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Business English


w ww. hanas

Business English Stage 2 -2-

Table of contents

Unit 1 What time will ~ start?............................................................................................. - 4 -

Unit 2 When has the ~ been rescheduled for? ............................................................. - 8 -
Unit 3 I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to make it. ....................................................... - 12 -
Unit 4 Let’s start the meeting............................................................................................ - 17 -
Unit 5 We’re here today to talk about ~. ..................................................................... - 21 -
Unit 6 What's your opinion? ............................................................................................... - 25 -
Unit 7 Would anyone like to add to that? ...................................................................... - 30 -
Unit 8 Does anyone have any comments on that? .................................................... - 35 -
Unit 9 Do you have any questions so far? .................................................................... - 40 -
Unit 10 Could you explain that in more detail? ............................................................. - 44 -
Unit 11 Are you with me so far?.......................................................................................... - 50 -
Unit 12 I agree with ~? .......................................................................................................... - 55 -
Unit 13 Let's take a vote. ....................................................................................................... - 60 -
Unit 14 It's time to wrap up the meeting. ....................................................................... - 65 -
Unit 15 I think we had a really productive meeting. ................................................... - 72 -
Unit 16 Today, I’m here to talk about ~. ........................................................................ - 77 -
Unit 17 This graph shows ~. ................................................................................................ - 82 -
Unit 18 ~is due to …. .............................................................................................................. - 86 -
Unit 19 ~ remained stable at …. ........................................................................................ - 91 -
Unit 20 Looking at this trend, we can expect ~........................................................... - 96 -
Unit 21 Excuse me for interrupting, but ~ ................................................................... - 101 -
Unit 22 I'd like to inquire about ~. .................................................................................. - 106 -
Unit 23 I would like to request a replacement. ........................................................... - 111 -
Unit 24 I received the wrong products. .......................................................................... - 116 -
Unit 25 Please accept our apologies. ............................................................................... - 123 -
Unit 26 I can understand why you’re upset. ................................................................ - 128 -
Unit 27 I’m glad to be here................................................................................................. - 133 -
Unit 28 Let me show you around. .................................................................................... - 137 -
Unit 29 I’d like you to meet the staff of the ~ department................................... - 142 -
Unit 30 I can show you how to use it. ............................................................................ - 147 -

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Business English Stage 2 -3-

Unit 31 It’s at the end of the hall. .................................................................................... - 152 -

Unit 32 Would you like to join me for lunch/dinner? ................................................ - 157 -
Unit 33 Are you free for ~? ................................................................................................ - 162 -
Unit 34 There’s a good ~ restaurant nearby. .............................................................. - 167 -
Unit 35 Would you like to go somewhere else?........................................................... - 172 -
Unit 36 Let’s call it a day ...................................................................................................... - 177 -
Unit 37 Do you have time? .................................................................................................. - 181 -
Unit 38 There’s an item missing on the list. ................................................................. - 187 -
Unit 39 Do you need a hand? ............................................................................................. - 192 -
Unit 40 I’ll be gone for ~. ................................................................................................... - 197 -
Unit 41 Can I ask you a favor? .......................................................................................... - 202 -
Unit 42 Would you please ~ for me? .............................................................................. - 207 -
Unit 43 Could you make copies of these? ..................................................................... - 212 -
Unit 44 It doesn’t turn on. ................................................................................................... - 216 -
Unit 45 How’s your work going? ........................................................................................ - 221 -
Unit 46 Let’s talk again soon. ............................................................................................. - 226 -
Unit 47 What are you making? .......................................................................................... - 230 -
Unit 48 My computer froze.................................................................................................. - 235 -
Unit 49 I’m not feeling well................................................................................................. - 240 -
Unit 50 Would you like a pain killer? ............................................................................... - 246 -
Unit 51 I won’t be coming in today. ................................................................................ - 250 -
Unit 52 I’d like to take a day off on ~. .......................................................................... - 255 -
Unit 53 Can I get reimbursement for ~? ...................................................................... - 260 -
Unit 54 Congratulations on ~? .......................................................................................... - 265 -
Unit 55 I’m sorry to hear that............................................................................................ - 270 -
Unit 56 May ~ rest in peace. ............................................................................................. - 275 -
Unit 57 I’m here for you if you need anything at all. ............................................... - 280 -

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Business English 2-1 -4-


1 What time will ~ start?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You and your colleague are talking about the meeting today.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks you about today’s meeting, say the meeting has been
rescheduled for Wednesday.
 When he/she asks you what time it will start, say that it starts at 1 P.M, and ask if
he/she is prepared for it.

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Business English 2-1 -5-

Phrases of the day

1.What time will ~ start?

A: What time will the meeting start?
B: It starts at 1 P.M.

2.Are you prepared for ~?

A: Are you prepared for the meeting?
B: Yes, I’ve made a project proposal for it.

3.~ has been rescheduled for ….

A: Good morning. Today’s meeting has been rescheduled for tomorrow.
B: Okay. Thanks for letting me know.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

3. ~ has been rescheduled for …. は「受動態 + 完了形(have been p.p.)」の形で、「完了」を表して

います。また、been は「ビーン」とはっきり発音されることはほとんどなく、実際には「ビン」や「ベン」の

ちなみに、reschedule は「再び(re)スケジュールを組む(schedule)」→「予定を変更する」です(日本語
でも、スケジュール変更を「リスケする」と言いますね)。今回は、reschedule for ~「~に(向けて)予定
を変更する」という表現が「受動態 + 完了形」になっているわけです。ちなみに、for は「方向性(~に向け

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Business English 2-1 -6-

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Are you (prepared for) the presentation?

B: Not yet, but I’ve almost finished preparing the slides.

2. A: Did you know that the start of the campaign has been (rescheduled) for Monday?
B: Yes, I read the e-mail a while ago.

3. A: (What) time will the seminar (start)?

B: It starts at 3 P.M.

Role playing

A: Hi, Mark. (Are you prepared for the meeting) this afternoon?
B: What meeting are you talking about?
A: We’re meeting with the sales department later.
B: Oh, there was an e-mail saying the meeting (has been rescheduled for tomorrow).
A: Really? I didn't check my e-mail yet. (What time will the meeting start)?
B: It will start at 2 P.M. in the conference room.
A: All right. Thanks for the heads up.

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Business English 2-1 -7-

Say it in English (英作文)


1. 会議は何時に始まりますか?
→What time will the meeting start? A: What time will the meeting start?

2. 会議の準備はできましたか?
→Are you prepared for the meeting? A: Are you prepared for the meeting?

3. 今日の会議は明日に変更になりました。
→Today’s meeting has been rescheduled for tomorrow.
A: Today’s meeting has been rescheduled for tomorrow.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You and your colleague are talking about the meeting today.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks you about today’s meeting, say the meeting has been
rescheduled for Wednesday.
 When he/she asks you what time it will start, say that it starts at 1 P.M, and
ask if he/she is prepared for it.

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Business English 2-2 -8-


2 When has the ~ been rescheduled for?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re asking your colleague about the new schedule of the meeting.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask when the meeting has been rescheduled for.
 When he/she says it is scheduled for Thursday now, ask where the meeting is
going to be held.
 When he/she says the meeting will be held in conference room C, say noted.

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Business English 2-2 -9-

Phrases of the day

1.Let me get back to you on that.

A: What time does the product launch event start?
B: I’ll check. Let me get back to you on that.

2.When has the ~ been rescheduled for?

A: When has the meeting been rescheduled for?
B: It’s on Monday at 2 P.M. now.

3.Where is ~ going to be held?

A: Where is the meeting going to be held?
B: It’ll be in conference room A.

A: Please bring your copy of the progress report.
B: Noted.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1. Let me get back to you on that. は、let OC「O に C させて」の形です。後ろは get back to ~「~に
折り返し連絡する」という熟語で、on は「接触」→「意識の接触(~に関して)」を表しています。get back
to you on that で、直訳「それに関してあなたに折り返し連絡する」です。

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Business English 2-2 - 10 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Please finish the annual report by the end of this month.

B: (Noted).

2. A: (When has) the appointment with Mr. Watson (been rescheduled for)?
B: It’s on Friday, at 7 P.M. now.

3. A: Do I need to wear formal attire to the event?

B: I’m not sure. (Let me get back) to you on that.

4. A: Where is the seminar (going to be held)?

B: It’ll be at ABC building.

Role playing

A: Hi, Dave. (When has the meeting been rescheduled for)?

B: It’s scheduled for Wednesday at 3 P.M. now.
A: (Where is the meeting going to be held)?
B: I’m not sure yet. (Let me get back to you on that).
A: (Noted.) Send me an e-mail when you know.

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Business English 2-2 - 11 -

Say it in English

1. その件については後ほどご連絡しますね。
→Let me get back to you on that. A: Let me get back to you on that.

2. 会議の新しい予定はいつですか?
→When has the meeting been rescheduled for?
A: When has the meeting been rescheduled for?

3. 会議はどこで開催されますか?
→Where is the meeting going to be held? A: Where is the meeting going to be held?

4. 承知しました。
→Noted. A: Noted.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re asking your colleague about the new schedule of the meeting.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask when the meeting has been rescheduled for.
 When he/she says it is scheduled for Thursday now, ask where the meeting is
going to be held.
 When he/she says the meeting will be held in conference room C, say noted.

