing some between his fingers and goes to touch his
chest but stops.

"Is this ok?" he questions looking Sunoo in the eye. The omega could tell Sunghoon was having a
hard time controlling his wolf. His eyes would flicker red every so often and he could smell the
slight change in the alpha's scent.

"Uh-huh," Sunoo, more like his omega answers for him. Gently Sunghoon rubs the cream on his
mate's nipples trying to ignore Sunoo's squirming. He reaches down in his lap grabbing a gel pad,
tearing the packaging open and gently applying it over one of Sunoo's nipples before doing the
same to the other.

"Good?" he questions, gazing down at Sunoo. The omega felt like the air was punched out of his
lungs. Fuck his stupid heat brain swooning over nothing.

"Yeah...thank you" Sunoo says as he reaches for his shirt that had been discarded hours ago.

"Leave it," Sunghoon says stopping him, "You'll overheat," he warns but Sunoo has no interest in
listening to him as he begins to pull the shirt over his head.

"It's just a shirt," he mutters.

"Sunoo," Sunghoon says, voice low and warning but Sunoo still proceeds to put the shirt on even
though he knows he'll be taking it off soon. Sunghoon sighs in frustration, arms going to cross over
his chest.

[ ]

"You can leave. I never asked you to be here," Sunoo says nonchalantly as he lays down on his
bed, closing his eyes. It felt better laying down but there was an itch under his skin that he couldn't
quite explain.

Sunghoon ignores Sunoo and goes to the mini fridge grabbing a bottle of water. As he approaches
the bed his lips curl up into a smirk seeing Sunoo look all peaceful with his eyes closed. Without
remorse Sunghoon places the cold bottle of water against Sunoo's neck making him hiss at the
temperature. It felt nice, Sunghoon knows it did by the way Sunoo tilts his neck and presses further
into it. A cold compress against his scent gland always brought Sunoo a lot of relief during his

"Jerk. You didn't have to scare me," Sunoo grumbles, eyes opening to see what was against his
neck. Sunghoon pulls the bottle away, opening it and offering it to Sunoo. As the omega reaches
for it the alpha moves it away.

"Sit up. I'll do it"

"I have arms that work Sunghoon" Sunoo says as he sits up. Despite being so stubborn he lets
Sunghoon give him the water, his omega loving being spoiled by it's alpha. Once Sunoo was done
drinking the water Sunghoon used the edge of his sleeve to gently wipe the water at the corner of
Sunoo's lips.

"Sunoo," Sunghoon starts as he sits in the desk chair, hands grasping Sunoo's.

"Jake told me what happened at the cafe," he says and Sunoo whimpers. 'This is it. He's going to
leave me'

"Sunoo I need you to know that Jake isn't going to hurt you. He's not like them. I can feel it here,
here in my heart that Jake would never hurt you intentionally. He's a good person Sun" Sunghoon
says and Sunoo wants to throw up.

"I don't have to like him" Sunoo protests

"No you don't but you two will have to get along" Sunghoon rebuttals only to receive an eye roll
from his mate.



"No. Can't you hear?" Sunoo sasses as he crosses his arms over his chest. Sunghoon does the same,
only raising an eyebrow. What the hell was with the attitude?

"Why not?" he questions.

"Cause I don't want to."

"Sunoo, there must be a reason. You can't just dismiss him from our lives."

"No, not yours, just mine. I want nothing to do with him" Sunoo says firmly.

"Why? Sunoo I don't understand what the issue is! Jake is- he's wonderful. There's so much I like
about him that it's hard to put it all into words so you'll understand. You just have to be around him
and you'll just know. His scent says it all. He smells like fresh laundry but when he's happy he
smells like the best apple pie ever made! A-and when he's sad he smells like rubber which is a bit
weird but when you're around him you'll realize he's sweet as that pie and has just a warm loving

"I don't give a fuck about his scent or his personality or him. I wish we never met him!"

"Sunoo," Sunghoon growls, his alpha not liking Sunoo's hostile attitude towards his other mate.
Sunoo scoffs breaking eye contact with Sunghoon.

"You know what, fuck you," he grumbles. Given Sunghoon’s hearing he knows the alpha heard
him and yet Sunghoon still questions him.

"Excuse me?"

"I said Fuck. You. Fuck you Park Sunghoon. You are just like her" Sunoo says, articulating each
word carefully.

"I am nothing like her!" Sunghoon denies knowing full well he was nothing like the woman Sunoo
was comparing him to.
"Wanna bet? You left me. You fucking left me as soon as someone better came along. Jake came
around with his fucking tan skin and pretty smile and his intelligence and his fucking apple pie
scent and you accepted him in a heartbeat! You hated me when we first met"

"Sunoo you know that I did not hate you!"

"You fucking avoided me for weeks! I had to stalk you at the ice rink to get you to talk to me! But
here comes Jake and you're fucking running to him"

"I avoided him too!"

"Only cause you were stuck with me! Admit it if you met him first you wouldn't want to be with

"What are you even on about?!"

"Admit it, Sunghoon! If you'd met Jake first you probably wouldn't have even wanted to be with
me. I'm broken, damaged. I'm a fucking halfbred! I can't even give you an alpha heir, hell I
probably wouldn't live past childbirth. Why would you want to be with me when you have apple
pie perfect at everything fucking Jake Sim? I should have let those hunters-" before Sunoo could
finish his sentence Sunghoon had him pinned to the bed, a loud growl rumbling out from low
within his body. The growl had Sunoo clamping his mouth shut in fear.

"Don't you ever and I mean ever say that again! Do you understand!" Sunghoon growls angry
Sunoo would even say such words. Either Sunoo didn't really know Sunghoon or his heat was
really clouding his brain.

"Why? It's not like you care, you have Jake now," Sunoo says. The dam within him finally broke
as he began to cry a river of tears.

"W-why would you want me when you have him?" he sobs. Sunoo hated himself. His immune
system was horrible, he had always been in and out of hospitals when he was young, his body
always breaking down. He was also a halfbred and a male omega. Within the werewolf community
he was bottom of the food chain, thought to deserve no respect. Even humans hated the thought of
him. Why would Sunghoon want him now that Jake was here?

"Is that what you've been thinking this whole time?" Sunghoon questions his eyes, quickly filling
with tears.

"Sunshine, baby I- oh baby I never wanted you to-" Sunghoon didn't know what to say. What to
think. How had things gotten so fucked up? When did Sunoo start to think these thoughts? Since
meeting Jake? Some weeks after? Or worse, since the beginning? Sunghoon hopes not it's almost
been two months since he met Jake. If Sunoo had been thinking like this since the beginning
Sunghoon thinks he might die.

He moves off Sunoo to sit on the edge of the bed clutching his head in anger. This was never how
he imagined himself turning out. He was supposed to be a good alpha, one who took care of his
mate, who wouldn't let his mate suffer. Sunghoon was supposed to be better than his father.

"I'm so sorry Sunoo," Sunghoon whispers. "I was so wrapped up in being better than my father, to
not let Jake suffer but I made you suffer. I caused you both pain and I'm no better than him," the
tears wouldn't stop falling. Although Sunghoon wasn't cruel like his father he still felt like a failure
for his mates. He'd been ignorant in thinking all parties were ok with the new dynamic just because
he was. He didn't know Jake was struggling with becoming friends with Sunoo and he didn't know
Sunoo had been comparing himself to Jake, lowering his self worth.

"You mean so much to me, but I ended up just like my father."

"Sunghoon" Sunoo hiccups. He shuffles over to Sunghoon, worming his way onto the alpha's lap.
He may have been upset with Sunghoon but never did Sunoo want him to think he was like his

"You're not! You're not like him"

"I couldn't even see that you both were hurting! Jake felt so bad, like he was getting in the way and
you- you my baby you" Sunghoon holds Sunoo's face in his hands and sobs as he thinks over the
words Sunoo says. He didn't finish his sentence but Sunghoon knew what he was going to say. He's
said it before.

"A good alpha would have done better. And you both deserve a good alph"

"Sunghoon I- I'm sorry"

"You don't have to apologize Sunoo. It's my fault"

"It's not all your fault. I mean ignoring me for Jake yeah that was fucked up but I was over sensitive
about some things and I never spoke up about how everything was making me feel. I should have
said something"

"I should have checked on you more. When we met Jake you'd already had your doubts and I didn't
do anything to reassure you things would be fine. You were right my focus was on Jake but I never
meant to leave you out, I never meant to make you feel like I didn't love you"

"I-I know that was like you were slipping away and I know it wasn't Jake's fault. He was
wrapped up in the newness of it all but. I felt threatened by him Sunghoon. You always say how
perfect he is, how special he is and I'm complicated."

"You are complicated but you're my complicated mate. Who sorta stinks. When's the last time you
washed your hair?" Sunghoon says with a wet chuckle as he sniffs Sunoo's hair.

"Yah! I've been busy with midterms. Excuse me if I wasn't thinking about my stupid hair. Besides
it's not like you were around, I had no one to impress."

"I'm sorry" Sunghoon says and Sunoo groans. His mate always looked like a kicked pup when he
was upset and he smelled like a wet dog. He was more of a hybrid than an alpha if you ask Sunoo
but he'd never say that outloud.

"Don't be sorry. We talked, and we're fine now"

"Are we?"

"No, not really but...we will be?" Sunoo says it like it's a question, like he isn't too sure himself.

"I want us to be, I want all three of us to be happy no matter how long it takes"

"Then be prepared to wait years," Sunoo jokes. Well he hopes he's joking. He would hate to feel
like this for years. At his playfulness Sunghoon nips at Sunoo's collarbones making the omega slap
the back of his head.

"Don't do that jerk!" Sunoo whines but it gets cut short as Sunghoon presses their lips together.
"I love you so much," he whispers "please never forget that"


"And...I'm on my way to loving Jake to...I think. We all have to work together. We need to talk to
each other, no more keeping feelings a secret. If something upsets you we need to talk about it"

"Do I have to?"

"I'm not saying you have to be Jake's bff but he's part of this relationship now so I need you both to
be able to feel comfortable talking to each other. I know now that this won't be easy, it'll take work
and open communication" Sunghoon says and Sunoo huffs.

"Ok...I'll try but no promises on being his...friend" Sunoo says and Sunghoon is proud of him.

"Everything will work out eventually. I can feel it"

"I hope you're right," Sunoo sighs, his brain not really focusing on Sunghoon anymore. His heat
was starting to settle in again and all he wanted to do was get somewhere comfortable.

"G-gimmie" he says pulling at Sunghoon's hoodie.

"You want?" Sunghoon questions and when Sunoo nods he pulls it off giving it to the omega.
Sunoo brings it to his nose, giving it a sniff. Turning to his bed Sunoo picks his comforter up from
his bed and begins adjusting it on his bed. He then takes Sunghoon's hood and places it in the
'perfect spot'

"That too" Sunoo demands pointing to Sunghoon's coat that he'd taken off at some point.
Wordlessly Sunghoon gives the omega his coat as well, watching as Sunoo adds it to the nest,
along with his discarded pajamas. He watches as Sunoo rolls around a dissatisfied look on his face.

"Hang on baby" Sunghoon says, going to the closet. He looks around before finding a bin labeled
'Sunoo's nesting materials' and pulls it out. Sunghoon goes through the bin grabbing items to scent
and give to Sunoo to add to his nest. Once everything had been scented and added Sunoo had a
much more satisfied look on his face. His omega had finally been satisfied with the nest loving
how it smelled like him and his mate. It was so soft and comfy and just perfect, now all he needed
was an alpha.

[ ]

"Hoonie...alpha" he whines, making grabby hands for his alpha. Sunghoon gives him a soft smile
crawling into the nest snuggling to his omega.

"My boy," sunghoon coos as he pushes Sunoo's bangs off his forehead. Sunoo whines at the touch,
wanting, no, needing more. It was as if something had clicked in his brain. With all the stress
washing away he felt the true effects of his heat wash over him.

"Alpha," he whines, pressing his nose against Sunghoon's scent gland before giving it a lick
causing Sunghoon to shiver.

"Baby," he says, voice rumbling out lowly. He can feel Sunoo smirk against his neck as he
continues licking over his scent gland. Sunoo's wolf was always a sneaky little omega always
wanting to rile up Sunghoon's alpha.

"What? Can't I scent my alpha?" Sunoo questions pulling back to look at Sunghoon.
"Bad omega," Sunghoon purs a smirk on his face after seeing Sunoo's eyes start to shine bright
blue signaling his omega was taking control. Sunoo tilts his head to the side in faux innocence.

"I don't understand alpha. I just wanna show you I love you. Don't you love me?" he questions and
the alpha hums

"I do, very much."

"Then show me," the omega teases and Sunghoon clicks his tongue.

"Not if you're going to be a brat," he says watching as the omega drops the attitude and melts
against him.

"Please alpha"

"Please what? You have to use your words sunshine"

"Want you to kiss me," Sunoo says, eyes still shimmering with a bit of mischief.

"Good boy," Sunghoon coos causing a pleased shiver to run down Sunoo's spine and down to his

"All you have to do is ask and alpha will give it to you," Sunghoon says before capturing Sunoo's
lips in a passionate kiss. Sunghoon keeps a gentle hand on the back of Sunoo's neck, thumb gently
stroking his skin as he works his way around Sunoo's mouth before moving down the column of
his neck.

"Please," Sunoo whines "Alpha, please mark me" he says and Sunghoon freezes. He knows it's
Sunoo's heat brain talking but it hurts him everytime he has to deny his mate the one thing his
omega wants so badly.

"We talked about this sunshine. I can''ll die" Sunghoon whispers.

"W-wanna be yours," Sunoo sniffs, tears filling his eyes.

"You are mine. You have always been mine" Sunghoon says, holding the omega's gaze letting him
know he was serious. There was never a time when he didn't want Sunoo, where Sunoo wasn't his.
Sunoo is his love forever.

"Want you to mark me. Right here," Sunoo says, sitting up. He places a palm on the junction
between his neck and shoulder showing Sunghoon where he wanted him to mark him. Yes it was
where almost every omega was marked but Sunoo wanted everyone to see that he was Sunghoon's.
That he was an omega worthy of an alpha like Sunghoon.

Poor Sunghoon had to fight hard against his instincts which were screaming at him. Seeing Sunoo
baring his neck, pressing his palm where he wanted Sunghoon to mark him had Sunghoon's
canines growing at the mere thought of marking him, finally claiming him as his with his teeth
marks forever embedded in Sunoo's skin. As badly as Sunghoon wanted that too he couldn't. Sunoo
is a halfbreed, he could only be marked during a blue moon after the mating ritual was complete. If
Sunghoon were to mark him before then Sunoo would die, his body unable to handle the venom of
a purebred alpha.

"One day sunshine. For now I need you to be good and lay down. Can you do that for alpha?"
Sunghoon whispers, thumbs rubbing circles on Sunoo's hips. The omega's ears perk up at the word
good. He wanted to be good for his alpha, so he laid back down curled up in his nest.
[ ]

"Sunoo, when did you last take your medicine?"

"The last time i took it" was the boys cheeky reply

"Hahaha. But seriously, how long ago?"

"Dunno. Some hours ago. Before i took heat leave"

"Not that long ago ok. How about food have you eaten?" sunghoon questions and sunoo's stomach
answers for him as it rumbles loudly begging to be fed.

"Ok. I'll ask Jisung to bring something. That kid lives in the cantine," Sunghoon says but huff
"Actually no he might bring his mate with him and i don't need you around two alphas. Even if
jisung acts more like a beta. I'll call doyoung" Sunghoon says. Sunoo giggles to himself as he
watches from his bed as Sunghoon mainly talks to himself as he paces around the room.

After a few minutes of Sunghoon stressing over food Sunoo had calmed down, the emotional
rollercoaster he went through finally catching up to him making him feel utterly drained. The last
thing he could remember was a body holding him from behind and a kiss being placed behind his
ear and the feeling of his heart feeling full.


Chapter End Notes

hopefully now you guys understand a bit more why Sunghoon and Sunoo have been
acting the way they have been. both of them have not fully healed from things from
their childhood and now its carrying on with them making things difficult for them.
eventually I will write a chapter for their background but for now I will focus on
bringing some peace to the characters
hope you enjoyed this chapter! next one will be up soon
chapter fourteen
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Jake was nervous about seeing Sunoo. The last time he'd seen the younger was that awkward and
embarrassing moment at his job. He hadn't seen or heard from the younger one since.

The last thing he heard from Sunghoon was that Sunoo had gone into heat and he would be taking
a week off school to take care of him. The mention of the omega's heat caused all sorts of thoughts
to cloud Jake's mind. He was aware of what that meant for an alpha and omega. Although he didn't
know much about Sunghoon and Sunoo's relationship he knew the two would be coming up on
their third year this November. Other than that he wasn't sure how they spent Sunoo's heat. He
wonders if when Sunoo returns he'd have a claim mark. From the first time they met, he noticed
the omega's lack of a mate mark, binding him to Sunghoon. Jake tries not to become jealous of the
fact that Sunoo could show up with a claim mark. It wouldn't be fair of him to be jealous.

It did make him wonder though, why the couple would wait so long. Usually once mates are of age
they claim each other after their first year. Jake chalked it up to them not wanting to rush their
relationship, purging the thoughts from his brain as he saw the couple walk up to him hand in hand.

"Hi," Sunghoon greets letting his hand fall from Sunoo's so that he could hug Jake.

"Hey," he says, running his nose along Sunghoon's jaw in a gentle greeting. Once he and Sunghoon
part, the beta turns his attention to the omega who shifted from foot to foot. He seemed nervous
which was unlike what Jake was used to seeing from him.

"Hi Sunoo," he greets softly, not expecting much from the omega considering the tired look in his
eyes. Sunoo surprises him when he waves to Jake.


"Why don't we sit? Sunoo's still sore," Sunghoon says and Jake blushes as a thought flashed in his
mind before he purges it away. He needs to get his head out of the gutter. The trio takes a seat at
the small table in the cantine. The bustling of students and clanking of silverware on plastic plates
echoed in the room, serving as background noise to the tension-filled table.

"So things have not been so good. I acknowledge my part in and want to apologize again, to both of
you," the alpha says starting the conversation.

"It wasn't just your fault. Stop being so apologetic," Jake says, placing a gentle hand on his
shoulder. Sunghoon smiles softly at him, placing his hand on top of Jake's.

"I can't help it. I'm the alpha and yes it is very stereotypical for me to want to take charge and be
the leader but it's in my instincts, I can't change that" Sunghoon explains "I also can not change the
past but I want to make our future together better so that the three of us can move forward in a
positive direction."

"I would like that," Jake says without thinking. He bites down on his lip before looking to the
omega, to see if he'd approved of his statement.

"I wouldn't mind that," the omega huffs sleepily.

"Great! So communication. We suck at it," Sunghoon says bluntly and Jake stifles a laugh.

"We all need to be more open about communicating our feelings. If something happens that upsets
you all parties need to be involved in the conversation. I don't want us having one on one
conversations excluding one person or for any one of us to be keeping secrets. It has proven to
bring more hardships than it's worth" the alpha states

"I agree," Sunoo says and Jake nods in agreement.

"Good. Um well, then that brings me to the next thing. Sunoo and I have been together for almost
three years and Jake, you and I have spent roughly two months together. I know you both decently
but you two have yet to really get to know each other."

"Just what are you getting at?"

"I think the two of you need to have your own bonding period. Some one-on-one time without me,"
Sunghoon says. Jake eyes the alpha, noticing how his shoulders were squared back and his eyes
look guarded like he was afraid of being shut down. He glances over to the omega whose face was
blank, unreadable. Jake waits for the omega to speak up first worried he'd say the wrong thing, and
Sunghoon seems to notice.

"Say what you're thinking Jake. No secrets remember. Speak what's on your mind" he reminds
gently. Jake takes a deep breath, nails digging into his palms.

"I meant it that day a-at the cafe. I want us to b-be friends, or at least get to um to know each other
better. If we can understand each other more maybe we won't um have so many I dunno
disagreements?" Jake explains.

"Sunoo?" Sunghoon questions the omega who had hardly spoken. Sunoo remains unresponsive,
face blank as he stares at nothing. After a few minutes, he blinks, his gaze focusing on Jake.


"O-ok?" the beta questions not sure he'd heard correctly.

"Yeah ok. I'll get to know you"


"How many times will I have to repeat myself?" Sunoo questions with a whine.

"Sorry" Jake chuckles. He couldn't help but be surprised. "We can hang out at my place if that's ok
with you. Um, I'm sure your place is s-sacred right now" Jake suggests with a heavy blush on his
face. He was aware that Sunoo's room was probably a no-go seeing as the omega would probably
be very protective of the place he'd spent his heat and would not appreciate a stranger going into
his safe space. Even if Jake wasn't truly a stranger.

"Wait your place? Not even I have been there, why does he get to go" Sunghoon whines brows
scrunched together. Jake giggles, the back of his hand going to cover his mouth.

"Because Sunoo and I are going to be starting over so we should do so in a new place right?"

"Yeah, but why does it have to be your apartment? You've never even let me go there"

"Sunghoonie, this isn't about you. This is about me and Sunoo. Stop whinging"
"But it's not fair!"

"I'm going to get food" Jake announces ready to get up and leave but a gentle hand on his shoulder
stops him.

"I'll go. Do you both want your regulars?" Sunghoon questions and after receiving confirmation
from both his mates he's rushing off to the line.

Left with Sunoo Jake begins to pick at his nails, nervousness eating away at his gut. He'd never
been left alone with the omega and had no idea what to even say.

"Were you serious?" Sunoo questions sparing Jake from having to come up with something to say
on his own but also seeming to give him a riddle. 'Was he serious about what?' he wonders.

"A-about what exactly?" he questions. Sunoo blinks lazily, taking his time to answer.

"About the tutoring thing...for biology," Sunoo says. He hadn't done too well on his midterm
which seemed to tank his grade lower than he would have liked. If he was going to have to have
one on one time with the beta he'd at least use the beta's brain to his advantage.

"Oh, that? Yeah of course! D-did you want to do that today or something?" Jake blurts, his fantom
tail shot straight up in curiosity.

"No, too tired for that. My brain isn't fully present yet, but at some point," Sunoo says and Jake

"Yeah, whenever you want just message- wait do you even have my number?" Jake questions more
to himself than Sunoo but the omega answers with a shake of his head.

"Is it ok if we exchange info?"

"Might as well," Sunoo says as he pulls out his phone, unlocking it and placing it on the table.
Tentatively Jake picks the device up goes to the contacts app and entering in his information. After
confirming everything he sends himself a message so that he would have Sunoo's number as well.

"All done," he says, sliding the phone back. Sunoo picks it up and pockets it without uttering a

"Um, I like your case. Where'd you get it?"

"Made it," Sunoo says shortly

"Really how?" Jake questions and Sunoo huffs almost like he was annoyed. Jake is about to tell
him he doesn't need to explain but Sunghoon shows up balancing three trays full of food over to
their table.

"Sunshine, Pup," he says addressing his two mates accordingly.

"Why am I the pup?" Jake questions with a red face. He'd never been called that by anyone outside
of his family.

"Cause you're like a puppy hybrid" Sunghoon teases and Jake gasps.

"How dare you? I'm a wolf!" he grunts.

"Say that to your ears," Sunghoon says, reaching out to scratch at Jake's ears that had decided to
reveal themselves. They'd been doing that a lot recently. Jake whines, palms digging into his scalp
to rid himself of his ears. Once they're gone he angrily picks up his spoon to begin eating his

"I hate you."

"Oh but you don't" Sunghoon sing-songs and who is Jake to deny that because honestly, he doesn't
hate Sunghoon. Angrily he takes a bite of his food ignoring the teasing smile on Sunghoon's lips.
As he eats, Jake fails to notice the omega across the table looking at him with a softer glance than
normal. The beta was painfully oblivious but maybe Sunoo was happy about that as he looks away
and begins to eat his own food.


It took a few days for Jake to gain the courage to invite Sunoo over to his apartment. He expected
to be immediately shut down but the omega sends him a simple thumbs-up emoji and asks for
Jake's address. Jake was sure it was still the after-effects of Sunoo's heat that made him so
complain but chooses not to chance his luck. Sunoo was coming over and that was progress. He
met up with the omega after classes and soon made the commute to Jake's apartment.

Jake could smell the nervousness rolling off Sunoo as they walk to his apartment but doesn't
verbally acknowledge it. Instead, he keeps it a conscious thought in his mind. He hadn't known
Sunoo to be nervous about anything since the omega always walked around with his head held
high and seemed so confident. This Sunoo was practically a stranger to Jake, but the beta was
curious to get to know this Sunoo as well.

When they reach his building he holds the door open for Sunoo and leads him to the lobby.

"So my apartment is on the third floor, number 23C ok," he says to the omega and then tells him
his passcode.

"I'll be up shortly, just wanna check the mail," Jake says. He ushers Sunoo to the elevator to which
the omega hesitantly steps in pressing the shiny number three. Jake watches as the elevator doors
shut and Sunoo is out of view. He then goes to the mailroom, finds his number and opens the slot
with his key. He digs through the mail before finding the small package containing his surprise for
Sunoo. In preparation for his one-on-one time with Sunoo he'd asked Sunghoon what the omega
liked to do and ended up buying a few games and a movie Sunoo liked in hopes to gain a few
brownie points with the omega, to show him he was trying.

As he held onto the items Jake imagined what it would be like. If Sunoo would open up and crack
jokes with him and tease him and call him stupid names in the heat of the game. He wondered if
Sunoo was a cuddler. He seemed like a cuddler and Jake wouldn't mind cuddling with him. Sunoo
looked so soft and squishable, the perfect huggable little omega. Jake thought about hugging him,
keeping him safe as Sunghoon would. Although he knew they were far from being able to do those
things Jake couldn't help but hope one day they'd get there. Breaking out of his daydream the beta
closes up the mailbox and heads to the elevator to get up to his apartment.

Already upstairs Sunoo finds the apartment inputting the code and pushing the door open. The first
thing he could smell was Jake's laundry scent mixed with something else. This other smell mixed
well with Jakes like it belonged there. Sunoo assumed it was his cousin. Typically family pacts
have similar scents and the lavender smell mingled well with Jake's fresh laundry, the two smells
being harmonious with one another.

Forgoing the smells Sunoo slips his shoes off and moves further into the apartment. He hardly
makes it around the corner to the living room before a voice calls out to him.

"Who are you?" Sunoo spins on his heels to see a beta a few inches shorter than him, with blond
hair and freckles spotted across his face.

"Um, I'm Sunoo. Jake invited me over. He's just getting the mail," Sunoo responds awkwardly,
shifting from foot to foot. He didn't like being alone with strangers. Had Jake mentioned his cousin
would be home he might have stayed downstairs with him.

After hearing who he was, the beta's face turns from light surprise to an almost angry look as his
eyes darken and his demeanor shifts to something dark and unkind.

" it's you. The omega," the beta sneers. It unsettles Sunoo.

"Yeah? What's it to you?" he questions keeping his gaze sharp.

"What's it to me? Do you know how much grief you've caused my cousin? All he wanted was to be
your friend, to feel included and you pushed him away and made him feel like an outsider,"

"Excuse me? I made him, him feel like an outsider? Sounds like your cousin didn't tell you the full
truth," the omega scoffs as he crosses his arms over his chest.

"Are you calling my cousin a liar?"

"I dunno, am I?"

"Look here you little runt, Jake is not a liar," the beta says. The word runt has Sunoo's eyes
switching from brown to blue so quickly that not even Sunoo has the chance to tell what's
happening before his omega is taking full control. He hisses at the beta, lips curling into a snarl.

The beta's own eyes change color as he snarls back, feet planted on the floor and shoulders squared
back ready for a fight. Luckily a panicked Jake comes through the doors smelling the hostility in
the apartment.

"Hey what the hell. Felix stop!" he says, giving a pointed look to his cousin who was still glaring at
the omega.

"Sunoo it's ok. Felix won't hurt you, I promise" Jake says turning to the omega. He could hear
Sunoo's heart beating rapidly from fear.

"Speak for yourself. If the runt is looking for a fight I wouldn't mind giving him one," Felix says
and Sunoo snarls again. Felix normally isn't a mean person and he definitely wouldn't go trying to
fight people like this but with the omega who'd hurt a member of his family pact comes into his
home snarling, he becomes different. He will not back down and be disrespected in his own home.

"Felix, please! Stop, please. Everything is ok now" Jake pleads but Felix wasn't listening, his head
clouded by his instincts.

"Sunoo, Sunoo everything is ok. I promise. Felix is just being an ass," the beta says, turning to the

'It's ok. Everything is fine. I can fix this' Jake thinks. He'd always done well in school, always
having the best grades in his classes so he was well versed in many subjects, and wolf biology
thankfully was one of them.
"Felix, please back down. I know you don't want to but you're scaring him" Jake pleads from the
floor. Felix looks down at his pact mate with a frown before looking at the omega. His breathing
was labored, his eyes crazed and his heart rate thumping quickly in his chest.

"Sunoo didn't mean any harm I'm sure so please just back down" his cousin pleads again and Felix
huffs eyes no longer bright yellow but instead their normal brown color. All he was doing was
defending his packmate, his family so how did he become the bad guy? With a light growl, Felix
doesn't spare Jake another glance as he storms off to his room slamming the door behind him. Jake
lets out a sigh of relief as he turns to Sunoo once more.

"Sunoo, no one is going to hurt you. I'm not going to hurt you," he says keeping his voice leveled,
not letting the panic seep into his voice. Sunoo's shoulders relax a bit and his eyes dim from their
bright blue.

Slowly the beta sinks to the floor and lays on his back. He raises his shirt enough to expose his
tummy and lays his arms above his head with his neck tilted to the side. He was submitting,
surrendering, and letting Sunoo see that he wasn't a threat as he exposes all his vital organs.

"You're safe. I know you don't feel like that right now but you are safe," the word 'safe' echos in
Sunoo's mind a bit and seems to bring his omega some reassurance. During his heat, Sunghoon had
sworn Jake was a good person who'd never hurt him so Sunoo decides to put his faith in his alpha
one last time.

"Safe?" he mutters and Jake gives him a smile.

"Yes, safe" the beta responds and so Sunoo's shoulders slump, and his eyes flick back to brown. He
looked exhausted.

"Maybe I should just go" he mutters once he was in full control.

"No, please! I really want to hang out," Jake whines as he pushes himself up to stop the omega.

"I went to check the mail cause I'd ordered some games Sunghoon said you liked. I figured we
could um play games and talk a bit. Get to know each other," Jake offers holding the games in
Sunoo's line of vision.

"Talk and play games? People normally just play the game," the omega responds and Jake gives a

"Yeah but um I thought that it would be easier to talk while not necessarily having the
awkwardness and pressure of talking if we were gaming."

"Fine. I'll stay. But only because you have Overcooked" Sunoo says, reading the spines of the
game cases.

"OK. Pick a seat" Jake says pointing to the few options. There was the couch, an uncomfortable
looking loveseat, and a large bean bag. Sunoo chose the former. He gives a tentative sniff smelling
Jake's laundry scent and thankfully not that other betas.

Sunoo waits for Jake to set everything up and hand him a controller. At first, he keeps his eyes
trained on the screen as he and Jake play Overcooked. At first, Sunoo is thankful Jake doesn't
pester him with questions but eventually, the silence between them gets annoying because he
knows Jake wants to talk, to say something. He can smell the desperation.

"Sunghoon said if you have something to say then you should say it," Sunoo speaks up after a
while and curses under his breath when Jake messes up.

"S-sorry" the beta stutters, his little character moving quickly to fix his mistake. Jake doesn't say
anything for a bit and Sunoo feels close to snapping at him.

"What's your favorite color?" the beta blurts.

"I like a lot of colors," Sunoo answers, keeping his response vague but then remembers he'd
promised Sungoon he'd be open and communicate so he sighs and continues "I really like mint,
pink and blue. They're nice colors. Maybe even some purple too"

"Oh, that's nice. They're good colors. Personally, I like simpler colors like black and ivory" Jake
says and Sunoo snorts.

"Ivory is just a fancy white"

"I guess so. I don't want to be completely basic" Jake chuckles, not at all offended by Sunoo's

"What about food? What kind of food do you like?"

"I like all kinds of food. I'm not picky unlike Sunghoon/ He's very particular about his food"

"Is he? I haven't noticed" Jake mumbles brows scrunching.

"He won't show it at first, he's still trying to place prince charming. But once the facade fades
you'll see he's as picky as a toddler"

"He sorta pouts like one too"

"Yeah, he never liked getting scolded as a child or an adult. He always looks like a kicked pup and
smells like he got left out in the rain"

"It's like he's a-"

"Dog hybrid," the two say together. Sunoo freezes as he hears Jake laugh behind him. It was
boisterous to start before fizzling out into small giggles. It wasn't bad, just different. It took Sunoo
by surprise. He'd never heard the beta laugh like that before. He always laughed quietly with his
mouth covered when he was around Sunghoon. Maybe he too had a facade up, trying to look
sparkly and perfect. Sunoo wondered if there was a sad person hidden under an exterior mask.

"He does seem like a dog hybrid sometimes. Probably shouldn't say that around him though. I don't
think he'd like it too much" the beta says and Sunoo nods.

"Yeah. He wouldn't" he mutters.

"What else"

"What else what?"

"What else doesn't Sunghoon like?"

"He hasn't told you?" Sunoo questions, pausing the game to turn to Jake who shakes his head.

"Not really. We talk about things we like, our dogs, games, and school. He likes to keep the topic
of discussion on positive things and things we have in common. Sunghoon hasn't really said much
about things he dislikes" Jake says and Sunoo isn't sure how to take that.

There's a handful of things Sunghoon likes and a whole can of worms he doesn't like. Sunoo knows
what not to say, not daring to talk about things that would lead Jake to question Sunghoon about his
past. Things that would leave the alpha to talk about his mother and father, things Sunghoon would
rather forget. Instead of saying something interesting, something Jake might be eager to hear Sunoo
simply shrugs.

"For starters, he hates mint chocolate," he says nonchalantly, hoping Jake takes the bait. He does

"Oh well, that's understandable. Mint chocolate is gross" the beta says making a face and Sunoo
gasps feeling offended because how dare he.

"You take that back," he says glaring at Jake whose lips were curled into a playful smile.

"Why should I?"

"Because! Mint chocolate is delicious and I will not stand here and listen to you disrespect it" he
huffs. Jake giggles with a small shake of his head.

"Sorry Sunoo, I won't take it back. Facts are facts" the beta says with a cheeky grin. Part of Sunoo
wants to jump on Jake and pinch his dumb stupid but handsome face as he does with Sunghoon to
get him to admit mint chocolate is delicious and not at all gross but Jake isn't Sunghoon so all the
omega can do is cross his arms and huff.

"You're, you, you're so stupid ugh!" he groans, feeling a bit frustrated.

"And you're cute," Jake says before he can stop himself. He feels heat quickly rise to his cheeks
realizing he'd said his thoughts out loud. Sunoo also blushes, the compliment having caught him
off guard. He pulls at the collar of his (read Sunghoon's) hoodie suddenly feeling a bit warm.

"Let's stop talking for now and j-just play the game," he says, returning to the game. Jake goes
along to save himself the embarrassment. They play a few more rounds before switching to another
game, one Jake didn't recognize but went along with since Sunoo seemed to be having a good time.
During a cut-scene Jake didn't really understand Felix came marching through the apartment, his
scent smelling like wilted flowers as he gathered his things.

"I'm going out with Wooyoung. Don't wait up," he shouts to Jake as he shoves his feet in his shoes.

"Don't do anything I wouldn't!" Jake shouts back knowing when Felix got with his mate the two
ended up doing some pretty wild and fairly stupid things.

"Jakie no offense but if I did then I'd never do anything"

"Yeah, whatever. Stay safe, love you"

"Love you too!" And with that, the door shuts and the apartment is quiet again. After hearing the
interaction between the two Sunoo could feel a question burning on the tip of his tongue but was
too ashamed to ask.

"If you have something to say then you should say it," Jake says repeating Sunoo's words, or rather
Sunghoon's words from earlier. The omega huffs, curling into his (once again read Sunghoon's)
"A-are you two close?"

"Felix and I? Yeah we're pretty close. Our family packs are a lot closer than the others within our
territory," Jake answers. He watches as Sunoo pierces his lips in thought before speaking again.

"He's very...protective of you," the omega says slowly as if he were trying to process his own

"Oh yeah well I'm the runt in my pact, born last well until Olivia was born but she's in Felix's
family. I was always sorta small, too soft hearted a bit weak so other kids would pick on me. Felix
was always there to protect me, and my older brother of course but I guess Felix and I just have a
closer bond, that's all"

"I-is it nice?"

"What, being close with Felix? Yeah, I guess. Until I have a pact of my own it's nice knowing I
have someone looking out for me, someone so connected with me that I've never really felt alone,"
Jake responds with a fond smile.

"I'd always been on the receiving end of our bond, always taking. I never truly understood what it
meant to support a pact member until Felix met his mate, Wooyoung. Wooyoung is an alpha and
Felix was really nervous when he met him, thinking Wooyoung would reject him. Our family is
mostly beta-beta pairings with few alphas. Most alphas nowadays are pretty traditional in wanting
an omega mate so we betas are pretty guarded...anyways I told him to go for it, give it a try that if
they were truly meant to be that Wooyoung would accept him"

"Obviously it worked out"

"Yeah but Felix had been so afraid to take that step and he leaned on me for guidance. Secretly I
was afraid that I'd made a mistake in sending him to Wooyoung but when Felix came back there
was this sparkle in his eye, this aura that I can't quite was like everything was finally
complete for him. I guess in a way it was, meeting your soulmate and all" Jake takes a sharp intake
of breath before bringing his hand up to his mouth like he was going to bite it or something before
snapping it down back to his lap.

"Ya know, when I met Sunghoon I understood Felix's panic, of being rejected I mean. Sunghoon
looked so...I can't put it into words he looked anguished to have realized we were mates. I thought
for sure when we met in the library that he would reject me" before he knew it Jake had tears in his
eyes that he quickly reached up to wipe away. The last thing he needed to do was cry in front of

"He wouldn't!" Sunoo blurts. Don't ask him why but for whatever reason he felt the need to
reassure Jake that Sunghoon wasn't like that. That he wasn't as ignorant as those traditional alphas.

"Sunghoon would never, ever reject his mate, wouldn't reject you. Even if you came second, even
if you would have come first. He's not like that, he would never hurt you like that," Sunoo says
leaning up on the bean bag chair to look Jake dead in the eyes as he expressed the sinserity in his
words. Jake gives the omega a smile.

"Well, I didn't know that at the time, Sunoo. All I knew was that you two looked so heartbroken, so
devastated when you met me. I had to prepare myself for the worst."

"Sunghoon isn't like that. He's better than them, he's better than all of them" Sunoo says his voice
uncharacteristically dark. Jake didn't know who Sunoo was referring to and the omega hoped Jake
never would like he did, he would have to know how lucky they'd gotten that Sunghoon was better
than them, that he'd always be better than them because he actually cares for them.

"That's good to know but um. Why'd you seemed so shocked that I'm close with Felix? Are you not
close with your pact?" Jake questions and Sunoo feels his stomach drop. He did not want to talk
about them.

"My pact is...different," he says lowly as he scratches at his thighs watching as angry red lines pop
up before slowly fading away.

"Different how?" Jake urges but the omega shakes his head.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"That's ok. Each pact is different ya know. No two are the same. I'm sure you're closer than you
think" Jake says with a smile and Sunoo wants to laugh at his optimism but doesn't. It wasn't Jake's
fault he thought that way, after all, he'd grown up with a good pact, with people who would support
him and who gave him a positive outlook on the world. It wasn't Jake's fault Sunoo had been raised
with the opposite of that.

"I think I'm done playing now. Can we just like watch t.v. or something" Sunoo says, abandoning
the controller to stand up and stretch his body that was getting sore from staying in the same place
for too long.

"Yeah! I actually got a movie Sunghoon said you liked. Hang on while I set it up," the beta says as
he rushes to switch the game off and switch it for the movie he'd purchased. He works quickly
switching everything around before returning to the couch, noticing how Sunoo stayed awkwardly
limped over the bean bag.

"You can sit on the couch ya know. I promise it's more comfortable here," Jake says patting the
couch. It had been a gift from his aunt when he and Felix moved in together. Not too hard and not
too plush either but it was right in the middle and unbelievably soft.

Sunoo eyes him suspiciously at first before pushing himself up with a quiet grumble and situating
himself at the far end away from Jake. Jake frowns not liking the distance but hadn't really
expected much else. He hits play on the movie letting the opening credits play out but not really
paying attention to it since nothing was going on.

After a while he'd gotten invested in the story, eyes glued to the screen. He was so intrigued by the
movie that he hadn't noticed the omega inching closer and closer to him until the softness of
Sunoo's hair brushed against his leg. Jake flinched, almost kicking Sunoo in the head but
thankfully didn't. As he looked down at the omega he could tell he was in distress, but over what
Jake didn't know. One eye was bright blue while the other was dark brown showing Sunoo was
fighting against his instincts.

"Y-you ok?"

"Fine" Sunoo says, letting out a grunt which quickly turns into a whine as he curls into a ball. It
didn't take long for Jake to recognize the signs of what Sunoo needed. Pretty soon he was up off
the couch, much to the omega's dismay, and heading down the hall. He searches the hall closet for
the emergency nesting materials Felix keeps for his friend Jisung, who often got overwhelmed and
needed to nest.

Jake rushes the items to the living room making a nice pallet on the floor before weaving the
various blankets that all had different textures, into a basic nesting pattern. Ever so gently he turns
to Sunoo reaching out for him.

"I-I made you a nest. You don't have to use it but maybe...maybe it would help?" he offers. He
expects Sunoo to yell and bite his hand off but the omega only whimpers. With a lot of effort,
Sunoo pushes himself into a sitting position eyeing the nest. It looked so warm, comforting, and
inviting. It was made just for him and he wanted to be in it. The omega launches himself off the
couch and into the nest (scaring the shit out of Jake in the process) and quickly rolls around,
spreading his scent throughout the blankets.

Curiously Jake watched as the omega settled into the next slowly calming down from whatever
had overwhelmed him. After seeing Sunoo settled Jake moves to sit on the couch but Sunoo
whines reaching for him.

"Do you need something?"

"S-stay" the omega mumbles sleepily. Jake chokes on his spit, shocked at the words.

"M-me?" he questions pointing to himself a small smile tugging on his lips. Sunoo whines making
grabby hands for the beta.

"" he whispers.

"Are you sure Sunoo?" Jake whispers back, his heart hammering in his chest.

"Uh-huh," Sunoo says, still nuzzling against one of the blankets. Slowly Jake crawls forward until
he's in the nest. Sunoo was still peacefully sprawled out scenting the blankets so the beta sat
comppletly still in fear of disturbing him. Jake sat still as a rock in his place watching the omega a
few seconds longer before his attention drifts to the movie. He doesn't have a chance to get lost
back into the story before a tug on his arm turns him away from the screen.

"Lay" Sunoo demands and Jake blushes.


"I said lay," Sunoo demands again. Jake licks his lips which suddenly felt far too dry.

"Are you sure? I don't wanna impose" he starts in a gentle protest but then Sunoo is pulling him
down against the nest, mingling their scents. Jake had never been in an omegas nest before. He had
to admit it was a little strange and very warm but it smelled so nice. Sunoo had been wearing
Sunghoon's hoodie the whole time so the alpha's woody scent was mingled with Sunoo's citrusy
smell and now here was Jake, his laundry scent with a hint of apple pie drifting into the mix.
Something about it seemed to calm Sunoo even further as he gripped onto Jake's hoodie and took a
sniff before curling up in a ball.

"S-Sunoo?" Jake calls hesitantly but the omega was fast asleep, the scents of Jake and Sunghoon
calming him. While he slept peacefully Sunoo left Jake to wonder what the hell just happened and
when it will happen again.

Chapter End Notes

please don't hate felix for being mean! he and jake are super close so being in the
presence of the person who upset jake so much just really set him off!

other than felix y'all finally got some sunjake action! what did you guys think of this
chapter and the relationship between sunoo and jake? nesting is very important for
omegas so the fact that sunoo willingly went into the nest jake built is such a huge step
in their relationship!
chapter fifteen
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Sunoo was startled awake by a persistent knocking on his dorm door startling him awake.
Shuffling to the door he finds Park Sunghoon on the other side, a dazzling smile on his face.

"Good morning sunshine," he sing-songs as he steps into the dorm. Sunoo hums as he goes back to
his bed burrowing under the comforter.

"Hey you! Get up it's almost noon" Sunghoon scolds as he watches Sunoo wiggle his way back
under his comforter.

"Almost is not good enough. Wake me up when it's noon" the omega mutters as he shifts around to
get comfortable.

"Sunoo! Come on, I wanna take you out today. Will you please wake up?" Sunoo can hear the pout
in Sunghoon's voice and tries to ignore it but it's something about Sunghoon sounding like a kicked
dog that has his omega forcing him to get up and comfort him.

"Fine fine, I'm up. Happy?" Sunoo says standing on his bed so he's taller than Sunghoon. The
alpha smiles as he walks up to the bed picking his mate up under his knees. Sunoo yelps as his
body falls over Sunghoon's shoulder as the alpha begins to spin them around.

"PARK SUNGHOON!" Sunghoon laughs at his mates distressed screams and stops spinning to
place Sunoo back on his feet.

"Get dressed quickly ok...unless you want help" Sunghoon says with a suggestive lilt in his voice
when Sunoo doesn't move. It seems to help the omega recover from his dizzy spell as he kicks
Sunghoon out of his dorm calling him an "Annoying alpha pervert" as he slams the door.

Sunoo takes his time getting ready and the moment he walks out his dorm he gets hit in the face by
the cool autumn wind.

"Ready to go?" Sunghoon questions holding his hand out to his omega. Sunoo takes it without
hesitation and soon they walk towards the campus entrance.

"So what are we doing for this surprise date?" Sunoo questions out of curiosity. Sunghoon's lips
stretch out in a smile but the question goes unanswered.

"Hoonie!" Sunoo whines tugging on the alpha's hoodie.

"Don't ignore me! Come on answer"

"You'll just have to wait and see Sunshine," Sunghoon sing-songs, not wanting to ruin the surprise.

"I hate surprises. Just tell me!" Sunoo groans.

"Sunoo, be a good pup and wait. Ok?" gazing up at Sunghoon Sunoo can feel his stomach doing
little flips. Why did Sunghoon have to be so attractive?

"Ok" is all the omega says earning a smile from his alpha who leads him to his motorbike. After
making sure their helmets were secure, Sunghoon took them on the familiar path to Jake's job.
"Hoon what are we-" Sunoo doesn't get to finish his question as Jake comes rushing out of the cafe,
a woven basket in hand.

"Hi Sunoo!" the beta says greeting Sunoo first, then turning to give Sunghoon a hug.

"Everything is here," Jake says, not bothering to whisper since Sunoo's sensitive hearing would be
able to detect everything he was saying anyways.

"Thanks Jakie!" Sunghoon says taking the basket and securing it in the back of the bike.

"It's a bit of a drive so we'll be off now. See ya Jake," Sunghoon says, giving Jake a second hug and
a quick peck on the cheek before getting back on the bike. Jake beams at the attention, cheeks
flushed pink as he gives the two a wave.

"See ya. Have fun Ddeonu!" Jake says before disappearing inside the cafe. Sunghoon flips the
visor down on the helmet and shouts for Sunoo to "hold on" before zooming off down the road.

As he said it was quite a drive bit it was well worth it to see the smile on Sunoo's face when they
arrived at their destination. Sunoo yanked the helmet off, tossing it to Sunghoon before running out
into the beautiful greenspace. He takes a deep breath taking in the fresh musky smell of grass,
trees, and just all things of nature itself, his omega purring. It smelled way better than the city.

"Glad to see you smiling," Sunghoon says, sneaking up on his mate, wrapping his arms around him
from behind. Sunoo leans into Sunghoon's chest taking in the alphas woody scent which naturally
complimented their surroundings.

"Just smell it, Hoonie. It's amazing"

"The country always has smelled better than the city," Sunghoon chuckles before taking a sniff for
himself. His instincts had him itching to run around and play in the open space but he had a mate to
attend to first. Then maybe he could play. He detached from Sunoo to hold his arm out for the
omega to take.

"If you'll follow me please," he says in a posh like tone. Sunoo giggles at his boyfriend's antics but
takes his arm. Sunghoon leads them to a nice spot in the park before setting down a green and gray
checkered blanket and placing the wicker basket on top.

"A lovely date for my lovely omega," Sunghoon says as he and Sunoo sit on top of the blanket.

"And how exactly did you come up with this little idea hmm?"

"Jake might have helped just a little bit," Sunghoon admires shyly as he rubs the name of his neck.


"Yeah. I mentioned how I wanted to take you on a date and he suggested a picnic and since we
haven't had a date like this in awhile I figured you might like it"

"Well I do. It's so nice being out of the city."

"Yeah I just didn't expect it to be so cold. Just let me know if you start feeling bad and we'll leave
ok?" Sunghoon says seriously.. Sunoo's health is very important to him especially since Sunoo had
a habit of sacrificing his well being for Sunghoon and the alpha will not have it.

"I promise I'll say something but I've been doing well recently. My immune system isn't as weak as
it was in high school."

"Even still I want you to tell me."

"Yes, Sunghoon jeez. Can we just enjoy the date now? You're really testing my self control here!"
Sunoo says reaching for the basket. He kept taking little sniffs the whole ride trying to identify
what tasty treats were inside.

"Alright alright," Sunghoon chuckles as he unpacks the basket. They eat and talk about everything
and nothing and it was as if nothing changed despite everything being different now.

After a while their conversation died out and the couple laid on the blanket in each other's arms,
simply enjoying each other's presence.

"Oh I forgot one more thing," Sunghoon says, sitting up quickly and knocking Sunoo off his chest.
The omega grumbles in disappointment since their perfectly good cuddle had been ruined but his
lips quickly stretch out into a smile seeing a chocolatey dessert in Sunghoon's grasp.

"I promised Jake I'd give it to you," Sunghoon says as he gently hands the desert off to Sunoo.
Taking the little container Sunoo notices a little sticky note on the container. He peels it off and
begins to read it.

'Hi Ddeonu! Hope it's ok I call you Ddeonu. I hope you enjoy this.

I asked Sunghoon what sort of desserts you like. He said mint and

chocolate so I thought why not mix the two into gooey goodness!

Anyways my boss actually let me bake so I made this all by myself

just for you so I hope you like it!


Subconsciously Sunoo begins to smile reading the note. This had been the third time Jake had
called him Ddeonu. There were only two people in Sunoo's life who ever gave him a nickname and
now here was Jake calling him Ddeonu which Sunoo found extremely cute and it made his chest
feel warm and his brain a bit fuzzy.

Noticing his mate smiling at the little note Jake wrote him, Sunghoon quickly grabs his phone,
snapping a few pictures.

"So cute" he hums while watching Sunoo. The omega then notices what his boyfriend is doing and

"Delete it."

"Too late. Already sent it to Jake and told him you were oh so happy."

"Sunghoon!" Sunoo shouts. He wasn't really mad but maybe a little (read as very) embarrassed.
Setting the desert aside, Sunoo leaps onto Sunghoon. Letting out a boisterous laugh, Sunghoon
easily throws Sunoo off him and crawls over him.

"That was cute my love."

"Don't test me," Sunoo says before kneeing Sunghoon in the stomach. The alpha yelps but doesn't
back down. Sunoo watches as Sunghoon shifts into his gray wolf, his huge paws on either side of
Sunoo's head as his body covers Sunoo completely.

"HEY NO FAIR!" Sunoo shouts. He moves around trying to get out from under the large world but
to no avail so he decides to shift as well. As his bones begin to shift allowing him to morph into his
wolf form Sunghoon gets off and watches as Sunoo turns from man to his gorgeous wolf form with
his dark brown fur with bits of golden streaks. Once fully turned into his smaller wolf form Sunoo
trots up to Sunghoon and begins licking at his ear. Sunghoon closes his eyes enjoying the gentle
grooming before he lets out a yelp, feeling teeth sink into his ear. Sunoo gives him a wolfy grin
before he sprints off into the trees.

'Oh so you wanna play. Ok pup we'll play' the alpha thinks before taking off after his omega. The
two run through the park nipping at each other's heels and race through the park. After a while
Sunoo slows in pace before whining for Sunghoon. The alpha quickly shifts back into his human
form rushing towards his mate who slowly shifts back as well.

"You ok?" he questions, worrying that shifting had put too much stress on Sunoo's body. The
omega simply shakes his head as he motions to his ankle.

"Just hurt my ankle a bit. It's ok though," Sunoo says looking at his ankle that was slowly starting
to heal.

"Come on baby," Sunghoon says, heaving Sunoo up into his arms and carrying him bridal style
back to the blanket.

"I'm fine Sunghoon, promise" Sunoo says but Sunghoon ignores him as he slips a hoodie over his
mates head making sure he was extra warm.


"Just let me take care of you," Sunghoon says, eyes bordering on turning blood red, alpha instincts
going haywire. After making sure Sunoo was settled and warm Sunghoon held the omega in his
lap, arms protectively wrapped sound him while Sunoo ate the desert Jake had made for him
earlier. Soon after they packed things up to head home since the weather was getting cooler and
cooler and Sunghoon didn't want to risk Sunoo getting sick.

"Thank you for today. It was great," the omega sighs as he leans against Sunghoon's chest.
Sunghoon smiles a bit before giving Sunoo a kiss behind his ear.

"You should really thank Jakie. It was his idea," he murmurs. Sunoo hums in thought as he plays
with the ends of his jacket.

"Then let me help you," he says after a bit. Sunghoon hooks his chin onto Sunoo's shoulder, giving
him a side glance.

"Help me what?"

"Plan a date for him as well" Sunoo says and Sunghoon raises a brow

"Oh?" he questions. Not too long ago Sunoo was ready to vanquish the thought of Jake from
existence, now he's ready to plan him a date? It was interesting to say the least.

"Yeah," Sunoo mutters although he didn't sound so sure of himself.

"But I have no idea what sort of date that Jake would even want to go on," Sunghoon says as he
tries to come up with an idea only to draw a blank.

"Then I'll find out tomorrow during our study date," Sunoo says with a shrug.

"Oh? Study date huh?" Sunghoon teases as he presses his cheek to Sunoo's.

"I- it's just what Jake calls them. I keep telling him they're study sessions and note dates but he
insists," the omega says, trying to squirm away from his alpha who wouldn't let go of him.
Sunghoon simply nuzzles his nose against Sunoo's cheek before turning and kissing his shoulder.

"Whatever you say love," he hums as he breathes in Sunoo's gentle citrusy scent.

"Shut up Sunghoon. Anyways I'll find out and then we'll plan it together," Sunoo huffs as he
pinches Sunghoon's thigh and smirks when Sunghoon finally releases him.

"You'd really do that for him?" Sunghoon questions in astonishment. Sunoo toes at the ground for a
bit before shrugging.

"Ever since my heat ended Jake...there's something about him that makes me feel fuzzy and nice.
Almost like a-"

"A pack bond?"

"I guess"

"I told you so. Jake is good for us" Sunghoon says with a proud smirk.

"I guess so...I dunno I won't want to talk about it anymore." the change in his emotions confused
Sunoo a lot because it didn't make sense. How did he go from disliking the beta one day to
suddenly forming a pack bond with him the next. It didn't make sense, especially since they hadn't
been established as a pack.

"I'll drop it for now but we'll have to talk eventually" Sunghoon says leaning into give Sunoo a kiss
"Good night Sunoo. I love you"

"Love you too" Sunoo says before slipping inside his dorm.


The next day as promised Sunoo had the intention to ask Jake about his ideal date but the beta had
forgotten the actual study part and asked Sunoo all about his date. Sunoo filled him in on all the
seemingly boring details before the beta interrupted him with a question.

"Did you like it?" Jake questions eyes swimming with curiosity. Sunoo looks up from his work
book giving Jake a confused look.

"Like what?"

"C'mon you know! The desert. Sunghoon said you liked it but I want to hear from you" the beta
says. If his phantom tail and ears were present Sunoo is almost sure the beta's tail would be
wagging wildly.

"Well actually I have a question for you" Sunoo says ignoring the question to ask one of his own.

"Oh ok. What is it?" Jake says his smile never falters.
"Why'd you help Sunghoon?" Sunoo had been trying to find an answer all night only to come up
with nothing. Maybe he just doesn't know Jake enough to come up with one on his own but Sunoo
was curious to know. Why do something so nice for someone who was so horrible to you?

"Cause I like you...I meant it when I said I wanna be friends" Jake says earnestly. Sunoo stares into
the betas eyes and sniffs for any change in his scent, anything to indicate that he was lying. When
Sunoo finds nothing but honesty he smiles at Jake allowing his tense shoulders to slouch in

"Well thank was fun," he says and Jake's smile widens.

"I'm glad you had fun" he says with a bit of a giggle.

"So what about you?" Sunoo questions next wanting to know what interests Jake.

"What about me?" the beta questions with a head tilt.

"What kind of dates do you like?" Jake sits with his chin in his palm for a while thinking over the
question. What kind of dates did he like? He hadn't really been on one in the first place.

"Well I've never been on a date," he admits shyly, which has Sunoo's eyes widening.

"What? Like never?" he questions. Surely someone as attractive and kind as Jake has been on a
date. No way no one has ever asked him.

"No..did you go on one..ya know before Hoon?"

"Yeah I went on a few but they weren't all that enjoyable. Something just didn't sit right."

"Oh well...I just I mean people have asked me on dates but I dunno I was too shy to agree"

"Well if you were to go on a date what sort of date would you wanna go on?" Sunoo urges. Not
because he wanted to know, no not at all. He totally and completely was not interested in Jake's
ideal date idea. He just wanted to find out for Sunghoon.

"Well, this might sound stupid...ah you're going to make fun of me!" the beta whines covering his

"I won't...promise" Sunoo says, holding his pinky out to Jake. The beta looks at it hesitantly before
reaching forward wrapping his own pinky around Sunoo's.

" arcade date. Ya know where we play games and sometimes he'll lose on purpose and
maybe we'll try to win a prise in the claw machine and fail miserably but it's ok cause we play a
bunch of other games and collect tickets to get a big plushy in the prize shop and then we'll go out
for like ice cream or something? I dunno" and by the time Jake is done his face is so red that Sunoo
wondered if he had a fever.

"Cute" he mutters without realizing. Thankfully Jake didn't either because then Sunoo would be
thoroughly embarrassed.

"I think that's a great idea Jake. Sunghoon would enjoy it too but don't count on him losing on
purpose. He's super competitive," Sunoo says, warning Jake ahead of time. The beta lets out a
giggle as he leans back in his chair.

"I figured but like I said it was just a thought. I don't expect any of it to happen," Jake shrugs but
the smile never left his face. Sunoo's omega whines seeing Jake try and stay smiling. It was clear
that the beta did want to go on a date like that with Sunghoon but was either too shy to ask or afraid
of rejection. It made Sunoo even more determined to plan this date for him. To make him happy.

'That's new' Sunoo thinks as his omega begins ranting in his head that they needed to make Jake

'Must make beta happy' it repeated.

"Well let's get into it huh? This material isn't going to study itself" Sunoo says, opening his

"Yeah! Let's gaur!" Jake says opening his own books to begin taking notes. They study for their
usual period of time before parting ways. Sunoo marches off for Sunghoon's dorm, fiercely
knocking on the door until his roommate answers. Sunoo bipasses Jisung, too determined to talk to
Sunghoon to greet him.

"Arcade. Find the best arcade in Seoul and take him there"

"An arcade?"

"Don't question me, just do it! Start looking now" he demands and Sunghoon reaches for his
laptop, booting it up to start looking for arcades with good reviews.

"And lose at some of the games"

"But Sunoo"

"Do what I said. You want this date to be perfect yeah? It's his first one, ever so do what I say and
make sure he has a good time"

"Fine fine I'll lose at the games"

"And buy him ice cream"

"Yes Sunoo" Sunghoon sighs knowing he'd be spending up all his money for this date, but it would
be worth it as long as jake has a good time.


Jake was nervous. His palms were sweaty no matter how many times he wiped them off on his
jeans, they just kept perspiring. Out of the blue Sunghoon had asked him out on a date and even
though he agreed Jake was nervous. He'd never been on a date so he had no idea what to wear, how
to act, nothing. It didn't help that Felix was gone and not answering his phone so he had no one
else to talk to. Or maybe he did but Jake was too scared to ask him so the beta paced in front of his
closet going over all his life choices. His quarter life crisis was put on pause when the buzzer to his
apartment sounded off, startling him.

"Coming!" he shouts before going to the door, pulling it open to reveal Kim Sunoo.


"Yes it is I your fairy godmother here to save you"

"You said you'd never been on a date and I figured you wouldn't know what to wear so I'm here to
help" Sunoo says, taking off his coat. He barely gets it off and hangs up before Jake is clinging to
him giving him a hug. Sunoo freezes, not used to physical touch not at all expecting it. Awkwardly
he gives Jake's back a little pat and luckily the beta pulls back. Sunoo noticed the smallest bit of fur
sticking up from Jake's head, showing his ears were coming through, only a little.

"Thank you Sunoo. I'm so glad you came over, I'm practically drowning here!" the beta exclaims.

"Well here I am, now show me your closet" Sunoo says. Jake takes his hand and leads him through
the apartment to his bedroom and to his closet. As Sunoo goes through each article of clothing he
grimaces. All Jake had were t-shirts, a few good jeans, lots of hoodies and shorts. Shorts even
though it was nearing November.

"Jake....this is your closet?"

"Uh huh" Jake says almost proudly and Sunoo wants to burst into tears. There was nothing close to
fashionable in the closet and Sunoo wished they had enough time to go shopping.

"Ok..I can manage with this," the omega mutters to himself. He looks through the clothes before
choosing a pair of ripped jeans, a plain blue t-shirt and a bomber jacket.

"Go try it on," Sunoo says, shoving the clothes in Jake's arms and sending him out the room. Jakes
goes into the bathroom to try on the clothes leaving Sunoo alone. His absence gives the omega
time to look around the beta's bedroom. There were pictures of who Sunoo is guessing family
members on the nightstand along with a photo strip of the beta and his cousin. Off on a mounted
shelf were some sports trophies.

'Oh great another athlete' Sunoo thinks however it wasn't all in distaste. He quite liked that
Sunghoon was an athlete with a fit body and gorgeous muscles. And Jake, although a little shorter
than Sunghoom, also had a lean fit body. Sunko wouldn't admit it to Jake but he was beautiful.

Looking further into the room Sunoo noticed the few plushies on the bed as well as a desk with lots
of fancy equipment on it.

"Whatcha think?" Jake questions walking into the room.

"It looks good Jake. Now what are you going to do with your hair?"

"I can't just leave it like this?" Jake questions running a hand through his hair which was still
messy on his head.

"Absolutely not!" Sunoo exclaims.

"Show me your bathroom" the omega orders and quickly Jake leads him to the decent sized

"Where's your hair products"


"Oh Jake, don't tell me you don't have any," Sunoo says. Sheepishly Jake opens a drawer and pulls
out a bottle of 3 in one body wash, shampoo and conditioner.

"You're one piece of work Jake. Do you have anything else?

"We have this. Felix uses it sometimes," Jake says, holding up a curling iron. Sunoo smirks at the
bet which gives the other wolf the chills because oh boy. What had he just gotten into?

When Sunoo was done he admired his "work". Jake was dressed well in the outfit Sunoo chose and
the omega even gave him a cute fluffy curly hair look that not only made Jake super handsome but
cute as well. Something within Sunoo makes him want to scent Jake, completely covering him in
his scent before he sends Jake out but he stops himself.

"Thank you Sunoo. I really appreciate your help" Jake wraps his arms around Sunoo in a tight hug
and this time Sunoo relaxes, his arms curling around Jake's waist.

"Of course," he whispers. Seconds later the doorbell rings causing the two to separate.

"Go on, prince charming is waiting for you," Sunoo says. Jake goes to answer the door seeing
Sunghoon standing there in ripped jeans and a hoodie Sunoo bought him last year.

"Wow you" Sunghoon says, stepping into the apartment. Jake smiles sheepishly at the
betta before brushing his bangs out of his face.

"Thanks. Ddeonu helped me,"

"Oh yeah?" Sunghoon looks at Sunoo with a smirk.

"I should be going then. Enjoy your date!" the omega says rushing out the apartment but not before
Sunghoon hooks his arm around his waist bringing him in for a kiss.

"Be safe. Let me know when you get home"

"Uh-huh. B-bye Jake. Have fun" Sunoo stutters before rushing off.

"Shall we?" Sunghoon questions holding his hand out for Jake to which the beta takes a hold of and
soon they're leaving the apartment and heading for the arcade.


Jake was stunned to silence when they arrived at the arcade but it didn't last long once Sunghoon
pulled him inside. Although he'd been to an arcade plenty of times in his life it was something
about being here with Sunghoon that made everything feel brand new and magical. They went
around doing just about everything from the dance games, racing and everything in between. Jake
had been so wrapped up in the enjoyment of it all that he hadn't even noticed Sunghoon losing the
games on purpose or the sneaky kisses the alpha would place on his cheek.

Eventually the two got hungry to which they ordered greasy food and soda for dinner. After
receiving their food they find a table to sit at before Sunghoon is dashing off to the bathroom. Jake
sits at the table scrolling through his phone waiting to eat when Sunghoon arrives.

Distracted by his phone Jake doesn't notice how an alpha slips in the seat across from him until he's
clearing his throat gainsing the beta's attention. Jake looks up from shi phone, eyebrows jumping
up in surprise.

"Oh um...hello"

"Hi there. You by yourself cutie," the pet name makes Jake cringe.

"No I'm here with my erm, alpha"

"Oh really?" the man says as he looks around the arcade.

"I don't see anyone here but you sweetness"

"He went to the bathroom. He'll be back soon so you should go"

"Aw come on, you don't have to lie. If you're shy you can just say so"

"I'm not shy my alpha is-" Jake gets interrupted by a vicious growl cutting through the noise and
bustle in the arcade causing it all to come to an abrupt silence.

"He said you should go and I agree," Sunghoon says, his voice dark and deep. His eyes were blood
red with anger, his teeth growing and human nails slowly growing into sharp black claws.

"I erm uh"

"I erm uh," Sunghoon mocks with an eye roll "I believe my mate asked you to leave and it would
be wise of you to do so," he growls. The alpha scrambles up to his feet, knocking his knee against
the table as he runs off out of Sunghoon's line of vision.

Grumbling Sunghoon takes the former alpha's place across from Jake. His eyes go back to normal
as they hold a soft gaze looking at his mate.

"You ok? He didn't do anything, did he?"

"No I'm alright Hoon...what was that though?"

"What was what?"

"The whole alpha thing. Were you jealous?" It wasn't meant to be teasing but somehow it was and
Sunghoon huffs crossing his arms over his chest.

"He was staring at what's mine. And his scent ugh it was fucking disgusting"

"So what you're saying is that you were jealous?"

"Absolutely not" Sunghoon says and it was partially true. He wasn't jealous but very angry another
alpha even dared to look at his mate that way.

"It's ok if you was like sorta hot"

"Oh really? Am I not always hot already?"

"Sure Hoon if that's what you wanna believe," Jake says, finally picking up his pizza and taking a
bite out of the delicious greasy pie and Sunghoon follows suit.

After eating they spend a little more time in the arcade racking up extra tickets because Sunghoon
really wanted to get Jake the biggest stuffed animal in the prize shop. Jake hadn't even asked for it
but Sunghoon felt like it was his mission to get it for his mate.

"I want that one!" he demands as he slaps the tickets on the counter while pointing to the giant
dinosaur plush. The poor kid behind the counter collected the tickets, running them through the
counter before handing the plush to Sunghoon who then passed it to Jake.

"For you," he says proudly as Jake holds the toy to his chest.
"You up for one more trip?" Sunghoon questions wrapping an arm around his mate's waist.

"Of course"

Sunghoon takes them to a nearby ice cream parlor letting Sunghoon choose any and all flavors he
wanted in the biggest size the parlor had to offer. They sit at the outdoor tables and Jake makes
sure his dragon plush sits upright in a chair of its own.

"Thank you Sunghoon. This was, this was the best first date ever" Jake says sighing dreamily.
Sunghoon smiles softly, his alpha feeling accomplished.

"I'm glad you enjoyed it. Um...Sunoo helped" the alpha admits shyly.

"I know. I thought it was weird when he asked me about my ideal date idea and then you asked me
like the next day. I sorta put two and two together"

"Even still I'm glad you enjoyed it! Sunoo was so determined to make sure you had a good time.
Even forced me to lose the games so you'd have the best time"

"Wait, you lost some of the games? On purpose?" Sunghoon blinks in surprise at Jake's question.

"Oh...did you not notice?" Sunghoon questions. Jake was so smart so it was interesting how he
missed that detail.

"I guess I was just having so much fun that I didn't notice" the beta says with a laugh. This had
truly been the best date over and the young man never wanted it to end. Unfortunately once their
bowls were empty Sunghoon figured they'd call it a night since they both had classes early in the

"Good night lovely" the alpha says once they were at Jale's door step. He leans in to give his mate
a kiss but the door to Jake's apartment swings open and there stands Felix, his arms crossed over
his chest and a scowl on his face.

"Oh um...hello," Sunghoon says, taking a step back from Jake.

" are?" Felix questions eyeing the beta like a grumpy father.

"P-Park Sunghoon. I um, I'm your cousins mate"

"Park Sunghoon, do you know what time it is?"

"11-ish?" Sunghoon says not completely sure since it had been awhile since he'd checked his
phone. Felix nods his frown deepening.

"Yes and Jake has an early morning class that he needs to attend."

"Felix stop it," Jake whines, feeling embarrassed. Why did his cousin have to do this now?

"Hush mister. You weren't answering your phone and I was worried sick! Now get inside!" the
beta demands. Bowing his head Jake rushes into the apartment while Felix glares at Sunghoon.

"Good night Sunghoon," is all the beta says before shutting the door in the alpha's face. Sunghoon
sighs a bit disappointed he hadn't gotten a goodbye kiss but gets ready to make his leave when he
feels someone grab his wrist. Easily the alpha is spun around and feels soft lips pressed against his.

"Good night Sunghoon. See you tomorrow" Jake says, giving a sheepish wave to Sunghoon before
rushing back inside before his cousin could drag him back.

Sunghoon leaves the building with a huge smile on his face and his cheeks glowing pink and not
from the cold. He truly had the best mates.

Chapter End Notes

i know this chapter is sorta all over the place but the more i tried to re-write some parts
to make it flow better the worse it got but hopefully you guys still enjoy it despite it
being poorly written and it being a longer chapter than usual. let me know what you
think though!
chapter sixteen
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Sunoo smiled to himself as he gets another stupid photo from Sunghoon. They'd been going at this
for a good ten minutes, just sending each other stupid photos of themselves. The omega takes a
glance at Jake who was sitting across from him, nose buried in his physics book before deciding to
take another picture of himself, quickly sending it to Sunghoon. He gets a reply almost instantly
making him chuckle. Before his thumb can type up a reply his phone is suddenly snatched from
him from under the table.

"Hey! Give it back!" he shouts instantly, getting a harsh "Shh!" from the librarian who sends him a
death glare. He bows his head as an apology before turning to give a glare of his own to the beta in
front of him.

"You're supposed to be studying, not texting Sunghoon," Jake says as he scrolls through a few of
the messages, lips curled into a smile.

"That's an invasion of privacy," Sunoo states, still reaching for his phone but to no avail. Jake leans
back in his seat, holding the phone out of reach as he sends a text to Sunghoon. His smile widens
once he receives a text from Sunghoo laying on his back, hands curled up like little paws and a
frown on his face, followed by a text saying 'sorry' with the pout emoji.

"Your boyfriend is an idiot," Jake says, showing Sunoo the picture.

"Yeah well he's your boyfriend too so at least I'm not alone in dating an idiot," the omega says and
Jake's face breaks out in a blush like wildfire spreading from his cheeks, to his ears and down to
his neck.

'Interesting' Sunoo thinks.

"I- um...i-is he? He hasn't really asked," Jake mutters shyly playing with his fingers.

"Does he need to? You're mates, that's pretty much the claim right there."

"Yeah but doesn't he still have to ask? Like make it official?" the beta questions and Sunoo smirks.

"Well Jakie if the hickey on your neck and the way he had his tongue shoved down your throat
yesterday doesn't prove you're boyfriends then I don't know what to tell you." Sunoo felt a little evil
saying that but the way Jake's tan cheeks turned a darker shade of red was surprisingly more
amusing than how embarrassed he'd been when Sunoo caught him and Sunghoon caught in a
heated make out session in Sunghoon's bed the other day.

Jake whines, feeling embarrassed at the memory, ducking his head down to hide his face.

"Y-you didn't have to bring that up again!" the beta ducks his head down in shame as memories of
the previous day flashed in his head.

"I'm just being honest. I felt the same way at first with Sunghoon. He'd always buy my lunch and
send me off to class with a kiss on the cheek but I thought the same way you did. "Does this make
us boyfriends?" with Sunghoon it does, he doesn't see the need in asking you to be his boyfriend
when you're already mates," Sunoo explains, having already gone through the same range of
emotions back in high school.

"Wooyoung asked Felix," the beta says in a small voice and Sunoo rolls his eyes.

"Wooyoung is Wooyoung, Sunghoon is Sunghoon. Not every alpha thinks the same, but if you
want the whole thing to be "official" then just ask Sunghoon yourself. I'm sure he'd get a kick out
of it anyways"

"You think so?"

"Yep...I know so," the omega says matter-a-factly.

Jake leans back in his seat, eyes glossed over in thought. Should he ask Sunghoon? If the alpha
already believed them to be boyfriends then shouldn't he just leave it? But Jake sorta wanted to
make things official so maybe he should ask like Sunoo said.

"Thanks Sunoo," he says with a smile, grateful for the omega's advice. Once his eyes land on said
omega he frowns noticing Sunoo had been, not so secretly, reaching over the table for his phone.

"YaH!" Jake whispers as he snatches the phone off the table much to Sunoo's dismay.

"Were you only being nice to get your phone back?"

"What kind of person do you take me for Jake Sim? No I was not being nice just to have my phone
back, however you can't keep it from me. It's mine." the omega says, crossing his arms over his
chest, feeling more than a little offended.

"Sunoo you're supposed to be studying. You dragged me here begging for help"

"Don't spew lies Jake, I did not beg you," the omega rebuttals disliking the beta's retelling of

"Whatever you still need to be studying," Jake says, grabbing his backpack from the floor "You'll
get this back when we're done" he says as he places Sunoo's phone in his bag and zips it up.

"I despise you."

"Ok, whatever you say honey. Now finish the worksheet," Jake commands and this time it was
Sunoo's turn to blush. Over the last week he'd noticed Jake had a bit of a habit of calling both him
and Sunghoon little pet names. Sunghoon never really seemed bothered by it, other than the tips of
his ears turning red, however, it made Sunoo feel warmth in his gut. He's not entirely sure how to
feel about it.

"I'm only finishing it because you have to go to work soon. Not because you told me to," the
omega announces as he picks up his pen and begins to finish his worksheet. Jake only hums and
continues to read his physics book.

After half an hour Sunoo finished his worksheet, sliding the sheet of paper to Jake letting him look
over his work. Jake had the tip of his red ballpoint pen in his mouth as he looked over the
worksheet, occasionally checking off things and scribbling in little notes on the side of Sunoo's
work. Once he was done he slid the paper back to Sunoo.

"Well I'll be honest, you're definitely improving which is great but you're still not understanding
some of the main concepts," he explains as he points out all the flaws in Sunoo's work.
"I'll make you a lesson plan so we can do a review later," Jake continues messily writing on
Sunoo's worksheet while the younger sits in confusion.

"What about your other classes? Don't you have like a ton of homework?" Sure Jak had offered to
help Sunoo in any way he could but that doesn't mean Sunoo wanted the beta falling behind in his
classes just because he was struggling with math. Jake looks up with a small smile on his face and
'oh great' Sunoo thinks. His ears were popping up through his head.

"No worries Sunoo, I've got them under control. The only class I really need to worry about is

"I wasn't worried. I could care less what happens to you and your grades. I just don't want
Sunghoon thinking it's my fault" Sunoo says, feeling embarrassed.

"Ahh I see. I can understand how Sunghoon would think it's your fault. You're so bad at math so
I'm going to end up spending a lot of time helping you," Jake teases and Sunoo throws a pencil at
him. Jake barely has a second to dodge the yellow number two pencil before it hits him in the face.

"Keep teasing me and next time it won't miss," Sunoo says with his cheeks bright pink with
embarassment. Jake quickly ducks his head down as he begins gnawing at his bottom lip suddenly
feeling awkward. Sunoo sighs as the smell of burned rubber fills his nose and sees Jake's ears drop
low on his head. Quietly Sunoo begins shoving his things in his bag before he gets up and walks to
the other side of the table. Hesitantly he moves his hand up to Jake's head feeling the delicate ears
on the older males head. Feeling someone touch them, Jake's ears twitch before sticking up only to
drop down in pure bliss as Sunoo gives them a scratch.

"I was just kidding ok. No need to get upset," he says, giving Jake a few more scratches before
retreating his hand from the mop of brown curls.

"Now come on before you're late to work," Sunoo says, glancing at his watch, noticing it was
getting closer and closer to Jake's usual departure time.

"Coming!" Jake exclaims a little too loudly as he begins to neatly place his papers in their
respective colored folders and sets them gently in his backpack so nothing gets bent and then soon
he's trailing after Sunoo.

"Hey Jake!" a voice calls, causing the two to stop in their tracks. Jake seems to perk up more
hearing the voice while Sunoo rolls his eyes.

"Taehyun hey!" Jake says with a smile seeing his friend.

"Have you done Mr.Beak's assignment yet? I swear that thing was brutal," Taehyun says with a
soft groan remembering the assignment he'd worked on for an hour.

"Yeah I started it but didn't finish. It's pretty rough," Jake responds and soon the two begin talking
about some physics assignment that Sunoo lacked the knowledge to comprehend. He stands off to
the side only slightly annoyed (read as very annoyed) as Jake carries on with his conversation. He
did this every time. There was always someone Jake happened to know that would see him and
start up a conversation. Sunoo swears he's going to stop attending these forced (but not really
forced) bonding sessions.

He watches as Jake and Taehyun talk cracking a few jokes that Sunoo internally cringes at because
they were so fucking nerdy. It wasn't until Taehyun moved into Jake's space touching his shoulder
as he laughed a little too hard at something Jake said that Sunoo felt an overwhelming need to pry
the alpha's hands off the beta.

"So Saturday? You busy?" Taehyun questions. Jake's head tilts to the side a bit as he thinks over
his schedule.

"Um, I don't think so. Why what's up?"

"Well I figured maybe we could hang out. Just us maybe?" Taehyun questions and Sunoo raises a
brow. Was this alpha really making a move on Jake? Sunghoon's Jake? Absolutely not.

"Jakie" Sunoo says using a slightly whiny voice. The two engineering majors turn to Sunoo, eyes
widened a bit as if they just realized he had been standing there the whole time.

"Yeah Sunoo?"

"You're going to be late for work if we don't get going," Sunoo says as he taps his watch.

"Oh yeah! Sorry Taehyun, we'll have to talk later, I need to go," Jake says, cutting the conversation

"That's ok I understand. How about I just text you later?"

"Course! See you in class," Jake says waving to Taehyun as he follows after Sunoo who was now
at the exit doors pushing them open and not looking back to make sure Jake was actually following

"Hey! Sunoo! Wait up!" Jake whines as he jogs after Sunoo who began speed walking away from
the library. Once Jake catches up to the moody omega he places a hand on Sunoo's shoulder
stopping him.

"You're mad," Jake announces after smelling Sunoo's sour scent.

"I am not!"

"You are! Why? Did I do something?" Sunoo almost wants to shout "YES!" but then he wouldn't
be able to explain why he was actually mad in the first place. Because Jake is Sunghoon's mate and
he was being flirted with? Or because he might be forming a pack bond with Jake and the thought
of him making plans with someone else made his blood boil? Yeah Sunoo wasn't going to say that
especially since he wasn't sure what he was feeling or if he really was forming a pack bond. There
was no need to confuse Jake so the omega kept his mouth shut not responding to the beta's

"Sunoo," Jake says, his tone suddenly serious. It spooked Sunoo a bit "Were you...were you
jealous?" the shit eating grin on Jake's face made Sunoo want to punch him. How dare he think
that he was jealous? Sunoo definitely was not jealous.

"I most definitely was not," the omega denies quickly and Jake giggles.

"Oh yeah? Well why'd you get so mad huh? And don't even say you weren't because beta's can
smell scents just like Alphas and omegas can," the beta says, raising on his toes.

"Well you suck at it then. I am not mad, or jealous."

"Ok ok. If you say so," Jake says, not at all believing Sunoo.

"Just hurry up so I can see my boyfriend!" Sunoo announces, ready to drop the conversation.
"You mean our boyfriend?" Jake pipes up and Sunoo shakes his head.

"My boyfriend" he states and Jake pouts.

"Just inside you said he was my boyfriend too!"

"Well...I take it back," Sunoo says with a shrug .

"You can't take that back!" Jake's pout deepens and instead of responding back Sunoo walks away
leaving Jake to once again trail after him.

"Wait...if Sunghoon is my boyfriend and your boyfriend...does that make..does that mean we're
boyfriends too?" Jake questions out loud. Sunoo almost trips over his own feet hearing the

"W-what?" he questions turning to look at Jake only to have the beta laugh in his face'

"Wow Sunoo you're so red! Does that mean I made you nervous? Oh do you wanna be boyfriends
too!?" Jake questions a little too excitedly for Sunoo's omega to handle. The wolf cried excitedly in
Sunoo's head wanting to jump on Jake and cover him completely in his scent.

"No it does not and Jake Sim you better shut your mouth saying nonsense like that," Sunoo hisses.
He thinks it'll be enough to make Jake back off but it doesn't.

"No worries Sunoo. 'S ok if you're nervous about it"

"Shut up Jake Sim" Sunoo growls before walking away. Lagging behind Jake giggles.

"Why are you off in such a hurry?" he calls after the omega who ignores him and continues
walking off to the campus entrance where Sunghoon has been waiting for them.

"Oh good, thought you got lost," the alpha jokes once his mates are within close proximity. He
reaches out for the male closest to him which happened to be Jake and rubs his nose along the
beta's scent gland.

"Nope, this one just has a motor mouth," Sunoo says, moving to back hug Sunghoon. Jake gasps in
mock disbelief, hand flat on his chest.

"I am not a motormouth. Sunghoon tell Sunoo to say sorry" the beta whines looking at Sunoo with
a pout.

"I will do no such thing!" Sunoo shouts from behind the alpha. The two go back and forth arguing
over the alpha for a few minutes before Sunghoon's laughter interrupts them. His chest felt so
warm hearing his mates playfully argue.

"Alright you two that's enough. Come on Jakie you gotta get to work," Sunghoon says, handing
Jake a helmet.

"Drive safely," Sunoo says to the alpha before kissing his cheek before taking a step back to watch
the two leave campus.

Now alone Sunoo goes to his dorm sitting at his desk. He dives deep into the internet wanting to
know the answer to one question.

'How do you know if you're forming a pack bond?'


Sunghoon could feel his irritation grow as Sunoo continued to absent mindedly tap his spoon
against the side of his bowl. He knows his omega isn't doing it on purpose and that it was just a
habit of his but the sound of the spoon clinking against the porcelain irritated him to no end.

"Sunoo, can you please cut that out?" he questions his voice coming out harsh. Sunoo looks up at
him with a glare, a challenge to Sunghoon's alpha.

"Alpha," Sunoo says slowly, the way he does when he carefully calculates his words, "Did you
know your precious Jakie has an alpha running after him?" the omega questions turning to look at
Jake who'd happily been munching on his toast while working on his mathematics homework.
Hearing his name Jake lifts his head up like an innocent puppy. Sunghoon wants to kiss him but
Sunoo's words block off his affectionate alpha side and instead pull a rise out of him.

"He what?" he questions, keeping his voice leveled.

"He's got Kang Taehyun practically drooling over him," Sunoo shouts, fist banging on the table. It
draws attention from those around them, but the trio is quickly forgotten as onlookers move back to
their conversations.

"I do not!" Jake whines, feeling embarrassed over Sunoo's wording. Sunghoon on the other hand
felt his wolf relax hearing the familiar name.

"Oh, ok," he says with a shrug returning to his breakfast. Sunoo sat there in shock. How could
Sunghoon just be ok with that? Hadn't he heard what he said?

"Sunghoon, I don't think you understand. Kang Taehyun was drooling all over your mate"

"Hon, I think you're just imagining things," Sunghoon says, his lips curling into an amused smirk
at the look his mate was currently giving him.

"I most certainly am not! I've seen it with my own eyes more times than I would like! Just the other
day Taehyun was ruffling Jake's hair and calling him cute and touching him"

"Oh no! Not touching," Sunghoon says mockingly. And yes maybe Sunghoon is mean for teasing
Sunoo like this but he just couldn't help it. He loves to rile Sunoo up as much as Sunoo loves to do
it to him. The way his scent would spike, the citrus smell almost like burned carmel, the small
twitch in his cheek from his irritation, the dark challenging look in his eyes. It was...captivating to
say the least. But maybe that was just Sunghoon's alpha brain talking.

"Sunghoon! Why the fuck aren't you taking this seriously?" the omega exclaims with a frown.

"No Sunoo, the better question is why are you?" Sunghoon questions. Although Sunoo had
mentioned it briefly a little over a week ago the thought lingered in Sunghoon's brain. They all
agreed no more secrets so it was up to Sunoo to bring it up, to tell Jake. Sunghoon just wanted to
give him a bit of a nudge.

Sunoo goes silent, blinking at Sunghoon in pure shock. All noticeable hints of his previous anger
vanishes as the omega sits silently seemingly disconnected from the world.

"Yeah Sunoo, why are you so bothered by it?" Jake questions not queued in on the conversation. It
didn't occur to him that Sunoo had been overly worked up about the topic until Sunghoon
mentioned it. Sunoo's eyes flicker to Jake, a pink blush covering his cheeks.
"I'm going to be late for class," the omega announces as he slings his backpack over his shoulders
and marches away.

"Ddeonu! You didn't finish eating!" Jake yells after him, feeling a bit worried that Sunoo hadn't had
enough to eat for breakfast. The beta starts to get up ready to chase after Sunoo and bring him back
to eat but Sunghoon stops him.

"It's ok Jakie. We'll make sure he eats at lunch yeah?"

"O-ok. I-is Sunoo ok though?"

"Yeah he's ok. Just...Sunoo takes longer to process things than others. He'll come to us when he's
ready. When he's got it worked out in his head"

" he mad at me?"

"No baby, he's not mad. Just finish your breakfast."


The next study date was awkward. Sunoo kept his attention on his work, only speaking to Jake
when he needed to. The omega's actions lead Jake to believe Sunghoon was wrong and Sunoo was
in fact upset with him. But for what? What had Jake done that upset the omega so much? He
thought about it over and over and couldn't come up with anything and then the dark side of his
mind kicked in.

'He's still mad at you. You took away his alpha'

Was Sunoo still mad? But Jake thought he'd forgiven him, that they talked and made up and
everything was ok? But maybe it wasn't ok. Maybe Sunoo had been pretending this whole time for
Sunghoon's sake? Could that be true?

Jake brought his hand to his mouth, gently biting on the neatly trimmed nail of his thumb. A habit
he thought he'd left back in Australia. With the stress and anxiety building within him he couldn't
help but revert to an old habit. He wants to ask Sunoo, he really does but the fear of rejection, the
fear of having the omega throw daggers his way and harsh words and that fake smile he used to
give, it made Jake's gut twist uncomfortably. No more secrets. They all swore to talk things out,
that if something was bothering them then all three of them would discuss it but Jake couldn't help
but figure he should keep to himself. Nothing bad had happened, yet so maybe he should just be
quiet, be a good boy, be the sweet Jake the two had come to know. Only if Jake kept his head
down and did what he was told could he keep the two by his side.

Being lost in his thoughts Jake didn't notice his scent had begun to change and the smell of burnt
rubber filling the space around them. The smell caused Sunoo to shoot his head up, omega whining
at the smell.

'Beta's sad! Why? What happened?'

Sunoo was confused. They'd just been sitting here, what could be making Jake so upset? Sunoo's
eyes darted around the table and the space around them trying to figure out the cause of Jake's
distress. His eyes fell on the clear water bottle noticing the liquid to be near the bottom. Maybe he's
thirsty, feeling dehydrated?

Without saying anything Sunoo gets up, grabs Jake's water bottle and makes his way for the water
"Sunoo-" the rest of Jake's sentence falls upon deaf ears as Sunoo marches for the fountain. As
Sunoo stands there watching the water fill the bottle he couldn't help but sigh. There was no
mistaking it. He had formed a pack bond with Jake. It was small but there and Sunoo was feeling
the effects of it.

The overwhelming need to be protective of him, making sure he was safe and away from prying
eyes. Making sure he was happy like he did with the date he and Sunghoon planned. And even
right now in this moment he could feel the effects take over him as he made sure Jake was cared
for and had a full bottle of water ready to rid any feeling of dehydration Jake might be feeling. The
almost desperate to make sure Jake was happy and satisfied. Yeah, there was no denying it. Now
that Sunoo had confirmed it he just needed to tell Jake, but it wasn't that simple.

From the moment he first met Jake all Sunoo had done was reject him. He rejected the fact that he
was Sunghoon's mate, that he would hold a place in Sunghoon's heart, hell Sunoo even rejected the
fact that the beta existed! All the negative things Sunoo thought but never said to Jake still carried
a heavy weight in the omega's heart. What if Jake never truly forgave him? What if there was a
part of Jake waiting for revenge? Waiting for a way to hurt Sunoo like Sunoo had hurt him? The
thought alone was enough to create a defensive barrier in Sunoo's mind. Because yes Sunoo wanted
to scent Jake and take care of him and dote on him like a good omega Sunoo was afraid of
rejection. Ironic.

Sunoo was so lost in his own head that he didn't notice that the water bottle had begun to overflow,
the water spilling down his hand and back into the mouth of the fountain, until someone started
talking to him. That very someone being one of the last people Sunoo wanted to see.

"Hey! It's spilling!" the alpha's smooth voice calls out as he gently pulls Sunoo away from the
fountain, the water spewing from the spout coming to a halt. Although the alpha was only being
polite Sunoo couldn't help the growl rising from his chest.

"Woah, sorry. I didn't mean to touch you without permission. You'd just been standing there for
awhile and it was making a mess" Taehyun says gesturing to the small puddle of water under the
fountain. Sunoo feels his cheeks warm from embarrassment, but keeps a scowl on his face.

"You're the omega that hangs out with Jake yeah? Um Sun..Seono?"

"Sunoo. Kim Sunoo"

"Ah right. Sorry I'm pretty bad with names if I'm not familiar with someone" Taehyun says with a
bright laugh. If Sunoo hadn't been so bothered by the fact that it was this very alpha that had been
flirting with Jake he would have thought that Taehyun's laugh was charming.

"Yeah well maybe you should work on that," the omega says as he begins to screw the top of the
water bottle on making sure it was secure so nothing would spill on Jake. He was wearing a cute
hoodie today and Sunoo would hate for him to take it off and get cold.

"Yeah I guess so...hey can I ask you somethin?" Taehyun questions and Sunoo fights back the urge
to groan. Instead he plasters on a smile.

"Yes hyung?" he says using a voice all too sweet.

"Can you give this to him? I'd give it to him myself but..." Taehyun trails off eyes widening like he
just remembered something "Anyways just give him this for me yeah?" he says handing Sunoo a
comic and then walking off. Sunoo blinks in pure disbelief but takes the comic and the water bottle
back to Jake.
"Here," he grumbles, dropping the comic on the table but gently setting the water bottle back in its
original place. As Sunoo takes his place from across Jake again he notices the beta's eyes seeming
to light up as he gasps holding the comic.

"Oh wow! T-this is limited edition! Ddeonu, how'd you get this?"

"I didn't He did," Sunoo says, pointing his finger in the direction of Taehyun who'd been not so
secretly hiding beside a bookshelf watching them. Jake turns around smiling at Taehyun who gives
a small wave before dashing off.

"Taehyun is so sweet! I can't believe he'd-" Jake's sentence gets cut off by the sound of Sunoo
slamming his book closed.


"I'm done for the day" the omega grumbles as he begins to shove his belongings in his backpack.
Confused Jake watches as Sunoo angrily packs his things before he gathers his own, gently setting
the comic in his bag and rushes after Sunoo.

"Sunoo! Hey Sunoo!" He calls after the omega who seemed to walk faster than he was. It gave
Jake an odd sense of deja vu.

"Hey! Wait" Jake whines grabbing Sunoo's shoulder only for the omega to rip it out of his grip.

"Stop" he grows his emotions being too much. He was angry at Jake. Well maybe not at Jake but
just angry that the beta was thinking of someone else when Sunoo was trying to take care of him.
Yeah that's why Sunoo was angry. Instead of backing down Jake crosses his arms over his chest,
lips curling into a frown.

"No," he says firmly. It was so...un Jake like.


"I said no!" Jake says this time with a whine "I-I don't get you" the beta starts with a huff.

"I thought you were starting to like me. W-we were getting along but now you're mean to me again
and I don't know what I did wrong"


"A-and I don't wanna cause problems I really don't but Sunoo my chest hurts! It hurts so bad right
now and I just wanna know what I can do to make you not be mad at me"

"I'm not mad!"

"You sound mad! And you smell mad so you are too mad! You're mad at me and I'm sorry!" Jake
yells, throwing his hands up in the air. Sunoo opens his mouth to say something but nothing comes
out. This was all his fault. Once again he'd hurt Jake.

"S-Sunoo" Jake can't help but whine, his soft puppy dog eyes filling with tears. It caught both of
them off guard. Jake had no idea why he suddenly felt like bursting into tears. He felt a weird tug in
his chest and an overwhelming feeling like he'd done something bad but had no idea what.
Meanwhile Sunoo knew exactly why Jake looked seconds away from crying. He was feeling the
bond too and Sunoo's emotions were making him upset. Sunoo hadn't expected Jake to feel them so
strongly, normally the pull isn't that strong for betas.

"M sorry! I really am. D-didn't mean it" Jake says his head bowed as his tears spill down his
cheeks. He had no idea what he was apologizing for. Maybe it was for upsetting Sunoo today,
maybe it was for everything, Jake didn't know.

"Jake don't cry" Sunoo says walking up to the beta and curling his arms around him. By now the
two had gained a bit of an audience but Sunoo could care less. Right now the only thing on his
mind was to take care of Jake and he knows the only way to do that is to finally be honest with

"We need to go to Sunghoon," Sunoo says. He laces his fingers with Jake's, holding his hand tight
as he pulls the beta in the direction of Sunghoon's dorms.

As soon as they arrived Sunoo knocked on the door like a madman until it swung open revealing
Sunghoon who was half dressed and a look of worry covering his face.

"What happened? Did someone hurt you? I-I could feel- are you ok?" the alpha settles on a
question as he brings both his mates to his chest. When neither of them answer, Sunghoon pulls
back looking back and forth between the two.

"Please answer me," the alpha questions.

"It's my fault," Sunoo says with a sigh.

"Please explain," Sunghoon says wanting to know why his mate bonds had shot painful zing
though his chest, sending his alpha into a spiral. Gently Sunoo closes the door behind them and
urges them to move further into the dorm.

"Jake I'm so sorry," Sunoo whispers, feeling the negative effects of their bond settling in. He'd
made Jake cry. He made Jake cry. He's a bad omega.

"Please talk to me,"

"Jake thinks I'm mad at him...I-I made him cry"

"Are you mad at him?"

"No I-" Sunoo takes a shaky inhale. He wants to tell Jake. He wants to make it all better but
selfishly he also wants to protect himself, to make sure he doesn't get hurt.

"I'm sorry," Jake repeats again as more tears spill down his cheeks.

" this about?" Sunghoon doesn't finish his sentence but he doesn't have to, the look on
Sunoo's face says it all.

"You need to tell him" the alpha growls out "We made a promise. We all promised no more

At the mention of the promise Jake whimpers. He didn't know what Sunghoon was hinting at to
Sunoo but he knew that he himself was breaking the promise as well.

"Sunghoon, do you think this is easy for me? I don't want to hurt him any more than you do!"

"Well tell him that! If you can feel it too then you know what it's doing to him! What are you
holding back for?!" Sunghoon didn't want to get angry but once again it was like the spoon against
the porcelain bowl. Sunoo doesn't mean to upset him, Sunghoon knows this but sometimes the
omega was just infuriating.

"I'm scared!" Sunoo admits hands balled into fists by his side.

"Scared of what? I-I don't get what you guys are talking about" Jake says looking between the two
mates. This was all so confusing and his chest hurt so bad and his head felt like it was stuffed with
all the crying he'd done.

Nervously Sunoo takes a few steps towards the beta before kneeling in front of him.

"Don't cry," he whispers, reaching up to wipe Jake's tears away.

"And don't say you're sorry. You did nothing wrong. I should be sorry. I- I was so mean to you, so
fucking mean and you were always so sweet, so open minded and I know I hurt you. I hurt you
when we first met and even now I'm hurting you and I'm so sorry"

"Don't cry Ddeonu" Jake says brushing Sunoo's tears away before they had a chance to fall. Sunoo
reaches to wipe ay his face, having not realized that he was crying in the first place.

"Jake," Sunoo whispers. He felt his nerves catch up with him as his heart beat heavily in his chest.
It was now or never. Sunoo couldn't selfishly hold it in any longer.

"Do you know what a pack bond is?" the omega questions. He can see the gears turning in Jake's
head as he thinks over the question.

"Yeah, it's when you start to develop an emotional connection with a potential pack mate. It's like
imprinting but stronger, but how..." Jake trails off, brows knitting in confusion before the lightbulb
clicks in his brain.

"Wait are you...did we....we?" He's at a loss for words.

"I think somewhere along the line we formed a bond. There's no real explanation behind this sort
of thing so I don't know how or when but...I know I don't deserve to but I wanna take care of you.
W-wanna make sure you're happy and taken care of and, I wanna be a good omega for you,"
Sunoo can feel his body ignite in flames as he says his last few words. His eyes widen as he looks
at Jake who blushed furiously.

"I-I've never had someone say that to me..." Jake says feeling his beta become slightly aroused by
the omega.

"I know I don't deserve it but-"

"Sunoo stop" Jake says firmly as his thumb strokes down Sunoo's cheek "You deserve it, you do. I
know we had a rocky start but I meant it every time I said it. I wanted to be your friend"

"O-oh...wanted to," Sunoo says. He knows he brought it on himself but he can't help but feel a bit

"Yeah I did want to be your friend. But now-" Jake trails off a smirk forming on his lips.

"I wanna be your best friend," he says with a playful lit in his voice.

"Y-you do? "

"Of course. I mean, we are sorta like in a pack now. It would be awkward if we weren't" the beta
says casually before falling backwards as Sunoo tackles him in a hug.

"Thank you, thank you, thank you Jake. I promise I'll be good. I won't hurt you anymore" Sunoo
says as he presses his face against the betas neck, dangerously close to his scent gland. Jake gulps
his hand coming up to awkwardly pat Sunoo on the back.

"I know....I can feel it," Jake says feeling Sunoo's emotions run through him, through their bond. It
brought him a lot of reassurance. Sunghoon, feeling left out, joins the pair on the bed giving both
his mates a kiss.

"I'm probably going to say this a lot now but you two are perfect. So. So perfect" Sunghoon says
dreamily before kissing them both on the cheek.

"You know what would make us more perfect? If you be my boyfriend," Jake says cheekily.
Sunghoon pretends to think about it before shooting a wink to Jake.

"Oh yeah? You know I think that would be a lovely idea"

"Yeah?" the beta questions softly almost in disbelief which earns him another kiss from Sunghoon
which washes away all doubts.

"Yeah Jake Sim. I'll be your boyfriend" Sunghoon whispers as he brushes their noses together for a

"This was a great way to spend my birthday" Jake says after a while and the two Suns shoot up.

"Your what?!"

"It's your birthday?"

"O-oh....did I not tell you?" Jake questions looking between the two only to receive a shake of the
head. "Oh's my birthday!" the beta says doing jazz hands.

"Get up. We're going out" Sunoo says, being the first to take charge. Jake accepted their bond and
the omega was going to do everything he could to make it up to him for the past. He was going to
do whatever he can to be a good omega.

"I said get up! What are you waiting for?" he says, noticing the two hadn't moved.

"Is he always like that?"

"Pretty much. Get used to it Jakie"

"I think I like it," Jake says with a lazy smile. Sunoo blushes, feeling the zing coarse through their
bond. It was weird and they had a lot of work to do to improve their relationship but Sunoo thinks
he will quickly get used to this new bond. The hole in his heart was already starting to fill a little
more and he felt one step closer to feeling whole.


The next day Sunghoon went to meet someone else in the courtyard before Sunoo and Jake were
supposed to meet him. Seeing the alpha he was looking for Sunghoon approached the table where
Kang Taehyun sat his nose in a book.

"So..." he starts off as he takes a seat across from the alpha. "Your little plan work?" Sunghoon
watches as the alpha slowly sets the book down with a heavy sigh.
"That is a yes and a no. Hueningkai finally stopped giving me the silent treatment, however now
he's retaliating by staying with his hyung," Taehyun says, showing Sunghoon a picture of his mate
cuddled up with someone.

"I'm just glad he went to his brother and not Yeonjun. I don't know how much more of his little
games I can keep up with."

"Stay strong Tae," Sunghoon says patting his fellow alpha on the back.

"Yeah well what about you? Your friends make up?" Taehyun questions. Sunghoon smiles as he
catches the faintest scent of his mates. He takes a quick glance around to see Jake and Sunoo
sprinting right for them.

Sunoo sprints across campus hot on Jake's heels. The beta unfortunately was a lot more athletic
than Sunoo and easily got to the courtyard before he could and attached himself to Sunghoon.

"Hoonie! Ddeonu bit me!" he says inbetween pants.

"Whatever he says it's a lie!" Sunoo shouts once he caught up. He immediately sits down,hand on
his chest as he tries his best to catch his breath.

"It is not! Look he did it right here," Jake shouts rolling up his sleeve "Sunnie bit me," he whines
showing off the bite mark Sunoo gave him that was starting to heal. The omega had gotten Jake
good, sinking his teeth in to break skin and ensure it would take a minute to heel so Jake would feel

"Sunoo!" Sunghoon says, barking out a laugh. Next to him Taehyun smiles seeing the sweet
relationship between the two.

"I'll leave you to it," he says patting on Sunghoon's shoulder and leaving.

"He was being mean and making fun of me, Hoonie!" Sunoo protests once he catches his breath.

"I was not!" Jake says back.

"You were too you!" Sunoo shouts "You kept saying-" before Sunoo could continue Jake placed a
small kiss on the corner of the omega's mouth stunning him.

"Fine, fine. I teased you and I'm sorry," Jake says with a cheeky smile admiring the way Sunoo’s
already rosey cheeks turned a shade darker.

"I- uh," Sunoo looks to Sunghoon for help only to receive a kiss from the alpha as well.

"You're so cute" Sunghoon mutters against Sunoo’s lips before giving him a second peck.

"I need to leave. I need to get to class" the omega says getting up to leave, however this time he did
get a chance to run away as Jake hooked his arm around his waist and pulled the omega onto his

"You don't have class for half an hour. Sit, I uh I made you breakfast," Jake says as he pulls a
container from his backpack.

"Hey how come Sunoo gets breakfast?"

"Cause he's our omega," Jake says boldly. Hearing Jake say 'our' caused a shiver to run down all of
their spines.
"Yes he is but I'm your alpha. You should take care of me too," Sunghoon pouts. Jake giggles at
the alpha before grabbing a second container from his bag and sliding it over.

"I'm well aware. Of course I made our puppy alpha something as well"

"Puppy alpha?!" Sunghoon shouts scandalized.

"Hush and eat what our beta made us," Sunoo says, opening the container. Sunghoon pouts but
does the same, a soft smile on his face. He doesn't think he'll ever get tired of hearing the word
our. Our beta, our omega, our alpha. Finally everything felt just right and Sunghoon felt like he was
on top of the world. Like nothing could ever bring him down.

Chapter End Notes

i know the ending of this chapter sounds like the end but it is not, this is just the
beginning! this was only the first part of the story. the second half will begin shortly
and we'll finally get into the best part of this whole mess. i'm so excited to start writing
the next part of this book. we'll finally meet other characters and learn about
sunsunjakes past. as usual i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter even though it's the
longest by far. let me know what you think of the chapter and what was your favorite

side note: my favorite part was jake kissing sunoo at the end i wanted to write
something a bit more saucy for them but i'll save it for the next chapter
chapter seventeen
Chapter Notes


a bit of dry humping
suggestive scenes

scenes are marked with [ ] and [ ] once the scene is over

read at your own risk.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Bundled in his warmest winter coat Sunghoon walks into Jake's cafe ready to pick him up from his
shift. Walking into the warm building he looks around for his mate expecting him to be bundled up
and ready to go but instead he sees Jake still shuffling around the cafe getting orders and cleaning

"Jake," he sings songs as the beta rushes past him. Jake stops, spinning on his heels to face

"O-oh. Is it two already? Sorry, Hoon let me finish this up ok?" and without getting a reply Jake
rushes off. Sighing, Sunghoon sits at the nearest available table while he waits for Jake. It has
become a pattern now. Jake's boss and co-workers often relied on the beta to pick up the slack for
them and Jake ended up working extra hours. Sunghoon always tried to get the beta out of the habit
of letting his co-workers walk over him but Jake would always smile and say he was happy to do it.

So here Sunghoon is waiting for Jake to finish up his round of orders. He waits and waits and waits
and after half an hour he calls for Jake again this time tapping on his watch reminding Jake they
were on a time limit only to receive an apologetic glance from Jake who continues to do his job.
Having had enough, Sunghoon gets up from his seat before marching over to Jake. He pulls the
string of the tan apron Jake always wears, pulling it from around the beta's waist, and drops it on
the nearest table.

"Aye! What are you doing?" one of Jake's co-workers whined.

"He's done for the day. Do your own work," Sunghoon huffs before tugging Jake's wrist.

"Sungie! Sun! Wait!"

"What now?"

"I need my coat! It's cold!"

"Hurry up then and don't let them convince you to work anymore"

"I won't!" Jake shouts as he rushes to the locker room to grab his coat. Once he was bundled in his
coat, a hat, and the scarf Sunoo had given him before his shift, Jake meets Sunghoon outside and
climbs on his bike.

"Finally" Sunghoon grumbles seeing as they finally get to run their errands for the day. With his
birthday already passed and Christmas on the way Sunghoon was eager to get his Christmas
shopping done and out the way and Jake was kind enough to tag along since Sunoo had a previous
arrangement with Doyoung.

Reaching the mall Sunghoon parks his bike and holds onto Jake's hand as they walk into the

"Let's go there," Jake says, pointing to a store. They weave around the store dodging other
customers as they look at the little trinkets available for purchase before something catches
Sunghoon's eye in the window of another store.

"Sung, what sort of gift would Sunoo like?" Jake mumbles as Sunghoon flicks through the various
clothes on the rack.

"Thinking of getting him something?" the alpha questions with a smirk, taking his eyes off the
clothes for a few seconds to give Jake a teasing smirk. Jake smiles sheepishly as he begins to play
with his fingers.

"Um...yeah I want to. Would Sunoo accept something from me?"

"Of course, he would! He even already got you something," Sunghoon says carelessly, his attention
more on picking out a nice hoodie for Sunoo rather than the words that were actually coming out
of his mouth.

"Wait he did? Sunghoon really?" Jake questions, excitement laced in every word. Sunghoon hums
turning to Jake with a stern look.

"But do not let him find out I told you. He'll skin me alive"

"Ok ok I won't but that means I definitely have to get him something but, I don't even know what
sort of gift he'd want"

"Well, Sunoo isn't all that difficult to shop for during the holidays honestly. We just stick to
tradition to ease the stress"

"Tradition?" Jake questions and Sunghoon has to remind himself that even though he feels like he's
known Jake forever, the reality is that it has only been a few months and Jake had a lot more to
learn about them.

"Oh right um. Well since we met we've given each other the same gift, just different variations.
Sunoo really likes comfy oversized sweaters and scented candles. So every year I get him an
omega sensitive sweater and I custom make a candle so he always has a new scent. Unfortunately,
the candle place shut down last year and I haven't been able to find a new place"

"Does Sunoo have really sensitive skin?"

"Yeah. He's a bit of a special case. I have to be really careful with the clothes I give him because
most fabrics that are ok for other sub-genders irritate his skin really badly. Even clothes made for
omegas with sensitive skin will irritate him a bit" Sunghoon explains and Jake makes a mental note
to be careful with the materials of his blankets and clothes he gives to Sunoo from here on out.
"I'll keep that in mind. I didn't know you made your own candles," as the words leave Jake's mouth
he can feel his bond with Sunghoon grow warm with adoration and a hint of embarrassment.

"Oh yeah. Sunoo really likes them and I figured I'd give it a try and just really liked it. It's
something to do with my hands and I like smelling all the scents and making something Sunoo will

"You love him" Jake mutters

"Well yeah I'd hope so"

"No no. I know you love him but listening to you explain your gift just like hit me. You really love

"He's my baby. He got me through some rough times" Sunghoon drifts off his hand
absentmindedly stroking the back of his neck so Jake doesn't question him even though there were
moments where Sunghoon and Sunoo would briefly mention something before sharing a knowing
look. Jake wanted to be in on the loop, to know what to say to ease their minds rather than sit there
awkwardly but he doesn't want to step over a line or open sealed wounds.

"You're my baby too. I have my sunshine and my pup," Sunghoon says, his lips stretching out in a
smile. Jake smiles back at him as he nudges their shoulders against one another.

"What about Sunoo? What's his gift for you?" Jake questions next and Sunghoon groans.



"The story goes he switched my gift with my sisters so she got the game I wanted and I got the
frilly pink ribbons Sunoo got for her and from there he's gotten them for me every year"

"That's so cute" Jake coos

"It is not. He spends so long styling my hair and putting the ribbons on. It's also why I grow my
hair out in December," Sunghoon states as he ruffles his now outgrown and shaggy hair.

"Ahh, so that's why you grew it out. I thought you just liked it"

"I sorta do but not long term. I just do it so Sungoo doesn't pull my hair out trying to pull it into a
ponytail to use the ribbons"

"It's sexy. I like the shag"

"Yeah well, I love your curls. Sunoo helped yeah?" Sunghoon murmurs as he runs his fingers
through a few of the curls dangling about Jake's eyes.

"Yeah. He's great with this sort of stuff" the beta mutters with a smile.

"So let's find something for him, yeah?" Jake gives a nod and they begin to dive into their
shopping. They went through store after store looking through the various articles of clothing and
little trinkets to gift their omega and managed to snag some gifts for their families as well.

Once their feet began to drag from walking, Sunghoon settled them down at the food court, getting
them a little snack to allow them to relax for a bit before continuing.
" you and Sunoo spend Christmas together?" Jake questions.

"Hmm. We both live in Gyeonggi. We actually met because we go to the same school. My family
loves him"

"That's good...that your parents love him," Jake says and Sunghoon's smile drops.

"Oh no not my parents. My parents are gone. I live with my sister and my aunts" he says
playing with his fingers. Jake winces feeling bad for saying anything.

"Oh, I didn't know. When did you-"

"Long time ago...things were not good with them so Yeji and I went to live with our aunts"

"I'm sorry," he mutters bowing his head and Sunghoon nudges his foot with his own.

"Don't be sorry, love. I'm over it for the most part. Like I said Sunoo got me through some rough
times and I'm not in a bad place like I was."

"I'd love to meet them one day. Your aunts I mean" Jake says nervously looking up to see
Sunghoon smiling at him.

"Yeah?" the alpha question eagerly, "I thought about asking you but didn't want to rush it"

"No, I wanna meet them"

"How about before the break is over. You can come to Gyeonggi and Sunoo and I can show you
around you can meet my sister and my aunts and the three of us can just spend a few days together
before we have to go back for the new semester"

"I'm sure I can convince my parents to let me come back early to spend time with mate," Jake says
with a flirtatious smile before continuing "But will Ddeuno's parents be ok with that?"

Sunghoon's smile fades, his eyes turn dark as his nostrils flare, scent smelling like an out of control

"It'll be fine. Sunoo usually spends the last half of the break with me. His life at home is..different"
Sunghoon says which only confused Jake more.

"Different? Different how?" he questions but Sunghoon shakes his head.

"It's not my story to tell."

"You guys have a lot of secrets" Jake grumbles before gasping as his hand flies to cover his mouth.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said that."

"You don't have to apologize. I want you to feel comfortable enough with me to honestly tell me
how you feel. And you're right we do have secrets" Sunghoon shrugs.

"Why won't you tell me?" the beta mutters. Sunghoon sighs, feeling Jake's disappointment, his
sadness. He leans over gently patting Jake's head.

"I can't tell you Sunoo's secrets that wouldn't be far to him. He has to feel comfortable enough to
tell you. As for me, I'm working my way to being comfortable enough to tell you. It's not that I
don't trust you it's just hard for me to talk about certain things"
"Are they bad things?"

"Some of it...but other things are just hard to talk about. I don't like uncomfortable conversations"

"I don't either but we have to move forward eventually right?" Jake was optimistic but the sad
smile Sunghoon gave him made him feel like it would be a long time before either of them told
him anything.

"Yeah, eventually but I don't want to talk about it before the holiday," Sunghoon says and Jake
nods, understanding Sunghoon's wishes and wanting to respect them.

"Can I tell you a secret?" Jake questions and Sunghoon makes a face at him.

"Don't worry I'm not expecting you to tell me a secret back but...this has been on my mind for a bit
and I want to tell you,"

"Go ahead," the alpha says with an encouraging smile

"I'm a hybrid. A mix of a beta and dog hybrid to be exact. It's why my ears pop up so often and
why I have a stronger scent than most betas" Jake's voice grows smaller and smaller as he loses
confidence with each word. He expects Sunghoon to retract his hands, to give him a look of
disgust, to yell at him since it's common for most werewolves to dislike dog hybrids. Sunghoon
surprises him when he pulls Jake closer, gently holding his chin between his thumb and pointer
finger as he brings Jake in for a slow and gentle kiss.

"Thank you for telling me Jakie"

"You're not mad? O-or like hate me?"

"Why should I? I hold no prejudice towards hybrids. They have even less control over their
genealogy than we as wolves do" Sunghoon shrugs and Jake leans forward pressing their lips
together in another kiss.

"Sorry I just, I really like you," Jake mutters the tips of his ears turning pink.

"I'm your boyfriend, remember. You don't have to apologize for kissing me" Sunghoon says as he
cards his fingers through the hair at Jake's nape.

"I do think you should tell Sunoo. He'll want to know something like that."

"I know I know it's just. I wanted to talk to you about it first. It hasn't always been easy telling p-
people that," Jake mutters.

"It's ok. I understand but don't worry about Sunoo. I can't speak for him but I don't think he'll have
a bad reaction. I'll be right there for you" Sunghoon says, giving Jake's shoulder a squeeze.

"We should probably leave soon. Any more stores you want to look at?"

"There was one store I wanted to go to. I wanna get something for Felix and Wooyoung" Jake says.
Sunghoon nods, gathering the trash from their snacks and throwing it away before taking hold of
Jake's hand and letting him lead them to the store. On the short walk there they passed a store that
held Jake's attention. Sunghoon stood watching him for a bit, noticing how Jake admired the
leather straps from the outside.

"Do you like those?" Sunghoon questions looking at the watch straps.
"Yeah. My dad gave me a watch when I graduated but the chain strap is annoying and my arm
hairs get caught sometimes so I don't wear it often. I like the leather, nice against the skin and just
the overall look is better to me. Not too flashy" as Jake finishes explaining Sunghoon files the
information away.

"Come on, let's go. We should find your cousin's gift quickly" he says, tugging Jake away from the
shop before he has the chance to make an impulsive purchase.


The lovely trio sat together at the school cafe, warm cups of coffee on the table that went
untouched as they talked about the drama they watched last night after Sunghoon and Jake's
shopping expedition. Sunghoon watched as both his mates talked in a very animated fashion, hands
flying through the air with every word they spoke. He hadn't been as into the show as his mates but
he enjoyed watching them converse on the latest episode they watched.

The alpha barely flinches when someone slips into the seat next to Jake, his wolf recognizing the
familiar scent that belonged to Sunoo's roommate, Doyoung.

"Ahh, my favorite people!" the omega exclaims smiling at the trio as he makes himself
comfortable next to Jake.

"Hey Doyoung," Jake greets with a soft smile as Sunghoon gives him a nod of acknowledgment.

"So, did you ask them?" Doyoung questions his roommate eagerly.

"No, not yet Doyoung," Sunoo hisses. He wanted to ease Sunghoon and Jake into the idea of a
public outing.

"Ask us what?" Jake questions with an almost childlike curiosity.

"Yeah, ask us what?" Sunghoon questions, already accustomed to his mates' secrets and planning.

"Well the NCT boys are having a black and white Christmas party ya know before everyone
leaves for the semester" Sunoo explains slowly.

"And I-" Doyoung starts but Sunoo interrupts him.

"We," he says putting extra emphasis on the word knowing if Sunghoon believed this only to be
Doyoungs idea he'd never agree to it.

"Yes, we were thinking that we should go," Doyoung finishes excitedly with a bright smile on his
face. Sunoo holds his breath watching Sunghoon's reactions closely, desperately wanting to go to
the party.

"I don't see why not.." Jake says slowly while still processing the information.

"No," Sunghoon says flatly, his hands crossing over his chest. Sunoo groans, throwing his hands
up in the air.

"Sunghoonie! Please! It's just a little party" he says with a pout hoping that would be enough to
convince the alpha to rethink his decision. Sunghoon shakes his head holding his ground.

"Lee Taeyong and all his little delinquents are notorious for their out of hand parties Sunoo. I don't
think that it's safe"
"Lee Taeyong graduated ages ago! From what I heard the new house leader is a huge softy.
Nothing has been as bad as when Taeyong and Johnny were in charge! And besides, how bad could
it be if Jisung is part of it?"

"Jisung is only part of it because of Jaemin and that doesn't matter. Jisung is someone else's mate
and you're mine so the answer is no Sunoo"

"Fine you don't go. But Jakie will go with me. Right Jake?"

"Uh-" Jake looks between the two, not sure if he should say yes or no. Part of him felt like it would
be better to just stay out of it.

"Sunoo," Sunghoon growls lightly only to get one back from his mate.

"Sunghoon," Sunoo glared back, not wanting to back away. They both know Sunghoon won't pull
rank. He only ever did that once with a horrible outcome and both of them didn't want to
experience something like that again. The only way they'd be able to drop this peacefully is with a

"Alright Sunshine, you wanna go to the party? Fine. If you can get a seventy percent or higher on
your math final then we'll go."

"Seventy percent?! Sunghoon that's outrageous!"

"If you want to go then that's the bet. Take it or leave it."

"Fine, I'll take it. Get ready to eat your words Park Sunghoon," Sunoo growls. Vibrant blue began
to tent his brown iris, showing that his wolf was slowly rising to the surface. Sunghoon couldn't
help the cocky smirk growing on his face, showing off his canines as his eyes mimicked Sunoo's
with his alpha red color.

"I don't know why but I'm a little scared," Doyoung says, looking back and forth between the two.

"You're not the only one," Jake says with a gulp as he feels the tension muddled with lust rise in
both his bonds.

The next day Sunoo was laser focused during his and Jake's study session. He asked more
questions than usual, wrote notes off to the side of each problem to help him remember the steps
better, and even left his phone on silent in his backpack.

Jake didn't understand Sunoo's obsession with going to the party but he was happy to support the
omega. It clearly was a big deal to Sunoo for a reason and if going would make him happy then
he'd help Sunoo pass his math exam.

Day after day they spent countless hours in the library until closed. The nights were tiring and they
hardly had enough energy to go somewhere to eat but Jake and Sunoo managed. Even Sunghoon
tagged along for a few sessions making sure to treat his mates to a generous meal afterward.

The day of the exams came quickly. Jake made sure to send Sunoo off with a fresh fruit salad for a
snack between classes and kiss on the cheek for good luck before rushing across campus to get to
the science wing for his own exams. Sunghoon, though more aloof, gave Sunoo a kiss before
heading to the arts wing.

Sunoo held his head up high as he walked into each class to take the exam. A lot of things bothered
him during the tests, the sound of someone sneezing, when people furiously scratched out their
answers before writing again, the nervous shuffling of feet, but the omega pushed through focusing
on his work to get the best results. He would not lose the bet.

By the end of it, all his brain was fried and he wanted nothing more than to take a big fat nap but
unfortunately, he was stuck at an end of the year seminar with a bunch of other freshmen watching
a boring presentation. The second they were dismissed the omega scooped his bag up and made his
way toward the exit when he heard his phone go off.

With shaky hands Sunoo grabbed his phone from his back pocket, unlocking it to read the


He expected his results to be in quickly since the exam had been multiple choice but seeing it in
front of him made him nervous. Holding his breath Sunoo pressed the notification letting a pdf file
slowly load up until it was displaying a scanned version of his exam. He scolded and scrolled until
he reached the bottom which revealed his score.

78% PASS

He blinked in disbelief not entirely sure he was reading it correctly but after reading it again, and
again and then for a final time he felt a spark of joy shoot through him.

"I PASSED!" He exclaims, completely unbothered by the looks he got from those around him.
He'd passed, he passed the exam and could rub it in Sunghoo's face and it was all thanks to...

"I need to tell Jake," he thinks suddenly and breaks out running. Sunoo darts past the students
lingering around in the general education building so he could head straight for the science
building. Sure it was across campus but he had the need to go see Jake, to tell Jake he'd passed, to
have Jake be proud of him. So Sunoo ran and ran and although he was nearing his limit, his heart
was beating extra hard, and his lungs were screaming at him he kept running until the curly-haired
beta was in sight.

"Jake!" he shouts (wheezes) legs still running, carrying him to Jake.

"Jake!" he shouts again, this time gaining the beta's attention. Jake's eyes widen comically large as
he sees the little omega heading right for him. It happened so fast and Jake hardly was able to catch
Sunoo before the omega jumped into his arms hugging him tight around the neck. Jake stumbled a
bit before tripping over a rock sending them both down. There in the grass, Sunoo lay on top of
Jake panting heavily from sprinting across campus.

"I...I" Sunoo tried to get up and speak but his body had finally given into the consequences of
sprinting across campus and it left him breathless. Jake sits up, pulling Sunoo in his lap, placing a
hand over the omegas chest.

"Slowly, deep breaths Ddeuno," he mutters in the omegas ear. Sunoo's breath hitches, feeling his
back pressed against Jake's front as he felt the beta's hot breath on the back of his neck. It definitely
was doing him no favors for his breathing. Eventually, his brain shut off as his omega took over
following the beta's orders. In through the nose out through the mouth.


"U-uh-huh," Sunoo says, feeling more himself.

"What did you run over for huh?" Jake says reminding Sunoo of his purpose. The omega quickly
turns around straddling Jake and shoving his phone in the beta's face.

"Look! I passed! I did it!" the omega beams proudly showing off his test score. Jake smile pushing
the phone out of his face so he could properly hug Sunoo.

"Oh my gosh! Babe, I'm so proud of you!" Jake says giving Sunoo a good squeeze while rocking
them from side to side. Sunoo hums nuzzling his head under Jake's chin a bit before pulling back to
smile at him.

"I-it's all thanks to you hyung. I couldn't have done it without you," he mumbles suddenly feeling
shy. The way Jake smiled at him so sincerely was enough to make Sunoo's stomach do flips.

"No it was all you Sunoo. I knew you could do it," the beta says, brushing Sunoo's bangs out the
way of his eyes. Sunoo smiles shyly, tearing his gaze from Jake's eyes down to his lips and then
back to his dark brown eyes again.

"Sunoo," Jake whispers, hand moving from his bangs to gently cup Sunoo's cheek. It makes Sunoo
feel heat bloom in his chest and it both excites him and scares him. Jake licks over his lips wetting
them and starts to say something but the words die on his tongue. Sunoo feels like he doesn't need
to hear what Jake was going to say but rather he could see it all in his eyes, his eyes that were
slowly turning yellow, the color shining more and more. The intense moment was soon shattered
when someone shouts "LOOK OUT!" as a soccer ball goes barreling toward the couple. It would
have hit them too had it not been for someone getting in the way.

"Hey! Watch where you're kicking that thing!" the person shouts as they kick the ball back. They
turn to look down at Sunoo and Jake who's eyes were blown wide from shock.

"You two, get a room. Don't be so shameless as to do stuff like this out in the open. You reek!"
they say before storming off. At the mention of their smell Sunoo and Jake become painfully aware
of their situation and soon Sunoo is rolling off Jake before jumping to his feet.

"A-anyways hyung thanks for your help!" the omega says before running away leaving a very
embarrassed Jake alone to cover his painfully obvious boner.

"Shit" the beta mumbles running a hand through his hair.


Sunoo felt a bit self-conscious as he stared at his reflection in the full-length mirror in his and
Doyoungs room. Although Doyoung and the hairdresser told him several times that he looked
amazing he felt nervous about Sunghoon and Jake's reactions. Both were more on the reserved side
and Sunoo wasn't sure if they'd like this little change he'd done recently.

It was Doyoung's idea. To dye his hair, do something new and thrilling but Sunoo was sure he just
wanted someone to do it with. He could see Doyoung shaking with nerves, or maybe anticipation
while they were at the hairdresser's. Doyoung had redone the wine color that complimented his
milky skin well while Sunoo went with something a little more common, blond. He likes the way
he looks, but he just hopes Jake and Sunghoon do as well.

"Stop looking at yourself like that. You look hot. Sunghoon might have been right about not letting
you go," Doyoung says as he walks up behind Sunoo casually giving his butt a slap. Sunoo rolls
his eyes at his roommates' antics.

"Stop worrying ok?" Doyoung says, placing his hands on the omega's shoulders.
"Now let me finish your makeup," he says, guiding Sunoo to the desk. Doyoung spends the next
ten minutes applying light making to Sunoo's face enhancing his already natural and beautiful

"Now Cinderella is ready for the ball," Doyoung says, lacing his fingers with Sunoo's.

"Oh please. Cinderella was a lot prettier than I am"

"No way! You're prettier than Cinderella! And I'm prettier than Ariel and now we shall attend the
ball!" the two omegas barely get a chance to step out of their dorm before almost crashing into
Sunghoon and Jake who were walking up.

"Oh," Sunghoon mumbles, taking in Sunoo's look. Sunoo had always had a knack for fashion,
always dressed perfectly for the occasion but never had he dyed his hair. The fresh cut along with
the dyed hair framed his face well making him look more like well Sunoo, charming, confident,
and absolutely stunning.

"Wow, Sunoo you look beautiful!" Jake says, stepping into the omegas space, gently brushing
Sunoo's bangs out of his eyes.

Jake is right, Sunoo looked so beautiful and the longer Sunghoon stared at him the more he wanted
to ravish him. Take his omega apart bit by bit until he knows how absolutely beautiful he is, how
special he is.

"Jeez. I know your mate is hot but maybe show some decency and close your mouth hyung"
Doyoung giggles seeing Sunghoon's lust filled gaze towards his roommate. The alpha clears his
throat, awkwardly scratching at the back of his neck.

"You look good Sunoo," he says curtly, purposely avoiding Sunoo's gaze.

"Think so hyung? It's not too much?" the omega questions batting his lashes, flirting.

"I think hyungs look good too. Very sexy," Sunoo says, feigning innocence with his charming

"Come on if you still want to go to the party," Sunghoon grumbles, turning away from Sunoo and
starting off for the frat house.

"You heard him! Let's go!" Doyoung exclaims linking arms with Jake and Sunoo and chasing after

As they walked up to the NCT frat house they could practically feel the vibrations from the heavy
bass of the song. People were already lingering outside, and red solo cups littered around outside.

"I only have one rule," Sunghoon says as they go up the walkway. "No one gets left alone,
especially if you've been drinking. Understand?" he questions eyebrow raised.

"Yes yes, now let's go" Sunoo groans buzzing with anticipation to go into the house.

"I'm not kidding Sunoo. You stay with Jake and me or Doyoung. The same goes for you Jake, stay
with me or Sunoo. And Doyoung, I'm not your alpha but you're Sunoo's friend so I'd feel more
comfortable if you didn't go off by yourself"

"No worries hyung I won't be by myself. A group of people I know are gonna be here. No worries"
Doyoung says with a smile and Sunghoon nods.
"Now get ready boys!" Doyoung says as he laces his fingers with Sunoo's and tugs him into the
house, Jake and Sunghoon close behind. Black and White decorations hung everywhere, balloons
up to the ceiling. Sunoo was in awe.

"Sunghoonie? Oh my god!" Wonyoung exclaims. She was wearing a pretty highlow dress, the
corset white and shimmery against her milky skin while the skirt was black. She had glitter make
up on, shining brightly as the lights in the house reflected off it.

"Wow, you actually look pretty for once," Sunoo says with a playful smile.

"I could say the same for you. Tired of me being the prettier one?" the young woman questions
fluttering her lashes as her lips curled downwards in a condescending pout.

"Ah, are you saying I'm prettier than you tonight?"

"Not a chance" the two smile at each other.

"Oh, I like her," Doyoung says with a chuckle "I'm Kim-"

"Kim Doyoung, a first year performance arts major. I know" Wonyoung says with a smirk.

"Scary," Doyoung says, although he was slightly intrigued by her skill.

"Wonyoung is part of the school's newspaper. She has control over the gossip column" Sunghoon
says and Wonyoung shrugs.

"You call it gossip, I call it campus entertainment. Anyways I'm borrowing him," she says to
Sunoo as she grabs Sunghoon's wrist and drags him away.

Wonyoung dragged him away, clearly having no intentions of letting him go.

"Wasn't it him that put the rule in place? Why is he letting her drag him away" Sunoo pouts,
turning to Doyoung only to see he was no longer there.

"Doyoung?!" he shouts looking around but couldn't see his friend in the sea of people.

"He saw someone he knew and left" Jake mutters from beside Sunoo and the omega jumps.

"A-ah did he," Sunoo hums, feeling the awkwardness settling in. He hadn't been alone with Jake
since that accident at the science building and that was a few days ago. They hadn't seen each other
and neither of them dared to bring it up. They were swimming in uncharted territory and neither
knew how to get to land.

"Come on. Let's get a drink" Sunoo announces, grabbing the edge of Jake's sleeve and pulling him
towards the kitchen. Liquor bottles were displayed neatly on the marble countertops along with red
and blue solo cups begging to be filled. Sunoo lets Jake go making a beeline for the counter. He
picks the closest drink to him, cranberry vodka, and pours himself a cup.

"Sunoo maybe you-" Sunoo ignores Jake and settles on downing the drink as quickly as possible. It
makes him a bit dizzy afterward but nowhere near drunk. Being half human it took significantly
less work to get him drunk given his omega biology but he still would have to put in the work if he
really wanted to even get tipsy and he definitely wants to get tipsy. He doesn't think he'll have the
guts to face Jake without a little bit of liquid courage.
"Sunoo stop. You need to slow down," Jake says after Sunoo's fourth drink. He grasps Sunoo's
wrist firmly, tugging the omega's arm away from the bottle.

"Relax Jake. You're good at science so you should know it takes more than a few cups of vodka to
get an omega drunk"

"You're drinking too fast. You're gonna make yourself sick"

"If I slow down will Jakie drink with me?" Sunoo questions looking up at Jake under his dark
lashes, alcohol taking the slightest bit of affect on his confidence. He watches with satisfaction as
Jake's Adam's apple bobs. The beta pokes his tongue out, running it over his bottom lip, thinking,

"Ok. I'll drink with you," he says with a smirk playing on his lips. Sunoo smiles, grabbing a bottle
and pouring Jake a cup. As they go through a few drinks, conversation becomes easy. They talk
about school to start but then it shifts to one random topic after another. Pretty soon they both have
flushed cheeks and their speech is a bit slurred but they were smiling, getting along. It felt nice, but
deep down they wanted something more than nice.

"Ah! Ddeuno! I love this song! Come on!" Jake exclaims dropping his drink on the counter and
tugging Jake to the living room. It was crowded with all the bodies dancing about but they found
space, keeping close to one another to not bump into anyone else.

Sunoo smiled seeing Jake jump up and down to the music, adrenaline, and excitement coursing
through him. Jake had said he loved the song after all. It didn't take long before Sunoo joined in,
not knowing the words but just jumping about because that's what Jake was doing. They stayed on
the dance floor a lot longer than Sunoo had anticipated. The DJ, Sunoo had no idea who, played
good song after good song and the two found themselves moving along to the rhythm of the music,
feeling the base in their pulse.

As the songs played they lost the hype and turned more sensual. Sunoo found himself with his
back pressed against Jake's front as the betas hands gently gripped his hips. It made Sunoo's heart
beat heavily in his chest, anticipation swimming in his gut. Jake was so close, so fucking close,
hands gripping his waist just right as he subtly grinned against Sunoo, hot breath on the omega's
neck. It was driving Sunoo crazy because he wanted more than burning hot tension and kisses
dangerously close to his lips. Sunoo wanted the real thing.

[ ]

"Jake," he whines, hands reaching down to Jake's.

"W-wanna go," Sunoo says and Jake's brows scrunch together in confusion.

"Are you ok? Dizzy do we need to-"

"Wanna go somewhere...private," Sunoo says. The gears turn slowly in Jake's brain but once they
click he nods lacing his fingers with Sunoo's and they leave the dance floor in search of a room.
They look through a few of the bedrooms seeing these they'd rather not before they find an empty
one, seeping inside.

Sunoo doesn't know what comes over him but he pushes Jake on the bed before climbing on top of
him, straddling his hips. He studies Jake's face, trying to find any hints showing he was
uncomfortable but found nothing. As he stared into Jake's dark brown eyes all he could see was
"You know've been mean," he starts off with a pout.

"W-what do you mean?" Jake questions head tilted to the side.

"You know what. All your little kisses, your touches, and that day at school. I could feel you ya
know," Sunoo says with a teasing smirk as Jake blushes prettily under him.

"M sorry" the beta mumbles attempting to break eye contact but Sunoo grabs his face holding him
so he couldn't turn away.

"It's ok, don't be sorry. I think-I think i liked it. Made me feel like I'm not the only one"

"The only one, what?"

"You're such a tease Jake Sim. Always kissing me so close to my mouth and scenting me. It's been
driving me crazy"

"Yeah?" Jake questions teasingly, feeling a boost of confidence rush through him.

"Yeah. I'm sick of you playing around beta. I want the real thing" Sunoo murmurs voice dropping
low instead of his usual pitch. Jake wrinkles on the bed, finding Sunoo's duality slightly arousing.

"Will you let me? Will you let me have the real thing, Jake?" Jake doesn't waste a second
answering and instead leans up, finally placing his lips on Sunoo's in a gentle kiss. Sunoo's eyes
widen a bit as he stares at Jake with shock but merely seconds later his eyes flutter closed as he
soaks in the feeling of Jake's lips on his. Jake pulls away first just barely moving from Sunoo as he
noses along the omega's jaw.

"Pretty. So pretty," he murmurs. Sunoo hums moving down to capture Jake's lips again. Gently he
sucks on Jake's bottom lip before he's pulling back tugging at it with his teeth. Jake groans bucking
up into Sunoo. It makes the omega smirk. He presses his lips to Jake firmly, running his tongue
along Jake's now slightly red bottom lip. The beta easily parts his lips allowing Sunoo's tongue in.

Jake whines gripping Sunoo's hips gently rutting against him as the omega explores his mouth.
Slowly his hands slip under Sunoo's shirt feeling his smooth skin. Sunoo shudders and moans
lowly against Jake's mouth making the beta smile into the kiss. His hands glide to Sunoo's back
thumbing at Sunoo's back dimples before going higher. he doesn't get too high up before Sunoo is
grabbing his hands pulling them from his back to his chest. Jake gives Sunoo's pecks a good
squeeze before thumbing over the omegas nipples earning a high pitched whine.

"Jakie" Sunoo moans, pulling back from the kiss. Jake smiles at him doing it again wanting that
same reaction.

"You're killing me" Sunoo gasps, holding Jake's wrists trying to tug his hands away from his chest.

"You started it, love," Jake says, sitting up and kissing Sunoo again. The kiss is cut short when
they hear the doorknob turning as the door is pushed open. Wonyoung stands there mouth open
with shock before it morphed into disgust seeing her friends mate and his friend in bed together.

[ ]

"Sunoo! What the hell?!" she exclaims not bothering to give the omega the chance to explain
before she's storming off.

"Wonyoung! Wonyoung wait!" Sunoo shouts getting off Jake and rushing after her. He rushes
down the stairs dodging people as he searches for Wonyoung. It was no use trying to sniff her out
since there were so many smells around. He pushed past people hoping to get a glimpse of her
before she got to Sunghoon.

Either by fortune or misfortune, Sunoo found Sunghoon in the kitchen sitting on a stool peacefully
drinking a bottle of water.

"Sunghoon!" he calls and instantly the alphas snaps his head up

"What's wrong?" the alpha questions setting his water aside. Sunoo takes a few hesitant steps
toward his mate.

"Wonyoung. She saw me and Jake"


"Um...we were kissing," Sunoo says, tips of his ears turning pink. Sunghoon jumps out of his chair,
a pleasant surprise on his face.

"What?!" he questions the faintest hint of a smile on his face.

"Yeah... we had a few drinks and then we were dancing and one thing led to another and we were
upstairs making out and she saw us and ran off."

"That's ok I'll deal with her," Sunghoon says not worried about Wonyoung but something else.

"Where's Jake?" he questions, noticing how the beta wasn't with them. Sunoo freezes suddenly
noticing he'd fucked up.

"I-" his voice gets caught in his throat as he glanced at Sunghoon "I left him"

"Sunoo" Sunghoon's eyes turn dark with anger that sends Sunoo into a panic.

"I'm sorry! I wanted to catch Wonyoung before she blew everything out of proportion!" he explains
quickly hoping Sunghoon would understand that it was an accident, that he didn't mean it.

"One rule Sunoo! I had one fucking rule!" the alpha growls glaring down at his mate, it made
Sunoo shrink back in fear.

"Hoon I'm sorry ok! I-"

"How much did you drink?" Sunghoon questions cutting Sunoo off.


"How much did you guys fucking drink Sunoo!"

"I dunno! We drank some vodka and something else. I don't know! We just drank. Why does that
matter? He's a beta he'll be fine" Sunoo says but that was the thing, Jake isn't just a beta but a beta
hybrid. Hybrids get drunk easier than alphas and right now anything could be happening with Jake
alone and that's what worries Sunghoon.

"I need to find him"

"I'll hel-"
"You've done enough. Just wait here" Sunghoon growls before fleeing the kitchen in search of

As Sunoo watches Sunghoon leave the kitchen a wave of despair washes over him. He hadn't
meant to break the rule and upset Sunghoon and now Sunghoon was mad at him. Sunoo hardly
was on the receiving end of Sunghoon's "ice prince" stare but seeing it from Sunghoon tonight
devastated him.

Despite Sunghoon telling him to stay put, Sunoo felt his instincts advising him to leave the kitchen.
He doesn't know where to go but his omega leads him outside where the bitter winter winds nipped
at his skin, instantly chilling it. Slowly he curled into a ball in the grass despite it having solo cups
all around. He desperately needed a hug right now even if it was from himself.

As he sat there, huddled in a ball shivering tears rushed down his cheeks making his face
uncomfortably sticky. He was aware of how he looked, pathetic, sad, and lonely but Sunoo could
care less because he hurt so badly inside already.

He sniffs a few times trying to hold the tears in and keep from crying. As he does so he picks up a
scent. It was warm, sugary with a bit of spice, and smelled oddly like home. It wasn't Sunghoon or
even Jake which was weird but he found himself growing curious.

Slowly the omega stands up tracking the scent. He ends up on the side of the house where someone
held their phone, flashlight on seemingly searching for something. From the distance Sunoo was at
he could see that the man was tall, as tall as Sunghoon or maybe a little shorter with broad
shoulders and dressed to impress. Sunoo found himself admiring the stranger before they looked
up, locking eyes with him.

As Sunoo looked into the stranger's eyes, glowing vibrant blue, he felt a tug on his heart as a thin
string began to form. Sunoo breaks eye contact first as he feels everything catches up to him as he
turns to vomit in the grass.

Chapter End Notes

this chapter has a lot going on from jakes secret, sunsuns secrets and wonyoung seeing
sunoo and Jake.

what did you think of sunoo and jakes scene? I'm not very good at writing mature or
semi-mature scenes so be gentle with judging me please

who do you think sunoo saw and how do you think he'll react to ANOTHER mate?
how will the other boys react?

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!

chapter eighteen

It originally was Jungwon's idea which surprised Jay but he was all for going to the party. He loved
social gatherings especially since he got to show off his knack for fashion and expensive

He made sure to get Jungwon and himself dressed to impress for the NCT house black and white
Christmas party. Knowing Jisung and his hyungs he's sure it'll be a blast.

"Don't you dare get blackout drunk again," Jay threatens as they walk inside. Jungwon gives him a
smile and Jay can see every ounce of mischief in them.

"No promises!" Jungwon sing-songs as he lets go of Jay's hand and heads for the kitchen. Jay trails
behind him making sure Jungwon doesn't go for any alcohol before putting some food in his

Jay typically tries not to be a typically worrisome and overbearing omega but he couldn't help it.
He doesn't want to restrict Jungwon from having fun and being with friends but boy does he worry.
Being an omega-omega pair Jay's worrying increased when I came to Jungwon. Jay isn't an alpha
or even a beta, it was difficult not to worry about his mate, and even harder to protect him but Jay
will always do his best even if it's for something as simple as making sure his boyfriend eats
something so he doesn't get drunk too quickly and hurt himself.

"Eat" he demands but his mate simply pouts at him. Jay was no fun when he followed the rules

"Hyung!" the younger omega begins to whine but is quickly cut off by his boyfriend

"Eat first or you don't drink," Jay says, holding a chip up to Jungwon's mouth. Jungwon sighs,
leaning forward to eat the chip. Jay hums as he brushes away the stray crumbs off Jungwon's lip
with his thumb.

"Good boy," he says, admiring the way the tips of Jungwon's ears turn pink. His mate retaliated by
biting the side of Jay's thumb before pulling away from him with a proud smirk.

Jay is seconds away from scolding his mate when he feels a hand clasp down on his shoulder. He
turns to see his friend and instantly smiles.

"Gyu hyung!" he exclaims, wrapping an arm around Beomgyu's waist.

"So Jay-ah. We're playing a poker game in the back. You in?" Beomgyu questions raising his
eyebrows suggestively. Jay smirks back at the older.

"Poker huh? You know that's my expertise" he says smoothly, earning a wicked grin from his

"Hmm which is why I'm thinking of teaming up. We split the profits in the end!" the beta exclaims
with a pat to Jay’s chest. The omega thinks it over weighing out each pro and con before

"Already sneaking in deals huh hyung? Alright I'll play" he says, earning a kiss on the cheek from

"Great! Jungwon you in?"

"Nah I'll probably find-"

"Won-ah!" someone exclaims, wrapping Jungwon in a hug.

"Kangmin hyung!" Jungwon exclaims, wrapping his arms around his friend.

"He's good. Let's go win this game!" Beomgyu says, dragging Jay out of the kitchen and into the
back room of the house where some of the other guys were setting up the game.

"Mark, who are you trying to scare huh? It's not Halloween, get that damned stuffed tiger off the
table" Lee Donghyuk cackles. Mark Lee the current head of the house pouts as he slowly moves
his stuffed tiger off the table.

"Hey no! He looks cute with the tiger. Mark keep it on" Mark's mate, Chenle says, placing the tiger
back on the table.

"He looks stupid"

"He's cute"

"You're just saying that 'cause you're mated to him!" Donghyuck says with an eye roll. Chenle
places his hand on his hip, chin tilted up as he looks at his older pack mate.

"Yeah so? I think my mate is cute. Would your mate say the same for you?" he questions
challengingly. Donghyuk's eyes widen as he scoffs, flabbergasted by Chenle's accusation.

"Of course, he would! Tell him babe!" the omega shouts to his mate who was on his phone playing
a game.

"Babe!" Donghyuck whines frustrated with his mate's lack of attention to him. Stupid alpha.

"The tiger stays. I gave it to him as an early Christmas present, now cut it out Donghyuck!" Chenle
says with a proud smirk as he sits on Mark's lap.

"Chenle you can't speak to me like this!" Donghyuck exclaims with a pout.

"Jeno get your mate please" Chenle sighs. Jeno, finally done with his game, looks up to see his
mate pouting from losing his fight with Chenle.

"Haechan-ah" he calls and instantly Donghyuck's face lights up as he skips over to his mate.

"Jeno-ah! Lele was being mean to me! He said you wouldn't call me cute! I'm cute right?"

"Nope" Jeno protests only to get hit in the stomach.

"That's not the right answer,” Donghyuck says through gritted teeth while glaring at his mate. Jeno
simply gives him a smile leaning up to kiss his mates nose.

"Of course my Haechannie is cute. He's the cutest in all of Korea" Jeno says quickly to fix his
mistake but frowns when his mate huffs.

"Just Korea?!" Donghyuck exclaims and poor Jeno’s eyes widen realizing his second mistake of
the night.

"The world! I mean the world!" the alpha says panicking as his mate begins to scold him.
"Ah, poor Jeno. Haechannie is going to hold that one over his head for the next week" Beomgyu
sighs shaking his head.

"One week? More like two" Renjun says, shaking his head.

"Are we just going to sit around like a bunch of losers or are we actually going to play some
poker?" Kehoo exclaims clapping once. They all gather around the table finally taking their seats
ready for the game. As they finish settling everything the door swings open revealing Shin Ryujin.

"Have you started yet?" she questions peeking her head inside the room.

"Nope, come on in girly!" Keeho exclaims. Ryujin smiles at him as she fully enters the room
walking up to the poker table before one of the alphas interjects.

"Hey hey, this isn't a free for all," Jeno says, eyeing the omega, "this is for select people only!"
Ryujin smirks at the alpha, pointer finger on her chin.

"Oh sorry am I too feminine to join your little boy's club?" she taunts easily getting a rise out of the

"Little boys club?!"

"Hmm that's what I said. Unless you're afraid of losing to a girl" she shrugs carelessly. Jeno smirks
back leaning in his chair, smiling evilly, showing off his canines.

"I don't plan on losing to anyone tonight," he says with a matter of fact tone that has Ryujin's
omega twitching in annoyance.

"Jeno calm down jeez. I invited her," Jay says standing up to hug his friend.

"Sit next to me hmm," he says motioning to the empty seat next to him.

"Alright let's play!" Chenle says ready to end the drama and get on with winning some money. As
they play snacks go around the table as well as several drinks as the men, and women play multiple
vigorous rounds of poker. The game was quickly monopolized by Zhong Chenle, easily the best
business student on campus, it was futile to try and win against him. The last round had ended with
Renjun angrily slamming his cards on the table while curing at Chenle with words Jay is sure
would be rude to repeat.

"Hey, come on I hear they've set up karaoke in one of the rooms," Ryujin says, grabbing Jay's wrist
and tugging him alone. He easily follows and soon he's in one of the many NCT house game rooms
where sure enough some of the students set up the karaoke machine. It doesn't come as a surprise
when Jay sees his mate front and center leading the charge on the current song singing his little
drunk heart out. Even though Jungwon worries Jay to heaven and hell by getting drunk Jay thinks
he's the cutest like this. Simply living as if he has no true worries in the world. He sits on the couch
cheering Jungwon on as he sings with his friends drunken off tone notes with the brightest smile on
his face. Jungwon's smile seems to brighten even more when he turns to see Jay watching him as if
he's the only person in the room.

"Hyungie! You found me!" he sings as he stumbles over to Jay sitting on his lap. "Knew you'd find
me," he giggles, squishing Jay's cheeks. Jay takes Jungwon's hands in his, removing them from his
face but never letting go.

"Of course. I'll always find you," Jay mutters back, gently biting the tip of Jungwon's nose. The
omega giggles as he leans forward to rub his cheek against Jay's. Together they sit back and listen
to others sing, enjoying all the excitement before Jungwon suddenly sits up, almost knocking his
head against Jays.

"Hyung! Hyung! You should sing too! Please plese pleee! Hyungie has the best voice ever!"
Jungwon pouts looking up at Jay with his best pouty eyes.

"Yeah! Jay-ah you should sing for us," Ryujin says, wiggling her eyebrows as she holds the
microphone out of Jay.

"And show off my amazing skills? Nope, not for free."

"With people like you and Chenle, it's always money talk. Stingy" Ryujin says, turning away from
him. Jay only smiles, satisfied she didn't push further. On a normal night he'd be more than proud
to show off his skills, however with his mate slowly falling asleep on his lap he'd rather just make
sure he and Jungwon get home safe and sound, rather than worrying about singing for a crowd of
people he doesn't care about.

"Since I'm so stingy I might as well leave soI don't kill the mood. Night Ryu" he says, easily
picking Jungwon up and leaving the room. As he walks through the chaotic house he holds
Jungwon close to his chest, one arm secure under Jungwon's butt to hold him up, while the other
holds his mates head close to his chest. They make it outside safely when Jungwon roars to life.

"Hyung! Where are you!" he wails.

"Hyung is right here Jungwon-ah. We're going home now" Jay soothes but the younger omega
shakes his head.

"NO! I don't want you, stranger! I want my Jongseongie! Jongseong!" Jungwon continues to yell.
Jay rolls his eyes as he hoists Jungwon up higher on his chest.

"This is why I tell you not to get drunk like this. You always drink way too much and then
embarrass me like this. No one is kidnapping you! It's me you're mate you, idiot," Jay scolds as he
walks through the yard to get to his car. Unfortunately, his mate doesn't make it easy for him as he
continues squirming around and yelling.

"Just you wait til my Jay gets here! He may be little and lacks muscles but he's the most narcissistic
person I know and you know what narcissistic people have? Confidence! He will not be afraid to
kick your ass! You hear me! Unhand me at once you peasant!" Jungwon shouts as he pulls at Jay's
ear. The older omega hisses in pain, losing his grip just enough for Jungwon to squirm out of his
grip onto the grass.

"Alas! I am free!" he exclaims while Jay hangs his head in shame. This is the last party Jungwon
gets to go to.

"Stop being difficult! I just wanna get you home safe ok" Jay says. Jungwon blinks and squints at
him before pouting.

"Jay hyung?" he sulks, bottom lip wobbling. Jay sighs, thankful Jungwon finally came to his senses
a bit.

"Yes darling, it's Jay hyung who wants to get you home safe. Will you let hyung take you home
now?" he says, squatting down to Jungwon's height as he runs his knuckles along Jungwon's

"Jay hyung!" Jungwon wails reaching up for his mate to hold him "Hyung some stranger tried to
carry me away from hyung but I told him that you're the most narcissistic and confident person I
know and you'd definitely beat them up" Jungwon says and hearing it a second time hit's Jay's
pride in the same bittersweet way it had the first time.

"Well thank god he didn't take you away. Now come on, let's go home," Jay says and thankfully
Jungwon agrees, letting his mate pick him up and carry him off to the car. His beautiful Buick
LaCrosse, fit with heated leather seats, gorgeous walnut trimming, and a customized audio system.
In other words, Jay's other pride and joy is his beloved car, Yujin.

Getting Jungwon buckled in safely, Jay finally drives them back home where he manages to get
Jungwon changed into pajamas, brush his teeth, and safely tucked into bed. Now with a moment of
peace Jay begins to get himself ready for bed so he can sleep off the excitement of the night and
get ready to leave for the holidays.

His hand goes to his wrist first, hand ready to take off the expensive watch his mother had gifted
him when he left home to go to college. Instead of finding his most treasured accessory, he finds
nothing but bare skin. With panic, he looks down at both wrists seeing them bare.

"No no no no" he rushes to his feet pacing around the room to recall the events of the night but it
seems worthless. The latch had been broken for some time now so it could have fallen off at any
point in the night.

Snatching his keys off their bedside table Jay rushes to his car heading back to the frat house.
When he gets there, it is seemingly less exciting than when he left which makes it easier for him to
search around the parts of the house he had been in throughout the night. As he gets ready to head
into another room a beta storms past him, her shoulder ramming into his. She doesn't turn back to
apologize as he continues with her power march, as if on a mission. He clicks his tongue against
his teeth in annoyance at her actions but when faced with the front door he gets the urge to go
outside. Trusting his instincts he goes outside turning the flashlight on to search outside.

'Maybe it fell off when I was taking Jungwon to the car?' he wonders as he begins his search. He
went from the house to the end of the driveway looking past littered red solo cups and bits of uncut
grass that had gone unattended. Though he knows it's a long shot he even goes to the side of the
house, in hopes that someone might have kicked it, not seeing it and it landed there. As he searches
he feels his omega urging him to turn, that something that belongs to him was just on the other side
of him. With hopes that his watch would be found Jay turns to not find something, but someone,
someone who had his omega calling out to him. The beautiful stranger stood frozen, eyes a
gorgeous blue, but his eyes were sad and his face was stained with tears. Jay can feel his wolf
whimper feeling the hurt from his mate...his...his mate?!

Before Jay can process that he just mated with someone, another person, someone who isn't
Jungwon, the other omega turns to his side and throws up in the grass. Jay winces at the smell but
can't stop himself from going over to the omega to comfort him and rub his back but before he can
say anything the omega crumbles down and begins to let out heart wrenching sobs. Jay doesn't
hesitate as he drops to the ground collecting the pretty omega in his arms.

"Shh. It's ok, you're ok" he soothes, petting the pretty boy's head and rocking him from side to side.
The omega cries for a bit before settling down from Jay's soothing and he just sits. After a bit, Jay
hesitantly pulls back looking into the omega's eyes. The blue coloration from his sub-gender had
subsided leaving Jay to look into sad dull brown eyes.

"Did you come here by yourself?" he questions, hoping to lead the omega to some friends who
would be better suited to help the omega than Jay could. When he nods, Jay feels hopeful.
"Where are they? I'll take you to-"

"N-NO!" the small boy shouts. His body begins to tremble from fear or unexplainable sadness, Jay
can't tell. He simply hushes the omega and holds him again.

"Ok ok. I won't look for them. You're ok. You're fine, I'm here," he mutters, holding him close.
Even though they're mates Jay doesn't understand why he feels so protective of this omega. Maybe
it was all the sadness that was filling their newly developed bond.

"I don't want us to sit out in the cold...would you wanna go somewhere with me?" Jay asks the
omega. He couldn't just let them sit here in the cold. They're wolves sure, but the bitter colds were
difficult for even them to endure and Jay could already feel the omega shivering against him. His
wolf must not be susceptible to the cold even more than Jay's.

"" the omega whimpers. He begins to push away from Jay and the older omega begins to feel
fear radiate from him.

"Hey hey no. I don't want to harm you, I swear. How about we go get some food? Warm you up?"
he questions in hopes to get the omega out of the cold. Thankfully the younger nods his head
although Jay can feel all his hesitance and fear.

"Come on then," Jay says, helping the omega up to his feet. He holds him close the short way to
his car and helps him inside.

The car ride is painfully quiet and awkward and Jay isn't used to this sort of atmosphere but he's at
a loss on what to do. He's not even sure if he believes his wolf and that his omega is his mate. He
knows it's possible but how could this happen to him? How could Jay be mated to two people, two
omegas at that? Something didn't add up.

He takes them to a small dinner, thankfully still open this late at night. He doesn't say anything as
he gets out of the car but thankfully the younger omega is quick to follow him out of the car and

Now sitting in front of the omega Jay could read him like a book. He was clearly nervous, scared,
sad, hurt, and angry even. The way his eyes continuously flicked back and forth from brown to
blue let Jay know he was in shock, rather it be from finding his mate or whatever happened to him
before Jay found him.

"Get anything you want. I'll pay," he says but the omega furiously shakes his head no.

"Don't worry. I won't ask you to pay me back or anything. I brought you here so my treat," Jay says
smiling but his mate doesn't bother to look at him but instead keeps his eyes trained on the table.
Awkwardly Jay clears his throat before speaking again

"I'm Jay. Or Park Jeongseung but I prefer to go by Jay...can you tell me your name?" he questions.
He can see the gears turning in the omegas head as he calculates and decides on speaking to Jay or

"Park" he mumbles and Jay's not sure he believes him but he'll play along.

"Park what?" he urges but the omega shakes his head again.

"Just...Park. All you will know" he replies, his sentence choppy. Jay figures he's still in shock.

They sit quietly until the waiter stops by to take their order. "Park" showed no interest or intentions
of ordering so Jay orders Belgian waffles and lattes for them both and sends the waiter away with a
smile before he's forced back into the awkward silence with the stranger.

When the food comes the omega's former restraint breaks as he quickly devours the waffles as if
someone threatens to take them away. Jay watches in horror at the omegas' poor table manners but
eats his food in peace. Once they've eaten their fill Jay feels the need to talk.

"So...Park. I think you should know that I have a mate. His name is-" before Jay can continue the
omega quickly bursts into tears, arms folding onto the table as he buries his face in them and sobs.

"D-don't cry, please! I...I don't want to mislead you! I figured I should just be honest" Jay says
quickly now feeling like it would have been better to not mention his mate first thing.

"I just, I thought you should know that. I don't know why my omega has declared us mates, it
doesn't make sense but I figured you should know I'm already mated to someone"

"I'm sorry," the younger omega whimpers and Jay frowns. He sounds even more broken now than
when he first met him. Feeling his wolf urge him to cheer the younger omega up, Jay begins to
speak again.

"Don't be sorry. And you don't need to worry, I won't reject you. Being omegas I know that it will
only hurt you terribly and I don't want to hurt you" he says reaching across the table to place a
gentle hand on the omega's arm. The younger looks up at Jay with tears in his pretty brown eyes.

"Don't be sad," Jay whispers, wanting to wipe the boys tears away. He was so pretty, too pretty to
be crying like this. He should be smiling, smiling, and happy. Curse Jay's second gender. If he was
an alpha he'd certainly make this pretty omega smile every day, him and Jungwon. Oh, what a
perfect world that would be. But they don't live in a perfect world.

"Excuse me. Would you like anything else?" the waiter questions returning. Jay breaks eye contact
with the omega in front of him and gives the woman a smile.

"No thanks. Just the check and we'll be on our way" he says and she nods before going off to grab
the check. She returns quickly and Jay pays for the food and turns back to his mate.

"I have to go to the bathroom, but when I get back I'll take you home...ok?" he questions, and the
omega nods.

"Ok. I'll be back," Jay says and rushes off. He quickly goes to the bathroom to do his business and
then it's there when he's facing himself in the mirror when everything crashes on him. He has
another mate...but surely it can be a mistake. But wolves mate for life and they never mistake their
mate. It has already happened and Jay can feel the bond. It's small, the thinnest little string but it's
there settled into his heart and soul already. Something like this can't be undone; he just has no
idea how he's going to explain this to Jungwon.

Signing he washes his hands and dries them on his shirt before leaving and going back to the table.
He's surprised to see the booth empty, the blond haired omega nowhere to be seen.

"Excuse me" he questions as the waiter who'd helped them passes by him.

"The omega I was with...where did he go?" he questions.

"Ah. He said he'd leave first so he wouldn't trouble you. He did leave this though," the woman
reaches into her apron pocket to pull out a napkin to hand over to Jay.
' Thank you for your kindness. I really needed it tonight. I'm sorry I troubled you with bringing
me here but do not worry. I will be fine. As for us being mates, just pretend that we didn't meet.
Please don't tell your mate about me, no need to worry them or make them sad because we will
not meet again in the future. Again thank you for taking care of me Park Jeongsung.


