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S E C T I O N I I I : P R E PA R I N G F O R T H E F U T U R E

The future is here: Mind control and

torture in the digital era
Pau Pérez-Sales

Abstract seem dissociated. When a field worker doctor

Torture, understood as a relationship of dom- or psychologist in a torture treatment centre
ination in which one person breaks the will of the Global South is told about CIA or
and impedes the self-determination of another China mind- control programmes, or about
human being, taking control of all aspects of documenting threats or sleep deprivation as
the victims’ life and trying to change the core subtle forms of torture (Pérez-Sales, 2020,
elements of their identity to the perpetrator’s 2021), that person may read the information
interests (Pérez-Sales, 2017), will increasingly with a certain curiosity. But as a reality, such
come to be linked to new technologies, arti- programmes appear light-years away from his
ficial intelligence, the use of media and inter- or her daily practice of hunger, bruises, in-
net, and to new forms of lethal and non-lethal somnia and flashbacks.
weapons. The author reviews the implications Until suddenly Guantanamo prison is
of modern technology for the contemporary among the main news on TV, and the two
fight against torture and some of the emerging worlds, apparently dissociated come together.
civil society initiatives that aim to face them. And we realise that thousands of people, or-
dinary citizens, have been, and are being, sub-
Keywords: Torture, Non-Lethal weapons, jected for years to torture methods designed
Neuro-warfare, Nanotechnologies, Mind by psychologists and doctors, the foundation
control. Surveillance Methods, Neuro-ethics, for ideas and programmes that sound like out-
Cognitive Liberty. dated Cold War relics, but which are none-
theless real: MK-Ultra, Albert Biederman,
Working with torture survivors: are there Brainwashing, Kubark Manual, and the like.
T O R T U R E Vo l um e 3 2 , N um be r 1 - 2, 20 2 2

two parallel worlds? Human experimentation not so far as that

When we discuss contemporary torture, it performed by Nazi doctors. In fact, opaque
seems as if there are two parallel worlds. One centres like Guantanamo exist and have always
is constituted by, let’s say, “real torture”, that existed. La Libertad prison in Montevideo was
of blows and beatings, of the dark ominous a place of experimentation in psychological
places of detention. And the other, that re- torture in the 1980s. There were similar centres
flected in mostly speculative reports, is of the in Brasilia and Buenos Aires, where mind-con-
MK-Ultra, the laboratories of human experi- trol experiments on human beings were done
mentation, brainwashing and the dark world with British, French or North American in-
of military research institutions. Both worlds structors. In the 1990s, experiments on differ-
International Rehabilitation Council for Torture Victims. All rights reserved.
S E C T I O N I I I : P R E PA R I N G F O R T H E F U T U R E

ent forms of identity destruction were carried 1981, based on the MS-DOS system. Barely 40
out in Turkey in the Kartal Special Type Prison years later, quantum transmission systems are
(among others), which later gave rise to the becoming available and any desktop computer
well-known F-Type prisons. The Evin prison is capable of handling gigabytes of information
in Tehran has had, for more than 20 years, and in seconds. Advances in the battle for mind
is still in use, a module for experimentation control have followed the same exponential
with different forms of psychological torture, growth. What only ten years ago was part of a
in the past with US and Rusian trainers, now conspiratorial universe, is today a technologi-
on their own. Similar modules have been de- cal reality; sometimes in animal testing models,
scribed in other countries. It seems nobody but very often already in human experimenta-
wants to be left behind in the race to delve tion or applied in small scale environments.
into the limits of the human mind and will. In a very short time, there will be attempts to
scale it up, and a new battle will ensue as civil
Torture methods: changing the outlook society and human rights groups challenge
Psychological torture, in the past, was based the assault on individual liberty. Globally, this
on destruction: the destruction of the body new field, which has undergone extraordinary
through pain, and the destruction of the mind expansion since the 1970s, has been labelled
through psychological methods of attacking neuro-warfare (Krishnan, 2016). Part of it is
self and identity. Internet and Communications Ill-Treatment
Those methods proved to be of little prac- and Torture (ICIT) which looks specifically
tical use, except as punishment, and were not at how communications and social networks
considered cost-effective by the State perpetra- can be used as forms of torture, coercion and
tors. Whatever limited success such methods social control and reviewed elsewhere. (Pérez-
achieved often came at the expense of a neg- Sales & Serra, 2020)
ative social image, international isolation and Torture is understood, in its ultimate
a high political cost for the governments that consequences, as a relationship of domina-
used them. Moreover, such methods cor- tion in which one person breaks the will and
responded poorly with the logic of the free impedes the self-determination of another
market and the monetisation of all aspects of human being, taking control of all aspects of
society in a globalised world in which markets the victims’ life and trying to change the core
supplant States as social regulators. elements of his or her identity to the perpe-
Thus, the torture of the future will be trator’s interests (Pérez-Sales, 2017). This
forms of social control that are also niche purpose will increasingly come to be linked to
TO R T U R E Vo l um e 3 2 , N u mb e r 1 -2 , 2 02 2