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Business English 2-3 - 12 -


3 I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to make it.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You and your colleague are talking about meetings.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks if you can make it to the meeting tomorrow, say you’re sorry
but you can’t make it.
 When he/she asks why not, say unfortunately, you have to attend another
meeting at that time.
 When he/she reminds you about the meeting with your supervisor this afternoon,
say you won’t forget, and thank him/her for reminding you.

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Business English 2-3 - 13 -

Phrases of the day

1.Can you make it to ~?

A: Can you make it to the meeting this afternoon?
B: Yes, I can. I’ll be there.

2.I’m sorry, but I won't be able to make it.

A: Are you coming to the conference later?
B: I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to make it.

3.Unfortunately, I have to attend ~ at that time.

A: Why can’t you attend the meeting tomorrow?
B: Unfortunately, I have to attend another conference at that time.

4.I'll be there.
A: Will you be joining the meeting this afternoon?
B: I’ll be there.

5.Thank you for reminding me.

A: Don’t forget about our meeting tomorrow.
B: I won’t. Thank you for reminding me.

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Business English 2-3 - 14 -

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1 と 2 に make it という熟語が使われています。make it には「うまくいく・間に合う・都合がつく」などの

ルがうまくいく」→「都合がつく」となりました。make it を見たらまずは「うまくいく」と考え、場合により
「間に合う」「都合がつく」と解釈すれば OK です。

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Don’t forget to bring the monthly report to the meeting later.

B: All right. Thank you for (reminding me).

2. A: (Can you make it) to the company dinner next week?

B: I’ll be there.

3. A: Can you attend the seminar tomorrow?

B: I’m sorry, but (I won't be able) to make it.

4. A: Why can’t you make it to the meeting tomorrow?

B: (Unfortunately), I have to (attend another meeting) at that time.

5. A: Will you be at the annual sales awards ceremony later?

B: (I’ll be there).

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Business English 2-3 - 15 -

Role playing

A: Hi, Tom. (Can you make it to the meeting tomorrow)?
B: What time will it start?
A: It starts at 1 P.M.
B: (I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to make it).
(Unfortunately, I have to attend another meeting at that time.)

A: Hello, Andrea. (Can you make it to the meeting this afternoon)?
B: I forgot about it. (Thank you for reminding me).
A: So will you be able to make it?
B: Yes, (I’ll be there).
A: See you there.

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Business English 2-3 - 16 -

Say it in English

1. 午後の会議は都合がつきますか?
→Can you make it to the meeting this afternoon?
A: Can you make it to the meeting this afternoon?

2. 申し訳ありませんが、都合がつきません。
→I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to make it. A: I’m sorry, but I won’t be able to make it.

3. あいにくですが、同じ時間に別の会議に参加しなければなりません。
→Unfortunately, I have to attend another conference at that time.
A: Unfortunately, I have to attend another conference at that time.
4. 参加します。
→I’ll be there. A: I’ll be there.

5. 思い出させてくれてありがとうございます。
→Thank you for reminding me. A: Thank you for reminding me.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You and your colleague are talking about meetings.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks if you can make it to the meeting tomorrow, say you’re
sorry but you can’t make it to the meeting tomorrow.
 When he/she asks why not, say unfortunately, you have to attend another
meeting at that time.
 When he/she reminds you about the meeting with your supervisor this
afternoon, say you won’t forget, and thank him/her for reminding you.

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Business English 2-4 - 17 -


4 Let’s start the meeting.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re about to start the meeting with your team.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Give a short greeting, and ask if everybody is in the meeting.
 When someone says everyone’s in the meeting, say let’s start the meeting,
and say you’ve prepared data sheets for each of them.
 When someone says he/she will help you distribute them, say thank you and
ask if he/she can pass them around.

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Business English 2-4 - 18 -

Phrases of the day

1.Is everybody here?

A: Is everybody here?
B: Yes, I think so.

2.I've prepared ~.
A: I’ve prepared the monthly sales report. Please see the handout.
B: All right.

3.Can you pass ~ around?

A: Can you pass the data sheets around?
B: Sure.

4.Let’s start the meeting.

A: Excuse me. Everyone’s here now.
B: Good. Let’s start the meeting.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

4 の pass ~ around は「~を周りに回す」という表現です。around は「円(round)に沿って、ぐるっと周

りを回る」というイメージです(日本語で使われる「アラサー」は around 30 から生まれた言葉で、本来は
「30 歳前後」を表します)。pass ~ around で、「~をぐるっと周りを回るように(around)パスする

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Business English 2-4 - 19 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: I’ve (prepared) a summary of the customer survey. Please look at the screen.
B: Okay.

2. A: We’re ready to begin.

B: All right. Let’s (start) the meeting.

3. A: Do you have handouts?

B: Yes. I do. Can you (pass) these (around)?

4. A: Is (everybody) here?
B: Mr. Hill isn’t here yet.

Role playing

A: (Is everybody here)?

B: I think this is everybody. (Let’s start the meeting).
A: Okay. Today we are going to discuss monthly expenses. (I’ve prepared a report).
(Can you pass these around)?
B: No problem. Everybody, take one please.

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Business English 2-4 - 20 -

Say it in English

1. 皆さんそろいましたか?
→Is everybody here? A: Is everybody here?

2. 月間の売り上げ報告書を用意しました。
→I've prepared the monthly sales report. A: I've prepared the monthly sales report.

3. データシートを周りに回してもらえますか?
→Can you pass the data sheets around? A: Can you pass the data sheets around?

4. 会議を始めましょう。
→Let's start the meeting. A: Let's start the meeting.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re about to start the meeting with your team.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Give a short greeting, and ask if everybody is in the meeting.
 When someone says everyone’s in the meeting, say let’s start the meeting, and
say you’ve prepared data sheets for each of them.
 When someone says he/she will help you distribute them, say thank you and ask
if he/she can pass them around.

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Business English 2-5 - 21 -


5 We’re here today to talk about ~.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re about to start the meeting with your team.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Give a short greeting, say you’re at the meeting to talk about the company sales,
and ask if everyone has a copy of the report.
 When someone says yes, say that the first item on the agenda is the sales results.
 When someone asks if they can see last month’s sales figures, say yes, and ask
them to look at the data on the screen.

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Business English 2-5 - 22 -

Phrases of the day

1.Does everyone have ~?

A: Does everyone have a copy of the report?
B: Yes, everyone has one.

2.We're here today to talk about ~.

A: What are we going to discuss today?
B: We’re here today to talk about the new project.

3.The first item on the agenda is ~.

A: Let’s start the meeting. Mr.Williams, please.
B: All right. The first item on the agenda is the review of last week’s progress.

4.Please take a look at ~.

A: Where’s the sales summary in this handout?
B: Please take a look at page 7.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

3. The first item on the agenda is ~. の item は「項目」という意味です。ゲームの影響で「便利な道具」

のイメージが強いのですが、「商品・品目・項目」などの意味で使われます。また、agenda は本来「すべきこ

よって、The first item on the agenda is ~. は、直訳「その議題に関する最初の項目は~だ」→「最初の議

題は~です」となります。ちなみに、この on は UNIT2で出てきた「意識の接触(~に関して)」です。

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Business English 2-5 - 23 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: What should we discuss first?

B: The first item (on the agenda) is the report of yesterday’s sales.

2. A: Let’s start the meeting.

B: All right. We’re (here today) to talk about the new marketing plan.

3. A: (Does everyone) have a copy of the progress sheet?

B: No. We are two copies short.

4. A: Please (take a look) at the updated product list.

B: Okay.

Role playing

A: Thank you all for attending today’s meeting.

(We’re here today to talk about) this year’s sales report.
(Does everybody have) a copy of the report?
B: Yes, everyone has one.
A: All right. (The first item on the agenda is) monthly growth. Please turn to page 2.
(Please a take a look at) the sales in February.

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Business English 2-5 - 24 -

Say it in English

1. 皆さん報告書のコピーはお持ちですか?
→Does everyone have a copy of the report? A: Does everyone have a copy of the report?

2. 今日は新しいプロジェクトについての話し合いをします。
→We’re here today to talk about the new project.
A: We’re here today to talk about the new project.

3. 最初の議題は先週の進捗についてのおさらいです。
→The first item on the agenda is the review of last week’s progress.
A: The first item on the agenda is the review of last week’s progress.

4. 7 ページをご覧ください。
→Please take a look at page 7. A: Please take a look at page 7.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re about to start the meeting with your team.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Give a short greeting, say you’re at the meeting to talk about the company sales,
and ask if everyone has a copy of the report.
 When someone says yes, say that the first item on the agenda is the sales results.
 When someone asks if they can see last month’s sales figures, say yes, and ask
them to look at the data on the screen.

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Business English 2-6 - 25 -


6 What's your opinion?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re in a meeting with the team.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you think you should discuss the new software, and ask if someone has ideas
on it.
 When someone says you should make it simpler, say that’s a good idea, but
there’s a problem with the IT team—that there aren’t enough staff working on it
so you need to assign more people. Also, ask if he/she agrees with that.

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Business English 2-6 - 26 -

Phrases of the day

1.Do you have any ideas?

A: Do you have any ideas to help improve the project?
B: Yes, I have an idea for a new advertisement.

2.What's your opinion?

A: What’s your opinion?
B: I think Product A is better than Product B.

3.I think we should ~.

