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How to play this Campaign 1

Players 1
Characters and Characterization 1
Handling your Survivors and Armory 1
Intermediary Missions 2

Mission 1 - Striking Camp 3

Mission 2 - Rescue 9

Intermediary Missions 13
Intermediary Mission F1 13
Intermediary Mission F2 14
Intermediary Mission T1 18
Intermediary Mission T2 20

Appendix 24
Experience 24
Skill Trees 24
Rick 24
Carl (Child) 26
Sophia (Child) 27
Allen 28
Carol 29

How to play this Campaign

I will try to model as many missions as possible to be playable by, both, 2 players or solo.

Characters and Characterization

Even though this Campaign utilizes the well known characters of the “The Walking
Dead”-Comics, for the purpose of this story any known character traits, experiences, history
and formed relationships will be disregarded. At the beginning of our journey all characters
are blanks and will grow to be survivors in their own right over the course of this campaign.
Or maybe they won’t because the next best Walker will tear them apart. We will find out.

Handling your Survivors and Armory

You will start this campaign with only a minimal party of survivors but you will be able to
recruit new members for your motley crew over the course of your adventures. Who and how
many persons will join your party will depend on how well you play, which missions you win
and what objectives you can complete (or can’t). Be careful, any survivor that dies will be a
permanent loss for the rest of the campaign. A maimed character will stay maimed as well.

Over time you will therefore build a diverse roster of characters that you will have to manage.
You can decide which Survivors to take with you on your mission and which will remain in
camp to lick their wounds. Be sure to have a well rounded batch of fighters and not to
concentrate everything on a single few. Accidents happen and you might be left with
untrained newbies just before your next big mission otherwise.

So before you begin, get yourself paper and pencil, because you will want to keep track of
how well your party does, and who joins, dies or gets more experienced.

Likewise you have to keep track of your armory. Before you can outfit a Survivor with a
particular item before a mission, you have to first find it. If an item is discarded, destroyed or
lost during a mission or as a result of the mission conclusion it is also lost for the armory and
has to be found again before it can be used.

I wanted Survivors that learn and develop over time, so I tried my hand in a leveling system
and have added a first draft for every Survivor in the Appendix section. It surely is not
perfect, but we will see how it holds up.

The leveling system as well as all the other campaign rules, are not yet field-tested to any
degree of satisfaction, ​so don’t be surprised if I change some mechanics here and there​.
Your Feedback would be most welcome.

Intermediary Missions
Sometimes between story missions you will play intermediary missions. This will allow you
you to prepare your crew for the challenges that await them, by training them and collecting
equipment. Many aspects of these missions are determined at random, so that they will be
different every time you play them.

To determine the Intermediary Mission, roll the Panic Die and the Black Die. As a rule of
thumb, the Panic die, will determine the mission category, while the Black Die will determine
whether you compete with an hostile group of Survivors. Later I might introduce another dice
roll to randomize the objective, we'll see.

Panic Die Black Die Mission

Flee Blank F1

Flee Badge F2

Terrified Blank T1

Terrified Badge T2
Quiet Blank Not yet implemented, roll again.

Quiet Badge Not yet implemented, roll again.

Scream Blank Not yet implemented, roll again.

Scream Badge Not yet implemented, roll again.

Berserk Blank Not yet implemented, roll again.

Berserk Badge Not yet implemented, roll again.

Mission 1 - Striking Camp

It has been three weeks since what has become known as “The Outbreak”, when the Dead
had begun to roam the Streets. Herded together with three dozen other refugees, Rick and
his son Carl found themselves in a protected refugee camp. Over the time they found a
friend in the woman that stayed in the tent next to his, along with her daughter.
One day when Rick was currently watching after the children, a large undead herd
approached the camp and assaulted the guards. Alerted by the gunshots, a fast look told
Rick that the defences had already been breached. Grabbing both children by the hand he
started to look for a way out.

Survivor Groups
Group 1​ (Played by Player 1)

Class Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

- 2 Red 1 Red 1 Red Medium 3 2 Parental Supervision: Any allied Child

within his Kill Zone may use his Nerve

Equipment: None.

Carl (Child)
Class Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

- 1 Red - 1 Red Low 2 1 -

Equipment: None.

Sophia (Child)
Class Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

- 1 Red - 1 Red Low 2 1 -

Equipment: None.
Group 2​ (Played by Player 2)

Guard (Soldier)
Class Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

Marksman 2 Red 1 White 1 White High 4 2 -

Equipment: Hunting Knife (Days Gone Bye), 8mm Pistol

Guard (Militia)
Class Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

Bruiser 2 Red 2 Red 2 Red Medium 3 1 -

Equipment: Kitchen Knife

Guard (Police)
Class Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

Bruiser 1 White 2 Red 2 Red Medium 3 1 -

Equipment: .22 Revolver

Both groups are allied. The Victory conditions only apply for Player 1. Player 2’s task is to
defend the camp.
If the mission is played Solo, all models of Player Two go over into the control of Player One.
Setup Instructions
Set up a 20”x20” gaming area, representing the refugee camp. Use the following scheme.

Place 3 Barricades to surround the Walker Spawn Zone.
Place 1 Tent in the corner opposite the Walker Spawn Zone.
Place 3 Resource Caches into every map Segment, except the one opposite the Walker
Spawn Zone.

Furthermore place 3 Tents, 1 Car and 1 Fireplace on the map. The car should face the map
corner in the Walker Spawn Zone.