Jay can't help but smile sadly reading the initials. His sir name isn't Park after all but that little
detail seemed meaningless compared to the rest of the note. The omega...his omega wanted him to
pretend that they hadn't met. How would Jay do that with the bond already formed? He could
already feel his wolf yearning to have the omega back in front of him, to dote on him and make
him feel happy and special. How could his mate deny him such a basic need between mates? Jay
smiles as the thumbs at the initials.


What could be his real name? The possibilities are endless.

"Pretend we didn't meet? Bullshit. I'll find you somehow, K.S."

chapter nineteen
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

As Jay stood over the stove making hungover soup for Jungwon his mind wandered to the previous
night. So much had happened in so little time and he was still trying to figure out a way to break
the news to his mate without upsetting him but Jay had yet to find a way. Realistically he doesn't
believe there is a way to break the news easily.

He sighs, shoulders slumping as he stops stirring the soup and just stares ahead blankly. He'd only
known his second mate for a short while and already he found a few things he had in common with
Jungwon. For starters he was beautiful. Jay doesn't think there are enough words to describe just
how ethereal his mates look. The other thing is their ability to make him worry. The three of them
are omegas, without an alpha to look over them. He wonders if his mate is safe and taking care of
himself. He'd been so scared that night, of what or who Jay still doesn't know. He hopes it's
nothing too serious, something that would harm him. He doesn't want the other to encounter any
danger or to be harmed.

"What are you thinking about? It's only nine in the morning, surely nothing happened this early to
make you worry so much," Jungwon mutters as he presses his chest against Jay's back as he hugs
him from behind.

"When did you wake up?"

"A few minutes ago. But you didn't answer the question...are you worried about the trip?"
Jungwon questions leaning on his toes a bit to hook his chin onto Jay's shoulder and peer up at
him. Jay turns a little, giving his mate a quick peck on the lips.

"How's your head?" Jay wonders, ignoring Jungwon's questions in hopes of changing the topic.
Jungwon frowns, nose scrunching as he does so but answers anyways.

"Not as bad as I was expecting, but I'm sure it'll get better once you feed me," he chirps cheekily.
Jay chuckles and reaches to pat Jungwon's hip.

"Well let's feed you," he says, detaching from his mate to get a bowl. Once the soup had been
served and they were at the table Jungwon sat with his legs draped across Jay's lap, as the older
gently massaged his calf. As Jungwon ate spoonful after spoonful of the soup Jay felt himself grow
more and more anxious. He needed to tell Jungwon sooner rather than later and it was killing his
concious to keep it inside. Not wanting to spoil Jungwon's appetite he waits til the younger is close
to finishing his food before speaking.

"I need to tell you something...about last night," Jay says, eyes flicking from Jungwon and to the
empty space on the table. Jungwon looks up from his soup for a moment before giving a shrug.

"If it's one of the many things I'm sure I did to embarrass myself I'd rather not hear it," he murmurs
knowing he's done some pretty embarrassing things when drunk.

" it's not anything like that," Jay murmurs and Jungwon hums before eating another

"I met someone last night," the older one continues and Jungwon thinks nothing of it. Jay meets
people all the time but it was the next set of words that had him going numb.
"They're my mate. I have a second mate…"

Jungwon feels his body go still, spoon falling from his hand and clanking loudly against the bowl.
His eyes flicker up to Jay's looking for any sighs of him lying. He had to be. There was no way Jay
was serious, but as he peered into his mates eyes he could see that he was dead serious.

"How- when. Who is he?" Jungwon settles, wanting to know who this person was.

"I don't know."

"You just said you met them last night! How do you not know who they are?!"

"He didn't tell me his name."

"Well how did you meet him in the first place? I was drunk but I know for sure we went home
together" Jungwon questions feeling more and more confused. Jay sighs gently, pushing Jungwon's
legs off his lap so he could sit up straight.

He retells the details from the previous night from the moment he left the house up until the time
he came back from the bathroom to find his mate had left. The entire time Jungwon kept his face
neutral not showing a reaction but Jay could feel the confusion, the anger and the hurt that his mate
was feeling.

"I need a break," Jungwon mutters after a few moments of silence.

"Jungwon-" Jay whines reaching for Jungwon's hand only for the omega to pull it close to his
body, out of Jay's reach.

"Just give me a moment Jay," Jungwon mutters as he walks to his room without looking back. Jay
sighs as he gets up from the table to clean the dishes. He goes through the process of washing the
dishes and wiping down the counters before going to the living room to play games. He doesn't
know how long he sits in front of the t.v. lazily moving his fingers around the controller before
Jungwon comes back.

He stands in front of Jay blocking his view of the t.v. before roughly shoving the older omega on
his back and climbing on top of him, nuzzling his head under Jay's seeking comfort. Jay quickly
wraps his arms around his mates waist rubbing his cheek against the top of Jungwon's head, lightly
scenting him.

"What do you want to do?" Jungwon whispers against Jay's chest. The older sighs, as he gently
cards his fingers through Jungwon's hair.

"I don't wanna hurt you" he murmurs, earning a groan from his mate.

"I know that Jay, but I also know you get attached faster than a newborn pup and care for people
too much. So I'm asking you, what do you want to do?" Jungwon questions even though he already
knows the answer.

"I wanna find him, Wonnie. He looked so sad and like he needed a good scenting and some nesting
time. I really wanted to take him home and put him in our nest and just give him some love and-"
before Jay could continue Jungwon reached up covering his mouth with his hand.

"Ok I got it...I understand" he whispers. It would take awhile before he could listen to Jay talk
about caring for someone else, hear Jay talk about loving someone else the same way he loves

"It's ok. It's just going to take some time to get used to hearing you talk like that about someone
else. It might be even harder if you fi-"

"When," Jay says firmly and effectively cutting Jungwon off "When I find him. I'm gonna find him
Jungwon, no matter how long it takes" Jay says firmly and Jungwon smiles sadly. With Jay's
stubborn personality Jungwon already knew he was going to be determined to find his other mate,
it doesn't matter if it would take days, months or years. Jay wouldn't give up looking until he found

"Yeah..yeah. When you find him," Jungwon says the words feeling bittersweet in his mouth. He
sniffs once, and then twice before he fills the rush of tears fill his eyes.

"Don't cry baby," Jay murmurs, nuzzling his nose along Jungwon's cheek. "I don't want you to cry"

"I just, it's a lot! All of this is a lot Jay!" Jungwon sobs suddenly feeling very overwhelmed by all
the new information.

"Shh, I know. But I promise this won't change us," Jay says as he gently grabs Jungwon's hand and
places it on his hip where Jungwon's bite mark was.

"This won't go away just because I have another mate. This," he continued, placing his own hand
on Jungwon's collarbones, slowly thumbing away at his bite mark on Jungwon's skin.

"Won't go away. I still love you so much. You won't be forgotten or replaced, we're just adding
someone in. Someone else who deserves love as well, hmm?"

Jay makes sense but it was still a lot to process. For the sake of agreement Jungwon nods his head
despite feeling reluctant to add another person to their relationship.


The rest of the week went by as the couple carried out their normal routine leading up to the day
they agreed to leave for their vacation to Jungwon's house. The entire way there the couple sat next
to each other silently holding one another's hand. There was still a lot of unresolved tension from
their conversation earlier in the week but as Jay had said, they're still them. Nothing about their
relationship had changed, it just felt a bit awkward now.

As the uber came to a halt at their stop Jungwon got out first waiting for Jay who insisted on
getting their luggage himself. Once his mate joined him on the sidewalk they made the short trip
up Jungwon's driveway. They'd only made it halfway through when Jungwon's mom poked her
head out of the house to wave to them.

"Jungwon! Jeongseong!" she calls as she waves. Jay puts on a bright smile as he waves to his
mother in law. After greeting everyone and going through a series of hugs the couple set their
luggages in Jungwon's room before joining everyone in the living room. The house was fairly
small but fit everyone comfortably, the small space easily carrying the sound of laughter through
the house. It was a heartwarming thing to be a part of.

"Flunk out yet?" Jungwon's older sister teases as she walks by, ruffling his hair. Jungwon huffs,
cheeks puffing in anger as he fixes his hair, eyes glaring at his sister.

"No I didn't. Top of my class actually."


"Stop that. At least Jungwon is trying. What about you hmm? Ran off with that little boyfriend of
yours and now you don't call, you skip classes and ugh I don't even know what to do with you!"

"But mom! Jungwon doesn't call either now that he has Jay! I'm not the only one!"

"I like Jay! Your mate however-" Jungwon sticks his tongue out at his sister as their mom
continues her rant. He turns to look for Jay only to get a glimpse of him standing in the kitchen
with his dad, apron already on, sleeves rolled up to help cook whatever it was on his fathers
peculiar menu. Ever since he met Jay he was always getting into new and forign foods Jungwon
had never heard of, let alone could pronounce. He had all of two seconds to think about joining his
mate in the kitchen when a hand clamped down on his forearm giving it a tug.

"Come here" his sister demands as she pulls him up to the attic.

"Christmas photos?" he questions with a sigh as he looks around at the large pile of boxes.

"Christmas photos," his sister confirms with a sigh of her own. Every year their parents wanted to
dress the kids in Santa hats and reindeer antlers for happy "Christmas aesthetic" photos, and every
year she rearranges the attic for "spring cleaning" moving everything around and losing the boxes.
Que in Jungwon and his sister who every year without fail have had to locate said boxes.

"Let's get to work then" Jungwon murmurs heading to the right half of the attic while his sister
goes to the left. As he looks for the flimsy old cardboard boxes Jungwon stumbles across old toys
and baby clothes from when he and his sister were little as well as little random trinkets their
family collected over the years. As he looks he can feel his sister's eyes on him, clearly wanting to
ask something.

"Just spit it out. Stop staring it's weird."

"Did you and Jay fight again?" she questions


"Are you sure? Usually you two have that grossly in love with my mate, i never want to part from
them" look in your eyes. You barely held hands or even looked at each other today."

"You act as if you're not like that with your own mate," Jungwon huffs.

"You didn't answer. Did you fight?" she questions walking up to him. Jungwon sighs, turning away
from her to keep looking.

"No, noona."

"Then what's wrong with you? Honestly you two not being attached at the hip is sort of weird."

"We didn't start off that way. I couldn't stand him, remember?"

"Now you two have each others mate marks so it's weird. And you not giving a direct answer is
weird as well. Just admit that you fought, and make up with him ok?" she says, placing a gentle
hand on her brother's shoulder. Jungwon nuzzles his cheek against the back of her hand for a few
seconds before shrugging it off.

"Noona, have you heard of people having two mates?" he questions. The sudden change in topic
stunned his sister temporarily before she reacted to it.

"Huh?" the woman says giving her younger brother a puzzled look "D-do you have another
mate?!" she shouts and Jungwon quickly covers her mouth.

"Shut up!" he hisses "The whole house will here you!"

"Do you?" she questions after removing Jungwon's hand from her mouth.

"No I don't. It was just a hypothetical" he says, earning an unimpressed look from the woman.

"I mean in the states yeah but those people choose their mate."

"They choose them?" he questions and his sister nods.

"Hmm. Most people there would rather choose their own mate then wait around to find them.
Typically they'll join the same pack and caim each other."

"You can do that?"

"Hmm. Some countries allow it, however those countries also have the highest mate rejection
mortality rate" as she explains Jungwon can't help but shiver uncomfortably. He couldn't imagine
choosing his own mate, let alone rejecting the person that was naturally fated to him.

"Why are you asking? Does Jay have someone else?" she questions appalled.

"What no?" he says, the lie feeling heavy in his mouth because yes, Jay does have someone else
but not in the way his sister talked about.

"Then-" the oldest Yang bites her lip "Do you have someone else?"

"Who do you take me for huh? I only love Jay. I'll only ever love Jay," Jungwon says harshly. His
eyes were blazing blue, lips curled down in a half snarl.

"Don't snarl at me you mutt!" his sister barks. She was the older, more dominant one and the
command instantly had Jungwon backing down.

"Just don't suggest things like that."

"I'm just trying to understand. You're the one who came at me asking all these weird questions. It's
only natural I ask some of my own."

"You're right I'm sorry. I shouldn't have done that" Jungwon says, reaching for his sister who pulls
him into a hug.

"You'd tell me if something was going on...right?"

"Of course," he says. It's a lie and they both know it but choose to ignore it as the older Yang pats
her brothers back a few times before letting him go with a simple "ok". As the siblings part,
Jungwon catches sight of the Christmas box in his peripheral.

"Found the box," he mutters, pulling the limpy box from the stack.

"Finally! I hate being up there!" his sister exclaims. Together they leave the attic and their
conversation behind, pretending it never happened.
Chapter End Notes

i hope this chapter gave you guys a little insight to jay and jungwon's relationship and
how they communicate. hopefully you guys noticed some of the things jay talked
about/how he treats jungwon. big differences between how jay cares for his omega vs
how sunghoon does. im not saying this to say one is better than the other, this will just
play a part in later chapters.

next few chapters will go back to our lovely trio and will be focused on sunoo. coming
up we have some background that gets depressing/heavy to read but i'll make sure to
put warnings when we get there.
hope you guys enjoyed this chapter!
chapter twenty
Chapter Notes


mention of child death/child murder

victim blaming

let me know if i missed anything

read at your own risk.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Sunghoon was aware that he fucked up and the slap that Jake gave him after telling him what he
did was well deserved. It doesn't make it hurt less though. He sat there with his head bowed as Jake
lectured him and expressed every bit of anger and disappointment he felt. The entire time Jake
didn't raise his voice and Sunghoon found himself wishing he had. He'd rather Jake yell and be
mad at him than talk in that disappointed tone because it hurt so bad, but Jake has every right to be
disappointed. Because of Sunghoon Sunoo didn't come home that night, and no one has seen him.
Granted it has been less than twenty-four hours but it was still too long for Jake and Sunghoon.

Sunghoon would do anything to get his mate back, to get his omega back. Funny how the fact that
Sunoo is an omega holds weight in his mind but it isn't until moments like now when Sunghoon
realizes that Sunoo is an omega and yelling at him like he did, it would trigger Sunoo into shock.
Now Sunghoon had no idea if Sunoo had gone into shock, where he is, who he was with and all the
unknown variables were killing him because it was his fault. And all he could do was apologize,
and he did.

"I'm sorry," he says for the nth time after the next round of Jake's long winded lecture. The beta-
hybrid stops and turns to look at Sunghoon, to really look at him. He notices the dark circles under
the alpha's eyes, the tiredness they held, the hurt, the sadness, and the anger. He could see it and
now that he put a momentary pause on his worrying he could feel it. No matter what he said it
couldn't be worse than what Sunghoon was feeling right now. Jake sighs sitting on the bed next to
Sunghoon, taking the alpha's hands in his.

"I'm sorry Hoon, I'm just worried. I know compared to you and your history with him I have no
right to lecture you like this but I just want him to be ok"

"I want him to be ok as well. It's my fault, Jake. No matter what I do it's always my fault"
Sunghoon says, his voice cracking halfway through and it pierces right through Jake's heart. He
drops Sunghoon's hands to grab the alpha's face, forcing him to look at him.

"We're going to find him ok. He's gotta be somewhere," he says firmly but the alpha shakes his
head furiously, pulling out of the beta's grip.

"But he's not!" Sunghoon shouts standing abruptly. They'd already searched most of the campus
for three hours. Sunghoon ran around like a wild dog in search of his mate before returning back to
Sunoo and Doyoung's dorm in hopes that Sunoo would show up soon. Jake went to campus
security hoping they'd be able to help but since Sunoo hadn't been missing for more than twenty-
four hours there was nothing they could do to help so Jake reluctantly returned and gave Sunghoon
another lecture.

"What if he left and doesn't want to see us again? To see me again?" Sunghoon starts, the worst of
his intrusive thoughts bleeding in. "What if he's hurt or he-he" Sunghoon's words die on his tongue
as he grabs his hair and pulls. He doesn't want to entertain the thought of Sunoo being dead
because that just couldn't happen. Sunghoon doesn't know if he'd be able to live if Sunoo dies, and
he was the cause. Sunghoon wasn't supposed to be like him but it seems like it runs deep in his
genetics because the more he tried to run from it, the worse it got. The worse he got.

"Stop it!" Jake shouts. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what Sunghoon was implying
and he doesn't want to think about it any more than Sunghoon does.

"Don't say that. He's not d-he's not that!" the beta exclaims, not being able to say the word "I can
still feel him, he's going to come back so get your shit together!" Jake demands and it almost
startles Sunghoon. In the few months, they've known each other Jake has never cursed at him, or
spoken so firmly but it also seemed to be what Sunghoon needed at the moment. He couldn't do
anything to find and bring Sunoo back if he was having a breakdown. He couldn't be breaking
down right now. He was their alpha, he needed to be strong and take care of his mates. Sunghoon
wipes away his tears and squares his face in a vain attempt to regain his senses a bit.

"I'm sorry. I don't know what came over me."

"Sunghoon I'm not expecting you to be in the best mindset right now. I get it you're worried, I am
too but don't say things like that. He's still with us, right here" Jake says, putting his hand on
Sunghoon's chest, reminding the alpha to feel instead of lead with his intrusive thoughts.

"No matter how long it takes, we'll get him back. As long as we can feel him there's hope."

"However long it takes," Sunghoon repeats, however it wouldn't be too long because the door
swung open and there stood Kim Sunoo himself.

"SUNOO!" Sunghoon shouts almost shoving Jake out the way to get to his omega. He rushes to
Sunoo holding him by his shoulders and looking his body over for any obvious injuries.

"You're ok! At least I think you are. Hmm let me see"

"I'm ok," Sunoo says, his voice hoarse as if he hadn't used it all day.

"Sunoo, baby- I-I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have yelled at you. That was wrong, that was so so so
wrong of me. It wasn't your fault ok. It wasn't your fault it was mine, I was bad I was the bad one
baby. Say something!" Sunghoon pleads the tears that had been collecting in his eyes threatening to

"I can't talk if you're just going to keep talking," Sunoo says, trying to give Sunghoon a playful
smile but ultimately failing and it hurts. It hurts Sunghoon to see Sunoo that way because of him.

"Sunoo I-"

"Sunghoon calm down and let him breathe for a second," Jake interjects. Sunghoon's scent was all
over the place and his babbling wasn't helping the situation at all.

"You must be cold. Hmm, I gathered your stuff so why don't you shower and warm up and then-"
"I'll go with," Sunghoon says interrupting. Jake pauses, holding Sunoo's toiletries in his hands, eyes
going wide.

"Sunghoon you pervert!" he exclaims and Sunghoon's cheeks burn red.

"N-not for that! I just. I don't think I can let him out of my sight right now" Sunghoon says, making
it clear his intentions were pure. He only wants to keep his omega safe.

"Sunghoon he's just taking a shower," Jake sighs. He'll never truly understand the instincts of an

"I can't leave him again!" Sunghoon huffs. Why was Jake trying to keep him from Sunoo? He was
only trying to do his job, and his job is to keep Sunoo safe. The thought alone was clouding his

"When did you ever leave me?" Sunoo questions giving the two confused looks.

"At the party last night after I...I left you and you've been gone all night" Sunghoon says, his scent
finally settling on one smell, guilt laced in sadness.

"I've been gone all night?" the omega questions and Sunghoon frowns.

"Sunoo you don't remember?" he murmurs and Sunoo shakes his head.

"Not really. I remember going to the party but not much else. We just came home afterward right?"
Sunoo questions lips curled in a pout.

"We'll talk after your shower. I can see you shivering from here" Jake says, handing Sunoo his
toiletries bag and a change of clothes before pushing him out the door.

After the door was shut Jake turned to Sunghoon frowning.

"Could you smell it? His scent?" he questions and Sunghoon shakes his head, frown deepening.

"What happened to him?" Jake murmurs, his voice laced with worry. Sunghoon wishes he knew
the answer.


After Sunoo returned, Sunghoon kept his distance. He stayed as close as he could without touching
the omega or crowding his space. He didn't want to cross any boundaries, especially after the
previous night which apparently Sunoo had no recollection of. After talking with him and finding
out how much he remembered, Sunghoon felt guilty. It was very likely that Sunoo had gone into
shock which had caused his memory loss and it left a guilty feeling in Sunghoon's gut. He's lucky
Sunoo even came back considering how dangerous it could be for an omega to wander around in

Jake wasn't feeling any better than Sunghoon. This all could have been avoided if he would have
just told Sunoo about his secret rather than waiting. Maybe the night would have gone differently.
Sunoo would have stayed with him and helped him up and taken him to Sunghoon. They could
have (or rather Sunoo could have) told Sunghoon what happened and Sunghoon would take them
both back to his dorm and tucked them in promising that he'd explain things to Wonyoung later.
They could have laid huddled in Sunghoon's bed, Sunoo obviously in the middle, or maybe he'd
lay on Sunghoon's chest, or maybe Jake's chest rubbing his nose against his collarbones like he did
at the end of their movie nights. That would have been nice, Jake thinks. To end the night cuddling,
warm, happy, and together rather than the night ending cold, sad and lonely.

"I'm sorry," Jake says, cutting into the silence.

"I'm sorry," he says again with a sniff.

"Hyung, why are you crying?" Sunoo pouts holding Jake's face in his hands. Gently the omega
brushes away Jake's tears and it makes Jake want to cry more. He thinks about Sunoo, their little
omega wandering around, sad, lonely, and hurt throughout the cold December night all because
Jake was afraid of telling him he's a hybrid. He'd rather Sunoo hate him for being a hybrid than
wandering around late at night with the possibility of someone being able to hurt him.

"Hyung, talk to me. I don't wanna see you cry" Sunoo murmurs.

"I'm a hybrid," Jake whispers. It was so quiet that even with their heightened sense of hearing
Sunoo and Sunghoon couldn't hear.


"I-I'm a hybrid Sunoo. M-my mom is a beta and my d-dad is a-a golden retriever hybrid. Last
night...when we were drinking I drank a lot more than I c-could actually handle and-and"

"And that's why I was so worried. You already looked so out of it and I figured if you were like
that, how bad was Jake and then that was all I could think about, and- I was wrong Sunoo. I
shouldn't have yelled at you, you didn't know," Sunghoon explains and Sunoo's face softens
because he gets it. He and Jake were the same. They were the same and by leaving Jake on his own
he left him exposed to all kinds of dangers.

"Oh...Jake. I-I didn't know. I swear I would have never left you if I knew. I-I thought you'd be
ok...I didn't know you were like me," Sunoo whispers the gears turning in his head. Jake furrowed
his brows in confusion.

"Like you?" he mumbles. Sunoo looks up, eyes going wide as he makes eye contact with Jake. He
hadn't meant to say everything out loud, but now that he has he might as well finish.

"Hmm, not exactly like me...I'm only half other's... it's human" Sunoo breaks eye
contact not wanting to look at Jake. He didn't want to see what expression the hybrid would make.

"So you're-" Jake says slowly and Sunoo nods.

"Uh-huh," he says voice becoming watery. He was lost in his head, flashes of memories from his
past coming to the forefront and he began to cry.

"Please don't hate me. Don't hate me please"


"I- I wasn't nice at first, I know but please don't hate me! I like you so much and I don't want to
lose you! P-please don't hate me!" he continues to beg Jake to not hate him, body vibrating with his
harsh sobs. Sunghoon quickly pushes Sunoo onto his back before laying directly on top of him
crushing the omega under his weight.

"Shh, it's ok. I've got you. Alpha's got you," Sunghoon murmurs as his nose glides across Sunoo's
jaw. Jake watches as Sunghoon dips down pressing a firm kiss to Sunoo's scent gland which has
the omega going still.
"I love you pretty baby" Sunghoon coos as he continues to scent Sunoo nosing along the omega's
cheeks, his neck, his collarbones, anywhere he could access quickly, in a vain attempt to calm him

"Jake" Sunghoon whispers, reaching out for the beta who gives his hand nervously. Sunghoon
pulls Jake down to lay on his tummy beside Sunoo.

"Scent him. He needs to know he's safe with us"

"But I-" Jake licks his lips nervously. He's never scented someone who wasn't family and it's been
so long since he's done it. What if he messes up?

"Just follow your instincts," Sunghoon says. It should feel natural, easy, and like second nature to
follow his instincts but Jake had taught himself a long time ago to ignore them. His instincts had a
habit of making him clingy, desperate for the smallest hint of affection and praise. It caused him a
lot of pain.

"Jake" Sunghoon pleads, voice desperate because his scent alone wasn't enough to calm Sunoo. He
needed Jake too, their beta. Jake huffs, shaking his head, and turns to Sunoo.

'It's easy. Just follow your instincts'

Jake nudges his nose against Sunoo's cheek and the omega gasps. He turns his head to face Jake,
eyes wide and full of tears that quickly spill down his cheek. The first thing Jake's body has him
doing is leaning forward to kiss the tears away. His no- their omega shouldn't be crying so he
kisses under Sunoo's right eye and then leans more to kiss under his left. Slowly and meticulously,
as if his beta had already planned out the next few steps Jake gently rubs his nose against Sunoo's
before sliding down to his cheek. He pecks the soft skin of Sunoo's cheek a few times before
moving lower, nosing along Sunoo's jaw and placing a few kisses there before moving under his
chin. Jake runs his cheek against Sunoo's jaw, and across his neck, going back and forth, his hair
tickling at Sunoo's chin. Normally it would make the omega laugh but Sunoo was too distressed to

Nervously Jake looks at Sunghoon, wanting to see any sign that he was doing a good job but
Sunghoon was lost. His hand was under Sunoo's shirt caressing the soft skin of the omegas tummy,
his head nuzzling against the left side of Sunoo's neck so Jake turned to do the same.

As Sunoo lay under the two older wolves his body began to twitch, eyes rolling back in his head.
He kept soaking in the scent of Jake and his freshly washed laundry mixed with a hint of apple pie
that blended splendidly with the woody musk of Sunghoon scent, it was intoxicating and reduced
Sunoo to nothing but a babbling mess.

"A-alpha l-love I love!" he starts unable to get a coherent sentence out but Sunghoon shushes him
already knowing what the omega was trying to say.

"Shh, I know. I love you too"

"A-an I love b-beta! I love-" the omega continues glancing at Jake before shutting his eyes and
whining loudly.

"Shh, he knows. He knows baby. Such a good omega for us," Sunghoon croons. He licks over his
omegas scent gland a few times before sinking his teeth in. Sunoo whines high in his throat, hands
flying to Sunghoon's shoulders as his scent bursts across the room, his omega finally free of shock.
Sunghoon and Jake get hit with a burst of fresh lemon and orange zest, its strong citrus fragrance
almost knocking them out. They looked down at Sunoo whose head was lulled to the side as he
snored softly.

"What just happened?" Jake questions, looking to Sunghoon for help. He'd never seen anything
like that before.

"He's scent drunk. He'll be ok in a few days," Sunghoon says, moving back from Sunoo and
collecting a few items from around the room. Still lost Jake sits on the bed like a lost puppy unsure
of what just occurred.

"S-should we have stopped sooner?" he questioned, feeling like what they saw wasn't normal
despite Sunghoon's ease.

"It's fine. It'll give his wolf some time to cool down and lay dormant for a few days. Hand me that
blanket," the alpha orders and starts his task.


Being scent drunk rendered Sunoo into a nonverbal and incoherent state leaving him completely
dependent on Sunghoon and Jake. The alpha had attempted to make Sunoo a nest to keep him
comfortable only for Jake to take over, his puppy hybrid instincts taking over as he carefully
weaved pieces of clothes and blankets together building a nest suitable for their omega. For the
next few days, Sunghoon and Jake took care of Sunoo as the omega fell in and out of

Jake laid in the nest with Sunoo having small conversations with the omega during the few
moments he was conscious. Sunoo couldn't really talk but he made low purring noises when he
was happy about something Jake said or would nip at Jake when he disliked something. Jake found
it cute, Sunoo was like a little pup. Jake talked about Sunghoon's idea to spend the last half of their
winter break together and Sunoo had chirped so excitedly that Jake's heart almost burst. He felt a
lot less nervous for that time to come knowing that Sunoo more than approved.

When the omega finally came back to his senses he was still very clingy hanging off Jake's arm or
curled up on Sunghoon's lap. Sunoo had a way of washing away all the tension once he was back
to himself. They played games, watched movies, and ate meals together as if nothing had
happened. The days quickly passed and all too soon it was time for Sunghoon and Sunoo to send
Jake home.

They rode in the back of Wooyoung's friend, Seonghwa’s van ignoring how Wooyoung would flirt
with Jake's cousins all lovey-dovey because they were wrapped in their own world caressing the
back of each other's hands and sharing little glances.

The trio stay wrapped in their own bubble ignoring the lingering sadness in their chest. Their bonds
weren't solid and none of them were sure if they could handle the distance. Sunghoon already felt
his alpha whine longingly even though Jake hadn't left yet.

"Our gates that way," Felix says, reading the airport map and leading the way.

"Ok" Jake murmurs following his cousin with Sunoo and Sunghoon close by. They sit in the seats
at the gate Sunghoon and Jake hold hands with Sunoo close by holding onto Jake's suitcase with a
death grip.

"Now boarding 7pm flight to Brisbane Australia" the automated voice calls. Wooyoung and
Felix get up first heading to the ramp to get on the plane. Before they get there Felix looks behind
him noticing Jake hadn't moved yet.

"Just let them have their moment" Wooyoung murmurs, tugging his mate's hand. Felix frowns, not
wanting to leave Jake with Sunoo there. Although Jake said they were good now Felix still didn't
trust the omega.

"Come on baby! Give them their moment. They're about to be 7 thousand kilometers apart"
Wooyoung reasons. Felix sighs, turning from his cousin to board their plane.

Back at the seats, Sunghoon had a strong grip on Jake's shoulders as he gave the beta his fourth
scenting of the day.

"Remember to call when you land and when you get home. And please tell your parents that I
would love to meet them soon" the alpha lists and Jake chuckles

"I will Hoon," the beta says, tilting his head up, giving Sunghoon more access to his neck.

"A-and don't open your gift until Christmas," the alpha continues.

"I won't, I won't!" the beta chuckles as a piece of Sunghoon's hair tickles his chin.

"I need to go now," he says once Sunghoon pulls back.

"You forgot something," Sunghoon frowns and Jake tilts his head to the side as he quickly runs
over his mental checklist of all his items.

"No I didn-" Jake gets cut off by a pair of soft lips firmly pressing against his.

"Tsk you did but that's ok. Alpha remembered for you" Sunghoon says smirking proudly seeing
Jake's flushed cheeks, lips stretched in a small smile. The beta looks around for a few seconds
before leaning in and pecking Sunghoon's lips multiple times before the alpha is grabbing the back
of his neck keeping their lips pressed together. They pull back with a laugh and Jake gives
Sunghoon one more kiss.

"I didn't forget that I just thought you meant something else" he chuckles and Sunghoon growls
playfully. Jake rolls his eyes and turns to Sunoo who had been quiet for their entire duration in the

"Sun?" The beta calls but Sunoo doesn't move, his eyes glazed over as his hand grips Jake's


"Second call for 7pm flight to Brisbane Australia" the Automated voice calls.

"Pup, I need my suitcase" Jake murmurs, smiling softly when he feels the familiar happy thrum
shoot through his and Sunoo's bond. Gently he tries to pry Sunoos hand off his suitcase but to no

"I'm not ready," Sunoo announces with a frown. He wasn't ready for Jake to leave because once he
did he and Sunghoon had to go home as well and home was the last place Sunoo wants to be.

"It's not like I'm leaving forever Ddeonu. I'm going to come back!" Jake chirps, trying to stay
optimistic but the omega only shakes his head and repeats himself.

"I'm not ready." Jake turns to Sunghoon who offers a small smile before the beta turns back to

"Don't worry Sunoo. It'll pass by faster than you think" he says, pulling the omega into a hug.
Sunoo finally lets the suitcase go and grips Jake's coat as if his grip will keep him from leaving.

"Final call for 7pm flight to Brisbane Australia" the voice calls and Jake sighs

"I really have to go Sunoo. But don't worry, I'll message you every day and send loads of pictures
of Layla and we can face time!" Jake says cheerful, missing the way Sunoo flinches at the last bit.
He wouldn't be able to facetime Jake once he goes home but at least the beta was doing his best to
provide comfort.

"I'm going to miss you"

"Ddeonu, I'm going to miss you too. I'm going to miss both of you, but it's only two weeks. we can
do it I know we can" Jake says, pulling back from the hug.

'Two weeks of hell' Sunoo thinks.

"You should go. I don't want Felix to hate me more if I make you miss your flight" the omega says
rolling the suitcase over. Jake takes the suitcase and stands up ready to walk to his gate but stops
before taking an entire step forward. He turns to the two Suns, his face contorting in thought before
he leans down, placing a gentle kiss on Sunoo's lips.

"J-Jake!" Sunoo gaps scandalized while Sunghoon chuckles feeling thoroughly amused at his two

"You've already said you love me and kissed me before! Why is a little peck making you this

"I-I didn't know what I was saying during those times!"

"On the contrary, I think you did pup," Jake says kissing Sunoo again before grabbing his suitcase
and sprinting for the gate.

"See you!" he says, giving the couple a final wave before disappearing through the gate.

Sunghoon wraps an arm around Sunoo's waist holding him against his side.

"We'll make it through Sunoo. We always do," the aloha says, knowing the cause of Sunoo's
distress. He didn't want Sunoo to go home either, not with his mother and brother but that was the
agreement until they graduate college.

"Let's get this over with," Sunoo says, pulling out of his mate's grip and heading for the exit.


Walking into his childhood home in Gwangju just outside of Seoul Sunoo takes his shoes off
tucking them under his arm.

He takes in the smells of the house although it smells the same as it always has, like teenage musk
and fresh mint. The smells of his adopted brother who has yet to present, and their beta mother.

Sunoo walks around the little living room noticing the trophy case holding more trophies his
athletic brother accumulated through the year. Leaving the room he goes to their dining room
noting how the table was the same as fifteen years ago, having three chairs but none of them
belonging to Sunoo.

Sighing the omega ignores the growing heavy feeling weighing on his chest. He goes to the stairs
walking past the wall of photos, all of them being of his mother and brother, not a single trace of
his existence. Now in his bedroom, Sunoo drops his shoes by the door and shrugs his coat off as he
goes to dive face first into his bed. He takes a strong whiff of the material nose searching for the
scent of someone who didn't live here anymore but each year he returns home hoping to catch her
scent in the stale material.

Disappointed he rolls onto his back staring at the stickers stuck to the ceiling with a sad smile. His
eyes scan over the ceiling remembering oddly specific details of each animal's name and every
word said as the stickers were placed on the ceiling. Sunoo zones in on one of the stickers. and
frowns. The sticker was settled in a cluster of plant themed stickers with the word rosemary written
on the pot. Sunoo can't help but think of the omega, his other mate.

Before he goes down the rabbit hole of regret and guilt the overwhelming smell of his own scent,
burned oranges, hit him right in the nose causing him to gag. Reluctantly getting up from the
comfortable bed Sunoo opens his window before leaving the room. He couldn't think about these
things in the house. His brother has a sensitive nose and would always complain about his scent to
their mom who would scold him about managing his emotions. With a huff, Sunoo works his way
through the house to the backdoor before crossing the yard and curling up in the old hammock.

It takes a few minutes for him to readjust himself so it's at least comfortable but the second he does
his thoughts come flooding back to him.

Sunoo is aware that lying will only cause more trouble for himself next time, but he's not planning
on there being a next time. He truly meant what he wrote in his note to Jay. He doesn't plan on
seeing the omega ever again, especially not when things are finally good.

He and Jake are bonding, their relationship mending from misplaced anger and sadness and healing
into something very nice in Sunoo's opinion. He and Sunghoon, well they've always had a difficult
relationship, the two of them being far too broken on their own, but now they have Jake. Jake who
is all smiles, optimism, and the living embodiment of good. Jake makes them seem not so broken
and Sunoo isn't willing to risk ruining that.

Accepting Jay into...well whatever you're going to call this doesn't just affect Jay. It affects Jay and
his other mate, and Sunoo wasn't going to destroy their lives. He'd simply remove himself from
Jay's life, quickly and painlessly so they both could go back to their normal and happy life. At least
that's what Sunoo tells himself so he doesn't feel guilty because he does feel guilty.

Park Jongseong. The omega was a terrifying thought for Sunoo. The omega had treated him so
kindly, so gentle, and was so caring and warm despite their abrupt meeting. How could someone
treat Sunoo with such care and delicacy without knowing a thing about him? Sunoo is almost sure
Jay wouldn't have cared for him so sweetly as he did if he knew who Sunoo truly was.

Sunoo presses his face into the material of the hammock and bites down on his lip to keep his tears
at bay. Despite being afraid of the care Jay gave him, his omega was slowly starting to crave it.
Maybe it was just the fact that Jay is an omega who naturally has a gentle and calming touch,
almost like a mother. Gentle but strong guiding you into a calm state of mind. Oh, how Sunoo
wishes his mother was still like that.

Speaking of his mother, Sunoo could hear the sound of her clunky 2010 Honda Odyssey from
down the street and the sound alone makes him panic. He untangles himself from the hammock
falling and landing on his chest but it doesn't stun him. The omega pushes himself to his feet
running across the yard slipping into the house and locking the patio door behind him. From there
he sprints up the stairs and into his room letting the door close behind him.

Just as his exhausted body hits his bed he can hear the jingle of keys sound out before the key slots
into the lock turning it and the door is pushed open. He can hear his brother's loud voice echo
through the quiet house followed by his mother's laugh and coo of affection.

Very quietly he can hear his brother say something along the lines of 'the omega is here' to which
their mother doesn't respond. She just tells Young-Jae to get ready for bed and sends him on his
way and Sunoo listens to the teenager's heavy footsteps all the way to his room.

Soon after his mom follows heading up the stairs, her footsteps a lot gentler in comparison. She
stops at Sunoo's door before pushing it open and giving him a blank look.

"You're here?"


"Good. Go shopping for me in the morning there's a list on the fridge"

"Yes ma'am" Sunoo says. He watches as she begins to close the door before swinging it open

"Ah and make Youngjae's breakfast. He's into sweet potato pancakes these days''

"Ok," he says and with that, she's gone and the house is quiet. With a sigh, Sunoo leans over
pulling the drawer to his bedside table open to pull out a bottle of scent blockers. The singular pill
inside rattles around as he opens the bottle. He'll need to get more when he goes to the store
tomorrow. Sunoo pops the pill into his mouth, swallowing it dryly.

After he takes the pill Sunoo changes into his pajamas and flicks the lights off. He can see that
some of the stickers still hold their glow in the dark ability as they illuminate a pale green light
from their spot on the ceiling reminding him of stars. He begins to count one by one until his eyes
grow heavy and he falls asleep.


"Come on Sunoo! Hurry up!" a little girl giggles as she runs ahead of a five year old Sunoo. The
pup laughs before running after her with a smile.

"Noona!" he sings running after her but the more he runs the further she seems to get.

"Come back!" he shouts, still running after her but she either doesn't hear him or ignores him. She
turns behind a tree and Sunoo runs after her only to gasp. There was her body laid out on the floor
while her head was held in the hands of a man.

"Your next" the man growls, dropping the girl's head and reaching for Sunoo. The child screams
as the man reaches for him with one of his hands covered in blood the other holding a sword.
Before he can reach him the image begins to fade until there's nothing but darkness and a buzzing
sound growing louder and louder and...

Sunoo wakes up covered in sweat, his chest heaving up and down. He sits up too quickly causing
his head to spin but his senses were laser focused as he searched the dark room for any sign of
danger only to find nothing. His attention shifted from danger to his phone which was still buzzing
with an incoming call; Jakie.
Sunoo picks the phone up and answers the call.

"Yay, you picked up! I wasn't sure since it's so early" Jake's energetic voice rings out from the
phone and instead of annoying Sunoo like it usually would (he's not a morning person) it ends up
grounding him instead. Sunoo pulls the phone away from his ear to listen around the house. There's
the faint hum of the heater, some crickets out in the backyard but no movement or sound from the
other two occupants in the house.

" there?" Jake questions and Sunoo pulls the phone back.

"Jakie, it's not even seven in the morning," he says with a yawn feeling exhausted despite just
waking up.

"Yeah I know but my flight just landed so I'm calling you!" It takes Sunoo a few seconds to
process the words but then he's sighing happily.

"Ah, so you landed safely. That's good. What did Sunghoon say?" Jake goes quiet for a bit before
giving a nervous chuckle.

"I haven't called him. I wanted to call you first" he admits and Sunoo gasps as he climbs out of bed.
He's already awake so he might as well head for the stores now.

"Oh, you bad beta. Hoon will be so jealous once he finds out" he says as he moves around in the
dark getting dressed.

"We just won't tell him. It'll be our secret" Jake giggles and so does Sunoo. He and Jake continue to
talk as Sunoo gets dressed and leaves the house. Jake unknowingly was a good distraction for
Sunoo and it helped that Jake was also starting to ease the growing loneliness Sunoo had been
feeling since he left Sunghoon.

As Sunoo moved about the seemingly empty grocery store he listened to Jake babble out the
family itinerary for the holidays. Apparently Jake comes from a well off family who packs
multiple expensive activities into the short few weeks the college kids are off for holiday. Just
hearing about it was making Sunoo's head hurt. He can't believe Jake endures it every year.

Eventually, Sunoo has to convince Jake to hang up so he can use both of his hands and call
Sunghoon before he finds out he wasn't called first. Jake does but now without making a kiss sound
over the phone just to embarrass Sunoo before hanging up. Despite the feeling of embarrassment,
Sunoo couldn't contain his smile even when he returned home to cook breakfast. He hummed as he
stood over the stove making enough food for his teenage brother and their mom. Just as he was
setting the table a body comes barreling in from behind almost knocking Sunoo over.

"Took you long enough! I was starving!" Youngjae whines as he sits at the table and digs into the
food. Sunoo makes a noise of annoyance before continuing to set the table. Just as he finishes his
mom comes in saying hello to Youngjae and taking a seat across from him.

"Ah, by the way, who were you talking to this morning?" Youngjae questions as Sunoo starts the
short journey to his room. Hearing the question Sunoo freezes. He wasn't aware that Youngjae had
been awake.

"What are you talking about?"

"I heard you talking all sweetly with someone this morning. Was it him? That alpha?" the teenager
questions his voice like honey but piercing like a sharp blade. Sunoo glances at his mother to gauge
her reaction but it was stone cold like usual, her eyebrows lifting as if to ask 'well?'
"It wasn't him."

"Who else could it be if not your psycho mate? Someone like you don't have friends" the teen
cackles meanly.

'Someone like you doesn't have friends'. It's true that Sunoo doesn't have friends. He doesn't trust
anyone enough but he can't stop himself from twitching with irritation.

"Sung-he is not a psycho," Sunoo says through gritted teeth. He hates not being able to say his own
mate's name but his mother would always throw a fit whenever he did.

"His mother was a freak and his father was a serial killer. Doesn't that make him a psycho?"

"He's nothing like them, and you'd better learn to behave Youngjae"

"Cut it out omega. Don't speak to him like that" Sunoo's mother barks her voice sharp.

"Youngjae is right. You know better than to talk to him while you're here. I still can't believe
you're still with him," she scoffs, dropping her utensils as she loses her appetite.

"I still can't believe you act like you care," Sunoo grumbles which only upsets her further.

"Of course, I care! His father is Choi Dungchan! Who knows what that man taught his son before
he died! And you of all people are mated to him and stay with him! Look at the example you're
setting for Youngjae! I'll be damned if I lose another child because of you!" the beta shouts
slamming her hand on the table. Sunoo and Youngjae wince at the sound as they both recall the
memory and how exactly Sunoo lost his sister.

Youngjae begins to whimper and the beta mother's attitude changes completely as she jumps from
her seat running to coddle and comfort her pup.

"Look what you've done! You upset your brother!" she says glaring daggers at Sunoo who was
spiraling too far down the drain to notice.

because of you. because of you. because of YOU. BECAUSE OF YOU

"He's been through enough," the woman says and Sunoo feels something snap.

"Haven't I also been through enough? Haven't I also endured a lot of pain and guilt from that day
fifteen years ago?!" Sunoo questions raising his voice. His mother's head snaps up to glare at him
as she leaves Youngjae's side to face her son.

"It's because of you that our family endured those hardships fifteen years ago!" she shouts coarsely.

"No, it's not! It's because of your husband, that filthy human who couldn't wait to get rid of us!"
Sunoo shouts and is met with a slap from his mother. She hits him so hard his head snaps to the
side, blood rushing to the injured area.

"Don't you ever speak about him again!" she shouts her faint scent going haywire as it crosses from
anger to sadness to pure agony.

"You always blame me but you're just as at fault!" Sunoo says and earns another slap.

"Go!" she demands but Sunoo stays in his place so she shoves him so he's stumbling into a wall

"I said go! Get out of my face! GO NOW! GO TO YOUR ROOM I DON'T WANT TO SEE
YOU!" she screams at the top of her lungs hitting and pushing Sunoo until his body reacts and he's
sprinting to his room slamming the door closed.

Overwhelmed Sunoo slid down the door and curled into a ball crying into his hands. He cries on
the floor for what feels like hours before he's crawling across the floor and pulling himself up on
his bed. Now burrowed under the blankets Sunoo balls the purple duvet that once belonged to his
sister to his chest and hugs it for dear life.

I should have died. I should have just died that day. At least you'd still be with me...

Chapter End Notes

so that was a lot i know but there was no easy way to turn this into two chapters so i
made it all one big chapter!

as ive mentioned sunghoon and sunoo have a really bad past and we're getting close to
the full story. i feel so bad for sunoo like i wanna give him a big hug.
feel free to ask any questions you might have. hope you enjoyed the chapter!
chapter twenty-one
Chapter Notes

guys im so sorry this chapter was supposed to go before the one i posted the other day
idk how they got mixed up. this should help with the time line and how sunoo ended
up in the hospital. im still very new to using ao3 so i apologize for the mistakes i've
been making but thank you to those of you who have been giving me suggestions.
they’ve helped out so much <3


a few fight scenes

blood & gore (but not really)

let me know if i missed anything

read at your own risk.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Sunghoon can't even get to the house before his sister sprints out barefoot and jumps into his arms.
Sunghoon chuckles as the overexcited pup as he lets his bag fall to the ground so he can wrap his
arms around her.

"Yeji you idiot! Don't come out of the house without shoes on!" he says gently scolding her with a
smile on his face. Yeji smiles at him and boops her nose against his.

"You were gone for so long this year and you didn't even call!" the teenager complains. Sunghoon
rolls his eyes as he leans down to grab his bag, Yeji still clung to his front like a koala.

"Ok ok, my fault. A lot has happened this semester" he says grunting as he stands back up and
makes his way to the house.

"What happened? Is Sunoo ok?" she questions worried and then sighs "he had to go home, didn't
he? He must be sad"

"I don't know. You know I'm not allowed to talk to him when he goes home," Sunghoon frowns,
also worried for Sunoo. Every time Sunoo came back he was always thinner, his skin pale and his
eyes dark.

"We should just adopt him! Oh wait no we can't do that then he'd be your brother and it would be
weird being mated to your brother...right?" Yeji looks at Sunghoon like she was serious with her

"Yes, Yeji it would be very weird. Get down, would you" Sunghoon says once they're safely in the
house. Yeji jumps down, her bare feet slapping against the floor.

"But still he'll be ok? His mom isn't nice" she pouts remembering the few times she'd met Sunoo's
mom and neither meeting was very pleasant.
"If he's not ok he'll call and I'll be right there to get him. This might be his last year going there
anyways so don't worry, ok."

"How can I not worry! My favorite brother is all alone!" the teenager wails. Sunghoon huffs and
flicks her forehead.

"Hey! Sunoo isn't even your brother I am!"

"When you two get married he will be," Yeji says cheekily and giggles when Sunghoon's face
breaks out in a shy blush.

"Are you finally getting married to Sunoo? I know we wolves aren't into ceremonies like that but I
love a good wedding" Sunghoon's aunt, Gyeong-Hui questions as she walks into the room
followed by her wife Minji.

"Ma! Tell Yeji to stop bothering me!" Sunghoon whines as he clings to Gyeong-Hui. The woman
pouts at him as she holds his face.

"Aw my beloved Sunghoon, is your sister being mean?" she teases before smothering Sunghoon
with butterfly kisses. The alpha whines despite the smile on his face.

"Stop smothering him dear," Minji says but her wife only gives her a knowing look.

"You only want me to leave him alone so you can steal all his love! Too bad I'm keeping him"

"Momma! Save me!" Sunghoon cries, reaching out for Minji who smiles. She sneaks up behind her
wife and begins tickling her sides causing her to release Sunghoon who runs behind his second

"My savior!" he cheers before Minji is also smothering him with butterfly kisses.

"Ugh! Too much affection" he whines, worming his way out of her grip.

"That's what happens when you don't call! We end up missing our little pup."

" 'M not a pup anymore! I'm a big strong alpha" Sunghoon boasts, puffing his chest out.

"You'll always be a pup to your parents," Gyeong-Hui says ruffling Sunghoon's hair before making
her way to the couch.

Parents. Although his aunts have held that title for the last six or so years it still felt weird hearing

After his parents passed, Gyeong-Hui had kindly taken them in and gave them a home. It took a
long time to adjust. Sunghoon was always on edge and Yeji had nightmares every night. It wasn't
until Minji came in and changed everything. There was something about her entire temperament
that balanced the family. Gyeong-Hui was sweet and unsure and Minji had been firm and
understanding. With the help of the two betas, Sunghoon and Yeji slowly felt like normal kids
again outside of the sympathetic look from the village seniors who knew of their parents.

They adopted Sunghoon and Yeji as their kids when Sunghoon was thirteen and Yeji eight,
dubbing them Ma and Momma. It was weird at first but Sunghoon is more than grateful to have
them as honorary parents.

"Go put your bag away and come back. We have a lot of catching up to do!"
"More than you know," Sunghoon says with a smile. "Hey, where's Ga-" before Sunghoon can
finish saying her name Gaeul gallops into the room, her little tail wagging excitedly behind her.

"There's my baby" he coos leaning down to pick her up. Holding Gaeul with one arm, Sunghoon
quickly puts his bag away in his room before coming back to sit on the couch. Yeji talks the most
telling Sunghoon about all her high school drama. Selfishly Sunghoon is glad that out of all the
drama Yeji hasn't found her mate yet. He wants to be there to set them straight on taking care of his

His Ma and Momma talk about the few changes in the neighborhood, the garden Gyeong-Hui
decided to start far too late in the season, and some crocheting Minji had done. Mundane things.
When it came time for Sunghoon to share he smiled proudly knowing his news would top

"I have a second mate. His name is Jake, he's a beta-hybrid," he announces. The shocked look on
their faces amuse him but the smiles on their faces afterward are what will leave a permanent
imprint in his heart.

"Is he nice? Handsome? Tall? Short? Tell me Sunghoon!" Yeji questions pulling on Sunghoon's
arm wanting more information.

"Hold on. I have pictures," he says, pulling out his phone and going to his folder solely for Jake.
Gyeong-Hui and Minji coo over the cute pictures of Sunghoon and Jake or Jake and Sunoo but
admire the solo pictures of Jake commenting on his soft smiles and cute nose. They especially coo
and admire his fluffy brown ears.

"Aw Sunghoon, why didn't you bring him with you?! Oh, he's so handsome and sounds
unbelievably sweet!" Gyeong-Hui states.

"He had to go home to Australia but um..if it's ok with you could he come and spend the last week
of the break here?"

"Of course, he can! We'd love to meet him," Minji says with a soft smile. Knowing he has his
parents' approval, Sunghoon lets out a breath he didn't know he was holding.

"I'm happy you approve. I mean I knew you would since you accepted Yeji and I and Sunoo too
but...I just," Sunghoon couldn't stop the tears from flowing. Being the alpha he felt like he couldn't
cry, that he couldn't feel overwhelmed by the cluster of events that have occurred because he has to
be strong, he has to lead. Now with his family, he feels like he can finally let go and feel.

"Of course we accept you! What happened to you kids is not your fault. It's never been your fault,”
Gyeong-Hui says but Sunghoon shakes his head rapidly making himself dizzy.

"I just... I never do a good job!" he sobs. Gyeong-Hui coos sadly and pulls Sunghoon into a hug.

"I want to be a good alpha for them but I feel like I just mess up all the time and I never know what
to do. All I want to do is love and care for them like you did for us but I-"

"Shh. I'm sure you're doing a good job Sunghoon. We're sorry we can't help you more" Minji says.
Being beta's the women felt guilty they couldn't teach Sunghoon more about his subgender. There
was only so much textbooks could teach you. Instincts and experience were the best teachers for
their race but unfortunately, the women can't teach Sunghoon about something they'd never go
through; they could only raise him and teach them what they know based on their own instincts.

"You're a good boy Sunghoon. You've always been our sweet pup. I wish you could see that for
yourself," Gyeong-Hui says, running her fingers through Sunghoon's hair.

"Hey, I have an idea! Why don't we watch a movie and drink hot chocolate? Will that cheer you up,
Hoon?" Yeji questions.

"Yeah, pup, will that cheer you up? Gyeong-Hui questions. Sunghoon mutters something about
'not being a pup' before nodding and agreeing to watch a movie. Yeji chirps happily before rushing
off to the kitchen with Minji and even Gaeul shows her excitement by licking at Sunghoon's face.

"Ah! And we should wear pajamas! Everyone, go change!" Yeji orders from the kitchen.
Sunghoon grumbles as he pulls himself away from his Ma to go change.

"Sunghoon?" the woman called before he reached the stairs. Sunghoon barely looks at her, not
wanting to show his tear stained face.

"I love you," she says with a smile.

"Love you too Ma," he says smiling from under his bangs before rushing up the stairs to change.


Sunghoon wonders why he lets Yeji drag him around all over town every Christmas break. Maybe
because it makes her so happy and he's just lucky enough that she's still alive. Or maybe it's just
because of the unconditional love older siblings have for their younger siblings that make him do
whatever she asks even when he's dead tired from a busy semester.

First, it was last minute shopping for a gift for Ma and Momma, and then she just wanted to browse
the manga section in the bookstore, and then she just wanted to go everywhere as if they hadn't
already been into most of the shops while Sunghoon was in high school.

"Call it nostalgia," she says when he questions her about it but Sunghoon calls bullshit.
Nevertheless what Yeji wants Yeji gets because she's the baby. There was only one thing she
wanted to do that had Sunghoon bouncing off the wall. Ice skating.

"I don't even remember how to do this," he grumbles as he laces his skates. Yeji scoffs this time,
calling bullshit.

"Ah if you don't remember then maybe I can finally beat you in a race. What do you say Oppa?
Loser buys the winner a drink?" she says with a confident glint in her eye. Sunghoon easily agrees
to her terms and they go out on the ice.


"Park Yeji!" Sunghoon shouts as the teen kicks off and glides across the ice. Sunghoon can hear
her giggle as she continues down the rink but the alpha won't easily be beaten. Not when he's in his
element. He kicks off and quickly gains traction speeding ahead of his sister, passing her in a blur.

"No fair!" she shouts trailing after him after he'd won. She grips onto the rank edge steadying
herself as she pants. Skating was not her thing.

"Says the cheater!" Sunghoon laughs reaching out to ruffle her hair despite knowing how long
she'd worked to make it curly this morning.

"Skate for me. I miss watching your routines" she requests with a pout. Sunghoon frowns, shaking
his head.
"You know I stopped doing that a long time ago"

"I know but...please? For me?" she questions clinging to his arm

"Sunghoon, please! Please!?"

"Fine. Consider this your Christmas gift" he says as he skates to the middle. He stands for a minute
trying to remember a routine before something comes to mind. Sunghoon skates around the rink
without music doing whatever feels natural to him. As he gets into it he fills the weight that had
been pressed onto his shoulders lift for a minute. With every scratch of his skate against the ice,
with every leap, turn, spin, lift he felt it all wash away for a moment. When he finished his chest
heaved from exertion since it had been a few years since he'd skated.

A clap echos in the rink and Sunghoon turns to see an omega with pale skin, jet black hair, and a
sarcastic smile on his face but it brings a happy one to Sunghoon's.

"Wow, so you can do something other than run," Sunoo says, reciting one of the first handful of
sentences he ever said to Sunghoon. The alpha skates to the exit quickly getting the skates off and
lunging for Sunoo.

"What are you, my stalker?" he questions with a playful lilt remembering his response.

"Of course, I'm your stalker. I'm your mate aren't I?" Sunoo says going off script. He presses his
face against Sunghoon's chest, arms circling around the skater's waist.

"There are still three days left. Did something happen?" Sunghoon wonders.

"I was upsetting Youngjae too much so she sent me back saying she'd rather that I am your
problem than hers," the omega says shrugging nonchalantly but Sunghoon knows it hurts Sunoo
every time his mom treats him poorly.

"Well it's a good thing you're my favorite problem to deal with,” Sunghoon says planting a kiss on
the crown of Sunoo’s head.

"I hate you" Sunoo pouts but Sunghoon only giggles, pressing a gentle kiss to his boyfriend's lips.

"Your heart says otherwise," the alpha says as his hands slip under Sunoo's hoodie.

"Stop feeling my emotions," the omega pouts but moves closer to Sunghoon who smiles.

"We're bonded baby. It's literally impossible," he murmurs thumbing at Sunoo's hips

"Whatever I didn't come for you, I came for my baby!" Sunoo says shoving Sunghoon away to hug
his younger sister. Yeji beams at the attention from Sunoo as she hugs him. Sunghoon watches
them hug, finding it amusing how Sunoo was so small next to him but a giant compared to Yeji.

"I'm so happy you're here. Now I finally have someone to paint my nails with...and talk about boys
with" the teen says, whispering the last part to Sunoo.

"Yah! I heard that! You two will not be talking about boys unless they have my approval"
Sunghoon scoffs.

"Then we'll talk about Jake! Sunghoon told you about Jake right?" Sunoo questions Yeji who nods

"Hmm. Aw, he's so handsome! I want a handsome mate but Sunghoon keeps hogging them all!"
"I don't get to choose my mate Yeji."

"Yeah but you've already found two of them and I haven't found one! Sunghoon spread the luck to
your poor sister will you."

"Jeez, you two have been spending too much time together! Sunoo you've influenced my sister to
act like you."

"I take that as a compliment. Better she is like me than you! Stuffy alpha"

"I am not stuffy!"

"You definitely are Oppa," Yeji says agreeing with Sunoo who pats her head as a 'good job'

"Yeji I'm thirsty go get my drink now."

"Aww but Sunoo is here now so you should treat your mate and be a good brother and treat me

"I- that's not how this works!"

"Come on Hoon I'm hungry," Sunoo says although it was an understatement. He was starving but
he won't tell Sunghoon, not in front of Yeji at least.

"Yeah yeah come on. My treat I guess," the alpha grumbles as he tugs on his tennis shoes. Sunoo
and Yeji high five in victory, missing the sly smirk the alpha had.

"This is not a restaurant," Yeji frowns as they walk through the door of their home.

"What are you talking about? Momma cooks better than any chef," Sunghoon says with a smirk.

"Park Sunghoon you meanie," Yeji complains as she chucks her shoes off and storms into the

"Ma! Your Christmas gift came early!" Sunghoon shouts before turning to wink at Sunoo.

"Then put it under the tree with the rest of the gifts!"

"I can't, he won't fit," Sunghoon says. Gyeong-Hui walks down the hallway confusion written on
her face but it quickly morphs into pure joy as she locks eyes with Sunoo.

"Our sunshine is home!" she says with a soft smile as she makes her way across the room to hug

"H-hi Ma," the omega says shyly as Gyeong-Hui scents him, making Sunoo smell like the small
family pack.

"My dear boy, look at you. She didn't feed you did she?" Gyeong-Hui questions, knowing how
Sunoo's mother didn't allow him to eat much when he was home. Sunoo looks around making sure
Yeji wasn't in the room before nodding.

"What a foolish woman," Gyeong-Hui scoffs. "You know Minji has been craving spicy tteokbokki
all morning. She's almost done so why don't you go get some hmm?" the woman whispers like it's
a secret. The twinkle in Sunoo's eyes was enough to make her heart melt as he nods before rushing
to the kitchen. She smiles fondly seeing the omega bounce into the kitchen before turning to
Sunghoon who had a blank expression.
"How bad was it this time?" she questions.

"I don't know yet. You know he doesn't like talking about it while Yeji is around. It doesn't matter
though. This is the last time he's going over there"

"Are you sure that's a good idea? She won't let him go back"

"We've already talked about it. He can't keep going there. You know how he is, his health already
took a big hit with the whole ordeal with Jake, and going there...he gets worse every year. With the
poison in his body, he can't keep- I can't keep him ok. I'm always afraid he's just going drop
like he did that year." Sunghoon's hands shake with fear as he remembers the day Sunoo suddenly
passed out during gym and had to be rushed to the hospital. It was probably one of the scariest days
of Sunghoon's life because he'd been away at college when it happened.

"That year was because he had to be alone with that woman, you're with him now. Your bond is
keeping him healed," Gyeong-Hui says, trying to pull Sunghoon from those memories knowing
how much it had hurt her pup.

"But to what extent?"

"Does Jake know?" Sunghoon bites the inside of his cheek. He can't lie to his Ma, she'll know, she
always knows so the alpha shakes his head.

"He doesn't know anything other than Sunoo being a halfbreed."

"Sunghoon" she sighs "How is he supposed to help and protect the two of you if he doesn't know

"I don't need protection."

"Even the strongest person needs someone to protect and look out for them, Sunghoon!"

"This will be too much for him. He didn't sign up for this!"

"No one signs up for anything but caring for someone, wanting to protect and understand them is
what you do when you love someone," Gyeong-Hui says softly staring into Sunghoon's eyes.

"I'm protecting Jake this way," he says firmly standing by his decision.

"Him or yourself?" at the question Sunghoon ducks his head down. Sometimes he hates talking to
his parents, they always see right through him.

"I know it's hard for you to open up to people because of what happened but Sunghoon you need to
tell Jake. Sooner rather than later before something comes up that he's not prepared for."

"I will..eventually."

"Not eventually Sunghoon. Soon."

"Fine! I don't want to talk about this anymore," he growls and Gyeong-Hui doesn't take offense to
it knowing that was just how he expresses himself.

"Then we won't. Go spend time with your sister and your mate" she says and Sunghoon doesn't
need to be told twice as he rushes to the kitchen. Gyeong-Hui frowns as she watches the alpha
retreat from the kitchen. She sees so much of her late-sister in him, Gyeong-Hui can only hope
Sunghoon will have a better future than his mother.

Jake was excited for the holidays to be over. Sure he had fun traveling and going paragliding and
jet skiing with his family and yes he had missed them but he was missing two people more than
he'd ever missed anyone in his life.

"You're such a puppy Jakie" Harry, Jake's cousin chuckles as he watches the beta pack his suitcase.

"Yeah yeah. You'll understand one day," Jake replies as he places his neatly folded sweaters into
the suitcase next to his jeans.

"Or maybe I won't. Puppies are a lot needier than wolves," the twenty-four year old cackles. Jake
frowns but doesn't comment on his cousin's statement. Harry always used his sub gender to tease
him. No matter how many times Jake told him that he doesn't find those jokes to be funny Harry
always brushes it off as light teasing and how Jake "can't handle it".

"Stop it, Harry," Felix growls and even Layla who had been peacefully laying on the bed gives a
warning bark.

"Jeez, you two are so soft. I'm going to find someone more fun to talk to, ah like that cute omega
down the street. See ya boys!" the alpha says bouncing off Jake's bed, knocking his clothes on the
floor on his way out.

"Harry is such a whore," Felix grumbles as he leans down to help Jake collect the fallen clothes.

"Don't call him names."

"Well, I'm right!"

"You are but it's not nice to say out loud."

"Why do you always protect him? He clearly doesn't care about what he says about you, or what
some of our other family members say, so why do you care?"

"Cause they're family," Jake shrugs as he refolds the clothes before setting them in his suitcase.

"They're shitty family members," Felix scoffs and it makes Jake smile a bit.

"Yeah but we also don't have to stoop down to their level."

"I have no problem with it actually."

"I know Lix. That's why you always get into trouble and I don't" the beta hybrid says with a playful

"That's right I'm full of trouble which is why I have no problem doing this!" Felix exclaims before
tackling Jake to the ground. The hybrid lets out a yelp as they crash onto the floor and begin
wrestling. At some point, Jake manages to pin his older cousin to the floor giggling as the beta
shouts and curses at him.

Felix flails his arm about trying to grab something that would give him leverage over Jake but only
grabs a purple hoodie to use as defense.

"Yah! That's not a toy" Jake scolds letting up on Felix to take the hoodie from him.

"This is for Ddeonu," he says, refolding the material and safely tucking it away in his suitcase.
Felix frowns at the mention of the omega, something Jake doesn't miss.

"What's wrong?" he questions, only to get a sigh from Felix.

"Why do you care so much about him? He was a total jerk to you, even when you were trying to be
nice and invited him over!" the older beta rants. Jake frowns. They'd already been over this, why is
Felix making a big deal of it again?

"I told you Lix, it was a misunderstanding."

"I just don't trust him, Jake. Something in my gut tells me something isn't right with him."

"Don't talk about him like that" Jake snaps "I don't care what your gut says, there's nothing wrong
with Sunoo"

"Something isn't right with both of them, Jake. I'm just trying to look out for you, why are you
lashing out at me?" Felix questions, raising his voice a bit.

"Because I don't like hearing you bad mouth my mates, Felix. Is that so hard to understand?" Jake
huffs, crossing his arms over his chest.

"Yes. How much do you actually know about these two? Sure Sunghoon is popular on campus but
they both have a past but no one wants to talk about it"

"Sunghoon said they'll tell me when they're ready"

"And when will they be ready Jake? I just don't want to see you be manipulated again"

"That's not! This is entirely different Felix!"

"Why because Sunghoon is your mate? Your mate who would never lie to you? Or what about
Sunoo huh? He wouldn't do something to hurt you?" the older beta says poking at Jake's chest.
Jake gives Felix a small shove putting some distance between them.

"Stop Felix! I get it you're worried but I'm fine with them! I trust them ok. I trust them and I love
them so stop talking badly about them," Jake stresses, feeling fed up with the slander. Why couldn't
Felix just trust that he'd grown up from the naive child he used to be?

"Fine but don't come crying to me with your tail between your legs when they do something to hurt
you," and with that Felix storms out of Jake's room leaving him alone. Jake runs a hand through his
hair a few times before collapsing on his bed wondering why life has to be so difficult. Offering up
some comfort Layla hops on the bed and begins licking at her owner's face.

"Thanks, Layla," he says, patting the dog's head. At least someone is on his side.


Jake's last few days with his family were awkward. He wasn't particularly close with anyone other
than his parents and Felix but with the beta ignoring him and his parents wrapped up in
conversations with the older family members Jake was alone.

The days passed agonizingly slow but when it was finally time for him to board his flight back to
Korea he couldn't have been happier. His parents bid him multiple far wells along with a few
uncles, aunts, and his grandparents who continuously offered him extra money but Jake didn't want
the money he just wanted to board the damn flight already. When everyone finally left him alone
to board his flight on his own Jake frowned, noticing Felix hadn't been part of the farewell party.
How long was his cousin going to ignore him over a trivial argument? Jake tries not to think about
it as he settles into his seat and props a book up on his lap to help pass the next twelve hours.

The twelve hours go by far too slowly and leave Jake feeling exhausted but once he's off the plane
he can feel his energy returning to him. He looks around for Wooyoung who is supposed to be his
ride home, courtesy of Felix before their fight, but the alpha finds him first. Wooyoung wraps his
arms around Jake's waist pulling him up in the air and making Jake squeal embarrassingly. Jake
returned the favor, sending a punch directly to Wooyoung's gut that the alpha laughed off before
pulling Jake into a headlock and dragging him to the exit.

The car ride is quiet and a little awkward considering Wooyoung is one of the most talkative
people Jake has ever met but he's partially grateful for it. He hardly could keep up with Wooyoung
most of the time. The alpha follows the GPS directions to Sunghoon's house and parks in the street.
He helps Jake get his suitcase out of the trunk before giving him a big hug.

"Don't worry about Lix, ok. He's not mad at you, just worried," Wooyoung murmurs as he pets the
back of Jake's head. The hybrid slumps against the older, a pout on his face.

"He didn't even say goodbye," Jake whispers and Wooyoung chuckles.

"He's being pouty. You know your cousin loves you, he just wants to protect you from anything he

"I don't need to be protected from my own mate."

"That might be true, I hope it's true and so does Felix. He's just on edge about letting someone else
protect you instead of him" Wooyoung says, pulling back from the hug to look Jake in the eye.

"I didn't know that."

"Don't worry about it kid. Just remember that he's not mad so don't go in there smelling like a pup
left out in the rain."

"Ok. Thanks, hyung!" Jake says. Wooyoung gives him another hug and a kiss on the forehead
before letting Jake go to the house. The snow crunched under his shoes with each step until he was
right in front of the door. He looks back at Wooyoung who smiles and gives two thumbs up before
pressing the doorbell.

Jake can hear a bunch of commotion from the other side of the door and clearly hear Sunghoon
yelling for his sister to answer the door. Jake holds his breath as he hears the lock click before the
door swings open leaving him to look down at a girl who can't be mistaken as anyone other than
Sunghoon's sister.

"Jake-ah?" she questions, tilting her head to the side.

"Um..hello...Yeji?" Jake says smiling at the girl whose smile brightens.

"Jake?" Sunoo questions from his spot curled into Sunghoon's side on the couch.

"Hi," the beta waves to the two, and all hell breaks loose. Sunghoon and Sunoo try to untangle
themselves from the blanket, leaving them to tangle it more around their limbs before they're
pushing at each other in an attempt to get to Jake first.

Sunghoon, the cheater, wins after tickling Sunoo to the ground and sprinting for his mate who
stood stunned in the doorway. Sunghoon either forgetting his family was watching or not caring
pulls Jake in for a heated kiss. Teeth clash against teeth and their tongues press together in pure
desperation from being separated for so long.

"Stop hogging him! Yah Sunghoon!" Sunoo grunts trying to push the alpha aside but Sunghoon is
stronger, holding Sunoo at arm's length as he kisses Jake. The beta is the first to pull back, giving
the corner of Sunghoon's mouth a peck before gently pushing him away.

"Hi Ddeonu," he says pulling Sunoo in for a hug.

"No far! I want kisses too" the omega whines and Jake laughs.

"Sunoo the last time I gave you a kiss you made a big fuss about it," he teases, brushing the
omega's hair back.

"Cause you startled me! I'm not startled now and haven't seen you in weeks so I wanna kiss!"
Sunoo complains before puckering his lips for a kiss. Jake chuckles before leaning down to give
Sunoo a gentle kiss but the omega was having none of that. His hand goes around the back of
Jake's neck keeping their lips pressed together before he's pushing his tongue past Jake's lips
kissing him deep and slow.

"Aigoo look at these kids. They're so in love they skipped all the formalities and only paid
attention to each other" Minji says looking at the trio.

"I thought we raised our lil penguin better than that," Gyeong-Hui says next.

"Ma! Momma!" the alpha whines feeling his face grow hot at the teasing. Jake and Sunoo pull
back from their kiss, matching blush on their cheeks as they face Sunghoon's parents.

"I-I'm so sorry! I didn't mean to. My name is Sim Jaeyun and it's very nice to meet you both!" Jake
says bowing deeply to the couple. Minji chuckles, first walking across the room to pat Jake's

"You can stand up. We're just teasing," she says gently. Jake slowly stands straight and smiles
shyly at her.

"It's lovely to meet you in person, Jaeyun. Is it Jaehyun or do you prefer Jake?"

"E-either is fine ma'am,” the beta says, feeling shy. He’s never met his boyfriend's parents before.
Shit, Jake has never had a boyfriend before Sunghoon.

"None of that. Call me Ma. And it's a pleasure to meet you, Jake. Hoonie has told us a bit about
you but unfortunately won't disclose all the details. Let's get to know each other well while you're
here" Gyeong-Hui says and Sunghoon wags his finger.

"Don't act like I didn't talk about him. You just wanna know more so you can plot and plan for a
wedding" the alpha says with a playful glare.

"A-a wedding?" Jake questions feeling his blush spread down to his neck. He was not aware that it
was in the works.

"Yeah, a wedding! We have mating ceremonies but Ma loves weddings" Yeji pipes up from beside

"I only have one daughter! Forgive me for wanting to also throw a wedding for my son!" Gyeong-
Hui huffs, throwing her hands up in the air.

"There's plenty of time to throw a wedding, dear," Minji says to soothe her wife.

"Hoonie why don't you show Jake your room. Ah and no more making out please, come back
when you're done."

"Yes Momma," Sunghoon mutters. He grabs Jake's suitcase and motions for the beta to follow.
Sunghoon's room here was a lot different from his room at the dorm. Everything was a lot more
organized and colorful than Jake expected it to be.

"S-sorry about them and the surprise kiss although I'm not sorry about that. Just that I ended up
embarrassing you," Sunghoon says as he lifts Jake's suitcase onto his bed. The beta gives a bashful
smile as he collapses on Sunghoon's bed loving how it smelled like both Sunghoon and Sunoo.

"Oddly enough I'm not all that embarrassed anymore. I think I've gotten used to it" Jake chuckles.
Sunghoon rolls his eyes and lays next to Jake gently running his hands through the beta's hair.

"Hey, Sunghoon why do you call your aunts Ma and Momma?" Jake murmurs as his eyes flutter
closed loving the feeling of Sunghoon's hands in his hair. Well, really he just loves that Sunghoon
is touching him.

"They adopted Yeji and me some years back. Ma is actually my mom's sister and Momma is her
wife. They're like honorary parents," Sunghoon answers softly. Jake looks back to the alpha
leaning close to give him another kiss

"They seem lovely," he whispers, causing the alpha to smile.

"They're everything," Sunghoon says with a small smile. "Anyways, let's hurry and go back before
Momma thinks we're dancing in the sheets," he says as he gets off the bed.

"Oh god. I don't think I'm used to it after all" Jake squeaks covering his face as Sunghoon laughs
holding his hand out to help Jake up. Jake takes his hand and Sunghoon is tugging him up quickly
causing Jake to stumble and crash against Sunghoon's chest.

"Don't worry, not today, but one day I'll have you in my bed" Sunghoon mutters as his lips ghost
the shell of Jake's ear making him shiver.

"L-let's hurry and go back," the beta stutters, pulling away from Sunghoon to rush to the living


Sunghoon's family is absolutely smitten with Jake especially when he pulled out gifts. Bath salts
for Ma and Momma (they're really into those), two of the many book series for Yeji had been
interested in and an abundant amount of toys and treats for Gaeul (he couldn't help but overshop
for the pup). There was also the fact that despite being a guest he helped cook and clean and
entertained Yeji going along with whatever scheme she wanted. 'He's a keeper' Momma comments
one day despite Sunghoon already knowing this.

Jake might spend all day with Sunghooon's family but the best part of the day is at the end when
he's curled in bed with Sunghoon and Sunoo. The three of them end up with their legs tangled
together, hands interlaced as they whispered to each other throughout the night like children having
their first sleepover.
The week ended up going by fairly peacefully and quickly. Sunoo spent most of the time looking
at paint swatches and furniture for the apartment Ma and Momma gifted Sunghoon for Christmas
with the claim that "It's time for you boys to have your own space". Sunghoon does have to get a
job but the alpha doesn't see a problem with it seeing as finally won't have to deal with a roommate,
even if Jisung had been a good one.

Sunghoon tried to convince Jake to move with them but the beta declined, not ready to part from
Felix, especially when they hadn't made up from their fight. Sunghoon respectfully agreed but
won't give up on the idea of the three of them living together. Oh, what a dream that will be.

Now with only a handful of days left before they had to return to school everyone was a lot more
relaxed wanting to rest up before starting the new semester. The family sat together, spread all
across the living room. Yeji sat with Jake flipping through a comic book they had a mutual interest
in, Ma and Momma were on the couch limbs tangled together under a blanket as they watched the
morning news and Sunghoon, well he was falling asleep. He'd been up all night since his alpha
was restless feeling like something bad would happen but nothing ever did. So now here he is in
front of the fireplace feeling cozy and warm trying to catch up on his missed sleep while waiting
for Sunoo to return with his second bowl of cereal for the morning.

"Sunghoon we should always have golden grahams in our apartment," the omega calls from the
kitchen as he makes his way to the living room. Hearing his name Sunghoon lifts his head, lazily
blinking at Sunoo. Sunoo makes himself comfortable next to Sunghoon alternating between
feeding himself and feeding the alpha.

"Sure. Anything you want babe," Sunghoon replies after eating a bite of cereal.

"Anything you want babe," Yeji mimics not wasting the opportunity to tease her brother.

"Yeji learn now if your mate doesn't treat you like this then forget them," Sunoo states before
crunching on another spoonful of cereal.

"If I ever find them," the teen says with a dramatic sigh and an eye roll.

"You'll find them pup. It might take a bit but you'll find them," Minji says to the teen but looks at
her wife the entire time. Gyeong-Hui takes her wife's hand in hers and softly kisses the back of it. It
took them over thirty years to find each other but the wait made their meeting even sweeter.

The pups smile at the two admiring their sweet relationship before going back to what they were
doing previously.

Between the two of them, Sunoo and Sunghoon finish the bowl of cereal relatively quickly so
Sunoo gets up to clean the dish. On his way to the kitchen, the news reporter comes back on screen
from the commercial capturing everyone's attention.

"Devastation falls upon a small Busan pack when three wolves were pronounced dead by police
this morning. The victims, two omegas and a beta were discovered in their home, beheaded with
two curved cuts along their shoulder blades. After investigators looked at the markings they
confirmed that the wolves were killed by a supernatural hate group named Heavens Angels"

Everyone flinches as the sound of glass shattering echoes through the semi-quiet house. Sunoo
stands with his hands frozen from where they once held the bowl, the screen holding his full
attention. With a warning sign in the corner advising the viewers, Sunoo watches as Supernatural
Investigators show the back of one of the murdered wolves, a pen gliding down the curved lines in
the carcass, the mark of Heavens Angels.
No longer feeling tired, Sunghoon slowly sits up, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up in

"No one move," he commands, his voice dripping with authority. No one moves or even breathes
as they watch Sunoo.

"Ma to the right, Momma left and Yeji take his back," the alpha orders as he slowly inches for the
front door.

"What's happening?" Jake questions in confusion as the family begin to move on all sides of
Sunoo, shoulders tense, eyes hyper focused.

"Jake just be quiet," Sunghoon huffs but the beta shakes his head. He's sick of being the outsider.
He's tired of knowing something is happening but not knowing what or how to help.

"But Sunghoon-" he begins to protest but the glare Sunghoon gives him shuts him right up.

"Quiet!" Sunghoon barks. The order has Sunoo flinching and then all hell breaks loose.

"GRAB HIM!" Sunghoon shouts and the family move to grab the panicked omega only for him to
easily dodge them and make his way towards the door.

"Shit! shit!" Sunghoon shouts as Sunoo rips the door open and springs out.

"Sunoo!" he shouts running after his mate who took off like hell was on his heels and for him it
was. Sunoo runs quickly, adrenaline pumping through his veins making him go faster. Sunghoon
chases Sunoo through the small village down to the creek where most of the greenery resides. For
a moment Sunghoon can smell the small change in Sunoo's scent as it gains its natural wolf musk
signaling Sunoo was going to shift.

The alpha makes a split decision, shifting his body just enough to give his legs the boost they need
to leap for Sunoo tackling him to the ground. Sunghoon wraps his arms around his mate's waist as
they tumble down a hill, jagged pieces of rock and stray twigs cutting into their skin on the way
down. The fall gives Sunghoon the advantage as he falls on top of Sunoo pinning him against the
ground as the omega snarls and snaps his teeth at him.

"Sunoo...Sunoo! You''re ok. They can't hurt...they can't hurt you!" Sunghoon pants but the
omega continued to try and pull out of the alpha's grip. He turns his head biting hard into
Sunghoon's wrist causing Sunghoon's grip to falter enough for Sunoo to wiggle an arm free. Once
he's free his claws grow and he swipes at Sunghoon's face and splits the skin from under
Sunghoon's ear to below his jaw.

"Damn it Sunoo stop!" the alpha growls, grabbing hold of Sunoo's wrist and pinning it into the
cold ground.

"LET ME GO!" Sunoo screeches trying to break free.

"LET ME GO! PLEASE! PLEASE!" It doesn't take long before Sunoo starts to sob, still trying to
tug himself free of Sunghoons grip.

"Please let me go! They'll find me! They'll kill me! Please, I don't want to die! I don't want to go
through that again!"

"Sunoo you're safe. I have you! Baby, please listen to me, it's Sunghoon. You're safe Sunoo I
"No! I'm not safe! They killed her, they killed my sister! Let me go! They're going to come for
me!" Sunoo screeches, his eyes holding nothing but fear.

Sunghoon whimpers leaning down to brush his nose along Sunoo's jaw hoping to calm him down.
His moment of weakness only gives the omega a way out as he brings a leg up kneeing Sunghoon
between the legs. As Sunghoon winces in pain Sunoo uses his legs to push Sunghoon off him. He
doesn't get far as the alpha drags him back down which causes Sunoo to panic more.

He swipes his claws again, this time piercing into Sunghoon's chest. He presses his claws in deep
before pulling and cutting Sunghoon's chest open. The alpha grits his teeth together and howls.
With his injured hand, he reaches up, hand circling around the back of Sunoo's neck before he
squeezes in a hard scruff. Sunghoon watches as Sunoo's eyes roll back and his body goes limp, the
energy dying out of him quickly as he falls into the snow.

Sunghoon sits back on his knees and huffs. Pieces of his flesh peeled off his body where Sunoo
had cut him and he knows it'll take hours to heal. He closes his eyes and tries not to cry from the
pain of having to fight his mate.

"Who's down there?" a voice calls. Sunghoon wipes the few stray tears away and looks up seeing
two older women clutching onto each other as they peer down the hill at him. He accidentally
makes eye contact with one and she gaps.

"Isn't that Bongcha's son?" one of the women questions and the other nods sadly.

"Wasn't she killed by her husband? Ahh, do you think that's his mate? Oh, the poor boy" the
woman says, looking down at Sunoo.

"Should we call someone? What if he harmed his mate like his father?"

sick of the women's blatant gossiping. The women gasp startled by his outburst as they hold onto
each other.

"WHY TOO AFRAID? SHOULD I BRING HIM TO YOU?" he challenges next but the women
shake their heads.

"Come on let's go before he harms us," they say before rushing off. Sunghoon groans and lets his
body fall back into the snow. It felt so nice, the snow against his body. He feels his eyes flutter
shut and he sighs.

"Just a few minutes," he mutters. He'll let himself rest for a few minutes and then he'll get up.


Sunghoon gasps, clutching his chest only to wince in pain. He looks down at his chest seeing a
hospital gown, with a bit of gauze peeking out from the collar.

"Sunoo," he wheezes as he pulls the thin sheet off him to get out of the bed. He yanks the heart
monitor clips off his chest and grips the iv stand as he makes his way out of his room. He makes
his way down a few hallways where Jake was fighting against his Ma and Momma.

"Jake, you can't go in there," Minji says firmly, pushing against Jake who was trying to fight his
way to Sunoo's room.

"So I'm just supposed to sit here and listen to him cry?!" the beta shouts in distress. Sunoo had
been screaming and crying for the last hour and it worried Jake to no end.

"Stand down Jake" Sunghoon commands, his voice hoarse but not failing to make Jake stop
fighting against his parents. The beta whips his head around seeing Sunghoon and feels the
slightest bit of relief seeing Sunghoon had woken up.

"Sunghoon what is going on! Why is Sunoo like this, why can't we go in?!" Jake pleads. His eyes
were swimming with worry.

"Tell him," Gyeong-Hui demands only to frown when Sunghoon shakes his head stubbornly. Now
was not the time for this conversation.

"Not now Ma," he mutters trying to tune out the sound of Sunoo's cries and pleas from inside the


"Yes now Sunghoon," Gyeong-Hui says again but Sunghoon grips his hair and pulls.

"NOT NOW!" he shouts. His bonds were aching like crazy and the mix of emotions from his
family was driving him to the brink of insanity.

"I know this is an emotional time for all of you but please remember this is a hospital," a tall man
dressed in a white coat says leaving Sunoo's room. The screams from the omega finally died out
allowing the doctor to come out and speak to the family.

"Dr.Kim" Sunghoon gasps elated to see the doctor.

"What's his status?"

"The poison is mixing with his blood, it's getting more and more aggressive. Looking at our options
we might have to take him into surgery"

"Wait, poison? When was Sunoo poisoned?" Jake questions looking between Sunoo and the

"Not now," Sunghoon mutters to Jake before addressing the doctor.

"No surgery, Sunoo already said he doesn't want to have another one," he says.

"Well as long as the wolfsbane doesn't attach to his organs we should be able to get by fine by
doing a transfusion but even that will have a long recovery period."

"Then start with that. Anything to avoid surgery," the alpha nods in approval.

"We don't have any blood for him right now so it'll be a few hours before we can start the
transfusion. There are a few more things we want to test for so in the meantime don't worry," the
beta says, offering a gentle smile.

"Can we go in now? He feels more settled," Sunghoon states, noticing how his bond with Sunoo
was a lot more calm compared to the growing storm he felt with Jake.

"We've sedated his wolf. It'll lay dormant for the rest of the day. That will give us enough time to
do the transfusion and surgery if needed."
"Thank you, Dr.Kim," Sunghoon says with a bow before the doctor walks away to attend to other

"Go ahead. We'll be here," Gyeong-Hui says, giving Sunghoon a pointed look that he ignores as he
grabs Jake's wrist and pulls him inside.

The steady beat of the heart monitor rings in their ears and the smell of hospital chemicals and
cleaners fill their noses from the moment they walk in. Their attention goes to Sunoo, black hair
draped over his eyes, an oxygen mask over his face, and numerous tubes stuck into his arms and

"Don't look at him like that. He hates it," Sunghoon says, noticing Jake's horrified expression.

"I- how else am I supposed to look at him, Sunghoon? I don't even know what the hell is going
on!" Jake hisses finally showing his irritation. He doesn't want to be difficult right now but too
many times he's been left in the dark meant to wait on the sidelines and not do anything. It was

"Sunoo is sick," Sunghoon says to which the beta rolls his eyes.

"Yeah no shit, but with what?" Jake groans but Sunghoon doesn't answer. He sits in the chair next
to Sunoo holding his hand and gently stroking the back.

"Sunghoon," Jake calls when the alpha doesn't respond.

"I can't tell you Jake. Sunoo and I agreed-"

"I thought we weren't doing that anymore? Aren't we supposed to have conversations together? To
not keep secrets?" the beta spits harshly. Sunghoon groans, running a hand through his hair.

"This was before we all had that conversation!" he huffs

"But it still applies now!"

"Jake" Sunghoon groans, running a hand down his face. This was too much for one day.

"Don't "Jake" me Sunghoon. I'm sick of being on the outside looking in! I'm sick of knowing one
of you is hurting but not being able to do anything to change it. Do you have any idea what that
feels like?" Jake stresses and Sunghoon sighs. He can hear his Ma's words echoing in his mind.

wanting to protect and understand them is what you do when you love someone'

"Sunghoon! Are you even listening?" the beta questions in disbelief noticing Sunghoon's blank

"Sunghoon" Sunghoon snaps back realizing that it wasn't Jake calling him, but Sunoo.

"Hey don't move you'll hurt yourself" the alpha gently chides as he helps Sunoo to sit up. He moves
the upper part of the bed before propping pillows behind Sunoo's back so he can sit comfortably.
Sunoo takes the oxygen mask off before looking up at Sunghoon with tears in his eyes.

"It happened again...didn't it?" he questions, recognizing the familiar side effects.

"Yeah but it's ok. You're safe, you're safe" Sunghoon says, thumbing at Sunoo's neck. The omega
frowns, as his eyes scan over his mate. As he does so Sunoo can see the gauze bandage on
Sunghoon's chin and then glances down seeing the gauze peek out from the top of the hospital

"Hyung," he murmurs, raising a hand, ghosting his fingers over the bandage.

"I-I'm so sorry," Sunoo whispers as a few tears finally spill over. Sunghoon smiles sympathetically
and moves to brush the tears away.

"It's fine Sunoo. I scruffed you before you could do worse."

"I didn't mean it, I swear. I just. For a moment I was back, I was back there and I thought they
were going to get me, that they-"

"Shh. Don't talk about it. I know. I told you don't worry, it'll heal" Sunghoon chuckles.

"I don't mean to be an ass but can one of you explain what the hell is going on now?" Jake
questions cutting into the conversation. Sunoo tears his gaze away from Sunghoon to look at Jake.
His cheeks were flushed with anger, his hair was a mess and Sunoo is sure that if he could smell
his scent it would be angry, the smell of burned rubber filling the room.

"Jake not now," Sunghoon growls yet again.

"You keep saying that! Not now Jake, Jake no, no no no! I'm getting a little tired of hearing it"


"Stop it both of you!" Sunoo demands only to wince afterward.

"Sunoo," Sunghoon murmurs worriedly but the omega waves him off.

"Jake is right. We always tell him not now, or no. I-if he's going to be with us he should know,"
Sunoo says looking at Sunghoon.

"Thank you," Jake sighs feeling relieved that he might finally get some answers, to be one step
closer to understanding them. Sunoo frowns, feeling like Jake won't be able to handle the truth.

"But Jake...are you sure you'll be able to handle hearing it? The's not pretty. You might
look at us differently," he says, eyeing the beta closely.

"I don't see how I could look at the two of you differently."

"You never know"

"Sunoo no" Sunghoon says shaking his head. This was such a bad idea and they've already been
through this. It was still too soon to tell Jake.

"Enough is enough Sunghoon. I won't tell him your secrets, they're yours and will be yours to tell
but I get to choose when I tell him mine and I'm choosing now."

"He's not ready," Sunghoon whimpers but Sunoo knows he means "I'm not ready" but it's ok. It's
not Sunghoon's story, it's Sunoo's and if Jake feels like he can handle it Sunoo is going to tell him
even if it means losing him in the end. At least Jake won't feel like an outsider so much.

"Before we start...c-can I have your hoodie?" Sunoo questions his cheeks dusting pink. Jake blinks
at the request but tugs his hoodie off handing it to Sunoo.

"I can't smell your scent right now since they had to put my wolf to sleep but I really need
something to ground myself right now," Sunoo says although he really just wants something of
Jake's in case the beta decides to walk away.

"It's ok...take your time Ddeonu" Jake murmurs. Sunoo smiles sadly as he replays the words over
and over hoping to burn them into his memory just in case this is the last time Jake ever calls him

This is it, there was no more running from it. Sunoo glances at Jake one more time, giving him one
last chance to back out but the beta gives him all his attention so Sunoo begins to talk.

"Ok, I'll tell you now. When I was five I met this girl..."

Chapter End Notes

what did you guys think of this one? a lot going on with all three characters so let me
know if you have any questions, i am happy to answer them. i know i go back to that
"oh no we can't tell him" or "i have to keep this a secret" a lot but these boys just
struggle with change and not wanting to ruin good things so i hope you guys can
forgive me for being so repetitive.

new chapter coming soon!!!

chapter twenty-two
Chapter Notes


mention of death/murder (including children)

use of swords
the flashback gets dark. feel free to skip it
made up medical stuff

let me know if i missed anything

read at your own risk.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

[ flashback ]

"Kids! Don't go too far! Sohee look out for your brother!" the pup's mom shouts as the kids burst
out the back door.

"Yes, mom! Sunnie let's go!" Sohee shouts, grabbing her brother's wrist before sprinting off. The
five year old giggles as his sister essentially drags him behind her as she runs through the
backyard. Sohee takes her brother down to the creek and they begin to play in the water. Sunoo
stands barely knee deep as he splashes the water towards his sister who giggles and splashes him
back. In the midst of their fun, they didn't notice the girl creeping up on them until she shrieks as a
splash of water headed in her direction.

"Who are you huh?" Sohee questions standing protectively in front of her brother. The girl holds
her hands up and smiles.

"I'm not a threat. I'm Daisy. My family is new to the neighborhood. Who are you?"

"We haven't seen anyone move in," Sohee says, eyeing the girl suspiciously.

"I live a few streets that way," Daisy says, pointing behind her.

"I'm Sohee and this is Sunoo," Sohee says, introducing the both of them. She lets Sunoo peek out
from behind her arm but the shy boy still clung to her arm for comfort.

"Hi Sohee, hi Sunoo. Do you mind if I play with you?" Daisy questions raising up on her toes.

"You're a big kid. Big kids don't like playing with little kids" Sohee says. Based on her height and
stature Daisy was older than her by a few years, maybe she was already a teenager which would
make her a lot older than Sunoo. No way a big kid like her would find joy playing with them.

"I don't mind. I'm just trying to make friends," Daisy says, ducking her head down. Sohee huffs and
turns to Sunoo.
"What do you say Sunnie. Should we play with her?" she questions. Sunoo being innocent and
naive nods his head. He always welcomes new friends.

"My brother says we can play with you so let's be friends," Sohee says. Daisy looks up and smiles
before joining them in the creek. That was how everything started.


It didn't take long for Sunoo to notice that Daisy favored him over his sister. Only being five he
didn't see the harm. He figured Sohee was too bossy for her because his sister had a tendency to be
very bossy and no fun to play with. Sometimes he'd play with her without Sohee and it was loads of
fun. Daisy always brought the best snacks for him.

Today was one of those days that Sunoo met Daisy without his sister. She was off somewhere else
having a playdate with her friend. Sunoo sat on a park bench, his little legs swinging back and
forth, seeing as he couldn't reach the bottom.

"Here I opened it for you," Daisy says, holding a bag of chips out to him.

"Thank you noona!" he sings while taking the chips.

"You're such a sweetie Sunoo! Too bad your sister is so mean although I guess it's pretty typical
for your kind huh?" she questions brushing at the boy's bangs with her fingers. Sunoo didn't
understand what she meant by your kind. He'd only find out later. But being five and with a limited
understanding, he nods.

"It's cause mama spoils her so much. Sohee can be really nice though, just bossy," he states, filling
his cheeks with food.

"That's ok, I like hanging out with you."

"Me too! I like noona" he giggles as he munches on another chip.

"Sunoo, you know you're special right?" Daisy questions leaving Sunoo to blink at her.


"Hmm. A werewolf, right?" she questions with a raised brow. Faintly in the back of his mind, he
can hear his mother's voice saying 'Don't tell people you're a wolf. They might treat you
differently. Keep it a secret from everyone, always' But surely Daisy didn't fall under "everyone"
she was a friend. You could tell friends secrets, Sohee tells her friends secrets all the time.

"Hmm. I guess I'm special" he says, missing the wicked smile the older girl had on her face.

"What about other people? Are other people here special like you?"

"Yeah!" and Sunoo lists off his neighbors, Mrs. and Mr. Baek and their son Jisung, the lady at the
farmers market, Mr.Choi one of the village elders, and more. So many more.

"Sunoo is such a good boy!" Daisy exclaims giving him a hug and Sunoo beams.


Over the next several weeks things began to change in the once peaceful village. People went
missing. Well no not people. Werewolves. Werewolves, vampires, fairies, and any other
supernatural masked as a human. It started off with a few elderly people. It struck up some noise in
the media, a few airings on the news but after a few days, it was already forgotten about. Nothing
changed, not for a few more weeks when children started to come up missing.

Concerned parents and neighbors formed a search party but it ended up with more people needing
to be found as many people of the search party also vanished. No one knew what was going on,
how could these people vanish without a trace, who was after them, and how long until they were

Supernatural and mundane parents alike started keeping their children at home. Everyone was on
edge worried they'd be abducted next. It had been so long since something like this had happened.
An attack from a hate group, but who? Which one was after them? None of the usual trademarks
were present, and there were no bodies...yet.

Sunoo and Sohee stayed locked in their house, mainly in the living room where their mom could
keep an eye on them, hardly letting them out of her sight. She was on edge, paranoid as any mother
would be. It caused issues with her husband, a human.

"They need to go to school" he would always argue but his wife would always counter.

"Do you not understand the seriousness of it? They're supernatural children. They could be next!"
She stressed worry evident on her face. She had deep heavy bags under her eyes, her mouth was
always curled down in a frown, and her eyebrows creased together. The stress was tearing her
apart. Her husband would always sigh before giving her a condescending look.

"You're just being paranoid. They won't be abducted so just send them to school. You're letting the
media get in your head"

"These are our children!" she would scream, striking up an argument.

Sohee and Sunoo sitting in the middle of the next room with a book between them had a perfect
view of their parents. It didn't take much to be able to hear them, given their heightened hearing
and all but seeing it was different.

"Don't look Sunoo. Focus on the book," Sohee demands turning her brother's attention away from
their parents and to the book, wanting to protect him from the pain of seeing their parents argue.
She was older, by a few years sure but she'd already had more developed senses than Sunoo and
could easily smell the distress and fright rolling off her brother's body.

That week was rough for the entire family. To make matters even worse Sohee disappeared. That
morning his parents argued, his mother swearing Sohee had been abducted in the middle of the
night to which her husband argued that it wasn't possible, that they would have taken Sunoo too.

"She probably got sick of being in the house. This is why I told you to send them to school"

"No Sohee wouldn't do that! She's obedient" his mother shouts as she grabs her jacket, shoving her
arms through their respective holes before marching for the door.

"Where are you going?" her husband questions sounding bored.

"To find Sohee. Watch Sunoo" she demands before slamming the door shut.

"Appa?" Sunoo questions, peeking his head out from the doorway where he was hiding. His father
doesn't acknowledge his presence as he sets his empty coffee mug on the counter and grabs his hat
and briefcase.
"I'm going to work. Behave til your mother comes back" he says walking to the door. Sunoo furs
his brows.

If Appa goes to work then he'll be alone. Sunoo doesn't want to be alone.

"But appa-" he starts but his father quickly cuts him off.

"What did I say boy?" the man questions his voice stern. Sunoo whimpers but mutters an ok before
sulking back to the living room.

It was scary being in the house alone. Each noise and creek of the old house made him jump. He
was tense and scared and wanted someone to hold him and tell him everything would be ok. That
was what Sohee did, she always made things ok but she isn't here. The pup sits on the couch, knees
curled to his chest as he watches the hands on the clock.

Tik tik tik

He doesn't know how long he'd been sitting there, he can't tell the time yet but the big hand is on
the ten, the little hand between the two and three when someone knocks on the window. The sleepy
boy blinks once, or twice maybe before turning his head to look and see a familiar face in the
window. Sunoo smiles as he crawls across the couch to push the window open.

"Noona" he whines, happy that he's no longer alone. Daisy smiles at him reaching out to ruffle his

"Hi, Sunoo. What are you up to? Wanna go play?" she questions with a smile. Daisy expects Sunoo
to say yes, he always says yes to her but for the first time, the boy shakes his head muttering a
small no. It makes her frown.


"Mama says we can't leave the house...especially since Sohee went missing" the overly honest boy

"Sohee went missing?" Daisy questions her voice full of excitement. She quickly masks it as
concern when Sunoo gives her a look.

"I can't play with you today," he says frowning as he plays with the frills on one of the throw

"Why your mom isn't home! Just come out and play!" Daisy doesn't notice she slipped up and
neither does Sunoo. The red flag was right in front of his face, dangling bright red in front of him
but he was too young to see it.

"I can't. Mama will be mad at me. I don't like when she's mad at me," he pouts. Mama was also
mean to him but nice to Sohee. It wasn't fair.

"What if I know where Sohee is?" she questions in one last attempt to bring him with her. Sunoo
pipes up, rising higher on his knees.

"You know? Where?" he questions, eyes wide with curiosity.

"I can't tell you. How about I bring you there instead?" she questions. Sunoo nods eagerly,
desperate to see his sister. It amuses Daisy. The stupid pup was so eager to see his sister. He had
no idea what was in store for him.
"Come on, I'll help you down," she says, reaching for him. Daisy helps Sunoo out the window
before she's pulling his arm getting him to follow.

They walk for a long time, longer than Sunoo's little legs can endure. He complains a lot but with
each whine and 'are we there yet' Daisy promises that they're 'almost there'. Sunoo starts to doubt
her but finally, a house comes into view, secluded from the others.

"Noona?" he questions. Sunoo doesn't know too much about instincts or how to listen to them but
something in his gut, hot and scary, tells him not to go in there.

"I don't wanna go there"

"Why? Sohee is in there" Daisy says and Sunoo shakes his head. No way Sohee would ever go in

"Come on, I promise she's in there. Would I ever lie to you?" Daisy questions. The answer is yes,
she's lied to him the entire time she's known him but Sunoo doesn't know this so the little boy
agrees to go inside.

It's dark in the house, and the dim lights do nothing to bring light into the place. It makes Sunoo
cling to Daisy with a death grip. It smells weird inside, like something familiar and dangerous but
Sunoo can't tell what it is. All he knows is it makes that feeling in his gut even hotter and scarier.

'Leave! Leave now! Hurry! Run!' a little voice says but Sunoo doesn't listen.

"A-are you sure noona is here?" he questions Daisy, feeling more and more unsure that his sister
was actually in this creepy house.

"Of course, just a little further," Daisy says as they move deeper into the house. Somewhere off in
the distance, it sounds like someone screaming. Sunoo tries to ask about it but before he can say
anything something slams into the back of his head effectively knocking him out.

When Sunoo wakes up everything is blurry and all the sounds blend together. As he comes to his
senses he finds himself locked in a cage with several kids from the neighborhood and others he
doesn't recognize. The kids are crying along with several adults in other cages around them.

As Sunoo looks around he notices the place looks a lot like the prison cells in the cartoons he
watches only instead of being cute and silly it's scary, damp, and cold.

"Get in line!" a voice screams followed by a cry of pain. Sunoo turns trying to move but falls to the
ground. He looks down, noticing he'd been shackled at the hands and feet. From his spot on the
ground, he can see a makeshift wooden stage at the front of the room where people, humans,
dragged chained wolves forcing them on their knees as they hook collars far too big for their
human bodies around their necks.

"Now! Let's see what you really look like" one of the men says with a devilish smirk. The men
inject the wolves with something and soon the sound of bones cracking fills the room as the wolves
are forced to shift. There big heavy animals stood snarling and snapping their teeth but it was
useless with the silver around their neck burning into their skin.

"And now our favorite part," one of the other men chuckled as the line of humans unsheathed
swords from around their hips. With one downward swing, they effectively cut the heads off
watching them roll and turn human.

"Head of a man, body of a wolf," the biggest human chuckles as he kicks the head of the wolf he
killed across the room to a cell. The cell of supernaturals begins to scream and cry out desperate

"Spare me!"

"You bitch! Fight us fairly!"

"I don't want to die!"

Sunoo watches the entire thing in horror. How could these people do this? Supernaturals haven't
hurt anyone in years! Why are they doing this? He doesn't understand why, why are they doing

The young frightened pup begins to hyperventilate as he realizes something. Despite being so
young Sunoo realizes that he's going to die. He's going to die with everyone down in these cells
and it's a terrifying revelation for a five year old.

As he lays there close to passing out from fear he can hear a voice call out to him.

"SUNOO!" his sister calls. Sunoo frantically looks around before he sees his sister. She's in the
cell over and there's blood splattered on her face but that's the least of her worries. Seeing her
Sunoo begins to break out in tears.

"N-noona!" he shouts. He worms his body to the bar of the cell desperately trying to pull his hands
out of the chains to reach for her but it was useless.

"Don't cry Sunoo. It's ok, we'll get out" she says but Sunoo shakes his head. There was no way out
of this. They were going to die! Doesn't she understand that?

"Just don't worry. We'll get out" she sounds so sure and Sunoo wants to believe her but how can he
after what he just saw. No, they're going to die.

"SHUT UP!" one of the men shouts his voice hard and scary. Sunoo looks up at him noticing how
his hair was buzzed and he had a long scar down his face. He makes eye contact with Sunoo and
smiles, scaring the living daylights out of the child.

"It's you" he chuckled darkly, "come quietly huh, the boss sent me to get you," he says opening the
cage. He grabs Sunoo around his ankle and begins to drag him along the cold wooden floor.

"GET YOUR HANDS OFF MY BROTHER!" Sohee screams. The man turns to her, smirking seeing
her glaring at him.

"If you don't want to end up there right now," he says pointing to the stage where a new line of
wolves was being set up to be killed "I suggest you keep your mouth shut" he snaps before he
continues to drag Sunoo.

Sunoo gets dragged for a long time, the man not bothering to watch out for corners or random
objects placed in the hall as he lets Sunoo's little body slam into them. Finally, they reach their
stopping point. The man pushes a set of big heavy double doors open before bright lights shine in
Sunoo's face temporarily blinding him. He can hear the chatter of several humans as he's dragged
to the middle of the room before the man drops his ankle.

Once his eyes adjust to the light Sunoo blinks a few times before noticing there was a big group of
people crowding the room. A man sat up on a stage in a large chair, almost mimicking the throne
of a king.
"Brothers and sisters, the time has come!" he announces as he stands.

"For years we've waited and found the residence of every fairy, wolf and vampire, and more in the
area! Finally, we are riding the mundane world of its filth! Today we are finally purging the fallen
angels from god's world!" he announces and a series of cheer sound out from the humans.

"Kim Il-sung, will you join me!' the man commands. Sunoo lifts his head up slightly hearing his
father's name.

"A-appa!" he calls out seeing his father. He whines continuing to call out for his father who doesn't
even look at him. Why wasn't his appa looking at him? Why isn't he helping?

"Shut him up!" the man mimicking a king shouts. It isn't long before one of the men is kicking
Sunoo in the chest, effectively breaking a few ribs. The little boy cries out as he feels the wind
being knocked out of him.

"Thank you," the "King" says kindly to the man who kicked Sunoo. He turns to Ilsung and clasps
him on the shoulder.

"It is because of Il-sung and his son that we were able to find so many of these supernaturals. Ah,
and of course all of our other brothers and sisters who had enough courage to make the sacrifice
and go undercover and be with their so-called mates" the king says before the people are clapping
again, commending their "brothers and sisters" for their sacrifice.

At the time Sunoo didn't understand how he had helped. No he figured it out after years of long
nights and nightmares of this night replaying over and over in his mind.

"That's why it makes me so sad that we have to part with you now," the king says. He makes a
motion with his hand and soon all those who had gone undercover are met with a sword to their

"We commend you all for your sacrifice but you did lie in bed with the devils there for your body is
tainted. Right now we, Heavens Angels will save you and allow for you to be reincarnated as a
pure soul once more!"

"Wait no! Please!" Sunoo's father pleads as the King takes his sword and drives it into his chest.

"Shh, sleep brother. Come back to us in another life," the man says, helping Ilsang to the floor
where he dies quickly.

Sunoo cries a fresh set of tears seeing the king murder his father. Somewhere in his mind, he
knows his father betrayed him and their family but it doesn't mean his death is any less terrible for
the child to witness.

"I know we all are terribly sad to be losing some of our brothers and sister but today we will also
be bringing in fresh blood! Let the initiation ceremony begin! New recruits please step forward to
receive your sword!" he commands. Soon a handful of teenagers are stepping forward to accept
their first sword before lining up behind the few supernaturals in the room. Soon the supernaturals
are forced upright, waiting to be killed,

Sunoo whimpers as he's set upright. Briefly, he was able to see the person set to kill was
Daisy. She was one of them. This entire time she had been one of them.

"First carve the mark of Heaven's Angels into your demon" the King commands. Sunoo feels his
shirt being lifted before the edge of the blade pierces his skin causing him to scream in agony as
two curved shaped marks are carved into his back.

"And now, kill!" the king commands!. The teens raise their swords into the air but before they can
swing them down the doors burst open as Supernaturals come flying through.

"ATTACK!" they shout as they go straight for the humans to protect them. The humans were
surprised the supernaturals got out and unsheathe their swords ready to fight.

"Come on!" Daisy demands through the chaos. She picks Sunoo up and drags him by his collar
seeing as he couldn't move on his own. She pulls him out into the corridor and pulls out a key
freeing him from the chains.

"Dai-" before Sunoo could say anything, someone, a woman yanks him off the floor holding him in
a headlock.

"Noona!" Sunoo shouts reaching for Daisy.

"Where do you think you're going huh?" the woman growls, tightening her grip on his neck. Sunoo
whimpers trying to claw her hand off him.

"Put him down, he's my kill!" Daisy orders puffing her chest out a bit. The woman scoffs glaring
down at her.

"You're not part of us yet kid. Let me handle this," she says but Daisy shakes her head in protest.

"My father runs this operation! I've been part of this since I was born, now do as you're told!" she
demands however the woman wasn't convinced.

"Then do it...kill him," she says with a smirk. Daisy loses face for a few seconds before she's
grabbing something from her boot.

"You know what this is? Wolfsbane, once it enters their system it'll kill them within a matter of
minutes," she states looking at the purple liquid in the syringe. The woman smirks and nudges her
head down at Sunoo who was still whimpering.

"Stop talking and do something then" she barks. Daisy gulps, taking a step towards Sunoo. She
brings the syringe up to his neck, piercing his skin with the needle and injecting wolfsbane into his
bloodstream. The woman, satisfied, drops Sunoo onto the cold hard ground.

"You sure are the King's daughter. Wolfsbane will give him a slow agonizing death rather than a
quick beheading," she says not noticing how Daisy had her head ducked, tears spilling down her

"Welcome to Heavens Angels," the woman says sarcastically before leaving. Daisy drops to her
knees rolling Sunoo onto his back and looking at him. His face was already turned red, his veins
turning purple, signaling infection.

"I'm sorry! I'm sorry" she says. She reaches into her boot pulling out another syringe this time with
a green liquid but before she can do anything with it a body crashes on top of her making her drop
it as it breaks, the serum spilling across the floor.

"GET AWAY FROM MY BROTHER!" Sohee screams, yanking at Daisy's hair. Daisy doesn't put up
a fight and lets Sohee attack her before the young wolf gets up to grab her brother.

"Come on, we have to run!" she says to her brother unaware that he had been poisoned. With his
little legs, Sunoo follows after his sister but he wasn't as nearly as fast as she was.

"Noona!" he calls voice horse. He tries desperately to catch up with her but he was gradually
falling behind. Sohee makes a quick turn and screams in horror. Sunoo runs just a bit faster trying
to catch up to see why she screamed only to be met with the view of her being held by one of the
members of Heaven's Angels.

"You beasts think you can escape us? No! We won't let you get away!"

"Don't look Sunoo! Look away!" Sohee screams. Sunoo does as he's told, squeezing his eyes shut.


Sunoo opens his eyes to see a swarm of Supernatural Enforcers come out from the trees. Sunoo
feels his little heart leap with joy. They're saved, help is here!

He turns to his sister, locking eyes with her to see her smile knowing she's saying 'I told you so' in
her head and Sunoo smiles back happy that his sister is right, but he can't smile for long. The
person holding his sister doesn't hold back as he uses his sword to quickly and cleanly cut her head
off before being shot to death by an Enforcer.

Sunoo screams in horror seeing her body and the body of the Heavens Angels member fall to the
ground, blood spilling from their wounds.

"Shh, it's ok. You're safe" an enforcer says picking him up but it was very much not ok. The child's
vision goes spotty before there's nothing but darkness surrounding him.

[ end ]

Jake bites into his bottom lip breaking the skin there as he tries to keep his tears at bay but the tears
still fall.

"I woke up in the hospital several days later. Apparently, Daisy had given me a diluted serum,
that's why I didn't die instantly and I was able to be transported to a hospital. They had to do
multiple transfusions and a few surgeries to cycle the wolfsbane out but it's basically impossible. It
attaches somewhere in my body lying fairly dormant until it mixes with my wolf blood when I shift
or something along those sorts," Sunoo says sniffling

"I spent six months in the hospital but my mom never visited. One of my biggest fears was being
alone and she just left me. The nurses took care of me for the most part but...I already lost my
sister and my dad so all I wanted was my mom ya know. When I finally got to go home I found out
why she never visited. When all the supernaturals broke out, Youngjae, my adopted brother, was
wandering alone. My mom smelled the distress on him, and since she was already in a panic over
trying to find Sohee she...she imprinted on him, and later when she found out the truth on what
happened...she didn't want me anymore," the omega says finally dropping his head as he begins to

"I really was alone then. No one wanted me. I lost all my family because I was stupid. I gave up
everything! Every piece of information I told Daisy she went and told her father. It was all my
fault! I got all those people killed. I got my sister killed!"

"NO!" Jake shouts. He climbs on the bed and holds Sunoo against his chest.

"Sunoo you were five years old! How were you supposed to know that she had ulterior motives?"
he questions in disbelief. He understands how after years of holding onto that guilt and pain Sunoo
could believe it was his fault but really it was just a series of unfortunate events. Sunoo was a child,
could he really be blamed for not knowing the dangers especially since he thought Daisy was his

"I knew better than to tell our secret! I shouldn't have done it! It's my fault! Mom warned me. She
has every right to hate me, to have Youngjae as a better son," Sunoo sulks but Jake wasn't having
it. He grips Sunoo by the shoulders forcing him to look back into his eyes.

"Listen to me! That was not your fault! You were a child and you made a friend it's natural for you
to tell your friend a secret. Your mother should have done a better job protecting you. I'm sure your
dad showed plenty of red flags as well and she didn't notice them, she failed at protecting you. She
blames you because she can't come to terms that she is at fault, that she failed to protect her pups."

"But Jake-"

"No buts! It wasn't your fault Sunoo" Jake says, pressing a kiss to the top of the omegas head.

"You're strong, you're so so fucking strong and incredible and I love you so much. Please never
forget that ok! I. Love. You" the beta says punctuating each word with a kiss on the crown of
Sunoo's head before pulling back to look him in the eye.

"I love you too Jaehyun. I love you," Sunoo sobs, pressing his face against Jake's chest feeling the
overwhelming need to be coddled. Jake indulges him, hugging him protectively to his chest.

From beside them, Sunghoon takes a sharp intake of breath before getting up and leaving the room.
He leans against the wall before banging his head against it a few times. He wishes he could be
brave and tell Jake all his secrets as well but he can't. Sunoo had dealt with monsters in the past but
Sunghoon is a monster and as soon as Jake knows the truth he'll run. Sunghoon knows it. Everyone
who finds out the truth always runs.

Inside the room, Jake glares at the closed door unsure of why Sunghoon would leave at this time.

"Don't be mad at Sunghoon. Talking about this is hard for us," Sunoo mumbles nuzzling his cheek
against Jake's chest.

"Can I see it?" Jake murmurs and Sunoo knows exactly what he's talking about. He scoots away
from the pillows behind him to sit on the middle of the bed as tugs the hoodie off and then reaches
behind him to untie the hospital gown before letting it fall to his back.

Jake holds his breath as he looks at Sunoo's back seeing two curves carved into his back. They
weren't big, healing, and growing smaller in size as he got older but the scars were deep, the skin
jagged and angry red in color.

"Why this mark?" Jake whispers more to himself but Sunoo still answers.

"To mark supernaturals as fallen angels and show that they've been stripped of their wings and sent
back to hell," Sunoo states with a sarcastic laugh.

"This is so fucked up," Jake reaches out gently gliding his finger along the scarred skin.

"Is this why you don't change in front of me? To hide it?" the beta questions recalling all the times
Sunoo got changed in a separate room and the time they made out at the party when Sunoo
wouldn't let Jake touch his back.

"I didn't want you to question it, but I also didn't want to make you uncomfortable. It's ugly," the
omega says as he shifts uncomfortably on the bed.

"You could never make me uncomfortable. This doesn't make me uncomfortable, it makes me

"I didn't think you could get angry," Sunoo says, poking at Jake's tummy.

"Everyone gets angry, Sunoo. Someone hurting anyone I love definitely tops the list of things that
make me angry."

"Ya know despite talking about my tragic past you keep making me fall for you"

"You're crazy," the beta chuckles in amusement.

"Sorta," Sunoo shrugs not finding offense to it like he would with someone else.

"What about your brother?"

"Please don't refer to him as that. I only call him that for convenience. I don't consider him my
brother at all."

"What about the kid? What's he like?"

"A fucking asshole. He and my mom have some crazy alliance to make my life hell when I'm
home. I'm not even allowed to talk about or mention Sunghoon without my mom going crazy but
Youngjae likes to make my life difficult"

"I'm sorry," Jake murmurs, hugging Sunoo again.

"Don't be. Not your fault," the omega says, leaning his head back on Jake's shoulder. He turns
slightly to give Jake a small kiss on the neck making the bets growl softly before returning the kiss.

"I'm still sorry that happened to you."

"It's fine. I'm not going back. After Sunghoon and I move into the apartment I'll have a permanent
home. I've known a long time ago that my home wasn't with just took a long time to let go"
he murmurs absentmindedly drawing shapes on his thigh "ya know there's a place for you there
too" he adds and Jake sighs squeezing Sunoo a bit.

"I know and I want to but I'm not ready," he admits.

"Cause Sunghoon hasn't told you his past?"

"No not that. I have to take care of some things with Felix before I can think about moving in with
you guys," Jake answers, which has Sunoo pulling away from him to meet him face to face.

"What happened? Why didn't you tell us?" he murmurs, eyebrows furred together.

"Shh, I'll tell you later but right now let me worry about you ok?" the beta questions. Sunoo nods
softly before breaking out into a coughing fit, blood filling his mouth.

"Oh my god! Should I call the doctor? Is this normal?" Jake questions hand already reaching for
the nurse button but Sunoo bats his hand away. The omega reaches for the cup on the bedside table
to spit the blood into.

"Yeah it's normal, don't worry. I probably just need another transfusion. They suck but I really don't
want another surgery. I've had too many already," Sunoo says motioning to the pale, hardly there
scars littered along his abdomen and sides.

"Can we not talk about this anymore and just like cuddle? M cold" Sunoo says pouting at Jake.

"Yeah of course. Do you wanna make a nest?"

"No, I don't need to. I just want you to hold me" the omega pouts. Jake smiles as he picks his
hoodie up, putting it back on Sunoo so he doesn't get cold before holding him to his chest.


The doctor comes in several hours later and so does Sunghoon quietly slipping into the room and
leaning against the wall. Keeping his distance. Jake notices he does that when he's upset so he let
him be.

"So we already know that the wolfsbane is reactive again. Jake if you don't know the way Sunoo's
body has adapted to it in his body is similar to human cancer. Because he's half human it doesn't
affect him too leaving the poison dormant but significant levels of stress on his wolf half or even
doing something as simple as shifting will make the poison reactive and very aggressive attacking
Sunoo's body"

"What kind of stress?" Jake questions.

"Hmm sometimes heats will cause stress or changes in bonds such as imprinting or mating"

"Oh," Jake says. They've been through this cycle so many times that Sunoo already knows what
the beta is thinking.

"None of it is your fault, Jake, unfortunately, any minor change will invoke stress in my wolf. Even
exam week causes stress so don't go down that road."

"Extreme levels of stress on his human side can convert over to his wolf as well so as he said don't
worry. The case between you three is...very interesting. I've never witnessed something like it"
Dr.Kim confirms.

"Welcome to the freak show," Sunoo jokes halfheartedly.

"Anyways the good news is it hasn't traveled to any of your major organs yet meaning the
transfusion should work," Dr.Kim continues and Sunoo lets out a sigh of relief.

"There is another thing. I thought I was wrong at first considering it's not a very common
occurrence especially since you've been with your mate this whole time but Sunoo it seems like
you're showing-" Dr.Kim starts and Sunoo's eyes go wide.

"I want them out of the room!" he blurts, cutting the doctor off. Dr.Kim looks startled but
awkwardly clears his throat.

"Um well, Sunghoon, Jake will you please exit the room?"

"Wait why?" Jake questions lifting up.

"Please don't be difficult," Dr.Kim says motioning to the door.

"But, Sunoo?" Jake looks to Sunoo who was avoiding eye contact.
"Come on Jake," Sunghoon orders. The beta regretfully gets out the bed and follows Sunghoon to
the hallway. Once the door shuts behind him he can hear a buzzing noise sound out from the room
which startles him.

"Relax, it's to distract your wolf senses so you can't hear what they're saying," Sunghoon says
easily as if he'd already been through this and maybe he has. Jake doesn't know.

"Why? And Why did Sunoo ask us to leave?"

"Because of the law."

"The law?" Jake questions oblivious to this "law".

"You must not have it in Australia," Sunghoon murmurs, groaning as he sits in one of the chairs in
the hallway.

"If a supernatural asks for their mate to be removed from the room while the doctor discloses their
information then said mate must leave the room. Those who fail to comply with the law will be
removed from the hospital and not be allowed back in for the duration of the mate's stay"
Sunghoon says, easily reciting the hospital law.

"What? How does that even work? Doesn't the mate need to know what's going on so they can take
care of their lover?" Jake questions sitting next to Sunghoon/

"It's because of an incident ten years ago when an alpha killed his mate in the hospital after the
doctor disclosed her information," Sunghono answers grimly. Jake furs his brows processing the
information. He looks at Sunghoon noticing his blank expression and then he smells blood. It's not
uncommon since they are in a hospital but it was coming from Sunghoon. The alpha had his hands
balled into fits, most likely his claws piercing his skin causing them to bleed. Jake wants to
question the matter but he's figured he's learned enough information today.

"But why would Sunoo have us leave?" he asks instead of asking what he really wants to.

"He probably feels like he overshared today. Doesn't want to scare you with his current condition"

"But I'm already worried and a little scared"

"Don't be...ah and don't ask him about it when we're allowed to go back in. part of the law,"
Sunghoon mentions and Jake groans leaning back in his chair.

"That's a little stupid," he huffs.

"Part of that law is removing any potential threat like a hostile alpha so you might want to get your
scent under control," Minji says as she, Gyeong-Hui, and Yeji walk up to the pair. Sunghoon scoffs
standing up.

"Yeah and removing hostile alphas," he says sarcastically to Jake before walking away.

"Where are you going?" Yeji questions as her brother passes her.

"To get pudding for Sunoo."

"He can't eat it!" Gyeong-Hui shouts back but Sunghoon keeps walking.

"Let him go, he needs to cool off," Minji says, giving her wife's shoulder a gentle squeeze. The
woman sighs before dropping into the seat next to Jake.
"Are you ok honey?"

"Yeah today was was a lot to process. I'm sorry for fighting you two earlier I was just"

"Scared. It's ok, we know. We had to do it with Sunghoon at first and trust us it was a lot harder
considering his status as alpha. I'm just glad Sunoo has people who care and love him so much.
You do love him...right?"

"I do. I love Sunghoon too," Jake adds letting the parent know he loves their son just as much.

"Good. I'm glad," the female beta says softly

"Jake-ah" she calls, gaining Jake's attention again.

"Yes?" he questions.

"How much did they tell you?"

"Gyeong-Hui" Minji stresses but the older beta waves her off.

"They told me about Sunoo's past and his health," Jake responds and Gyeong-Hui gives him a
sympathetic smile.

"It was horrible to listen to, I'm sure. I remember seeing it on the news. I didn't live in the area at
the time but it was terrifying to be out in public for a while."

"That must have been hard...for all of you."

"It was. I'm glad he told you but, did Sunghoon tell you anything, about him I mean?"


"I should have known."

"Gyeong-Hui leave it. Don't interfere," Minji warns but her wife continues to ignore her.

"Jake, I want you to remember something. Can you do that?" Gyeong-Hui questions holding the
boy's hand. Jake looks into her eyes and nods.

"When Sunghoon does tell you, remember that he's still Sunghoon. Remember that he truly loves
you and he will always be Sunghoon, not whatever else he tells you he is."

"What else would he be?"

"Just remember that he's Sunghoon. Can you do that?"

"Yes. I can."

"Good. Good" she says, patting the back of Jake's hand a few times before releasing him and
moving to sit by Minji who gives her a hard glare.

"You shouldn't have said anything" the younger huffs.

"I just don't want him to be scared. You know Sunghoon makes himself the bad guy, even though
he's not. I want these kids to be happy Minji so I interfered," Gyeong-Hui says, giving a glare of
her own.
"Just hope it doesn't backfire on you," Minji replies, her gaze softening.

"It won't. When you look into Jake's eyes you can see it. He truly loves our boys," Gyeong-Hui
says firmly as she tucks her head under her wife's chin.

"Let's just hope it stays that way. The world has brought them down too many times. Hopefully,
they see better days." Minji sighs before placing a kiss on the crown of her wife's head.

Chapter End Notes

and there is sunoo's background. i hope this chapter shed some light on sunoo's
reaction to meeting jake. he was worried sunghoon might replace him like his mom
did. i hope this also explains his trust issues and not wanting to get to close to people.
sorry it was so dark but i wanted to make it dramatic

i haven't written a chapter like this before so please let me know what you think. is the
background good or bad, how was the flashback portion?

hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. we'll go back to jungwon and jay soon
Chapter twenty-three
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The look on Sunghoon’s face eats away at Sunoo for a while. He knows sending the alpha out of
the room is a direct trigger for him but it was either that or have the doctor talk about Sunoo’s mate
withdrawal symptoms. Before the doctor mentioned anything Sunoo knew he was going through
them, he recognized the symptoms from when Sunghoon went through it. Sure they are a little
different for omegas than they are for alphas but the main symptoms, eagerness to be around your
mate, difficulty sleeping, difficulties eating, hallucinations, Sunoo had been suffering from them
and more.

Sunoo lies saying he and Sunghoon hadn’t seen each other for awhile and so he’d begun to show
some symptoms. He knows Dr.Kim doesn’t believe him but there wasn’t much the doctor could do
if Sunoo lies. The best the doctor can do is advise him to spend time with his mate and recover.

It’s all to cover another lie, another lie Sunoo knows he shouldn’t keep. For a moment he thought
about mentioning it. Jake surprised him by understanding and accepting Sunoo’s past, something
the omega didn’t think he’d do. He figured if Jake could understand that then he’d understand why
Sunoo lied but he ends up holding himself back from doing so. He’d already lied and turned Jay
away. The omega probably wasn’t thinking about him anymore, especially when he had his mate
already. Sunoo doesn’t think he has the right to go back to him, to try and further a bond after what
he’d done. Sunoo’s also not so selfish that he’d try to have more love than he deserves. He already
has Jake and Sunghoon, he shouldn’t be greedy and want the love of someone else. No, Sunoo isn’t
going to put anyone through any more stress.

The best thing he can do now is be grateful for the lovers he has. Be grateful for Sunghoon and
Jake who’ve shown up at the hospital every day so he isn’t alone. For Sunghoon who sneaks in
tteokbokki so Sunoo doesn’t have to eat gross hospital food, and for Jake who brings in his school
work. Sunoo wasn’t too happy about it at first but with Jake personally tutoring him on the
subjects so he doesn’t fall behind Sunoo finds himself enjoying it.

A month goes by before Sunoo is allowed to leave. By then the three of them turned Sunoo’s
hospital room more into a flat with most of their personal belongings being neatly tucked away in
the little closet courtesy of Jake, and the comfortable blankets and pillows Sunghoon brought in to
place on the foldout couch to make the night easier on their backs. Finally being discharged was
equally exciting and terrifying. Leaving didn’t just mean he was better, leaving meant he was ready
to turn the page, starting a new chapter and leaving his past behind him, hopefully forever.

“You ready babe?” Sunghoon questions holding his hand out. On his opposite side Jake does the
same offering a smile. The omega takes one last look behind him, seeing his room empty and
being cleaned by hospital staff. Everything they had in his room was now stored away in Ma and
Momma’s van ready to be moved into their apartment.

“Yeah. I’m ready,” he says, taking their hands.

“Then let’s go!” Jake says with a giggle as he swings his and Sunoo’s hands between them. They
got some odd looks from patients and their families on their way out but the trio didn’t bother to
shy away from them. Everyone’s bonds and love is different and equally special and they won’t be
made to think otherwise.
“There’s our boys!” Momma calls as she rolls the van around. The trio climb into the back, all
three ruffling Yeji’s hair as they pass her to climb into the back.

“Ready to go?” Ma turns around smiling softly at Sunoo who gives a nod.

“Definitely,” he sighs, settling in his seat between Sunghoon and Jake. His hatred for the hospital
seems to grow more and more with each visit. Strangely though this visit wasn’t as miserable.

“Then let us leave this treacherous place!” Ma exclaims as Momma puts the vehicle in drive. They
dropped Jake off at his apartment before going to Sunghoon and Sunoo’s new place. Sunoo felt a
lot of things as the building came into view. Momma parks the van and soon everyone is climbing
out to help take the few boxes of clothes, bedding, and a few other personal items up to the

“You ok?” Sunghoon calls as he grabs a box from the trunk.

“Yeah…yeah” Sunoo says, also grabbing a box. They walk into the building and ride the elevator
up to their apartment.

“So, you wanna do the honors?” Ma questions holding the key out for Sunghoon to take. He takes
the key and holds it out to Sunoo.

“Together?” he questions and Sunoo nods.

“Together.” they slot the key into the lock before turning it and pushing the door open.

“Wow!” the three pups gasp, lightly seeing the interior of the apartment for the first time. They
tour the decent sized apartment checking out the two bedrooms, the bathroom, the small but usable
kitchen and the living room. It was weird calling it home since it was so empty and plain but
Sunoo and Sunghoon are going to change that. This is their place now.

“What do you think?” Momma questions before being pulled into a hug by Sunghoon.

“Thank you thank you thank you” the alpha whispers, giving his Momma a squeeze. Minji smiles,
leaning up on her toes to kiss Sunghoon’s forehead.

“Of course my love”

“Ma! This is favoritism!” Yeji exclaims.

“Yeji when you go to college we will help you find something. Besides, you’re living at home for
free. We’re only paying rent for the first month, after that it’s Sunghoon and Sunoo’s

“I got it. I don’t want Sunoo working”

“Hoon I am very capable of working”

“It’ll put too much stress on you and you just got out of the hospital. I’d like to not send you back
anytime soon”

“But Sunghoon!”

“Shh, no buts. Just be my good boy and stay home hmm?” Sunghoon questions, teasingly running
his thumb along Sunoo’s bottom lip. The omega lifts a brow matching the teasing look on
Sunghoon’s face before tilting his head down to bite the alpha’s thumb.
“I have no interest in being your housewife Sunghoon. Whether you like it or not, I am getting a
job. I’m not going to let you bare the responsibility alone”


“Sunghoon I am a big boy alright? I’ll find the least stressful job possible alright?”

“Fine fine”

“Well I think it’s time we head out. Sunghoon looks ready to eat Sunoo alive,” Yeji says, pulling
on her parents arms to urge them to hurry and leave.

“Park Yeji!” Gyeong-Hui exclaims with a laugh.

“Ok we’ll be on our way. Let us know if you need anything,” Minji says as they walk out the door.
Once the door shuts the apartment is quiet as Sunghoon and Sunoo just stand there in the living

“This is really ours huh?” Sunoo breathes out after a few minutes. Sunghoon gives a curt nod as he
walks the short distance to back hug his omega.

“All our love. This is our home,” he murmurs by Sunoo’s ear, giving him a little squeeze. Sunoo
raises his hands to meet Sunghoon’s, their fingers quickly interlacing.

“Home,” he whispers. It was hard to believe that this little apartment is home now. It doesn’t feel
like it. Not now at least. Together they’ll make it feel like home.


Suno feels like throwing up when he wakes up the next morning. The semester had already started
a few weeks ago and he’s sure by now most of the class had gotten acclimated to each other,
developed friendships and now he’d be walking in, the stranger, the outsider. It left an unsettling
feeling in his gut. It didn’t help that he hadn’t really slept at all last night. It was partly from the
growing anxiety about going to his classes but also because of the hard floor they’d slept on and
Sunghoon’s constant moving. He was always a restless sleeper when he was in a new place.

“You’ll be just fine Sunshine,” Sunghoon says, noticing his mate's anxiousness.

“You’re not the one going into class three weeks late into the semester” Sunoo sasses with an
eyeroll. The omega stares at the campus, the building suddenly appearing much larger than he
remembered it being.

“I’m aware but you’ll be fine. Just be yourself”

“Ya know Hoon I don’t think that’s such a good idea,” Sunoo chuckles. Sunghoon hums as he
nods his head in agreement.

“You’re right, they’ll fall in love with you if you do that. I don’t need competition, it’s bad enough
having to fight Jake for your attention,” the alpha says, poking his boyfriends cheek before heading
past the gates, finally stepping onto campus. Sunoo gasps, temporarily forgetting about his fears as
he rushes after Sunghoon.
“You do not have to fight Jake for my attention” he says jabbing a finger at his boyfriends toned
stomach. Sunghoon stops in his tracks looking down at Sunoo with a smirk.

“Oh yeah? Back at my house I literally had to pry you off him to get your attention” he says
cheekily loving how Sunoo’s cheeks dust pink the slightest bit before he’s throwing his arms in the

“He was so cozy! Excuse me for being comfortable” he huffs. Sunghoon shakes his head amused
before grabbing hold of Sunoo’s hand as he resumes walking.

“What about the time you were making out in the bathroom?”

“He was inspecting my tonsils. I thought they looked swollen”

“Sure right. That wasn’t the only thing swollen”


“Louder babe I don’t think the rest of the campus heard you”

“Get your stupid alpha brain out of yoru ass. You sound like you’re in rut”

“Well it starts in two weeks ya know”


“Sunoo, it’s almost February”

“Oh…are you gonna ya know tell Jake?”

“I’ve thought about it. I don’t want to make him uncomfortable”

“He'll still want to know. He doesn’t like us keeping secrets between the two of us” Sunoo says and
Sunghoon sighs as he runs a hand through his hair

“Yeah yeah I know,” he says. They drop the conversation after that, neither knowing what else too
say. Their relationship had changed a lot since September. It was scary how quickly it all changed,
how much the three of them love each other. It’s scary but it feels good and weird and like nothing
they’ve ever experienced before and everyone is afraid of fucking it up because a relationship
dynamic like theirs fragile.

“Do you want me to sit in with you?” Sunghoon questions once they reach Sunoo’s first class,
creative writing. Sunoo looks at the classroom door nervously as he feels his anxiety creep up on
him again.

“No” he says completely unsure before he’s saying it again firmly.

“I’ll never be able to do it alone if I don’t go in now by myself. Thanks for the offer though,” he
says, giving Sunghoon’s hand a squeeze before letting go.

“Have a good class. Jake and I will see you for lunch” Sunghoon says. Sunoo gives a nod before
turning from Sunghoon to push the door open and enter the classroom. Most of the seats in the
lecture hall have already been filled, students chattering loudly to each other. A couple turns his
way when the door slams shut behind him but after glancing at him they turn away resuming their
conversations. Sunoo grips onto the ends of his sweater as he approaches the professor's desk.
The man was sitting in his seat, glasses on the bridge of his nose as he read something, lips
mouthing the words to himself. He catches Sunoo in his peripheral as he finishes the sentence he
was reading. He sets everything down before looking up making eye contact with his student.

“You must be Sunoo” he says as his lips stretch into a smile. Sunoo gives a nod as he finds his

“Yes. I’m Kim Sunoo,” the omega says, introducing himself with a small bow.

“I’m professor Min. I understand that your friend Jake has been bringing you your work?”

“Yes sir”

“Good good. I’m sorry to hear you were hospitalized. I know the material is very dense so just try
your best to follow along with today’s lecture and let me know if you have any questions”
professor Min says before traveling back to his desk.

“Now let me see where I’ve placed you on the seating chart,” he says as he begins shuffling around
some papers on his desk. Sunoo has to hold back the urge to roll his eyes hearing their was a
seating chart. What are they seven year olds who can’t stay still? The omega rocks back and forth
from the balls of his feet to his heels as he waits for the professor to find his seating chart.

“Ah hah! Here it is….looks like I’ve placed you next to….Yang Jungwon,” Professor Min says,
jabbing his finger at Sunoo’s seat. He looks out at the seats scanning them for Jungwon.

“Jungwon! Raise your hand please!” he shouts to the student who had been focused on the
glimmering snow outside.

“Mister Yang!” Professor Min says louder this time slamming his hand on his desk to get the
students attention. Jungwon jumps, turning his head to the front.

“Here sir!” he says, sitting up straight. A few students chuckle at the omegas reaction.

“I’m not taking attendance you brat. Please raise your hand so Sunoo can get to his seat” Professor
Min says, rolling his eyes. Jungwon’s cheeks dust pink as he shyly raises his hand.

“Go on Sunoo,” the professor says, turning to Sunoo with a smile before motioning to the seats.
Sunoo gives a curt nod as he travels through the rows of seats to his next to Jungwon. Once he
reaches his seat Jungwon let’s his hand drop into his lap. After checking that professor Min’s
attention was no longer on them he leans back in his seat and scoffs.

“Old bastard” he murmurs his hand balling into a fist.

“Not fond of him?” Sunoo questions as he settles his backpack on the back of his seat before sitting
down. Jungwon looks over to him, eyes scanning over his form before nodding.

“Yeah not really. He’s got a thing against me I think,” he answers and it piques Sunoo’s interest.

“What’d you do?”

“I think it’s because I called him out on a mistake he made during the first weeks lecture,”
Jungwon says and Sunoo ‘ohs’

“Oh he’s one of those” Sunoo questions and Jungwon nods.

“Anyways you know already but I’m Yang Jungwon, freshman” Jungwon says and Sunoo gives
him a small smile.

“Kim Sunoo, also a freshman,” he says, getting a smile back from Jungwon.

“So you transfer classes or something?” Jungwon questions finding it a little odd Sunoo was
joining them after three weeks. Sunoo opens his mouth to answer but the door slams shut before
the lock clicks and Professor Min makes his way to the middle.

“Alright class, let's begin today's lesson. I’ll take role and then we’ll get…rolling” he says with an
amused smile which causes his students to groan.

“Oh boo! Listen for your name I won’t repeat myself”

“I can tell I’m going to have so much fun in this class,” Sunoo says sarcastically under his breath
causing Jungwon to snort.


“So how was it? Good?” Jake questions once Sunoo meets him and Sunghoon for lunch. Sunoo
settles himself onto the beta’s lap letting his back his Jake’s chest.

“I guess so. Really boring though,” he murmurs, rubbing his nose against Jake’s scent gland. Jake
turns his head giving Sunoo a quick peck on the lips.

“That’s good Ddeonu”

“Guess so”

“I invited Jake over after classes,” Sunghoon announces.

“Oh really? To talk about the thing?” Sunoo questions but seeing the look Sunghoon gave him he
knows it’s not about their conversation from earlier.

“What…thing?” Jake questions eyeing the two suspiciously.


“Furniture and decorating. Yeah! We know you’re not ready to move in with us but we want you to
be part of decorating the apartment,” Sunoo says, getting off Jake’s lap so he could eat his lunch.

“Oh..really?” Jake had been ready to help Sunghoon and Sunoo decorate the apartment however
they wanted since Jake doesn’t know how long it’ll be until he can move in with them and he
doesn’t want them waiting on him. He was fully prepared to sit back and watch it happen and be
satisfied that they were happy with whatever they did. Being included like this wasn’t entirely
unexpected but it feels…exhilarating.

“Eventually it’ll be your place too so we want your input as well” Sunghoon says washing away
the leftover feelings of hesitance Jake had.

“That’ll be fun! Do you have a color scheme already? Oh, are you allowed to paint it? I know
some places don’t let you but if I have to look at all beige colored walls I think I’m going to lose
my mind!” the Australian groans making Sunoo and Sunghoon laugh. Soon they delve into ideas
for decorating their apartment and how “yes we can paint it” and “no Sunghoon the bedroom can
not be black” and “Yes we’re getting a rice cooker because last time you burned it using the stove”.
It was fun, normal, comfortable. There wasn’t a hint of awkwardness and unsure feelings as they
talked about their apartment. Not Sunoo and Sunghoons, not Sunghoon and Jakes, Sunoo,
Sunghoon and Jake’s apartment.

They talked for the entirety of their lunch break, the conversation coming to an unfortunate end
when Jake needed to rush off to his physics lecture. The next four hours seemed to drag on longer
then normal before the three could meet up again to go to their apartment ready to play house.

Jake stood in the living room, pointer fingers and thumbs pressed together forming a rectangle as
he inspects the place trying to create a mental image of where their furniture should be placed and
what colors they should use.

“I say we use blue”


“Yeah! A nice soft blue would be nice” Sunoo says, already looking at reference pictures online.

“What about a nice light gray?”


“Well do you have a better idea?”

“Um yeah, white”

“White? Beige was too generic but white just hits for you huh?”

“White is elegant, beige just looks gross”

“I still think we should do blue”

“No” the beta and alpha say, dejecting the omega who pouts, body hunching over.

“Maybe we can do blue in the bathroom pup,” Jake says, soothing Sunoo’s heart. Sunoo feels
warm hearing Jake call him pup and turns to the beta giving him a quick kiss.

“Jake has been getting kisses all day. Where are my kisses huh?” Sunghoon questions, the slightest
hint of jealousy in his voice. Jake and Sunoo look at each other with a smirk before they’re tackling
Sunghoon leaving kisses all over his face.

“Not the kisses I want” the alpha pouts

“You gotta earn thou-! Sunghoon!” Jake chuckles as Sunghoon grabs hold of Sunoo’s face and
smashes their lips together. The beta tries to get up and run away before he’s attacked next but
Sunghoon takes hold of his wrist giving it a warning squeeze letting Jake know he wasn’t getting
out of this. Sunghoon eventually pulls away from Sunoo to pull Jake into a kiss, holding Jake
steady by the back of his neck. When they pull back Jake’s pupils are blown wide, Sunghoons
pheromones making him dizzy.

“Sorry…sorry” Sunghoon pants laying on his back. He drapes his arm over his face hiding his
flushed cheeks and his smirk.

“You’re not sorry” Sunoo scoffs, kicking the alpha’s shoulder.

“No it’s- it’s ok just…intense I guess. I've never um felt like that before” Jake says after having a
minute to recover.

“Im sorta going into rut soon” Sunghoon admits while still hiding his face. Jake stills not sure if
it’s a joke but after looking to Sunoo for confirmation he can feel his chest tense up.

“Me too…” he murmurs.

“What? You can get those?”

“Yeah. I mean mine isn’t due for another month or so but yeah I get them too. Hybrid remember”

“Right right I just figured maybe your beta genes were more dominant…wow” Sunghoon murmurs
trying to process the information. It goes silent after that seeing as the three didn’t dare ask the
question weighing in their heads. Sunoo gulps looking between the alpha and beta before deciding
he’d be the one to take the first step.

“Do you take suppressors for them?”

“Sometimes. They can get really um…uncomfortable”


“I uh…it’s in between a rut and a heat I guess. Middle ground I guess being caused by my beta
genes. I’ve had them since I was eighteen and it’s just uncomfortable. My body doesn’t really
know what it wants” Jake says, fumbling over his words. He didn’t dare make eye contact with
Sunghoon or Sunoo as he spoke, his eyes trained on the hardwood floor the entire time.

“Do you wanna spend it with us?” Sunghoon questions before biting into his bottom lip. Jake
doesn’t look up or acknowledge the question as he keeps his gaze on the floor. His head was
swimming with so many thoughts that he was starting to get overwhelmed. His beta and hybrid
fighting each other in his mind. What does he want? Does he want to take suppressants or have
Sunghoon and Sunoo help him? Would Sunoo even want to help him? Part of Jake hopes so.
Sometimes he thought about that night, at the part before everything happened. When it was just
him and Sunoo. The omegas' beautiful moans, his delicate milky skin, Jake couldn’t help but want
to do it again, to explore and do more. And Sunghoon. Gosh he doesn’t know how many times the
alpha had teased him to the point where Jake felt like exploding and let the alpha have his way
with him. He wanted it so bad but it was scary, to be that open and vulnerable especially given he’d
not only be with Sunghoon but Sunoo too and both of them have so much history together, the
thought alone was intimidating.

“You don’t have to answer now, ok. We have time so think about it…ok?” Sunoo says, placing a
gentle hand on Jake’s shoulder. The beta’s eyes had glossed over, his eye brows pinched together
as he thought about everything at once. He turns to Sunoo, seeing the concern in his eyes.

“Do you want to”

“Spend it with you? Yeah but only if you want to”

“Like Sunoo said, we’re not expecting an answer now. We want you to think about it before
answering. If the answer is no we completely understand”

“Yeah but…”
“There’s no pressure here Jake. there will be other ruts and heats so don’t feel like you have to just
cause it’s our first one since being together”

“I’m sorry. This is just we haven’t talked about this yet and I’ve never like I haven’t-”

“Jakie calm down. Maybe we should talk about something else,” Sunoo says, wrapping his arms
around Jake from behind and burning his nose in the beta’s neck. Sunghoon pads over sitting in
front of Jake, placing a hand on his knee.

“Yeah, I'm sorry. I didn’t mean to upset you or make you uncomfortable” he says lightly stroking
Jake’s knee to provide some comfort. Jake smiles shyly, reaching out to hold Sunghoon’s hand.

“I’m neither of those things, just a little overwhelmed. I need some time to think” he explains and
Sunghoon nods.

“And we understand. We don’t want you to rush,” he murmurs, bringing Jake’s hand up to kiss.

“Thanks guys” Jake breathes out feeling ten times more relieved.

“Do you want to go home now?” Sunghoon questions. He doesn’t want Jake to feel like he has to
stay if he’s uncomfortable or needs some time alone but Jake shakes his head.

“No I still want to stay I just…need a minute”

“Ok,” they sit together in silence for a bit, Sunghoon thumbing at Jake’s knuckles while Sunoo was
softly puring still back hugging Jake and inhaling his scent. Half an hour goes by before Jake
comes back to his senses. He can tell Sunoo fell asleep behind him and Sunghoon just stared
blankly at the floor.

“So…are we gonna order food for tonight or are you going to let me starve?” he questions.
Sunghoon blinks his vision into focus as he turns to Jake with a smile.

“Starve” he says and Jake gasps.

“What is this? I should have stayed with Felix, at least he feeds me” the beta hybrid whines as he
tries to gently pry Sunoo off him only for the omega to whimper and hug him tighter.

“Jakie?” the omega questions rubbing his face against Jake’s back.

“Sunoo, Jake is trying to leave us cause I refuse to feed him”

“Oh…come on Jake let's both leave him”

“Hey!” the alpha whines. All his mates do is gang up on him now.

“I’ll order something for you. What do you want, hmm?” Sunoo questions reaching for his phone
but Sunghoon beat him to it, his phone already unlocked and his delivery app open.

“No, I'll order something. And you two stop picking on me” the alpha says which bring smiles to
his mates faces.
“Dorks” he scoffs but Jake just scoots himself and Sunoo closer to their alpha resting his head on
his shoulder.

“Your dorks” he murmurs as Sunghoon wraps an arm around him and Sunoo.

“Yes. My dorks,” the alpha says, giving both his mates a kiss on the forehead.


As the days go by Sunoo is starting to realize he was worried for nothing. His classes went
smoothly and his classmates seemed friendly enough to want to get to know him and even help
him a bit during their classes.

He still hates having creative writing first thing in the morning but it wasn’t terrible. In fact Sunoo
found it to be one of his more bearable classes but not because of the lecture. No, the only reason
Sunoo found the class somewhat enjoyable was because of Jungwon.

Something about him was familiar, comforting. Maybe it was his scent. Omega’s are known for
having sweet or calming scents and Jungwon definitely had a calming one. He smelled like
lavender, delicate, floral and woodsy all rolled in one easily calming Sunoo’s nerves putting him at
ease. It made conversation easy when Sunoo didn’t feel all riled up. Jungwon was really helpful,
filling in notes and answering questions when sunoo didn’t fully understand what Professor Min
was talking about.

It also helped that the apartment was coming together. It was slow but the bedroom had already
changed drastically, the walls no longer beige but (brown color), courtesy of Jake. It was a two
hour argument between him and Sunghoon who wanted a dark gray but Jake came out on top due to
Sunghoon, the sucker losing because of one kiss. Their kitchen was also starting to change as they
bought dishes and cookware. It was starting to feel like home, their home and it was starting to
settle Sunoo's omega which was good. Since starting to decorate the apartment Sunoo hadnt had
one hallucination about Jay and the rest of his withdrawal symptoms were beginning to fade.
Sunoo doesn't know how, maybe his omega was satisfied with Sunghoon and Jake and that was
enough for Sunoo. Right now at least. He'll be grateful for what he has received. However Sunoo
can’t be grateful for the smile he’s gotten from Jungwon because as Sunoo has come to learn
whenever Jungwon smiles like that it’s never because of anything good.

"What did you do?" he hisses, seeing Jungwon's devilish smile.

"Oh nothing," the omega sing-songs. Sunoo gives him a pointed look to which Jungwon giggles at
before grabbing his phone.

"My friend fell asleep last night while we were studying so I did this," Jungwon unlocks his phone
to show Sunoo a picture of his friend with various doodles on his face.

"And you're still proud now?"

"Posted it to the group chat this morning," Jungwon says, switching over to a group chat with his
friends. He lets Sunoo scroll through reading the various reactions from his friends and the rather
explosive reaction he revived from the victim.

"You're evil," he says, giving the phone back.

"He always falls asleep when we're supposed to be studying. I thought it was fair"
"If I were your friend I'd give you hell for that"

"He probably would if he wasn't afraid of-" Jungwon gets interrupted by the sound of shattering
glass. They all turn to see a soccer ball roll across the floor after crashing through the window. The
students clamor around the broken window staring down at a guilty group of students who stare in

“Oh my god” one says before another is screaming

“RUN!” the students break off in a sprint to get off campus or at least away from their crime before
Professors can identify them.

“Alright alright stop standing around gossiping like a bunch of highschool students. You’re adults
for christ sake,” Professor Min says, pulling students away from the broken window and the glass
scattered around the floor.

“Class is dismissed for the day. Please exit the classroom so I can get someone in here to inspect
the window” Slowly students begin packing away their things as they file out of the classroom.

Sunoo slowly packs his things into his bag as he steals glances at Jungwon who was rapidly texting
on his phone.

“Do you have another class after this one?”

“Art history. I took it last minute. It’s not terrible but also not all that enjoyable either”

“So you’re free right now?”

“Guess so. I might see if my friend is free so we can work on a project. Why do you ask?” the
younger omega says turning to Sunoo. Now having Jungwon’s attention Sunoo felt himself grow
even more shy than he already was.

“Nothing really…I uh was just wondering if you wanted to hang out but you have a project and
that’s more important. Hopefully you can get some work done” Sunoo says the words rushing out
of him as he feels his neck get hot with embarrassment.

“We can hang out some other time. Hmm give me your phone,” Jungwon demands, holding his
hand out and Sunoo finds himself quickly following the youngers command as he unlocks his
phone before handing it over.

“I’ll give you my number so we can text. We can make plans for another day”

“Ok…sounds great!” Sunoo can’t help but feel giddy. After Jungwon gives him his phone back
Sunoo sends a text to him so Jungwon has his number.

“I've gotta go now hyung but let’s make plans to hang out soon” Jungwon says slinging his
backpack over his shoulders before leaving Sunoo.

“Sunoo I don’t have all day. Please exit the room.” Professor says noticing how Sunoo was the
only one that remained in the room. He gives a quick bow before packing up the last of this things
so he could exit the room.

He walks across campus to get to the campus cafe to get some coffee when a body attaches to his
back. Sunoo freezes for a moment before growling low in his throat.

“Hey, it’s just me!” the person says his voice sounding familiar.

“We were only apart for a few months Sunoo! How could you forget your roommate?” Doyoung
whines with a pout. Sunoo sighs in relief seeing Doyoung.

“I didn’t forget you Doie. You startled me that’s all” he says punching his former roommate in the

“Are you heading to the cafe? I’ll buy you something and we can catch up” Doyoung says,
wrapping his arm around Sunoo’s shoulders and tugging him inside.

“You know I was a little upset when Sunghoon told me you were moving out but I understand. If I
could live with Jeongwoo I’d probably do the same”

“Hey you can’t be mad at me! I got sick!” Sunoo says with a frown

“Yeah yeah I’m well aware of that”

“You didn’t visit me though so you can’t really be mad”

“Guess not” Doyoung chuckles “Hey how’s Jake? You and Sunghoon hyung are friends with him

“Actually Doyoung I have to tell you something”

“Whats up?”

“Jake Sunghoon and I are actually um…we’re dating”


“Y-yeah,” Sunoo says before diving into the whole ordeal. Sure there were some things, well a lot
of things that he left out but the overall message got across to Doyoung who didn’t give even the
smallest hint of disgust. His eyes were wide with curiosity as he gave Sunoo all his attention.

“That’s honestly a little crazy,” Doyuong says after Sunoo is finished.

“Jeongwoo and I know a group like that. They’re not nearly as put together as you three, actually
two of them hate each other but their relationship is a bit like yours. Wow this is so weird”

“Wait o-others?”

“Yeah. Jihoon, that's Jeongwoo’s older brother, knows this guy Yoshinori. He's a transfer from
Japan, anyways he’s mated to these two omegas Jaehyuck and Junkyu who hate each other.
Apparently they’ve been rivals since they were kids. They’re getting along more now with Yoshi
hyungs help but yeah the three of them are all like mates. I thought it was weird at first but mates
are weird. Plus now you’re telling me you have the same sort of thing. It’s very interesting”

“Yeah it wasn’t too interesting during the black and white party. Wonyoung saw us and freaked

“Oh…how’d that end up?”

“Well Sunghoon talked to her over break. She felt bad for her reaction but I think we’re good now.
I don’t really know I haven’t seen her since”

“Who else knows?”

“Just you, Wonyoung and our families. Doyoung, please don’t tell anyone. I-we…mates are natural
and every relationship is different but we don’t want people looking at us different. Not now at

“Of course! I promise I won’t, it’s not my place to”

“Thank you Doie”

“Just promise me something,” Doyoung says seriously. He reaches across the table taking Sunoo’s
hands in his.

“Don’t forget about me ok? We’re friends and I don’t like losing my friends,” the omega says
earnestly. Sunoo feels his body twitch hearing the word ‘friend’ his body automatically feeling a
bit panicked but he settles down. It’s Doyoung, Doyoung is different from Daisy. They’re one in
the same and Sunoo is older now, more attuned to his senses. He can smell when someone is lying
and he can tell Doyoung isn’t lying, he’s honest and sincere and that’s all Sunoo needs. He can
have a friend. It’s ok now. He’s safe now.

“Yeah of course Doyoung. I won’t forget about you my friend”

“Good. Don’t go breaking your promise now”

“I won’t” and Sunoo intends to keep this promise.

Chapter End Notes

and finally a new chapter! sorry it's taken me so long there has been a lot going on in
my personal life so i was a bit overwhealmed and took a break.

i added in a little hint at another book i want to write about treasure. i haven't started it
yet but i really want to

anyways i hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. the next one will be up in about two
weeks or so
Chapter twenty-four
Chapter Notes

So technically I was going to wait to post until this weekend but I'm going to be busy
so I'm posting now! Thank you to everyone who has left kudos or dropped a comment!
Special thank you royalsunoo for notifying me that i should update the relationship
tags. We're at 1095 hits omg! Now without further ado let's get to the chapter. Happy
reading (^▽^)

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Walking into his apartment Jake takes a few quick whiffs of the air hoping to catch Felix’s scent
only to smell nothing but the avocado toast he’d eaten earlier that morning. Sighing he lets his bag
drop to the floor before kicking his shoes off and trudging off toward Felix’s room. He changed
into a pair of pajamas before curling up in his cousin's bed, hugging one of the oldest many
plushies to his chest.

Ever since their fight back home, Felix hadn’t talked to Jake and it was eating him alive. It didn’t
help that Felix also hadn’t shown up at their apartment. It causes an empty feeling to linger in
Jake’s heart, resulting in the beta-hybrid sleeping in his cousin's bed every night to self-soothe.
From the time Jake was five and Felix was seven, the two were stuck to each other like glue. Jake
has never known life without his hyung and to suddenly have him missing from his life stung
worse than he could ever imagine.

As he finds a comfortable position Jake grabs his phone from the nightstand. After unlocking it he
goes to his messages with Felix. From the time he landed back in Korea Jake had been sending
Felix a text updating him on his day to day. Every day the beta would read the messages but not
reply. Pathetically Jake held onto the fact that his cousin at least read the messages and continued
sending updates.

His thumbs move across the keyboard, typing up his latest update that he’d hung out with
Sunghoon and Sunoo and they figured out how to decorate the apartment. He also briefly
mentioned their suggestion of spending his rut together but Jake didn’t want to go into detail. The
thought was embarrassing enough. He ended his message the same way he ended the other
updates, telling Felix that he’d made it home and that he missed him and he was sorry.

Jake watches his screen hoping to see the little bubble showing Felix was going to reply only for
the screen to go black. Sighing Jake clutches the phone to his chest as he settles into the bed. He
blinks up at the ceiling trying not to fall asleep, as he begs and hopes for tonight to be the night that
his cousin replies to him.

Please… please… please…pl…..

Hearing noises from the kitchen causes Jake to bold out of bed. He doesn’t remember falling asleep
but the sun shining in from behind the curtains tells him it’s morning and the sounds from the
kitchen let him know someone’s in the apartment.
Heart hammering in his chest Jake creeps around the corner hoping to catch a glimpse of the
intruder only to sigh in relief instead. Working his way around the kitchen beside his boyfriend
Felix and Wooyoung work on preparing something. Jake is almost sure it’s one of the many
recipes Wooyoung has been working to perfect being a culinary major and all.

“Fe?” Jake calls his voice sounding small and broken. Felix turns on his heels making eye contact
with Jake.

“Hey Jakie,” he says, giving a hesitant wave. Jake feels ready to burst into tears seeing his cousin
after several weeks. He breaks off running for Felix, body colliding into the smaller as he wraps
his arms around him in a hug.

“I’m so sorry Fe. I’m sorry hyung, please don’t leave again! I-I’ll do better I’m sorry please-

“Shh. Jake, it’s not your fault. Shh, it’s ok,” Felix soothes although he wasn’t doing any better,
already having tears stream down his face. The two pull apart to see each other crying a river of
tears and chuckle. Felix knocks his head against Jake’s, thumbs brushing at his nape.

“Don’t apologize for standing up for your mates. I was in the wrong.”

“No, I was. I should have listened and not upset you. I-I don’t want to lose you hyung.”

“Jake, you will never lose me. I shouldn’t have ignored you but I needed some time to think
everything over,” Felix says, brushing Jake’s tears away.

“I’ll finish this up. How about you two go talk?” Wooyoung suggests nodding his head towards the
living room. Felix nods, taking Jake’s hand as he leads them to the living room. They sit on the
couch, Jake sticking close to Felix, afraid if he moves away then he’ll leave or disappear.

“Jake I’ve been giving everything a lot of thought and I want to say that I’m sorry. You know out
of our family we’ve always been the closest. I’ve always felt like it was my job to protect you,
especially after you were bullied back then. I hate the thought of someone harming you or taking
advantage of you. However, you’re an adult now and I need to let go and trust that you’re old
enough to know who you can and can not trust.”

“I trust Sunghoon, and Sunoo.”

“I know you do and it might take some time but I need to trust that they’ll take care of you. I don’t
really understand the relationship you have with them but I can see that you love them a lot and that
day at the airport I could see that they care for you too so I need to step back.”

“You sound more like my mom than my cousin,” Jake jokes earning a small giggle from Felix.

“Well, you’ve always been my baby! My baby Jakie,” the older teases pinching Jake’s cheek much
to the younger beta’s dismay.

“Alright, that’s enough,” Jake whines pushing Felix.

“I’m also sorry for ignoring you. We’ve always been so close and I know it’s harder for you than
me to separate. I shouldn’t have done that.”

“Like you said, you needed time to think. I understand.”

“But that’s no excuse for how I treated you. It’s ok for you to say it. I was in the wrong.”
“Well yeah, you sorta were.”

“Yeah, but I’ll work on accepting your relationship with those two.”

“Thank you, Felix. You have no idea how much that means to me.”

“I think I do a little. It felt so amazing when you accepted Wooyoung and me, so I need to do the
same for you.”

“Thank you hyung.”

“There’s um also one more thing.”


“Well um…over break Wooyoung asked me to um to move in with him.”

“Oh, really?” Jake questions trying his best to mask his sadness with faux happiness.