markets. The destruction of body and mind the new technologies, artificial intelligence, the
will still be part of contemporary torture; but use of media and internet, and to new forms
the focus of torture methods will increasingly of lethal and non-lethal weapons.
be based on the logic of late capitalist societies.
Controlling the body: of course pain, but
Mind control: more than a myth? not only pain
The technological society is advancing expo- Table 1 collects a brief summary of available
nentially. In 1969, the US military research contemporary non-lethal weapons already
agency ARPA created the first rudimentary in- in use or in experimental stage with poten-
ternet. The first PC came onto the market in tial use as torture devices (National Research
S E C T I O N I I I : P R E PA R I N G F O R T H E F U T U R E

New Non-Lethal Weapons with potential use as torture devices

Chemical weapons • Incapacitating agents (e.g. CS, CN, CR, OC) used as gases or sprays
• Chemicals that target neurotransmission receptors aiming to
produce anxiety, submissiveness or fatigue
• Chemicals that act as malodorant or produce nausea or vomiting
• Chemicals that produce temporary neurotoxic paralysis.

Electro-shock devices • All kinds of guns, projectiles, batons or belts.

Acoustic devices • White sound that produces irritability, insomnia and anxiety
• Low-frequency sound that causes headaches, disorientation and
• Sound isolation devices – sound deprivation
• Sound saturation devices

Light devices • Strobe lights, dazzling lasers, flash binding lights that cause
disorientation and temporal blindness

Microwave generators • Increase water body temperature creating general or focused

burning sensations

Council, 2003; Wright, 2002). Some of them the human body (Davison, 2009b). As an in-
are well-known and debated, like electro-shock strument of coercion and torture, they can
implements (Dermengiu et al., 2008; Institute be used from a certain distance and become
for Security Studies, 2016), sound weapons unaware to the victim. They also allow for con-
(Davison, 2009a; Volcler, 2013) or chemical tinuously targeting a person. In the short term,
riot control agents (Schep et al., 2015). they cause thermal pain that can be unbearable
Others are less well-known, like thermal and in the medium and long-term, they can
lasers, radiofrequency or directed energy potentially cause lesions in the skin or inter-
devices (Joint Non-Lethal Weapons Direc- nal organs. There are also complex behavioural
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torate, 2011; Risling, 2006; United States Air effects, still under study (Davison, 2009b).
Force Research Laboratory, 2002).
Specifically, one of the less known and Nanotechnology and torture
most expanding areas of technological devel- Nanotechnology is the modern and rapidly
opment in recent years is that of so-called Di- expanding field of medicine that applies the
rected EnergyWeapons (DEW). These are based use of nanoparticles (particles with a size of
on the use of different forms of distant energy less than 100 nanometres [nm]) for preven-
emission devices (laser, radiofrequency, mi- tive, therapeutic and diagnostic purposes. It
crowave or other) directed against an individ- is based on the introduction of these particles
ual or focused towards specific areas within into the body through different transporters
S E C T I O N I I I : P R E PA R I N G F O R T H E F U T U R E