Tents count as Resource Hubs, the car does not.

Take three little scraps of paper and number them from 1 to 3. Crumple and shuffle them.
Place one under each Resource Cache. When a search action is used on them you receive
the indicated item but may not draw a card.
1 - Bolt Cutter
2 - Car Keys
3 - Fuel

Place the Survivors of Group 1 next to the tent in the corner opposite the Walker Spawn
Place the Survivors of Group 2 at random. Leave at least 5” space between them.

Prior to the attack, the camp was safe, therefore:
Remove all Incident Supply cards from the deck.
Remove the Gory Clothing Equipment card from the deck.
Remove the Alarm! Event card from the deck.

Place 4 Walker into the Walker Spawn Zone.
Place 1 Walker close every Resource Cache.
Place 2 Walker at random into the Camp.

All Walkers enter play in the Walker Spawn Zone.

Threat Level
The Attack is already ongoing. Start the Threat Level at 5.
The game does not end if the Threat Level reaches Maximum, but it can no longer be
reduced if it does. Instead of advancing the Threat Level, the respective amount of Walkers
enter play.
Setup Example

Special Rules
Looting: When a Survivor searches a resource hub, he throws [2 Red Dice]. If he throws a ​!,
he draws an Equipment card, otherwise he draws a Supply card. Supply cards are discarded
at the end of a mission, while Equipment cards are added to the Armory. A double ​! means
you can draw both an equipment and a supply card. Every fourth Draw you can draw an
Equipment Card without test. If you collect all Resource Caches on a map you can draw a
free additional Equipment Card.

Recycling: If a Survivor is killed place a resource cache in his place. It contains all items that
the Survivor had carried with him. If the Survivor returns as a Walker place it next to the
Walker model instead. A Survivor that uses a Search action on the cache may pick up the
dropped items.

Ongoing attack: If Mayhem is caused and no Walkers are moved as a result, instead [1
White Die] Walkers enter play.

Out of the way: If you own the Car Keys you may use a special action on the car to loosen
the hand break and let the car crash into the Walkers. Draw a line from the car to the board
corner in the Walker Spawn Zone. Walkers and Survivors in the way are laid prone. The
affected Survivors lose 1 health point. The car loses momentum and stops after hitting three
models, or a barricade.

One sided: At the end of each turn, add 1 to the Threat Level. To avoid that players use their
Event Card Walker movement to clear the way, they have to move Walkers into the direction
of the nearest Survivor. You may still choose which Walkers to move.

Victory Conditions
The players win when all surviving members of Group 1 escape. The Children can only
escape with the help of Rick. If he dies, the Mission fails.

The are several ways to escape:

● Reach a board edge in the Walker Spawn Zone.
● If you have the Bolt Cutter, you may use the Escape Zones A and B. Use a special
action to cut through the barbed wire that surrounds the refugee camp. Other
Survivors that reach the Escape Zone after count as escaped, too.
● If you have the Car Keys and the Fuel you may use the car to escape. You need to
move into base contact with the car. Use a special action to enter the car and
another to escape. All occupants of the car then count as escaped.
○ If there still remain members of Group 1 on the board, remove the car model
and apply the effect of the “Out of the way” special rule to represent the car
crashing through the walker horde. This time it does not stop after too many

Mission Conclusion
Joining the Crew: Any surviving member of Group 1 that managed to escape joins your
Band of Survivors permanently. Surviving members of Group 2 do not join, they are
considered to have died defending the camp.

Time to rest: Any member of your party, whether he/she participated in this mission or not,
restores one health point. Any remaining damage will be taken over to the next game. Bitten
characters do not benefit from this.

First aid: If one of your Survivors was bitten during the mission, but has not yet succumbed
to the infection, and one participating Survivors carries an item with the ​Amputate ​trait,
perform an Amputate action as usual. If no Survivor carries an item with the Amputate trait,
the bitten Survivor is considered to be a casualty.

Attrition: Remove all supply cards from your Survivors, they will not be taken over into the
next mission. Put every equipment card that is carried by of your Survivors in one deck,
cover them with the blank side up and shuffle it. Draw one card for every surviving member
of your team at random. For every drawn card roll [1 Black Die], on a blank this item is
destroyed and removed from your Armory. On a Badge nothing happens.

Continue with Mission 2.

You lost your Survivors and there is no one left. You lose both the mission and the
campaign. It looks like you have to start over.
Mission 2 - Rescue
Having only just escaped the death trap that was the refugee camp, Rick doesn’t hesitate to
create a little distance between him and the battle. Still he could hear the shooting behind
him. The setting sun forces him to find a place to hide and sleep, and soon he settled himself
into the corner of a run down corner shop. A few hours later he is woken by noise out on the
main street, spying down from a window he makes out a familiar face in a car, that is
besieged by walkers.

[This Missions is inspired by the Custom Scenario “TheRescue” by Bard1790, it can be found on]

Survivor Groups
Group 1​ (Played by Player 1)
The group consists of all members, that survived the previous mission.
Distribute equipment from your armory at will.

Group 2​ (Played by Player 2)

Class Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

Bruiser 2 Red 1 Red 1 Red Medium 4 2 -

Equipment: Wrench (days Gone Bye)

Class Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

- 1 Red - 1 Red Low 3 2 Parental Instinct: Any allied Child

within her Kill Zone improves her
Nerve to Medium and may use her
Nerve value.