“What did you say?”

“I was actually hoping to talk to you about it first. You know you and I have always been together,
we’ve lived together for the last few years and I completely understand if you’re not ready to part
yet. I can tell Wooyoung we can put it off again..”

“Again?” Jake looks at his cousin who began to awkwardly scratch the back of his neck.

“Uh, I didn’t mean to say that,” Felix mumbles.

“Has Wooyoung asked you before?” Jake questions but Felix tries to wave him off.

“It doesn’t matter,” the older beta says but it does matter. It matters that Felix was holding himself
back for Jake. He doesn’t want that.

“It does,” the younger states as Felix shakes his head in defeat.

“Only once before but like I said it doesn’t matter. You matter so much to me and if you’re not

“Felix…are you ready?”


“Are you ready to move in with Wooyoung?” Jake questions and when Felix doesn’t answer he
already knows. Felix wants to move in with his mate.

“Move in with Wooyoung. I think it’s a great idea,” Jake smiles at his cousin who gives a sad smile
back. Felix takes Jake’s hands in his running his thumb over Jake’s knuckles.

“Are you sure? Like I said, I understand if you’re not ready,” he says sincerely. Even though there
were only a few years between them in a way Jake had always been like his pup, the little brother
he’s always protected. It’s a scary thought to let go of that and live a life away from him.

“Ready to get rid of you? Ugh of course! I've only been trying all my life!” Jake teases as takes his
hands away from Felix to playfully push him away.
“Jake,” Felix says, stressing the name but the younger simply shakes his head. Jake places a hand
on Felix’s shoulder giving him a smile.

“You’ve been reading my messages, haven’t you? So you already know that Sunghoon and Sunoo
asked me to move in with them. If you’re ready to move in with Wooyoung then I should be ready
to move in with them too. I’ll be ok.”

“Are you sure?”

“Like you said I trust them and we love each other. I’ll be fine.”

“Ok. Thank you Jake,” Felix says diving in for a hug. Jake hugs his cousin back tightly, burning
his face in his neck.

“Of course,” he mumbles. He can do this. After everything Felix has done for him, he can do this
one thing for him. He can be the one to let go first.

“And I promise I’m here to stay and I am in no way leaving you ok. If you need me I’m there.”

“I know Felix, but I also knew this day would come eventually. I’m just glad I have Sunghoon and
Sunoo. I won’t be alone.”

“You’ve never been alone. Hyung is always here.”

“Yeah…I know,” Jake says with a smile. He hopes for once Felix can’t see through him. That he
can see that even though Jake is smiling and saying he’s ok and that he’s truly afraid.


Moving into the apartment was easier than Jake expected it to be considering how clumsy and
tedious it had been to help Sunghoon and Sunoo move it. Then again Jake had always been the
more organized one out of the three of them.

His things were all placed in their respective places, in between Sunghoon and Sunoo’s and yes
everything looked nice. Everything was where it belonged but Jake had never felt so out of place.
To now call the apartment home, to be living with his boyfriends who were so intuned with each
other was intimidating for Jake.

As he stands in the kitchen cooking for the three of them he gets lost in his thoughts. He recalls the
last few days as he’d watch Sunghoon and Sunoo. How they easily moved around and the looks
they gave each other that spoke more words than what actually left their mouths. Jake wonders
how he never noticed it before. Sunghoon and Sunoo are so madly and deeply in love that Jake
almost feels like he’s intruding…almost.

Maybe it was the fact that they have been living together for the last few weeks and that freedom
brought them impossibly closer. As Jake looks at them it's almost like there isn’t a them. That the
two are so incredibly attuned to each other that Sunghoon is Sunoo and Sunoo is Sunghoon. It
makes Jake wonder. How long will it take before he gets like that with them, that he can say more
with his eyes than his mouth ever could? That he knows what they’re feeling and thinking before
they do, or he knows exactly what to do for them. He wonders how long it’ll be before people look
at them and don’t see the individual but the three of them as a whole, as mates who are madly and
deeply in love. He wants it so bad that it burns away at his chest and stays firmly in the forefront of
his mind.

“Jake,” Sunoo calls from his spot beside Sungoon on the couch. The beta looks up, hands stopping
mid-chop in an onion.


“Are you sure you don’t want help?” Sunoo’s voice is soft and caring, causing a warm feeling to
thrum through their bond warming Jake’s chest.

“M sure,” Jake calls, shooting a smile over his shoulder before he resumes his task. He doesn’t feel
like he’s intruding but he also doesn’t want to break up their cuddle session. Not when Sunoo
looks so comfortable and content laying in Sunghoon’s arms as the alpha lays there almost falling
asleep but still absentmindedly stroking over the soft skin of Sunoos tummy. So like the good boy
he is Jake lets them be while he finishes up their meal.

It takes another twenty minutes before the food is done and he’s setting the table for the three of
them. Sunghoon and Sunoo untangle themselves and get off the couch lazily walking to the table
to eat with Jake. Sunoo is the first to smile leaning over the table to plant a small kiss on Jake’s
cheek making the beta break out into a light pink blush.

“W-what was that for?” the beta sputters, still trying to adjust to Sunoo’s habit of displaying his
affection and gratitude through kisses and hugs.

“A thank you. For making dinner,” Sunoo answers with an amused smile playing on his lips.

“Oh uh, you um don’t need to thank me” Jake babbles as he pulls at the collar of his hoodie
suddenly feeling hot despite it being fairly cool in the apartment.

“Can’t we say thank you to our lovely boyfriend for cooking for us?” Sunghoon questions leaning
forward to place a kiss on Jake’s other cheek. Jake turns a dark shade of red at the sudden attention
from the two. There it was again, them moving in complete sync almost like they share a brain.
Maybe they do, Jake doesn’t know anymore. His brain is all warm and fuzzy from a few kisses but
maybe that’s the puppy portion of his brain feeling overjoyed to be on the receiving end of their

“Uh-” he tries to speak but the words die on his tongue the second he opens his mouth. Sunghoon
and Sunoo share a look before smiling at Jake.

“Um well, we live together now and you two can’t keep eating takeout,” Jake says once his brain
finally calms down and he comes back down to earth.

“We don’t eat out every night,” Sunghoon says stirring the broth of the kimchi stew Jake had

“Yeah we made ramyeon the other night,” Sunoo pipes up. Jake shakes his head at the two
pointing his spoon at them accusingly.

“Packaged ramyeon. You need to eat proper meals. Especially you Sunoo your health is important”

“Guess you’ll have to cook for us then Jakie”

“I guess so. I’ve only been fully moved in for a total of ten hours and you two are already giving
me so much work,” Jakes's words are playful but it seems to go over their heads as they gaze at
him softly. Jake blinks back at them thinking he’d made the atmosphere light and fun but their
looks say otherwise.

“We’re so happy you’re here Jake. You have no idea,” Sunghoon says, his voice full of sincerity.

“I know,” Jake murmurs, feeling shy under Sunghoons intense gaze.

“We know you didn’t exactly move in on your own and we want you to be comfortable so if you
need we can take the couch for the first couple of days” the alpha continues.

“What? Take the couch but guys-” Jake bursts not expecting that at all.

“What is this we? Sunghoon you can take the couch by yourself” Sunoo buts in


“Oh right, Jake and I can take the bed and you get the couch,” the omega says with a teasing smile.
He’d hoped to lighten things up but the two older males sat stiffly in their seats.

“Guys I really can’t do that. I don’t want to kick you guys out of your bed,” the beta says as he
shakes his head in protest. No way was he going to do that to them.

“I mean it’s your bed too. You helped us pick it out,” Sunoo points out. Jake frowns knowing that
Sunoo was technically correct but he still doesn’t want to kick them out. He’s sure that it won’t be
very comfy sleeping on the couch.

“Yes but-” he starts but Sunghoon swiftly cuts him off.

“There are no buts Jake. We’ll be fine on the couch for a few nights. We used to do it in high
school. Momma caught us making out one day during a sleepover and so we had to stay on the
couch for sleepovers,” Sunghoon says with a chuckle as he recalls the memory. Across the table
Sunoo scoffs and crosses his arms over his chest as he glares at his boyfriend.

“That’s because you did keep your hands where they belonged and shoved them down my-”

“Oh my god!” Jake shrieks with laughter, finding the story both amusing and entirely embarrassing.

“The point is, we can sleep on the couch and you can have the bed,” Sunghoon says, avoiding eye
contact. The tips of his ears were bright red and if he could see his face Jake would guess his
cheeks were a bright pink color. Sunghoon always blushed a pretty pink when he was embarrassed.

“How about we all just…sleep together?” Jake questions hesitantly. Sunoo gives an amused smirk
as he twirls his spoon between his pointer finger and middle finger.

“Oh, very bold words Jake. I think Hoonie here would like that,” he says with a wink at the end as
he nods towards Sunghoon whose scent spiked at the words. Jake blushes realizing the implication
of his words and rushes to explain himself.

“N-not like that! I mean sleep in the bed together but not like that. Just sleeping!” he shouts. The
blush on his face matches Sunghoons but for different reasons.

“I know Jakie just wanted to tease you a bit,” Sunoo says with a wink.

“Yeah you seem to like that,” Jake mumbles, noticing that Sunoo had progressively got more and
more flirty as the days went on.
“Can’t help it. Not when you blush so pretty and smell like that,” the omega says before casually
shrugging his shoulders. Jake leans up in his seat tilting his head to the side.

“L-like what?” he questions, not knowing he smelled different.

“Like a fresh apple pie. It smells so sweet and gooey and I dunno. Not exactly arousing but
amusing to rile you up til you smell like that,” Sunoo explains and Jake finds himself blushing

“Oh um…I-I didn’t know I smelled like that,” he admits.

“Maybe it’s because of your um…heat…rut?” Sunoo questions not entirely sure how to classify it
since Jake himself didn’t seem to be sure when he was explaining it.

“I dunno. Can’t really um…tell the difference.”

“It's different from your happy pie scent…it’s like a sweet apple pie but right now it’s…fresh out
the oven all warm and gooey and shit-” Sunghoon breathes in deep through his nose as he cards a
hand through his hair.

“Ok, I didn't mean to spark something. Both of you calm down unless we’re going to end up doing
a completely different version of sleeping tonight,” Sunoo says as he stands up to collect their
dishes. Jake shyly looks up to meet Sunghoon’s heated gaze only to instantly duck his head down.

“Sunoo is right. Shit here I was going on about not making you uncomfortable only to talk about
your scent,” Sunghoon rambles feeling a bit guilty he’d listened more to his instincts than

“I’m not uncomfortable just…I’m so new at this and you guys are so…not I guess I’m feeling more
insecure than uncomfortable,” Jake says as he begins to play with his fingers. Sunghoon notices
and reaches across the table offering his hand up to Jake to play with knowing he was beginning to
grow a bit anxious.

“This is all new for me too. Being with you like that…this is new for us too Jake. I don’t wanna
fuck up,” the alpha admits. His voice is soft, vulnerable and it gives Jake some reassurance
knowing that he’s not alone in feeling nervous and scared.

“I don’t think you’ll fuck up,” Jake offers up his thoughts with a smile, soft and encouraging.
Sunghoon smiles back at him, eyes now gentle with little twinkles of love rather than the pure lust
they held only a moment ago.

“Sunghoon are you going to just sit there or are you going to help me with cleaning up?” Sunoo
sasses from the kitchen. Sunghoon looks away from Jake to pout at the omega standing in front of
the sink with bright pink rubber gloves on as he scrubbed down their dishes.

“Hey what about Jake?” he questions, only to get a slightly irritated look from Sunoo.

“He cooked! Now get in here we aren’t your house husbands!” the omega scolds.

“Now that’s a thought,” Sunghoon mumbles under his breath with a playful smile as he gets up to
help Sunoo gently removing his hand from Jake’s but not before giving a few gentle strokes over
the betas knuckles.

Despite being told to “go sit the fuck down and relax,” Jake helps Sunoo with the dishes drying
them as Sunoo washes them clean. Once the kitchen is clean they make note of how late it had
gotten and decide to get ready for bed. Sunghoon and Sunoo shower together and Jake tries not to
think about it. Something like that will take time, he reminds himself. They’ll get there. He also
tries to think about how Sunoo walked out with red cheeks and wobbly legs because it must be
from the shower, a very…hot shower.

When Jake enters the bathroom to take a shower of his own he’s surprised to find that the water is
still hot as he steps into the cubicle. He lets the hot water run over his body and lessen the tension
he’d been feeling in his muscles all day. Jake washes slowly, taking longer than necessary to help
calm the growing anxiety he felt as he thought about what is supposed to happen after he gets out
of the shower. He tells himself it’s no different than when he slept beside them at Sunghoon’s
house…except that it would happen every day now.

Jake tells himself over and over that it’s ok and he will be fine. That it’s just Sunghoon and Sunoo
and there’s nothing to be nervous about. Finally, after an eternity he turns the knobs shutting the
water off as he finally steps out of the shower. He dries quickly and throws on his clothes before
exiting the bathroom. As he walks into the bedroom he acts like he wasn’t stalling acting
nonchalant as he plops down in the lounge chair Sunoo set up for “aesthetic purposes”. He
pretends to be interested in his phone but in reality, he used it as a prop so he could take little
glances at Sunoo and Sunghoon who actually were invested in whatever was on their phones.

As he peaks Jake notices how Sunoo would type something frantically before smiling wide and
happy or giggling before typing, waiting, and giving a reaction again. Sunghoon on the other hand
seemed to be mindlessly scrolling through something, his movements lazy and bored.

Awkwardly the beta clears his throat hoping to gain their attention only for the two to be glued to
their phones still. He rolls his eyes before trying again louder and this time gaining Sunghoon’s
attention. The alpha looks up from his phone making eye contact with Jake.


“We should um…go to bed now yeah?” Jake questions stumbling over his words. Sunghoon nods
as he shuffles on the bed a bit.

“Yeah. Sunoo move over a bit,” he calls to Sunoo who sat crisscrossed in the middle of the bed.
The omega seemed to not hear him, his phone holding all his attention. Sunghoon pokes the
younger in the ribs only for Sunoo to squirm a bit, attention locked on the phone.

“Earth to Sunoo! We’re trying to sleep now,” Sunghoon says, giving the boy a shove causing him
to topple over. Sunoo screams dramatically as he falls to the edge. His arms flail behind him
reaching for the bedspread to pull himself back up.

“Sunghoon I could have died,” he says seriously and Sunghoon has to do his best to hold down his

“Oh yes, death from falling off the bed. So tragic,” he says sarcastically as he pulls Sunoo back
onto the bed spooning him. Slowly, awkwardly and meticulously Jake lowers himself onto the bed
beside Sunghoon and sits. He can’t bring himself to lie down, not yet he’s still too nervous.

“Sunoo…who were you texting?” Jake questions hoping to get his attention off his nerves and onto
a different topic.

“A friend,” Sunoo says shortly.

“No…a-a different friend,” Sunoo says almost shyly. The confession has Sunghoon sitting up in

“You have another friend?” he questions, shock evident in his voice. It annoys Sunoo.

“Yes Sunghoon I am capable of making them ya know,” he sasses with an eye roll but Sunghoon
shakes his head.

“No yeah, I know that it's just I’m glad you’re branching out and making friends after so long.
That’s all,” the alpha says gently, smiling down at his omega who ducked his head away.

“It’s scary ya know but…he’s such a nice person, funny and mischievous and we just click. I
dunno it’s so easy with him,” Sunoo rambles revealing all his inner thoughts.

“That’s good Sunoo!” Jake calls but Sunoo shrugs.

“Scary is what it is,” the omega mumbles as he tries to hide in the hoodie he was wearing.

“Yes scary but you deserve it Sunoo. You deserve love and friendship and happiness. Don’t keep
yourself reserved, just be…you” Jake says and Sunoo finds himself nodding. He hasn’t had a friend
in so long. He used to have a bunch, always a little social butterfly constantly making friends
wherever he went up until everything happened. Then he was all about fake smiles and having
friends for the sake of not being alone at school. He never really knew those people and they
didn’t know him.

With Jungwon it felt like that part of him, that free-spirited social part of him was beginning to
break free from the glass box Sunoo forced it into. Keeping it on display for people to see but
never to touch, to experience. He felt like letting it out, letting it sore and thrive and flourish and

“I’ll work on it,” Sunoo says after a minute. “For now let’s just sleep ok,” he says, grabbing
Sunghoon’s wrist and pulling him down so they could resume their spooning.

Once they’re settled Jake goes to lie down as well. He tries to not move so much, to not draw
attention to his actions but Sunghoon darts his arm out curling it around Jake’s waist and pulling
him close.

Jake can feel his heart hammering in his chest as his front presses against Sunghoon’s bare back
feeling the alphas warm skin. He tries not to touch too much, his hands twitching with the
awkwardness of not knowing what to do with them.

“Calm down babe. It’s just us,” Sunghoon says. He twists his head at an awkward angle to look at
Jake leaning forward ever so slightly to place a delicate peck against Jake's plump lips.

“I know. That’s why I’m nervous” the beta admits with the tips of his ears burning. Sunghoon tilts
his head a bit, eyebrow raised.

“We slept in the same bed on vacation. How is this different?”

“That was your parent's house. Now….now it’s just us,” Jake says. He can see Sunghoon’s face
contort with amusement as he laughs before kissing him again.

“Yes it’s just us but I'm still not going to do anything. Not until you’re ready so stop worrying and
go to sleep. You have an early class tomorrow.”
“Yeah…yeah,” Jake says but his voice betrays him and he sounds unconvincing. Sunghoon huffs
reaching behind him to grab Jake’s hands and finally place them on his body. Jake flinches like
he’s been burned and in a way he has. Sunghoon’s skin is blazing hot like a furnace and he tries to
pull away but Sunghoon keeps his hand pressed against his skin. After a minute or two Jake gets
used to the feeling. Experimentally he flexes his fingers before applying the smallest bit of pressure
to Sunghoon’s skin. Sunghoon finally let's go, allowing Jake mobility of his hand again. He
expects Jake to pull away and curl up on the bed away from him, thinking he'd pushed the beta too
far too soon but Jake relaxes, moving his hand down and letting it wrap around Sunghoon’s waist.

“Good night Jake,” Sunghoon says, a smile evident in his voice. Jake smiles pressing his nose
against Sunghoon’s broad back feeling the warm freckled skin against his own.

“Night Hoonie…night Ddeonu,” he whispers back. Sunoo mumbles something incoherently,

probably wishing Jake a good night but failing due to fatigue.


Sunoo felt warm, and fuzzy, or was it more like floaty? Whatever it was, it was a heavenly feeling
that Sunoo found himself drowning in. He turns his head nuzzling his face against the soft fabric
that made him purr.

“Such a good boy,” a voice rumbles out by his ear. Sunoo feels a happy chirp bubble from his
chest as he moves in the direction of the voice. The man strokes their knuckles against Sunoo’s
cheek and he smiles. He moves his head down for a second to bite on the hand and the man

“Silly boy that's my hand,” they coo. Sunoo can feel a delicate kiss being placed on his cheek. He
moves his head wanting a kiss on the lips but his movements are far too sluggish and he misses his
chance. He whimpers needily but not from lust, but from pure domestic want.

“Aw, you want kisses baby?” the man coos and Sunoo nods.

“Well, how am I supposed to say no hmm? Not when you’re sitting all pretty in my nest,” the man
says before leaning down and placing a delicate kiss on Sunoo’s lips. It makes him smile, arms
moving up to wrap around the person's neck. He moves back from the kiss nuzzling his nose
against the person's neck. He catches their scent for a split second admitting how it pairs so lovely
with his own. The man cards his fingers through the silky strands of Sunoo’s hair causing his
purring to pick up again. Just as Sunoo is about to lull off to sleep a second voice pulls him back.

“How’s he doing?” they ask. Sunoo’s brows knit in confusion. Something about the voice is so
distant but also so familiar. Same with the man holding him and stroking his hair. Part of Sunoo
feels like he should know who it is, he knows them, or rather his omega does.

“Good. He’s just a happy omega aren’t you?” the man holding Sunoo coos. Sunoo wants to open
his mouth to say something to them to ask him “who are you” but his mouth won’t open and the
words won’t come out.

“Shh Sunoo it’s ok. Don’t try to talk, we’ve got you,” the other man says. His voice is gentler, less
gruff than the man holding Sunoo. They slowly crawl into the nest, settling nicely beside Sunoo and
the other person.

“We’ve got you, just relax,” they murmur as they place a chaste kiss on Sunoo’s cheek. Sunoo
gives up trying to speak and just listens. He relaxes and lets himself be held as he relishes in the
comfort of the fluffy nest and the people holding him.

“Will he be ok Jay hyung?”

“Yeah he’ll be fine”


Sunoo wakes up with a gasp. His chest aches in the worst way possible the tiny bond he’d formed
with his other mate burning with want. His omega wants his mate. Wants him right here right now
to hold and kiss him as he had in their hallucination.

Sunoo whines as the pain grows slightly. His eyes flutter open and slowly adjust to the dim light of
the alarm clock sitting on the nightstand. It takes him a second to notice that Sunghoon was no
longer pressed against him but shuffled barely a few centimeters away, cuddling Jake. It should
annoy Sunoo that Sunghoon left him in his sleep but it doesn’t. Sunoo simply shuffles closer,
needing some kind of contact from one of his mates to lessen the burning in his chest.

After a few minutes, the pain lessens but not by much. It leaves Sunoo with the realization that his
symptoms are coming back. That he was resuming his yearning for Jay, the omega he couldn’t
It’s needless to say that Sunoo couldn’t go back to sleep. Between the fear of having a hallucination
and the burning in his chest, he couldn’t will himself to go back to sleep so he stays up staring at
the wall until the annoying shrill of Jake’s alarm goes off and he’s reaching to turn it off.

Jake leaves the bed first, stumbling in the dark to exit the room. Sunoo lays still, body pressed
against Sunghoon for a few more minutes before he gets up to join Jake in getting ready for the
day. They’d gotten ready for their day and Sunoo even curled Jake’s hair before Sunghoon finally
got out of bed and got ready. Once the alpha was ready for the day they left the apartment together
and went to campus.

On the trip there Sunoo felt jittery which was a complete switch from how he’d felt through the
morning. As they left the apartment Sunoo remembered he’d finally be able to return to his
creative writing class, the one and only class he shared with Jungwon. He was excited to see his
friend again after almost a week of not having the class, although he could do without having the
actual class portion. Jungwon was the reason he still showed up.

When they got to campus Sunghoon and Sunoo walked Jake to his early physics lecture before
going to the library. Sunghoon rushed through an assignment he forgot to do the night before,
messy handwriting scrawled across his papers while Sunoo sat beside him, leg bouncing with
anticipation. When the time finally came for him to go to his creative writing lecture he all but
jumped up out of his seat to quickly collect his backpack.

“Woah babe where’s the fire?” Sunghoon jokes.

“Just um wanna get to class. You know how Professor Min is with attendance”

“Hmm, give me a minute to finish this and I’ll walk you,” Sunghoon says, still messily writing in
answers for his assignment. Sunoo remains standing rocking from his heels to his toes with
anticipation. After three minutes (and yes Sunoo counted) Sunghoon finally finishes his
assignment, shoving it in its folder and then into his backpack. He saunters up beside Sunoo taking
his hand in his and finally they walk to Sunoo’s class.

Sunghoon barely has the chance to place a kiss on his mate's cheek before Sunoo is rushing into
the class to claim his seat in the tenth row beside the window, right next to Jungwons. He’s the
first of the two there so he sits in his seat, leg bouncing again. He doesn’t know why he’s so
anxious to see Jungwon. Just last night he was talking about how this slowly blooming friendship
was scary but now he here was seconds away from exploding just to see Jungwon. Emotions are
weird Sunoo settles.

To not seem so fucking desperate Sunoo pulls his phone out to check his emails. He refreshes a
few times hoping to see an email come in from one of the various places he and Sunghoon sent job
applications to only to see the usual random emails and a few game coupons sitting in his inbox.
He can vaguely remember that their rent is due in the next few weeks and neither he nor Sunghoon
had been very successful in finding a job. Jake being the sweetheart he is offered to pay the rent
until they find a job but Sunghoon, stubborn as ever, declines the offer. This is their apartment and
all of them (really meaning just him) will pay the rent. Personally, Sunoo doesn’t see the harm in
letting Jake pay rent until they get jobs but he also knows that sometimes Sunghoon’s alpha pride
gets in the way so now they’re stuck in this waiting game of trying to get a single interview.

As Sunoo sits refreshing and refreshing simply out of needing something to do he misses Jungwon
walking into the room heading straight for their seats. It isn’t until the omega is right in the aisle
does Sunoo snap his head up with a smile gracing his lips.

“Good morning,” he says a little too loudly, his enthusiasm getting the best of him. Jungwon
smiles back giving a small wave.

“Morning,” he says, shuffling behind Sunoo’s seat to get to his own.

“Man last week was great huh? Honestly, I didn't miss Professor Min at all,” Jungwon says as he
fishes his notebook and a pen from his backpack.

“Yeah me either…” Sunoo wants to say that he did in fact miss Jungwon but he doesn’t. He keeps
that piece of information for himself too afraid and embarrassed to speak it into reality. Just as he
opens his mouth to say something, to try and strike up a conversation, Professor Min slams his
door shut and begins speaking, ready to begin class.

“Well last week was a horrible setback for us so let's just jump into things, shall we? You and the
person to your left will partner up for a writing activity. I shall write the requirements on the board
and you and your partner will get to work. If you need a refresher on the material we covered last
class please refer to your notes and use them for the assignment” and with that the Professor turns
to the board to begin writing up their assignment.

“Well partner, I hope you took good notes, last class,” Jungwon says, turning to Sunoo who nods,
tapping his pen to his notebook.

“Oh well lucky for the both of us I did,” he says and they both giggle. Sunoo opens his notebook
and watches as Jungwon does the same and they get to work. Honestly, it’s a bunch of bullshit
thrown together to make a few coherent sentences but Jungwon and Sunoo are sure they played
right to Professor Min’s favorites.

“If only finding a job was this easy,” Sunoo says as he finishes writing out the final few characters.
“You need a job?” Jungwon questions looking at Sunoo with his big doe eyes. Sunoo swears he
feels his heart skip a beat, just a little bit.

“Yeah. Needa pay rent,” Sunoo mumbles, ducking his head down to break eye contact from
Jungwon and his pretty eyes. He begins doodling on another page in his notebook trying to distract
himself from the confusing things that were beginning to fill his mind.

“I could get you a job,” Jungwon says happily. Sunoo looks up from his doodles to peer into
Jungwon’s eyes. He figures he’s goofing off, playing around in his usual Jungwon sorta way but
there’s a seriousness hidden behind the boy's playful (and very pretty) doe eyes.

“Seriously?” Sunoo questions his voice cracking halfway through the word like a teen going
through puberty. It makes the tips of his ears turn red with embarrassment.

“Yeah! Do you like animals?” Jungwon questions without noticing a thing. Sunoo’s grateful for

“Yeah who doesn’t?” he mutters trying to find where this was going.

“Good, then I can totally get you a job, no problem. It’s at the place I work at. Really relaxing and
positive atmosphere, the owner is an omega sweetest lady ever!”

“Where do you work?”

“Yuju’s pet cafe,” Jungwon says and it sparks excitement in Sunoo.

“Ah! I’ve heard of that place but I haven’t been able to go! My boyfriend is allergic to cats” he
says, remembering how Sunghoon couldn’t be in the same room as a cat without breaking into a
sneezing fit and getting a rash.

“You have a boyfriend?” Jungwon’s eyebrows were up to his hairline with shock.

“Yeah. Hey, why do you seem so surprised by that?” Sunoo questions feeling offended.

“You’ve never mentioned anything so I didn’t think you had one”

“Well I do”

“Cool. Me too!” Jungwon says and now it’s Sunoo’s turn to be shocked.

“You have a boyfriend?” Sunoo questions earning a light punch on the shoulder from Jungwon.

“Hyung you can’t be offended by me asking that if you were just going to ask as well,” Jungwon
chuckles, causing his dimples to appear. Sunoo wants to reach out and poke them. Sunoo gives a
sarcastic smile as he says “payback” while fluttering his lashes.

“What’s his name? What is he like? Is he handsome? How long have you been together, does he
treat you well?” Sunoo questions wanting to know more about Jungwon and his boyfriend.

“He treats me well, very handsome, um he’s got there quirks about him that I found very annoying
at first but they’re sorta charming to me now…oh and his name is-”

“Yang Jungwon and Kim Sunoo since you two seem to have plenty of time to chit chat, how about
you be the first to share your assignment with the class?” Professor Min calls from his desk. Sunoo
and Jungwon share a brief panicked glance at each other before nervously rising from their seats.
Trading off sentences they read their paragraph to the class earning a few courteous claps once
they were finished.

“Good but it needs to have consistency. Please refer back to your theme and make the proper
adjustments,” he says as they take their seats. Professor Min moves on from them to another pair
making sure to shoot Sunoo and Jungwon a warning glance which has them quiet for the rest of


When the rest of the hour is finally up and they’re dismissed from class Jungwon and Sunoo walk
side by side aimlessly. They’re going in the wrong direction of their classes but for the sake of
staying together and having a moment to talk without Professor Min shooting them daggers they

“When are you free tomorrow?” Jungwon asks as he matches steps with Sunoo.

“Tomorrow? What for?” the older omega questions.

“For an interview duh. You said you needed a job right?” Jungwon says and Sunoo’s eyes widen a
bit. He’d already forgotten all about the job offer.

“An interview like already? I haven’t even put in an application!” he exclaims feeling anxiousness
rush to his gut. There was so much he had to do to prepare!

“Noona loves me and needs a new employee so don’t sweat it. What time are you free?”

“Well I have a class later in the evening so after noon I guess?”

“Ok meet me at Yuju’s cafe and we’ll go in for your interview yeah?”

“Um no, no yeah. What do I wear? What do I say? Do I need to bring in a resume?” Sunoo rambles
wanting to know any and everything that will help him do well for the interview.

“Do you even have a resume?” Jungwon questions teasingly.

“No, but I have a laptop and access to a printer so I can make a resume.” Sunoo states taking this
all very seriously.

“Not needed and just wear casual clothes. It’s a cafe, not an office gig,” Jungwon giggles.

“I don’t want to go in there unprepared,” Sunoo says earnestly. It seems to click something for
Jungwon and he realizes that Sunoo is nervous.

“Sunoo, trust me I wouldn’t let you go in blind, that’s just cruel. You just need to wear normal
clothes and be yourself. She’ll adore you, I can already tell,” Jungwon says sincerely. The word
trust bounces around in Sunoo’s head for a second. It almost sends him spiraling down a dark hole
of worries but then Jungwon hugs him, arms tight around Sunoo’s waist, and somehow it reals him
back. It grounds him.

“You got this ok? I wouldn’t screw you over,” Jungwon whispers. Sunoo finds himself going stiff
from the sudden affection. He didn’t think Jungwon was the type for skinship, it catches him off
guard but not in a bad way. Sunoo finds himself reciprocating to the hug letting his body lean
against Jungwon. Without realizing he takes a sniff, inhaling the floral and woodsy scent that is
Jungwon and it sends a wave of calm over him.
“Thanks, Jungwon. Sorry for freaking out on you”

“No biggie I understand but trust me, you’ll do just fine tomorrow,” Jungwon offers a smile and
Sunoo smiles back. This time Sunoo holds onto the word, deciding to put his trust in Jungwon.

“I can do that."

“I know you can. I gotta get to another class but I’ll see you tomorrow?” Jungwon questions
wanting to make sure Sunoo was in, giving him a chance to back out if he didn’t want to do it but
Sunoo wants to so he nods.

“Yep. See you tomorrow Wonnie!” The nickname slips off Sunoo’s tongue naturally and it makes
him flush pink at the realization but Jungwon’s smile seems to widen as he waves to Sunoo as a
final goodbye before briskly walking away to get to his class.


The next day Sunoo shows up at Yuju’s Pet Cafe at 12:50. His heart hammers loudly in his chest
as he pushes the door open listening to the bell above jingle signaling his arrival. A young woman
walks up to him with a smile on her lips as he gazes up at him.

“Welcome to Yuju’s Pet Cafe! Can I get you a table or would you like a booth?” she questions

“I’m here to meet Yang Jungwon,” Sunoo says as his eyes dart around the cafe hoping to catch
sight of Jungwon.

“Jungwonnie? Ah, you must be his friend. Right this way,” the young woman, Dayeon, if Sunoo
read the name correctly, says. She leads Sunoo through the cafe and to a back room where a small
office was set up. A woman with dyed blond hair sits behind the desk, glasses on the edge of her
nose as she stares at the computer in front of her. Jungwon sits in the office too, seated in a chair
across from the desk playing on his phone. Dayeon knocks on the door frame before stepping in.

“Unnie, Sunoo is here” she announces. The woman, Yuju looks up from the computer and gives a

“Sunoo, Jungwon has told me about you. Please come in,” she offers. Sunoo gives a courteous
bow before fully stepping into the room.

“Please sit,” Yuju says motioning to the empty chair beside Jungwon. Nervously Sunoo sits down,
trying to keep his gaze focused on Yuju and not the floor so he doesn’t seem as nervous as he is.

“Go on and tell me a bit about yourself, Sunoo,” Yuju says. He’d spent two hours going over
interview questions with Sunghoon and Jake last night but it seemed like all of it went straight out
the window. Sunoo bites the tip of his tongue as he tries to find the words to answer her question
trying to remember anything from what he’d said just last night

“Well, he’s amazing with animals! Loves them so much, especially cats, right Sunoo?” Jungwon
says offering up his support.

“And he’s a very dedicated worker, he’ll work just as hard as Dayeon and I put together, maybe
more!” And yeah maybe Jungwon’s pushing a little hard but he can smell the nervousness radiating
off Sunoo in giant waves and he couldn’t just sit there while his friend suffered.

“Jungwon, I believe I asked Sunoo,” the woman says, shooting a look at Jungwon but it goes right
over the young man's head as he turns to Sunoo.

“Yeah right, Sunnie?” Jungwon murmurs while nudging Sunoo.

“Um well Jungwon is right I really do love animals. My mom never let me have a pet but I admire
my friends' pets and there was this cat that I would pass every day on my way to school. It let me
pet it sometimes and I would buy snacks after school to feed it. Um, as far as the job I’ll give it my
best and will do a good job if I’m given the opportunity to do so,” after the words leave his mouth
Sunoo subconsciously holds his breath as he holds Yuju's gaze waiting for her to say something.

“Well Sunoo you seem promising and Jungwon seems to like you so how about this. I’ll let you
work a few days to see if this is something you actually want to do. You’ll get paid of course and if
you like the job and show constant effort you’re hired.”


“Really really. Could you start now?”

“Like right now?” Sunoo sputters. He didn't think he'd get past the interview let alone be able to

“Just for a few hours. Jungwon is almost done with his shift. He can show you around the cafe and
talk through some of the things we do here”

“Um sure, yeah,” Sunoo says. He was not expecting things to go this way especially since he’d
blanked after the first question but he was sure grateful for Jungwon’s support and Yuju’s

“Jungwon, show him where he can place his things and tour him around please,” Yuju says with a
soft smile.

“Yes ma’am!” Jungwon says as he stands up. He grabs Sunoo by the wrist pulling him up and out
of the room. They drop his coat off in the break room and then Jungwon is touring Sunoo around
and explaining the various things they do at the cafe. After an hour Sunoo shadowed Jungwon
watching him work and interact with customers. By the end of it, Sunoo was sure he would be able
to do it.

“So? Not bad right?” Jungwon says. They were back at school by this point after finishing
Jungwon’s shift and having a quick lunch. Sunoo shrugs as he feels a blush bloom on his cheeks.

“I mean no not really. I can’t believe I embarrassed myself within the first five minutes!” he
whines, hands going up to cover his face and hide the embarrassment he felt. Beside him, Jungwon

“Minutes don’t you mean seconds?” he replies teasingly

“Jungwon!” Sunoo shouts, sending a punch directly to the youngers shoulder.

“Jeez sorry sorry. But seriously I told you everything would work out. And you basically got the
job! Now we can work together!”
“Yeah that’s really cool Wonnie.”

“I think so too. Dayeon is the only one there my age and we normally don’t work together. It’ll be
nice having someone else there, especially since I already know you and know you’re a good
person,” Jungwon admits. It makes sunoo feel a bit giddy hearing those words.

“You think I’m a good person?” Sunoo questions with a soft smile. Jungwon nods enthusiastically,
dimples making their appearances as he smiles.

“Um yeah. I wouldn’t be hanging out with you if I didn’t” he chuckles.

“Thanks, Wonnie I think you're pretty great…you’re” Suddenly Sunoo feels dizzy and like the
world is tipping over when in reality he was falling. He can see Jungwon open his mouth to say
something or maybe he’s shouting judging by the way the vein on the side of his neck pops out.
Sunoo doesn’t know, he can’t hear it. His head hurts and his body aches and his vision is spotty.

Jungwon darts to catch him, thankfully doing so before Sunoo hits the ground. They both go down,
Jungwon scraping his knee against the pavement but he doesn’t feel it. All he can feel is panic over
his friend suddenly collapsing.

“Sunoo? Sunoo can you hear me? Sunoo? Hyung?” Jungwon’s voice comes out panicked and
scared because that’s all he can feel. He’s never seen someone let alone another wolf like this, only
humans. It’s scary.

“Hang on hyung,” he murmurs. Repositioning Sunoo Jungwon hooks an arm under Sunoo’s legs
and the other behind his back lifting him bridal style. It's a long strenuous journey to the nurse's
office but Jungwon manages. He paces back and forth as the nurse examines Sunoo who passed
out along the way. The nurse uses an ammonia inhalant to wake Sunoo who can’t seem to focus on
anything and just blinks in a daze. After a few minutes, he comes back to his senses clutching his
head and whimpering in agony.

The nurse whispers for Jungwon to “keep an eye on him” while she goes to contact Sunoo’s
emergency contact. While he waits Jungwon sits on the bed beside Sunoo holding him against his
side and rubbing his back.

“You ok?” he murmurs.

“Dunno really. What happened?” Sunoo mutters, still rubbing at his head.

“You passed out,” Jungwon answers and at first Sunoo doesn’t say anything, his brain trying to
process the information. Once it sinks in his eyebrows scrunch together.

“I- what?” Sunoo questions.

“Yeah, pretty scary, would not recommend you doing that again,” Jungwon half jokes. It works in
making Sunoo smile the smallest bit.

“Thanks for taking me here I- hey are you bleeding?” Sunoo questions. He could smell the blood.
It was drying and caking on Jungwon’s skin and honestly, he’d forgotten about it in the process of
getting Sunoo here. The younger omega looks down at his leg noticing the hole in his jeans and
the patch of blood soaking it.

“Oh right,” he murmurs.

“Shit. Jungwon, I’m so sorry!” Sunoo can’t feel anything but guilt. Why is it that he’s always
inconveniencing the people around him?

“You passed out. What were you going to do? Warn me to not scrape my knee?”

“Still it’s cause of me.”

“Stop, it's a minor injury. I'm just glad you're ok,” Jungwon says. Sunoo is about to open his mouth
to scold Jungwon that it is not in fact ok but the nurse comes in so he immediately notifies her
about Jungwon’s injury. The younger one gives Sunoo an irritated look but Sunoo regrets nothing.

“It’ll heal!” He protests as the nurse gathers the supplies to clean his injury.

“It can still get infected. Let the nurse do her job,” Sunoo rebuttals. He knows it will heal but the
thought of Jungwon suffering from an infection and enduring more pain because of Sunoo burns
guilt into the older omegas chest.


“Let her do her job, Wonnie. Please” Sunoo’s eyes bare into Jungwon’s all soft and pouty and
Jungwon can see the guilt in them. The younger sighs, letting a hand card through his hair.

“Fine,” Jungwon grumbles with a sigh. He rolls his pant leg up allowing the nurse access to his
bloody knee which was already beginning to heal. She soaks a cotton ball with disinfectant and
Jungwon flinches. His breathing begins to quicken the slightest bit but Sunoo picks up on it.
Without saying anything he slides his hand across the bed letting it fall on top of Jungwon’s. The
younger quickly laces their fingers, giving a light squeeze as the nurse dabs at his injury to clean it.
Every time it stings Jungwon squeezes Sunoo’s hand and the older says nothing. He allows himself
to provide Jungwon the slightest bit of comfort in the short minute it takes to clean his wound.

“I’ll buy you new pants,” Sunoo says after Jungwon changes into a pair of sweats the nurse
provided so he didn't have to walk in his ruined pants. Jungwon waves him off ignoring him.

“It’s fine. Accidents happen.”

“Still you do me a huge favor helping me with the job and then I went and got your pants ripped.”

“You didn’t choose to pass out Sunoo. It’s fine really.”

“Still. I’ll buy you new pants,” Sunoo says, his voice full of determination. It makes Jungwon
think of Jay who’s just as stubborn, if not more so.

“If you must,” Jungwon says with a chuckle. He’s about to say something else, what it was he
doesn’t remember because the words quickly leave his brain as the door bursts open and two men
rush inside.

“Sunoo! Oh my god are you ok?!” the shorter one exclaims as he rushes to Sunoo, the taller one
right behind him. Jungwon figures that one of them is Sunoo’s boyfriend, maybe the shorter one
while the other is maybe his brother, or maybe a friend. He isn’t sure and he doesn’t ask because
the two quickly begin to fuss over Sunoo and his well-being leaving Jungwon to awkwardly sit on
the side. He fiddles with his ruined pants for a minute or two before clearing his throat. The trio
look over at him and Sunoo smiles sympathetically.

“I'm going to head out but text me later ok?” he says with a smile.

“Yeah of course. Thanks again Jungwon.” Sunoo says giving Jungwon a wave.
“Thank you,” the taller one says, giving Jungwon a smile and Jungwon nods figuring he meant
“thanks for making sure my bro was ok”. He had no idea it meant “thank you for making sure my
mate was safe”. No, how was he supposed to know? Jungwon takes his things and leaves to make
his way to the library. He becomes painfully aware that he’s late for his study date with his
boyfriend who unknowingly to Jungwon, called five times.

“Where were you?” Jay hisses as Jungwon takes a seat across from him.

“My friend passed out and I took him to the nurse. Sorry,” the younger omega says as he leans
back in his chair finally being able to relax from the stressful situation.

“Oh…is he ok?” Jay mumbles feeling guilty for his outburst. Jungwon smiles softly at him
admiring his boyfriend's empathy.

“Yeah, I think so. His mate was there and another friend or his brother, I dunno. He’s got people
with him so he’ll be ok,” he answers watching as Jay’s concerned expression melted into one of

“That’s good,” the older omega says and Jungwon nods in agreement.

“How are you feeling? Still hurting?” he questions checking in. Jay had woken up with a scalding
pain in his chest early in the morning. His mate's bond ached with yearning, worrying them both
with how aggressive it had gotten. Jay was running out of time.

“Yeah. It felt really bad twenty minutes ago but it’s calmer now,” the older omega says as he rubs
a hand over the left side of his chest.

“That’s good,” Jungwon hums as his thoughts begin to circle his head. It wasn’t exactly good but
better than him whimpering in pain like he was hours ago.

“I gotta find him, Jungwon,” Jay whispers like a guilty secret. Maybe he still is feeling guilty, but
he shouldn’t. Mates are complicated and it’s not like Jay chose to have a second one, and he sure
didn’t choose for that mate to walk out on him.

“I know…we’ll keep looking,” Jungwon says as he slides his hand across the table. He knows it’s
been hard on Jay, he can see it every day. He has to help find him, for Jay’s sake even if he doesn’t
really want to.

“We’ll find him,” he says with a determined glint in his eye. He’ll find Jay’s mate for him because
he won’t let his boyfriend suffer. Jungwon hopes this person has a good reason for walking away
from the best person on the entire fucking spinning ball they call earth.


In the nurse's office, Sunoo lets his mates fuss over him for a few minutes before standing up and
swearing he’s ok. The nurse gave him the ok to leave but instead of letting him go to class
Sunghoon hauled him back to the apartment and forced him to lie down.

“Are you sure you’re ok?”

“Yes Sunghoon you’ve asked me that like fifty times since we left” Sunoo groans.

“I'm sorry, I'm just worried ok. It was a little scary getting a call that you’d passed out and some
guy carried you to the nurse”
“That “some guy” was my friend Jungwon,” Sunoo sasses. Sunghoon and Jake mimic each other's
surprised but happy faces as they turn to Sunoo.

“The one you were texting the other day?” Jake questions, a bright smile on his lips and Sunoo
nods, feeling the smallest bit of a smile grace his own.

“Oh…so not some guy. Ok good. Glad you were with a friend” Sunghoon says, almost proud.
Proud that Sunoo made friends with such a good person.

“Yes, you overprotective alpha. I am fine.”

“Ok ok, you’re ok.”

“But it is a little concerning Sunoo. You just passed out without a warning? You sure you didn’t
feel anything?” Jake questions as his eyes roam around Sunoo’s body as if he were trying to find
some hint, some clue as to why he suddenly passed out like there would be a visible marking on
his skin.

“Yeah I'm sure it just…one second I was fine and the next I was waking up in the nurse's office”
Sunoo mumbles as he presses his body against Sunghoon. He’d played it off with Jungwon but
Sunoo was pretty shaken up by the whole thing, that he could suddenly just…drop like that. It
brought back memories, painful memories he didn’t want to think about again.

“Well just have to keep a better eye on you that's all,” Sunghoon murmurs, holding Sunoo closer.
Sunoo hums allowing himself to be held by his mate. A bitter taste lingers in his mouth knowing
that he’s lying to them. He knows the cause of his sudden dizzy spell and yet he doesn't say
anything yet again. Sunoo knows he needs to tell them now more than ever but he holds onto it for
just a little longer. Just until he can figure out how to tell them without hurting them or destroying
their trust in him. So that he doesn't end up alone.

Chapter End Notes

Jake and Felix made up yay!

so just a brief backstory. Jake was severely bullied when he was little and Felix, being
a few years older, stood up to his bullies and became very protective of him. It's hard
for Felix to not want to protect Jake from anyone who might harm him and so that was
a big reason as to why they fought, especially since Jake suffered from emotional and
mental manipulation from his bullies because of his sweet and slightly gullible
personality. Just thought I should let you guys know since I'm not sure if there's space
in the timeline to write a full backstory for Jake. I might give him a special chapter
dedicated to his background but right now idk.

Next chapter we finally get some jaywon moments as well as some pocketz and
there’s a cliffhanger ending! See you next chapter!
Chapter twenty-five
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

The first time Jay woke up from a burning pain burrowed deep within his chest he was left crying
and whimpering for at least an hour. They were still at Jungwon's house enjoying their break in the
peaceful tranquility of Jungwon's childhood home. Jay unknowingly was in the bed alone which
wasn’t a problem, until he felt a pain growing in his chest. Being asleep he didn’t notice it, not at
first. The pain snuck up on him gradually getting worse by the minute and then by the second.

It burned away at his soul creating the worst pain he’d ever felt in his entire life. He cried out in
pain clutching onto his chest. Frantically he clawed at his chest trying to tear his shirt off in hopes
that it would lessen the ache but even when he did manage to get it off nothing changed. The burn
stayed in his chest, getting worse by the second.

Jay was startled by the sound of the door slamming open. In his pained state Jay could barely get
his body to move to the direction of the door seeing Jungwon stare at him in pure horror. Jay
couldn’t blame him, he’d probably have the same look if he found Jungwon laing whimpering and
crying in pure agony. Jay only had half a mind to be embarrassed and ashamed Jungwon had to
find him this way. Jungwon quickly recovered from his horror as he rushed to the bed, body
shaking with anxiety as he climbed onto the bed to hold Jay.

After an hour the pain seemed to damper off into a dull ache leaving Jay to just lay there curled in a
ball against Jungwon. They don’t say anything, not for a long while as they both tried to process
what happened. A million questions ran through Jungwon’s head that only seemed to frustrate him
when he couldn’t come up with an answer.

He had been downstairs with his sister watching morning cartoons when a sudden ache struck him
in the chest alerting him that something was wrong with Jay. He jumped off the couch almost
tripping over the throw blanket that had fallen at his feet. He managed to gain control of his footing
without falling and sprinted up to his room to find Jay curled in his bed sobbing. It was confusing
and scary to see Jay like that and even more so when Jay had clung onto him like a lifeline. Like if
he let go the pain would worsen and he would die. In the moment it really felt like he would die.

Jungwon continued to card his fingers through Jay’s black hair as he whispered words of
encouragement and sweet nothings hoping to soothe whatever aches the older still had. Eventually
Jay pushed himself off the bed, wiped his tears and left. Jungwon sat in astonishment for a minute
or two before Jay came back from the bathroom washing away the tear stains. He mindlessly
moved to the bed grabbing whatever he could get his hands on to build a nest. Jungwon did
nothing but sit and watch as his mate built a nest around him, meticulously and full of purpose.
When he was done, Jay climbed inside and resumed his former position, curled up against
Jungwon and that's how they spent the rest of the day.

The next time it happened was a few days later. Jay had been feeling a lot better and was in the
kitchen helping Jungwon’s dad cook lunch when the pain struck and Jay was down on the floor
curled in a ball. Jungwon had been out shopping with his mother but the trip was cut short the
second his dad called saying he was taking Jay to the hospital.
As he laid in the hospital bed Jay mumbled incoherent sentences. His temperature was up high, his
body covered in sweat and everything hurt, not just his chest. He was scared and confused and in
pain. The doctors ran several tests and once they came back everything made sense.
“It’s called mate withdrawal. It’s when the bonding period between mates isn’t completed.
Essentially it's your body’s way of urging you to bond with your mate. Have you two not spent a lot
of time together?” the young doctor questioned.

“We’ve been together every day,” Jungwon mutters. The doctor had scrunched his eyebrows in
confusion trying to make sense of it.

“He has another mate,” Jungwon says plainly as he avoids eye contact with the young, confused

“T-two?” the doctor had questioned in astonishment. He took his glasses off his face squinting at
the two.

“Wow…haven’t heard of that in well decades! Maybe even a century!“ he looked like he wanted to
question them, press for more details of their situation but decided against it. He cleared his
throat, slipping his glasses on and resumed his professionalism.

“Well, if that is the case then it will be up to you to take care of Jay until he can bond with his
other mate. Scent each other every day, maybe a few more times than usual. If you’re going to be
apart make sure to heavily scent an article of clothing, that should help Jay significantly. It won’t
make the pain go away fully but the episodes should be less frequent”

“How do we stop it?”

“Well he needs to bond with his other mate sooner rather than later,” the doctor advises with a
grim expression.

“Why?” Jay questions, sitting up a bit straighter in the hospital bed.

“Well, not going through the bonding period will cause the bond to break. When that happens
there will be a burn in your chest as the bond severs itself from your soul. When the process has
been completed, you’ll sleep for maybe a good twelve hours or so. Anything longer than forty eight
hours and you’ll need to be transported to a hospital immediately.”

“How much time do we have before that happens?” Jungwon questions bringing his hand away
from his mouth where he had anxiously been biting on his thumb nail.

“It really depends on the person and the bond. Typically for omegas the forced severing of a bond
will happen maybe after three weeks or so. Any longer than that and it’s almost a guarantee the
bond will sever.”

And that was over a month ago and Jay had been separated from his mate for even longer than that.
They had no idea how Jay had been holding on for so long but they were grateful. Whatever it was
bought them time to find his mate but the task deemed itself as impossible. Jay was sure his mate
went to their school “It’s like I can feel him here.” he’d said but there were over twenty seven
thousand people attending their school.

It hurt Jungwon’s heart everytime Jay would jump when he spotted a blond student, or smelled an
omega with a citrus like scent. He always ended up sulking with disappointment because “it wasn’t
him”. It led to a lot of nights with Jay spending countless hours searching through the school
website, the school social media and various social media accounts with tags from the NCT frat
house that night with the hopes of being able to find him or find the smallest hint as to who K.S. is.

Tonight was no different. Jungwon tried to go to bed but Jay's rapid typing kept him awake. They
couldn’t stay apart from each other for long without Jay’s bonds aching and he could tell Jay had
tried to sleep and hold off from his obsessive search for his mate but he couldn’t help it. Jay was
stubborn as a bull and resourceful as a crow. Hopefully his attributes would help him in the end.

“Jay. Baby you need to get some sleep,” Jungwon murmurs as he rolls to face Jay. The older
omega looks down with guilt covering his face.

“I'm sorry. I just…I’m getting restless. The doctor gave me three weeks before the bond forces
itself to break and it’s been a lot longer than that. I’m grateful but…what if I don’t find him in
time?” Jay says his voice becoming smaller and smaller as he talks. Tears welled in his eyes and he
couldn’t stop them from falling. Jungwon pushes himself up from the bed, shuffling them over to
wrap his arms around his mate. He peppers kissing along Jay’s shoulder before lightly nipping at
his scent gland to help sooth some of the ache his mate has been feeling.

“We will find him ok we will. It’s just going to…it’s going to take some time,” Jungwon hums as
he rubs his hand over Jay's knee.

“But we don’t have time, Jungwon. We- for all we know we’re out of time! The bond could break
tomorrow! Or tonight or anytime at all and I-I” Jay sucks in a harsh breath.

“Stop. Don’t do this. Jay I love you so much, please don’t spiral like this,” Jungwon pleads as he
sits up so he could look at his mate eye to eye.

“How can I not Wonnie?! I don’t want the bond to break! I don’t want him to suffer or me or you
and I just. I’m at the end of my wire here ok!” Jay exclaims his voice full of frustration. It hurts.
His mate bond always hurt, the dull ache in his chest present but never fading to give him a
moment of relief and the longer he felt it the more it took a toll on his omega.

“I get it ok but spirling like this won’t help. The doctor said to try not to stress over it or you’ll
amplify the process. For now, set the laptop down and lay with me hmm?” Jungwon murmurs. He
doesn’t get it, not really but he can’t let Jay spiral down and let his intrusive thoughts win. He has
to help his mate through this in any way he can.

“Yeah…yeah. 'm sorry,” Jay sighs. He closes the lid of the laptop before setting it aside on the
nightstand. He shuffles down the bed to lay with Jungwon the younger omega holding Jay to his
chest, tucking his head under his chin.

“You’re going to be ok. We are going to be ok,” Jungwon soothes as he plays with Jay’s ear.

“Uh-huh,” the older omega said as he swallowed thickly. A few tears escaped his eyes, dampening
Jungwon’s sleep shirt.

“Shh. You can cry if you need to,” Jungwon says. Jay always tries to be strong for him, for both of
them the stigma of “a man doesn’t cry” his father beat into him constantly hangs over his head.
Jungwon was always right there to remind him that crying doesn’t make him less of a man, but
makes him a person. A person who is allowed to feel feelings and express them however he needs
to and if that means crying when he’s sad then so be it.

Eventually the crying wears him out and Jay lays limp against Jungwon. The younger fell asleep
minutes ago being far too fatigued to keep his eyes open no matter how hard he tried. Jay didn’t
blame him, he understands that this has been a lot and Jungwon hadn’t been sleeping well, the fear
of Jay having another “episode” doctors words not his) leaving him restless at night just the same
as Jay. Leaning up slightly Jay presses a kiss against Jungwon’s cheek before cuddling close.

“Please come back. Please come back my omega…”


Jungwon stared out the window, his thoughts swirling in his head. How to find K.S. Who is K.S?
There were over two thousand students with those initials so it didn’t really help narrow their
search. Two thousand is still a lot of people. It doesn’t help that Jay doesn’t have any more
information on the person, hell Jungwon isn’t even sure if Jay’s theory of him going to their school
is accurate. Just as Jungwon was going down the rabbit hole a pair of hands slap down on his
shoulders causing him to jolt.

“Shit! Don’t scare me like that!” he gasps, hand coming up to clutch his chest.

“Sorry, I saw an opportunity and took it,” Sunoo giggles, smiling brightly at him. Jungwon
couldn’t help but smile back. Sunoo’s smile was utterly contagious. He was lucky to have the
older. He had been a bright light through all the darkness he’d been feeling with Jay. Always
offering a smile and a support hug when Jungwon walked in looking particularly drained.

“Still not sleeping well?” he questions and Jungwon shakes his head.

“I had a feeling so I snuck these in,” Sunoo says, placing two paper cups on their desk. Jungwon
smiles while accepting the drink.

“You know I think you’re working your way to becoming my best friend,” he says before taking a
sip of the chocolate milk.

“I strive to be the best duh,” Sunoo says, pretending to flip his imaginary long hair.

“Anything I can help with?” he questions softly peering at Jungwon. The younger omega feels his
heart stutter for a second.

“No. It’s just some stuff going on with my mate, that's all.” Jungwon pretends to adjust his bangs to
ignore the warm feeling in his chest.

“Is he ok?” Sunoo questions but Jungwon takes a minute to answer.

“He uh…he has this condition and he’s not doing well,” he explains vaguely, giving a shrug. He
doesn't expect Sunoo to press further but the older surprises him.

“What is his condition?” Sunoo questions. His elbows were pressed against the desk as his looked
at Jungwon, eyes swimming with concern. Jungwon opens his mouth to tell him, to tell Sunoo all
of it but he snaps it shut. He hasn’t told anyone except his sister what has been going on with Jay.
It felt scary to talk about it with anyone else, and yet he found himself wanting to tell Sunoo. There
was something about him that made him so comfortable to be around, Jungwon felt like he could
tell him anything despite them knowing each other for less than a month.

“Hey, you don’t have to tell me. If you do though, I'm here," Sunoo says, placing a gentle hand
over Jungwon’s. Jungwon smiles, noting that his hands were slightly smaller than Sunoo’s.

“Thanks Sunnie. I want to but…it's hard,” Jungwon admits. He can feel his cheeks burn with
embarrassment thinking that Sunoo might judge him but Sunoo only offers a warm smile.

“I understand. You can tell me whenever you're ready and even if you end up not wanting to tell
me that’s ok too. Just know that I’m here for you ok?”

“Yeah…yeah thanks Sunoo,” Jungwon murmurs. He doesn’t know why he feels like he wants to
burst into tears right now he just does. Sunoo seems to notice as well and wraps him in a hug. It
gives Jungwon the comfort he needs and time to quickly wipe his tears away before their
classmates could see.

“Jeez it’s cold huh?” Sunoo questions playing off as he leans back rubbing at Jungwon’s arms.

“Still cold?”

“Nope. ‘m warm now. Thanks hyung,” Jungwon murmurs, smiling shyly.

“Course. Now drink your hot chocolate and let's try to endure this gruesome hour” Sunoo says,
settling into his seat just as Professor Min struts into the room.

“Hope you brought your textbooks!” he announces a loud voice booming across the room.
Jungwon sniffs for a final time as he opens his textbook. Halfway through the dense lecture full of
Professor Min’s loud and confusing rambles Sunoo slides a note across the table.

‘Hang in there Wonnie! You got this ≧◡≦’

Jungwon smiles at the note as he flips it over scrawling on the back.

‘Careful there. I’ll fall in love with you

( ˘ ³˘)♥’


‘Seriously. Thank you’

‘What are friends for?’

Jungwon looks up from the note, shooting a smile at Sunoo. Yeah he was a good one. Jungown
wishes he’d met Sunoo earlier, maybe he’d be able to talk about the situation with Jay and he could
provide Jungwon with some comfort and maybe some advice.

“Thank you,” he mouths to Sunoo who shoots him a wink. Yeah, Sunoo is definitely a keeper.


“So I think that we should go shopping tomorrow after my shift,” Sunoo announces. They were
currently at Yuju’s cafe working a shift. Sunoo had picked up on the work quickly and the
customers loved him. Honestly the people couldn’t get enough of him. Jungwon was sure if his
mate were here he’d get very jealous with all the attention Sunoo got from people.

“I dunno hyung. I was supposed to spend the day with-”

“Excuse me we have a spill!” a customer calls from across the cafe.

“Coming!” Sunoo calls out leaving to assist with the spill. While he was away Jungwon continued
collecting dishes a group of teenagers left behind and brought them to the kitchen. When he comes
back to wipe the table Sunoo was already back, having easily help clean up the small spill at the
other table.

“Come on, I still owe you a new pair of pants. Surely your mate can survive one evening without
you” Sunoo says, missing how Jungwon winces. Jungwon isn’t sure how long Jay can survive
without him and he doesn’t plan on finding out.
“Sorry Sunnie, we already have plans. Maybe we can have lunch together this week,” Jungwon
says as the move to the next table to clean up.

“Alright deal. Don’t skip out on me,” Sunoo says before grimacing at the smeared fruit on the

“Seriously, why are people so gross and rude? Does it hurt to clean up after yourself a little?”

“Yes very much so” Jungwon says with an eye roll as he fishes a spoon out of some dark green
mixture he’s sure they do not sell.

“I’ll give you 7000 won if you drink that,” Jungwon says, holding the cup for Sunoo to see. The
older omega pretends to gag as he looks at the liquid.

“Not in a million years!” the older says with a grimace. What had the customers even ordered that
combined to look that...that?!

“Aw come on, ya scared?” Jungwon teases as he moves the cup closer up by Sunoo’s face. The
older squeals as he moves away holding his hands defensively.

“Jungwon, I will fight you. Get that gross looking thing out of my face!” Sunoo exclaims. Jungwon
sets the cup down with a heavy hand as he wraps an arm around his waist, laughing at Sunoo’s

“Aw hyung you’re no fun,” he calls after Sunoo who was quick to gather the other dishes to bring
to the kitchen. Chuckling to himself Jungwon gets back to work cleaning tables and assisting

The rest of his shift went off without a hitch and soon he was at home haphazardly tossing his
work clothes on the floor before pulling on a hair of sweat pants and a shirt. His bare feet slapped
against the hardwood as he went into the living room where Jay had been sitting on the couch,
laptop splayed across his lap.

“Whatcha workin on?” he questions plopping down beside him. As Jungwon looks at the screen he
can’t help the smile that overcomes his face.

“Working on some stuff for Wonyoung. She’s on my case about not having enough photos for the
newspaper,” Jay says with an eye roll.

“Well those are really good. I’m glad you’re getting back to it.”

“Yeah. I need to put in some extra studio hours for this semester so I figured I could do the brat a
solid,” Jay says with a fond smile. Jungwon hums as he rests his chin on Jay’s shoulder watching
him work. Jungwon has always loved watching Jay work. The photos he’s taken and even the
fashion items he’s designed always had this level of intricacy that blew Jungwon away. The way
his boyfriend's mind worked was amazing.

As he watched Jungwon didn’t notice himself slowly falling asleep until his head rolled off Jay’s
shoulder but his mate was right there to catch him and make sure he didn’t hurt himself.

“Sorry” he slurs as he moves to get comfortable while still being pressed against Jay.

“No worries. Just get comfortable and take a nap. I’ll wake you,” Jay hums. Jungwon smiles softly,
nuzzling his nose against the soft fabric of Jay’s hoodie as he begins to drift again. This time he
wakes up when his phone buzzes in his pocket. Lazily he reaches for it checking the notification
and smiles.
“Who’s Sunnie?” Jay questions taking a glance at the phone.

“I told you who Sunnie is. My friend Sunoo,” Jungwon says with a playful eye roll as he types up a
response to Sunoo’s text.

‘Shopping is boring alone. Wish you were here’ - S

‘Too bad. Im cuddling with my hot boyfriend ’-J

“The one who fainted the other day?” Jay questions and Jungwon nods.


“You two seem to be getting close,” Jay says cooly, not wanting to press Jungwon for details but
making him aware of his observation. Jungwon hums as he turns his phone over in his hands.

“It’s a bit weird right? But yeah we are. There’s something about Sunoo that makes me so…
comfortable and it’s easy being around him and we just click I guess. Oh I have a picture!”
Jungwon says. He flicks through his gallery to find the one picture of him and Sunoo.

“Oh I guess it isn’t very good. We took it at work trying to be sneaky and not have Yuju see,”
Jungwon chuckles as he shows Jay the blurry picture of him and Sunoo with their cheeks squished
together with bright smiles on their faces. Jay smiles fondly at the picture. Even in a blurry picture
Jungwon looked cute.

“Is that his scent on you?” Jay questions looking away from the phone to Jungwon. For a second
Jungown furs his brows but remembers getting held in a headlock by Sunoo for shoving yet
another gross customer made concoction in his face, resulting in the omegas scent getting on his

“Oh yeah. He smells all bright and citrusy. It fits him honestly,” Jungwon muses.

“He made you smell really nice,” Jay mutters almost dreamily. Jungown crosses his arms over his
chest pointing a finger at his mate.

“Hey, you don’t get to think anyone smells nice except me!” he says using his finger to flick at
Jay’s nose. The older omega smiles, reaching out to hug Jungwon.

“Your scents smell nice together. That’s all I mean,” Jay says honestly. Jungwon nods slowly as he
reaches his arm up taking an experimental sniff. His scent did blend oddly nice with Sunoo’s, his
lavender pairing nicely with the orange and lemon citrus that Sunoo carried.

“I guess so yeah,” Jungwon says as he settles back against the couch. Jay hums cuddling Jungwon
and nosing a long at his neck. Jungwon sighs as they settle into the couch cuddling close. It was
the most relaxed they’d felt in weeks and before they knew it they’d drifted asleep.

They slept for a good four hours and when they woke the sky was dark and it was already nine. Jay
cooked them something for dinner and they prepared their things for the next day before settling
down for bed again and surprisingly they were able to sleep again without any problems.

In the morning Jungwon felt…good. Like really really good. It was a lot better than most mornings
and he was grateful. Jay also seemed to be doing well as he bounced about with his usual energy
listening to music as he got ready for the day. It gave Jungwon energy too and he was right along
Jay singing and bouncing around the apartment.
Arriving at the campus the couple clung onto each other, their hands swinging between them.

“I think your friend has magical powers,” Jay hums.

“Oh really now?”

“Yeah. You come home smelling like him and boom we slept! And I feel like really good right
now!” the older omega exclaims. His mate simply shakes his head in disbelief.

“That’s because you finally got to sleep. Sunoo is not magical,” he reasons but Jay wasn’t

“So you say but I am convinced that he’s magic,” the older says stubbornly.

“This coming from the person who thought their seven year old cousin with a white table cloth
draped over them was a real ghost!” Jungwon says and Jay gasps as he places a hand on his chest.

“I told you that story in confidence and in my own personal defense I was only nine!” he exclaims.
How dare Jungwon bring up that embarrassing story?

“Still believed it. You also believe bigfoot is real,” Jungwon says with a frown.

“Because he is just like your friend is magic,” Jay reasons.

“I will be sure to tell him that,” Jungwon says with an eye roll.

“Please do,” Jay hums. He pulls Jungwon in for a quick peck before letting him go so he could get
into class. Still full of amusement Jungwon practically skips to his seat where Sunoo was waiting
with a huge smile on his face.

“Was that your mate?” Sunoo questions eagerly.

“Yep.” Jungwon nods as he gets settled in his seat.

“I saw him for like a second but he seemed cute…I think,” the older omega says with a gentle
smile. Jungwon snorts.

“He is very cute. Could probably rival your mate,” he says, raising a brow playfully. Sunoo huffs,
shaking his head in protest.

“Oh please they’re too hot for you to handle,” Sunoo says with an eye roll.

“Sure sure. Anyways he’s convinced you’re magic," Jungwon says with an eye roll but the smile
he had was fond and full of love.

“Duh. Did you not get the memo? Honestly Jungwon, I thought we were friends?”

“I mean literally magic dude. I went home with your scent on me and he’s convinced it made him
sleep well.”

“What can I say I’m just that special,” Sunoo says brightly. Jungwon shakes his head and pokes at
his friend's shoulder.

“Well he is in no way a realistic human being. He’s an idealist obsessed with lots of things. He
believed bigfoot and aliens are real” he rants but Sunoo simply gives him a displeased look.
“They very much could be Jungwon. Don’t be a nonbeliever,” he scolds and Jungwon lets his head
hit the desk.

“Ugh you sound like him,” he sighs. Jungwon then folds his arms on the desk laying his head on
top of them as he peers up at Sunoo who’s face brightens and oh boy. Jungwon isn’t sure if he
wants to know what he’s thinking.

“Speaking of this mate, when do I get to meet him?” Sunoo questions leaning towards Jungwon
with his eyebrows raised.

“When do I get to meet yours huh?” Jungwon questions leaning up.

“Well he’s busy today and tomorrow, something about training for tryouts? He’s an athlete,”
Sunoo shrugs, not bothering to go into detail “Maybe Friday?” he finishes and Jungown nods.

“Sure we can do that. And we’re free after eleven today if you wanna meet him,” Jungwon shrugs
secretly feeling a bit excited that Sunoo wants to meet Jay.

“Sweet! You owe me lunch anyways!” Sunoo says cheerfully.

“Lunch date it is,” Jungwon hums as he gets his phone out to text Jay.

‘The magic omega wants to have lunch with you. You up for it?’ - J.W.

‘Um yeah dude! I get to thank the magic omega in person. He did us a great service ♂ ️’ - J

Jungwon snorts a laugh as he slips his phone back into his hoodie pocket before Professor Min
could see.

“Alright magic omega, he’s cool with lunch,” Jungwon says sarcastically and Sunoo beams. Magic
omega. It has a nice ring to it.

“Sweet! Also I need you to change my contact name to magic omega right now,” he says tapping
his pen against the table.

“In your dreams.”

“Worth a shot.”


After creative writing Jungwon found himself feeling oddly anxious. He really wants Sunoo and
Jay to get along when they meet. They both have seemed to secure a place as the most important
people in his life currently. Sunoo somehow wormed his way to becoming Jungwon’s best friend.
Jungwon was a fairly social guy but often bounced around between friendships, no one ever stuck
around long enough to earn the title best friend and oddly Sunoo gave him a sense of security that
he’d be that person. Or maybe secretly that's what Jungwon wanted and so for his hopefully soon
to be best friend and his mate to get along was necessary for Jungwon.

Lunch time finally came around and he texted Sunoo where to meet him and Jay. The cafeteria was
too loud and busy so most of the time they spent their lunch at the cafe in the art department. It was
student run and provided a calm atmosphere for students who wanted to work on projects or who
just appreciated a calm atmosphere.

“What are you so nervous for? Sunoo is your friend right?” Jay questions noticing the way
Jungwon’s leg bounced anxiously at the table they were at.

“I just want you to like each other that's all,” Jungwon murmurs as he stirs his straw in his drink.

“Well you like him so I’m sure I’ll have no reason not to like him,” Jay says, offering up a smile
when Jungwon puffs his cheeks out.

“Yeah but…there’s something about Sunoo. He’s different from everyone else,” Jungwon hums
and Jay feels his heart grow warm.

“You like him don’t you?” Jay says softly. He understands Jungwon’s want for a good friend, not
just people to bounce around between. It was nice to see him take interest in someone like this.
Jungwon felt a light blush cover his cheeks as he nodded softly.

“Well then I promise to be on my best behavior,” Jay murmurs as he leans in to peck Jungwon on
the cheek. Jungwon smiles, leaning to give one back but stops half way as he jumps out of his seat.

“Sunnie!” he exclaims, earning a series of loud “shh” from the other students but Jungwon ignores
them as he flings himself towards Sunoo.

“Hey!” Sunoo giggles as he wraps his arms around Jungwon’s waist.

“Come on we’re over here,” Jungwon says letting go of the hug to grab Sunoo’s wrist and bring
him to his and Jay’s table.

“Sunoo this is my mate, Jay,” Jungwon says beaming at the two. Jay looks at the omega and smiles
only to gasp in surprise. Sunoo looks at the omega tilting his head a bit and then it clicks as he
peers into his bright blue eyes, the same ones from that cold December night when they first met.

Jay stands up slowly taking a step towards Sunoo only for the younger omega to take a step back.
They repeat the action a few times, seemingly in a trance until Sunoo is backed against the wall of
the cafe.

“G-guys?” Jungwon questions. Something felt off. It was like they knew each other but surely that
couldn’t be possible…right?

“It’s you,” Jay says breathlessly “It’s really you!” he says, bringing his hands up to stroke the
delicate skin of Sunoo’s face. The younger omega couldn’t do anything but stand frozen stuck in a
trance. There he was right in front of him. Sunoo felt like this had to be another hallucination, a
crazy fever dream because there was just no way.

“We found you,” Jay murmurs. He loses himself for a moment and dips his head down against
Sunoo’s neck taking in his scent. He doesn’t realize it but Jay slowly begins to run his nose along
the omegas neck, and his jaw gently scenting him. It makes his omega preen with delight as Sunoo
lets out purrs of pure delight as he lets his eyes flutter shut. Behind them Jungwon watches in a
little curiosity and maybe a little horror.

“J-Jay?” he stutters out his voice sounding far away in his ears. Hearing Jungwon’s voice seemed
to reel Jay in a bit.

“It’s him Jungwon….it’s really him,” he says, feeling himself want to burst into tears. Jungwon
heard the word “him” over and over in his head until something clicked. Him, him as in Jay’s other
mate, the omega he met months ago.

“Wait…K.S Sunoo?! KIM SUNOO?!” he exclaims, still surprised. How was this possible?
Jay said the omega he met was blonde, Sunoo has brown hair. He also said that he was timid and
had a gentle citrus scent, Sunoo is far from timid with his bold, sassy and funny personality and his
scent was strong. Not overwhelming but definitely had a strong presence. It was bright and fresh
and matched his personality well. Kim Sunoo was far from what Jay had explained and far from
Jungwon’s expectations.

“Kim Sunoo,” Jay repeats and chuckles, loving the way his name rolls off his tongue. He peers
down at Sunoo giving him a small smile to which Sunoo returns until his brain catches up with
reality and he realizes just what he’s doing and who he’s doing it with. It snaps him back to reality
and pushes Jay away but the older omega is stronger and cages Sunoo against the wall.

“Please don’t run again!” Jay pleads his eyes swimming with unshed tears from happiness from
finding Sunoo or from the sad thought of him leaving again, he doesn’t know.

“You don’t understand! I can’t- I can’t do this!” Sunoo says as he feels the panic rise in his chest.

“Why?” Jay questions but Sunoo shakes his head furiously.

“Just, please leave me alone!” Sunoo exclaims. He brings his hands up to the older omegas chest
and pushes with the little strength he had. Sunoo manages to put some distance between them as he
rushes out of the cafe.

“Jungwon-” Jay mutters, turning on his heels to face Jungwon who held a blank expression. They
both could feel everyone’s eyes on them as the cafe customers bore holes into their heads. Jay
flushed red from the tips of his ears down to his neck.

“Go back to your food and stop staring!” Jungwon shouts. He can hear people shuffling about
behind him but the sound gets drowned out by the ringing in his ears. Jungwon huffs as he marches
to his seat, roughly scooping up his backpack.

“Jungwon, Jun- Wonnie!” Jay cries as he rushes to scoop up his own backpack so he could follow
after his mate.

“I- I need a minute Jay!” Jungwon says, his voice wavering.

“No Jungwon, please, please don’t leave!” Jay pleads, his voice sounding so sad and broken. As
much as Jungwon wanted to storm away, to go somewhere quiet and where he could process what
the fuck just happened he knows Jay needs him more right now. He yet again had his mate turn
him away and run and he couldn’t imagine how bad it must hurt for him.

“Come on, let's go home,” Jungwon says, wrapping an arm around Jay’s waist and taking him
home. When they get there Jungwon helps Jay out of his shoes and his coat and leads him to their
nest where Jay clings to him.

“Don’t leave ok. Please don’t,” Jay please but Jungwon shushes him.

“It’s ok don’t worry I won’t leave you. I’m right here ok…”

“Ok…don’t leave” Jay repeats. Jungwon leans down, pressing a gentle kiss to the crown of his
mate's head.

“Never,” Jungwon whispers. He could never leave Jay, and he couldn’t understand why Sunoo
would… and then it hit him.

Chapter End Notes

Poor Jay. I promise it gets better from here. I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter
and all the pocketz moments. So what do you think will happen from here? How will
Jungwon feel about Sunoo now? How will Sunghoon and Jake react to this
information? As usual I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. See you in the next one
Chapter twenty-six
Chapter Notes


rut is mentioned
suggestive scenes
scenes are marked with [ ] and [ ] once the scene is over

read at your own risk.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jay felt like he was suffering from the worst hangover of his life. One second he was practically
floating on air with joy, then the next he felt everything crumble and land on him hard. Two. That
was the number of times he’s met and lost his mate, two times and the second time hurt a lot more
than the first because now he knows. He knows his mate is Kim Sunoo, age twenty who has
beautiful dark brown eyes, soft pink lips, smooth milky skin and…wants nothing to do with him,
Park Jongseong, his mate. The thought burned something depressing deep in Jay’s soul that he
doesn’t want to think about but it was all he could feel there for it was all he could think about.

Apparently it was all Yang Jungwon could think about too. Since finding out two days ago the
younger omega sat brooding around the apartment. From the moment Jay told Jungwon about the
omega he’d met, the one that had smelled like citrus and had his omega screaming that he was his
mate Jungwon swore to hate him. He swore to hate the omega that had taken his precious mate's
attention, the mysterious omega who Jay would sometimes daydream about. They’d spent maybe
thirty minutes together and Jay was smitten. It made Jungwon feel sick. That is until he met this
omega and it turned out to be Sunoo. It's funny how the world works.

Jungwon should have realized it was Sunoo from the moment he met him. He had the citrus scent,
the piercing but soft eyes, perfectly milky and smooth skin, the fact that he was an omega. But
Jungwon either hadn’t noticed or refused to notice the signs that were right in front of him

Maybe deep down part of him knew, part of him knew but didn’t want to acknowledge it because
then he’d have to acknowledge that he’d have to share his mates attention, his kisses and cuddles,
have to share Jay’s love and that wasn’t something Jungwon was prepared for yet and then it
happened. Sunoo was the Cinderella like omega Jay had been fantasizing and talking about since
their meeting and Sunoo’s sneaky departure. Jungwon had swore he’d hate the omega who Jay was
also mated to but now that he knows it’s Sunoo, the same Sunoo who had wormed his way into
Jungwon’s heart he couldn't hate him. He couldn't hate Sunoo even if he wanted to and boy did he
want to but in his heart and soul Jungwon knows it’s impossible. So he sits and he broods and he
tries to understand why Sunoo would walk away from Jay….would walk away from him.

“He has a boyfriend,” Jungwon says. He’d been sitting on the thought of telling Jay for the last two

“A boyfriend?” the older omega sputters.

“His mate…an alpha,” Jungwon says painfully. Jay looks at his hands in his lap twisting the silver
rings on his fingers.

“I-is that why he doesn’t want me?” Jay whispers. He hates how his voice sounds. Hollow and
broken. He wasn’t raised to be like this. Jay was raised to be strong, to never show a sign of
weakness even if he was dying. Oh how disappointed his father would be in him, even more so
than the man already was.

“I don’t know…maybe…maybe he’s scared. You heard the doctor Jay, this sort of thing, it isn’t
common. He might not know what to do.” Jungwon sighs as he runs a hand through his hair for the
nth time today.

“S-should we call him?” Jay questions. He hates the desperation in his voice but at this point he is

“He didn’t show up to class today. I doubt he’d take my call.”

“Can you try?” Jay questions next. Jungown doesn’t move, not at first. His eyebrows scrunch
together in thought before he sighs reaching for his phone in his back pocket. He clicks around a
bit before putting his phone on speaker. It rings and rings and rings and then nothing. Voicemail.
Jungwon hits the end button and sighs.

“See,” he mutters, sinking into the couch as he lets his phone fall into his lap.

“Well this is ridiculous! I didn’t find him just to lose him again!” Jay shouts feeling frustrated. He
felt all too much right now and he couldn’t properly filter any of his emotions.

“Jay, we have to give him time.” Jay blinks at Jungwon as he feels annoyance flare through his gut.

“Time? What time Jungwon?! I saw him again for maybe what five minutes? We both know the
bonding period takes a lot longer than that. Our bond is already so broken…it could- things could-”

“I’m aware of that Jay!” Jungwon snaps. Jay stares at him but really stares. He could see
Jungwon’s usual brushed hair sticking up in random directions and he had dark circles under his

“I’m sorry,” Jay says as the realization sinks in. Not only did Jay lose his mate but Jungwon
possibly just lost his friend.

“I’m sorry,” he repeats.

“It’s fine, we just need to give him some time,” Jungwon says as he gets off the couch. He crosses
the room to Jay planting a kiss on the older man's forehead before sauntering off to their bedroom.
Jay sighs long and heavy as he runs a hand down his face.

Time. That's what this will take….some time.


Sunoo was spirling. He saw him, the omega he couldn’t have. Jay. Park Jongseong who happens to
be Jungwon’s mate. How the fuck did these things happen to him? Why does nothing ever work
out for him? All he wants is a peaceful and happy life but it seems like the world doesn’t want that
for him.

He didn’t go back to class that day, his mind racing with various thoughts. He was out of time. The
clock had finally run out on him and now he needs to tell Sunghoon and Jake, there was no more

Sunoo sat on the couch, hand in his mouth as he bit at his fingernails while his leg bounced up and
down with anxiety. The fear he felt caused his hearing to pick up significantly. He could hear each
and every sound in their apartment from the leaky bathroom sink to the random creeks in the
floorboards. Sunoo could also hear the residents around him, all the words and noises blending
together and being so loud in his head.

The omega comes back to his senses a bit when he hears the elevator ding before the sounds of his
mates laughter fill the hallway leading to their apartment. His heartbeat accelerated, the organ
pumping exceptionally hard in his chest. His mouth ran dry and his blood went cold as he heard the
door open and the two entered the room.

“Hey, I didn’t know you were home!” Jake says as he bounces over. Sunghoon follows close by
with a frown on his face as he looks at Sunoo.

“What happened?” he questions. Jake looks at him questionably before turning to Sunoo.
Awkwardly Sunoo stands up rubbing his sweaty palms on his sweatpants.

“We need to talk,” he says. The smile on Jake’s face drops.

“Sunoo, what happened? Did you pass out again? I know you don’t like the hospital but do we
need to have Dr.Kim give you a check up?” the beta questions. He holds Sunoo by the shoulders as
he looks over his body trying to check for any visible signs of distress or injury only to find

“No Jake, it's not that. Well it's tied to that actually,” Sunoo says with a nervous smile. He places
his hands on top of Jake’s to gently remove them from his shoulder.

“What do you mean?” Sunghoon questions.

“Sit,” Sunoo says as he motions to the couch.

“Sunoo you’re scaring me” Jake says as he and Sunghoon sit. Sunoo sighs, running a hand through
his hair. It was now or never.

“I lied to you about the night of the Christmas party. I-” before Sunoo could say another thing
Sunghoon and Jake were shouting over each other.



“Sunoo what the fuck?!” Sunghoon huffs glaring at his mate.

“Sunghoon let’s hear him out…there must be a reason right Sunoo?” Jake questions. His eyes were
swimming with confusion and pain and it made Sunoo’s stomach twist with guilt.

“Remember how I came home confused about what happened? Well actually…I… I didn’t forget I
just pretended to,” the omega confesses guiltily. He doesn’t expect sympathy, he knows he was
wrong but the look of utter disgust Sunghoon sends his way makes him feel like crawling into a
deep dark whole and never come out.

“You were pretending?” Sunghoon scoffs in disbelief, face twisted with anger.
“Sunghoon-” Jake starts but the alpha shakes his head letting out a bitter chuckle as he stands up.

“You saw how worried I was? I apologized for days because of what I did, the guilt and worry I
felt when we couldn’t find you and you mean to tell me that you were fucking pretending to be
clueless all along?!” the alpha shouts. His eyes were turning red quickly, his alpha trying to take
over and unleash all the anger and betrayal he was beginning to feel. Jake stands up putting a hand
on Sunghoon’s shoulder.

“Sunghoon calm-”

“Jake! Do not tell me to calm down!” Sunghoon shouts as he yanks his shoulder from Jake’s grip.
The hybrid pouts as Sunghoon stares him down.

“Sunghoon just let me explain!” Sunoo pleads desperately. His omega was screaming for him to
make things right, to make their alpha not be mad at him anymore. It hurt having Sunghoon be so
upset with him.

“Explain what huh? Explain how you fucking lied to me? Manipulated me? Hurt me!?” Sunghoon
presses. He was seething with a sort of anger he’d never felt towards Sunoo before. If he were
calmer the thought of being this mad at Sunoo would scare him but right now he wants to feel it.
He wants to feel all the anger he has towards Sunoo. He betrayed him.

“Yes! Let me fucking explain! You’re not free of guilt from this, you know. I would have never
met him if it wasn’t for you! I wouldn't be going through this if it wasn't for you!” Sunoo shouts.
The youngest was shaking with anger of his own mixed with deep sadness and regret. This wasn’t
how he wanted to talk about this and he sure wasn’t expecting Sunghoon to lash out at him and
blame him for that night yet again not when everything wasn’t entirely his fault.

Jake blinks trying to make sense of Sunoo. “Met who?” he questions the omega who’s eyes were
beginning to glaze over with tears.

“What?” Sunoo mutteres not being able to hear over the hot rush of blood in his ears and his own
rapid heartbeat.

“You said “I wouldn’t have met him if it wasn’t for you”. Who did you meet?” Jake repeats. Sunoo
looks at the beta and then his eyes flick over to Sunghoon. The omega chuckles weakly as he drops
back onto the couch with his shoulders slumped low in defeat, his scent beginning to sour.

“Not everything about that night was a lie. I did go into shock after you yelled at me. It hurt our
bond, I could feel it and the stress of it hurt my omega. To protect itself we went into shock. I was-
I don’t know wandering I guess. I needed to get away to protect myself and it felt like something
was calling me, pulling me outside so I went and I found him,” Sunoo explains. He squeezes his
eyes shut for a moment trying to calm himself and settle his omega. His bond with Sunghoon was
burning red with pain and the omega was on the brink of a breakdown.

“And who is he?” Sunghoon presses, his irritation fully present in his voice. Sunoo blinks his eyes
open focusing on Sunghoon the alpha’s posture stiff and defensive.

“My mate.” Sunoo whispers.

It goes eerily silent after that. Sunghoon’s entire face went blank and Jake looked ready to explode
at the information. Sunoo said ‘my mate’. Sunoo has another mate. Another mate who isn’t
Sunghoon. Sunoo has someone else.
“Your- huh?” Jake questions, head tilting to the side with confusion and disbelief. That was

“My mate.” Sunoo repeats glancing up at Sunghoon through wet lashes. He looks at Sunghoon he
mentally begs for the alpha to react. To do something other than blink at the floor and stay so

“Sunghoon?” he whispers bottom lip wobbling. Sunoo bites into his lip hard enough to draw blood
when Sunghoon sighs running a hand through his hair before speaking but still not looking at his

“Is he an alpha?” Sunghoon questions his voice coming out soft but Sunoo could hear the deep
pain it carried. It made him want to wail.

“No he- he’s an omega,” Sunoo answers brokenly. Sunghoon visibly relaxes his shoulders,
slumping at his sides causing him to look as defeated as he felt.

“Why didn’t you tell us?” Jake murmurs, puppy eyes piercing into Sunoo’s. The omega ducks his
eyes down as be begins gnawing at his bottom lip

“Because it- it’s a lot more complicated than that,” Sunoo says after a minute. He could feel the
panic begin to build and it showed through his scent as it turned from sour lemons to burning
oranges stinging at Sunghoon and Jake’s nose. The two older men weren’t doing much better with
their own scents as Sunghoon smelled like decaying forest and Jake of burned rubber.

Sunghoon spins on his heels, finally looking at Sunoo. His nostrils flared and his eyes sparkled
with unshed tears.

“What could possibly be more-” Sunghoon starts off his voice growing in volume with each word
as he confuses his pain with anger but Sunoo was quick to interrupt him before he got too worked

“He has another mate already and they..!” Sunoo drifts off as tears rush down his cheeks.

“They’re like mated mated, marks and all,” the omega finishes, his voice coming out shaky as he
tries to hold back tears. He recalls seeing Jungwon’s bite mark. It was only for a second as the
younger pulled his hoodie off revealing the loose t-shirt under that showed the mate mark, just a
bit. Only enough to know it was there without seeing the entire thing. He remembers Jungwon
beaming all proud as he told him that he and his mate completed their bond after Jungwon finished
highschool. It made Sunoo’s heart ache with envy and sadness as he knows he will never be able to
bear a mate mark. Never be able to show off that claim or beam with pride that he has a mate, that
he is a good omega worthy of love.

“Is he an alpha?” Sunghoon questions. His insecurity was beginning to show with his forever
growing interest.

‘Please don’t let him be an alpha. Please. Let me be the only one for Sunoo. Let me be selfish

“He’s an omega too,” Sunoo admits and Sunghoon has to fight off a smile despite the situation.

“Wait, both of them? They both are omegas?” Jake questions absolutely astonished. Homogeneous
sub-gender pairings are common with betas, less common with alphas but just on the mark of
being extremely rare when it comes to omegas. There have only been around 100 documented
omega-omega pairs in the entire world.

“Yeah,” Sunoo sighs, not noticing Jake’s astonishment. Sunghoon didn’t care about the pairing or
the fact that they were rare. Another thought dawned on him as he stared at Sunoo who’s fingers
twitched and his leg bounced.

“What happened? Why are you telling us this now?” he questions, eyes full of suspicion as they
rake over Sunoo’s tense form.

“Sunghoon-” Jake starts but the alpha wasn’t having it.

“Quiet,” he growls. Jake looks the alpha up and down with annoyance.

“Why are you being so fussy? He told us and he obviously feels bad!” he exclaims pointing to
Sunoo who still had tears running down his face as his scent flipped from sour lemons to burned

“I know you’re hurting but so is he. Why do you keep yelling and glaring at him?” Jake huffs. He
may be more involved now but Sunghoon and Sunoo’s relationship was an enigma. The beta feels
like he’ll never understand it.

Sunghoon doesn’t look at Jake as he keeps his eyes trained on his omega. “Cause I know Sunoo.
He’s only telling us cause something happened,” he says with a frown. That was how they worked
sometimes. Sometimes they kept secrets and hid until there was nowhere to hide, nowhere else to
run and they were forced to face their problems dead on.

“Did it?” Jake asks looking at Sunoo who’s ducked his head down. Sunghoon was right.

“I met him again…today,” he admits. He couldn't lie anymore and honestly Sunoo was tired of

“How?” Sunghoon barks. It makes Sunoo’s shoulders jump.

“He- he’s a student here…"

“And you just so happened to meet him?”

“I was having lunch with Jungwon, he was going to introduce me to his mate,” Sunoo says, his
voice cracking halfway through as more tears rushed down his face. It clicked faster for Jake than
it did for Sunghoon and the beta was quickly crossing the room to pull Sunoo in for a hug.

“I’m sorry!” he says finally breaking down but Jake was right there to sooth him.

“Shh Sunoo. Shh,” the beta says, coddling the distressed omega close.

“Everything was fine! We were fine and then he showed up and-and I thought that I could just let
him go! That I should let him go so we could be happy and so no one else would get hurt and now
everything is messed up again and I- I” Sunoo sputtered trying to get the words out but the more he
talked the more his head hurt and his bonds ached. He tried to find the right words, to make them
understand that he didn’t want to do it but felt like he had to, to preserve their happiness but the
words just wouldn’t come.

“Sunoo breathe babe! Breath!” Jake says pulling back from the hug to hold onto Sunoo’s face. The
omega had begun to hyperventilate feeling far too worked up from the sudden rush of emotions. He
kept trying to suck in air but the more he tried it seemed like the less air would come in and he was

“Breath with me ok. In…and out…in…and out,” Jake coaches Sunoo through the breathing
helping him relax and calm down. Sunoo followed along taking shaky breaths with Jake until he
felt some of the tension lessen a bit.

“I just want us to be happy. We were in a good place, we are in a good place. I don’t want lose
that...I-I don't want to start over,” Sunoo whimpers. Jake smiles sadly as he brings the omega close
to place a gentle kiss on his forehead before resting his head against Sunoos.

“Sunoo, you should have talked to us babe. I know it's scary and you feel like you need to take
these things on your own but you have us. You can always lean on us. Right, Sunghoon?” Jake
questions. He looks at the alpha who stood with his arms crossed, a harsh glare on his face.

“Right, Sunghoon” Jake hisses. The alpha drops his arms as he drags his feet across the living
room to where his boys were. He sits behind Sunoo nosing at the back of the omegas neck.

“You should have told me,” he growls lowly. For now he’d put aside his pride and his pain
because Jake was right. Sunoo is obviously torn over the decisions he’d made and the guilt was
hurting him.

“I didn’t-I couldn’t tell you guys!” Sunoo gasps as more tears spill.

“Sunoo, you should have told me!” Sunghoon says a bit possessively as he gives the omega a
small squeeze. “You can always tell me anything. You’ve always told me everything!” Sunghoon
could feel his own tears threatening to fall. Sunoo was everything, he’d been with him through the
good and the bad and ugly times but yet when he needed Sunghoon most he kept quiet and didn’t
tell him. He should always tell him.

“I didn’t want to try and have more love than I deserve and I didn’t want to mess up what we have.
We were getting good and I don’t want to lose you. Either of you!”

“Stop!” Jake demands as he tightens his hold on Sunoo. “You Kim Sunoo deserve all the love you
will receive whether if from me, Sunghoon, your other mate or whoever. You deserve love. You
are worthy of love” the beta says firmly and endearingly, sending a blast of love through his bond
with Sunoo causing the omega to feel nothing but gentle warmth.

[ ]

“You will never lose us ok. We love you so much, I love you so much and it's scary sometimes
how much I have come to love you in so little time,” Jake says stroking Sunoo’s hair. He leans
back just enough to be able to reach Sunoo’s lips giving him a kiss. It started gentle and nothing
but pure love but slowly got deeper. Jake wanted the omega to feel just how much he loves him
through the kiss. By the time he pulled back Sunghoon already had his arms around Sunoo pulling
him into his lap roughly before smashing their lips together. While Jake’s was deep and full of
slow passion, Sunghoon kissed him rough and hot.

“You’re mine. You’ve always been mine and you will always be mine do you understand” the
alpha growls.

“But Sunghoon-” Sunoo sputters the change in everyone's scents and pheromones making his head

“Say it. Say you’re mine Sunoo,” the alpha says as he sucks a dark red mark on the omegas neck.
Sunoo whimpers as his shaky hands reach up to grab the alphas shoulders.
“I-I’m yours” he gasps eyes rolling back

“Yours who?” Sunghoon grows. He needs to hear it. He needs Sunoo to say that he belongs to
Sunoo, that he’s his alpha. That he still loves Sunghoon just like Sunghoon loves him.

“I-I’m yours Sunghoon. My alpha…'m your omega,” the omega says, whining when Sunghoon
sinks his teeth into his skin, not enough to break skin but enough to hurt and leave a mark.
Sunghoon licks over the bite mark a few times before going up to kiss Sunoo once again. Pulling
back Sunghoon pulled Sunoo to his chest before reaching for the collar of Jake’s hoodie and
pulling him in for a rough kiss as well. A hot possessive feeling was swimming in the alphas gut
that he was all too familiar with but he ignored it for the time being. Currently the alpha was
feeling nothing but the overwhelming need to remind his mates that they’re his, that they are the
missing pieces of his soul who he loves dearly. However the longer he stayed kissing Jake and
having his mates bodies pressed against him the worse the feeling got. The alpha reeled back from
his mates panting heavily as he held his head in his hands.

“I need to…I’m going home for a while,” Sunghoon says, chest heaving. He could feel his canines
feeling heavy with the need to drop and bite claiming his mates as his letting everyone know they
were off limits.

“You are home,” Sunoo whispers but Sunghoon shakes his head. Yes he is home but he can’t be
home not right now.

“My moms. I need to go home,” he says, keeping his eyes squeezed shut and breathing through his
mouth so Sunoo’s sweet syrupy scent and Jake’s gooey pie smell wouldn’t stir his alpha up more
until he was jumping their bones.

Surprisingly Sunoo hadn’t caught on, his own emotions dialed up to a 10. “S-Sunghoon I’m sorry I
lied ok! You don’t have to run from our home because I-” he reaches for Sunghoon only for the
alpha to back up. It causes a look of hurt to cross Sunoo’s face.

“My rut is starting. Don’t give me that look, it came early. I can't control that,” Sunghoon huffs
looking at Sunoo.

“I’m going to go home, ride it out with some suppressants.”

“B-but you hate them!”

“I really don’t think it’s a good idea for me to stay here right now. Especially since I could trigger
Jake’s rut so I’m going to go home ride it out and then when I get back we’ll talk about…all of

“I think, maybe I should go somewhere else too” Jake hums. He had laid down when Sunghoon
pulled back from him trying to calm his heartbeat and relax so his body didn’t feel so hot.


“He already triggered it,” the beta admits but he doesn’t dare look at the two, his cheeks burning
from embarrassment.

“So…you’re both going to just. Leave me?” Sunoo stutters looking between the two. The tension
hangs heavy in the air like a sword waiting to drop and execute them all. Jake bounces his leg as
his eyes flick from Sunghoon to Sunoo. He’d thought about this since the moment they asked. Jake
always thought he’d be afraid to share his heat/rut with his mate but right now he felt nothing but
certain he was going to make the right decision.
“Or we don’t…we don’t have to...” he says trying to mask his nervousness behind false
confidence. The beta squares his shoulders back and tilts his head up.

'Please don’t reject me. Please don’t just accept me, listen to me. Understand me. I love you so
much, can’t you see? Don't you feel it?'

“Jake” Sunghoon says voice sounding strained. Jake’s eyes flick to the alpha seeing his adam's
apple bob.

“Look. We all have spent the last half year misunderstanding one another and doubting the love
we have for each other so what if we just…we stop thinking, we stop thinking and just feel all the
things we feel and let our instincts take over?” Jake questions.

“Like we did that day with Sunoo. You felt it right? How much we love you, how badly we wanted
to protect you and keep you safe?” the beta asks, turning to Sunoo who nodded. He remembers
how Jake and Sunghoon scented him, how they whispered how much they loved him, how happy
he was to be home with them, safe and in their arms.

“Sunghoon you told me to listen to my instincts, and show Sunoo he was safe with us. Why don’t
we do that now? No thinking of bad things and intrusive thoughts. Just feeling and understanding”

“Jake. Don’t force yourself. This isn’t the time to be sentimental,” Sunghoon huffs. He’s well
aware of how he’d told Jake to lead by his instincts. How he’d given in easily and scented Sunoo so
sweetly, so gently taking care of their omega, making him feel safe and calm. However Sunghoon
fears that Jake is talking based on his rut. That in the end when everything is said and done he’s
going to regret it and that is one of the last things Sunghoon ever wants.

“I'm not forcing anything Sunghoon.” Jake says as he stands. With shaky hands he grabs the hem
of his hoodie and the shirt underneath, gripping the fabric tightly in his hands for a second before
slowly raising it up off his body. Sunghoon and Sunoo stare as the sunlight from their balcony hits
against Jake’s honey toned skin making him look like he was glowing. He might as well be
because in their eyes Jake was one of the most beautiful people in the world.

“I love you, both of you. A-and you love me right?” the beta questions bashfully glancing at the
two from behind his dark bangs. His cheeks blazed bright red as he felt them staring at his body.
Jake knows that by societal beauty standards he has a nice body (even if sometimes he doesn’t
exactly believe that) but having Sunghoon and Sunoo stare at him to the point they might as well
be drooling made him self conscious. It was one thing to be shirtless around family or close friends,
it was an entirely different and new thing to be like this around your lovers.

“G-guys?” he squeaks, fighting off the urge to cover himself. Sunoo breaks first eyes snapping
from Jake’s toned tummy up to his eyes. He gets up, launching himself towards Jake who catches
him with ease.

“Of course!” the omega cries, throwing his arms around Jake’s neck. The beta pecks the omegas
lips once, twice and then soon they’re back to making out. Jake leans them down on the couch
again as he hovers over the small omega keeping their lips firmly pressed together. Jake helps
Sunoo out of his own shirt before pressing their chests together which has them both whimpering at
the feeling of warm skin on skin. When they pull back to breath Jake looks over his shoulder at
Sunghoon who looked like he was fighting against himself.

“Sunghoon” Jake tries but Sunghoon doesn’t even flinch so Jake decides to do something he never
thought he would.
“A-alpha” he whimpers. It easily catches Sunghoons attention as his eyes flick to Jake’s glowing
blood red. He stalks towards his mates standing behind them. With a rough hand he grabs a handful
of Jake’s hair pulling his head back not hard enough to hurt but just enough to force the beta to
keep eye contact with him

“You better be more than sure Jake. Once we do this there is no undoing it,” he growls. Jake's
tongue darts out to lick his lips.

"I'm sure alpha," he breathes out and that was enough for Sunghoon who let out a loud growl
before tearing his shirt off.

[ ]


5 days later...

Sunghoon worked around the small kitchen to prepare a meal for his mates. His and Jake’s rut
finally broke a few hours ago and the alpha was in the process of caring for his mates. He’d
already cleaned and aired out the bedroom before leaving them to sleep off the days events while
he cooked them something. It was taking him longer than he expected to make a simple meal for
them but then again he wasn’t their resident chef. Sunghoon wasn’t worried. He’s sure his mates
could use the extra rest and it gave him time to think about before his rut started.

Sunoo has another mate. Sunoo has another mate and didn’t tell him and not only that he ran.
Sunghoon isn’t mad at him for running, in fact he understands. He himself has done it twice but it’s
because he’s done it twice that he can’t let Sunoo do it. He won’t let it happen for a third time.
Sunghoon isn’t going to let Sunoo run away like he did in the past. They were going to handle this

“How does Jake do this?” he mutters to himself as he slices into his finger for the fourth time. The
cut doesn’t stay long, his body healing it just as quickly as it got injured but it was still annoying.
With a heavy sigh the alpha finishes cutting the onion before tossing the chunks haphazardly into
the pan mixing it around with everything else. He lets the kimchi fried rice cook for a few extra
minutes before getting a plate to empty it onto. Balancing the hot plate of food and a two liter of
water under his arm Sunghoon makes his way to their bedroom. He can’t help the smile that graces
his face seeing Jake and Sunoo tangled together in their nest. Sunoo had whined and fussed to set
everything up, Jake right next to him helping the omega to weave clothes and blankets together
until it was perfect.

Currently Jake had his leg lazily thrown over Sunoo’s hip in nothing but his boxers allowing
Sunghoon to see the leftover marks across his skin as they slowly healed. Sunoo on the other hand,
the forever extra pampered omega was dressed in his pajamas however his sleep shorts had ridden
up just enough for the alpha to see his thighs still littered with dark marks made by him and Jake.
Sunoo’s body had always been rather slow at healing and for once Sunghoon didn’t mind.
Subconsciously his tongue runs over his bottom lip as he recalls everything they did for the last
few days…maybe his rut didn’t fully break.

Purging his lewd thoughts from his brain before he acted on them Sunghoon forced his legs to
walk forward. He was here to feed his mates and care for them, not breed them again although the
thought was very tempting. Sunghoon places the hot plate of food down on the bedside table
before sitting on the edge of the bed. He leans over brushing at Jake’s hair to wake him first. The
beta whines at first before he opens his eyes, the brown orbs still cloudy from his rut.
“Hey, I made food” Sunghoon whispers as he smiles down at Jake, his face full of admiration. Jake
hums before letting his eyes flutter shut again. He takes a few minutes to gather himself before
detangling from Sunoo to sit up. The loss of heat pulled Sunoo from his sleep causing him to wake
up slowly.

“Jakie” he whines as his hand weakly pats the bed searching for the beta. Jake hums letting Sunoo
know he was still there before gliding his hand across the bed the short distance to meet Sunoo’s.
The omega quickly takes hold of Jake’s hand before pulling it to his chest protectively.

“Sunoo, Sunshine. It’s time to wake up,” Sunghoon murmurs as he brushes his hand over Sunoo’s
shoulder. The omega sleepily babbles something before rolling over to face Sunghoon.

“No…needa sleep,” the omega slurs.

“You can sleep after you eat baby. Hmm sit up for me,” Sunghoon coos but the omega shakes his

“...really don think that’s a good idea,” Sunoo slurs. He was only half awake but he could still feel
the pain in his lower back. Sunghoon smirks trying not to think about why Sunoo doesn’t want to
sit up. Instead he pulls on the omegas arms forcing him up slightly but not to where he would be
uncomfortable or in pain.

“There my love, better?” he says as he adjusts a few more pillows to assure the omega would be
comfortable. Through his sleepy gaze Sunoo glares at his mate but Sunghoon only gives him a

“I made food!” the alpha sing-songs taking the plate of food from the side table to set it on his lap.

“Is it edible?” Sunoo questions, eyeing the food suspiciously as Sunghoon spooks up a spoonful.

“Yes it’s edible,” Sunghoon huffs with an eye roll. Sunoo’s lips stretch into a small smile.

“Just making sure,” he shrugs.

“You say that as if you’re not just as bad of a cook as I am,” Sunghoon huffs as he brings the spoon
up to Sunoo’s lips. The omega does nothing but chuckle before taking a bite of the food. He keeps
his face blank as he chews then swallows.


“Definitely better than the pancakes you tried to make last time I let you cook,” Sunoo giggles.
Sunghoon barks out a laugh remembering the awful smell of the pancakes and the utter disaster the
kitchen ended up being the last time he tried to make Sunoo breakfast.

“I wanna try!” Jake whines. His stomach had been growling the entire time Sunghoon was in the
kitchen and now that he was in the same room as the food he could feel himself salivate.

“Yes yes can’t forget about our puppy!” Sunghoon coos as he scoops more rice onto the spoon to
feed Jake as well.

“Wah! You have to make this for me from now on. Yours is so much better than mine!” the beta
giggles as he encourages Sunghoon to feed him another bite.

“I can do that,” Sunghoon hums as he feeds Jake another bite. They sit there eating together, well
really Sunghoon feeding the two more than he ate but Jake made sure to steal the spoon from him
to make sure he ate a bit as well. When the food was gone and they all drank plenty of water
Sunghoon climbed into the bed nestling himself in the middle with his mates fast asleep on either

They spent the rest of the day sleeping or staying in bed cuddled together to recover. The day
quickly slipped away from them turning into the next day. It was their final day to recover before
having to go back to classes. Sunghoon and Jake felt a lot better, their senses clear from their rut
and Sunoo was back to himself as well but there was the lingering tension from five days prior.

“I want to meet him,” Sunghoon announces. They’d moved from the bedroom to the living room,
letting some random movie play while Jake did his homework as Sunoo and Sunghoon lazed on
the couch, only half paying attention to the movie.

“What?” Sunoo mutters sitting up straighter on the couch.

“Your mate. I want to meet him,” the alpha says, clarifying. Sunoo’s lips curl into a pout as he
nervously picks at his nails.

“I don’t..maybe we-” the omega huffs as he wraps his arms around himself. “We shouldn’t do
that,” he murmurs with a shake of his head and a firm pout on his lips. Sunghoon arches a brow.


“I’ve already caused them so much pain and Jungwon…he probably doesn’t want to talk to me
anymore,” Sunoo sniffs. He hadn’t thought too much about how this changed his relationship with
the younger omega but he was sure that Jungwon didn’t want to be friends anymore. Not after what
Sunoo did to them.

“How do you know? Did you check?” Sunghoon questions but Sunoo doesn’t answer. He’d yet to
check his phone, afraid to see if Jungwon had called or not. Deep down he wants him to have done
so but the dark side of his mind was so sure Jungwon was done with him.

“Why do you want to meet him?” Sunoo deflects not wanting to answer. Sunghoon shrugs, trying
to act casual and nonchalant.

“Because he’s your mate,” he says plainly.

“I think it’s better if we don’t interfere anymore,” the omega sulks. From his spot on the floor Jake
turns away from his laptop to face his mates.

“What? Sunoo you can't mean that!” he exclaims with a shake of his head. Sunoo can’t do that, he
just can’t.

“What good will it do for me to be in his life? I’ve already burdened him so much” Sunoo

“That’s why we’re going to meet him so you can make it right,” Sunghoon says.

“Why are you so persistent about this?”

“Why aren’t you? What happened to the Sunoo who stalked me outside the ice rink because he
wanted to know his mate? Or the Sunoo who encouraged me to get to know Jake even though I had
doubts?” Sunghoon questions and Sunoo rolls his eyes. The alpha will never let him live down the
fact that he sort of, kind of stalked Sunghoon when the alpha avoided him after finding out they
were mates. In Sunoo’s sole defense he didn’t know what else to do! Sunghoon always gave him
the cold shoulder at school.

“You had doubts about me?” Jake exclaims, pouting up at Sunghoon. The alpha gives the hybrid a
fond smile as he reaches for the beta’s fluffy hair running his fingers through it. His hair had
become a lot softer since Sunoo started him on a hair care plan claiming “It’s all a part of a
healthy lifestyle and self care Jaeyunnie!”

“I had doubts about myself and getting involved in your life. At first I wasn’t sure if I would be
good enough for you or live up to any expectations you might have had but Sunoo always
encouraged me even if he wasn’t all that fond of you at first,” he says softly to Jake who gives him
a tender smile back. Sunghoon gives Jake’s head a few good scratches before pulling back to face
Sunoo again.

“But Sunoo, my point is look at how it worked out for us. If you weren't so persistent I wouldn't
have met the most important people in my life. You put aside your feelings for me once with Jake
and now it’s my turn. I won't let you be like me and walk away from your mate.” Sunghoon’s eyes
peer into Sunoo’s telling him everything he needed to know through a look.

'You’re going to get through this….I’ve got you. I’m going to help you. Trust your alpha. I love

“What if he hates me now?” Sunoo murmurs looking at his phone. It still remained face down on
the coffee table where he left it days ago.

“If he was really your friend he won't hate you,” Jake says, placing a gentle hand on Sunoo’s knee.
The omega looks at him with tears in his eyes. He reaches for Jake's hand interlacing their fingers
giving it a small squeeze.

“But what if I was wrong…what if he wasn’t really my friend?” Jake smiles sympathetically at the
younger. He knows all too well about the anxiety of finding out a friend really didn’t care about
you. He almost wants to tell Sunoo to not call him, to run but Jake has grown up. The only way to
get past it was to find out for himself if Jungwon was a friend or foe. No matter what Jake will be
there to wipe away any tears the omega might shed and hold him until he feels better but hopefully
Jungwon is a true friend. Hopefully Jake won’t be holding Sunoo because he’s sad but because
he’s happy. So with a heart full of hope he picks the phone up from the coffee table so he can pass
it to Sunoo.

“Only one way to find out,” he says gently, pressing the device in the omegas hand.

“Call him.”


You didn’t come to class….are you ok? - J.W.

Look I'm sorry if this all has freaked you out. It freaked us out too but we’re here…if you want
to talk to us - J.W.
Ok i got the message loud and clear, you don’t want to see us but don’t mess up your grades
because of it…. - J.W.

You’re a jerk you know. At least read my messages - J.W.

Do you know how badly you’re hurting jay? This isn't fair to him - J.W.

I'm sorry that wasn't fair. I can't blame you. You’re probably scared…i just wanna talk - J.W.

Are you ok? -J.W.

Did your alpha find out? Is that why you’re not answering? - J.W.

Please let me know you’re ok. We can help you - J.W.

I miss you... - J.W.

Sunoo began to gnaw on his bottom lip with guilt. Jungwon was worried about him. Him. They
weren't mad but wanted to talk to him, to see him. With shaky hands he left the messaging app to
listen to the voicemail Jungwon left just yesterday.

“Sunoo? Look I know the other day was a shock but I haven't heard from you in five days. You
haven't been at school or work and…Jay’s worried…I’m worried too. Did your mate find out?
Is he mad? Please if you can let me know if you're safe, ok?...”

Sunoo listened to the voicemail a few times before a few tears escaped. He didn’t mean to worry
Jungwon, or Jay. He honestly didn’t expect them to care after finding out. Even so Sunoo couldn’t
help his heart from soaring with joy. It was then that the omega decided he couldn’t just leave a
text or a voicemail. He needed to do this face to face.

By some stroke of luck (or misfortune) the day the trio were set to return to classes fell on a day
Sunoo had creative writing. Sunoo changed his outfit at least twelve times and broke down trying
four times as he got ready. He knows he and Jungwon will not be ok, that they have a lot of things
to talk about and Sunoo has a lot to apologize for. Still the omega wanted to look nice when he saw
Jungwon and the anxiety was tearing him apart. Sunghoon and Jake were right there to hold him
through it. Sunghoon decided on a nice outfit and Jake took all the lessons Sunoo gave him and
helped him do his hair. Once the omega decided he was presentable enough they left the apartment
together, hands interlaced.

“You gonna be ok?” Jake questions once they get close to the building.

“...yeah,” Sunoo murmurs, “Yes,” he says firmer when Sunghoon gives his hand a comforting

“I can do this,” the omega says as the two gently let his hands go. They already agreed to let Sunoo
walk himself the rest of the way so the sight of Jake and Sunghoon wouldn’t intimidate Jungwon
before Sunoo had a chance to secure a meeting with him and Jay.

“You got this. And if this Jungwon starts giving you a hard time just call me and I will-”

“Hoonie I’m not going to let you hurt Wonnie,” Sunoo says as he softly glares at his mate.

“I’m not going to hurt him. I was only gonna say I’ll come over and set him straight. No one yells
at my boys” Sunghoon murmurs. He adjusts his scarf around his neck mumbling about it still being
cold out but really the alpha wanted to hide his blush before his mates teased him about it.

“That’s a nice sentiment Hoon but you wouldn’t be able to handle Jungwon anyways,” Sunoo says
playfully as he tries to lighten his own mood.

“I can do it. I’ll take whatever he says to me since I can understand his position. I won’t take it to
heart” the omega says assuring the two older wolves. He flashes them a smile before giving a
small pump of his fist.

“Leave it to me! I got this!” he says before walking in the direction of his class.

“He’s got this…right?” Jake murmurs feeling a bit worried for their omega. Sunghoon simply
wraps an arm around Jake’s waist as he leads the beta towards his own class.

“Yeah he does. He’s Sunoo,” Sunghoon says knowing his mate can do anything he sets his mind to
and currently Sunoo was setting his mind to not combust with the anxiety pumping through him.
The omega peaks his head into the classroom looking up at his seat only to find the space next to it
to be empty. He doesn’t know if that’s a good or bad thing. Nevertheless the omega straightens up
as he pushes the door open and struts inside. Sunoo sits at his seat pretending to get organized
when in reality he kept taking peaks at the door waiting for Jungwon to walk through. He maybe
arranged and rearranged his things twenty times before Jungwon walked through the door with all
of two minutes to spare before Professor Min began class.

Jungwon stops in his tracks seeing Sunoo in his seat as if he couldn’t believe it. He blinks and rubs
at his eyes as if he were a character in a movie before squinting up to see Sunoo had really been
sitting there after all. He smiles at first hand coming up to wave but at the last second stops as a
scowl crosses his face. With a huff the omega shoves his hands in his pockets as he trudged up to
his seat.

“Jungwon I-” Sunoo starts off but Jungwon is quick to snap at him

“Save it.” Jungwon says as he lets his bag fall with a heavy drop as he sits down.

“Jung- please I-”

“Quiet down students. Let's jump into class shall we. Open your textbook to page 315!” Professor
Min exclaims.

“Let's talk after class” Sunoo says quickly before flipping his textbook open. Jungwon rolls his

‘Like hell’

The class drags on long. Longer than usual but maybe that’s because Sunoo didn’t have Jungwon
to joke around with and instead forced himself to sit and pay attention. After Professor Min’s long
winded lecture and rant on the structure of haikus the class ended as various students rushed out,
Jungwon being one of them. He’d quickly shoved his things into his bag haphazardly before
rushing down the stairs to get out of the room. Sunoo quickly followed, not bothering to properly
zip his bag up as he rushed after the omega.

“Jungwon! Jungwon, wait! Please!” Sunoo pleads as he pushes past the sea of students to get to
Jungwon. The omega spins hot on his heels as he glares at Sunoo.

“What?!” he hisses glaring meanly at Sunoo.

“I want to talk please. Let me explain,” Sunoo pleads. He reaches for Jungwon’s hands only for the
younger to rip them away.

“Now you want to talk? What about when I called, texted? You couldn’t bother to reply to me so
why should I give you what you want? Huh?!” Jungwon exclaims but he doesn’t give Sunoo a
chance to answer “You want to talk now but couldn’t take five seconds to text me. To let Jay and I
know you were ok. We were worried ya know.”

“I know…I read your texts yesterday but I couldn’t reply.”

“Sure you couldn’t,” Jungwon says with a dismissive eye roll “You know I thought you were my
friend but friends don’t treat each other like that Sunoo!” Jungwon says with a sniffle. Sunoo could
see that the younger was trying hard to mask his emotions, to not show him how he felt but oddly
Sunoo felt like he could feel it, deep within him. Maybe it was just the guilt getting to him.

“You’re right I didn’t but there is a reason for that!” Sunoo rushes out. Jungwon raises a brow,
arms crossing over his chest.

“And that is?” he challenges, wanting answers instead of excuses.

“M-my my mates started their rut so I was on leave…to help them...” Sunoo says his face growing
hot. Jungwon’s does as well as the younger omega’s ears and cheeks flush bright pink.

“M-mates?” he questions despite his embarrassment.

“It’s complicated but we can explain. My mates, they want to meet you, and Jay. I totally
understand if you don’t want to meet them but at least let Jay meet them. Please?” Sunoo looks at
Jungwon on the verge of tears, something that doesn't go unnoticed by the younger omega but he
can't bring himself to easily give in to the older omega...not yet.

“What if I don't want to?”

“Then I understand…I’ve been where you are and if you decide to never see me again I will
understand and wont hold it against you,” Sunoo starts before he rocks on the balls of his feet to his
heel “But I at least need to talk to Jay…please...” Sunoo feels guilty for asking this of Jungwon and
his mate…of their mate. He tries not to squirm as Jungwon stares at him, trying to pick him apart
piece by piece and read his brain.

“I’ll tell Jay but I won’t force him to do anything he doesn't want to,” Jungwon huffs.

“I would never ask that of you just…please tell him we want to meet him and-” Sunoo glances up
at Jungwon their eyes meeting for a split second before Jungwon turns away “I’m sorry” he
finishes. Jungwon gives a curt nod before taking a few steps back

“I’ll tell him, but no promises,” he says and then he’s walking off. Sunoo tells himself not to watch
him go but he does so anyway watching as Jungwon’s form gets smaller and smaller the further
away he gets until he’s out of sight. With a heavy sigh Sunoo heads off to his own class already
mentally preparing himself for the embarrassment he’ll go through when the professor calls him
out for being late in front of the whole class.

Sunoo tries hard not to be annoyed at Jake and Sunghoon’s eagerness to know how his talk with
Jungwon went. He could already feel the stress weighing dangerously heavily on his omega
putting him at risk for another drop which he definitely does not want.

Instead of snapping at them he presses his face against Jake’s chest and whines as he gives a small

“We’re sorry Ddeonu. Not meaning to stress you out baby,” the beta says leaning down to rub his
cheek against the top of Sunoo’s head scenting him lightly.

“ ‘s ok.” he mutters. He felt like he was walking on eggshells all day. The poor omega wants
nothing more than to go to sleep but he couldn’t relax. Not until he knows what Jungwon and Jay
will do.

“Your phone,” Sunghoon says, passing the device over. Sunoo wasn’t even aware it had slipped
out of his hand but once it was back in his possession he unlocked it with his thumbprint quickly
opening his messages to read a recent text from Jungwon.

‘Meet us at the student council room, 1p.m.’ - J.W.

The text reads followed by an incoming second.

‘You better show up and don’t be late.’ - J.W.

Sunoo smiles sadly as he types up a quick ‘Ok. We’ll be there’ and hits send before clicking the
phone off. He knows Jungwon’s rude and blunt messages were a way of protecting himself.
Keeping Sunoo at arms length so he doesn’t get hurt.

“So?” Sunghoon questions nudging his knee against Sunoo’s. The omega sniffs quickly wiping
away a stray tear.

“Tomorrow 1 p.m. You’ll meet Jay tomorrow,” he says.

Chapter End Notes

Do you hate professor min yet? He's always interrupting when the sunshine duo have
something important to tell each other lol

I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter! Unfortunately this book will now be on hiatus.
I'm finishing up the semester and have to focus on finals and just need a bit of a brain
break. I should be back halfway through December. See you when I come back ❤
chapter twenty-seven
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Jungwon didn’t expect to see Sunoo when he walked into class this morning. Honestly he’d
thought it was a dream but then he caught wind of the older omegas' gentle lemon scent and he
knew it was real. A smile made its way onto his lips as he brought his hand up to wave, happy the
omega was safe and alive but then he scowled. He and Jay spent almost a week worrying over him.
Jungwon tried talking to administrators, Yuju, and random students in their class but no one had
information they could give him. Five days of worrying and leaving message after message hoping
for a response back, a text, a voicemail, phone call, hell Jungwon would even accept a carrier
pigeon only for there to be nothing. No contact from Sunoo despite all his worrying only for the
omega to show up in perfect condition. It angered Jungwon. It wasnt that he wasn’t happy to see
Sunoo, he’s glad he’s safe but he’s not happy about being ignored so he shoved his hands into his
pockets and began the short journey to his seat.

“Jungwon I-” Jungwon could hear the desperation in the older’s voice but he didn’t want to hear
his excuses not right now.

“Save it.” he grumbles as he settles into his seat.

“Jung- please I-”

“Quiet down students. Let’s jump into class shall we. Open your textbook to page 315!” Professor
Min shouts and for once Jungwon is thankful for his interruption.

“Let’s talk after class,” Sunoo whispers before flicking through the pages of his textbook to find
the right one. Jungwon tries not to scoff as he rolls his eyes.

‘Like hell’

If Sunoo thinks that he’s going to talk just because the older said so, he's sadly mistaken. How dare
he after Jungwon worried so much about him for days? But then again maybe something happened
to him. Maybe his alpha was upset. Sunoo didn’t talk much about Sunghoon but maybe there was a
reason for that. There was a possibility that the alpha found out and hurt Sunoo and the omega was
hiding injuries. With the thought in mind he turns his head ever so slightly to look over Sunoo’s
form. He wouldn’t be able to see much, not with the layers of clothing Sunoo had on due to the still
bitter cold weather but surely Jungwon would be able to find something. A bruise, a scar, a sign in
his face showing discomfort from an injury he couldn’t see. Throughout the entire class period
Jungwon looked over at Sunoo wanting to find something, hoping to find something. He could
accept Sunoo’s disappearance if the omega had been injured but despite his efforts there was
nothing to be found. Sunoo truly was in perfect condition (more or less) and it bothered Jungwon.
‘So he really was just ignoring us…’

The thought leaves a bitter and dark emotion creeping into Jungwon’s heart and he doesn’t like it.
Sunoo is supposed to be his friend, his best friend but he’s betrayed his trust and it stings in a way
Jungwon has never felt before.

When Professor Min finally announces that class is over and they are dismissed Jungwon is
shoving his things in his bag and shuffling out with the bustle of students. He doesn’t bother
waiting for Sunoo like usual and instead hitails it out of there hoping the older would take the hint
and leave him alone. How naive of Jungwon.

“Jungwon! Jungwon, wait! Please!” Sunoo pleads as he works his way through the mass of
students trying to get to classes or visiting with friends. Jungwon fights back the tears gathering in
his eyes.

“What?” he hisses, turning around to glare at Sunoo.

“I want to talk please. Let me explain,” Sunoo reaches for Jungwon’s hand and as much as
Jungwon wants to hold his hand he can’t not now so he rips it away just as Sunoo’s finger tips
touch his skin. It leaves the surface burning, itching to have Sunoo’s soft skin on his, to feel his
presence, his happy infectious aura that Jungwon has come to admire deeply.

“Now you want to talk? What about when I called, texted? You couldn’t bother to reply to me so
why should I give you what you want? Huh?!” Jungwon feels himself getting worked up as an
angry flare of emotion courses through him, confusing him of what he really feels in this moment.
Anger, admiration, relief? He can't tell but the words continue to tumble out betraying him as he
says whatever comes to mind “You want to talk now but couldn’t take five seconds to text me. To
let Jay and I know you were ok. We were worried ya know!” Jungwons hands ball into fits at his
side as he digs his nails into his palms. He can't cry right now, he won't.

Sunoo opens his mouth only to shut it seconds later. His brows crease together in thought before he

“I know…I read your texts yesterday but I couldn’t reply.” he says choosing his words carefully to
not upset Jungwon further.

“Sure you couldn’t,” Jungwon growls. Why was Sunoo making so many excuses? Why was he
making this harder than it needs to be? Clearly he doesn’t care for Jungwon, or Jay so why not
admit he wants nothing to do with them and move on so Jungwon doesn’t have to suffer so much,
to be in so much pain. So Jay doesn’t have to be in pain only for Jungwon to watch and not do

“You know I thought you were my friend but friends don’t treat each other like that Sunoo!”
Jungwon feels the dam of emotions starting to break within him. He’s so confused and feeling
misled by the situation.

“You’re right I didn’t but there is a reason for that!” Sunoo rushes out. Jungwon raises a brow,
arms crossing over his chest.

“And that is?” he challenges, wanting answers instead of excuses. There has to be a reason, a
reason Sunoo is making him suffer.

“M-my my mates started their rut so I was on leave…to help them...” Sunoo’s face turns a deep
shade of red as he speaks and in turn in makes Jungwon’s face heat up as well. Did he hear that
right? Did Sunoo say his mates, as in plural of mate, meaning there’s another one? And they both
went into rut? Together? They were all…together?

“M-mates?” Jungwon feels himself stutter embarrassingly. Sunoo nods as he softly gazes at
Jungwon. It makes the youngers stomach flip.

“It’s complicated but we can explain. My mates, they want to meet you, and Jay. I totally
understand if you don’t want to meet them but at least let Jay meet them. Please?” Sunoo’s voice
sounds strained as he holds back his tears, something Jungwon notices but can’t bring himself to
acknowledge out loud. He can’t give in to the older. Not yet. Not when there are still so many
unanswered questions and feelings Jungwon can’t quite process at the moment.

“What if I don't want to?” he mutters after a bit.

“Then I understand…I’ve been where you are and if you decide to never see me again I will
understand and wont hold it against you,” Sunoo’s shows his nervousness as he begins to rock on
his feet and pick at the skin on his wrist, something Jungwon has tried to get him to stop doing but
to no avail. “But I at least need to talk to Jay…please...” Sunoo finishes, his voice depleting in
volume. Jungwon stares at him for a bit trying to decipher if Sunoo was being genuine or putting
on a show. Does he truly care or is he faking it? Has he always been faking it? Or had Jungwon
read too much into their relationship and saw things differently than Sunoo had ment?

“I’ll tell Jay but I won’t force him to do anything he doesn't want to,” Jungwon huffs after a while.
If he wants answers then he’ll just have to agree, if not for himself but for Jay. His mate deserves a
chance to get answers of his own and make his own choice on how to move forward.

“I would never ask that of you just…please tell him we want to meet him and-” Sunoo glances up
at Jungwon their eyes meeting for a split second before Jungwon turns away “I’m sorry” he
finishes. Jungwon gives a curt nod before taking a few steps back.

“I’ll tell him, but no promises,” he says and then he’s walking off. He can feel Sunoo’s eyes on
him as he walks away but Jungwon refuses to turn back so he weaves his way through various
students silently making his way to his next class.


Jungwon felt himself teetering for the rest of the day. Present but not really present. His mind
always found a way to backtrack to Sunoo going from overjoyed he was alive and well to angry
and betrayed from being ignored and told nothing but excuses. He wanted to go home, to curl up in
the nest with Jay, to feel safe and loved and told everything will be ok, that things will work
themselves out but unfortunately he was stuck on a cold crowded bus alone. Jay had to do some lab
work this evening and wouldn’t be home until late leaving Jungwon with nothing but an empty
apartment and a head full of negative thoughts.

Pushing the door to the apartment open Jungwon kicks his shoes off as he walks inside, closing
and locking the door behind him. He lets his body give out as he leans against the door for support.
He could really do with a hug right now. The omega allows himself a few minutes to collect
himself before moving on autopilot to get some things done. He cleans the morning dishes and
folds away old laundry before setting up at his desk with homework assignments scattered around
him. For hours he works, mind thankfully preoccupied with school work. Jungwon was so
engrossed in his assignments that he didn’t hear Jay come in nor did he smell him when he entered
the room.


“AHH FUC- HYUNG!” the younger omega exclaims as he comes face to face with his mate who
gives him a sympathetic look.

“ ‘m sorry. Did you not hear me come in?” Jay chuckles as he looks at his mate with a soft smile.

“No…no I was. Homework. I had homework,” Jungwon murmurs, turning away from Jay back to
look at his assignments.

“Hmm. Wanna take a break? I could really use some nest time” Jay says, holding his hand out.
Jungwon licks his lips nervously as he pushes himself away from the desk to face Jay again.

“Um, can we talk first?” he asks, peering up at Jay.

“Yeah of course.” Jay settles himself on the end of Jungwon’s bed, smoothing his palms against his

“So um…” Jungwon swallows nervously as he tries to find the right words.

“I saw Sunoo today." As the words leave his mouth Jungwon can see the gears turning in Jay's
head quickly processing the information as he jumps to his feet, eyes going comically wide.

“What?! When? Is he ok?” the words rush from Jay's mouth as his scent begins to fluff out on the
room going from a gentle lavender to a very potent smell of the flower overwhelming Jungwon as
it hits his scenes quickly.

“He’s fine I guess," the younger omega murmurs as he grows light headed from his mates
overwhelming scent. Seeming to notice this Jay smooths his palms over his pants again before
slowly sitting down as he works himself down mellowing his scent enough for it not to harm
Jungwon but he couldn't stop his omega from pushing out happy pheromones.

“Did he say why he didn’t show up? Why didn't he answer his texts? Something happened with his
phone or something or maybe his mate. He wouldn’t just ignore you like that right?” Jay sputters
out question after question hoping Jungwon had some answers, could tell him something to settle
his ober restless and excited omega.

“Jungwon!” he almost whines as he leans forward, eyeing his mate who stays quiet and still as a

“He…he has two of them,” Jungwon mutters, not answering the questions. He can feel Jay’s
questionable glance on him but he doesn't make an attempt to elaborate. He lets the statement hang
in the air for a while.

“Two of them…what?” Jay pushes for an answer.

“Two mates,” the younger of the two sighs but it doesn’t clear up Jay's confusion.

“I know. Me and the alpha, um Sunghoon right?”

“No Jay. He has two mates and you,” Jungwon looks up slowly, making eye contact with Jay.

“The-they went into rut and he was with them. That’s why he never messaged me back or didn’t go
to class. They were on rut leave…together” Jungwon can see Jay's adams apple bob and his hands
clasp together before settling neatly on his lap.

“O-oh." Jungwon frowns at his mate. It was rare for Jay to sound so hurt, so defeated. It stung at
his bond that Jungwon couldn't fix it, that someone else was connected to Jay in a way that was
supposed to up lift him and bring him joy but was instead hurting him, wounding his soul deeply
and intimately.

“I-is the other one an alpha?” Jay's insecurity shows in his voice, how scared he is of being
rejected by Sunoo because of his status as an omega. That he can't provide the same care and love
an alpha could. Why would he need Jay as a mate if he has two alphas to care, protect and love him
already. Would Jay just be a burden?

“I dunno…I think. I think I met them.” Jungwon mutters. Since Sunoo mentions his mates
Jungwon had been thinking over it, his brain processing and over analyzing every conversation he
had with Sunoo. He tried to remember a name that stood out or was mentioned more often than
others but nothing really stood out to him, not until he remembered that day. The day he took
Sunoo to the infirmary.

Now that he thinks of it he does remember two people showing up the day Sunoo passed out. The
taller one, the one who’d thanked Jungwon, must have been the alpha, standing back taking in the
scene trying to read Jungwon, he doesn’t know why he didn’t realize sooner. How could he think
that was Sunoo’s brother? The other one must be his friend- no his mate. His other mate. He must
be a beta, or maybe another omega? Jungwon can’t remember what type of scent the other man
had or if he picked up on one at all.

“You met them?” Jay questions cutting into Jungwon’s thoughts. Jungwon blinks back to focus
looking at Jay.

“Um, that day Sunoo passed out. Two people came to get him, his mates I guess,” Jungwon
answers. Jay’s eyebrows bunch together as his lips press into a firm line as he processes the

“It was because of Sunoo…” Jay mumbles, coming to a sudden realization. How was he so blind to
not realize all of this sooner. The dizzy spells the pain at night, random nose bleeds, they'd been
linked this entire time.

“Huh?” Jungwon gives his mate a look.

“That same day I got really light headed. I didn’t pass out but I got dizzy and my chest hurt really
bad. It must have been because of Sunoo. He must have had stronger withdrawal symptoms than
me and it caused him to pass out.”Jay explains as Jungwon nods slowly the connections being
made in his brain and finally they have a few answers but they weren't enough. No, the questions
they still had unanswered were left to Sunoo still to provide the answers.

“I guess that makes sense.”

“Did he say anything else? D-did he ask about me?” Jay questions his voice growing soft, hesitant
like he isn’t sure if he should be asking Jungwon this. Jungwon sucks in a breath through his teeth.
He could lie. He could say that Sunoo didn’t say anything about him and then he could keep Jay to
himself, he could protect them both from getting hurt but that wasn’t Jungwon’s choice to make.
He won’t take away Jay's choice to meet and connect with his mate.

“He wants to meet you. Him and his mates that is," Jungwon murmurs. Jay feels his heart rate pick
up as his scent begins to thicken in the room. Jungwon gulps as his scenes are hit with a sudden
rush of lavender with a hint of lemon underneath.

“They wanna meet me? A-all of them?” Jay's voice wavers showing his anxiousness.

‘Yeah. Sunoo asked me to relay the message to you. I told him I’d tell you but I didn’t say you’d
go. I figured I would leave that up to you” Jungwon says looking at Jay expectantly but the omega
sits blinking at the floor.

“So?” Jungwon presses after a moment or two. He needs to know if they're doing this or not.
“So what?” Jay sighs.

“Do you want to do it or not?” Jungwon questions roughly.

“Of course I want to Jungwon. He’s my mate but…it was hard enough thinking about how this
would work with the two of us plus Sunoo and his mate, now you’re telling me there’s someone
else thrown into this. It’s a lot to take in.” Jay runs a hand through his hair for the nth time this

“He must trust them…he spent their rut with them,” Jungwon voices. Jay nods slowly.

“That must mean they’re happy together. That they figured out how to balance their relationship.
I’m happy for them…” he pauses awkwardly almost like there was more he wants to say but stops

“But?” Jungwon murmurs giving the older the opportunity to say what was on his mind, to let it
out instead of holding it in himself. Jay's tongue darts out to lick at his lips before he sucks a harsh
breath through his teeth.

“Is it selfish? Is it selfish for me to ask Sunoo to share himself with me and his other mates?”

“I dunno. Is it selfish that I want to keep you to myself?” the mates hold each others gaze, eyes
tender with love and understanding. This was uncharted territory and as scary as it is to voice their
thoughts, to lay out their insecurities and anxiety, they know no matter what the other person will
be supportive. With that thought Jay gives a shy shrug.

“I don't think so…” he mutters before sighing “I dunno really. We’ve been with each other for a
long time…and now there’s someone else. Three other people joining our bubble, I’m scared.
What if- what if we can’t…” Jungwon doesn’t need Jay to finish his sentence to know what he was
going to say, the questions lingering on his tongue.

‘What if we can't handle it? What if it goes wrong? What if they hate us? If Sunoo rejects me?’

Jay's scent begins to shift again turning from a gentle evergreen to smokey and overwhelming once
more. Jungwon places his hands on the arm rests of the chair ready to push himself up and comfort
his mate when suddenly Jay gives a firm shake of his head and as quickly as his scent had turned
bad it sweetens up again.

“Let's do it,” he says firmly. There was a small determined blaze in his eyes that Jungwon instantly
recognized as his stubbornness becoming present, not backing down from this difficulty that
presented itself to him.

“We don't have to-”

“I don't want to continue putting this off for longer than necessary,” Jay says firmly and in turn
Jungwon sighs. There was no changing his mates mind now. They were moving forward with this.

“Ok well where should we meet them? I doubt they’d want to come here and there's no way
they’re letting us into their den after um ya know”

“There won't be any student council meetings right?”

“Not that I know of. There’s one later in the evening but it should be clear all day…why?”
Jungwon eyes his mate skeptically. He couldn’t already have a plan, right?
“Let's do it after my ceramics class,” Jay says and Jungwon has to resist the urge to scoff.

“Jay, I can’t just use the room whenever. There are rules”

“It won't be for long and no one has to know. Jungwon please. This is my chance to change things
between Sunoo and I. I- he may not need me but at least with this meeting I can get him to consider
being with us, even as a friend.”

Jungwon hates how sincere and transparent Jay is. He wears his heart on his sleeve and who is
Jungwon to deny his mate this? The opportunity to be with his mate.

“Fine” Jungwon huffs easily given into his mate “we’ll use the student council room but only for
an hour”

“Deal. Text Sunoo,” Jay says, nudging his chin towards Jungwons phone sitting on the desk.
Jungwon easily complies by picking up the device using his thumbprint to unlock it before heading
to his messages with Sunoo.

‘Meet us at the student council room, 1p.m.’ - J.W.

He bites at the nail on his thumb before typing up a follow up message.

‘You better show up and don’t be late.’ J.W.

Jungwon doesn’t have to wait long seeing as in less than a minute he gets a reply from Sunoo.

‘Ok. We’ll be there’ - K.S.

Seeing the confirmation text Jungwon can’t help but let out a sigh of relief. Jay wasn’t the only one
who wanted answers and he wasn’t the only one who wanted to see Sunoo. As much as the omega
angered him Jungwon can’t will himself to change his feelings for the older omega, that
admiration of their friendship not dissipating no matter how hard Jungwon tried.

“He agreed. We’ll meet them tomorrow.”

“Ok,” Jay says with a sigh. The tension slowly leaves his body with his exhale but Jungwon could
still see the worried stress lines in his face as his face twisted in thought.

“Nest time?" he questions the older, voice coming out in a whisper. Jay smiles all gooey and sweet.

“I would love that,” he says. They toss their clothes off until they’re in their boxers and climb into
the nest. Warm skin on skin felt delightful after their stressful day and Jungwon felt himself relax
against his mate for the first time all day.

“I love you," Jungwon murmurs against Jay's skin. The older omega smiles tenderly at his mate as
he leans in to place a delicate kiss on Jungwon's cheek.

“I love you too," he whispers back.


Jay flicked through each item in his closet trying to find something…perfect. His perfectionist
tendencies combined with his overly detailed omega were both nagging at him wanting his outfit
to be perfect for this official meeting with his mate and his well…mates.
He settled on a pair of dark faded jeans and a sweater paired with a white button up underneath and
some converse. Just as he was adding in his accessories, some studs and a watch on his wrist
Jungwon walked in freshly brushed hair and his face slightly pink from washing it but scrubbing
too much. Jay sighs as he fixes the watch on his wrist before making his way to his mate.

“Your skins all irritated,” he mutters as he delicately runs his thumb across Jungwon’s pale cheek.
Jungwon hums as his eyes flutter closed while he basks in the touch. It reminded Jay of a kitten
who secretly wanted pats but was too stubborn to ask.

“Are you sure you’re up for this? You don’t have to be if you’re not ready,” Jay murmurs.
Jungwon’s face twitches with slight irritation as he opens his eyes to meet his mates.

“Do you not want me there?”

“Of course I do. But if you’re not ready for this I don't want you feeling obligated to go. It’s ok to
sit this one out Wonnie.”

“Well I’m not going to. I'm going to meet them, same as you. I want answers too Jay,” Jungwon’s
lips curl down into a half frown half pout that almost has Jay cooing and fussing over him but he
holds back. Instead of admiring his mate's cute expression and angering him further Jay simply
leans in, giving his nose a small kiss.

“And I understand that. I just want us to be on the same page ok. No need to get snippy,” he says
with a playful nip to Jungwon’s nose as he pulls back standing at his full height. Jungwon rolls his
eyes, reaching up to rub at his nose.

“I know I’m sorry. It’s just-” Jungwon sighs as he takes a step forward wrapping his arms around
Jay’s waist. Jay leans his head down on his mates, one hand coming up to thread through
Jungwon’s thick hair. “I’m a little stressed out and scared. I want answers and I want to figure out
how all of this is going to work but-” Jungwon tampers off as he leans up on his toes to press his
nose against Jay's scent gland, taking in the gentle woody scent Jay carried.

“You’re afraid of losing Sunoo,” Jay finishes as he continues to card his hand through Jungwon’s
hair. He can feel the younger nod against his chest. He’d been thinking about it all night, the
thoughts occupying his mind rendering him sleepless. Jungwon battled back and forth between
being upset with Sunoo and being ready to forgive him on the spot. By the end of all hsi
compilation Jungwon decided to settle somewhere in the middle. Depending on his answers
Jungwon would forgive sunoo. He’d work his way to forgiving him and moving past the pain so he
could maintain his friendship because there was something about Sunoo that had his omega
wanting to hold onto him for as long as possible. Jungwon was determined to figure out what it
was. What was so special about Sunoo that his omega wouldn’t give him up?

“I'm sure he’s worried about the same thing. You two were texting constantly and working
together for only a few weeks and I’ve never seen you so happy to talk to a friend. Surely he is
feeling the same way you are,” Jay says, doing his best to be optimistic but Jungwon shakes his

“You don't know that,” he murmurs. He hates those reassurances, they were like promises you
can’t keep. They aren’t Sunoo and they don't know what's going through his head, only Sunoo
knows and Jungwon is keen on asking him.

“I don’t but it is what I believe. He must have been good to you for you to feel like this. You don't
just give your heart away to anyone,” Jay says with a knowing look down to his mate who still
wouldn’t meet his eye.
“My love, will you look at me please?” Jungwon huffs as he holds onto Jay tighter, shaking his
head in refusal.

“Wonnie baby. Please?” Jay pleads softly. Jungwon groans muffled by Jay's shirt but he gives in
looking up at his mate with big brown eyes.

“I know we both have a lot of expectations for how we want this meeting to go but let's try and
relax and worry until after we hear what they have to say hmm?”

“Easy for you to say. Sunoo has to be with you, you’re mated to him.”

“He doesn't have to. Sunoo can always reject me. It's his choice to make if he so chooses,” Jay says
solemnly. Jungwon can feel the weight of the words on his shoulders like a ton of bricks. Jay is
right. Sunoo doesn’t have to be with him, with either of them if he doesn’t want to and the
aftermath of that choice will affect Jay a lot more than it will him. How could he be so selfish to
think like that?

“I’m sorry.”

“There’s nothing to be sorry for Jungwon. This is why we have to talk to each other, yeah? Get on
the same page.”

“Yeah yeah…you’re right hyung. I'm sorry for being so-”

“Stop apologizing already,” Jay chuckles. “Let's just finish getting ready and try to have a good

“Yeah. A good day” Jungwon repeats. He looks into Jay's eyes again and feels his knees buckle.
Sometimes he wonders how Jay can be so upfront with his feelings, showing Jungwon just how
much he loves him with a simple soft look. Jungwon wonders how Jay could even love him
especially after everything he’s put the older through in their past.

“Alright let’s go before we’re late,” Jungwon says quickly, pulling away from his mate to finish
getting ready. For the last few minutes they spend getting ready at home Jungwon and Jay are
quiet. They follow out the rest of their morning routine and leave their apartment together.

"See you at one," Jay whispers as he pulls Jungwon in for a hug. Jungwon sighs against his mate
giving him a small squeeze before they break apart.

"See you at one," he mimicked before walking to his class.


Jay's leg bounced under the table as his gaze focused on the analog clock on the high wall. He
could hear the ticking of the clock match with the beat of his heart in his chest, the sound growing
louder and louder as the seconds passed.

He couldn't focus on his class as the time grew closer to becoming one o'clock. His omega was
forever eager to rush out of the room and see his mate. There were a lot of things his omega wanted
to do when they saw their mate. Hug him, scent him, keep him in his nest forever so he couldn't
leave again. Jay knows rationally he wouldn't be able to do any of these things (especially the last
one) but he couldn't wait to do the other two things. it doesn't matter if it would take days, months
or years before Sunoo was ready, Jay would be waiting for him.

Jay didn't realize he was getting lost in his daydreaming and that the class had ended until he heard
the sound of students moving about cleaning up their work stations and putting away their projects.
The omega scrambles to do the same as he quickly puts his project away before cleaning up the
mess he made in his work area. Once he was done he pushed through the door working his way
across campus to get to the student council room.

Jay glances at his watch grumbling when he realizes he was a few minutes late. He'd hoped to get
there early to have time to prepare, to see Sunoo and his mates walk in. He takes a few deep breaths
before entering the room ready to give out apologies only to find that there wasn't anyone in the
room aside from Jungwon.

"Did they cancel?" His questions worry evident in his voice.

"Not that I know of."

"Well, do they know where the student council room is? Should we call?" Jay began to pace
around the room.

"Jay-" Jungwon calls but gets interrupted by Jay still pacing and talking more to himself than

"What if they changed their mind? What if they don't want to meet me anymore?"

"Jay….you're spiraling" Jungwon says. Jay stops in his place blinking at Jungwon before he sighs
running a hand through his hair effectively ruining the once perfectly styled look.

"I'm just…nervous," Jay admits with a frown. This was far from how his father raised him to be a
man who doesn’t show his true feelings and to always be the most confident, smart and
charismatic person in the room and yet here he was showing his anxiety and stress. Showing how
weak he is.

"I know. Me too but you've got me” Jungwon gets out of his seat as he secures his arms around
Jay’s waist, his body naturally pushing out calming pheromones to calm his mate down. Jay lets
out a shaky sigh before slowly inhaling Jungwon’s pungent honey scent taking in the sweetness
and his own woody scent laying underneath mingling with Jungwon’s. “I'm right here." Jungwon
whispers as his hand sneaks under Jay's shirt to thumb at his mate mark. Jay groans slightly before
laying limp against Jungwon letting a wave of calm and bliss wash over him, his mind clouding up.

"This is why you're my life line. I'd spiral down an anxiety loop without you." Jay says once
Jungwon stops touching his mark and the cloud in his brain fades away allowing him to think

"I know. You can't live without me. My life is so difficult," Jungwon teases. Jay shakes his head as
he dumps his bag down by a chair and sits down. Not long after he settles down he and Jungwon
can hear commotion coming from the hallway.

"I told you we weren't going the right way Jakie! You should have listened to me!" someone
exclaims and Jay's omega instantly recognized as his mate causing his heartbeat to accelerate.

"I'm sorry ok! I could have swore it was the other way!" someone else whines their voice coming
out slightly higher pitched due to being upset.

"Now we're late…what if they left? Do you think Jungwon would give me a second chance?"
Sunoo continues worry evident in his voice. It made Jay want to go out and show him that he was
still there, that they hadn't left, that he'd always be waiting for him.
"Calm down. I can hear their heartbeats. They're still there," a third person says. Due to the timbre
of the third person Jay figures it's the alpha. The trio on the other side of the door go quiet and Jay
can feel his anxiety rise when the door doesn't open. Why won't they open it? Why can't they just
come in already?

Jay looks to Jungwon wanting to ask him if they should go open the door for him but the omegas
focus was locked on the door almost like he wanted to will it open as well.

"I'll go first. Ugh," the alpha says and then the door opens. Jay isn't sure what he was expecting
when he saw the alpha definitely not him being absolutely breathtaking. Now that he sees him Jay
is sure he's the alpha with his tall perfect posture, sharp jaw and dark eyes that looked onto Jay's as
if he was trying to pry into Jay's very soul.

Following the alpha was Sunoo and another person, the beta Jay assumes. The trio stand side by
side as they look at Jay and Jungwon. The silence is loud as the five of them stare at each other, no
one daring to be the first one to speak.

"You're late," Jungwon speaks first. The tension was so thick that it caused the words to feel heavy
as they left his mouth. Across the room Sunoo began to shuffle in his spot. His hand when to his
wrist as he began to scratch and pick at the skin there but the beta beside him stops him. His touch
is so delicate when he reaches out to grab Sunoo’s wrist stopping him from hurting himself. Sunoo
looks at the beta who offers a small smile and subtle raise of his eyebrows. Whatever that meant to
them, it seemed to calm Sunoo down a bit as he turned to Jungwon, locking eyes with him.

"We went the wrong way originally. I'm sorry," his voice wavered slightly but his scent no longer
displayed his anxiety. Jungwon takes it as a good sign.

"It's ok. I'm just happy you made it," Jay says, smiling softly at his mate for a second "T-that you
all made it!" he says addressing the other two in the room.

"So it's you? Sunoo's mate?" the alpha speaks up, sending a glare Jay's way. With the glare
Sunghoon was sending his way Jay felt his omega want to cower but instead he sits up straighter
and squares his shoulders back.

"Yeah, yes. You're his other one? The alpha?" Jay questions tilting his chin up slightly, now
showing any signs of submitting to the alpha.

"Sunghoon. Park Sunghoon," Sunghoon says his voice gruff.

"Park Jongseong. But I prefer to go by Jay," the omega says wanting to be respectful considering
Sunghoon is his mate's mate.

"Sunoo told me," Sunghoon says shortly as if he was uninterested with the conversation already.

"Who are you?" Jay questions looking at the smaller wolf standing next to Sunghoon. The beta
shifts from foot to foot awkwardly as he plays with his fingers.

"I-I'm Jake. Er Sim Jaeyun but I go by Jake. I’m Sunghoon’s mate," the beta says as he stumbles
over his words.

"Aren't you Sunoo's mate too?" Jungwon questions.

"Not officially. We're both mated to Sunghoon but we're dating so I consider him my mate as well"
Sunoo says clearing up any confusion.
"You guys don't have to stand. You can sit too," Jay says, noticing that the trio had been standing.

"We can do that," Sunoo says. With Sunghoon they move a table closer to where Jay and Jungwon
were sitting. The group sit looking at each other, Jay's eyes going from Sunghoon to Jake before
settling on Sunoo for a bit and then starting over again.

"So…how long have you guys known each other?" he questions wanting to start off a conversation.

"I've known Sunoo since high school. We just met Jake at the beginning of the semester and things
sort of just…happened," Sunghoon answers, choosing his words carefully. He doesn’t want to go
into detail about his relationships with his mates, he doesn’t have to and he doesn’t want to not to
strangers. To people he doesn’t trust with his mates heart.

"That’s sort of like us. I’ve known Jungwon since middle school,” Jay says, turning to glance at

“Unfortunately,” the youngest omega says in almost a bored tone as he rests his chin in his palm
nonchalantly. Despite his words sounding so aloof there was a soft smile on his face as he gazed at
his mate, eyes practically turning into little hearts.

“Jake, are you a foreigner?” Jay wonders. Jake feels his ears heat up at the question. It was nothing
to be ashamed about but he was shocked to be called out so quickly.

“Is it that obvious?” he mutters. Jay shrugs before giving his answer.

“I noticed your accent and was curious. Where are you from?”


“Really? I love going there for Summer break. I lived in Seattle for ten years before moving back
to Korea but my family have always loved to travel. Australia is one of my favorite places to go to,
other than France.”

“Australia is pretty great huh! Where’s your favorite place?” Jake’s eyes shine a bit with joy
hearing Jay say he loves the place where Jake grew up. The two delve into a conversation that's
more of Jake expressing his love for his home town when Jungwon interrupts.

“I’m sorry to cut you off but this meeting isn’t about Australia or favorite colors or whatever other
mundane questions we’re going to sit here and ask each other as some lame ice breaker. This is
about my mate getting some answers,” Jungwon says but if he’s being honest it's for him too, for
him to get some answers from Sunoo. Beside Jungwon Jay chuckles awkwardly as his leg begins
to bounce under the table.

“We can get to that Jungwon, no need to overwhelm anyone,” is what Jay says but really he just
doesn't want to press for answers and have Sunoo run away again or for Sunghoon to take him
away. This is the one thing his omega has been yearning over for weeks and he’s not about to
throw it away. No, Jay will be as cautious as he needs to be if it means keeping Sunoo here with

“Actually I'm pretty sure Sunoo established that this meeting was for Jake and I to meet the two of
you. Asking these mundane questions as you say are all part of the process” Sunghoon says glaring
a hole through Jungwon which should make his omega want to cower and submit but he doesn't.
He glares back at the alpha his omega feeling nothing but frustration for the alphas rude behavior.

“We’ve been introduced to each other so that concludes that portion of the meeting. Now I think
we deserve some answers. Jay has already suffered so much don't be cruel and make him wait

“Jungwon” Jay hisses. He understands Jungwon’s anger and knows his mate can get like this,
blunt and protective but now isn’t the time.

“You two agreed to meet us. You don't dictate how it goes,” Sunghoon says, eyes sharp as they
glare at Jungwon. His overall aura was cold and harsh, matching Jungwon’s and it was sort of
scary. A silent challenge from the alpha that Jay did not want to partake in.

“Ah Sunghoon! Calm down ok. Jungwonnie is right,” Sunoo says, shoving his mate's shoulder
before turning to Jungwon. “You’re right. You two deserve answers”

“He still doesn’t have to talk to you like that”

“He’s frustrated. I was like that too, worse actually,” Sunoo rebuttals. Sunghoon begins to open his
mouth ready to protest further but shuts it after a second.

“Do what you must,” he settles as he leans against the back of his chair crossing his arms over his
chest. Now having the floor and everyone's eyes on him Sunoo feels a rush of anxiety hit him.
Words flood his brain but his mouth locks up rendering him unable (or unwilling) to voice them.

“Well?” Jungwon urges. It causes a growl to sound from Sunghoon’s chest but its strangled almost
like he was fully ready to give a full growl to Jungwon as a warning but stopped in order to respect
his mates wishes.

‘He’s…interesting’ Jay thinks.

“What do you want to know?” Sunoo questions and Jay bites on his bottom lip. there were plenty
of questions running through his mind but the question was which to ask first.

“Are you going to reject me?” Jay can feel a flash of hot red flow through his bond with Sunoo, a
feeling of pure pain and fear as he asks the question.

“I-I dunno. I’m not sure,” Sunoo answers and it stings. The words shoot directly through their bond
causing a new pain and dull throb to echo through Jay's soul.

“What do you mean you don’t know?” Jungwon wants to stay calm but the sentence upsets him.
Jay is the most amazing person he knows, he loves his mate with all his heart. How could Sunoo
even think of rejecting him?

“It’s not that I want to reject you. I guess um. To tell you the truth the three of us just found our
footing. I despised Jake in the beginning, I didn’t want to be around him or think of him being with
Sunghoon because Sunghoon had always been my mate, my other half someone who made me feel
whole and alive because-” Sunoo stops himself realizing he was getting worked up and might say
more than he intends to. Jungwon almost wants to press him to continue to provide more details but
it wouldn’t be right to ask that of him especially with the way his scent quickly turns to burning
oranges a clear sign of a distraught omega.

“And then Jake came into our lives and that adjustment was really hard on me, on us. I- it will just
be very difficult with this new…dynamic I guess. I don’t want to give those feelings to Jungwon
about me…I like him being my friend,” Sunoo gazes softly at Jungwon and the younger omega has
to do his best not to show a reaction to his words. However despite what Jungwon wants his body
betrays him as he ears begin to heat up as they turn a dark shade of pink putting his embarrassment
on full display. Sunoo was willing to give up Jay for him, to hurt himself and leave a hole in his
soul to keep Jungwon as a friend, to not damper their friendship. It’s a bit of a messed up thought
because in turn it would hurt Jay too but the thought is enough for Jungwon. Sunoo does care, he
cares a lot.

“I wouldn’t hate you." Jungwon lets up on his expression ever so slightly, his sharp gaze relaxing
as he glances at Sunoo who smiles sympathetically.

“Maybe not right now. You want what’s best for your mate but eventually you might hate me."

“Do you hate Jake?”

“What? No, I love Jake. I only thought I hated him for a bit but…Jake is good. Jake makes us
good," Sunoo turns to his boyfriend with a gentle gaze eyes speaking more words than what their
mouths could say. Jungwon feels envious of it, their relationship and the level of intimacy the two
have seeing as Jake isn't even his mate.

'They must really love each other.'

“You’ve always been good Ddeonu. You just couldn’t see it yet,” Jake mutters. He leans closer to
Sunoo allowing their foreheads to meet before gently rubbing their noses together for a moment or

Seeing the two be affectionate with each other left a feeling of envy to fill Jay. Sunoo was his mate,
he wants that with him and yet he was being held at a distance. Allowed to see but not touch.

“You may be right Sunoo, but you also might be wrong. I’m not you and our situation is different.
You didn’t have any guidance but since you three have already been through this…transition you
can help guide us into not making the same mistakes you did”

“Can I ask you something else?”


“Is that why you left me?” Jay knows his wording will struck a cord not only with Sunoo but with
Sunghoon too but he has to know.


“What does that mean?”

“A situation happened that night. I reacted badly and sent Sunoo into shock” Sunghoon says. His
shoulders were no longer squared and defensive but slouched a bit as he recalls that night and his
failure as an alpha. As a mate.

“That’s how I ended up going to you. My omega knew you were close and that I needed you. As
the shock began to wear off I knew I had to get out of there. I didn’t want to be bad and hurt you
too," the sunlight from the windows reflected off the tears gathering in Sunoo's eyes. The group of
wolves turn to look at him as his scent wafts through the room smelling like rotten fruit.

"I didn't want to hurt you," Sunoo sniffs as he quickly wipes his tears away.

“What about the withdrawal symptoms? If you didn't want him to get hurt, why did you let it go on
for so long?” Jungwon questions. His own scent was beginning to turn a burned smell circulating
the room mixing with Sunoo’s. Smelling the two distressed omegas, Sunghoon began to shift
awkwardly in his seat, his instincts screaming at him to fix it. To pull the two close and scent them,
maybe even scruff them to keep their minds from overwhelming them and calm them down, let
them relax. At the thought of it Sunghoon began to let out a low growl, all previous aggression
gone as his low timbre of the growl rumbled out settling the omegas ever so slightly.


“What? It doesn't make any sense Jay,” Jungwon stresses.

“Get bad? Did your symptoms get bad?” Sunoo questions. Jungwon and Jay glance to each other
before Jungwon is jerking his head in Sunoo’s direction.

“Tell him,” he says.

“They did get bad sometimes, the symptoms. There were days when I woke up and I could feel our
bond tearing, other times I had bad dizzy spells and nose bleeds. It was odd though, the doctor said
that they were pretty intense symptoms even for an omega,” at Jay’s confession the trio wince
knowing how painful it must have been for him seeing as Sunoo had poor reactions to the
withdrawl symptoms as well.

“Please don't blame Sunoo for that. He has bad health,” Sunghoon says not wanting them to fully
blame Sunoo for something he couldn’t control since it was most likely due to Sunoo’s weak
omega that Jay experienced the sympotoms so badly.

“Bad health?” Jay questions intently. Sunoo kicks his mate under the table while glaring at him.

“Sunghoon, I said I didn't want to talk about that,” he hisses. His ears blazed a bright red with
anger at Sunghoon’s statement. They’d already talked about that, it was very early in their
relationship and Sunoo didn’t want them to know he was…damaged. Sunghoon doesn’t bother
glaring back at his mate but rather gazes earnestly at him.

“I'm not going to let them blame you for something out of your control,” he says but Sunoo doesn’t
let up on his glare.

“What does he mean by bad health?” the oldest in the room says repeating his question. It was very
rare for a werewolf to have poor health unless they were birth defects from warriors of the great
war or a halfbreed. For that to be the case Sunoo would have to have a distinct smell, something
lying within his blood something like- Jay’s thoughts come to a hault when Sunoo begins to speak.

