Final Review Level 4

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NAME: Rosa Iris Casanovas Tejeda DATE: September 15, 2021


1. Taylor is the fastest in the running club. 6. "Bob, would you like to have a piece of
more fast fast faster cake?" we have having have

2. "Excuse me. Can you help me?" 7. The boys played on the beach at 3
You can You Do you hours. -- for in

3. My friend Mike lives near my house. We often play 8. I don't want to go to bed. I'm not
outside together. tired.
It They I going go go to

4. "How old is your dad?" -- He's fifty years old " 9. Please clean your room today.
fifty fifty year old got fifty years you clean cleaning to clean

5. My brother is very tall He plays basketball 10. The quiet boy didn't speak to me
well. expensive high long I mine my
Pag. 2

1. The weather is wonderful today. 6. John never cleans the bathroom. So his girlfriend
An A -- does it every week.
always often sometimes
2. My uncle lives in Canada.
at on from 7. Taylor is the fastest in the running
club. more fast fast
3. " Would you like some coffee?" -- "Yes, faster
You like Like you Will you like 8. My brother plays football after school every day.
play to play playing
4. My girlfriend and I live together. Our house is on Smith
Street. 9. "Excuse me Can you help me?"
We Their Theirs You can You Do you

5. John made a sandwich because he was 10. " What time did you start your new job?" -- "2
hungry. so but and months ago."
Which time Why When
Use the word in brackets to complete the Pag. 3

Did you join

Have you ever worked

I’ve seen
Rose Fell
Doesn’t finish
Were you doing called
Was silling called
arrived was
Pag. 4

Was waching heard
went had
Were playing hurt
walked working
Pag. 4

Is driving
Is snowing
Is crying
The nuclear family is the traditional family structure in the West. This term, originating in the 1950s,
describes families consisting of a father, a mother, and their offspring. Under this conventional
structure, the family is seen as the basic unit in society; the father functions as the breadwinner and the
mother as the homemaker. Nowadays, alternative family types are becoming more common, such as
single-parent families, families headed by same-sex parents, and extended families where families live with
their kin, which may include several generations. Extended families are less common in North America,
where it is not uncommon to place grandparents in retirement homes.

A Social Trends survey in 2009 reported radical changes in child rearing and marriage practices in the
United Kingdom. Figures showed that while 30 percent of women under thirty had given birth by the age
of 25, only 24 percent had married. This marked the first time childbirth had become the first
major milestone in adult life, ahead of marriage. In 1971 in the U.K, 3/4 of women were married by the
age of 25 and half were mothers.

Judging by the high rates of divorce and the increasing number of children born out of wedlock, it would
appear that the family as an institution is in decline. American sociologist Stephanie Coontz believes so
too, but for different reasons. Coontz points out that marriages are no longer arranged for political or
economic reasons, and children are no longer required to contribute to the family income. Marriages
nowadays are founded on love. She believes this shift towards love, emotional fulfillment, and free choice
has actually weakened the family by making it optional and fragile. (276 words)

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