Equipment: .22 Revolver

Both groups are allied. If the mission is played Solo, all models of Player Two go over into
the control of Player One.
Setup Instructions
Set up a 20”x20” gaming area, representing an road intersection. Use the following scheme.

Place 1 Car in the center on the far edge of the board. Group 2 begins the game, trapped in
the car.

Place at least 3 more cars.

Place 2 Resource Caches, 1 in every vertical map segment.
Place additional street scenery like street signs, bus stops, telephone booths, dumpsters,
planters, etc., if possible.
All cars, except the car that hides Group 2, count as resource hubs.

Place the Survivors of Group 1 in one or both of the Deployment Zones.
Group 2 begins the game trapped in the car. While they are in the car, they cannot take
action and they do not test for Panic.
Once there are no standing Walker in base contact with the car they may use a special
action to disembark. Place the disembarked Survivors in base contact with the car.

Use a full card deck.

Place 3 Walkers in base contact with the car that hides Group 2.
Place 1 Walkers in base contact with each Resource Cache.
Place 7 Walkers at random.

While Group 2 is in the car, any Walker in base contact with the car is not eligible for Events
which would move them. They still react as usual for other Survivors. They may disengage
the car to move towards a source of MAYHEM.

Threat Level
Due to the Walkers attacking the car, the Threat Level starts at 4.
The game does not end when the Threat Level reaches Maximum, but it can no longer be
reduced if it does. Instead of advancing the Threat Level, the respective amount of Walkers
enter play.

Setup Example

Special Rules
Looting: When a Survivor searches a resource hub, he throws [2 Red Dice]. If he throws a ​!,
he draws an Equipment card, otherwise he draws a Supply card. Supply cards are discarded
at the end of a mission, while Equipment cards are added to the Armory. A double ​! means
you can draw both an equipment and a supply card. Every fourth Draw you can draw an
Equipment Card without test. If you collect all Resource Caches on a map you can draw a
free additional Equipment Card.

Recycling: If a Survivor is killed, place a resource cache in his place. It contains all items that
the Survivor had carried with him. If the Survivor returns as a Walker, place it next to the
Walker model instead. A Survivor that uses a Search action on the cache may pick up the
dropped items.

Tactical Retreat: If the player deems the odds insurmountable or wants to withdraw injured
Survivors, he may move the respective Survivors to one of their groups deployment zones
and perform a special “Retreat” action. The retreated Survivors are then removed from the
board. If all Survivors are withdrawn, the mission ends in a defeat. Retreated Survivors do
not gain the 10XP for winning and surviving a mission, even if the remaining Survivors still
win the mission.

One sided: At the end of each turn, add 1 to the Threat Level. To avoid that players use their
Event Card Walker movement to clear the way, they have to move Walkers into the direction
of the nearest Survivor. You may still choose which Walkers to move.
Victory Conditions
The players win when all surviving members of Group 1 and 2 exit the board edge
connecting the deployment zones.

Mission Conclusion
Joining the Crew: If Allen survived, he will join your band of Survivors permanently. If Carol
survived, she will join your band of Survivors permanently, provided Sophia is still alive. If
Carol survived but Sophia is dead, she will blame Rick for her childs death and not join the

Time to rest: Any member of your party, whether he/she participated in this mission or not,
restores one health point. Any remaining damage will be taken over to the next game. Bitten
characters do not benefit from this.

First aid: If one of your Survivors was bitten during the mission, but has not yet succumbed
to the infection, and one participating Survivors carries an item with the ​Amputate ​trait,
perform an Amputate action as usual. If no Survivor carries an item with the Amputate trait,
the bitten Survivor is considered to be a casualty.

Attrition: Remove all supply cards from your Survivors, they will not be taken over into the
next mission. Put every equipment card that is carried by of your Survivors in one deck,
cover them with the blank side up and shuffle it. Draw one card for every surviving member
of your team at random. For every drawn card roll [1 Black Die], on a blank this item is
destroyed and removed from your Armory. On a Badge nothing happens.

Continue with Mission 3.

You lost your Survivors and there is no one left. You lose both the mission and the
campaign. It looks like you have to start over.
Intermediary Missions

Intermediary Mission F1
Survivor Group
The player may choose up to 2 Survivors out of his Group.
Distribute equipment from your armory at will.

The Group deploys in a corner of your choice.

Setup Instructions
Set up a 20”x20” gaming area of your choice.

The Survivors return from patrol and find their way back obstructed by Walkers. To win, the
Survivors must reach the Escape zone in the far corner of their Deployment zone.

Place scenery of your choice.
No scenery counts as a resource hub.

Roll 4 Red Die and place as many Resource Caches as there are pips and ​!​.

Roll 5 White Die and place as many Walkers as there are pips and ​!​.
All Walkers enter play on the northern or eastern board edge.

Threat Level
Roll 5 White Die and set the Threat Level to as many points as there are pips and ​!​.
The game does not end when the Threat Level reaches Maximum, but it can no longer be
reduced if it does. Instead of advancing the Threat Level, the respective amount of Walkers
enter play.

Special Rules
Looting: When a Survivor searches a resource hub, he throws [2 Red Dice]. If he throws a ​!,
he draws an Equipment card, otherwise he draws a Supply card. Supply cards are discarded
at the end of a mission, while Equipment cards are added to the Armory. A double ​! means
you can draw both an equipment and a supply card. Every fourth Draw you can draw an
Equipment Card without test. If you collect all Resource Caches on a map you can draw a
free additional Equipment Card.