“When I was young…I got poisoned with diluted wolfsbane serum. It was strong enough that my
body constantly fights against it. As time went on it stopped being so bad. I used to be in and out of
the hospital all the time but now my body has found a way to fight against it destroying and
repairing my cells constantly. I knew it was why some of my symptoms were bad but i had no idea
they were transferring to you as well…I-I’m so sorry.” Sunoo’s chest begins to heave as he
hyperventalates. noticing Jay and Jungwon’s startled reactions followed by looks of sympathy, of

“M-maybe we shouldn't have done this. I should have never- we should go,” Sunoo stands abruptly
knocking his chair back behind him. It falls with a loud heavy thunk that has everyone in the room

“Sunoo-” Sunghoon says carefully as he keeps his movements slow as he reaches for his mate but
Sunoo flinches away.

“I’m no goodSunghoon!”
“Stop!” every one freezes hearing the alpha’s command, even Jungwon and Jay. They watch as
Sunghoon reaches out grabbing Sunoo’s wrist to tug him down on his lap before he wraps his hand
around the back of Sunoo’s neck pulling him close.

“We’re not running. You have to tell them. Communication and feeling, remember?” Sunghoon
uses his other hand to set it on Sunoo’s chest over his left side right over his heart before giving it a
little pat.

The hair on the back of Jay’s neck stand up his nerves on edge. He doesn’t want them to leave,
he’s not ready for them to leave not when there is still so much to talk about, so much for him to
ask and learn about Sunoo.

“I’m sorry if we seem…pushy. We don't want to force you into doing anything you don't want to
do,” he says hoping his words will be enough to keep them here longer.

“You’ll find that with these two communication doesn’t come easy but Sunoo is really trying,”
Jake says speaking up for the first time in awhile. His posture and overall aura changed from
slightly timid to confident and strong as he puffed his chest out a bit, his wolf wanting to protect
his pack mate.

“He wanted to apologize and answer your questions but its hard on him.”

“It would help if your mate would stop glaring. He was the one Sunoo wanted to see the most,”
Sunghoon says with a tsk as he cards his fingers through his mates hair soothing him. Jay tears his
gaze away from the trio to look at his mate who was staring at Sunoo. He wasn’t glaring but Jay
can see how they thought he was. Eyes sharp and focused at Sunoo, eye brows pinched with what
seemed like irritation but was really just thought.

“He’s not glaring he’s just a bit spaced,” he explains to the trio who don’t quite look convinced but
accept the answer.

“There’s more I want to say and ask but our time is up. We need to clear the room before the other
council members come in for their meeting,” Jungwon says, blinking his gaze back to focus. Jay
flicks his wrist to read the time on his watch and sure enough they had run out of time.

“Can we meet again? We can hold off on the hard questions and just get to know each other. I-I’d
really like that if you’d let me,” he says to the trio but really he was talking to Sunoo. The younger
omega looks up from his lap locking eyes with Jay.

“Are you sure?” Sunoo questions almost bashfully.

“Do you not want to?” Jay could feel his leg begin to bounce with anxiousness again. After all this
did Sunoo really not want to be with him, to even try? Sure it was only one meeting, a few ice
breaker questions thrown out in an excuse to make conversation but doesn’t he feel it? The gentle
thrum of their mate bond slowly weaving together becoming full of energy and feeling. Doesn’t he
want to build upon that?

“It's not that I don't want to, I just…I don't feel like I deserve to. I couldn’t even properly answer
your questions or even apologize.”

“That doesn’t matter to me. I just want to know if you’re willing to give this a try. So…do you?”

“We can give it a try,” Jake says. Sunghoon scoffs under his breath but doesn’t say anything. The
alpha simply looks to his mate wanting him to answer instead of Jake.
‘Don't run, be strong. I'm right here’

“W-we can try if you’re really willing,” Sunoo says which causes a smile to stretch out on Jay’s

“I am.” Jay should be embarrassed with how fast he’d answered but he’s not. His omega is soaring
with joy, finally satisfied with the small bit of progress they’d made.

“We’ll message you to set up another time. Right now I’m taking my omega home,” Sunghoon
says with a twinge of possessiveness in his voice. Jay wants to rebuttal, to tell him that Sunoo is
their omega but he doesn’t. Surely this is a struggle for him too and his alpha is feeling a bit
possessive. Jay will let Sunghoon off this time but in the future he’ll be sure to let the alpha know
he won't be pushed around. He has a right to know and care for sunoo same as him. It would just
take some time to get to that point and Jay although having low tolerance for patience is a rather
determined man and will wait for as long as it takes.

The trio stand together moving the furniture back before leaving the student council room together.
Still in his seat Jungwon considers getting up to go after them and ask the one question that had
been burning on his tongue for the last hour. He can hear their footsteps get further and further
away and he almost feels like he lost his chance when suddenly he’s up on his feet heading for the

“Wait!” he shouts, peeking his head out of the threshold. Seeing the trio stop in their tracks
Jungwon walks down the hall until he’s in front of Sunoo.

“I only have one question for you,” he says. Sunoo blinks at him but nods firmly.

“Go ahead.”

“If you knew I was Jay’s mate..would- would you have not been my friend?” Jungwon’s chest is on
fire, his nerves buzzing with anticipation for sunoo’s answer. He can hear his version of Sunoo
saying ‘yes’ over and over in his head, he’d been preparing for it but the real Sunoo in front of him
says something else entirely.

“It was because of Jay that I became your friend,” Sunoo says. Jungwon doesn’t know what that is
supposed to mean. How was it because of Jay when Sunoo had no idea he was mated to Jay in the
first place?

“Is that all? We’re done now,” Sunghoon says, grabbing Sunoo by his wrist and dragging him
away from Jungwon before he could push for more details.

Chapter End Notes

Happy New Year everyone!

I’m not back from my hiatus yet but I have been feeling pretty good these last few days
and wanted to gift you all with this chapter for the new year to thank you for all the
love and support. Thank you for all your lovely messages they really helped to uplift
my spirits during this difficult time.

I lowkey think this is one of the worst chapters in the book cause its sort of
disorganized and i couldn’t find a flow for the meeting so i just sorta did whatever but
still added in some main plot points for later in the book. I hope you enjoyed it and
that you all had a great new years. Happy 2023!
Chapter twenty-eight
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

Sunoo stumbled over his feet as Sunghoon dragged him through their apartment before shoving
him on the bed to scent him. He rubbed his scent across every piece of skin he could reach and
even stripped Sunoo of his shirt to scent over his chest as well to ensure the omega was thoroughly
covered in his scent so anyone within a five kilometer radius knew he belonged to Sunghoon.

Jake sat back and let Sunghoon do his thing, knowing his instincts were urging him to scent and
claim his mate. After an hour however the beta became worried for Sunoo. Experiencing first hand
how Sunoo reacted to being scent drunk Jake was sure that letting Sunghoon continue would be a
bad idea. They couldn't just skip classes to tend to the omega for days and now that they'd started
this process with Jay it wouldn't be fair to keep Sunoo away from his mate any longer.

"Sunghoon, I think that's enough," he says but Sunghoon doesn't stop. His head runs across from
under Sunoo's chin to his collarbones and chest. Jake could hear Sunoo's mindless yips and coos as
his eyes rolled back his omega soaking up its alphas scent.

"Sunghoon he's had enough. You'll make him scent drunk." This time Sunghoon gives a reply in
the form of an irritated growl.

"I'm serious Sunghoon. Stop it," Jake says. He places a hand on Sunghoon's shoulder to pull him
back from Sunoo but gets startled when Sunghoon whips his head around to try and bite at Jake's
hand. The beta quickly retracts with a look of bewilderment. Rather than his usual dark blood color
Sunghoons eyes were bright red with an underlying orange color blazing like a flame. That would
only be possible if Sunghoon were a true pure alpha one born under the red moon but Sunghoon
would have told him if that were true..right? No Jake must be seeing wrong, the light reflecting
weird in Sunghoon's eyes. Yeah, the light.

"We still have classes to go to Sunghoon, and Sunoo just found Jay again. If you keep this up
Sunoo will be scent drunk for the next few days. He'll get behind in classes which will stress him
out but Jay will also worry, this is bigger than you."

Jake watches as a look of anger crosses Sunghoon's face before his head dips down and he lets out
a low grumble sounding like a pup who'd just been reprimanded. Jake smiles softly at his mate
before reaching up to pat the alphas head.

"Come on, let's go get some snacks and water for him,'' Jake says. With a heavy sigh Sunghoon
detaches himself from Sunoo who wines but begins to coo when Sunghoon gives him a peck and
offers up his hoodie. Sunoo clings to the material burying his nose in it as he begins to pur with
content. While the omega was preoccupied Sunghoon and Jake went to the kitchen grabbing a few
bottles of water and some snacks to give to Sunoo while he worked out of being scent drunk.

On their way back they barely step into the hallway before they're overcome with the smell of
burned lemons and oranges. When they step into the bedroom they find a frenzied Sunoo, the
omega frantically moving around the room gathering materials from all over to create a nest.

"Sunoo, honey. You ok?" Jake questions as he sets his items on the end of the bed before crawling
towards Sunoo.
"Need! I need....Jakie!" Sunoo cries as he turns to Jake, eyes wide like he just noticed the betas
presence. He reaches for Jake's hands, holding them tightly in his own.

"Want your shirt. Need it, now please? Please can I have it?" Sunoo pleads.

"Yeah sure honey," Jake says sweetly while gently removing his hands from the omegas tight grip
before taking his shirt off. He can hardly hand it over to Sunoo before the omega rips it from his
grasp, adding it to his nest.

"Good, good. Need more. We have more right? Jake, help me!" Sunoo cries. His body was
shaking, his mind buzzing, needing to make a nest but he couldn't see or think properly, his
omega's loud desperate cries ringing in his ears.

'Need nest need nest need nest! Comfort, love, mates, nest. NEED NEST'

"Ok hold on I'm looking, I'm looking," Jake fusses. Stumbling off the bed Jake makes a beeline for
their closet where they had stored Sunoo's nesting materials Sunoo hot on his heels.

"Here it's all here," he says, opening the tote. Sunoo yanks everything out like a cartoon character
mindlessly throwing them behind him before he reaches his favorite materials. The omega turns
behind them eyes blazing with determination as he stares at Sunghoon who'd been standing,
waiting for Sunoo to direct him, to tell him his needs.

"Scent," is all the omega says as he holds out a neon pink blanket to Sunghoon. The alpha
complies, taking the blanket and rubbing his scent over it before handing it to Jake to do the same
before it gets passed to Sunoo. Taking the material Sunoo returns to the nest integrating the blanket
to the lump of fabrics he'd begun to develop into a nest. The trio worked in silence repeating the
process until Sunoo stopped adding things and climbed inside. The omega rolled around a bit
taking in the smell of a campfire blended with warm apples. For a moment he was happy, a feeling
of pure bliss coursing through him but then something shifted and he began to cry. Large salty tears
spilled down Sunoo's cheeks as he rolled around in a frenzy realizing something was wrong,
something was missing.

"Sunshine, what's wrong? Do we need more materials?" Sunghoon questions but Sunoo shakes his
head and instead makes grabby hands for Sunghoon. The alpha coos before complying with his
omegas wishes. Once they both are settled he motions for Jake to join them. The beta settles on
Sunoo's other side pressing his cheek to Sunoo's letting the omega have some skin to skin contact.

"Why?" Sunoo whimpers.

"Why what babe?" Jake lets his hand run over Sunoo's shoulder before tangling in the omegas' soft
brown locks.

"It's all wrong!" the omega wails. Sunoo's body shook as he tried to hold his sobs in his scent
pouring out of his body, the smell of sour oranges filling the room.

"Baby what's wrong? You gotta tell us," Sunghoon coos. Gently he caresses Sunoo's cheek hoping
to give him some comfort. It seems to work as he nuzzles forward his inner wolf appreciative at
the affection.

"T-the nest! It's wrong!" The tears had begun to spill now and as they did Sunghoon gently wiped
them away.

"Well how do we fix it?" Jake murmurs from behind.

"I need him! No I-I need them! The nest is all wrong! I can't smell them..."

It felt wrong to show his joy with Jake and Sunghoon in the room but Sunoo had been ecstatic to
see Jay again and to be around Jungwon after so long. Their hour together felt so short, too short.
He wanted, no he needed more time with them. He needs them here in his nest making it smell
sweet and like evergreen and to make it feel complete. His nest isn't complete without them and it
made Sunoo feel overwhelmingly sad.

"Th–this is your fault!" Sunoo sobs out.

"If you would have just let me run away I wouldn't be feeling like this! I wouldn't want him so bad!
I want Jay! I want him! A-and I want Jungwon! I want my Jay, my mate! I want my mate" Sunoo
whimpers, his voice tampering off into a whisper before his inner omega began to sob and
whimper which in turn struck a chord with Sunghoon. The alpha felt Sunoo's emotions hit him in
ten folds and when combined with his own wolf's sadness and it ached. It felt like someone just
carved his heart out, stomped on it and shoved it back in without a single regard for Sunghoon's
wellbeing. The alpha's breath hitches in his throat as he holds back his own tears.

"I know. I'm sorry Sunshine, I really am." Sunghoon whispers. He knows Sunoo doesn't blame
him, not really he's just sad right now, he's missing his mate. He places a delicate kiss on Sunoo's
collar bones before resting his forehead against Sunoo's. The alpha rests his head against his mate's
forehead holding him close, giving himself a moment to breathe, to calm the restlessness growing
within him. His comfort seems to help a bit as Sunoo's sobs quiet down slightly as he squeezes
Sunghoon pressing his face against the alphas chest.

"Shhh, it's ok. You will see Jay again. Don't cry Ddeonu," Jake whispers, his hand moving from
Sunoo's hips to his tummy under his shirt. He rubs in small soothing circles, his scent switching
from apples to fresh laundry, calming Sunoo and after a few minutes it effectively lulls him to

"Why do I keep failing him?" Sunghoon murmurs. Jake feels like it was a rhetorical question but he
can't help but want to sooth his mates worries and anxieties.

"You didn't fail him. You're helping him," his hand leaves Sunoo's tummy which earns a small
whine but the omega quiets down. Jake rests his hand against Sunghoon's shoulder giving it a
comforting squeeze. Sunghoon lifts his head up to reveal red rimmed eyes and a red nose, obvious
signs that he had been crying as he stares at Jake who looked taking aback. Jake doesn't think he's
ever seen Sunghoon cry.

"I always fail him, from the first time we met," Sunghoon whispers.

"Sunghoon, why did you run away from Sunoo w-when you first met," Jake questions. Honestly
he'd wondered about Sunghoon's reason since the first time he found out but he never had the
courage to ask, afraid the two would give him excuses not to tell him or redirect the conversation.

"I-I mean I get why you did it with me but why with Sunoo? Aren't you supposed to like be thrilled
to meet your mate?" at the question Sunghoon gives a small smile, it's bittersweet revealing more
bitterness than sweetness.

"I was thrilled," he whispers after a moment. "...It was...It was one of the best days of my life," a
few stray tears spilled down his cheeks but Sunghoon quickly wiped them away with a grimace,
with shame he was crying over such a thing. He was the alpha wasn't he?

"Then why did you run? How exactly did you even meet?" Jake questions. There was still so much
he didn't know about his mates, still so many unanswered questions. After learning about Sunoo's
past Jake understood the two were always so guarded and hesitant to discuss their past. He could
accept that it would be awhile before he found out the whole truth but after meeting with Jay and
Jungwon and seeing how Sunoo was willing to push past his discomfort and fear to talk to them, to
answer the questions it brought those feelings back to the surface for Jake. All the little things and
big things he still doesn't know he wants to know even more than before.

Sunghoon sniffs, wiping the bit of snot collecting under his nose as he curls in on himself. Jake half
expects him to redirect the conversation, to tell him he doesn't want to talk about it, or that they
needed to wait for Sunoo. Whatever excuse Sunghoon might have been preparing Jake was willing
himself to be ready for it but he found himself relaxing. There was a gentle hum though his bond
with Sunghoon, a calmness and acceptance he'd never felt before but it told him all he needed to
know even before Sunghoon finally looked up locking eyes with him, a boyish like innocence
gleaming in the alphas eyes. .

"I met Sunoo in highschool. I was almost finished with my second year and he was almost done
with his first...."


[ flashback ]

It was finally the end of the school day allowing for students to break free from their classrooms.
From every corner students filled the halls trying to get to club meetings, sports practice or just go
home. Second year student Park Sunghoon was one of the many students who were simply trying
to go home. He was exhausted from a sleepless night and his shoulders were tense with stress and
the hairs on the back of his neck had been standing up for the last few minutes. A warning. The
high school student wanted to go home and hide from the anxiousness and anxiety of something
going poorly wrong. He only ever felt like this when something bad was going to happen and he'd
never been wrong.

As he maneuvered around the bustling sea of students his shoulder roughly hit against another
students the books that were once in his arms topple to the floor causing the notes within them to
scatter. Sunghoon groans through his nose as he leans down to pick them up. The students around
him didn't bother to help either being too afraid of him or just simply because they didn't like him.
All of them simply decided to ignore him or watch him with amusement in their eyes. Eitherway
Sunghoon was left to scramble picking up his notes by himself, or so he thought.

"Need help?" someone questions. Their voice was slightly squeaky as if they hadn't finished going
through puberty, their body still adjusting and changing to having a deeper voice. Sunghoon didn't
seem to mind it though, it sounded oddly nice to him. He doesn't respond to the person, he doesn't
even bother to look at them as he focuses on collecting his notes. As he reaches for a page close to
him someone kicks it before cackling along with his friends.

"Hey don't kick those!" the boy next to him shouts but ultimately gets ignored causing him to scoff
and give a roll of his eyes.

"Asshole" he mutters, causing Sunghoon to laugh in his head.

The alpha thinks about telling the boy to leave, no, Sunghoon wants to tell the boy to leave. That
he can do it alone but he realizes that they were almost done so he keeps his mouth shut. With the
last few papers in sight the two boys reach for them at the same time causing their skin to make
contact. It was just a graze, his touch as light as a feather but Sunghoon gasps, feeling a buzzing
under his skin where the other boy had touched. He looks up finally looking at the other boy and
holds his breath. He had pale skin, a round face with big brown eyes like a comic character.
Despite the boy's eyes staying their natural brown color Sunghoon knew who this person was
supposed to be to him. He could already feel his alpha jolt to full life yipping excitedly urging, no,
demanding Sunghoon to go to their mate, to touch him again and feel the sparks, the recognition of
a mate.

Subconsciously Sunghoon could feel his lips curl upward in a soft smile. He has a mate, he's found
his mate. This cute, sweet person in front of him is his, his other half, his purpose.

Seeing the alpha smile makes the boy smile as well and Sunghoon can feel butterflies explode in
his stomach. His mate has a very pretty smile. Hehe his mate....his mate....his...m-MATE?
Realizing he was actually smiling at someone, his mate at that, Sunghoon flinches back. The boy
gives him a look of confusion reaching out to him but Sunghoon moves back.

", I'm Sun-" the boy stutters over his words trying to find the right thing to say but
Sunghoon beats him to it.

"Give me those," Sunghoon says, swiping the notes from the boy's hands, harshly adding them to
his own stack.

"Wait! I haven't introduced myself yet! YAH!" the boy exclaims as Sunghoon gathers his things
and begins to walk away.

"I'm talking to you! PARK SUNGHOON!" the boy shouts, effectively stopping Sunghoon in his

'H-he knows my name..' Sunghoon can feel his ears burn from hearing his mate call his name but
also from having the students still lingering in the halls turn to look at him, their curious and
patronizing eyes burning holes in Sunghoon's head. To avoid their eyes the young alpha looks at
his mate who'd walked up standing next to him eyes dark and unyielding as they locked on

"Why are you walking away? Don't you want to know your mates name?" he questions, causing
the students around them to begin whispering to each other. Sunghoon gulps gripping onto his
books tighter than before as he tries to block out their inadequate gossip.

"Don't bother. I don't care," he says. He can hear someone in the crowd scoff before calling him an
"ice prince". They're not wrong, Sunghoon is notorious for being the school "ice prince", a rude
arrogant cold hearted boy who needs no one and no one needs him. At least that's what they all
think and all he does is further their impression of him as he turns on his heels to walk away from
his mate. As he walks, Sunghoon clenches his teeth together, the action putting pressure on his jaw.
The hairs on the back of his neck were still standing, his body tense and it annoys him. Surely the
bad thing is over now, meeting his mate and walking away from him so why won't the feeling-

Sunghoon stumbles, his foot catching on the doorframe of the hallway. Behind him he can hear the
snickering of the students but that's not what makes the feeling of pure humiliation flow through
him. No it was because he could still feel his mates eyes on him, watching him, seeing him trip.
Tears rush to Sunghoon's eyes, the salty liquid causing a stinging sensation. The alpha throws his
pride out the window as he hastily turns the corner before bolting out of the building.

As he steps outside feeling the humid air hit his skin Sunghoon felt the tension leave, his body
finally relaxing. He stands for a moment, the humidity causing his skin to grow warm and sticky, it
gives him a distraction, something else to think about rather than how he completely and utterly
humiliated himself in front of his mate. The young alpha doesn't know how long he stood there
with his eyes closed, holding his books to his chest like it was his life line. Long enough to be
weird he assumes and finally begins the journey home.

Sunghoon doesn't bother getting on the bus to go home and instead walks. His feet drag against the
pavement ruining the bottom of his shoes. He knows once his Ma finds out she'll yell at him but he
can't seem to find the effort to pick his feet up any more than what he's doing.

When he reaches home he can hear his younger sister's voice bouncing off the walls as she plays
with Gaeul, their dog followed by Momma fussing at her to quiet down. Sunghoon quickly kicks
his shoes off, his sock feet making a soft thudding sound as he heads to find his Momma. He
doesn't really have to search for her already smelling food cooking from the kitchen as she prepares
dinner. As Sunghoon walks through the threshold he can see her armed with a knife in hand as she
cuts into a cucumber. She has a streak of flour across her forehead, the powdery substance also
staining against her apron, most likely from one of her various baking experiments. Sunghoon
doesn't care that she's covered in flour, hell he wouldn't have cared if she was covered in slime, the
young alphas feet quickly carrying him across the room to her. As he wraps his arms around her
Sunghoon is instantly comforted by the smell of gingersnaps. The sweet pungent spices that make
up her gingerbread scent, the smell of home, comfort, of a love he's only known from his aunts.

Minji jumps not knowing he was home but mostly from the shock of the hug. Sunghoon had
always been such a sweet pup but very rarely did he initiate skinship with anyone aside from Yeji
on rare occasions. It worried her more when she smelled the utter distress radiating from her pup.

"Hey, what's wrong Hoonie? Did something happen?" she questions as she turns around to hug him
back comfortably running her hand up and down his back. Sunghoon doesn't answer but instead
lets out a series of sniffs, his hold on her tightening as he runs his cheek against her shoulder
seeking out comfort, silently demanding to be scented. Minji recognized the boy's behavior and
clued in that yes something had happened but he doesn't intend to tell her about it, not yet at least.
Right now he just needs comfort and that's exactly what she gives him as she places a few kisses on
the crown of his head and just holds him running her cheek over the top of his head and the side of
his face.

It takes a while before Sunghoon calms down enough to loosen his grip. His scent mellows out his
wolf feeling calm enough to pur against against Minji like a little pup. Her little pup.

By now Yeji had crept to the kitchen, the child peeking around the corner wanting to go in, but
Minji waves her away offering up a thumbs up and gentle smile afterwards.

'I've got him. He's ok'

Yeji's eyebrows crease like she wants to protest against it, to make sure herself that Sunghoon was
ok but she could hear Sunghoon purring and smell his scent turn mossy and acknowledges that he's
ok. Their Momma has him.

'Take care of him' she mouths before going off to do something else close by. Just in case
Sunghoon needs her.

"I don't know what happened but Ma and I are always here ok," she says, turning her attention back
to the pip in her arms, holding him close. Sunghoon lets his eyes open as he peers into her eyes
listening to her heartbeat muttering "bum bum bum bum" as he hears the organ beat in her chest.

"I know," he whispers back after a moment letting his eyes flutter shut again. Minji smiles softly at
"Good. Come to us when you're ready. Do you think you'll still be up for skate practice?"

At the mention of his skate practice Sunghoon's mood perks up ever so slightly. With the events of
the last hour he'd forgotten all about his practice. Honestly he could use a good skate session right
about now to be distracted and let go of all the tension.

"I can still go. I wanna go," he says, his voice slightly whiny. Minji coos at her pup giving him
another little kiss on the nose. Sunghoon groans but stays in his mother figures hold.

"We'll still take you then. Make sure you eat and get some homework done beforehand, hmm?" the
beta says as she pokes at Sunghoon's side a little knowing the right places to pull a giggle out of her
pup. Sunghoon squirms around avoiding her hands but still giggles a bit.

"Ok," Sunghoon says with a small giggle. He holds onto Minji for a second longer before letting
go to find something to snack on before practice. Before Sunghoon leaves with his snack to do his
homework Minji calls for him.

"I love you" she says, making him duck his head down to hide his blush and smile.

"Love you too," he says before scampering off to hide in the safety of his room.


That night Sunghoon couldn't sleep again, instead he sat up with the moon watching it disappear to
be replaced with the sun. Although the sleepless nights leave him cranky and sluggish, Sunghoon
found a little bit of joy in them. It was beautiful to see the sky change from midnight black to
shades of reds, pinks and yellows before shifting to a green and finally clear blue.

With a groan he pushes himself up, cracking his bones before getting up to his feet. He could feel a
light throb in his knee from his skating practice the day before but ignores it as he gets dressed.
Sunghoon enjoys the quiet simplicity of the morning before he leaves his room joining his aunts
and sister in the kitchen.

"Good morning Hoonie bear!" Ma exclaims as she passes the teen. She makes sure to lean over
planting a wet kiss on his cheek which has Sunghoon whining.

"Ma!" he groans, arms going up to wipe at his cheek. His Ma chuckles as she bumps hips with
Momma on her way to grab her coffee.

"That's my name!" She sing-songs back completely unaffected by the teens whining.

"You have too much energy," Sunghoon grumbles as he takes a seat next to his sister stealing her
bowl of cereal.

"Want more? I ate most of it," she offers, already reaching across the island for the box of cereal.
Sunghoon shakes his head as he passes the bowl back, opting for a protein bar instead.

"Nah eat your breakfast," he says. Sunghoon ducks his head down, giving his sister a quick peck
on the cheek.

"I'm going to walk to school today," he announces the protein bar sticking out of his mouth as he
tugs on his uniform blazer.

"Are you sure? If you wait a few minutes I can drive you," Momma offers. From beside her Ma
looks up from her tablet.
"Ooh make it ten and it can be a family event!" she adds in as her eyebrows bounce playfully.

"No it's ok. I wanna walk," Sunghoon mutters as he forces his feet into his slightly too small shoes.
Behind his back his parents send each other a knowing glance.

"Ok well be careful and have a great day honey," Momma says followed by Ma shouting

"Do well today!"

"You too! Have a good day! Yejin have a good day!" He shouts back one hand on the door knob
ready to pull it open and leave before someone convinces him to stay.

"You too Sunghoonie! Bye!" Yejin shouts. With a final goodbye to his family Sunghoon closes
and locks the door behind him before starting the journey to school. It was a bit too warm for the
blazer but it brought him comfort, like he could hide from watchful eyes and the whispers from the
neighborhood elders. They were always whispering when they saw him and his family, as if and
and his family didn't notice as if they couldn't hear all of it. After years of listening to the nonsense
and seeing how people recoil from him and his family Sunghoon realized that people would never
give you a chance to prove you were something you weren't. It was better to be aloof and expect
the worse out of people because that's all society has ever shown him.

Rounding the corner to get to the main streets, Sunghoon flinches as he almost smacks directly into
someone. He notices at the last second, hairs on the back of his neck raising, sending him into
alert. Sunghoon takes a few hesitant steps back to insure he and the other person don't collide and
that's when he sees him. His mate didn't realize what had almost occurred, too busy with a book in
front of his face as he mumbles to himself, completely focused on the textbook in his hands.
Sunghoon's eyes widen and quickly he spins on his heels heading in the opposite direction of the
school. He doesn't look behind him not for a bit and when he does his mate is already down the
street. Sunghoon lets out a sigh of relief. He hadn't been spotted.

For the rest of the walk Sunghoon kept his distance. His mate walked seemingly without a care in
the world. He hardly glanced up to make sure he was safe to cross the street and there were several
times when he tripped over his own two feet or almost ran into someone or something on the
streets. It wasn't until after watching his clumsy mate simply walk to school did Sunghoon realize
the importance of protecting your mate and never in his life had he been so stressed.

Within the safety of the school gates Sunghoon can feel his alpha give a huff of pride. They'd
made sure their mate was safe. They did a good job. Subconsciously it makes Sunghoon smile just
a little bit. He can see his mate approach a group of people who begin shouting and talking even
more animatedly before he'd showed up. His mate smiles, lips stretched in a thin line, it makes
Sunghoon stop. It was a different smile from the one he saw yesterday. Full row of teeth on full
display, his eyes curling into cute little moons, cheeks high and rosy and his little nose scrunched.
Sunghoon thought it was the most adorable thing about his smile, so genuine and full of happiness.
A weird feeling worked its way through Sunghoon's heart before settling in his soul.

'Something is wrong...but what?'

Sunghoon doesn't get long to think about the constant possibilities as to why his mate is smiling
like...that. The group quiets down as someone bats at his mate's arm pointing across the courtyard
to him. Before his mate looks over Sunghoon ducks his head down, shoving his hands in his
pockets and charges for the building.

"Is he really your mate?" one of his mates questions as Sunghoon gets close to passing them. Her
voice was full of pity as she looks Sunghoon up and down with a grimace. Sunghoon's feet falter,
his footsteps significantly smaller as he listens in.

"Poor Sunoo," someone else snarks while the others laugh. Sunghoon can feel anger rising within
him like a fire but it's quickly extinguished when he takes in the students' words. Sunoo. His mate's
name is Sunoo. Sunoo. It fits so well with his own name, easily rolling off his tongue. Sunghoon
and Sunoo. Sunoo...

"Stop Jaebeom. And yes he's my mate. He's handsome right?" Sunoo gushes. His voice sounded so
smug, so pleased to have Sunghoon as his mate.

"Forget his looks. Are you really happy about being mated to that ice prince?" Jaebeom says with a
scowl. Sunoo tilts his chin up as he thinks before ultimately shrugging.

"He's my mate, I don't care about that."

Sunoo's words send a chill down Sunghoon's spine in the worst way possible. It's freezing like a
frozen hand slowly descending down his back causing him great discomfort.

"Unnie why do you stay with him?"

"He's my mate. I don't care about that. He's my alpha..."

Discontent Sunghoon walks away unable to hear anything else. The parallel between his mates
words and his mothers making him want to vomit. He knows now that there is no way he can be
with his mate, his Sunoo. He has to stay far away from him so that Sunoo can continue to smile
like he did the first time they met.


After a week Sunghoon has identified two things about his mate. One he is terribly clumsy and as
cute as it is it stresses him to no end, not being able to do anything about it. The second thing is
that he is in fact a very determined stalker. Sunghoon would have found it cute if he weren't
actively trying to avoid him.

It seemed like no matter where he turned there he was, always looking for Sunghoon, attempting to
talk to him. Sunghoon could feel the dejection his mate felt everytime Sunghoon ignored him. It
doesn't make him feel good, no it feels like someone is tearing into his heart with a dull knife each
time but Sunghoon has to do this, to ensure Sunoo's happiness. Unfortunately Sunoo has no idea
what's good for him. Sunghoon is only glad Sunoo hasn't figured out they walk the same path to
school, or where he has skate practice. Those were the only moments of peace when he could
ensure his mates safe arrival to school but also escape the dreadful feeling of disappointing his
mate with his behavior.

Currently the young alpha was rushing around the house trying to gather the last of his things. He
was already running behind and probably already missed Sunoo but he still wanted to try. It was
the only thing that brought him comfort, brought his alpha joy and he hasn't missed a day. He's not
ready to know what that feels like.

"Sunghoon!" his Ma calls. The teen curses under his breath. She was probably going to try and
offer him a ride to school again. His aunts suspiciously have been pestering him about riding to
school with them more often.

"Yes Ma?" he questions trying to mask his annoyance.

"Momma already went to work and I'm running behind so I can't take Yeji to school. She needs to
be there early for some club thing I don't remember. Do you mind walking her?" she asks while
shoving things in her satchel. Sunghoon has to bite his tongue to not say "Yes I do mind" cause then
they'd know so instead the alpha chokes down a whine.

"Yeah Ma I got it," he answers with a tight lipped smile.

"Thank you so much my love. You two better hurry out the door so you're not late. Have a great
day!" and with that the woman rushes out the house, barely closing the door behind her.

"You're walking me?" Yeji questions with a joyous smile. Sunghoon flinches, not hearing her walk
up but offers her a smile.

"Yeah I guess so. You ready?"

"Yep!" the middle schooler replies as she lifts up on her toes.

"Then let's go," he says and they leave.

Yeji is oddly quiet during their walk. Despite it being before ten am she usually is bursting with
energy always talking about some book or comic she last read or the latest gossip with her friends
that Sunghoon can't find it in him to tell her he doesn't give a fuck about. He's just about to ask her
what's wrong when she begins to speak.

"Ma says you're acting weird," she says, sending a hesitant look her brother's way.

"Oh yeah?" Sunghoon questions acting aloof, clueless as if he doesn't hear them talking at night.
Their concerns they keep quiet about until the late hours of the night. Sunghoon doesn't mean to
worry them, he doesn't, they've done so much for him but he can't tell them about this. Not when
he knows that they'll do, what they'll say.

"Yeah. To be honest I noticed it too. You don't go to school with us anymore and you stopped
being late to school," the preteen mutters as she hops along the sidewalk avoiding the cracks
because they "bring bad luck".

Sunghoon snorts. With making sure his mate got to school safely he'd also technically made it to
class on time. It was only just before the class started rather than several minutes after the bell but
it was enough to pacify his teacher to not yell at him every morning. It was a pass on a headache he
greatly appreciates.

"How come?"

"How come what?" he bites back. Yeji groans, rolling her eyes.

"Come on, you know. How come you're walking all the time?"

Sunghoon sighs, drawn out and heavy. He can't lie to Yeji, they don't have secrets between them.

"You have to swear not to tell Ma and Momma" he demands.

"I won't," Yeji answered back but Sunghoon wasn't convinced.

"Swear it Yeji," he says, his voice coming out almost in a low growl. He knows Yeji hates it when
he does that but it was the only way to guarantee she knew he was serious. This was to stay
between them like when he told her about the fight he got into after he presented, or the time he fell
out of a tree and broke his arm when he was twelve.
"I swear jeez. You're not going to make me do a blood swear right cause you know I hate it and it's
gross and blood creeps me out and-"

"I won't. But I'm serious, Yeji."

"I won't tell them now, tell me already," Yeji whines, pulling on Sunghoon's arm. Sunghoon has
half a mind to reach out and pinch her cheek. He doesn't out of respect for her boundaries. Instead
he looks off into the distance building the courage to tell her seeing as he's yet to say it out loud

"Sunghoon" she groans. What was so important that he was taking so long to tell her about?

"Is it serious? Are you ok? Is it about the elders again?" the worry was evident in her voice. She
doesn't know everything about their family, but she knows enough. She's observant and knows the
elders effect Sunghoon's words more than anyone else in their family.

"No...something else," her brother mutters.

"Did you get into another fight?" she asks only to receive a head shake.

"Then what?!" Yeji stresses. Sunghoon's shoulders slouch as he tucks in on himself slightly, his
nervous habit.

"My mate" he whispers "I-I met my mate" he says a little louder. Yeji stares at her brother with
shock watching as a blush bloomed on his cheeks and the corners of his mouth lifted slightly.

"Y-you met him? Already?" Yeji questions in pure disbelief.


"Aw Sunghoonie! That's awesome! Is he nice? Handsome? Or is he really cute? Does he like
you?" as she questions him Sunghoon straightens up a soft smile dancing on his lips. Yeji was
happy for him.

"How would Sunghoon know that? He doesn't even talk to him!" a new voice calls. Sunghoon
groans dramatically as he tips his head all the way back.

"Aw! Nice to see you too Hoonie!" say Jang Wonyoung the girl put on this earth to annoy the
living hell out of Sunghoon.

"What are you doing here?"

"Escaped my bodyguard and saw you too so I decided to grace you with my presence," Wonyoung
says cupping her hands under her chin while dramatically batting her lashes at Sunghoon.

"More like annoy us." he says which gets him a punch to his shoulder that makes him chuckle.
Wonyoung was very strong for a beta, a gift passed onto her from her once noble family. She was
strong but didn't use even the smallest fraction of her strength with Sunghoon. It was cute.

"You know Sunghoonies mate?" Yeji questions.

"Everyone knows Kim Sunoo. He's an annoying brat."

"Says the annoying brat. Mind your mouth," Sunghoon says through gritted teeth. Wonyoung
glances at him a smirk on her lips, eyes sparkling with mischief.
"Oh look at you. You don't even talk to Sunoo and yet you're so protective of him," she teases with
a knowing look. Hearing the two go back and forth, Yeji looks between her brother and Wonyoung
before settling her gaze on Sunghoon.

"You don't talk to him? Why?"

"It doesn't matter. I told you now you have to keep your end of the deal. Don't tell anyone,"
Sunghoon points an accusing finger at his sister who holds her hands up in surrender.

"I won't."

"And don't ask me any more questions we need to get to school," the alpha shoves his hands in his
pockets motioning for them to follow him.

"So you can watch your mate from afar?" Wonyoung says with a condescending look. Sunghoon
wants to trip her but he doesn't. Instead he smirks, placing his hand on her head and ruffling her
hair. Wongyoung's eyes widen as she lets out a shriek.

"Sunghoon! My hair!" her hands fly to her hair attempting to fix the strands as Sunghoon briskly
walks past her.

"Come on Yeji," Sunghoon calls for her sister who follows his command.

"You'll pay for that!" Wonyoung grumbles as she walks beside the siblings.

Together they walk Yeji to school before hurrying off a few miles away to get to their own school.
The entire way there Wonyoung makes it her goal to annoy the living hell out of Sunghoon. That
was the unfortunate thing of meeting her in Mr.Baek's third class when she at eight years old
skipped a few grades, meeting Sunghoon who was ten. They grew up together and she knows
every one of Sunghoon's buttons and how to push and annoy him in the worst way possible.

"I fucking hate you," he grumbles by the end of their walk. Wongyoun's smile falters as she stops
in her tracks. She peers up at him with worry in her eyes.

"You don't mean that," she says almost like she's unsure, searching for confirmation. Realizing his
tone, Sunghoon peers down at her.

"No, I don't," he admits. She may annoy him but that was how their friendship worked, a weird sort
of love language. She was like another sister to him, he doesn't think he could hate her.

"I'm sorry," he admits as he takes a step forward. His hand goes to her hair smoothing down the
messy strands he'd ruined earlier.

" 's ok. I'm going to class now," she says. Just as she goes to walk away something (or someone)
catches her eye and instead of walking away she's leaning on her toes to place a small kiss on
Sunghoon's cheek.

"See ya round ice prince," she sing-songs before skipping away. Sunghoon groans, feeling the
sticky lip gloss on his skin. As he reaches up to wipe it away he can feel a heated gaze on him.
Turning his head slightly, Sunghoon sees Sunoo. He wasn't smiling but rather scowling, his gaze
dark and fierce right at Sunghoon or at least that is what the alpha believed. He had no way of
knowing Sunoo wasn't glaring at Sunghoon but rather the female beta walking to class.

Hesitantly Sunghoon turns on his heels following Wonyoung into the building leaving his mate
with a brooding look.

Irritation itches at Sunghoon's skin. The hairs on the back of his neck stood up, tension feeling his
shoulders. He wanted to enjoy his staking practice but with the weight of the warning on his
shoulders he couldn't focus. He'd fallen more times today than when he first got on the ice and had
enough dark bruises to last for days if he were human. After an hour he throws in the towel leaving
the ice with an annoyed grunt. He's just glad Ma pulled him back from competitions this season to
focus on his grades. He wasn't happy about it but with the way he's been skating recently he's glad
to not be on the ice for competitions or shows.

Going into the locker room, Sunghoon recoils at the smell. Thick heavy scents blended together
forming an atrocious smell when combined with the smell of sweat and human musk. Sunghoon
quickly takes his skates off, switching to his shoes and snagging his bag.

As he walks out of the building he takes long gulps from his water bottle letting the cool water run
through his body leaving a soothing sensation in its wake. The young alpha inhales deeply taking
in the smell of the trees and the thick smell of rain hanging in the air. It was going to rain tonight,
hard. Despite his body still being tense, holding him alert Sunghoon smiles. He loves the rain, the
smell, the sight of the water falling against the earth giving the natural smell a more potent smell.

The alpha doesn't get far in his walk before he hears heavy footsteps approaching him quickly.
Without hesitation he turns around baring his teeth only to freeze coming face to face with none
other than Kim Sunoo.

"It is you!" he exclaims out of breath. The unpresented wolf places his hands on his knees as he
pants struggling to breathe.

"I thought- I thought it was you" he pants. Despite his shock, Sunghoon fixes a frown on his face.

"Go away," he demands, his voice coming out soft, not having the authority he wanted it to have.

"What no! I worked so hard to find you," Sunoo whines and then he pouts. He fucking pouts at
Sunghoon with his full bottom lip sticking out and his eyes soft and round and fuck. At that
moment Sunghoon was ready to give him the world.

"Well then put that energy into losing me," Sunghoon says and Sunoo laughs.

"Are you always like this?" he wonders, head tilted to the side. Sunghoon feels his heart stutter.

‘Does he always look so...cute?’

"Yes," Sunghoon answers, although he doesn't know if he's answering Sunoo's question or his
own. Maybe both. Sunoo is just so effortlessly cute and pretty all at the same time. How is that

"I don't think so. I think it's all an act," Sunoo says. Sunghoon's tongue pokes out to lick at his lips.
Sunoo's words echo in his head before settling warmly in his chest.

"You don't know what you're talking about," is what he says trying to act indifferent when really he
felt content. Never has he felt in the best way. Like his mask didn't really hide him,
not from the person that mattered.

"I think I do." Sunoo retorts.

"Are you always like this?" Sunghoon echos back to Sunoo who shrugs looking down slightly. His
foot toes at the ground messing up the broken pavement beneath his feet.

"Dunoo. Maybe. It's up to you to find out." Sunghoon wants to explode when Sunoo looks up at
him bashfully while batting his eyelashes. Already Sunghoon could feel his alpha stir the other
wolf effectively riling him up.

"I'll pass." the words are hard to get out and Sunghoon feels like they suffocate him as he says
them. He watches as Sunoo's lips curl down into a sort of scowl that makes Sunghoon want to kiss
it away.

'Huh...that's new' Sunghoon thinks. He's never kissed anyone. He wonders if Sunoo has kissed
someone. He better not have.

"I won't give up on you," Sunoo says suddenly. He wasn't scowling but looking at Sunghoon with
this unfiltered truthfulness that has Sunghoon shifting from foot to foot suddenly feeling nervous.
"I don't know why you're fighting this so hard but you haven't rejected me so I'm not going to give
up on you Park Sunghoon," and then Sunoo smiles at him. It was the same smile as the first day
they met with his eyes curling into cute moons, his cheeks high and his adorable nose scrunch. A
pure, genuine and beautiful smile. The tug on their bond makes Sunghoon take a half step forward.
His mate is right there in front of him, he just has to accept it, accept him, but then Sunghoon
remembers why he's avoiding him and takes a step back.

"Whatever, do what you want," he grumbles and swiftly walks past him. As he passes his mate he
can smell something, an underlying smell in his mate's scent but he shakes his head and keeps
trudging forward.

"See you tomorrow Sunghoonie!" Sunoo shouts.

Sunoo was very true to his words.

He hadn’t bothered Sunghoon all day at school and it bothered the alpha more than he’d like to
admit. Despite all of Sunoo’s previous efforts to talk to Sunghoon the alpha not once reciprocated.
Sunoo still tried though and yet today there was nothing, he stopped cold turkey and it had
Sunghoon’s wolf clawing through his brain trying to gain control. With every ounce of self control
he willed himself away from the omega despite his body moving towards him like a moth to a

His only saving grace of the day was his skating practice. The rink was colder than usual little
puffs of cold air blowing past his lips with every breath. His trainer was running a bit late but that
never stopped Sunghoon from gliding across the ice. Naturally his body moved on it’s own
rhythm, each glide across the ice had his heart soaring. This, this is the one thing he loves with all
his heart, the one time he gets to be Park Sunghoon, just a boy on the ice.

As he glides on the ice he can fill an itch on the back of his neck, not quiet a warning but not not a
warning. His heart grew warm and his wolf stirred but Sunghoon hadn't figured it out either by his
own ignorance or his willingness to not come face to face with reality.

He slips up doing a basic move, a bunny hop, and loses his balance for all of a few seconds before
he’s standing straight. Ignoring the mistake Sunghoon continues on getting his basic drills out the
way but finds the annoying itch on his neck continues to grow, raising his irritation and curiosity.
Giving up on drills Sunghoon halts coming to an abrupt stop as his skates hiss against the cold ice,
small shards scattering around the blade. His head shoots up, eyes locking with a familiar pair of
beautiful brown eyes. Sunoo stands like a deer caught in headlights for a moment before giving
Sunghoon a sheepish smile.
“I’m supposed to clap right?” he questions cutely before clapping “So you can do something other
than run,” Sunoo says a sarcastic smile playing on his lips. Sunghoon can hear his alpha whimper
loudly in his head, dishearten their mate was upset with them.

“What are you my stalker?” Sunghoon says louder than intended, trying to speak over the noise in
his head. Sunoo pouts slightly, giving a sassy roll of his eyes.

“I’m not a stalker!” he whines. His pale cheeks were already tinted pink from the cold temperature
in the rink but Sunghoon swears he could see them turn just a bit darker as he breaks eye contact “I
could just feel you here. I wanted to see you, I said I would didn’t I?”

“You saw me, now go away,” Sunghoon says despite his alpha yelling for his mate to "stay".

'Stay right were we can see you. Where we can protect you and admire you because you are

“Ah why?” Sunoo frowns arms coming up to cross over his chest.

“Because you’re a distraction!” the words slip before Sunghoon can yell at himself not to say them.
His eyes widen with panic as he tries to come up with something to say, to fix his mistake but it’s
too late. Sunoo is already smiling, hands coming up to cover his mouth as he laughs.

“Am I too pretty for our Sunghoonie?”

“Maybe…” Sunghoon says. The look on Sunoo’s face mirrors Sunghoon’s because he wasn’t
expecting to say the words himself. A gentle hum courses through their bond, the thin string
threading, becoming stronger.

“Am I pretty Sunghoon?” It's an innocent enough question, a question that would be easy to answer
if Sunghoon didn't feel so damn nervous and embarrassed to just say "Yes. You're the prettiest
person in the world"

“Shut up,” Sunghoon growls instaead, well he tries to growl but his body won’t let him and the
sound comes out more of a little whimper instead. Sunghoon expects Sunoo to tease him or make
some snarky remark. The younger surprises him when he walks to the rink beckoning Sunghoon
over. Gently Sunghoon pushes his feet causing him to move forward. Their divided by the rink
barrier but Sunghoon can smell something sweet radiating from Sunoo’s hands, some kind of aloe,
possibly lotion and blood. It’s faint but enough to have Sunghoon’s eyes darting around Sunoo’s
body looking for an injury.

“Here,” Sunoo says interrupting Sunghoon’s panic. The younger wolf shoves a container against
Sunghoon’s chest forcing him to take it. Looking down Sunghoon could see various fruits filling
the container and a protein bar sitting neatly on top.


“Don’t try to give them back because I won’t take them. They’re yours and I’m going to give them
to you everyday so get used to it,” the younger says firmly. It was so different from the sweet
bubbly personality he’d shown Sunghoon up until now. It made the alpha dangerously curious as to
which side was the real Sunoo.

Sunghoon looks down at the fruit again, seeing various berries decorated into a cute pattern
alongside some bananas and strawberries. Sunghoond does his best not to think about the health
benefits of each fruit and how receiving this little bit of affection from his mate makes his heart
flutter just a little bit.

“Have a good practice! Fighting!” Sunoo says suddenly. His voice echos and bounces off the
walks causing Sunghoon to flinch. Sunoo doesn’t seem to notice as he beams up at Sunghoon
before turning on his heels to rush out of the rink. Sunghoon watches as he waddles away passing
his trainer on the way out the door. The older man looks away from Sunoo to Sunghoon, eyebrow
raising in suspicion when he sees Sunghoon still holding onto the container of fruits.

“Got yourself an admirer hey Sunghoon?” the man questions, a teasing lilt in his voice. Sunghoon
feels his face heat up at the teasing.

“N-NO” he growls but there’s no bite to it, not like he wants it to. His trainer simply chuckles as he
sets his bag down and steps onto the ice with Sunghoon.

“Alright I’ll stop teasing you. We’ve got work to do.” the man says. Sunghoon gives a curt nod as
he steps off the ice long enough to set the container down (conveniently where he could keep an
eye on them all practice) before stepping back onto the ice.


In addition to Sunoo attempting to talk to Sunghoon at school the younger had stayed true to his
word of bringing Sunghoon a healthy snack everyday after his practice. He never said anything
during those times but would quickly shove the container in Sunghoon's hands before giggling and
running away. There was also a different colored sticky note on top with a little message written on

'Rest well'


'Hope you like this'

Or Sunghoon's personal favorite

'You worked hard today. Please rest well Hoonie. Proud of you' accompanied by little hearts. The
words always left a warm tingle in Sunghoon's soul, a feeling he was growing used to. It wasn't
good. He was getting attached, he was caring. He has to stop before this goes too far.

"Come with me," he says to Wonyoung. He doesn't give her a choice as he grabs her wrist pulling
her along behind him.

"Yah! Sunghoonie! Let me go!" she whines as he tugs her into an empty classroom.

"I need your help," He says. Wonyoung raises a brow, her hip popping out to the side as she rests
her hand on it.

"With?" she questions eyebrow popping up.

"Sunoo. He keeps following me and writing notes and giving me snacks. I need him to stop."
Wonyoung blinks at him before scoffing.

"Wow. Sunghoon I think you're the only alpha to be upset about their mate caring for them," she
says with a shake of her head. Sunghoon rolls his eyes, arms coming up to cross over his chest as
he fixes a hard stare at the girl across from him.
"Wonyoung this is serious. I can not have him in my life." Wonyoung shifts awkwardly at the
sudden authority and seriousness in Sunghoon's voice.

"Well what do you expect me to do about it Sunghoon?" she murmurs.

"I need you to come with me to my skating practices."

"All of them?" she half questions half whines getting a nod from Sunghoon.

"Hopefully if you're there he won't bother me and he'll get the hint."

"Why don't you just rej-" Sunghoon growls his eyes gleaming and changing color, his alpha
furious at her suggestion.

"Oh got it," she says quickly, baring her neck to him. "I'll help you ok..."

"Thank you. And sorry...for that..."

"Whatever, can I go now?"

"Yeah. Thank you Wonyoung." he says but the girl doesn't say anything back. She simply swings
the door open but before she could fully leave she can feel Sunghoon's hand on her wrist again.

"Seriously Youngie. Thank you," he whispers genuinely. Wonyoung smiles at him before stepping
forward wrapping her arms around him.

"You're welcome," she mutters. Sunghoon hugs her back before quickly pushing her away, having
enough affection.

"You owe me Sunghoon!" Wonyoung says as she sashays down the hall.

'I'll help you Sunghoon. Just you wait.' she thinks.

Sunghoon smiles as he watches her walk away before going back to his own class oblivious to the
jealous eyes watching him.


Wonyoung shows up to Sunghoon's practice as requested. She ignores him completely as he works
with his trainer opting to focus on her homework instead. She sits patiently and quietly for the solid
two hours Sunghoon works with his trainer before leaving.

"That took forever!" she whines clinging to his arm.

"You got your homework done. Now your dad won't yell at you."

"Not the point! My brain hurts and I'm all frozen, look at my hands" she whines holding her hands
up. Sunghoon rolls his eyes, pushing her hands out of his face only to hold them in his own.

"Wear gloves next time, and a hat," he offers softly.

"You should have told me before I showed up. If I get sick because of you I'm doubling your debt"
she threatens. Sunghoon chuckles as he releases her hands.

"You do that," he says. They walk down the path leading from the skating rink before running into
Sunoo. The smile he once had quickly fades once he sees Sunghoon and Wonyoung. Wonyoung
went back to holding onto Sunghoon's arm and it was a sight Sunoo did not want to see. They stand
blinking at each other for a minute before Sunoo snatches the sticky note off the container, shoving
it into his pocket before thrusting the snacks at Sunghoon without a word. This time he doesn't
giggle or smile but simply ducks his head down and darts off.

"Happy now?" Wonyoung questions once he was out of sight. Sunghoon pulls his arm out of
Wonyoung's grip before handing the container of fruit to her.

"I'll see you tomorrow Wonyoung."


As the days went on Sunghoon continued bringing Wonyoung to practice. In turn Sunoo stopped
giving him little notes on his fruit and then he just stopped bringing them all together. He would
watch Sunghoon from afar with a scowl before walking off and in turn Sunghoon found himself
losing motivation for skating. He didn't want to go most days but this was the only time he ever got
to see Sunoo other than in the mornings so he took it with the pain.

Wonyoung also started acting differently. She was a lot more clingy than normal. Usually
Sunghoon wouldn't mind it, he knows she seeks out comfort and attention from her friends since
she doesn't get it at home but he noticed it bothered his alpha. Most times he wanted to push her
off him and yell at her but he doesn't. He lets her do what she wants since it's not her fault he feels
this way.

Today he sits at the island lazily doing his homework before practice. He can feel Ma's eyes on
him, can practically see the tension radiating off her body as she wants to ask him but holds herself

"You sure you want to go to practice today?" she wonders out loud, breaking the silent tension after
several moments. Mindlessly Sunghoon nods.

"Uh-huh," Gyeong-Hui purses her lips.

"You sure hon? You've seemed so...unmotivated lately," she says next. Sunghoon looks up from
his homework, locking eyes with her.

"I'm sure."

"Anything going on at school I should know about?" Gyeong-Hui continues.

"No ma'am."

"Neighborhood elders not bothering you?"

"No Mama I just. I'm just bummed about not being in competitions this season I guess," which is
partly true. Sunghoon never thought he'd love figure skating as much as he does, the thrill of a
performance, the weightless feeling, the freedom it gives him. It was the only time he didn't mind
people watching him because he was in his element doing the thing he knows how to do best.

"Well honey there's always next season and if you want we can see if we can fit you into a seasonal
show," Gyeong-Hui offers hoping it would lift Sunghoon's mood. A smile overcomes her as she
sees Sunghoon perk up in his seat.

"Yeah?" his eyes sparkled with the smallest spark of joy and Gyeong-Hui felt successful in her
"Yeah I'm sure we can find one," Ma says smiling from under the thick reading glasses, "you sure
that's all hon?"

"Yeah." It's a lie and by now they both know it, they've been through this song and dance enough
times but Gyeong-Hui just nods her head.

"Ok," and she leaves it at that.

Practice mainly consisted of running drills rather than working on the routine he'd begun to learn
and perfect three months ago. His trainer ended up leaving early leaving Sunghoon to mess around.
Without his trainer's harsh gaze and booming voice calling out moves Sunghoon skated freely and
for a bit Wonyoung even joyed at the end. She was terrible but it was fun and Sunghoon found
himself laughing and smiling most of the time.

As they walked out the building Sunghoon recalled one of Wonyoung's falls the moment replaying
in his head causing a series of giggles to spill from his lips. By his side Wonyoung whines, hitting
at his chest with annoyance.

"It wasn't funny! Sunghoon seriously stop laughing it hurt"

"But Youngie it was and still is funny. Hilarious even," Sunghoon giggles as they walk the path.
As they get to the end leading to the street Sunghoon gulps seeing Sunoo march right for him and


"You!" he calls pointing angrily at Sunghoon, "We need to talk," he huffs crossing his arms over
his shoulder.

"I don't think we-"

"Shut up, I'm talking here!" Sunoo says, cutting him off. Sunghoon blinks at him, not expecting
Sunoo to yell at him.

"You won't take a few minutes out of your day to talk to me but you spend all your evening with
her?" Sunoo sends a murderous look Wonyoung's way "Why? Do you like her? Is that why you
don't want to talk to me?" he accuses the alpha. The words pierce into Sunghoon's heart.

"No that's not it at all!" Sunghoon protests.

"Then what because I'm having a hard time understanding!" Sunoo shouts. He sniffs furiously
wiping at his eyes with his sleeve.

"I'm your mate and yeah you're not obligated to be with me but at least tell me honestly if you want
me or not."

"I do!" Sunghoon shouts, his mouth moving faster than his brain could process. The words hang
there dangling in the air waiting for Sunghoon to take them, claim them.

"You don't act like it! And why is she with you all the time? She's not your mate so why does she
get to touch you and hug you and be with you and I can't? Huh? Do you like my mate?" Sunoo
questions directing his attention to Wonyoung. The beta straightens up arms crossing her over her

"What if I do huh? What are you going to do about it?" she questions tilting her chin up snarkily.
Sunghoon's head snaps to look at his friend's lips twitching with annoyance.


" you like her?" the tears in Sunoo's eyes sparkle under the moonlight looking beautiful to
Sunghoon. The alpha wonders if it's the mate bond that makes him think these things or if it's just
Sunoo's natural beautiful self having these effects on Sunghoon.

"No! I don't want her! Sunoo I really don't! She's like a sister!" Sunghoon shouts, finding himself
quick to reassure his mate he does not want Wonyoung.

"Well what do you want?!" Sunoo cries "I said I'll wait for you and I want to but it hurts. I just
want to be with you! I want so-someone to care for me..." Sunoo sniffs. Seeing the tears spilling
down his cheeks, Sunghoon felt the last of his resolve finally snap. He takes long strides over to his
mate before wrapping him in a hug. They both gasp when their skin makes contact, an electric
feeling buzzing under their skin. Sunghoon can't help but hold his mate tighter, loving the slight
height difference. Sunoo was small enough for Sunghon to tuck him under his chin, cover him,
hide him from everyone but himself.

"I'm sorry," Sunghoon mumbles as he subconsciously scents his mate, finally sedating his urges.
Sunoo holds onto him, fingers digging into Sunghoon's sides over his bruises but Sunghoon can't
find himself to care, or even notice really. His mate was finally in his arms, this beautiful little
person who he was destined to be with.

"Won, you think you can get home by yourself?" Sunghoon questions over Sunoo's shoulder.

"Yeah I can. You take care of him," Wonyoung says with a smile. She gives Sunghoon a little
wave before pulling out her phone most likely to call a driver to pick her up.

Sunghoon turns his attention to Sunoo who had his head tucking under Sunghoon's chin still,
taking in the alphas woody scent. Sunghoon can't help but reach out, touching the youngers hair. It
was soft to the touch and Sunghoon found his fingers getting lost in it. As he cards his fingers
through Sunoo's hair the young wolf begins to pur.

"Sunoo?" Sunoo's purs grow in volume, pleased to hear his alpha call his name.

"It's late, do you want me to walk you home?" he mutters instantly seeing Sunoo respond with a
heavy shake of his head.

"No," Sunoo whispers, his voice broken and small. So small. Why is he so small, so perfect?


"Cause then you'll leave again." Sunoo whimpers, pulling Sunghoon impossibly closer, holding
onto him a little tighter like if he loosens his grip Sunghoon will disappear.

"Well we can't stay out here all night. Let me walk you home," Sunghoon's hand leaves Sunoo's
hair causing him to whine and squeeze at Sunghoon's sides. The action causes Sunoo's fingers to
dig into Sunghoon's bruises adding to the discomfort but the alpha bites his tongue. After a minute
Sunoo pulls back from Sunghoon to offer his hand up.

'Please' his eyes say when they lock with Sunghoon's. The alpha indulges his mate by interlacing
their hands. Silently they walk, the moonlight as their guiding light. As they walk Sunghoon
realized he never asked where the boy lived and Sunoo didn't add much as he aimlessly walked
beside Sunghoon, a far away look in his eyes. Before they know it they're turning down a street
familiar to Sunghoon before stopping in front of a house. His house. He can see his Ma fixing the
mailbox Momma had asked her to do months ago. Noticing Sunghoon's presence she smiles at him
seeing his hand locked around Sunoo's before he has a chance to take it away.

"Oh this...are you two?" she gasps, hands going up to her mouth. Sunoo blinks the
daze out of his eyes looking between his mate and his mate's aunt. Gyeong-Hui quickly rounds the
fence to inspect Sunoo. She holds the pups face in her hands, thumbs stroking over his cheeks.

"Uh-um hello," Sunoo stutters.

"Oh I'm so sorry. I'm Gyeong-Hui, Sunghoon's Ma," Gyeong-Hui says, releasing Sunoo's face but
she keeps smiling at him like he was this precious little gem.

"Hello I'm Kim Sunoo. I'm um Sunghoon's.." Sunoo tampers off looking at Sunghoon.

"My mate Ma. Sunoo is my mate," Sunghoon confirms, looking at his Ma and not his mate. He
doesn't need to already knowing Sunoo was smiling and feeling happy as a warm feeling thrums
through their bond warming Sunghoon's chest.

"Oh my goodness! Hoon I'm so happy for you he's beautiful!" she exclaims pulling Sunghoon in
for a hug before turning to Sunoo "You're beautiful" she coos.

"T-thank you. You're very pretty too, I see where Sunghoon gets it," Sunoo says shyly.

"Why thank you! My wife says that from time to time too...oh! Minji! Come in, come in, we have
to introduce you!" Gyeong-Hui exclaims. She reaches for Sunoo gently clasping her hand around
his wrist to tug him inside the house.

"Ma! Wait! Ma!" Sunghoon shouts after his aunt but his pleas fall upon deaf ears as Gyeong-Hui
pulls his mate into their home quickly introducing him to Momma and Yeji. It didn't take long for
his family to become entranced by Sunoo asking him every question under the sun about himself.
Momma even has him stay for dinner to which Sunoo complimented her food the entire time and
even got a second helping.

By the end of it Sunghoon's alpha is beaming with pride seeing how welcoming his family pack
was towards his mate. They were so enamored by Sunoo that it was hard to pull him away from
them, having to remind his parents it's late and a school night.

Under the moonlight Sunghoon walks Sunoo home, for real this time. Once again their hands are
locked together, Sunoo lightly swinging them between them as they walk, a little sparkle in his eye.
They only make it down a few streets before Sunoo stops gently removing his hand from

"I can walk the rest of the way," he announces.

"It's fine, I can walk you," Sunghoon says quickly. His ears turned pink embarrassed from his own
eagerness but he wanted to see Sunoo walk into his house, to ensure he was safe. Sunoo shakes his
head, waving his hands in front of him.

"I'm ok Sunghoon. It's late already and you had practice. I'm sure you're sore." Sunoo had that pout
again looking so cute, lips looking so inviting, so kissable.

"Nothing I can't handle. I can walk the rest of the way."

"I kinda want to go by myself." Sunoo admits allowing for an awkward silence to creep upon them.
"Oh," Sunghoon says. He tries to not look so dejected by his scent betrays him as it shifts.

"Well...I'll see you tomorrow I guess," the words slip so easily, surprising both Sunghoon and

"Do you mean it?" Sunoo questions skeptically. Sunghoon winces eternally. He hadn't meant to say
that. Sunoo just made him feel so calm, so normal, love so the words just slipped naturally
and with ease. Seeing the twinkle come back into his eyes and smelling his scent fluff out like a
happy pup Sunghoon finds himself nodding slowly. He's already said them and although it was an
accident he knows he can't take them back. At this point he doesn't know if he wants to anymore.

"I mean it," he says. Sunoo beams and before either of them know it he's rushing into Sunghoon's
arms again giving him a squeeze.

"See you tomorrow Park Sunghoon," he whispers and all too soon he's slipping away, skipping into
the night. Sunghoon has the urge to follow him but stops himself knowing he shouldn't. He should
respect Sunoo's boundaries so he walks home instead.

Walking through the door he finds his parents sitting on the couch waiting for him.

"So, you met your mate?" Momma starts.


"Is this why you've been acting differently?"

"Yes ma'am."

"Well we have a lot to talk about but I have just one question," Ma says. Sunghoon holds his breath
waiting for her to speak again.

"Do you plan on rejecting him?"

"No, of course not!" Sunghoon shouts. Seeing the fury in his eyes at the suggestion Ma smiles.

"Good. He'll be good for you. That boy is special," she says gently, squeezing Sunghoon's
shoulder. From beside her Minji smiles at Sunghoon reaching out to gently caress his cheek.

"Get to bed Sunghoon, you have school."

"Ok. Good night...I love you," he adds before hurrying up the stairs hearing the women shout "love
you too" after him.

Quickly showering and changing into his pajamas, Sunghoon lays in his bed looking out the
window to the moon.

'We'll give this a shot. I'm going to take this chance. Don't make me regret it' he thinks as his eyes
flutter shut, exhaustion catching up with him.

That night Sunghoon had the best sleep of his life.

[ end ]

"The rest is history," Sunghoon finishes with a chuckle.

"I was so obsessed with Sunoo after that."

"Really?" Jake questions as if he can't imagine it. As if Sunghoon’s undying love for Sunoo wasn’t
as obvious as the sky being blue.

"Oh yeah. Momma calls it the pup phase when you meet your mate young like we did. I wanted to
be around Sunoo all the time. It was hard at school at first because of my reputation but being
around Sunoo it made interaction with people...easier. He did most of the talking and I was just
there. I didn't talk much but I could actually talk and interact with people like a normal teen..."
Sunghoon pauses eyes darting up to glance at Jake before darting away again.

"When we weren't at school I always wanted him around. I brought him with me to skating
practice, my house, there were even times when even snuck him in for sleepovers," Sunghoon says
with a chuckle recalling all the times he snuck Sunoo in for a sleepover, wanting to hold him close
through the night and spend as much time as possible with him.

"Your parents didn't find out?" Jake wonders, his voice teasing full with amusement.

"I'm pretty sure they knew but we weren't allowed to do it as often when um they caught us doing
some less innocent stuff."

"O-oh," Jake stutters. He knows they've had their fair share of intimate moments but there's
something embarrassing about being caught doing it by your parents.

"It was nothing bad. We were just making out in my bed but apparently I was getting "too handsy"
or whatever," Sunghoon says with a dismissive wave of his hand.

"But Sunghoon was everything to me. I- I love my family but the love I felt for him, the
understanding I got from Sunoo was so overwhelming and warm and special and I hadn't felt like
that before so I wanted to hold onto it all the time. We were so different too. He was talkative, I
was quiet, he was a ball of energy and smiles and everyone thought my hobby was scowling.
Sunoo just complimented me in the best way possible and my life was brighter after he came into
it. I felt normal, not like...not like an exhibit on display." Jake noses at Sunghoon's collarbones a bit
before pulling back to look at him.

"You've mentioned that before, feeling like that. And how the elders talk about your family, and
Sunoo's mom not liking you. Why is that? Did you do something?" the beta questions. Sunghoon's
smile falters as he curls in on himself.

"I didn't. When those people look at me they only see my father. They don't see me."

"Who's your dad?" Jake wonders. He knows he's pushing and Sunghoon is nearing his limits but he
can't help his curiosity, his need to understand and help his mates.

Thinking of that man, his father Sunghoon's eyes grow dark. He won't tell Jake, not yet. Sunghoon
still wants to keep that secret to himself so he settles with saying "a very bad man".

"As bad as Sunoo's?"

The word worse bubbles on Sunghoon's tongue. He squeezes his eyes shut trying to block out
memories from his youth, sharp bared teeth, razor like claws, eyes that blazed like a fire wild and
out of control. The same eyes he has. Sunghoon could hear a thunderous roar followed by a woman
screaming and the agonizing shrill of a baby crying and then there's blood. All he can see is blood
dark and rich as it spills over staining a white tiled floor.

"A bad man," he repeats, voice cracking as he does so. Jake realizes that whoever Sunghoon's
father is, whatever he did was bad, no, horrible enough for Sunghoon to be crying and smell like
utter despair. A forest on fire weeping as it burns. Jake decided to let that part of Sunghoon stay in
the past for now as he manovors around Sunoo to hold Sunghoon, easily placing him in the middle
of himself and Sunoo. He holds Sunghoon letting the alpha cry against his chest before pulling
Sunghoon's face up. Gently Jake presses their lips together ignoring the tears that continue to flow
down the alpha's cheeks onto his own. He pretends Sunghoon isn't crying for his sake. When he
pulls back Jake kisses Sunghoon's forehead then under Sunghoon's eyes, to his cheeks, chin and
then places a final kiss on his lips. Three words sit on the tip of Jake's tongue and he can't help but
say them.

"I love you" he whispers. The despair in Sunghoon's scent eases up hearing the words from his

"I-I love you too Jakie. So so much." Sunghoon whipers. His arms circle around Jake holding him
tight, using him as an anchor.

"I know and I'm glad that even though you ran at first you still came back for me..." Jake will
never admit that he still worries Sunghoon regrets going back for him, that he was more trouble
than he’s worth but one look into Sunghoon’s soft brown eyes and the thought fades away for a
moment. When Sunghoon looks at Jake like he loves him, like he loves him like he loves Sunoo,
Jake thinks that Sunghoon wholeheartedly is glad he’s mated to Jake.

"Me too. I could have missed out one of the best people in the entire world."

"Sunoo is still going to love you as much as he does now. You know that right?"

"I know, but I'm not his only one now," Sunghoon pouts.

"What about me huh? What am I chopped liver?" Jake pouts back and for the first time all evening
Sunghoon laughs his happy squeaky laugh that sounds like windshield wipers.

"No Jakie, it's different with you. I know you, I love you. I don't know Jay and Jungwon, how can I
trust them with my sunshine?"

"We're just going to have to learn to," the beta mumbles as he gently runs his hand over
Sunghoon's chest before the alpha stops him interlacing their fingers. Subconsciously Sunghoon
brings Jake's hand up to his mouth kissing at his knuckles.

"They better not hurt him. I'm not afraid to kill for my Sunoo" Sunghoon grumbles as he shifts
around trying to get into a more comfortable position still holding Jake's hand to his chest. Jake
can't help but roll his eyes. Sunghoon is still very obsessed with Kim Sunoo.

"Just be ready for Jungwon to kill you," he mutters but Sunghoon shakes his head.

"Not possible."

"Yeah ok alpha" Jake says sarcastically as he settles against Sunghoon letting his eyes flutter shut.

Chapter End Notes

New chapter yay! I didn't think we'd get into how SunSun met this chapter but that's
how the flow went and I just kept writing! I love Sunghoon's slow realization that he
finds everything about Sunoo to be so cute and enduring.
Thank you to Wonyoung for helping these two get together lol! I'm not really into IVE
so I'm not too sure about her personality so please forgive me if her actions seem ooc.

Hope you guys caught onto some little hints about Sunghoon's past. They've been
sprinkled all throughout the book but we're sorta close to the reveal and understanding
of his characters actions and choices.

From now on updates will be every two to three weeks. I start the new semester next
week and I started a new job recently so I have a lot on my plate. Updating this way
will give me some time to relax and not stress on everything so much.

As always thank you for reading this chapter and thank you for all the love! See you
next chapter

side note: if you haven't already you should check out my instagram storybird24! you
can come chat or just look at the posts and even get a few spoilers/early
announcements for post dates

also please comment or dm me your top 2 favorite moments in together im very

curious as to what parts were most memorable or your guys favorites ❤
Chapter twenty-nine
Chapter Notes

See the end of the chapter for notes

“So….that could have gone better,” Jay awkwardly chuckles once they’re in the safety of their
home. Jungwon sighs toeing off his shoes before walking further into their apartment.

“Yeah,” he mutters, falling onto the couch. He can feel Jay hovering close by like he wants to sit
with him but doesn’t want to invade Jungwon’s space. With this in mind Jungwon lifts his arm up,
an invitation Jay takes almost immediately nuzzling his face against the soft fabric of Jungwon’s
hoodie faintly smelling Sunoo's citrus lingering in the material.

“Do you think they hate us?” Jay murmurs voice muffled by Jungwon's hoodie as he aimlessly
draws shapes on the soft swell of Jungwon’s tummy.

“Yes?....No, I dunno,” Jungwon huffs. He couldn’t tell. He was sure Sunghoon held some
animosity against them but Jake seemed accepting, understanding. Once upon a time the beta had
been in their place, maybe it would be easier for them to get close to Sunoo if the beta were

“Do you think Sunoo will like me?” Jay’s hand on Jungwons stomach stops moving and instead
holds onto the fabric of his hoodie. After meeting with Sunoo’s mates Jay can’t help but have his
doubts. The omega not only has Jake, a kind level headed handsome beta but he has Sunghoon too,
an alpha. An alpha who is clearly head over hill in love with him, has a strong build (Jay is sure the
alpha wore a fitted shirt to their meeting on purpose), and handsome as fuck. Why would he want
Jay? He doesn’t need him, an omega.

“Of course he will! His mate might not but there’s no way Sunoo wouldn’t like you! You’re-”
Jungwon bites his tongue holding onto the rest of his sentence for a moment “You’re perfect Jay,”
he breathes out.

“And besides I don’t think Sunoo is a person who cares about your classification. As long as you
be yourself and show him love and compassion I’m sure he’ll have a place for you in his heart.”
Jungwon can feel Jay smile against his neck, hand laying on Jungwon's stomach again.

“You’re pretty perfect too,” Jay murmurs.

“I know I am,” Jungwon says with a cheeky smile.

“Do you- will we have to become a pack now?” Jay wonders. Jungwon grimaces, not keen on the

“I hope not,” he grumbles. Jay lifts off his chest, his head cocked to the side.

“Why? I don’t think it would be such a bad thing.”

“Sunghoon is the only alpha. Sunoo and Jake love him but I don’t know, something was weird.”
Jungwon mutters.

“Ah you felt it too? I thought it was just me,” Jay says. Jungwon pushes up, holding himself up
with his hands.
“W-wait you felt it?” Jungwon’s heart beats heavily in his chest, the organ pumping with
adrenaline fueled by nerves and excitement.

“Of course! Sunghoon definitely seems like one of those overly possessive alphas right? I didn’t
think he’d be like that but I guess it also makes sense. The whole typical alpha-omega relationship
right?” Jay explains and Jungwon has to physically hold himself back from face palming because
no that is not what he meant at all but that just meant that Jay couldn’t feel what Jungwon did. This
odd connection, this pull on his omega almost wanting to draw him to Sunghoon, to bare his neck
but also bite Sunghoon’s, to challenge and submit to him all at the same time.

“No Jay. It was like- it was like I wanted to challenge him. Everything he said my omega wanted to
fight back,” Jungwon explains and Jay’s mouth makes an ‘o’ shape as he comes to understand
Jungwon’s words.

“Well Wonnie you do have a tendency to test authority. Didn’t you get in trouble with one of your
professors on the first day?” Jay questions with a chuckle. It was no secret Jungwon often butt
heads with people of power, teachers, his parents from time to time, his boss on a few occasions
(those phone calls afterwards were fun).

“No, this was different. It was like- I wanted to put him in his place ya know? He was just bugging
me, fighting against everything and acting like Sunoo was just his, like we- like you don’t care for
him too.”

“You can say we. I know you care for him too,” Jay says, noticing how Jungwon had been pulling
him back, keeping himself at arms length.

“We’re in this together,” he reminds his mate.

‘It’s ok to want this. You’re ok to have these feelings’

“But also there was, something about him was so familiar and alluring, like something was pulling
me to him,” as the younger omega speaks his eyes begin to glow a gentle crystal like blue, the
color belonging to true pure omegas. Every eight years when the blue moon rises above the sky a
gift is granted to an omega. No one ever knows how many omegas are granted this gift, but there is
always one every eight years, a wolf born with courage, who is nurturing and full of strength. An
omega born to be leaders, a luna or head omega of a pack.

“Maybe we are supposed to be a pack and you and Sunghoon are supposed to be the head alpha
and omega!” Jay exclaims. He was smiling but there was something underlying in his voice, an
emotion he was purposely masking from Jungwon.

“I hope not. I don’t want to be head omega if Sunghoon is going to be the head alpha. Just thinking
about it is already exhausting,” Jungwon grumbles as he messages his temples. He could
practically hear future arguments in his head where Sunghoon pulls rank on him, as if it really
matters. Being alpha doesn’t mean you know best.

“Well that’s ok we have…other options,” Jay says slowly. Jungwon hums as he lets his eyes flutter
shut, resting for a moment before he worms his way out of Jay’s grip.

“I need to get my homework done,” he says before leaving Jay on the couch to go to his room and
attend to his work. He can hear Jay sigh heavily from the couch before he gets up padding into the
kitchen most likely getting dinner ready.

Hours pass and Jungwon finds that doing homework is difficult when there’s a hundred other
things on your mind. By seven he calls it quits slamming his pen against the desk with a huff as he
pushes himself away from the desk.

Dragging his feet he ends up heading down the hall to the kitchen to find Jay. The older omega sat
at the table, one knee up to his chest while the other swung underneath the table. Jay had his thumb
in his mouth biting at the nail there as his gaze was focused solely on the screen in front of him.

Intrigued as to what has his mates full attention Jungwon walks up behind him peering over Jay’s
shoulder to look at his screen. There in bright pastel colors was the layout of Jay’s favorite courting
gift website. Courting in this day and age wasn’t uncommon by any means, mates, typically alphas
wanting to shower their mates with gifts showing their affections and displaying their ability to
provide. Jay was no different seeing as he came from a high class and painfully traditional family.
As Jay hovers over items reading the description Jungwon gently places his chin on the olders

“Sunoo would like that one,” he comments after seeing Jay hover over a scented candle. The
reaction he gets from his mate is golden as Jay whips his head around so quickly Jungwon is
surprised he didn’t give himself whiplash. Jungwon smiles as he nuzzles his nose against Jay’s
scent gland as a gentle apology.

“I thought you were still working,” Jay murmurs after he recovers from the near heart attack
Jungwon gave him. His hand goes up patting against Jungwon’s head quickly before settling on his

“Couldn’t focus so I came out here to check on you,” Jungwon says as he forces Jay to move the
chair back so he can sit on his lap. Jay accepts without complaint as his arms circle around his
mates waist holding him close.

“So…you’re gonna court Sunoo?”

“If he’ll let me, yeah. I know it’s pretty uncommon for an omega to give courting gifts. He might
not want me to,” Jay murmurs as he plays with the hem of Jungwon’s shirt, a shy blush blooming
on his cheeks. Jugnwon thinks it’s pretty when Jay gets all shy and sincere. It's times like this when
he wonders why people get so intimidated by Jay when he’s just a cute little fluff ball.

“I let you court me,” the younger one offers but Jay just shrugs.

“Yeah but I’d already known you for a while so I knew you’d be fine with it. What if Sunoo is
more traditional?”

“He may have an alpha for a mate but I doubt he is traditional. They do have a third mate ya
know.” Jungwon says reminding Jay that nothing about this was traditional and what he’d been
taught to believe growing up. None of this was normal.

“I guess so…” Jay felt so unsure of himself, so unsure of everything really. He just knows he
doesn't want to fuck this up, that he can't become the failure his father has always said he is.

“Come on, I'll help you find things he likes. If we get his favorites then he’ll have no choice but to
accept the gifts, yeah?”

“Sure, we can do that,” Jay says, perking up a bit “We’ll get the best brands!” There was a
determined glint making its way into Jay’s eyes that made Jungwon smile. This was his happy
passionate loving Jay, his wonderful mate who he’ll do his best to make happy, forever and
“The best for Sunoo.”


Jungwon finds himself observing Sunoo with great interest over the next few days. The older
omega seemed to be moving on autopilot during their classes and even at work. He talked when
spoken to, focused on the task at hand and then there was his smile. Jungwon knows Sunoo’s smile
and the way he smiled at work was not his smile. Sunoo’s smile was infectious, all bright with rosy
cheeks, a cute nose scrunch and a little giggle mixed in. The second it was on his face it spread to
those around him, he had that effect on people. The smile he had these last few days seemed too
fake, rehearsed like a doll being told what to do. The smile was there but the light in his eyes
lacked joy, his smile no longer so bright that it rivaled the sun but instead was a dull light close to
burning out.

It didn’t matter that Jungwon wanted to help him, to ask what was wrong because Sunoo simply
avoided him. There was always someone else calling him who he’d tend to or he focused solely on
their work and left after they were dismissed without sparing Jungwon so much as a glance.
Jungwon isn’t going to lie it stung and he’s trying not to hold a grudge against Sunoo but the more
he keeps up his detached act the more the feeling broods in Jungwon’s gut but the omega refuses to
let this continue. He’s not going to let Sunoo slip away again.

“I have a plan. It’s probably going to backfire but I need to do omething,” Jungwon stresses when
he gets home. He was out later than usual studying with Taeyong who couldn’t seem to figure out
the basic configurations of his robotics project leading up to a few arguments and minor
complications with the robot but in the end they got the stupid thing working and even fueled
Jungwon with some inspiration.

“We’ve been thinking about this the wrong way. We’re waiting for them to come to us but who
says we can’t go to them?” Jungwon says starting off his rambling.

“It’s like when I was arguing with Taeyong about the best approach to fix the coding for his stupid
robot. We gotta pivot around the problem, work from the outside in!”

“And how is this supposed to work?” Jay questions still not entirely following his mates thought

“Like you said, court him,” Jungwon says like it's the most obvious thing in the world.

“We can’t exactly do that if he isn’t talking to us, Jung.”

“Exactly. Remember when Sunoo said he didn’t feel like he deserved to be with you, that he was
no good?” Jungwon explains earning a tentative nod from Jay “Well what if we show him that we
want to get to know him, that you want to pursue this relationship rather than just telling him.
Seeing is believing and all that shit ya know?”

Jay rubs his chin in thought at Jungwon’s suggestion. In theory it could work but like Jungwon
said to begin with it could also backfire greatly on them and send Sunoo away rather than bring
him in.

“I get what you’re saying Won I do, but I just don’t see how this is going to work. Clearly they’ve
been rethinking things, why else would they not contact you and Sunoo stop interacting with you?”

“I just want to try Jay. He doesn’t smile anymore, not in the way he used to. I miss him, I miss my
happy hyung who would talk shit with me about stupid Professor Min and his bald head and stupid
lectures, and send me duck face selcas and I miss teasing each other and his hugs and buying
snacks for each other and I- I miss him hyung! It’s not fair!” Jungwon wails. The dam within him
finally crumbles, being washed away with the flow of emotions. His legs give out but before he
can hit the floor Jay is there scooping him up holding him close.

“Shh, Jungwon please don’t cry,” he coos thumbs gently brushing Jungwon’s tears away as he
kisses at the youngers cheek. The younger omega continues to sob, shaking his head against Jay’s
chest, hair becoming staticy.

“You don’t understand what it feels like Jay! I finally had a friend, a best friend, someone I was
afraid of losing and no-now he’s slipping away and we’re not doing anything! I don’t want to lose
him!” as he forces the words out Jungwon squeezes at Jay his omega forcing him to hold onto his
mate in a death grip to ensure he wouldn’t leave too.

‘Mate loves us. He won’t leave if we hold on right?’

Jay can’t help but let out a frustrated sigh, his eyebrows pinching together. He doesn’t want to start
a fight with Jungwon right now but how could he say that to him after everything Jay had endured
for the last few months? The withdrawal symptoms, the dizzy spells, the nosebleeds, the
headaches, the pain in his chest that would hurt and burn so bad some days Jay felt like death was
coming for him.

“I do understand Jungwon. Every day I can feel our bond withering away and it hurts. It hurts so
fucking bad but that's why I- I just. I can’t risk him running again. Don’t you understand that?” He
says trying to keep his voice leveled. Jungwon turns away. His shoulders shake as he holds in his
tears sniffing uncontrollably.

“Then what am I supposed to do Jay!” he hiccups, voice wavering. What was he supposed to do?
He doesn’t know and if Jay wasn’t going to do anything how could Jungwon make it better? How
could he stop Jay from being in pain and suffering from withdrawal symptoms and how could he
help Sunoo become happy again, become his friend again if he was ignoring him?

“What am I supposed to do?” Jungwon whispers brokenly. Jay watches as Jungwon loses the last
bit of his resolve, the omegas carefully crafted, poised and put together front fading away showing
how vulnerable he’d truly been. How heartbroken he is over the situation. It makes Jay feel

“I don't want to lose him either, Jungwon,” Jay whispers. Jungwon’s head shoots up icy blue eyes
staring into Jay’s.

“Then help me! Help me please Jay. I know you’re scared and don’t want to push him away but we
have to at least try something right? Please don’t let me lose him!” he whimpers, holding onto
Jay’s shoulders. On some level Jungwon knows he’s not being fair asking this of Jay. Ultimately if
his plan goes south Jay is the one who will suffer the most, who will lose that bond with Sunoo but
he can’t help but feel this way. Something within him was calling to Sunoo, had been calling to
Sunoo since they became friends and Jungwon was too scared to lose it and he was afraid to let Jay
lose it too.

Jay feels tears collect in his eyes. It had been a long time since he’d seen Jungwon look so
vulnerable, so easily broken. He just wants his friend back, wants his Sunoo hyung back so
desperately he’s crying showing his true wolf, begging Jay to try. Jay can do that right, he can try
for his mate? For his mates?

The older omega sighs pinching at the bridge of his nose. His omega was shouting at him to
please, to make things right for Jungwon no matter how desperately he wants to be cautious. To
play things out just right so Sunoo doesn’t slip through his fingers again.

“Ok,” he whispers, failing against the will of his omega wanting to care for Jungwon’s well being.
“Just tell me what to do and I’ll do it.” and once Jungwon stops crying they do just that.

They start off small and Jay lets Jungwon handle everything to start. The younger omega shyly
approaches the coffee counter trying to remember Sunoo’s coffee order before giving up and
ordering a mint hot chocolate. Despite the seasons working out of winter and into spring it was still
fairly cold out and Jungwon figures Sunoo could do with a warm drink.

After retrieving the hot chocolate Jungwon rushes to class making sure he was there before Sunoo.
Heading to their seat Jungwon places the drink on Sunoo’s side of the table under a napkin. It has
both Jay and Jungwon’s messy scrawling on it, a little message to encourage Sunoo for the day.

Nervously Jungwon waits for Sunoo’s arrival curious to see his reaction to the gift. When the
omega finally walks through the threshold into the classroom it was like Jungwon’s senses jumped
to 1000%. He could hear every footstep, every breath Sunoo took as he walked to their seat. He
watches as Sunoo sits, getting his things settled before his eyes lock in on the hot chocolate. He
reaches out almost like he’s going to push it away thinking it was Jungwon’s but stops once he sees
the note. Jungwon can’t help but turn slightly wanting to see Sunoo’s reaction. He can see a light
blush coat Sunoo’s cheeks as he slides the drink close.

Sunoo flicks the lid off checking for steam, gauging the temperature before taking a hesitant sip.
Once he confirms it is in fact cool enough to drink he tips the cup higher, drinking down the warm
liquid. Jungwon can’t help but preen with satisfaction hearing Sunoo’s low pleased hum followed
by his little pink tongue poking out to lick at the whipped cream coating his top lip.

Feeling accomplished, Jungwon fishes for his phone sending Jay a message.

‘He accepted it!’ - J.W.

He sends earning a thumbs up in return. Seeing the message Jungwon rolls his eyes. Jay could be
such a dry texter sometimes. Clicking his phone off Jungwon slips it into his hoodie before taking
his notebook out ready to take notes for class.


In the days following Jungwon changed the coffee orders. The day after the mint hot chocolate he
went with a caramel macchiato which Sunoo seemed to enjoy. The day after he gave Sunoo a
maple latte that the older actually seemed to dislike but drank anyway. On the fourth day Jay
finally jumped in gaining enough confidence to buy a pumpkin spice latte. He even went the extra
mile adding a croissant and some strawberries after hearing how Sunoo hardly ate in the mornings.
He just wouldn’t have it. Jungwon was pleased to tell Jay that Sunoo had really enjoyed it. The
older omega went through class with this dreamy dazed look that was very cute in Jungwon’s
opinion. And if the younger omega was a little jealous Sunoo seemed to like Jay’s coffee more
than his neither Jay or Sunoo would ever know.

By the fifth day Jungwon figured they could amp it up a bit. His hands shook nervously as he
waited for Sunoo to walk into class. He saw the man's eyes shine with shock and joy seeing the
bouquet of yellow tulips sitting on his desk. Jungwon should have known when he suggested they
go for more obvious gifts that Jay would turn to flowers. His…their mate could be a helpless
romantic at times, especially when it comes to courting. He watches as Sunoo hesitantly picks the
bouquet up, admiring the bright colored petals of the flowers.
‘The florist said the meaning of this flower is “there’s sunshine in your smile” but we believe
that the sunshine is your smile. Have a great day sunshine ♡’

Jungwon swears he could see a tear flow down Sunoo’s cheek as he brought the bouquet up to take
a sniff. Jungwon hopes Sunoo realized the deliberate choice of this flower for his gift. Not the fact
that tulips are his favorite (a detail Jungwon thankfully remembered) and not just its meaning but
the scent. The smell of a green-like honey and citrus all rolled into one. Their three shared scents
combined into the beautiful creation that is the bouquet of tulips in Sunoo’s hand.

When Sunoo turns to look at him Jungwon holds his breath. Their eyes lock and Jungwon can see
the adoration and appreciation swimming in Sunoo’s beautiful brown eyes. The older omega opens
his mouth ready to say something but stops to abruptly sit down as the usual group of last minute
students hussle through the threshold Professor Min hot on their heels ready to start class. Sunoo
doesn’t say anything but there’s this little smile on his face and every so often Jungwon catches
him leaning over taking in the smell of the tulips carefully placed on the empty table next to him.

Later in the day when Jungwon sees Sunoo the bouquet is gone but a single yellow tulip lays
present and bright in his hair and that’s enough for Jungwon who quickly takes his phone snapping
a picture to send to Jay.

On day six it’s Jungwon who gets surprised. The night before he and Jay stayed up through most
of the night creating handmade fishtail bracelets. Jay, who is usually crafty and good with his
hands, fumbled with the small strings twisting and braiding them incorrectly halfway through
ruining the pattern, having to start over several times. Jungwon giggled through most of the night
seeing Jay’s “angry bird” face come out often with his eyebrows scrunched and his face twisted
with anger as several curses spilled from his lips. Jungwon on the other hand had minor difficulties
and finished long before Jay but sat back watching his prideful mate struggle not wanting
Jungwon’s help because in Jay’s words “I am a strong independent omega who does not need
help” which translated to “give me thirty minutes. Then I’ll ask you".

He walked into class holding his pink and blue bracelet and Jay’s purple and mint one ready to
give them to Sunoo only to pause. There on his desk was a light-wash jean jacket and a soft pastel
blue hoodie followed by a basket of snacks. Jungwon felt his ears heat up hearing their classmates
whisper about his gifts wondering if his mate gave them to him.

Nervously he scratches at his neck slowly approaching the desk. He peels the note off the basket,
flicking it open to read it.

‘Please enjoy these snacks! And the clothes are scented…if you’d like them.
- Sunoo’

Jungwon feels the light flutter of butterflies in his stomach as he picks the hoodie up. The material
was soft to the touch, obviously purchased from a store for omegas. Tentatively he brings it up to
his nose smelling sweet oranges and lemon embedded in the material. Hastily he sets his things
down taking his hoodie off to replace it with Sunoos. It smells even better on him especially when
his honey scent radiates from his body blending sweetly with Sunoo’s. Something about it reminds
him of a honey lemon cake Jay made years ago when he’d officially met Jungwon’s parents at his
mate.The omega can’t help but giggle at the memory as he holds his arms up loving the little
sweater paws the oversized hoodie gave him.

As Jungwon admired his gift he could feel a pair of eyes on him and a gentle thrum in his chest.
Slowly he looks down the aisle seeing Sunoo stare up at him. There was a soft look in his eyes as if
he were admiring seeing Jungwon in the hoodie, his lips stretched into a proud smile. Shyly
Jungwon waves, the sleeve flapping with the movement. He can see the corners of Sunoo’s mouth
quirk up in a cute smile as he giggles. Slowly Sunoo begins to head up the shallow steps right to

“D-do you like it?” Sunoo stutters. Jungwon can feel the blood run hot in his ears and the rapid
thump of his heart in his chest.

“Y-yeah," he breathes out. Words were hard to process right now and even harder to say. How is it
that Sunoo has this effortless effect on him making his brain all hazy and his chest warm with want,
with…with love?

"I-It’s soft and it smells like you. Nice…it’s really nice,” Jungwon blubbers, probably saying more
than he needs to but when he gets a smile from Sunoo one with the light working its way back in
his eyes showing his joy, it's worth the embarrassment.

“I’m glad. I wasn’t sure about the color but you look pretty in it. Cozy omega,” Sunoo giggles as
he settles into his seat, Jungwon following his lead. Without trying, their eyes meet again, allowing
Jungwon to see the soft tint of blue in Sunoo’s eyes. It causes the warmth Jungwon felt in his gut to
turn hot coursing through his body turning his brain to mush.

“Um I- we have something for you today as well,” Jungwon says, trying to push through the haze
in his brain. He looks for the bracelets with an evident pout on his face when he can't find them.
There's a gentle tug on his brain, his omega reminding him they were in his pocket. With a smile
Jungwon shoves his hand into the hoodie pocket giggling softly as the soft fabric glides against his
fingertips while retrieving the gift presenting them to Sunoo.

“Jay hyungie and I made them," he murmurs, pressing them into Sunoo's hand. Sunoo looks at the
bracelets then to Jungwon.

“Really?” his astonishment makes Jungwon pout. After all their gifts, was it really that surprising
that they'd give him something homemade? Silly omega.

“Course silly!" Jungwon huff playfully watching as Sunoo just stared. Jungwon pulls his bottom
lip between his teeth.

"…want me to put them on?” he says, no louder than a whisper. Sunoo nods eagerly, holding his
wrist out to Jungwon. As he begins to tie the bracelets onto Sunoo’s wrist Jungwon finds his hands
shaking feverishly. He doesn’t understand why he’s so nervous, it’s just Sunoo after all but even
still he can’t rid himself of the feeling. Once he’s done tying them Jungwon retracts his shaky
hands hiding them in his hoodie.

“They’re pretty,” Sunoo murmurs as he uses his pointer finger to gently trace the pattern of the
bracelets admiring the colors.

“Jay made this one. He messed up a little here,” Jungwon says pointing to the small change in the
pattern “H-he worked really hard though. He wanted it to be perfect for you,” Jungwon murmurs
hiding behind his bangs as he glances shyly at Sunoo who's attention was captivated by the

“It looks pretty perfect to me,” Sunoo giggles, still tracing the pattern, missing how Jungwon’s
dimples appeared in his cheeks, the younger unable to contain his smile. He knows that they’re just
threads woven together but he hopes Sunoo really thinks they’re perfect and cherishes them as
much as the silver ring he wears around his neck, carefully tucked under his clothes everyday.
“Jay thought those colors would look nice on you. I have to agree,” he says next, only getting a tiny
hum from Sunoo. Jungwon tries to think of something else to say, another way to let Sunoo know
Jay was involved, hype his mate up. If he could get Sunoo to understand Jay was just as involved,
just as committed to this as he was, maybe Sunoo would give him a chance because being loved by
Jay is such a magnificent feeling, one of the best feelings Jungwon has ever experienced. Somehow
Jungwon thinks being loved by Sunoo would feel just as nice, for Jay and himself. When nothing
else comes to mind Jungwon shuffles in his seat awkwardly fiddling with his sleeves. The haze
was starting to clear the soft floaty feeling being replaced by a muddled feeling of anxiety.

Not a single word is exchanged between them the entire class and it feels like the awkward tension
is back until class is over and Sunoo is smiling at Jungwon again.

“See you at work!” the omega chirps before gathering his things leaving Jungwon on his own. In a
daze caused by Kim Sunoo, Jungwon gathers his things quickly making his way to Jay’s next
class. It’s far from where his own class is but he needs to give Jay his gift.

“What’s this?” the omega questions when Jungwon casually hands it over.

“A courting gift,” Jungwon says watching as Jay’s eyebrow arches in confusion “from Sunoo,” he
finishes. The realization is a bit slow but once Jay’s brain processes the words he’s awkwardly
pulling his cardigan off tangling it and getting caught but he manages to wrangle out of it pulling
the jean jacket on.

“It smells like him,” he says dreamily.

“I know. He scented this too,” Jungwon gushes as he holds up his sweater paws. Jay coos reaching
up to pinch at Jungwon’s cheeks.

“Oh and this is for us too,” Jungwon says, holding up the basket of snacks. Excitedly Jay takes the
basket looking through the variety of snacks with a cute smile on his lips. It was then something
dawned on him.

“W-wait..he…he’s giving us courting gifts?” His voice is so quiet, so timid but full of endless

“Yeah,” Jungwon says with a firm nod “He wants this too.” Jay feels close to tears but also feels
like jumping up and shouting like a maniac. His mate wants him back, Sunoo wants him back!
Before he knows it he’s pulling Jungwon close, pressing a kiss to his lips.

“You’re the smartest, most amazing, most wonderful mate in the world!” Jay exclaims holding
Jungwon close. If it weren’t for Jungwon he wouldn’t have gotten this far. He’d still be hiding like
a dog with its tail between his legs begging and being cautious. Oh if his father could see him now.

“Say it again I didn’t have my phone out!” Jungwon teases reaching for his phone but stops when
Jay gives him a bone crushing squeeze. Progress, they were making progress.


Jungwon feels like a pup when he gets to work. His clothes felt itchy to his skin and he wanted to
tear it off replacing it with the soft hoodie Sunoo gifted him and a pair of Jay’s sweatpants. There
was also this energy, his omega buzzing with a pup-like playfulness wanting to run amok and
maybe cuddle in his nest with Sunoo and Jay of course.

Today they were surprisingly busy helping with the sudden rush of jitters Jungwon was feeling. It
was good being busy. It kept him from thinking about Sunoo too much despite the omega bumping
into him ever so often as they both tend to customers and wipe down tables.

When things finally slowed down he and Sunoo ended up cleaning the same table after a large
group of high school students finally left, leaving behind a huge mess. He gags picking up a cup
filled with a brown liquid that was very obviously not chocolate. Jungwon has no idea what
combination of drinks were in the concoction, the smells all blended together to create something

“I’ll give you 7000 won if you drink that,” Sunoo says from across the table. The words give
Jungwon a sense of deja vu, a memory he can’t quite remember but he finds himself smiling

“No way. I don’t want to end up in the hospital…Sunoo!” he shouts out a laugh when Sunoo
brings the glass close to his face.

“Why do teenagers do this?” Sunoo whines as he sets the glass on the tray along with the other

“No clue. I wasn’t like that in highschool,” Jungwon says as he collects the trash ready to toss it
into the bin. Once the table is clear he and Sunoo return both with rags that were once white but
have become discolored with months of use.

“Ahh my arms hurt,” Sunoo complains. He brushes his hair back, the dark brown strands moving
with the motion of his hand before falling back in his eyes. As he does so Jungwon finds his eyes
zeroing in on his wrist, the wrist he was sure he tied his courting gift to only to find it bare.
Realizing where Jungwon’s focus was, Sunoo slaps a hand over his wrist.

“They’re safe” he says hurriedly “I promise they’re safe. I didn’t want anything to happen to them
while I worked.” Sunoo’s explanation brings momentary relief to Jungwon before the younger
spots the ring still around Sunoo’s neck. Jungwon tells himself it’s not fair to be jealous Sunoo is
still wearing it, the item being in his sight, protected at all times as it sits close by his chest. He
shouldn’t be jealous, it’s most likely a gift from Sunghoon, or Jake, someone Sunoo loves
unconditionally, someone he’s spent heats and ruts with. No, Jungwon shouldn’t be jealous but he

He turns from Sunoo a pout evident on his face.

“Ok,” he mutters but Sunoo wasn’t convinced. Quickly the older omega cages Jungwon in backing
him up against the table. The wood digs into Jungwon’s back, making him whine from discomfort
and embarrassment, feeling the eyes of their customers and coworkers staring at them.

“S-Sunoo hyung!” he whines slightly. Sunoo brings his hand up gently stroking at Jungwon’s

“I would never let anything happen to them ok. Believe me? Believe hyung?” Sunoo’s voice is so
soft, so sweet as his scent fluffs out the smell of sweet oranges filling Jungwon’s scenes.

“B-believe hyung,” Jungwon finds himself murmuring. With a satisfied smile Sunoo backs away,
returning to his work like nothing happened. It takes Jungwon a second to collect himself as he
pushes off the table head ducked down hiding his face that he’s sure is more than red at this point
as he runs hiding in the safety of the break room.

“Yah Jungwonnie, did you run a marathon? Why is your face all red?” Dayeon questions as she
looks up from her phone.
“N-no reason it’s just hot out there! Yeah it’s hot!” Jungwon stutters as he fans himself.

“O-k,” Dayeon says, not at all sounding convinced but she lets it be.

“Kim Sunoo you menace,” Jungwon mutters under his breath as he covers his face with his hands.

“What was that?” Dayeon questions intently

“Nothing Dayeon jeez!” Jungwon whines.

“Sorry. Jeez,” Dayeon says with an eye roll before returning her attention to her phone.

Jungwon takes a few minutes to collect himself before returning to the cafe. He keeps his distance
from Sunoo remembering how his heart thumped in his chest and his blood ran hot when the
omega was in his space. It caused the shift to drag on feeling longer than normal but once it was
over Jungwon was ready to bolt but the menace himself comes back with a sweet call of his name.

“Jungwonnie!” he calls briskly walking up to Jungwon “Were you going to just leave without
saying goodbye?” Sunoo juts his hip out to the side, eyebrow raised waiting for answer.

“Erm…” Jungwon doesn’t want to say yes, that would hurt Sunoo’s feelings but he can’t help but
be surprised that Sunoo was suddenly back to…himself.

“Well I won’t let you!” Sunoo says, his natural pout on full display.

“I-I’m sorry,” Jungwon pouts. He hadn’t meant to upset Sunoo in any way. Sunoo lets out a little
giggle muttering ‘cute’ under his breath.

“Don’t be. I should be the one saying sorry,” the older man says. His glances away from Jungwon,
hands going behind his back as he fidgets with them.

“J-Jungwonnie, are you busy right now? Do you have to get home to Jay?”

“I think Jay is working late…why?” If Jungwon wasn’t used to it, the heavy thump of his chest and
the way his lungs suddenly struggled to intake oxygen he would be annoyed. Instead it fuels him
with hope.

“Let me buy you dinner. Please?” and how the hell was Jungwon supposed to say no? He couldn't
so he nods his head earning a beautiful smile from Sunoo that has his inner wolf howling because
finally. Finally Sunoo had his dazzling smile back, the light shining brightly in his eyes, lips
quirked up in his adorable smile Jungwon had been longing to see.

“Come on then!” Sunoo giggles as he lurches forward grabbing hold of Jungwon's wrist to tug him
down the bustling streets of Seoul.

They end up at some hole in the wall restaurant but the atmosphere was so warm and inviting that
Jungwon didn’t mind. He and Sunoo sat across from each other silently looking over the menu for
a few minutes. Jungwon found he wasn’t interested in the menu but Sunoo instead. His eyes leave
the paper menu to glance up at the omega in front of him every so often.

Sunoo seemed to catch on quickly as he timed it just right looking up to lock eyes with Jungwon
who laughed shyly at being caught. They laugh together quietly but full of pure unfiltered joy. The
tension finally breaks as Sunoo reaches across the table taking hold of Jungwon’s hand pressing
something into it. Jungwon looks down seeing a cute keychain with little foxes on it but that’s not
what makes him smile, no its the two woven bracelets secured on it safe and in perfect condition.
“Told you I wouldn’t let anything happen to them,” Sunoo says. Gently Jungwon removes them
from the keychain before slipping them onto Sunoo’s wrist, back where they belong. Jungwon
finds himself pressing the bracelets against Sunoo’s skin, a silent ‘these stay here’.

“I missed you Wonnie,” Sunoo says as he takes hold of Jungwon’s hand, running his thumb over
the youngers knuckles.

“Missed you too hyung…why-” Jungwon bites the tip of his tongue “Why did you avoid me?”

“I’m sorry for that… avoiding you I mean. And hurting you, I’m really sorry for that. After
everything was revealed I felt really guilty. It was because of me that everyone was suffering and
feeling confused. I needed a moment to collect myself,” Sunoo explains. Jungwon could see the
hurt in his eyes, could hear it in his voice. Sunoo was very guilty for his actions but he could have
talked to Jungwon, he can always talk to Jungwon and the younger will do whatever he can to help.
He will always help Sunoo.

“ ‘s ok,” he answers, wanting to reassure Sunoo. He isn’t mad, he doesn’t think he could be mad at
Sunoo. That should scare him, how attached he’d become to Sunoo but it doesn’t. Maybe he is
falling in love, in one way or another.

“It’s not. I should have contacted you a-and Jay,” Sunoo says and Jungwon nods silently agreeing.

“At first I thought that I should give you both time to rethink, make sure you were certain you
wanted this, to enter this dynamic and then you have me courting gifts-”

“I-is it weird. Do you hate them?” Jungwon questions but Sunoo is quick to shake his head, hair
fluffing out cutely.

“No! Never!” he exclaims and Jungwon sighs.

“We were worried you might be more traditional and not like it,” Jungwon admits. Sunoo can’t
help but laugh finding Jungwon to be cute.

“I basically courted Sunghoon first so I don’t find it weird or out of place. I actually really liked
it…being courted first,” it was a different feeling. When he’d taken the chance to court Sunghoon
and then have Sunghoon accept him Sunoo had been elated but to be courted first, to have someone
else take that step first to show Sunoo they care…that, that felt different. It felt amazing, so
amazing that Sunoo doesn’t feel that there are enough words to truly and accurately describe how it

“I’m glad you liked it. We know it wasn’t much but-”

“I still loved it. I told Jake and Sunghoonie about it. Jake told me I should do something too, meet
you guys at your level so I got you the snacks and clothes.”

“Thank you. Jay hyung really enjoyed it.”

“He did?” Sunoo questions raising up in his seat and Jungwon swears he’s glowing.

“Yeah, you managed to get his style right. The jacket was very nice with his outfit today.”

“He seemed fashionable so I wanted to pick something nice. Did he really like it?”

“Loved it,” Jungwon assures.

“I’m glad,” Sunoo preens a little, proud he’d done a good job.

“Ah!” Sunoo exclaims sitting up in his seat “What about your gift? I know you said you liked it but
has it been ok for your skin?”

“Hmm. It’s very comfortable! My skin doesn’t get itchy at all!”

“That's great! I went to my favorite store. My skin is a little more sensitive and I wasn’t sure if the
material would be right for you. I’m glad it worked out.”

“Of course. I wear it all the time!” Jungwon states. Although he isn’t wearing it currently he knows
he’ll wear it when he gets home most likely having to fight Jay away from it since the older had
been trying to steal it from him for the last few days.

“You should scold Jay. Hyung tries to steal it from me,” Jungwon pouts.

“Oh really?” Sunoo giggles “Should I buy him one too?” he questions playfully but Jungwon nods.

“He’d like that actually,” he says. Maybe after Sunoo got Jay one he and Jay could buy Sunoo one
and they could match. Jungwon’s scent turns sickeningly sweet as he thinks about the three of
them cozy and cute in matching hoodies.

“What are you thinking about hmm?” Sunoo croons as he resumes drawing little shapes on the
back of Jungwon’s palm. Noticing Jungwon gently (and regretfully) slides his hand away from
Sunoo’s holding it in his lap.

“N-nothing. Let’s order now,” Jungwon stutters his cheeks turning a dark pink. Shortly after they
order their food and end up sharing their dishes as they talk about everything and nothing at the
same time. The way they easily fall into conversation was like no time had passed, like they hadn’t
been apart for days.

By the end Jungwon’s eyes are heavy with sleep, his belly full and his body exhausted from the
long day. He leans against Sunoo who keeps his arm secure around his waist, holding him up
making sure he doesn’t fall as they walk to the bus stop.

“Are you going to be ok getting home?” Sunoo’s voice is laced with concern, making Jungwon

“I’ll be fine, hyung. Will you be ok?”

“Yeah, Jake’s job isn’t too far. I’ll go home with him,” Sunoo says to which Jungwon replies with
a small ‘ok’ but doesn’t pull away from Sunoo. The two omegas stand on the sidewalk hip to hip
arms thrown around each other, not quite a hug but holding each other close wanting to maintain
this closeness before they have to pull away going to their respective homes, parting yet again.

“Can I have Jay’s number?” Jungwon turns to Sunoo, his eyes blinking lazily.

“Jay hyung?” he questions, brain still processing.

“Hmm. I want to be able to contact him. Please?” Sunoo murmurs, holding his phone out. Gently
Jungwon plucks the Samsung out of Sunoo’s hand. He types in Jay’s phone number before
handing it over and leans on Sunoo’s side watching as he saves Jay as ‘Seongie-hyung’

“Will he answer if I message him?” Sunoo questions worriedly to which Jungwon snorts.
“Knowing Jay he’ll probably message you back instantly,” the younger says, knowing how
punctual and formal Jay could be, always replying to messages in a timely manner but he messages
Jungwon seconds after receiving it. He just knows Jay will answer at lightning speed if Sunoo texts


“Uh-huh. He can be a bit of a dry texter though. Like a grandpa." at Jungwon's confession they
both giggle.

“A grandpa. That’s so silly.” Sunoo hums.

“You should text him tonight,” Jungwon says. With Jay working late he was bound to feel tired
and maybe even a little frustrated. A message from Sunoo would be the perfect surprise and pick
me up to help him end the night off with a good note.

“Should I? I dunno,” Sunoo murmurs, his ears and face turning pink. Jungwon admires it, the way
Sunoo blushes. He didn’t think Sunoo was the type to get embarrassed easily but he isn’t surprised
that he looks so pretty when he is embarrassed. Sunoo is always pretty.

“Do it! He’ll like it I promise” Jungwon encourages as he knocks his knee against Sunoo’s “ah but
wait until I tell you too!”


“I want to see his reaction when you text him. Jay has the best reactions.” Despite his tiredness
there’s a mischievous glint in Jungwon’s eyes that Sunoo loves.

“You’re so mean,” Sunoo says with a pout before a wicked smile crosses his face “I love it. You
have to record it or I’ll be upset” Sunoo says, earning an energetic ‘ok’ from Jungwon who smiles
dimples and all. Before they could say more the heavy clunk of the bus fills their ears, the two
omegas turning their heads to watch as it rolls to a stop in front of them. The smile quickly falls
from Jungwon’s face as the realization sinks in.

“I guess I have to go now,” he says slowly, detaching himself from Sunoo.

“Yeah….I need to get going before Jake starts to worry,” Sunoo says, easily letting Jungwon slip

“Thanks for dinner hyung.”

“Of course. Bye Wonnie,” Sunoo says with a small wave. Jungwon turns from him ready to climb
onto the bus. He gets a few steps up before he feels a hand on his shoulder. Turning he sees Sunoo
behind him before he gets pulled into a hug. Jungwon sighs with content feeling Sunoo’s body
pressed against his, especially when Sunoo presses their cheeks together and runs the top of his
head on Jungwon’s neck. It’s a quick scenting, less than Jungwon deserves but Sunoo hopes it’s
enough to please Jungwon until he gets home to Jay.

“See you soon Wonnie,” Sunoo murmurs in Jungwon’s ear before he’s quickly exiting the bus.
Shyly Jungwon makes his way to an empty seat on the bus, face blazing.

“Your boyfriend is so pretty! He was so sweet to scent you before leaving” a woman says.
Jungwon goes to tell her that Sunoo is not his boyfriend but stops himself.

“He is really pretty,” he says instead before turning away from her.
When he gets home Jay is already in his pajamas, hair brushed, face washed and cozy in the nest.
He greets him quietly before going into the bathroom to wash up and join his mate in their nest.

“You smell like him,” Jay murmurs when Jungwon snuggles onto his chest. Jungwon nods softly.
He purposely used their scentless body wash to ensure Sunoo’s scent would still be on him. Jay
nuzzles his nose against Jungwon’s neck breathing in the smell of oranges with a light honey glaze.
The scent calms him and allows his body to relax, his mind shutting off ready to rest from this long
day while basking in the love and scent from his mate. Quickly Jungwon reaches for his phone,
thumbs typing away.

‘Quick text him now! He’s falling asleep!’ - J.W.

‘Ok!’ - S.W.

Simultaneously his and Jay’s phone go off with a notification. Jay grumbles something, lifting his
head up from Jungwon’s neck. His eyes are thick with sleep as he looks around for his phone,
spotting it on the nightstand. The older omega blinks slowly processing his options before
ultimately deciding to just sleep. Jungwon whines, shaking his shoulders to get Jay to lift off him.

“Check your phone” he whines, getting a whine back.

“I’m sleepy! I’ll check it in the morning,” Jay whines back.

“No check it now!” Jungwon demands. He knows he might sound like a brat right now but it will
be worth it. Moving slowly Jay complies, reaching for his phone just as Jungwon brings his up
already recording. It’s almost in slowmotion how Jay unlocks his phone going to his notifications.
The sleep is almost instantly wiped from his face as his eyebrows shoot up and he lets out a shout.

‘Hi it’s sunoo! Just wanted to say i made it home and good night.
See you soon’

The text is followed by a series of cute stickers and a few emojis, Kim Sunoo’s signature charm
shining even though a text.

“Is this real? Seriously? How did he even get my number?” Jay questions excitedly as he reads and
rereads the text, his feet doing little kicks from under the blanket.

“Ah! Why is he so cute?” he whines, a dorky smile working onto his face after the shock wears off.
Jays rosemary scent circulates their room, evergreen mixing with citrus and honey.

“Come on lets sleep I’m tired,” Jungwon says attempting to pluck the phone from Jay’s hand only
for the omega to move holding the device out of reach.

“Let me say goodnight first!”

“No, let's sleep!” Jungwon sleepily giggles while still reaching for the phone.

“No! Jung- baby wait! Yah!” Jay exclaims fighting Jungwon for the phone. After a minute
Jungwon gives up settling against Jay. He stops the recording on his phone before sending it to
Sunoo as promised.

“Should I add a sticker too?” Jay questions once his good night text is sent.

“You don even know… how to sen one,” Jungwon slurs. Jay frowns because no he does not know
how to send them.
“I still feel like I should send one…do you think Sunoo will show me?” Jay murmurs to Jungwon
only to find the omega fast asleep.

“Oh sure, sleep while I’m having a crisis,” Jay groans. Turning his attention back to his phone Jay
forgoes trying to figure out how to send a cute sticker and settles for sending a heart back. A purple
one because according to Jungwon it’s a mutual color he and Sunoo like. Once the heart is sent Jay
smiles proudly, setting his phone aside to cuddle Jungwon a pleased smile on his face.

Jay doesn’t know how soon soon is for Sunoo but he will cling onto the hope and joy of seeing his
mate…soon. Hopefully tomorrow. It’s not likely but Jay can dream and boy does he dream a sweet
dream of him and his two omegas living happily, peacefully and madly in love.

Chapter End Notes

A bit of a shorter chapter but I hope you guys enjoyed. I konw I've been dragging
SunJay out but I promise there will be SunJay in the next chapter I'm just a sucker for
Pocketz and wanted to fix their relationship before we get into SunJay. i know i never
mentioned sunoos ring before this chapter (it'll be a side scene later) but it was
something that came to mind and i needed an excuse to write soft jealous cute
jungwon. i think it worked out pretty well though, what do you guys think? As usual I
hope you all enjoyed this chapter! See you in the next one
a/n 2

Hey everyone!

First off I want to say thank you for all the support and love you all have given this book. I have
enjoyed writing every chapter and seeing all the comments. Unfortunately I am not in the right
state of mind to continue this book so it will be on hold for the rest of the year and possibly even
longer. I know that that is disappointing for you guys but I just can not continue it right now. If
things change then I will come back and post a chapter for you guys but for now just expect for
this book to not be updated for awhile.

- Author
chapter thirty
Chapter Notes

Happy Valentine's Day!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

“Stop moving,” Jake mutters, face squished against the pillow. Next to him Sunoo continued
squirming, feeling far too agitated to sit still. It was nearing noon now and although weekends were
their days to sleep in or relax in a cuddle pile basking in each other's warmth and scent, Sunoo was
ready to get up. They were meeting Jay and Jungwon for another meeting (hopefully with better
results) and Sunoo was eager to make something, a meal. Show them he could be a good omega, a
useful addition to their new dynamic so he whines poking at Jake’s cheek urging him to get up.

“Jakie! Hyung, wake up please!” Sunoo whines. He’d already managed to sneak out of bed to get
ready for the day but the second he climbed back in a vain attempt to wake his mates he was pulled
back into their warmth his chest pressed firmly against Jake’s as the hybrid kept a strong arm
around his waist rendering Sunoo unable to move.

“Sunoo…shut up,” Sunghoon sleepily huffs on Jake’s other side.

“I wasn’t talking to you Hoon I was talking to Jakie who promised to help me!” Sunoo says
purposely leaning close to Jake’s ear. “Now wake up!”

“Fine! Fine I’m up!” the hybrid grumbles. He releases his hold on Sunoo’s waist to toss the plaid
white and gray duvet off him, little legs kicking out showing his frustration. The blanket glides off
his body before flowing to his side, effectively hitting Sunghoon in the face as he climbs out of the
bed. Jake is a bit wobbly on his legs, the sleep having not left his body yet but he makes it to the
bathroom slamming the door behind him.

“Look what you did,” Sunghoon grumbles from under the blanket. Jake was always rather pouty in
the morning when they woke him up before he was ready. Sunoo crawls across the bed to
Sunghoon peeling the blanket off revealing the sleepy pouty alpha underneath.

“I need his help because you my love are a hazard in the kitchen,” Sunoo giggles as he leans down
to press a gentle kiss to Sunghoon’s cheek. The alpha lets out a low satisfied growl, a sleepy
lopsided grin on his face. Before Sunoo can get too far the alpha’s hand shoots up gently cupping
the back of Sunoo’s neck pulling him back down for a proper kiss. He can feel Sunoo whine
against his lips probably wanting to say something about Sunghoon’s morning breath but he
indulges his mate with a quick kiss.

“Sunghoon! Now I have to brush my teeth again!” Sunoo grumbles with a pout when Sunghoon
finally releases him.

“Can I have another kiss then? Ya know since you have to brush your teeth again anyways?” the
alpha questions with a cheeky smile. Sunoo scoffs at his mate.

“No way. If you want more kisses, get up and get ready,” Sunoo softly demands. Sunghoon groans
at that blindly reaching for the duvet. When his hand clasps around the soft material he gives it a
hank successfully pulling it up and over his head again.

“Twenty minutes,” he says. Sunoo rolls his eyes leaving the alpha on the bed to go brush his teeth
again. As he stands in front of the bathroom mirror Sunoo has to will himself to ignore the gentle
deep rumble of Jake’s voice as he sings softly to himself and the blurry sight of soap running down
his body, steam from the shower fogging up the glass. Sunoo leaves the bathroom in a hurry after
brushing at his teeth with a few quick circles and scrubbing at his tongue.

When Jake finally joins Sunoo in the kitchen the omega feels his breath catch in his throat. The
beta had his hair gently pushed back by a white headband; the brown hair, much to Sunoo’s
disappointment but not disliking, was straightened rather than left to its gentle curly pattern. He had
on a white shirt paired with a white button up and black ripped jeans. He looked stunning, his hair
which was becoming longer these days framed his face beautifully and the tight fitted outfit
accented his body lines magnificently. Despite looking as effortlessly handsome as he does Jake
gives Sunoo his cute lopsided puppy smile.

“Ready to start?” Jake questions as he pulls the fridge open pulling ingredients out.

“Y-yes,” Sunoo stutters as he watches the beta roll his sleeves up showing off the muscle that was
becoming more defined as he and Sunghoon trained for sports tryouts.

“Well don’t just stand there. Come here,” Jake gently calls. Sunoo follows the betas word and
walks up to him. Jake coos when Sunoo hugs him and feels giddy when the omega presses their
lips together.

His hands go to Sunoo's waist, thumbs pressing comfortably at his sides. Sunoo sighs against
Jake’s lips, his own hands tangling in Jake's hair. The younger presses his hips to Jakes causing the
older to stumble back against the counter.

The beta groans before snagging Sunoo's bottom lip between his teeth and pulls. Sunoo whines, his
lips parting just enough for Jake to slip his tongue in his mouth.

Sunoo didn't think he'd ever get addicted to Jake's way of kissing. Sunghoon always kissed him
two ways, hot and quick or slow and meticulous picking Sunoo apart piece by piece. But Jake, Jake
kissed with more tongue than needed, excited and eager and Sunoo thought it was cute. The beta
always got worked up over a few kisses and Sunoo loves seeing his reactions and knowing just
how to tease and please him. Maybe Sunghoon wasn't the only one who liked to pick them apart.

They stay pressed against each other until their hands begin to wander into dangerous territory,
hands grasping at clothes and skin, moans echoing in the small kitchen. Jake pulls back gasping
and moaning when Sunoo dives for his neck.

"D-Ddeonu. W-we gotta f-focus babe," he says through a gasp. He knows if he doesn't stop them
now they'll do a lot more than cook in the kitchen and he doesn’t think they have time for both.
When Sunoo doesn't stop he figures the omega would just continue his ministrations until the
omega gives a particular hard bite to his scent gland. Jake's eyes roll back as his toes curl white hot
pleasure slices through him.

" 'm sorry for waking you early," Sunoo mumbles looking at Jake cutely. His duality has Jake's
head swimming.

"I-it's ok," Jay stutters. He pants trying to catch his breath and calm himself down but it's hard with
Sunoo still pressed against him.
"L-lets get cooking yeah?" he stutters and just like that bubbly cute Sunoo is fully back with an
adorable smile on his face.

"Yes chef Jakie!" he giggles. He lets Jake off the counter, bouncing over to wash his hands so they
could cook for Jay and Jungwon. His Js.

In spite of cooking for his family for years Sunoo’s skills in the kitchen are a far cry away from
Jake’s. The beta hybrid had plenty of experience being his mothers sous chef, taking all the
information and instructions she gave him, embedding them in his memory to remember and use
next time they made a dish. Sunoo is envious of the relationship and memories Jake has with his
mother. He takes that envy and turns it into determination when Jake begins to explain the meal
they’re going to make, Korean curry.

“It’s one of Jungwonnies favorites,” Sunoo said with a pleased smile when he asked Jake for his
help and Jake took them to the store within the hour to get everything. Now here they were hip to
hip in their small kitchen preparing the meal.

Jake found it endearing how Sunoo would listen intently to everything he was saying constantly
needing affirmation he was doing it right and Jake was happy to praise him every step of the way.

Half an hour later Sunghoon struts into the kitchen dressed in a tie dye shirt yellows purples and
blues busting in color, he’s got a plaid flannel lazily thrown over to keep his arms warm and an old
pair of jeans ripped at the knees giving his mates just the smallest glimpse of the toned legs

Sunoo and Jake halt their attention no longer on the bento boxes they were packing but the
handsome alpha in front of them until Jake's hand slips, dropping the metal bowl he was holding. It
clanks loudly as it hits the counter splashing melted chocolate across the surface. The sound pulls
Sunoo from his trance as he blinks, a light blush on his face from admiring his mate. He ducks his
head down hiding his blush before Sunghoon can tease him only to see the bento box he was
working on. A light airy feeling fills his chest seeing the bento box making him feel all fluffy and

“Hoonie hyung! Look isn’t this cute,” the omega gushes holding up the third bento box filled with
fruits. Jake had helped him melt chocolate (which he was currently cleaning up) to decorate the
sliced fruit with cute faces. Sunghoon clenches his hands into fists as he swallows down the thick
feeling of jealousy. Carefully he walks to Sunoo easily sliding his arm around the omegas waist.
His omega.

“It looks great Sunshine, they’re going to love it,” he says. Sunoo beams pressing into Sunghoon’s
side. The top of his head goes under Sunghoon’s chin, lightly scenting the alpha at his collarbones.

“I hope so.” Sunghoon can see Sunoo’s confidence flicker like a candle on the end of its wick. The
alpha tries to come up with something encouraging to say, lift his omega up but the sound of
Sunoo’s phone pinging with incoming notifications causes him to lose his train of thought. Sunoo
squeaks excitedly, slipping from Sunghoon’s grasp to retrieve his phone.

“They’re on their way! We need to get going!” the omega exclaims.

“Calm down, we’re not going to be late. It’s just a meeting at the park, yeah?” Jake questions as he
circles around the table. He holds Sunoo’s hips in his hands, thumbs pressing lightly against the
soft skin of the omegas sides.

“I do not want to be late again. I-”

“You’re excited, yeah? That’s why you’re buzzing today?” Jake murmurs. He remembers being in
Sunoo’s position so excited and nervous to see Sunghoon it was like he couldn’t sit straight, his
mind jumping to everything he wanted to do, everything he wanted to say. He thought about all the
ways it could go so horribly wrong but also how it could go so right.

Sunoo answers Jake with a nod, fluffy hair bouncing on his head.

“Just take a breath ok. They’re going to be waiting for you even if we’re late, which we will not
be,” Jake says, stressing the end when Sunoo gives him a devastated look. “Let’s go grab our
things and then we can go, yeah?”

“Yeah…yeah” Sunoo murmurs. Jake smiles at him leaning forward to press his lips to Sunoo’s
forehead. The omega in his arms sighs leaning against him, his body finally relaxing a bit.

“Go on,” Jake says, letting Sunoo go with a quick pat to his butt. The action pulls a giggle from
Sunoo as he skips down the hall to their bedroom. Jake smiles seeing the happy omega and
smelling oranges in the air. He heads back to the kitchen to see Sunghoon glaring at the bento

“Thank you,” he murmurs, not looking up at Jake.

“Someone needed to save you. You looked like a deer caught in headlights.” Sunghoon snaps his
head up with a heavy pout on his face.

“I did not,” he says, voice nearing that of a whiny tone.

“You totally did,” Jake giggles. His smile widens when Sunghoon gives a very cute shake of his
head. Jake wonders if this is what Sunghoon was like in high school, his face a lot more boyish and
soft rather than the manly look it had now with his sharp jawline and equally sharp eyes. He
wonders if Sunghoon was always pouty and pup like when someone else stole Sunoo’s attention.

“I got our stuff! Let’s go now!” Sunoo exclaims as he speed walks to the front door.

“Coming!” Jake calls. He scoops the bento boxes up and follows Sunoo out the door, Sunghoon
right behind him.

It was a decent day out and the trio decided to walk, opting out of taking public transportation. Jake
watched as Sunoo walked with an extra pep in his step but his hands fidgeted down by his sides.

“Here,” he murmurs to Sunghoon, passing the bento boxes off to him. Before the alpha could
protest the boxes are shoved in his hands and Jake is jogging up to Sunoo. Sunghoon watches as
Jake slips a hand into Sunoo’s lacing their fingers together. If he wanted to he could listen in to
what Jake was saying but he doesn’t. Sunghoon’s focus turned to the bento boxes in front of him, a
feeling of jealousy swirling in his gut.

Sunoo should make bento boxes for him, not Jay.

Before they knew it they’d reached the park. Scents from other wolves, vampires, pixies and
various woodland creatures filled their senses. Sunghoon knows that when Sunoo tilts his nose up
he’s only searching for one, maybe two scents. The ones belonging to Jay and Jungwon. Honey
and evergreen…not that Sunghoon actually cared enough to remember that Jay smells of rosemary
and Jungwon of honey. No, he doesn’t care. Sunoo is just always talking about it.

“They’re over there!” he says with a smile after spotting the two. The couple seemed to spot Sunoo
too, seeing as Sunoo’s smile brightens as he waves his hand frantically. His hand drops from Jake’s
as he speeds walks up to Jay and Jungwon who moved with just as much eagerness as Sunoo.

“H-hi,” Sunoo breathes out. Jay was…Jay was stunning. He’d gotten a haircut recently, the
undercut being fresh and very attractive with his raven black hair. In addition to his hair, his
clothes fit him so well. Sunoo knew Jay was a very fashionable person. He knew that from their
first meeting alone but somehow the omega seemed to make casual clothing look runway ready
with his loose fitted jeans, graphic tee and jean jacket on his shoulders. The same jean jacket
Sunoo had gotten him and that little fact brightens Sunoo’s smile.

“Hi,” Jay says back, his lips quirked up into a cute smile.

“Y-you look pr-pretty. R-really pretty" he stutters next, giving an awkward chuckle afterwards. A
blush blooms on Sunoo’s face as he tilts his head down letting his bangs hang in his face.

“T-thank you. Y-ou look good too,” Sunoo replies, hoping his nervousness isn’t shown in his
voice. Noticing the omegas awkwardness Jungwon steps in between them.

“Yeah yeah Jay is hot and you’re pretty. What about me, where's my compliments?” the youngest
says with a frown. Sunoo rolls his eyes playfully.

”Our Jungwonnie is so cute!” Sunoo says, pinching at the younger's cheeks. The youngest omega
was dressed in baggy jeans and a slightly oversized striped shirt that made him look so small, so
huggable. A perfect cuddly looking omega.

“I am not cute! I’m handsome!” Jungwon says as his hands go up to bat Sunoos' hands away.
Despite his protesting, he only serves to further Sunoo’s statement when he puffs his cheeks out,
nose flaring with annoyance.

“Aww but you look like such a cute lil bunny!” Sunoo laughs

“Right! I say that all the time!” Jay pipes up.

As the three omegas talk and get acquainted with each other, Sunghoon watches with a frown. He
wonders what changed from their last meeting to now. Just last time they were all too afraid to even
look at each other but here they were talking and laughing like old friends.

‘Maybe it’s an omega thing’ he thinks. It was common knowledge that omegas get along the best
out of the subgenders, their natural caring a charming nature making it easy to befriend each other.
Or maybe it’s just a Sunoo thing. People did always seem to gravitate to him, no matter the sub-
gender. Sunghoon finds himself shifting from foot to foot feeling his social anxiety creep back on
him for the first time since his second year of high school.

“You ok?” Jake murmurs from beside him.

“No,” Sunghoon answers honestly. He has no idea what to do, what to say even. Does he interject?
Would that upset Sunoo or would he want him to say something? Would Jay get upset? Sunghoon
really doesn’t want to cause an issue with Sunoo’s mate this early on.
“We brought food!” Jake announces saving Sunghoon from his thoughts. They watch as the
omegas stop their conversation turning to them.

“You brought food? I figured we’d eat out….” Jungwon says, leaning against Jay.

“I mean w-we can do that,” Sunoo offers. He could feel anxiety creep into his gut suddenly
worried to announce he’d made food. Next to him Jake frowns.

“But you worked so hard,” he says. He could feel Sunoo’s hesitance through their bond and despite
Sunoo’s worries the beta isn’t going to let him back down with fear.

“You cooked…for us?” Jay wonders. Shyly Sunoo nods. He walks to Sunghoon taking a bento box
from him and shyly opens it presenting the contents to Jay and Jungwon.

“I-I just wanted to do something for you s-since you’ve gotten me so many nice gifts,” Sunoo says,
stuttering his way through his sentence. He’s aware this is a step further in their courting, an honor
for any omega to cook for their mate and for it to be received. Anxiously Sunoo watches Jay,
searching his face for any sign of hesitance or rejection but Jay smiles all wide, little dimples
sinking in at the top of his mouth.

“It looks fresh, we should eat this now. Like right now,” he says, reaching for the bento. Sunoo
sighs with relief when Jay takes the bento, their hands touching for only a second but it was long
enough to leave the tips of Sunoo’s fingers buzzing.

“Ah why do you get the first one?! I want one Sunnie please?” Jungwon says reaching for Jay’s
bento only for the older to move away.

“I have more,” Sunoo says with a smile. His omega was soaring a floaty feeling working its way
through his head. Jay accepted it! Jay accepts him!

With less hesitance Sunoo hands another bento to Jungwon who takes it quickly, opening it to take
a whiff of the curry.

“This is my favorite ya know,” he says, sending a boastful look Jay’s way. Jay glares at his mate
but there's no malice in the look, his eyes soft and adoring towards his mate.

“Let's sit. I want to eat this now,” Jay says with a determined glint in his eyes as he turns ready to
find a place to eat.

“Didn’t I tell you he was like that?” Jungwon says with a giggle as he links his arm not holding the
curry with Sunoo’s. Sunoo covers his mouth as he laughs.

“I didn’t think you were serious,” Sunoo says, still surprised Jay hadn’t even attempted to hide his
eagerness but he was thoroughly pleased by his mates behavior. It reminded him of Jake at times, a
pleaser, a giver. Someone who wears their heart on their sleeves for the ones they love. Love.
Surely Jay doesn't love him right now but God does Sunoo hope he will…one day.

“So serious!” Jungwon chuckles as he and Sunoo follow Jay.

Jake moves to follow after them but stops noticing Sunghoon hasn't moved. The alpha stood with
an unreadable look on his face, eyes trained on Sunoo's retreating form.

"Sunghoon…" Jake calls.

"What?" the alpha huffs eyes still trained on Sunoo.

"You're glaring," Jake states.

"I wonder if this is how Sunoo felt," Sunghoon murmurs, not replying to Jakes’s statement. He
thinks he's beginning to understand Sunoo from all those months back. The jealousy, the anger…
the hurt. He’s beginning to understand why Sunoo couldn't accept Jake just because he did. It's
hard watching the person he loves with his whole heart look at someone else like he looks at Jake,
like he looks at him.

"Maybe," Jake says with a weary look in his eyes. He looks at Sunghoon watching as the alphas
carefully constructed facade slowly fades away.

“I'll play nice. We can be friends but I won't love them like I love you two," Sunghoon mutters.
Beside him Jake huffs out a laugh. Sunghoon raises a brow, a heavy pout still evident on his face.


"Nothing. You and Sunoo are just…so similar," the beta says with a soft chuckle. It made
Sunghoon click his tongue against his teeth..

"Tsk. We are not that similar," he protests.

"You are. Sunoo said something like that to me a long time ago but look at what happened? I love
him and he loves me."

Sunghoon narrows his eyes knowing what his mate is trying to do but it won’t work. Not on him.

"That doesn't mean I will love those two."

"It doesn't. but it also doesn't mean that it isn't a possibility. And maybe-" Jake's tongue pokes out
of his mouth a habit he'd picked up from Sunghoon.

"Maybe it won't be a bad thing."

"Why are you so willing to go through with this?” Sunghoon questions eyeing the older
suspiciously. Jake had been nothing but accepting since the beginning, his actions never wavering
when encouraging Sunoo to be with Jay. Isn’t he jealous at all? Isn’t he worried about losing

Jake doesn’t answer. He glances over to Sunoo, the omega happily giggling at something Jungwon
said as he expresses his amusement with his whole body giving his happy little seal clap.

"Because I want to make you two happy…because…”

'I don't want you to leave me' Jake thinks but he doesn’t say it. He needs to push them in the right
direction. It wasn’t about him or Sunghoon right now. It was about Sunoo and making sure he is
happy even if it means pushing his own feelings to the side.

“I like seeing him happy and seeing Sunoo happy makes you happy and seeing the two of you
happy makes me happy,” the beta answers with a simple shrug acting in different despite the range
of emotions flowing through him

"We were happy when it was just the three of us,” Sunghoon grumbles. He’d cross his arms over
his chest but he was still holding onto the damn bento boxes. Seeing an opportunity Jake stands in
front of Sunghoon making exaggerated cooing noises.

"Aww looks like this alpha never learned to share!" the beta says teasingly as he pinches
Sunghoon's cheeks. The alpha growls mouth snapping at Jake's hand. He catches it biting the skin
between his teeth. It was playful or it was supposed to be but then Sunghoon’s eyes flash red and
he bites down even harder.

"Sunghoon! Ow!" Jake exclaims when Sunghoon teeth sink in further breaking skin. Jake pulls his
hand away with an exasperated look, bringing his hand to his face. The smallest trail of blood
trickled down the side of his hand a single droplet falling and staining the grass below. Jake can
feel a painful thrum through his bond. He looks up at Sunghoon who looked absolutely horrified
and just about ready to vomit.

“J-Jake I’m so…I’m sorry. Let me- shit are you ok?” Sunghoon questions frantically. He wants to
hold Jake to make sure he’s ok but the stupid bento boxes are still in the way so he stands in his

“It’s fine. I’m ok,” Jake says shortly. He shoves his hand in his pocket out of sight before walking
away to Sunoo without sparing Sunghoon another glance.

“Fuck…Fuck!,” Sunghoon murmurs under his breath. If he could he’d run his hand through his
hair, tug the strands at the roots, but he can’t. All he can do is watch Jake’s retreating form, the
lingering smell of blood trailing after him.

Why did he do that? He doesn’t even know himself but it was so…it was unlike him. He’s never
hurt his mates like that before, he doesn’t even know what spurred that on. It scares him. It scares
him that he could do something like that without thinking, without having a reason. He should
never hurt his mates. The alpha stands brooding for several minutes, the aura around him growing
dark before a bit of sunshine breaks through in the form of Kim Sunoo.

“Hoonie!” the omega calls. Sunghoon looks up seeing Sunoo standing in front of him, head cocked
to the side.

“You ok?” he whispers. He had that look in his eyes, a knowing look, knowing Sunghoon had been
triggered by something but not knowing what. His concern makes Sunghoon’s heart hurt a bit.

“Yeah yeah. ‘m fine Sunshine,” Sunghoon says softly, trying his best to smile. Sunoo squints at
him like he’s unsure but he returns the smile.

“Ok. Come on then,” the omega says. His hand clasps around Sunghoon’s wrist as he tugs him to
the little picnic table where everyone was seated. Sunoo reclaims his spot between Jake and
Jungwon leaving Sunghoon to awkwardly sit between Jake and Jay on the other half of the round

Sunghoon awkwardly sits back listening as Sunoo jumps back into the conversation so naturally.
He’s laughing along with Jungwon, their shoulders knocking against each other so often or their
hands wrapping around each other quickly, their touch so casual and warm. Their conversation
bounces between the three omegas as Jungwon turns saying something to Jay making him laugh or
frown before replying and then saying something to Sunoo who goes back to Jungwon and it all
repeats over again before the three of them are talking to and over each other, a flurry of happiness
between them.

Despite his hesitance and annoyance to partake in this meeting Sunghoon finds his alpha growling
happily in his head. It was something about being around the three happy omegas smelling their
happy scents mingling so pleasantly that was almost delightfully and pleasing to him. But just

‘It’s only because Sunoo is happy’ he tells himself. He won’t allow himself to be swayed by these
two omegas who are stealing Sunoo’s attention. Attention that should be his.

As if he could read his mind (or rather because he felt Sunghoon’s jealousy) Sunoo turns to the
alpha with a smile. He reaches for the bento boxes sliding one to Sunghoon before opening the last
one revealing the fruit salad cutely decorated with chocolate.

“Hyung, did you make these?” Jungwon questions reaching for one.

“J-Jake hyung helped,” Sunoo quips, sending a look to Jake who smiles reassuringly.

“They’re so cute,” Jungwon giggles, popping a strawberry in his mouth. Curiously Jay reaches over
grabbing one, eating it as well.

“WOW!” he exclaims. It’s a bit exaggerated and over the top but it’s enough to have Sunoo’s
cheeks dust pink (much to Sunghoon’s annoyance). Trying to ignore his growing jealousy
Sunghoon opens the bento Sunoo gave him and feels his breath catch in his throat. Right in front of
him was a steak with a fried egg on top. In a side container is a fruit salad with various wild berries
and bananas, the same thing Sunoo made for Sunghoon in highschool.

Sunghoon looks up to Sunoo who was already laughing with Jungwon, a bit of chocolate cutely
smeared at the corner of his lips. He wonders if the omega had been awake when he was talking to
Jake or maybe the omega had been feeling nostalgic. No matter the reason the gesture brought
tears to Sunghoon’s eyes.

“He still loves you the same. He was never going to leave you out,” Jake mutters from beside him.
Sunghoon turns to the beta, his eyes swimming with love. Of course Jake knew he had been in the
kitchen with Sunoo after all. They did this for him and here Sunghoon was brooding like he was a
jealous teenager all over again and he’d even gone and hurt Jake. He was a shitty mate.

“I’m sorry,” he whispers. Jake smiles sympathetically.

“It’s fine. All healed,” he says, holding his hand up. Sunghoon could still see the scars left from his
teeth, the skin pink and not fully healed. He can feel the guilt creep up on him, painfully wrapping
around his heart.

“I'm still sorry. It shouldn't have happened.”

“It’s fine-”

“It’s not,” Sunghoon snaps. He doesn't expect Jake to understand not like Sunoo would but what he
did was very much not fine despite Jake trying to reassure him that it was. The conversation
between the omegas falters for all of a few seconds as Sunoo eyes them tentatively but then he's
swept back into the conversation before he can conjure up a question.

Jake brings a hand up brushing Sunghoon’s bangs back, fixing his hair a bit before bringing it
down to stroke over the mole on the side of his nose. Despite being an alpha Sunghoon was always
so pretty, especially his moles. They were such a common feature on people but they look best on
Sunghoon. At least in Jake's opinion they do.
“I forgive you Sunghoon," he whispers sincerely. "It was an accident."

Accident… Was it an accident? Sunghoon doesn’t know. He hopes so.

“Here,” he mutters, sliding the bento in front of the beta. Jake looks at him before shaking his head
attempting to push it back but Sunghoon stops him.

“You haven’t eaten all day,” he says only to get a defiant shake of the head from Jake.

“You haven't either and Sunoo made it for you,” he protests but Sunghoon isn’t having it.

“And I want to share it with you. Please?” Sunghoon can’t help but plead. He needs to do
something, to make it up to Jake for hurting him.

“Fine fine,” Jake says finally smiling. Sunghoon smiles back, lifting a piece of meat up to Jake’s
mouth to feed him. Together they eat the meal exchanging playful touches under the table. It
makes the restlessness in Sunghoon’s chest lift up just a bit. As they finish their meal Sunghoon
looks up at the omegas. Sunoo and Jungwon were still going on about god knows what but beside
them Jay was fidgeting. His scent had shifted a bit, a scent Sunghoon couldn’t quite describe filled
the space around him.

Sunghoon feels like he should say something, ask if he’s ok but just as the words form on his
tongue a switch flips. Suddenly the omega is straightening up a serious look playing out on his
face. It makes Sunghoon raise a brow.

“Um…I don’t mean to interrupt but I think we should address the elephant in the room,” he says.
His voice had lost the playfulness it previously held and instead was replaced by a sudden
seriousness that Sunghoon did not like.

"We're not in a room Jay-ah," Jungwon jokes, trying to lessen the tension that began to creep on
the group. Needless to say it doesn't work as Sunghoon straightens up jaw tensing as he crosses his

“And that is?” Sunghoon questions trying to mask his nerves. Jay blinks, turning to Sunghoon as if
he forgot they were sitting right next to each other. A blush forms on the omegas face as he loses
his facade for just a second.

“W-well...” Jay pauses, clearing his throat “We’ve gone a bit out of order here. As happy as I am to
be courting you Sunoo our bonding period should have come first…” as the words fall from Jay’s
mouth the tension settles over the small table like a weighted blanket. Sunghoon watches as
Sunoo’s eyes nervously flick around the table before settling on Jay. The older omega seems to
pick up on his nervousness and begins to sputter awkwardly.

“This doesn’t mean I want to stop courting you or anything. I definitely want to… continue
courting you I mean but I think that we should also spend more time together. Properly get to know
each other. Ya know?” the older man clarifies.

“Oh. We can do that..right Hoonie?” Sunoo says looking at Sunghoon with a hopeful look in his

“Actually…” Jay starts. His eyes flick to Jungwon's, their eyes locking for a second as the younger
gives a nod followed by an encouraging smile. “Sunoo I was hoping to have someone on one time
with you, and with Jungwon of course,” Jay says, turning back to Sunoo. This time Sunghoon can’t
hold himself back from the burst of jealousy.

“You what?!” he exclaims glaring at the omega but this time Jay doesn’t cower from him. The
omega looks back at Sunghoon with a glare of his own, back straightened, jaw hardened and a
stoic look on his face.

“I want to spend some time with my mate,” he says voice never wavering. Sunghoon feel’s his
brow twitch in annoyance. He wants to correct Jay, tell him Sunoo is his mate but he can’t. He can
no longer solely claim Sunoo as his because unfortunately Sunoo’s heart belongs to Jay as well.

“How do you plan on going about this then?”

“A schedule of sorts I guess. Sunoo is your mate and you love him, that much is obvious and I
never want to take him away from you….but he’s my mate too and I want to get to know him,” Jay
says to Sunghoon before turning to Sunoo.

“I was thinking the three of us could hang out on the weekends and maybe a day or two during the
week. That should give us enough time to strengthen our bond over the next few weeks. If that’s
ok with you” Jay says sincerely. He looks at Sunoo expectantly waiting for his answer but
someone else speaks up instead.

“No," the alpha says shortly. Jay turns to him, sending him a sharp look.

“I wasn’t asking you Sunghoon. I was asking-”

“I know that Jay but the answer is still no,” Sunghoon grumbles, not bothering to look at Jay.
“Weekends are the only time I can actually be with my mates. Pick some other day during the
week,” the alpha says nonchalantly.

“Guys…” Sunoo starts but goes ignored as Jungwon sends a glare Sunghoon’s way.

“How is that fair?” the youngest omega pipes up, annoyance filling his voice. How dare Sunghoon
try and dictate what Sunoo can and can not do? Jay was asking Sunoo, not Sunghoon and the
omega can talk for himself.

“Between school, and our jobs we hardly see each other during the week and we only get
weekends off to spend time together so-” Sunghoon begins to justify his decision only for Jungwon
to cut him off.

“Which is why we should have weekends to spend time with Sunoo if that's when he's available,”
the omega says. Sunghoon huffs, displeased by the interruption. “I mean it only makes sense right?
You live with each other, you see Sunoo all the time but Jay and I don't,” Jungwon reasons.

“You share a class,” Sunghoon counters. It’s childish he knows but it’s all his anger filled brain
could come up with. He felt like he was a tea kettle seconds away from whistling and blowing out

“One class, but Jay doesn’t share any classes with Sunoo. This is about them not you so why are
you making it difficult?”

“Easy for you to say. You benefit from this as well,” Sunghoon growls and Jungwon smirks. The
fucking asshole has the gaul to smirk at Sunghoon and the alpha feels another growl rumbling in
his chest.

“I do. I want to spend time with Sunoo hyung too but honestly this is for Jay. I’ll do anything for
him even if it means arguing with an entitled alpha like you.” Jungwon says it so casually as if he
were talking about something so mundane, like he hadn’t just taken a shot to Sunghoon’s pride.
Sunghoon stares at the omega, noticing the small sparkle in his eyes. He was enjoying this.

“I am not entitled,” the alpha growls lowly only to regret it. He’d been walking right into a trap and
by answering Jungwon had him right where he wanted him and he knows Jungwon knows it when
the youngest omega smiles. It’s a killer smile, one full of amusement and pride that Sunghoon
wants to wipe off his dumb (but very cute) little face.

“Then you’ll agree, right?” Jungwon says feigning innocence as he cocks his head to the side.
Sunghoon sits blinking at the omega. Never in his life had he been shut down so quickly. It causes
a swell of mixed emotions to rise within him and he doesn’t know if he should be pleased or
annoyed. The table is quiet as Sunoo, Jake and Jay flick their attention between the two.

“Fine,” Sunghoon answers slowly through gritted teeth “I’ll agree” he says and Jungwon
practically beams with satisfaction.


“This wont be forever. Like I said , I have no intention of trying to keep you two apart. This is just
a lot to take in so I think it would be good for Jungwon and I to build a stable relationship with
Sunoo before we try and have everyone together”

“So you want to know us too?” Jake questions earning a nod from Jay. Sunghoon has to grip onto
his pants for dear life to keep himself from growling when he sees the smallest bit of fur from
Jake's phantom ears sprout out from the top of his head.

'What the fuck is going on?'

“Of course! We’re all connected in one way or another. I want to get to know all of you at some
point but right now Sunoo is my priority. I want to make sure we have a solid relationship and
ensure our bond remains intact. I don't want it to break and cause him harm,” Jay speaks so prettily
and with a heart of sincerity that it almost makes Sunghoon regret his behavior. Almost. He can’t
bring himself to trust them, not yet but he’ll go along for now. He’ll just have to keep a close eye
on them. He won't let his Sunoo get hurt. and he sure as hell won't let these two take his mates
away from him.

“I think that is a great idea,” Jake says, his puppy smile on full display. Sunghoon turns to Sunoo
who began scratching at his wrist, his nervous tick. The alpha sighs pinching at the bridge of his

“...seeing Sunoo happy makes you happy and seeing the two of you happy makes me happy…”

This will make Sunoo happy. Being able to be with his other mate and his new friend will make
Sunoo happy and seeing Sunoo happy makes Jake happy so Sunghoon can sacrifice his own
happiness for theirs. He can do this for them even if it hurts.

“Ya know you all are talking and making decisions for me like I can’t answer for myself,” Sunoo
huffs. Something shifts then and there as both Sunghoon and Jay turn to him.

“I-I didn’t mean to make you feel like that! Of course it is up to you if you want to do this Sunoo,”
Jay stutters. Shit. shit! Had he messed this up? He really hadn’t intended to make Sunoo feel as if
he couldn’t make the choice for himself. Had he come on too strong?
“Do what you must. I’m here to support you Sunoo,” Sunghoon answers. Sunoo looks at him, eyes
full of joy and a bit of hesitance.

“Y-yeah?” he says. He knows Sunghoon better than he knows himself. Sunghoon isn’t the type of
alpha to truly hold Sunoo back from something despite the words that come out of his mouth. To
Sunghoon words are words, it’s actions that matter and Sunghoon had always shown Sunoo that
despite his flaws, despite the bullshit he says his actions always show his true feelings. Having
Sunghoon’s blessing means everything, not that Sunoo really needs it, but it's nice having his
support. It makes Sunoo feel like he’s falling in love with Sunghoon all over again that the alpha
was giving him this chance just like he did with Jake several months ago.

“Yeah Sunshine,” Sunghoon says. His lips waver as he smiles, trying to hold back from crying,
trying to hold back his fear. His fear of losing Sunoo to the two omegas.

“We should do something today!” Jungwon announces. Beside him Sunoo perks up, shyly
glancing at Jay.

“C-can we?”

“I um…I actually have to go into the lab today. There’s a bunch of photos I have to get
developed,” the oldest says sympathetically. He would give anything to spend time with Sunoo
right this second, for the rest of his life but he can’t let his classmates down. This project was an
important part of their grade and as badly as he wants to spend the day with Sunoo he can’t let
them down.

“A-ah,” Sunoo mutters trying to hide his dejection.

“But we can do something tomorrow!” Jay shouts. He doesn’t intend to shout but seeing Sunoo
even the slightest bit sad had his omega desperate to fix it, desperate to come up with a solution
and please his mate.

“Like what?”

“You both like shopping,” Jungwon provides.

“We can go shopping.” Jay agrees easily as he already began formulating and calculating all the
best stores to take Sunoo too mentally organizing them by which have the best materials for
omegas and which stores have potential courting gifts he could buy while they’re there.

“Shopping? We can go. I do owe you a pair of pants after all,” Sunoo says to Jungwon who laughs.

“You remember that?”

“Of course! You had blood all on your knees”

“Wait what?” Jay questions looking at Jungwon with concern as if he were bleeding at this

“You knew about it! It was the same day Sunoo passed out and I had to take him to the
nurse….You even yelled at me that day!” Jungwon exclaims looking at Jay. the oldest omegas
eyes widen as he remembered what his mate was referring to.
“I did not yell at you, I was just worrying! I called you five times and you didn’t answer. How was
I supposed to know you were with Sunoo?” Jay whines. Jungwon just giggles reaching over to
ruffle Jay’s hair before settling down beside Sunoo once more. They continued to talk for awhile
before Jay had to pull the plug needing to get down to the lab to get his prints done.

“Before we go we should all exchange contact information” he says holding up his phone.

“Oh! I’ll make a group chat!” Sunoo says. He removes his phone from his back pocket, types
around a bit before everyone simultaneously gets a notification.

“Hyung what is this sticker?” Jungwon laughs seeing the sticker Sunoo sent. The older omegas
mimics the winky face earning a boisterous laugh from Jungwon.

“How do you send them?”

“You don’t know?” Sunoo questions to which Jay shyly shakes his head. Sunoo giggles as he
stands beside Jay just close enough for their arms to brush against each other as he shows the older
how to locate the stickers and send them.

“Like this. Ok?” he says softly. He could feel the light thrum in their bond, the excitement, the joy
of being so close. So, so close but Sunoo couldn’t make the first move. He didn’t dare to. He
doesn’t know where the line is drawn and he’s not sure if they’re at the point where he can
comfortably cross it. He’ll stay on the other side waiting for Jay just to make sure the older one
wants this. Fortunately for Sunoo, Jay really really wants this.

“Thank you love,” the older man says as he leans in gently nuzzling against the side of Sunoo’s
face. It catches the younger off guard as he gasps a small whine escaping his lips.

“J-Jay hyung,” he whispers. Jay pulls back enough to admire the dark blush blooming on Sunoo’s
pale cheeks. It’s such a pretty color on him and it makes Jay wonder just how badly he can make
Sunoo blush.

“Sunoo…can I hug you?” Jay questions. He’d already been this confident or at least let himself be
perceived as confident. Under it all he was just as nervous as Sunoo, just as afraid to cross a line he
couldn’t see.

Sunoo doesn’t answer verbally but instead he moves closer. He moves slow, slow enough to give
Jay time to change his mind to back away but he doesn’t. In contrast to Sunoo’s movements Jay
moves quickly, arms going around the omegas waist and pulling him close. They can’t help but
sigh at the contact. The last time they were able to get this close had been so long ago, too long.
Having Sunoo against his chest made Jay want to growl with delight and he would if he were
physically able but instead he purrs. It’s loud and vibrates against Sunoo’s chest but it goes
unnoticed by Sunoo who begins to purr as well. He forces the top of his head under Jay’s chin
giving him complete access to the olders scent gland.

Sunoo breathes in Jay’s rosemary scent soaking in aromatic scent admiring how it smells fresh and
of evergreen. Oddly enough it reminds him a little of Sunghoon, earthy, calm and comforting. The
familiarity fills Sunoo with a sense of belonging. Jay belongs with him.

“You smell so good,” Jay murmurs as he reciprocates Sunoo’s scenting by running his cheek on
the top of the smallers head taking in his scent, surprised when the lemon citrus smells oddly

“Jay hyung,” Sunoo says again. His brain hadn’t provided him with anything else, unable to think
about anything other than Jay. Jay… Jay… Jay… Jay… Jay.

As they stood huddled in each others arms they didn’t notice the jealous gaze of one of the other
wolves until he was pushing himself between them. Sunoo whines trying to get closer to Jay only to
bump noses with Jungwon.

“ ‘m still here!” the youngest protests. “Jay can’t have all your attention," Jungwon grumbles
looking at Sunoo with a frown.

“Of course Wonnie can have it too,” Sunoo giggles.

“Good now scent me,” the youngest demands and who was Sunoo to say no? He holds Jungwon
by the shoulders tilting his chin up to get proper access to his neck to scent him. It’s not long
before Jay joins in and their scents mingle, honey, lemon and rosemary tangled together.

When they part there’s barely a foot between them, the omegas still huddling close. Their eyes
were clouded over as they smiled dopily at each other.

“I’ll see you tomorrow, yeah?” Jay says almost dreamily. Sunoo can’t help but pout as he comes
back to the realization that they had to leave each other now.

“Yeah,” he mutters looking at his shoes.

“You have our number so just text and annoy Jay hyung all night”

“I won’t be annoyed. I’ll happily text you all night”

“I’ll hold you to that,” Sunoo says playfully although some part of him is sure he means it.

“Bye Jake, Sunghoon. See you around,” Jay says as Jungwon slips his hand into his. They wave to
the older two before sending Sunoo another smile and then they’re off. As he watches them walk
away Sunoo feels a pull on his chest like a band ready to snap until he’s left with a dull ache in his

“You’ll see them tomorrow Ddeonu,” Jake says ruffling Sunoo’s hair.

“Yeah but-” Sunoo huffs as he wraps his arms around Jake pressing his face against the betas

“I know. I know baby,” Jake murmurs as he pets the back of Sunoo’s head. The longing, the pining
for your mate, that feeling aches. It aches until you see them again, see them smile, hear their voice
until you can just be with them. Their very being makes everything better, causes all the bad things
to wash away.

“We got you baby. Why don’t we go home and maybe watch a movie? Or we can play some
games? I think I found animal crossing the other day.”

“Animal Crossing?” Sunoo mutters pearing up at Jake like a curious kid.

“Yep!” the beta answers popping the 'p' for emphasis.

“...ok. But I don’t want to hear any complaining about my choices,” Sunoo says as he pulls from
the hug, opting to hold Jake’s hand instead. With his free hand Jake presses it to his chest in mock
“Me? Never. It’s Hoon who you gotta watch out for. Huh Hoon?” Jake says to the alpha.
Sunghoon blinks slowly. There was a far away look in his eyes as if he weren’t fully there.

“Sunghoon?” Jake questions waving his hand in front of the man's face. Sunghoon blinks once then
twice before looking at Jake.

“What?” the confusion in his voice unsettles his mates.

“Everything ok?” Sunoo questions. Sunghoon looks at him, eyebrows creasing a bit before his face
relaxes and he nods.

“Hmm. Are we going home?”

“Yeah but babe are you-” Sunghoon doesn’t listen as he starts off for their journey home. Sunoo
and Jake trail behind him, Animal Crossing long gone from their mind as they worry for the alpha
who staggers through the streets like a zombie.


“Should I wear this one or this one?” Jay questions holding up two differently styled shirts.

“Whichever hyung,” was Jungwon’s sleepy reply. The older omega huffs rolling his eyes.

"I know whichever. I'm asking which one would Sunoo like more?" Jay stresses. Jungwon lifts his
head off the bed and blinks sleepily at his mate.

"That one," he says, not really paying attention. He was already dressed in jeans and the hoodie
Sunoo got him and wanted to get a quick cat nap before they had to leave. He'd been excited all
night for what's to come, everything they could do together in a few short hours.

It brought Jungwon to before this whole mate drama started. He'd always been so sure that Jay and
Sunoo would get along and he really wanted them to like each other. Now that can become reality
and not just wishful thinking.

"I think I'll wear the other one," Jay mutters, causing Jungwon to roll his eyes as he settles back on
the bed stretching his body out a bit before he curls up comfortably to nap.

Jay works around the room getting ready for the day. Only once he was styled to perfection did he
sit. He sat on the edge of their bed admiring his mate. Jungwon always looked more of a cat hybrid
when he slept. Most times his arm was draped over his face as he curled in the fetal position
nestled into their nest and although that was cat like (or enough for Jay to think so) he loved when
Jungwon slept like has now, comfortably laying on his side, his body splayed out comfortably with
his hands tucked between his knees. Jay can’t help but tangle his fingers in Jungwon’s hair.

Jungwon stirs grumbling something inherently before blinking up at Jay. A lazy smile graces his
face as he nuzzles his head against Jay’s hand.

"Time to go?"

"No not yet. We still have a few minutes," Jay soothes. Jungwon hums as he starts to lean up. He
attaches himself to Jay for a moment before pulling him down.

"Hey Jung! I just finished my hair!" the older whines. Jungwon huffs as he secures his arms around
his mate.
"Sunoo won't care if your hair is messy or styled."

"I care," Jay huffs.

"Don't be that Jay. Be my Jay and my Jay is cute fluffy and doesn't need expensive hair gel and a
seventy dollar haircut just to look good," Jungwon mutters and although yes that is Jay, this other
part the meticulous part of him the part if him that needs to be dressed to perfection who needs to
say and do the right thing who needs to make a good impression on everyone, those parts are Jay as
well and they run deep.

"I….I will try. Right now I just…I want everything to go well to go slow…work our way up.."

'Let Sunoo discover those parts of me later' he thinks.