and directing them through the bloodstream Neural implants

to specific targets in the human body. Nano- A neural implant is a device placed inside the
technologies have applications in the fight body that interacts with neurons. In the early
against degenerative neurological disease, in- days these were electrodes implanted through
fectious processes and chemotherapy where the cortex, but over time they have evolved
targeted actions are sought to increase efficacy into microchips that require minimal surgery
minimizing secondary effects. But in parallel, for implantation and do not require external
for the last 20 years, the military industry has power supplies. Neural implants have multi-
also been researching its potential application ple applications in medicine, especially related
as a powerful tool in neurowarfare (Altmann, to neurostimulation in motor and sensory
2004). Nanomedicine as a non-invasive strat- disorders, but also epilepsy, and they are in
egy has enormous potential and enormous early experimentation stage in depressive and
dangers, and has yet to be specifically regu- obsessive-compulsive disorders (Costa e Silva
lated by an international treaty (Nixdorff et & Steffen, 2017). This is a rapidly progress-
al., 2018). Nanoparticles do not necessar- ing research area in which biochips and im-
ily require an injection site and can be ab- plants are built in new and better materials
sorbed via the skin or nasal passages. Just as that produce no tissue rejection, incorporat-
an example of its potential applications, some ing nanotechnologies to diminish the size and
programmes already allow for the permanent with more powerful software to control and
tracking of the movements of animals, a tech- interact with the neural system (Dabbour et
nology quite close to the conspiracy-minded al., 2021; Salari et al., 2022; Wan et al., 2021)
ideas of many antivaccine groups. while, again, there is no international regu-
Chemical weapons are thought of as prod- lation of its use (McGee & Maguire, 2007).
ucts that can be deployed on a large scale in The most important concern regarding the
war contexts, such as in the case of Agent use of neuroimplants – not in the near future,
Orange gas in Vietnam (Verwey, 1977) or for now - is represented by the possibility of
White Phosphorus Bombs used in Gaza or controlling an individual’s mental functions
Syria (Crowley, 2016; Dando, 2015). This via wireless waves interacting with the electric
being true, less well-known is the develop- activity of the brain. From the perspective of
ment of chemicals linked to nanotechnologies. torture, it has been claimed that they could
A recent review has found a wide array of re- be used in the future to manipulate memory
search into aerosol-delivered toxins and neu- and emotions and to induce hallucinations
ro-regulators (Nixdorff et al., 2018). Its use and psychotic-like symptoms, among many
TO R T U R E Vo l um e 3 2 , N u mb e r 1 -2 , 2 02 2

has been reported in episodes of poisoning other harmful effects (J. Illes & Hevia, 2021;
with permanent neurological damage involv- Krishnan, 2016; Leung et al., 2019).
ing Russian dissidents over the last decade.
Also the use of oxytocin and other empathic Unveiling the brain: Accessing thoughts
substances and their potential applications in and feelings
psychiatry and mental health are well known If anything resembles a future in which it
(Lane et al., 2013; Leppanen et al., 2018) and is possible to control the human mind, it is
they have proposed as contemporary forms through the hundreds of civil and military re-
of truth serum (Marks, 2010; Walsh, 2014), search projects on Mind-Brain interfaces and
something that, for now, is far from reality. Remote Neural Monitoring. One step ahead of
S E C T I O N I I I : P R E PA R I N G F O R T H E F U T U R E

neuroimplants, the aim of mind-brain inter- be marketed. If EEG waves can be amplified
faces is to impant devices that allow for wire- to the point of being detected by an external
less bi-directional communication between device without the need of a headset or exter-
the brain and the external world. Under the nal electrodes -a possibility that will be real in
coverage of medical projects, new generations a short time -, in popular terms, mind-read-
of ever more powerful cortical modems devel- ing and telepathy will be technologically pos-
oped by the military industry1 are marketed sible (Brigham & Kumar, 2010; Vorontsova
and already in use in pilot experimental sub- et al., 2021).
jects. In its present basic form, they allow to
control orthopaedic systems with the mind, Big data, security and surveillance in law
but in their more advanced modalities, corti- enforcement
cal modems allow the user to ‘inject’ images This decade will undoubtedly be remem-
or sounds directly into their visual or auditory bered as the decade of Big Data. The exist-
cortex1,2 allowing blind people to partially ence of super-computers with the capacity to
recover their sight or the brain damaged to process millions of data bytes in milliseconds
restore their ability to recall some memories3, and to integrate and analyse almost instanta-
among other uses. neously databases from very diverse sources
Different labs in Europe, Japan and the US has opened the door not only to an unprec-
have also developed headsets and other extre- edented advertising invasion but also to the
nal devices that act as Brain-Computer Interfaces integration of databases on human beings that
y detecting and amplifying EEG signals, allow- include and combine, for instance, biometric
ing patients to communicate with researchers data, activities, movements, expenditures and
and control external devices simply by imag- opinions, among many other elements. Always
ining the actions of their body parts (Bates, in the name of security and the fight against
2021), a technology that will have many poten- terrorism, and pushed by the new Cold War
tial benefits for patients suffering neurological jargon, governments approve the existence of
disorders. There are now on the market differ- databases with use restricted to military and
ent basic portable devices that monitor electric law-enforcement special units over which
brain activity4,5 and electromyography signals6 there are few to any means of transparency or
for no-touch game interfaces, emotional train- control. Such databases, in the form of anti-
ing and mindfulness practice, among others. terrorist files of persons ‘under special sur-
Different Thought-to-Text devices are already veillance’, have always existed. The difference
available (Willett et al., 2021) and ready to is that the current databases aim to slowly
T O R T U R E Vo l um e 3 2 , N um be r 1 - 2, 20 2 2