Recycling: If a Survivor is killed place a resource cache in his place. It contains all items that
the Survivor had carried with him. If the Survivor returns as a Walker place it next to the
Walker model instead. A Survivor that uses a Search action on the cache may pick up the
dropped items.

One sided: At the end of each turn, add 1 to the Threat Level. To avoid that players use their
Event Card Walker movement to clear the way, they have to move Walkers into the direction
of the nearest Survivor. You may still choose which Walkers to move.

Mission Conclusion
Time to rest: Any member of your party, whether he/she participated in this mission or not,
restores one health point. Any remaining damage will be taken over to the next game. Bitten
characters do not benefit from this.

First aid: If one of your Survivors was bitten during the mission, but has not yet succumbed
to the infection, and one participating Survivors carries an item with the ​Amputate ​trait,
perform an Amputate action as usual. If no Survivor carries an item with the Amputate trait,
the bitten Survivor is considered to be a casualty.

Attrition: Remove all supply cards from your Survivors, they will not be taken over into the
next mission. Put every equipment card that is carried by of your Survivors in one deck,
cover them with the blank side up and shuffle it. Draw one card for every surviving member
of your team at random. For every drawn card roll [1 Black Die], on a blank this item is
destroyed and removed from your Armory. On a Badge nothing happens.

Intermediary Mission F2
Survivor Group
Group 1​ (Played by Player 1)
The player may choose up to 2 Survivors out of his Group.
Distribute equipment from your armory at will.

The Group deploys in a corner of your choice.

Group 2​ (Played by Player 2)

Throw 1 White Die, on 2 pips the following Survivor is part your group:
Class Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

Bruiser Roll 1 Blue Die to determine Melee, Shoot and Defense. Determine the values separately.
- 1 or 2 Pips: 1 White Die
- 2 Pips, ​!​: 1 White Die, 1 Red Die

Roll 1 White Die to determine Nerve Value:

- 0 or 1 Pip: Medium Nerve
- 2 Pips: High Nerve

Roll 1 Blue Die to determine Health:

- 1 Pip: 4 Health
- 2 Pips: 5 Health
- 2 Pips, ​!​: 6 Health

Derek has 2 Pack Slots.

Roll 1 Red Die to determine Leader Ability:
- 0 or 1 pips: No Leader Ability
- 2 Pips, !​: Be more afraid of me…: Any friendly model within Derek’s Kill Zone may use his
Nerve value instead of its own.

Roll 1 White Die to determine Equipment:

- 0 pip: Baseball Bat
- 1 pip: .22 Revolver
- 2 pip: Kitchen Knife, .38 Revolver
- 2pip, ​!​: 12-Gauge Shotgun (Rick on Horse Booster)

Throw 1 Black Die, on a Badge the following Survivor is part of the mission:
Class Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

Runner Roll 1 Blue Die to determine Melee, Shoot and Defense. Determine the values separately.
- 1 Pip: 1 Red Die
- 2 Pips: 2 Red Die
- 2 Pips, ​!​: 1 White Die, 1 Red Die

Roll 1 Red Die to determine Nerve Value:

- 0 Pip: Low Nerve
- 1 Pip: Medium Nerve
- 2 Pips: High Nerve

Roll 1 Blue Die to determine Health:

- 1 Pip: 3 Health
- 2 Pips: 4 Health
- 2 Pips, ​!​: 5 Health

Sandra has 2 Pack Slots.

Roll 1 White to determine Sandras Special Rule:

- 0 pip: No Special Rule
- 1 or 2 pips: ​Nimble: At the start of a melee including Sandra, she may roll [1 black die]. On a
Badge, she moves out of base contact and at least 1" away from all current enemies, by the
shortest route possible (moving through models if necessary).
- 2 pips, ​!​: Quick: Sandra may perform 2 Move Actions in the same turn (if she has Actions to
spend), although she may not Run twice.

Roll 1 White Die to determine Equipment:

- 0 pip: Kitchen Knife
- 1 pip: Hunting Knife (Days Gone Bye)
- 2 pip: Kitchen Knife, Hunting Knife
- 2pip, ​!​: Hunting Knife, .38 Revolver

Throw 1 Black Die, on a Badge the following Survivor is part of the mission:
Class Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

Bruiser Roll 1 Blue Die to determine Melee, Shoot and Defense. Determine the values separately.
- 1 Pip: 1 Red Die
- 2 Pips: 2 Red Die
- 2 Pips, ​!​: 1 White Die, 1 Red Die

Roll 1 Red Die to determine Nerve Value:

- 0 Pip: Low Nerve
- 1 Pip: Medium Nerve
- 2 Pips: High Nerve

Roll 1 Blue Die to determine Health:

- 1 Pip: 3 Health
- 2 Pips: 4 Health
- 2 Pips, ​!​: 5 Health

Patrick has 1 Pack Slots.

Roll 1 White to determine Patricks Special Rule:

- 0-2 pip: No special Rule
- 2 pips, ​!​: The Muscle: If Patrick is on the winning side in melee and chooses to attack, his
side inflicts 1 extra point of damage against the enemy.