"He'll like you more and get to know you better if you just be yourself Jay-ah. Sunoo hyung likes
honesty," Jungwon says as he props his head up on his hand. Jay chuckles bitterly at the irony of it.
Sunoo likes honesty and yet he kept the biggest secret for weeks. He can't really blame him now
that he understands why but it doesn't make it hurt less. It didn't stop Jay from worrying Sunoo was
doing this out of guilt.

"Hmm well try to have fun today ok? Show Sunnie you can be more than just a boring grandpa,"
Jungwon mumbles and even though Jay can't see his face he knows his mate has a shit eating grin
on his face.

"Me? A grandpa? How dare you?!" Jay gasps scandalized. Jungwon giggles at his antics and
seconds later he's gasping and howling with laughter as Jay attacks his sides.

"Hy-hyung! Agk! Jay hyung! Hyungie! Stop!" Jungwon squeals as he squirms trying to escape
Jay's tickles. The older smirks as he lets Jungwon go long enough for him to crawl a bit away
before he's grabbing at his ankles dragging him down the bed.


"Say you're sorry!"


"Say you're sorry!"

"No! Ah hyung!" Jungwon laughs as Jay resumes his tickling. After a minute or so Jay lets up
turning Jungwon on his back. The youngers hair was splayed out on the bed, cheeks flushed as he
pants a small smile on his lips. Jay leans down, kissing him softly.

"I love you," Jungwon murmurs once their eyes lock.

"That wasn't an apology but I'll accept it," Jay says. Jungwon sends him a cheeky wink before
leaning up pecking Jay on the lips before climbing out of the bed. He checks his phone and
seconds later Jay smells honey circulate the room

"Sunoo said he's on the way so we should leave now," Jungwon says as he types up a message to
Sunoo. Jay curses under his breath as he dashes to the bathroom to fix himself up.

"Jay!" Jungwon groans but lets Jay do his thing.

Ten minutes later they finally get out of the apartment to head to the mall. It's bustling with people,
the energy coursing through Jay and Jungwon as they look around for Sunoo.

"Yah!" someone exclaims from behind them. Jay jolts his soul leaving his body for a moment
while Jungwon smiles spinning on his heels to embrace Sunoo.


"You can-!" Jay pauses to collect himself "You can just greet us normally Sunoo-ah"

"Sorry," the sunshine omega mutters awkwardly.

"Aw Sunoo don't worry. Jay is just a big scaredy cat. Everything scares him,” Jungwon reassures
with a teasing smile.

"Jungwon!" Jay gasps. A blush spread from the tips of his ears down to his cheeks.

"I am not a scaredy cat!" the oldest protest but Jungwon just laughs at him.

‘Cute’ Sunoo thinks to himself.

"You are too!" he says sticking his tongue out at his mate before turning to Sunoo.

"C'mon Sunnie let's find something to do," Jungwon says, linking his arm with Sunoo's before
dragging him away. With a huff Jay follows after the two.

They wander around the mall carefully to avoid others while trying to stay close, but not too close.
An awkwardness much like their first meeting hung in the air causing an uncomfortable tension.

Jay eyes Sunoo trying to gauge his facial expressions. He was looking for something, anything, an
indication that a store had caught the youngers interest. It took a long while of aimless roaming
before Sunoo hesitates. It was small, a small misstep as his eyes linger on a store and bingo.

“L-lets go in that one,” Jay says. He curses himself mentally for stuttering.

“Ah why! There’s nothing in there!” Jungwon whines. Jay jerks his head briefly to Sunoo who
smiles looking at the store.

“Ahhh I mean let’s go for sure!” Jungwon corrects. Sunoo didn’t need to be told twice before he
bypassed other pedestrians in the mall to go into the small store. It was a bit cramped with the
amount of books piled on the shelves and even the stacks upon stacks on the floor but the way
Sunoo’s eyes gleamed Jay could tell this was a favorite of his.

Sunoo roamed down the familiar zig-zag path carefully avoiding book corners until he got to his
favorite part of the store. It was more of Yeji’s favorite whenever she visited but he loved to stop in
and check for her favorite old comics and novels.

Sunoo sits on the floor reading the spine of each book in front of him before he finds what he’s
looking for.

“What's this about?” Jay inquires as he squats beside Sunoo.

“Dunno. Yeji loves this series. I always stop in for her.”

“Who’s Yeji? Is she your sister?” Jungwon questions. He doesn’t remember Sunoo bringing her up
“She’s Sunghoon’s little sister but I guess technically she’s mine too,” Sunoo answers mindlessly
as he places the book in his lap to grab at another one.

‘Jake would like this one’ he thinks as he flicks through the pages.

“Do you have any siblings of your own?” Jay questions. It’s a harmless question, Jay is just getting
to know Sunoo after all but it catches the younger off guard. Sunoo gasps the book falling from his
hand as they begin to shake. He thinks about his sister, Sohee. He can see her smile, hear her laugh
but it quickly becomes distorted, her smile becoming a look of fear, her laugh turning into screams
followed by chaos. The noise fills his head just as quickly as his breathing picks up, his chest rising
and falling quickly. The panic begins to spread through his body as he hears the evil shrill of his
mother's voice “IT'S ALL YOUR FAULT!" and the screaming of various supernaturals as they
were slain by a sword but then it just…stops. The noise fades and a soft voice speaks to him. It’s
familiar, soft loving but also reassuring, affirmative.

‘That was not your fault! You were a child’ Sunoo listens to Jake’s voice, he remembers the
nights the beta would hold him whispering sweet nothings when he was having a nightmare after
being hospitalized. Sunoo lets himself feel Jake and Sunghoon's love and then he’s settled. Well as
much as he can be anyways. He looks to Jay, the eldest eyes held worry and maybe a little
confusion in them.

‘One day. Not yet.’ Sunoo thinks.

“Not anymore. My older sister…She died when we were little,” he answers, dropping his gaze
back to the books. He doesn't want to see how their faces drop at the news.

“O-oh…I’m sorry," Jay whispers.

“Don’t be. I’m sure she’s well, happy. At least that’s what I want to believe. I loved her a lot,”
Sunoo says, his voice hardly above a whisper. He sniffs a few times using his sleeve to wipe his
nose quickly.

“Don’t look at me like that,” He mutters despite looking down. He can feel Jungwon and Jay’s
eyes on him, feel their pity, their remorse for asking the question.

“S-sorry I just. I-I didn’t mean to-” Jungwon fumbles around his words, hands moving in wild
directions as he tries to come up with something to say.

“Don’t be sorry. You didn’t know. We’re trying to learn more about each other right?” Sunoo says,
offering a smile.

“What about you two? Any siblings?” he questions, effectively moving the conversation away
from him, away from the pain that still lingers in his heart over his deceased sister.

“I have an older sister. She’s bossy and teases me all the time but she’s alright. She checks in on
me often and if I’m having a hard time I can talk to her,” Jungwon answers. Sunoo chuckles wetly.

“So was mine. It must be an older sister thing,” Sunoo says with a wet chuckle.

“Maybe?” Jungwon says carefully, not wanting to send Sunoo into a spiral of tears.

“What about you Jay-ah?” Sunoo says look up at Jay.

“I’m an only child,” the oldest answers with a shrug.

“Ah really? That must have been lonely,” Sunoo answers and Jay chuckles bitterly at the
simplification of it because lonely was an understatement. It felt like solitary confinement in a
house full of people. A punishment.

“Something like that,” Jay says with a shrug.

They fall quiet after that. Sunoo continues collecting books until he’s got two decent stacks. He
goes for his wallet to pay but Jay beats him to it quickly swiping a black card before pocketing it.
Sunoo’s eyes widen comically which causes Jungwon to laugh boisterously. Sunoo tries to hold
down his questions while he asks the cashier if they could store the books for a while, which she
thankfully agrees to. On their way out Jungwon playfully bumps his hip with Sunoo’s who was
still a bit dazed.

“Ahh, we forgot to mention. Jay is sugar daddy material,” Jungwon says casually and Sunoo
almost chokes on his own spit.

“He’s what?” the gasps in shock. He’s not sure if he wants Jungwon to repeat himself but he needs
to make sure he’d heard him correctly. Jungwon smiles teasingly.

“A trust fund baby,” he says instead of his previous answer.

“No. No I am not!” Jay huffs. Realistically he is a trust fund baby but it’s not his money. His
parents made that perfectly clear in his teenage years, however that doesn’t mean Jay doesn’t have
access to the money. He hates using it especially since it always came with a greater cost but this is
for Sunoo, his mate and he’s willing to risk an ugly phone call or two from his parents to show the
omega that he can be a provider, that he can grant the omegas smallest and largest wishes.

“Come on, let's choose another store. Jay! You choose this time!” Jungwon orders “Oh but don’t
choose a super expensive one. Those places give me a headache.”

“Those are the best ones,” Jay pouts. Although the material was a little itchy on his skin he loves
the quality of more expensive clothing. The quality of perfectly stitched lines, the smell of the
material, the styling. It was his dream world, a world he would never have full access to.

“Let’s go into that nice store! The plushie one!” Jungwon beams and Jay blushes yet again. Why
did it seem like Jungwon was trying to embarrass him? He was ruining Jay’s image! The elders
omega clears his throat pulling at his collar.

“Oh that store? I wouldn’t call it my favorite but we can go,” he says in a vain attempt to act
indifferent but his scent betrays him as the gentle smell of rosemary washes over them. Jungwon
and Sunoo smile softly smelling the eldest scent as they trail after him.

The store was bursting with color plushes in almost every corner as well as various toys, board
games and some video games.

“Who knew you’d like a place like this,” Sunoo says playfully as he bumps his hip against Jay’s
when they step into the store.

“It's just a fun little store,” Jay murmurs, pulling at his collar. Why was he hot all of a sudden? Was
the air conditioning on in this place?

“It’s cute,” Sunoo says before venturing off. Jungwon moves to follow after him but is held back
by Jay.

“Stop embarrassing me!” Jay hisses.

“Oh please. You and I both know this tough boy act is not you,” Jungwon says with an eye roll. Jay
is chic yes but he is a far cry away from being a “bad boy”.

“We talked about this at home.”

“And you said you would try.” Jungwon counters. Jay frowns looking away from his mate. He is

“Sunoo seems to be having a decent time so just drop the act. You might end up having some fun
yourself. All you have are worry lines.” Jungwon lessens the gap between them as he reaches up to
Jay’s face, smoothing out the crease lines in his forehead. When Jay’s face relaxes Jungwon

“See. better. Now smile!” he demands. Jay rolls his eyes and shakes his head.

“Ah why! Just smile once? Please?” Jungwon pouts only to get the same thing. Jungwon makes
faces at Jay trying to force a smile out of him but when it doesn’t work he uses his pointer fingers
to pull at the corners of Jay’s lips to make him smile. Jungwon makes silly cooing noises as he
makes Jay frown and then smile again and again until the older breaks and smiles with a little

“See there’s your pretty smile,” Jugnwon says with a little giggle of his own. He loves his mates
smile almost as much as he loves him.

“You’re annoying,” Jay says but there’s no real bite to it. His arms go around Jungwon pulling him
in for a hug which the younger reciprocates almost immediately.

“So are you,” Jungwon says back. They stand like that, hugging in the store until Sunoo calls out to

“I found a fox!” he shouts from across the store holding up an adorable fox plush. Simultaneously
Jay and Jungwon’s heads turn to look at him, seeing his smile beam under the fluorescent lights as
he holds up the fox plush.

“Fuck he’s so cute,” Jay mutters.

“Pretty too,” Jungwon notes as he admires the way the lights highlight the natural blush across
Sunoo’s cheeks and the way his entire face lights up, eyes curling into adorable moons.

“Pretty too,” Jay echos.

“There’s a teddy too!” Sunoo exclaims as he points to a huge teddy bear and almost instantly
Jungwon is wiggling from Jay’s grip to collect the plush.

“You already have one at home!” Jay shouts

“I want another!”

“That boy will be the death of me,” the oldest mutters as he walks around the store.

They don’t spend too much time in the toy store seeing as Jay knows they could spend hours in
there and he wants to make sure they get around to doing other things. Somehow they end up at a
game stand playing piano tiles and then rushing off to get slushies before they land in a clothing
store. Jungwon bounced around with a little more energy than usual ( he definitely did not need an
extra large slush) while Sunoo browsed the clothing. Jay watched him closely taking note of
everything Sunoo took a few extra minutes looking at before placing it back on the rack.

“Should we try some stuff on?” he questions. Sunoo looks up at him before turning his attention
back to the clothes.

“I-I’m just looking,” he mutters, having no intentions on buying anything. They definitely didn’t
have the budget right now after having to take a week off for Sunghoon and Jake’s rut.

“Doesn’t mean we can try stuff on, right?” Jay shrugs.

“Ooh ooh! Let’s do it! Sunnie, Jay hyung likes doing fashion shows when we go shopping. Let's do
it!” Jungwon exclaims. He gets a few annoyed looks from other shoppers but it goes unnoticed by
him as he stares at Sunoo.

“I guess it doesn’t hurt,” Sunoo says.

“Ok! Collect whatever you want and Jay will definitely put together amazing outfits. Seriously, get
anything!” Jungwon says before collecting random things off the racks. Sunoo followed suit
although he was a little more tedious, carefully choosing clothes was interested in. After twenty
minutes they handed everything off to Jay who muttered under his breath as he switched clothes
around, plucked something from shelves or racks around them and then sent the two on their way
to the dressing rooms.

“Wow,” Sunoo says once he looks in the mirror.

“See what I mean? Talent!” Jungwon says with a proud nod.

“Next outfit!” Jay says eagerly.

“Fine fine!” Jungwon huffs as he returns to the dressing room. They run through a series of outfits
before settling on the one Jay was anticipating the most.

“Ah….we match!” Jungwon giggles noticing he and Sunoo had on different color sweater vests but
the style was the same.

“I like this,” Sunoo says absentmindedly as he traces over the pattern admiring the way the stitches
fell together.

“What do you think hyung?” Jungwon questions as he holds a finger gun under his chin.

“I think you both look great!” Jay smiles as he admires the two. They looked great in sweater vests.

“I think Sunoo hyung looks the best,” Jungwon says as he turns to Sunoo admiring the way the
sweater looked on him.

“You don't get brownie points for complimenting me, brown noser!” Sunoo teases as he sticks his
tongue out at Jungwon. The younger gasps dropping his hands from his hyungs shoulders to cross
them over his chest instead.

“I am not but since you said that I am renouncing my statement!”

“Not possible, you already said it!” Sunoo giggles but Jungwon was not having it..

“Renounced, I say!” Jungwon exclaims as he dramatically throws his arms up as he marches back
into the dressing room. Sunoo shakes his head at him as he walks up to Jay.
“Are you going to try anything on?” he asks. Jay smiles but shakes his head.

“Not today. I did this cause Jungwon seemed to really want to do it today,” he says pointing in the
direction of the dressing room.

“You have a good eye for stuff like this,” Sunoo says as he sits next to Jay.


“You should go into fashion.” Sunoo thinks Jay would do amazingly in the fashion industry. Little
did he know that’s exactly what Jay wants, but alas he couldn't have it. Not now and not ever.

“Nah, I’ll stick with photography,” he says with a mindless wave of his hand.

“Jungwonie says you’re good at it…photography I mean.”

“I dabble.” Jay pulls at his collar a few times as he tries to calm himself down and keep from
getting too embarrassed.

‘Jungwon definitely planned for this entire day to embarrass me’ Jay thinks as he feels his cheeks
heat up.

“Show me sometime?” Sunoo’s eyes are full of curiosity and hesitation as he peers up at Jay.

'Please say yes...'

“You want me to?” Jay can’t help the eagerness that spills out of his voice but he feels less
embarrassed when Sunoo nods with just as much enthusiasm moving just a bit closer to Jay. Maybe
it's a habit, maybe Sunoo didn’t mean to but when he moves closer their legs brush against each
other along with their hands causing Jay’s heart rate to pick up.

“I think that could be arranged,” Jay breathed out, his eyes focused on Sunoo’s. The older could
feel his heart pounding as he looked down at Sunoo’s hands. The sleeve of the button up shirt had
ridden down covering his little hands but it spiked Jay’s want to hold them even more.

“C-can I um…can I hold your hand?” Jay winces at the awkwardness something Sunoo notices as
he giggles nervously. He raises his hand wiggling with sleeve down a bit before reaching over to
grab Jay’s hand. A wave of relief and joy crashes over Jay pulling him under with pure happiness.
Sunoo’s hands were so soft. There were a few parts of his hands that were calloused but other than
that they were smooth, and delicate.

“How are your hands so pretty?”. It's supposed to be an inside thought, supposed to be, but Jay says
it outloud. He can feel an odd sensation tingle through his bond with Sunoo. He looks up seeing
the younger blush a bit as he stares at their joined hands.

“I-I dunno...”

“S-sorry I didn’t mean to say that outloud,” Jay says as he tries to pull his hand from Sunoo’s but
the younger whines keeping their fingers locked together.

“You asked to hold my hand. Why are you pulling away?” Sunoo questions with a frown.

“S-sorry," Jay rushes out an apology to which Sunoo smiles at.

“It’s ok,” he chirps as he gives Jay’s hand a small squeeze.

“It's nice though. You’re hands. They’re pretty." Jay hopes he's saving himself from his awkward
behavior. He doesn't know why he's like this today. Maybe it's just Sunoo. The younger omega
seems to have that effect on him...both of them actually.

“Pretty?” Sunoo questions as if he doesn’t believe it. Has no one told him? Jay thinks. With
Sunghoon and Jake, surely one of them has told him his hands are pretty. If not, Jay will just make
it his personal mission to make sure the omega knows his hands and just about all of him is pretty
from what he can tell.

“Hmm. Pretty,” Jay confirms with a nod.

“Thank you. Your hands are pretty too." Sunoo turns their hands so Jay's palm is on top.

“Not really. They're pretty rough for an omega.” Jay has always hated his hands. They were small
but rough, calloused and scarred. they weren't pretty like omega hands should be.

“So? They show you put in a lot of hard work throughout your days” Sunoo says as he runs a finger
over Jay's knuckles. His eyes flicker up to Jays his pretty browns filled with affection. Jay gulps his
adam's apple bobbing. This moment feels so calm so natural so…perfect in an odd sense. He wants
to kiss Sunoo he really does. He loses rationality for a moment as he leans in not close enough to
kiss the younger but enough for their breaths to mingle. Enough to see Sunoo lean in the slightest
bit as well but instead of kissing him Jay hesitates. He hesitates, the moment lasting far too long
and before he can decide to make a move or retreat Jungwon chooses then to make his grand

“Hyung you’re still wearing that? Go change,” the youngest says, noticing Sunoo was still wearing
the outfit. How he noticed that but not the lingering tension between the two Jay will never know
but he can’t help but feel a little annoyed by it when Sunoo slips his hand free quickly jumping up.

“Fine fine!” he says before retreating to the dressing room. Jay huffs as he shoves his hands in his
pocket, the one once holding Sunoo's still tingly.

When Sunoo returns Jay collects the clothes. He picks through them selecting the ones Sunoo
seemed most interested in before carrying them to the counter.

“Hyung what are you-”

“I’ll take these please” he says.

“Jay-ah,” Suno begins to protest but it falls upon deaf ears as Jay swipes his card and collects the
bags before handing them to Sunoo missing the way the youngers lips curled down into a frown.

“Next place?” Jay questions but doesn't wait for an answer as he heads out of the store and down to

“Come on slowpokes!” he calls over his shoulder. Jungwon wordlessly follows, leaving Sunoo on
his own. Sunoo blinks at the bag a few times before shifting to the other bag, the one from the toy
store. Jay had bought him the fox plush, as well as his books from the previous store. Sunoo can’t
help but dislike it. He can only hope that Jay doesn’t continue this trend.

“Hey, you comin’ or what?” Jungwon questions halfway out the door of the store. Sunoo looks up,
faking a smile.

“Coming!” he says, jogging up to Jungwon.

They continued their shopping but Sunoo found himself enjoying it less. It didn't take long for him
to notice that everything he took interest in Jay would buy without a care for what he had to say
about it or even the cost. It got to the point where Sunoo just stopped showing interest in things,
pretending to just walk aimlessly around the store until they left.

It’s not that he isn’t appreciative of them, he really does like them but, it’s overwhelming. He’s
never really had anything. His mother didn’t let him have his own possessions and even when he
was allowed they would always be something meaningful to him. His sister's old comforter, a
picture of the family with his grandma before she passed, hand crafted candles from Sunghoon, the
little things. Gifts and trinkets that say ‘I love you’ or ‘I care about you’ without words. All these
things Jay kept buying, they’re just that, things. Material objects Sunoo doesn’t really need. He just
needs…he needs..

“Jay hyung!” he calls.

“Yeah? See something you like?” Jay questions. Sunoo feels his gut twist uncomfortably with his

“Can we talk?”

“Of course. Everything ok?”

Sunoo pulls on Jay’s sleeve motioning for Jungwon to follow as he takes them out of the store.
Away from all the merchandise Sunoo feels like he can breathe a bit.

“Hyung, I really appreciate all of this but…I-I don’t need it,” he confesses and Jay just blinks at
him. “N-now that’s not to say I’m not happy about you buying all of this I am but, I just feel a bit

“I can slow down. I guess I did go a bit overboard huh?” the older says awkwardly scratching at
the back of his neck.

“It's just that…I really liked what you guys were doing before ya know. Simple gifts, meaningful
gifts like the flowers. I haven't gotten flowers in awhile and I was so happy to get them from you
guys. Things like that make me happy. You don't have to get me all of this stuff for me to be happy
with your courting gifts.”

“Oh” Jay says as his eyebrows jump up “…I'm sorry Sunoo. I didn't mean to make you

“It's ok really! I'm not uncomfortable, I just wanted you to understand that's all. Things like this
will come up and it's good to be up front about them right? I'm sure things will come up for you as
well so make sure you tell me ok?”

“I understand,” Jay says, nodding slowly as he lets the information sink in “I can do that for you”
he ends with a smile. As long as he can still provide something for Sunoo he’s happy, his omega is

“You too Jungwon” Sunoo turns to Jungwon making sure he wasn't left out.

“Promise. ”

“So s-should we look around a bit or go home?” Jay trails off at the end of his sentence. He doesn’t
want to go home. Not yet. He wants to milk this day for as many hours, minutes, seconds, hell,
even as many nanoseconds he can get to spend time with Sunoo.

“A-actually I was hoping we could sit, I'm getting kinda tired and…” Sunoo trails off scratching at
the back of his neck “m-maybe we can grab some food? I um I sorta didn’t eat today since I was so
worried about how today will go….”

“YOU DIDN'T WHAT?!” Jay exclaims

“Sunoo!” Jungwon follows.

“Hang on,” Jay says. Habitually he goes for his phone already searching up the nearest places he
could get a quick reservation for but he stops himself. Sunoo doesn’t want those sorts of things.

“Come on,” he demands, grasping the younger wrist. With Jungwon close by they leave the mall.
Jay charges down the sidewalk passing up restaurant after restaurant missing how Sunoo’s mouth
watered and his stomach rumbled. Finally (because Sunoo was beginning to consider cannibalism)
Jay brings them to a cute locally owned restaurant.

“Auntie! Table for three please!” he announces when he walks in. The place isn’t busy so the
woman responds immediately only for a huge smile to cross her face when she realizes who it is.

“Jay! It’s been so long!” the restaurant owner exclaims “and Jungwon nice to see you” she greets
Jungwon who waves.

“And who is this?” the woman questions. Jungwon beams as he reaches up to toss an arm around
Sunoo’s shoulders.

“This is Sunoo. We’re treating him tonight!”

“Oh well I’ll make sure to get the good stuff out for you three. Go on, sit anywhere!”

“Thank you,” Jay says with a smile as he leads Jungwon and Sunoo to his favorite booth. They sit
and chat for a bit before the owner brings side dishes and beef for them.

“Ahh Aunties food is always the best!” Jungwon says.

“Oh don’t think you can butter me up and get free cake,” she replies but the look on her face said
otherwise. She bounces away leaving the three on their own again. Conversation is easy once the
food is in front of them. The topic seems to change every few minutes but Jay couldn’t care less.
He could feel his bond with Sunoo grow stronger, the stitches coming together binding the
connection to his soul. It feels good.

By the end of dinner they end up at a park. The smog in Seoul has seemed to lessen some today
making the stars just a bit more visible, or maybe that was the Sunoo effect. Their words had died
out but it was such a peaceful night and their hearts were content so words weren’t really needed.
As they walked the path Sunoo and Jay bumped into each other, their fingers brushing against each
other leaving little sparks in their wake. After a few times Jay settled the feeling by holding onto
Sunoo’s hand.

Hanging back Jungwon admires their progress. There’s the smallest feeling of jealousy lingering in
his heart but he couldn’t tell you why. Maybe because no one was paying attention to him, but this
isn’t about him. This is about two mates discovering each other, about Sunoo being able to get
some of Jay’s love and vice versa.

Before they know it it’s late and Sunghoon is calling wondering when Sunoo would be home.
Honestly Sunoo hasn’t even thought about home too wrapped up in this moment but he assures the
alpha he’d be home soon. He hopes he doesn’t look as dispirited as he feels when he turns to Jay
and Jungwon.

“Time to go home?”

“Yeah…I guess it is getting late,” Sunoo murmurs. He doesn’t want to go home, not just yet. Why
did the day end already? Didn’t they have a bunch of hours to spend together? Where did they all
go and why did they pass so quickly?

“Come on we’ll take you home,” Jay says, giving Sunoo’s hand a small tug.

“I can go myself,” the younger says. He tries to remove his hand from Jay’s only to have the older
shake his head and pull Sunoo closer.

“Come on it's on the way,” Jay lies because Sunoo lives in the complete opposite direction of
where he and Jungwon live but it's worth it to get that extra time. Those little moments.

“Ok,” sunoo agrees easily. They prolonged the trip as long as they could seemingly noticing
random things or Jay stopping to tie Sunoo or Jungwon's shoes multiple times because somehow
they just kept becoming untied.

All too quickly though they reach Sunoo’s apartment building. Jay does his best to memorize the
place for future reference, for next time he gets to walk Sunoo home.

“Well…we made it,” Sunoo says plainly trying to mask his sadness but he knows it’s uesless. Jay
will feel it through their bond anyways and by the look on the older omegas face he was already
beginning to feel it.

“Yeah…” Jay whispers. Neither of them say anything after that. The silence is loud between them
and almost suffocating. Sunoo takes a step back and then a second as he musters up the courage to
speak again. To say his goodbyes and regrettably part from Jay for the night.

“Well good ni-”

‘Just a few more minutes…just a little bit more’

“Can I scent you?” Jay interrupts Sunoo but he doesn’t feel bad about it. He can feel a quick shot
of warmth exploid in his chest letting him know Sunoo was just as eager as he was to have each
other's scent on them. To go home without each other but still be able to have that comfort with
them. Sunoo doesn’t bother to mask his feelings this time as he eagerly nods his head.


Jay places his hands on Sunoo’s shoulders carefully scenting him. He stands face to face with the
omega, a thought crossing his brain and this time he doesn’t hesitate, this time he goes for it. His
lips press to Sunoo’s forehead so gently Sunoo is almost afraid he’s imagining it but then Jay puts
a little force making the kiss known and Sunoo preens. When Jay backs away he smiles softly.

“Goodnight sunshine,” he whispers.

“N-night,” Sunoo replies as he gives Jay and Jungwon a quick hug before dashing into the
building. Jay watches as he gets into the elevator before turning to Jungwon who beams happy to
have some attention on him.

“Can’t believe you’ve got us five miles away from our place just to walk Sunoo home” he teases
with a little smirk. Jay huffs trying to will his growing blush away. Jungwon just won't let him live

“Hey! You’d do it too," he replies as they begin walking home.

“Damn right I would!" Jungwon says and they laugh.

The journey to their place feels long as their legs ache from walking all day. The second they get
inside Jungwon heads for their bed not caring that he hadn’t washed up for the night. Jay does
seem to care as he plops down next to him.

“We should clean up, ” he murmurs and Jungwon hums.

“Take a shower with me,” Jungwon whispers. His eyes peer into Jay's hoping he’d give into his
request. One moment. He just wants one moment alone with his mate before they sleep.

“Yeah ok, '' Jay says. He groans as he pushes his body up hand reaching out to help Jungwon up as
well. Together they stumble to the bathroom to shower. The water is hot as it sprays over them,
relaxing their muscles as their bodies become heavy with sleep. Carefully they wash each other,
little smiles and nose kisses being exchanged the entire time. When the water begins to run cold
they exit to get dressed. It's only after they’re dressed does a thought dawn on Jungwon.

“Hey Jay?”


“We forgot to go back for Sunoo’s books”

“....Shit!” Jay groans but then he smiles because now he can see Sunoo more.

Chapter End Notes

a/n: Happy Valentine's Day my lovely readers! I hope you all enjoy this chapter.
Thank you for all the love and support you have given this story so far, it has been
such a fun time and I am very thankful.

There was a lot going on in this chapter so feel free to ask questions! I’ll answer them
to the best of my ability without spoiling anything What did you think about seeing
Sunoo’s various interactions with the others? His relationship is so different with all of
them and it was a lot of fun writing it but I want to know what you all think. As always
I hope you all enjoyed the chapter and I hope you all have a lovely valentine's day or
just a lovely day in general if you don’t celebrate valentines day
chapter thirty-one
Chapter Notes

yandere sunghoon
split personality sunghoon
toxic sunghoon
hurt sunoo
suggestive scenes
scenes are marked with [ ] and [ ] once the scene is over

read at your own risk

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Sunghoon knows he’s on the wrong train of thought when his hatred for rosemary and honey begin
to settle in. Since their little trip to the mall Sunoo had been doused in the other two omegas scent.
Sunghoon could scent Sunoo until he was on the brink of becoming scent drunk and he could have
the omega wear his clothes but it seemed like no matter what he did Sunoo would come home
smelling of lemon, honey and rosemary. It was starting to annoy the living hell out of Sunghoon.
And that wasn’t even the worst of it. No, it was Jay himself that was really starting to annoy
Sunghoon. The omega had begun to pick Sunoo up for his shifts in his fucking car, Yujin. Who the
fuck names their cars anymore? Jay, that’s who.

Sunghoon’s jaw practically dropped to the floor when the sleek black Buick LaCross pulled up in
front of their building and Park Jeongseong stepped out sunglasses on the tip of his nose as he
smiled all happy and proud when Sunoo squealed as he ran up to it. The memory haunts Sunghoon
even five days later and his pride stings. Jay has even been going as far to take Sunoo out for dinner
after his shifts and that was annoying as well. Sunoo doesn’t need to be eating out four times a
week, especially when Jake, their Jake works so hard in the kitchen by himself or with Sunghoon
acting in for Sunoo as a horrible sous chef only for the omega to not eat the meal he so graciously
prepared for them.

And finally to top of Sunghoon’s annoyance was the courting gifts. Jay had been providing flowers
of every color, clothes for Sunoo’s sensitive skin and nesting blankets and despite not nesting often
Sunoo draped one over their bed every fucking night and Sunghoon hates it. He hates that Jay can
provide these things for Sunoo. Can so effortlessly put a smile on his mates face in a way
Sunghoon didn’t think was possible. He hates it, he hates it he hates it, he hates Jay, he hates them
and they’re only a week in. How he’s going to go another several weeks with this he doesn’t know
because Sunghoon is already seconds away from locking Sunoo away where Jay and Jungwon
can’t get to him.

“Hey Sunghoon, do you want to do your job instead of daydreaming and ruining my shot?”
Hyunjin huffs. Sunghoon blinks his gaze into focus as he realizes he’d been holding the boom mic
in the direct line of the camera ruining the entire shot. His ears burn with embarrassment as he
quickly jerks the mic out of frame as he begins to apologize profusely to the director.
“I-I’m so sorry Hyunjin hyung!”

“Whatever. We only have a few days to get these shots for the school so do your job right and
don’t make me call Chan hyung,” Hyunjin grumbles as he shouts for everyone to reset the shoot.
Sunghoon sighs, his shoulders slumping downwards. He has to focus. He’d only recently landed
this position with the film club, thanks to Felix who he’s sure still hates him but is attempting to
make nice for Jake’s sake.

“Hey Hyunjin, why don’t we take a break? The sun is starting to shift and we’ll get a better shot
in…thirty minutes?” Felix pipes up as he looks at his watch.

“Fine, whatever!” Hyunjin huffs as he leaves his chair.

“Don’t worry about him. He’s just upset about having another fight with Minho hyung,” Felix says
as he awkwardly pats Sunghoon’s shoulder.

“No he’s right I should be doing my job properly. This is a paid event,” Sunghoon murmurs.

“We all have our bad days..” Felix says. His gaze drifts away from Sunghoon momentarily before
snapping back.

“Everything ok?” he questions.

“Jake is fine if that’s what you want to know,” Sunghoon chuckles bitterly.

“Well that’s good to hear but I uh was more so asking about you…everything ok with you and your
other mate uh…Sunoo?”

“What has Jake told you?” Sunghoon asks skeptically. He’s not too keen on giving out more
information than needed.

“Not much, just that you have a bit of a…tough situation,” Felix explains carefully.

“Sunoo is fine. Jake is fine I’m just…adjusting,” Sunghoon answers grimly. Felix nods as if he
understands but the confusion was written all over his face.

“Well…if you guys need anything Wooyoung and I are just a call away,” he offers.

“Thanks hyung,” he says. Felix flashes him a smile giving Sunghoon yet another awkward pat on
the back before drifting off to the other members of the club. Sunghoon sighs as he gently sets the
boom mic away to sit off to the side. Being the newest and youngest member of the club he felt a
bit alienated. The other members got along so well with each other laughing and joking like
they’ve known each other forever, and some of them have so it’s hard to Sunghoon to even attempt
to talk to them, to be in a place he doesn’t feel like he totally belongs.

Instead of wallowing in his feelings the alpha sits with the script in hand going over it, memorizing
every cue and call. He can’t mess up again.

“Alright people, let's try this again!” Hyunjin exclaims over the megaphone. Everyone migrates to
their stations getting ready to set the scene again. Sunghoon slips the headphones on before
squaring his shoulders back holding the boom mic out of frame.

The rest of the shoot was mainly successful. It was a lot more windy than they had anticipated as
the day passed and so Hyunjin called it quits after their equipment was continuously knocked over
by the harsh winter winds.
“Good job kid,” the director says as he passed Sunghoon on his way out of the equipment room.
Sunghoon couldn't help the little blip of happiness that shot through his chest.

“T-thanks hyung. I’ll do better next time,” he says, earning a nonchalant wave from the older as he
rolls his eyes turning on his heels to avoid his mate Minho who was smiling wickedly as he held
up an ice americano shouting Hyunjin’s name. Sunghoon chuckled at the tom and jerry like makes
before exiting the building.

“I’m home!” he calls once he was inside and away from the cold winter winds. Thankfully winter
was almost over because as much as he enjoys the cold Sunghoon could do without the bitter

“Hey,” Jake calls from the couch. He had his glasses perched on his nose as he typed away on his

“Hey. Where’s Sunoo?” Sunghoon questions as he hangs his coat up on some hook that resembles
a chair that Jake got from ikea.

“Still out with Jay and Jungwon,” Jake mutters before cursing under his breath as he begins to
furiously type something. Sunghoon can’t help but huff as he heads over to the couch draping his
body over Jake’s lap.

“Oh come on. Sunghoon, babe I was working!” he pouts.

“Well Harry Potter,” Sunghoon starts as he sits up “Excuse me for wanting some post work
cuddles.” Slowly Sunghoon slips the round lens glasses off Jake's face before giving his cheek a
delicate kiss.

“You’ve been awfully clinging lately,” Jake hums as he wraps his arms around Sunghoon’s
shoulders letting his fingers tangle in the dark hairs at the alpha’s nape.

“I don’t hear you complaining,” Sunghoon murmurs with a flirtatious lilt in his voice.

“Nope, no complaints here,” Jake giggles as he leans in for a kiss. Sunghoon easily indulges him as
he slips Jake’s laptop off his lap to get closer. He presses his mate into the couch kissing him softly
just happy to enjoy his presence. They stay like that for a few minutes before Jake’s phone goes off
with a loud ping.

“Is that Sunoo? Please tell me he’s on the way home,” Sunghoon murmurs as Jake reaches for his
phone. He watches as the beta unlocks the device going to his messages. Instead of seeing a ‘on the
way home’ text Sunoo had sent pictures of him, Jay and Jungwon with their faces pressed together
with ice cream smeared around their cheeks. If Sunghoon looks close enough, which he does, he
can see miles and miles of sand behind the trio with a pink and orange sky above them.

“It’s not fair,” Sunghoon finds himself saying.

“What?” Jake hums as he clicks his phone off before setting it to the side. “Sunoo going to the
beach? We can do that whenever ya know,” Jake keeps his voice soft and teasing but it seems to go
right over Sunghoon’s head as he huffs.

“No. It’s not fair that we have to sit out while Jay and Sunoo have their so called one on one time
but Jungwon is there all the time! That’s not one on one!”

“Well babe, it would be overwhelming for all five of us to be together right now. Jungwon is most
likely there to support Jay.”
“What about Sunoo and his support? What if he needs m-us?!” Sunghoon tries to mask his mistake
but Jake notices it, the beta pursing his lips.

“I’m sure Sunoo is fine.” Jake hopes he’s easing Sunghoon’s worries but it makes the alpha
explode with frustration.

“Too fine. It’s always Jay this and Jay that and Jungwon this. What about us? Do we mean nothing
to him?!”

“Sunghoon,” Jake hums. He pushes Sunghoon back enough to climb onto the alphas lap holding
his face in his hands.

“You know you mean the world to Sunoo. He just needs time to adjust to having another mate. A
mate who has a mate. It’s a process for all of us.”

“It’s not fair,” Sunghoon whines again.

[ ]

“Ya know…” Jake starts as his hands slide up to Sunghoon’s shoulders giving them a gentle

“Sunoo isn’t the only one thinking about someone else. Here I am with you and it’s all about
Sunoo," Jake says with a pout. Sunghoon’s eyes flick up to the betas, his brain processing the
information before a look of remorse covers his face.

“I-I’m sorry,” he mutters.

“ ‘s ok Hoonie. How about you and I spend some one on one time hmm? It’s been so long,” Jake
murmurs. His hands travel down Sunghoon’s shirt lightly tugging at one of the buttons. Sunghoon
stares at Jake’s hands before slowly panning up looking the hybrid in the eyes with a raised brow.

“Oh? What do you have in mind?” He questions and when Jake doesn’t answer Sunghoon finds
himself bucking his hips up earning a low groan from his mate.

“You know,” Jake says, his face growing hot with embarrassment. It causes heat to pool in
Sunghoon’s gut.

“Nope. Use your words pup. What is it that you want?” Sunghoon questions, grabbing a fist full of
Jake’s long shaggy hair giving it a small tug. It’s not enough to hurt but a little something, a push to
get Jake to focus, to use his words.

“Please don’t make me say it Hoonie! It’s embarrassing!" Jake whines as he brings his hands up to
cover his face but Sunghoon grabs his wrist stopping him.

“You were all confident when you climbed into my lap. Where did all that confidence go huh
pup?” Sunghoon teases as he slowly grinds upwards against Jake. The hybrid squirms around on
his lap whining as he tilts his head back slightly giving Sunghoon the perfect view of his neck, the
soft tanned skin calling out to Sunghoon.

'If only I could mark you' Sunghoon thinks. He can feel his canines begin to drop but holds
himself back. Instead he licks at the back of his teeth as he watches Jake try and get ahold of

“ ‘m shy now. Y-you’re looking at me like you want to eat me!” Jake squeaks when Sunghoon
smirks, roughly grabbing at his hips.

“Cause I do want to eat you Jakie”


“As cute as you are pup I’m not a mind reader so if you want something you’re gonna have to ask
for it,” Sunghoon knows he’s being a bit mean but he loves the glossy look in Jake’s eyes and the
low stir of his alpha within ready to give Jake everything.

“W-want you to touch me,” Jake whispers. His face was becoming a darker shade of red by the
second and Sunghoon could practically feel his body heating up under his fingers.

“I am touching you pup,” Sunghoon teases. As if to prove a point he lets his hand slowly glide up
Jake's shirt until he's just barely grazing over the hybrid's nipples. Jake makes the mistake of
looking Sunghoon in the eye only to see dark eyes staring back at him with a twinkle of mischief
that has Jake’s blood flooding south.

“No! Want you to touch me! T-to make love to m-me!” Jake's teeth chatter as he speaks but it's
worth it when the words finally come out of his mouth and Sunghoon is smiling so sweetly at him.

“Hmm good boy,” Sunghoon hums. He grabs his mate under his thighs before effortlessly picking
him up and carrying him to their bedroom plopping him on their bed.

[ ]

That’s how Sunoo finds them a few hours later, tangled in their bed and on the verge of sleep.
There’s a blanket thrown haphazardly over their lower halves but it’s not enough to mask what
they’d gotten up to as the smell of arousal hangs in the air. Sunoo smiles fondly as he runs his
fingers through Jake’s hair.

“You two had fun this evening,” he teases. Jake gives him a dopey smile in return.

“Hmm…Hoonie ate me,” the beta slurs and Sunoo has to hold himself back from laughing too
loud. Jake is always so innocent and honest after sex.

“I’m sure he did,” Sunoo hums once he recovers.

“Have fun with ‘megas?” Jake slurs and Sunoo nods.

“Lots of fun. Jay took us out for ice cream and we took pictures in a photobooth!” Sunoo can’t help
but exclaim. Jake hums smiling softly.

“Soun’ like fun.”

“It was. We should all go to the beach one day!”

“Will you hurry up and shower so we can sleep?” Sunghoon huffs from the other side of Jake.
Sunoo purses his lips before running his fingers though Jake’s hair one last time before heading off
to the shower. Half an hour later he’s clean and dressed for bed. He crawls into the bed attaching
himself to Sunghoon’s side. The alpha feels his body relax momentarily before rosemary and
honey creep up on him. He glances back at Sunoo to see him curled under one of the blankets Jay
got him. Sunghoon scowls as he turns to Jake burying his nose in the beta’s sleep shirt, willing
himself to focus on apple pie and apple pie only rather than how the rosemary fuses nicely with the
smell of apples along with the honey providing a light glaze on top of Jake’s scent.
‘No. No! Only apple pie…’ Sunghoon reminds himself as his eyes flutter shut.


In the morning Sunghoon feels like shit. For a reason unknown to him he was restless all night and
there was an itch under his skin that he couldn’t quite figure out the reason for. Sunoo and Jake
were right by his side all night and he didn’t feel tense, like something horribly wrong was going to
happen and yet he was on edge.

“Dude you look like-”

“Shit? I know Taehyun, no need to rub it in,” Sunghoon groans as he sits next to Taehyun. The
slightly older alpha smirks as he leans back in his seat.

“Hey, just thought you should know,” he teases and Sunghoon rolls his eyes. He dumps his things
down beside him before folding his arms on the table to get a few minutes in before their professor
came in for class.

“Well hey on the bright side we finally can move on from these fucking essays and start another
assignment,” Taehyun hums. Sunghoon slowly lifts his head, eyes locking with Taehyuns.

“O-our essays….?”

“Yeah…” Taehyun says slowly before continuing “You know the three essays we’ve been
working on all semester. We’re supposed to turn them in today…did you-?”

“Fucking kill me,” Sunghoon grumbles as he slams his head onto the desk. He’s aware of how the
sound resonates through the room, he can feel it echoing in his skull as it throbs from the pain of
the blow but he can’t seem to care. His grade in this class is officially tanked all because he was
too tired to remember to print out his fucking essays.

“Fucking Park Jongseong,” he growls under his breath.

“What Sung?”

“Nothing,” Sunghoon says through gritted teeth. His ears twitch when they pick up the familiar
click of their professor's high heels so he sits up fixing his face into a scowl as he prepares himself
for the embarrassment to follow not having one of the biggest assignments of the semester to turn

Professor Lim goes through the roster taking attendance while simultaneously collecting the
essays. Taehyun sends him a sympathetic look as he passes him to turn his essay in and Sunghoon
attempts to wave it off but the more time passes the stronger his anxiety creeps up on him.


Dumb ass.

Can’t you do anything right?

Useless alpha

“Park Sunghoon?!” Professor Lims voice cuts into his thoughts. Sunghoon looks up making eye
contact with the woman who looks at him expectantly.

“Here ma’am.”

“Turn your essay in please,” she says with a gesture to the rectangular woven basket on her desk.

“...I- I don’t have it,” Sunghoon can hear the old wooden chairs creek under the weight of the
students as they shift, turning to look at him. Professor Lim looks over her thick frames, her eyes
heavy with disappointment.

“Well then, 10% will automatically be deducted from your final grade. I hope you can turn any
other assignments in on time if you want any hope of passing my class…Jeon Dohee!”

“Here! And I have my essay Professor!” Dohee says, sending a smirk Sunghoon’s way. Sunghoon
doesn’t notice. His hands grasped onto the metal legs of the table in front of him as his blood ran
hot through his veins. He wasn’t mad. He was infuriated. It wasn’t just that Professor Lim had
utterly embarrassed him, not it was how she moved on so quickly from his embarrassment as if it
were insignificant. As if he was insignificant.

‘Insolent woman. How dare you. Who do you think you are?’ A voice deep within his mind

“Sunghoon…Sunghoon…Dude!” Taehyun hisses from beside him. He blinks a few times before
looking at his friend who looked alarmed.


“The table,” Taehyun says looking at the table leg which Sunghoon had still been holding onto.
The alpha trails his gaze down to his hand clasped around the metal that had bent under the force
of his hand.

“Are you ok?” Taehyun questions his gaze lingering on the distorted metal before looking at
Sunghoon. Sunghoon almost laughs at the look on Taehyun’s face.

“Everything is fine Taehyun-ah. Let’s focus on class now,” he says with a smile that was all too
bright for the situation. He pats the older on the shoulder maybe a little too rough before he’s
leaning back in his seat arms crossed over his chest glaring down at Professor Lim. The woman
shifts uncomfortably at his scrutinizing gaze but carries on with class.

When it’s over he trails after the sea of students ready to go to his next class before Professor Lim
calls out to him.

“Sunghoon, hang back for a moment…”

“Yes?” he questions looking down at her.

“Sunghoon, if you’re struggling come in and see me. There’s no shame in needing some extra
help. I would love to see you and all of my other students pass this class,” she says with an earnest
look but he doesn’t believe it.

'Fake. They’re all fake. Every last one of them.

“Thank you Professor. I’ll keep that in mind,” he says and then he smiles. Professor Lim gasps,
dropping the pen in her hand when she sees his smile. Did she see it? The darkness in his eyes, the
anger? Or maybe she saw his canines, dropped down in his mouth, the venom gliding down the
sides. Either way, he hopes she saw. He hopes she saw and now knows her place. Now she should
know that she is beneath him, an insignificant insect under his shoe. Maybe then she’ll think twice
about embarrassing him.

“See you next class!” He says his smile turns into a smirk as she backs away from him as he
passes, her feet shuffling quickly against the floor as she moves.

When he walks into his next class, Sunghoon feels better. He still feels like shit from lack of sleep
but his chest is fluffy and the murky feeling in his head feels different. Not gone but bearable.

Thankfully he feels like that for the rest of the day as well. By the time it came around for night
ball practice he was ready to blow off steam for the morning and were himself down so he could
sleep properly but all there was to greet him was a sign on the changing room door announcing that
all practices would be canceled while final tryouts for the lower juniors teams were being

‘Could this day get any worse?’ Sunghoon groans as he turns on his heels. If he runs now he can
make the bus before it leaves so he shoves his textbooks into his backpack and sprints out of the
changing rooms. He passes people in a wild blur, colors flashing before him and he just barely
makes it a few minutes before the bus rolls up.

As he climbs on he can feel his headache worsening as children scream, an older couple chatter
loudly and a group of students coo and quite literally scream about some new idol group with a
vampire concept. Connect Four they’re called, or something like that Sunghoon wasn’t really
paying attention. He did his best to block out the noise that was doing nothing but aid to the
grumpiness he was beginning to feel for the entire duration home.

When he walks through the door he sighs. It smells like home. A beautifully lush green forest in
the highpoint of spring with a citrus and fruity edge. Sunghoon loves it.

“Sunoo?!” he calls as he toes his shoes off. Thankfully it’s Tuesday, one of the few days they get to
spend together and Sunghoon is going to use it to cuddle his mate until the sun goes down.
Preferably longer.

“Hey, I was just getting ready to leave,” Sunoo says as he fumbles with the buttons of his uniform.

"I thought you didn't work for another few days?" Sunghoon says. He was sure he’d checked the
calendar on the fridge correctly this morning and he was sure Sunoo working was not on it.

"Ahhh I didn't but Youngeun has a paper due so they asked if we could switch shifts. I texted you
about it.” at the mention of a text Sunghoon pulls his phone from his back pocket to find it dead.

“Oh well I tried,” Sunoo shrugs with a laugh “Anyways, this works out for me since I can work
with Wonnie instead of working by myself," Sunoo muses and Sunghoon has to keep himself from
rolling his eyes at the mention of the omega for the umpteen time.

"Want me to take you to work?" Sunghoon questions, his hand already reaching for his jacket but
Sunoo stops him.

"No, don't worry. Jay will be here soon.” and of course he is. Jay is always dropping him off at
work now and imposing on his time with Sunoo.

"Come home after work. Don't stay out all night with them," he says. Sunoo stops rushing around
the house for his things to look at Sunghoon.
"We don't stay out all night," he says with a pout.

‘Yeah right’ the alpha thinks bitterly.

"Whatever, just come home. Don't spend extra time with them," he repeats.

"I don't-" Sunoo begins to protest but one look into Sunghoon’s eyes has him shutting up. Sunoo
knows that look. He doesn’t like that look.

"Fine," he mutters quietly. Sunoo can feel the smallest bit of warmth course through his bond and
he can’t tell if Sunghoon is happy because of his easy submission or something else.

“Sunoo-ah” Sunghoon calls but Sunoo doesn’t make an effort to look at him.

“Sun,” the alpha calls softer this time. He’d moved from the threshold to behind Sunoo, his arms
circling around his mate's waist.

“Have a good day hmm,” he hums as he places a kiss on Sunoo’s temple “Be careful and don’t get


“Hey,” Sunghoon murmurs as he turns Sunoo around. The omega refuses to look up at him for a
moment until Sunghoon’s pointer finger is under his chin, gently guiding his head upwards. Their
eyes lock and Sunoo can see the tenderness in his mates eyes but there’s something else there.
Something dark that causes Sunghoon’s beautiful brown eyes to look murky…scary… dangerous.

“I lov-” Sunghoon’s words get cut off by the shrill of Sunoo’s phone going off. Thankful to have
an excuse to leave Sunoo slips out of Sunghoon’s grasp to retrieve his phone.

“Hey I’ll be right out….yes right out not in five don’t be a jerk…yes yes see you soon Jay!” Sunoo
giggles and then he hangs up and the tension settles over them. Sunghoon no longer had the soft,
tender look in his eyes. He looked detached, bored even.

"Come straight home," the alpha reminds in a low demanding voice before he’s trudging off to
their bedroom. Sunoo watches him for a moment before grabbing his things and heading out the

In the office room Sunghoon sits in the desk chair as he feels his body become hot with anger.

‘He’s going to leave you for him. For that omega’ the voice within him says.

‘No he won’t…this is Sunoo. He won’t leave me’ Sunghoon answers back. The voice chuckles
low and demeaning.

‘We’ll see…’ and then it vanishes leaving Sunghoon alone with his own thoughts. Sunoo wouldn’t
really leave him for Jay and Jungwon…right? They love each other, they’ve loved each other for
three years. He’s only just met Jay.

“Everything is fine. It’s fine,” he says to himself subconsciously rubbing at the scar on his
shoulder. Everything will work out fine. They will be fine.

Sunghoon repeats this to himself over and over as he does his homework. His eyes stayed trained
on his textbook for hours until his eyesight was blurring at the corners and the words turned to
mush in his brain. He finally stopped looking at the dreaded book when his phone pinged.
‘Downstairs. Help me bring the groceries up!’ - J.S. Sunghoon slams his textbook closed as he
leaves the desk to head downstairs.

“You didn’t have to go shopping by yourself, I would have gone with you,” Sunghoon says as he
swiftly takes the groceries from Jake.

“I know but I wanted to do it. You’ve seemed a bit off lately so I wanted to do this for you,” Jake
says passing by Sunghoon but not before giving him a kiss on the cheek.

“I still could have gone with you,” Sunghoon frowns as he watches Jake get their mail.

“Next time babe. Promise,” Jake says as he shuffles through the mail.

“I’ll hold you to that.”

“Ok. Hmm give me a few” Jake reaches for the bags only to have Sunghoon pull them out of reach.

“You went shopping all by yourself. It’s only fair if I carry all this upstairs for you.”

“Oh my what a gentleman!” Jake says while dramatically fanning himself.

“Only for you my love,” Sunghoon teases with a bump to Jake’s hip as they walk to the elevator.

“Can I help you cook?” Sunghoon questions once they’re in the apartment putting everything
away. Jake chortles.

“And destroy my kitchen? I think not,” he says. Sunghoon rolls his eyes

“Aww come on I’m not that bad! And now that Sunoo is spending so much time with those two
I’ve been learning! Come on Jake-ah let me help! Please? Please? Please please please plea-”
Sunghoon stops when Jake presses a quick kiss to his lips.

“Fine, you can help,” Jake says, earning a cute smile from Sunghoon. They worked side by side in
the kitchen dumpling through the recipe until the meal was almost finished. While Jake finished
the final touches, Sunghoon cleaned the space around them so there wouldn’t be too much to do
after dinner. As he cleans he catches a glimpse of the neon digital numbers on the microwave.

‘Sunoo should be home soon’ he thinks to himself. He continues to clean only slower this time.
Every few seconds his eye darts to the clock on the microwave.

‘Any second Sunoo…’ he thinks. From the kitchen Jake watches as Sunghoon continued scrubbing
away at the same spot over and over despite it being clean.



“You- you ok? You’ve been cleaning that same spot for like-” Jake leans back to take a glance at
the clock “for like three minutes at least. Everything ok?”

“Yeah just thinking.”

“About what?” Jake’s head tilts to the side ever so slightly and Sunghoon wants to kiss him. He
looks so fucking cute, cute and far too curious. Thankfully Sunghoon doesn’t have to come up with
an excuse because their apartment door opens as Sunoo walks through the threshold. The omega
easily steals Jake’s attention as he rushes to greet him. As the two greet each other with kisses and
gentle touches, Sunghoon stays in the kitchen. There was a smile on his face as he began grabbing
dishes to set the table.

‘Good. Good good good omega’

“Are you ready to eat? Hoon and I just finished dinner not long ago,” Sunghoon can practically see
the smile on Jake’s face and can imagine his cute honey colored phantom tail wagging excitedly
behind him.

“Sure, just let me wash up first hmm?”

“OK!” Jake says before bouncing into the dinning area.

“Sunoo is going to eat with us.” Jake informs Sunghoon who gives a curt nod.

“I heard.”

“Sorry I’m just excited to do this again. Everyone has been so busy lately.”

“Sunoo has been busy.” Sunghoon grumbles.

“We’ve been busy too! Oh by the way did you get into the division one team?”

“Dunno yet. They’re really dragging it out this year. If they don’t hurry we’re not going to have
enough time for preseason training with the new members”

“Well I’m sure they’ll announce it soon!" Jake says enthusiasitcally.

“Announce what soon?” Sunoo questions as he walks back in.

“The division one team,” Jake answers quickly. Sunoo makes a puzzled face.

“They haven’t announced it yet? They already had preseason training going before this last year.”

“Well things aren’t going how they usually do for anyone this year,” Sunghoon huffs as he takes
the dishes to the table.

“Guess so…” Sunoo mutters.

“Sooo….Jake? How is volleyball?” Sunoo questions hoping to turn the conversation around.

“Oh um it’s good. I’m only on the division two team though so we don’t have as many games and
we probably won’t make it far in the playoffs.”

“Not with that attitude. My Jakie is the best and you can make it far in the playoffs if you really
want to. Make that home run!” Sunoo exclaims. Despite knowing Sunoo was only making a joke
Jake still feels the need to correct him.

“There is no home run in volleyball, silly.”

“I know but it made you laugh!”

“Yes it did,” Jake says with a smile. From then the dinner topic shifts to various mundane topics
and the small apartment quickly fills with laughter.

“I have an early class so I’ll do the dishes and then head to bed,” Jake says as he gathers the dishes
but Sunoo is quick to scoop them away.

“You cooked. I’ll clean up.”

“Yeah but-” Jake doesn't get more than a few words out before Sunoo is pulling him close.

“Shhh. Remember to accept help Jakie. You have to wake up early so go shower and sleep. Hoon
and I will be there soon yeah?” he murmurs before pressing a quick kiss to Jake's pouty lips.
Despite being kissed Jake still pouts.

“Fine. Don’t let me find you two making out again instead of cleaning,” he grumbles when Sunoo
lets him go.

“Yes sir” Sunoo says as he sends Jake off down the hall.

“Are you going to help or are you going to just stare at me for the rest of the night?” Sunoo
questions not bothering to look at Sunghoon who had indeed been staring for most of the night.
The alpha pushes himself off the counter to stand in front of Sunoo.

“It’s not my fault you’re so pretty,” the alpha murmurs as he tucks a piece of Sunoo’s hair behind
his ear. Like Jake’s it had been growing rather long lately but he thinks it makes them prettier so he
hasn’t been all that inclined to suggest they cut it. Sunoo can’t fight against the blush that coats his
cheeks when Sunghoon calls him pretty. Sunghoon could say it a hundred times a day and still it
makes Sunoo turn read like a high school student all over again.

“Wasn’t this nice hmm? Being the three of us again?”

“Yeah…it was.”

“Hmm. This is what you’re missing out on when you hang out with those two for longer hours.
You miss out on our time. The time we’re supposed to spend together,” Sunghoon says as he holds
Sunoo's waist in his hands, thumbs brushing at his sides.

“We do spend time together but…I’m supposed to spend time with Jay too,” Sunoo frowns looking
up at Sunghoon. The alpha frowns shaking his head.

“Don't mention him right now. I don't want to hear his name,” he growls under his breath.

“Hoon,” Sunoo says firmly “he’s my mate too!”

“I don’t care. You’re mine!”


“Say it. Say you’re mine Sunoo,” Sunghoon growls. Sunoo bites his tongue holding back for a

‘Why are you acting like this?’ he wonders. Sunghoon got jealous often as a teenager but Sunoo
thought he’d grown out of it. Why did his mate suddenly feel so threatened by Jay and Jungwon?
Hadn’t they learned that this isn’t a bad thing? That receiving love from others is actually…it’s
actually good? Sunoo jumps when he feels the hands on his waist tighten, nails slowly digging into
his skin.

“I’m yours Sunghoon. I-I’m yours” Sunoo says after a moment.

‘Time. He needs more time. I needed it with Jake and he needs time for Jay and Jungwon’ Sunoo
decides that’s the reason. In a few days Sunghoon will be ok. He will adapt. Sunghoon growls
happily as his head dips down to nose at Sunoo’s neck.

“I’m yours and you’re mine. The two of us together always.”

“Yeah Hoon. Always..”


“Forever,” Sunoo echos. Sunghoon lifts his head from Sunoo’s neck to steal a kiss. The hand on
Sunoo’s waist grips a bit tighter as he holds his omega close.

“I DON’T HEAR DISHES!” Jake shouts from the bedroom. Sunghoon pulls back from his kiss
with Sunoo.



Sunghoon rolls his eyes but parts with Sunoo to grab at the dishes.

“Let’s hurry so he doesn’t throw a tantrum.”

“Uh-huh” Sunoo mutters as he stands beside Sunghoon.

They make quick work of the dishes and wiping down the table before changing into their pajamas
and climbing in the bed with Jake. Tonight Sunghoon lays in the middle an arm around both mates
as they lay on his chest. The possessive feeling in his chest slowly melts away as he relaxes against
the bed. His head begins to lul to the side as the smell of apples, lemons, rosemary and honey lull
him to sleep. Apples, lemons, rosemary and honey. Apples, lemons, rosemary and honey. Lemons,
rosemary and honey. Rosemary and honey. Honey…honey…honey…


Sunghoon sat with his hands clasped together under his chin as his foot taped against the floor.
He’d warned Sunoo already. He gave him the liberty of a warning and now Sunoo had gone and
messed it up. Why did he do that when things were going good again? Didn't these last few days go
well? Weren't they happy? Why, why did Sunoo have to go and fuck up their happiness again.
Why was Sunoo making him wait on the couch hours after he was supposed to come home? Why
did they have to take up all of his mates attention?

After checking the time again Sunghoon lets out an annoyed huff as he pulls himself off the couch.
Marching to the door, Sunghoon rips the door open ready to search every street in seoul for Sunoo
only to come face to face with him.

“I thought we had an agreement?” the alpha question with a scowl.

“Hello to you too hyung," Sunoo grumbles sarcastically as he pushes past Sunghoon to get in the
apartment. Jake who sleepilly stumbled into the kitchen for a glass of water stops mid sip to wave
to the omega.
“Hi babe!” He says voice cheerful despite his eyes and body that were heavy with fatigue.

“Hi Jakie,” Sunoo almost sing-songs as he kicks his shoes off. Sunghoon feels his lip twitch with
irritation. Despite Jake being the older one he hadn’t been addressed as hyung and yet Sunoo called
him that. Sunoo hardly called him by honorifics.


“What Sunghoon?” the omega questions shortly causing Sunghoon’s eyebrow to jump.

"What's with the attitude?"

"What's with yours?" Sunoo bites back. From his spot in the dinning room Jake shuffles
awkwardly, his grip on the cup tightening slightly.

"Excuse me?"

"Your whole “come straight home” and stalking me at the door. Seriously, Who are you? My dad
or my mate?" Sunoo huffs.

"Your mate," Sunghoon answers firmly. Just what the hell is Sunoo getting at?

"Then act like it, jeez!” Sunoo runs a hand through his hair a few times, annoyance evident in the
harshness of it.

"Guys…" Jake calls meekly but it goes ignored.

"Excuse me for wanting to spend time with you!" Sunghoon protests. Sunoo can't help but groan
hearing that excuse once again. Time, time time, he was always talking about them spending time

"Hoon we always spend time together!" Sunoo exclaims.

"Time? What time? Do you mean when every word out of your mouth isn't about jay and Jungwon
cause that doesn't ever happen. When it's just us all you do is spend hours gushing over your mate
and his boyfriend!"

"Oh for fucks sake Sunghoon get over yourself! This whole jealous alpha thing was cute when we
were kids but we’re not kids anymore! You don't own me!"

“I never said I owned you! Now you're just putting words in my mouth”

“No, not words, actions. Your actions speak for you Sunghoon! God I can never hang out with
anyone without you throwing a fucking fit. It's like we’re in high school all over again!”

Sunoo’s words break something in Sunghoon. Did that time mean nothing? Was Sunoo with him
out of obligation? Was sunghoon really a bad mate to him back then? Does Sunoo not love him as
much as he does? Or did Sunoo never love Sunghoon at all? Too many questions fill his head but
at the end of it all he can only feel anger.

“Fine,” Sunghoon grits out with a sarcastic laugh “Go run to them then see if I give a fuck. You
clearly prefer them over us anyways,” he says attempting to keep his voice leveled. Sunoo groans
tugging at the roots of his hair.

“Ugh there you go again its like talking to a fucking brick wall!”
“Oh see now you know how I felt back then.”

“No, stop it. That was different and you know it. I am spending time with you and Jake on all of
our days. And hell we live together I see you all time! What you did, you were ignoring me
Sunghoon and I don’t blame you for any of that! We were all confused and figuring things out.
You know that.”

“Do I? Are you not doing the same thing? Doesn’t that make you a hypocrite?”

“Sunghoon!” Sunoo says his voice dangerously low. From the side Jake shifts more uncomfortably
now. He’d set his cup aside in fear of breaking it but the anxiety that began to flood through him
made him scared. Sunghoon and Sunoo were always in sync, always knowing what the other
needed without them having to voice it. Never has he seen them fight, not a real one at least, not
like this.

“Since you want your other mate so badly, go. Go to him," Sunghoon provokes as he motions for
Sunoo to walk out the door.

“H-hold on Hoon,” Jake says, speaking a little louder but he’s met with cold eyes as Sunghoon
glares at him.

“Shut up Jake!" Sunghoon growls to the beta “Go!” he says to Sunoo again and when the omega
doesn’t move he screams.

“Go get the fuck out!”

“You want me out?! FINE!” Sunoo shouts as he shoves his shoes back into his feet.

“Just know when they find out they’re not going to want you” Sunghoon says. It feels like the air
has been sucked out of the room after the words leave Sunghoon’s mouth. Sunoo feels his eyes fill
with tears almost instantly.

“They’re two omegas. Why would they want a broken third?”

“T-that’s not true?” Sunoo says but it feels like a question. Would they still want him? Sunghoon

“Oh really? Then go to them right now. Tell them everything” he says still smiling. Sunoo stays
frozen in front of the door. His hand was on the knob but he couldn’t get himself to open the door.

‘Open it damn it. Stop standing here looking like a fool!’ Sunooshouts to himself.

“You’re not going to do it though. I know you won’t. At the end of the day you’re just as broken
and sad as I am. That’s why we were made for each other. That’s why you’re mine. They would
never understand you like I do” Sunghoon stalks forward with each word until he’s caging Sunoo
against the door.

“I’m not yours,” Sunoo’s voice wavers as tears spill down his cheeks. He expects Sunghoon to
back away, to lash out but he doesn't, he just laughs. He laughs loud and menacing until his dark
eyes lock on to Sunoos.

“You’ve always said you’re mine and I'm yours but now that's not the case anymore huh? You
love Jay that much? Well guess what he can’t have you,” Sunghoon growls as he grips into
Sunoo’s jaw.
“You don’t o-own me…” Sunoo says again. Sunghoon clicks his tongue against his teeth as she
shakes his head condescending.

“Check the facts doll. I’m the alpha here and you’re the omega. I do own you weather you like it
or not,” Sunghoon's grip tightens on Sunoo's jaw more and more watching to see how long it will
take before Sunoo breaks.

“N-no! G-get off me!” Sunoo shouts as he pushes at Sunghoon’s shoulders but the alpha doesn’t
budge. He pushes and pushes until his pushes turn into punches against Sunghoon’s shoulder, his
back, his stomach anywhere he can reach. He hits and hits until cold hands clasp around his wrists
pinning them against the door.

“You’re just a liar. A fucking liar like everyone else. You never loved me did you? DID YOU?”

Sunoo’s body trembles as he shakes his head frivolously.

“I do love you Sunghoon. I love Park Sunghoon!” and Sunoo means it. He loves Park Sunghoon
and the person in front of him right now is not him.

“You were supposed to always be mine! To always love me but now here comes Jay with his
fucking money and stupid fucking car and you’re all over him. You’re a fucking liar and I cheat!”
Sunghoon's voice becomes more venomous with each word effectively causing Sunoo to burst into

“ ‘m not! Sunghoon let go! Please! Ow it hurts! S-Sunghoon!” Sunoo cries as Sunghoon’s claws
pierce his skin.

“Look at me!”

“Sunghoon stop! Please!” Sunoo shouts again as he squeezes his eyes shut.

“LOOK AT ME!” Sunghoon shouts. Sunoo doesn’t open his eyes. He keeps them squeezed shut
afraid to open them, afraid to see someone who isn’t Sunghoon staring back at him. The pain in his
wrist and back aches and causes more tears to spill. Sunoo feels blood hot anger flood through his
bond with Sunghoon causing his heart rate to kick up exponentially. He braces himself for a
possible hit but nothing happens to him. Instead he hears an almost cartoon-like ‘wack’ sound fill
the space between them and soon Sunghoon is releasing him. Sunoo slides down the door and
when he wills himself to open his eyes Jake is standing there body trembling, a heavy pot dangling
between his fingers.

Sunghoon stumbles as he clutches his head, a deafening ringing in his ears for several seconds
before it fades away. He looks up glancing between Sunoo and Jake, smelling their fear so strongly
he could almost taste it. As he looks at them he realizes why they were afraid, who they were
afraid of. It was him. They were afraid of him. He caused them to be terrified…of him.

“S-Su-Sung-Sunghoon?” Jake questions body still shaking as he stares at the alpha.

Wet droplets hit the floor beneath and end up wetting his fingers. After blinking a few times
Sunghoon realizes he’s crying. Without a word he bows his head feet thudding heavily against the
floor as he runs to the office room slamming the door behind him.

With Sunghoon gone Jake feels his body give out for a moment. The pot slips through his fingers
as he crashes to his knees. The moment of relief is brief when Sunoo breaks out in heart wrenching
sobs. Quickly Jake crawls across the floor to collect the omega in his arms.
“Shhh shh you’re safe I’ve got you. I got you,” Jake soothes as Sunoo clings to him for dear life.
Sunoo cries and cries for what feels like hours and even when his tears stop flowing he continues
to whimper and wail.

“Come on Ddeonu,” Jake whispers. Despite Sunoo still being in distress Jake picks the omega up
carrying him to the bathroom. He sits Sunoo on the counter while he runs the bath. When the tub is
full and at a nice temperature Jake stands in front of Sunoo again.

“Do you want me to leave? I can go make you a nest while you-”

“No! Hyungie don’t leave me! Please! D-don’t leave!” Sunoo sobs as he reaches for Jake. Jake
quickly takes two large steps, ridding the gap between them as he holds onto Sunoo.

“Shh. I’m right here. I won’t leave…”

“H-help” the omega says, his eyes pleading.

“Ok, yeah. Of course.” Jake helps Sunoo undress and climb into the bath checking his facial
expressions for any signs of discomfort but Sunoo didn’t appear to show any emotions. His face
was a blank slate. Jake lets Sunoo sit and soak in the tub for a few minutes before helping him

“We have to clean these ok?” he murmurs looking at Sunoo’s arms. His skin was irritated and torn
from where Sunghoon’s claws had pierced him and later slashed when Jake hit him.

“I’m sorry I’m sorry” Jake apologizes profusely when he dips Sunoo’s arms under the water.

“I’m sorry baby. I didn’t think about how he’d react when I hit him.”

“ ‘s ok. Got him to stop” Sunoo mutters flinching as Jake cleans at his wounds.

“Why…why did he do that? I mean, that’s not the Sunghoon I know. Has he ever like done that
before?” Jake questions. There were so many unanswered questions. Sure Sunghoon seemed to
have a jealous side but what Jake just witnessed was more than jealousy. Sunoo whines fidgeting
but doesn’t answer as a few stray tears trickle down his cheek.

“I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have asked. Let’s get you cleaned up ok?” Jake says as he sets Sunoo’s now
cleaned arms on the rim of the tub as he continues the bath. Once Sunoo is clean and rinsed from
the suds Jake wraps him in their largest towel and carries him to their bedroom. He makes quick
work of helping Sunoo go through his night routine and helps him into a pair of pajamas before
they’re climbing into the bed. On instinct Jake began building a makeshift nest around them hoping
to bring Sunoo some extra comfort tonight.

It felt weird sleeping in the bed without Sunghoon. They’ve all slept together every night that it felt
natural, like they’ve done it their whole lives. The bed feels almost empty now, but Jake
understands that it’s better if Sunghoon stays away tonight. He holds Sunoo close hoping that
having the omega closer will give him the comfort he needs and ignore the heavy feeling in his

Sunoo stays away, head pressed to Jake’s chest listening to his heart beat. He blinks sleepily at the
door wanting to see if Sunghoon will walk through it. He doesn’t know if he wants him to or not.

‘Sunoo?’ Sunoo’s head lifts off Jake’s chest only for a moment startled by the voice but he soon
relaxes noticing it was the voice of his wolf.

‘Is alpha angry at us?’

‘No…I think…I think that he is back”

‘Him? I-I don’t want him to be back!’

‘It’s ok…I’ll protect us. I’ll protect us and Jake. Don’t worry’

‘I’m scared’

‘Me too but we have to be strong. Stronger or else he will do it again. We have to be strong….’

Chapter End Notes

Well that happened. Just as some clarification that moment with sunghoon’s teacher he
doesn’t really have venom dripping down his canines. That part is how his brain
forces him to see himself so I hope that clears up any confusion y'all might have.
Anyways, what did you think about the chapter? We’re getting into the dark side of
sunghoon and I'm honestly not confident in my writing for it. If you liked it please let
me know and show this chapter some love. I could really use some positivity right

For anyone who doesn’t follow me on insta im going through a rough time right now
so updates might not be consistent. I'll do my best to update when I can. Anyways
hope y'all enjoyed this chapter and i'll see you in the next one, whenever that is. Love
you all! Bye!
chapter thirty-two
Chapter Notes


mean sunghoon
split personality sunghoon
mentions of violence
hurt jake
suicidal thoughts
protective jay
mention of illegal drugs
minor blood and gore

read at your own risk.

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The world felt very large and Sunghoon felt very small. Small, insignificant and afraid but through
all of that he felt warm. There was something comforting pushing through his fear.

“Hey there penguin” a woman coos. She bends down to look Sunghoon in the eye. That’s what it
was, it was her, the peace and comfort in this big scary world.

“We’re going to have a good day today hmm?” she questions as she smiles at him. While she
smiled, Sunghoon frowned. Her smile was broken, forced. There were fresh bruises on her face,
hand prints around her neck and yet she smiled.

“Oh, hmm look” she grabs his hand placing it on her swollen belly.

“Looks like the baby is excited to see you,” she says. Sunghooon looks from his moms face down to
her belly.

“Hello…” he whispers to her, mimicking his mothers broken smile. He couldn’t be happy, not
really. Something about this scene was wrong, out of place.

From outside the door they both can hear heavy footsteps followed by the jingling of keys.

“He’s home. Hurry up to your room now. Go” his mothers voice is firm as she pushes him towards
the stairs but something is still wrong. This didn’t happen like this. Something is-

“WHERE ARE YOU! BONGCHA WHERE ARE YOU?!” a man, no an animal growls as he bursts
through the door. Sunghoon’s eyes widen in fear. He turns to his mother ready to tell her to run to
save the baby but he looks and she no longer has a bump and her clothes are different. The white
gown was replaced by a yellow sundress with pink flowers. Pink flowers that becomes stained with
blood as the monster rips at her throat with his claws. Sunghoon can feel his mouth open to
scream, can feel the rush of tears flow down his face but he can’t make out a sound over the
ringing in his ears.

“NOOOOOO NOOOO PLEASE MOM NOOOOO!” Sunoo and Jake bolt up at the sound of
Sunghoon’s voice.

“Sunghoon?” Sunoo grumbles, his voice coming out as a whisper as he begins to throw the blanket
off his legs. Jake is right beside him fighting the blanket off his sleep filled body to get out of the


“SUNGHOON!” Sunoo shouts, his voice still hoarse with sleep. He rubs at his eyes furiously as he
approaches the office door. He jingles the handle but it doesn’t budge, locked.

“Sunghoon! Open the door please! Hoon! Open the door!” Sunoo shouts as he bangs on the door.
On the other side of the door Sunoo can hear something clatter loudly followed by the sound of
glass breaking.

“Jake! Jake!” Sunoo shouts frantically for Jake who stumbles down the hallway.

“I can’t- It’s locked! Sunghoon he! W-we gotta get in there!” Sunoo can’t form a proper sentence,
his brain still in a frenzy. Jake gently pushes him out the way before rushing the door with his
shoulder. It makes contact but doesn’t budge so Jake does it again and again trying to force the
door open but to no avail. The solid wood refuses to be knocked out of place from the frame.

“Shit shit! Sunghoon! Sunghoon!” Sunoo shouts as he jiggles the door handle. His eyes sting with
unshed tears as his body floods with fear. While Jake rushes the door Sunnoo rushes to the kitchen
he yanks out pot after pot until he finds the heaviest one snatching up.

“Move!, MOVE!” he shouts to Jake who’d managed to crack the door but not enough to force it
open. Sunoo lifts the pot above his head with two hands before bringing it down on the handle. The
metal bends against the force so Sunoo does it again and again and finally it breaks off. He pushes
the door open rushing inside to see the damage. The room was a mess, the makeshift bed
Sunghoon once laid on haphazardly thrown around the room, the glass figurine Sunoo acquired
some years ago was smashed to the floor along with the monitor. Among the wreckage there was
Sunghoon curled in a ball rocking back and forth.

“Sunghoon,” Jake sighs in relief behind Sunoo as rushes to Sunghoon. Sunoo tries to stop him but
his fingers only graze the beta’s skin. Shocked by the sudden movement the alpha snaps his head
up charging for Jake pinning him to the ground. He growls loudly baring his teeth at Jake who
cowers with fear, his head tilting to the side baring his neck in submission. His heart rate
accelerates when he feels ice cold fingers clasp around his neck and squeeze. Jake’s eyes widen as
both hands fly up to grab Sunghoon’s wrist.

“S-S-Sun-Sung-” Jake’s teeth chatter as he tries to say the alphas name to no avail. Sunghoon’s
grip didn’t falter, instead it got tighter, cutting off Jake’s oxygen. The beta could feel his face grow
warm, the skin turning pink as his blood flow and oxygen are effectively cut off. Jake trembles
under the alphas hold, tears spilling down his cheeks as he looks at the monster on top of him.

“Sunghoon! Sunghoon, it's Jake. It’s just Jakie! It’s our beta! SUNGHOON!” Sunoo shrieks with
fear. He knows it's the wrong move. Sunghoon was triggered and it was bad enough for him to
disassociate from reality so badly that he wouldn’t recognize his own mates. Sunoo panicking like
this was only going to succeed in making it worse but Sunoo can’t help it. He’s terrified. He never
wanted Jake to ever be in this position and now it’s happening and Sunoo has no idea why and
without Sunghoon’s aunts here for guidance he feels at a loss.

“S-Sunghoon….alpha! Alpha please l-look at me,” Sunoo says. Sunghoon growls his eyes panning
from Jake up to Sunoo. With the alphas attention Sunoo peels his shift off as he slowly sinks to the
floor onto his back. He holds his hands above his head, baring his neck to the alpha, complete and
total submission. Sunghoon releases his grip on Jake’s throat, the beta gasping for air behind him
as he slowly crawls to Sunoo. The look in his eyes is more primal than human, dark and angry. The
closer he gets the closer Sunoo feels like he’s the alphas pray rather than his mate. Sunoo forces
himself not to whimper with fear when he feels the alpha move over him and sharp teeth graze
over the skin of his neck.

“Alpha,” he whispers. Sunghoon huffs draping his body over Sunoo’s and then he’s completely
motionless. Sunoo feels his chest heave under Sunghoon’s weight fear still running through his
body but when he feels Sunghoon’s heartbeat slow and his breath even out Sunoo knows they’re

“S-Sunoo?” Jake whispers but Sunoo holds his hand up.

“D-don’t speak yet” he whispers. After a few minutes Sunghoon sturs letting out a groan. He lifts
his head off Sunoo’s chest peering down at the omega with confused eyes.

“Sun…when did…” Sunghoon sits back on his heels looking at the door that hangs slightly off its
hinges, the door knob broken. Against his better judgment he turns looking around the room seeing
the mess, the mess he made. In the middle of it Jake sat with his head bowed, his shoulders

“No…no no no!” Sunghoon begins to hyperventilate as his hands rush to his hair.

“No…he’s back….he’s back why is he back? I–I’ve been doing so well. Why? Why is he back?!”
he shouts, pulling at his hair.

“Sunghoon?” Sunoo says softly. Sunghoon’s eyes flick up to meet his mates.

“You have to get out of here,” Sunghoon whispers. Sunoo moves closer giving a small shake of his

“Sunghoon, it's ok. I’m not going anywhere ok?” he reaches out to the alpha only to have his hands
slapped away.

“NO! yYou have to go! Take Jake and leave!” Sunghoon pleads. Tears spill down his cheeks as he
bows his head. He did it again. He lost control. How did he let this happen, how did he let him take




Stupid useless alpha.

You should be dead.

Sunghoon presses his palms into his ears trying to block the voice out from his head.

‘It’s not real. You’re not real. I am strong. I'm strong. Im in control….I’m I-’

“Please go” he whispers but if it’s to himself or Sunoo he doesn’t know. He just wants something
to give to be free from this torture.

Sunoo doesn’t move for a while. He watches as Sunghoon begins to rock back and forth, eyes still
shut with his hands pressed to his ears. Further into the room Jake was still trembling like a lone
leaf in the wind.

‘I have to get him out of here’ Sunoo thinks. Moving slowly to not startle Sunghoon, Sunoo gets
up from the floor walking across the room to get Jake. His heart clenches in his chest when he feels
how violently Jake was trembling as he helps the beta out of the room.

He helps Jake into bed making sure he was comfortable in the makeshift next before gently
stroking his cheek to gain the betas full attention.

“Ok I have to get back to Sunghoon but I need you to call his aunts. Ok Jakie?” he says softly.
Jake’s eyes quickly flick to Sunoo’s and all the younger can see is fear. Complete and utter fear.

“No!” Jake exclaims as he grabs Sunoo’s arm. “Y-you can’t leave me! D-dont go back in there
please!” despite crying for the last ten minutes the tears continue to flow.

‘Don’t go there Sunoo. What if he hurts you? What if he hurts me again? I don’t want to be

“Jake, Jake honey it’s going to be ok. It’s just Sunghoon. He’s going to be ok I promise. For now I
need you to call Ma and Momma ok, call them,” Sunoo says as he unplugs Jake's phone from the
charger and hands it to him.

“Stay in here ok. I’ll see you in the morning…I love you,” Sunoo murmurs as he places a kiss on
the top of Jake’s head before leaving him alone in the room. Sunoo can feel his heart practically
split right through the middle when Jake sobs, begging for him to come back. This was all so
messed up. How did it get this far? How did they make so much progress only to fall back again?
Surely the world can’t be this cruel..can it? Maybe it can be since that’s all it proved to be for
Sunoo time and time again.

Coming up to the office door Sunoo gags. He can smell the fear and misery rolling off Sunghoon’s
body in waves. Sunoo doesn’t know how he missed it earlier but now it practically chokes him,
forcing it’s way into his soul.

‘You got this Sunoo…one step forward. One step at a time’

Walking into the room Sunoo can feel his hands tremble as he approaches Sunghoon was was in
the same position as he left him in.

“Hoon….Sunghoon?” he calls. He knows Sunghoon can hear him despite pressing his hands to his
ears. The alpha stops rocking his hands coming down slowly.

“Please go,” he whispers. His voice is so soft, so quiet that Sunoo strains to hear it. He inches
closer before lowering to the ground so they’re on the same level.

“I’m not leaving you, ever. You’re stuck with me,” he tries to joke but his voice comes out flat.
Sunghoon scoffs, turning away from Sunoo.
“Only cause we have to be…i-if you could reject me you would. W-why would you want a
monster like me?” after knowing Sunghoon for a few years Sunoo knows somewhere in his heart
he believes that. That he’s a monster. It doesn’t matter how big and full of love Sunghoon’s heart
is, he will always believe he’s a monster, even when he’s far from it.

“I've seen monsters and you aren’t one…you just can’t control him,” Sunoo says, sitting on his
knees in front of the alpha. Monsters don’t sneak you out of your abusive mothers house, they
don’t cook you pancakes at 3 am because you suddenly got hungry and they don’t look at Sunoo
like he’s the reason the earth moves.

“I should have never walked you home that d-day. T-then you could have m-met Jay a-an’
Jungwon an’ be-been happy…” as he speaks Sunghoon’s scent mellows out until it’s practically not
even there. His alpha is giving up. How had Sunoo not seen the signs. Why did he not know
Sunghoon was struggling so badly. Why wasn’t Sunghoon honest with him? Throwing caution to
the wind Sunoo crawls into Sunghoon’s space holding the alphas face in his hands forcing him to
look at him.

“Stop!” Sunghoon shouts trying to pull away but Sunoo digs his blunt nails into his face forcing
him to keep eye contact.

“Sunghoon shut the fuck up. I wouldn’t be happy because I wouldn’t have you. Since the moment I
met you I knew, I knew in my heart and soul that you were the love of my life, the person who
makes me the happiest and I never ever thought I would be able to receive half the love you’ve
given me” Sunoo holds Sunghoon’s face in his hands brushing his tears away with his thumbs.

“I know you’re hurting right now baby but I promise, I will never ever love anyone more than I
love you. I will love you all equally.” Sunoo speaks from his heart but it isn’t enough to convince
Sunghoon because why? And how? How could Sunoo love him as much as the others and why?
Why don’t you want someone better? Someone who will never hurt you? You’re so special, so
deserving of love that I can’t give. Why do you hold onto me?

“You don’t know that. You’re already getting so close with Jay…” Sunghoon murmurs.

‘You feel sorry for me’ Sunghoon decides. ‘No one will ever love me, the real me. You only stay
because you know it too. I’m pathetic’

“Because you and Jake have helped me heal. Because of you two I don’t feel as broken as I used to
and I can get close to Jay and Jungwon easier and I don’t have to be so afraid of being close or
intimate with them…that’s because of you Hoon”

“But what if you realize that they’re better for you?”

“I wouldn’t be me without you Sunghoon. Never. This part of you, you can’t control it but I don’t
love you less because of it…I’m scared of it, I am but we’ll get past this, we always do.” Sunoo
takes Sunghoon’s hand and places it on his chest.

‘Don’t you get it stupid? My heart beats for you! I can love because of you! You showed me
love, you showered me in love! Why can’t you just accept it too! My heart burns for you and you
don’t even see it’

“You’re going to call my moms…aren’t you?” Sunghoon says thumbing at Sunoo’s collarbone. He
has nice collarbones, smooth milky skin. Focusing on that is better than focusing on the way
Sunoo is looking at him, like he’s a fragile piece of glass seconds away from shattering. Like he’s
going to turn any minute now and maybe he is. Sunghoon doesn’t know.
“I have to, you know I do.” Sunoo whispers. He hates how Sunghoon pulls away from him, more
tears spilling down his face. He watches as the alpha brings his makeshift bed back to its original
place before laying down curled up in a ball.

“I hate being like this, being an alpha. Being like my father.” Sunghoon confesses.

“You’re not like your father.”

“I- I choked Jake, I terrified you two…I am my father.” Sunghoon stares out the window looking at
the waning moon in the sky.

‘Should I go now? Out the window and join you on the moon? Would the pain lessen or would it
carry through to the after life?’

“Let’s just sleep ok…” Sunoo whispers although he’s sure he won’t be able to sleep at all tonight,
his omega feeling far too on edge to rest.

“Ma and Momma will be here in the morning?” Sunghoon questions.

“Yeah baby they’ll be here.” Sunoo assures. Sunghoon nods in the darkness and lets his eyes flutter

“Ok. Good.”


Sunoo doesn’t sleep a wink and neither does Sunghoon. The older laid curled in a ball occasionally
lying with his eyes closed or watching as the sky behind their curtains turned from almost pitch
black to a burst of pinks, oranges, reds followed by a hint of green before the colors faded into
blue. By seven the exhaustion had hit, rendering him a victim to sleep.

Sunoo on the other hand sat with his back against the wall watching…waiting. He couldn’t get his
body to sleep, his omega too wracked with fear to even doze off. When the sun was up so was he
leaving the room as quietly as possible. Their apartment was a mess of clothes and school
assignments thrown haphazardly around the room along with a dirty kitchen, a pot of ramyeon
abandoned on the stove. Sunoo spends his morning cleaning and listening to every noise in the
apartment. He knows exactly when Jake wakes up the beta, opting to stay hidden in the bedroom.
Around eight thirty the shower runs but Sunoo could still make out the sound of Jake crying. By
nine there’s a knock on the door that makes Sunoo’s shoulders jump. Composing himself he rushes
to the door opening it to find Sunghoon’s family on the other side of the door.

“Hi,” Sunoo says weakly as he lets them inside. Gyeong-hui is quick to pull him into a hug
allowing Sunoo to bury his face in her neck.

“It’s ok sweet boy. We’re here now my love,” Gyeong-hui soothes as she cards her fingers through
Sunoo’s hair. Slowly the woman works the knots out of Sunoo’s hair while sushing and cooing at
him to help calm him down.

On the couch Minji puts her focus on the mini briefcase she’d brought in. Carefully she opens it to
reveal the drug and syringe inside. With a pair of thick rubber gloves she opens a bottle full of a
dark purple liquid and then opens a bright pink one. Very carefully she takes a dropper, filling it
halfway with the pink liquid before adding exactly four drops into the purple vial before capping it
and giving it a quick shake.

“Where is he?” Minji questions once the mixture is complete.

“In the office,” Sunoo says but when he hears Minji send for Yeji to get Sunghoon he’s pulling
himself away from Gyeonghui.

“NO! Wait!” he shouts. Yeji flinches.

“Sorry sorry, I just…he got triggered last night and it’s still bad. I don’t want you getting hurt.”
Yeji frowns, crossing her arms over her chest.

“Hoonie wouldn’t hurt me,” she says firmly and while yes Sunghoon has never hurt his baby sister
while lucid or triggered Sunoo isn’t in the mood for testing their luck because if Sunghoon were to
hurt Yeji he doesn’t think he can stop the alpha from killing himself.

“I don't want to risk your safety Yeji. Let me get him ok,” Sunoo pleads. The teen rocks on her feet
for a moment contemplating Sunoo’s words before she nods allowing him to get her brother

“And get Jake,” Minji adds, causing Sunoo to stop in the hallway. He backtracks a few steps to
turn and look the woman in the eye.

“Momma,” Sunoo says slowly “I don’t think that’s a good idea,” and he knows it’s not especially
after last night. He doesn’t want to push Jake’s mental state anymore than it has been pushed last

“We’re going to need him. The more help to hold Sunghoon down the better,” the woman says
firmly but Sunoo shakes his head.

“I don’t like that idea. We’re not doing it,” he says very adamantly on leaving Jake out of this.

“Jake has already seen Sunghoon’s other wolf Sunoo, this will be no different” Momma explains
seeing right through Sunoo “It's either you bring him in here or risk one of us getting injured again
so what’s it going to be?” the two stare each other down neither wanting to give up but eventually
Sunoo folds. He doesn’t want anyone getting injured again and as much as he hates the idea he
knows they have to do it.

“I’ll get Jake,” Sunoo huffs before heading down the hall. He knocks before entering the room but
he wishes he’d risk the others getting hurt instead of going to get Jake. The beta was standing
shirtless in their bathroom staring at his reflection in the mirror. His fingertips ghosted over the
bruises on his neck tracing each finger and the entire shape of Sunghoon’s hand. The bruises were
healing well, no longer dark splotches of color on Jake’s neck. It was the memory that was
haunting the two, that’s what made it look worse, feel worse.

“Ma and Momma are here,” Sunoo says. Jake flinches his body dropping to the floor in a ball

“Oh baby…” Sunoo sighs. Everything within him is yelling at him to hide Jake in his nest and
protect him from everything, let him cry and break down but they can’t do that right now.

“I-I’m sorry…’m sorry I- di-didn’t mean to get scared,” Jake stutters from the floor but he doesn’t
make an attempt to get up.

“You don’t need to apologize Jakie. I was scared like this when I first saw Sunghoon…like that,”
Sunoo confesses as he joins Jake on the floor.

“What is it? What is he?” Jake pleads but Sunoo shakes his head.
“Don’t worry about that, ok. Right now I need you to come with me so Ma and Momma can
explain to you what we need to do now to help Sunghoon. Can you get up?” Sunoo questions. Jake
shakes his head yes but he doesn’t move a centimeter off the ground. Sunoo waits a few minutes
before helping Jake up and getting him properly dressed before going out to see Sunghoon’s

“Hi honey,” Momma says, hugging Jake first and giving him a kiss on the forehead.


“Jake…we know you saw a different side of Sunghoon yesterday, I just want you to know that’s
not him, not the real Sunghoon,” Gyeong-hui’s reassurance does anything but reassure Jake.
instead it confuses him more. What is this real not real Sunghoon thing everyone is on about?

“What do you mean, “not the real Sunghoon”? It was him…I was there” he says eyebrows pinched
together with confusion.

“Yes it was Sunghoon but it was…it was another side of him, of his wolf,” Jake can tell Gyeong-
hui is being careful with her words, purposely not revealing something to Jake but what the hell is
it? Why does everyone keep speaking in riddles? Why won't anyone just talk to him openly?!

“What does that me-?”

“We don't need to get into the details right now. There’s not much time before the mixture
becomes dangerous, we need to get it into his bloodstream,” Minji says interrupting the

“Wait huh? What are you all talking about? Other side of his wolf, dangerous mixture? What is
going on here?!” Jake exclaims.

“Jake Sunghoon’s unwell right now. His hormones are unbalanced and he doesn’t have control of
his wolf. We need to give him the mixture in this syringe to…to silence his wolf,” Minji explains. ‘

“S-silence it? But that's dangerous!”

“Jake, everything will be ok. Minji is licensed and knows how to safely inject euthanasia to silence
Sunghoon’s wolf.

“Done it enou- Euthanasia?! Sunoo?!” Jake turns to Sunoo rage, confusion and sadness swimming
in his eyes. Jake process the words, the science of it rolling around in his brain. Euthanasia is just a
concentrated version of wolfsbane. It can kill Sunghoon. Why is everyone ok with giving him this
and injecting it right into his bloodstream? Are they trying to give him instant death?!

“What is happening right now? Why are we using euthanasia? They banned that drug for a reason.
I am not letting you inject our mate with that crap” Jake says sternly as he crosses his arms over his
chest. Minji and Gyeong-hui give Sunoo a pointed look.

“Jake baby, listen to me…” Sunoo soothes as he places a hand on Jake’s shoulder “We need to do
this. By injecting euthanasia into Sunghoon’s bloodstream we can silence his wolf safely. When
used correctly Euthanasia can be used as like a-a medical scruffing!”

“It’ll only last for a week, maybe two depending on how quickly Sunghoon’s body burns through
it. By doing this we’re allowing Sunghoon’s alpha to lie dormant until his hormones balance
themselves out and he’s back in control,” Minji says but Jake still wasn't convinced. Why are they
even talking about this and why do they have access to this drug in the first place? It’s fucking
illegal and Sunoo of all people should know how bad of an idea this is. He’s poisoned with
wolfsbane for crying out loud but he wants to inject a more dangerous version of it into his mate,
their mate?!

“Jake, I swore to my sister that I would take care of her pups after she passed. I would never, ever
do something to them if I thought it would harm them. Minji is certified to use Euthanasia and she
has done it safely each time. I promise Sunghoon will be ok,” Gyeong-hui says sternly. Jake almost
feels bad for offending her but what is he supposed to think? The logistics of this don’t check out
but he knows they won’t give him an answer. He’ll just have to trust them.

“Fine…what do we have to do?”

Gyeonghui and Minji explain the entire process to Jake being extra careful with their words as they
notice Jake’s discomfort. By the end of the explanation Jake was visibly tense. He doesn’t want to
do this, not in the slightest but he surely doesn’t want to live through another one of what Minji had
called Sunghoon’s “episodes”.

“I’ll go get Sunghoon.”

“Quickly we only have a few minutes before the mixture turns bad” Minji informs. Quickly Sunoo
heads down the hall to the office where he found Sunghoon already wide awake. The alpha laid on
his side eyes wide open as they looked at the door.

“H-hey Hoonie” Sunoo says, cursing himself in his head for allowing his nerves to show.

“They’re here?” Sunghoon questions as he slowly blinks at Sunoo. His eyes were open but his
brain had been shut off for the last twenty or so minutes.

“Ma and Momma? Yeah they’re here. They brought Yeji too…do you want to go say hi?”

“Why? So they can see if I turn into a monster?”


“s-sorry…I didn’t mean that”

“We should go now…quickly”

“Ok…” Obediently Sunghoon gets up from the floor. He holds his hand out for Sunoo to take
which the omega does without a second thought.

“Hey pengu,” Ma says softly when the two walk into the living room. Sunghoon’s hand drops from
Sunoo’s as he hugs his aunt.

“It happened again,” he whispers. Gyeonghui kisses his head.

“I know, baby. I know. We’re going to make it better again, yeah?”


“Ok we have to move quick. Hoonie hon I need you to lay down now ok?” Minji says trying to
keep calm but the urgency could be heard clearly. They were running out of time. Sunghoon looks
back at the woman, a murky look in his eye.

“Sunghoon…my love. Let’s lay down ok” Sunoo says, placing a gentle hand on Sunghoon’s back.
The alpha blinks lazily at him before nodding. Sunoo gets Sunghoon to lay down before Gyeong-
hui is moving close by.

“Yeji, Jake come here now” Gyeong-hui orders as she presses her hands against Sunghoon’s
shoulder. Jake sits on Sunghoon’s other side while Yeji goes to hold down Sunghoon’s legs.

“Jake, whatever happens, do not let him understand?” Momma says sternly. It's a stark contrast
from how he’s used to seeing her, gentle, sweet and understanding. Ma always seemed to be the
authoritarian parent.

“O-k. I think I can do that…” he says but his lack of confidence has Minji snapping at him.

“No. I need you to be sure Jake. If things go south he will turn feral and I don’t think any of us
want that. Can you or Can you not do it?”

“I-I can. I will,” he says, applying more pressure to Sunghoon’s shoulder. His hands tremble from
being so close to Sunghoon again memories replaying in double time in his head.

“Good now hold him down/ don’t let him up,” Gyeong-hui reminds. From the floor Sunghoon
begins to laugh hysterically.

“What is this stupid puppy going to do against me huh?” Sunghoon speaks up. Regrettably Jake
look down to see Sunghoon smirking at him and it makes Jake's scent spike the room filling with

“See, look at him, already scared and quivering. Stupid puppy” he scoffs.

“Sunghoon don't talk about Jake like that!” Yeji shouts. Sunghoon looks down at his legs to glare
at her.

“What did you say? Don’t ever tell me how to speak to my mate, useless child!” he exclaims. Yeji
gasps, taken aback. Sunghoon has never spoken to her that way.

“Ignore him. We need to do this now,” Minji says as she gives a small push of the syringe head.
The three wolves holding Sunghoon down begin to apply more pressure effectively pressing
Sunghoon against the floor. Everything settles in now, Sunghoon’s brain going into hyperdrive.

“Wait wait! I’m sorry ok! I promise I didn’t mean it! I'm fine! I'M FINE! W-WE DON’T NEED
TO DO THIS OK! WE DON’T NEED TO DO THIS!” Sunghoon shouts as he begins to thrash
under the weight of his family holding him down.

“NO!” the alpha growls. Once Minji gets closer.

“We’re running out of time. He’s presenting himself. Sunoo…go!” Momma says. Sunoo grabs
Sunghoon’s wrist, his canines dragging across the alphas skin before finding his scent gland. He
closes his eyes and sinks his teeth in allowing the metallic taste of blood to coat his tongue.
Sunoo’s chest aches as Sunghoon cries out from the pain. Omega canines are sharper than alphas
whose canines are more dull and ment for tearing apart prey. Omega canines are for protection of
themselves and their pups and it stings like a bitch when they pierce Sunghoon’s skin. The alpha
lets out a growl that rattles the glass windows in their frames.

“GET OFF!” Sunghoon growls. His eyes blazed a furious fire as he tried to get everyone off him.
With the syringe Minji quickly and carefully sticks it into Sunghoons hip. Sunghoon growls again
as he continues his trashing for a minute or two before he settles. His eyes change as quickly as
flicking off a light switch and his body relaxes under his family's hold.
“H-Hoon?” Jake murmurs. He was scared to look at the alpha but he does so anyway. Sunghoon’s
eyes were clouded over as he blinked lazily at the ceiling. It looked wrong, unnatural and yet
Sunghoon seemed content.

“Get him on the couch,” Ma says motioning for Jake to help her lift him up. With some struggle
they get Sunghoon onto the couch where the alpha lies unresponsive.

“He will be like that for a few hours. When he’s lucid again he’ll need to eat and process some
food otherwise his metabolism will burn right through the drug and we’ll have to do it all over

At the mention of them possibly doing this again Jake shivers but it’s not a pleasant one. He never
wants to do this again.

“How about some breakfast, I'm sure you boys haven’t eaten anything. Or how about some
lunch?” Gyeonghui suggests. Without receiving an answer she heads into the kitchen.

“Let me help you Ma,” Sunoo says following after her.

“Are you ok?” Yeji startles Jake with her question.

“I..I dunno what I am. Are you ok? Hoon has some strong legs,” Jake tries to keep his voice light
but falls short. Yeji doesn’t seem to notice as she gives a shrug of her shoulders.

“Yeah but…I’ve done this before so I know how to hold him down.”

“Why?” Jake questions and the teen just blinks at him.

“Why what?” she asks back.

“Why did this happen to him? I mean I don’t get it.”

“It’s because he-”

“Yeji…come help me clean up the office,” Minji says. The look in her eyes reminded Jake of his
mother when he got in trouble with his older brother way back when. What had Yeji done? Was it
because she was going to finally answer Jake's question?

“Jake watch Sunghoon, make sure he doesn’t fall off the couch. Call me if he becomes
responsive,” Minji says before guiding Yeji down the hall. Sighing Jake sits in a chair as far away
from Sunghoon as he can but also where he can keep an eye on him like instructed.

Sunghoon became semi-lucid around one. Minji helped him eat some soup before sending him off
to bed to sleep more. For the rest of the day Minji and Gyeong-hui stayed micromanaging
everything. They seemed as tense as Sunoo and Jake, if not worse. Jake didn’t want to compare
whose pain was worse. It’s a losing game for both sides.

The family ended up leaving at nine Minji and Gyeong-hui having a quiet conversation with Sunoo
before Minji is handing him a bottle that Sunoo quickly leaves to put away. Minutes later the
family are leaving with a final hug and kiss to Jake and Sunoo. Jake had waited patiently all day
with multiple questions burning on his tongue and now having Sunoo to himself without Minji or
Gyeong-hui there to act as a buffer he felt like he could finally ask them.

“Why is this happening to Sunghoon?” Jake says as he blocks Sunoo from moving away from
“Jake…baby please it’s been a long day,” Sunoo sighs.

“I’m aware Sunoo. I was here as well.”

“So please just-just drop it.”

“I can’t because at least you know what’s going on. I’m always the clueless one!” Sunoo runs a
hand over his face and lets out a heavy sigh. When he looks at Jake the beta can see the exhaustion
in his eyes.

‘I know you’re tired. I am too but please…I want to know. How can I help if I don’t know whats
going on?’

“Sunghoon…he’s from a certain…bloodline I guess you could say” Sunoo mutters, choosing his
words very carefully as he explains “When his wolf is under a lot of stress he loses control of
himself, sorta like how when my omega gets stressed and I get sick.”

“So…did he get poisoned too?” Jake asks but Sunoo shakes his head.

“Not…it's a bloodline issue…”

“So it's a halfbred defect?”

“Sunghoon’s a purebred actually,” Sunoo says without thinking. Jake’s eyes widen as he comes to
his realization. That's it! That’s why he doesn’t want to tell Jake, why he thinks he’s a monster.

“So..Sunghoon he’s a…he’s-” Sunoo quickly covers Jake’s mouth, stopping him from saying
anything else.

“You can’t tell anyone Jake. You can't even tell Sunghoon I told you. Promise me. Promise!”
Sunoo growls as much as his body will allow him to. Being an omega it comes out as more of a
hiss but it’s not any less threatening to Jake.

“Ok…I promise,” he says after pushing Sunoo’s hand off his mouth.

“I need you to sound sure!” Sunoo barks “He will get killed if anyone finds out. You have to
promise you won't say anything, ever. Promise like you mean it”

“Sunoo I promise. I won’t say anything. Ever” as if to prove a point Jake holds up his right hand
but it goes over Sunoo’s head. The omega eyes his packmate down for a minute maybe two before
backing away.


“But why does Sunghoon think he’s a monster? It’s not like he’s ah what’s his name? Ah! Choi
Dungchan! It’s not like Sunghon is Choi Dungchan.” Jake says with a snap of his finger. Sunoo
flinches at the mention of that name. Everyone knows about Choi Dungchan, the once pure pred
alpha lycan war hero turned serial killer. Everyone fears that name and other wolves like him
saying things like

‘They’ll bring about another war. I’m sure of it’

‘All of them need to be struck dead!’ and whatever nonsense they can come up with.

‘If only you knew Jake…if only you knew’ Sunoo thinks to himself.
“Yeah Jake sure. We should take shifts watching Sunghoon. I’ll take the first shift,” Sunoo moves
to set up camp in the dinning room but Jake stops him with a gentle hand on his back.

“No. you’ve been up since yesterday morning. You sleep I-I’ll watch Sunghoon.”

“Are you sure? I can take most of the night since….I know you’re still scared. I don’t want you to
do that to yourself.”

“I’ll be fine. He’s supposed to be out for at least a week yeah? If he wakes up I’ll go get you.”

“Ok but you get me if you start to get uncomfortable ok?”

“I will now go get some sleep” Jake says. He places a kiss on Sunoo’s forehead before sending
him down the hall. Sunoo trails off their bedroom slowly before trying to get comfortable in bed
but to no avail. He sits up leaning over to the nightstand to retrieve his phone. Clicking it on for the
first time all day Sunoo sees about twenty messages from Jay and Jungwon.

“Shit,” he mutters under his breath. They were supposed to go out today.

‘so what time should i pick you up??’ -p.j.

‘what time should we pick you up’ - y.j.

‘we? im the one driving’ - p.j.

‘but im in the car too’ - y.j.

‘Fine whatever. What time are we picking you up sunoo?’ - p.j.

‘Sunoo?’ y.j.

‘Did you forget?’

‘Sunoo you better not have gotten’

‘Look! You’re making jay pout!’

‘Its ok if you forgot im not mad….’

‘Hey….you ok?’

‘Sunoo please tell us you’re ok’ ‘

‘Can we come over?’




‘Prince? Please tell me you're ok…’

Sunoo feels his chest tighten with guilt. He’d forgotten all about them. Quickly he types in his
response to their messages letting them know he is ok and just busy for the day and had family
visiting. Jay replies almost instantly to which Jungwon responds with laughing emojis.

‘ thats ok! Just a heads up next time please. We got worried’ p.j.

‘I'm so sorry’

‘That's ok, you’ll just have to give us kisses to make up for it’

Sunoo blushes bright red. He’s only ever kissed them on the cheek and he’s almost sure that's what
Jungwon means but he also wants to kiss them. Give them a real kiss, Jay and Jungwon both. He
has wanted to for awhile now but it seemed like they were leaning in towards Sunoo boundaries,
taking it at his pace, slower than that even and Sunoo couldn’t be more grateful. Everything with
Sunghoon moved so fast when they were younger. He loved every minute of it, he still does but
he’s found an appreciation for being able to take things slow, to learn something new everyday and
fall in love with them more and more each day.

‘Kisses for the both of you’ - k.s.

Sunoo ends up messaging the two back and forth, his happy citrus scent filling the room. The
tension slowly rolled off his body until he felt almost fully relaxed. His eyes drooped and his hands
lost their grip on his phone until he was pulled under sleeps spell.


The next few days are hard. Sunghoon still hadn’t become lucid from the drug. He was practically
an empty shell. Jake hated it. He only interacted with Sunghooon in the evenings when it was his
turn to watch him. Sunoo was the one who took the longer shifts. The omega stayed home taking
care of Sunghoon while Jake goes to his classes and collects their homework. The work was
difficult to do since Sunoo hadn’t attended the lectures but Jake and google offered up their advice
when able.

Three days seemed to dragon for hours longer than needed when really it’s a full twenty four hour
day. Sunoo was beaten down physically, mentally and emotionally from the entire ordeal. He
couldn’t sleep without having nightmares or panicking thinking Sunghoon would die while he slept
and his appetite was long gone despite his body craving for nutrients.

“Are you sure you don’t want me to stay in the morning? It’s only a few more days,” Jake
murmurs. They were working through day four now and the beta was even more worried than he
had been when he came home from volleyball practice to find Sunoo seconds away from passing
out from exhaustion.

“No, go to class. I can handle it.”

“I don't think you can Sun. Look at you,'' Jake murmurs as he runs his thumbs under Sunoo’s eyes.
“I know you’re not sleeping or at least not well”

“I don’t want to leave you alone with him. You still shake when you get too close to him. I don’t
want you suffering all day being alone”

“I’m not proud of that”

“You can’t help it. PTSD doesn’t just go away magically. After everything with Sohee and my
mom I used to cry immediately hearing certain words or sounds. Even certain smells triggered me
so don’t worry about this. It hurts now but we’ll work through it together, yeah?”

“Yeah….sure,” Jake says but it wasn’t convincing. Sunoo makes a mental note to check in on the
beta more as he flicks through the pages of his work packet. They work in silence, the only sound
filling the apartment being lead pencils on paper and Sunghoon’s incoherent growls and mumbles
before he settles down to sleep again. Reading a page in his work book Sunoo felt like he was
reading it in another language. Nothing seemed to make sense and the more he tried reading it the
more confused he became.

“Hey Jake do you-” he begins to ask Jake for help but his phone rings loudly from the kitchen.
Slowly he gets up, bare feet padding against the floor as he goes into the kitchen to retrieve his

“Who is it?”

“It’s Jay,” Sunoo mutters as he answers the call.

“Hey….what’s up?”

“Do you have some time? We need to talk,” Jay says. His voice is stern, causing Sunoo’s gut to
twist with anxiety. His eyes flick to Jake working at the table and then to Sunghoon who began to
move about on the couch a bit before settling.

“I can’t right now. Maybe later?”

“I’m downstairs right now. Please come down and talk…please?”

“I-” Sunoo huffs running a hand through his already disheveled hair. “I’ll be down in a minute, let
me get my shoes,” he says before ending the call.

“Jake….Jay is downstairs. Is it ok if I meet him?”

“Didn’t you just agree to?”

“I want to ask you…I can tell Jay something came up and he should go. You take priority right
now,” Sunoo says and as much as that warms Jake’s heart he thinks the omega should go to his
mate. Surely Jay is missing him.

“I will be fine. It’s not like you’ll be gone long. Go see him.”

“Ok. Thank you. I promise I won’t take too long,” Sunoo says. He dashes over to Jake giving him
a quick peck on the cheek before skidding off to grab his slippers. Despite his anxiety eating away
at him from Jay’s “we need to talk” statement Sunoo felt his omega become giddy and begin to yip
excitedly when they caught sight of him. The elevator had only just stopped in the lobby doors
opening in what felt like slow motion allowing Sunoo to see Jay and Jungwon sitting in the lobby

“Hyung,” Sunoo calls softly. Jay practically jumps out of his seat to get to Sunoo quickly bringing
him into his arms.

“I missed you,” the older omega says, breathing against Sunoo’s neck. Sunoo feels himself smile as
he recuperates Jay’s hug allowing his cheek to rest comfortably against Jay’s chest.

“Missed you too.”

“Sunoo hyung. What’s going on?” Jungwon speaks up from behind them “You’re not responding
to our messages or coming to class….is everything ok?” Sunoo peaks out from Jay’s chest to look
at Jungwon. The younger omega looked the same, pale skin, pretty face, big beautiful eyes but
Sunoo could see the worry lines creasing his face. Sunoo forces himself to part with Jay, taking a
step back to look at both of them.

“I’m really sorry for not communicating with you guys like I should.”

“We just wanted to check on you, make sure you’re ok….is everything ok?” Jungwon asks. Sunoo
can tell he wants to hug him, his omega instincts urging for physical touch.

“Did we do something? Are we moving too quickly?” Jay questions next.

“No no! It’s not you guys at all I promise it’s just-” Sunoo takes a moment to think over his words.
The anxiety was coming back in ten folds causing him to scratch at his arms out of habit, however
he’d forgotten about his injuries only causing the skin to become even more irritated. Quickly he
holds his arms behind his back to stop himself from making it worse.

“Sunoo…” Jay says slowly as he takes a step forward. Sunoo watched as the older began to take in
Sunoo’s scent, smelling the blood.

“Sunoo. What happened?” Jay takes another step forward but Sunoo takes one back.

“I’m fine.”

“You’re bleeding.”

“He is?” Jungwon questions. He takes a few quick sniffs of the air smelling the blood as well.

“Who hurt you? Who?” Jay questions closing the gap between him and Sunoo. He places his hands
on Sunoo’s shoulders keeping the younger still.

“Who did it?” he asks again.

“It was an accident. He didn’t mean it.” Sunoo whispers breaking eye contact with Jay.

“He who? Jake? Sunghoon? Do they do this often?!” Jay's voice rises causing Sunoo to panic.

“No! NO! Jay I promise I’m ok, he didn’t do it on purpose!” Sunoo whimpers as he looks to Jay

“He who Sunoo?” Sunoo can tell that Jay isn't asking. He's demanding. Shifting on his feet Sunoo
begins to speak.

“S-Sunghoon he-” Jay lets go of Sunoo as he begins to head for the elevator.
“It was an accident, he didn't mean to hurt me! Jay!” Sunoo holds onto Jay’s wrist trying to keep
him in place.

“I don’t care if he’s an alpha or your mate. He shouldn’t ever hurt you. It smells like a lot of blood
Sunoo” Jay stresses.

“He didn’t mean it” Sunoo repeats.

“How did it happen?”

“Sunghoon isn’t well right now. He scratched me on an accident.”

“That does smell like a normal scratch. It runs deep,” Jay says and when Sunoo doesn't say
anything he’s pulling his arm away. “I'm going to talk with him.”

“NO! Let’s…let’s just drop this for now ok. I’ll explain everything at a different time” Sunoo
pleads. It wasn’t that late in the evening meaning there were still people around, enough people
that if Jay were to freak out even more it would cause a scene and that’s the last thing Sunoo needs
right now.

“Let me see them.” Jay states.


“I need to see them Sunoo.”

“Fine but…not here ok?”

“Then where?” Jay questions. Sunoo chews on his lip as he thinks of somewhere to go. They can’t
go far and it can’t be public either so that doesn’t leave a lot of options. Getting an idea Sunoo
grimaces because it’s not ideal but he motions for the two omegas to follow him. Soon they’re in
the lobby bathroom with the door locked.

Sunoo takes his jacket off and lets Jay roll his sleeve up to reveal the almost five inch gauze
bandage that was wrapped around Sunoo’s wrists. Slowly Jay peels the bandage back to see the
slashes underneath. They’re around four and a half inches long and he can’t even tell how deep but
it’s deep enough to almost see to Sunoo’s bone. Jungwon gags, squeezing his eyes shut as he takes
a few steps back in the small space.

“Damn it Sunoo. Why didn’t you tell me? How long ago did this happen?”

“About f-four days ago”

“FOUR DAYS? Sunoo this looks fresh,” Jay stresses as he examines Sunoo’s arms. Jay’s
statement is almost correct. The slashes on Sunoo’s arms do look like they’re new. The skin was
still ripped open but if you look close enough you can see the decaying skin between the slashes as
blood continues to rise to the surface and spill down Sunoo’s arms without the bandage there to
hold it back. Dried blood dark in color and nauseating to smell stuck to Sunoo’s skin making the
injury seem worse than it actually is.

“M-my healing rate is a lot slower than most omegas,” Sunoo provides weakly and all Jay can do
is scoff.

“Has something like this ever happened before?”


“No,” Sunoo lies and Jay seems to notice.

“You sure? You seem rather calm for having an injury like this”

‘Please tell me. I know what you’re going through. I can help if you just tell me…’

“It’s been four days and it doesn’t hurt just sorta throbs,” Sunoo mutters weakly.

“That’s what you’re saying but-” Sunoo pulls his arm away from Jay frowning at the older omega.

“Jay, whatever you’re trying to imply don’t. I said Sunghoon didn’t mean to hurt me and that’s not
a lie!”

“I’m sorry. Im feeling really frustrated right now because I don’t like seeing you hurt and I had no
idea about it this whole time,” Sunoo can tell Jay is truly apologetic and he fill guilty for yelling.
He was only trying to care for Sunoo.

“I'm going to see if they have a first aid kit at the front desk” Jungwon says unable to smell the
blood or look at the slashes any longer as he scurries out of the bathroom leaving Jay and Sunoo
alone. They don’t say anything at first as Jay continues inspecting Sunoo’s injuries with a deep

“I know you have your dynamic with Jake and Sunghoon but I-I really like you too,” Jay starts off
shyly “..and I guess what I want to say is, I know you have two mates to take care of you but..I can
take care of you too so next time…please tell me when you get hurt like this ok?” Jay’s ears burn
as he speaks. Sunoo can’t help but think he’s very cute. He takes his arm from Jay’s hold so he can
balance on his toes to lean up and kiss Jay on the cheek.

“I really like you too hyung”

“Well that’s good to hear”

“And i’ve also really liked getting to know you more and more each day but…right now Sunghoon
needs me.”

“I understand that…he had you first,” Jay mutters almost dejectedly. Sunoo shakes his head at him.

“It’s not about who came when, it's just that Sunghoon isn’t well right now and needs me.”

“What’s wrong with him?” Jay qyesrrios genuienly curious only to recieve a sympathetic smile
from Sunoo.

“I don’t want to disclose his information without his permission”

“That's understandable. I can respect that.”

“Thank you for understanding.”

“I have the first aid kit!” Jungwon announces when he walks back into the bathroom one hand over
his eyes while the other carries the first aid kit.

“Thank you Jungwon,” Jay says. He jumps off the counter giving Jungwon’s head a quick pat
before taking the first aid kit.

“I don’t mean to be rude but can we hurry? I need to get back upstairs….” Sunoo says chewing on
his bottom lip. He was already gone longer than he anticipated and he’d forgotten his phone
upstairs so he has no idea if Jake needs him or not. He really hopes not.

“Yeah I’ll be quick,” Jay says as he washes his hands. Once his hands are clean he picks apart the
first aid kit choosing the best materials to clean and rebandage Sunoo’s wounds. Once everything
is cleaned and wrapped the omega goes as far as placing a few kisses on top of the bandages
making Sunoo laugh.

“What? Do you have magic healing kisses?” Sunoo teases. Jay look up at him and smiles.

“Ya never know, it just might work,” Jay teases back as he gives Sunoo another kiss but on his
cheek this time.

“I’ll walk you two out” Sunoo mumbles shylu as he kumps off the counter. Together they return
the first aid kit to the front desk and then Sunoo is walking them to their car.

“I know you’re busy taking care of Sunghoon but at least send a text in the morning or at night
when you have time. Just so we know you’re ok.”

“I can manage that”

“And please update me about those cuts ok”

“I will Jay”


“Jay stop being a mama bear,” Jungwon says. He throws himself at Sunoo finally having a
moment to bask in the omegas warmth after everything he’s learned today. Seeing those cuts
definitely took him out for the evening, scared him even but now he’s ok knowing his Sunoo is ok.

“I’ll be back in class by next week ok Wonnie,” Sunoo murmurs as he presses his nose against
Jungwon’s cheek taking in his scent. Jungwon whines giving Sunoo a little squeeze.

“Too long!”

“I know..I’m sorry.”

“It’s ok. Take care of Sunghoon hyung…”

“I will,” Sunoo says. Jungwon hums with acknowledgement as he pulls himself from Sunoo only to
throw himself back in his arms a few seconds later.

“Wait! We were promised make up kisses!” he exclaims. Sunoo’s cheeks light up instantly at how
loud Jungwon had been.

“Jungwon!” he hisses.

“I’m not leaving without my apology kisses Sunoo hyung” Jungwon sasses. Sunoo rolls his eyes
but begins to pepper kisses over Jungwon’s face. The omega smiles, turning to say something to
Sunoo only for their lips to touch. It only lasts a fraction of a second but it has both omegas
blushing beet red.

“O-oh um…I’m s-sorry” Jungwon murmurs as he pulls away from Sunoo shyly.

“D-don’t worry about it.”

“D-do you want make up kisses t-too?” Sunoo stutters as he looks at Jay. The older omega smiles
sweetly before leaning down, giving Sunoo the smallest peck on the lips as well.

“All is forgiven. Just remember to text us at least once until you can come back to us…ok?”


“We’ll text you when we get home,” Jay says as he goes around the car to the driver's side.

“Uh-huh. Drive safe!”

“I'm the safest driver ever,” Jay states and Jungwon snorts.

“You were speeding to get here!”

“Hush Jungwon!”

“I’m just saying-” Jungwon says as he climbs into the car.

“I’ll be safe!” Jay calls over his shoulder to Sunoo as he climbs into the car. Moments later the
engine roars as the car comes to life and the headlights turn on. As Jay pulls away heading down
the street Sunoo watches them until they’re out of sight.

On the way to the elevator Sunoo feels like he’s on a dopamine crash. He didn’t realize just how
badly he’d been missing them until they were gone again and it felt almost devastating. He allows
himself to cry in the elevator until he gets to his floor. Before he walks back into the apartment he
cleans his face off on his jacket sleeve.

“Hey…you were down there awhile. Everything ok?”

“Yeah yeah…Jay’s omega was just getting a bit antsy with the separation that’s all. Everything is
ok with us”

“That's good”

“Uh-huh. Back to homework I guess,” Sunoo says but Sunghoon begins moving. He mutters
something incoherently for a while before clearly calling out a name.

“Sunoo! Sunoo-ah!” Sunoo ends up frozen squatting over a chair. He wasn’t expecting Sunghoon
to start talking for another day or two at least. Slowly he rises up moving over to the couch.


“Sunoo! Sunoo! Sunoo!” Sunghoon yips excitedly. Carefully Sunoo kneels in front of the couch
observing Sunghoon.

“Hey Sunghoon. It’s Sunoo,” he murmurs. Sunghoon smiles momentarily before a frown crosses
his face. He takes a few tentative sniffs before reaching out for Sunoo. Still having his eyes closed
the alpha grabs onto Sunoo blindly grabbing a fist full of the omegas hair.

“Not Sunoo,” he growls but its not menacingly. He sniffs again, his face scrunching with

“Omega…J-Jay-ah? Jay omega,” Sunghoon says with a small displeased growl. He pulls Sunoo
forward taking a few more sniffs.

“Omega…omega…Jungwon? Jungwonnie? Pretty…pretty omega,” that throws Sunoo off. Ever

since meeting them Sunghoon had never called either Jay or Jungwon pretty. Sunoo supposes
that’s a step forward and some progress from hating him.

Sunghoon tugs on Sunoo’s hair again pulling him impossibly closer as he sniffs around his neck.
His nose finds the scent he was longing for and Sunoo can feel him smile against his neck.

“Sunoo…my Sunoo,” Sunghoon purs. His grip on Sunoo’s hair loosens as he begins to pet Sunoo’s
head instead.

“Yeah it’s me baby…” Sunoo mumbles still shocked from the whole ordeal. Sunghoon has never
acted like this before.

“Jake-ah! Jakie! Baby! Jake!” Sunghoon begins to yip for Jake. Sunoo takes a look back where
Jake was sitting only to find the space at the table abandoned.

“Jake isn’t here Hoonie.”

“Jake! Jaeyun! Jake!” Sunghoon says, almost begging but it doesn’t get Jake to come to him.
Instead the beta had locked himself in the bathroom holding a palm over his mouth to muffle his
cries as tears spilled down his face.

“Jake isn’t here right now. How about some food? Do you want to eat?”


“Uh eat. Let’s get you some food” Sunoo says finally being able to straighten up again. When he
looks at Sunghoon he almost gasps seeing the alpha looking back at him. One eye was brown
while the other was a dull shade of red.

‘Good. His wolf is ok’ Sunoo thinks to himself.

“Stay here. I’m going to get you some food.”

“Ok…sunshine” Sunghoon murmurs. His eyes flutter shut again while he rests on the couch.

As Sunoo makes Sunghoon some food he can’t help but feel like a little bit of weight has been
lifted from his shoulders. Sunghoon is coming back, his Sunghoon. The man he fell in love with.

‘Thank you moon goddess. Thank you for bringing him back’

Chapter End Notes

Had some free time so I decided to post this for you guys before I go back to
school/work on Monday. Soo what did you think? Are you catching on to what’s
happening with Sunghoon now or nah? If you liked this chapter please show it some
love! See you in the next update (which hopefully won't be a month away again) Love
you all! Bye!
chapter thirty-three
Chapter Notes


derogatory behavior towards omegas

jungwon almost drowns at one point
i think that's all

read at your own risk. happy reading!

[ ] song rec. one in a billion - enhypen; anthem of teen spirit - epex


See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jungwon’s body ached from his scalp all the way down to his toes. Nightball practice has taken the
greatest toll on his mind and body that he wasn’t expecting. He doesn’t regret it. It’s been an
amazing experience and it’s been a lot of fun being able to get into sports again but seriously, who
has practice on a Sunday ?!. Yesterday was meant to be his cheat day but instead he spent it lifting

“ Jungwon~” Jay hums as he crawls onto the bed. Jungwon hums back but doesn't put in the effort
to move. The older omega chuckles as he leans over his mate placing little kisses behind his ear,
down his neck to his shoulder.

“You need to get up now baby,” Jay mutters against Jungwon’s shoulders.

“Five…five more minutes,” Jungwon grumbles into the pillow. Jay laughs against his shoulder
giving it another feathery kiss.

“No more minutes. If you don’t get up and get ready now you’ll be late to Professor Min’s class
and then he’ll drop your overall grade because of your attendance and honey I hate to break it to
you but you’re living on a prayer in that class so I suggest you get up and get ready,” and with that
Jay gets off the bed but not before giving Jungwon’s butt a slap.

“Ow! My glutes still hurt from leg day!” Jungwon whines as he pushes himself off the bed. He
shoots a glare to Jay who smiles fondly. Jungwon looks like a kitten angry at being woken up.

“Sorry sorry,” Jay says with an awkward smile before he’s scurrying out of the room. Jungwon
forces himself out of the bed and onto the floor to do his morning stretches before having a nice
long shower.

“Ok I’m showered dressed and still dreading this class but I smell ham,” the younger says as he
walks into the kitchen.

“You will be fine for class and yes I have a slice of ham with egg whites, fruit and wheat toast,”
Jay says as he sets a plate of food on Jungwon’s desk. Ever since Jungwon told him he made the
team he made an entire day by day nutrition plan for the entire season to make sure Jungwon eats

“Thank you thank you!” Jungwon exclaims as he sits at their breakfast bar. He gets through a few
bites of his food before beginning to play with his eggs chasing them around the plate.

“Hey Jay?” he calls. Looking up Jungwon sees his mate cleaning up the kitchen.

“Hmm?” Jay questions as he places away the freshly clean dishes.

“We need to talk…about us and Sunoo”

“What about us and Sunoo?”

“I think-” Jungwon lays his utensils flat on the table “I think I’m going to hang back. Let you guys
do your thing by yourself”

“What?” Jay loses his grip on the pan he was holding letting it go crashing to the ground. He
flinches at the sound before quickly picking it up and storing it safely in the cabinet.

“W-why are- why?” Jay stutters as he joins Jungwon.

“I’ve had so much fun being with you and Sunoo. Seriously it’s like a dream and you both make
me so happy but our relationship is defined. I can talk to you about anything and you and Sunoo
are lacking that.”

“What are you talking about? W-we went over there and talked to him together.”
“ We . We went but it should have been just you. I only went along after you convinced me to go
with you.” As worried as Jungwon was, he wanted Jay to go alone. To finally take that step
without fear or hesitation of the outcome but ultimately Jay won, convincing Jungwon it would be
better if they both went.

“You were worried about him too,” Jay says back. He doesn’t understand why Jungwon is
suddenly doing this.

“I was but he’s your mate.” Jungwon answers.

“Sunoo is your friend.” Jay counters. He's too stubborn for his own good and maybe a little selfish
too. Was it too much to ask for a little security? To have Jungwon by his side to keep him afloat in
these uncharted waters?

“And he is your mate,” Jungwon says again. “You need to be able to strengthen your relationship
with him on your own. You don’t need me as a buffer anymore."

“But what if I say something stupid? O-or he wants to talk about some things that are particularly
difficult like…like” Jay gets choked up on his words as he looks down at his hands;

“Like your scars?” Jungwon questions. He reaches over to hold Jay’s hands in his, letting his
thumbs rub over the scars littered on Jay’s hands. Some were small, hardly noticeable while others,
the jagged ones were unavoidable to be seen. No matter what Jay did he couldn't hide them no
matter how badly he tried. They’re always present, always haunting him with memories of the past.

“Like those,” the older whispers. His hands weren’t even the worst of the scars. They were all over
his body, his chest, his feet, the large one down his back, that one was the worst but those he could
hide, keep them from the light of day like a little secret buried underground.

Jungwon gives his mate a sympathetic smile as he runs a finger over Jay's hand silently before
locking their fingers together.

“You two will cross that bridge when you get there. Sunoo cares about you a lot. I'm sure he’ll feel
sympathetic towards your scars. They weren’t your fault. Your dad was abusive and hurt you, you
can’t change that,” Jungwon tries not to squeeze Jay’s hands when he feels his omega begin to
grow angry and protective. Jay’s father was always a sensitive topic for both of them. The things
he’s said, the things he’s done to his sweet Jay. Jungwon will never forgive him.

“I don’t want to talk about them. They’re ugly and t-they don’t make me look like an omega, it just
makes me look more like what my dad was trying to turn me into,” Jay’s voice is small, fraile and
he hates that he hates it. It's been years since he had to truly face his trauma, years since he'd tried
to piece himself back together, to let himself feel like an omega but each step forward he took the
scars, the pain, the memories always tugged him backwards. He is supposed to be strong, to have
pride in himself. Not be a weak omega and yet that's all he is, a weak omega relying on a stronger
one to keep him afloat. Pathetic.

“I'm sure Sunoo would understand that. And I’m not saying you have to jump into this right away.
It will take time and I don’t think you’re the only one with a past” Jungwon answers. Jay gives
him a skeptical look.

“What do you mean?”

What had Sunoo told Jungwon that he hadn’t told him?

“Remember when we asked Sunoo if he had siblings? He looked like he was going to have a panic
attack. I remember his scent spiking high before mellowing out quickly,” Jungwon recounts but it
does nothing to ease Jay’s confusion.

“What’s your point here?” the older asks his voice on edge.

“You both have a past, and it will be hard to talk about but you both will get through it together. So
don’t worry about it too much alright love?” Jungwon is only half surprised when Jay pulls him
forward for a hug.

“Thank you…thank you” he whispers, clinging onto Jungwon “What would I do without you?”

“Hide in a dark hole with all your thoughts and never shine as bright as you are” Jungwon teases

“Shut up I would not…I shine no matter what,” Jay huffs. Jungwon rolls his eyes but gives his
mate a kiss on the cheek.

“Yes you do,” he agrees.

“Seriously though,” Jay mutters as he pulls back from the hug to look Jungwon in his pretty brown
eyes “You're my lifeline. I couldn’t do this without you.”

“You're my lifeline too. I love you Seongie!” Jungwon coos. He can’t help the fact that his face
flushes when he feels Jay’s love and sincerity through their bond. For Jungwon that feeling is the
best part of being mated to Jay. being able to feel every ounce of Jay’s love quite literally being
poured into his heart. Now that he’s had it for so long Jungwon knows he won't ever be able to live
without it.

“Ok ok. You only have a few minutes left so finish your breakfast while I go change,” Jay says as
he quickly gets up. Jungwon doesn’t miss the way his mate wipes under his eyes as he heads out of
the kitchen.

‘Big softy’

“I can just finish on the way there!” Jungwon shouts back.

“You know how I feel about food around Yujin! Just hurry and eat!” Jay shouts as he continues
down the hall. Jungwon rolls his eyes before beginning to eat his food per Jay’s request.

When he gets to school Jungwon feels the tension in his muscles loosen a bit as he walks down to
his class. His eyes were trained on his phone reading through the team group chat when he stopped
dead in his tracks. His heart pounds in his chest as his omega yips with pure happiness as he looks
up locking eyes with someone down the hall.

“SUNOO!” his phone and the messages on them were in the back of his mind as his feet propelled
him down the hall to his Sunoo hyung.

“Jungwon! Jungwon, wait!” Sunoo shouts eyes widening as the younger bolts to him. Without
thinking Sunoo drops the coffees he was holding with barely enough time to catch Jungwon who
jumped for him.

“Hyung! You’re back! You’re really back!” Jungwon murmurs as he presses his face against
Sunoo’s neck breathing in his citrus scent he’d been longing for.
“Jungwon, look what you made me do! I dropped our coffee!” Sunoo whines. Jungwon pulls back
from his neck to pout back.

“I was just really excited to see you hyung…I missed you.” Jungwons confession earns him a
dazzling smile from Sunoo, his cheeks rosy with happiness, hips stretched wide in a smile as his
eyes close with sudden laughter.

“I missed you too,” the older omega says, still smiling at Jungwon. Jungwon can’t help but lean
forward rubbing his nose against Sunoo’s to express his joy. It lasts for a good minute before
Jungwon smells the shift in Sunoo’s scent. Pain.

“Oh my god!” Jungwon says as he pulls back. He quickly jumps out of Sunoo’s hold to grab the
oldest wrists.

“Are you alright? Ah I’m so stupid I didn’t even think about your injuries before I jumped. I was
just so excited to see you. C-can I see them? I'm so sorry if I hurt you hyung!'' Jungwon's eyes gloss
over as he gently holds Sunoo’s wrists in his hands. Sunoo only chuckles at him wiggling his arms
free from Jungwon.

“Jungwon, I promise that I’m ok. You’re causing a scene,” he says with a small smirk.

“ ‘m sorry”

“Don’t be! You’re totally fine. My arms are all healed, it's my feet that hurt. I dropped the coffee
and they spilled all over my feet! One was hot ya know!” Sunoo teases some more only to get
another apology,

“I’m sorry!”

“Stop apologizing. Let's just get in there and tell Professor Min there was a spill so he can call
someone to take care of it, yeah?”

“Let’s go inside,” Sunoo says. He threads his fingers with Jungwon before giving the youngers
hands a small squeeze and pulling him inside. Briefly Sunoo explains the situation to Professor
Min who thanks him and calls a janitor to come by and clean up the spill.

“Easy as pie!” Sunoo sing-songs once they’re settled in their seats.

“I’m still really sorry hyung,” Jungwon mutters again.

“Jungwon, look at me hmm,” Sunoo murmurs. Jungwon keeps his head tilted down until he feels a
gentle hand on his chin guiding his gaze upwards.

“I’m not hurt. I was serious when I said that they healed quickly after seeing you and Jay. It was
like the perfect medicine,” Sunoo says sincerely. Jungwon searches his eyes for any signs of
hesitation, his ears listening to the gentle thud of Sunoo’s heartbeat. It doesn’t accelerate and his
eyes are as gentle as a deers so Jungwon sighs his shoulders finally relaxing from the tension
building up within him.

“I believe you said we had magic kisses,” Jungwon murmurs shyly. He admires the way Sunoo’s
cheeks dust pink in seconds after the words leave his lips.

“Ah well yes I did say that…um I er uh,” Sunoo stumbles over his words not knowing what else to
say. It’s Jungwon’s turn to laugh this time as he leans against Sunoo’s side.

“Relax hyung I’m not going to make out with you in front of the class or anything”

“I uh wouldn’t be opposed to that,” Sunoo mutters. Jungwon feels his breath catch in his throat.
Had he heard that right? Maybe he was becoming delirious from exhaustion.


“O-one day!” Sunoo stutters as he waves his hands in front of him. His scent dips into something
sour and on the cusp of rotting fruit. “I don’t mean like today or anything but I won’t lie and say
that I haven’t thought about kissing y-you and J-Jay hyung.”

“But I want to keep things going at this pace. Everything with Sunghoon always moved so fast and
even some things with Jake did too. I don’t mind, I love them the same but I dunno I’m enjoying
this slower pace. Getting to know you guys little by little, always discovering something new its-
it’s” Sunoo slowly gets choked up on his own words but he doesn’t need them for Jungwon to
understand how he’s feeling. Jungwon reaches over for Sunoo’s hand, lacing their fingers together.

“I understand,” Jungwon says, playing with the sleeve of his hoodie. It’s only right now that he
realizes it was the same one Sunoo gifted him, as his first courting gift.. “I really like it too a-and
I’d like to kiss you one day, when you’re ready.” Jungwon’s response has Sunoo’s scent jumping
into a sweetness almost like lemonade made by a child whose goal is to add as much sugar as they
can before their mom finds out. It’s so quick that it almost gives Jungwon whiplash and a cavity.

“Yeah?” Sunoo says pressing closer to Jungwon. It’s an almost dangerous closeness for the
confession being what it is but Jungwon nods his head resisting the urge to lean over the ten
centimeters to kiss Sunoo right now.

“Yeah but like you said, when the time is right,” Jungwon mumbles, growing ever more shy the
more he speaks. Sunoo smiles ear to ear, his nose scrunching just a little as his eyes curl into cute
crescents. Such a pretty omega. He goes to say something, maybe a flirty remark or a declaration of
a promise but the words fade from his tongue.

“Excuse me” Professor Min says after annoyingly clearing his throat, “If you boys are done with
your little chit chat I believe the rest of us are ready to start class,” the man says blinking
sarcastically at the two. Regrettably Sunoo and Jungwon release their joined hands to sit properly
in their seats.

“S-sorry Professor” they say somewhat together.

“I advise you both to pay attention so your grade doesn’t drop anymore….now how about we begin

“Let’s talk more later,” Sunoo whispers once Professor Min gets wrapped up in his lecture.
Jungwon gives a curt nod but only because he was too distracted by the thought of one day kissing
Kim Sunoo.


It seemed like the mere thought of kissing Sunoo was a distracting enough thought because it was
the only thing Jungwon could think about all day and now he’s at night ball practice tying his
cleats or at least trying to but his fingers keep fumbling with the laces as he thinks about how
Sunoo’s lips would feel on his.

“Jungwon!” hearing his name, the omega's head snaps up to see Park Jisung looking at him with a
nervous look on his face.

“S-sorry it’s just that everyone left already and coach told me to get you,” the alpha says while
awkwardly pointing his hand behind him.

“O-oh sorry! I’ll be right out!” Jungwon shouts back. He gives a quick bow before turning his
attention to his laces to actually tie them before running out of the locker room to join the others
for practice.

“Well how nice of you to join us Jungwon!” Coach Yang says sarcastically.

“Sorry coach,” he responds shortly knowing an excuse will only get him an extra five laps around
the field.

“Just try and come out with the team from now on. That goes for all of you. We’re coming up on
our first game soon so I will not tolerate tardiness! You’re on this field when practice starts or
you’re benched!”

“Yes coach!” the rest of the team shouts.

“Now speaking of being on the field we finally have our star forward coming back to the team!”
the coach shouts. As if on cue another player walks onto the field that has everyone roaring.




“Yeah yeah quit your hollering!” the coach says as he claps a hand on Sunghoon’s shoulder.

“We’re all happy to have Sunghoon back on the team but let’s focus now huh?”

“What’s he doing here?” Sunghoon questions jerking his chin towards Jungwon. Jungwon raises a
brow as he stares Sunghoon down. He could ask the same thing because since when did Sunghoon
play nightball?

“Ahh! Jungwon? Well he’s our new wing player” coach Yang exclaims happily like it was the
most obvious thing in the world.


“Why? Well, have you seen the kid run? Lightening fast!”

“He shouldn’t be here,” Sunghoon says, breaking eye contact with Jungwon causing the omega to

“Why? Cause I’m an omega?” Jungwon rolls his eyes not expecting a reply but he gets one.

“Exactly.” Sunghoon says it easily and it’s insulting and embarrassing how quickly it causes
Jungwon’s blood pressure to skyrocket.

“Excuse me?!” he shouts with disbelief. Who the hell does this guy think he is? Stupid alpha.

“Hey now you two don’t get all worked up” Coach Yang says as he puts a dismissive hand up
stopping a developing argument. “ Sunghoon I can assure you that we went through all the
necessary requirements to get Jungwon on the team. In fact that’s the reason it took so long to
finalize the team cause we were battling against the school board and sports union for approval!
Coach Yang says boisterously “I promise Jungwon will be ok! He’s tough!'' The coach gives
Sunghoon’s shoulder a quick squeeze that seems to help the alpha relax a bit.

“Now you little shits,” Jungwon rolls his eyes at the sudden tone shift when the man turns his
attention back to the team “Our first game is on Friday and we’re in no shape to go out there and
play again the Sunshine School you hear me? We got work to do so let’s get started. I want ten
laps around the field now!” and with that the coach blows his whistle setting the team in motion.
The team barely start to line up to run before Sunghoon is already running ahead.
“That’s the spirit! What the hell are the rest of you watin’ for an invitation? GO RUN! GO GO
GO!” coach Yang shouts, giving another blow of his whistle, sending everyone in motion. The
team go through their ten laps and by the end Jungwon notices that Sunghoon wasn’t out of breath,
hell he hadn’t even broken a sweat!

“Alright everyone get in your groups for drill runs. Sunghoon you’ll be with the newbies since
you’ve been out for so long”

“Coach are you sure that’s a good ide-”

“Sunghoon you’ve missed enough practice so quit talkin’ and do what I said, understand?”
Sunghoon doesn’t respond but joins Jungwon’s group ready to run throwing and catching drills.

‘Oh this should be fun!’ Jungwon thinks sarcastically as he joins Wonjun and Hyunsuk, the newest
additions to the team other than himself. The tension was high in their small group with
Sunghoon’s obvious annoyed aura hanging over them but they managed to get through the night
with minor mishaps. By the end of it Jungwon had broken off from the team to get a quick shower
in before jumping into Jay’s car.

“Hey,” Jay calls once Jungwon is close enough. He pushes up from leaning on his car to hug his

“Hey,” Jungwon murmurs against his chest.

“Difficult practice?”

“Well…” Jungwon drawls on but doesn’t finish his sentence.

“Man Sunghoon we’re glad to have you back dude!” someone, Jungwon is too tired to remember
his name exclaims and soon others are jumping into the conversation.

“Yeah we were going to have to rely on Jisung as our forward and well you know how that would
have panned out.”
“Shut up, I'm not that bad!” Jisung whines

“Jisung is a good back player, but we can all agree Sunghoon is the best in our starting lineup for
the forward position. Right, hoon? Hyeongjun questions with a slap on Sunghoon’s shoulder.
Sunghoon yanks his shoulder from his teammate's grip.

“Yeah yeah whatever you guys say. I gotta get going,” he says as he adjusts his bag on his shoulder
as he walks away. He stops short of approaching Jay and Jungwon giving the two a blank look. Jay
nods as a curt greeting only for Sunghoon to blink at him a few times before turning his gaze
downward and walking away without saying a word. .

“Well that was…different,” Jay murmurs. Jungwon scoffs as he removes himself from Jay’s hold.
He opens the back door to toss his bag into the backseat before opening the passenger seat to sit
down with Jay following his lead and going to the front seat.

“Rude it what it is. He was like that all through practice,” Jungwon says, sighing as he kicks his
shoes off.

“Wait, you're on the same team?”

“Apparently. Coach always said our starting forward player was out on leave but I didn’t expect it
to be Sunghoon,”

“ careful” Jay says carefully.

“What do you mean?”

“You saw what he did to Sunoo…”

“..Sunoo said it was an accident” ‘

“Something doesn’t add up though. How does someone do that to their own mate? You saw how
his arms looked. Sunoo looked like he got mauled by a wild animal!” Jungwon knows Jay isn’t
over it, he doesn’t blame him he can’t not after everything he’s been through but Jungwon trusts
Sunoo. If Sunoo says it was an accident then it was an accident. There’s an explanation for
everything and he’ll wait for Sunoo to give it to him.
“I don’t think Sunoo would like us talking about Sunghoon like this,” he says, hoping to end the
conversation peacefully. Jay doesn’t share the same thought as he scoffs.

“Yeah well you’re both my mates, not Sunghoon so I don’t give a flying fuck what he thinks. It’s
my job to protect you and all I’m saying is be careful around him. That’s all!” Jay exclaims.
Jungwon notices how his grip on the steering wheel became so tight his knuckles turned white. To
avoid any more aggravation on Jay’s part Jungwon settles with a simple ok before reclining his
seat to take a short nap on the drive home.

When they arrive no words are exchanged as they go into their apartment. Jungwon immediately
heads for the bathroom ready to take a quick shower so he can go to bed faster while Jay heads to
the kitchen. Minutes later the sound of the shower running fills the apartment along with the hiss of
the tea kettle in the kitchen. While Jungwon showers Jay sits in the dining room occasionally
taking sips of his evening tea while staring at the floor. Was he out of line for speaking about
Sunghoon like that? Maybe he was but it’s his job to protect Jungwon and Sunoo. Out of the three
of them he’s the oldest and most likely the strongest. If he can’t protect them, who will?

Hearing the shower shut off Jay takes a few minutes to himself to finish his tea before going to the
bathroom to brush his teeth.

“I’m sorry” he mutters while Jungwon tugs on a pair of sleep pants.

“For what?”

“Snapping at you like that in the car,”

“You weren’t really snapping at me but I accept your apology.”

“I just…we don’t know Sunghoon and Sunoo says he’s not a bad alpha but..I know what it’s like
being in a position you feel like you can’t get out of. I-I just…I really hope Sunghoon isn’t like that
but just in case he is I want you to be careful, to be safe,”

Jungwon finds a clean shirt to wear and tugs it on before trailing over to Jay. He crowds the older
man's space rubbing the top of his head over Jay’s collarbones to scent Jay who clearly needed it.
And If Jungwon is being honest he needed it too.

“I get what you’re saying Jay I really do” he murmurs after a while “ I have some of the same
thoughts about Sunghoon but I think we should try and keep an open mind, for Sunoo. He looks at
Sunghoon like, well how you look at me and I don’t want him feeling bad because we don’t
respect his mate. More than just our feelings are involved here.” Jay sighs leaning down to scent
Jungwon back.

“Yeah I guess…you, me, Sunoo, Sunghoon…Jake,” he lists off.

“Oh man I wasn’t even thinking about Jake. I wonder how he feels about all of it,” Jungwon
mutters. He hasn’t interacted with the beta since their last meeting in the park, not an accidental
meeting on campus or even a text. He should talk to him soon.

“Well since you’re abandoning me I guess you can get to know him too and find out”

“Jaay!” Jungwon whines, dragging out the ‘a’ in his mates name. “ ‘m not abandoning you! I just
want you and Sunoo to have a stable relationship!”

“I know I know! I’m only half teasing. I’m not petty enough to fully feel abandoned and betrayed”

“Oh my god you’re insufferable!” Jungwon groans. He makes a dramatic show of stomping over to
the bed before plopping down face first. It’s not long before Jay is following suit landing beside

“Hey…hey Jungwon!” Jay says, poking at Jungwon’s cheek. The sleepy omega let’s his eyes
flutter open to look at his mate.

“I love you” Jay says with that dorky girn that Jungwon loves so much.

“Love you too…”

“Um and I don’t want to bother you but could we maybe lay in the nest properly?” Jay murmurs
shyly. He has extreme ocd when it comes to their nest and as annoying as it is for Jungwon
sometimes he gives in crawling into the nest to lay properly. Enthusiastically Jay quickly fixes the
ends of their nest until it’s “perfect” again before laying comfortably beside Jungwon.

“Night babe”


“I’m going to die. I’m just going to lay here and die” Jungwon groans. If he thought Monday’s
practice was bad, today is already worse. Tackling. Unfortunately it is a well known fact that
omega’s skeletal structure lacks bone density and therefore tackling is going to hurt like a bitch and
Jungwon is not prepared for the pain. Last week when they had a tackle day he went home with
bruises all over his body and it hurt to breathe . Fortunately his position doesn’t leave him open to
get tackled often and usually he has someone to guard him.

“Alright everyone pair up quick! We’re going to spend a good portion of today running some
tackle drills! First we’ll practice the tackle and then we’ll run some passing and tackle drills! I said
pair up why are you standing around?!” assistant coach Park shouts across the field. Quickly the
team begin to pair up and by the time Jungwon has a chance everyone is already paired leaving
him with Park Sunghoon.

‘Moon goddess please just spare me this once ’ he begs.

“Alright….now….tackle!” coach Yang blows his whistle and soon everyone on the field is sending
someone to the ground, except Jungwon and Sunghoon. The alpha and omega stand awkwardly on
the field staring at each other.

“Oh I’m sorry, maybe I wasn’t clear. You need to tackle each other!” coach Park shouts as he
glares at them.

“S-sorry coach”

“Jungwon tackle Sunghoon…Go!” Jungwon reacts quickly as he sprints for Sunghoon to make the
tackle but the alpha moves swiftly sending Jungwon to the ground instead.

“Good good Sunghoon but Jungwon is supposed to tackle you!”

“What’s the point? He won’t ever do it in game,” Sunghoon says as he pushes off Jungwon. The
younger grunts pushing himself up after Sunghoon.
“I totally could!” Jungwon protests. Sunghoon’s comment stings at his pride more than he’d like to

“Please” Sunghoon scoffs as he rolls his eyes.

“I- Y-you!” Jungwon huffs with annoyance, unable to find the right words “I could tackle you!” he
shouts while pointing an accusatory finger at Sunghoon. The alpha remains completely unfazed as
he blinks at Jungwon with a blank look on his face.

“But you didn’t, you ended up flat on your back. You know what happens if that happens in a
game? The other team steal the ball, pass it to their center or their forward, they score and we’re
out an opportunity to score” as he speaks Jungwon can’t tell if he’s annoyed, serious or both. His
tone was flat, his eyes were empty and he looked far too calm for the harsh reality of the words
leaving his mouth.

“You don’t think I know that huh?!” Jungwon snaps, fed up with the alphas attitude. It was one
thing to tell Jay to have an open mind towards Sunghoon, it was another thing to do it especially
with the alpha pushing his buttons.

“Ok boys save this tension for the drills huh? I like that fire use it! Now switch go!” coach shouts
and the team responds. Jungwon gets ready to counter Sunghoon’s tackle but the alpha is charging
at him before he can fix his stance. They both fly down to the ground in a flash and Jungwon feels
the wind being knocked out of him, but not because it hurt. In fact Sunghoon hadn’t really hurt him
at all. They landed with Sunghoon ‘s arm secure around Jungwon’s neck protecting him from the
fall and their chests pressed together and instead of feeling scared or attacked Jungwon felt …
warm, safe. Jungwon can feel his chest rumble with an oncoming pur but it’s gone as quickly as it
came the second Sunghoon is pushing himself off him to stand.

“What are you still down there for? Get up!” Sunghoon huffs. Jungwon rolls his eyes and goes to
push himself up when he sees a hand being extended in front of him.

“Come on Jungwon I'll help you up” Jinho says beaming down at him. Jungwon blinks, still dazed
from the tackle. When did Jinho even get here?

“He can get up fine!” Sunghoon grits out.

“Ignore him,” Jinho says as he claps his hand with Jungwon’s and gives him a tug up.
“T-thanks hyung,” Jungwon murmurs as he gives a grateful smile to his older team mate.Jinho
beams back at him wrapping an arm around Jungwon’s shoulders.

“No problem. Someone had too since that asshole wasn’t gonna,” he says jabbing a thumb in
Sunghoon’s direction.

“Mind your business Jinho” Sunghoon grumbles as he glares at the other alpha. Jinho turns from
Jungwon a bit to look at Sunghoon, a mock pout on his face.

“What? Jungwon is our team mate huh! Show a little compassion towards the omega hmm?” Jinho
says jostling Jungwon a bit for emphasis.

“Oh I’m sorry!” Jinho says with a chuckle ”I forgot you don’t have compassion for anyone who
isn’t that little omega of yours huh? Sunoo was it?”

“Keep his name out of your fucking mouth” Sunghoon growls. He steps into Jinho’s space until
they are chest to chest both alphas glaring at each other. Their scents drop dangerously low,
burning Jungwon’s nose. He can feel his heart rate accelerate being in the middle of the mess, his
omega seconds away from forcing him to run to safety.

“Alright break it up you two! I don’t want another fight like last year!” Coach Park shouts as he
tugs Sunghoon back.

“Focus on your own drills huh boys? Now stop interrupting my damn practice!” Coach Yang
exclaims his face red with annoyance.

“Sorry about that Jungwon. I’ll see ya,” Jinho says, not looking at Jungwon but at Sunghoon with a
smile on his face but it didn’t reach his eyes. Slowly Jinho backs away before turning around to
finally walk to his tackle partner. Once he’s gone Sunghoon’s shoulders visibly relax. Jungwon
tries to smell his scent, to identify the smell but his senses are shot so he watches and waits. He
waits until he can feel the change in the space around them, taste the change on his tongue. When
Sunghoon’s scent comes back up the air is sweet, rather than charred like it’d been, like someone
burned something beyond recognition. It tastes like fresh wild berries in the spring surrounded by a
bed of redbuds.

It takes awhile for Jungwon to realize he’s staring but when he does he notices Sunghoon was
staring as well. His gaze was calm, eye gentle as he stared at Jungwon chest rising and falling
slowly with each breath. Sunghoon takes a few steps forward, lessening the gap between them.
“Are you-?” he questions but stops. His eyes dart around Jungwon’s face before sighing. He’d
heard. He heard how Jungwon’s heartbeat quickened when he moved closer, heard how it beat
harder when he began to speak. Jungwon wishes it hadn’t, that his body didn’t react on it’s own
because quickly Sunghoon is putting the space back.

“Nevermind. Let’s get back to practice,” he mutters.

They go back to running drills but Jungwon could tell Sunghoon had obviously begun to detach
from the world. His focus was hardly on him but instead on Jinho who was participating in practice
the same as everyone else, same as Jungwon should be but instead he got paired with Park
Sunghoon who makes everything difficult.

Taking advantage of the alphas lack of attention Jungwon charges forward, hooking his arms under
Sunghoon’s knees and sending them to the ground. Sunghoon lets out a ‘ooph’ noise when his back
makes contact with the ground.

“See told ya I could tackle you” Jungwon says as he pokes at the alpha’s chest. He recoils a bit
when his finger presses against the hard muscle of Sunghoon’s chest.

“You gonna get up now or do I have to throw you off?” Sunghoon questions. Awkwardly Jungwon
scrambles up watching as Sunghoon gets off the ground.

“Charge with your left foot next time,” the alpha says as he dusts himself off.

“What why?” Jungwon questions. He thought his attack was pretty good.

“You have more power in that foot. You're balance is all off when you start with your right”
Sunghoon answers.

“Why should I believe you?”

“You don’t have to. You can do whatever you want, I was just offering up some advice. Take it or
leave it” Sunghoon says. The alpha is turning on his heels seconds later when coach Yang blows
the whistle calling for everyone to line up for catch and tackle drills.
‘Shoot me’ Jungwon groans as he follows suit.

The evening was full of pass, catch, get tackled, run, run, tackle and by the end of this one
Jungwon was ready to throw in the towel.

“Why did I give up taekwondo? I should have stuck with it” he groans as he lets his head bang
against the table a few times.

“Oh stop that! I’m sure you’re going better than you think!” Jay says as he runs a hand up
Jungwon’s back before settling on his shoulder giving it a squeeze. Jungwon winces from the
muscle soreness but it turns into a sigh when Jay begins to add pressure, gently massaging the

“I’m good at it, I’m probably the third fastest runner on the team. It’s the muscle soreness that’s
killing me,”

“Well you did know that nightball would be tough on your body…are you really sure you want to
keep up with this?”

“ Yes ,” Jungown grits out when Jay’s hands move to his lower back trying to lessen the tension
“It’s nice…being on a team for a change. I just need to make it through the season. I know I can
make it”

“You can, I know you can.” Jay murmurs, placing a kiss on the top of Jungwon’s head.

“How was your day with Sunoo?” Jungwon questions. Jay’s hands almost instantly leave his back
as the omega trails off to the kitchen grabbing their food from the stove. He sets it down silently
before proceeding to distribute it into two portions.

“ Jay ” Jungwon sighs. Jay was trying to deflect.

“It started off fine but then I didn’t know what to say and he ended up talking the whole time and I
was listening for a bit but then started just nodding and going “oh, uh-huh” and I hate this! I hate
not knowing what to say o-or do! It’s so unlike me…you both make me feel out of my element” Jay
says as sits in the chair adjacent to Jungwon.

“It’s this thing called a challenge Jay,” Jungwon teases, only to receive an eyeroll in return.
“ Haha ! I’m serious Jungwon. We don’t have any common interests and conversation runs out
quickly. I need you to come back and be a buffer. I-I do so much better when you’re by my side”

“No no sir you do not need me acting as a buffer and I will not do it. You will get over the
awkwardness. As for the interests, just talk to each other, teach each other about your hobbies and
boom conversation!”

“And if that doesn’t work?

“Then just talk to him like you’re talking to me!” Jay doesn’t find it helpful as he rolls his eyes.

“Oh like a bubbling buffoon,” it’s self-defeating to make himself the butt of the joke but Jay lives
off self-destruction.

“Exactly! If I can fall in love with it, so can Sunoo!” Jungwon jokes giving Jay’s shoulder a pat.

“I can’t tell if you’re complimenting me or insulting me,” honestly Jay can’t tell not sure if he
wants to either.

“Maybe a little of both”

“I'll make you sleep on the floor.” Jay’s voice is flat when he says it but Jungwon knows he’s all
bark and no bite.

“You will not because you can’t sleep unless the nest smells like me and you”

“I hate you”

“Love you too!”

The week went by in a blur of muscle pain, grass stains and stress but now it’s Friday. Walking
around campus, tension is high. Jungwon can feel the underlying excited buzz from the entire
school as the night they’ve been waiting for is finally here. The first nightball game of the season.
Older students and even students in his own year cheered for Jungwon and the other nightball team
members that passed by, everyone wanting to wish the players luck for the game. It allows for a
warm feeling to settle in Jungwon’s gut but it could be due to the fact that he’s always been a
sucker for praise.

“So I’ve been thinking-” Jungwon starts only to get a snort from Sunoo

"That's never good"


"Sorry sorry. You were thinking, and?"

"C-could we do something before the game? Like all of us?" Jungwon bites on his bottom lip after
asking. He'd thought about it all week. This was a big night for him and Sunghoon so it makes
sense for them all to do something together right? He thought so until he saw a sympathetic smile
make its way onto Sunoo's face.

"I would say yes but…things haven't been well at home," Sunoo’s confession jolts something in

"Why? What's going on?"

‘How did I not know?’ Jungwon thinks. He should be able to know, to be able to tell something
had been wrong with Sunoo but he hasn’t and neither has Jay. Jungwon is sure that if Jay knew
he’d say something. Maybe it’s because Sunoo is good at hiding things, always leaving them to
worry when the aftermath hits. He should talk to Sunoo about that but not now. That’s something
he can fix later he needs to stay in the present.

"We're barely speaking to each other and…Sunghoon-he… I shouldn't be saying this," Sunoo’s
hand goes to his wrist, neatly trimmed nails digging into the healed skin where his injuries once
were. The memories of the tattered torn flesh send a wave of nausea over Jungwon. He places a
hand on Sunoo’s stopping him from scratching anymore.
"No no let me in. I wanna help," he says slowly trying not to imagine Sunoo’s arms, dried blood
caked on the side of decaying skin that was slowly beginning to peel and fall off. Jungwon should
add see a therapist to the list of things he needs to do.

"Sunghoon hasn't been sleeping with us I think it's cause Jake's still scared..of him"

That’s news to Jungwon. He doesn’t know anything about what’s been going on in Sunoo’s home
other than Sunghoon was sick and Sunghoon hadhurt Sunoo but was Jake involved too? Did he get
injured, were his injuries just as bad? Suddenly calling Jake rises higher on Jungwon’s priority list.

"Why would he be scared? Cause hyung hurt you?"

"H-he hurt Jake too but Jungwon I swear I swear on my life he didn't mean it. He didn't mean to but
it happened and it's just been a mess ever since. I can't get Jake to talk about it and Sunghoon
doesn't come home until late and he's gone early in the morning….I want to help them so bad but
they're pushing each other away"

"Hey hey it's ok-"

"It's not Jungwon. I love them so much."

"I know you do." Jungwon says. He’s not sure anything else would be helpful right now. Sunoo
allows himself to cry for a minute or two before he laughs, fanning his face with his right hand.