include all citizens, and they are transnational

in nature7. The citizen is confronted, once
again, with the need and duty to rely on the
good faith of institutions and governments.
3 Most of these data are in the hands of private
darpa-dreams-cortical-modems-and-neural- companies and police and military agencies
Brainwave-Starter-Kit-EEG-Headset 7
6 tracking-databases/
S E C T I O N I I I : P R E PA R I N G F O R T H E F U T U R E

that often act with little political oversight. tools and technologies to the mapping and
There are many risks linked to the routine study of neural circuits, and the understand-
use of Big Data by law enforcement agen- ing of the neural and computational basis
cies, especially regarding discrimination and of behaviours, perceptions, thoughts and
abuse (Guthrie, 2017). Policies for full trans- emotion8 (Jorgenson et al., 2015; Koroshetz
parency have been proposed, including, for et al., 2018). New neuro-technologies fuelled
instance, regular meetings between police, by the BRAIN Initiative now allow investiga-
community representatives, elected leaders, tors to map, monitor and modulate complex
technology experts, and civil liberties groups neural circuits, enabling the pursuit of re-
engaged in public and open information ses- search questions previously considered unap-
sions (Guthrie, 2017). proachable (Hsu et al., 2020).
Furthermore, Big Data is used to decide One of the most exciting (and frighten-
political strategies and design communication ing) careers in contemporary science, mostly
campaigns (Stroud & McGregor, 2019) to in- in the private sector is, once deciphered the
crease voting tendencies and get acceptance brain, the pursuit of methods for transfer-
and compliance to unpopular measures. ring the entire information of a human brain
Debates in the field of human rights about into a computer. There are several companies
the limits of the use of Big Data paint a picture working towards being the first to achieve this
of increasingly urgent ethical awareness and goal, with Neurolink, the company owned by
action (Davis & Patterson, 2012). Elon Musk, as the most mentioned in news-
Interception and control of communications papers and the media. According to Ray
is the other side of the coin of social surveil- Kurzweil, director of engineering at Google,
lance. It seemed technologically impossible “we’ll be uploading our entire minds to
to monitor and track millions of telephones computers by 2045 and our bodies will be
and Internet communications around the replaced by machines within 90 years”9. Neu-
world until Edward Snowden and others un- ro-ethicists debate whether, by the time this is
veiled Echelon, the main among other similar achieved, it will transfer more than just a set
global surveillance networks (Cohen, 2014; of neural networks and information, or also
Verri et al., 2014). Echelon, with an estimated transfer that person’s consciousness, which
300,000 employees in 120 stations around the some speculate would amount to, somehow,
world, according to official figures, monitors achieving the immortality of a person in a
more than three billion communications every machine body.
day, 90% of Internet traffic. The information
TO R T U R E Vo l um e 3 2 , N u mb e r 1 -2 , 2 02 2

captured by Echelon feeds different Big Data

databases (Lyon & Murakami, 2021).
8 For an introduction to Brain Mapping and its
implications see the Open Access Special Issue
Transhumanism: Upload brains to
Cerebral cartography: a vision of its future compiled
computers by Semir Zeki in Philosophical Transactions
This decade has also been called the decade of the Royal Society – Biological Sciences (May
of the brain. The United States launched the 2015).
Advancing Innovative Neuro- 9
technologies (BRAIN) Initiative to develop be-uploading-our-entire-minds-to-computers-
and apply new by-2045-and-our-bodies-will-be-replaced-by-
S E C T I O N I I I : P R E PA R I N G F O R T H E F U T U R E