A: Our competitor will release a product at the same time as ours.
B: I think we should spend more on advertising our product.

4.There's a problem with ~.

A: Why is the product launch behind schedule?
B: There’s a problem with the new software.

5.Would you agree with ~?

A: Would you agree with Ms. Davis’ opinion?
B: No, I wouldn’t. I think it’s impractical.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

3. I think we should ~. のように、should は「提案」をするときによく使われます。should だけだと「~

すべき」と直接的すぎることもあるので、今回は I think をつけて少しやわらげています。I think で「(他に

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Business English 2-6 - 27 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: (There’s) a problem (with) the product that we launched last month.

B: What’s the problem? Can you give me the details?

2. A: Would you (agree with) Mr. Shaw’s opinion?

B: Yes, I would.

3. A: I (think) we (should) adjust the schedule.

B: I agree.

4. A: (Do you have) any (ideas) for a new product?

B: Yes, I do. I think we should release a high-end model.

5. A: What’s your (opinion)?

B: I think we should try to look for other suppliers.

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Business English 2-6 - 28 -

Role playing

A: Good morning! We need to talk about improving our software.

B: Great! (Do you have any ideas) on how to improve it?
A: I do. I’m planning to redesign the user interface. Many of our testers say it’s a little confusing.
(What’s your opinion)?
B: (I think we should) combine similar options and integrate them in one simple menu.
A: I think that’s a great idea. (There’s a problem with) the schedule. Many people on our team are
saying that a redesign would take too long.
B: (Would you agree with) the team? I think it’s better to take our time to make a better user
A: Yes, I think that's the wisest decision.

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Business English 2-6 - 29 -

Say it in English

1. プロジェクトを改善する一助となるような何か考えはありますか?
→Do you have any ideas to help improve the project?
A: Do you have any ideas to help improve the project?

2. あなたの意見はどうですか?
→What’s your opinion? A: What’s your opinion?

3. 私たちは商品の宣伝にもっとコストをかけた方がよいと思います。
→I think we should spend more on advertising our product.
A: I think we should spend more on advertising our product.

4. 新しいソフトウェアに問題があります。
→There’s a problem with the new software. A: There’s a problem with the new software.

5. デイビスさんの意見に賛成ですか?
→Would you agree with Ms. Davis’ opinion? A: Would you agree with Ms. Davis’ opinion?

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re in a meeting with the team.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you think you should discuss the new software, and ask if someone has
ideas on it.
 When someone says you should make it simpler, say that’s a good idea, but
there’s a problem with the IT team—that there aren’t enough staff working on
it so you need to assign more people. Also, ask if he/she agrees with that.

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Business English 2-7 - 30 -


7 Would anyone like to add to that?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re discussing with the team the possible improvements on the product.
(The student will start the conversation.) (The tutor has 2 characters.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask if anybody has any suggestions to improve your product.
 When someone says he/she would like to hire 50 test users and use their insight
for improvement, say thanks for his/her idea, and ask if anyone would like to add
to that.
 When someone says he/she agrees with him/her, and that he/she suggested 25
adults, and 25 students to get different views, say that’s good and ask everyone
how they feel about that.

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Business English 2-7 - 31 -

Phrases of the day

1.Would anyone like to add to that?

A: Those are all the ideas I have to share.
B: Would anyone like to add to that?

2.Does anybody have any suggestions?

A: Does anybody have any suggestions?
B: I do. How about we give a gift certificate worth $5 to every applicants?

3.I've got something I'd like to share.

A: Does anybody have any suggestions?
B: I’ve got something I’d like to share.

4.What about if we ~ ?
A: What do you think of the color of the packaging?
B: What about if we change it to blue?

5.How does everyone feel about that?

A: How does everyone feel about that?
B: I agree with it.

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Business English 2-7 - 32 -

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

Fill in the blanks の 2 に出てくる That’s all I have to say. の have の発音は、「ハヴ」と「ハフ」という2
通りの可能性がありますが、今回は「ハヴ」と発音するのが自然です。元々は I have all [to say]「私は話す
べきことのすべてを持っている」ということで、to は不定詞の「形容詞的用法(~すべき)」になります。そ
こから、That’s all I have to say. で、直訳「それは私が話すべきことのすべてだ」→「話したいことはすべ
て話した・私からは以上です」となりました。つまり、この have は動詞「持っている」なので、「ハヴ」と発

もちろん、have to ~「~しなければならない」だと「ハフ」と発音するのですが、これだと「言わなければな

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Do you have any suggestions?

B: (What about) if we change the material?

2. A: That’s all I have to say.

B: Would (anyone) like to (add) to that?

3. A: Is there something you want to say?

B: I’ve (got something) I’d like to share.

4. A: (Does anybody) have any suggestions?

B: I don’t. How about the others?

5. A: How (does everyone) feel about that?

B: I don’t agree with it because the costs may be higher.

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Business English 2-7 - 33 -

Role playing

A: This is our new software interface.

It’s still in development, so (does anyone have any suggestions) to help improve it?
B: (What about if we) change the color of the menu to a lighter shade?
A: That’s a good idea. (Would anyone like to add to that)?
C: (I’ve got something I’d like to share). I think pink would be a good color for a menu.
A: Yes, I think it goes great with the dark background. (How does everyone feel about that)?
B: I agree with the choice of color.
C: All good!

Say it in English

1. それに何か付け加えたい方はいますか?
→Would anyone like to add to that? A: Would anyone like to add to that?

2. 何か提案のある方はいらっしゃいますか?
→Does anybody have any suggestions? A: Does anybody have any suggestions?

3. 共有しておきたい事があります。
→I’ve got something I’d like to share. A: I’ve got something I’d like to share.

4. 青に変更するのはいかがですか?
→What about if we change it to blue? A: What about if we change it to blue?

5. 皆さんはそれについてどう感じますか?
→How does everyone feel about that? A: How does everyone feel about that?

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Business English 2-7 - 34 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re discussing with the team the possible improvements on the product.
(The student will start the conversation.) (The tutor has 2 characters.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask if anybody has any suggestions to improve your product.
 When someone says he/she would like to hire 50 test users and use their insight
for improvement, say thanks for his/her idea, and ask if anyone would like to add
to that.
 When someone says he/she agrees with him/her, and that he/she suggested 25
adults, and 25 students to get different views, say that’s good and ask everyone
how they feel about that.

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Business English 2-8 - 35 -


8 Does anyone have any comments on that?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re moderating a meeting.
(The student will start the conversation.) (The tutor has 2 characters.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask your tutor what his/her views on the new public relations strategy.
 When he/she says it’s going to be an effective way to boost sales, say thank you
for sharing, and ask if anyone has any comments on that.
 When another person say he/she doesn’t agree because it’s not cost-effective,
say it’s a valid point and ask everyone about their thoughts.

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Business English 2-8 - 36 -

Phrases of the day

1.[Name], what are your views on ~?

A: Jane, what are your views on the new product?
B: I think it’s going to be popular.

2.Does anyone have any comments on that?

A: Does anyone have any comments on that?
B: Yes. I do. I would like to say something.

3.Any thoughts on that?

A: Any thoughts on that?
B: I don’t have any.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

view は「景色」の意味が有名ですが、そこから「頭の中で見ている景色」→「考え・意見」の意味が生まれま
した。on は「意識の接触(~に関して)」を表し、1. what are your views on ~? で「~に関するあなたの
考えは?」となります。ちなみに、2 と 3 に使われている on も「意識の接触」です。

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Business English 2-8 - 37 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Any (thoughts) on that?

B: I agree with your opinion.

2. A: Does (anyone) have any comments on that?

B: No, I don’t have any comments.

3. A: Rachel, what are your (views on) the project schedule?

B: I think it’s reasonable.

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Business English 2-8 - 38 -

Role playing

A: Good morning, team. We’re here to talk about the release of our new product.
Emily, (what are your views on) our newest product?
B: I think the product has been very well-received based on the majority of positive reviews from
customer feedback.
A: Thank you, Emily. (Does anyone have any comments on that)?
C: I have something I’d like to say. I think the negative reviews are a good opportunity to improve
the product.
A: Good point. I agree with you. Emily, (any thoughts on that)?
B: I think Jack has a very good point. We could review the negative feedback to improve the product
A: All right. We will review the customer feedback later.

Say it in English

1. ジェーンさん、新プロジェクトについてあなたの考えはどうですか?
→Jane, what are your views on the new product?
A: Jane, what are your views on the new product?

2. どなたかそれについて意見のある方はいますか?
→Does anyone have any comments on that?
A: Does anyone have any comments on that?

3. それについて思うところはありますか?
→Any thoughts on that? A: Any thoughts on that?

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Business English 2-8 - 39 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re moderating a meeting.
(The student will start the conversation.) (The tutor has 2 characters.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask your tutor what his/her views on the new public relations strategy.
 When he/she says it’s going to be an effective way to boost sales, say thank you
for sharing, and ask if anyone has any comments on that.
 When another person say he/she doesn’t agree because it’s not cost-effective,
say it’s a valid point and ask everyone about their thoughts.

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Business English 2-9 - 40 -


9 Do you have any questions so far?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: Your team is talking about the release of a new product.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When someone asks who your target market is, say that’s a good question,
and that your target market is housewives because they are usually the ones
who make purchase decisions for the whole family.
 When he/she says he/she agree, say thank you and ask if there are any other

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Business English 2-9 - 41 -

Phrases of the day

1.Do you have any questions so far?