Roll 1 White Die to determine Equipment:

- 0 pip: Hunting Knife (Days Gone Bye)
- 1 pip: Baseball Bat
- 2 pip: Claw Hammer (Lee & Clementine Booster)
- 2pip, ​!​: Baseball Bat, .38 Revolver

Throw 1 Black Die, on a Badge the following Survivor is part of the mission:
Class Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

Marksman Roll 1 Blue Die to determine Melee, Shoot and Defense. Determine the values separately.
- 1 Pip: 1 Red Die
- 2 Pips: 2 Red Die
- 2 Pips, ​!​: 1 White Die, 1 Red Die

Roll 1 Red Die to determine Nerve Value:

- 0 Pip: Low Nerve
- 1 Pip: Medium Nerve
- 2 Pips: High Nerve

Roll 1 Blue Die to determine Health:

- 1 Pip: 3 Health
- 2 Pips: 4 Health
- 2 Pips, ​!​: 5 Health

Reggie has 1 Pack Slots.

Roll 1 White Die to determine Equipment:

- 0 pip: .22 Revolver
- 1 pip: Smith & Wesson 8mm (Shane Booster)
- 2 pip: 12-Gauge Shotgun (Rick on Horse Booster)
- 2pip, ​!​: Remington 700 (Days Gone Bye)

The Members of Group 2 do not deploy at the beginning of the game. Beginning in turn 3
and in every consecutive turn, Player 2 throws one Black Die for every participating Survivor
of Group 2 at the beginning of the turn. On a Badge the respective Survivor enters play in
the same deployment zone as Player 1.

Setup Instructions
Set up a 20”x20” gaming area of your choice.

The Survivors happened upon a group of Scavengers, trying to avoid a fight they turned to
flee. Unfortunately the Scavenger noticed them and started to chase them. Try to lose them.
To win, the Survivors of Group 1 must reach the Escape zone in the far corner of their
Deployment zone. The objective of Group 2 is to kill the members of Group 1.
Place scenery of your choice.
No scenery counts as a resource hub.

Roll 4 Red Die and place as many Resource Caches as there are pips and ​!​.

Roll 4 White Die and place as many Walkers as there are pips and ​!​.

Threat Level
Roll 5 White Die and set the Threat Level to as many points as there are pips and ​!​.
The game does not end when the Threat Level reaches Maximum, but it can no longer be
reduced if it does. Instead of advancing the Threat Level, the respective amount of Walkers
enter play.

Special Rules
Looting: When a Survivor searches a resource hub, he throws [2 Red Dice]. If he throws a ​!,
he draws an Equipment card, otherwise he draws a Supply card. Supply cards are discarded
at the end of a mission, while Equipment cards are added to the Armory. A double ​! means
you can draw both an equipment and a supply card. Every fourth Draw you can draw an
Equipment Card without test. If you collect all Resource Caches on a map you can draw a
free additional Equipment Card.

Recycling: If a Survivor is killed, place a resource cache in his place. It contains all items that
the Survivor had carried with him. If the Survivor returns as a Walker place it next to the
Walker model instead. A Survivor that uses a Search action on the cache may pick up the
dropped items.

Mission Conclusion
Time to rest: Any member of your party, whether he/she participated in this mission or not,
restores one health point. Any remaining damage will be taken over to the next game. Bitten
characters do not benefit from this.

First aid: If one of your Survivors was bitten during the mission, but has not yet succumbed
to the infection, and one participating Survivors carries an item with the ​Amputate ​trait,
perform an Amputate action as usual. If no Survivor carries an item with the Amputate trait,
the bitten Survivor is considered to be a casualty.

Attrition: Remove all supply cards from your Survivors, they will not be taken over into the
next mission. Put every equipment card that is carried by of your Survivors in one deck,
cover them with the blank side up and shuffle it. Draw one card for every surviving member
of your team at random. For every drawn card roll [1 Black Die], on a blank this item is
destroyed and removed from your Armory. On a Badge nothing happens.
Intermediary Mission T1
Survivor Group
The player may choose up to 3 Survivors out of his Group.
Distribute equipment from your armory at will.

The Group deploys on a board edge of your choice.

Setup Instructions
Set up a 20”x20” gaming area of your choice.

The Survivors are collecting supplies to aid their group. To end the game, either collect all
Resource Caches, or move your Survivors back into your deployment zone after collecting
as many Resource Caches as you can.

Place scenery of your choice.
No scenery counts as a resource hub.

Roll 4 White Die and place as many Resource Caches as there are pips and ​!​.

Roll 5 White Die and place as many Walkers as there are pips and ​!​.

Threat Level
Roll 5 White Die and set the Threat Level to as many points as there are pips and ​!​.
The game does not end when the Threat Level reaches Maximum, but it can no longer be
reduced if it does. Instead of advancing the Threat Level, the respective amount of Walkers
enter play.

Special Rules
Looting: When a Survivor searches a resource hub, he throws [2 Red Dice]. If he throws a ​!,
he draws an Equipment card, otherwise he draws a Supply card. Supply cards are discarded
at the end of a mission, while Equipment cards are added to the Armory. A double ​! means
you can draw both an equipment and a supply card. Every fourth Draw you can draw an
Equipment Card without test. If you collect all Resource Caches on a map you can draw a
free additional Equipment Card.