This possibility has spawned several think- Facing the challenge: Initiatives to defend
tanks of philosophical reflection that try to human rights in the 21st Century.
promote the debate on where contemporary ci-
vilisation and the human species should evolve. Research, documentation and advocacy
An example of this was made in a proposition initiatives
by the Global Future 2045’s 2013 Congress Fortunately, there are some initiatives
which stated the goal “Towards a New Strat- for these new struggles of the human rights
egy for Human Evolution” in an open letter tradition that are central to the fight against
to United Nations General Secretary Ban Ki- torture. Amnesty Tech is a global collective of
Moon, and was debated at Oxford’s Future advocates, hackers, researchers and technolo-
of Humanity Institute and other institutions gists that aims to “bolster social movements
(Benedikter et al., 2016). Furthermore, some in an age of surveillance, challenge the sys-
philosophers are developing models that speak temic threat to our rights posed by the sur-
of a coexistence of a classic labour-based cap- veillance-based business model of the Big Tech
italism with what is called new cognitive cap- companies, ensure accountability in the design
italism, in which persons will have economic and use of new and frontier technologies and
value for their brain and thinking and the eco- encourage innovative uses of technology to
nomical applications of the data it generates help support fundamental rights”11. Besides
(Lushetich, 2021). publishing reports, they undertake strate-
Linked to it is transhumanism, a branch gic litigation cases. Human Rights Watch has
of science devoted to enhancing (or abating) created a specific research line on Technol-
human beings by employing already existing ogy and Rights with a team of full-time re-
and future technologies: artificial intelligence, searchers that has produced both Global and
robotics, cognitive science, information tech- Country-Specific technical reports12,13. There
nology, nanotechnology, biotechnology and are many more14. Just to mention some rele-
others reviewed here (Hofkirchner & Kreowski, vant initiatives, the University of Essex created
2021). While most of the field is futuristic pro- the Human Rights, Big Data and Technology
jections, closer to science-fiction than reality, Research Group15 which has developed good
different projects of the so-called super-soldiers practise guidelines for the digital age. The
are already funded by DARPA military projects Georgetown Law Library created in 2014 a
as publicly announced on their website10. Big special repository on legal initiatives and reg-
Data is also used to create intelligent systems
that can support military decisions in complex
T O R T U R E Vo l um e 3 2 , N um be r 1 - 2, 20 2 2

environments (Labbe, 2019).

13 Their team, by the way, was among the list of
persons with their telephones infected by Pegasus
10 mass-surveillance-in-human-rights-court
building-a-noninvasive-neural-interface-for- 15
soldiers human-rights-big-data-and-technology
S E C T I O N I I I : P R E PA R I N G F O R T H E F U T U R E

ulations related to cyberspace and digital the first country to adopt specific national leg-
rights16. The United Nations Educational, Scien- islation on cognitive rights (Zúñiga-Fajuri et
tific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO) has al., 2021)
issued a set of Recommendations on the Ethics
of Artificial Intelligence17. In summary
Brain implants and remote Mind-Brain in-
Neuro-ethics and cognitive liberty terfaces; the expansion of nanotechnologies
Most of these initiatives are related to privacy as weapons targeting not only the body but
concerns. Less developed is human rights re- also specific points in the brain; the growing
search and activism related to neuroscience. development of biomarkers and massive sur-
A pioneering movement linked to what veillance methods; the implementation of
was called Cognitive Liberty started more than methods to monitor emotions and thoughts
two decades ago (Boire, 2000) as a reaction to in the interrogation of suspects; the develop-
military research on the use of fMRI and other ment of Internet-based technologies for the
medical devices in lie detection in the inter- manipulation of opinion and social control:
rogation of suspects (Balmer, 2018; Poldrack, these, among many others, are technological
2008). Perhaps the movement was too vision- developments with potential use in manipula-
ary for the time and thus did not achieve the tion of minds, cruel and inhuman treatment
necessary backing from civil society organi- or torture at the individual level, and the ma-
sations. nipulation and social and control of commu-
Different civil society research groups are nities, ethnic groups or societies at a global
working on the ethical challenges and regu- level
lations of new neuro-technologies and neu- The world of civil science and human
ro-warfare (Carle, 2021; Herrera-Ferrá, 2021; rights advocacy has always advanced with a
Judy Illes & Hossain, 2017; Salles, 2021;Yuste minimum of 10 years of delay in regard to the
et al., 2021). There is a pioneering initiative of advances made by military science. Ten years
a group of neuroscientists from different coun- may not have been that long in the past, but it
tries led by the Chilean professor Rafael Yuste, may definitely be too long in the future.
Director of the Neurotechnology Centre at
Columbia University, which has articulated a And, so what?
transdisciplinary platform that lobbies for the Many of these developments in the field of
adoption by the United Nations General As- the interaction between technology, medicine,
sembly of a new charter of cognitive rights and sociology and other branches of sciences have
TO R T U R E Vo l um e 3 2 , N u mb e r 1 -2 , 2 02 2

respect for the integrity of the conscience as a undoubted potential to help humanity. But
fundamental and inalienable value of human they also have enormous potential risks when
beings (Goering et al., 2021; Ienca, 2021; J. ethics are subsumed to serving business in-
Illes & Hevia, 2021; Illes & Hossain, 2017; terests or military or political purposes. Even
Yuste et al., 2021). Chile, by the way, will be more when, in relation to all these develop-
ments, deregulation in the field of human
rights, is complete.
Faced with this reality, it is easy to be
php?g=363530&p=4783483 tempting to consider that these are conspir-
17 acy fantasies and that there is too much work
S E C T I O N I I I : P R E PA R I N G F O R T H E F U T U R E

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