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Basics of

EEG signals
44 things
things to
to look
look for
for in
in EEG
EEG signals

01 Waveforms
The shape of a wave (wave = any
change in the difference of electrical
potential between a pair of recording
Regular waveforms (sinusoidal, arch
shaped, saw tooth shaped)
Irregular waveforms

02 Frequency
EEG waves are divided into 4
frequency bands
Delta, theta, alpha, beta bands
Delta and theta frequencies are
slow waves. The terms were
given by Walter.
Alpha and beta frequencies are
fast waves. The terms were given
by Hence Berger.

03 Amplitude
measured in microvolts
from peak to peak
High amplitude = over 50
Medium amplitude = 20-50
Low amplitude = under 20

04 Distribution
Distribution of the signals
Generalized, lateralized, or localized
Generalized = activity that occurs at
the same time over all or most of the
Lateralized on the right hemisphere
Lateralized = activity that occurs
mostly on one side of the head
Localized = activity that is restricted to
one or few electrodes over an area of
the head

Infographic #8
Carole Leung
Reference: Lecture slides week 7 the
basics of EEG waves

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