A: Do you have any questions so far?
B: None at the moment.

2.Are there any other questions?

A: Are there any other questions?
B: Yes. How much is the estimated budget?

3.That’s a good question.

A: How will it affect our operations?
B: That’s a good question.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

3. That’s a good question. は「それは良い質問です」という意味です。もちろん文字通り良い質問に対して

ない」ことが1番良くないとされているので、思いもよらない質問で返答に困った場合には、いったん That’s
a good question. と言って時間を稼ぎ、その間に返答を考えるといいでしょう。

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Business English 2-9 - 42 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: (Are there) any other questions?

B: I’ve got a question. What’s the average rating in our product reviews?

2. A: How are our products compared to our competitors’?

B: That’s a (good question).

3. A: Do you have (any questions so far)?

B: Yes, I do. When can we receive the materials for the product?

Role playing

A: That was the first half of my presentation. (Do you have any questions so far)?
B: Excuse me. I have a question. When is user testing scheduled to take place?
A: (That’s a good question). User testing is scheduled to take place from June 18 to July 2.
And on the final day, they will submit the survey sheets.
The release date of our product is on October 15, so we have ample time to review their
B: I see. Thank you for answering.
A: You’re very welcome. (Are there any other questions)?
B: No more questions for now.

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Business English 2-9 - 43 -

Say it in English (英作文)

1. ここまでで何か質問はありますか?
→Do you have any questions so far? A: Do you have any questions so far?

2. その他に何か質問はありますか?
→Are there any other questions? A: Are there any other questions?

3. 良いご質問です。
→That’s a good question. A: That’s a good question.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: Your team is talking about the release of a new product.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When someone asks who your target market is, say that’s a good question,
and that your target market is housewives because they are usually the ones
who make purchase decisions for the whole family.
 When he/she says he/she agree, say thank you and ask if there are any other

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Business English 2-10 - 44 -


10 Could you explain that in more detail?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You’re in a meeting and are discussing how to increase sales.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says you need to be more aggressive in promoting the products,
ask what he/she means by that, and ask if he/she could be more specific.
 When he/she says you should be more visible online, ask if he/she could give an
 When he/she gives an example, say you get it.

Situation 2: Your colleague is talking about marketing plans.

(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks if you have questions so far, apologize and say you don’t
get it. Also, ask if he/she could explain that in more detail.
 When he/she finishes explaining, and asks if you get it now, say you get it.

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Business English 2-10 - 45 -

Phrases of the day

1.Could you give me an example?

A: You need to know the risks of capital investment.
B: Could you give me an example?

2.What do you mean by that?

A: What do you mean by that?
B: I mean we will push back the release of our new product until next month.

3.Could you be more specific?

A: I need you to do research on a new target market.
B: Could you be more specific?

4.Do you know what I mean?

A: Do you know what I mean?
B: Yes, I’m following you.

5.I get it./ I don't get it.

A: Do you understand the plan?
B: Yes, I get it.

6.Could you explain that in more detail?

A: Do you know what I mean?
B: No, I don’t. Could you explain that in more detail?

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Business English 2-10 - 46 -

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

5. I get it. の it は「話の要点」のことで、直訳「私は話の要点を得ている(理解している)」→「わかった」

となります。発音もポイントで、get と it がくっついて「ゲティット」、さらに濁音化して「ゲディット」、そ
して it の t が飲み込まれて「ゲディッ」となることがよくあります。「相手の話を理解した」ことを示す重要な

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Do you know (what I mean)?

B: No, I don’t. Please explain it again.

2. A: What do you (mean by that)?

B: I mean it's better if we place orders with several different companies.

3. A: Do you understand the proposal?

B: No, I don’t (get it).

4. A: We made some plans to recruit some talented personnel.

B: How? Could you (give me an example)?

5. A: There’s a problem with the production material. The delivery is behind schedule.
B: What’s the problem? Could you be (more specific)?

6. A: Could you (explain) that (in more detail)?

B: All right. First…

<continue on to the next page>

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Business English 2-10 - 47 -

7. A: Do you have any more concerns?

B: I’m okay. I (get it).

Role playing

A: I think that the department would benefit from a company outing.
B: (What do you mean by that)?
A: I think the department could benefit from a team building event. (Do you know what I mean)?
B: I think I understand, but (could you be more specific)?
A: We could have a getaway to improve the morale of the employees.
B: (I get it). I think that’s a great idea.

A: We should get fresh blood on the project.
B: (I don’t get it). (What do you mean by that)?
A: I think if we got some new people on the team, they could help with the current project.
B: (Could you explain that in more detail)?
A: I believe new people could provide a fresh perspective.
B: What do you mean by fresh perspective? (Could you give me an example)?
A: They could provide us with new ideas and they might see flaws that we have missed.
B: Okay. Let’s add a few people to the team.

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Business English 2-10 - 48 -

Say it in English

1. 例を挙げていただけますか?
→Could you give me an example? A: Could you give me an example?

2. それはどういう意味ですか?
→What do you mean by that? A: What do you mean by that?

3. もう少し具体的に話していただけますか?
→Could you be more specific? A: Could you be more specific?

4. 言いたいことがわかりますか?
→Do you know what I mean? A: Do you know what I mean?

5. 理解しました。
→I get it. A: I get it.

6. 理解できません。
→I don't get it. A: I don’t get it.

7. 詳細を説明してもらえますか?
→Could you explain that in more detail? A: Could you explain that in more detail?

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Business English 2-10 - 49 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You’re in a meeting and are discussing how to increase sales.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says you need to be more aggressive in promoting the products,
ask what he/she means by that, and ask if he/she could be more specific.
 When he/she says you should be more visible online, ask if he/she could give an
 When he/she gives an example, say you get it.

Situation 2: Your colleague is talking about marketing plans.

(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks if you have questions so far, apologize and say you don’t
get it. Also, ask if he/she could explain that in more detail.
 When he/she finishes explaining, and asks if you get it now, say you get it.

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Business English 2-11 - 50 -


11 Are you with me so far?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You’re in a meeting and your boss discusses several projects
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When your boss finishes discussing the first project and asks if you’re with
him/her, say yes, you’re following him/her.
 When your boss asks you to handle the project, ask if he/she means he/she
wants you to be the project leader.

Situation 2: You’re in a Skype meeting with a colleague.

(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks if you can hear him/her all right, apologize and say you didn’t
catch what he/she said. Also, ask what he/she has said.

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Business English 2-11 - 51 -

Phrases of the day

1.You mean + [sv]?

A: I’d like you to oversee the project from now on.
B: You mean I will lead the project?

2.Are you with me so far?

A: This is how we should proceed with the project. Are you with me so far?
B: Yes, I’m with you.

3.Sorry, I didn’t catch that.

A: Can you hear me properly?
B: Sorry, I didn’t catch that.

4.What was that you said?

A: What was that you said?
B: I said there is a decrease in sales.

5.I’m following you.

A: Are you with me so far?
B: Yes, I’m following you.

6.I’m not following you.

A: Are you with me so far?
B: Sorry, I’m not following you.

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Business English 2-11 - 52 -

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

3. Sorry, I didn’t catch that. の that は相手の発言を指し、直訳「あなたの発言(that)がキャッチできなか

った(didn’t catch)」→「聞き取れませんでした」となります。これは比較的丁寧なニュアンスがあるので、
ビジネスで使える便利な表現です。Pardon? などを連発することなく、Sorry, I didn’t catch that. とスッと

Fill in the blanks

1. A: (Are) you with me (so far)?

B: Yes, I’m following you.

2. A: Please make sure your passport is valid.

B: (You mean) you’re sending me on a business trip abroad?

3. A: Are you with me so far?

B: Yes, I’m (following you).

4. A: Do you understand the marketing strategy so far?

B: Sorry. I’m (not following) you.

5. A: Sorry, I (didn’t) catch that.

B: Okay, let me repeat it.

6. A: (What) was that you (said)?

B: I said we’re going to a business party next week.

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Business English 2-11 - 53 -

Role playing

A: This morning, we’ll discuss the impact of our poor sales this month.
B: (Sorry, I didn’t catch that). (What was that you said)?
A: I said we need to discuss the impact of our poor sales this month.
B: (You mean) our products aren’t selling well?
A: Not exactly. Our products are selling well but we were expecting so much more.
The sales for last month didn’t meet expectations. (Are you with me so far)?
B: Yes, (I’m following you). Please continue.

Say it in English

1. 私がプロジェクトの指揮をとるということですか?
→You mean I will lead the project? A: You mean I will lead the project?

2. ここまでついてきていますか?
→Are you with me so far? A: Are you with me so far?

3. すみません、聞き取れませんでした。
→Sorry, I didn’t catch that. A: Sorry, I didn’t catch that.

4. 何とおっしゃいましたか?
→What was that you said? A: What was that you said?

5. ついていけています。
→I’m following you. A: I’m following you.

6. ついていけていません。
→I’m not following you. A: I’m not following you.

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Business English 2-11 - 54 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You’re in a meeting and your boss discusses several projects
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When your boss finishes discussing the first project and asks if you’re with
him/her, say yes, you’re following him/her.
 When your boss asks you to handle the project, ask if he/she means he/she
wants you to be the project leader.