"I'm sorry. didn' mean to get all emotional on you like that,'' he laughs while using his sleeve to
wipe under his eyes.

“Don’t be sorry. I understand”

“Maybe not this game…hell maybe not even the next one but hopefully soon we can do something
together ok.”

Jungwon wonders how Sunoo can act with such optimism. He wonders why he feels like he needs
to put on an act for Jungwon. He doesn’t care if Sunoo is sad, he’s allowed to be sad, to show that
part to Jungwon because he will always be there to hold Sunoo and let him cry it out until he feels
better. Maybe Sunoo will know that one day, maybe he’ll lean on Jungwon.


“I’ll still be in the stands with Jay and Jake cheering for you ok?” Sunoo says, moving closer to rest
his forehead against Jungwons.

“O-k” Jungwon murmurs, his voice coming out squeaky. His face breaks out with an embarrassed
blush that covers his neck as well. Sunoo can’t help but giggle, finding him adorable. Without
thinking, the older man leans forward, giving Jungwon’s nose a small peck. It shoots a zing down
Jungwon’s spine that has him squirming in his seat.

“O-oh…w-what was that?” Jungwon murmurs. Sunoo beams with happiness as he places another
kiss on Jungwon’s nose.

“I have to go now but I think you just helped me figure out what to do” Sunoo says. He begins to
shut his books and notebooks, stacking them and shoving them in his backpack in one go.

“W-wait Sunoo hyung!” Jungwon whines as he reaches for Sunoo but the older was already on his
way out.

“See you tonight Jungwonnie!” Sunoo shouts as he runs out of the library. Jungwon mindlessly
stares at the doors Sunoo just went through. his hand travels to his back thumbing at the bottom of
his spine where a faint buzz lingered. With a grunt of annoyance Jungwon returns to his book to
work on his assignments but his mind was split in two. His nerves about the game tonight and a
new found curiosity in Kim Sunoo. Their first game of the season and his first night as an eclipse
nightball player. It was a lot of pressure, a lot to be nervous about and it had been his main focus of
the day, until Sunoo sent a lightning bolt down his spine. Something about Sunoo was different,
different than any omega he’d ever met in the same sense that Sunghoon is different from any
alpha he’d ever met. Two peas in a pod, an enigma of alpha and omega. But what was it about
them? What was so special about Sunghoon and Sunoo? He knows Sunoo isn’t like him, an omega
born under the blue moon. Their birthdays are too far apart but Sunghoon, the alpha, falls within
range of a true alpha, but just barely. It was plausible, but it doesn’t account for Sunoo. There isn't
some mythical reason for Sunoo to be special so why is it that Jungwon feels like he is? That his
omega knows Sunoo is special and totally different from everyone else?

“Focus Jungwon!” the omega scolds himself. He doesn’t have time to think about these things.
Once again Jungwon turns to his books, finally focusing on the task at hand. He works though two
assignments finally getting into a nice groove before his phone interrupts his focus. The device
blasts loudly causing the other students to shoot him a glare.
“Sorry sorry,” he mutters while his thumb swipes the green button to answer the call.

“What?” he hisses annoyed that he was losing momentum.

“I was just checking to make sure you were coming home before needing to head in,” Jay huffs
annoyed with Jungwon’s attitude.

“What time is it?”

“It’s already six”

“Shit” Jungwon curses loudly earning a series of “shh” from the crowd of students in the library.
He mutters a half hearted apology before answering Jay “…ok um if i leave soon I can still catch
the 6:15 bus”

“Sounds good. Be safe.”

“Always am.”

“Love you.”

“Love you too bye” Junngwon quickly hangs the phone up, shoving it into his backpack along with
his books and assignments before hiking the bag onto his shoulder and hightailing it out of the
library to catch the bus.

“Hyung!” he calls once he reaches home.

“Hey I’m here. Foods on the table and your extra cleats and your other stuff is packed in your bag”
Jay says as he rounds the corner. He takes Jungwon’s backpack from him and his jacket, letting
Jungwon go to the table to eat.

“Thank you. Sorry I'm late, got wrapped up in homework”

“I figured, hence why I was oh so kind to pack everything for you”


“So…big game day”


“And you’re sure you’re ready?”

“Yeah of course. I didn’t struggle for half a month during practice just to give up now,” Jungwon
says. Off to the side Jay’s phone dings with a notification.

“I’m just worried about you getting hurt,” Jay says as he picks his phone up. His eyes scan over the
screen momentarily before setting it aside.

“You’re always worried about that.”

“Yeah well if omegas didn’t get skeletal fractures from this game then I wouldn’t be so worried, or
severe concussions, getting into fights! That stuff is scary," Jay says, counting the events on his
fingers. Too many things could happen and each of the possibilities worry him to no end.

“ Yes but we’re college level sports and that stuff hasn’t happened with our school before”

“It could,” Jay says.

“But I doubt it, Sunghoon will be there…” Jungwon says mindlessly as he continues to eat.

“I’m just worried ok,” Jay’s phone goes off with another round of notifications but he doesn’t reach
for it.
“Wing players don’t really get tackled. Too quick,” Jungwon says with a wink.

“Whatever lightning mcqueen,” Jay jokes but it goes right over Jungwon’s head.

“Who?” he questions. A look of disappointment crosses Jay’s face for a moment but he doesn’t
build on it.

“No one,” Jay answers as another text comes in.

“Your phone keeps going off. You gonna message them back?” Jungwon questions. Clearly
someone was trying to reach him and Jay usually never lets someone wait too long for a response.

“I will. It’s just Sunoo.” the older says dismissively.

“Oh, then I’m really surprised you aren’t messaging back,” Jungwon teases. He finishes off the last
pieces of food quickly before getting up to put the dishes in the sink.

“I’m going to pee and then we can leave.”


Jungwon quickly uses the bathroom and then they’re in the car making their commute back to
school. ‘

“Good luck”

“Thanks hyung”

“I’ll be cheering for you!” Jay sing-songs as Jungwon disappears into the building.

Walking into the locker room Jungwon’s head begins to spin with the amped up pheromones
circling the room. Alpha musk was all he could smell making him gag.
“You’ll get used to it,” Jaehyuk says as he passes Jungwon.

“The smell?”

“Yeah. It’s a lot but you’ll get used to it,” the omega repeats.

“Hope so.” Jungwon moves to his locker, grabbing his things and quickly changing. He made sure
his shoes were on tight and his pads were in the right places before sitting on the bench. Most of
the team had gathered now, loud chatter bouncing off the walls.

“We’re going to win this game. Come on the Sunshine Academy? Second rate school” Hanel
shouts bumping shoulders with Youngjae .

“Shut up, don’t underestimate them, that's how we lose!”

“Haven't you been listening to anything I’ve said? We will WIN!” Haneul shouts egging on the
other team members who begin shouting with him.

“Idiots,” Jungwon huffs. He looks around the room seeing everyone smiling, dancing, yelling like
idiots and then he finds Sunghoon. He was sitting on a bench with Jisung hovering over his back
putting pain patches on. Sunghoon had tried masking his facial expressions but Jungwon could see
his face contorted with pain each time Jisung applied pressure to apply the patches properly.

‘Sunghoon hasn't been sleeping with us I think it's cause Jake's still scared..of him….Jungwon
I swear I swear on my life he didn't mean it. He didn't mean to but it happened and it's just been
a mess ever since’

Sunoo’s words bounce in his head and Sunghoon begins to make sense if only a little. He wasn’t
getting the extra tackle saves for the glory or an attaboy. He was punishing himself for hurting
Sunoo. Each tackle he gave and received, every drill he did twice as much as everyone else, the
extra hours in the gym, all of it was a huge punishment he gave himself.

‘You really are different’ Jungwon thinks. He looks away before Sunghoon can catch him staring
and moves into the mass chaos of the locker room which didn’t last long the second coach Yang
and coach Park stepped inside.
“Alright listen up! Hey I said listen up!” coach Yang shouts. The room goes dead silent, the sound
of heartbeats filling in the quiet.

“We’ve trained up to this point for this day, for this game. They’re here, at our school, on our field,
on our terf. Are we gonna let them win?”

“No Sir!”

“Are we gonna let those sunshine hippies come in and beat us?”





And hell finally breaks loose. The team shove their helmets on their heads and begin to file out of
the locker room jogging down the hall, out the doors and onto the brightly lit field with hundreds
of spectators waiting in the stands, half routing for them, the other half for their opponents.

“You excited?!” Jinho shouts as he jogs beside Jungwon.

“Um yeah!” Jungwon answers his voice thick with nerves. It was happening now, the first game.

“Aw come on! You don’t have to be nervous!” Jinho slows down a bit. He moves to wrap an arm
around Jungwon’s shoulders but his movements get intercepted. Instead of Jinho’s arm going
around him, it’s Sunghoons.

“We have to talk,” the alpha says, forcing Jungwon to stop jogging.
“But the game,” Jungwon tries to get out of Sunghoon’s grip but the alpha tightens his arm around
his shoulders.

“Now’s not the time for talking Park,” Jinho says, clearly annoyed at Sunghoon’s interruption.

“Was I talking to you?”

“Move your asses boys!” coach Park shouts pushing them along.

“Go,” Sunghoon says, nodding his head towards the team. Jinho takes the hint and walks away
joining the rest of the team. Sunghoon walks with Jungwon, his arm still secure around the shorter
man's shoulders.

“Watch out for the teams #47 he’s faster than you and will steal the ball quickly if you’re not
careful. And #19 he’s the main tackler so watch out for him. He usually covers #47 and #31 so
watch your surroundings” Sunghoon explains as he discreetly points out the other teams players.

“I can handle myself Sunghoon,” Jungwon says with an eye roll. Sunghoon glares down at him.

“Just listen to what I am telling you, got it? If you run into trouble, drop straight down and forget
the ball. It’s not worth getting dog piled for. ”

“Why would I do that? Wouldn’t it be better to just pass it or try and make a shot?”

“Jesus, do you ever just listen? Fine then pass it to whoever is open or chuck it and try and score a
point, but do not get dog piled,” Sunghoon stresses. Jungwon shouldn’t be annoyed, it’s solid
advice but Sunghoon had all week to tell him this so why tonight, why now? Was he afraid
Jungwon was going to screw this up? Jokes on him because Jungwon doesn’t plan on fumbling
tonight. No he plans on getting the most shots tonight. He’ll show Sunghoon.

“Anything else?” Jungwon asks sassily. Sunghoon doesn't say anything but releases him and joins
the team on the field.
“Alright boys this is it. Once the coin hit’s the field the game begins to be ready. Listen and watch
for each other and bring home a win” coach Park says before sending the team onto the field.
Hanel walks to center field along with the team capital of the Sunshine team. Jungwon listens as
Haneul choses heads for the coin toss and then the coin is up in the air. It’s almost in slow motion
with the dramatic whistling of the sides of the coin against the air as gravity pulls it back to the


[ ]

JINYOUNG!!” the announcer says, her voice booming through the speakers.



“Don’t worry! Let’s go guys, we got this!” Haneul shouts over the noise of the sunshine students
cheering from their half of the stands. The team repositioned themselves on the field face to face
with the Sunshine team. The second the whistle is blown they all move into action.

Jungwon feels like Jiro was right to say not to underestimate the Sunshine team. He thought their
team was good, Jinho as their enforcer with nothing but brute alpha strength, him as a wing player,
Haneul as their center and captain, Jisung and Jiro as backs and Sunghoon and Jaehyuk as their
forwards. They worked in almost perfect harmony but the Sunshine team were showing them true
teamwork. The team seemingly read each other's minds, bodies moving in sync around the field not
even a shout exchanged between them.

By halftime the Sunshine team was already up 50-0 but both teams were a mess. Jerseys were
drenched with sweat, hair matted under their helmets. Jungwon chugged a bottle of water while
listening to coach Yang angrily flip through their playbook while barking out orders.

“Jungwon!” he shouts eyes locking onto Jungwon’s “You’re up, kid! I don’t care what you all do,
just get him the ball and let him run like hell!”

“Yes Coach!”
“They’re up 50 points already! You want your school looking at you like losers!?” another shout,
from coach Park this time.

“No SIR”

“Then play like it!” Yang shouts before sending them back on the field.

“Jiro, Jaehyuk back Jungwon up, Jinho take #19 out, everyone else clear the way for Jungwon and
let him run” Haneul says. The team gives their replies back before forming a ‘v’ on the field.

“Feeling the pressure Haneul?”

“You wish Tae,” Haneul grits out as he faces the Sunshine teams captain.

“Teams ready?” the ref calls looking at the captains who give the ready sign. When the whistle
blows Jungwon can feel his heart hammering in his chest. It’s seconds before the ball is in
Haneul’s hands and he’s off running. Jungwon pushes off the ground with his left foot first
charging forward to catch up. It feels like life or death when Haneul chucks the ball in his
direction. Jungwon is behind not exactly close enough to easily catch it but not not close enough.
His arms thrust out as far as they can, the ball grazing against the bit of skin of his wrist exposed
from under his sleeve. It feels like he’s holding gold when he brings his arms in clutching the ball
to his chest and he freezes.


“R..UNN!” Haneul shouts but it’s muddled in Jungwon’s ears. He looks around and sees someone
charge for him. He can't tell if it's another player or his own teammate but it makes his body react
and soon he’s running. The noise of the stadium drowns out under the sound of his heart drumming
in his ears as he runs down field. Within seconds he’s within range. His arm reals back before
shooting forward. It feels like water rushing through his fingers when the ball flies cutting through
the air hitting the goal sending the rings in a spiral of black and red.


Their side of the stadium breaks out in vicious screams of joy followed by several long winded
howls. Jungwon gets jostled by his team mates as they surround him with nothing but happiness
rolling off their body.

“YANG JUNGWON! YANG JUNGWON!!” someone shouts from the field but not just any
someone, Kim Sunoo. Jungwon turns to the stands seeing Sunoo jumping up and down while
shaking Jay’s shoulders. A blush coats Jungwon's face, easily seeing Sunoo and Jay there watching
and cheering him on. Even Jake is there clapping with joy but it could be from seeing Sunoo so

Jungwon turns away from the stands wanting to push his blush and excitement down. It’s too early
to celebrate, the game isn’t over. It feels like hours when the third quarter ends and the final quarter
begins. Jungwon’s legs burn from exertion as he runs trying to get the ball. They’re still losing 80-
60 in favor of the sunshine team but they’re not willing to lose.

The ball ends up in his possession again but Jungwon is stuck. He’s too far down to try and score
and there’s a cluttered mess in front of him. His only way is around and he goes for it. His chest
heaves with each step as he charges forward. He feels unstoppable, like he’s going to be clear. His
arm winds back to make the shot but something shocks him to his core. #19 headed right for him.
Jungwon’s arm goes lax, his body tensing, bracing ready for a tackle that never comes. #19 goes
down in a flash of red and yellow and Jungwon hears shouting.

“MAKE THE SHOT DAMN IT!” Haneul shouts from down field. Jungwon regains focus
chucking the ball making another shot just before he’s tackled to the ground. It’s painful when his
shoulder makes contact with the ground, a body landing on top of him but it fades when he hears
the cheers from their school and team erupt across the field. The sunshine player gets off him
leaving Jungwon on the ground panting. A hand extends out to him and Jungwon looks up to see
Park Sunghoon smiling down at him.

“Damn, you can shoot,” Sunghoon teases as he helps Jungwon up. Jungwon scoffs at that, rolling
his eyes playfully as he clasps his hand with Sunghoon’s so the alpha can help him up.

“Course I can pig head,” he says back, earning a chuckle from Sunghoon.

“Yeah yeah just don’t get cocky, omega ” the alpha says while playfully bumping his shoulder
against Jungwons. Unlike all the other times Sungwon had called him “omega” this one is oddly
nice, enjoyable even. Jungwon doesn’t have time to dwell on it because just like that they’re setting
up to go again, the euphoria from his last shot wearing off quickly.
The rest of the fourth quarter goes by in a flash ending with anger and regret for the Eclipse team
as the Sunshine Academy students flood the field after the win. It takes awhile for security to clear
the field again allowing the two teams to give their respects for a good game. After it’s done they
head to the locker room. When he walks in Jungwon feels like throwing up with all the negative
smells in the room. He forgoes taking a shower and quickly strips off his sweat soaked uniform to
put on his sweats instead.

“Good game Jungwon,” Jinho says as Jungwon passes him on his way out.

“Yeah nice shots”

“Thanks guys. See you next practice,” Jungwon murmurs as he leaves. The humid spring air hits
him in the face once he’s outside. It makes his clothes stick uncomfortably to his skin, the material
agitating him with every step.

“JUNGWON!” Sunoo shouts. Jungwon looks up to see the omega running for him.

“You did so well!” Sunoo’s declaration of a job well done makes Jungwon deadpan.

“We lost.”

“Yeah but you did amazing! You scored twice! It was awesome!” Sunoo exclaims as he sways

“Thanks,” Jungwon sighs, giving up on convincing Sunoo out of his overly happy state.. “What are
you guys wearing?” he questions next. Jungwon doesn’t know how he missed it when he looked at
them in the stands but Jay, Sunoo and Jake were all wearing Eclipse jerseys but not the spirit wear
they sold at school. This was much different. It had Jay and Sunoo written all over them with the
dark colors, attention to every detail from the numbering font to the perfect stitches and overuse of

“Do you like them? We made them yesterday” Sunoo says as he pulls at the hem shyly.

“Sunoo forced me to” Jay murmurs but Jungwon could tell Jay was just as eager, if not more than

“Jay put them together?” Jungwon questions getting a quick nod from Sunoo which confirms his
“With my design”

“I changed some of it”

“It was still based on my design” Sunoo and Jay argue back and forth on who the real designer was
for a minute, maybe two until Jungwon covers both of their mouths.

“Shut up already! They look great no matter whose design it was.”

“Thank you but you should know that is was- Sunghoon!” Sunoo stops his declaration of
ownership to call out to his mate. Sunghoon had his hand clutched to his gym bag and his head
down like he hadn’t intended on talking to anyone. He hesitates for a moment deciding if he should
join them or not before deciding to just go with it.

“Hey” the alpha says, his voice straightened as he greets Jay.

“Hey?” Jay says back almost unsure.

“Hi,” Sunghoon says to Jake much softer this time but he doesn’t dare meet his mates eye and Jake
doesn’t even reply.

“What are you wearing?”

“Homemade jerseys! You like?” Sunoo says beaming with pride as he poses, showing off the
jersey. Sunghoon scans the jersey on Sunoo, then Jake and finally Jay.

“Why do you have my number?” Sunghoon asks Jay. The oldest omegas face grows hot as he
clutches the hem.

“Grabbed it by accident…are you mad?” he questions, glancing at Sunghoon.

“No.” Sunghoon says shortly and Jungwon can’t tell. His scent was thick with a smokey like smell,
something Jungwon was beginning to identify with Sunghoon’s anger.
“Well Jake is wearing your number! Jungwon’s too look” Sunoo says, showing off Jake. On his
front was Sunghoon’s number while Jungwon’s was on the back.

“Neat right?” Sunoo says with a smile. Sunghoon nods slowly.

“Yeah…I’m going to head home now ok?” he says, adjusting his bag on his shoulder. He gives a
curt bow to the group ready to make his leave but Sunoo stops him with a gentle hand on his

“Wait, let's go together! We need to talk anyways” he says. Sunoo grabs Jake’s wrist in one hand
and Sunghoon’s in the other.

“See you guys tomorrow! Great job Jungwonnie! You’ll get em next time!”

“Thanks hyung!” Jungwon says back as he smiles and waves until Sunoo turns his back, walking in
between his mates.

“Ready to go?” Jay questions. Jungwon lets his smile drop as he nods to Jay and heads for the
parking lot.

Jungwon doesn’t say anything during the drive, or even the walk to their apartment.

“You did good,” Jay offers hoping to get a reaction but Jungwon simply toes his shoes off.


“I didn’t know you could run like tha-”

“I’m really tired hyung so I think I’m going to just take a bath and sleep.” Jungwon doesn’t mean
to be dismissive. He appreciates Jay trying but he’s not in the mood for it tonight. Tonight he wants
to wallow in the pity and disappointment of the loss.

“Yeah no that sounds good,” Jay says. He watches as Jungwon heads to the bathroom, the door
shutting behind him. When he gets the bath set up Jungwon sinks in slowly, finally feeling the
soreness in his legs now that he’d stopped moving. Relaxing in the bath Jungwon lets his eyes
flutter shut allowing his mind to replay the game. What could he have done better, how could he
have helped his team more? They could have won tonight so what could he have done? The
question stumps him because what could he have done? He did everything he could with every
opportunity, even Sunghoon seemed satisfied with his work cause the alpha smiled. Jungwon sees
it in his head, the way Sunghoon smiled. It was a small smile, nothing like the smiles Sunoo

“He’s so pretty when he smiles. Sunghoon’s got these little dimples high in his cheeks and his
nose sorta scrunches a bit and his canines show. When his natural canines show you know he’s
really happy”

Sunghoon hasn't smiled at him like that but Jungwon had seen his lips quirk up in a small smile
and even caught a glimpse of a dimple even if it wasn’t fully etched into the alphas face. Jungwon
won’t say it out loud but it was a cute smile paired with an oddly playful Sunghoon.

“Yeah yeah just don’t get cocky, omega”

Omega . The way the word rolled off Sunghoon’s tongue it wasn’t derogatory or demeaning. It
was playful, sweet…almost fond. Was fond the right word? Jungwon doesn’t know it just made
him feel just a little fluffy inside.

Without realizing it the omega’s cheeks dust pink as a lopsided smile crosses his face. His scent
changes, his natural honeysuckle smell taking on just an extra twinge of sweetness that’s enough to
be intoxicating around the right company…around the right alpha.

“…omega…my omega” Sunghoon’s voice rings in Jungwon’s ears pulling him

down deep. Jungwon feels like he’s floating on a cloud, a fluffy warm but secure cloud carrying
him through the sky to another world.

“Jungwon what the hell!” Jungwon’s peace is startled when Jay’s holding onto him. Jungwon’s
nose and lungs burn as he coughs up water and spit, the liquid spilling from his mouth and into the
bath. Wait water when did that-

“Thank god I checked on you! Why are you trying to drown yourself?! Over a game?! Was it that
serious to you?!” Jay stresses. His eyes are full of unshed tears as he peers down at Jungwon who
struggled to catch up with reality.

“Drown?…was’t drown’in” he slurs. Jay curses under his breath realizing Jungwon had slipped
into omega space but from what? A bath? Had he been that stressed?

“Ok let’s get you cleaned up and straight into the nest”

“Nooo! No ‘m fine jus’ need tah” Jungwon blinks several times trying to regain his focus.

“I can do it myself, just give me a… a minute.” Jungwon lays his head against Jay’s thighs as he
regains himself. When he’s come back enough he washes quickly and rinses before climbing out of
the tub with Jay’s help. Together they clean up the spilled water before Jungwon gets dressed
properly and secured into the nest by Jay who won’t stop fussing. Jungwon lets him knowing he
needs this to be sane and sleep tonight. Jungwon had not only dropped unexpectedly but he almost
drowned all without him knowing. He doesn’t know why it happened but something ticks in his
mind and now he really knows there’s something different about Sunghoon to make him react this
way and the thought alone is enough to keep him up all night.

Chapter End Notes

Chapter went a bit slower than the others but the last few have been a lot with
sunghoon’s split personality and all the drama going on so i slowed it down with the
sorta filler chapter but there were some easter eggs tossed in there. What do you guys
think? Personally i think the night ball scenes are bad so i probably won’t write from
sunghoon and jungwons pov during games cause i dont know how to write sports
scenes! I hope you enjoyed this chapter if you did please show it some love! Next
chapter we’ll get some jake pov since he’s been sorta in the background and we’ll see
his pov during the game cause something big happens!

Hope you all are doing well. Stay safe, hydrated!

instagram: @storybird24
chapter thirty-four
Chapter Notes



- ptsd
- hurt jake
- mentions of previous assault
- i think that's all

read at your own risk. happy reading to all ❤️


See the end of the chapter for more notes

It was early, far too early for anyone to be awake at this hour but Jake couldn’t sleep. It had been
like this since it happened. Endless nightmares that hunted him the moment his eyes shut and his
body relaxed. He never got far into his nightmares before jolting awake and fleeing the house to
tired out his brain, to get the nightmare to stop playing in his mind. Tonight the moon seemed
brighter than usual as the gentle moon rays beat down Jake's back as his feet carried him farther
and farther away from the apartment. He doesn’t ever know where he’s going after he leaves
home, he just runs until his body says enough or until the memories he was attempting to run from
finally faded away.


“Hybrid scum”


Over a dozen voices rang in his mind as he ran. Jake pushed his body faster, harder, farther. He has
to run to get away from them before they catch him, before they drag him down and hurt him
again. Jake’s chest heaves and his lungs burn and he feels far enough, feels the smallest sliver of
safety but something quite literally snaps. His foot makes contact with a lone branch on the
sidewalk. It takes him by surprise, his ankle twisting awkwardly as his foot comes into contact
with the stray piece of wood. Before he knows it he’s going down. His hands fly out to catch
himself, the skin of his palms tearing when they make contact with the pavement. Jake whimpers
at the sting of freshly torn flesh and the ache in his knees but more importantly because of the
shadow on his back.

“Look at you, on your knees where you belong huh?”

“S-stop…please stop” Jake wails. There’s phantom pain in his shoulder, an old injury but his brain
mimics the pain he’d felt and it feels like the bones are forced out of place all over again.

“S-stop, I'm sorry! I’m sorry!” Jake begins to hyperventilate trying to force oxygen into his lungs
but it’s fruitvale. He’s being choked. Icy hands clasp tightly around his throat, stopping the blood
flow along with the airflow to his lungs and bruising his skin all at the same time.

“Puh-pu-pule-ase” he pleads. One hand goes flying to his throat hoping to pull the other hand off.

‘Please !’ Jake begs in his head. ' Don’t let this happen again!'

Jake’s eyes fill with tears as he feels all the eyes on him, staring, laughing, judging. It doesn’t
matter how much he pleads, they’re not going to help him. They’re not going to save him, they
never have. He has run through it a million times and it always ends the same.

“Look at me when I speak to you!”

Jake flinches but opens his eyes. His breath catches in his throat when he makes contact with bright
orange eyes rather than the blue green ones he remembers belonging to the monster who’d lured
him in and damaged him beyond repair.

Jake feels a momentary leep in his heart because he knows those eyes! It’s his Sunghoon, his
alpha, his mate who can save…save him. The joy fades just as quickly as it came remembering
those eyes, and that those hands had done the same thing. The face is different and somewhere in
his mind Jake knows Sunghoon is not a monster but in this moment they’re opposite sides of a coin
who share a body, who share the abuse and pain inflicted onto Jake.

Jake’s body trembles in double time. His arms give out too tired to hold him up and he falls over
rolling the short distance into the grass. He lays there, shaking, hyperventilating, dying as he’s
beaten over and over until it fades and he’s left blinking sleepily at the moon.
The hybrid feels numb all over when he finally picks himself up. There’s a gross combination of
snot, tears and mud on his face that he’d usually wipe away with disgust and embarrassment but he
does no such thing. Slowly Jake begins to stagger down the sidewalk, walking without a purpose.
He walks and walks until he finds somewhere that feels a little like hime, a comfort blanket
wrapped around him.

Hesitantly his hand comes up to press the bell. He hears it ring inside the quiet house and then
nothing. Not a movement, not a sound. He rings it a second time before giving up. Jake shouldn’t
be a bother, not this early so he heads down the halls to find somewhere else to go.

“Who is here at four am huh?” Wooyoung shouts as the door swings open. Jake, who’d only
walked maybe a quarter of the way down the hall, turns to blink at his cousin's mate.

“Jake?” the alpha questions in disbelief.

“Who’s here babe?” Felix mutters as he worms his way under Woooyoungs arm.

“It’s Jake,” Wooyoung whispers down to Felix. Felix’s eyes snap open as he looks down the hall to
see his cousin's tears and snot drying on his face.

“H-hi,” Jake says, his voice coming out scratchy. He lifts his hands to give a wave only for Felix to
gasp. He pushes Wooyoung out the way as he marches up to his cousin.

“Inside…now!” he demands.

It's quiet as they sit in the bathroom. Felix worked on picking the gravel out of Jake’s hands as
gently as possible to insure he wouldn’t hurt the younger but Jake couldn’t feel much of anything.
Although the trauma had left his brain the wave of numbness hadn’t left and instead continued to
crash over him, an endless wave keeping him under.

“Jake…Jakie” Felix says quietly. A hand goes to Jake’s head, nimble fingers carding through his
soft brown hair.

“Jake,” Felix says a final time, his worry even more present in his voice. Jake blinks lazily, his
eyes slowly panning up to Felix’s face.

“ ‘m sorry hyung…what did you say?”

“How do your hands feel?” Felix asks quietly. Confused Jake blinks a few times before holding his
hands up seeing bandages around his palms. A bit of blood had bled through, staining them red but
they didn’t hurt.

“They feel fine I guess.” Jake answers after a moment.

“How did it even happen? Better yet, why are you out so early?” Felix looks to Jake expectantly
but the beta doesn't answer right away. For a bit Jake considers lying it would be easier than
admitting the truth but Felix would know. They’ve grown up together and Felix knows Jake like he
knows the back of his own hand.

“I had a nightmare so I went for a run.” Jake mutters, his voice sounding weird to his own ears.
Felix licks his lips processing the information a bit before speaking.

“What did you have a nightmare about?”

“Australia,” Jake's voice is barely audible, even with his enhanced hearing Felix hardly heard it but
when the sounds combine and register in his brain his face loses color far too quickly.

“A-Australia?” he questions for confirmation. Jake just barely nods, his body beginning to stiffen
and switch to autopilot all over again.

“Did someone find out again? Do I need to call my mom and dad or your mom and dad?”

“Nothing happened…I just…it came up again” Jake hates liars and even worse he hates being one
but admitting that Sunghoon brought up his trauma wouldn’t do him any good. Jake has worked
really hard to get Felix to trust Sunghoon and admitting this would flush it down the toilet. Felix
will never, ever let Sunghoon see Jake again even if they are mated now. He’d tell their entire
family and have their bond be severed before he let Sunghoon see him again or even worse they’d
have Sunghoon killed.

True alphas aren’t treated well here like they are in Australia. They’re basically considered royalty
where Jake grew up, the elites, the most valued however here they’re feared, hunted and killed like
lowly rabid animals. It leaves a bad feeling in Jake’s gut lying to Felix almost with ease. There has
never been secrets before them and as badly as Jake wanted to tell Felix everything from
Sunghoon’s attack down to him being a true alpha Jake swore to Sunoo already and despite being
as hurt and angry as Jake is, he doesn't want that…to never be able to see Sunghoon again, to never
see Sunoo again. It would kill him first.

“It’ll be ok Jake,” Felix mutters as he pulls his cousin in for a hug.

“Do we need to start therapy again? I’m sure we can find someone for you, or get you on the
medication again?”

“No, I don't want the medicine. It made me feel even worse inside.'' The medicine only worked as
a bandaid. It stopped Jake’s brain from bleeding out memories of that day, it numbed the hurt but
once it wore off the memories flooded his mind like blood spilled from a wound and the pain came
back in ten folds.

Felix hums understanding Jake’s distaste for the medicine. Felix's hand continues to go through
Jake’s hair mindlessly as he thinks of another solution “Well then we can start with therapy again
to see if it helps.”

“Yeah maybe…Lix do you think I can just sleep? I’m usually ok to sleep after a run.”

“Of course baby. Should I stay with you? I’m sure Wooyoung won’t mind. He can sleep with us
too if it’ll help you feel better.”

“No you two can stay in your room. I’ll be fine on my own.”

“A-are you sure? Wooyoung really won’t mind.”

"I really won't!" Wooyung says from the other side of the door.

"Wooyoung!" Felix hisses. He leaves Jake to sit on the counter as he marches over to the bathroom
door. Once he tugs it open the anger he had over his privacy being invaded melts away.

"Sorry I couldn't help it! I was worried too…his scent is…wrong," Wooyoung explains with an
evident pout on his face. Felix sighs only a little upset he couldn't stay made at Wooyoung. He'd
rather have a nosey mate who cares about his family than one who doesn't.
"I understand that but next time just knock and ask don't ease drop it's rude"

"ok" Wooyoung says leaning in for a quick kiss.

Jake smiles softly at the two before jumping off the counter.

“I’m sure I'll be fine on my own Lix. Just show me where I can sleep,” Jake says with a gentle
smile. Felix stares at him before his lips purse, obviously not ok with letting Jake sleep alone but
he’d give into his cousin's wishes…for tonight at least.

“Come with me,” Felix says, taking Jake's hand. Wooyoung moves out the way letting Felix tend
to his cousin. The older man leads Jake to the couch, sitting him down before rushing off to get
things to make the couch comfortable.

“I don’t need you to tuck me in hyung,” Jake says with a dry chuckle as Felix pushes him down on
his back.

“Shh. Indulge me will you,” Felix says, tucking a pillow under Jake's head before covering him
nicely with the blanket making sure to tuck in the sides and hide the corners.

“Goodnight Jake. I love you,” Felix whispers before pressing a gentle kiss to Jake’s forehead. The
younger beta feels tears collect behind his eyelids but he keeps them closed not wanting Felix to
know how close he was to breaking all over again.

“Night” he whispers quietly. Felix ruffles his head a bit and soon Jake hears his bare feet slapping
against the tiled floor back to the bedroom where Felix doesn’t close the door, opting to leave it
open instead. Jake chuckles dryly when he realizes Felix left the door open to be able to hear him
in case Jake had another nightmare but it helps settle him. Nuzzling into the blanket Jake allows
his eyes to close as the exhaustion finally catches up with him.


Waking up to an empty bed was never all that pleasant. Waking up to an empty house was
devastating. Sunoo had expected to see that Sunghoon had gone, the presence of the alpha’s scent
already turning stale in the apartment. However Sunoo wasn’t expecting to find that Jake was gone
as well.
Had this been some months ago Sunoo’s first instinct would be to panic, crumble in a pile of
anxiety and sadness thinking that the beta had left them, had left him. Instead Sunoo occupies
himself by getting ready for the day.

‘Jake wouldn’t leave. He wouldn’t do that’ he repeats as he scrubs his body in the shower. He
believes it for the most part because this is Jake, their Jake who is big on communication and who
loves them. If he was going to leave them he would have said something. It’s the only thing
keeping the demons in Sunoo’s head at bay. It keeps him from thinking too hard about how Jake
make’s them good, how he balances out Sunoo and Sunghoon baggage and how they need him
probably more than he ever will need them. His shower goes on longer than necessary, his skin
rubbed raw from scrubbing over and over again as well as the heat from the water.

Sunoo throws on a random combination of clothes, his pants, Jake’s shirt and one of Sunghoon’s
hoodies. It’s becoming hotter outside and a hoodie is no longer needed but Sunoo finds that he
needs the comfort.

Going to the kitchen to try and eat something Sunoo hears the soft pitter patter of footsteps out in
the hall. He halts for a moment letting his hopes get the best of him for a moment.

‘It’s not him’ he tells himself as he takes a few more steps towards the kitchen but then he hears
the beeps of their keypad and every nerve in his body jumps. His socked feet slide against the floor
as he goes to run ready to greet whomever, Jake, Sunghoon, Sunoo doesn’t care he needs to see one
of them right now.

Jake hardly makes it a step in the apartment before Sunoo is rushing to him. The omega’s small
feet push against the floor launching himself up and into Jake’s arms. The beta is hardly able to get
a sound out before Sunoo is crashing his lips onto his. Sunoo hadn’t meant to ambush him with a
kiss, he really didn’t but his emotions overwhelmed him the anxiety from the morning finally
being released. He grips onto the hair at Jake’s nape pressing their lips together in a crushing kiss.
He bites licks and sucks whatever he can. It’s feverish, hot and far too wild for it being seven in the
morning and yet it was what they both needed.

“Sunoo,” Jake pants once Sunoo pulls back. Their chest heaves as they breath in each other's
scents, cheeks flushed. It’s not quiet arousal, maybe just love that makes their faces rosy and warm.
Being in a lover's embrace.

“Where were you?” Sunoo whispers against Jake’s neck.

“I was-”
“Wait no…don’t tell me. I’m just happy you’re back” Sunoo says. He presses a kiss to Jake’s lips,
softer this time less crazy.

“I wasn’t going to leave. Not for long at least,” Jake keeps his arms wrapped around Sunoo after
helping the omega settle on his own feet.


“Hey…you ok?” Jake presses his thumbs into the dips in Sunoo’s back before a hand lays flat
rubbing small soothing circles. He could smell the nerves leaking from Sunoo’s scent gland like a
faulty gas valve.

“I should be asking you that. What happened?” Sunoo holds onto Jake’s hand a finger gliding
across the bandage.

“I fell,” Jake’s answer is quick, almost too quick but also exactly Jake.

“Couldn’t sleep, not for long so I went out on a run. It went fine but then I tripped and scraped up
my hands,” Jake shows his palms to Sunoo for a brief moment “Stopped by a convenience store got
em all cleaned and bandaged.” the way the lie develops so easily, the words sliding right off his
tongue cause Jake to feel the slow rise of bile coming up his throat and he hopes Sunoo is too
preoccupied to notice.

“Be careful next time, ok? And send me a text that you’re gone so I’m I don’t-”

“I’m not going to leave you…either of you” the last part comes out like an afterthought like Jake
isn’t sure if he’d leave them… or maybe just Sunghoon Sunoo doesn’t know and he doesn’t think
he wants to know. It’s like pulling a thread in a sweater. You hope to get rid of just one little part
but pulling on that little string will just cause everything to unravel faster than your eyes can

“Let’s get ready for school ok?” Sunoo has to admit it’s not his best segue it’s too early and his
mind is a mess, this entire month has been a mess but he let’s it be his excuse as he leads Jake
down the hall to their bedroom.

“Take a shower, I’ll re-wrap your hands when you’re out.” Jake doesn’t protest, instead he follows
Sunoo’s silent order and heads into the bathroom.
When Jake is showered, dried and dressed Sunoo rewraps his hands, the skin seeming to heal
nicely. It’s smooth sailing from there as they work in sync, a little routine having been developed
since they moved in together. By eight they’re out of the apartment heading to campus.

“Do you have practice tonight?” Sunoo questions as they get closer to Jake’s class. That had
become part of their routine, Sunghoon usually walked Jake to his class but Sunoo had taken on
that role making sure to leave the beta with a sweet kiss.

“Hmm, when do I not anymore?” Jake chuckles but it comes out flat. Sunoo appreciates his efforts

“I’ll cook you dinner then, walk you home too?” Sunoo offers as he playfully bumps his shoulder
with Jake’s.

“You don’t need to do all of that, Sunoo. I can get home fine.” The beta says shortly not returning
Sunoo’s advances.

“So just cook you dinner! Sounds great” the omega choses to be unphased by Jake’s behavior.
He’d seemed to be like his emotions on a rollercoaster. Sunoo never knew if he was going to be up
or down. Sunoo’s declaration of cooking dinner seems to escalate the rollercoaster, the down loop
suddenly shooting upwards as Jake turns to Sunoo a playful glare on his face.

“You stay out of my kitchen,” the beta says with a finger pointing to Sunoo. Sunoo smiles,
reaching up to ruffle Jake’s hair.

“Believe it or not Jake, I can cook. I just choose not to.”

“Funnily enough Sunoo I do not believe you. You can hardly make ramyeon without burning
yourself,” Jake teases as he pushes on Sunoo’s forehead.

“Nope I totally can! You’ll see when I cook you dinner tonight”Sunoo replies easily ignoring
Jake's teasing despite it hurting his pride. He cooked just fine for himself and Sunghoon before
Jake joined them.

“You mean when you destroy my kitchen tonight,” Jake’s rebuttal is teasing but it earns him the
side eye from Sunoo.

“ Our . Our kitchen!”

“Nope, my kitchen!”

“My my my. When did Jakie get to be so selfish, hmm?” Sunoo says. He lets his voice drop an
octave knowing how it made Jake’s knees buckle. It seems to have the same effect right now as
Jake’s nostrils flare, the beta trying to keep himself in control.

“Sunoo-ah,” Jake says, his tone matching Sunoos. He takes a stepforward his apple pie scent
turning sharp, the spicy cinnamon scent that always laid fairly dormant burns at Sunoo’s nose in
the best way possible.

“Yes Jake?” Sunoo questions a faux pout on his face as he looks up at the older.

“Don’t start something you can’t finish, love” Jake says in English, his Australian accent making
heat flash through Sunoo’s abdomen.

“I’m sure I can handle it, love ,” Sunoo says back, his English not as perfect but just as effective.
It’s dangerous and not at all appropriate to be doing this here but Sunoo can’t help it. He hasn’t
realized that it wasn’t just Jake’s emotions on a rollercoaster. His were too as he advanced the
sexual tension between him and Jake as he subconsciously tried to fill the void in his chest, feeding
off Jake, taking and taking and taking hoping the ache Sunghoon left behind would just… stop

“You could have two meals tonight,” Sunoo says as he runs his hands over Jake’s chest. The beta
smiles and it’s oddly wolfish, nothing like the puppy smile Sunoo is used to seeing.

“I’ll look forward to it, just don’t burn my kitchen,” Jake whispers in Sunoo’s ear. He gives the
cartilage a small nip, loving the way Sunoo takes a sharp breath.

“Now be a good boy and go to class. Professor Baek doesn’t like it when you’re late,” Jake says,
sending Sunoo off with a quick slap to his butt. Sunoo squeaks, his eyes widening.

“J-Jake,” he whines.

“Told you not to try and start something you can’t finish. Now go to class seriously before Profesor
Beak gives you anymore crap.”
“Fine. I’ll see you later,” Sunoo makes sure not to leave without getting a goodbye kiss and once
Jake gives into his last request the omega is quick to leave the science building before he turns
around and jumps Jake’s bones in the hallway. Sunoo’s only partly thankful that his class is on the
other side of campus giving him time to regain control of his mind and scent. One foot in front of
the other Sunoo walks to his building when he feels an arm go around his waist pulling him close
to a body.

“You know, a pretty omega like you shouldn’t walk around smelling like that,” a deep voice
rumbles out.

“Oh yeah? What should I smell like then?” Sunoo says, tilting his head up to look at Jay. The older
smiles down at him.

“Me of course!”

“You’d like that wouldn’t you?”

“I would actually,” Jay lets Sunoo go so the younger can turn to face him full on.

“What are you doing here? You’re usually not on campus for…” Sunoo takes his phone out of his
hoodie to check the time “Another hour!” The younger omega looks to the older expectantly
noticing Jay’s shy crooked smile as he uses his pointer finger to scratch behind his ear.

“I just wanted to see you,” Jay admits. Sunoo can’t hide his smile as he reaches up brushing his
fingers through Jay’s hair.

“Because you missed me or because you want to check and see if I have more injuries?” There's no
malice behind Sunoo’s words but Jay feels called out.

“Is it a crime?” he questions. The urge to break eye contact with Sunoo is strong especially when
the younger looks at him like he could read right through him and slice him in half but Jay doesn’t
falter. His eyes stay locked on Sunoo’s searching for something, a hint that maybe he’d been right
about Sunghoon.

“No it’s not but I told you-”

“I know what you said…it won’t stop me from worrying” Jay says, cutting Sunoo off.
“You’re cute,” the younger one states with a teasing smile. The sudden statement makes Jay’s
brows fur.

“I am not cute,” he stays with a child-like huff of annoyance.

“You totally are! Especially now! How is your angry face cuter than your normal face?”

“Kim Sunoo…” Jay squares his face attempting to be serious but it goes right over Sunoo’s head.

“Park Jongseong,” Sunoo says a teasing lilt in his voice that’s just on the cusp of being

“Um…Jungwon has his game tonight…Sunghoon too I uh guess. Would you like to watch
together?” Jay curses at himself for being so incredibly soft for his mates. It didn’t help that they
both were incredibly charming with beautiful smiles that washed his anger away in milliseconds.

“I thought that was a given but yeah. Jake and I will watch with you,” Sunoo beams and Jay feel a
little embarrassed he’d forgotten about Jake and that his attempt at a somewhat date had been

“Ah yes Jake…great! Great…um I should let you get going, you seemed like you were in a hurry
before I stopped you..sorry,” his skin burns with his own second hand embarrassment, his flight or
fight response causing his anxiety to tell him to run for the hill.

“Don't be sorry I was just heading to class. Honestly, I feel like skipping. Tell me Jay-ah will you
skip class with me?” Sunoo looks to Jay batting his lashes slightly. Jay’s anxiety goes mute for a
moment as he admires Sunoo’s eyes.

“ would but I have an important lab to participate in so uh..” his mind goes blank,
grasping for words but his mouth and his brain fail him. Sunoo’s head tips back with a laugh as a
hand rushes to cover the lower half of his face.

“Relax Jay-ah I was only kidding. I would never really have you skip class. I should get going
though,” the younger says with a playful slap to Jay’s chest.
“Ok! Um see you tonight!” Jay says quickly retreating from the situation before his heart

“Definitely!” Sunoo says with a wave.

“Ahh Kim Sunoo. Late as ever,” Mr.Baek says once Sunoo walks into the room.

“Sorry Professor. I got lost again,” Sunoo pouts using the same excuse since the beginning of the

“I got lost again,” the professor mimics rolling his eyes. “Should we get you a private escort so you
can make it to class on time?”

“Would that be possible?” Sunoo asks sarcastically. He grows amused when the vein in the
professor's neck procedures, his forehead becoming shiny with sweat as his blood pressure rises
from pure annoyance.

“Sit in your seat… now!”


Sunoo does end up skipping a few classes after Professor Baeks long lecture. He just didn’t have
the energy for it so he ends up in the library with Jungwon. The younger seemed pretty adamant on
needing to study before the big game tonight and Sunoo…Sunoo just didn’t want to be alone. His
notes and books were open but he hadn’t touched them, his attention focused on his phone.

Soo the big game is tonight…good luck! - k.s.

Don’t get hurt ok… - k.s.

Will we see you after? - k.s.

He’d only sent three messages opting to try and not annoy Sunghoon but the alpha hadn’t even
indulged Sunoo in reading the messages.

“So I’ve been thinking-” Jungwon says and Sunoo finds himself snorting.
“That’s never good,” he says playfully. For the first time all evening he sets his phone aside.

“Hey!” Jungwon says his face scrunching into that angry kitten look Jay is always talking about.
Sunoo understands why the older one finds it so cute.

“Sorry sorry,” Sunoo apologies with a soft smile “you were thinking and?”

“C-could we do something before the game? Like all of us?” Sunoo blinks at the question, not
expecting Jungwon to want to do anything with all of them. He’s sure Jungwon isn’t Sunghoons
biggest fan either.

“I would say yes but..things haven’t been well at home.” Sunoo doesn’t know why he admits it.
Jungwon will only go and tell Jay who will worry ten times more about him causing the tide
between him and Sunghoon to rise only making things worse but the words just…slip.

“Why? What’s going on?” Jungwon’s genuine worry makes Sunoo’s heartache.

“We’re barely speaking to each other and….Sunghoon-he…I shouldn’t be saying this,” Sunoo says
with scoff. Subconsciously his hand goes to his wrist, his nails digging into his freshly healed skin
drawing angry red lines over his former injuries. He misses the way Jungwon wavers as the
younger recalls the way Sunoo’s arms used to look like.

“No no let me in. I wanna help,” Jungwon says, placing a hand over Sunoo’s stopping the

“Sunghoon hasn’t been sleeping with us…I think it’s cause Jake’s still scared…of him,” Sunoo
admits. His eyes close as he tries to keep the tears at bay

“Why would he be scared? Cause hyung hurt you?”

"H-he hurt Jake too but Jungwon I swear I swear on my life he didn't mean it. He didn't mean to
but it happened and it's just been a mess ever since. I can't get Jake to talk about it and Sunghoon
doesn't come home until late and he's gone early in the morning….I want to help them so bad but
they're pushing each other away," Sunoo’s eyes open as he stares at Jungwon reiterating that it has
never been Sunghoon’s intentions to hurt him, to hurt either of them. Sunoo doesn’t know it but
Jungwon wasn’t thinking of Sunghoon but that unconventionally he believes that Sunoo is pretty
always, even now when his eyes are full of unshed tears, the liquid sparking in the sunlight.

"Hey hey it's ok-"

"It's not Jungwon. I love them so much." and the dam finally snaps. Sunoo feels the tears spilling
down his face as he leans on Jungwon letting himself cry. He feels so pitiful, so useless. He
couldn’t even keep the mates he has together and now he’s dragging Jungwon into his mess. He’s
such a horrible friend.

“I’m sorry. Didn’ mean to get all emotional on you like that,” Sunoo says and he laughs. He feels
crazy, no hysterical for laughing but it’s the only reaction he could manage.

“Don’t be sorry. I understand,” Jungwon says, offering up a small smile.

“Maybe not this game…hell maybe not even the next one but hopefully soon we can do something
together ok?”

“Ok.” although Jungwon hopes they all can attend their mates game together, wow that sounds
weird still, Jungwon truely hopes Sunoo will be ok from this entire situation. He’s always been able
to see the strain it’s taken on him, hopefully Jungwon can do something about that before it’s too

“I’ll still be in the stands with Jay and Jake cheering for you ok?” Sunoo says, moving closer to rest
his forehead against Jungwons. As they sit there, foreheads pressed together a thought dawns on
Sunoo. Jungwon wanted to do something with all of them because they all would be in the same
place tonight meaning tonight Jake and Sunghoon would be in the same place, at the same time but
only both of them would be awake…both of them!

“O-k” Jungwon murmurs after a bit. Sunoo smiles admiring the way Jungwon’s voice squeaked a
bit as he spoke. Unable to contain himself Sunoo closes the bit of distance between them to place a
small kiss on the tip of Jungwon’s nose. He feels it the same time Jungwon does when a little zing,
almost like a mini bolt of lightning, shoots down his spine.

“O-oh…w-what was that?” Jungwon says, squirming in his seat. Sunoo beams with happiness as
he places another kiss on Jungwon’s nose.
“I have to go now but I think you just helped me figure out what to do” Sunoo says. He begins to
shut his books and notebooks, stacking them and shoving them in his backpack in one go.

“W-wait Sunoo hyung!” Jungwon whines as he reaches for him but Sunoo was already on his way.

“See you tonight Jungwonnie!”


“I need your help!” Sunoo says. It doesn’t bother him when all of Jay’s classmates' eyes are on
him. It’s the photography lab room, various students and projects scattered around the classroom as
the students get their prints together for an upcoming assignment. Jay apologizes for Sunoo’s
sudden outburst as he approaches the younger.

“Are you ok? What do you need help with?”

“Jungwon said you love cooking, well I need to put that to use now…we need to hurry and leave,”
Sunoo says. He grabs Jay’s wrist attempting to drag the older omega out of the classroom only to
be stopped.

“Sunoo hang on!” Jay exclaims tugging on his arm a bit. Sunoo stops dead in his tracks almost
causing Jay to slam into his back.

“You won’t help me?” Sunoo’s eyes are fierce when they lock onto Jay’s, the soft brown eyes
becoming tear filled as well.

“I will. I just need to grab my things first ok?”

“Oh right.” Sunoo mutters. He waits patiently for Jay by the door. Once Jay is in reach he’s
grabbing at the omegas wrist tugging him out of the building.

“M-mind telling me what you need help with?” Jay questions as he attempts to readjust his camera
bag on his shoulder while being dragged by Sunoo who surprisingly to Jay, has a lot of strength.
“Jungwon wanted us to all do something for the game but I won’t lie and say we’re in a place to do
that right now. However I have an idea to help move that forward and it involves two things,”
Sunoo says as he walks aimlessly. With a gentle hand Jay guides Sunoo in the direction of his car.

“And they are?”

“Food and homemade jerseys” Sunoo answers.

“What do the jerseys have to do with anything?” Jay questions referring to the jerseys he and
Sunoo made the other day. It was their night together and Jay wanted to show his support for
Jungwon by making jerseys in the school's colors. He hates the ones they sell at school so he made
some of his own with Sunoo. It had not only served as a fun project but made conversation easy as
they focused on the project and excitement leading up to the game.

“We’re gonna have to modify them. I know you worked really hard on them and I know this is a
very selfish ask but please Jay, I need your help to make this plan work.”

“What do we have to do?” Jay sighs, giving in. He can act all tough but when it boils down to it
he’s a sucker for pleasing people and Sunoo just happens to be pretty high up on that list. Sunoo
gives a grateful smile as they climb into Jay’s car.

The drive to the grocery store is full of Sunoo’s very animated speech as he breaks his plan down
for Jay from the jerseys down to making his mates dinner.

“We only have a handful of hours. Are you sure that galbitang is the best option for tonight?” Jay
wonders as he pushes the basket.

“I’m sure. Sunghoon only eats food with high protein and it’s very healthy. It’s a plus that Jake
loves it too.”

“Ok ok. I’m sure we can manage. Mind if I make enough for Jungwon and I to eat as well”

“Of course! It’s the least I could do! Ah and I’ll pay as well ok?”

“Sunoo I can pay for it, don't worry.” Sunoo stops in his tracks looking Jay up and down causing
the older to shift from foot to foot.
“Jay, I just dragged you out of your lab hours to help me. The least I can do for you is pay for the
food. Please let me do this.”Jay feels his chest tighten from Sunoo’s sincerity. He admitted Sunoo’s
heart he does but a bigger part of him still feels like he needs to prove himself, to pay for any and
everything that fill Sunoo’s desires.

“Fine, fine. Come on let’s get the ingredients so we can start cooking quickly” because deep down,
Jay admired being taken care of too. Sunoo shoots him a sweet smile of appreciation before turning
on his heels to face the vegetables.

“Should we get this?” Sunoo questions holding up two radish bunches upside down. The stems
hang down forming a makeshift beard. Catching a glimpse of him Jay chuckles.

“Put those down you goof” Jay says motioning for Sunoo to put the radishes in the basket.

“Oi young man, don’t command your elders” Sunoo says using his best “old man” voice. Sunoo
doesn’t think it’s the best impression he’s ever done but something about it causes a laugh to
bubbly out from Jay’s chest. It’s explosive and loud and probably the most genuine laugh Sunoo
has managed out of him.

“Yah seriously what was that Sunoo?” Jay giggles after he’s calmed down some from his laughing

“My old man impression! It was pretty good, no?”

Jay shakes his head, still very amused. “No, not even close.”

“Well then let’s see your old man impression then huh,” Sunoo thrusts the radishes to Jay’s chest
forcing him to take them. Jay almost looks displeased but he holds the radishes to his chin letting
the leaves hang down forming the beard. The sight alone makes Sunoo giggle but then it’s his turn
to explode with laughter when Jay starts to speak.

“Ah my back hurts. Sunoo-ah let’s hurry and shop so I can rest my feet! Aish, why is it so hot in
this store!”

“Are you secretly an old man? Yah, how did you do that so well!” Sunoo shouts as he slaps at
Jay’s arm, giggles still spilling past his lips. Jay rolls his eyes playfully before tossing the radishes
into the basket.

“Whatever let’s finish getting the ingredients,” he pushes the cart to another section of the produce
isle checking between his phone and the selection in front of him making sure he grabs the correct

“Ah! Jay-ah! I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have teased you so much.” Sunoo’s hand goes to his wrist
scratching at the skin.

“Whatever let’s just hurry.”

“Jay-ah” Sunoo whines again trailing after the older. Jay pretends to be immersed in looking for
quality ingredients while Sunoo continues to whine and apologize.

“Jay-hyung! ‘m sorry!” Sunoo attaches himself to Jay’s arm looking up at him with his best pouty

“I’m not really mad.”

“But you look mad.”

“I’m not mad.” Jay repeats as he knocks his head to Sunoo’s.


“Promise.” like magic Sunoo’s pout turns into a smile.

“Good now let’s hurry like you said” Sunoo beams. He helps Jay pick out the ingredients and soon
they’re heading to a craft store picking up some extra items for the jerseys before heading to
Sunoo’s apartment.

“Are you sure it’s ok that I’m here? Ya know without Sunghoon’s permission and all,” Jay says as
he trails after Sunoo. His heart hammers in his chest the closer they get to his mates apartment.

“It’s just as much my place as it is Sunghoon’s meaning you can come in if I say so,” Sunoo says
as he fishes through his pockets for his keys.

“ Yes but there is a hierarchy at play here, Sunoo.”

“Happy omega happy alpha.” Sunoo says with a grunt as he forces the door open with his

Jay winces the saying sounding far off from whatever it actually is. “Not sure that’s how the
saying goes but if you’re so confident,” he says apprehensive even as he steps inside.

“If you’re worried about running into Sunghoon don’t. He’s only here at night to sleep these days”
Sunoo says his tone bitter. Jay picks up on it but chooses not to say anything.

“So…what first?” Sunoo asks after dumping the grocery bags onto the counter.

“First we put the meal together then while it’s in the slow cooker. Then we can work on the

“Aye aye chef!” Sunoo says. They wash their hands before awkwardly fumbling around the
kitchen. Sunoo had gathered all the dishes they’d need but being in an unfamiliar kitchen Jay
fumbled around looking for better utensils while Sunoo moved around aimlessly.

Jay groans after the nth time of Sunoo crashing into him. Gently he places his hands on the
youngers shoulder guiding him to a counter. “Ok, how about we stick to our own stations?”

“Yeah sure…sorry” Sunoo mumbles. He focuses his attention on the roots in front of him. He
minced the garlic like he’d seen on various social media videos and then ginger before moving to
the scallions. His mind wanderers for a moment wondering if he was naive enough to think a meal
would be enough to fix things. This could be the wrong move, forcing Sunghoon and Jake to be in
a room at the same time. What if Jake wasn’t ready and the ptsd was too much? Seeing Jake break
down because of him, Sunoo is sure it would just about destroy Sunghoon. Was Sunoo really doing
this for their benefit for his own? A vain attempt to get things back to-

“You’re gonna cut yourself,” Jay says. He tries not to startle Sunoo but it happens anyways as the
youngers shoulders jump and his grip on the knife lossens.

“Hmm, hold it like this.” Jay steps behind Sunoo one hand going to Sunoo’s holding the blade
while the other rests on the hand holding the scallion.

“You want to curl your fingers like this so you don’t cut them,” Jay directs, “and then you want to
move the knife like this. See how it cuts easier?”

“Yeah-” Sunoo breaths out. It wasn’t often he and Jay were so close like this, allowing him to
smell his scent up close. Today it seemed more floral other than the almost fresh mint smell it
carried. It was delicate and sweet and wrapped around Sunoo, nicely clouding his brain.

“Ok now follow my movements” Jay murmurs close to his ear. With Sunoo’s hand still under his,
Jay shows Sunoo how to properly use the knife. After a few cuts Sunoo comes back to his senses
effectively cutting away “Yeah like that!” Jay praises as Sunoo follows his direction.

“You’re doing great Sunoo. Keep doing it like that,” Jay praises. He gives one of Sunoo’s hands a
small pat before beginning to walk away.

“No!” Sunoo protests “Stay.”


“I-I need supervision. What if I cut myself?”

Jay scratches at the back of his ear not quite understanding. “If you cut the scallions like I showed
you then you won’t”

“Just make sure,” Sunoo whines. Jay shakes his head but steps back into his original position. His
hands don’t rest on Sunoo’s but instead wrap around his waist. Jay doesn’t know why but he’s
suddenly aware of how small Sunoo’s waist is. Aimlessly his hands stroke down Sunoo’s sides
going from his small waist down to his round hips before grazing over his thighs.

“You’re doing well Sunoo-ah.”



Sunoo continues cutting the scallion as instructed by Jay and soon they’re done. Jay smiles,
praising him again for his work before taking the ingredients Sunoo prepared. Sunoo watches over
Jay’s shoulder as the older explains each step, each ingredient and spice and why he added them
and how much, why they’re important, the full breakdown. As Sunoo watches he notices how Jay
bites at the corner of his mouth when adding ingredients, taking small sniffs and tastes to make
sure the flavors meet his expectations. He also notices how he clicks his tongue on his teeth when
he likes something and frowns when he doesn’t.

“Now we leave this to boil for another thirty minutes!” Jay’s announcement has Sunoo blinking in

“That’s it?”

“What? That wasn’t enough steps for you?”

“I got a little lost along the way,” Sunoo says with a sheepish smile. Jay doesn’t seem annoyed, not
in the slightest as he smiles at Sunoo letting his fingertips graze over Sunoo’s cheek.

“It’s ok. I’ll teach you again another time.”

‘Some other time.’ Sunoo thinks he can do that. He’d love to do this again, having Jay guide him
and show him how to cook. It was fun when he cooked with Jake but something about cooking
with Jay made him feel small and content and happy. Maybe next time Jungwon will be with them.
He wonders if Jungwon would feel floaty like he had or maybe Jungwon would be himself teasing
Jay every step of the way and sharing secret smiles with Sunoo.

“Ok,” Sunoo answers after a moment, his fantasies still running in his head. Jay’s smile seems to
soften even more as he brushes his hand over Sunoo’s bangs once, tucking away a small strand of

“How about we work on the jerseys now?"

“Yeah, yeah we’re almost out of time” Sunoo says. He grabs the craft bag from the table before
heading to the bedroom to grab the jerseys.

“So what are you trying to change to my already perfect design hmm?”

Sunoo snorts“Well it’s almost perfect. We didn’t even put on the numbers and I was thinking we
add a little of this” Sunoo says, adding a bottle of fabric glitter to the table.

Jay grimaces, his eyes locked onto the glitter bottle. “This will cause a mess.”
“A beautiful mess!” Sunoo quips but it does little to sway Jay's opinion.

“But a mess nevertheless," the older sighs. Slightly disheartened Sunoo reaches for the bottle to put
it away.

“Fine we can forgo the glitter but we should add their numbers." He tries not to but his voice fails
him as he loses his excitement. Awkwardly Jay scratches at the back of his neck. He truly doesn't
want to use the glitter because it takes away from the design he'd worked hard to create and it'll
create a fucking mess he knows he'll be the one to clean but his inner self screams at him to please
and give into Sunoo's request.

“We can do both but I’m telling you now if this makes a mess I am not assisting in the clean up,”
Jay says despite knowing he is most definitely going to help clean up.


Honestly Sunoo has no idea what he’s doing but he follows Jay’s lead using the iron to seal and
secure the numbers on the jerseys before using the glitter. That was his favorite part in all honesty.
He didn’t need the entire thing to be covered in glitter, just the outline of Sunghoon and Jungwon's
team number as well as the coyote. Sunoo knew the glitter would work well at highlighting the
design he knows Jay worked hard on. The silver does better than Sunoo had imagined as it imitates
the cool soft light of the moon glowing down on the animal.

“I’m going to check on the food. Iron this down for me please!” Jay calls as he gets up to check on
the food.

“Ok!” Sunoo shouts back. He glances over the halfway to ensure Jay was fully in the kitchen
before grabbing a different size shirt, Jake’s. He irons the number onto the backside of the jersey
before grabbing Jay’s jersey and ironing Sunghoon’s number on.

“It’s just about done! Want to have a taste?”

“Yep! Be right there!” Sunoo shouts back. He quickly finishes securing Sunghoon’s number onto
Jay’s jersey and setting the iron up safely before getting up and heading to the kitchen.

“Hmm taste” Jay says, holding his hand under a spoon for Sunoo to taste the broth. Sunoo blows
on the spoon a bit before slurping the broth from the spoon, his eyes widening.
“We made that?” his question earns an amused nod from Jay.

“Where have you been all this time?” Sunoo says as he leans against Jay.

“Waiting to meet you I guess” Jay says shyly. Sunoo hums leaning his chin against Jay’s chest as
he looks up at him.

“I guess so…” words can’t describe how badly Sunoo wants to kiss him right now but he won’t.
Every time he thinks about kissing Jay it’s always in the perfect setting. They’re out on a date,
maybe a restaurant Jay conned Sunoo into going to, or out on a late night walk when their hands
are locked together. The wind is always blowing softly dancing across their skin and tossling their
hair. Sometimes it’s Jay making the first move, other times it's Sunoo leaning up and placing a
delicate kiss on the olders lips. It’s always a perfect, movie worthy first kiss and Sunoo will not rob
Jay of that so he backs away making it two steps back before strong hands grab hold of his waist.

“Sunoo…” Jay’s hands squeeze Sunoo’s hips once as he loses his words. Why was Sunoo so
pretty, his entire being absolutely captivating and causing his words to fail him as Jay’s brain to
turn to mush.

“Yes?” Sunoo feels breathless as Jay stares right at him, almost like he’s looking into him and at
his soul. He wonders if Jay can see into his soul, see their bond that always thrums a light blue
color whenever Sunoo invisions it. Calmness, serenity, trust, everything Sunoo has felt for his mate
since he met him. Despite his panicked state when they first met Sunoo has always felt secure
around Jay, forever calm as the omega took care of him, handled him with the utmost care. Sunoo
hopes Jay can see into his soul to be able to see all the things he feels, to just known when his
words fail to articulate how he feels about the older.

Jay’s hand raises up from his waist to hold the small of Sunoo’s back pulling him closer until their
chest to chest again. His other hand goes up, knuckles stroking against Sunoo’s cheek. Jay leans in
close but stops short of Sunoo’s lips. Their breaths mingle together and Sunoo damn there loses his

“Sunoo,” Jay whispers his warm breath fanning over Sunoo’s face.

“Can I kiss you?”

“Yes, yes please” Sunoo mumbles leaning closer, closing the gap. The hand on his face goes to the
back of his neck holding him in place as Jay presses his lips to Sunoo’s harder than originally
planned. It’s not the perfect late night kiss where the wind is gently tossing their hair and it's not
the end of some fancy restaurant dinner where Jay brings him home and kisses him before leaving
for the night and it’s the fact that it was none of those things that made it perfect. It was just them,
living in this moment, being in this moment and loving each other in this moment now.

When Jay pulls back Sunoo finds himself chasing the olders lips like a puppy. It earns him a long
peck to his lisp but nothing more.

“You’re so pretty.”

“If I’m so pretty then kiss me again” Sunoo pleads.

“Maybe later. For now we have to finish out projects. Our mates have a big night tonight,” Jay says
a teasing lilt in his voice.

“Fine but pandora's box is open now, Jay. You can’t close it.” Sunoo says, pecking the older once
more before putting some distance between them before he kisses Jay for the rest of the night.

“I’ll find some containers to put this in for you,” he says moving about the kitchen to gather a safe
container to transport the food home. Once it’s packed away they gather the materials they used for
the jerseys before handing them onto hangers ready to wear for the night.

“You’ll meet me at the stadium? Or am I picking you up?” Jay wonders. Since their kiss his hands
haven’t left Sunoo’s body, always touching him in some way. Sunoo finds that he likes it.

“We’ll meet you! Jake likes to be on time which is actually early so we’ll be there around seven”

“Ok, I’ll meet you around seven then,” Jay says, showing off his charming smile. He starts to
move towards the door letting Sunoo think he was going to leave without (yet another) kiss but he
simply puts his shoes on before opening his arms for a hug. Sunoo easily throws himself into his
mates arms leaning up for a kiss.

“I’m never going to get enough of this,” Sunoo sighs.

“Me either…I really do have to go now though,” Jay mutters with a small frown. Sunoo pouts but
pulls back. It won’t be long until he can see Jay again after all.
“See you soon,” he says with a smile.

“See ya soon,” Jay says and then he’s out the door for a moment. “Almost forgot my jersey!”

“Ah! It’s the one on top!” Sunoo shouts. Jay picks the jersey up without looking at it.

“Thanks Sunoo!”

“No problem! Bye bye!”


Jake arrives home only twenty minutes after Jay had left. His practice surprisingly ran late despite
it being the big night of the game.

“Do I smell…”

“Nothing, you smell nothing!” Sunoo denies stopping Jake from getting to the food before they all
had a chance to eat together. Jake chuckles as he attempts to go into the kitchen.

“But I’m sure I smell-”

“No!” Sunoo blocks the small entrance to the kitchen, his limbs spread out like a starfish. Although
Jake could easily pick him up (any of his mates could honestly) the beta just laughs, finding
Sunoo’s attempt to hide the food to be cute. Admirable.

“Sunoo!” he whines stomping his foot but Sunoo holds firm shaking his head with a small smile.

“No Jakie!” Sunoo glares at Jake and Jake just wants to flick his forehead. Why couldn't they just
eat now? It smelled so good the aroma bleeding from their apartment and into the hall. From the
moment he stepped out of the elevator Jake knew he had to have it.
“Fine. We have some time before we have to leave right? I showered in the locker room but I
dunno I don’t feel clean enough. Mind if I take one before we go?”

“Not at all.”

“Ok. Brb!” Jake shouts as he darts down the hall. He turns the shower on, letting the water warm
up before stepping under. He feels his muscles relax the smallest bit while under the pulsing hot
water. Blindly he reaches for a bottle of body wash squeezing some onto the loofah. Before he
begins to wash his body the scent of the wash hits him. It’s Sunghoon’s. Jake can feel his eyes
sting as tears rush to the surface. It hadn’t occurred to him how much he’d missed Sunghoon’s
scent, the way he smelled after a long day and having a hot shower before climbing into bed.
Usually he’d be in the middle needing to have him and Sunoo on either side, other times he let Jake
hold him. Jake always peppered kisses over his shoulder whispering sweet nothings until Sunghoon
relaxed enough to sleep. How long had it been since they had a night like that? Since Jake has
smelled this scent? Jake leans his head against the cold tiles.

‘Should I forgive him already?’ he wonders. Should he or should he not. The memories, the pain
they won’t leave probably won’t ever leave but Sunghoon hadn’t meant it right? That’s what
everyone told him, he wasn't in control of himself but that fact doesn’t set Jake’s mind at ease.
He’s justified for feeling this way, for keeping his distance…or is he. Is it ptsd avoidance or a
punishment, a punishment for Sunghoon for being like the people who’d hurt him, who he thought
broke him.

“Damn it, damn it, damn it!” Jake headbuts the wall a few times. The pain settles into his skull
knocking his brain around. He allows himself three minutes of self pity before rinsing his hands
under the water and reaching for his own body wash. Jake makes quick work of cleaning his body
before stepping out of the shower and getting himself ready.

“You’re done?” Sunoo questions once he steps into the living room.

“Guess so. There’s not much else to do,” Jake says with a shrug.

“Hmm, put this on!” Jake’s hand darts out to catch the fabric Sunoo suddenly tossed to him. He
looks at the material recognizing one of the numbers, it belonged to Sunghoon but the other

“You’re the lucky winner! You have both Jungwon and Sunghoon’s number so wish them luck
tonight! Only think good thoughts,” Sunoo demands with a pointed finger. Jake stares at the jersey
a little apprehensive before holding it out to Sunoo.
“Maybe you should wear it.”

“ ‘m already wearing one! You have that one, wear it and only think good thoughts. Make sure our
Hoonie doesn’t get hurt tonight. Pray to the moon goddess,” Sunoo demands and although Jake
doesn’t believe in the moon goddess (not fully anyways) he indulges Sunoo in a quick prayer in
hopes their mate doesn’t get injured tonight.

“Ok I made sure to be dressed and ready before you so we can get out on time. You ready?”

“Guess so.” Jake shrugs so Sunoo grabs a set of keys and his phone and they’re out the door.

When they arrive at the school there are already a fair amount of students from both schools ready
to head into the stadium.

“Wow, it all feels real now,” Sunoo says as he glances around.

“Have you ever been to a nightball game?” Jake questions turning the question around. Sunoo
shakes his head.

“No but I watched Sunghoon on the live broadcast so I know how the game works.”

“Well at least one of us do” Jake mutters as they head into the stadium. They get seats high up to
be comfortable and not scary but gives them a good view of the field. Although the game wasn’t
ready to start, the cheerleaders were already out on the field, music blasting from the speakers as
they carried out their routine.

“Wait, you don’t know how night ball works?” Sunoo looks absolutely betrayed at Jakes


“Well I’ll explain during the game how it works for you ok?”
“Sounds good,” Jake says trying not to roll his eyes.

“It’ll be fun! Promise!” Sunoo says. They watch the cheerleaders together as they carry out a few
routines. Right as they leave and the band comes on field Jay arrives. His hair wasn’t slicked back
like usually but sat neatly across his forehead as he adored a middle part. Sunoo felt his heart
thump in his chest a bit watching his mate approach them.

“Hi!” he says embarrassingly loud as he jumps up ready to greet him.

“Hi,” Jay says back with a sheepish smile.

“S-sorry. Um s-sit with us!” Sunoo motioned to the empty seat beside him and Jay easily sat

“Uh, hey man” Jay says to Jake. The beta looks up, giving Jay a head nod.

“Hey Jay,” Jake responds in english. The immediate silence that follows is quickly shut down by
Sunoo who claps his hands loudly.

“So I have been informed that Jake doesn’t know how nightball works but do you know?” Jay
purses his lips before making a hand motion.

“Um..soso?” he says waving his hand from side to side. Sunoo throws his head back with a groan.

“You two are lucky I’m here. I’ll be your sports guru!”

“Or maybe you have no idea what you’re talking about and you lead us astray,” Jay teases. Sunoo
gasps his hand going to his chest.

“I’ll have you know Park Jongseong…” Jake stops listening after that. There was so much noise
going on around him. The thump from the band's bass drums, the high pitch thwacks from the
snares, thrills of trumpets, random high notes from the flute section when they’re sound penetrated
through everything else. Jake closed his eyes letting the sound turn to a faint ringing in his ears

“It’s starting! It’s starting!” Sunoo shouts jumping up and down.

They watch as students in pale yellow and blue uniforms flood the field before huddling down on
their side of the field to allow the home team to come out, maroon and black uniforms on their

“Where are they?” Sunoo mumbles as he tries to spot Sunghoon and Jungwon. Jake turns to the
field as well, noticing he hadn’t seen Sunghoon’s number twenty three on field. Just as the last of
the team run out from the tunnels two other players sporting a number four and number twenty
three jog out joining everyone.

“Ahh there they are! I got worried for a moment.”

“What are they doing?” Jay questions. The team were in their formations ready to square off while
two players from each team stood in the middle with the referee.

“They have to do the coin toss so see which team will get the ball first,” Sunoo explains.

“Ahh.. really”

“I forget you two are foreigners. Do you not have nightball where you grew up?”

“Americans have nightball but it’s not popular. Human football is,” Jay admits. His eyes were
trained onto the field watching as the two team captains in the middle argue before Haneul, their
school captain throws his arms up with annoyance before motioning to the player across from him.

“Think of nightball like that. From what Sunghoon has told me they’re very similar, this is just
more…interesting” Sunoo says. While they talk the coin finally gets flicked into the air. When it
lands, a hologram of a horse's tail projects out from the coin letting the audience know the ball will
be in the Sunshine Academy team's possession.


“Ahh bad luck,” Sunoo groans once the ball has been passed.

“Why is it bad luck?” Jay really doesn’t understand this game.

“You always want your home team to get the ball first. It gives the upper hand especially if you
can get it to your wing player quickly. That’s Jungwon’s position by the way. Wing players are
very fast, probably the fastest player after the center, which is usually played by the team leader”

“So Jungwon will be a target?”

“Not necessarily but not not necessarily. The enforcers, and backs do the most tackling, mainly for
defense to protect the wing, center and forward players but forwards usually tackle to cover each
other and anyone around them on the team.”

“Wow you really know a lot about nightball”

“I had a lot of free time being in the hospital,” Sunoo’s mindless confession peaks Jay’s interest.


“Ah no!” Sunoo shouts along with the rest of their peers as the Sunshine team score.


“Come on eclipse!”

“What happened I didn’t even see the ball get thrown!” Jay exploids his eyes widening as he look
to Sunoo to the field.

“That’s because the player used a spinning throw. The spin on the ball is soo fast it’s hard even for
us to see it. Just watch, you'll get the hang of it,” Sunoo says, patting Jay on the back.
“Isn’t it just a game of luck?”

“Nightball isn’t about luck. It’s about skill and instinct and how to use it to the advantage of luck.”

Jake rolls his eyes, shaking his head“That’s not how probability works.”

Sunoo look at him with an amused smile. “Oh you’re with us? I thought you’d checked out long
time ago”

“No still here. And that is not how probability works.”

Sunoo shrugs his shoulders, not at all bothered by Jake’s disagreement. “Maybe not but that’s how
nightball works Jake”

“Doesn’t make sense,” Jake groans again and to prove his point he focuses his attention on the
game trying to break it down and understand it but as Sunoo said probability works differently in
this game.

While Jake watched there was a lot of yelling on Sunoo’s part as he screamed profanities and that
the team needed to “get your head out your asses and play the game!” Jay just seemed to be
enjoying the game except the few moments Jungwon was almost tackled but managed to run out of

By half time Jake felt his stomach rumble a lack of a meal before showing up finally taking it’s toll
on his stomach.

“I’m going to get some popcorn. You guys want anything?”

“A water for me!” Sunoo says, giving Jake’s thigh a pat of appreciation before shouting at the
game again. Jake stands giving a pat to Sunoo’s head. He looks at Jay with a look as if to say ‘and

“Um…jellies if they have any…thanks.”

“A water and jellies. Ok” Jake says, making an ok sign with his hand before moving through the
sea of students in the bleachers to make it down to the concessions stand. As Jake stood in line he
gathered that half the damn stadium had the same idea to get food seeing as the line went on
forever. Fifteen minutes blew by and finally Jake could get the food. They did have Jay’s jellies so
he made sure to grab two packs knowing Sunoo would probably munch off of them and he ordered
a large popcorn knowing Sunoo too would eat off him as well and the smell of the freshly popped
snack along with warm melted butter was too tempting to pass up.

“17000 won!” the girl working the concessions stand calls. Jake fishes his wallet from his pocket
handing the bills over before clutching the tub of popcorn to his chest while shoveling handfuls
into his mouth. His taste buds sing as the artificial butter hits his tongue and the food travels to his
stomach soothing the ache that had been developing. Jake’s moment of bliss is temporary as he
goes from being happy to have a carb explosion to being knocked down to his ass.

“Ah shit” Jake hisses. He can feel a bruise developing on his tailbone from the impact. His sight
turns to the spilled tub of popcorn before panning up to a tall male standing over him. The other
man looked startled, his bambi eyes blinking dumbly at Jake, his mouth slightly agape, maybe
from shock.

“Excuse you,” Jake huffs as he pulls himself up. He snatches the half-spilled tub of popcorn with a
scowl on his face. His ocd and germophobia screams at him as he half wants to clean up the mess
but also be damned with the bucket of popcorn that’s more contaminated now that it’s touched the
pavement than when it was processed in the concessions stand.

“I-ah…I’m…sorry?” the other guy says. His lack of care runs Jake’s annoyance up the wall.

“Are you?” his voice is mean as he glares at the other male whose eyes dart around nervously.

“Yes! I am swear it! I got caught up in the game! We almost got the ball” the other man says as he
motions to the jumbo board.


“I uh go here and I’m guessing you do too given your jersey” the man says pointing towards Jake’s
jersey. Jake looks down at his own clothing, a blush dusting his tan cheeks. He’d already forgotten
he was wearing the homemade jerseys.

“Yeah well you’re right. I do go here…”

“Um let me buy you another since I made you spill this one.”

“Don’t worry about it.”

“No really let me I feel bad,” the man almost has a pouty and pleading look as he asks Jake to let
him buy him another tub. If Jake didn’t smell the well defined alpha musk radiating off his body
he’d mistake the other for an omega.

“Sure…fine” he says, agreeing more with his stomach than his brain. The wait this time is short to
the stand seeing as the unknown guy had only been a few people behind Jake when he chose then
to knock him down.

“One medium popcorn, a sprite, hot dog and…” the man trails off looking to Jake for his order.

“Large popcorn, layer the butter. No salt.”

“What he said,” the man says. He doesn’t bother listening for the total as he fishes out the bills he
needed and hands it off.

“Here you are,” he says, flashing a smile. The girl behind the stand giggles as she takes the bills.
Moment’s later all the food is handed off to the unknown guy and he’s handing Jake his popcorn.

“Thanks,” Jake says although he doesn’t really mean it. He’s sure he will once his hunger is
settled. It was just an accident after all.

“It was the least I could do. Sorry again..honestly it was pretty embarrassing running into you like
that so I hope you can forgive me”

“Sure yeah no foul here,” Jake says chuckling to himself. Sure he isn’t the most sport inept person
but he can crack a joke or two. The unknown male seems to match his humor as he chuckles as

“Um, so I should get back to the game now. Thanks again for the popcorn erm..uh?” Jake trails off
realizing he doesn’t know the others' names.
“Heeseung. Lee Heeseung,” the other guy…Heeseung says giving a small nervous smile.

“Thanks for the popcorn, Heeseung. See ya around..” and with that Jake breaks off from the other
climbing the stands back to his seat where he has to clutch onto his popcorn for dear life when
everyone in the stands shoot up hollering at the top of their lungs

“Mother Mary!” Jake shouts as he finally makes it to his seat. The popcorn goes right between his
legs as he clutches it between his thighs to keep it safe. It’s hard to see with everyone standing up
but Jake could see a moon hologram illuminate from the field.


“Score? We scored?” he mumbles through a mouth full of popcorn.

“AHH HE DID IT! HE DID IT! DID YOU SEE HIM?!” Sunoo shouts, jumping up and down.

“YANG JUNGWON! YANG JUNGWON!!” Sunoo screams as loud as he can. He was shaking
Jay by the shoulders while jumping up and down excitedly.

“He made the first score for Eclipse! First one for us for the season! Yang Jungwon! Why is he so
awesome!” Sunoo starts shooting out words, his body too small to contain all the excitement and
pride he was feeling in this moment.

Jake couldn’t help but feed off that energy as he claps happily beside Sunoo and gives out a little
whoop. It must feel great for Jungwon being the newest on the team and scoring the first season
goal for the team. Sunghoon must be happy as well to finally have scored. Thinking of Sunghoon
Jake realized he hadn’t seen the alpha the entire game. His eyes dart around the field spotting
Sunghoon surrounded by the others. His helmet was off allowing Jake to see how his hair was
soaked with sweat, his skin glistening under the harsh lighting that kept the stadium lit. through it
all Jake could see the smile adorn his face. He was pleased. A whistle blows on field and soon the
team have their helmets on again and get into position on field.

“Come on now..keep this momentum up! Score again!” Sunoo shouts as the game resumes.since
scoring the stadium grew louder as the Eclipse and Sunshine students began screaming at poorly
executed plays and “ridiculous” calls by the referee.
“ARE YOU CRAZY? YELLOW CARD? FOR THAT? COME ON!” Sunoo shouts when the
yellow card makes its fourth appearance since the start of the third quarter.

“Sunoo calm down it’s a game” Jay soothes attempting to calm Sunoo down but it has the opposite

KNOW NOTHING?” Sunoo scolds. He opens his mouth to say something but gets distracted by

“Has he ever acted like this?” Jay questions.

“Nah man. First time I’ve ever seen him like this,” the Australian answers with a shrug. Jay nods,
turning his head back to the game that ends roughly twenty minutes later.

“Let’s go,” Sunoo huffs once the Sunshine Academy students flooded from the bleachers down to
the field in a frenzy to congratulate their team for the win. Jake and Jay make brief eye contact
before trailing after the younger.

“Well…this is upsetting but I guess it was a good enough game to explain to you guys how
nightball work.s”

“You call that explaining? You just yelled most of the time,” Jay snorts. Sunoo shoots his mate a
displeased look but continues walking.

“That’s part of how nightball works. You scream, you laugh, you cry, get angry and punch a
civilian. All part of the game,” Sunoo says as he kicks a broken piece of pavement out of the way.
He says it so casually that it makes Jake giggle and Jay deadpan.

“We will not be punching anyone,” the eldest says.

“No I’ve never punched someone but apparently it happens at the professional games,” the
youngest supplies but the golden gate of opportunity was already open.
“Remind us not to let you go to a professional game,” Jake teases, reaching over to give the
youngest cheek a quick pinch.

“Guys! ‘m not gonna punch anyone!”

“Nah I’m sure you will”

“Will not!”

“Will to!”

“Aish shut up you two,” Jay groans. His hand goes to the back of Sunoo and Jake’s head giving
their hair a quick ruffle.

“I hope they come out soon! I’m cold” Sunoo whines as he leans on Jay. the older chuckles in
disbelief, his arms going to wrap around Sunoo’s waist.

“How are you cold? It’s so nice out right now.”

“Noo, it’s cold!” Sunoo pouts.

“Are you really cold or just looking for an excuse to be close to me?” Jay murmurs leaning just a
smidget closer.

“Hmm dunno,” Sunoo says, making a duck face. Jay smiles down at him eyes, crinkling a bit as
the sides. Jake can see as Jay’s eyes dart around for a second before he leans down pressing his lips
to Sunoo’s for a moment. The older backs away quickly, letting out a shy chuckle as he ducks his
head down to hide in Sunoo’s neck. The whole ordeal let’s Jake know that kissing is a recent
development for the two of them and oddly it makes him feel a little jealous.

‘Is this how Sunghoon feels? ’ he wonders briefly but then he thinks maybe not because it’s
Sunghoon. Sunoo’s actual mate, someone he has a deep complicated history with and who he
shares so many secrets with, Sunoo the keeper of it all. Maybe Jake will never know what true
jealousy feels like but he feels a fraction of it when Sunoo giggles turning his head to kiss Jay
again, whether it be to place a kiss on the older omegas cheek or another on his lips Jake doesn’t
know and right now he doesn’t want to so he sits awkwardly to the side. Jay and Sunoo stay
huddled together until the outer locker room door opens as Jungwon walks out, his head bowed.
Seeing him, Sunoo's smile brightens as he parts from Jay and begins running.

“Jungwon!” it’s comical how Jungwon’s head snaps up just in time for Sunoo to crash into him.

“You did so well!” Sunoo says once he’s close enough. Jake watches as Jungwon’s face drops.

“We lost.”

“Yeah but you did amazing! You scored twice! It was awesome!” Sunoo exclaims as he sways
Jungwon, the younger either not caring or just going with it.

“Thanks,” Jungwon sighs,“What are you guys wearing?” he asks next which sends Sunoo into an
excited frenzy as he talks about the jerseys and squabbles with Jay over who the true designer was.

“Shut up already! They look great no matter whose design it was.” Jungwon groans with an
exasperated look.

“Thank you but you should know that is was- Sunghoon!” Sunoo’s call to Sunghoon startles
everyone, especially Jake. He hadn’t even realized the alpha was near them…how was that?

“Hey,” Sunghoon says, nodding his head to Jay as he approaches the group.

“Hey?” Jay says but the greeting sounds more of a question than a greeting.

“Hi,” the alphas voice softens as he looks to Jake who doesn’t reply. Why wasn’t he looking at

Awkwardly, the alpha fidgest and clears his throat before speaking again, this time addressing the
entire group “What are you wearing?”

“Homemade jerseys! You like?” Sunoo poses easily, his chin jut out as he puts on his “model
face” as he calls it. Sunghoon inspects the jersey, frowning a bit seeing Jungwon’s number instead
of his own on Sunoo’s only to find it on Jay’s.

“Why do you have my number?” Sunghoon questions softly. He watches as Jay’s face breaks out in
a blush as the omega clutches at the hem of the jersey.

“Grabbed it by accident…are you mad?” Jay stutters his eyes panning up to meet Sunghoon’s.
Sunghoon feels his face warm and not from the humidity, his alpha feeding of Jay’s omegas

“No.” he says shortly, not trusting his voice to say much else right now.

“Well Jake is wearing your number! Jungwon’s too look” Sunoo says, showing off Jake.

“Neat right?” Sunoo says with a smile. Sunghoon nods slowly. At least one of his mates were
wearing his number tonight.

“Yeah…I’m going to head home now ok?” he says, wanting to escape the situation. He was sure
he was making things awkward. He should just leave now and let them all have a good time
together like they seemed to be before he arrived.

“Wait, let's go together! We need to talk anyways” Sunoo says. Sunghoon fights back the growl
building up in his chest. Leave it to Kim Sunoo to ruin his plans. The omega grabs Jake’s wrist
pulling him the short distance to Sunghoon before grabbing the alpha’s wrist in his free hand.

“See you guys tomorrow! Great job Jungwonnie! You’ll get em next time!” Sunoo calls over his
shoulder as he pulls Jake and Sunghoon.

“You picked a good time to leave Hoon. The uber is here,” Sunoo says as they leave campus and
walk to a car parked by the street.


“Yeah. figured you might not wanna ride the bus after the game so I called an uber for us” Sunoo
says as he opens the door.

“In you go” he says motioning for the two to go in but neither Jake or Sunghoon move to go in.

“Hurry! The billing starts now!” Sunoo whines. Sunghoon looks to Jake for a moment before he
silently climbs into the vehicle.

“You next Jakie.”

“ Sunoo- ”

“In.” Sunoo says his voice dropping but not for a sensual effect, no he uses his deeper voice to
command and control and control it does as Jake’s body moves climbing into the backseat joining
Sunghoon. Sunoo climbs in last shutting the door.

“The address is correct?” the driver asks for confirmation as he leaves the side of the road to get
into the main one.

“Yes sir!” Sunoo answers.

“That was a really good game, Sunghoon.”


“Your tackles have gotten better too!”


“And you-”

“I’m going to rest for a moment” Sunghoon announces stopping Sunoo from saying another word.
“Ok.” the omega says shortly.

“ about I play some music?” the driver says but doesn’t wait for an answer before turning
the radio on and turning the volume up on a jazz tune the mates don’t recognize. That’s how they
spend the rest of the ten minute drive to their place listening to old jazz tunes and the off tune
whistling of the driver.

“Thank you! Have a safe night!” Sunoo says after they reach their place. Sunghoon and Jake made
quick work of climbing out of the vehicle leaving Sunoo to part ways on his own. The omega
could tell his mates were trying to break away, get some distance but he grabs onto them keeping
them close. He won’t let them get away.

“How about we have dinner together? I cooked.”

“I’m tired,”

“I have homework”

“Funny you think I was actually asking. We will have dinner together” Sunoo demands dropping
the nice act. The bell on the elevator ding as the metal doors slide open.

“Go,” Sunoo says, pushing the two older men out the way. He opens their apartment door,
chucking his shoes off and sliding his feet into his slippers. Jake and Sunghoon follow suit, their
actions less erratic than Sunoo’s as they discard their shoes in place for their slippers.

“Why does it smell like-”

“Galbitang? Because that’s what is for dinner. Wait a moment while I get the table set ok?” Sunoo
calls as he rushes to prepare the table.

“No. Why does it smell like Jay?” Sunghoon says. The faint smell of rosemary lingered in the air,
sweet and inviting. It kept tickling Sunghoon’s nose, messing with his brain as his alpha makes the
connection between the floral like scent of Jay’s smell mixing sweetly with his evergreen, how
they complement one another.
Jake takes a tentative sniff of their air taking in Jay’s scent as well. How had he not noticed it
earlier? How long had Jay been in their apartment, what did they do here? Was their first kiss here?
In their home? How many times had Jay been over without them knowing?

“Ah. He helped me cook since someone thought I would destroy the kitchen but I proved you
wrong huh Jake?” Sunoo says but gets no response. He lets the lack of response slide, opting to try
and not feel hurt as he continues fixing the table.

“Come over now…sit.” he demands. With a heavy sigh Sunghoon and Jake follow the omegas
orders plopping down in their seats and letting the omega serve them. The sounds of slurping and
awkward sniffs fill the apartment as they begin eating. His patience running out Sunoo slams his
utensils on the table before bringing his hand up to rub at his temples.

“We let this go on long enough. When we started this relationship we said communication was
going to be needed to make this work…so talk”

Looking up he sees Sunghoon and Jake make brief eye contact before they return their glance to
their bowls….this is gonna be a long night.

Chapter End Notes

finally the moment we all have been waiting for (myself included) the sunjay kiss! But
I have a feeling you guys like another part of this chapter a lot more than that kiss!
Hope you all enjoyed the surprise of heeseung joining in now! Even though it’s a mess
between everyone I promise….it will continue to be a mess before it gets better! Also
did yall pick up on jakes change in attitude? The easter eggs (i guess we can call them
that) are very important to his character and why he reacts to things the way he does.
I've kept his trauma a secret for a long time but as everyone begins to bond and get
closer it will be revealed what happened to him and why he sometimes acts the way he
does. Let me know what you thought about this chapter even if I don't respond to
every comment. I promise I do read all of them and I love reading them! Next chapter
we will get more sungwon (I'm a sucker for them rn) and idk maybe we will see
heeseung again! Until next time my lovely readers!
chapter thirty-five
Chapter Notes



- ptsd
- sexual innuendos (no smut)
- mentions of death/murder
- i think that's all

read at your own risk. happy reading to all ❤️


See the end of the chapter for more notes

The sound of the clock from the next door apartment rings in the trio's ears; each tick of the
mechanical device having an echoing effect. Sunghoon takes a chance to look up at Sunoo and
Jake before shifting his eyes to the ground. Sunghoon didn't want Jake to find out about that side of
him like that, he didn't want Jake to know about it at all but it happened. Jake saw the worst part of
him and the alpha had been groveling since. So many nights he wished to see Jake, hold him and
beg for his forgiveness but each time he thought about it he also thought about that night, the fear
in Jake's eyes, the way he sobbed later that night, and almost every night since.

Sunghoon thought a lot about everything he'd say and everything he'd be willing to do to earn
Jake's forgiveness, even if he gets him the smallest fraction of it. For Jake he'd leave their home, if
the beta wanted him across the country Sunghoon would do it in a heartbeat, cut off his arm, gouge
out an eye, Sunghoon would do any and all of it. He would do anything short of killing himself to
get his Jake back.

"Are you two just going to sit there?" Suno's voice cuts through the silence briefly before it falls
upon them, tension thick as smog. They'd been sitting in silence for almost ten minutes now.
Sunghoon could hear the tension in Sunoo's voice, and adds it to the list of things he's sorry for.
Sunoo's health must be declining because of him too.

Slowly Sunghoon rises from his seat ignoring the pops and aches his body produces in protest of
the movements. He can feel Sunoo and Jake's eyes on him as he walks to the side of the table,
closes to Jake and gets down on both knees before bowing.

"I'll do anything," he says weakly "Really I'll do anything."

"I need to do better. I always say it but I really need to do it this time. Iwill do it this time. I
promise I'll do anything, I'll do anything you ask Jake...Jake..." Sunghoon tries to fight back against
the tears but his body has a mind of its own as they cascade freely down his pale face.

"Jake I promise. I'll do anything. If you want me to leave I'll do it, I-I'll move away o-or stab
myself a-anything I promise I'll do it. I-I won't be possessive and I'll cook for you every day and I-
I'll do anything please! I swear I-I..I'll do...I'll do- anything" Sunghoon chokes around his sobs with
each word, with each gasp that leaves his lips. It's heartbreaking and pitiful to watch the alpha
crumbling. It's like watching a soggy oreo fall apart in a puddle of milk only with deep sobs and
choked out gasps.

"Sunghoon," Jake whispers. He reaches for Sunghoon only for his mate to shuffle backwards, out
of reach.

"I don't want you to be afraid of me. I'll do anything I swear, I don't want to lose you Jake...please
I-I!" a chocked gasp leaves Sunghoon's mouth when Jake grabs his shoulders tugging Sunghoon
towards him. Sunghoon's knee's drag roughly against the hardwood floor his eyes watering more
from the stinging sensation but he keeps his mouth quiet.

"Sunghoon...Alpha!" Jake huffs his eyes darting around Sunghoon's face taking in his deviled hair,
dark circles under his eyes and the tears that wouldn't stop talking. Hearing the term Sunghoon's
sobs intensifies, his shoulders shaking.

"Don't call me that!" he protests shaking his head feverishly "I-I don't deserve it. I'm
not good enough for it"

"You're my alpha aren't you? My mate? Stop crying and face me" Jake's voice has a harshness to it
that makes Sunghoon feel like he's been slapped. He meets Jake's eyes to see the beautiful brown
orbs quickly gathering tears.

"What good will stabbing yourself do? O-or you moving away?" at Jake's words Sunghoon's
bottom lip wobbles pitifully but he bites into it harshly splitting the skin to keep his sobs in.

"Why would I want any of that when all I want is you here with us, safe and sound," Jake releases
Sunghoon's shoulders to hold his face instead.

"Tell me Sunghoon. Why would I want that?" Jake whispers. He leans close just enough for their
noses to barely touch. It wasn't close enough for them to kiss but just enough for Sunghoon to feel
Jake's hot breath fan across his face making him go cross eyed. This was the closest he'd been to
his mate in weeks, finally able to sedate the burn under his skin to feel Jake's skin against his, to
smell his scent despite it smelling like burned rubber with an odd underlying scent of berries.

"Don't you know I love you? That my fucking heart burns for you? Huh? Answer!" there's a growl
hidden in Jake's voice that has Sunghoon biting down a whimper.

"I'm sorry." he whispers pitifully as another round of tears spill down his face.

"I don't want your sorrys Sunghoon. I want you! I want honesty from you, from both of you" Jake
breaks eye contact with Sunghoon to turn to the omega who'd been sitting in his seat quietly
chewing on his collar to keep from making a sound.

"Why is it you always keep me in the dark? It's like a endless cycle and I'm sick of it"

"I didn't want you to know. I-I couldn't let you find out. Jake y-you have to understand that I-"

"WHY?!" Jake shouts, slamming his fist on the table. The dishes rattle with the movement, soup
sloshing out of their bowls "Why do I always have to be the one to understand? Why can't it be you
for once? For once Sunghoon can you look me in the eye and not lie to me?"
"You know now. I never wanted you to find out about it. I never wanted you to be afraid of me"

"Afraid? AFRAID? Sunghoon do you know what I was afraid of?"


"No! Yes..." Jake doesn't seem too sure at first. He sighs running his hand through his hair a few
times. "I thought I was at first, that it was you I was afraid of but I was more afraid of the situation.
You guys tell me the little things, but none of the big stuff and it's absolutely terrifying! I walk into
things blind and get hurt because you lie! You lie and lie when all I ask for is honesty! I just-
sometimes I really don't get the two of you"

Jake has always felt like he could understand people or at least the people he was close to but
Sunghoon and Sunoo always found a way for him to doubt that. It's not like he doesn't know they
love him, he knows, he feels it in his chest as normal as he could feel his own heartbeat but
underneath that love were lies, secrets and pain Jake couldn't begin to comprehend or figure out
why they'd rather suffer alone than let him help carry the burden.

"Why didn't you tell me? If we're supposed to spend the rest of our lives together don't you think
that's something I should have been aware of? That I deserved to know about?"

"Because you were never supposed to find out," Sunghoon sounds like a broken record, the words
only fueling Jake's frustration.

The beta scoffs with a roll of his eyes. "What, you thought you could hide it forever?" Jake gazes
at Sunghoon expecting him to sputter out some excuse but the alpha surprises him by giving a curt

"...I don't know. Maybe? I wanted to"

"You're not giving me a why Sunghoon. If I were a stranger I would understand but I'm your mate,
our souls are fucking binded together! What did you think that when I found out I'd send you to
your death bed or something?"

"No not that!"

"Then what? What could have possibly went through your head that would make you lie and
continue to li-"

Sunghoon feels a band snap in the back of his mind. What couldn't Jake understand? Why couldn't
he see it the way Sunghoon does, he should be begging to tear their bond, to be free of Sunghoon,
not fighting him on why he should stay. How could he still be fighting to stay?

Sunghoon leans up on his knees, eyes baring into Jake's with unfiltered and misplaced rage.

YOU?" he screams. Jake leans forward his hand flying to grab the back of Sunghoon's neck. He
doesn't squeeze but holds Sunghoon's neck firmly in his hands.


KNOW THAT SO WHY?" there's a hint of a growl in Jake's voice with each word his voice
deeper than it usually is. A second band snaps, this time in Sunghoon's heart as he sobs loudly.
"I DON'T WANT TO LOSE YOU! I CAN'T LOSE YOU!" Sunghoon sobs, his voice cracking. He
breaks free of Jake's hold only to crash onto the betas lap heavy sobs leaving his chest. Jake
hunches over holding Sunghoon to his chest.

"WHY WOULD YOU LOSE ME?" Jake's own sobs finally caught up to him, tears spilling down
his cheeks.

"D-didn't want you to be afraid of me Jakie...I-I can't control him I-a-and they kill us here I
didn't..." Sunghoon sputters over his words curling up as small as possible while still huddled in
Jake's lap.

"Ok. I think we need a break" Sunoo interjects. He rises to his feet only for Jake to shut him down.

"No! Sit!" the oldest says, his thick Australian accent making itself known. Quickly Jake feverishly
wipes the tears from his cheeks and gives a loud obnoxious sniff trying to clear his sinuses.

"What do you mean you can't control him?" Jake questions Sunghoon. The alpha whimpers as he
begins to fist at Jake's pants. In response to Sunghoon's actions Jake's hand goes to the alphas hair
running his fingers through the dark strands while occasionally scratching at his scalp. Sunghoon's
eyes flutter shut, his body relaxing and melting against Jake. his heart rate slows down in the warm
comfort of his mates embrace allowing him to calm down enough to begin speaking.

"The other alpha...I can't control him. H-he just sits there waiting," he mutters into Jake's thigh.

"Waiting for what?"


"Sunghoon I don't understand," Jake admits. Sunghoon takes Jake's hand in his pressing it to his

"It's like...there's this...other life sitting in me, here," Sunghoon presses Jake's hand harder into his
chest "and it just sits there and it feels like this hot ball of unbelievable anger and it just builds and
builds sometimes. I can't always feel it, when it's ready to take over it just shows up. Sometimes I
know he's there and other times I don't and he-he's...I'm scared of got hurt...he hurt her
and...I can't...." Sunghoon stammers, stumbling over his words as his brain confuses the present
with the past, two alphas one genealogy.

"How long has he been there?"

"I presented when I was twelve."

"When you were...were twelve? That was..that was..." the rest of Jake's sentence gets lost on his
tongue. That was almost ten years ago, four years before his body was truly ready to take on the
effects of a shift to present. Not only had his body not been prepared, but his mind wasn't either and
Sunghoon has been feeling like this, suffering like this for over a decade. Before Jake can truly
unpack that the sound of Sunoo's chair scraping against the floor gets his attention.

"We need to stop now" This time Sunoo levees no room for argument. He locks eyes with Jake
staring the beta down doing his best to assert his dominance. "I know you want answers Jake but
for Sunghoon's own mental health we need to stop," Sunoo says, moving to sit behind Sunghoon
wrapping his arms around the alphas waist as he presses soft kisses to the back of Sunghoon's
neck.. Throughout the entire conversation Sunghoon's scent dipped and spiked, sending Sunoo into
a silent frenzy. With each drop the forest fire grew and dropped, the smell of heavy rain and smoke
making Sunoo dizzy. If Sunghoon continued to be in such distress it wouldn't end well. Jake hums
thoughtfully as he cards his fingers through the alpha's hair. He looked down at the alpha who's
eyes were shut tight, his body ridged.

He still doesn't understand, not fully and Jake is sure there is still a lot left to learn about Sunghoon
but he knows one thing for sure: security is difficult for Sunghoon. Jake can give him all the love
in the world, all the security he'd need and Sunghoon will still be scared, he'll still hide all his
negative sides and worry about Jake leaving him. Jake will just have to endure it until Sunghoon is
ready to let him in until the security Jake can give him feels warm and comforting rather than
whatever it is that terrifies Sunghoon so badly.

"Sunghoon...can you look at me?" tentatively Sunghoon lifts his head to meet Jake's eyes. His
cheeks burn under Jake's gaze, his puppy eyes bright with love.

"I love you Sunghoon, I love you and I will be here with you for the rest of our lives. I'm sorry that
I let you suffer thinking that I hated you, or was afraid of you. I should have talked to you"

" had every right to be mad, o-or scared. I-I'm sorry that I hurt you and lied to you. I hate
that part of myself so much. I want to burn it out of me so bad Jake...I never wanted to hurt
be like him" Sunghoon's face becomes wet with tears again as he speaks. Jake didn't think
Sunghoon could cry so much. Delicately his thumbs brush against the younger mans cheeks
wiping the tears away.

"Wh-" Jake bites on his bottom lip preventing himself from asking his question. Sunghoon
mentioned...'him' before saying he doesn't want to be like this person but never elaborated on who
he was. Maybe it has something to do with his true alpha status.

"Scars will heal Sunghoon, but our bond won't if it tears. I know you have more secrets and I'm not
saying you have to tell them all in one night but...eventually I'd really appreciate it if you'd tell me,"
Jake's voice is hopeful as he speaks. He can see the internal struggle run through Sunghoon's eyes.
The alpha swallows thickly before answering.

"I'll try," he whispers, his voice sounding so small.

"That's all I can ask of you."

"I love you too so much"

"I know you do"

"I love you too Sunoo" Sunghoon says, turning to look over his shoulder. Sunoo lifts his chin from
Sunghoon's shoulder to give the older a sweet kiss.

"I love you too," he whispers, giving Sunghoon another quick peck before standing at his full

"I love the both of you. Now Sunghoon please get up. I'm sure your knees hurt after running
around all game. Let's finish eating please," he says motoning to the table full of food. With a little
help Sunghoon gets to his feet momentarily before sliding back into his seat. They resume their
meal in silence however with a lot less tension. There was more to be resolved but for a later day,
for now they can be satisfied with getting their thoughts out and getting to a better place.

"We can do the dishes in the morning. I'm too tired now" Sunoo slurs as he stands up stretching his
body out.

"I agree..."

"Are you going to sleep with us tonight?"

"No...I think. I think I should still stay away for a few nights"

"Suit yourself"

"Hmm come" Sunoo says. His hand goes to the small of Sunghoon's back leading him to the spare
bedroom. The door was still off its hinges leaning against the wall but the rest of the room had
been restored to perfection as the claw marks were buffed and stained over, the broken items
trashed and the room organized into something decent.

"I got you a new futon. This one should be a little easier on your back."

Sunghoon looks to the futon on the floor. It did look comfortable and as much as he appreciates
Sunoo making the room look nice for him he doesn't think he could sleep here, not with what
happened in it still running fresh and vivid in his mind.

"I think I'll stick to the couch," he says flatly. Sunoo gives an awkward smile as he bounces on his

"I thought so but I figured I'd let you know since it's closer to our room. "

Sunghoon's known Sunoo long enough to know when he's trying to hint at something, 'it's closer
to our room. You can sleep in there, with us, with me'. As much as Sunghoon would love that, to
wrap himself up in his mates warmth and love he still needs some time, for them to forgive him,
for him to forgive himself.

"How are you? How is your health?" Sunghoon deflects. Sunoo cross his arms unable to hold back
an eye roll.

"I was worried but my health has been in good standing. Guess we have Jay to thank for that"
Sunoo says. Sunghoon keeps his face neutral but he can't help but tighten his hand a bit, hiding his

"Ah really? H-how is he?"

"Really good. We uh...we kissed..." Sunoo whispers. Sunghoon feels his heart stop for a moment
and briefly wonders if he's dreaming. That was a possibility right, that this entire night had been his
brains fucked up punishment for himself but one look at Sunoo's love struck eyes and bashful
smile pulls Sunghoon off the deep end. This is real.

"Really?" he whispers, not having much else to say. What should he say? Good for you?
Congratulations? Awesome but now I want to punch someone?

"Yeah and it was scary? Good? Definitely good he's a good kisser but I was so nervous," Sunoo's
hands come up to hide the blush blossoming across his neck. Sunghoon hums still unable to find
the right words to say so he opts to not say anything. Taking his silence for anger Sunoo gnaws on
his bottom lip.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have said anything. Not tonight at least," he murmurs. Sunghoon takes a step
forward collecting Sunoo in his arms. There were so many scents clinging to Sunoo's clothing, his
skin but under it all Sunghoon's senses could easily recognize Sunoo's scent, fresh lemons with a
hint of sweetness like lemonade in the spring or summer. Sunghoon presses his nose to Sunoo's
neck breathing in deep, slowly getting drunk on the sweet scent. His tongue pokes out of his mouth
just enough to lick over Sunoo's neck once, then twice before placing a firm kiss there.

Sunoo sighs softly, holding Sunghoon tighter as the alpha continues his gentle assault on his neck.
Sunghoon continues to lick at Sunoo's neck, keeping the sweetness on his tongue until he can feel
his canines grow heavy with the need to bite and claim.

"It's fine. You're happy, that's all I ever want for you. Besides, it's not like the same thing didn't
happen between Jake and I," he says once he's a safe distance from Sunoo's neck.

"Different circumstances" Sunoo murmurs as he sways a bit, his body unsure if he wants to press
up against Sunghoon again or stay away.

"Even still. It's about time I accepted the two of them. They're a part of us now I can't pretend like
they're not anymore, especially now that Jungwon is my team mate, there's no avoiding this."

"There's not. I really like them, and I want this to work."

"We'll figure it out...I'll figure it out," This is his problem, he'll figure out how to solve it on his

"They'll like you Sunghoon." Sunoo offers a smile but the gesture goes unreciprocated when
Sunghoon scoffs. Sometimes Sunoo's optimism felt like delusional hope, a fools game.

"No need to flatter me Sunoo. We're already mates." the alpha answers after a moment.

"Not flattery, honesty. It'll be hard to see right now, but once you let them in and see your heart it'll
be hard for them not to love you" Sunghoon feels an uncomfortable amount of anxiety crash into
his chest pulling him under and making it hard to breathe. The look in Sunoo's eyes give Sunghoon
a sense of deja vu reeling him all the way back to highschool on the first day Sunoo said 'i love
you'. Sunghoon had been the first of them to say it, teenage alpha hormones making him feel sickly
in love, but at the time Sunoo hadn't said it back. Sunghoon remembered feeling like his heart had
been ripped out of his chest until Sunoo explained that those words were hard for him, that it had
been so long since he'd felt genuinely loved by someone causing him to forget what it felt like. It
wasn't until two weeks later when Sunoo said it back. Sunghoon couldn't even doubt his sincerity,
not when he could feel the love dripping off each word, could see the certainty in Sunoo's eyes.

Maybe it's love that makes you delusional and Sunoo is drunk on it, still awe struck from a single
kiss with Jay. If that's the case Sunghoon hopes he never falls in love with either of them, or that
they don't fall in love with him. It's better to keep a clear head, to be prepared than to walk into love
blind and get hurt.

"We'll see," Sunghoon answers with a smile because he too is delusional and in love, truly madly
deeply in love with Kim Sunoo. Sunoo chirps, pleased with the alpha's answer as he presses up on
his toes to kiss Sunghoon on the forehead.
"You shall see but right now we both should get some sleep. It's been a long night."

"Ok. Good night."

"Night. See you in the morning...we will see you in the morning, right?" Sunoo eyes Sunghoon
down, a silent plea to be here in the morning.

'I need to see you in the morning, to hold you and be held. You can do that, right? For me?'

Sunghoon brushes Sunoo's fringe back off his forehead long enough to place a small kiss there
before letting the hairs flop back down. "Yeah. I'll be here. I'll cook breakfast"

"Please don't. Jake really likes his kitchen, doesn't want us to burn it down."

"I can cook just fine on my own," and he can. Plenty of sleepovers were spent with Sunghoon
being the first one up to make sure Sunoo had food when he woke up, his young alpha beaming
with pride when Sunoo showered him with kisses and praises for a job well done. Even now he
was smiling smugly just thinking about it and Sunoo doesn't have the heart to tell him that the food
had always been too salty or a bit overcooked. Sunghoon was trying to make amends, to be better
and Sunoo wasn't going to take that away from him.

"Fine, do it and see what happens if you burn the kitchen. Jake will spank you."

A laugh bubbles up from Sunghoon's chest, surprising him as he gives Sunoo a small shove.
"You're so weird! Go to sleep and reflect on what you said"

"I have no regrets!" Sunoo says as he saunters out of the room.

Sunghoon gathers the bedding materials from the futon carrying them to the couch. He's gotten
quite used to sleeping on their sofa and the best positions to sleep in so he fluffs the pillow to his
liking and lays the blanket out before wrapping himself into a nice burrito to settle down. Despite
feeling exhausted from the game tonight, Sunghoon found himself lying awake with the moon. He
heard every creak of the apartment down to the bedroom. The bed springs creaked under the
weight of his mates movements. Sunoo's movements always seemed endless as he fidgeted around
to find a good position while Jake simply curled into a ball or cuddled Sunoo to go to sleep. Some
nights the movements sounded almost the same, a little song only he was aware of, other times it
was something new, like Jake farting in the middle of the night when he ate too late or got up to
sneak and eat a packet of ramyeon. Those nights made Sunghoon chuckle, thankful he wasn't in the
bed next to him so he didn't have to smell it. Other nights it was Sunoo huffing about Jake not
following through with his skin care routine or about how he can't find whatever blanket he wants
to throw onto the bed despite Jake complaining about it being hot.

Tonight there's no hushed bickering or endless shuffle of movements. The only sound from the
room is from the gentle creeks of the bed springs as his mates climb onto the bed but not much
else. After days of listening it feels weird to hear it so silent but maybe Sunghoon should consider
it a good thing. They hadn't resolved much tonight, not even close, there was still so much he
needed to tell Jake but Sunghoon thinks he can call tonight a good night since they resolved one
thing. Sunghoon feels tears collect in his eyes thinking of Jake and all he'd said. Honesty.
Sunghoon hasn't had much luck with that in his past, the memories doing nothing but fuel his fear
of Jake leaving once he finds out but he can try. He can try for Jake because through all of his shit
Jake stayed. Sunghoon can only hope that his loyalty doesn't get him killed like it did his mother.
Sunghoon can only hope his mates are right when they say he's nothing like his father.

"I do believe I said not to burn down Jake's kitchen" is the first thing Sunoo says when he finds
Sunghoon scrambling around the kitchen. The alpha looks over his shoulder, his ears flushed red.
In his defense he wasn't trying to burn down the kitchen.

"Just...cooked it too long," Sunghoon mutters as he scrapes the food out of the pan and into the

"Maybe I should just order something. I think I have enough time before we have to leave," With
shaky hands Sunghoon fishes his phone from his pajamas pocket, his thumbs struggling to press
the buttons. Gently Sunoo places his hand on top of Sunghoon's before holding onto it, stopping
the alphas movements.

"Sunghoon. It's just Jake,"he reminds the older softly. Singhoon sighs releasing some of the tension
that began to build up within him. .

"I-it's out first morning since everything. I just..I wanted to do something right by him for once. I
keep fucking up, ever since we met I just...fuck up"

"Sunghoon. We all make mistakes."

"I made them with you, Jake, Jay...Jungwon. I just...I wanted to-"

"You're stressing too much. We all make mistakes. You, me, Jake, I'm sure Jay and Jungwon have
made their own. Everyone makes mistakes. The only thing Jake is going to fault you for is making
his kitchen smell" Sunoo steals a glance around Sunghoon to look into the trash "burned sausage
and eggs and...whatever that is" Sunoo teases. Sunghoon chuckles a bit before giving Sunoo's hand
a light squeeze.

"It's pancake mix, or I guess it's waffle mix? Jake's been missing them..." his sincerity is adorable
but reality strikes Sunoo first sending him into a laughing fit.

"Waffles?...Sunghoon we don't even own a waffle iron!" Sunghoon runs his tongue across his
bottom lip before bitting it between his teeth.

"W-we don't?"

"No baby we don't"

"I thought we did. Maybe i was wrong," Sunghoon says but still goes to rummage though their
cabinets. He makes a noise of triumph as he stands up presenting a machine to Sunoo.

"We do!"

"Babe, that's a bungeoppang iron," to prove it Sunoo lifts the lid showing Sunghoon the inside. The
alpha pouts his shoulders slumping.

"Why do we have this stupid thing?" he mutters.

"Dunno. Just saw it in the store and felt like I needed it."
"Stupid "

"Hey, at least you tried Sunghoon. But remember this is why we leave the cooking to our beta"
Sunoo says with a pat to Sunghoons back.

"Thanks" he grumbles sarcastically, earning a quick peck on the cheek.

"I love you~"

"I love you too."

"And I love the smell of a clean kitchen and not...whatever the hell this smells like. What did you
do?" Jake questions lightly as he steps into the kitchen. Sunghoon's body tenses for a moment, his
fight or flight response triggered. He scans Jake's face looking for any hint of anger or annoyance
only to find soft eyes and Jake's lips quirked into his cute half smirk half smile.

"Oh u-uh I tried to cook breakfast. Didn't go well, sorry." Jake chuckles taking a step forward."I see
that. Guess I'll have to call Momma and tell her that her cooking skills did not get passed onto

'I'm here, I'm trying. Meet me halfway...'

"Y-yeah guess so..."

"Well don't just stand there Hoon. If you hurry and get ready we might have a chance to grab

"Oh right...b-be back" Sunghoon stutters before darting down the hall. He showers quickly
scrubbing yesterday's dirt and sweat from the game off his body before drying and throwing on
some clothes.

When he walks back in, Sunoo grimaces while taking in his appearance. "What is your hair?" the
omega questions not bothering to hide the distaste in his voice.

"It's fine. It'll air dry" Sunghoon says, running a hand through his semi-wet hair.

"Absolutely not."

"Sunoo! We don't have time for this!" despite Sunghoon's protest Sunoo tugs on his wrist bringing
him to their bathroom.

"Shut up. I'm not letting you go out in public looking like this!" Sunoo fusses. He forces Sunghoon
to sit on the bathroom stool while he rummages around for hair products to properly do Sunghoons

"See, better" Sunoo says ten minutes later. His cheeks were dusted pink as he smiles at Sunghoon
through the mirror, obviously very proud of his work.

"It would have looked the same if I let it air dr-OW! YAH!" Sunghoon shouts after being hit with
the flat iron. It wasn't hot but the smack did hurt.

"You say, "thank you" not that crap" Sunoo sasses. Sunghoon looks between his mate and the flat
iron still clutched in Sunoo's hand.

"Thank you Sunoo."

"You're welcome. Now let's go. I'm sure Jake is seething right now. You know how punctual he

Contrary to Sunoo's statement Jake was not seething. He was on his phone, bag hiked up on his
shoulder while he waited for them. Having the two in front of him he clicks his phone off, shoving
it in his back pocket with his cute smile on full display.

"Let's go!"

Given their time crunch, breakfast is short and awkward with very little chatter minus Sunoo's
usual blubber about one of his professors and the people in his class. Sunghoon is the first to split
from the group, desperately needing to get to the video room in time for their meeting so Hyunjin
doesn't come for his head. He's had to skip out on a lot of afternoon meetings and recordings due to
nightball but Hyunjin said he must be at today's meeting or they'd have to drop him from the club.

Walking into the film club room it was loud as Hyunjin and Jisung were already yelling at each
other while Jeongin and Seungmin huddled close looking at an ipad.

"Hey! You showed up!" Minho says once he catches sight of him. The yelling stops as the two
older men turn to Sunghoon.

"Oh hey," Hyunjin says. He backs away from Jisung to approach Sunghoon.

"Glad you could make it. We're still waiting on the others so why don't you take a seat with Felix
and look over the screenplay?"

"Yeah of course!" Sunghoon exclaims as he rushes across the room to Felix.

"Hey h-hyung?" the term feels foreign on his tongue seeing as he doesn't spend a lot of time with
Felix outside of the film club, even less now that nightball is in full swing. Despite his awkward
tone Felix still smiles at him, his little dimple appearing slightly to say hello.

"Hey Sunghoon. Haven't seen you in a bit," Felix replies as he brushes his hair back. Sunghoon
notes that it's now blonde rather than the light brown he'd remembered it to be.

"Yeah he's too busy losing nightball games" Jisung snickers, earning a slap to the back of his head
from Changbin.

"It was only the first game. I'm sure the team will win the next one," Changbin scolds before
turning to Sunghoon with a smile.

"How about we look over the screen play? We only have one more project before the end of the
semester. It's probably the biggest one for the club so we have to stick to a tight schedule," the
older explains. Sunghoon listens intently as Felix goes over the screenplay, acting dramaturge for
the project.

" want to represent the film club in the movie?"

"Yeah. It was Chan's idea. He's in his last year, got his masters already and he wanted to help the
club earn more recognition hence how On Track was invented. I think it's pretty cool. Hyunjin and
Minho do most of the acting, Jeongin too and I just get to sit back, give my notes on Jisung's shitty

"My dialogue isn't that bad Youngbok!"

"Stop yelling at Felix and sit your ass down!" Seungmin groans, already having enough of his
mates' antics.

"W-will I have to act?" Sunghoon joined sound and editing specifically for the fact that he wouldn't
have to act, that people wouldn't see him, share clips and he'd get recognized...again. Felix gives
him a sympathetic smile.

"Nah not if you don't want to. It's mainly the ogs of the group, if you don't mind."

"Not at all. I actually don't want to act, like at all," Sunghoon explains with a chuckle "Sorry if that
sounds rude."

"Don't worry about it. I feel the same way, but it's Chan hyungs last year, Minho's too really. I'm
trying to put away my discomfort for them," Felix has a faraway look in his eyes as he looks around
the room at all his friends. His eyes fill with tears but they don't fall, they just sit collecting sunlight
until he reaches up wiping them away.

Sunghoon bites the tip of his tongue. He's never really had friends other than Wonyoung so he
didn't really have words of encouragement or comfort to give. Instead he awkwardly pats Felix on
the back two times before tucking his hands under his armpits.

"Well enough of that, ha! Let's focus on smoothing out any inconsistencies. You remember what
each tab color is for?" Felix holds up the tabs and Sunghoon nods.

"Great let's get this over with."

The work together on the screenplay took longer than he originally thought and it cut into one of
his classes but Sunghoon didn't mind. It was nice being in the film room again hearing Jisung, the
forever perfectionist nag everyone and fight with Hyunijn, and Minho's sassy comments followed
by a witty remark from Seungin and the list goes on. It was also nice spending time with Felix.
When they first met, Sunghoon didn't think Felix would ever accept him but the beta had surprised
him by helping him get into the film club and teaching him how to work the equipment and how to
fly under Hyunjins radar.

"You goin' to class?" Felix questions as they pack up. Their work session had been over for the last
few minutes, the rest of the team rushing out leaving Felix and Sunghoon behind as they finish
packing the last of their things.

"Hmm. I don't think so," Sunghoon mutters. From the research to rewriting some of the script he
was a little drained and already late for his next class so he decided to skip for the rest of the day.
"H-hyung uh..if you're not busy can we grab lunch?"

"I'd love to Sunghoon but I have a lab to attend soon," Felix, although still stunned, seems
sympathetic enough, but it doesn't do much to ease the sting of rejection. Sunghoon feels his palms
clam with embarrassment as he reaches up to scratch at the back of his neck.

"Ah haha of course! Sorry!" Sunghoon returns his attention back to the desk collecting the last of
the papers, placing them in their respective folders. His movements come to a halt when a warm
hand makes contact with his wrist.

"Why are you apologizing? I'd truly like to have lunch with you sometime, Sunghoon. And your
mate....Sunoo when you both have time, and even separately. We're family now" Felix lets his hair
fall in front of his face, almost hiding as if he were a little embarrassed, or maybe shy. The alpha
found it somewhat endearing, even cute. Felix's long blond hair hiding his face but somehow his
freckles were still visible dusted along his nose and cheeks.

"I'd like that uh get lunch when you're free" Sunghoon stutters before biting on the tip of
his tongue.

"Sounds great Hoon. Win this next nightball game and dinner will be on me," Felix says. Before
Sunghoon knows it Felix is opening his arms for a hug and leaning close. It takes the older by
surprise, his body going rigid for a moment before relaxing. Felix was warm, like the sunshine on a
windy spring afternoon, right before it rains. He smells like fresh rain as well with a hint of
something fresh, clean. It reminds him of Jake.

"Hoon, you ok?" the beta pulls back from their hug to look at Sunghoon. The alpha had tears
gathered in his eyes. Quickly Sunghoon backs away, wiping at his eyes.

"Just some dust. We should get going now."

"Oh yeah I gotta head off now! See ya" and with that Felix leaves Sunghoon after ruffling the hair
at the back of the youngers head. Subconsciously a smile makes its way onto Sunghoon's face at
the gesture. He doesn't have anyone older than him to treat him like that. It left a warm feeling deep
in his gut.

With an extra pep in his step Sunghoon makes his way to the library. The next several hours were
spent watching youtube and trying to keep his laughs down while watching whatever interesting
content came up. Before too long he was walking across campus to the locker room. Even before
opening the door he could hear the commotion going on inside.

Sunghoon takes a moment focusing on his breathing, calming himself and preparing for the chaos
before he pushes the door open. Once the door swings open the volume grows without the wood
acting as a barrier to keep it muffled. Sunghoon's eyes dart around the room locating each other the
sounds letting his brain make the necessary connections before heading to his locker. On his way
he spots Jungwon and Jinho sitting on a bench chatting away. Jungwon's dimples appear in his
cheeks with every other word he speaks, the younger bouncing in his seat with excitement.
Sunghoon feels annoyance and a sense of nervousness swirling in a confusing whirlwind within
him. He's always annoyed to see the omega since every encounter with him has been less than
pleasant but then there was this nervousness that hit him as well, as if he were shy to talk to him.
There should be nothing to be shy about, it's just Sunoo's stupid annoying friend...who he's
promised to get along with, or at least try to get along with.
"Hey" he says simply to the younger. His voice comes out strained and awkward, gaining the two
members attention as they stop mid conversation to look up at Sunghoon.

"Er...hi" Jungwon says back. Sunghoon nods before swiftly walking away grimacing at his own
awkward behavior. Sunghoon makes quick work of changing out of his regular clothes and into his
practice ones before slamming the locker door shut. His body was itching for a way to release the
built up tension from the night before. Between losing the game and his talk with Jake, Sunghoon
was in desperate need of an emotional reset.

"Alright everyone listen up!" Coach Yang shouts with a swift clap of his hands. He goes to explain
their training goals for the day before letting the team lose to go into the weights room.

"Soo..are you feeling ok?" Jungwon questions as they walk to the weights room. Sunghoon glances
down at him, his hand twitching with annoyance.

"Yes I'm fine. Why do you ask?"

"Well you randomly said hi to me like a normal person. You haven't done that once since the first
time I met you," the omega says matter-a-factly. It bugs Sunghoon.

"Sure I have!" he answers receiving a scoff from Jungwon.

"Maybe in your mind you have. Out in the real world you haven't done so, hence my question: are
you, Park Sunghoon, ok?"

"I'm fine are you?" and to add insult to injury Jungwon gasps, hand going to his

"Wow you're returning the courtesy? That's truly world changing. A miracle must have happened
somewhere in the world."

"Damn it! Seriously, are you going to be annoying the entire time?" Sunghoon explodes, his
patients already snapping. Jungwon frowns, clicking his tongue against his teeth.

"Nevermind. You're the same after all."

"Jungwon-" Sunghoon sighs, pinching at the bridge of his nose. When he opens his eyes Jungwon
is giving him a smile that makes Sunghoon's heart leap. It reminded him of the Cheshire cat, weird,
mischievous and just a smidget creepy.

"So, what are you going to focus on during this training session?" Jungwon questions as if he didn't
just give Sunghoon a mini heart attack.

"Upper body."

"Ahh really? Want a spotter?" Sunghoon raises a brow, eying the omega suspiciously.

"...You? You're gonna be my spotter?"

"Yeah. Why do you seem so appalled by that?"

"Cause you probably won't be able to help at all. You'd just drop it on my neck." A vivid image of
Sunghoon struggling to push the bar up while Jungwon stands behind him (possibly with devil
horns and a tail) watching as he struggles and inevitably drops it on his neck.

"Alphas and omegas aren't that different Sunghoon. I'm strong," Jungwon boasts. As if to prove a
point he holds his arms up flexing his biceps. Sunghoon laughs but it's not mean but rather from

"Sure Jungwon sure. How much can you bench hmm?"

"Like 215? 215! How much can you bench huh?"

"275" Sunghoon revels in the way Jungwon's face goes blank momentarily before that fucking
smile works it's way back onto his face.

"That's it? Jay can do more," Jungwon says with a shrug. It's so careless, so unbothered that it
ignites Sunghoon's annoyance and competitive nature. No way will he be beaten by Park fucking

"Be my spotter" he demands nodding towards the equipment. Jungwon blinks pointing to himself.

"Me? Thought I was gonna drop it on your neck?" he says matter of factly. Sunghoon rolls his
eyes, slapping Jungwon's back as he makes his way over to the bench press.

"You're not gonna drop it. Just get over here." Jungwon groans loudly but stomps his way over to
the piece of equipment where Sunghoon was already loading weights onto the bar.

"Shouldn't you stretch first?"

"Oh...yeah" Sunghoon does his best to ignore the blush dusting his cheeks as he proceeds to do his

"Ok. now be my spotter."

"Yeah whatever!" Jungwon groans. He stands behind the machine watching Sunghoon bench. As
Sunghoon went through his reps gradually adding more and more weight Jungwon found that he
couldn't focus on counting how many presses Sunghoon did or even when he changed the weight
amount. His eyes were locked on Sunghoon's exposed biceps, the way the muscles would flex and
bulge when he had a little too much strain on them, or how the muscles rippled with each pump of
the bar above his head. Jungwon's nose twitches and he shifts from foot to foot trying to focus on
his scent, careful not to release too many pheromones. He could not have the entire locker room
looking at him like he was that type of omega all hot and bothered by a sweaty alpha.

"How many was that?" the words don't align in Jungwon's brain leaving him to blink dumbly at


Sunghoon rolls his eyes, pushing himself into an upright position. "How many did I just do? I lost

"Oh uh... wasn't paying attention. Sorry."

"What? You said spot you, never told me to count," the younger sasses and he hopes to the moon
goddess that Sunghoon hadn't actually asked him to count.. Sunghoon rolls his eyes as he lays
down again. He holds onto the cool metal of the bar before lifting it up and begins again. Jungwon
counts this time opting to focus on that rather than the way Sunghoon's biceps continued to bulge.
By the end of it Sunghoon had a shit eating grin on his face which was shiny with sweat.

"280. Can Jay do that?" he questions smugly. Jungwon cocks his head to the side.

"Ahh 280? Oh no I was way off. Jay can only bench about 230. I must have heard you wrong,"
honestly Jungwon isn't even sure how much Jay can actually bench, hell he's not even sure why he
cares so much. Something about annoying Sunghoon is just so fun, rewarding, especially now
seeing how quickly Sunghoon goes red in the face, clearly annoyed with Jungwon.


"Sorry Sunghoon, but thanks for a good show." and Jungwon speed walks away as if he didn't just
betray Sunghoon. The alpha doesn't let him get too far as he trails behind grabbing the back of
Jungwon's shirt to hold him in place.

"Good show? YAh! Did you trick me for your own amusement?" he glares down at Jungwon, eye
twitching with annoyance when he smirks at him with that smile again. How many times was this
now? Two? Three?

"Maybe," Jungwon says playing the bashful omega but Sunghoon sees right through the innocent
act as he stares into the youngers mischievous eyes.

"Yang Jungwon"

"What? Huh? Shouldn't you be proud?"

"Proud? I'm annoyed, now I'm going to wake up with sore muscles!"

"Aww poor baby" Jungwon coos, his mocking tone matching the look on his face. It takes
everything within Sunghoon not to just deck him. He considers walking away and giving up but
that would be too easy.

"Alright your turn then. What do you plan to do?"

"Hmmm. I actually wanna be lazy today. Figured helping you work out would be good enough to
slide under coaches radar" Jungwon says and then does something that Sunghoon thinks was an
attempt to wink but ends up becoming a blink.

"Absolutely not, you have to do something as well, otherwise I'll tell coach."

"Oh yeah go on, be a little tattler. How old are we Sunghoon?"

"Old enough to know when to be responsible and when to not be. Come on working on your lower
half will give us an advantage during next game."

"Fine!" Jungwon groans, stomping his feet. Joining some of their teammates Jungwon and
Sunghoon spend the rest of their practice working on their lower bodies. It feels like a blessing
when coach Yang comes in announcing their session was over and they could go home for the

"My legs hurt!" Jungwon whines as the team heads back into the locker room. Beside him
Sunghoon scoffs with disbelief. Despite his threat and oversight of the youngers work out he'd
ended up being the one to work out more leaving a dull ache to slowly creep up on him as he began
to slow down.

"My everything hurts thanks to you so shut up!" Sunghoon snaps.

Jungwon huffs pushing his hair back "Hey! No need to be rude!"

"I didn't start it!"

"Yeah you did"

"No I didn't!" Sunghoon shouts back.

"Ah will you two shut up," Jinho says as he tosses an arm around both Sunghoon and Jungwon's

"Whatever you're squabbling about I'm sure it's Sunghoon's fault, so be a good hyung and
apologize hmm?" Jinho says mockingly. Sunghoon jerks his shoulder from Jinho's grip glaring at

"You should apologize, it is your fault," Jungwon says, nudging Sunghoon playfully. Beside him
Jinho barks out a laugh.

"Ah see I knew it. Sunghoon is just that type of guy."

"I'm going to get changed now," Sunghoon excuses himself from the pair to trudge off to his locker
instead. It only took a handful of minutes to change out of his sweat soaked clothes and shove them
into his bag. Sunghoon takes the chance of glancing over his shoulder to see Jinho and Jungwon
still talking away. Jinho was far too close for Sunghoon's liking. The alpha could feel his skin
prick warm with anger as Jinho inched closer to Jungwon, his hand grazing some part of the
omegas body.

Abruptly, Sunghoon stands up, throwing his bag over his shoulder. His shoes slap loudly against
the floor as he approaches the duo chest heaving.

"Need something Sunghoon?" Jinho questions smugly as he leans back on his palms. Sunghoon
doesn't spare him a glance but instead looks to Jungwon.

"If you're still having pain when you get home take an ice bath, it'll help," hearing the suggestion
Jungwon scrunches his nose.

"Ice bath? Ahh that'll be too cold!"

"Do you want to be in pain all night or what?"

"Fine! But if it doesn't help I'll tell Sunoo to beat you up," Jungwon shoots a glare Sunghoon's

"Yeah right, like he'd listen to you."

"Cause he's a good omega who only listens to his alpha right?" Jinho butts in sarcastically.
Sunghoon's foot taps against the floor impatiently.

"Jinho shut up," he sneers.

"What are you going to do if I don't huh?" before Jinho can push himself off the bench Jungwon is
shoving him back down.

"Ugh stop! You alphas are so annoying!" the omega complains, pushing the two alphas away from
each other.


"I'll take the ice bath, alright Hoon?"

"Hmm," Sunghoon hums. "I only came here to say that, and goodbye,e" Sunghoon reaches
for Jungwon ruffling the youngers hair. As he brings his hand away his wrist grazes against the
side of Jungwon's neck. His scent isn't very strong in his wrist but Sunghoon is hoping it's enough
to last until Jungwon gets home, warning Jinho away and that Jungwon doesn't notice he's marked
him, no matter how subtle. It'll have to serve as a temporary fix until he can find a more permanent
way to keep Jinho away from his omega...his omega's friend.

"Hmm Jay's probably here by now so I'll leave too."

"I'll walk you out," Sunghoon offers. He sends a final glare to Jinho before following after
Jungwon outside.

"You're not trying to prank me with the ice bath thing are you?" Jungwon questions once
Sunghoon catches up to him. He eyes the alpha still hesitant on the suggestion.

"No, that's stupid. What are we teenagers?" Sunghoon scoffs "I was an athlete before graduating
high school. I took a lot of ice baths. They're not as bad as you might think."

"We'll see. Ah there's Jay..." Jungwon says spotting Jays car "Want a ride home?"

"No thanks. Jake is working so I figured I'd pick him up and make sure his co-workers aren't taking
advantage of his kindness again."


"They ask him to stay later than scheduled so they can get off their shift early. He always says yes
and stresses himself out. We're working on it slowly. I'll see you"

"Oh yeah. See you," Jungwon waves before rushing off to Jay's car. Just as he gets close the older
exits the car arms open waiting for Jungwon to jump into them. Jay presses a kiss or two to
Jungwon's forehead before putting him on his feet again, opening the door for him. Objectively
Sunghoon can understand why Sunoo has become so smitten by Jay. he's handsome, a perfect
gentleman and almost fully like a perfect disney prince. Jay is the type of man to give Sunoo his
perfect fairytale ending, a life he deserves. He watches up until they both are in the car and the
vehicle is driving away. Once the vehicle is away and out of sight he trudges off for Jake's job.

The air is humid causing his clothes to stick uncomfortably to his skin. It does well to serve as a
distraction from the uncomfortable ache in his legs and the thrum in his chest as he approaches the

Walking inside Sunghoon can see Jake rushing from the kitchen to the floor serving food and
drinks by himself while two of his co-workers giggle in a corner. Sunghoon sits at an empty table
watching as Jake serves four tables before coming back empty handed approaching the girls.

"The rest of the tables are yours. Keep up with them, their orders should be done soon," Jake
informs as he hands the two women a notepad each.

"Ahh but Jake! Stay just a little longer. Please?!" the taller of the two begs. Sunghoon could never
remember her name.

"Yeah please Jake!" the shorter pleads, always following her friends lead. Sunghoon watches as
Jake shakes his head.

"Not tonight, I want to go home."

The shorter girl scoff crossing her arms "Why it's not like you have any plans."

Jake matches her posture staring her down "I do have plans, with my boyfriend."

"Boyfriend? What boyfriend, he hasn't been here in weeks!"

"Yeah I bet you two aren't even together anymore" the shorter says. Jake huffs, one of his hips
jutting out to the side with annoyance.

"I'll have you know that-"

"The boyfriend in question is right here," Sunghoon says, stepping close. He'd had enough of the
girls whining, always wanting Jake to do their work for them. His arm goes around Jake's waist
tugging him close.

"Instead of asking Jake to do your work why don't you go do it yourself. Unless you'd like me to
call your boss and inform her about what you've really been up to."

"Ah don't do that"

"Jake, you should have said your boyfriend was here. We would have given him a drink and not
teased you so much!" the taller says, twirling her hair between her fingers. Jake's chest rumbles,
possibly with a growl but Sunghoon has noticed he's good at controlling it at work, especially in
front of these two women.
"Yeah tease me, that's what you were doing" Jake rolls his eyes at their attitude.

"Whatever. Come on Jakie let's get you home. You've been working so hard today huh?"
Sunghoon mutters sweetly. His hand cups Jake's jaw sweetly as his thumb hovers just above his
cheek bones.

'Is this ok?'

Jake responds to his silent question by leaning into Sunghoon's touch letting the rough pads of the
alpha's thumb press against his skin. The coil in Sunghon's chest unravels enough for him to
breathe properly, his heart letting go of some of the ache.

"Let's go home" Jake murmurs, turning his head just enough to press a kiss to Sunghoon's wrist.

"Ew, get out of here before the customers see!"

"Jake, you're still at work! Be professional"

Feeling Jake's annoyance through their bond, Sunghoon chuckles. He releases his hold on Jake's
jaw to intertwine their fingers instead so they can walk out the building hand in hand.

They don't say anything during their journey home but that was one of the things Sunghoon always
admired about his relationship with Jake. They were both introverts finding more appreciation in
silence and each other's presence than if they were to speak the entire time. Hand in hand, hearts
beating in rhythm was just enough for the both of them.

When they arrive home they find Sunoo with his homework scattered across the floor and the take
out containers already open.

"Oh someone has been working hard," Jake says, stepping away from Sunghoon. The youngest
looks up, his eyes sparkling with tears as his bottom lip juts out in a pout.

"I hate this!" Sunoo exclaims before breaking out into a tantrum.

"Hey what is it hmm? I'm sure I can help," Jake says as he toes off his shoes. Sunghoon follows
behind but after seeing the work he excuses himself to shower.

When he comes back Sunoo is sitting on Jake's lap the older finishing his homework while Sunoo
alternates between eating food out of the take out container and feeding Jake as well. Sunghoon
lays on the couch scrolling through his phone to pass the time when a text comes through.

I hate you - xxx

This is stupid - xxx

Sunghoon blinks at the messages not recognizing the number until the next messages come

Damn it Sunghoon! - xxx

It's so fucking cold in this bath! - xxx
I'm going to kill you - xxx
Sunghoon can't help but snicker. It was Jungwon.

Sucks for you lol - p.s.

I took a nice hot shower - p.s.

It's far from the truth, Sunghoon actually had a very cold shower but he was used to them. Between
ice baths and hours spent in the rink cold weather did little to phase him.

Fuck you - y.j.

Seriously im going to kick your ass - y.j.

Could you even though? - p.s.

I could probably just pick you up with one arm - p.s.

Try it. I will bite you - y.j.

Haha - p.s.

Seriously this is the worst! - y.j.

I'm so cold - y.j.

You'll be fine. Wear smth warm after and so some stretches. You'll be good as new - p.s.

Im never doing this again y.j.

Look at me! - y.j.
I look like a drenched pathetic cat! - y.j
*image* - y.j.

Sunghoon clicks the image looking at Jungwon's displeased face in the mirror selfie. The alpha
couldn't help but snicker seeing how the wet jet black strands of Jungwon's hair clung to his
forehead and how his dimples showed in his cheeks despite him frowning.

"What are you giggling about?" Sunoo questions peering over Jake's shoulder.

"Your stupid friend," the alpha says a small smile playing on his lips as he responds to Jungwon
with a few laughing emojis receiving a vomit face emoji in return seconds after.

"Doie? I didn't know you had his number." Sunghoon freezes as if he'd been caught his brain
finally catching up with the situation.. Awkwardly he clears his throat looking back at Sunoo.

"N-no, the other one."

Sunghoon watches as Sunoo tilts his head to the side a little his brows jumping up to his hairline

"Hmm. He was complaining about practice. I thought it was funny." Sunghoon keeps his answer
vague not allowing his excitement to bleed through because that would lead Sunoo on to believe
that he and Jungwon are becoming friends and they are far from being friends.

"Ah. Hoon don't be mean to him."

"I wasn't being mean. He was the one who called himself a drenched cat," Sunghoon pouts
obviously displeased Sunoo was taking Jungwon's side without knowing all the facts of the


"Nothing" Sunghoon mutters. He sends a short reply to Jungwon before clicking his phone off.

Haha - p.s.
Guess that will be your contact name - p.s.
Good night! see you at practice pathetic cat - p.s.

Despite getting a bunch of incoming messages, Sunghoon ignores his phone, opting to nap on the
couch instead.

Do not make that my contact name - y.j.

Sunghoon! - y.j.
Hey! - y.j.
Respond! - y.j.
I'll seriously beat you up if you have that as
my contact name - y.j.
Ugh you're the worst - j.w.
See you at practice. Good night - j.w.


Sunghoon feels foolish for hating Jungwon so much. He was nothing more than a brat but oh so
fun to pick on. Practice had become more bearable throughout the week especially after giving
Jungwon a new..."nickname" of sorts.

"Hmm good evening pathetic kitty" he would sing-song after spotting Jungwon. The younger
would always scowl before balling his fist.

"Ah seriously Sunghoon I will bite you!"

"Aye, what's wrong with the kitty today?" Sunghoon would tease after resting his arm on
Jungwon's head. It would earn him a punch to the gut that didn't really hurt but he played it off for
Jungwon's sake.

Even when Saturday rolls around and everyone is a chaotic buzz of excitement and nerves
Sunghoon can't help but tease Jungwon.

"Make sure not to fumble tonight" he says flicking the back of Jungwon's exposed neck as he
passes by. He hears an annoyed groan come from the omega before a kick is delivered to the back
of his shin.

"Haha Sunghoon. As you've been saying all week I'm like a cat. I'll be just fine."

Sunghoon smirks, stepping into Jungwon's space. He leans down close by the omegas ear a smirk
playing on his lips "Hmm sure. Unless it rains. Then you'll just be a drenched pathetic cat."
Jungwon gasps, pushing the alpha back with enough force that Sunghoon's body falls against the

"Sunghoon save your death wish for another night"

Sunghoon chuckles, his arm moving behind him to thumb at the spot on his back where the
combination knob bruised his skin. "I've heard a lot of threats but nope you haven't done anything"

"Yet" Jungwon's voice had a bit of an edge to it making it sound more like a promise than a threat.
Sunghoon leans close, resting his arm on Jungwon's head.

"And you still won't," he sing-songs booping Jungwon's nose, something he's noticed annoys the
younger to no end.

"Whatcha guys talkin' about?" Jinho questions as he approaches them. Sunghoon bites down a
growl when the other alpha tosses his arm around Jungwon's shoulders.

"Nothing that concerns you Jinho," Sunghoon grumbles. Slowly his arm drops from the top of
Jungwon's head to his shoulder pulling him just a tad closer putting the smallest bit of extra
distance between him and Jinho.

"Oh? We're all a team huh? No secrets so let me in huh?" Jinho says, stepping in closer a teasing
smile playing on his lips. Sunghoon moves to pull him and Jungwon back but the younger reacts
faster, worming out of Sunghoon's grip.

"Sunghoon was just getting on my nerves," Jungwon says to Jinho who nods approvingly.

"Sunghoon gets on everyone's nerves. What was it Wonyoung called you?" Jinho scratches at his
chin for a moment before clicking his fingers together "Ah! Ice prince! Ice prince, right? Am I
right Sunghoon?" he says, his smirk turning into something mean and condescending. Between
them Jungwon looks between the two alphas.

"Ice prince? What kind of nickname is that?" Jungwon teases reaching out to poke Sunghoon in the
ribs. It usually sparks a reaction, a squirm, a shout but Sunghoon keeps a stone cold face glaring at

"An old one. No one calls me that anymore."

"But we should. You act so cold to everyone, even poor Jungwon here."

"Instead of focusing on my relationship with Jungwon why don't you focus on the game tonight?"

Jinho holds his hands up, feigning innocence. "Oh relationship huh? I didn't know you were
making moves on Jungwon, sorry. Hmm but what would your little omega think?"

Sunghoon growls under his breath taking a step towards Jinho but a firm hand on his chest stops
him. Looking down, Sunghoon meets Jungwon's eyes. The youngers face is twisted with confusion
and maybe a little annoyance from Sunghoons behavior.

"Relax. He didn't mean anything by it. He's just being stupid," Jungwon says. Behind the omega
Jinho's face is smug, mocking Sunghoon urging his anger forward as his nostrils flare, his body
becoming warm with anger until Jungwon makes a little chirping noise. For a moment Sunghoon's
alpha becomes confused as it responds to the chirp, his body relaxing.he doesn't notice how his
gaze softens or how his heartbeat slows. All Sunghoon can focus on is the brown eyes in front of
him and nothing else.
"Let's all get ready for the game! Come on gentlemen, we need a win tonight!" Haneul shouts.
Noise explodes through the small room as the rest of the team get hyped up for the game pulling
Sunghoon from his trance.

"Hoon?" Jungwon cocks his head to the side obviously just as confused as Sunghoon but the alpha
flees first before a comment could be made. .

Slowly Sunghoon works his way into the crowd of his team mates, close enough to keep an eye on
Jungwon with Jinho in case the alpha got any ideas he shouldn't be having. Jungwon is
his..responsibility to protect...for Sunoo.

"Game time boys! Let's go let's go! Give me a win tonight!" Assistant coach Park shouts as he
rounds the team up.

Out on the field Sunghoon feels overwhelmed by the lights, the sounds, the smells. It's a lot and he
easily becomes dizzy. His hands shake down by his sides as all his senses go into overdrive. A
hand brushes against his briefly stealing his attention. Sunghoon looks to the hand beside his
before his gaze travels up the arm to the body connected to it. Jungwon. Of course.

"Bet you I can make more goals than you tonight." the younger says a smirk playing on his lips.
Sunghoon scoffs, shoving his hands under his armpits.

"Goals are easy, Jungwon. Try making a tackle tonight, bet you can't." he responds.

"Oh yeah? You're on."

Their friendly competition becomes long forgotten as the game kicks off. Unlike the game against
the Sunshine School the school they were up against were much better at night ball, higher ranked
amongst the colleges as well. It seemed like no matter how hard they fought against the team they
fought back harder. By halftime the eclipse school were visibly disheartened and a little defeated
leading to a snowball effect until the end of the game, 90-40.

"Took you long enough," Sunghoon groans while pushing himself off the wall. His body was
already beginning to feel the effects of the game weight on him, taking on every ache and bruise
from falling, shoving and tackling all night. Jungwon's hair was still wet from the brief rinse he
had in the showers before changing into cleaner clothes, his scent masked by a vanilla body wash.

"No one said you had to wait for me," he states while shoving his now dirtied uniform into his bag
along with his other gear.

"I wasn't waiting," the alpha says quickly and he wasn't but he also was. Not like he's going to
admit that to Jungwon though. Doesn't need him thinking he cares. "They'll be grouped together
waiting for us, so it makes sense for us to walk out together"

Jungwon finishes packing the last of his things tossing his bag over his shoulder "Ah so you were
waiting for me" he grins up at Sunghoon with a knowing smile. He doesn't bother to hear an
answer as he walks past Sunghoon to the exit.

"Whatever helps you sleep at night" Sunghoon responds with an eye roll as he follows Jungwon
out. As predicted their mates were chatting away waiting for them to emerge from the locker room
giving Sunghoon the perfect excuse to poke Jungwon in the back.

'I win'

"Good game guys," Jay says first as he wraps an arm around Jungwon's waist.

"Are you feelin' ok? that tackle in the second quarter looked like it hurt" Sunoo stresses as he yanks
Sunghoon down to his height by the face examining him for injuries.

"Knocked my brain a bit but I think I'll be ok Sunshine," Sunghoon says with a chuckle feeling
embarrassed with everyone's eyes on him being fussed over.

Besides Jay Jungwon snorts. "A little? It knocked it harder than a little cause you totally fumbled
the next play!"

"Shut up Jungwon it wasn't that bad"

"Not that bad? Sunghoon you knocked poor Jisung-hyung over!" Jungwon howls with a laugh
remembering how Sunghoon short circuited on the field making a split decision to run to the left
only to run into Jisung sending them both to the ground.

"He was in the way!" Sunghoon protests, his voice pitch going higher as he whines.

"Excuses excuses."

"You know what Jungwon," Sunghoon huffs, taking a step towards the omega. His hand comes up
to flick Jungwon maybe on his forehead or maybe his cheek he doesn't know exactly but the choice
is made for him when Jay steps between them a growl like hiss emitting from his chest.

Sunghoon jerks his hand away, taking a step back, his body colliding with two others. On either
side of him stood Jake and Sunoo glaring at Jay letting out a hiss and growl of their own. .

"Jay what the hell?" Jungwons voice comes out in a panic as he grabs Jay's arm attempting to tug
him backwards but to no avail. The older omega doesn't even budge his eyes glaring at Sunghoon.

"Just what do you think you're doing Park Sunghoon?" Jay says his name with such distaste his
eyes blazing a fire. It cuts away at Sunghoon more than he'd like to admit.

"I..." Sunghoon's response falls short "I wasn't gonna hurt him" he whispers but Jay looks far from

"Jay, he was just kidding around!" Jungwon says hurriedly. Across form them Jake glares at Jay a
low growl still rumbling in his chest, his anger rising the longer Jay glares at his mate.

"He's not going to hurt Jungwon so why don't you take a step back Jay?" he says in English. The
fellow foreigner let's his eyes flick to Jake's.

"Maybe you can trust that cause he's your mate but he's not mine".

"Yeah well he is mine and I'm yours and I'm telling you he won't hurt Jungwon. Trust me" Sunoo
butts in.

"Jay calm down! He was only joking. We do this during practice, he's never hurt me," Jungwon
repeats this time successfully tugging Jay back.

."You two joke at practice?"

"Yeah. Other than being annoying, Sunghoon hasn't done anything wrong, right Sunghoon?"
Jungwon looks to Sunghoon for help, his eyes pleading for the alpha to assist him in dousing the
anger and tension but the alpha was cross eyed, his body swaying.
"Sunghoon?" he says again the slightest hint of worry in his voice. Beside him Sunoo and Jake
hold him steady.

" We should go home, I'm feeling a bit dizzy," Sunghoon mumbles.

"Let's get you home then." their goodbyes are ridged as they part ways.Sunghoon doesn't say a
single word the entire time home, or even when they're huddled together in the bathroom getting
ready for bed.

"What's going through your head hmm?" Sunoo murmurs. He had a firm hand on the alpha's back
as he guided him to their bed.


"Liar," Sunoo teases. He gives Sunghoon a firm push watching as the alpha falls on his back with
an 'oof'.

"Sunoo," Sunghoon warns as Sunoo climbs onto his lap. He tries to sit up only to be held in place
again, hands going to Sunghoon's shoulders, thumbs pressing into his muscles forcing some of the
knots away. .

"I just want you to speak to me. Don't keep it all bottled inside," Sunoo says, pressing a kiss to the
side of his mate's neck.

"He knows about what happened...what I did right?" Sunghoon is sure Jay knows, the look he had
in his eyes told it all. Anger, betrayal, distrust, Jay has to know. Sunoo sighs hot breath fanning
over Sunghoon's neck. He doesn't respond at first, opting to collect his thoughts first.

"They know some of it. Not everything. Jay knows it was an accident," he murmurs, pressing
another kiss to Sunghoon's neck.

"He still looked at me I was going to. I wasn't. I wouldn't hurt Jungwon," Sunghoon
doesn't know why he needs Sunoo to know this, that he wouldn't hurt Jungwon, not now not ever
not if he could help it.

"I know you wouldn't. You're not like that. You're my Hoonie-bear!" Sunoo teases just before
blowing a raspberry on Sunghoon's jaw. The alpha groans, lifting his head out of reach.

"Stop!" he whines when Sunoo leans up, using the bed as leverage to continuously blow slobbery
raspberries all over his jaw and neck. When Sunoo is satisfied with his antics he settles in
Sunghoon's lap again running his nose along the column of the alpha's throat.

"Give him time."

"Hmm, I will," Sunghoon answers but he feels as if time will only prove he's only allowed Sunoo
and Jake. He isn't meant to have more than this.

"I should head out now."

"Noo! Stay here. I miss you."

"I will see you in the morning," Sunghoon tries to get up but Sunoo pushes his body weight
forward, trapping Sunghoon under him. "I said stay," he demands. Sunghoon scoffs at his mate,
easily turning them over.

"I'm going to the couch. Good night," he pressed a kiss to Sunoo's lips before making his second
attempt of the night to escape the room. It fails when a hand presses on his back forcing him to
face plant into the mattress.

"You heard Sunoo, he said stay. Be a good boy and listen" Jake says smugly. Sunghoon's face feels
hot when he turns around to face his mates.

"I'm the alpha here and-"

"And I'm the hyung. Lay your ass down."

Sunghoon's body reacts to Jake's order and settles back against the bed. He watches as Sunoo goes
through a pile of blankets before choosing one to drape over the bed while Jake shuts off the
bathroom light before turning off the one to their bedroom and climbing into the bed.

On his left Sunghoon feels the familiar ticklish feeling of Sunoo's soft hair against his neck while
Jake adjusts himself using his chest as a pillow.

"If you even think about sneaking out of his bed I'll spank your ass red." the beta mumbles once
he's settled. In an instant Sunghoon feels his face flush red.

"Jake! D-don't say that" he stutters. Jake uses Sunghoon's chest as leverage as he sits up to look the
alpha in the eye.

"What? Are you like in to that?" his eyebrow quirks up eyeing Sunoo suspiciously.

"No! No but it sounds so..."

"Oh my gosh!" Jake barks out a laugh shaking his head "You're so weird! Go to sleep"

"I'm not the one who said it!"

"Go to bed," Sunoo says. Sunghoon turns to him a witty response geared up to go but it leaves his
brain the second he gets a surprise kiss from Sunoo. Whining he turns away from the younger only
to come face to face with Jake instead. One of Jake's large hands come up to cup Sunghoon's
cheek, thumb stroking at his skin.

"It's been long enough don't you think?" the beta whispers.

"I can wait until you're ready no matter how long it ta-" Jake presses a hand to Sunghoon's chest
using it as leverage as he leans up pressing their lips together. It's a short kiss but it's enough to get
Sunghoon's heart to leap in his chest, their bond glowing from stimulation. Jake smiles softly,
giving Sunghoon another peck before getting comfortable again on the alpha's chest.

"I won't make you wait any longer. Hoonie bear!," he sing-songs.

"Ugh!" Sunghoon throws his head back, staring up at the ceiling. His face was hot despite the air
conditioning being on causing the room to be cool. His heart thumps at the right pace, his heart
feeling full from all the attention. This was enough for him, he doesn't need more, he can't have
more. Sunoo and Jake are enough.

Chapter End Notes


word count: 12808

a/n: sorta hate this chapter but it lines something up for the next chapter! I don’t feel
like some of Sunghoon’s trauma is explained well in this chapter so if you guys have
any questions feel free to ask me! Depending on how I end up writing the rest of this
story I might write a chapter like sunoo’s background chapter but just for sunghoon
and everything that happened in his childhood. I hope you all enjoyed this chapter
despite it being a mess!

Side note: I posted a mini teaser on my instagram (you should follow me

@storybird24) about heeseung and his mates! For those of you who don’t follow me I
said that Heeseung has 3 mates. If you can guess all 3 correctly I’ll give you another
spoiler! One person has done it so far! You only get one guess so good luck everyone.
Deadline for this will be in 2 weeks when I post the next chapter! You can post your
guess through the comments or dm me on instagram or wp! Thanks for reading love
yall lots
Kim Sunoo
Chapter Notes

im going to post side scenes on off weeks when i dont post a chapter. here is the first
one for sunoo!

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Kim Sunoo
Age 16

Waking up Sunoo didn’t feel too good. His chest felt hollow and his head felt floaty but not in the
good way. He just felt…bad. He couldn’t explain it. Nothing had happened, so he doesn’t know
why he feels this way.

Pushing himself out of his bed he moves sluggishly around his room feeling less than eager to get
to school. Once he was finished getting ready his hand clasped around his door handle but he
didn’t pull it open. What were his chances that he could avoid going to school to sit and wallow
away in his room, to let the dark dreary feeling consume him until there was nothing left? Honestly
after living like this for over a decade Sunoo was tired. He was exhausted and ready to be done
with life at the ripe age of sixteen.

‘Keep going. Keep fighting’ his wolf urges. It always said that when Sunoo felt this way. Despite
not presenting yet Sunoo’s wolf always showed up at times like this, more talkative than it should
be. It was a nuisance sometimes, especially days like this when Sunoo wanted to just give up.

‘I’m tired. I don’t want to’ he replies sadly. He could feel the tears well up, stinging at his eyes.

‘Keep going’ the wolf urges again. Sunoo sighs. His grip on the door knob tightens, holding it
stationary for a moment before he’s twisting and pulling the door open. He takes one step and then

‘You can do this Sunoo. You can-’ Sunoo’s pep talk gets interrupted by his teenage brother
sprinting down the hall but not before shoving him into a wall. Sunoo can’t help the whimper that
slips past his lips. He slaps a hand over his mouth trying not to sob out loud. It would only upset his
mother, if you could even call her that. Alone on the cold floor Sunoo squeezes his eyes shut as he
collects himself.

‘Come on Sunnie. Deep breaths. Two deep breaths in, one deep breath out. There you go! Keep
going ok? You’re ok. I’m here…’ the voice ringing in Sunoo’s ears this time wasn’t his wolf but a
girl. A young girl, a girl who was taken from this world far too soon. Sunoos favorite person in the
entire world. Her voice was the same slightly squeaky and bossy like he remembers but there was a
sweetness to it showing how much she cared for him. Sunoo listens to the voice, letting it replay in
his head over and over until it vanishes and he is left with nothing.

“I’m ok noona…I-I can do this,” he whispers, his voice watery with pain. Pressing one hand to the
wall for support Sunoo pushes himself up. He’s a bit wobbly on his feet but eventually he finds the
strength and takes a step forward and then another and before he knows it he’s holding his head
high as he walks out of the house.

His mind wanders as he walks to school. He focuses on the scenery around him. Sure Seoul doesn’t
have much to see past the blur of people and vehicles on the street but Sunoo finds a way to
appreciate everything. The way the clouds hang in the sky, the woman busking in the streets, her
gentle voice a complete contrast to the bustle of the early morning foot traffic.