Recycling: If a Survivor is killed place a resource cache in his place. It contains all items that
the Survivor had carried with him. If the Survivor returns as a Walker place it next to the
Walker model instead. A Survivor that uses a Search action on the cache may pick up the
dropped items.
Tactical Retreat: If the player wants to withdraw injured Survivors, he may move the
respective Survivors to their deployment zone and perform a special “Retreat” action. The
retreated Survivors are then removed from the board. Retreated Survivors do not gain the
10XP for winning and surviving a mission, even if the remaining Survivors still win the

One sided: At the end of each turn, add 1 to the Threat Level. To avoid that players use their
Event Card Walker movement to clear the way, they have to move Walkers into the direction
of the nearest Survivor. You may still choose which Walkers to move.

Mission Conclusion
Time to rest: Any member of your party, whether he/she participated in this mission or not,
restores one health point. Any remaining damage will be taken over to the next game. Bitten
characters do not benefit from this.

First aid: If one of your Survivors was bitten during the mission, but has not yet succumbed
to the infection, and one participating Survivors carries an item with the ​Amputate ​trait,
perform an Amputate action as usual. If no Survivor carries an item with the Amputate trait,
the bitten Survivor is considered to be a casualty.

Attrition: Remove all supply cards from your Survivors, they will not be taken over into the
next mission. Put every equipment card that is carried by of your Survivors in one deck,
cover them with the blank side up and shuffle it. Draw one card for every surviving member
of your team at random. For every drawn card roll [1 Black Die], on a blank this item is
destroyed and removed from your Armory. On a Badge nothing happens.
Intermediary Mission T2
Survivor Group
Group 1​ (Played by Player 1)
The player may choose up to 3 Survivors out of his Group.
Distribute equipment from your armory at will.

The Group deploys on a board edge of your choice.

Group 2​ (Played by Player 2)

Throw 1 White Die, on 2 pips the following Survivor is part your group:
Class Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

Bruiser Roll 1 Blue Die to determine Melee, Shoot and Defense. Determine the values separately.
- 1 or 2 Pips: 1 White Die
- 2 Pips, ​!​: 1 White Die, 1 Red Die

Roll 1 White Die to determine Nerve Value:

- 0 or 1 Pip: Medium Nerve
- 2 Pips: High Nerve

Roll 1 Blue Die to determine Health:

- 1 Pip: 4 Health
- 2 Pips: 5 Health
- 2 Pips, ​!​: 6 Health

Derek has 2 Pack Slots.

Roll 1 Red Die to determine Leader Ability:

- 0 or 1 pips: No Leader Ability
- 2 Pips, !​: Be more afraid of me…: Any friendly model within Derek’s Kill Zone may use his
Nerve value instead of its own.

Roll 1 White Die to determine Equipment:

- 0 pip: Baseball Bat
- 1 pip: .22 Revolver
- 2 pip: Kitchen Knife, .38 Revolver
- 2pip, ​!​: 12-Gauge Shotgun (Rick on Horse Booster)

Throw 1 Black Die, on a Badge the following Survivor is part of the mission:
Class Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

Runner Roll 1 Blue Die to determine Melee, Shoot and Defense. Determine the values separately.
- 1 Pip: 1 Red Die
- 2 Pips: 2 Red Die
- 2 Pips, ​!​: 1 White Die, 1 Red Die

Roll 1 Red Die to determine Nerve Value:

- 0 Pip: Low Nerve
- 1 Pip: Medium Nerve
- 2 Pips: High Nerve

Roll 1 Blue Die to determine Health:

- 1 Pip: 3 Health
- 2 Pips: 4 Health
- 2 Pips, ​!​: 5 Health
Sandra has 2 Pack Slots.

Roll 1 White to determine Sandra's Special Rule:

- 0 pip: No Special Rule
- 1 or 2 pips: ​Nimble: At the start of a melee including Sandra, she may roll [1 black die]. On a
Badge, she moves out of base contact and at least 1" away from all current enemies, by the
shortest route possible (moving through models if necessary).
- 2 pips, ​!​: Quick: Sandra may perform 2 Move Actions in the same turn (if she has Actions to
spend), although she may not Run twice.

Roll 1 White Die to determine Equipment:

- 0 pip: Kitchen Knife
- 1 pip: Hunting Knife (Days Gone Bye)
- 2 pip: Kitchen Knife, Hunting Knife
- 2pip, ​!​: Hunting Knife, .38 Revolver

Throw 1 Black Die, on a Badge the following Survivor is part of the mission:
Class Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

Bruiser Roll 1 Blue Die to determine Melee, Shoot and Defense. Determine the values separately.
- 1 Pip: 1 Red Die
- 2 Pips: 2 Red Die
- 2 Pips, ​!​: 1 White Die, 1 Red Die

Roll 1 Red Die to determine Nerve Value:

- 0 Pip: Low Nerve
- 1 Pip: Medium Nerve
- 2 Pips: High Nerve

Roll 1 Blue Die to determine Health:

- 1 Pip: 3 Health
- 2 Pips: 4 Health
- 2 Pips, ​!​: 5 Health

Patrick has 1 Pack Slots.

Roll 1 White to determine Patricks Special Rule:

- 0-2 pip: No special Rule
- 2 pips, ​!​: The Muscle: If Patrick is on the winning side in melee and chooses to attack, his
side inflicts 1 extra point of damage against the enemy.