Situation 2: You’re in a Skype meeting with a colleague.

(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks if you can hear him/her all right, apologize and say you didn’t
catch what he/she said. Also, ask what he/she has said.

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Business English 2-12 - 55 -


12 I agree with ~?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re in a meeting and deciding to increase the budget.
(The student will start the conversation.) (The tutor has 2 characters.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask if there’s any objection.
 When he/she says he/she has an objection, and that the board won’t give any
additional budget, say it makes sense.
 When he/she says to just do what you can with what you have, ask if everyone
agrees on that.

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Business English 2-12 - 56 -

Phrases of the day

1.Do we all agree on ~?

A: Do we all agree on this?
B: I agree.

2.Any objections?
A: Any objections?
B: Excuse me. I have an objection.

3.I agree with ~

A: I agree with Gabriel’s opinion.
B: Yes, me too.

4.I'm opposed to ~.
A: What do you think about the concept?
B: I’m opposed to it.

5.Makes sense.
A: We should wait for feedback so we know what to improve.
B: Makes sense.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

4. Makes sense.「その通りですね」は、日常会話でも非常によく使われます。元々は「意味(sense)を作る
(make)」→「意味を成す・理にかなっている」という熟語で、That makes sense. で「それ(あなたの
話)は理にかなっている」→「その通り」となりました。そこから That が省略されたのが、4 の形です(会話
ではよくこの That は省略されます)。

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Business English 2-12 - 57 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: (Any objections)?
B: I don’t have any. How about everyone else?

2. A: (Do) we all (agree) on this?

B: I agree, but I have a few questions.

3. A: (I agree with) Kate’s opinion.

B: Yes, I also agree with her.

4. A: Don’t you think it would be better to choose the first option?

B: (Makes sense).

5. A: I suggest we advertise in the newspaper.

B: I’m (opposed) to it because it’s costly.

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Business English 2-12 - 58 -

Role playing

A: We’re going to begin our new online ad campaign next month. (Any objections)?
B: I have an objection. (I’m opposed to it).
A: Why? What are your concerns?
B: We have yet to research what our return on the investment may be.
We need to be sure this campaign will be worth it.
A: Hmm. (Makes sense). Is it possible to get data this late?
B: Yes, it should be possible. Let’s get the marketing department on it. (Do we all agree on that)?
A: (I agree with) your assessment then. I think we should get more information.

Say it in English

1. 皆さんこれに同意していただけますか?
→Do we all agree on this? A: Do we all agree on this?

2. 異議はありませんか?
→Any objections? A: Any objections?

3. ガブリエルさんの意見に賛成です。
→I agree with Gabriel's opinion. A: I agree with Gabriel's opinion.

4. 私はそれに反対です。
→I'm opposed to it. A: I'm opposed to it.

5. その通りですね。
→Makes sense. A: Makes sense.

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Business English 2-12 - 59 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re in a meeting and deciding to increase the budget.
(The student will start the conversation.) (The tutor has 2 characters.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask if there’s any objection.
 When he/she says he/she has an objection, and that the board won’t give any
additional budget, say it makes sense.
 When he/she says to just do what you can with what you have, ask if everyone
agrees on that.

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Business English 2-13 - 60 -


13 Let's take a vote.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re in a meeting and deciding on spending more on advertising.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask everyone to take a vote
 When someone says he/she will count the votes, say thank you and ask those in
favor of spending more on advertising to raise their hand.
 When someone says 9 people raised their hand, ask for those who opposed.
 When someone says 11 are opposed, say that 9 members in favor and 11
members opposed.

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Business English 2-13 - 61 -

Phrases of the day

1.Let's take a vote.

A: How should we make a decision?
B: Let’s take a vote.

2.Who’s with ~?
A: Who’s with Jim?
B: I am.

3.All those in favor of ~, please raise your hand.

A: Let’s take a vote.
B: Okay. All those in favor of renovating the office, please raise your hand.

4.And those opposed?

A: And those opposed?
B: I’m opposed.

5.[number] members in favor and [number] members opposed.

A: What’s the result?
B: Eleven members in favor and 9 members opposed.

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Business English 2-13 - 62 -

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

3 では、in favor of ~「~に賛成して」という熟語が使われています。in は本来「包囲」を表し、そこから

「包囲状態(~の中にすっぽり包まれた状態で)」の意味が生まれました。in favor of ~ は、「~に関して

Fill in the blanks

1. A: I think we should make a decision now.

B: Okay. Let’s (take) a (vote).

2. A: And those (opposed)?

B: I’m opposed to it.

3. A: Let’s take a vote.

B: All right. (All those in favor) of the new project, please (raise your hand).

4. A: What’s the outcome?

B: Twelve members (in favor) and 7 members (opposed).

5. A: (Who’s with) Jane?

B: I am. How about the others?

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Business English 2-13 - 63 -

Role playing

A: Thank you for sharing the project’s progress. Based on it, any suggestions to improve our
B: I have a suggestion. I strongly feel that we should increase the budget to improve the quality and
finish faster.
A: Thank you. (Who’s with) Jason?
C: I’m not with him on this. We are still on schedule to finish the project so we don’t need to
increase the budget to finish faster. I also don’t think we can afford it.
A: You have a point. What about the others?
B: Well, (let’s take a vote). If a lot of people are in favor, then we can increase the budget.
A: All right. (All those in favor of) raising the budget, (please raise your hand).
B: Okay, there are only 2 people. (And those opposed)?
A: Six people. We have 2 (members in favor) and 6 (opposed).
B: Okay. Since majority of the team are not in favor, let’s just keep our current budget and do our
best with what we have.

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Business English 2-13 - 64 -

Say it in English

1. 多数決を採りましょう。
→Let's take a vote. A: Let's take a vote.

2. ジムさんに賛成の方は?
→Who's with Jim? A: Who's with Jim?

3. オフィスの改装に賛成の方は、挙手をお願いします。
→All those in favor of renovating the office, please raise your hand.
A: All those in favor of renovating the office, please raise your hand.

4. それでは反対の方は?
→And those opposed? A: And those opposed?

5. 11 名の方が賛成で、9 名の方が反対です。
→Eleven members in favor and 9 members opposed
A: Eleven members in favor and 9 members opposed

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re in a meeting and deciding on spending more on advertising.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask everyone to take a vote
 When someone says he/she will count the votes, say thank you and ask those in
favor of spending more on advertising to raise their hand.
 When someone says 9 people raised their hand, ask for those who opposed.
 When someone says 11 are opposed, say that 9 members in favor and 11
members opposed.

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Business English 2-14 - 65 -


14 It's time to wrap up the meeting.

Let’s try

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: Your team is finishing up the meeting.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say it’s time to wrap up the meeting, and ask if there’s any more business to
 When someone says yes, and that it’s just a few reminders, say go ahead.
 When he/she says you will decide on your next marketing plan, say thank you
and that you think that covers everything. Also, ask if there’s anything else.

Situation 2: Your team is finishing up the meeting.

(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When someone asks if there’s any other business to discuss, say there is and
that you want to go through the list of action items.
 When he/she says go ahead, say thank you and that the action items are you
are to decide on a budget, search for suitable venues, and plan the event with
the coordinator.
 When he/she asks if there’s anything else, say you think that covers

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Business English 2-14 - 66 -

Phrases of the day

1.It's time to wrap up the meeting.

A: It’s 4:50 P.M. It’s time to wrap up the meeting.
B: All right. See you at the next meeting.

2.Is there any other business to discuss?

A: Is there any other business to discuss?
B: Yes, there’s 1 more item.

3.I think that covers everything.

A: Is there any other business to discuss?
B: I don’t think so. I think that covers everything.

4.I just want to go through the list of action items.

A: Are we all good with the proposal?
B: Yes. I just want to go through the list of action items.

5.Just a few reminders.

A: That’s all for today. Our next meeting will be on Thursday next week.
B: Hold on, please. Just a few reminders.

6.Let me just summarize what we’ve discussed so far.

A: Let me just summarize what we’ve discussed so far.
B: Okay, please go ahead.

<continue on to the next page>

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Business English 2-14 - 67 -

7.Let’s review what we’ve agreed on.

A: Could I have some clarifications about the contract?
B: All right. Let’s review what we’ve agreed on.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1 には wrap up ~「~をまとめる・終える」という熟語が使われています。wrap は「包む」という動詞で、

「ラッピング(wrapping)」とは「プレゼントを包むもの」ですね。wrap up ~ で「取り組んでいることを

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Business English 2-14 - 68 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Do you have any concerns?

B: I just want to (go through) the list of (action items).

2. A: Is there anything else?

B: Yes. Just a (few reminders).

3. A: It’s time to (wrap up the meeting).

B: All right.

4. A: Did we miss some items on the agenda?

B: I think that (covers everything).

5. A: Is that all for today?

B: Yes, it is, but let me just (summarize what we’ve) discussed so far.

6. A: Let’s review (what we’ve agreed) on.

B: All right. Let’s do that.

7. A: Is there any other (business to discuss)?

B: No, that’s all for today.

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Business English 2-14 - 69 -

Role playing

A: It’s 4 P.M. (It’s time to wrap up the meeting).
B: (Just a few reminders).
A: Sure, go ahead.
B: (I just want to go through the list of action items). We’ll look for a new advertising company,
finalize the budget for the next project, and make a draft of the new company policy.
A: Thank you for the reminders. (Is there any other business to discuss)?
B: That’s all. (I think that covers everything).