Out of the corner of his eyes he spots a flower cart. The man whimsically moved around his stand
setting up various beautiful flower arrangements. Sunoo can’t help but walk up to it admiring the
bright colors and alluring scents. He has always loved flowers since he was young. The colors, the
scents, the texture of the petals under his fingertips.

“Good morning!” the owner says with a smile. Sunoo smiles back.

“Good morning.”

“See anything you like?” the man questions. Sunoo purses his lips as he thinks. His eyes scan over
the carefully crafted arrangements noticing how the scents mingled together and how the colors
accented each other.

“That one,” he says, pointing to a vertical arrangement of pink tulips accented with bluebells and
creeping phlox. The man smiles at Sunoo before writing something up on his chalkboard.

‘Daily Special,
Spring is coming!

“You have a good eye kid,” the man says and Sunoo frowns. He is not a kid.

“Here,” the man says, handing Sunoo a flower. Sunoo grasps the stem in his hand, twisting it
between his fingers as he admires the delicacy.

“Why are you giving this to me?” the teen questions eyeing the man suspiciously.

“You did me a favor! I love all of my arrangements so much. I spend a lot of time crafting them,
they're like my children so it’s difficult to choose one as the daily special. They’re all so beautiful”
the man explains. Although Sunoo finds it a little odd that he had compared flowers to being his
children he would have to say he understands the man's dilemma. The arrangements are beautiful.

“Do you know what that flower means?” the man questions and Sunoo shakes his head, his focus
back on the pink tulip in his hand. He admires the hues on the flower, noticing both the bright and
darker tones.

“It means caring and good wishes. I wish you a good day at school today, student,” the man says.
Sunoo blinks at him, quizzingly curious as to how the man knew he was a student but then he
remembers he had been walking to school before getting side tracked.

“Shit! School” he says.

“Have a good day,” the man says. Sunoo waves at him returning the sentiment before dashing off
for school.

He makes it just in the nick of time before his homeroom teacher is strutting into the room ready to
take roll. Sunoo sits in his seat behind his friend Jaebum, gently placing the flower on his desk.
“Well look at this,” Jaebum says leaning back in his seat.

“Does little Sunoo have a secret admirer he has yet to tell his dearest friend about?” he teases.
Sunoo rolls his eyes pushing at the back of Jaebum’s head.

“It’s just a flower. You know I like them” Sunoo says and he’s not at all surprised when Jaebum
says ‘Oh you do? Huh’.

“Focus on class” Sunoo grumbles as he opens his notebook. Despite telling Jaebum to focus Sunoo
knows he won’t be able to when he feels the angry twist of his stomach and hears the grumbling,
his body demanding food. Sunoo licks at his lips and bites at his tongue as he tries to focus on the
upcoming lesson. He won’t be able to eat anything today unless he manages to sneak something
from his so-called friends seeing as his mother never gives him money for food.

‘Just hang on’ he tells himself.


Sunoo had not been able to sneak something from his friends and he was feeling more than
irritable. His friends jokes which on a normal day he could pretend to laugh along to he ended up
finding it all more annoying than usual. They only fueled his annoyance when Sungchul had
“jokingly” flicked his flower across the hall and Sunoo had to watch in horror as the delicate
beautiful creation was trampled by various students.

“You’re not mad are you Sunoo? It was just a joke” Sungchul chuckled after seeing Sunoo’s
expression. Sunoo had to ball his hands up tight to keep from snapping at the beta.

“Nope. it was just a flower” he says with a tight lipped smile.

“Ah good. Anyways, Mr.Chin kept going on and on about…” and Sunoo had lost interest in
Sungchul retelling the same story from lunch. He looks around the crowded hallway hoping to see
someone, or make up an excuse to leave when he sees him, one of the most famous people in their
school but not for good reasons. Alpha Park Sunghoon.

The resident ice prince had his seemingly permanent scowl on his face as he trudged down the
hall, books clutched to his chest. Sunoo watches as someone collides with the alphas shoulder,
sending his books to the floor as loose pieces of paper flutter down in a wild flurry.

‘This is it. A chance’ Sunoo thinks seeing the opportunity to get away from his friends. He leaves
the group not bothering to say anything as he approaches the alpha who was angrily scrambling for
his things.

“Need help?” sunoo questions despite it being very obvious that the alpha could use it. Sunghoon
does not spare him a glance and Sunoo doesn’t know if he’s thankful for it or not. He squats down
collecting the papers in his hands silently beside sunghoon. He sees as the alpha reaches for one
his hand darting back just in time as someone kicks it away.

“Hey don’t kick those!” Sunoo grumbles giving a roll of his eyes when the student continues

“Asshole” he mutters before going back to the task. He and Sunghoon work in silence collecting
the papers and Sunoo finds himself getting lost in the task. It was nice not having to put up a front
for a bit. Mindlessly he reaches for one of the last few papers only to gasp. The tips of his fingers
had barely grazed against Sunghoon’s hand and yet his fingertips buzzed like there were bits of
electricity running through them.
‘He’s here! It’s him!’ his wolf yips. Sunoo wants to groan at the sudden noise in his head but he
was stunned by the alpha in front of him. Sunghoon had his head ducked down the entire time so
sunoo hadn’t noticed. He hadn’t noticed how incredibly breathtaking the alpha was. Sunoo’s mind
quickly and continuously formulated various sentences to explain Sunghoon’s beauty but the thing
that stuck out the most were his moles. The one right under his eye, another on his nose being the
most obvious with a few others scattered in random spots on his face but Sunoo adored them. They
were beautiful. He wants to trace them. He wants to feel the alpha’s skin under the tips of his
fingers again. The buzz under his skin wasn’t enough, Sunoo wants to feel the sparks, he wants to
feel something other than the numbing feeling he’d felt in the morning.

Sunoo’s wish is soon granted when he feels a warm feeling spread through his chest like a warm
mug of hot chocolate when the alpha smiles at him. The numb feeling melted away being replaced,
a warm feeling wrapping securely around his heart like a blanket. Sunoo loves it already. He can’t
help but smile back an unexplainable bubbly feeling rushing through him. Before he knows it the
feeling is snatched away when Sunghoon recoils from him.

'Why? Why did he do that?' Sunoo wonders. He wants the feeling back, he wants it back now! He
had only had it for a few seconds and already he was addicted.

“Um…, I’m Sun-” he stutters trying to find the right words but Sunghoon scowls.

“Give me those,” he says, grabbing the notes from Sunoo’s hands. His fingers grazed against
Sunoo’s wrist ever so slightly, sending a shiver down his spine.

"Wait! I haven't introduced myself yet!” Sunoo says frantically wanting Sunghoon to stay. YAH!"
he shouts as Sunghoon ignores him and continues to carry his stuff away. Sunoo’s chest heaves as
he feels panic rush through him.

"I'm talking to you! PARK SUNGHOON!" the boy shouts, effectively stopping Sunghoon in his
tracks. The warm feeling spreads through him like wildfire causing Sunoo to relax just a little bit.
Was Sunghoon happy that he knew his name? Did Sunghoon know his name? He hopes so. Would
that make this feeling grow stronger? Would it become warmer if Sunghoon said his name? Sunoo
wants to know. Does this feeling get better? Is this what it feels like to live again? To feel

"Why are you walking away? Don't you want to know your mates name?" he questions, ignoring
how the students in the hall began whispering, not bothering to hide their need to gossip.

‘Please tell me you know it. Please say my name. Please?’

Sunoo feels his heart catch in his chest when Sunghoon turns to look at him. For a second he’s

"Don't bother. I don't care," Sunghoon growls but there’s something, a look in his eyes that lets
Sunoo know he doesn’t mean it. The gears turn slowly in Sunoo’s head but before they click the
alpha is walking away again.

‘It’s an act’ maybe the hunger was getting to him and Sunoo was seeing and thinking what he
wanted to but he swears Sunghoon doesn’t mean what he says. It’s all an act at least Sunoo hopes it

He looks back to the alpha who was making his exit only to trip, his foot most likely catching on
the door frame that for some reason was slightly elevated (poor construction if you ask Sunoo). He
watches as the alpha stumbles before freezing and darting off.
Sunoo feels a smile stretch on his lips not to be condescending but because for some reason he
finds the alpha to be cute. Maybe under his hard exterior and “ice prince” persona there is a kind
person underneath, a very cute and sweet person. Something within Sunoo is telling him as much
but then again he hasn’t eaten in two weeks so maybe he’s just delusional and his brain is making
this up…or maybe it’s not. Either way Sunoo is determined to find out.

“What the fuck just happened?” Jaebum questions his voice loud in Sunoo’s ear.

“Holy shit Sunoo are you ok?” Sungchul questions next. Sunoo looks down at his wrist which still
had the faintest buzz where Sunghoon had touched.
“I’m great” Sunoo whispers eyes locked onto his wrist. After a few seconds he blinks gaze
focusing on something. He leans down, plucking something out of his sock. A soft pink petal.
Sunoo doesn’t know how it got there or how it even survived but he’s happy to see the petal.

Caring and good wishes. He remembers and he just received the best wish of all.

Chapter End Notes

hope you all enjoyed this side scene. lmk what you think, should i do more? if so what
extra scenes would you guys like to see?
chapter thirty-six
Chapter Notes



- ptsd
- mentions of murder/murder of children
- sad moments
- mentions of abuse
- i think that's all

i was sort of lazy editing so i apologize for any mistakes

read at your own risk. happy reading to all ❤️


See the end of the chapter for more notes

Curled up with Sunoo, Jake couldn’t stop his mind from racing. He needed to know more about
true alphas. If he knows more, maybe he can help Sunghoon, keep him safe and prevent him from
getting hurt or from someone finding out.

“Stop movin’” Sunoo slurs as he shuffles on the bed for a moment before settling again, his breath
evening out. Jake looks down at his foot that was tapping rhythmically as if it were against the

“Sorry,” he murmurs the apology lovingly while stroking down Sunoo’s hair. His loves were both
so different, one half a wolf while the other apparently was the truest most pure form and somehow
that made him lesser value, it made him a threat. Jake has to know more, he has to know

The thought bugs him even as he gets ready for his classes and all throughout breakfast with his
mates. Stolen glances, unasked questions and countless theories boggled Jake’s mind until he felt
like he was going to explode. When he’s finally able to split apart from Sunoo and Sunghoon Jake
heads off for the library. His gut burns with the thought of missing class and his teacher being
disappointed with his absence but this was bigger than class. He could miss out on physics for one
day if it means helping Sunghoon.

[ True alphas ]
The search pulls up hundreds of articles, mainly human fiction lore about werewolves. Jake filters
through the folktales finding scholar articles on the alpha classification. As he reads the articles he
notices how they all recycle the same information: born under the red moon, late november,
amplified abilities including speed, hearing, sight, some true alphas are known to notice a change
in weather patterns before natural disasters, severely dangerous, DO NOT APPROACH. Some
articles held more in depth information about the alpha’s “abilities” while others kept the
information vague.

Rubbing at his eyes Jake reads the next few headlines trying to find an article with promising
information when a new title catches his interest.

‘Choi Dungchan: the legend, the terror, the monster’

Curious Jake clicks the link seeing bold letters appear on screen.

Sensitive information. Do you wish to continue?

[yes] [no]

‘Sensitive information? ’ Jake ponders, his bottom lip pulled roughly between his teeth. He drags
the cursor over to the yes button before pressing down slowly. The page loads in full a whole
80,000 word article typed up about this Choi Dungchan, a supposedly deadly creature.

‘Choi Sungchan was a legend, a hero during the great war of 1983. The true alpha, was once a
normal soldier for the war soon became an assassin for the war againing important intel for the
supernatural cause against the humans. By the end of the war when the accords were drawn Choi
had received several medals for his work for the werewolf population. However Choi’s fame and
good deeds soon ran out’

As Jake reads he learns more about the man than he found comfortable. A war hero slowly turned
terror to the nation as he took on a killing spree. His killings against humans sparked up
Supernatural Hate Groups such as, Heavens Angels, The Saviors and many others. His killings
soon turned from humans to supernaturals including other werewolves, vampires, pixies and more.
The hairs on the back of Jake’s neck begin to stand up the more he reads, his mind painting vivid
images of a wolf stained with blood as his eyes blazed orange.

“Boo,” a hand clamps down on Jake’s shoulder, shocking him. Before seeing who it was Jake
turns, sinking his teeth into the hand.

“OW! SHIT TEAHYUN GET YOUR FRIEND!” a voice booms. Jake looks up at the hand owner
and then to Taehyun who sits back doing nothing.

“I told you one of these days karma was going to bite you in the ass for all your pranks. Just never
thought you’d literally get bit.” Taehyun chuckles.

“Shit that hurt dude,” Beomgyu whines clutching his hand close to his chest the second Jake
unclamps his mouth, releasing the limb.

“S-sorry,” Jake smiles boyishly, a little embarrassed he’d bit Beomgyu in the first place. The beta
inspects his hand before shoving it in Taehyun’s face.

“I’ve got teeth marks all over my hand! Aw man this is gonna take all day to heal! I’m surprised
you didn’t even break the skin with how deep you sunk them in!”

“What were you so into anyways?” Taehyun questions ignoring Beomgyu’s whining. Pushing his
friends hand out the way Taehyun peers over Jake’s shoulder gasping when he reads the screen.

“True alphas? Why are you reading this?” Taehyun’s voice waves as he speaks, catching
Beomgyu’s attention.

“True alpha?” Beomgyu questions the pain in his hand long forgotten as he too peers over Jake’s

“Did you meet one?” his eyes sparkle with curiosity as he looks back and forth between Jake and
the computer.

“ just was looking at something and it came up,” it burns at Jake’s chest that he could lie to
his friends so easily but he has to. To protect Sunghoon.

“Crazy shit huh? Choi Dungchan I mean.” Beomgyu says his voice not losing it’s curious edge.

“Yeah..yeah. Did he really do all this stuff? Like it seems so fake?” the more Jake red the more it
seemed like a bigfoot story. There was no way one person could turn evil overnight and kill a
bunch of people, let alone his own kind…right?
“It’s not human wolf lore if that’s what you mean. Choi Dungchan is 100% real and 100% psycho.
Or at least he was ” Beomgyu laughs but it’s not a good one, almost unsettling to Jake.

“Was? Did he get help?” Taehyun and Beomgyu look to each other silently deciding who’d be the
one to break the news.

“Yeah a bullet to his skull,” Beomgyu’s forward approach pulls a gasp from the younger beta. Jake
blinks at the words the image of a large man being shot in the head runs through his mind.

“H-he’s dead? Did someone turn him in?”

“More like he turned himself in. unintentionally though I guess,” Boemgyu explains halfheartedly.

“Beomgyu, we shouldn’t really be talking about this,” Taehyun hisses. Choi Dungchan was like the
Voldemort of the wolf community, especially in Korea. A taboo of sorts. Beomgyu rolls his eyes.

“They can’t arrest you for talking about Choi Dungchan. They just don’t want to use his name as
propaganda in the media and stir up another war ‘cause humans are puny and inferior” Beomgyu
takes a seat in the empty chair next to Jake.

“What do you mean turned himself in?” Jake questions wanting to know more. He hadn’t seen
anything like that in the article he was reading minutes prior to their arrival. Beomgyu licks his lips
thinking over how to explain things to Jake.

“So like he became a huge serial killer right, but he was good at hiding all the evidence. Clean
cuts, not prints, no one knew it was him just that it was a werewolf. That’s how all the hate groups
started. Outside of that Choi Dungchan was a true psycho. Killed his entire family” Jake feels his
throat go dry and his lungs lose the air in them.

“Entire?” he whispers. Beomgyu nods solemnly.

“Yeah, his wife, son and newborn baby:”


“Beomgyu,” Taehyun hisses. He isn’t a true alpha but it never gets easier to hear about one to
know it could have been him if his birthday was later in the year.

“Well, like based on his mate's body after the autopsy they think she was abused, by him of
course,” Beomgyu continues, ignoring his friend.

“How did she die?” Taehyun and Beomgyu glance to each other, small hand movements between
the two of them before Beomgyu answers.

“In the hospital. She gave birth to their second child, a girl. Dongchan didn’t like that. Actually
he’s the reason why hospitals have all these new regulations” Beomgyu gets off track again
annoying Taehyun.

“Jesus Beomgyu you’re shit at telling stories. You’re all over the place!”

“Oh what do you think you can do better Terry ?”

“I can. ” the alpha says. Not only could he explain it better he could do it quickly and finally move
on from this god forsaken topic.

“Oh well please take the floor” Beomgyu scoffs receiving a dismissive hand wave from Taehyun.

“Beomgyu is right, Choi Dungchan is the reason why hospitals have these new rules. The story
goes that his wife was in the hospital giving birth. They thought it was a boy but it turns out they
were wrong, it was a girl. His mate was terrified and begged the doctor not to tell her husband.
Apparently she was waiting on family to arrive, said her sister would save her kids”


“Her husband was expecting a boy. A lot of people think she knew it was a girl all along but kept it
a secret and that’s why she knew to call her sister when she was ready to give birth. Moving on
though, the doctor agreed but some hot shot resident didn’t think it was right of her to keep a secret
from her mate so she told Dungchan and he went on a rampage. He killed the resident before
storming off to his wife’s room. He killed four nurses and two doctors before getting his hands on
his mate.”

“He ripped her throat right out before killing their kids” Beomgyu chimes in.

“T-the son a-and the baby?” Jake’s bottom lip wobbles just thinking about a small little boy and
new born baby, a precious little baby being torn to shreds. It shouldn’t have happened, someone
should have protected them? Why did no one protect them? A single tear runs down his cheek
before he reaches to wipe it away. Jake clenches his hands together to keep himself from crying, to
keep the anger slowly festering inside to stay down. There's no point in getting angry, it doesn’t
change things, it won’t make it better getting angry. The pain is done.

“Yeah. They say he killed the son first, he was closer. I think they said he was about four, then
stormed off to the nursery and killed the baby. It took a rhino tranquilizer and several shotgun
rounds to kill him” Jake feels more tears spill down his cheeks, his heart too big for the news. He
felt for the family, the wife having to deal with the pain of her mates betrayal knowing her pups
were in danger, the son for losing his life too soon and the daughter for losing her life before it
even began.

“It’s cause he was a true alpha. That shit makes you go insane. Every one of them has done
something crazy. That’s why there’s the find and kill order.” Beomgyu sighs.

Jake felt like he was going to throw up. The room wouldn’t stop spinning and his mind wouldn’t
shut up as the puzzle pieces began to slot together. It was no wonder Sunghoon was so afraid of
Jake finding out, so afraid of being himself. Not only did he have to worry about losing his life if
someone were to find out he was probably also worried about losing his mind, constantly living in
fear knowing one day he could possibly no longer be in control of his own body and possibly hurt
(or kill) his mate, his Sunoo. Briefly Jake wonders if that’s why Sunghoon loves Sunoo so much,
holding him so close to his heart, because he knows one day he might not have the mind to do so.

Quickly Jake turns around to face the computer. He clicks out of all the tabs before logging out of
the computer as quickly as possible, ready to take all the information he learned and bury it deep
for the time being.

“Why did you click out of it so fast? What are you hiding Jake?” Beomgyu eyes Jake intently
causing the younger to sweat. He could feel his pulse jump and his body warm under Beomgyu’s
intense gaze for a moment before the older breaks out in a smile.

“I’m just kidding, I don't care,” he says, leaning back in his chair with a laugh. “Your face was so
shocked ha! Ahh that was good right? I totally did it like Zendeya! I should be an actor” Beomgyu
boasted about himself, clearly pleased with his little performance. Taehyun was not and made sure
to show him with a punch to the shoulder.
“You fucking narcissist!”

“What? It’s a good movie and I watched it with Yeonjun hyung yesterday. It was the only thing I
could think of to move us away from this depressing topic.”

“Didn’t work. Seriously, do you ever think before you speak?”

“After knowing him for years I can confirm that no Taehyun, he does not,” a new voice speaks up.
Jake looks over seeing a face only somewhat familiar to him. Next to him Beomgyu begins to pout
huffing and stomping his feet against the floor.

“Heeseung I’m your friend you should be nice to me!” Beomgyu half shouts despite the nasty
glares he received from other students. Heeseung smirks as he walks closer to the trio sitting next
to Taehyun.

“I am nice to you. It just so happens that Taehyun is right” he says, clasping the youngers

“Ah you!" Jake says, snapping his fingers. Now that he was closer Jake remembered who the guy
was, or at least when he met him. It was the nightball guy. He was sure of it. The same soft doe
eyes and sweet scent offset by alpha musk.

“A-ah um…Jake? Right?” Heeseung says scratching at the back of his neck. Beomgyu snorts at his
friends sudden shy behavior.

“What are you saying? “Jake, right?” you were the one telling us how you knocked some cutie on
his ass at the game the other night. You even pointed him out to us!”

Heeseung's eyes widen as a blush spreads like wildfire across his face and down to his neck.

“Beomgyu!” the older alpha shouts in a panic.

“Why is everyone shouting my name today?”

“Because you’re an idiot and an asshole. Seriously I should call Yoongi-hyung to pick you up.”
Beomgyu gasps scandalized by Taehyun’s threat to call his brother.

“Why would you call him? Call TaeTae” he smiles cheekily at Taehyun and if the alpha hadn’t
already punched him seven other times today he’d do it again.

“And have him take it easy on you? No way, you need your oldest brother to beat your ass, then
you’ll act like a proper human being.”

“Whatever! We’re here to properly introduce Heeseung to Jake since he was so whiny about
making a bad first impression.”

“I don’t whine,” Heeseung grumbles despite his lip jutting out in a pout.

“You were totally whining. Big ol baby” the beta coos leaning over to squish Heeseung's face.

"Beomgyu the day someone finally decides to kick your ass I hope I'm there with a 4k HD camera
to film the entire thing"

"Who pissed in your cereal Terry?"


"Again?" Beomgyu cackles. Tuning back into the conversation Jake looks between the two friends
his eyebrows shot up to his hairline.

"Wait, he's done it before ?" he questions in pure disbelief. Taehyun and Beomyu look at him
wondering if it’s a joke but after seeing Jake’s lost expression it was pretty obvious he thought they
were serious.

"No Jake." Taehyun deadpans.

“So gullible!” Beomgyu coos pinching at Jake’s face. The beta pushes his hands away with a groan
face burning with embarrassment.


“Fine, fine. Anyways seeing as you’re here you’d be fine with skipping some classes and going to
play games with us? Right?”

“Actually I-”

“Would love to? Yeah I knew you would, come on!” Beomgyu forces Jake out of his seat leading
him towards the exit.

“Wait! Beomgyu! Tae grab my bag!” Jake fusses as Beomgyu continues his shoving disregarding
that Jake had left all his belongings at the table. Thankfully Taehyun scoops his bag up, holding it
over his shoulder. With an overly energetic Beomgyu they walk to a fancy looking car, way more
expensive than Jake has seen his entire time on campus, it looks even more expensive than Jay’s

“Beomgyu, when did you get a car?!” Jake exclaims surprise when they approach the vehicle. He
knew Beomgyu’s family were rich and had a high status within the country but he didn’t expect the
beta to show up with a car this nice.

“Oh no this isn't mine. After crashing my motorcycle, which honestly was Yeonjun’s fault, my
parents won’t let me have another one unless I pass the semester with a 4.0”

“And that ain't happenin’” Taehyun says at the same time Jake asks

“Well whose car is it?”

“Our sugar daddy of the evening, Lee Heeseung!” Beomgyu says, patting Heeseung on the chest.

“Beomgyu I told you not to call me that.”

“Aw come on! Is it cause you’re a modest little rich boy or cause the title daddy gets you going?”

“Neither! It just sounds weird, especially coming from you!”

“Fine! Seriously you guys need to get laid, you’re so uptight and no fun!” Beomgyu groans as he
climbs into the passenger seat. One by one the others climb inside as well with Heeseung in the
drivers seat while Taehyun and Jake sat in the back.

“Let’s do this thing!” Beomgyu exclaims as he connects his phone to the aux cord. The second
Beomgyu’s pop music blasts through the car speakers Taehyun lets his head bang against the

“Lord have mercy!”

Arriving at the arcade the group walked in greeted with the smell of greasy pizza, old shoes and
underlying mold in the purple and green carpet squares under their feet. Dramatically Beomgyu
strikes a pose, his hands on his hips as he inhales deeply.

"Smell that? That is the smell of freedom!"

Jake grimaces while pinching his nose. His compulsive need to clean everything was burning away
at his skin. "It's disgusting," he confirms, causing Beomgyu to frown. "Why couldn't we go to the
one further in the city?"

Beomgyu snaps his head to him with a scowl before a slow smirk emerges on his face. "Cause this
one has some broken machines, it's easy to rig the system!"

"In other words Gyu is a cheapskate," Heeseung says walking past his friend to get them all a
round of quarters.

"I'm walking on thin ice with my parents alright. It's not easy being the fuck up," Beomgyu
grumbles his voice dropping down to it’s normal pitch before trailing after Heeseung.

"What's with him?" Jake questions once he and Taehyun are a safe distance from Beomgyu.
Taehyun sighs, his hands slipping into his pockets.

"I think something happened with him and his family but he's not really talking about it.”

“Talk to him when he’s ready. Just be there for him, whatever the situation is,” Jake offers.
Taehyun eyes him, a soft smile on his face.

“Yeah. That’s really all I can do. Or call Taehyung and see if he knows what’s up, I’m sure he
does. Thick as thieves those two” Jake laughs at that recalling numerous family members saying
that about him and Felix. It was true though, they’d been completely inseparable as pups.

"Come on boys, we have the whole place waiting for us!" Beomgyu shouts from the counter.

“We’re coming jeez!” Taehyun yells back. Beomgyu makes a face taunting him and within
seconds he’s screeching at the top of his lungs darting off deeper into the arcade once Taehyun
runs for him.

“Oh well…um. Guess it’s just us,” Heeseung mumbles, returning with the quarters.

“Guess so” Jake says back trying to smile despite how small and shy he felt standing next to
Heeseung. He swipes a roll of quarters from the olders outstretched hand before scurrying over to a

“So…how do you know Gyu? Like, I haven’t seen you with him before? Not that I like know
everyone, just like an observation,” Jake says, stuttering around his words. To save himself some
embarrassment he sits at a random machine slotting a coin in and hitting play.

“You’re cute,” Heeseung says it so honestly and Jake is sure he instantly becomes light headed. He
turns to the alpha a bit stunned when he locks eyes with the alpha. Heeseungs expression was a bit
bashful but the smile he had created a mad flurry of butterflies in Jake’s tummy.

“Oh. I-er um…thank you?” the beta sputters feeling his face become warm.

“Just an observation,” Heeseung says back, still having that soft sweet smile on his face. Whatever
tension or embarrassment Jake had slowly melted away as he finds himself smiling back at
“You’re not too bad yourself…as an observation that is,” he says. Heeseung’s smile brightens and
for a split moment Jake thinks he’s looking at an angel. The machine turns color making little trills
catching Heeseung’s attention.

“Oh…you died,” he says, noticing the neon pixelated letters on the screen. Jake, having forgotten
he was even playing a game turns to the screen making the same realization.

“Oh..guess I did.”

“Mind if I give it a try?”

“Sure,” Jake gets up, allowing Heeseung to replace him. The older slots a coin into the machine
hitting start, instantly getting into the game. On the sidelines Jake watches with pure excitement as
Heeseung plays the game, long delicate fingers pressing against the buttons as he makes the
character move around the game.

“Oh! Oh! Hyung! Ahh! No that way! Ahh!” Jake shouts from beside him jumping up and down
with pure excitement. After what feels like seconds the game ends, the word VICTORY displayed
across the screen as triumphant music plays in the background while the machine spits out tickets.

“Wow, you were pretty good,” Jake says. Heeseung leans down, snatching the tickets up.

“Eh, this game is pretty easy actually” he shrugs playing it off trying to hide his shy smile.

“...are you saying I’m bad?”

“Nope,” Heeseung rises from the stool slowly crowding Jake’s space allowing the beta a quick
sniff of his sweet scent “I’m just…better,” the alpha murmurs as he gently presses the tickets into
Jake’s hand.

“Come on, let's find something else to play!” Heeseung sing-songs as he wanders off to find a new
game to play.

“Come on Jake-ah!” Heeseung says waving for Jake to join him. With a light blush dusting his
cheeks Jake shoves the tickets in his pocket before trailing after Heeseung.

After a few games it became painfully obvious to Jake that Heeseung was truly amazing at gaming.
It didn’t matter if it was a strategy game, rhythm, dancing, it didn’t matter, Heeseung was good at
it all. Hell he’d even managed to snag a prize, a cute owl plush he so graciously gave to Jake
because he “doesn’t like stuffed animals” which Jake thinks is total nonsense because who doesn’t
like a cute plushie?

After half an hour they finally met up with Taehyun and Beomgyu and played some games

“Come on Jake, why are you so bad?” Taehyun cackles stealing a glance at Jake’s stats.

“I am not bad!" the beta exclaims despite having the most difficulty out of all of them.

“Beomgyu cut it out!” Heeseung shouts on the other side while fighting off Beomgyu who
wouldn’t stop messing with him.

“No you cut it out” Beomgyu sasses still messing with Heeseung until his score was higher. By the
end of the round the console showed Beomgyu as the winner and Jake as the unfortunately loser.

“Absolutely terrible!”

“Honestly, my siblings could play better than you”

“Just shut up already! You guys don't have to pick on me!” Jake can’t stop pouting the entire time
his friends roast his inability to win any of the games he played. If they had just left him alone to
concentrate he would have definitely won two of those games.

Beomgyu pokes at his sides, the annoying teasing smile never leaving his face “See this is why
you don’t get invited to poker nights. Chenle would eat you alive…Jay too probably”

“Jay?”Jake doesn’t remember Beomgyu ever knowing a Jay, much less Sunoo’s Jay. Taehyun butts
into the conversation poking at Jake’s other side.

“Yeah but Jongseong would be nice about it. Chenle would rip him to shreds” he says knowing the
two are a complete contrast from each other. The first time Jay got too carried away with his trash
talk at poker nights he’d made Jeno cry and bought him a new iphone the next day. He just
couldn’t handle it. Omega brain they called it.

“Park Jongseong?” Jake questions again, still surprised.

“Yeah. You know Jay?” Beomgyu questions “I thought Taehyun was your only friend” Jake
doesn't take offense to that knowing Beomgyu couldn’t help himself

“Yeah…he’s friends with Sunoo.”

“Huh. Small world.”

‘Small world indeed’

“Hey what do you guys say we get some money together and go to…hey! Oh my gosh! Guys!”
Beomgyu stops his original sentence as he points to something in the corner. He began shoving the
three others into the corner of the arcade until they were in front of a photo booth.

“Let’s take pictures! Come on!” he shouts walking into the booth. “What are you waiting for?
Come on!” Beomgyu groans bouncing on the bench of the photo booth.

“Because we all can’t fit in here”

“Yeah we can! Come on please! For me?” and then Beomgyu gives Taehyun his best puppy dog
eyes. If Jake knows anything about Beom and Tae it’s that under no circumstances can Taehyun
deny Beomgyu when he pulls the puppy eyes for something he truly wants and one look at his best
friend and Taehyun knows he absolutely wants them all to cram into the small photobooth to take
pictures for whatever reason.

“Alright, fine! We’re coming!” the alpha groans as he climbs into the booth followed by Heeseung
and Jake. As predicted the inside of the of the booth was far too small for the four grown men to be
inside. Hunched over each other the four maneuvered around each other until Beomgyu forced
Taehyun and Heeseung down next to him and tugged Jake down. He was meant to fall into
Taehyun’s lap, the youngest alpha being the closest but he flailed, surprised by the sudden motion
falling onto Heeseung’s lap. The alphas hands fly up to the sides of the booth away from Jake.

“I-er uh” Heeseung sputters, his bambi eyes widening. Jake turns to look at him, his chin tilted to
his chest with the sudden shyness that overcomes him.

“I uh. I’m sorry?” Heeseung stutters, not sure what to say.

“Not your fault”

“Come on guys, five seconds! Don’t you dare blink!” Beomgyu threatens as the timer counts
down. The first few flashes go off quickly, bright lights stinging at their eyes. It seems to draw
Heeseung and Jake back as they turn forward putting on a smile for the camera. When it’s over
they pile out Beomgyu snatching up the printed copy, eyeing it carefully.

“Thanks for this guys. Now how about dinner? My treat?” the beta says gently tucking the photo
strip into his wallet. Taehyun is the first to answer, bouncing on his toes.

“Ohh tteokbokki!”

“I was thinking about a burger” Beomgyu frowns. Taehyun stops his bouncing to point an accusing
finger at his friend.

“We always eat pizza or burgers. I want tteokbokki.”

“Well I say burgers.”

“What do you two want?” Taehyun turns to Heeseung and Jake with a somewhat challenging look
on his face. The two don’t hesitate to answer



Jake turns to look at Heeseung who chuckles, clearly pleased with Jake’s answer. Heeseung turns
Taehyun and Beomgyu with a pleased smile.
“Guess it’s two against, one. Ramyeon it is,” he decides for them.

“Nose goes for who sits next to Jake!” Beomgyu exclaims. Jake whines hearing this stomping his

“Why is it always nose goes for who sits next to me?!” Jake did nose goes one time in front of them
and ever since it became a new way for them to tease him and he knows as much when the two
side eye each other. It’s jabs at his appetite and how he’s eaten an entire pizza and apparently how
his farts could clear the streets. Jake doesn’t find that one to be very funny because his farts are not
that bad! And everyone farts! By now he knows better than to protest against it so he sits listening
to them make comment after comment until they have their fill of teasing him for the afternoon
venturing off to another topic.

“I’m sure your farts don’t smell that bad,” Heeseung whispers. Jake looks from the menu, his pout
still on full display. “I mean have you ever been around Bemogyu when he farts? I swear I’ve
almost died once.” Although Jake is sure Heeseung is only being nice it makes him smile.

“Thanks, Heeseung,” he says, nudging his leg against the older. Heeseung smiles, opening the
menu and pointing to a bowl of ramen.

“Want to split this one?” He offers and Jake thinks out of the group he’s the nicest. He nods once to
agree but gets a straw rapper thrown at him.

“Didn’t you hear us? Jake has a bottomless pit for a stomach”

“I do not!”

“You literally ate two whole pizzas by yourself last semester” Taehyun reminds. And yes Jake
remembers that pizza very much but he was stress eating that day. Between his physics exam and
all the drama with Sunoo and Sunghoon he felt like eating was the only way out of the depression
and longing he felt to be happy with them.

“I was hungry!” he says not wanting to think too much of the past. They were moving onto happier
days, better days, not the past.

They chat, they laugh, they eat and Jake feels content. His heart was warm, his soul pleased.
Thankfully after eating dinner and playing games for another fifteen minutes they finally called it
quits. With Jake being the farthest away he rode in the back slowly falling asleep as the minutes
passed. He wouldn’t have completely fallen asleep if it weren't for immediate bickering he heard
the second the car came to a stop and Beomgyu got out of the car. Shocked Jake jolts up sleepily
rubbing at his eyes before squinting out the window. It was a woman and a man standing in front
of Beomgyu who were yelling while the alpha’s head was bowed.

“I mean what were you thinking?! Weren't you being responsible?!”

“Son, did you even think about what this means for you? For Yeonjun?” the man, his father shouts

“Hey, you uh, wanna sit in the front?” Heeseung questions shyly. Jake blushes embarrassed to have
been caught staring. It wasn’t his business and he definitely shouldn't have been eavesdropping.
Awkwardly he climbs into the front seat settling himself and squirming awkwardly as the warmth
radiating from it.


“Can you put your address in the gps for me?” Heeseung questions as he begins to pull off the side
of the road. Jake types his address in for Heeseung before settling down in the seat. He found
himself slowly falling asleep again, the cool air coming in from the windows combined with the
faint smell of cocoa, maybe a hint of coffee too, a smell that had been invading his scenes all
afternoon. It was comforting, warm, pleasing to his wolf in a way that he couldn’t explain.

It wasn’t until the automated voice spoke out his home street that Jake began to wake, reaching his
arms above his head in an awkward stretch. Minutes later Heeseung pulls into the parking lot
shifting the car into park before shutting off the ignition.

“We’re here.” he announces.

“Yeah. Thanks for driving me. You really didn’t have to,” Jake felt bad. He was sure he was out of
Heeseung’s way. His place with Sunghoon and Sunoo was nice but he’s sure it’s nowhere as nice
as Heeseung with the fancy car he was driving and all. Surely the older lives on the other half of
town, maybe closer to where Jay and Jungwon live if not somewhere more expensive.

“It was no problem…I had fun tonight” Heeseung’s bashful smile returns to his face. Jake finds it
charming, like a disney prince.

“Me too. I haven’t had a chance to go out like this in…a while” Jake murmurs. The realization was
slow as it crept up on him that he hadn’t had a chance to go out, spend time in the outside world or
with friends since everything between his pack and Jay’s went down, when Sunoo found his mate
and almost lost him too, when he himself almost lost Sunghoon.

A gentle hand on his brings Jake back from his thoughts. “Hey, you ok?” the alpha’s face is
scrunched with genuine worry.

“Yeah, yeah I’m ok just spaced out for a moment. What were you saying?”

“Just that I had fun that’s all…and I..I was wondering if we could exchange numbers?”


Heeseung scratches at his nap, bottom lip tugged between his teeth for a moment, before he
answers. “Yeah. I know it’s really sudden and you don’t have to, we don’t know each other but…
you’re cool and Tae likes you a lot and I dunno I would like to be friends. If you would like to be
friends that is! Sorry if you don't, you're just really fun, easy to talk to and gosh I’m so embarrassed
right now I’ll just shut up.” By the end of his rant Jake’s smiling softly excitement coursing
through his entire being.

“I’m fine with exchanging numbers” Jake reaches for his phone holding it out to Heeseung who’s
still blinking in shock with his big bambi eyes.


“Yeah. I think you’re pretty easy to talk to as well…other than the time you knocked me on my
ass,” Jake can’t help but tease him tugging a pained chuckle from the older.

“I’m still so sorry about that.”

“It’s fine. My reaction wasn't the best. I was sorta hangry,” Jake shrugs attempting to play it off
but knows his behavior played a role in their bitter meeting and he can’t help but feel sorry for it.
Heeseung was a nice guy and it was an accident after all.

“Well how about we make this our official meeting and I dunno start over? Make amends,
whatever you wanna do.”
“I’m fine with just making amends. No need to start over. It’ll be a funny story for later.”

“I think so too”

“So…friends?” Heeseung questions holding his phone out to Jake. the younger takes it, exchanging
it with Heeseung with his own.

“Friends.” they exchange numbers before Jake grabs his bag from between his legs and exits the
car waving with each step.

“See you Hee-hyung! Drive safe!”

“See you!” Heeseung says waving through the open window. Jake smiles at him one last time
before heading into the building. The ride in the elevator is short, a pop song playing through the
speakers, something about a cupid Jake vaguely remembers the song not being his primary focus.
As he steps through the threshold of their apartment he can smell Sunghoon’s scent, evergreen and
pine wafting through their home with the smallest undertone of smoke. As Jake ventures further
into the apartment he spots Sunghoon with his cute windsor glasses sitting on the bridge of his
nose and big bulky headphones on his head. As Jake gets closer Sunghoon looks up,
acknowledging his presence with a smile before returning to his laptop.

Jake sits on the floor in front of the couch hugging his knees as he admires his mate. Although he is
an alpha, Sunghoon is a rather cute alpha. The cute moles dotted across his face, the way he’d puff
his cheeks out whenever he was upset or focused, and he was just Sunghoon. It’s hard to believe
that Sunghoon could ever do the things Choi Dungchan had, that he could kill someone, much less
the people he loves. No matter how hard Jake tried he just couldn’t picture it because it’s
Sunghoon. Sunghoon who loves so passionately, so deeply that he’s willing to let himself be hurt
than to hurt someone he loves. Jake doesn't know what happened in that man's life but he’s sure
that Sunghoon will never end up like him, no matter what Beomgyu said about the true alpha
corrupting your wolf, it won’t happen to Sunghoon. He’ll make sure of it.

“Did you have fun?” Sunghoon questions once he finally pulls the headphones off. Jake nods once
pulling himself up to sit on Sunghoon’s lap. Jake tucks his face into Sunghoon’s shoulder placing a
small kiss there.

“I did” he says beaming at his boyfriend despite Sunghhon looking a little displeased he’d pushed
the laptop away. Sunghoon responds to his affection with a hand on Jake's back gently stroking
down his spine as Jake places kisses on his neck and shoulder. it felt incredibly good to be able to
hold one another again after so many days apart, their bond lighting up so brightly, becoming so
warm that it was almost overwhelming.

“Where’d you even go hmm? You’ve been gone all day” there’s a slight pout on Sunghoon’s face
that Jake can’t help but kiss away.

“What, d’you miss me?”

“Maybe,” Sunghoon admits in a small voice. Jake chuckles leaning forward to bump his nose
against Sunghoon’s but the close proximity has him leaning in for another kiss faster than his brain
can process. Sunghoon signs humming against Jake’s mouth before nipping at his bottom lip. Jake
pulls back with a huff cutely glaring at his mate.

“What’s with you always biting me?”

“I bite Sunoo too….”

“But why? Are you secretly a vampire?” Jake teases. Instantly Sunghoon’s face scrunches with a
look of disgust.

“No way those things are gross! Why would anyone or anything want to drink blood for survival?”
Sunghoon shivers at the mere thought of having to drink blood to survive. Jake ponders the
question for a moment, his brain supplying information from his world history class he’d once
found to be useless.

“Well if this were the seventeen hundreds we would technically be consuming blood with our prey,
unless of course we have a vampire drain it first before eating it,” his explanation does nothing to
soothe the disgust Sunghoon feels for the creatures but instead grosses him out further if the nose
scrunch does anything to prove it.

“Uggh! Can we not talk about this?” Sunghoon whines as he buries his face against the junction
between Jake’s head and neck. “You smell like you’ve been running through the woods.”

“Do I?” Jake lifts his shirt up to take a sniff “Hmm, maybe it’s cause we drove with the windows

“You didn’t tell me, where you went?”

“Hmm, oh. I went to the arcade with Taehyun and his friends. It was fun,” Jake answers. He
squirms around a bit the more Sunghoon sniffs around his neck.

“Why are you sniffing me now?”

“Cause you smell really nice, earthy. It’s hard to smell like that in the city” Sunghoon pulls back in
an attempt to not go cross eyed from how nice Jake smelled. It brings him back to his childhood a
bit, before moving in with his aunt when he’d lived in a small cottage with his mother with nothing
but forest for miles. A time when he was free to roll around in the grass as a pup before scampering
off to hide when his father got him.

“It could be from Beomgyu’s scent. He smells like tree moss,” Jake supplies but Sunghoon wasn’t
paying attention to him. The alpha was lost in his memories of midday picnics, dancing in the
middle of sunshowers and catching fireflies late at night.

“Maybe. You smell sorta sweet too, life toffee. It’s really nice,” Sunghoon goes to dive in for
another sniff hoping to unlock another buried memory when his phone goes off. With a groan
Sunghoon leans for his phone sitting on the coffee table.

“Ugh. must be Hyunjin hyung. He’s been hounding me to finish editing this part.” Looking at the
message he sigh clicking the phone off..

“Was it hyung?”

“No it’s…it’s nothing” Sunghoon tosses the phone onto the coffee table not caring if it breaks the
screen, better yet he thinks it’d be better if it broke the damn phone.


“It’s just Jungwon. It’s nothing” but it was obvious it was more than nothing. Sunghoon was
hurting. Jay’s behavior that night threw them all for a loop and before Jake knew it his wolf was
feeding off Sunoo’s anger from having their mate disrespected in front of them. It almost always
throws him off how in sync they can become, so in tune with each others emotions. Sunoo’s
emotions became his own in seconds. Jake was almost proud of how far they’ve come, until he
saw the toll it was taking on Sunghoon

“Have you talked to him since-”

“No. it’s fine, not like we’re close anyways” his alpha growls displeased with his word choice. He
and Jungwon had been getting close, developing a mutual understanding…a bond. They were
becoming… something.

“Still, you should respond” Jake doesn’t get a response. Instead Sunghoon hooks an arm around his
waist before shifting on the couch. The beta whines holding onto his mate.

“No! Stay! I’m sorry” Jake whines pressing his face against Sunghoon’s chest. Sunghoon chuckles,
brushing Jake’s bangs back.

“I was just trying to get more comfortable. I’ve been sitting in the same position for an hour” a
blush breaks out on Jake’s face seeing Sunghoon’s smug expression.


“However you should go shower”

Jake plays with the collar of Sunghoon’s shirt, letting his fingers skim over his collar bones “Come
with me”

“I would but I really do have to finish this tonight”

“Fine. I’ll go shower if you text Jungwon back. Otherwise I’ll just sit here and pout all night,” as if
to prove it Jake climbs off Sunghoon’s lap to sit next to him instead, a deep pout on his face.
Sunghoon gives him the side eye crossing his arms over his chest. After a moment or two the alpha
grumbles under his breath about how unfair it is before giving a curt nod. Jake smiles leaning over
to give Sunghoon a kiss on the cheek.

“Be back!”

“Don’t be too loud! Sun’s sleep!” Sunghoon advises as Jake rushes off to their bathroom.
Sunghoon sits listening to Jake’s careful footsteps and the gentle way he closes the bathroom door
before starting the shower. With a sigh he picks his phone up unlocking the device to reread
Jungwon’s message. His fingers move sluggishly across the screen typing up a short response
before hitting send.
Across town Jungwon scoffs after reading the reply from Sunghoon. It had been days and all he
could receive was some half assed text?!

Sorry just saw this. - p.s.

There’s nothing to talk about - p.s.

Just drop it - p.s.

Really? That’s all you have to say? - y.j

Sunghoon - y.j.

Sunghoon! - y.j.


Fine - y.j.

There’s nothing to talk about - y.j.

Asshole! - y.j.

Jungwon can feel the frustrations slowly building within him the longer he receives radio static
from Sunghoon. After five minutes he gives up angrily slamming his phone face first on the table.

“This is your fault” he says glaring at Jay. The omega looks up, his eyebrow arched, face

“Excuse me?”

“Sunghoon” Jungwon clarifies “It's your fault” Jay rolls his eyes returning to his work.

“Seriously Jungwon, are we back to that,let it go!”

But Jungwon can’t, he can’t let it go. His body becomes hot, flushed with anger all over like it just
happened again. He doesn’t want to start another fight with Jay, not after the other night when they
came home yelling and screaming at each other for the better half of an hour before getting a noise
complaint from the lobby. Jungwon doesn’t want to keep going to bed angry at Jay but he just
couldn’t help it, not when Jay didn’t see anything wrong with his actions.
A fight starts anyway, an argument of who’s protecting who and who did what wrong. Two
stubborn omegas unwilling to back down.

“You aren’t the only man here Jay, I can protect myself!” Jungwon seethes. He doesn’t need
protection, much less from Sunghoon. There are more cruel people, more cruel alphas out there in
the world than Sunghoon. “All you did was widen the wedge between them and us!”

“Have you ever considered that maybe that’s a good thing?” Jay shouts back and it stings. How
could he think that’s a good thing? They were supposed to be getting along with Sunoo’s pack,
finding a mutual understanding so they could make this work. Whatever “this” is.

“What happened to the Jay who was willing to do whatever it took to be close to Sunoo? Who was
willing to get along with Sunghoon for Sunoo’s sake?” Jungwon misses that Jay. The kind hearted
Jay who was always willing to help a hand and ready to sacrifice whatever it took to help someone
he cared about.

Jay shakes his head, eyes growing dark. His feelings haven’t changed, he still is willing to
compromise and met Sunoo at his level to grow close to him. To strengthen their bond and give
him whatever his heart desires but it comes with a price. Jay can’t do any of that if he can’t trust
Sunghoon and he doesn’t he won’t, not after seeing the damage he did to his own mate. Not when
all Jay can think about it all the cruel horrible things Sunghoon could potentially do to his mate.
Jungwon knows all of this, he was with Jay when his father did those things to him, he saw the
damage he did so why? Why was Jungwon protecting Sunghoon?

“Knowing what I know now I can’t just accept him! You understood that, at least I thought you
did. What changed for you huh? Why are you protecting him?!” his chest heaves with anger tears
pricking at his eyes but Jay won’t let them fall. He’s not weak. He is not a cry baby. He is not a
weak omega like everyone says. He’s strong.

“Because he’s different now!” Jungwon screams his shoulders heavy under the stress and
adrenaline coursing through him “when we met him he was such an entitled possessive annoying
human being and now…he’s just different I can’t explain it exactly.”

“Well try cause I don’t understand.”

“I told you after we met him that I felt some connection to him but I didn’t like it. His aura was
dark, just sorta wrong. It’s different now, lighter and less angry? Threatening? I dunno how to
explain it Jay I can just feel it! He’s different.”
“People don’t change overnight Jungwon,” he can’t accept that. He doesn’t care if Sunghoon’s
“aura” was that of gold and pure as an angel, he hurt Sunoo. That’s not something he can ever take
back, that’s not something he can change.

“I know they don't but I don't think Sunghoon realized he was like that,” Jungwon can recall a few
times over these last few weeks that Sunghoon didn’t truly recognize how he’d acted when they
first met. It was like his brain was shut off and just now waking up.

“That doesn’t really change things, does it. If he doesn’t realize it then he’ll do it again,” Jay knows
he will. Time and time again he was told he wouldn’t be hurt again, he just had to do as told. It
didn’t matter if he fell short or did as told, Jay suffered in the end. He has the scars to prove it.

“It does. My omega can feel it, the other one. He knows Sunghoon isn’t a threat, not anymore and
all you did was ostracize him.”

“We both have our trauma with alphas, I get that but Jay you weren’t thinking about anyone's
feelings other than your own that night. It wasn’t about me, or Sunoo, it was about you feeling
powerful against an alpha” Jay’s pride stings a bit. It wasn’t that, it was more than that. Sunghoon
was bad, Sunghoon is one of them. Jay doesn’t need to put an alpha down to prove something he’s
always known. Right? No, Jay isn’t like that.

“I wasn’t, that- I-” he sputters, not knowing what to say. Jungwon scoffs, jabbing a finger against
his mate's chest.

“Did you even see Sunoo’s face? I’ve never seen him so angry Jay!”

Jay’s heart clenches. He’d been trying hard not to think about the look Sunoo had. How
disappointed he must have been afterwards. At the time he’d only been concerned with protecting
Jungwon and justifying his disdain for alphas, especially alphas like Sunghoon.

“Alright, I get it ok. I-I’m not proud about how I made Sunoo feel but Jungwon I can’t help it! He
hurt Sunoo. I keep thinking about his wounds and then seeing him again, hearing his name and
just, it was too much. I didn’t want him to hurt you but you’re right. I wasn’t really thinking about
how my actions could have hurt everyone else”

“That’s all I wanted you to realize Jay. I don’t want to keep putting this wall between Sunoo and us
or even Sunghoon and us. I really don’t think he’s a bad alpha, maybe just a little misguided”
“Yeah well that’s not really my problem” Jay grumbles clearly annoyed.

“No it’s not,but maybe it’s something we can work on. Don’t forget you weren’t the most likable
person when we first met. Now look at you, you’re the love of my life.”

“Yeah yeah. Little Wonnie is the big bad wolf healer.”

“At your service.”

“Hey Won…since we’re talking about Sunoo I really don’t like how I made him feel. He’s been
sorta distant which I understand now but…do you think that I should…is it alright if I bring Sunoo
into our den?”

“You wanna?”

“Yeah. i’ve wanted to bring him over for awhile now, maybe show him our nest. It could be a
bonding thing and an apology of sorts. If you’re ok for it”

“I think that’s a wonderful idea Jay! When were you thinking of doing it?”

“This weekend”

Jungwon feels a whine bubble in his throat but he swallows it down. He’d wanted to be apart of
Sunoo coming into their den for the first time, seeing their nest. Before he knew Sunoo was Jay’s
mate Jungwon had fantasies about it, his best friend and his mate in a nest together. Back then it’d
felt like a dream far out of reach but now, in a way it was becoming true. Even now he desperately
wants to be a part of it, but this should be for Jay and Sunoo. Their bonding period may be over but
their bond hasn’t quite solidified. This could be a good way to make that happen.

“I’m surprised you haven’t done it sooner. Make sure you bring out the good stuff, I know he’ll
really love that teal blanket we have”

“You think it’s a good idea?” Jay looks to Jungwon receiving a nod “Ive wanted to do this…
forever but life continued getting in the way and then I wanted the moment to be set up just right
but, I guess there is no such thing as a perfect moment”

“Hey you know what they say. No time like the present.”
“Yeah I just…I can’t stop thinking about it now that I’ve said it. I really hope he agrees, I want to
make it up to him,” and Jay’s rambling continues from there. Jungwon listens intently, having the
same feelings, his imagination carrying away with Jay’s as the older omega shares his inner
thoughts. However as Jay talks Jungwon can feel his heart become green with envy. Envy envy


Jungwon feels dizzy walking into the locker room. He always has. Too many sounds, too many
scents…too much alpha. The team mainly consists of alphas which isn’t too much of a surprise but
Jungwon had always figured that the nightball was made up of betas considering alphas were more
into other sports. Despite all the scents Jungwon finds himself tilting his nose up searching for one
person’s scent in particular. Sunghoon. He doesn’t find him, not right away, it takes him a moment
because Sunghoon is with the others. The alpha mainly kept to himself and if not he was with
Jisung, the two having an odd closeness. Today Sunghoon was smack dab in the middle of a
chaotic circle, Haneul being the leader of the nonsense as his pose circled around him yelling and
hooting about who knows what.

It was the same through practice, leaving Jungwon painfully aware of the fact that Sunghoon was
avoiding him. He felt himself going mad. All he wanted to do was talk to him, clear everything up.
The memory of Sunghoon’s hurt and embarrassed expression continued to eat away at him,
especially knowing that he didn’t deserve it.

“Hey coach?” Jungwon rubs at his head feigning a pained expression.

“I think I really hurt my head with the tackle drills. Could I go sit down for a bit?”

“Sure thing Jungwon. Just take off for the night. We’re almost done here” Coach Park says, patting
the boy on the shoulder. Jungwon nods solemnly, thanking him. For show he drags his feet behind
him as he heads inside. Out of sight he rushes into the locker room to Sunghoon’s locker. Before
Sunghoon decided to be the extrovert of the hour Jungwon had watched him put his combination
committing the numbers to memory.

Sitting on his knees Jungwon mutters the numbers under his breath turning the lock until he hears
the familiar click allow him to pull the door open. Jungwon shuffles through Sunghoon’s clothes
ignoring the woody scent combined with oranges and something else, cleaner? Soap?
‘Must be Jake’ he settles before continuing his search. His heart beats like a rabbit when he comes
up on Sunghoon’s bag.

‘Don’t get caught’ he prays quietly hoping no one else walks in. his hands tremble, hardly taking
hold of the plastic zipper on Sunghoon’s backpack. It feels like forever when he finally unzips the
first part looking inside only to find a notebook and binder. Zipping it back he tries a few other
pockets before finding what he was looking for, Sunghoon’s phone. Taking a peak of his
surroundings Jungwon shoves Sunghoon’s clothes back into the locker haphazardly before
slamming it closed. He has just enough time to slip the device into his pocket and open his own
locker when the door bursts open the smell of sweat and dirt wafting into the room as the team
floods in.

Jungwon bites on his lip hoping to the moon goddess Sunghoon doesn’t notice his phone is gone,
not while everyone is around. He changes out of his practice uniform slowly throwing looks over
his shoulder to check on Sunghoon. He’s just a little pleased that his plan works for him when
everyone leaves, including Sunghoon. Jungwon is sure it won’t be long before he comes back for
his missing phone.

When Sunghoon does come back he goes to his locker first searching the mostly empty metal box
to come up with nothing. Jungwon watches as he looks under benches and lazily discarded towels
and other clothes, grunting when he doesn’t find his phone.

“What are you looking for? I can help?” Jungwon offers but it falls upon deaf ears. Sunghoon
continues searching for a while only looking at Jungwon when the omega’s phone went off.
Jungwon picks the device from the bench reading a text from Jay.

‘Running late. Be there soon’ -p.j.

Good, that buys him some time. When Jungwon looks up again Sunghoon is heading for the doors,
most likely thinking his phone wasn’t in the room.

“Looking for this?” he questions holding the device up before he could get too far. Sunghoon looks
at him, his lips stretched in a thin line. He stalks up to Jungwon, leaving a meter of space between

“Hand it over,” he commands, holding his hand out. Jungwon shakes his head, slipping the device
into his pocket.

“No. Not until you talk to me,” thankfully his voice doesn’t waver as he speaks to Sunghoon, just
as much authority dripping from his voice. Sunghoon scoffs taking a step closer.
“I am talking to you. Give me my phone.”

“Actually, talk to me, Sunghoon. You’ve been avoiding me since-”

“Damn it Jungwon, give me my phone!” Sunghoon looms over Jungwon but the omega doesn’t
like it. It makes him feel small and he is not small so he steps on the bench separating them
looking down at Sunghoon.

“Talk to me!”

“There’s nothing to talk about. Your mate hates me, he wants me to stay away from you. I have
enough respect for him as your mate and Sunoo’s to do that at least until he calms down.”

“Then what about your respect for me huh?"

"I have no obligations towards you." Sunghoon says coolly. Jungwon falters for a moment seeing
how Sunghoon seemed to be staring through him rather than at him.

‘I have no obligations towards you’ does he mean that? Had their days growing closer meant
nothing or had Jungwon been imagining it?

"Then do you not respect me as a team mate?" Jungwon still has to try.

"I do!" Sunghoon protests, finally looking at Jungwon.

"Then talk to me!"

"What do you want me to say?! Huh Jungwon? What do you want from me?!" Jungwon doesn’t
expect his bottom lip to wobble when Sunghoon yells at him, but it does and he finds himself
biting into it to stop from crying.

"I'm sorry” he starts to speak, a small hiccup leaving his mouth. “We were getting along and
becoming friends or at least I thought we were and now you're ignoring me again. I don't like it and
I don't like how Jay handled things that night you, you didn't deserve it" he steps off the bench
sitting on it instead. Sunghoon hesitates for a moment before sitting next to him.

"Yeah I did," his voice is gentler, not so angry, and it makes Jungwon feel better.

"No you didn't. You didn't do anything wrong."


"Please…" Jungwon feels his shoulders shake with an oncoming sob. He doesn't understand why
he's getting so worked up. He doesn't even know Sunghoon that well and yet he feels like he does
all at the same time.

"Hey, come here," Sunghoon says softly. He wraps his arms around Jungwon pulling the smaller to
his chest "I'm not going anywhere alright. I just need to give Jay some time to cool off and I need
time to put myself together alright? Give me a few days Wonnie" with one hand cradling the back
of Jungwon’s head Sunghoon shushes him, his chest rumbling with a comforting growl.

Jungwon wipes at his tears, feverishly feeling embarrassed from crying in the first place. " 'm

"Don't be sorry. I- I really appreciate you coming to talk to me. Makes me feel less…terrible."

"Why do you feel terrible?"

"Doesn't matter. I feel better now" Sunghoon murmurs. He pulls Jungwon away from his chest
gently holding the omegas chin between his thumb and forefinger. Jungwons heart stutters as he
looks into Sunghoon’s eyes. They were the softest he'd ever seen them, the sort of gaze he's seen
the alpha give to…but that couldn't be right, why would Sunghoon be looking at him like that? It
seems Sunghoon notices something feeling off as well because he's quickly pulling away from
him, shuffling down the bench..

“I really do need my phone though,” he says, holding his hand out.

“Oh” Jungwon grabs Sunghoon’s phone from his pocket before hesitantly handing it over.
“We’ll still see each other for practice,” Sunghoon offers. Maybe it’s supposed to be comforting
and Junggwon guesses he can applaud him for that.

“It’s not the same,” Jungwon mutters and it isn’t. Sunghoon’s teasing, their competitive little games
during practice Jungwon was missing it despite only having it for a few days. Sunghoon had
annoyingly wormed his way into his life and then retracted within seconds. It hurt.

“If it makes you feel better you look like a pathetic cat right now” Jungwon groans at that. He
should have never sent Sunghoon that picture.

“No Sunghoon that does not make me feel better!” Jungwon says with a glare but it doesn’t quite
reach his eyes. His gaze was too soft for the glare to have any threat or maliciousness to it.

“Do you want me to walk you out?”

Jungwon plays with his sleeves sniffing loudly “Probably shouldn’t, ya know if you’re trying to
avoid Jay and all.”

“I can just walk with you. I need to get going.”


They walk side by side, a safe distance between them. Jungwon doesn’t know why he was hop8jg
Sunghoon would say goodbye, when he already said he should keep his distance. He was expecting
it but it doesn’t make it hurt less when the alpha walks the opposite direction leaving him alone to
walk to Jay's car.

“Have a good practice?” his boyfriend questions once he’s in the car. Jungwon lets his body drop
into the seat holding his back to his chest.

“It was fine.” he mutters, not having much else to say. Jay’s mouth opens like he wasn't to say
something, but he doesn't.

Chapter End Notes

This story became more angsty than i originally planned and i know it’s been back to
back but i will try to write more soft/fluffy moments to help balance it all out. Kudos
to Sunghoon for somewhat talking with Jungwon and admitting he just needed to give
Jay and himself some space to cool off. Things will move into a more positive light
from here on out! Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter

Side note: do you guys think there’s too much dialogue in the story? When going
through it to edit the chapters I feel like ive written in more and more dialogue and i'm
not sure if it helps or hurts the story! Lmk your opinion on this cause id really love to
chapter thirty-seven
Chapter Notes


- minor angst
- mainly fluff!

minor edits needed so i apologize for any mistakes

happy reading to all ❤️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Jay hates the way shame and regret feel. It makes his heart ache and overall feel weak, pathetic,
and nothing like the alpha his parents had raised him to be. But Jay isn’t an alpha, he’s an omega
and it’s fine to feel shame, to feel and be regretful because it means his emotions are still intact. It
means that no matter what his parents did to him back then, it didn’t stick. What did stick was the
overwhelming sadness that came with the thought of Sunoo being mad at him, being disappointed
in him. You’d think after spending his whole life disappointing his parents Jay would be used to
the feeling but imagining Sunoo being disappointed in him cuts deeper than with his parents.

That’s what leads Jay to his current predicament, phone in hand open to his messages with Sunoo.
The longer Jay sat there it became painfully obvious that he couldn’t type up a simple message.
The fear of rejection grew until it was overwhelming, suffocating him, keeping him under like the
angry tides of the sea.

His phone vibrates in his hand catching his attention. Jay looks down seeing a message from

What’s wrong? - k.s.

I can feel your anxiety - k.s.

Jay bites his lip. He could lie, that would be easy and he could ease himself off the ledge he’s
dangling off of. Or he could just tell Sunoo the truth, that he’s sorry.

Nothing’s wrong! Just working - p.j.

‘Fucking coward. No wonder you didn’t present as an alpha’ Jay’s mind supplies and it’s like a
punch to the gut.

You sure? - k.s.

We can meet up, talk about it? - k.s.

Jay plays with the fray in his hoodie thinking it over. Should he invite Sunoo over now? His plan
was for the weekend, everything planned out, have their den clean, all the perfect nesting materials
out and ready to go. A part of him wants to stick to it, his perfect plan but nothing so far has been

‘Do you want to like come over?’ - p.j.

Anxiety claws at Jay’s gut like a rabid animal mauling its prey as he watches the three bubbles pop
up before disappearing. Again and again it happened, seven times, Jay counts leaving the feeling to
intensify. His nostrils flare with each ragged breath, nails digging into his palms. Jay attempts to
brace himself for rejection when a text finally comes through.

‘Yeah sure. Give me twenty minutes?’ - k.s.

‘Gotta clean the kitchen before Jakie gets home’ - k.s.

The sigh of relief turns the omegas body to liquid as he sinks into the couch, pleased to finally take
a calming breath. Jay takes a quick moment to himself before replying.

Yeah yeah no rush - p.j.

Take your time - p.j.

And Jay only half means it, for Sunoo to take his time. On one hand it gives him time to clean his
own kitchen, but selfishly he hopes Sunoo doesn’t take too long. He doesn’t think his anxiety can
take it.

With Sunoo’s confirmation in mind Jay began to clean the apartment, putting dishes into the
dishwasher, collecting dirty socks and random bits of clothing shoving them into the hamper. He
even cleans the bathroom despite it being Jungwon’s turn. Twenty minutes fly by quickly and he’s
getting another text from Sunoo.
I need your address - k.s.

I can pick you up - p.j.

No need to spend more gas or time. I'll take the bus… - k.s.

address please - k.s.

Unknowing to him Jay pouts as he sends Sunoo his address along with a ‘be safe!’ message. With
the extra time he continues cleaning, making the bed, organizing the bookshelf, watering the house
plant in the corner, he should really take care of it more. When the buzzer goes off he feels a jolt
run through him. Anxiety, excitement, joy, sadness, hesitance. It hits him all at once causing him to
sway a bit. With a few shaky breaths Jay wills himself to the door pushing it open

“Hey” Sunoo greets first, giving a smile.

“Hi. Come in, come in,” Jay steps aside, letting Sunoo inside. He tries to gauge the youngers
thoughts as Sunoo eyes the little bit of space visible to him.

‘Is it good, do you like it? Sorry it couldn’t be better’ his inner omega wants nothing more than to
please and provide Sunoo with the best. The current state of his den isn’t the best, not even close to
what he could have done with more preparation but at least Sunoo can tell he tried, that he really
did intend for it to look nice, to appease him.

“So this is it huh?” Sunoo finally says, turning to him.


Sunoo gives him a side glance, a soft smile adorning his face “It’s beautiful. Suits you.”

“Thank you. Um want a tour?”

“I’d like that” Jay shows him the entire apartment, save for his room where his nest with Jungwon
is. Throughout the tour Jay could feel his bond with Sunoo thrum, it's usually orange red color. It
was different from the magenta he felt with Jungwon, harmony, balance, peace. His bond with
Sunoo was like an adventure, a mix between curiosity and excitement, the joy of something new.

“I’m guessing you designed it.” Sunoo says once they're back in the living room. Jay feels his neck
flush as he nods softly.

“Yeah. I went through an interior design phase” he reaches for a throw pillow to play with the
frayed ends.

“I like it” Sunoo says and finally, finally Jay feels a bit of pride go through him warming his heart.
“I especially like the asymmetrical balance in the living room and the analogous color scheme in
the bathroom. Very nice,” Jay looks up, surprised Sunoo had noticed those details.

“What?” Sunoo questions with a dry laugh “ I like fashion and design too,” he shrugs playing it
off. Jay runs his tongue over his bottom lip before biting on the corner.

“That is…oddly attractive.”



Sunoo chuckles “You’re so cute Jay” the word cute makes Jay frown. He’s handsome, capable, and
sexy. Not cute and he goes to say as much pout deepening in the process.

“ ‘m not cute”

“You totally are” Sunoo coos as he moves closer. He presses his hands to the side of Jay’s face
tilting it from side to side. “My cutie Jay” he giggles and the sound goes right to Jay’s heart. Sunoo
is so precious.

“Hey, Sun,” the older man says. Jay brings his hands to cover Sunoo’s gently pulling them off his
face and into his lap “I’m sorry for the other night. I-I was out of line. And I’m sorry for taking so
long to apologize” Sunoo stops teasing Jay to hold him around the neck, fingers brushing through
the short hairs at his nape.
“I didn’t expect things between us to be easy. I know it’s going to take some time but thank you for
apologizing even if I’m not the one you really need to apologize to” there’s a hinting edge to
Sunoo’s voice. Jay can feel a groan settling in his chest but he doesn’t let it out. He simply leans
his head on Sunoo’s chest.

“I was hoping you wouldn’t say that,” he admits.

“ Jay ”

“I know, I know. I will apologize to Sunghoon. Promise.” he looks up at his mate, his lip jutting
out in a pout and his eyes giving some of the cutest puppy eyes Sunoo has ever seen.

‘How dare this man say he’s not cute! He’s adorable!’

“Good! Now if I remember correctly I was promised snacks” Sunoo says with a happy clap of his
hands. Jay tilts his head back as he barks out a laugh.

“I only invited you over. Never said there was food involved” he says cooly as he leans back
against the couch.

“Well why not? Food should totally be involved!”

“I can do that for you. What does my sunshine want to eat?”

“Dunno. I think I’ll leave that up to the chef.”

“Kimbap?”Jay offers, receiving an energetic nod from Sunoo.

“Ok, kimbap it is. Come help me hmm” Jay gets off the couch, stretching a bit before offering his
hand to Sunoo. The younger tucks his hands in his lap shaking his head.

“I don't want to.”

“You don't want to?” Jay questions in a baby voice. “Guess you don't want to eat then,” ignoring
Sunoo’s look of surprise Jay returns to his comfortable position on the couch./

“Ah Jay!” Sunoo whines. He scoots closer to Jay leaning against the olders shoulder “Please?” a
kiss to the cheek “Jay! Jay hyung!” Sunoo places another to Jay’s cheek and chin “Jay! Hyung!”
Sunoo squeals when Jay grabs him by the back of the neck pressing their lips together. It’s a soft
kiss, lips pressed to lips but it sends a feeling of warmth through their chest.

“Come help me” Jay whispers against Sunoos lips before kissing him again languidly. Sunoo
presses closer to Jay pressing a firm kiss to the olders mouth before backing away entirely. When
the older moves to hold him again Sunoo holds a hand to Jay’s chest, stopping him from getting

“You’re wasting time hyung,” he teases playing with the button of Jay’s shirt. The older groans
slapping Sunoo’s hand away.

“Brat,” he effectively pulls Sunoo in for a quick peck before being shoved again.

“Come on hyung,” Sunoo coos, nipping at Jay’s jaw. The older huffs puffing his cheeks out with
his frustration. He’d wanted to keep kissing but Sunoo pulls him up and into the kitchen. Together,
with Jay’s guidance they collect the ingredients and put the snack together.

“What did I teach you last time hmm? That’s not how you hold the knife” Jay chides seeing how
Sunoo was yet again holding the knife improperly. Sunoo pouts up at him, eyelashes fluttering.

“Hmm. I think I forgot hyungie. Can you show me again?” he holds the knife out to Jay who tsks.

“Of course, but this time listen and learn hmm?” Jay murmurs by his ear. A pleasant shutter runs
down Sunoos spine as Jay turns him to face the counter.

“You hold the knife like this Sunoo-ah,” Jay says placing the knife in Sunoo’s hand properly. He
helps Sunoo cut the kimbap properly before the preparation gets forgotten entirely. Sunoo drops
the knife onto the counter turning around to kiss Jay.

“What was that for?”

Sunoo looks off to the side shrugging “Just cause.”

“Go put this on the table while I get some drinks!” Jay mutters bashfully. He hands the plate to
Sunoo before sending him off with a quick slap to Sunoo’s ass ignoring the surprised shriek and
blush creeping up his neck.

When he comes back there's not an inch of space between them as they sit on the couch.Sunoo lays
draped across Jay’s lap, the older feeding him every once in a while as a movie plays on the flat
screen. The movie merely served as background noise while the couple sat together stealing kisses
and pressing gentle touches against each others sides. Jay couldn’t ask for a sweeter moment, his
omega feeling more content than it had in weeks.

“You ok?” Jay murmurs, noticing Sunoo slowly becoming restless, less time spent between kisses
as he continuously places them on Jay’s neck, chin and cheek. Sunoo nods letting out a whine
when the gentle hand on his tummy stops.

“ ‘m fine” he murmurs but Jay could tell Sunoo was slowly falling into omega space. Jay feels a
small sense of pride at that, that Sunoo was comfortable enough with him to fall into omega space.
The feeling had Jay’s skin crawling with the need to be in his nest.

“Do you want to take a break from the movie?”

“A break? For what?”

“We could go in my room and nest for a bit. Or we could make a nest in here if you’d be more

“A nest?” Sunoo questions sitting up.


“Oh, I’m ok hyung”

“Are you sure? It sorta seemed like you were slipping into-”

“I’m sure,” Sunoo says, sliding off of Jay’s lap.

“It wouldn’t be a problem Sunoo. We have some extra materials we’re not using. I’d just have to
go grab them”

“Really Jay, I’m fine. You can nest if you need to but I’m good.”

“Yeah sure” and maybe Sunoo wasn’t fully comfortable yet. That’s ok. Jay tells himself so the
crash of embarrassment doesn’t hit him too hard. He can just…try again another day.

It’s awkward after that as the first movie plays. Jay puts on a second just to save himself from the
awkward tension. It doesn’t help much. He’s just about to suggest he takes Sunoo home when the
door opens, in walking Yang Jungwno with two plastic bags along with his backpack.

“So I know I’m supposed to cook dinner tonight but hyung I really don’t feel like it so I got some
take out…oh hey Sunoo!” Jungwon says. He sets his things down at the dinning room table before
dashing to the couch jumping on Sunoo.

“Jungwon! No!” Jay shouts but the youngest is already on Sunoo tickling at his slides.

“Wonnie! Hey!” Sunoo shrieks with laughter.

“Guys be careful please! Jungwon stop tickling him so much before you fall!” just as the sentence
leaves Jay’s mouth the two fall off the couch rolling around like energetic pups. Jay susposes it’s
better than Sunoo sitting on the couch like a robot.

“I-can’t-breathe!- Won! Wonnie!” Sunoo’s laughs turn into gasps of air, Jungwon still rolling
around with energy. Jay groans at his mates behavior as he leans over them hooking an arm around
Jungwon’s waist to tug him off Sunoo. Sunoo lays flat on his back spread out like a starfish as he
tries to catch his breath while Jungwon lays against Jay’s chest beaming.

“What are you a pup? You can’t just attack people” Jay teases once Jungwon gains enough energy
to turn around and tackle him instead. Sunoo watches them with a fond smile on his lips seeing the
youngest rough Jay up with all his pup-like energy. It was cute.

“He’s fine. It was fun. We don’t wrestle at home. Sunghoon’s always worried they’re gonna hurt
me. It's nice to feel a little puppish sometimes,” there had only been a few times when Jake had
tried to wrestle him, his inner pup bubbling with energy. The second and last time Jake wrestled
him in front of Sunghoon ended with Sunghoon dragging the pup to their room for some much
needed “training” Sunghoon had called it but really was just an excuse to rail him into the mattress
and wear him out in a less “dangerous” manor. Not that Sunoo is fragile, but Sunghoon isn’t
willing to risk it.

Hearing his hyungs answer has Jungwon smiling triumphantly at Jay. “See hyungie! Sunoo didn’t
mind” Jay rolls his eyes, arms opening to let Jungwon leave to crawl over to Sunoo. He nuzzles
into the olders neck before laying on his chest. Sunoo hums, wrapping his arms around Jungwon’s

“Two cute pups” Jay coos crawling over to join them. He brushes Sunoo’s hair back giving him a
kiss on the forehead.

His eyes open staring up at Jay with stars in them “Hyung’s pup?” he mumbles, eyes whining with
need. The need to be claimed by Jay, to hear that he is his

“My pup,” Jay agrees without missing a beat as he leans in to give Sunoo another kiss. From
Sunoo’s chest Jungwon whines lifting his head up to pout at them both.

“ ‘m a pup too! Where are my kisses!” he whines. Jay rolls his eyes playful but leans in giving
Jungwon a kiss. Sunoo watches a light blush across his face. It was always something interesting,
to see his mates kiss other people. When they pull back Jungwon looks at him expectantly.

“You too. Where’s my kiss?”

Sunoo looks to Jay, silently asking for permission which gets him a nose to the neck as Jay tilts his
head toward Jungwon. Leaning on his elbows, Sunoo leans in gently pressing his lips to Jungwons.
His heartbeat rings in his ears, his mind clouding over when Jungwon presses harder, his tongue
running over Sunoo’s bottom lip before slipping inside. It feels like too much too soon and Sunoo
backs away with a whine. His mind feels too sluggish but his body was warm, omega sated. He
feels so warm, so safe. He’s safe with Jay and Jungwon.

“Hyungie,” Jungwon coos. He presses a gentle kiss to Sunoo’s collarbone. “Do you wanna come
into our nest?” Sunoo whines. There was that word again.

“Come on hyungie! It’s so nice there,” Jungwon pushes up, reaching out to help Sunoo off the

“Jungwon, I don’t think…” Sunoo couldn’t get his brain to work fast enough to finish the sentence
before Jungwon was whining tugging on his arm.
“Come on! It’s not far!”

“Jungwon, wait. Sunoo doesn’t want to!”

“Why? Come on just for a few minutes!” Jungwon urges. Jay can’t stop it when Jungwon pushes
their bedroom door open. Jay sees the exact moment Sunoo goes cross eyed from smelling their
scent. It was normal since their bedroom is where it’s strongest. With a gentle hand to the older
man's back Jungwon leads Sunoo inside showing him their nest.

“Isn’t it pretty?” Jungwon breaths in awe as if he’s seeing it for the first time. Jay’s chest heaves
with unwanted anxiety as Sunoo stares silently. He can’t tell what the younger is thinking and it
drives the eldest mad.

A scenario plays out in Jay’s head, Sunoo walking into the room like a zombie before curling up in
the nest rolling around like he’s been possessed but in a good way, in a way that makes Jay fall to
his own omega space to roll around with him and hold his two pups close, scent them, kiss them,
keep them warm and safe. Like glass shattering and the fairy dust blowing away, Jay's scenario
dies as Sunoo stumbles backwards.

“I…I wanna go home,” he whispers. A knot tightened in his chest, sadness, anger, resentment,
guilt, it all tied together weighing on his chest in a way he hadn’t felt for years.

‘You think after all this time you deserve this? You will NEVER deserve this. Always asking
for more when you deserve nothing at all!’

“What?” the smile drops from Jungwon’s face when Sunoo snatches his wrist back like he’d been
burned, clutching the limb close to his chest. Jungwon reaches for him, to comfort him but Sunoo
shakes his head stumbling back, almost colliding with the door frame.

“I want Sunghoon. I wanna go home!” Sunoo’s sob takes them by surprise, both omegas freezing.

“Sunoo…” Jay reaches out to him but stops keeping his hands to himself. He feels his heart break
when Sunoo looks up, tears spilling down his cheeks.

‘What did we do? Why are you crying?’

“Please I just, I want Sunghoon” Sunoo begs. His body leans forward like he wants to seek comfort
but holds himself back. It burns at Jay. Why is he holding himself back when he knows Jay will
hold him forever if that was what he needed?

“I’ll take you home,” Jay says solemnly. It takes a few minutes to gather Sunoo’s things before
they head to the car. Throughout the ride Jay could feel his heart grow heavier as Sunoo frantically
messaged someone, probably his mates.

“Sunoo, I’m really sorry for tonight” Jay says once he pulls up to the building. Sunoo types
something feverishly before shoving his phone in his pocket.

“It’s fine hyung I’m just tired. I needed a break.”

“Sunoo we didn’t mean to push, Jungwon didn’t mean to upset you”

“ ‘m not upset! I just, I need Sunghoon right now. I’ll talk to you later” Sunoo says unbuckling his
seatbelt. He doesn’t spare Jay with a goodbye before exiting the car running inside. From the
driver's seat Jay can see Sunoo run right into Sunghoon clinging to him for dear life. Jake is beside
them pressing kisses to the crown of Sunoo’s head and rubbing his back.

Sunghoon looks out past the building spotting Jay in his car. They make eye contact briefly before
Sunghoon sends him a head nod. Jay returns the gesture, taking one final look at Sunoo before
pulling onto the road. When he gets home he finds Jungwon sitting at the door waiting for him.
The younger was wrapped in a blanket, tears pricking his eyes.

“I-is Sunoo hyung ok? I didn’t mean to make him cry Jay I swear I didn't! It smelled so nice in here
and I wasn’t thinking. I’m sorry hyung” Jungwon sobs reaching for Jay. The older holds him
tightly, pressing his nose against Jungwon’s neck.

“Shh. it’s ok. I know you didn’t mean it. Don’t cry baby,” because if there’s one thing Jay can’t
handle it’s both his mates being in pain and him being unable to fix it. To mend the hurt and take
in on himself so they can continue to smile.

Jay grimaces when Jungwon rubs his face against his shirt, most likely ruining it with his snot and
tears. “I didn’t mean to ruin the night”

“You didn’t Jungwon, promise. I think Sunoo just got overwhelmed,” that is what he said at least
but how much of it was true? Was Sunoo lying again or telling the truth?

“I'm sorry” Jungwon whispers, still sniffling.

“Do you want to try calling him?” it’s more for Jay than Jungwon, needing to soothe the burning in
his bond with Sunoo, and to know he’s ok. It’s selfish but he’s only human…sorta.

“What if he doesn’t pick up?”

“Yeah, maybe we shouldn’t call. Let’s get you some dinner instead? What did you get us?” gently
Jay soothes Jungwon away from a breakdown leading him to the discarded food. He holds
Jungwon in his lap feeding him bits of food and some water, ensuring he would eat all of his food.
Jay dotes on Jungwon for the entire night, his omega rattled from seeing Sunoo cry. He can’t take
care of Sunoo but he can do everything to make sure Jungwon is cared for and comfortable after
today’s unfortunate events.

Chest to chest, limbs tangled under the blankets Jay holds onto Jungwon thumbing at the youngers
spine. He feels every notch of his spine along with Jungwon’s little back dimples. Jungwon had
settled well over an hour ago but Jay continued blinking sleepily at the ceiling for what felt like

When his alarm went off in the morning it felt like he hadn’t slept a wink.

“Hey, do you think you could ask Sunghoon about his schedule today?” he sure that Sunoo won’t
answer his phone right now and as much as he doesn’t like Sunghoon he could at least try.


“Cause, I want to talk to him.” Jay shrugs. Jungwon pouts drawing random patterns in their

“I don't think he’s going to answer me. Maybe try Jake?”

Jay doesn’t know about calling Jake. their interactions had been chalked up to cheering together
during nightball and Jay congratulating him after his volleyball game. He doesn’t want the other to
think ill of him for messaging him only to get in touch with someone else.

“I’ll just message Sunghoon myself.” he settles. His thumbs feel like they’re made of lead when he
opens his messages with Sunghoon, nothing more than simple introductions exchanged between
the two of them when they shared numbers. It was only a four word message and yet it felt like an
eternity went by to type it.

Are you free today? - p.j.

Once the message is scent Jay finds himself staring at his phone waiting for a reply.

“Do you have lab hours today?”

“Hmm, I want to wrap this project up early. You?”

“Take a nap. Still sleepy”

“Sleep well.” Jay presses a kiss to Jungwon’s temple before leaving him to sleep. He changes into
something comfortable checking his backpack for all his essentials before leaving the apartment.

As expected the lab room is fairly empty, with students out at classes or collecting materials for
projects. Jay sits near the front where the air hits just right and the sun doesn’t glare against his
screen. Booting the computer Jay plugs in his harddrive ready to edit his most recent round of
photos. He gets into it, working on the post processing of each photo before organizing it into a
layout for his assignment. One hour turns into two before Jay has half of his work done. He leans
back in the chair deciding he deserved a few minutes to rest when a loud bang from the door
closing jolts him awake.

Jay rolls his shoulders a few times, popping his neck. Clearly the world decided he shouldn’t sleep
now. He stands up getting in a much deserved stretch. He checks his phone seeing what meal deals
are available when he notices a text.

I’m free in an hour. Meet me in the theater building - p.s.

That was over an hour ago. Jay curses under his breath as he rushes to save his work before placing
his things into his backpack.

“Theare, theater, theater” he grumbles under his breath trying to remember where the building was.
He spots a sign providing the directions and thanks the moon goddess for her guidance. He sprints
off for the building passing the culinary school before arriving at the theater building. Jay’s chest
heaves as he tries to force oxygen into his lungs as he wanders around the building not sure where
to go.

“You’re late” a voice speaks from behind him. Jay flinches, turning on his heels to face Sunghoon.

“Sorry I turned around”

“It’s fine. We’ll just have to talk in the editing room” Sunghoon says motioning to the stairs. Jay
nods following after the alpha up the stairs. They get to a fairly small room with old computers,
outdated monitors on the desks.

“The others will be in here soon so talk fast,” Sunghoon says, sitting down.

“It’s about Sunoo. Is he- is he ok?” he asks. He watches as Sunghoon breaks eye contact for a
moment, his face scrunching like he was thinking of an answer on the spot “No bullshit Park. I can
handle the truth” because Jay needs to know if they’ve royally fucked up so he can figure out a
way to fix it.

“He’s…overwhelmed” Sunghoon starts before explaining how Sunoo doesn’t nest often. It sets off
alarms in Jay’s head because that’s not healthy . Nesting is a beautiful and natural thing all omegas
do, it's rejuvenating for an omega in a way other subgenders wouldn’t really understand.

“So basically he doesn’t nest outside of his heats or when he’s close to a breakdown from stress?”

“Pretty much. Is there supposed to be another time?” Jay wants to slap him because what barbarian
school did Sunghoon go to that didn’t teach basic health and biology for omegas.

“Um yeah like everyday. Nesting is a natural thing for omegas” the older answers as calmly as

“Not Sunoo I guess. He doesn’t need to nest as often as other omegas”

“Because he’s a halfbred?” it’s an offhand comment, supposed to be sarcasm but the way
Sunghoon tenses has Jay freezing.
“How do you know that?” Jay’s eyes widen comically large hearing Sunghono’s response. It was
just a hunch that Sunoo was a halfbred. He hadn’t even talked about his suspicions with Jungwon,
thinking maybe he was confused and that he’s been away from the stares too long to accurately
predict that the weird off smell in Sunoo’s scent was his human scent.

“Wait is he- I was only guessing. Is he really?”

Sunghoon looks doubtful because how do you just guess something like that. Surely Sunoo had
told him, otherwise how would Jay know ? “You guessed? Do you seriously expect me to believe

“Well, I lived in America for some time. Things are, they’re different there. Wolves choose their
own mates so it’s not totally uncommon to find a halfbred…Jake is one too, yeah?”

“A dog hybrid.” it feels unfair that Jay knows something like this about his mates when he hadn’t
known for a long time, especially with Sunoo but life is unfair and the other omega knows now.
There’s nothing he can do to change it.

“Really? I was thinking a panther but dog makes more scenes I guess” without realizing it Jay goes
on a spiel about the handful of possibilities he’d thought about for Jake being a hybrid. He gets
down to choice number five, Border collies, before Sunghoon stops him.

“Jay, can you focus? We’re talking about Sunoo.”

“Right, sorry.”

There’s a beat of silence between them before Sunghoon speaks up. “What does it smell like? His
human scent?” he doesn’t want to be curious, to have to get this information from Jay of all people
but Sunghoon has never known what Sunoo’s human scent smells like. He just always smells like
Sunoo, bright, sweet, and like love.

Jay looks up scratching at the bit of stubble growing on his chin. It’s a brief reminder that he hasn’t
shaved in awhile and he makes a mental note to add it to his routine tonight.

“It’s sort of metallic? Earthy, like pennies but not.”

“Right…and what does that have to do with Sunoo?”

“Well there’s a misconception about halfbred omegas. Everyone thinks they don’t need as much as
a pure bred omega. They don’t have as many heats or need to shift as often but nesting is very
essential to the wolves overall health. It could be why his health wasn’t always in good standing”

“We told you why his health isn’t in good standing. He was poisoned as a kid”

“Yes, which is why nesting is so important for him. It could help lessen the damage of that, at
least a little bit. Even if it doesn’t it’s still good for his omega. I know it”

“Who are you to say what’s good for Sunoo? You hardly know him,” Jay has the audacity to
laugh, body doubling over as he laughs the sound loud and dripping with sarcasm. Sunghoon
doesn’t think he’s ever wanted to punch him more than he does right now.

“Who are you to say you know? Because you’re the alpha? Like it or not I know more about
omega biology than you do. Sunoo needs to nest more”

“I'm sure my mate know what he needs you little-”

“ Our. Our mate and I’m telling you he needs to nest more” Jay states firmer this time. He can see
Sunghoon’s lip curl in a snarl but holds himself back from doing so.

“Fine. let’s say you are right, how do you expect me to get him to do that?”

Jay ignores Sunghoon’s “if” for the sake of being able to get through the alphas thick skull. He
explains the best ways to help ease Sunoo into nesting knowing that having his mate who he trusts
more will help significantly. It did for him back then at least.

“I can’t force him but I can try to do that. If you truly think it will help Sunoo,” he’s still not sure.
If this was something Sunoo needed then he would have told him but Jay’s adimacy had him

“I do.” Jay says not backing down from his position. He knows the pain of keeping yourself from
nesting, the damages it does to your omega’s health and your own mindset. He won’t let Sunoo
suffer the same way he did.
“Jake and I will try. I’ll talk to him.” Sunghoon agrees and finally Jay can find a reason to tolerate

“Thank you Sunghoon…um I just have one more thing to say” Jay says. He couldn’t just not
apologize after he told Sunoo that he would. He had been in the wrong and even if this strong
headed alpha can’t admit when he’s wrong at least Jay can.

“I’m sorry, for that night after your game. It was rude and hurtful I’m sure. I didn’t mean to hurt
you I just…wanted to make sure Won was ok.”

Sunghoon stands straighter, obviously surprised by Jay’s apology. He hadn’t been expecting it and
after talking with Sunoo he didn't think he’d been deserving of it in Jay’s eyes but maybe that could
change. Jay had come to talk to him of all people after all. Maybe…if he can start over with Felix
maybe slowly he can with Jay too.

“I know you saw what happened, how Sunoo got hurt. Mentally I wasn’t in a good place and
unfortunately Sunoo got hurt because of it. I’m trying to get better, to make sure I don’t hurt him or
anyone. That night, I swear I wasn’t going to hurt Jungwon, I-I would never hurt him
intentionally.” and he wouldn’t. Sunghoon would rather be hurt first than to hurt Jungwon.

“It’s weird though, I’m not mad at you at all for reacting the way you did,” he admits.

Jay raises a brow “You’re not?”

“No. I’m glad actually. Seeing you act like that made me realize you’re just as protective, you care
just as much as I do. I’m confident that if anything were to happen you’d be able to protect Sunoo
and that’s a comforting thought,”

‘Comforting but I hope it never happens. I hope I’ll be there to protect him, to protect all of you’

“Thank you?” Jay’s not sure if it’s a compliment or an insult but he’ll take it.

“It’s a compliment. Probably the only one you’ll get from me for a while. Enjoy it while it lasts,”
Sunghoon says gently, pushing at Jay’s shoulder before maneuvering around him to grab a folder
off one of the tables.
“This is why Jungwon says you’re so annoying,” Jay says as he watches Sunghoon continue
whatever he’d been up to before he showed up.

“No Jungwon is just a brat.”

It makes Jay laugh because yes Jungwon is a brat.

“Thank you Sunghoon, for talking to me.”

“Of course” Sunghoon bites on the corner of his lip for a moment. “I’m always here if you need it.
To talk about Sunoo….or other things. I’m here.” and that’s weird but maybe it makes sense,
Jungwon’s whole aura thing. Sunghoon seems different from when they first met. The same but
different too.

“I’ll keep that in mind.” Jay settles on saying not wanting to dwell on that thought too long. Before
another word could be set the door opens followed by excessive chatter from a party of people

“Sunghoon, did you finish editing that part?” a tall man in a black beret questions the second he
spots Sunghoon

“Yes sir. I got it all done director sir!” Sunghoon says scrambling around for the flashdrive to
present it to Hyunjin.

“Seriously Jinnie you gotta lay off on the kid” another man says, this one shorter than Hyunjin but
not much less but just as handsome.

“Yeah, leave my baby Hoonie alone!” a freckle-faced man says, his smile bright as the sun as he
flicks the back of Hyunjin’s head.

“Baby just a few months ago you couldn't stand him!”

“That was a few months ago. He’s family now, aren’t you baby!” Felix coos as he pinchest at
Sunghoon’s cheeks. The alpha whines shrinking away from Felixs’ touch.
“Lix hyung! You’re embarrassing me!”

“In front of who? It’s just the club members” Felix says. Bashfully Sunghoon points to Jay who
was still standing in the corner by the computer.

“Oh, Jongseong! Hey!” Jeongin says with a bright smile and energetic wave.

“Sup IN”

“I.N? Is that the nickname they gave you for poker night? That’s so lame!0”

“Shut up hyung it is not”

“I’ll walk you out now,” it’s more to save himself from further embarrassment in front of Jay not
needing to give the omega any ammo against him. Sunghoon walks Jay out to the entrance making
sure he’s set his alpha, unable to just let Jay walk away.

“So I’ll see you at Jake’s game?”

“Yeah. I might be a bit late but I’ll be there.”

“See you then,” Jay hums in acknowledgement before he’s out the doors. His shoulders finally sag
with relief once he’s a safe distance from Sunghoon’s gaze. He’d prepared himself for more
arguing, to stay strong and challenge the alpha despite his status. Sunghoon’s corporation was
pleasant of course but unexpected as Jay doesn’t want to fully give into the narrative that Sunghoon
isn’t all bad. From everything Sunghoon has shown him about himself, Jay just couldn’t let it go.
Not fully. He’d rather hang onto it a little longer

‘Just in case’ he tells himself. Just in case Sunoo and Jungwon are wrong about him, just in case
Sunghoon decides to hurt one of them or him. Jay will hold onto his fear to protect them because
that’s his job. What else is he here for if not to make sure his boys are safe? At the thought of his
boys Jay decides to go home to check on Jungwon. Before he’d left Jay could tell Jungwon was
still in a bad way, with the extra sleep and cuddles he needed.

He makes a pit stop at the convenience store to pick up some snacks for Jungwon before going
home. He’s only half surprised to see Jungwon up and about when he walks in. He’s sprawled out
on the couch a blanket haphazardly draped across his body as his socked feet kick out from under
it. He’s nose twitches and he makes little noises under his breath as his fingers work the joy cons
of the switch in his hands.

“Hey, you’re up” Jay says walking in. He lifts Jungwons legs before sitting down, letting them lay
across his lap.

“Couldn’t sleep anymore and…hyungs scent is still here,” Jungwon admits with a pout. His eyes
don’t leave the game, most likely for the sake of trying not to cry. Jay coos sadly rubbing at
Jungwon’s calf.

“Well I talked with Sunghoon” Jungwon’s hands still, his character dying in the game. He allows
the switch to fall into his lap, giving Jay his full attention. Jay tells him everything from Sunoo and
Jake’s status as a hybrid down to Sunghoon thankfully agreeing to help them get Sunoo back on
the right track. It pleases Jungwon to know he hadn’t been the one to hurt Sunoo. Sunoo just needs
a little guidance and he’s more than happy to help his hyung learn how to renest.

“Did-did Sunghoon say anything else?” Jungwon questions in a small voice the ‘about me?’ goes
unsaid but hangs in the air.

“Nah not really” Jay answers, leaving Jungwon to fight against rolling his eyes.

“You were nice to him though, right?”

Jay pinches Jungwon’s nose, jealousy written on his face. “Shouldn’t you be asking if he was nice
to me?”

“Were you nice?”

“Yes I was nice. Even apologized”


“Yeah” Jungwon climbs into Jay’s lap kissing him hard “Thank you hyung”

Jungwon feels his leg bounce like a mad man as he waits for Sunghoon to show up for practice.
Hoon and Jay’s talk the other day doesn’t ensure that Sunghoon will talk to him now but
Jungwon’s praying and hoping he will.

Despite his back being turned, Jungwon can feel the exact moment Sunghoon steps into the locker
room. The pressure in the air shifts, the alphas earthy scent wafting through. His desperation
should embarrass him but Jungwon can’t feel it as his eyes search for the older.

Sunghoon doesn’t seem to notice him as he moves through the locker room to get to his locker.
Jungwon’s eyes stay on him almost in a trance that gets broken the second Sunghoon pulls his shirt
off. Jungwon’s cheeks dust pink when he notices the way Sunghoon’s back muscles flex with his
movements. A choked gasp leaves his throat as he spins around trying to will away his blush.

It’s not long before coach Yang and coach Park come out hauling them out of the locker room and
out onto the field. Much to Jungwon’s dismay he and Sunghoon end up on opposite teams through
the duration of their practice. Jungwon found himself unable to look away from the alpha for most
of the practice. Each time he thought Sunghoon was looking at him he’d turn to find the alpha to
not be, talking with someone else on the team.

“Why so glum Won-ah?” Jinho questions bumping shoulders with him.


“Is it Sunghoon again? Honestly I don’t know why you bother talking to that guy, not when other
people are actively trying to befriend you”

“Like who? You?” Jungwon questions. Jinho smiles but it doesn’t quite reach his eyes as the
brown orbs seem to turn dark.

“Like me,” he answers, smiling wolfishly. Jungwon can’t bring it within him to smile back. He has
no problem becoming friends with Jinho but it seemed like the older only ever talked with him to
bother Sunghoon to fuel whatever animosity there was between them.

“I’ll become friends with you, if you do it honestly.”

Jinho gasps clutching at his jersey “Are you saying I’m not sincere in my pursuit to befriend you?
I’m hurt Jungwon, truely”

“I’m ok with being friends Jinho-hyung.”

“Well good, because I’d really,” Jinho takes a step towards Jungwon placing a heavy hand on the
youngers head “really like to be your friend” there’s an unsettling glint in jinho’s eyes but before
Jungwon has a chance to question it coach Yang blows his whistle signaling for them to resume
their drills.

By the time practice is over Jungwon feels like there’s led in his bones weighing him down. He’s
soar, beaten, and bruised from the drills only having the strength to change his clothes. His only
saving grace is knowing Jay will pick him up but even that brings dread upon him when he
remembers the older is working late in the lab tonight.

“Why, why,why” Jungwon groans, hitting his head against his locker. His head reals back ready to
bang against the metal again when instead his forehead makes contact with a warm hand. He gasps
not realizing the presence of the person next to him.

“Are you trying to become concussed before game day?” Sunghoon questions “too bad, I won’t let

“Hyung!” Jungwon’s scent begins to fluff out seeing Sunghoon in front of him. The alpha smiles at
him, his own scent reacting to Jungwon’s his scent turning into a fresh rainstorm.

“Is Jay here? Let me walk you out.” he says the hand once protecting Jungwon from the locker
now moving to fix the youngers hair putting it back in place.

“Jay isn’t coming. He’s working late. I have to walk.”

“Oh. I’d take you home myself but I left my bike at home. Planned to go on a walk after practice”
Jungwon looks into Sunghoon’s eyes unsure if the alpha provided the information as an invitation
or not. He doesn’t get long to dwell on it before Sunghoon is flicking his nose, standing to his full

“Wanna join?”
“Yes” it’s embarrassing how quickly Jungwon responds standing up to almost match Sunghoon’s

“Let’s go then.”

“Ah, still following after Sunghoon then huh? What a shame,” Jinho says.

“You’d better mind your business Jinho,” Sunghoon snarls at the other alpha, his hand going to
Jungwon’s lower back guiding him out.

They don’t say anything as they walk, the crunch of the gravel under their feet serving as
background noise. Jungwon can see why Sunghoon wanted to go on a walk tonight. With the
change in seasons it had begun to grow warmer almost every day but tonight it was cool, a gentle
breeze brushing over his flushed skin. The sky glow from all the pollution wasn’t too bad tonight
either, allowing Jungwon to see the smallest peak of the stars above them.

“My feet hurt,” he admits after a while. The night is nice but he can’t ignore the aches in the soles
of his feet all night. Sunghoon chuckles, stealing a glance at Jungwon.

“Just a little longer, I’m really enjoying this,” Sunghoon says a small smile on his lips “Can’t you
just smell it?” Jungwon frowns because no, he can’t really smell much of anything.

“What, pollution? A little sewage from neighboring restaurants?” he answers sarcastically getting
an eye roll in return.

“No not that. Focus, like really focus you can smell, everything. The dew in the grass, moss on the
trees, you can even smell the sweetness in the flowers, the twinge of sourness from wild fruit”
Sunghoon closes his eyes, body swaying in pure bliss. Jungwon closes his eyes trying to smell what
Sunghoon does but only comes up with old sewage, and wild mushroom musk.

He frowns at the alpha. “I don’t smell anything.”

Sunghoon opens his eyes, his attention now on Jungwon. “That’s ok. Not everyone can. Should I
take you home or do you want to go get a smoothie?”

“A smoothie?”
“Yeah. There’s a place maybe a few miles away.”

“Few miles! Sunghoon!”

“Consider it endurance training” and of course Sunghoon would still be thinking about working out
after practice like a natural born muscle pig he is. It’s too bad that he and Jay aren’t on the best of
terms, they could probably become work out buddies. Maybe then Jungwon would get out of
working out with Jay every other week and could go out with Sunoo instead. They could play
animal crossing and eat snacks and maybe then he could get to know Jake a little more as well. It
already sounds like a dream.

“Endurance my ass,” Jungwon responds, noticing that Sunghoon was serious about getting in some
extra work out time.

“Tell you what, you walk halfway and I’ll, I’ll carry you the rest of the way,” Jungwon makes a
strangled noise of happiness, his feet stomping against the pavement in a little happy dance.

“Really?” Sunghoon feels his senses mellow out, his sight hyper focused on Jungwon. There were
so many little things that reminded him of Sunoo, contagious smile, sharp gazes, somewhat bratty
attitude, but they had a huge difference between them, it all boiling down to how they make
Sunghoon feel. Sunoo, his beloved, the other half of his tattered soul has always felt like a dream.
A dream Sunghoon always found himself desperately clinging to more than what was healthy,
always just at the tips of his fingers and could slip away within a moment's notice, or without
notice at all.

Jungwon felt like reality, like coming back down to earth. Sunghoon could have him, or he could
not have him, it was all up to him, his choices, if he lets him slip away. It was a thought Sunghoon
found himself pushing away more than he’d like. Sunoo is his mate, not Jungwon and yet he
wanted him, he wants him so bad it hurts because he doesn’t yet feel like he deserves him, that
Jungwon would let him have him despite the connection he feels that aches when they’re apart and
throbs when they’re together.

Jungwon squirms under the alphas gaze, his hair dropping down like a curtain to hide his face.
“Hyung, you’re looking at me weird again” when Sunghoon doesn’t respond Jungwon brings his
hands to his face to hide, his shoulders going up to his ears.

Sunghoon takes a step forward gently grabbing at Jungwon’s wrist.

“Don’t hide,” the alpha says softly. With trembling fingers Jungwon peers through his hands to
look at Sunghoon, his face heating up even more when he looks into the olders soft brown eyes.

“T-then stop looking at me like that!” Jungwon huffs while still trying to hide his face. Sunghoon
blinks, confusion evident on his face.

“Was I looking at you?” his head tilts to the side like a confused puppy. Jungwon wants to kick
him. Who told Sunghoon to be so cute right now?

“Yeah, for a long time” Jungwon responds in a hush tone, not trusting his own voice at the
moment. Sunghoon smiles a little more, his little dimple pressing in his cheek as he does so.

“Oh. I’m sorry, I didn’t realize” he lets go of Jungwon’s wrist to poke at the youngers own dimpled
cheek “Let’s go get those smoothies now hmm?” Jungwon nods slowly, lowering his hands and
shoulders, coming out from his “hidden” position. He starts to walk again but stops after a few
steps when Sunghoon kneels in front of him.

“Wh-what are you doing?”

“I changed my mind. I’ll give you a piggyback ride now”

“I can just walk halfway like we agreed. Don’t be weird” and stop making my heart race. Jerk.

Sunghoon looks over his shoulder “You don’t want to anymore?”

“No I do but-”

“Then hurry! Five…four…three…two…on-” before Sunghoon can finish the countdown Jungwon
clings to his back. A smirk makes its way onto Sunghoon’s face as he stands up and begins to spin.

“PARK SUNGHOON YOU JERK!” Jungwon screams as he clings to Sunghoon praying to the
moon goddess he doesn’t fall and bust his ass tonight due to the alpha’s childish behavior.
Sunghoon chuckles, the sound deep in his chest as he stills himself.

“Hold on. Don’t blame me if you fall,” he says before walking as if he hadn’t just given Jungwon a
heart attack.
If Jungwon thought the walk to the smoothie place would be a smooth run he was a fool because
Sunghoon made it anything but smooth. Everything on the street seemed to interest him, or he felt
the need to jostle Jungwon every minute or so. Jungwon was seconds away from biting him before
they finally arrived at their destination.

“They have really good protein smoothies,” Sunghoon says once they’re inside. Jungwon hops
from foot to foot as he stares at the menu board. There were so many options and having never
been here before he felt burdened by trying to choose something.

“Hyung…can you pick for me?” he murmurs. Jungwon feels the smallest bit of shame having to
ask Sunghoon to choose something for him like a child but the older just wraps a comforting arm
around his waist holding Jungwon close.

“Can’t choose?” Sunghoon questions earning a shake of a head from Jungwon, “That’s ok. Hyung
will choose for you” he says, giving Jungwon’s side a small squeeze. The alpha orders both of their
smoothies before the two slide into a booth.

“I uh- I googled you” Jungwon admits awkwardly. They’d sat in silence for a total of three minutes
before it drove Jungwon insane due to being unable to focus on just one sound in the cafe
Sunghoon stops midway through a sip of his smoothie to look up.

“You what?”

It then dawns on him that his opening was very weird. Jungwon waves a hand in front of him as if
it would remove the invisible words from existence. “Not in a weird way. When I was younger,
middle school age I think I was in a junior sports magazine, local news. I-I remembered you being
in it too so I googled you to make sure.”

“And what did you find?”

“That you were actually pretty good, at figure skating that is. The critics said it was a shame you
quit, that you could have gone all the way.”

Sunghoon hums thoughtfully as he uses the straw to stir his smoothie. He remembers that
magazine too. The crew had busted in during the middle of his routine. One second he was going
up for a triple axel, the next he was sliding across the ice like a six month old fawn. His coach
managed to simultaneously yell at him and the crew before he was ushered off the ice to take a
dozen or so photos before they put him back out wanting “action shots”. He remembers the
disappointment of his coach as well, when he quit. The hurt, resentment for long hours of training,
carefully crafting Sunghoon into the athlete he was only for his efforts to be in vain.

“Things were difficult back then, so I quit.” he admits while looking into his glass that suddenly
became very interesting as he tried to break down a piece of melon that hadn’t blended properly.

“Would you go back now? Surely things aren’t difficult now” Sunghoon smiles sadly. He wishes
he could go back, rewind the clock to the days he’d spend countless hours in the rink, time being
an illusion as he skated, feeling more free than he ever had in his life.

“There’s far too much prejudice against alphas now. Even if I was popular then I don’t think the
committee would take a liking to me joining again, or even the current skaters.”

“It doesn’t make sense though. Naturally your bones have a higher density than omegas, it makes it
more difficult for you to do all those tricks and stuff, right? How could you have that advantage
when gravity is against you?” Jungwon can’t remember how many videos he’d run through, the
amount of times he’d rewatch them falling in love with the way Sunghoon was able to glide on the
ice without a care in the world. He seemed like a completely different person from the Sunghoon
he knew who was always frowning and a dumb muscle pig alpha. Figure skater Sunghoon was
elegant, beautiful and full of smiles like he was on top of the world

“I think it’s more because there are laws stopping omegas from participating in certain sports
professionally while there are none for alphas. Level the playing field I guess.”

“I agree with the critics. It’s a shame you were pretty on the ice, just seemed to glide flawlessly
like a fairy. Even with your dense bones. I don’t think I could even figure skate like that. I can
barely play nightball”

“Why do you play then? If you know you’re not made for it,” Sunghoon’s curiosity gets the best of
him as he asks the question. it wasn’t very practical for an omega to play nightball, and it was even
banned professionally so why would they do it? Why does Jungwon?

It’s Jungwon's turn to think now, memories playing through his head in double time as a smile
breaks out on his face, dimples and all. “It’s because of the team. Everyone is working toward a
common goal. You cheer for each other and have fun together when you win and nurse your
wounds when you lose. I like it, it’s a nice feeling to do thins as a team.”

“That’s a good answer. I guess in a way that’s why I like it too, not doing something alone”
“Can you tell me more? About figure skating?” Jungwon questions wanting to hear Sunghoon’s
voice and not have to talk so much now that he was beginning to feel sleepy. He figures it’s a good
question to ask when Sunghoon’s entire body lights up. Jungwon notices how the older has a very
animated way of speaking when he’s interested in something, hands flying about and the little lisp
that becomes painfully obvious as Sunghoon stutters around his words a bit choking on his own
enthusiasm. Jungwon finds himself learning more about figure skating than he’d ever had in his
life his own curiosity growing as Sunghoon speaks. A question bubbles on his tongue as he leans
forward ready to ask it but Sunghoon stops mid sentence to pick up his phone. He smiles, nose
scrunching with delight at whatever is on the device before his fingers dance across the screen.

“Do you mind if Jake joins. He just got off work” Sunghoon says. Jungwon opens his mouth to
answer but the words never come as Sunghoon stands arms open to hug someone. Jungwon squints
at the sight of Sunghoon pecking the corner of Jake’s mouth in a silent greeting.

“Hey, how was work?” long delicate fingers brush over the betas messy fringe that has Jake
humming with delight.

“Fine now. I quit” the beta chirps as he takes the inside seat of the booth.

“You what?” Sunghoon questions sitting on the end. Jake hums leaning over to rest his head on his
mates shoulder.

“Long story. Tell you later,” Jake peaks an eye open smiling bashfully across the table to Jungwon
“Hey Jungwon. Long time no see?”

“You saw him last week”

“Yeah but we didn’t really talk then”

“Hi hyung” Jungwno finds that his voice is small and untrustworthy. His mood slowly begins to
sour as he sucks down his smoothie. He watches as Sunghoon pushes his smoothie to Jake the
drink halfway filling the glass. Jake takes it without a second thought tasting the smoothie before
his face scrunches with disgust. Sunghoon’s head knocks against Jake’s as his hearty laugh
reverberates from his chest.

“You don’t like it?”

“What’s in it? It taste weird” Jake whines pushing the drink back to his mate. Sunghoon begins to
explain the ingredients in the smoothie and their purpose for his health. Jake looks completely
checked out but nods enough to satisfy Sunghoon. From there they slowly slip away into their own
little word, voices hushed, hands placing delicate touches against one another under the table. As
Jungwon watches he can’t help but feel envious of Jake. Despite having this unidentified
connection to Sunghoon it doesn’t mean anything, they’re not mates but Sunghoon and Jake are.
Even if Jungwon wants Sunghoon’s attention right now, even if his omega is practically craving it,
it wouldn’t be right to steal it from the person who’s entitled to it. So Jungwon sits with his arms
folded on the table as he begins to space off. That is until he feels a gentle kick to his calf

“Ready to go?” Sunghoon questions. Jungwon gives a curt nod quickly slipping out of the booth.
He can hear the couple behind him but does his best to drown out the noise of Jake’s giggle
followed by the wet smack of a kiss or two being placed on one another.

Jungwon was fully prepared to walk, drowning the two out while fighting against the now cold
winds and he does well for a minute or two. Midstep he feels a hand on his back tugging at his
shirt. It doesn’t hurt him, more like surprises him as his limbs flail about before his body makes
contact with another.

“Can’t you hear?” Sunghoon teases. Jungwon looks up, almost knocking the top of his head to
Sunghoon’s chin.


Sunghoon lets him go, walking around to squat in front of Jungwon.

“Hmm, hop on”


“Cause you’re clearly exhausted. Just get on,” Sunghoon pats his own back a second time for good
measure but Jungwon doesn’t give in.

“It’s fine hyung. I don’t want to burden you” or upset jake. Why was sunghoon doing this?

“Ah just come on already! My knees hurt!” Sunghoon whines. Jungwon bites down a whine but
turns to Jake looking for any signs of disapproval. He finds nothing but the beta looking back at
him expectantly, like he’s waiting for Jungwon to hurry up so the omega does so, draping his body
over Sunghoon to let himself be carried.

“See” Sunghoon says hiking Jungwon up on his back once he stands at his full height “That wasn’t
so hard now was it?”

“Shut up”

Jungwon feels the effects of his drowsiness finally hit him full force as he leans against
Sunghoon’s shoulder. He breathes in Sunghoon’s scent, smelling tree moss and fresh rain roll off
the alpha.

“I-is he…is he asleep?” Sunghoon stops in his tracks feeling Jungwon’s chest rumble with purs.
Jake circles around him to get a good look at Jungwon’s face to clarify that the omega was indeed

“Yeah he is. Poor thing must be tired,” Jake coos as he shrugs his jacket off to drape over

“Yeah well practice was pretty rough today. It was more about brute force than sprinting drills.
He’s probably not used to it” Sunghoon catches Jake giving him a look “what?”

“You care about him,” Sunghoon stops dead in his tracks, almost falling over.

“Well yeah. He’s Sunoo’s friend and a teammate” he answers but Jake steps closer poking at his

”I think you care about him more than just as Sunoo’s friend and a teammate” the beta says with a
knowing look.

“He’s-he’s my friend too I guess so yeah I care,”

“You’re so cute!” Jake can't help pinch at Sunghoon’s face. If Jake’s learn anything it’s that Park
Sunghoon doesn’t just take care of anyone. Even if Sunghoon wasn’t ready to believe it or admit it
Jake can see that he cares about Jungwon, maybe not how Sunoo does but enough for him to dote
on the younger and make sure he’s taken care of.
Sunghoon growls under his breath, biting at his mates hand. “Stop before you make me drop him”

“We should spend more time with them. Both of them” Jake notes, realizing he hasn’t spent much
time with the other couple outside of seeing them for nightball games or passing by on campus.

“I have to get Jay to tolerate me first.”

“No you just don't want to because they’ll take all of Sunoo’s attention.”

“Well that’s a reasonable fear I know they will. Why do I have to share him? I had him first,”
Sunghoon pouts, his cheeks puffed out and brows creased.

“You’re such a child,” Jake teases ruffling the back of his head. Sunghoon glares at him shaking
his head.

“Nah-uh” the alpha says. He holds his hand out for Jake to take which the beta does without a
single thought.

“Let's just make sure the kid gets home safe,” They take Jungwon home and Sunghoon feels
terrible to wake him. He had been sleeping so peacefully, little purs rumbling from his chest. With
Jake’s help he gets Jungwon off his back and onto his feet the sweet little omega wobbling on his
legs like a little fawn. The poor sleepy omegas eyes blink lazily, obviously confused about his
whereabouts as he clings to Sunghoon. Sunghoon wants to squish him and take him home.

“You’re home Jungwon-ah,” he says sweetly, running his fingers through Jungwon’s soft hair.
Jungwon whines, grabbing at the alphas sleeve giving it a small tug.

“Come up with me,” he whispers sleepily. Sunghoon smiles softly, giving the top of Jungwon’s
head a little pat.

“I can't do that.” Sunghoon doesn't want to be disrespectful towards Jay. It’s their den and he
would need both omegas permission.

“Well can I at least get a hug?” Sunghoon doesn’t have the heart to say no a second time
“Of course,” Sunghoon brings Jungwon in for a hug, rocking him from side to side. It lulls
Jungwon to sleep again only for a bit until Sunghoon pulls away again.

“See you around Jungwon,” Sunghoon says. Unable to just leave, Sunghoon watches with a close
eye as Jungwon gets into the elevator waving when the doors shut.

“You’re so fucking whipped.”

“Shut up Jake.”

Chapter End Notes

word count: 10,589

a/n: ahhh sunjay, sungwon im loving it sooooo much i love their dynamics so much
and can't wait to write more of it. this chapter was pretty light compaired to the last
handful so i hope you all enjoyed it. next chapter is one of my favorites cause we have
a little jealousy going on and finally an explosion of some drama that i have been
dying to write for! as usual i hope you all enjoyed this chapter! if you did please leave
a kuddo or a comment, all are greatly appreciated
til next time

side note: im extending guessing for heeseung's mates until next chapter so if you
haven't dropped your guess do so soon! we're a couple chapters from the big reveal so
you'll wanna guess! for those who win im still deciding what i'll gift you so drop some
ideas of what you think would be a good prize
chapter thirty-eight
Chapter Notes


- floof
- kisses
- violence but towards the end

happy reading to all ❤️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Sunghoon had agreed to encourage Sunoos nesting but the task seemed a bigger feat than he’d
originally anticipated. When Sunghoon got all of Sunoos frantic texts he’d been wracked with
worry, even more so when Sunoo crashed into him sobbing into his chest.

“I can’t do it hyung! I-I can’t do it” he sobbed clinging to him. It took forever to calm him down
listening to each pitiful babble of how badly he’d wanted to share that connection with Jay, with
Jungwon but he couldn’t will his body to do it. To nest, that his body just didn’t crave for it nor did
he need it outside of his heats. At the time Sunghoon hadn’t thought anything of it, chalking it up
to Sunoo’s human half not making his need for it as strong, that the situation had just been
uncomfortable for Sunoo. That was until his talk with Jay.

“Our. Our mate needs to nest more.” That’s what Jay had said along with it being essential to
Sunoo’s health. It rubs Sunghoon the wrong way that Jay knows and he doesn’t. How long has he
been with Sunoo? If it was truly that important why didn’t he know? He doesn’t like not knowing
but he hates Sunoo being ill so he has no choice but to put his faith in Jay’s advice.

Jake had been on board from the second after he’d told him what Jay said, planning his days to take
place in their bedroom more so than the office where he preferred to work. Their room was where
their scents were the strongest, where conveniently Sunoo’s nesting materials reside as well.
Sunghoon spent more time there as well making sure to leave some of Sunoo’s favorite nesting
items out. A blanket hanging off the bed, a pillow sitting in their lounge chair, the matching hoodie
he had with Jungwon and Jay. Either Sunoo truly wasn’t interested in nesting or he knew what they
were trying to do and avoided it entirely because he continued to avoid their bedroom during the
day or “innocently” knocked the nesting items on the floor.

They’ll need to talk about it, eventually. For now Sunghoon will sit on the sidelines, hoping he
comes around to it so they can ease into the idea. Sunoo shouldn’t have to suffer. For now
Sunghoon will be the one to suffer as Sunoo continues to screech from beside him at Jake’s
volleyball game. He’d never guess that Sunoo was the sports fanatic out of the three of them. The
first game they went to he already knew the rules, the names of the plays of their home team and
their opponents and he was Jake Sims number one fan.

“NICE!” he shouts, clapping his hands while watching Jake dive for the ball allowing the leather to
bounce off his forearms returning to the air before it could hit the floor.


“Sunoo if you don’t stop screaming like that they’re gonna kick us out again,” Sunghoon hisses.
Men’s volleyball wasn’t a very popular sport so there weren’t many people in the gym allowing for
Sunoo’s voice to bounce off the walls easily. He did not want a repeat of Jake’s last game where
they were literally thrown out by the referee because Sunoo was on a sports rage. Even now he
could feel the embarrassment eat away at him as the other spectators shot them a look everytime
Sunoo said something.

His mate shoots him a glare “I’d like to see them try!”

“Yeah we’d like to see them try!” Doyoung says wrapping an arm around Sunoo’s waist.

“Doyoung stop encouraging him!” Despite Sunghoon saying this, Doyoung continues encouraging
Sunoo’s yelling and booing along with him when the other school scores a point.

‘Jay please hurry’ the alpha mentally groans. At least when Jay had been here Sunoo was
somewhat calm but without the olders presence he’d become unhinged.

“Excuse me, ‘cuse me…excuse me,” an omega makes his way through the small crowd of people
approaching the small group.

“Sorry I’m late,” Jungwon sighs. His bangs were wet, the jet black strands sticking to his forehead
as if he’d been running.

“How is it Jay said he’d be late but it ended up being you instead?” Sunghoon questions. He tugs
the sleeve of his hoodie down using the ends to wipe at the sweat on Jungwon’s forehead.

“Forgot about my retake. I even ran here too,” the younger says, moving out from under
Sunghoon’s hand to clean his face by himself.

“The more the merrier!” Doyoung says, smiling at Jungwon. The younger omega looks at
Doyoung his eyes panning down to the arm around his Sunoo hyungs waist.

“Who are you?” the youngest questions, completely oblivious to the scowl on his face as he glares
through Doyoung.

“Ah! I haven’t had a chance to introduce you two yet!” Sunoo says with a smile as he bumps his
hip with Doyoungs “Jungwon this is Kim Doyoung my old roommate” Sunoo introduces them
rolling his eyes when Doyoung clears his throat loudly “ and my best friend.”

It feels like a bucket of ice cold water has been doused over Jungwon as his body tenses all over.
His chest aches in a way he can’t explain hearing Sunoo call Doyoung his best friend. Best friend?
Doyoung was Sunoo’s best friend, not him?

“Damn right!” Doyoung says, smiling proudly, completely oblivious to the shock Jungwon had
been thrown into. “Ah! Hyuck hyung! Hyung! Whoooo!” Doyoung shouts breaking away from
Sunoo to throw his hands up when his friend, Yoon Jaehyuk spikes the ball down, the smack
sounding out through the entire gym before a second follows when it slams against the ground. The
two former roommates turn to each other double high fiving before they jump up and down with
excited yelps. Sunghoon grabs the back of Doyoung’s shirt, tugging him onto the bleachers.

“I said sit you two. I don’t want to get kicked out again!”

“But hyung!” Doyoung whines resting his head on Sunghoon’s shoulder. The alpha gives a quick
growl, hushing Doyoungs whining in an instant. On the side Jungwon watches the interaction with
pure annoyance coursing through his veins. Who the hell was Doyoung and why is he Sunoo’s best
friend? He is Sunoo’s best friend. And how come he’s so comfortable with Sunghoon? Resting on
his shoulder, teasing him. It’s needless to say Doyoung’s presence has annoyed Jungwon to no end
and he’s only been around him for a span of five minutes.

“What did I miss?” Jay questions, finally returning from the bathroom.

“Everything basically! They’ve already scored twice!” Sunoo rambles about filling Jay in on what
he’d missed from the game.
When he’s not talking about the game, Sunoo is talking to Doyoung, loud excited chatter about
things Jungwon has no clue about. Something from their roommate days he gathers. Inside jokes
and laughs shared between the two of them. Jungwon doesn’t think he’s ever seen Sunoo laugh so
hard. It leaves jealousy to bubble in his gut, his scent glands oozing out burned sugar and wilting

When the game is over, their home team claiming victory they all do the awkward shuffle down
the bleachers careful not to fall over and wait for Jake to join them. Jungwon watches with pure
disdain as Sunoo talks with Doyoung still as if he’s the only one here. Did he even realize Jungwon
was still here?

"We won!" Jake shouts as he runs to the group. Sunoo squeals, matching his boyfriend's
enthusiasm, running to meet Jake halfway to jump into the olders awaiting arms.

“You won!” Sunoo exclaims before pressing a kiss to Jake’s lips. The beta smiles holding Sunoo
under his thighs as he spins around pulling excited shrieks from Sunoo.

Doyoung eyes the interaction front he side noticing how neither Jay nor Jungwon batted an eye at
the interaction. “So I’m guessing these two know about…the three of you?” he says motioning
between the three of them,

“I’d hope so since we’ve added another mate to the pack,” Sunoo snickers, still holding onto Jake.

“Sunghoon has another one? What are you, the mate magnet?” Doyoung questions in disbelief.

“No um, him. He’s my mate” Doyoung looks at Jay then at Sunoo absolutely flabbergasted.

“Shit Sunoo. You’re living your drama life without me? What am I just a side character for you?”

“Guess you’re not so much of a best friend,” Jungwon says, rolling his eyes. He didn’t mean for
anyone to hear him but it seemed like everyone had when they turn to him mix reactions being

“I am Sunoo’s best friend, thank you very much. We’ve shared each others underwear and seen
each other naked so there’s no going back!” Doyoung says cheekily.

“You what?” four voices shout looking at Sunoo. Doyoung gives a smug smirk, noticing the
displeased look on the group's faces, especially Jungwon’s.
“Yeah when we were roommates. Have you shared underwear with Sunoo?” he says, raising on his
toes with a smile. A smirk of his own works its way onto Jungwon’s face.

“No, but have you kissed him?” there’s a mocking pout on Jungwon’s face that only grows into a
cocky smirk when Doyoung’s eyebrows shoot up into his hairline with shock.

“You two- huh? WHAT?!” Doyoung sputters.

“Alright you two th-that’s enough” Sunoo says his body flushed with embarrassment. He pushes
the two away from one another.

“But Sunoo! He said I’m not your best friend!” Doyougn whines pointing an accusing finger to
Jungwon while pouting and stomping his foot.

‘What is he a child?!’ Jungwon thinks with an eye roll. This guy was seriously getting on his

“Stop teasing him ok?” Doyoung says hugging Doyoung “You’re my best friend ok no one is
taking that away from you,” he admits nuzzling his nose against Doyoung’s cheek. Doyoung chirps
once returning Sunoo’s hug with a squeeze.


While they hug a crowd of people pass by them and Doyoung catches someone's eye waving to
them. Behind Sunoo’s back.

“You comin?!” they call out with a smile.

“Be there in a sec hyung!” Doyoung parts from Sunoo giving a quick boop to the others nose “I
gotta run but we have to plan a night out later ok?”

“Ok I promise I will!” Sunoo says excited at the thought of going out. With everything going on he
hasn’t had a chance to go out and relax with Doyoung in so long. It would be nice.
“I’m gonna run too,” Jake announces. Sunghoon frowns holing him close.

“Where are you going?” he says trying not to pout.

“Out with the team. I’ll be back before ten,” Jake pouts back, eyes sparkling and pleading with
Sunghoon to let him go. He’d already made plans with the team without thinking about it and was
excited to celebrate their win tonight.

Sunghoon sighs before answering “Be safe. Keep the sound on your phone up, please” he says,
trying to fight against every protective instinct within him that tells him not to let Jake go out

“I will baby, promise!” Jake says. He pulls Sunghoon in for a quick kiss before pecking Sunoo a
second time before dashing off with Doyoung meeting up with the rest of the volleyball team.

“And then there were four,” Jay says awkwardly.

“Should we all do something? Oh we could go to the park!” Sunoo looks at the group noticing
Sunghoon and Jungwon avoiding his gaze leaving Jay to deal with his slight pout and begging
eyes. The oldest gives in, shrugging his shoulders.

“I’ve got nothing planned.”

“Yay! C’mon hyungie!” Sunoo grabs Jay’s hand, lacing their fingers together, swinging them as
they walk.

Sunghoon walks beside Jungwon quietly at first, but the urge to tease him grew the longer the
silence stayed between them.

“Your scent is interesting when you’re jealous,” he says casually. The omega doesn’t even spare
him a glance.

“I’m not jealous.”

“Maybe I’m smelling wrong then although I’m pretty sure I smelled burned tree nuts and sugar
when Doyoung was hugging your precious Sunoo hyung”

Jungwon stops in his tracks shoulders slouching down. “I thought I was Sunoo hyungs best friend,”
he admits in a small voice. Jungwon’s voice had an edge to it, like he was on the verge of crying
that made Sunghoon panic. Maybe he hadn’t teased Jungwon.

“I get what you mean. Sunoo has always been very popular and I used to feel the same way. You
want all of his attention to yourself, all his smiles to be directed towards you, be the very reason he
laughs,” there’s a fond smile on his face as he looks at Sunoo who has started to get a far distance
away with Jay. The two were holding hands, Sunoo and his endless burst of energy showed in the
way he half walked, half skipped while talking with Jay.


“Just talk to him. I’m sure you’re his best friend too!” Sunghoon says trying to help but Jungwon
pouts further arms crossing over his chest.

“Don't wanna,” Jungwon says stubbornly.

“Aww is the baby pouting now?” Sunghoon coos pinching at Jungwon’s cheeks. The older
chuckles smiling so brightly his canines show. Jungwon was just too cute.

“Are you teasing Won again? Didn’t I say to leave him alone?” Sunoo shouts making his way

“Ahh but Sunoo!” Sunghoon whines to his mate, still pinching at Jungwon’s cheeks.

“No! Leave him alone” Sunoo wraps a protective arm around Jungwon’s shoulders only for it to be
roughly shrugged off. Without a word Jungwon leaves them to walk beside Jay instead.

“What’s with him?” Sunoo frowns. Jungwon had never acted like that towards him except for
when he was upset with Sunoo for betraying his trust. Sunoo hasn’t done anything like that
recently though. Or maybe he’d said something hurtful without realizing.

“He’s jealous his Sunoo hyung has another best friend” Sunghoon supplies.
“Really?” Sunoo looks at Sunghoon getting a nod for confirmation. “I didn’t think he’d think too
hard about it. I’ll talk to him later”

“Where are we going by the way?”

“There’s a park with a pond. I want to go to it.”

"Of course you do," Sunghoon shakes his head but there's a soft smile on his face. Sunoo smiles
back, looping his arm with Sunghoon’s. The walk is peaceful despite it being a Saturday, the
streets are calm, and the sky is clear. Sunghoon feels like it's going to be a nice evening.

They hike through the park much to Jungwons dismay seeing as he wasn't wearing the best shoes
for hiking. It's worth it when they come up to the pond. The smell of algae is fresh as it floats on
the pond, dragon flies whizz by in energetic flurries above the twinkling body of water. Sunoo
beams once they get close. He lets go of Sunghoon rushing straight for the pond. He squats eyeing
little snails and water snakes slinking around. Without thinking he sticks his hand in running a
finger alongside the shell of a snail until his arms yanked back.

"Sunoo you can't just stick your hand in there! What if it's not safe?" Jay scolds. Sunoo pouts up at
him, eyebrows creased like a scolded child.

"It's fine! Come look!" he tugs Jay down to his level pointing to the aquatic life below them.

"Doyoung and I raised snails in his tank last semester. It was so cool!" Sunoo beams thinking of the
snails. Their room smelled weird most of the time from the algae and food and late nights doing
homework neglecting to clean the tank but after a semester long project for Doyoung’s
environmental science project they’d managed to raise three pond snails before releasing them into
the wild.

“I’m not sure if this is the same snails we took care of but I want to believe they are. Oh we even
named them!” as Sunoo does a deep dive through his memories of the snails Jungwon huffs still
annoyed at the mention of Doyoung. He kicks a rock out of his way watching it bounce along the
broken gravel path before landing in a small patch of grass. The grumpy omega walks aimlessly
wanting to get far enough from Sunoo to avoid hearing anything else about Sunoo’s “best friend”.
Quietly Sunghoon follows behind him, keeping a close eye on the omega. The burned tree nuts
flowing from Jungwon’s scent gland caused him to feel restless knowing there was nothing he
could do to change it. So Sunghoon follows silently making sure he doesn’t get hurt with his
aimless wandering and pouting. He also steals glances over his shoulder checking on the two
omegas by the water.

“Stop following me!” Jungwon huffs. His back was still turned to Sunghoon as he walked in front
of him. Sunghoon shrugs despite Jungown not being able to look at him.

“ ‘m not following you,” he smirks knowing full well he is following Jungwon, and he knows
Jungwon knows it too. Jungwon spins on his heels glaring at Sunghoon who’s smirk widens with
pure amusement. The expression is so cute as Jungwon tries to keep a stoic look but his eyes do all
the talking. Sharp cat-like gaze, his little nose twitching. Sunghoon wants to bite his cheek.

“You are too” the younger replies childishly. Sunghoon shakes his head.

“Nope! Not following! Just walking. I can do that right? Walk or do I need special permission?”
Jungwon lets out a dry chuckle rolling his eyes but his dimples dip into his cheeks getting
Sunghoon’s attention.

“See there’s a dimple! Where’s the other hmm?” he coos, gently grabbing hold of Jungwon’s face.

“Come on, show those dimples!” Sunghoon continues his playful taunting until Jungwon’s smiling
sarcastically at him so wide and so bright his face has no choice but for his dimples to dip into his

“Happy now?” Sunghoon smiles back his own little dimple dipping in his cheek. He’s seconds
away from giving Jungwon an answer when the hairs on the back of his neck stand up, a shiver
wracking down his spine. He snaps his head to the side so quickly he wouldn’t be surprised if he
got whiplash, heart leaping into his throat when Sunoo and Jay scream.

“Sunoo!” Jay’s shout shoots right to Sunghoon the alphas body ready to sprint off to save the
omegas but he stops seeing Jay flail grabbing onto Sunoo’s wrist for support only to pull him into
the water with him instead. The panic dies out enough for the alpha to feel like he can breathe.

‘Fucking idiots’

“Sunghoon! Won! Join us! Yah!” Sunoo calls for them but Jay hooks his arms around the omegas
waist tugging him back under. Blindly Sunghoon reaches for Jungwon only to grasp at air.
Looking behind him Jungwon is already walking again, wandering farther and farther. His instincts
scream at him, chest aching with need, the need to keep his omegas in one place to easily be able to
keep an eye on them. To keep them safe .

“Jungwon!” the omega turns to him a glare still on his face. It takes five easy strides to reach
Jungwon, grabbing his wrist and tugging him along.

“I don’t want to go!” Jungwon whines but lets himself be pulled to the pond. Sunghoon kicks his
shoes and socks off before climbing on top of a rock.

“C’mon,” he holds a hand out to Jungwon who takes it almost immediately. His shoes stay on as
he sits criss crossed on the rock while Sunghoon lets his feet sit in the cool water. With Jungwon
close and the other two omegas happily playing in the water Sunghoon feels sated. His lips stretch
out in a smile as he leans back letting his head rest on Jungwon’s lap.

“What are you doing?” Sunghoon peaks an eye open to stare at Jungwon who was looking at him

“Just resting.”

“Oh my lap?”

“Its comfy here. You’re not gonna make me get up are you?” the challenging aspect of it masks
Sunghoon’s desperation to stay put. He opens both eyes, his gaze soft as he looks into Jungwon’s
beautiful brown eyes.

“Fine stay.” Jungwon looks away from him so he doesn’t see the pleased smile on the alphas face
as he shuffles a bit to get comfortable. He can smell Jungwon’s honey scent so clearly from where
it secrete from his thigh. The alpha wants so badly to nuzzle against the scent gland there, soaking
up Jungwon’s scent but he doesn’t. It wouldn’t be right, or appropriate. He and Jungwon only
recently got on good terms, friends. It wouldn’t be fair to ruin that because he couldn’t hold back
his alphas desires, not to mention Jungwon and Jay would both kick his ass. That much he knows.

What he doesn’t know is how Jungwon stares down at him, a longing look in his eyes. The omega
was fighting against his own urges, to stroke Sunghoon’s hair making sure the alpha is comfortable
and cared for, to ask if there’s anything he can do for him, keep him happy. Jungwon wants to do
it, he can feel his hand twitch with desperation but he can’t do it. No matter what his heart feels,
what his omega feels Sunghoon isn’t his. He’s Sunoo and Jakes. Their alpha, not his no matter
how badly he wants him to be.
With this in mind the omega looks away from Sunghoon before he starts to cry. Instead he watches
the love of his life and his former best friend (he’s not being petty ok) splash about in the water. At
some point Jay had taken his shirt off, water running down his golden abs. It was a sight to see on
his own but then there was Sunoo. Wet hair sticking to his forehead, dazzling smile on his face and
the water that splashed around reflected the light just enough to make it seem like there was a halo
above his head.

“PARK JONGSEONG STAY AWAY! I MEAN IT!” Sunoo shrieks splashing water towards the
older to stop him from creeping up on him again. Jay holds his hands up in surrender backing away
from his mate.

“FINE FINE!” he says before floating on his back. Sunoo bobs in the water a bit before turning
and swimming a bit. He finds something, a leaf picking it up to twirl it between his fingers. He
looks up making eye contact with Jungwon and smiles. Sunoo holds the leaf up as if to say ‘look
what I found’ . Jungwon can’t help but think he’s beautiful. Beautiful, beautiful, beautiful and then
he was gone. Sunoo dipped under the water and that was fine, he was probably swimming but then
he rose up splashing wildly while gagging on water.

“Ah! H-help!” the first few panicked splashes send a bolt of terror down Jungwon’s body. He
doesn’t care about Sunghoon laying on his lap, nor does he pay attention to the alphas' shouts for
his mates. All he can see is Sunoo struggling in the water, needing help. His help. Without a second
thought Jungwon jumps from the rock right into the pond throwing his arms in front of him, feet
kicking wildly behind him to cut through the cold water to reach Sunoo as quickly as possible.

Water splashes from every direction as Jay and Sunghoon do their best to reach Sunoo as well but
Jungwon gets there first, his lean body cutting through the water like butter to a knife. He reaches
out grabbing Sunoo under the armpit before heaving him up to his chest so he can get a better grip.
Now with his arms around Sunoo’s waist Jungwon inspects his hyung.

"Hyung! Hyung, are you ok? Please be ok," he whimpers, tears spilling down his face along with
droplets of pond water. Sunoo coughs, water dripping from his mouth and onto Jungwon’s chest
but that's’ the least of the younger's worries. Jungwon was trembling as he held onto Sunoo, his
eyes frantically searching for any signs of pain from the older but the older isn't hurt.

“I’m fine…I’m ok” Sunoo pants leaning his head on Jungwon’s shoulder.

“Are you sure let me chec-'' Jungwon continues his fussing, ignoring Jay and Sunghoon behind
him trying to inspect Sunoo as well. Sunoo repeats that he’s fine but it falls upon deaf ears so he
decides to prove it by grabbing Jungwon by the face and kissing him hard. Jungwon stumbles back
almost trippin, he probably would if Jay hadn’t caught him.

"Stop being mad at me ok?" Sunoo whispers holding Jungwon close once he pulls back. Jungwon
feels his heart beat in double time for more reasons than one.

"Why would I be mad huh? I'm fine!" he huffs. He tries to pull Sunoo off him, hand him off to
Sunghoon but the older man tightens his legs around his waist keeping himself pressed to

"You're mad at me! Is it because I called Doyoung my best friend?"

"You know what hyung, yes! I am mad about that! I thought I was your best friend, that we had a
connection! But here comes some guy I've never even met and he's all over you!" Jungwon can feel
his chest heave with an upcoming sob but he won’t do it. He will not sit here in a bacteria filled
pond and cry over Sunoo having a best friend. Jungwon tells himself he won’t do it, but as the
water from his hair drips down his face so do his tears.

"Oh Jungwon," Sunoo coos, brushing the tears away with his thumbs.

"I'm your best friend aren't I?" Jungwon wants to hear him say it, even if it’s a lie. He just needs to
hear that he’s Sunoo’s best friend, his only best friend, that Sunoo loves and values their
relationship just as much as he does. Jungwon doesn’t think his heart can take it if his Sunoo hyung
doesn’t feel the same way.

Sunoo sniffs pressing his forehead to Jungwons. "Jungwon. Doyoung is my best friend but you, us
were something more, don't you think?"


"Fuck you're adorable Jungwon. Of course we are, I don't kiss my best friend, I only kiss people I
love and I love you a lot" Jungwon feels like it’s a dream, he must have hit his head between
leaving his house and now. Sunoo loves him? No way but he still has to ask.

"You do?" Sunoo scoffs, obviously offended.

"Can't you tell? I'd fucking move mountains for you Yang Jungwon, I was going to give up Jay if
it meant I could still have you in my life. You’re my person. I think that’s a hell of a lot better than
a best friend," Sunoo chuckles. Jungwon blinks, a light blush coating his face.

"Oh." he feels so stupid. All it took was a little jealousy to have him doubting Sunoo and their
relationship when really Sunoo loves him. He feels embarrassment crash over him making
Jungwon want to hide.

"Do you love me?" Sunoo questions. Jungwon had been quiet for awhile, causing him to worry.
Had he gone too far? Did he say I love you too soon?

"Yes…yeah. I-I love you hyung," Jungwon feels his entire body flush as he speaks. He loves
Sunoo. Sunoo loves him. It feels surreal to say it out loud. He doesn’t get a chance to get too lost in
his thoughts because Sunoo presses his lips to his, a second kiss. He responds to the second kiss
heart swelling with joy, body over eager as he nips and sucks at Sunoo’s mouth.

“Ah!” Jungwon shrieks, losing his footing, sending him and Sunoo into the water. Something or
rather someone had tripped Jungwon, scaring his soul out of his body. Sunoo pops back up from
the water first reaching to pull Jungwon up and against his body.

“Park Sunghoon you fiend!” he shouts reaching to punch his mate who just hardly dodges his fist.

“What? I didn’t do anything!” the alpha protests “Alright fine I did but you were kissing too long!”

“Come on babe! Not even Jay hyung was jealous!” Sunoo protests. Knowing his boyfriend
Jungwon turns to Jay carefully, eying his expression. Pursed lips, avoiding eye contact, cocked
brow. Check check check

“No, Jay hyung is definitely jealous too!” Jungwon says his squeaky laughter filling the space as
he clings to Sunoo squishing their cheeks together. Jay flushes to his ears down to his knees from
being called out. He stomps out of the water angrily shouting for Jungwon to “shut his damn
mouth” before sitting on a rock a safe distance from his mate's watchful eye.

“You all can't be jealous of each other!"

"I'm your boyfriend! You should be kissing me," Sunghoon protests. It was true after all, he was
the official boyfriend here and he had yet to receive a single kiss! It didn’t help that he was a bit
envious of Sunoo being able to kiss Jungwon. Confusing, yes he knows but that’s how his
emotions are.

"Well come here then!" carefully Sunoo detangles himself from Jungwon to chase after his mate.
The alpha shakes his head swimming out of the water onto land where he’s still followed so he
makes a mad dash away.

"Kim Sunoo! You better not! I swear to the moon goddess herself! Stop!" Sunghoon screeches as
he runs. His pants were already wet from jumping into the water and as much as he loves his mate
Sunghoon does not want to feel wet clothes on him for longer than necessary so he runs and runs
ultimately giving in because it’s Sunoo. They roll around in the grass before Sunoo ges his chance
to kiss his mate properly. It feels far too sweet and intimate to eavesdrop on so Jungwon verts his
gaze to his own mate. He wades out the water to where Jay sat using his shirt as a towel.

“Are you done pouting now?” Jay teases as Jungwon curls up on his lap hiding his face in his
bicep. He says something Jay can't hear “What was that?” Jungwon tries again a bit louder this

“Wasn’t pouting,” he says. Jay presses a kiss to the crown of his mate's head.

“You definitely were. Even Sunghoon could tell,” he teases.

“Just wasn’t sure.”

“Sure of?”

“If I was going to lose him like I lost everyone else” Jay holds Jungwon a little closer. He knows
how hard friendships have been for Jungwon, always being the floater friend. He made friends
easily but no one ever stuck long enough leaving him to float between friend groups always
wondering if he was enough. If he’d have his person . Not Jay, Jay is his soulmate but his person,
someone to rant to about Jay and life and everything. A friend to share secrets and funny stories
with. Someone to help him hide a body or go get food with him at three a.m. whichever the
situation called for.

“Are you sure now?”

“Yeah. Very,” Jungwon giggles as he watches Sunoo and Sunghoon sitting in the grass yelling at
each other with leaves and grass clippings clinging to their clothes and hair.

“I'm a little jealous. He doesn’t kiss me like that.”

“I had him first. You have to wait your turn” Jungwon pouts. Jay stays silent. Lately he feels like
he always has to wait his turn.

“Guess so,” he mutters.

They hang out at the pond for another hour. Their soaked clothes that formerly soothed the
sweltering heat from the sun now served to steam their bodies from the outside in so they called it
a day.

Sunoo and Sunghoon go home, following each other into the shower. Hushed voices and whispers,
exchanging kisses the entire time. Sunghoon even did his skin routine with Sunoo wearing a fluffy
leopard print spa headband .

“I had fun today” Sunoo slurs. They were on the couch now, his back to Sunghoon’s chest with one
leg dangling off the couch. His body was exhausted from all the excitement from the game and
their activities at the pond. Sunghoon hums his hand on Sunoo’s thigh squeezing just a little.

“Yeah me too.”

“You and Wonnie seem to be getting along, Jay too?” it’s a question, Sunghoon knows it is.

“Yeah Jungwon and I are good and Jay and I…reached a mutual understanding,” Sunghoon says
and speaking of that understanding now was a perfect time to try and get Sunoo to nest. Blindly he
reaches for the blanket at the end of the couch. He tucks it around himself first, before slowly
working up to Sunoo letting the soft fabric brush against the omegas arm. Sunoo makes a noise in
the back of his throat, hand twitching like he wants to reach out for the material but doesn’t so
Sunghoon continues. He grabs a pillow, fluffing it a bit before awkwardly setting it between his
chest and Sunoo’s head.

Bit by bit he slowly grabbed something,a discarded hoodie, a pillow, hell he even grabbed that
fluffy headband thing Sunoo had him use for his night routine and added it to the awkward pile
of..he doesn’t even know what. His body burns with embarrassment as an awkward feeling settles
into his gut. He is not an omega and the nest looked nothing like what he’d seen Sunoo make in the
past. Sunghoon still adds to it, taking his sock off and putting it at the end of the makeshift nest.
With each item he could feel Sunoo become more restless until he’s getting off Sunghoon’s chest
tearing the nest apart in the process. His eyes sting with upcoming tears.

‘He built that for us! Why did you mess it up!’ his omega screeches.

“What are you doing?” Sunoo’s voice is tight as he holds back the sadness and resentment he was
beginning to feel.

“Wha’d you mean?”

“Don’t. Don’t play dumb with me Sunghoon.” Sunghoon licks over his bottom lip before tucking it
between his teeth. He didn’t want to have the conversation like this, at least wanting Jake to be
here for support. The older was a little more sensitive in these situations, something about his
energy able to keep Sunoo calm.

“Alright…” Sunghoon starts slowly, still trying to grasp for the right words to say “Jay asked me to
encourage your nesting and I agreed to do it.” there’s a small look of betrayal in Sunoo’s eyes that
Sunghoon agreed to do such a thing.

“Why? I-I already told you that I can’t do it,” Sunoo says, putting some distance between them.
Sunghoon tries not to be hurt by that. He was only trying to help.

“Jay said that it's good for you, for your omega.”

“I don't need it. I’m not like other omegas.”

“I told him as much but he insisted that you needed to do it anyway.”

Sunoo feels an internal war going on within him. He wants to nest so badly, his omega missing the
comfort of a nest, the pride of building a good one, one his mate would be comfortable in. It had
been too long since that desire ripped out of him like a bad habit years ago.

"I said I'd encourage it not force you but maybe" Sunghoon licks his lips wetting them "Maybe you
try it? at least once every few days. Jay seemed pretty adamant about you needing to do it."
"I can't," because even though Sunoo has been able to heal from the past, not all his scars are
healed. Not all of the memories and pain can be washed away with gentle words and praise. It’ll
take longer to get over the psychological damage.

"Maybe not right now but I think you could, Jakie does too," it seems to be the right thing to say as
Sunoo’s eyes soften.

"Jakie knows?"

"Yeah I had to tell him so we could help you" Sunoo stays quiet "How about this you try but with
me. you don't have to with anyone else if you're not ready," Sunghoon’s grasping for straws at this
point. He’s just asking for a little co-operation to help Jay.


"Of course. It's me Sunoo. I've got you, always. What was it you told Jungwon? That you'd move
mountains for him? Don't you know I'd do the same for you? That I'd turn this world upside down,
tear it apart and burn it for you?" Sunoo chuckles wetly.

"You always have to one up someone don't you?" Sunghoon looks away with a shy smile on his

"Maybe just a little."

"Wanna try again?" the alpha offers. Sunoo shakes his head but thankfully moves back to his space
beside Sunghoon.

"Not today but maybe tomorrow?"

"Yeah we can do that"

"Thank you hoon"

"You don't need to thank me baby" Sunghoon pulls Sunoo back on his lap and they take a nap
blissfully sleeping the evening away until the door slams open with a bang as it hits the wall.
Sunghoon holds Sunoo to his chest protectively as he scans their surroundings. The hairs on his
neck don't prick up and he doesn't smell a threat or a new scent just Jake…Jake!

"Jake?" he questions, tone worried. Quickly Sunghoon sets Sunoo aside to check on Jake at the
door. The beta comes stumbling with a smile on his face.

"Sunghoonie!" Jake lets himself fall into Sunghoon’s arms and nuzzles against his mates chest.

“Are you drunk?” Sunghoon questions in disbelief. Jake whines pushing away from him.

“Waaaaah? Naur! Naur man I’m fiineee!” Jake slurs in awkward konglish as he stumbles further
into the apartment crashing onto Sunoo next. The younger groans at the new found weight on his
body but still strokes down Jake’s back lovingly.

“You’re so drunk!” he giggles, nipping at the betas jaw. Jake gives his signature boyish smile as he
nuzzles Sunoo back.

“Yeah, maybe a little.”

“I told you to be careful,” Sunghoon chides. The alpha pads off down the hall hurried footsteps
echoing through the apartment. He grabs a bottle of ibuprofen from the first aid kit before speed
walking to the kitchen for a bottle of water.

“Here, drink,” he commands, uncapping the bottle and holding it out to his mate. Jake pushes off
Sunoo just enough to tip his head back.

“You do it,” his eyes are still glossed over, alcohol holding its effects on his body. Sunghoon gives
in, mumbling something about Jake being a pup as he helps Jake nurse the bottle of water.

“Couldn’t follow one thing could you hmm? Now you smell like cheap alcohol, sweat and…”
Sunghoon leans in closer, sniffing at Jake’s collarbones. His body moves faster than his brain as he
shoves Jake’s shoulder forcing the beta onto his back. A growl rumbles in his throat as he sniffs at
the column of Jake’s throat down to his chest and across to his shoulder. He doesn’t know why he
hadn’t noticed the thick scent sooner, probably because his concern for the betas' well being was
more important. Now that he knows Jake’s ok, that he’s home safe, Sunghoon couldn’t help but
smell the thick alpha musk covering his mate's upper body.

“Jake…why do you smell like another alpha?” Sunghoon can’t hold back the jealousy and pain
that drips into his voice like venom. Jake’s plump lips press into a pout as he thinks.

“ ‘s probably Hee-hyungies”

“Who the fuck is that?”

“Heeseung hyung? He’s my friend! He’s super nice Hoonie! And funny and good at like
everything! We were playing darts and he won while being blindfolded!” Jake giggles to himself a
dopey smile stretching out on his face.

“I think Hoonie wants to know why you’re covered in his scent puppy,” Sunoo says creeping up
next to Jake. Sunghoon can feel the omegas' own jealousy radiating off his body as he looks down
at their boyfriend.

“Probably happened when he hugged me. I-I’m sorry,” Jake whines realizing they were upset with
him. He hadn’t meant to come home with Heeseung’s scent on him. They’d hugged throughout
most of the night, mainly from excitement of playing games and downing shots, and maybe from
when they were dancing. Jake definitely doesn’t need to mention that to his boyfriends, mainly
because he doesn’t know what to make of the memory himself.

“We’re not mad love. Maybe a little jealous. You should smell like us,” Sunoo says, leaning down.
He rubs the top of his head against Jake’s chin then his collarbones

“You’re our boyfriend after all. Not this…Hee-hyung of yours” Sunoo mumbles as he continues
placing kisses over the bit of exposed skin on Jake’s neck and collarbones hiding the other alphas
scent under his own. “Hoonie might be a little mad though,” he teases, earning a whine from Jake.
He doesn’t want Sunghoon to be mad at him!

“Not at our Jakie. He’s just a pup,” Sunghoon clarifies as he rubs at Jake’s hip to soothe him “I’m
mad at that other alpha, he surely knew what he was doing." Sunghoon growls under his breath.
Heeseung's scent was too close to Jake's scent gland. For an alphas scent to be that close to another
alphas mates gland was disrespectful and Sunghoon could feel himself growing angrier at the
" 'm mad at myself too. Should have scented you properly before I let you go. If I did then
everyone would have known that you’re not available, that you belong to me,” Sunghoon’s
promise to not be possessive of his mates gets long forgotten as he thinks about the other alpha
touching on his Jake, his mate.

'His scent doesn't belong here. Who the fuck does he think he is?'

Feverishly Jake shakes his head, little strands of hair producing static as they rub against the rug.
“Heeseungie wouldn’t hurt me! He’s nice!”

Sunghoon scoffs sarcastically. “I’m sure he is.”

“No he is! You can meet him, if you want" Jake says but somewhere in his drunk filled brain he
remembers not to be so passive that he can ask them for the things he wants "I want you to meet
him, please."

“Fine we can meet your friend but later. For now let's get you in the shower,”Sunghoon says,
lifting Jake bridal style.

“Come with me,” Jake pleads as he presses a kiss to Sunghoon’s chest.


“What! You said no last time, please, please?”

Sunghoon can only be strong for so long. “Fine.”

“Ddeonu too!”

“Babe I don't think our shower can fit all of-” Jake whimpers, his phantom ears poking out of his
head as they drop down.

“Not the ears baby,” Jake's ears were Sunoo’s biggest weakness. They were so cute on his head
and caused his pout to be ten times more adorable and even more irresistible to say no to
“Pwease!” his boyfriends give in to his request helping Jake off the floor and into their small
shower. It’s awkward in the stall, warm water spraying down on them but there’s not a lot of space
to move. Sunghoon holds Jake up by his waist pressing kisses against his shoulder while Sunoo
latheres the shampoo between his hands before they dive into Jake’s hair.

There's a lot of elbows crashing into chests but if it happens they don't comment on it. The three
simply wash each other as domesticated as one could be with a lover before climbing out of the
stall. Sunghoon makes sure Jake is dried and dressed properly (really just in underwear and some
shorts because it's now "too hot for pajamas") before tending to himself.

Once he's done he joins his mates in the bed Jake on the end with a bucket below him in case he
still has to throw up.

“I’m sorry,” Jake murmurs. He works to turn onto his back so he can look at Sunghoon. “A-about
the scent thing,” he clarifies. Sunghoon runs his knuckles along the apple of Jake’s cheek.

“You don’t have to be sorry. You didn’t know,” he whispers.

“What is it about? Like a claim thing?”

“Yeah. I don't know about Australia but in Korea it’s disrespectful to scent someone's mate so
close to their scent gland, especially the one in your neck and your thigh. It’s especially
disrespectful to other alphas.”

Jake frowns as he shuffles more into Sunghoon’s space wanting to be close. “Oh…I-I didn’t

“I know you didn't, which is why I’m not mad at you. Your friend should know better though.
Unmated wolves and mated wolves are off limits for that sort of scenting unless it’s with your own
kin. So if Felix were to do it, it’s ok, he’s your kin but Heeseung or your other friends it’s a big no
no, it’s like a direct threat, “I’m claiming this wolf as my own” and I don’t like it”

“I don't think he meant it that way,” Jake pouts. Heeseung didn’t mean it like that, right? He
couldn't, he was too sweet and too caring. Heeseung wouldn’t do that to Jake, would he?

“It’s still the meaning.”

“ ‘m sorry.”

“Stop apologizing. You didn’t do anything wrong. Just go to sleep hmm?” because if Sunghoon
talks about it anymore he’ll just get angry and he’s not trying to be angry. The day had been good
so they should end the night on a good note as well. This… Heeseung thing could wait until later.

“Ok…hey Sunghoon?” Sunghoon peaks an eye open to look at his mate who was smiling
mischievously. “I know you said you didn’t want to be so possessive but, it’s sorta hot”

“ Go to sleep !” Sunghoon can hear Jake giggle as he presses up to Sunghoon as the little spoon to
sleep. Opening his eyes again, Sunghoon strokes Jake’s hair. He couldn’t imagine having to fight
off another alpha for Jake. He’d just have to give this Heeseung a firm talking to once they meet to
make it clear that Jake is his and his only.

The other alphas scent was mainly washed off from the shower with only the faintest hint of coffee
left on the betas neck. Sunghoon finds himself rubbing his nose and cheek against the area in an
attempt to cover the scent with his own but as his body pulls him under sleeps spell he nuzzles
against Jake's neck contently instead.


Getting a message from the team group chat isn’t unusual. It mainly consists of crude or childish
gifts and begging to borrow gear when someone had left theirs at home. What was unusual was
Haneul calling a team meeting. Being captain and all it was well within his rights but he hadn’t
done it all season.

Sunghoon had arrived with a few other people sitting on the gym floor by himself. He hadn’t been
able to sleep well all night, as nightmares ran through his head. Having to fight off some blank
faced alpha, Sunoo drowning, Jungwon crying for him. It all happened at once, all of them
needing him and Sunghoon not being able to be in all three places at once. He woke up covered in
sweat, the hairs on the back of his neck standing up and his gut flooded with anxiety.

‘It’s just a dream, it’s just a dream’

“Ya know if you fall asleep I won’t wake you. I’ll just let Haneul-hyung yell at you” Jungwon
says, joining him on the floor. Sunghoon opens his eyes smiling sleepily at the younger.
“Hmm Haneul won’t yell at me. He likes me too much,"Jungwon groans, rolling his eyes at
Sunghoon’s narcissism.

“I find that very hard to believe,” he says. Sunghoon sticks his tongue out at him.

“Bully.” The alpha lets his eyes fall shut, body subconsciously leaning to rest against Jungwon.
The younger smelled like a bed of flowers today, freshly bloomed and waiting for an admirer.
Sunghoon was more than willing to that admirer.

“Where the fuck is Haneul?” Hyunsuk groans.

“Yeah he called this meeting. He should at least bother showing up on time” Hyeongjun scoffs.
Unknowing to him and Hyunseuk, Haneul had already walked back into the gym. He stalks behind
the two placing a firm hand on their shoulders causing them to jump.

“For your information I was already here, I was just on the phone” he whispers causing the two
dramatic team mates to shriek.

“Oh quit your fussing.” he scoffs pushing the two away “I called this meeting because in short we
suck. Seriously 0-4? 0-4?! We’ll be lucky if we can win our next game to go to the championship
at the end of the season”

“Well if you hadn’t thrown our first game for your mate we’d be fine wouldn’t we?” Jaehyun

“I did not throw the game!” Haneul shouts.

“You totally did!”

The bickering starts there with Haneul defending himself against the team. Confused Jungwon
pokes at Sunghoon’s cheek until he wakes up.

“Haneul’s mate goes to Sunshine Academy?”

“Hmm?” Sunghoon rubs at his eyes sleepily, arms stretching above his head “Yeah. He’s the
captain of their nightball team actually. No matter what Haneul says he totally threw the game,”
and Sunghoon knows because Haneul had done the same thing last year and he’ll do it until he
graduates because the alpha is a sucker for his mate and Sunghoon knows the feeling. If Sunoo
were on an opposing team he’d do the same thing. Hell, Sunghoon would tackle his own teammate
for Sunoo.

Haneul, fed up with the team's accusations (which are true but good luck getting him to admit it)
growls loudly silencing them. “Whatever, I don't care about your guys' petty opinions! I called this
meeting because we are going to have a team bonding experience!”

“No! Haneul please!”

“Dude I have to work!”

“Shut up! I don’t care about your complaints! You either go on the trip or sit on the bench next
game!” Haneul’s threat silences the room, no one wanting to sit on the bench.

“Thought so. Now I have reserved some lanes for us at a bowling alley. We’re going to go and
bond and have fun and get our shit together so we can win that next game!”

“How is bowling going to help us win?”

“Cause I’ll buy dinner for the winning team” this time the gym roars with excitement as everyone
boasts about winning the free dinner from their captain.

“So, should we be on the same team?” Sunghoon questions. Jungwon scrunches his nose, shaking
his head.

“Absolutely not. I want to be on different teams so I can rub it in your face that my team was better
than your team”

“Oh yeah? Just for that I’m going to make sure my team doesn’t lose.”

“We’ll see about that,” Jungwon says. He gives Sunghoon his killer smile but not for long since
Sunghoon wraps an arm around his neck holding him in a headlock.
“Sunghoon! What the hell?! Stop!” Jungwon squeals, slapping at Sunghoon’s arm. The alpha
doesn’t let up continuing his teasing with a smile. It isn’t until Jungwon puts his hands on the
alphas sides, fingers digging into the flesh there. Sunghoon’s body jolts from the pressure on one
of his tickle spots gaining Jungwon’s attention. He presses harder fingers moving about until it gets
Sunghoon squirming. His laugh is loud and contagious when he releases his hold on Jungwon to
save himself from being tickled further.

“Stop you!” he shouts, pushing Jungwon’s hands away.