Roll 1 White Die to determine Equipment:

- 0 pip: Hunting Knife (Days Gone Bye)
- 1 pip: Baseball Bat
- 2 pip: Claw Hammer (Lee & Clementine Booster)
- 2pip, ​!​: Baseball Bat, .38 Revolver

Throw 1 Black Die, on a Badge the following Survivor is part of the mission:
Class Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

Marksman Roll 1 Blue Die to determine Melee, Shoot and Defense. Determine the values separately.
- 1 Pip: 1 Red Die
- 2 Pips: 2 Red Die
- 2 Pips, ​!​: 1 White Die, 1 Red Die

Roll 1 Red Die to determine Nerve Value:

- 0 Pip: Low Nerve
- 1 Pip: Medium Nerve
- 2 Pips: High Nerve
Roll 1 Blue Die to determine Health:
- 1 Pip: 3 Health
- 2 Pips: 4 Health
- 2 Pips, ​!​: 5 Health

Reggie has 1 Pack Slots.

Roll 1 White Die to determine Equipment:

- 0 pip: .22 Revolver
- 1 pip: Smith & Wesson 8mm (Shane Booster)
- 2 pip: 12-Gauge Shotgun (Rick on Horse Booster)
- 2pip, ​!​: Remington 700 (Days Gone Bye)

The Group deploys on the board edge opposite of Group 1.

Setup Instructions
Set up a 20”x20” gaming area of your choice. Use the following scheme.

The Survivors are collecting supplies to aid their group. When they found a promising spot,
they notice a group of Scavengers trying to claim their bounty. The game ends when all
Resource Caches are collected, one side was killed or has retreated, or when the Threat
Tracker reaches Maximum.

If one side was killed or has retreated and the Threat Level is not High, the remaining
Resource Caches are automatically claimed by the other player.

Place scenery of your choice.
No scenery counts as a resource hub.

Roll 4 Red Die and place as many Resource Caches as there are pips and ​!​.

Roll 4 White Die and place as many Walkers as there are pips and ​!​.

Threat Level
Roll 5 White Die and set the Threat Level to as many points as there are pips and ​!​.

Special Rules
Looting: When a Survivor searches a resource hub, he throws [2 Red Dice]. If he throws a ​!,
he draws an Equipment card, otherwise he draws a Supply card. Supply cards are discarded
at the end of a mission, while Equipment cards are added to the Armory. A double ​! means
you can draw both an equipment and a supply card. Every fourth Draw you can draw an
Equipment Card without test. If you collect all Resource Caches on a map you can draw a
free additional Equipment Card.
Recycling: If a Survivor is killed, place a resource cache in his place. It contains all items that
the Survivor had carried with him. If the Survivor returns as a Walker place it next to the
Walker model instead. A Survivor that uses a Search action on the cache may pick up the
dropped items.

Tactical Retreat: If the player wants to withdraw injured Survivors, he may move the
respective Survivors to their deployment zone and perform a special “Retreat” action. The
retreated Survivors are then removed from the board. Retreated Survivors do not gain the
10XP for winning and surviving a mission, even if the remaining Survivors still win the

Mission Conclusion
Time to rest: Any member of your party, whether he/she participated in this mission or not,
restores one health point. Any remaining damage will be taken over to the next game. Bitten
characters do not benefit from this.

First aid: If one of your Survivors was bitten during the mission, but has not yet succumbed
to the infection, and one participating Survivors carries an item with the ​Amputate ​trait,
perform an Amputate action as usual. If no Survivor carries an item with the Amputate trait,
the bitten Survivor is considered to be a casualty.

Attrition: Remove all supply cards from your Survivors, they will not be taken over into the
next mission. Put every equipment card that is carried by of your Survivors in one deck,
cover them with the blank side up and shuffle it. Draw one card for every surviving member
of your team at random. For every drawn card roll [1 Black Die], on a blank this item is
destroyed and removed from your Armory. On a Badge nothing happens.

Each Survivor of your group will gain experience for the various tasks that he undertakes
while he participates in a mission.

Kill a Walker: 1 XP
Kill a Survivor: 5 XP
Be a part of, win and survive a mission: 10 XP

Keep track of them during the games, the experience points will be applied at the end of a

Skill Trees

LVL Next LVL Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

1 10 XP 2 Red 1 Red 1 Red Medium 3 2 Parental Supervision: Any allied Child

within his Kill Zone may use his Nerve

2 Choose a permanent class.

Bruiser Path

2 30 XP 2 Red 1 Red 1 Red Medium 4 2 Parental Supervision: Any allied Child

within his Kill Zone may use his Nerve

3 60 XP 2 Red 1 Red 2 Red Medium 4 2 Parental Supervision: Any allied Child

within his Kill Zone may use his Nerve

Runner Path

2 30 XP 2 Red 1 Red 1 Red Medium 3 2 Parental Supervision: Any allied Child

within his Kill Zone may use his Nerve

Nimble: At the start of a melee

including Rick, he may roll [1 black
die]. On a Badge, he moves out of
base contact and at least 1" away
from all current enemies, by the
shortest route possible (moving
through models if necessary).

2 60 XP 2 Red 1 Red 2 Red Medium 3 2 Parental Supervision: Any allied Child

within his Kill Zone may use his Nerve

Nimble: At the start of a melee

including Rick, he may roll [1 black
die]. On a Badge, he moves out of
base contact and at least 1" away
from all current enemies, by the
shortest route possible (moving
through models if necessary).