A: (It’s time to wrap up the meeting). (Let me just summarize what we’ve discussed so far).
We’ve discussed the signing of the contract, monthly sales, and the company trip. Any questions?
B: I just want to make sure we’re all on the same page.
A: Okay, (let’s review what we’ve agreed on). We agreed to sign the contract and the shares of
stocks. There were only 2 members out of 20 who were opposed.
B: All right. That makes everything clear. (Is there any more business to discuss)?
A: That’s it. (I think that covers everything). If there are any changes I’ll send you an e-mail.
B: Okay, thank you.

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Business English 2-14 - 70 -

Say it in English

1. 会議を終わりにしましょう。
→It’s time to wrap up the meeting. A: It’s time to wrap up the meeting.

2. 他に何か話し合う案件はありますか?
→Is there any other business to discuss? A: Is there any other business to discuss?

3. 全てカバーしていると思います。
→I think that covers everything. A: I think that covers everything.

4. やるべきことについて確認させてください。
→I just want to go through the list of action items.
A: I just want to go through the list of action items.

5. 念のため再度お伝えしたいことがあります。
→Just a few reminders. A: Just a few reminders.

6. ここまでの話し合いの要点をまとめます。
→Let me just summarize what we’ve discussed so far.
A: Let me just summarize what we’ve discussed so far.

7. 我々が同意した件について再確認しましょう。
→Let’s review what we’ve agreed on. A: Let’s review what we’ve agreed on.

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Business English 2-14 - 71 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: Your team is finishing up the meeting.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say it’s time to wrap up the meeting, and ask if there’s any more business to
 When someone says yes, and that it’s just a few reminders, say go ahead.
 When he/she says you will decide on your next marketing plan, say thank you
and that you think that covers everything. Also, ask if there’s anything else.

Situation 2: Your team is finishing up the meeting.

(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When someone asks if there’s any other business to discuss, say there is and
that you want to go through the list of action items.
 When he/she says go ahead, say thank you and that the action items are you
are to decide on a budget, search for suitable venues, and plan the event with
the coordinator.
 When he/she asks if there’s anything else, say you think that covers

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Business English 2-15 - 72 -


15 I think we had a really productive meeting.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: The meeting is about to be finished.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you think you had a really productive meeting.
 When he/she says he/she thinks so, too, say you’ll send everyone the minutes of
the meeting.
 When he/she says he/she will check his/her e-mail later, say that your next
meeting will be held on Friday at 1 P.M.
 When he/she says noted, say you’d like to close the meeting, and thank everyone
for coming today.

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Business English 2-15 - 73 -

Phrases of the day

1.I'd like to close the meeting.

A: That’s all, I’d like to close the meeting.
B: All right. Thank you.

2.I think we had a really productive meeting.

A: I think we had a really productive meeting.
B: Yes, I agree. We addressed a lot of issues.

3.I'll send everyone the minutes of the meeting.

A: I'll send everyone the minutes of the meeting.
B: All right, thank you. I’ll look at them later.

4.I'll let you know the schedule for the next meeting by ~ .
A: I’ll let you know the schedule for the next meeting by Monday.
B: I see. Please just send me an e-mail.

5.Our next meeting will be held on ~ at … .

A: Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday at 3 P.M.
B: All right. I’ll put it in my schedule.

6.Thank you all for coming today.

A: Thank you all for coming today.
B: Thank you, too. We had a productive meeting today.

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Business English 2-15 - 74 -

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

3. I’ll send everyone the minutes of the meeting. は“send 人 物”「人に物を送る」の形で、物に the
minutes of the meeting「会議の議事録」がきています。minute は「分」の意味が有名ですが、「分」→
む」ので、必ず複数形 minutes で使われます。

Fill in the blanks

1. A: When’s the next meeting?

B: I’ll (let you know) the schedule of the next meeting (by) Friday.

2. A: Any thoughts on our meeting today?

B: I think we had a really (productive meeting).

3. A: Can we get notes from this meeting?

B: Yes. I'll send (everyone the minutes) of the meeting.

4. A: (I’d like to close) the meeting.

B: All right, let’s wrap it up.

5. A: Our next meeting (will be held on) Thursday at 2 P.M.

B: Noted.

6. A: We have to go now. Please excuse us.

B: All right. Thank you all for (coming today).

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Business English 2-15 - 75 -

Role playing

A: (I think we had a really productive meeting). Can we have a copy of the notes you discussed?
B: Don’t worry, (I'll send everyone the minutes of the meeting).
A: Okay, thank you. When is the next meeting going to be held?
B: (I'll let you know the schedule for the next meeting by) 6 P.M. today.
A: All right! Thank you.
B: If you don’t have any more questions, (I’d like to close the meeting).
(Thank you all for coming today) and I hope you took important reminders during the meeting.

<6:00 p.m. that day :>

B: Hello. (Our next meeting will be held on) Tuesday (at) 2 P.M.
A: Okay, I’ll take note of that. Thank you!

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Business English 2-15 - 76 -

Say it in English

1. 会議を終了したいと思います。
→I'd like to close the meeting. A: I'd like to close the meeting.

2. とても有意義な会議になったと思います。
→I think we had a really productive meeting. A: I think we had a really productive meeting.

3. 皆さんに会議の議事録をお送りします。
→I'll send everyone the minutes of the meeting.
A: I'll send everyone the minutes of the meeting.

4. 次回の会議の予定については、月曜日までにご連絡します。
→I'll let you know the schedule of the next meeting by Monday.
A: I'll let you know the schedule of the next meeting by Monday.

5. 次回の会議は、火曜日の 3 時より開催します。
→Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday at 3 P.M.
A: Our next meeting will be held on Tuesday at 3 P.M.

6. 皆さん今日はご参加いただきありがとうございました。
→Thank you all for coming today. A: Thank you all for coming today.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: The meeting is about to be finished.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you think you had a really productive meeting.
 When he/she says he/she thinks so, too, say you’ll send everyone the
minutes of the meeting.
 When he/she says he/she will check his/her e-mail later, say that your next
meeting will be held on Friday at 1 P.M.
 When he/she says noted, say you’d like to close the meeting, and thank
everyone for coming today.

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Business English 2-16 - 77 -


16 Today, I’m here to talk about ~.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are going to do a presentation.
(The student will start the dialog.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say what company you’re representing, and welcome everyone.
 Introduce yourself.
 Say that you will talk about new product.
 Say your talk is divided into three parts.

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Business English 2-16 - 78 -

Phrases of the day

1.On behalf of ~, I’d like to welcome you here today.

A:On behalf of the marketing department, I’d like to welcome you here today.

2.Let me introduce myself.

A: Let me introduce myself. My name is Jerome Wallace.

3.Today, I’m here to talk about ~.

A: Today, I’m here to talk about our sales analysis.

4.My talk is divided into [number] parts.

A: My talk is divided into 3 parts.

5.First/Second/Lastly, I’m going to talk about ~.

A: First, I’m going to talk about our survey results.

6.Thank you for listening.

A: Thank you for listening.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1 には on behalf of ~「~を代表して」という熟語が使われています。behalf は「利益」という意味で、直訳

「~の利益(behalf of ~)に基づいて(on)」→「~のために・~を代表して」となりました。

ちなみに、この on は「根拠・土台」を表しています。on は本来「接触」で、「心の接触」→「依存(~に頼

って)」の意味があります(depend on ~「~に頼る」が有名)。そこから、「~に頼って・~に基づいて」

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Business English 2-16 - 79 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Second, I’m going to (talk about) the effects of consumer feedback to our products sales.

2. A: My talk is (divided into) 4 parts.

3. A: (On behalf) of the project development team, I’d like to (welcome) you here today.

4. A: Let me (introduce) myself. I’m Harry Williams.

5. A: (Thank you for listening).

6. A: Today, (I’m here to talk about) the company’s latest offering.

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Business English 2-16 - 80 -

Role playing

A: Thank you for coming. (On behalf of ABC Corp, I’d like to welcome you here today).
I am glad everyone was able to make it. (Let me introduce myself). I am Ted Evans from the
advertising department.
B: Please speak loudly so that people at the back can hear you.
A: Thank you. (Today, I’m here to talk about our new ad campaign). (My talk is divided into 4 parts).

[After giving part of the presentation:]

A: (Lastly, I’m going to talk about our advertising reach).

[After finishing the presentation:]

A: (Thank you for listening).

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Business English 2-16 - 81 -

Say it in English

1. マーケティング部を代表しまして、本日はようこそいらっしゃいました。
→On behalf of the marketing department, I’d like to welcome you here today.
A: On behalf of the marketing department, I’d like to welcome you here today.

2. 自己紹介をさせてください。私はジェロム・ウォレスと申します。
→Let me introduce myself. My name is Jerome Wallace.
A: Let me introduce myself. My name is Jerome Wallace.

3. 本日は販売分析についてお話をしにまいりました。
→Today, I’m here to talk about our sales analysis.
A: Today, I’m here to talk about our sales analysis.

4. 3 つのパートに分けてお話いたします。
→My talk is divided into 3 parts. A: My talk is divided into 3 parts.

5. 初めに、調査結果についてお話いたします。
→First, I’m going to talk about our survey results.
A: First, I’m going to talk about our survey results.