“Didn’t know you were ticklish. I'm going to use this knowledge to my full advantage,” Jungwon
teases, already coming up with a revenge plot for the future.

“You will not or I will bite you”

“Hey, that's my threat!”

“And it will become mine if you don’t stop”

The playfulness between them has Sunghoon feeling less tense. There’s still that feeling, like a
nerve in his back is being pinched, reminding him to be alert but it doesn’t feel as bad. When
Haneul announces that they need to get going, Sunghoon finds himself grabbing Jungwon’s wrist
walking out of the building with him and the entire trip there. He held Jungwon’s wrist carefully in
his hand, thumb gently stroking over his pulse point. It felt so natural, like he’s done it hundreds of
times, and maybe Jungwon enjoyed it just a bit so he said nothing.

“Are you sure you don't want to be on the same team?” Sunghoon questions once they reach the
bowling alley. Jungwon eyes him suspiciously.

“What, you don’t think you can win on your own? Need my help?”

“Nope, I just want to give you another opportunity to join the winning team. My team and I will
enjoy that dinner and I’ll be sure to send you pictures of all the delicious food,” Sunghoon taunts.
They only have a six centimeter height difference but Sunghoon can’t help but think Jungwon is so
cute and small when he steps up to him with that taunting look on his face.

“In. Your. Dreams. Park.” Jungwon says accentuating each word with a jab to Sunghoon’s chest.
“Dreams become reality Yang,” Sunghoon says, moving closer. It takes all of three seconds for
him to realize what he’s done before he’s scrambling backwards, a shy blush dusting over his face.


“Come on Jungwon, let's be on the same team!” Wonhyuk exclaims already at a lane as he beacons
Jungwon over.

“My team's calling! Good luck” Jungwon says with a teasing smirk. He hops over to Wonhyuk and
the small team gathering there.

“Hoon? You up, ya know for old times sake?” Jisung questions.

“Course,” because Sunghoon has an omega to beat.

Before they even start a round of drinks and chips are ordered covering their table. Sunghoon
nurses a beer hoping the alcohol will slow his brain enough so all the sounds of pins crashing and
screams of despair or joy won’t overwhelm him so much. He could feel his competitive streak light
up everytime he got a strike when Jungwon picked up a spare, or when the younger missed a roll.
As much as he wanted to win, Sunghoon found himself silently cheering for Jungwon as well.
Every time he got a strict or picked up a spare Jungwon would smirk as if to see ‘beat that’ and as
Sunghoon rolled his eyes he was beaming on the inside proud of his omega for scoring highest on
his teams leaderboard.

Their first two games of three flashed in a chaotic mess of chest bumps and dramatic drop to the
knees and victory laps. Sunghoon felt himself smile more with Jisung as they carried their win for
the first game drinking down beer after beer with the thrill. The alpha made sure not to drink too
much to ensure he could keep a proper eye on Jungwon especially when he’d begun to drink his
first beer during the second game.

“I’ll be back,” sunghoon says to Jisung at the start of the game. His bladder ached with all the
drink so he rushed to the bathroom letting Jisung have his roll if he didn’t get back in time.

When he gets back Sunghoon feels his heart drop to his gut as his face twitches with anger.

“What the fuck” with heavy footsteps he marches over to his team dropping into his seat. He
nudges Jisung, rougher than intended.
“When did he get here?” Sunghoon justs his chin towards Jungwon’s table where Jinho sat, an arm
wrapped around Jungwon’s shoulders as he talks.

“Jinho hyung? He got here like right after you left for the bathroom. Everything ok?”

“Yeah..yeah,” and that’s what his mouth says but it’s far from ok. Tonight was supposed to be fun,
it was fun but now Sunghoon feels his anxiety rush at him like a ram forcing his body to sit
upright. He can’t take his eyes off the pair as the hairs on his neck stand up and his canines feel
heavy with the desire to rip Jinho apart.

They seemed to be talking, about what Sunghoon couldn’t tell. He couldn’t get his brain to
concentrate long enough to hear their dialogue over the the other team mates were talking over
each other talking to him the music playing and the crash of the bowling balls hitting the pins. So
he glared, he brooded and he killed Jinho over a million times in his head.

“Sunghoon, come on man you’re up!” Sungchan complains.

“Sunghoon!” Jisung shakes his shoulder forcing the alpha to tear his gaze from Jinho and Jungwon
to look at the scoreboard. It was indeed his turn to bowl. He grabs his ball stepping up to the alley.
Dropping his body, Sunghoon swings his arm back before pushing forward, letting the ball slip
from between his fingers. He watches as it rolls straight down the middle before weighing to the

“Aw Damn! That’s ok! Pick up the spare!” his team cheered from behind him. When the ball
returns he grabs it changing the tilt of his arm as he swings a second time but before he releases the
ball the back of his neck twinges. The release on the ball is slow and his angel shifts leaving
Sunghoon to watch as the neon pink ball rolls weighing too far to the left, only knocking two pins.

“That’s ok, Sunghoon. You can bring your score up next frame!” TaeYoung says thinking
Sunghoon’s color drained face was from losing the frame. It wasn’t. Sunghoon felt like he was
going to pass out as he looked over at Jungwon’s table to find him gone, along with Jinho.

‘Where is he, where is he?’ he was close, probably still within the building, Sunghoon is sure of it,
still able to smell Jungwon’s scent but not being able to see him was freaking him out.

‘Five minutes. He has five minutes to come back.’ that’s as long as he will wait, Sunghoon will
give it five minutes and not a millisecond more. Jinho better bring his baby back without a scratch
on him or a single hair out of place or he’s a dead man.


Five minutes prior

Jungwon munched on his chips waiting for his turn to circle back around when he felt a tap on his

“Jinho hyung! Didn’t think you were gonna show up!” he says after swallowing down his handful
of chips. Jinho smiles at him, circling around the table to sit next to Jungwon.

“I was in the middle of a shift. Haneul said as long as I show up he won’t have coach bench me,”
the older explains.

“Well glad you could join,” Jungwon says, offering the bowl of chips to Jinho who takes a

“At least someone is.”

“What does that mean?”

“I’m sure you’ve noticed I’m not the favorite on the team. Especially with Sunghoon. I’m sure he
won’t be pleased to see me.” Jinho admits with a shrug.

“Hyung?” Jungwon looks over at the other table pouting when he sees Sunghoon wasn’t in his

‘Where did he go?’

“He’ll get over it.” Jungwon says to Jinho as he reaches for his beer. The taste was not to his liking
but it was nice to hang out with the others so he drinks the now lukewarm beer ignoring the
bitterness as it goes down.
Jinho doesn’t say anything further and since he wasn’t bowling the awkwardness that hung over
them began to eat Jungwon alive.

“How was work?” he asks, just to be polite but it sends Jinho into a whole spiral. Jungwon finds
out he works at a manga store and how he’s looking into becoming the stocking manager and
works his way up from there. They trade work stories and it’s nice, fun. Jinho is surprisingly funny
off field as he is on field especially when he’s not being an asshole boasting about his stats.

“Hey Jungwon I know you’re in the middle of the game but it’s a little overwhelming in here. Do
you mind walking with me?”

“Sure hyung,” Jungwon stretches his legs out a bit before standing “Hey Hyuck bowl for me I’ll be
back,” he shouts to Wonhyuk who gives a thumbs up in reply before screaming when Hyunsuk
gets a turkey bringing their team up higher than Sunghoons. Jungwon follows Jinho out of the
building and into the cool evening air. The sun had gone down, leaving the weather to cool off. It
was nice, a gentle breeze, and very low humidity. Too bad they’re inside bowling, they should
have had a field day.

“Soo” Jinho starts. They were still walking, the sound of gravel crushing under their shoes.
“What’s going on between you and Sunghoon?”

“Why?” Jungwon questions defensively. Does Jinho know? Had he somehow caught on that
Jungwon was starting to…was starting to like Sunghoon?

“Well you know Sunghon has a mate right?”

“Yeah. Sunoo. Why? ” Jungwon presses again because Jinho seemed to be dodging the question.

“And you have a mate, Jay right?” Jungwon stops walking to eye Jinho. He doesn’t remember
mentioning Jay to anyone other than Sunghoon and Wonhyuk.


“So, ‘ what is up with you and Sunghoon’ “ Jinho repeats. Jungwon purses his lips.
“We’re friends” friends and that’s all they can and will be. The thought makes him sniffle but
maybe that’s the alcohol. Jinho tsks at his answer.

“Your only friend”

“He is not! I have other friends,” and Jungwon thinks of Sunoo, his friend who he’s betraying
every day with his feelings.

“You only hang out with people Sunghoon approves of,” Jinho says but Jungwon is quick to

“Sunghoon doesn’t rule me” he may be a little bit in love with Sunghoon but the thought of letting
someone, letting an alpha boss him around and make choices for him unsettles him. Even if it is
Sunghoon, he’d never allow it. Jinho seems more pleased by this response as his face breaks into a

“That’s good to hear. I’ve wanted to be your friend for a while but I thought you wouldn’t do it.”

“I told you last time, I’m ok with being friends as long as you’re not using me to annoy

The slip of the nickname has Jinho doubling over with laughter. It rings wrong in Jungwon’s ears
as he watches Jinho stand at his full height wiping under his eye like he’d been crying.

“The problem with Sunghoon and I is we both see the same thing in you,” Jinho stalks forward but
it’s not inviting. Instead it has Jungwon taking a half step back. Alarm bells were starting to ring in
his head making him dizzy.

“You’re such a pretty omega,” Jinho says, reaching out to stroke Jungwon’s cheek. Jungwon stands
there stunned. Did Jinho think he was pretty? “So worthy of an alphas attention,”

The look in Jinho’s eyes changes and the only thing Jungwon can compare it to is a sheep finally
revealing itself as a wolf. He tries to move, get out of Jinho’s proximity but the alpha holds him in
place, one arm on his shoulder while the other goes around his waist..

“The problem between Sunghoon and I is that he’s soft. He lets you little omegas run around doing
whatever you want and that’s a problem none of these new generation alphas can see”

“Let go of me” Jungwon demands. His hands go to Jinho’s chest trying to push him off but he gets
slammed against the brick wall of the bowling alley instead. The wind knocks out of his lungs, his
body screaming in agony as his shoulder blades crack from the push. Jinho slams his fists into the
wall by Jungwon’s head, pressing his body against the smallers, caging him in.

“Shut up! I’m the hyung, the alpha here, you don’t demand things from me, omega” Jinho sneers.
His scent floods Jungwon’s senses, angry alpha musk causing his heart rate to pick up. He has to
get out of here, away from Jinho before he gets hurt, or before he’s forced to do something to Jinho
he doesn’t want to do.

“J-jinho hyung. Why are you acting like this?” Jungwon questions because he doesn’t understand.
How could Jinho’s personality suddenly flip like this? Sure he was a bit of an annoying alpha but
he’d always helped Jungwon without a second thought when he joined the team. Showed him the
ropes and helped him not feel like such a rookie, so out of place being one of two omegas. Who
was this guy in front of him right now?

“You’ve been getting carried away, Jungwon. Thinking you can boss alphas around, that you can
just do whatever you want,” one of Jinho’s hands leaves the brick wall to run his bloody knuckles
along Jungwon’s face before grabbing his chin, roughly blunt nails digging into Jungwon’s cheek.

“It’s not your fault though. Sunghoon taught you bad habits. That’s why it’s up to me to break you.
To turn you into the good omega that you’re supposed to be,” Jungwon shakes his head trying to
fight Jinho off. But the older one is stronger, faster. He holds Jungwon’s wrists in his hands and
growls. Jungwon snarls in responde, a growl of his own rising in his chest but a much louder, more
vicious growl rips through the air causing Jungwon’s knees to buckle.

“Get. Your. Fucking. Hands. Off. My. Omega!”

Chapter End Notes

word count: 10,922

a/n: So there was a lot going on this chapter. What do you guys think about it? What
do you think is going to happen between Sunghoon and Jinho? Next chapter might be
a little late since I'm at a cross road on what direction to take next and I also need to
study for school coming up so I might not have a lot of time to write. Idk we will see
what happens. As usual I hope you guys enjoyed this chapter thanks for all the love
and support!
chapter thirty-nine
Chapter Notes


- angst
- alcohol consumption
- hurt heeseung

this chapter takes place in the same amount of days as the previous chapter just from
jake and heeseung pov!
happy reading to all ❤️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

He’s late, again. Third time this week alone and it’s starting to make Heeseung wonder if he’s

“I packed a lunch for you!” Yeonjun says as Heeseung dashes down the hall his hair just barely
styled up in a way that didn’t make it look like he’d only rolled out of bed five minutes ago. He
swipes the lunchbox from Heeseung before planting a quick sniff like kiss on his cheek.

“Thanks hyung! You’re the best!” the alpha shouts as he shoves his homework and books into his
bag before shoving his feet into a pair of his shoes that are actually Beomgyu’s but he’ll come to
find this out later on. It feels like a blessing when he makes it out the door without banging his
head on the elevator door like he’d done the previous day, too busy in a rush to notice the doors
were closing rather quickly.

Waiting for him with a smile is Mr.Shin the man dressed rather casually finally taking Heeseung’s
advice (it was lowkey a demand because that’s the only way he gets Mr.Shin to listen to anything
these days) to not drive him to school in a full. It was embarrassing and attracted way too much
attention. The last thing Heeseung needs right now is a posse of people eyeing him and trying to
pry into a life they have no business sticking their noses into.

“Good morning Mr.Heeseung!” Mr.Shin greets kindly. Heeseung tries not to frown knowing the
man couldn’t help himself. One day maybe Heeseung will break him of all the formalities.

“Good morning Mr.Shin. Sleep well?”

“As well as one could. Are you ready to head to school now?”
“Yes.” any other day and Heeseung would have gone the back way avoiding Mr.Shin and the sleek
black car he drove. It made him look like a cliche straight from a kdrama set but as we’ve said
Heeseung is running late and has no time to play the rich boy who desperately needs an escape.
Instead of escaping he needs a reverse getaway driver to get him to his desired location, quickly and
that’s what Mr.Shin provides. Quick and easy transportation.

As the car rolls along the street and Mr.Shin softly hums to the radio, Heeseung unlocks his phone
heading straight to his messages with a certain golden retriever like male. Heeseung originally had
the intent to be polite, he was the one who’d offered his friendship to Jake so the least he could do
was be friendly and message him. However it became less of a formality as he sent a good morning
text to Jake everyday, a beautiful friendship blossoming rather quickly.

The text was usually quickly followed by a cute sticker of some kind or a meme on Jake’s part,
never failing to make Heeseung smile.

It feels a bit unreal how Jake had become someone he looked forward to seeing, to speaking with
every day but the world works in mysterious ways. How many interactions can you have with one
person before it starts to feel less like randomized events but rather fate? Even if it started off
awkward Jake didn’t hold any animosity towards him and Heeseung has grown rather fond of him
in a short amount of time so per usual to his new routine Heeseung types up a quick good morning
followed by a cute sticker because why not?

After sending the message Heeseung waits, staring at his phone as if doing so will send it faster so
that Jake will read it and reply back. Desperation truly is a sick thing, a disease and it holds
Heeseung between its dark cold fingers refusing to let go. Shamelessly Heeseung is ok with that
just as much as he’s ok with messaging Jake throughout the car ride as if he won’t see him the
moment he steps into honors physics.

Before hand Heeseung wouldn’t have thought twice about the class other than the time it ends but
the second he picked up on Jake’s familiar scent and made the realization that they’d been in the
same class the entire semester physics was suddenly Heeseung’s favorite class (if you ask the
professor though he’ll be sure to tell you how Heeseung’s grade shows the exact opposite of
favoritism). Heeseung said it was luck or the universe solidifying that their friendship was a good
idea. Jake had laughed at that, one hand flying up to cover his mouth as his voice shot up into cute
squeaks. Heeseung never thought a laugh would be his favorite sound, or that it could sound so
cute until Jake Sim did it and it became a sound he always wanted to hear. It’s how “make Jake
laugh” was quickly added to his list of things he must do everyday.

It takes a little longer for Jake to reply back but he does so with a single sticker of an animated sun
with the words ‘morning sunshine’ written under it. Following the message is a simple
‘I had the CRAZIEST dream’ text followed by a short novel in vivid detail of the dream Jake had.
If Heeseung can say anything about what he’s learned about Jake so far is that the beta has an
interesting imagination and a knack for proper punctuation even in text. It’s cute.

“We’ve arrived Mr.Heeseung.”

“Ah really?” Heeseung blinks, time seemingly gotten away from him as he read Jake’s novel of a
dream. “Thanks Mr.Shin!” the alpha says, grabbing his things to exit the vehicle.

“Will I be seeing you this evening?” Mr.Shin questions, shutting the door behind Heeseung.

“Nah I’ll find a way home! Take the night off!” Heeseung pats the man on the shoulder once
before shouting out his goodbyes and parting ways to head to physics.

“Good morning!” Jake sing-songs once he spots Heeseung. It causes a smile to break out on
Heeseung’s face as he drops in the seat next to the pretty beta, noticing how his usually fluffy hair
was straighter today, the strands brushed back behind his ears.

“Your hair is different,” he says. Jake gives him a bash smile, running a hand through his hair,
pushing it further off his forehead.

“Hmm? Oh yeah I actually put in the time to do it this morning. D-does it look bad?” Heeseung’s
bambi eyes widened with the realization he hadn’t completed his thought that Jake’s hair is
different but it looks nice, good.

“You look amazing!” he blurts. Jake sighs relief rolling off his body for a moment before he
punches Heeseung directly in the middle of his chest.

“Why’d you say it like that huh? I thought it looked bad for a moment,” Jake sulks, turning his
body away from Heeseung slightly.

“No no you look good. Promise!” Heeseung rushes out feeling bad for the misunderstanding.

“I was going to offer to be your lab partner for today but now I don’t want to,” the beta huffs. He
hadn’t meant it but the way Heeseung’s face drains color makes him worry.


“We have a lab today?” the alpha whispers. Jake nods pointing to the chalk board where the
reminder was already written up from the day before.

[ Lab Day: Please Have All Homework And Prep Work Ready At The Start Of Class ]

“Shit. I’m screwed. I’m so majorly screwed!” Heeseung whines. He’d forgotten all about the lab
work, not to mention the homework he swore he’d get back to but the second he got on call of duty
with Beomgyu that thought left his brain entirely.

Jake lets out a long dramatic sigh followed by a tsk. The beta reaches for his pencil case taking out
a freshly sharpened number two as well as his homework.

“Come on, we still have a good five minutes before the professor comes in with the lab materials.
If you hurry and copy my homework I’ll write up the lab prep sheet for you.”

Heeseung peeks between his fingers “Really?” he gets a nod from Jake who waves the pencil as if
to say ‘hurry up’ so Heeseung reaches for his bag rummaging around to find the right materials so
they can get to work.

“You’re an angel I swear.” Heeseung says more to himself but Jake still hears him, his cheeks
dusting pink. Together they write up the assignments Heeseung’s chicken scratch is hardly legible
compared to Jake’s. Maybe it’s a Jake thing, making anything he does seem to be naturally pretty.
They’re still writing when their professor steps into the room going over the lab safety rules and
instructions and Heeseung catches Jake finishing the rest of the work while doing the actual lab.

“You didn’t have to do that. I could have taken the hit” because lord knows Heeseung is going to
be scraping the bottom of the barrel to pass this class already.

“Hey I didn’t say it was free. You owe me ramyeon,” Jake whispers back with a wink before
turning back to the lab. Thankfully Jake did turn away because it would hurt Heeseung’s pride a bit
if the beta saw how quickly his face turned red.
They manage to get through the lab no problem and almost two hours later things are packed
where they belong and students are scurrying out of the room eager to get to another class or their

“Well, same time next week?” Jake questions.

“Guess so,” Heeseung says, trying not to frown. The only thing that sucks about sharing a class
with Jake is they only have it two days a week with everything else being textbook work and self
study. They’d already run through day two and at the moment Heeseung doesn’t really have
another excuse to see Jake for the rest of the week.

“Don’t sound too excited Heeseung, I’ll start to think you like my company” Jake says sarcastically
and shit Heeseung did it again!

“That’s not what I meant! I’m sorry!”

Jake giggles “You’re silly”

“Guess so,” you make me silly, Heeseung wants to say but he’s embarrassed himself enough today
so he lets the words die on his tongue.

“See ya around hyung!” Jake says sending a friendly pat to Heeseung’s shoulder before bleeding
into the sea of students on campus.

“See ya…” Heeseung mutters watching him leave.


Pitter patters of bare feet against the hardwood rouse Heeseung from his sleep. After weeks of
living with them Heeseung should be used to Beomgyu getting up in the middle of the night to get
a snack or water for Yeonjun before retreating to the bedroom again, or helping Yeonjun up and to
the bathroom. Being four months pregnant with twins wasn’t easy and Heeseung shouldn’t make a
fuss not when they were already housing him while he got his life together, there was no need to be
an unruly house guest as well but he couldn’t help but envy them.
Despite sleeping in the living room (because the spare bedroom had already been converted into an
adorable nursery that Yeonjun was very proud of and Heeseung didn’t have the gaul to ask to
rearrange for his own convenience) Heeseung could hear the couple's hushed whispers at night.
Their hushed voices, most likely trying not to disturb him at night or their quiet giggle as while
proclaiming their love for each other and their growing family. It was all sickeningly sweet and
everything the couple should be doing but it’s hard on Heeseung, especially on nights like these
when he’s reminded that he’s alone.

Heeseung listens for Beomgyu to finally head back into his bedroom, hearing the soft click of the
door latch. Once he deems it safe Heeseung gets up traveling over to the fridge grabbing a bottle of
soju. It’s a bit pitiful and a cliche to drink your problems away but Heeseung is a cliche. Sad little
rich boy without a real family, all alone in the big bad world still asking ‘when will it be my turn?’

He snags a second bottle from the fridge before shutting it softly and working his way to the
balcony. The night air is cool against his skin, a light roll of fog covering the ground below. The
moon is hidden in the sky, a thick blanket of clouds and smog covering it, hiding it from shining on
the world. Heeseung finds it fitting for his current mood. He sets the bottles on the patio table
before taking a seat propping his feet up.

Easily he pops the top off of the first bottle watching a bit of foam rise to the surface before
fizzling out. He brings the bottle to his lips, leftover foam coating the rim greets his tongue, the
bitter taste shocking his palette. Ignoring the initial taste, Heeseung tips the bottle back letting the
bitter liquid flood his mouth. It stings his throat on the way down, warming his tummy. He downs
half of the bottle too fast, his head starting to spin with the sudden intake.

“I should slow down,” he mutters to himself so he takes his phone out using it as a distraction. He
scrolls through social media first but quickly loses interest since he doesn’t know even a third of
the people who follow him most of them being friends associated with Beomgyu or Yeonjun. He
ends up doom scrolling, supernatural hate groups, natural disasters, war clickbait but by the end of
it he ends up in his messages.

Refresh, refresh, refresh, refresh, refresh

It's been five years and Heeseung was still waiting for something from his family. One little text
and he’d be satisfied even if it was to reiterate that he was to never come home, not that it had been
much of one in the first place.

Heeseung’s eyes begin to droop, the alcohol making him sleepy. His thumb swipes on his phone
again, refreshing yet again for an incoming message when it lights up. He squints, eyes stinging
from the brightness as he tries to read the message.

‘You up?’ - j.s.

Heeseung sits up straighter bumping the table. The bottle of soju rattles, glass clinking together.
Heeseung picks up a bottle and takes a swig before returning to the phone.

‘Yeah. you ok?’ - l.h.

Anxiety claws at his gut. Why is Jake texting him so late? Was he ok? Was he safe? Please be safe.
Heeseung isn’t opposed to going out and finding the beta if he needed help but for his own sake he
hopes Jake is safe at home.

‘Can I call you?’ - j.s.

Heeseung doesn’t bother answering but instead rings Jake, pressing the phone hard against his ear.
His heart rages in his chest, anxiety flooding through him like a wildfire.

“Hello?” Jake’s sleepy voice rings in Heeseung’s ears, settling his nerves a bit. He sounds ok.

“Hey…what’s up?” he questions hoping his words won't be slurred together too badly.

“Nothin’ couldn’t sleep and wanted someone to talk to…is this ok?” Heeseung sighs, his body
relaxing as the fire within him dies out.

“Yeah…yeah this is ok” he answers. More than ok .

“If I woke you up I’m sorry just…you’re always so nice and it’s really easy to talk to you so I felt
like I could call you. It’s ok if I can’t. I can hang up”

Heeseung chuckles a bit. Jake was so cute when he got nervous. “Jakie, it's fine. I said it was fine,

“Then go on tell me why you called hmm? You said you couldn’t sleep?” Heeseung hums as he
cleans up the bottles bringing them in the house with him so he could properly discard them.

“Hmm yeah. Can’t sleep, ‘m feelin’ anxious.”

“What for?” Heeseung questions. He listens to Jake’s worries about a class, something to do with
circuits Heeseung thinks. He's still pretty drunk and tired but does his best to listen to Jake’s
explanation of a topic Heeseung is sure he’s not qualified to understand even sober but he listens
because it’s Jake. Sweet, beautiful, funny, amazing Jake Sim who stole Heeseung’s heart before
the alpha knew it had even happened.

“The most important part is that you’re trying Jakie,” Heeseung grumbles, trying hard not to yawn.
He can hear Jake whine on the other end of the line and Heeseung wishes he could see him. Jake
probably looks adorable with a sleepy pout.

“But Heeseung at the end of the day trying won’t really matter. If I can’t pass this class then I fall
behind in my program and it’ll take longer to graduate and get a job and ugh!" Jake lets out a
whimpering sound. Heeseung wishes he was there to sooth him, run his fingers through the
younger man's fluffy hair and tell him it'll be alright.

"I’m sorry I don’t mean to put all of this off on you. ‘m just…tired.”

Heeseung can hear how tired Jake is. Poor pup. If he were with him Heeseung would let Jake sleep
on his chest, he's just so sure Jake is a cuddler. He'd let the beta sleep on his chest looking as cute
as could be with his fluffy hair all splayed out and his cheek pressed to Heeseung’s chest. Maybe
Jake isn't the only one with a vivid imagination because Heeseung can picture it almost perfectly as
if it'd happened a thousand times already.

“Don’ worry ‘s all good” Heeseung slurs. He goes quiet for a moment, his brain working over time
through the sleep haze he was ready to fall into “I can spend some time with you tomorrow if you
want? Help you study?”

“You don't have to.” his voice is small, unsure as if he’s waiting for Heeseung to take it back.
“You didn’t have to help me the other day with my work but you did. I can help you with this.”
Heeseung says confidently.

“Hmm. I think you’re just trying to get out of buying me ramyeon.”

Heeseung can hear the smile in Jake's voice, a smile of his own working onto his own face. That
was better, Jake should always be happy “Nah, I’ll do that for free.” and Heeseung means it. He'll
buy ramyeon a thousand times a day for Jake. Not that he’d actually let Jake have that much, it’s
not good for him but he’d still do it to make Jake happy.

“Really? I’ll hold you to that Heeseung,” Jake giggles and so does Heeseung.

“Really really” Heeseung mumbles. He’s not exactly sure what happens after that. He falls asleep
for a minute or two, maybe more before he hears Jake chuckle and murmur a good night before the
call ends and Heeseung officially passes out for the night.

The next day Heeseung sits at a secluded table in the library. The window is open allowing for the
gentle breeze to pass by every so often, the wind feeling wonderful against his skin. It had been hot
for the last several days but the weather today was nice, calm. It was about a twenty minute wait
for Jake to join him, the younger still in class before they could meet up. Heeseung is greeted by
Jake with the younger's signature boyish smile, his fluffy hair bouncing on his head as he walks
over briskly .

“Hi,” Heeseung whispers as he pulls a chair out for Jake. The younger takes it, dropping his bag
beside him.

“Hey,” he says back. “So…what do you know about engineering?”

“Absolutely nothing. Figured I could help you go over your notes? Or let you talk it through,
usually that’s helped me understand my notes in the past.”

“Let’s start by going over my notes. Oh you can help me make flashcards!” Jake says happily. He
grabs some things out of his backpack, a thick stack of note cards, multicolored pens, a thick
binder and textbook. Heeseung smiles sheepishly seeing the material and how prepared Jake was.
Jake sure takes school more seriously than he does. .
“J-just tell me what to do” Heeseung says awkwardly. Jake opens his binder flipping through it a
bit before landing on a couple pages. He has Heeseung copy vocabulary words and key information
for the note cards, using certain colors for different information. The more they work the more
Heeseung is in awe with jake. He’s truly amazing, and talented. Heeseung wonders if there’s
anything the other can’t do.

“Ah, should I help you with physics?” Jake questions as he finishes going through a round of note

“No this is for you!” and it really is but Heeseung is a bit embarrassed. He looks like an idiot next
to Jake and a small (a big) part of his prideful self doesn’t want Jake knowing that he’s dumb.

“Hmm, we could turn it into a study date!” Jake offers with a bright smile. Heeseung has to turn in
his seat to hide his warming cheeks. “Besides you’re struggling so bad I’m worried that you’ll end
up getting kicked out. Then who will laugh at all my jokes?”

“I’m not that bad” Heeseung grumbles but he is in fact that bad. His heart settles a bit not having
Jake tease him. He doesn’t know why he was worried, it’s Jake who has been nothing but kind and
helpful to him, a beautiful soul.

“Come on, let’s go over the last lesson, hmm? Maybe then you can answer a question or two
correctly.” Jake’s voice is bubbly and teasing, sending a warm feeling through Heeseung’s gut. It’s
nice. Different from Beomgyu’s teasing, that's all fun and between friends this feels more…fond,

Jake helps him go over the lesson, reworking Heeseung’s notes into something more
comprehensive. He highlights and underlines and makes a mini stack of notecards just for
Heeseung. Hours feel like minutes to them as they go over notes, exchange jokes and share snacks.
Each bump of their hand as they reached for a snack or one of the many multicolored pens Jake had
scattered across the table brought color to their cheeks as they brushed it off with a laugh. Around
seven Jake stretches arms going up above his head before he lays them across his lap. It seems to
happen in slow motion as he leans over slowly resting his head on Heeseung’s shoulder. The alpha
can feel his breath hitch in his throat feeling Jake’s hair against his skin.

“J-Jake?” he says voice coming out brokenly with his nerves.

“ ‘m tired. Let me rest for a moment,” Jake murmurs, nuzzling more against Heeseung’s shoulder.
Warm vanilla rolled off Heeseungs body calming Jake and aiding to the exhaustion he was
beginning to feel.
For the first time in a while Heeseung steals a glance at the analog clock on the wall noticing how
late it had gotten. No wonder Jake was tired, not only had he had a day full of classes he’d also
spent hours here with Heeseung going over notes and helping him studying.

“We can call it a day, if you’d like?”

“Hmm. In a bit. Wanna stay here awhile,” Jake whispers. Heeseung sits stiffly playing with his
fingers under the table. His body was beginning to sweat under his hoodie at his proximity to Jake.
He was so incredibly beautiful up close and he smelled amazing, an odd combination of soap and
apples…apple scented soap Heeseung settles. Fresh and sweet and gentle. The urge to reach out
and touch Jake's fluffy hair blooms within him. He swallows thickly as his hand rises to his
shoulder, merely centimeters away from Jake’s hair when a phone buzzes from the table. Heeseung
shoots his hand down so quickly it hits the table with a loud thwack sound. His jaw drops down in
shock as he holds the limb to his chest while Jake slowly begins to wake up from beside him. The
beta raches out in front of him in a small stretch before grabbing his phone from the table.

“Ah I gotta run. Dinner time,” he says as if that has any meaning to Heeseung. Maybe dinner plans
or something. Whatever it is, it makes Heeseung a bit sad to have Jake leaving again.

“Yeah yeah. It’s getting late” he says, forcing a smile.

“We should do this again sometime? Maybe tomorrow?”

“Yeah yeah of course!” Heeseung blurts but it then dawns on him he is not available tomorrow
“Actually no I can’t. Volleyball practice”

“Volleyball? You’re on the team? No way!” Jake exclaims.

“Y-yeah. I uh tried out pretty late but made the division one team!” to show off his enthusiasm
Heeseung does little jazz hands.

“Oh that’s amazing! Congratulations! I’m on the team as well. Division two. We don’t have as
many games as you but our coach still works us like hell”

“That’s still really cool.”

Jake goes to say something else but his phone buzzes in his hand. He checks the notification
rolling his eyes.

“I already said I was on the way,” he mutters under his breath as he vigorously types on the

“Sorry to cut this short, I really gotta go but maybe I’ll see you tomorrow!” and then Jake is
running off before Heeseung can offer to take him home just to get a few more minutes with him
so he’s left alone to clean up.

On his way home Heeseung decides he needs to do better. There’s something here with Jake,
something settling beneath his skin and in his heart, he’s sure of it and if he wants to see where this
is going he needs to stop being such a coward and do something about it.


Jake searched for Heeseung on his way to the gymnasium. Equipped with the knowledge that the
older also played volleyball Jake had a million questions and a new eagerness to see him.

He won’t admit this to his boyfriends but Jake’s developed a sense of loneliness. He lives with
Sunghoon and Sunoo but he’s not an idiot. He can see how Sunghoon is slowly falling for
Jungwon even if he doesn’t realize it and Sunoo has his own thing with Jay and because of it all
Jake has been feeling left out. It feels childish to be jealous, he lives with Sunghoon and Sunoo and
has experienced their love first hand but maybe that’s why he’s jealous. To know how wonderful it
feels to be loved by the two and to now have other people occupying the attention he onced
received well it hurt a little.

However now he has Heeseung, a friendship he would have never expected to have considering
their rather awkward meeting. It wasn’t often Jake made friends he was so comfortable with and
Heeseung oddly enough made him feel very comfortable, happy, bubbly. It was exciting and fun to
be around someone without drama revolving around them. Jake would never admit that to his
boyfriends either.

Walking aimlessly Jake is still searching for the smallest glance of Heeseung when he crashes into
something, or rather someone. A warm body sends him to the ground, flat on his ass which causes
him to hiss through his teeth.
“Oh shit. I’m so sorry!” a familiar voice exclaims and Jake instantly recognizes it. Heeseung.

“Heeseung!” Jake chuckles as he tilts his head gazing up at Heeseung.

“J-Jake?” Through his shock Heeseung shoves his phone in his pocket, his hand reaching out to
help Jake from the ground. His hand is warm and slightly larger than Jake’s with calluses forming
on his palm. When Heeseung pulls it away Jake finds himself wanting to reach for it again.

“Ya know hyung you don’t have to knock me over everytime we meet each other,” Jake chuckles
as he stands up straight. “We’re already friends. You can just say ‘hi’” it’s a simple accident, most
likely Jake’s fault but it’s fun to tease Heeseung watching his face turn pink and his eyes looking
anywhere but at Jake.

“Hi.” the alpha says bashfully.

“Hi” Jake giggles, his boyish lopsided grin adorning his face.

“Ah well I should uh, get going. Have a good practice!” Heeseung says quickly, rushing off.

“Bye!” Jake says waving after him before heading inside. It’s a brutal practice and by the end his
forearms are bright red and his knees are bruised from diving without his knee pads. He was sure
he left them in his locker but maybe he’d taken them home. He’s sure to be fussed over when he
gets home and that’s exactly what happens when he comes waddling into the apartment.

“What the hell did you do?” Sunoo exclaims, rushing to sit him down.

“Just a little bruising! ‘m fine!”

“I’ll get the ice” Sunghoon says, already having his fair share of sports related bruises. They dote
on him tending to his aches and bumps with kisses behind the ear and praises for getting through
practice. It’s nice and his chest is warm and he’s happy…until Jungwon texts Sunghoon and Sunoo
somehow gets involved and Jake is left tossing leftovers on his plate, his appetite lost. He cleans
his plate up before going to bed first nestled in the makeshift next. He’s sure Sunoo tore it apart at
some point, still getting used to sleeping in one. Jake knows how hard it's been for him so he
doesn’t pester but simply makes it up again the best way he knows how. It's similar to the one he
made when he and Sunoo first hung out at his old apartment with Felix. Rough textures on the
inside, soft on the outside cause Sunoo likes feeling the different textures throughout the night
versus feeling something soft that usually itches his nose. When his work is complete Jake lays in
the nest alone mindlessly scrolling through instagram when a thought comes to mind.

[Lee Heeseung]

He types in the search bar before deleting every character. His cheeks dust pink with
embarrassment. Was he really going to look Heeseung up on instagram? What was he going to do
if he found it? Cyber stalk him? Friend him? Instead of doing that he goes to his messages with the
older instead.

Do you have extra knee pads?

Lost mine - j.s.

A reply comes through almost instantly.

I do actually!

I'll give them to you tomorrow after my practice

Or do you need them earlier? - l.h

After your practice is fine

Thanks! - j.s.

No problem :) - l.h

Do you have instagram? - j.s.

Yep! - l.h

What's your username? - j.s.

After getting Heeseungs username Jake quickly switches to the other app following him and
quickly gets followed back. They go back and forth liking each other's posts and sending the cringy
images back to one another. Heeseung is sure that Jake has the cringier photos but Jake assures him
that it’s Heeseung instead.

“Can we just go to bed now? You’ll see Jungwon tomorrow!” Jake can hear Sunghoon say from
the end of the hallway. Sunoo says something quickly that Jake can’t process before he’s shouting
for Jungown to have a good night. The two join Jake in the bedroom seconds later.

“Oh…you fixed it,” Sunoo mutters seeing Jake lay in the next. Jake hums trying to not bring too
much attention to it. If he does Sunoo will refuse to sleep in it, or have another breakdown. He
texts Heeseung a quick goodnight before setting his phone aside.

“Do I get my cuddles now? Been waiting all day.”

“Yes, you can get your cuddles,” Sunghoon coos. Wordlessly he grabs at Sunoo’s wrist tugging
him along into the nest. It’s too hot for their bodies to be pressed to one another like they are and
yet they press closer warm skin against skin as they exchange quiet I love yous.

The following day before practice Heeseung shows up with the promised knee pads in hand and a
tired smile on his lips.

“Thank you thank you thank you! You’re a knee saver!” he exclaims, getting a chuckle out of the

“Happy to be of help,” Heeseung mutters. It’s then that Jake notices the tiredness in his eyes, his
hair disheveled and damp with sweat.

“Rough practice?”

“Yeah, with the game coming up coach has really been cracking down on us. We were doing
rotation stuff all practice but I dunno I’m still confused.”

“Oh well I’m sure coach would be ok with you watching our practice. Ya know so you can get a
better understanding. Sometimes it’s easier to learn from watching and participating!” Jake offers.
“You think so?”

“Yeah! Just sit quietly and don’t be surprised if she puts you to work” Jake says, patting Heeseung
on the shoulder. He goes inside putting his uniform and the knee pads on before joining the rest of
the team to run through pre practice runs before their coach comes in blowing her whistle to get
their attention.

The sound of the leather ball being smacked around no longer rings in Jake's ears like it used to.
Now it’s become a sound of comfort and familiarity as he rushes around shouting out calls and
diving to keep the ball in the air.

When his coach calls it quits for the night, Jake is surprised to see Heeseung rushing down the
bleachers to help clean up. He’d honestly forgotten about the older from the moment he stepped
inside for practice.

“Oh, I thought you’d left already” Jake chuckles once their fingers brush as they attempt to pick up
the same ball.

“No, I hung around. Nothing better to do anyway” Heeseung shrugs. Jake simply gives him a smile
and continues to clean up. Once everything was put away and the team left to get changed,
Heeseung paced about outside waiting for Jake which surprised Jake. What was he hanging around

“Still here? Are you waiting for a ride?” Jake questions.

“Waiting for you actually. Do you…maybe wanna grab some ramyeon with me? I still owe you
for physics” Jake opens his mouth to say something but stops crossing his arms over his chest.

“I should say no. Coach told us to watch our diet” the beta starts and Heeseung could feel his heart
drop “...but ramyeon is my weakness so yes” and just like that it leaps back up.

“Great! But do you happen to know a place close by? I’m not too familiar with this area”

“I’m glad you asked!” Jake exclaims. He grabs Heeseung by the sleeve of his hoodie pulling him
in the direction they should go in but even as Heeseung follows he doesn’t let go. At the restaurant
they’re given a booth but Jake doesn’t bother sitting across from him but next to him. Heesrung can
feel his heart stutter when their thighs brush for a moment as Jake gets situated.

“Did you learn what you wanted from our practice?” the beta questions casually as he looks at the
menu, eyes sparkling once he sees something to his liking. Heeseung looks at the menu
committing the ramyeon to memory for next time but he feels Jake’s eyes on him.

“Huh?” he stutters cheeks blooming pink when Jake’s soft eyes peer into his own

“Did you learn what you wanted from our practice?” Jake repeats with a giggle. Heeseung blinks
slowly before his face lights up remembering his purpose for sitting in during Jake’s practice.

“Oh yeah! Sorta!” he rushes out. Jake smiles, leaning over to punch the older on the arm lightly.

“That's good, can’t have you slacking. As part of the D1 team it’s partly your responsibility to help
get the trophy this year!”

“Oh come on, your team totally can win the championship this year. Not just my team.”

“Nah we won’t, most of the team is only there to have fun and keep their scholarships, but your
team is the real deal so train hard.”

“Yes sir.”

“So is that why you play volleyball? For fun?” A playful conversation booms from there, mainly
focused on volleyball, then videogames and then back to volleyball because Heeseung won’t let up
on the D2 team possibly winning the championship.

“Ok how about this. If you guys win your next game then I’ll buy you a drink”

Jake rubs his chin thoughtfully “Hmm sounds tempting…”

“Ah, I’m not done. If you guys lose then you owe me a drink.”

“Alright Hee you’re on! But the same goes for you. Your game is next Saturday right?”

“Sure is.”

“Alright then. You win I’ll buy you a drink, you lose you owe me another drink.”

“What happens if we both win..or lose?”

“Well then we’re getting drunk that night” and that becomes the plan on Saturday afternoon, for
Heeseung to win that is. He wakes up Saturday morning with even more determination burning
within him.

“Someone’s eager. Don’t you hate waking up this early on a Saturday? I vaguely remember you
saying something about how it should be illegal”

“It still should be illigal but we have to travel to another school for the game today”

“Good luck man. Hey we should do something after the game my treat”

“Thanks but I have plans with someone already” Heeseung says. He instantly bites his tongue after
because he hasn’t told Beomgyu yet, about anything with Jake.

“Making friends huh? With who?” Beomgyu pesters as he clasps his hands together, blinking


“Jake?” Beomgyu says slowly, eyeing Heeseung. It’s a look Heeseung is all too familiar with and
he doesn’t like it one bit.

“Alright. What are you doing?”

“Why does it matter?”

“I'm just asking. You and Jake have gotten rather….close.” Beomgyu says flatly. Something ugly
sturs in Heeseung’s gut as he realizes where this conversation was going. His arms cross over his
chest as he glares down at Beomgyu.


“I just…I want you to be careful Heeseung. Remember last time?”

“This is nothing like the last time Beomgyu!” he shouts. last time, as if Heeseung could forget. His
heart still ached when he thought about her but this wasn’t like last time. Jake is special, he knows
it for real this time. He’s not naive like he was back then.

“That’s what you said the last time Hee, and the time before that. I’m just worried about you. I
know you’re ready to have that person in your life, that connection but…don’t let it get too much
into your head especially about you and Jake” to his own credit Beomgyu tries to soften the blow,
ease Heeseung towards the truth gently but one look into the other alphas eyes and he knows,
Heeseung is a goner. He’s going to end up hurting himself like he did seven years ago and it won’t
be pretty unless he comes face to face with the truth. The actual truth and not the delusional one
he’d been conjuring up for who knows how long?

“What are you trying to say Beomgyu?”

“I'm trying to say that if you’re starting to think Jake is your mate stop it now. That will never
happen between the two of you” Beomgyu swallows thickly. He doesn’t like being mean,
especially not to Heeseung but he has to. How had he missed the signs all this time? Of course the
cycle was repeating itself. He should have noticed a long time ago when Heeseung first became
fixated on being introduced to Jake.

“Just because the recognition hasn’t happened yet doesn’t mean it’s not him. Everything you told
me about what you felt, what you experienced when you met Yeonjun hyung, it’s all mostly there.
There’s a few things missing but I’m sure I’ll feel it when the recognition happens” desperation is
an illness, a sad illness that eats away at a person like it is doing now to Heeseung. He’s desperate
because why else would he feel these things for Jake if he’s not his mate, if he’s not the one he’s
been longing to meet since he first presented?
“If he was your mate it would have happened already! Jesus when are you going to stop being so
damn delusional! You’re only causing yourself more pain!” and Beomgyu will be the one picking
up the pieces, trying his best not to get cut again.

Tears sting at Heeseung’s eyes his glare softening into a look of hurt. “The only person causing me
pain is you! Why would you say that?” his voice cracks as he speaks, bottom lip wobbling.


“You want me to be alone don't you! Just like her! You want me to suffer forever!” the alpha
accuses, tears wetting his lashes before they spill over. That was the only reason for Beomgyu
saying that, he wanted Heeseung to be alone, to never find his person. He wants Heeseung to be
miserable for the rest of his life just like his mother. To wither and die alone without experiencing
true love.

“No, Hee it's not that. I would love for you to meet your mate but-“

“You know what Beomgyu, why don’t you just butt out of it!” Heeseung shouts. Furiously he
grabs his gym bag and phone before storming out of the apartment slamming the door behind him.
He has enough of his mind put together to feel guilty for possibly waking Yeonjun but there's a part
of his mind justifying his actions because at least now Beomgyu will have to deal with him…a
punishment. Heeseung will regret thinking this later, they’re his friends, his family after all but he’s
hurt and mad and it’s easier to take it out on them so he storms off to get to campus on time so he
won’t be left behind by the team.

“Hey Hee…” a teammate attempts to greet him but the smell of cinnamon stings at their noses as it
rolls off Heeseung’s body in waves. Too deep in his anger, Heeseung doesn’t bother to reassure
them that he’s fine. He simply listens to what their coach has to say before climbing into the bus,
shoving his earbuds in his ears.

When they get to Seoul Tech Heeseung is one the last few team members off the bus but the first
to drop his bag and begin warm ups. When he first tried out for the team he didn’t think he was
good enough to be on the top team nor did he think he had a good enough competitive spirit to help
the team to championship but with anger fueling his chest he has a new drive to try and win the
game. As a blocker he’d never felt like he had much of a purpose during games but Heeseung
made it his purpose. His eyes zeroed in on the ball in a way they never had before another game, as
if the ball were his personal enemy. He made sure to jump up blocking almost any ball by any
means necessary, even if it meant shoving another teammate out of the way to do it. It got him a
few nasty looks and even pulled out of the game for a couple rotations but it seemed to be worth it
in the end when they won 25-22.

“I was worried for a moment there when Joon missed that ball but we pulled through huh!”

“Yeah. Heeseung was really throwing off the vibe but we managed huh” Jungsu chuckles as he
bumps shoulders with Heeseung.

“Sorry. I just…really wanted to win” Heeseung mutters bashfully. Now that he’s calmed down
some felt the embarrassment of his actions weighing down on him. He expects some backlash
from the team, a jab from the members who he’d shoved but they smile at him and someone
ruffles his hair.

“No worries! That’s the fire we’ve been trying to pull out of you all season! Glad you’re finally
showing it” his captain shouts happily.

“Yeah just next time no shoving. We’re a team ” Jungsu says as he playfully shakes Heeseung by
the shoulders.

“Yeah…yeah no problem” Heeseung chuckles. They finish changing into their normal clothes
before climbing on the bus for their campus. He messages Jake to let him know the wonderful
news about his team and received a series of complicated emojis followed by a message that Jake’s
team won as well. They celebrate over text already making plans to go out. Jake is surprisingly set
on getting semi drunk tonight in celebration of the win.

Arriving on campus the D2 team are already out of their sweaty uniforms boisterously gloating
about their win as they run amok.

“Did you guys win?” Heeseungs captain shouts excitedly.

“Let’s all go out and celebrate then!”

Its how Heeseung ends up shoved in the back of a car with semi sweaty volleyball players on the
way to a bar he doesn’t remember the name of.
The second they step inside it’s loud with volleyball players, midday drinkers and their peers.
Heeseung gets pulled along to the bar and shoves a drink he’s not sure he wants so he sets it down
to grab his phone. He’s halfway through typing a text to Jake to see if he’d been pulled into the
combined celebration when he gets a flick to the back of his neck. His hand shoots up to rub the
wounded area and he sees Jake Sim smiling with bright eyes despite being in the grimey dimly lit

“Hey! I was just texting you!”

“Text no more I have arrived!” Jake shouts. He sits at the bar calling out an order to the bartender
before smiling at Heeseung.

“So you won.”

“As did you.”

“Congratulations. Seoul Tech is no joke,” Jake says as he reaches for the drinks from the bartender,
handing one off to Heeseung.

“Yeah, it was tough for sure!” they exchange stories about their games leading to their victory
before clinking their glasses together.

“Yah! Heeseung! Come play darts!” a team mate shouts over the bar noise. Heeseung gulps down
the rest of his drink before getting up.

“Wanna play darts?” he questions. Jake chugs down the rest of his drink before getting up.

“Love to.”

While playing darts Heeseung learns two things about Jake. The first is that darts is not a game the
younger can play…at all. The second is that Jake is fairly competitive and hot when mad.
Technically that’s three but Heeseung is a little tipsy and counts it as a congruent fact.

Heeseung himself despite his blurring vision is really good at darts and with the aid of Jake wracks
up money from betting against the other team members. They use the money to order a round of
shots and beer before venturing off to play pool. Neither of them are very good but it makes for
funny drunk conversation.

“No way you ran down the street naked! ” Heeseung says in disbelief.

“I did! My stupid cousin dared me too and back then dares were practically law. If my cousin
didn’t do it with me though I probably would have never done it”

“That’s crazy. I could have never,” Heeseung mumbles around the top of his beer. He begins to
drink and stops mid-sip when a familiar song rings in his ears from the speakers. The familiar beat
causes his head to bob from side to side instantly. It’s a little surprising to hear the song here but
also not at the same time as it’s become popular again due to tiktok.

“I love this song!” Heeseung says. He sets his glass down a little too hard as he worms his way to
the small dance floor. Jake watches with pure shock as Heeseung dances, attracting a small crowd
around him. Some people join him in dancing while others watch cheering him on. Jake was still in
his place, shocked Heeseung could dance so well. His body moved effortlessly with the music, his
bottom lip tucked between his teeth as he smiled through it all.

When the song comes to an end another with just as much excitement plays. Heeseung works his
way through the crowd to Jake.

“Come on Jakie!”

“No, I can't dance like you!” he whines but Heeseung ignores him tugging him onto the dance
floor. Standing awkwardly Jake does a little side shuffle as Heeseung grooves to the music, his
eyes fluttering shut as he does body rolls. Jake laughs, embarrassed and surprised at the sudden
burst of confidence. He’s never seen Heeseung so happy and confident, almost cocky. Guess being
in his element brought that part out of him.

“Jake~” Heeseung slurs pulling Jake to him “Dance with meeee!”

“You’re too good!”

“You don’t need to be good. Just move with it” Heeseung says. He pulls Jake impossibly closer,
his hands traveling to Jake’s waist.

“Just flow with the music,” he whispers hotly in Jake's ear. A blush coats Jake’s cheeks as he
begins to move his hips taking Heeseungs advice to just “move with it”. For a while it was just
him, Heeseung and the music, the bass ringing in his ears and vibrating the floor, some high
pitcher percussion sound and a lot of other sounds Jake couldn’t find the words to, he could just
feel it, all of it including Heeseung. The olders body pressed to his hands no longer holding his
hips softly but now in a tight grip as his body swayed with Jake’s.

Some part of Jake’s mind tells him it’s wrong to have Heeseung this close but it feels so nice as
well sending warmth trickling down his body as Heeseung chuckles against his neck but then it’s
too much. His body is overwhelmed by everything and his stomach lurches painfully.

“Hee” he whines taking a half step forward

“Was wrong?”

“I think I’m gonna…I’m-!” and then Jake is bolting for the bathroom. He just barely makes it into
a stall to throw up everything from today. He grimaces having his hands on a public toilet but it’s a
brief thought as more comes up. By the end of it he’s panting sitting on the bathroom floor feeling
utterly exhausted.

“Jake? You ok?”


“I’ll get you some water ok? Stay here!” Heeseung shouts. He stumbles over his feet to go to the
bar getting water for himself and Jake. On his way back to the bathroom he downs his water before
pushing the door to the bathroom open. He finds Jake still sitting on the floor but now he’s got a
goofy smile on his face as he giggles, his phone screen illuminating his face.

“Whatcha got there?” Heeseung questions. Jake looks up, his lips quirked into a smile.

“Hey…can you help me up?” he questions.

“Course!” Heeseung sets the water on the sink counter before helping Jake off the floor. Jake
stumbles on his feet a bit as he goes to the sink. He washes his hands before reaching for the water,
taking a swig and spitting it out into the sink to help clear his mouth of the bitter taste. After a few
rinses he drinks the water in small sips moaning softly when the cool water helps settle his

“Feeling better? Heeseung questions rubbing his back. Jake nods as he turns to lean against the

“All good!” he slurs a bit “Thank you. Sorry I threw up.”

“Don’t be! It happens right?” Heeseung questions hoping it helps. Jake just hmms smiling playfully
at him. They go quiet, not having anything else to say until Jake whines

“Seungie! I wanna go home! Miss my boyfriends!” Jake’s words are slurred together so badly
Heeseung doesn’t notice the plural word, just the singular. Boyfriend. Jake has a boyfriend?

“Yo-your what?”

“My mates! I wanna see my mate! I wanna go home!” Jake whines almost on the verge of tears.
Heeseung swears he becomes sober for a moment as he feels his heart shatter. Jake has a mate…
Jake has a mate who isn’t Heeseung, someone he’s probably been with for a long time.

“Oh…” Heeseung murmurs. He gets off the counter shoving his hands in his pockets to hide the

“Well…let’s get you home then?” he says almost like it’s a question.

“Yay! Home time!” Jake sing-songs as he jumps off the counter. He holds his hand out for
Heeseung and whines when the older doesn’t immediately take it.

“Hold my hand so we don’t get lost” Jake demands. Heeseung blinks at Jake’s hand until Jake
makes a move of his own forcing one of the alphas' hands out of his pockets to lace their fingers

“Home time,” Jake says again, almost like a kid. Heeseung clears his throat before nodding. He
leads them out of the bathroom to find someone sober (thankfully they set up designated drivers
beforehand) to take them home.
It’s a quiet car ride minus drunk babbles from Jake and Sunwoo who talk about something
Heeseung doesn't know. He;’s too busy fighting against the tears collecting in his eyes as he fights
to keep his heart from shattering and breaking down in the backseat of his hyungs car as Jake still
holds his hand and clings to him.

They drop Sunwoo off first, then Jake. when they pull up to the building Jake is sleeping soundly
drool dripping down his chin. Heeseung finds himself reaching over using the sleeve of his jacket
to wipe it away.

“I’ll make sure he gets up safe” Heeseung mutters to his hyung as he helps Jake unbuckle his

“Jake-ah, wake up. You’re home.”

“Home?” Jake murmurs sleepily. Heeseung hums as he helps pull the beta out of the vehicle. With
Jake’s incoherent directions Heeseung manages to get them into the building and in the elevator to
Jake’s apartment.

“Thank you Hee! You’re the best really….an amazing friend! Best friend! I love you man!” Jake
stutters half in english while the rest is a result of drunk and broken korean. The first tear slips
then. I love you . Who knew three words could hurt so much. When Jake goes to pull away
Heeseung holds him back tucking his face in Jake’s neck slowly nuzzling against the skin. He
doesn’t fully realize he’s doing it, alcohol still running in his blood. He just soaks up Jake’s scent
like it’s the last time he’ll ever smell it before releasing him.

“Night Jake” he mutters and then he’s dashing off before Jake can say anything else to break him

He endures the rest of the car ride with his hyung until he gets to Beomgyu’s apartment. Walking
through the doors Heeseung feels everything finally crash on him, breaking him from the inside
out. He sinks to his knees and does more than sob he weeps. He weeps like a newborn pup
abandoned by his mother, alone in the forest. It catches the attention of the house occupants and
Beomgyu goes running, Yeonjun waddling behind while holding his belly. Beomgyu skids across
the floor to Heeseung ignoring how his pants split at the knee.

“Heeseung?! Hee what’s wrong? Are you hurt? Hee?!” Beomgyu questions as he holds Heeseung.
Heeseung clings to him as he continues to wail, his heart breaking a thousand times over.
“I'm sorry, sorry! S-sorry ‘m so sorry” he cries into Beomgyu’s neck. From there Heeseung cries,
muttering out words every so often. It’s hardly Korean, hardly a language at all but Beomgyu
manages to make out a few words, putting them together to solve the reason behind Heeseung’s

‘Sorry. He’s not mine. Sorry. It hurts. Im hurt’

Beomgyu looks back to Yeonjun noticing the worried look in his eyes. It happened again. Yeonjun
is already tearing up, Heeseung’s wails sounding so puppish that it brings out his nurturing
instincts urging him to hold the pup and take care of him.

“Go to bed love, I got him” Beomgyu whispers to Yeonjun knowing there won’t be much Yeonjun
can do for Heeseung right now and he needs to rest. The oldest listens as he waddles over, pressing
a kiss to Beomgyu’s head and then Heeseungs before he ventures off to the bedroom trying to
ignore the sobs coming from their youngest friend.

“I got you Hee. Let it out. Let it all out” Beomgyu says, patting his back repeatedly. It was the first
step of many to pick up the shattered pieces of Lee Heeseung.

Chapter End Notes

word count: 9388

heeseung is suffering right off the bat but that's cause he has a lot of precreated
emotional trauma! What did you guys think of the chapter and those few heejake
moments? I think i wanna write more for them at some point cause they’re super cute
and shy

the next chapter won’t be so far apart. The plan is to get chapters published every 2
weeks but just understand that it might not always work out that way. Im very busy
with work and ive had a rough month so it’s been a bit difficult to write sometimes or i
just dont have the motivation. I wont abandon the book though ive come too far into
this and im no quitter so we’re seeing this to the end thanks for the love and
support! Im not active on this platform as much but im fairly active on instagram so
feel free to dm me there or just interact with me in my stories or for the spoiler games
or whatever i end up posting there!
chapter fourty
Chapter Notes


- angst
- blood & gore (?)
- mentions of a gun (no one gets hurt i promise)
- minor bits of violence
- hurt wonnie
edits needed so i apologize for any mistakes

violence scenes are marked with [⚠️] and end with [ ]

happy reading to all ❤️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

Sunghoon waited for four minutes and fifty eight seconds before bolting out of his seat to find
Jungwon. Ignoring the calls from his teammates and concerned questions for where he’s going
Sunghoon tilts his nose up searching for Jungwon’s scent. It led him out of the building around the
corner, and what he’s faced with has his eyes turning red, almost on the verge of orange with pure

“Get. Your. Fucking. Hands. Off. My. Omega!”

He barely remembers walking over to Lim Jinho , pressing him against a brick wall seconds away
from snapping the other man's neck. His alpha was seething, blood feeling as though it were lava
rushing through his veins ready to melt his skin.

“Are you ok?” he asks, looking at Jungwon ignoring Jinho’s cries of distress when his head slams
against the wall.

“I-I” Jungwon’s trembling fear rolling off his body. It’s like an odd sense of deja vu and for a
moment Jungwon isn’t Jungwon, he’s Yunho. Poor sweet innocent Yunho who they failed to
protect, that they’d let get hurt. It does nothing for Sunghoon’s anger, instead it pisses him off
more as he reals Jinho back from the wall just to slam him up against it for a second time.

“What the fuck do you think you’re doing huh?! I warned you Lim!” he growls, ready to rip Jinho
apart piece by piece. Despite being shoved against a wall Jinho had a shit eating grin on his face.
Without hesitation Jinho spits in Sunghoon’s face, saliva and a little blood running down the
younger man's cheek.

“Get your hands off me Park. I hardly touched your little omega,” Jinho says with a mock pout
“You came in and ruined my fun before I could do anything.”

“I won’t let you hurt him like you hurt Yunho. I’ll kill you first.” At the mention of Yunho, Jinho's
smile widens a bit of pride rolling off his body. He was fucking proud of what he’d done,
Sunghoon just knows it.

“And just what did I do to Yunho hmm?” Jinho leans his face closer to Sunghoon, hot breath
fanning over the other alphas face “Broke his arm? His nose? Broke him down into the pathetic
omega he really is? What did I do Sunghoon? And where’s your proof?” he smirks because
Sunghoon doesn’t have anything. The unfortunate truth is no one knows what Jinho did to Yunho,
the poor boy was too afraid of his own shadow to tell them what Jinho did to him.


“It’s too bad you showed up. I could have had a lot of fun with him. So small, so prideful ahh it
would have been so much fun to break him. I would have started with his pretty face. If he’s not
pretty he loses his value. Then I would have-” Sunghoon doesn’t let him continue as he loses the
little bit of sanity he had left. His fist reels back before slamming into Jinho’s face once, twice then
a third time before the other alpha reacts, ducking his body down to tackle Sunghoon. He gets a jab
to the chest, his rib cracking before something in his back pops when they both land on the ground.
Sunghoon gasps, the wind being knocked out of his lungs when Jinho’s body collapses on top of
his, limbs pressing into his now broken ribs. They tussle on the ground a bit looking like pathetic
middle school pups attempting to fight. It lasts so long before Jinho manages to land a swing on
Sunghoon’s jaw. The younger alpha winces with pain, a bruise ready to bloom on his skin.

“Come on Sunghoon, what happened to that big bad alpha attitude huh?” Jinho sneers. He’d
managed to get Sunghoon flat on his back again, his hands now covered with chunks of fur, pink
nails turning into black claws. Sunghoon has seconds to bring his arms up to cover his face to
avoid getting a slash across the cheek.

Sunghoon’s stomach churns, smelling his own blood and feeling the warm liquid trickling down
his arms. His wolf howls in his head, demanding to be let out, to rip Jinho apart limb from limb.
The only thing holding Sunghoon back from it, is fear. He fears that his other alpha will come out
instead wanting to truly kill Jinho in the most violent way possible, showing off his dominance.

Sunghoon can’t go back down that path so instead of meeting Jinho on his level he rolls making
the attempt to get out from under Jinho and gain the upper hand. It works almost save for the slash
across the cheek and neck he gets as he stands to kick Jinho in the shins forcing him on his knees
before holding him in a headlock. Jinho growls, yellings and grunts, working an arm up to elbow
Sunghoon anywhere he can reach, which happens to be right in Sunghoon’s mouth, splitting his lip
instantly. Sunghoon tightens his grip around Jinho’s neck with one arm while using the other to pin
one of Jinho’s arms behind his back.

“Give me one good reason I shouldn’t break your fucking arm,” Sunghoon grits out twisting
Jinho’s arm further. He can feel the tension, the bone slowly getting into position to be popped out
of place. Jinho laughs despite the position he’s in.

“If you think- If you think breaking m-my arm will stop me from…from g-getting to Jungwon
you’re mistaken Hoonie. One way or another I can reach him, even with one arm,” Jinho pants.
The more he spoke the tighter Sunghoon’s grip became restricting his airway. In a fucked up way
he liked it. Maybe Sunghoon wasn’t such a soft alpha after all and he proves as much when
Sunghoon doesn’t hesitate to pull his arm all the way back forcing his bones out of place with a
crunch as clear as fresh celery being cut.

Jinho screams out in pain as his arm falls limp beside him but Sunghoon can care less. He gives
Jinho a shove watching as his body falls to the ground, his good arm hardly able to catch his body
weight. Sunghoon steps on Jinho’s arm, right where he can see the bit of broken bone poking out of
his skin. He presses most of his body weight on the area listening as Jinho squeals with pain
wriggling around like a worm.

“If you think I’m going to let you put your grimy hands on Jungwon ever again you’re sadly
mistaken. That’s my omega you’re talking about you pathetic little-”

“Sunghoon! Get off him!” he can hear someone yell but his brain can’t determine who, his sights
locked onto Jinho. A second hand clamps down on his shoulder but Sunghoon growls ready to bite
it off.

“Get off! You can’t do this here!” it’s Haneul. The older alpha tugs at Sunghoon along with
someone else onto his right. They force Sunghoon of him, the alpha snapping his teeth and
snarling the entire time.

“LET ME GO! LET ME GO HE HAS TO PAY FOR WHAT HE DID!” Sunghoon’s eyes are dark,
crazed with a feral instinct to hurt Jinho as much as possible for even thinking he could do
something to Jungwon and say it to his face with so much pride and confidence.

[ ]

“What is your problem?!” Hanel screams. Sunghoon was being held by two other pack mates
while the team captain glared at him, eyes red.
“He was trying to hurt my pack mate! Like he did Yunho!” Sunghoon shouts. Hyunsuk drops
Jinho in an instant, then alpha groans when his body hits the ground right on his broken arm. . The
team shared a confused look unsure of this pack mate Sunghoon was referring to.

“Who are you talking about? Since when do you have a pack?” Sungchan questions. This was the
first they’d heard of Sunghoon having a pack, but then again Sunghoon never did speak much of
his private life.

“Jungwon,” Sunghoon says, like it’s the most obvious thing in the world.

“WAIT YOU AND JUNGWON ARE PACK MATES?!” Hyunseok shouts, being as dramatic as
ever. It sends the group into a frenzy, everyone talking over each other wanting to know as much
information as possible.

“When did this happen?!”

“For how long?!”

“Everyone shut up!” Haneul shouts, his head aching with the noise. There was too much going on
too quickly.

“Wait, if Jinho was trying to hurt Jungwon then where is he?”

“Yeah, Jungwon’s not here.” Ice runs through Sunghoon’s veins as he looks around, seeing that
Jungwon indeed wasn’t with them.

“Shit” he darts off searching for him. He couldn’t have gotten far right? He was just with him, or
was he? Sunghoon had been too wrapped up in his anger to even notice Jungwon had left.

‘Did I scare him? When did he even leave? Is he in shock? Fuck! Fuck! Fuck! FUCK!’

Too many questions, not enough answers and no Jungwon in sight. Sunghoon was going to throw
“Breath, breath Sunghoon,” he reminds himself. Eyes fluttering shut, Sunghoon takes deep breaths
trying to calm himself. They’re panicked at first but slowly he works himself down, taking deep
breaths in through his nostrils and out through his mouth. When his body begins to relax and cool
from the rage he’d felt moments ago, Sunghoon can feel the gentle breeze against his skin, hear the
buzz of insect wings, and then the smells start to seep in. Fried food from neighboring restaurants,
smog in the air, a blend of scents from passerbyers then Jungwon. His scent makes Sunghoon’s
stomach churn. He was never one to be able to handle smelling an omega in distress and smelling
burned sugar with an underlay of wilted flowers is enough to have his alpha crying with it’s own

Opening his eyes Sunghoon makes a mad dash in the direction he can smell Jungwon’s scent
coming from. It leads him to the street where he just barely catches a glimpse of the omega quickly
throwing his body into a car.

“WAIT!” Sunghoon shouts running to the car. His body slams against the vehicle that was just a
little too slow at pulling off into the live traffic.

“GET OFF MY CAR BOY!” the driver shouts but he goes ignored as Sunghoon rounds to the side
pulling a door open.

“J-Jungwon..” Sunghoon pants. Jungwon’s eyes widen as he takes in the sight of Sunghoon. He
hadn’t expected the alpha to show up, let alone in his current state. Long dark brown hair
disheveled and sticking everywhere, mainly to his forehead which was slick with sweat. There was
sweat and blood dripping down his face, not to mention the bruise purpling on his chin and the
busted lip. He looked awful.

“G-get away from me!” Jungwon hates how he stutters, how Sunghoon’s very presence at this
moment has his bones rattling with fear but he tries to square his face into something stern and

“You have no reason to trust me but let me explain ok Jungwon?” he pleads but the younger shakes
his head trying not to cry.

“Jungwon, please!” Sunghoon pleads a second time. Jungwon wants to trust him but his fighter
flight response begs him not to, it screams at him saying they’re not safe.

“No! I said go away, Sunghoon! Y-you’re crazy! I can’t believe you did that!” he screams.
“Jungwon I was just trying to protect you ok! Just fucking let me explain!” his anger gets the better
of him for a moment as the hurt seeps in. He didn’t want to fight with Jinho. He’d much rather
would have liked to have stayed in the bowling alley throwing Jungwon flirtatious looks (that he’d
never admit to…not for awhile at least) and have a good time with the team but instead he fought
Jinho to protect Jungwon and being villainized for that hurts just a little.

“Hey boy do we have a problem? I don’t take kindly to alpha violence on omegas so why don’t
you tone it down and back up!” the driver shouts “The kid said to leave him alone so why don’t
you hmm?” Sunghoon’s gaze drifts to the man, eyes dark with anger that flickers out instantly
when he sees the piece of metal the man has clasped in his left hand. Staring down the barrel of a
gun is high on Sunghoon’s fear list, so high he used to have nightmares about it when he’d first
presented. The sweat on his body runs cold as his body jerks back from the car, arms slowly rising
to the sky, careful not to make any more sudden movements in fear of being shot. His chest rises
and falls quickly, his scent resembling the smell of heavy rain in the air right before a storm rips its
way through the city.

“I-I’m calm. I’ll back up,” Sunghoon says, barely louder than a whisper.

“L-lower the gun. It’s ok. He’s ok!” Jungwon stutters eyes wide as he stares at the gun. It doesn’t
matter how the man obtained the gun or why he has it despite them being illegal, the only thing
Jungwon cares about is the man lowering it away from Sunghoon so he says the first thing that
pops into his head.

“M-my boyfriend got into a fight and I’m m-mad at him! H-he’s not going to hurt me. P-please
lower the gun!” Jungwon’s ears turn pink, hot blood working through the tissue as he words come
spilling out his mouth. The driver turns in his seat to get a good look at Jungwon. The fear in the
omegas eyes is real, real enough to convince him Jungwon doesn’t want him to shoot this
“boyfriend” of his so he lowers his gun placing it on his lap.

“Hurry up and decide if he’s getting in or not. Time is money and I only can work so many hours
today,” and then he turns to face forward, completely normal and calm as if he hadn’t just shook
the two college students to their core.

Sunghoon’s eyes flick to Jungwon’s, his brown orbs silently pleading with Jungwon. “I’ll go
anywhere you feel comfortable, just let me explain.'' Sunghoon looks off to the side where a
woman had been eyeing him. They make brief eye contact before she looks away pulling her child
close, ushering him away.

“D-den. I-I wanna be in my den” Jungwons voice trembles as badly as his hands but
understandably so. Sunghoon bites on his lip. He wants to tell Jungwon that it’s not a good idea for
him to go up to his den, that it would be irresponsible on his part, but Sunghoon needs to explain.
He needs to explain that he hadn’t meant to scare Jungwon, that he was only upset at Jinho for
hurting him. He wants to explain it all so he nods accepting his fate. Jungwon makes a small
motion with his hand beckoning Sunghoon into the vehicle which the alpha does very slowly, still
feeling cautious knowing the driver has a gun. They sit on opposite ends, not touching and
definitely not talking the entire trip to Jungwon’s apartment. The only sound in the vehicle is the
crunch of the road under the tires of the car tires and the gentle hum of the driver as he sings some
tune Sunghoon doesn’t bother to recognize.

When they arrive Sunghoon is the first to climb out of the car, ready to free himself from the
anxiety of possibly being shot. He watches as Jungwon has a brief conversation with the driver and
the man giving him a gentle pat on the shoulder before Jungwon climbs out. He doesn’t say
anything to Sunghoon with the expectation that the alpha follows after him and he does. It’s a bit of
a sad site, Sunghoon following after Jungwon like a kicked pup (in a way he is with his bruises and
scratches) and Jungwon dragging his feet almost like he’s drawing out going to the apartment (and
again he sort of is, still unsure if he wants to be alone with Sunghoon or not).

Once the door shuts Jungwon turns to Sunghoon, a fire blazing in his eyes. During the car ride he’d
thought about what he’d say to Sunghoon once they were alone. He continued to play everything
over and over again, his thoughts muddled by fear and anger. If Jungwon hates any emotion it’s
fear. No one wants to be afraid but Jungwon most definitely doesn’t like being afraid. Not because
it makes him weak, he knows he isn’t weak but he hates being put in that position, where his life
could possibly be on the line. Even more than being afraid, Jungwon hates Sunghoon at this
moment. How dare he, this alpha, think he can claim Jungwon? During the commotion of it all he
remembers Sunghoon calling him his. His omega, his pack mate. When the hell was Jungwon his?
Sunghoon never asked and Jungwon never gave him permission. Sunghoon did the one thing
Jungwon despised the most, he took claim and ownership over him and he will not stand for it.

“Jungwon are you-?”

“Who the fuck do you think you are?” he questions interrupting Sunghoon before he could finish
speaking “I trusted you Sunghoon! Of all people I fucking trusted you ”Jungwon sneers ignoring
the scorching feeling eating away at his chest seeing the hurt look on Sunghoon’s face. That
doesn’t matter right now, the alpha doesn’t get to be hurt.

“God can’t believe I trusted you! All of you alphas are the fucking same, always trying to claim
something that doesn’t belong to you! Always trying to own people! You don’t get to own me Park
Sunghoon! Do you understand?!” Jungwon pokes at Sunghoon’s chest with each word, his anger
growing the more he continues his rant. He expects Sunghoon to react, he wants Sunghoon to react,
give him a reason to not trust him, to prove him right but Sunghoon doesn’t do or say anything. The
alpha keeps his gaze to the ground ignoring Jungwon completely and somehow that makes the
younger one even more upset.
“ANSWER ME!” he shouts, giving the alphas shoulder a shove.

Sunghoon just looks at him, his expression open and honest. It’s everything Jungwon doesn’t want
to see right now. “I was just trying to protect you Jungwon.”

“ Protect me? Protect me? Oh give me a fucking break! You just wanted to feel like some sort of
macho alpha hero. I don’t need your fucking protection I would have been-” Jungwon gasps when
Sunghoon grabs the hand that had been poking him in the chest. It’s a quick movement as Sunghon
spins them around slamming Jungwon against the door. His body aches, having his bruises being
pushed against the hardwood of the door as Sunghoon uses only one hand to pin his wrists together
above his head while his lower body presses against Jungwon's, effectively keeping him pinned
against the door. His omega screams in his head like a banshee having yet another alpha pressed up
against him, trapping him, hurting him .

“You would have been fine? Prove it! Fight me! Push me off! Do something!” Sunghoon growls
out. It feels like a challenge, like Sunghoon is daring Jungwon to prove him wrong. Sunghoon
wants Jungwon to prove him wrong but the hope slowly dies out as he watches Jungwon struggle.

Jungwon has half a mind to show Sunghoon just what he could have done. To bite the alpha and
watch his body go limp with paralysis as his venom floods his veins but like with Jinho he holds
himself back because right now Jungwon isn’t sure if he can trust Sunghoon anymore. After seeing
what he did to Jinho and even with Sunghoon’s current actions Jungwon can’t say how Sunghoon
will react so he lies under Sunghoon attempting to harm the alpha with his own natural strength
only to burst into tears when the alphas words ring true. He was too strong and Jungwon was at too
great of a disadvantage with the position he was in. The moment Jungwon tilts his head up bearing
his neck to Sunghoon, showing his submission the alpha feels his heart break.

"I'm sorry. I'm sorry baby please don't cry. I just want you to understand," Sunghoon rushes out
heart clenching with pain as he watches Jungwon cry "I'm sure you could handle yourself under
normal circumstances and I don't want to take that power away from you but this is about Jinho.
He's an alpha and a different kind of monster and if I hadn't stepped in... if he'd hurt you even a
little bit I'd never be able to forgive myself Won," Sunghoon says, pulling back just enough for
Jungwon to see the tears collecting in his eyes. Jungwon doesn't think he's seen Sunghoon be so
honest and vulnerable before and it sends an odd feeling through his chest. This was Sunghoon, his
Sunghoon but the alpha had flip flopped through so many personalities this evening that it had
Jungwon’s head swimming with confusion.

“Leave me alone,” Jungwon sobs, trying to pull away from Sunghoon as much as possible.
Sunghoon bites at his lip, mind racing to find a solution to the predicament he’s put himself into.
The best thing he can do for Jungwon is back up and give him space and that’s what he does. With
the alpha away from him Jungwon takes it as an opportunity to retreat as he scrambles away
making a beeline for his bedroom. The slam of the door hitting the frame rings through the entire
apartment loudly before it’s deadly silent.
Inside his bedroom Jungwon flicks the lock before struggling to move the vanity in front of the
door using it as a barricade. His heart hammered in his chest as quickly as a hummingbird. His
instincts were in full on protective mode, his omega afraid sunghoon would come barreling
through the door any second now. He scavenges the room for a weapon, anything heavy enough to
do some damage. He comes up with an old textbook, thick yellowing pages with a hard cover.

‘This should do the trick’ he thinks knowing if he puts in enough motion he just might be able to
give Sunghoon a concussion which should give him enough time to run to a pubic area for help.
He counts the seconds in his head getting to seven minutes before he laughs hysterically realizing
just how crazy this was. The textbook slips from his grip landing on the floor with a heavy thud.
This was crazy. Sunghoon wasn’t going to hurt him. The alpha has had plenty of chances to hurt
him but never has.

‘Jinho did as well’ his omega says but Jungwon purges the thought away. Sunghoon isn’t going to
hurt him.

It’s hard to distance himself away from the textbook and the door but Jungwon manages to turn his
back on it and climb into the nest. It’s a vain attempt to ignore the last hour, to ignore Sunghoon
who may or may not still be in his apartment. Jungwon deserves a few minutes to himself so he
takes them rolling around in the nest trying to get comfortable. It works for a good twenty minutes
and despite the nest being built from fresh nesting materials Jungwon cant’t relax or get

Lying flat on his back Jungwon stares at the barricaded door. A very small part of him doesn’t
want to admit that he was wrong about Jinho. That Sunghoon had been justified in his ill-mannered
behavior towards the other alpha and in the little arguments they had, Sunghoon ultimately became
the winner. Jungwon reminds himself there's no winner here, only losers and he'd be the biggest
one of them if he continues to think this way for the sake of his pride.

‘Fuck’ he mentally groans. He was going to have to go out there and talk to Sunghoon. He has to
know why Jinho did what he did today, why Jungwon had been his target.

It takes a lot of effort to pull himself from the nest, even more so to wiggle his favorite blanket out
of without breaking the entire barrier. Once Jungwon is able to wedge the thick purple candlewick
blanket out of the nest and move the vanity from in front of the door he takes a brave step out into
the hallway. His bravery seems to last for all of three steps before he freezes. Sunghoon was right
where he’d left him, stuck in front of the door only now the alpha sat on the ground with his knees
up to his chest and head bowed down. His chest aches seeing the sight, his omega’s emotions
changing from being afraid of the alpha to wanting to care for him. Stupid emotions.
‘Pick one idiot! One!’ he shouts because he’s still not ready to stop being mad since it works as a
wonderful motivator to give him that final push to make it down the hallway.

“Stand up” he demands or at least he tries to but his voice is weak, hoarse from crying. Thankfully
his voice alone works as its own command to get Sunghoon up in a flash. Keeping a close eye on
him Jungwon moves into the living room making himself comfortable on the couch. He nods his
head towards the love seat signaling for Sunghoon to sit, which he does after a moment of

“Explain,” Jungwon says next. Sunghoon’s tongue pokes out of his mouth a bit before he bites on
it. He opens his mouth to say something but stops sinking into the couch. Sunghoon shuffles
awkwardly on the couch, his mouth opening and closing as he tries to say something.

“Are you….I was just…didn’t mean to scare you.” he says after a while. He’s tongue tied through
the sentence worried Jungwon would lash out again. Jungwon feels his brow twitch with

“I wasn’t scared.”

“You looked scared.” Sunghoon counters. He doesn’t think he’ll forget how Jungwon looked, not
for a long time.

“Well I wasn’t scared!” Jungwon shouts. He’s aware that yelling won’t make it true but he hopes it
will get Sunghoon to shut up about it.

“Explain or get out!”

“I’m sorry Jungwon. I never wanted you to get close to him because I knew, I knew that this would
happen. I thought that if I just stayed close to you he’d get the hint and leave you alone but he still-
I’m so sorry.“

“Why did he do that to me?”

“I can’t really say for sure why he chose you specifically. I can only tell you what I know about
him,” Sunghoon says cautiously before earning a nod from Jungwon. He will take any of the
information he can get.
Sunghoon explains it all. How Jinho always made everyone uncomfortable with his rather toxic
mindset. He was too embedded in the werewolf hierarchy, always thinking of himself and other
alphas to be the top, the ones to order others around. They figured he grew up or didn't bother to
spew his hierarchy propaganda after he stopped. That was until Yunho. Yunho was a really nice
guy, smart, quick and an omega. He’d been their former wing player before he quit. The team
made the mistake of letting Yunho and Jinho get too close.

The pair were always together, seemingly inseparable…until Jinho announced that they’d need to
find a new wing player because Yunho wouldn’t be coming back. Haneul had set out to find him,
along with Sunghoon and a former senior. They were coming up on the championship and needed
Yunho. It was surprisingly hard to track him down but when they did Yunho was different. Gone
was the sweet bubbly boy, replaced with someone too afraid of their own shadow. They tried
speaking with him, asking what happened and if Jinho knew but the mere mention of the other
alpha sent Yunho into a panic attack. After that they never saw him again, he’d transferred to
another school, out of the country.

“How can you be so sure Jinho did anything to him? Maybe he-”

“I tracked his roommate down. He’d been the one to find Yunho. Said he was just dropped off at
their apartment door stop beat. He could hardly recognize Yunho at first he was beaten up that
badly. Later we found out Jinho had been seen leaving the building at the same time Yunho was

“That’s sick,” Jungwon whispers, his eyes wide with horror. “There was an investigation right?
There’s no way there wasn't!” ’

“There wasn’t.”

“Why?! You told someone right? You and Haneul hyung? Somehad had to have notified someone,
the police, the school board?!”

“We didn’t have evidence and even if we did his dad is on the school board. He’d just destroy it to
save his son's skin.”

“How do you know that you didn’t even try!”

“I have a friend, Wonyoung, her family's private investigator did a check on Jinho…Yunho wasn’t
the first student Jinho harassed. There was one other but…he didn’t get it as badly as Yunho did.
Jinho’s dad cleared up the entire thing.”

“So we just have to…keep him on the team?! Can’t the coaches kick him out?”

“They tried. Jinho’s dad threatened to remove them from their positions. Coach Park has two
daughters, he couldn’t risk scrambling for another job”

Jungwon stops pacing to sink to the floor. Yunho wasn't the first victim. There was another and
Jungwon could have been the third, but he wasn't.

All this time Sunghoon had been trying to protect him, to silently warn Jinho away without being
overbearing without warning the alpha off how he probably wanted to, but didn’t…for Jungwon’s
sake. He’d tried so hard to be respectful and Jungwon just took it all and threw it in his face with a
fuck you.

He looks at Sunghoon, really looks at him noticing each scrap and bump no matter how big or
small. He’d seen the fight first hand but assessing the damage now it seems so much worse than it
had been in the moment. Sunghoon’s lip was swollen, turning a really ugly color along where it
had split. His jaw now had a dark purple bruise, his neck a pale pink color as smeared blood stained
his skin, a cut across the neck, a bump just above his eyebrow that probably hurt just as much as
his other injuries.

Without saying anything Jungwon moves to the t.v. stand looking at the shelf where Jay kept one
of their many first aid kits. The older felt strongly about them having multiple because “You can
never have too many Wonnie! What if we have a serious accident that needs to be assessed
immediately but we’re too busy rushing for a first aid kit to attend to it?!” and at the time Jungwon
thought it was silly to have a first aid kit in the t.v. stand because who gets injured in the living
room? But right now Jungwon is thankful to have quick and easy access to the items.

It takes a bit of courage to approach Sunghoon and sit next to him. There’s just a bit of distance
between them on the love seat to keep their legs from touching but Jungwon can practically feel the
heat radiating off Sunghoon’s body.

His hands tremble as he opens the first aid kid rummaging through Jay’s careful organization to
find the materials he needs.
“What are you-?”


“Jungwon ‘m fine really I can just-” Sunghoon reaches for the antiseptic wipe only to get his hand

“I said hush. Let me do this,” Jungwon mutters. He was the one who had incorrect assumptions
and Sunghoon was the one paying for it. He can clean up a few wounds however the task at hand
is more challenging when the injured patient is as attractive as Sunghoon.

“Look up,” he says, trying hard not to look at Sunghoon. The older does as told tilting his chin

‘You can do this Jungwon. He’s just a guy’ Jungwon says to himself before bringing the wipe to
Sunghoon’s face. The moment it makes contact with the injury on Sunghoon’s lip he can see
Sunghoon’s face twitch with pain but he doesn’t say anything. Jungwon works on the small cuts
before grabbing the cream to apply to Sunghoon’s bruises. He starts with the little bump above
Sunghoon’s eye, gently massaging the cream onto the bump, careful not to apply too much
pressure. By now Sunghoon had closed his eyes letting Jungwon take care of his injuries so it
wasn’t as intimidating, it also gave Jungwon a chance to admire Sunghoon up close.

He wouldn’t normally think alphas are pretty but he thinks Sunghoon is the exception to that.
Beautiful dark brown eyes (which are unfortunately but thankfully closed because Jungwon would
combust), long lashes that lay prettily against the tops of his cheeks, the moles dotted across his
face. From a distance he could never tell how many moles the older had dotted across his face but
now he could see each of them clearly. If he wasn’t cleaning the others wounds he’d probably trace
them all, mapping out the distance between them and counting exactly how many he has.

Jungwon gets so caught up in Sunghoon’s beauty that he doesn’t realize he’s pressed too hard
against the dark bruise on Sunghoon’s jaw until the alpha sucks in air between his teeth and grabs
at his wrist.

“That hurts!” Sunghoon fusses.

“S-sorry,” Jungwon stutters.

“If you were just going to hurt me I would have done it myself.”

“I wasn’t trying to hurt you, I was trying to take care of you and apologize…I was wrong. I said
mean things to you even after you got hurt for me. I’m sorry,” that’s all it took to open the flood
gates yet again as Jungwon starts to sob.

“Sunghoon” Jungwon hiccups, feeling the weight of his words. He called Sunghoon a bad alpha,
he called him one of them. He couldn't imagine how badly those words must have hurt, he could
only imagine that it might have felt worse than the injuries on his face and god knows where else.

“Hey it’s ok. Jungwon don’t cry ok…” Sunghoon says attempting to sooth Jungwon. When the
omega continues to cry he tries another tactic “Come here pup” Sunghoon coos lightly. It seems to
work as Jungwon crawls right into his lap hugging him for dear life. It hurts when Jungwon
presses against his rib cage, his body screaming reminding him of his broken ribs.

“ ‘m so sorry hyung! I-I didn’t mean it, I’m sorry” Jungwon babbles as he realizes Sunghoon must
be injured there as well.

“Hey no no it’s ok. I’m ok. It only hurts a little. Stop crying please. I got you babe, don’t cry,” the
alpha lets him cry carefully, shushing him and rocking him from side to side until Jungwon’s tears
run dry.

“I would make a terrible pack mate,” Jungwon says after a while. His cheek was pressed to
Sunghoon’s chest as he listened to the alpha’s heartbeat, the sound combined with Sunghoon’s
hands in his hair doing wonders to keep him calm.

Above him Sunghoon tuts, fingers pressing a little firmer against his scalp. “Don’t talk like that.
You wouldn’t be a terrible pack mate.”

“Yeah I would. No one would believe I’m in your pack.”

“Well they’re gonna have to…remember,” Sunghoon says gently, knowing that it’s still a sensitive
topic. Jungwon tries not to wince as he remembers Sunghoon had told their entire team that they’re
pack mates.

“I can tell them the truth…if you want, '' Sunghoon says after a while.

“We don’t have to but…Sunghoon do you really think this will work? Saying we’re in a pack? We
haven’t really displayed the most pack-like behavior and um I uh I’ve never um I don’t-” Jungwon
doesn’t need to say that he’s never smelled like Sunghoon. The alpha knows that’s where he was
getting at. A shy blush breaks out on their faces slowly as they stare each other down.

Awkwardly, Sunghoon clears his throat. His hands leave Jungwon to hold them close to his own
body despite his alpha urging to hold the omega, a feeling which only grows when Jungwon climbs
off his lap putting some distance between them.

“We can just tell them we kept it a secret because I didn’t want it to affect you getting along with

“Will that work”

“It might. Before we get into any of that have to tell the others”

“Not tonight. I just..I wanna lay down now” Jungwon mutters. He feels more at ease now clearing
things up with Sunghoon. His omega feels more at ease knowing Sunghoon wasn’t mad at him,
and didn’t want to hurt him. He never did, Sunghoon was just…being a good alpha. The words
make Jungwon feel a little fuzzy. He’d never thought about having an alpha before, not when he
has Jay. it’s…different.

“How about you go to your nest hmm? I’ll make sure to lock everything before I go.” Jungwon
goes rigid. Sunghoon was going to leave him?

“You’re leaving? No! Stay please….I-I don’t wanna be alone.” the thought of being alone is
unsettling. It’s not like Jungwon has ever been alone at night before, it’s happened plenty of times
with Jay needing to go in for late lab nights. On the other hand Jungwon has never been attacked
by some hierarchy psycho alpha before.

“I can’t, Jay hyung would-”

“Please Hoon. I don’ want to be by myself” Sunghoon feels his body flush hot seeing Jungwon’s
large brown eyes sparkling with tears as he begs him to stay. He’s sure he’s overstayed his
welcome in the omegas den and he really should leave, but how could he when Jungwon was
looking at him like that? Jungwon shouldn’t have this much effect on him, and yet he does.
Sunghoon wants to bend to Jungwon’s every word and give him the world.

“Ok, I’ll stay but you have to tell Jay so he won't’ freak out when he walks through the door,”
Jungwon nods, reluctantly getting off Sunghoon’s lap to retrieve his phone. He returns sitting close
to Sunghoon. He types a quick message to Jay that has more typos than he’s willing to admit and
hits send locking the phone quickly.

“Lay down, or do you need me to tuck you in?” Sunghoon teases. It manages to bring a small
smile to Jungwon’s lips. At least Sunghoon is ok enough now to joke with him, even a little.

“Don’t need you to tuck me in I’m an adult” he huffs moving from the love seat to the couch where
his candlewick blanket resides. It’s a short process of turning himself into a burrito so he’s
comfortable enough to sleep on the couch. When he’s done he blinks up at Sunghoon who watches
with a fond smile.

Jungwon tries to return the gesture but there’s a weary look in his eyes as he watches Sunghoon.
“You’re not going to leave me right?”

Sunghoon shakes his head “Not until Jay gets back.”



Jungwon nods once, finally letting his eyes flutter shut. It was quick for the exhaustion to take over
pulling him under.

With Jungwon asleep, Sunghoon finally relaxed as much as he could physically. He was numb all
over save for his ribs which ached every time he moved. Today had been full of surprises, and he
considers himself lucky. What would have happened if he arrived just a few minutes later? Would
Jungwon be ok? Would he be in the condition he’s in now or would it be worse? Or would he be
there at all? What if Jinho had dragged him off and did…Sunghoon doesn’t want to think about
what Jinho could have done.
‘I would have started with his pretty face. If he’s not pretty he loses his value. Then I would
have-’ Sunghoon shivers. Those words will definitely haunt him tonight.

Pulling out his phone, Sunghoon types a message to Wonyoung. He might need her help again, or
her family's help at least. If Jinho was going to be adamant about coming after his pack then
Sunghoon needed to be ready for anything and most of all he needs a plan of action to make sure
Jinho doesn’t come back for them at all.

Wonyoung doesn’t respond at first, not that he’d expected her to. It’s late and she was most likely
busy with another editorial or her classwork but after sending his third message ‘Jinho tried to hurt
my pack’ Wonyoung was all ears. She called him wanting to know every detail, time, place, who
was around, any cameras in the area, what was done and what was said. Sunghoon gave her every
detail he could think of hoping any and everything could help them.

“You did good, Hoon. I’ll talk with my parents connections see what we can do” Sunghoon sighs,
relieved to hear her say that. Wonoungs family were pretty powerful within their community and
had many connections. It shouldn't be long before they get some news back.

“Thank you Wonyoung. I owe you, big time.”

“If we can get this asshole locked away you don’t owe me anything. Yunho was my friend..if I can
get revenge for him I’ll be satisfied with that.”

Sunghoon hums having the same sentiment. He goes to tell her about his anger, his fear from
finding Jungwon in the position he was in but the words die on his tongue as he hears the buttons
on the keypad from outside being pressed. He raises to his feet slowly stalking towards the door.

“Hey I’ll call you tomorrow yeah?” he says hanging up quickly. He gets close enough to the small
screen seeing a figure dressed in pure black punching in a code before the door is pushed open.
Sunghoon gets ready to attack, body running on a short spark of fear when evergreen and rosemary
hit his senses.

“Y-you’re home!” he says a little too loud. His body flushes with embarrassment as Jay stumbles
with shock, hands balled into fists ready to swing. Jay’s face is equally surprised but quickly turns
into anger.

“Sunghoon? What the fuck?!”

“S-sorry I heard someone at the door and went to check….welcome home?” it sound weird to his
own ears, sounds even weirder to Jay. he eyes the alpha suspiciously, his omega feeling a little
unnerved at the others presence. They’ve never had an alpha in their home, not even Taehyun.

“Where’s Jungwon?”

“Oh uh, he fell asleep. We were waiting for you…” Sunghoon stutters fighting hard to keep eye
contact with Jay. It was difficult with the way the omega was glaring at him. When they’d first met
Sunghooon hadn’t been in full control of his mind so he wasn't too intimidated by the intense gaze
Jay often had but now that he was in control the look has shivers running down his spine.

“Hmm…and remind me why you’re here again?” Jungwon hadn’t explained why Sunghoon was in
their home just a jumbled up text message:

‘Hoon here. Gonna sit couch. Don't be mean’ it was enough to have Jay rushing to clean up his
materials worried something was wrong because Jungwon doesn’t text like that, not even when
he’s drunk.

“Just keepin’ Won company!” Sunghoon says, shuffling in his spot. He could tell Jay was
beginning to pick up on scents in the room, the leftover smell of burned tree nuts and a forest fire
still lingering in the room. He should have aired the space out before Jay got home.

“Uh-huh…” Jay says slowly, obviously not convinced “So everything ok?”

“For tonight yeah. We all need to talk tomorrow.”

“What happened? Is Jungwon ok?”

“He’s fine. He’s good but we need to talk about something serious tomorrow. I’ll get going now,”
Sunghoon says. He starts to make his way around Jay but the older one surprises him with his
strength when he grabs Sunghoon by the arm to yank him back.

“Hey! You can’t just say we need to talk about something serious and then leave! What’s going
on?!” Sunghoon gulps, shifting his gaze to Jay’s shoes. They were basic tennis shoes, black but
were neat, fresh looking, maybe they were new. Sunghoon distracts himself with Jays shoes for a
moment, then two as he collects himself raising his head to look Jay in the eye again.
“Jay, everything is fine ok. We will talk tomorrow when everyone has gotten some rest,”
Sunghoon says softly as he pries Jay’s fingers off him.

“Fine.” Jay says letting Sunghoon go. He motions towards the door watching as Sunghoon begins
to leave before stopping again.

“Ah before I go, do you think I could get a hoodie or something? Something with both yours and
Jungwon’s scent on it?”


“For Sunoo.”

“Wait here.” Jay ventures off to his bedroom rummaging through their clothes before finding a
nice hoodie for Sunoo. The material was soft and shouldn’t irritate his skin and had equal amounts
of his and Jungwon’s scent on it.

Going back to the living room he hands it off to Sunghoon who smiles appreciatively. “Have a
good night Jay. Call me if you or Jungwon need anything.” and then he’s out the door.

Jay doesn’t like the ominous feeling that washes over him with Sunghoon’s departure. Something
had happened tonight but he’ll have to trust the alphas word that things are fine, for now or

For now he coaxes Jungwon off the couch and into the nest before he showers and joins him. Like
magnets their bodies slowly gravitate to one another and Jay finds himself holding Jungwon like a
baby koala throughout the night.

In the morning Jay wakes up to his phone ringing, the sound instantly annoying him. He pats
around for his phone, finally retrieving it to turn the noise off.

“What asshole?” he asks, not bothering to see who the caller is. They interrupted his sleep and he
was sleeping so well . Jay could still feel the drool on the side of his cheek, slowly drying in the
crisp morning air.

“Well that’s not very nice,” Jay can hear the frown in Jake’s voice and his brain supplies an image
of the other with floppy ears hanging down his head. He’s imagined Jake like that a lot since
finding out he’s a retriever hybrid. It’s almost cute if the other wasn’t waking him up right now.

“What do you people want from me? It’s too early!” he complains, kicking his feet out.

“It’s actually almost eleven. I’m calling cause Hoon’s too scared to bother you but he says we need
to meet up and talk,” in the background Jay can hear Sunghoon fussing but can’t quite make out
the words. He can only gather that Jake and maybe Sunoo are shushing him so they can get back
on track.

“Give me an hour. Just woke up.”

“Sure! Do you guys wanna come here or want us to meet you somewhere?”

“Our place is fine.”

“Really?! That means I get to know what it looks like since everyone else has been there except
me!” there’s a bit of an edge to Jake’s voice almost like he’s jealous or being petty Jay can’t tell.

“Great. Meet us here in an hour….can I hang up now?”

“Yep! See ya!” and then Jay disconnects the call letting his phone drop to the bed. He rolls over to
cling to Jungwon again, maybe get a few extra minutes of sleep in but Jungwon’s phone is the next
to go off disrupting that idea. Jay groans as he reaches for the device unlocking it to see three
messages from Sunghoon.

For a brief moment Jay has a thought that has his body flushing hotly. He shouldn’t do that…right?
Jay steals a glance at Jungwon to find him still sleeping before his eyes flick back to the phone
thumb hovering over the message icon. This was wrong, he shouldn’t be looking through
Jungwon’s messages but the urge to know what he’s about to get into is too strong. Before he can
convince himself not to, Jay presses the button watching as Jungwon's chat with Sunghoon pops


Uh morning

Did you sleep ok? - p.s.

Reading the messages Jay snorts.

‘What a loser’

Yeah i slept fine

Did you? - y.j.

Not really couldn’t sleep thinking about yesterday

And my fucking ribs hurt - p.s.

Jay’s brows scrunch with confusion. What happened yesterday that would make sunghoon’s ribs

I’m sorry

Are you ok? - y.j.

Don't be sorry won I told you!

What jinho did isn’t anyone's fault but his

But are you ok?

My mind was such a mess yesterday that i never asked about your back

I'm sorry about that

I should have taken care of you too - p.s.

Jay looks over Jungwon with worry. This Jinho guy hurt him? Why didn’t he say anything, or call
him? Jay would have left the lab in an instant if some guy had hurt him. Why did Sunghoon of all
people know and not him?

Jealous burns through him, as his thumb begins to type a message. He doesn’t even know what
he’s trying to say in it. Jay is seconds away from hitting send when Jungwon begins to stir. His
arms go above his head and his legs stretch out his toes curling as he does his morning stretch
before relaxing into the nest again. His eyes blink open to find Jay right next to him.

“Hi” he says sleepily.

“H-hey” Jay stutters while holding Jungwon’s phone.

“ ‘s that my phone?”

Jay’s ears ring with guilt as anxiety claws at his chest. He was going to get caught! “Huh? Oh yeah
it was going off so I was checking it to see if it was something important”

“And was it?”

“No…just uh Sunghoon.”

Jungwon shifts on his back, clasping his hands together. His lips pursed together nose scrunching
as if he;s thinking of something but the look is gone quickly as he sighs pressing his head into his
pillow “Oh. I should probably respond to him.”

“Yeah yeah, of course” Jay stutters. His hands were beginning to sweat, the phone becoming
slippery in his hold.

‘Please please don’t ask for the phone’ he thinks as the guilt grows. Jungwon can't know.

“Gotta pee first” Jungwon mumbles. He stumbles his way out of the nest, his body still wobbly
with sleep as he makes his way to the bathroom. It gives Jay just enough time to delete the
messages save for the first three Sunghoon sent. He locks the phone, leaving it on Jungwon’s
pillow before making his escape out the bedroom.

It’s quiet as they get ready for their guests. Jay finds himself continuously stealing glances at
Jungwon trying to see if he showed any signs of discomfort. He didn’t and he didn’t say anything
about his conversation with Sunghoon either so they quietly work around each other until the bell
goes off. They’re both less than eager to answer the door but Jay’s the first to move, pulling the
door open and welcoming the trio inside.

“It’s so….homie in here. Very comfortable” Jake says, still in awe from the apartment. The
building alone gave off a luxurious feel but the inside of Jay and Jungwon’s apartment was a
complete 180. It still gave off the young and rich vibes but it was homey with personalized details
along the wall of the couple and Jay’s camera equipment.

“Let me give you a tour,” Jay says, being the lovely host he is, Sunoo following behind.

“Are you sure you’re ok?” Sunghoon questions once he and Jungwon are alone.

“ was a little hard to get through the night at first but…I’ll be ok. What about you, did you
sleep ok?”

“Hmm, I told you already”


“This morning. When we were texting.” Sunghoon says almost just as confused as Jungwon. The
younger may have been pretty tired this morning but he wasn’t delirious enough to forget their

“No you didn’t,” Jungwon responds. He was sure they didn’t talk about it this morning.

“Yeah I did. That’s ok if you don’t remember. You were probably still waking up. I know it wasn’t
easy for me this morning either” Sunghoon chuckles. Jungwon can’t find it within him to do the
same. His injuries were fine today, a little soreness in his shoulders but he’d be fine. Sunghoon on
the other hand almost looked worse today than he had yesterday. The spot under his eye finally
turned color, the bruise on his chin not looking any better and Jungwon couldn’t bring himself to
look at the gauze on his neck.

“I wish it never happened.”

“Me too. We just have to move past it now…right?” Sunghoon murmurs. He runs a hand over the
top of Jungwon’s head pushing down his still messy bed head.
Someone clears their throat, Jay as he stands with his hands on his hips eyeing the two
suspiciously. Sunghoon immediately takes a step back, shoving his hands in his pockets.

“Let’s sit now” Jay says motioning for them to sit at the dining table. As everyone settles in their
seats everything feels more formal, official. There’s not a single smile on anyone's face allowing
the realization that this was an important meeting settles over in Jay’s mind.

“Thank you, for meeting us,” Sunghoons says gently. His hands are clasped in front of him on the
table throwing his look off. Sunghoon isn’t formal like that.

“Well you asked. Said we had something to discuss?” Jay responds leaning back in his seat. He
eyes the trio closely and he can tell that whatever they were discussing today they already know,
meaning he’ll be the last to find out. He doesn’t like that, not one bit.

“Yeah yeah…” Sunghoon says trailing off a bit. He looks down the table to Jungwon who was
staring anywhere but at him. “Won do you want to start?” Jungwon looks up, his eye contact with
Sunghoon being brief before he shakes his head.

“Do you want me to start?” nothing from Jungwon, he just sits there, unmoving like a stone.

“What happened?” Jay questions leaning forward but the trio on the other side of the table say
nothing. Jay twists in his chair, Jay placing a hand on his mate's shoulder.

“Won, what happened?”

“Um..yesterday when we went bowling…” a lump gets caught in Jungwon’s throat. He didn’t
think it would be this difficult to talk about. It’s not like he’d been seriously injured, he hadn’t been
close to death and yet the memories ran through his mind causing him to panic. His bottom lip
wobbles as he sucks in a breath trying to find the words, to tell Jay what happened but nothing
comes out.

“Jungie?” it’s Sunoo who calls out to him and Jungwon lifts his head just enough to see Sunoo
giving him a sympathetic smile, a knowing look in his eyes.

“I-” Jungwon holds onto his pants fighting back tears. He looks to Sunoo’s right, looking right at
‘It’s ok. I’m right here’ the alpha mouths. It’s encouraging a bit and settles Jungwon just a little.
The youngest gathered himself together to tell Jay everything, from how he’d met Jinho leading up
to the events from yesterday. It’s difficult for Jay to listen to the entire story, even harder for
Jungwon to retell it. It almost feels like a dream or a distant memory despite it only happening
yesterday. The feeling only grows worse when Sunghoon provides his set of details about Jinho.
Each detail has Jay’s stomach churning with disgust, anger, resentment, and sadness. How was this
scum able to walk around their campus freely, to boast about it and scour out more victims. It’s

“Why didn’t you tell me yesterday?” he questions, staring Sunghoon down. He had plenty of time
yesterday to tell him. He should have told him. “I should have been notified immediately”

“I just wanted to make sure Jungwon was safe. He was my first priority”

“Safe? He wouldn’t have been in danger if it wasn’t for you!”

“That’s not true! It would have happened without Sunghoon being involved. This whole time Jinho
just wanted to get close to me because he was targeting me. Without Hoon there things could
have-” Jungwon pans off “could have ended differently”

“Still it sounds like things got worse once Sunghoon was involved”

“Jay…I wouldn’t let anything happen to Jungwon. I know it did yesterday but I really did do
everything I could to keep him safe”

“Why? Jungwon isn’t anything to you so why do you care so much?”

“Um uh, I-” the smell of sour milk leaks from Sunghoon’s body like a bad gas leak. It almost has
Jay gagging from the smell as he tries to process what emotion it could be. Instead of being
disgusted Jake barks out a laugh, his head falling back as he gives a small clap of his hands.

“Don’t be embarrassed, Hoon. Just tell them!” Jake shouts as he reaches behind Sunoo to slap
Hoon on the back.

“That’s easy for you to say!” Sunghoon says with a sudden burst of anger. He turns pink from his
face down to his neck, his eyes darting around the room. Jay looks between the trio before his gaze
settles on Sunghoon.

“Embarrassed about what?”

“I…the thing about us being packmates I uh I didn’t say that randomly I guess. I mean it was the
heat of the moment but-” Sunghoon whines, his hands flying to cover his face. Jay flinches not
expecting such behavior from an alpha let alone someone as prideful as Sunghoon.

“Ugh! Fine I’ll just say it ok!” Sunghoon shouts but doesn’t say anything.

“This is the part where you speak Hoon.”

“Shut up Sunoo!”

“Can someone please explain what the fuck is going on?!”

“Over time I’ve sorta considered Jungwon as someone in my pack. It was pretty much inevitable
since he’s connected to you and Sunoo and we’ve been spending time with each other for night
ball. ”

“I didn’t want it to happe n this way. I wanted it to be natural and I would give you two gifts and
stuff but this happened first. I-I’d understand if you don’t want to be in my pack now.”

“I don’t think it's a bad idea. Like you said we’ve been spending so much time together it's sort of
inevitable and as long as your feelings are genuine I don't have a problem with it.”

“They are. I really dont want you to be hurt and genuinely care about you…I er um your well being
and happiness I guess.”

“How do we move on from here then?”

“I want us to get to know each other more then I’ll properly ask you to be my pack mates.”
“The now plan Sunghoon.”

“Right well, for the team and Jinho to believe we’re a pack we’ll have to scent each other.”

”Absolutely not.”

“I knew you’d say that so we can do a clothing swap. Every day we give each other something to
scent and wear it all day. It should be fine for now until our relationship develops.”

“Will that be enough? For Jungwon at least?”

“If it's not I’ll just have to beat the guy up again. Who does he even think he is?”

“Typical alpha, thinking with your fists instead of your head”

“If you’d been there you would have wanted to do the same thing!”

“Yeah but I'd at least be smart about it and call the police! Idiot I bet you didn’t even think of that!”

“I am not an idiot!” Sunghoon growls. They go back and forth but the others at the table don’t feel
the need to stop them. They’re not arguing, not really, not yet at least. Jay finds it’s rather
enjoyable to get Sunghoon worked up and annoyed, keeping him at arm's length. He did something
good and that earns him a small point in Jays book but not his trust. It's going to take a lot more
than that to earn Jay’s trust. For now he’ll agree to this until he can speak with Jungwon in private.

On the side Jake watches Sunoo closely. The younger had been surprisingly quiet through this
ordeal but his scent was loud . As Jake gets to know him it becomes abundant that Sunoo is a good
actor but his scent always gives him away, even with the scent blockers he’d snuck this morning.
His scent bleeds through the drug, the smell of ripe sour lemons stinging at Jake’s nose. It was a
scent Jake was all too familiar with, jealousy. Sunoo had reeked of sour lemons when they first
met, when Jake and Sunghoon spent time together. It’s been a long time since Jake has smelled it as
strongly. He wonders if it’s because of Jungwon. He’s sure it’ll be an adjustment getting used to
Sunghoon being so protective of another omega. Jake makes a mental note to ask Sunoo about this

“So if we’re finally becoming a pack does that mean I get to hang out with you guys too? No one
ever calls me to hang out,” Jake butts in with a pout. Jay and Sunghoon stop their arguing to turn to
“I’m sorry didn’t know you wanted to be included when you’re spending so much time with
Heeseung” Sunghoon says Heeseung’s name with such disdain that it makes Jake laugh.

“Don’t be jealous.”

“Who said I’m jealous huh? I’m not!”

“You are! But I'd much rather hang out with my alpha and his pack than Heeseung anyday!”

“I’d love to hang out with you Jake hyung!”



“What do you mean no?” Jake questions with a pout to Sunghoon.

“Jungwon will be busy with nightball and homework.”

“Wow, you’re really jealous of your own mate. You really are something Sunghoon”

“I’m not jealous of Jake!”

“If anyone should be jealous it’s me. You haven’t even mentioned hanging out with me. I guess
you’ve forgotten all about me now” Sunoo says in a rather passive aggressive voice. It makes Jake
confirm he really needs to talk with him about this new development.

Sunghoon instantly turns to his mate “I haven’t forgotten about you. I’ll never forget about you.”

“Yes you will, you have Jake, Jungwon and Jay to hang out with now. The three Js! Go you!”
“Sunoo,” Sunghoon groans. He leans against the younger only to have Sunoo shove him away
muttering for Sunghoon to ‘fuck off’. They fight like that for a moment until Sunghoon holds
Sunoo by the face forcing him to look at him.

“I’m not going to forget about you. This time will be different, I promise,” Sunoo looks away
trying to force his tears to vanish before he makes a fool of himself crying in front of everyone.

“How about when we’re free we message the group chat and see who’s available? That way we’re
all hanging out together and no one gets left out?” Jungwon suggests. Sunghoon turns to Sunoo
“does that work baby?”

“That’s fine,” Sunoo grumbles. Sunghoon makes cooing noises at him before bringing Sunoo in
for a quick kiss. “I love you Sunshine.”

“I love you too, ice prince.”

Across the table Jay snorts, his hand slamming down on the table with joy. “Ice prince? Why does
that fit you so well?”

“It's because he was a figure skater, right Hoon? I think I saw something about that online”
Jungwon jumps in. Jake gives him an amused look that has his skin turning pink quickly. Only
Sunghoon knew he’d googled him, now Jake does too. How embarrassing.

Sunghoon sighs knowing he wont get out of this so he responds“Yeah they called me ice prince
back then.”

“You used to figure skate?”

“A long…long time ago,” Sunghoon answers. Jay nods once muttering ‘interesting’ under his
breath. He never would have guessed that Sunghoon was a figure skater, he figured maybe boxing,
street rumbles or whatever. That fits the image of the alpha in his head a lot more. Figure skating
does make sense with his body proportions and he has a decent face, nice bone structure, high
cheek bones…and what the hell is Jay thinking right now?

“So we have a plan now. This is good! It’s about time we all get along, especially with me! I
always hear about the fun stuff but I never get to participate!” Jake says, poking a finger at his
“You are rather sulky,” Sunoo chuckles mindlessly. A kick to the shin alerts him of what he’d
actually said.

“Sulky? Who said I was sulky?” Jake protests, turning to glare at Sunoo.

“I have to use the bathroom!” Sunoo says as he bolts up from his seat with Sunghoon following
behind him.

“Me too!”

“YAH! YOU TWO GET BACK HERE! I AM NOT SULKY!” Jake gets up chasing the two down
the hall screaming about how he’s not sulky (and all of this happened while he had a huge pout on
his face but Jay didn’t think it was his place to point this out).

“Hey, are you really ok?” Jay murmurs as he strokes down Jungwons back. Jungwon leans to the
side resting his head on Jay’s shoulder.

“No but I want to be. I think being around them will help.”

“Being around Sunoo might help.”

“Yeah Sunoo,” Jungwon mutters, although that wasn’t the Sun he was thinking of. “This will be
good for us. I think we’re going to be ok”

“Yeah,” Jay agrees but he thinks this is only the beginning of a long and painful road.

“This is disgusting!” Jay grumbles under his breath. It had been easy to agree to scent swap their
clothes but it was another thing to do it.

“It’s not that bad,” Jungwon mutters, as he plays with the shirt he was wearing. It was Sunoo’s but
just a little too big on Jungwon’s frame despite their similar builds. The fabric was practically
drenched in the smell of fresh oranges with a hint of soap and rain. It reminded him of Saturday
mornings after his mother hung up the laundry.

“Sunghoon stinks. And this shirt is ugly!” Jay complains next. Since they’d only just discussed
scent swapping they didn’t have time to exchange clothes to scent so they opted to give each other
their clothes for the day. Jay to say the least was not pleased wearing Sunghoon’s tie dye shirt.

“It’s a cute shirt.” Jungwon remembers Sunghoon wearing it before practice a few times. It looked
nice on him especially when he wore his blue flannel with it. Jay however doesn’t share the same
sentiment and the grotesque look on his face goes so much to prove it.

“No it’s not. It’s atrocious, seriously this thing should be burned.”

“Stop being dramatic!” and instantly Jungown regrets it when Jay gasps, placing a hand on his

“Excuse you? Dramatic? I am not being dramatic!” Jay huffs, the tips of his ears becoming red.

“Sunghoon doesn’t smell bad. If you want I can give you Sunoo’s shirt instead.”

“It’s fine, the only way I’ll get used to this treacherous smell is by wearing this,” Jay lets the fabric
fall back against his skin” …stupid ugly shirt.” the shirt is very ugly in his opinion but he was
thankful the fabric didn’t irritate his skin like he thought it would.

“You’ll get over it! See ya later!” and then Jungwon presses a kiss to his mates cheek before
running off.

Jay hardly gets ten steps towards the arts building before his phone goes off with a rapid influx of




Jaaaaayyy!!! - k.s.

Are you busy rn?

You’re not right?

Let’s hang out :) - s.j.

Yeah let’s hang out! - k.s.

Make your own group chat with him!

You’re being annoying! - p.s.

Don't be jealous

I'm not jealous i’m just trying to focus

Then turn your phone off :P

The messages go on from there. Jay groans reading all of the messages. It gives him a headache the
more it goes on so he messages them back telling them he’s free. He’d really wanted to get some
work done in the lab but at least he gets to hang out with Sunoo. Jay’s not oblivious to the fact that
Sunoo had been avoiding him off and on since the nesting incident. The hurt he feels in their bond
feels one sided, like Sunoo doesn’t feel it at all and it’s only in Jay’s head chasing an unnamed
person like he was back when Sunoo ran. It’s unfair and hurts more than Jay wants to admit.
Despite this Jay knows self destruction is his specialty so he arranges a time and place for him to
meet Jake and Sunoo.

They meet in the game room on campus, a space in the student center almost completely
abandoned since the nintendo switch had been broken for the fourth time and the school refused to
replace it until next fall. Jay’s the last to arrive as he finds Jake and Sunoo already perched on the
couch, shamelessly lip locked and grabbing at each other friskily. His cheeks warm at the sight but
he clears his throat averting his gaze as if it doesn’t affect him.

“Ah you’re here! Hi” Jake stutters, a mix of English and Korean stumbling past his lips. He’s
embarrassed that much is obvious but he still tries to greet Jay politely and the omega is somewhat
thankful for that.

“Sup,” he greets half heartedly as he moves to the ugly plaid couch on the opposite side of the

“You wanna play a game?”

“On what? Isn’t the switch broken?”

“Yeah, but” Jake says slowly, dragging out the syllables of the word. He rummages around his
backpack before pulling out a sleek black nintendo switch complete with purple and orange
controllers on either side of the device. The black hard plastic gleams against the bit of sunlight
peeking in through the window as if it had just been removed from its box.

"I have a couple games we could play if you're interested," Jake says with a boyish grin.

" playin' too Sunoo?" Jay questions turning to Sunoo who hadn't even spared him a
glance yet.

"No I have a paper to work on so I'll just do that" the youngest says, not looking up from his laptop
he'd pulled out moments ago. Jay eyes him suspiciously unconvinced he was working when
Sunooo only stares at the screen, fingers unmoving across the keyboard.

"Yeah ok," he says slowly before joining Jake on the floor in front of the t.v.

Jake has Mario Kart cued up and Jay feels a bit nostalgic playing the classic. They go through
several grand prixs half of which Jay is convinced that Jake cheated, to which Jake simply replied
"How would I even cheat Jay?! Don't be a sore loser!" which didn't help Jay's mood, however he
did get the last laugh when his character, dry bones, raced through the finish line first during the
last game.

Jake is in the beginning stages of cueing up Zelda when Jay phone pings with incoming
messages.He checks it thinking maybe Jungwon was checking on him, but his eyes blow wide to
find fifteen messages from Donghyuck. It's then that he realizes an hour has passed and he's due in
the lab, and has been for twenty minutes now.

"Shit. I gotta go" he says staggering to stand but his legs feel like jelly from sitting criss crossed for
so long. Jake pouts at him, big puppy eyes bearing into Jay’s.

"Aw what? I just set the game up!" he complains kicking his feet out like a child.

"Next time then. I really gotta get to the lab before Donghyuck kills me, or steals my kneecaps in
my sleep. Never know with that guy" Jay says mumbling the last part to himself. Jay looks equally
confused but he waves Jay off.

"Yeah yeah. Have fun"

"I'll try" he says, tossing his satchel ("man purse if you ask me", Beomgyu had said once) over his
shoulder. He looks at Sunoo, the youngest still not looking at him, or even saying a word. It hurts a
lot, almost as painful as when he and Sunoo were apart but Jay forces his feet to move towards the

"See ya!" he shouts to Jake and then leaves. With his back turned he misses the longing look in
Sunoo's eyes as he watches him leave, heart wracked with guilt from his behavior. It's not his fault
not in the slightest but Sunoo is having a hard time telling Jay the truth.

"You wanna play Zelda with me?"

"Sure" Sunoo says because he could really use a good distraction right now so he abandons his
laptop to join Jake. The beta presses a kiss to his temple, rubbing his back soothingly like he
knows and maybe he does. Sunoo is still trying to comprehend how Jake knows him almost as well
as Sunghoon does, but that's a thought for another day. Right now Sunoo wants to forget the hurt
look in Jay's eyes and the burning in his chest.


Jungwon has half a mind to call Sunghoon a leech because that’s exactly how he feels the older is
being right now. Unnecessarily clingy and sucking all the energy out of him.

“Can I help you with something?”

“Nope!” Sunghoon says annoyingly, popping the ‘p’ for extra emphasis. They were on their way to
nightball practice the expectancy of a brawl or being bombarded with questions by the team
weighing heavily on Jungwon’s shoulders. He’s sure Sunghoon feels it too but maybe he’s good at
hiding it. Jungwon has come to discover Sunghoon is good at hiding things just like he apparently
was good at hiding that he wanted Jungwona nd Jay as part of their pact (or maybe Jungwon was
purposely oblivious to it, afraid it was too good to be true).

They don’t say anything, instead they do what looks like a drunk stumble or three legged race
(without their legs being tied) all the way to the gym. As they approach the locker room Jungwon
can feel the knot in his chest tighten until it gets in the way of air flowing to his lugs. Fear and
anxiety capture him for a moment, his hands beginning to shake but then there’s a hand on the back
of his neck thumbs pressing against the sides that almost make him go cross eyed. The tension in
his body mellows out and his hands stop shaking under Sunghoon’s carefully menstrations
messaging his neck.

“It’s not too late to go back home,” Sunghoon murmurs lowly in his ear “Say the word and I’ll take
you home right now” . It's promising enough, Jungwon wouldn’t mind going home with Sunghoon
but he’s not one to back away. Yang Jungwon doesn’t run so he shakes his head pulling back just
enough to put the smallest bit of distance between himself and Sunghoon.
“No. I’m not going to run away with my tail tucked between my legs. The fucker would probably
like that anyway. We’re doing this” and before his anxiety convinces him to back out Jungown
goes barreling through the door. The bit of chatter stops when their teammates see him.

“Uh….hi,” Jungwon says awkwardly, raising a hand to greet them. Sunghoon steps in behind him
paying no mind to their teammates stares as he heads to his locker to change.

“When were you guys gonna tell us you were pack mates?!” Hyunsuk is the first to question. The
flood gates open there as the others begin throwing questions at Jungwon. The words get caught in
Jungwon’s throat as he tries to decide who to answer first. He looks over at Sunghoon hoping the
older would be of some help but all he’s greeted with is Sunghoon’s bare back, muscles on full
display that causes him to divert his eyes quickly.

“Guys stop overwhelming him” Haneul shouts over the noise.

“But captain! We’ve been on the team for weeks and they never told us!” Sungchan whines.

“I’m just as curious as the rest of you but really it’s not our business now is it?”

“No…but it is strange right? They’ve never smelled like each other”

“I’d like to know the answer to that myself?” the voice sends chills down Jungwon’s back and his
heart learching in his chest. Jinho smirks as he rounds the corner already dressed in his practice
uniform and a gray headband pushing the hair off his forehead. His arm was wrapped in a sling but
he was still so damn smug. It made Jungwon sick.

“How come you two have never smelled like each other?” he questions.

“I wanted Jungwon to make friends with everyone on his own account. Not because he’s my
omega” Sunghoon says suddenly at Jungwon’s side again.

“Is that so?” Jinho questions getting a dismissive hum from Sunghoon.

“So why didn’t you say something after he got acquainted with everyone, hmm?”
“We were going to but some idiot alpha got it in his head he could treat my omega however he
wanted to. Couldn't have that happen now could I?”

“No…guess not”

“Are we done with the questions?”

“For now”

“Good…oh and Jinho, if you so much as look at Jungwon in a way I don’t like, I’ll do more than
break your arm,” he grabs Jungwon by the upper arm dragging him to his locker. Jungwon almost
thinks Sunghoon is going to make him change with the older watching but Sunghoon thankfully
turns his back and just…glares. It feels weird like having an unwanted guard dog but he thinks it's
better than having everyone (especially Jinho) watching him.

The rest of their time spent in the locker room is suffocatingly awkward. It doesn’t seem to last
when they get on the field as coach Park sends them on a series of laps before they’re breaking out
new plays for their upcoming game. The tension once held in the locker room dissolves as they run
on the field yelling out plays and tackling each other. It’s nice and Jungwon feels himself let loose
a little knowing Jinho won’t suddenly tackle him (or Sunghoon) on field given he’d been benched
for his injury. What unfortunately does take place is a team mate or two cornering him in between
resets to ask him about Sunghoon.

“How long have you been pack mates?”

“Who else is in your pack?”

“Are you all close?”

“What does Sunghoon smell like at home? Does he still smell like a campfire?”

And worst of all, “Have you kissed yet?” that one has Jungwon stumbling over his cleats diving
face first and getting a mouth full of turf. His team mates seem to find it hilarious and continue to
pester him about it until Sunghoon storms over, yanking him up and checking over him. It feels
weird to have Sunghoon openly check over him like this, without shame but Jungwon would be a
liar if he said he didn’t enjoy the way it made his heart feel warm and send tingles down his spine
to his toes.

“Alright it was just a little fall! Let’s get back to work ladies!” coach Yang shouts, putting an end
to the teasing. The questions still stick in Jungwon’s mind, leaving him wondering. What does
Sunghoon smell like at home? He knows he smells like a campfire during practice, all pumped on
adrenaline stress and maybe some frustration, he smells like an upcoming storm when he’s upset, a
sunshower when amused, but what else? What other variations of forest and rain does Sunghoon
smell like when he’s with Sunoo and Jake? What would kissing him feel like? Jungwon feels
distracted by that question the most as his eyes trail to Sunghoons lips. They look so soft and pink
and inviting despite the alpha shouting out calls to Jisung and Haneul or even as he groans when
someone tackles him to the ground tossling his hair he’d brushed back down moments ago.

Jungwon is positively frustrated by the end of practice. The questions his team mates asked him
have branded themselves in his mind leaving him burning with the desire to get an answer. There’s
only one person who can help him with it but before has a chance to message Sunoo the older one
messages him first.

You free tomorrow?

Need to talk urgently - k.s.

Chapter End Notes

word count: 13,509

i swear we explore ships other than sungwon they just have my heart right now and
they're the key for some important stuff i have planned so the sooner they get along
the better for everyone! next chapter we'll get to check up on poor heeseung and
maybe get some sunjay! until then be safe! take care of yourself and don't stress out
too much about school! my dms are always open if you guys wanna talk <3
thanks for reading! sending lots of love
chapter fourty-one
Chapter Notes


- parental abuse
- hurt sunoo
- hurt jay
- floof
edits needed so i apologize for any mistakes

happy reading to all ❤️

See the end of the chapter for more notes

The cafe isn’t as loud as Sunoo’s used to when they step inside. He leads Jungwon to his favorite
spot, a secluded table by the window decorated with lush green plants that hung around the
window like a frame.

“So…what did you want to talk about hyung?” Jungwon questions. They’d been seated for a while,
food already ordered and on the cue to arrive to them. Sunoo hums as he flicks through the menu
pretending to be interested in it despite knowing every item on the flimsy piece of laminated

“I met Jake here,” Sunoo says, his eyes still on the menu.

“Oh…did you?” Jungwon mutters confused on how that fact was relevant to his question. Sunoo
hums a small smile working onto his face.

“Yep. I was sitting right where you were when I realized it. He and Sunghoon were just caught in
this trance. I haven’t seen a mate reveal since high school so I was surprised especially since I was
already Sunghoon’s mate…his only love, until Jake that is” Sunoo chuckles to himself. “I didn’t
take it well when it happened. I treated Jake horribly and I wanted him to disappear. Now look at
us, I’m in love with him…” Sunoo never thought he’d grow to love Jake almost as much as
Sunghoon does. There was just something about the beta that made him fall hard.

From across the table Jungwon chuckles awkwardly, scratching at the back of his neck “Sunoo
how is this-”
“Everything was different, but I learned to adapt. I found love and grew as a person and then…then
I met Jay and things changed even more. I was afraid of meeting you back then”

“Me?” Jungwon blinks puzzled. Why would Sunoo be afraid of him?

“Before I knew you were Jay’s mate I was afraid. Afraid that I would be on the receiving end of
being hated for being mated to the same person. I treated Jake horribly so I fully expected Jay’s
mate to treat me the same that’s what I deserve.”

“You don't deserve that hyung.”

“Tell me Jungwon. If we hadn’t become friends before finding out…would you have hated me?”
Jungwon bites his tongue. There was no use dwelling on the past he had disliked Sunoo when he
was just an unknown face, a stranger, now he’s Sunoo.

“I wasn’t fond of the idea,” Jungwon says carefully. Sunoo picks up on this as he leans back in his
chair eyebrow raised.

“Did you hate me?” he repeats a little more seriously.

“Yeah. I hated the very thought of you but that was before I knew it was you,” before he knew it
was Sunoo, his friend, someone he’s come to love. Jungwon couldn’t hate Sunoo now.

Sunoo barks out a laugh snapping his fingers “I knew it! It’s hard not to have those thoughts right?
Even now I have those thoughts from back then.”

“Of hating Jake?”

“No…being afraid of you.”

“Do I make you afraid? “

Jungwon always makes him afraid. He’s so normal, perfect and gorgeous. How could Sunoo not be
afraid and insecure? Jay already had the perfect mate before meeting him and Sunoo was sure that
he wouldn’t live up to any of Jay’s previous expectations.

“Part of the reason I avoided Jay was because I knew about you, that you were an omega. I'm
nothing like you and I didn’t want to disappoint him.”

“That’s why hyung likes you. You’re just you Sunoo, Jay likes that you’re who you are.”

‘I like you the way you are’ Jungwon wants to say but this isn’t about him. He’s noticed Jay and
Sunoo having issues and this is about them, to help them anyway he can.

“Jay doesn’t know who I am…none of you do. Not really. I'm such a coward. Even now there are
parts of me I keep hidden.”


“I hurt Jay’s feelings the other day.”

“Sunoo!” Jungwon groans. He doesn’t understand Sunoo right now. Why was he sending Jungwon
through so many loops just for one conversation? Why did he keep changing it?

“Jake and I met up with him but I just…couldn’t look at him. It's not his fault, I’m just selfish and I
let him pay for it”

“Why? Why do you let him suffer?”

“I know he and Sunghoon talk about my nesting progress. I can almost lay in a nest comfortably
for an hour before i feel like my skin is going to melt off my body”

“That’s a good thing right? That you don’t feel as bad?”

“For the most part…” it was like his body was going back to when he’d first presented. The warm
tingly feeling was starting to return, along with immense comfort when he nested before his body
began to heat up, his omega crying as the memories from the past came to the surface. The pain,
guilt and suffering. It was almost too much to bear.

“It’s hard to talk about, even with Sunghoon”

“Why can’t you tell Sunghoon-hyung? He’s your mate isn’t he?”

Yes, Sunghoon is his mate and he loves telling him things. The alpha had been intimidating at first
but as Sunoo learned more about him he found that Sunghoon is the type of person to be mad for
you. Whatever happened to you happened to him too and his emotions would become ten times
bigger than Sunoo’s ever were. Sunoo’s problems were his too and he was always the first person
to charge into battle. That was just…Sunghoon.

“Being mates doesn’t mean we tell each other everything. There are things Sunghoon suffers from
that I don’t know about. But with this particular thing it would just make him hate my mother
more. I don't want anymore hate in my life. I want to let go of it all and I want him to be able to let
go of it as well. He’s always been my greatest ally, always wanting to defend me and fight for me.
I just want him to be Sunghoon now,” because the world has given Sunghoon too much pain, too
much hate. Sunoo just wants Sunghoon to be able to let go of it all, to be his happy mate and
receive nothing but good things.

Jungwon hums with understanding. The day Sunghoon saved him from Jinho, Sunghoon was the
only one to go looking for him. The one to fight for him and protect him. They don’t even know
each other well and Jungwon is sure Sunghoon doesn’t love him and yet he defended him anyway.
An ally.

Sunoo continues to speak his scent souring as he does so. “That day, before you even showed up I
could see how excited Jay was to bring me to your nest to share that experience but I just couldn’t
do it and I couldn't give him a proper reason as to why. I want to, I want to so badly but I'm afraid
and a coward. I'm not a good omega and I don't want him to know that. I don't want him to leave
but I also don't know what to do to make him stay.”

“The thing about Jay is he is always ready to take on the world. He’s the biggest scaredy cat I
know but for someone he loves he’ll do anything he can for them”

“He’ll want to take everything away, the pain, sadness, anger, and find a way to wash it all away
forever but he knows he can't’. He’s no superman. There is one thing he will always do and that is
listen to you and support you. He can't take it away but he can help you through it, hold you hand
and nurse your wounds. The ultimate energy source, support system. That’s Jay. Whatever
happened to you back then Sunoo….just talk to him and be honest. Lean on him and let him
support you, hold you when you cry and kiss your tears away”

“And when he realizes I’m no good? I’m not a normal omega like you?” Sunoo questions timidly.
He hates feeling like this, weak and insecure but its hard to work around it . The pain was so deeply
embedded that he doesn't know how to get rid of it.

“Kim Sunoo listen to me clearly!” Jungwon says sternly as he slaps his palm against the table
“Never compare yourself to me. There is no right or good way to be an omega, or any subgender.
There are only good and bad people, good and bad actions. Which side of the scale are you going
to land on?”

“You’re so wise Jungwon! I should have come to you sooner!” Sunoo says as he wipes his tears

“I have your order…ah…you” the waitress says as she brings their sandwiches and drinks over.
Sunoo puts on his best smile

“Thank you noona!” he says, his eyes curling into little moons. The woman gives a pained smile
back before going off without a goodbye.

“A friend or something?”

“Something…she used to be one of Jake’s coworkers” Sunoo says over his lemonade smoothie.

“Ah, you had something you wanted to talk about as well right? What is it?”

“Oh uh, let's eat first,” Jungwon says, feeling a bit embarrassed about sharing his deep dark
thoughts. They eat their food in the calm bliss of the cafe listening to the clink of dishes and chatter
of other customers. Half way through their sandwiches Jungwon sets his food down, opting to play
with the sleeves of his hoodie.

“What’s it like…being with Sunghoon?” he doesn’t dare look up after asking, already knowing
Sunoo was smirking at him.

“You mean being with an alpha?”

Jungwon pulls at the sleeves of his hoodie, giving a curt nod.

“Why do you ask Wonnie? What do you wanna know, what it feels like to be liked by one, loved,
scented, or maybe..what it’s like to be mated by one?” Sunoo’s lips quirk into a playful smile as he
teases Jungwon enjoying how the younger twitches nervously in his seat.

“No not that! Jeez Sunoo you’re weird. It’s just that I uh…I've never been with an alpha before so
I'm just curious about what to expect,” what to think and how to act because Jungwon feels like he
messes things up every time he’s with Sunghoon. Never says or does the right things, always
makes Sunghoon feel bad. He wants to do better.

Sunoo plays with his straw in his drink, stirring the contents inside. “Being mated to someone like
Sunghoon is intense.”


“Yeah. His emotions are always dialed up to an 11, wild, unexpected, big! Feeling them as your
own emotions was really scary at first but that’s just Sunghoon. He feels and lives every day like
he’s going to drop dead any moment. Is that the only reason you want to know this or is there
something more?”

“I uh…I want him to scent me but i'm nervous about it…” because Jungwon had never been
scented by anyone other than his family and Jay. there was Sunoo as well but that was different.
Omegas were used to scenting each other, a bonding experience but it was different with Sunghoon.
He’s an alpha, the only alpha Jungwon has ever been interested in.

“Why have you caught feelings or something?” Sunooo says it as a joke but the ugly jealous part of
him wants to know. Jungwon shifts, sensing the bitterness in Sunoo’s voice.

“Would that be a bad thing?”

“No not at all! Just know it's a lot sometimes but he really has your best interest at heart” Sunoo
knows better than anyone that Sunghoon really does try his hardest. He always had this way of
knowing what Sunoo needed, even back in highschool when he had bad days. Sunoo would go
right to Sunghoon’s place after school, even if the older had skate practice. Sunoo would just sit in
his alphas bed until he came home. Sometimes Sunghoon would lay on top of Sunoo, crushing the
smaller with his body not to harm him but because Sunoo needed something to ground him. A
reminder that he was alive, and well not just floating aimlessly. Other times he just needed
Sunghoon to hold him, kiss him and nap with him.

“So do you think it’s a good idea hyung? T-to ask Sunghoon to scent me?”

“I think you should do whatever you want”

“That-that isn’t what I asked.”

“If you’re looking for my permission, stop. I don’t control Hoon any more than he controls me. If
you want anyones permission ask him. It’s his choice, and yours”

“I-I think I’ll ask him then”

“Good. I’ll talk to Jay as well. I want to clear up our misunderstandings”

“Good. I want to see you both on good terms as well,” Jungwon says with a smile. He’s hopeful
that the two will be ok and that they will build up a strong relationship once and for all. That’s
Jungwon’s wish for them.


Sunoo bites at the skin beside his thumb contemplating calling Jay. excuses filled his head such as:
‘He might be busy’, or ‘He might not want to talk to me’, and ‘Jay hyung must be sick of me now’.
It helped him put off calling the older, even though he knows that he should. He was the one
drawing a wedge between them so naturally Sunoo should be the one to fix it.

Clicking his tongue against the roof of his mouth Sunoo unlocks his phone to dial Jay’s number. It
rings and rings and rings allowing for a storm of anxiety to form in Sunoo’s chest. His doubts were
starting to cloud his mind when the call went to voicemail.

“I’m sorry the number you have dialed is currently-” Sunoo hangs up already knowing the
automated messages spiel.
‘At least you tried Sunoo’ he thinks to himself. He’s just about ready to move past the slightly
embarrassing moment to occupy himself with his homework when his phone rings. One look at the
caller id reveals ‘Beautiful Jongseong’ as the caller has Sunoo’s heart hammering in his chest. He
watches as it rings, the swirl of anxiety coming back into his tummy. There’s just seconds until the
call ends when Sunoo finally answers.


“Hey sorry I missed your call a second ago. Everything ok?”

“Yeah yeah I was just wondering if you were um…busy?” Sunoo winces at the tension in his
voice. How awkward could this get?

“Um sorta. I’m at the lab right now…”

“Oh I’m sorry for bothering you. I’ll just call later-”

“Hey Sunoo, wait a second!” Jay says stopping Sunoo from abruptly hanging up on him “What’s
goin’ on? Are you ok?”

“ ‘m fine just wondering if you had time to talk…about the other day?”

Jay’s end of the line goes silent leading Sunoo to believe he might have hung up. He clings to the
phone, desperate to hear Jay’s voice, hear the older say something, anything to ease the fear
spreading over his body.

“How about you meet me in the square in an hour? We can go somewhere and talk then. Sound
good?” Jay answers after a minute or two. Sunoo squeezes his eyes shut, body slouching with

“That sounds good…really good. I guess I’ll see you then”

“See ya soon Sunoo” Jay says before hanging up.

“Ah that idiot! What took him so long to answer!” Sunoo whines once the call is over. He places a
hand over his chest taking deep breaths to calm the hammering his heart had been doing. Once he’s
calm he heads into the library opting to use his homework as a good distraction for the next hour
which seemed to go by in a flash. Once his alarm went off Sunoo was genuinely surprised, feeling
as if it had only been a handful of minutes. Slowly he packs his things, buying himself a little time
to mentally prepare himself for seeing Jay.

When he reaches the square Jay is already there, as punctual as ever. The older omega was dressed
in a loose fitted yellow tee shirt and a pair of black shorts. A pair of silver headphones hung around
his neck and a backpack slung around his shoulders. He was only dressed casually for school and
yet he had this aura around him that made him stand out amongst the crowd.

“Hey. I was worried you weren’t gonna show,” Jay says a teasing smile on his lips. Sunoo laughs
awkwardly at that hand reaching up to scratch behind his ear.

“I was in the library. Got a little wrapped up in my work”

“ ‘s alright. You showed up right?” Jay questions softer this time. Sunoo nods affirmingly.

“So where do you want to go to talk? We could go to your place if you want”

“I was actually hoping that you’d be ok with going to your place?” Jay’s brow jumps at that, a look
of genuine surprise crossing his face.

“Are you sure Sunoo? You don’t have to force yourself given what happened last time”

“I’m sure, if you are”

“Let’s go.”

Jay’s car is still as nice as Sunoo remembers it being. The interior was clean as ever, the walnut
trim shining against the sunlight, and the leather seats smelled brand new as if the car had just been
purchased off the showroom floor. Sunoo keeps his hands close to his body afraid he’d break
Their drive to Jay and Jungwon’s apartment is fairly short compared to the commute Sunoo is used
to taking to get to his apartment with Sunghoon and Jake but the J couple did live in a rather nice
neighborhood close to campus. Sunoo follows after Jay into the building

“Do you want a drink or something? Maybe some water?”

“Yes, water please” Sunoo answers. Jay gives a small nod before heading into the kitchen to grab a
bottle of water from the fridge to give to Sunoo. He passes the bottle off easily before plopping
down on the couch letting out a sigh as his body sinks in.

“I want to apologize for the other day. That wasn’t fair to you, especially since you’ve done
nothing wrong”

“Thank you for apologizing Sunoo but I’d really like to understand why you did that. I thought we
were ok?”

“And we are or at least I thought we were”

“Did I do something?”

“No no it’s just…I’m having a really hard time right now and I keep running away from you
because of all these uncertainties that I have,” Sunoo does his best to find the right words but it all
seems to come out in a jumbled mess. Despite this Jay sits up straight, his elbows on his thighs as
he holds his folded hands under his chin, giving Sunoo all his attention. He doesn’t say anything so
as to not interrupt Sunoo’s thoughts and let him speak freely.

“I really want a relationship with you but I don’t know what it’s supposed to look like. I don’t
know what I can be for you when you already have Jungwon. It’s like we’re mated to each other
but I don’t quite fit in and I keep disappointing you or feel like I’m going to disappoint you when I
fall short in comparison to Jungwon.”

“I don’t need you to be the same as Jungwon, and I would never compare the two of you either”

“That may be true Jay but I still don’t know what or who I’m supposed to be for you, a friend,
love, someone around to ensure our bond doesn’t hurt you? I just don’t know”

“You’ve never asked either. You just keep running” Jay’s words are blunt not to be harmful but to
tell the truth. Sunoo has always just run away. He runs when things get hard and keeps secrets to
pretend he’s ok, to not be a burden to not ask for more than he deserves but everyone deserves to be
loved, right?

“I’m sorry Jay. I really am”

“Why don’t you ask me?”

“Ask yo-” Sunoo bites the inside of his cheek.

‘Duh he’d already told you what to ask idiot’

“What am I supposed to be for you Jay?”

“Everything and nothing at the same time. You don’t have to be anything but my Sunoo because
that’s already enough. I just want you to be here with me, in my life whether that’s as a boyfriend,
pack mate or my friend. You can’t force love and if you don’t love me in that way then I’ll be just
fine being your friend and if you want to try again at being something more than we can give it a
try whenever you’re ready”

“Will that really be enough for you? To just be friends?”

“I think it’s actually the best thing for us right now. We sorta blew past that whole friendship stage
don’t ya think?” Sunoo takes a moment to really think about it. They hadn’t become friends first.
They rushed through their bonding period to get acquainted with each other and save their dying
bond. Sunoo hadn’t taken the time to properly know Jay outside of the things he’d already known
from Jungwon.

“So we start over and be friends? You’re really ok with that?”

“Of course. I believe that you’re a good person Sunoo and it would be a shame to lose you from
my life. So if you’re willing to start over I am-” Jay groans, not finishing his sentence when Sunoo
throws his body on top of him in a bone crushing hug. “Too…haha” he finishes awkwardly as he
pats Sunoo comfortingly on the back.

“You’re so amazing and I don’t deserve you” Sunoo mutters against Jay’s neck.
“Of course you deserve me. That’s why you’re mated to me”

“Can I tell you something else…as my friend?” Sunoo whispers.

“Of course,” Jay says. Sunoo holds onto Jay for a moment longer before breaking their hug.His
hands tremble as he reaches for his shirt slowly pulling it off. Jay eyes him suspiciously until he
sees the scar running down Sunoo’s chest. It catches his interest in a heartbeat as he leans up to
inspect it but then Sunoo turns around exposing his back. The scars themselves are enough to get
Jay’s anger to rise at full peak but then he takes notice of the carefully carved marking in Sunoo’s
back and his stomach drops.

“Oh my god” Jay can’t help but gasp once he realizes the jagged scars running down Sunoo’s
shoulder blades “Sunoo is that-?”

“The mark of Heavens Angels…yeah it is. You can touch them,” Sunoo whispers, noticing how
Jay’s hand hovered almost like he wanted to touch but wasn’t sure he was allowed to.

“Touch them” and Jay does letting his pointer and middle finger run along the scarred skin of one
cut then moving over to the other.

“I was four? Five when it happened,” Sunoo says almost like he couldn’t remember fully.

“What?!” Jay shouts. Gently as if Sunoo were a delicate piece of glass he holds onto the youngers
shoulders gently prompting him to turn around. Sunoo does so his eyes glossed over and murky as
if he wasn’t fully there.

“What did you just say?” Jay questions needing to make sure he’d heard Sunoo correctly. He was
four when he got the markings? How did he survive? No one survives Heavens Angels.

“I’ll tell you that story one day but today I want to talk about something else..if that’s ok”

Jay’s head was swimming with so many questions and he’s almost unsure if he wants to hear the

“Go ahead, you can tell me anything”

“These markings and my issue with nesting are…they’re linked in a way. I did something a long
time ago that…it helped cause my sisters death and my mom has never let me forget it…”

[ flashback ]

11 years after Sohee

Sunoo felt off all morning. He wasn’t sure what it was but he felt like something was off, wrong.
His body was warm and achy all over but he didn’t feel sick. After years of fighting off his illness
he could tell when he felt sick and this wasn’t it. Even still the teen still got up early enough to
make his mother and Youngjae their breakfast before beginning the journey to school. The only
thing that didn’t happen was his venture to school. He’d walked only one block before the ache in
his body grew worse and the hot feeling grew more intense. His legs wobbled with the next few
steps, almost giving out under him.

‘Something is wrong’ he thinks to himself. He couldn’t be out on the streets for long before he
might collapse. Sunoo checked his phone biting his lip. Given the time if he leaves now his mother
and Youngjae should be gone by the time he walks back. It would hurt but Sunoo would just have to
endure. Knowing this the teen forces his body to move back to his house.

Thankfully when he returns to the residence as expected his mother and adopted brother are long
gone allowing him to scramble up to his bedroom to rest. Relief flooded through his legs when he
finally collapsed onto his bed breathing in the familiar scent of the laundry detergent in his sheets.
It was then that Sunoo noticed he could smell it a lot more vibrantly, as if the scent had totally
surrounded him. Gently he begins to pur, rolling around in his bed and tugging at the blankets
until they surround him, wrapping him in a little burrito. The heat in his body subsided for a while
before growing back ten times as strong. Whimpering Sunoo bunched the blanket up as much as
possible to drown in the familiar feeling but it was no use, he needed more.

Rolling out of bed Sunoo goes to his closet, plucking his clothes off their hangers and throwing
them haphazardly onto the ground. In a frenzy he yanks his blanket off his bed letting it join the
clothes on the floor. Tilting his head to the side Sunoo examined the heep of fabric, the gears in his
brain slowly beginning to turn his body, understanding what he was needing. Dropping to his
knees Sunoo began to turn the lump of fabric into a nest. As he worked the purring returned, his
chest rumbling with the intensity of it. He was overwhelmed and a little scared at the new feels
spreading through his body. It was as if he had no control over it and yet it felt so nice, so
Once his hands stopped moving he dove into the nest face first rolling around and spreading his
scent all over it. It was his, he’d done it. Smiling dopily, Sunoo's head lolled to the side, comfort
washing over him. He peaks his eyes open slowly, catching sight of his reflection in the mirror.
What he sees has him squinting unsure if he was seeing correctly. His eyes were bright yellow, and
his canines were beginning to protrude from his mouth.

“What the-” he understood now why he was feeling all of these things. He was presenting! It was
happening, it was…it was happening. Sunoo had waited for this day for a long time and now it
was happening…but it was happening while he was alone. He whimpered slightly realizing this.
He didn’t want to be alone. His family were supposed to be here, momma and..and Sohee. But they
weren’t here and they would not be here. Sunoo would just have to go through this…alone. As he
laid there his body began to secrete a new scent, it was strong and sour burning at Sunoo’s tongue
and throat as if he were actually tasting it. Lemons.

He huffs under his breath displeased. His mom and Sohee weren’t going to be here physically but
that didn’t mean they couldn’t be a part of this memory. It was one of the most important moments
of his life after all.

With as much effort as he could muster Sunoo pulled himself from his nest taking a few steps away
from it. His heart clenched with pain, his body wanting him to return to the nest and he would,
only after he grabbed the necessary things.

Creeping into the hallway Sunoo felt himself tiptoeing down the hall. A voice in the back of his
mind reminded him to be careful. It was very unlikely that his mother would come home from work
early but it could happen. Turning the corner Sunoo held the doorknob to his mothers bedroom
with sweaty hands. It took a few tries but he managed to twist it open slipping inside. Multiple
scents hit him at once, mainly emotions of sadness, anger, and something else, an emotion Sunoo
was familiar with but couldn’t quite voice. It was hard walking through the room, being able to
sense so much pain but Sunoo did anyway. The faster he found what he needed the faster he could
get back to his nest.

Sniffing the air Sunoo searched for a particular scent. It wasn’t long before he found himself in
his mothers closet holding onto a box marked ‘Sohee’. Sunoo sat with the box on his lap for
several minutes before he took the lid off. Inside were various pictures of Sohee, metals she’d won
in school drawings she made of all of them, when they were happy, when they were a family. Her
favorite hair clip was inside with a few toys and her favorite stuffed animal. From the time Sunoo
could remember Sohee always had the stuffed animal even when she had “grown up” and become
“too old” for it Sunoo vaguely remembered her not being able to sleep a single night with out it.
With delicate fingers he holds into the toy pulling it from the box.

“Hello ducky. It’s been awhile” he murmurs to the toy. He brushes his finger over the soft yellow
fur as memories of Sohee with the toy rushed through his mind.
“I’m going to rescue you from this box ok. We should hurry and get out of here,” Sunoo mutters.
He holds Ducky under his arm so he can close the lid on the box returning it to it’s rightful place.
On his way out he looks over the small space making sure he didn’t leave a single thing out of
place. It’s then that he noticed a piece of magenta fabric sticking out from behind another box. He
reaches for the fabric giving it a few tugs before bunching it up in his arms.

The piece of fabric was none other than one of Sohee’s favorite blankets. She had always dragged
the poor piece of fabric behind her or slinging it over the back of chairs to form a tint. The blanket
now was faded of color from numerous washes, bites of Sohee’s scent clinging to it as well as his
mothers. Sunoo holds the blanket to his chest along with Ducky. They were the perfect items for his

With the two chosen items Sunoo creeps out of his mothers bedroom, closing the door behind him
and rushing to the safety of his room. It was easy to find a place for the blanket to go in his nest
and with Ducky held between his arms everything was perfect, complete. Now he just has to let his
body run it’s natural course which was easier said than done. Once he was fully comfortable in the
nest the process sped up immensely. Sunoo felt like he was on fire and his body ached all over with
pain as his body prepared for a full transformation. Through each wave of pain Sunoo sobbed
clinging onto Ducky for dear life. His eyes flicked from red to yellow to blue over and over until the
pattern was no longer pattern, his eyes turning the tree colors randomly before he just…exploded.
It felt like his body had exploded all over, bones popping out of place as his wolf took over for the
first time.

There in the middle of his bedroom stood a dark brown wolf with golden streaks in its coat of fur.
It wasn’t as large as the average werewolf but rather the size of a regular wolf with large paws
and a wet snout. The wolf panted heavily in the room as he turns it’s head from side to side taking
in the room.

‘Well then…hello’ the wolf thinks.

‘Hello’ Sunoo thinks back.

The wolf gives a grin as it trots to the mirror to look at itself. Blue eyes stared back at it’s
reflection and the wolf let out a howl.

‘This is so strange’ Sunoo thinks. It was as if it were himself and not himself at the same time. He
and his wolf had become one. He could see so clearly now without the thick haze that separated
him and his wolf up to now.

‘We are one now Sunoo. It will be the two of us…forever’

‘Forever’ Sunoo thinks. He trots to the nest plopping down. His body was exhausted from the shift
body no longer on fire but still aching with the growth.

‘Rest now. You did good’ and Sunoo does so feeling warmth, comfort and safety.

Sunoo wakes up hours later and not of his own doing. No, the newly presented omega is awoken by
shrieks produced from his mother as she hanks him out of his nest. The burning feeling spreads
through Sunoo’s body as he panics body uring him back into his safe spot, his nest.

“HOW DARE YOU?!” His mother shrieks

“M-mom I!”

“DO NOT CALL ME YOUR MOTHER! YOU-YOU TRAITOR!” she yells even louder as she
shoves him to the ground.

“Who do you think you are?! H-how dare you take this from my room?!” she shouts as she tugs
Sohee’s blanket from his nest, destroying it in the process.

“NO!” Sunoo shouts as he reaches for it, a vain attempt to stop the damage.

“NO!” his mother shouts as she yanks at his hair pulling him back from the nest.

“Do you think you deserve this? After what you did? Sohee is gone because of you! She never got
to present, will never meet her mate or have children or a life all because of you!” his mother
screams as she continues her assault on him, yanking his hair until a few strands fall out.

“Mom stop!” Sunoo sobs as he holds onto his head.

“Stop? Why don’t you stop being so selfish! You don’t deserve this! You barely deserve to live for
what you did! You don’t get to be happy I won’t let you!”

“If you ever do this in my house again I’ll make you live on the streets you bastard” and then she
gives the nest one good kick truly ruining it before storming out of Sunoo’s room, slamming the
door behind her.

“Mom….” Sunoo whimpers, clenching at his chest. It hurt like nothing he’d ever felt before, like
his mother had reached within him and tore off a piece of his soul. In his head he could hear his
wolf whimpering as well the pain of having it’s nest destroyed in front of him being too much for
the poor creature who’d only just fully debuted into the world.

From then it was only more miserable. Sunoo’s mom made sure to check on him more often, to
make sure he wasn’t nesting. It was as if she needed to make sure he was suffering, that he got
what he deserved for killing her pup.

Sunoo tried to be discreet, to hide his nest in his closet or only nest when she worked late nights
but when he was finished he had to destroy it and it got harder and harder each time. His wolf
would howl and cry in his head throughout the day and night when he destroyed it, the poor
creature damaged and wracked with suffering under the watchful eye of his mother and Youngjae.
There was nothing he could do but suffer.

[ end ]

“I knew it was having negative effects on my wolf but I couldn’t nest at home. The few times she
found out she destroyed it in front of me, threw away my things so I wouldn’t do it again I couldn’t
keep putting him through that pain so I stopped. I stopped for so long that by the time I went back
it was too long. My omega was completely numb to it’s needs and when I tried to give it that
comfort back the burning started,” Sunoo runs a hand over his bare chest right over the spot he
feels the burning the most when nesting.

“It began to associate that the bad feeling was caused by nesting so now you can’t-”

“I can’t feel comfort from it anymore,” Jay breathes out knowingly. He understands now why
Sunoo panicked so badly, the pain and sadness in his eyes. It’s not that he didn’t want to but he
physically couldn’t.

“I hate her,” he growls as he helps Sunoo put his shirt back on.
“Jay..” Sunoo starts smelling the burst of anger wafting off Jay’s body.

“I don’t know her but I hate her. Sunoo what she did to you was fucked up, it was abuse!”

“I know that…sort of”

“It was. That’s abuse no matter how you try and spin it. I can’t fucking believe she did that to you!
That was wrong! You shouldn’t have had that happen to you, ever. Nesting is so natural, it’s like a
sacred thing for omegas you shouldn’t have had to suffer. We shouldn’t have had to suffer, they
were wrong!” Jay begins to sob his own trauma slapping him in the face. Days of being beaten and
later trapped in a cold dark room. Told to overcome it because he deserved this, that he would be
doing good for the family. He had been weak, presented as an omega and they would break him of
it, give him a second chance to get it right.

“They had no right!” Jay growls as tears spill down his cheeks.

“Jay…Jay hey, it’s ok,” Sunoo says, holding Jay’s face in his hands. He tenderly brushes the olders
tears away with his thumbs, a sympathetic smile playing on his lips. Jay’s eyes are clouded with a
pain that feels all too familiar to Sunoo and the younger realizes that Jay’s tears aren’t just for him.
They’re for Jay as well, for whatever hurt he’s experienced in his life. Sunoo doesn’t do or say
anything else but he holds Jay, letting him cry against his chest until his sobs subside and he’s calm

“I-I’ve never told anyone this,” Sunoo mutters as he runs his fingers through Jay’s hair. Jay tilts his
head up a small pout on his face.

“How come?”

“I didn’t want to be abandoned. There was already so much wrong with me a-and I didn’t want
Sunghoon to hate my mom more than he did, and for everyone else I’m just… I'm still scared.”

Jay shifts, leaving the comfort of Sunoo’s chest to be on eye level with him.“Don't be scared
Sunoo. I'm here for you,” he mutters gently caressing Sunoo’s cheek.

“That’s why I'm scared. I've always been broken. I'm worried that I don't know how to live if I get
fixed…” little by little Sunoo had been healed by his mates, his pack but he also feels like he’d
been losing himself. Who he was. Who was he supposed to be now, how does he live as a normal

Jay smiles at Sunoo, so sweet, so loving that Sunoo thinks he just might cry. How did he get this
man in his life, how did he deserve him after all the pain he’d put Jay through?

“You're not broken Sunoo. You're too strong to be broken. You just out grew your old pieces, and
we need to give you new ones that fit who you are now,” because in Jay’s eyes Sunoo is strong, a
fighter, a survivor like him.

“Are you one of them? My new piece?” Sunoo doesn’t mean to look at Jay like he holds all the
answer, like he holds the key. He probably doesn’t even know he’s looking at Jay like that and yet
Jay wants to give him the world. To give Sunoo everything he’d ever need, be anything for him
just to see him smile, to thrive and be happy.

“I can be.”

“Can I kiss you?”


“I know I know we agreed to be friends but I really need you to kiss me ...please.” it goes against
Jay’s better judgment but he finds himself wrapping one arm around Sunoo’s waist while the other
one grips the youngers chin pulling Sunoo close to kiss him. It’s short and bitter sweet, just lips
against lips and yet it has Sunoo sinking into Jay.

“You’re a good friend” Sunoo says with a soft smile. Jay barks out a laugh leaning forward to
nudge his nose against Sunoo’s.

“The best! No one is better than me.”

“Hm…we’ll see” Sunoo teases, easily earning an eye roll from Jay “but seriously thank you for
listening to me and giving me a second…well third chance really.”

“You know what they say, third times the charm.”

“I’ll pursue our relationship seriously from now on. No more running away. I want to learn
everything there is about you Jay and care for you…just please be patient with me..” Sunoo knows
he’s asking for a lot and Jay has already been nothing but patient with him but he just needs a little
more. Just a little bit more until the cuts are healed and he feels complete again, then he can return
the favor and give Jay all the love he’s deserved from the beginning, everything and more.

“We have plenty of time for you to learn more about me and I look forward to what the future will
bring us…”

When Sunoo gets home later in the day the first person he goes to is Jake. The beta was half asleep
on the couch with his physics textbook on his chest. Sunoo easily tosses the book to the floor,
taking its spot on Jake’s chest.

“Welcome home love,” Jake mutters half awake.

“Hi babe.”

“How was your talk with Jay?”

“Good. We agreed to be friends again, start over.”

“It worked for us didn’t it?”

“It did.”

“You’ll be alright my love,”Jake hums as he strokes down Sunoo’s back lovingly. Sunoo purrs
under his breath nuzzling against Jake’s chest. Jake was always so warm and smelled like home.
Sunoo’s home.

“I will…hey Jake?”

“Yes Ddeonu?”

“I love you,” splotches of red paint Jake’s face when Sunoo confesses his love and Sunoo can’t
help but kiss both cheeks. He doesn’t tell Jake enough that he loves him, maybe not even
Sunghoon. He won’t take his pack for granted anymore, he’ll tell them every day. He’ll be more
honest as best as he can.

“I love you more,” Jake says back with a giggle. He leans up, stealing a kiss from Sunoo.

“I love you most.”

“I love you more than most,” Sunghoon says from the doorway as he toes his shoes off. Jake and
Sunoo look over dopey smiles on their face.

“Impossible” they say together, pulling Sunghoon down on the couch with them once the alpha
gets close enough.

“We love you”

“Forever and always”

Chapter End Notes

word count: 7,280

bit of a filler chapter for you guys. i couldn't figure out how to fit hee in this chapter so
he'll have to wait until next chapter! hope you all enjoyed! see ya next chapter!
thanks for reading sending lots of love

Hi all!

I know there was supposed to be an update today but I haven't had time to write anything. Honestly
the rest of the year is going to be very busy for me so I will have to put the story on hold.
Depending on how these next few weeks go I could be back by the end of October but it's uncertain
at the moment.

Thank you to everyone who has been reading! I'll still be active on my insta to chat with you all but
updates are on hold. See you when I come back.

- Blue

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