Marksman Path

2 30 XP 2 Red 2 Red 1 Red Medium 3 2 Parental Supervision: Any allied Child

within his Kill Zone may use his Nerve

3 60 XP 2 Red 2 Red 1 Red Medium 4 2 Parental Supervision: Any allied Child

within his Kill Zone may use his Nerve

Tactician Path

2 30 XP 2 Red 2 Red 1 Red Medium 3 2 Parental Supervision: Any allied Child

within his Kill Zone may use his Nerve

3 60 XP 2 Red 2 Red 1 Red Medium 3 2 Parental Supervision: Any allied Child

within his Kill Zone may use his Nerve

Stay Calm!: Rick may perform this in

place of a Hold Your Nerve action.
Roll [1 Blue Die] and reduce the
Threat Level by that many points.

Support Path

2 30 XP 2 Red 1 Red 2 Red Medium 3 2 Parental Supervision: Any allied Child

within his Kill Zone may use his Nerve

3 60 XP 2 Red 1 Red 2 Red Medium 3 2 Parental Supervision: Any allied Child

within his Kill Zone may use his Nerve

Looter: May once per game reroll the

dice to determine whether you draw
an Equipment or Supply card.
Carl (Child)
LVL Next LVL Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

1 10 XP 1 Red - 1 Red Low 2 1 -

2 Choose a permanent class.

Bruiser Path

2 30 XP 1 Red - 1 Red Low 3 1 -

3 60 XP 1 White - 1 Red Low 3 1 -

Runner Path

2 30 XP 1 Red - 1 Red Low 2 2 -

3 60 XP 1 White - 1 Red Low 2 2 -

Marksman Path

2 30 XP 1 Red 1 Red 1 Red Low 2 1 -

3 60 XP 1 Red 1 Red 1 Red Low 2 2 -

Tactician Path

2 30 XP 1 Red 1 Red 1 Red Low 2 1 -

3 60 XP 1 Red 1 Red 1 Red Low 2 2 -

Support Path

2 30 XP 1 Red - 1 Red Low 2 2 -

3 60 XP 1 Red 1 Red 1 Red Low 2 2 -

Sophia (Child)
LVL Next LVL Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

1 10 XP 1 Red - 1 Red Low 2 1 -

2 Choose a permanent class.

Bruiser Path

2 30 XP 1 Red - 1 Red Low 3 1 -

3 60 XP 1 White - 1 Red Low 3 1 -

Runner Path

2 30 XP 1 Red - 1 Red Low 2 2 -

3 60 XP 1 White - 1 Red Low 2 2 -

Marksman Path

2 30 XP 1 Red 1 Red 1 Red Low 2 1 -

3 60 XP 1 Red 1 Red 1 Red Low 2 2 -

Tactician Path

2 30 XP 1 Red 1 Red 1 Red Low 2 1 -

3 60 XP 1 Red 1 Red 1 Red Low 2 2 -

Support Path

2 30 XP 1 Red - 1 Red Low 2 2 -

3 60 XP 1 Red 1 Red 1 Red Low 2 2 -

LVL Next LVL Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

Bruiser Path

2 30 XP 2 Red 1 Red 1 Red Medium 4 2 -

3 60 XP 2 Red 1 Red 2 Red Medium 4 2 -

LVL Next LVL Melee Shoot Defense Nerve Health Pack Special

1 10 XP 1 Red - 1 Red Low 3 2 Parental Instinct: Any allied Child

within her Kill Zone improves her
Nerve to Medium and may use her
Nerve value.

2 Choose a permanent class.

Bruiser Path

2 30 XP 2 Red - 1 Red Low 3 2 Parental Instinct: Any allied Child

within her Kill Zone improves her
Nerve to Medium and may use her
Nerve value.

3 60 XP 2 Red - 1 Red Low 4 2 Parental Instinct: Any allied Child

within her Kill Zone improves her
Nerve to Medium and may use her
Nerve value.

Runner Path

2 30 XP 2 Red - 1 Red Low 3 2 Parental Instinct: Any allied Child

within her Kill Zone improves her
Nerve to Medium and may use her
Nerve value.

3 60 XP 2 Red - 1 Red Low 3 3 Parental Instinct: Any allied Child

within her Kill Zone improves her
Nerve to Medium and may use her
Nerve value.

Marksman Path

2 30 XP 1 Red 1 Red 1 Red Low 3 2 Parental Instinct: Any allied Child

within her Kill Zone improves her
Nerve to Medium and may use her
Nerve value.

3 60 XP 1 Red 1 Red 1 Red Low 3 3 Parental Instinct: Any allied Child

within her Kill Zone improves her
Nerve to Medium and may use her
Nerve value.

Tactician Path

2 30 XP 1 Red 1 Red 1 Red Low 3 2 Parental Instinct: Any allied Child

within her Kill Zone improves her
Nerve to Medium and may use her
Nerve value.

3 60 XP 1 Red 1 Red 2 White Low 3 2 Parental Instinct: Any allied Child

within her Kill Zone improves her
Nerve to Medium and may use her
Nerve value.

Support Path

2 30 XP 1 Red - 1 Red Low 3 3 Parental Instinct: Any allied Child

within her Kill Zone improves her
Nerve to Medium and may use her
Nerve value.
3 60 XP 1 Red 1 Red 1 Red Low 3 3 Parental Instinct: Any allied Child
within her Kill Zone improves her
Nerve to Medium and may use her
Nerve value.

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