6. ご清聴ありがとうございました。
→Thank you for listening. A: Thank you for listening.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are going to do a presentation.
(The student will start the dialog.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say what company you’re representing, and welcome everyone.
 Introduce yourself.
 Say that you will talk about new product.
 Say your talk is divided into three parts.

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Business English 2-17 - 82 -


17 This graph shows ~.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are doing a presentation on the number of subscribers on your company.
(The student will start the dialog.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you’re going to tell about the first graph.
 Say that the graph shows the total number of subscribers by month.
 Say that the green line is for this year, and the black line is for last year.

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Business English 2-17 - 83 -

Phrases of the day

1.I’m going to tell you about ~.

A: I’m going to tell you about the first graph. It shows last month’s sales results.

2.This graph shows ~.

A: This graph shows a significant increase in production.

3.The [color] line is ~, and the [color] line is ….

A: The red line is our montly sales targets, and the green line is actual monthly sales.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

2. This graph shows ~. の直訳は「このグラフは~を見せる・示す」で、そこから「このグラフから~がわ

かります」となりました。このように、show は主語に「人」だけでなく、「物」がくることもよくあり、これ

Fill in the blanks

1. A: (This graph shows) that our sales for last month were excellent.

2. A: (I’m going to tell you about) the next graph.

3. A: The black (line is) sales for product A, (and the) green line (is) sales for product B.

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Business English 2-17 - 84 -

Role playing

A: Thank you for coming to today’s meeting. We will be discussing our sales for last month.
(I’m going to tell you about the first graph).
(This graph shows) that we are doing better than 2 months ago.
B: That’s very good news. How are we doing compared to last year?
A: (The purple line is) last year’s sales of every month, (and the blue line is) this year's sales.
As you can see we are doing better than last year.
B: Thank you for your explanation.

Say it in English

1. みなさんに最初のグラフについてお話しいたします。
→I’m going to tell you about the first graph.
A: I’m going to tell you about the first graph.

2. こちらのグラフから、商品の生産が大幅に増加したということがわかります。
→This graph shows a significant increase in production.
A: This graph shows a significant increase in production.

3. 赤の線は月毎の目標売上高、そして緑の線は月毎の売り上げ結果です。
→The red line is our montly sales targets, and the green line is actual monthly sales.
A: The red line is our montly sales targets, and the green line is actual monthly sales.

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Business English 2-17 - 85 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are doing a presentation on the number of subscribers on your company.
(The student will start the dialog.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you’re going to tell about the first graph.
 Say that the graph shows the total number of subscribers by month.
 Say that the green line is for this year, and the black line is for last year.

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Business English 2-18 - 86 -


18 ~ is due to ….

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are doing a presentation about sales.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask everyone to look at the screen, and say that it’s the graph for your sales.
 Say that sales peaked in September and have been going down since then.
 When someone asks what could be the reason, say that the drop in sales is due to
market competition and that’s why your market share fell.

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Business English 2-18 - 87 -

Phrases of the day

1.~ increased.
A: Our market share increased.
B: It’s the result of our new campaign.

2.~ fell.
A: Our sales fell last month.
B: We need to identify the cause.

3.~ peaked in …, and has been going down since then.

A: Market share peaked in October, and has been going down since then.
B: We need to do something to increase our market share again.

4.~ is due to ….
A: What’s the reason for the drop?
B: The drop in satisfaction is due to the difficult-to-use interface.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

4. is due to ~ は、is の後に“due to ~”「~によって・~が原因で」という表現がきた形です。“結果 is

due to 原因”の関係になります。また、この to は「前置詞」で、後ろに「名詞」がくる点にも気をつけまし
be due to 原形「~することになっている」という表現もよく使われますが、この to は不定詞で、直後には

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Business English 2-18 - 88 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: What is the reason for the rise in sales?

B: The rise in sales is (due to) our new campaign.

2. A: Sales of product A (peaked) in December, and have (been going down) since then.
B: Do you have any thoughts about what the cause might be?

3. A: Overall sales for this month (increased).

B: That’s good news for the company.

4. A: You mean there’s a decrease in sales for the third quarter of the year?
B: Yes, and because of that, our stock price (fell).

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Business English 2-18 - 89 -

Role playing

A: Thank you for coming, Mark. Could you please explain the graph to everyone?
B: Our expenses (peaked in) March, (and have been going down since then).
A: What is the main reason our expenses decreased?
B: The cost of the materials that we use for our product (fell).
A: I see. That’s good news.
B: Also, our share price (increased). The rise in our stock price (is due to) our increased sales.
A: Thank you. Would anyone like to make a comment?

Say it in English

1. マーケットシェアが増加しました。
→Our market share increased. A: Our market share increased.

2. 先月、売上げが下落しました。
→Our sales fell last month. A: Our sales fell last month.

3. 市場のシェアは 10 月をピークに、それ以降は減少しています。
→Market share peaked in October, and has been going down since then.
A: Market share peaked in October, and has been going down since then.

4. ユーザーインターフェースが使いにくい事により、満足度が低下しました。
→The drop in satisfaction is due to the difficult-to-use interface.
A: The drop in satisfaction is due to the difficult-to-use interface.

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Business English 2-18 - 90 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are doing a presentation about sales.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask everyone to look at the screen, and say that it the graph for your sales.
 Say that sales peaked in September and has been going down since then.
 When someone asks what could be the reason, say that the drop in sales is due to
market competition and that’s why your market share fell.

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Business English 2-19 - 91 -


19 ~ remained stable at ….

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are explaining the graph during a presentation.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When someone asks about the number of subscribers, say that the number of
subscribers rose by 6% from January to April.
 When he/she asks about customer satisfaction, say customer satisfaction
remained stable at 87% to 89%.
 When he/she asks what the blue line represents, say the blue line which
represents withdrawal remains flat.

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Business English 2-19 - 92 -

Phrases of the day

1.~ rose/declined by …%.

A: What’s the latest report on our sales?
B: Our sales for last month were $2,213,789. They rose by 14% from August to October.

2.The [color] line, which represents ~, remains flat.

A: The red line, which represents complaints, remains flat.
B: I see. We have to do our best to decrease customer complaints.

3.~ remained stable at ….

A: We had some system trouble last month. Did it affect customer satisfaction?
B: No, our customer satisfaction remained stable at 89%.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1 の by は「差(~の分だけ)」を表し、rose by 14%で「14%(分だけ)増加した」となります。仮にこれ
が rose to 14%なら、「14%にまで増加した」という意味です(to は「到達点」を表します)。
また、2 と 3 はともに第2文型(SVC)で、remain ~「~のままだ」の形です。2 の flat「平らな・横ばい
で」は、日本語でも「フラットテレビ(平らなテレビ)」などと使われています。また、3 の stable は「しっ
かりと立つ(sta = stand)ことができる(able)」→「安定した」となりました。

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Business English 2-19 - 93 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Has there been an improvement in sales this quarter?

B: Sales (rose by) 15% (from) January to April.

2. A: The purple (line, which represents) employee satisfaction, remains flat.

B: All right. We should offer better benefits to increase it.

3. A: According to that chart, how much did sales decline?

B: Sales (declined by) 6% from November to December.

4. A: How are the sales of our flagship product this year?

B: They remained (stable) at 2,000 to 2,500 units per month.

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Business English 2-19 - 94 -

Role playing

A: In today’s meeting we will be discussing our sales and spending for the second quarter of the
Our director of sales will be providing the data.
B: The blue line represents spending, and the green line represents sales.
(Spending rose by 7% from April to June). At the same time, sales declined by 3%.
A: How have our stock prices faired?
B: (The yellow line, which represents) our stock price, (remains flat).
Our share price (remained stable) at $50 a share.

Say it in English

1. 8 月から 10 月にかけて 14%増加しました。

→They rose by 14% from August to October.
A: They rose by 14% from August to October.

2. お客様からの苦情を示している赤の線は、横ばいになっています。
→The red line, which represents complaints, remains flat.
A: The red line, which represents complaints, remains flat.

3. 顧客満足度は 89%で安定しています。
→Our customer satisfaction remained stable at 89%.
A: Our customer satisfaction remained stable at 89%.

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Business English 2-19 - 95 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are explaining the graph during a presentation.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When someone asks about the number of subscribers, say that the number of
subscribers rose by 6% from January to April.
 When he/she asks about customer satisfaction, say customer satisfaction
remained stable at 87% to 89%.
 When he/she asks what the blue line represents, say the blue line which
represents withdrawal remains flat.

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Business English 2-20 - 96 -


20 Looking at this trend, we can expect ~.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are discussing the company sales.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When asked what do you think about this trend, say that looking at this trend,
you can expect an increase in sales.
 When he/she asks if the trend would last for a long time, say that it’s unlikely
that sales will remain high because of market competition.
 When he/she asks when can you expect the trend to continue, say you expect
it to continue for the next two months.

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Business English 2-20 - 97 -

Phrases of the day likely to ~ by ….
A: When do you think our subscription rate is likely to peak?
B: If we keep this marketing strategy, the rate is likely to peak by June.

2.We expect ~ to continue for ….

A: How long will sales continue at the current rate?
B: Based on market demand, we expect them to continue for 3 years.

3.It's unlikely that + [sv].

A: How likely are production costs likely to be the same in 2 years?
B: Due to inflation, it’s unlikely that costs will still be the same in 2 years.

4.Looking at this trend, we can expect ~.

A: We’ve noticed that more and more people are clicking on our new online advertisements.
B: That’s great. Looking at this trend, we can expect an increase in exposure.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

2 は expect O to ~「O が~すると思う・予想する」の形です。to 不定詞は「未来志向」のイメージなので、

「これから~する」というニュアンスがあります。今回の expect O to ~ も、「これから O が~すると思う」

ちなみに、expect は「期待する」と覚えている人が多いのですが、2 や 4 のように普通に「思う・予想する」


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Business English 2-20 - 98 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Do you think our current product idea will be popular in the coming months?
B:Yes, I believe it will. It’s (likely to) become popular by winter.

2. A: What are the odds of this trend lasting in the coming years?
B: By the looks of it, we (expect) it to (continue) for 4 years.

3. A: How’s our projected sales for this quarter?

B: It's unlikely that we'll meet our sales quota because of the low market demand.

4. A: How do you think this unstable trend will affect our sales?
B: (Looking at this trend), we can expect a drop in sales in the next couple of months.

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Business English 2-20 - 99 -

Role playing

A: Thank you for attending today’s presentation.

Our presenter will be going over our projected sales for the Christmas season and new year.
B: Thank you. Our sales (are likely to) increase (by) Christmas.
(We expect this to continue in the new year).
A: How will our costs be affected?
B: (It’s unlikely that) costs (will) increase.
(Looking at this trend, we can expect) our stock price to increase in the new year.

Say it in English

1. 購読率は 6 月までにピークに達する可能性が高いです。
→The rate is likely to peak by June.
A: The rate is likely to peak by June.

2. これは 3 年間続くと思われます。
→We expect them to continue for 3 years.
A: We expect them to continue for 3 years.

3. 2 年間同じコストの可能性は低いです。
→It’s unlikely that costs will still be the same in 2 years.
A: It’s unlikely that costs will still be the same in 2 years.

4. この傾向を見ると、露出の増加が予想されます。
→Looking at this trend, we can expect an increase in exposure.
A: Looking at this trend, we can expect an increase in exposure.

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Business English 2-20 - 100 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are discussing the company sales.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When asked what do you think about this trend, say that looking at this trend,
you can expect an increase in sales.
 When he/she asks if the trend would last for a long time, say that it’s unlikely that
sales will remain high because of market competition.
 When he/she asks when can you expect the trend to continue, say you expect it
to continue for the next two months.

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Business English 2-21 - 101 -


21 Excuse me for interrupting, but ~

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are in a conference and are about to ask some questions
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Apologize for interrupting because you have a question.
 When he/she asks if you mind saving your questions until the end, say all right.
 After he/she finished discussing something and asks if you have questions, ask
permission if you can say something.

Situation 2: You are doing a presentation.

(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When someone interrupted and says he/she has a question, ask if he/she would
mind saving his/her questions until the end.

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Business English 2-21 - 102 -

Phrases of the day

1.I'd like to make a comment on that.

A: Our customer satisfaction dropped by 10% this month because of poor customer support.
B: Excuse me. I’d like to make a comment on that.

2. Would you mind saving your questions until the end?

A: Excuse me, I have some questions.
B: I’m sorry, but would you mind saving your questions until the end?

3.Excuse me for interrupting, but ~

A: Excuse me for interrupting, but can you explain that in more detail?
B: All right. As I’ve said, …

4.May I say something?

A: May I say something?
B: Sure, Mr. Gomez. Go ahead.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

2 は Would you mind –ing?「~して頂けませんでしょうか?」という表現です。mind は「嫌がる」で、直訳

ちなみに、これは Do you mind –ing? よりも丁寧な表現です。助動詞の過去形(would)は「仮定法」を表

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Business English 2-21 - 103 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Excuse me, I have a few questions.

B: Would you mind (saving your questions) until the end?

2. A: We’re going to finish developing the new material in March.

B: Excuse me, (I’d like to make) a comment on that.

3. A: (Excuse me for interrupting), but I just need some clarifications.

B: Sure. What would you like to know?

4. A: (May I say something)?

B: Yes, go ahead.

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Business English 2-21 - 104 -

Role playing

A: In today’s meeting, we will be reviewing our new round of hiring. We are short of hitting our
quota of applicants.
B: (I’d like to comment on that).
A: Go ahead. Do you have a solution in mind?
B: I think we should use our online presence to reach more applicants.
A: Let’s look into that. Thank you for the suggestion.

A: The goal of today’s meeting is to address our decreased sales.
B: (Excuse me for interrupting, but I have a question).
A: I’m sure everyone will have questions. For that reason (would you mind saving your questions
until the end)?
B: I believe this is important. (May I say something)?
A: Go ahead. After this please wait until the end.
B: Our online sales are still being processed. Therefore, we may have met our quarterly goal.
A: Thank you, but I received the result for our online sales a while ago and compared them.
Our sales are still down.

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Business English 2-21 - 105 -

Say it in English

1. それについてコメントしたいのですが。
→I’d like to make a comment on that. A: I’d like to make a comment on that.

2. ご質問は最後までお控えいただけますでしょうか?
→Would you mind saving your questions until the end?
A: Would you mind saving your questions until the end?

3. お話中にすみませんが、その事についてもう少し詳しく説明してもらえますか?
→Excuse me for interrupting, but can you explain that in more detail?
A: Excuse me for interrupting, but can you explain that in more detail?

4. 発言してもいいですか?
→May I say something? A: May I say something?

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are in a conference and are about to ask some questions
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Apologize for interrupting because you have a question/
 When he/she asks if you mind saving your questions until the end, say all right.
 After he/she finished discussing something and asks if you have questions, ask
permission if you can say something.

Situation 2: You are doing a presentation.

(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When someone interrupted and says he/she has a question, ask if he/she would
mind saving his/her questions until the end.

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Business English 2-22 - 106 -


22 I'd like to inquire about ~.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You call ABC Software Solutions and ask about their software.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks how can he/she be of help, give a short greeting and ask say
that you’d like to inquire about their company’s software.
 When he/she asks what application you are interested in, say you’re considering
buying their CRM software, and that you’d like to know more about it.
 When he/she says that all application can be found online or in their store catalog,
ask if he/she could send you one.

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Business English 2-22 - 107 -

Phrases of the day

1.I'd like to inquire about ~.

A: Hello. Ox IT Solutions. How can I help you?
B: Hi. I’d like to inquire about your warranty period for software purchases.

2.I’m considering buying ~.

A: What kind of desktop computer are you considering?
B: I’m considering buying a desktop computer to use for graphic design.

3.I’d like to know more about ~.

A: Is there anything you’d like to know more about?
B: I’d like to know more about your housekeeping service.

4.Could you please send me a ~?

A: Could you please send me an updated brochure of your products?
B: Sure, we can send it via e-mail.

5.What is your best-seller?

A: I’m curious, what is your best-seller?
B: It’s the ABC Document Editor.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

consider の後ろは、必ず「動名詞」がきます(to 不定詞はとれません)。to 不定詞が「未来」や「単発」のイ

に出てきた mind「嫌がる」も後ろに動名詞がきていましたが、これも「頭の中で嫌なことが反復する」イメー

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Business English 2-22 - 108 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: I’d like to see all your products. (Could) you please (send) me a complete price list?
B: Sure! Please write down your e-mail address and we’ll send it there.

2. A: These are our best-selling photo printers. Which one do you like the best?
B: These are great but I’m (considering buying) the cheapest one.

3. A: Hello. I’m considering buying a photocopier. What is your (best-seller)?

B: It’s the XYZ photocopier. It offers great value for money.

4. A: Hello. Welcome to ABC Communications. How can I help you?

B: Hi, (I’d like to inquire) about the rates of your Internet service plans.

5. A: What would you like to know about AO Express?

B: (I’d like to know) more about your shipping rates.

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Business English 2-22 - 109 -

Role playing

A: Thank you for calling XYZ Tech. How may I help you?
B: Hi, (I’d like to inquire about) your sale.
A: Of course. What would you like to know?
B: (I am considering buying) some office computers.
(I’d like to know more about) your basic models.
A: All our available specifications can be found online or in our catalog.
B: (Could you please send me a catalog)?
A: I can get that right to you via e-mail. Is there anything else I can do for you?
B: Yes, (what is your best seller)?
A: It’s our 500 series.

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Business English 2-22 - 110 -

Say it in English

1. ソフトウェアの購入にあたり、保証期間についてお尋ねしたいのですが。
→I’d like to inquire about your warranty period for software purchases.
A: I’d like to inquire about your warranty period for software purchases.

2. グラフィックデザインをするためのデスクトップパソコンの購入を検討しています。
→I’m considering buying a desktop computer to use for graphic design.
A: I’m considering buying a desktop computer to use for graphic design.

3. 家事代行サービスについてもっとよく知りたいのですが。
→I’d like to know more about your housekeeping service.
A: I’d like to know more about your housekeeping service.

4. 最新の製品パンプレットを送っていただけますか?
→Could you please send me an updated brochure of your products?
A: Could you please send me an updated brochure of your products?

5. 最も売れているものはなんですか?
→What is your best-seller? A: What is your best-seller?

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You call ABC Software Solutions and ask about their software.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks how can he/she be of help, give a short greeting and ask
say that you’d like to inquire about their company’s software.
 When he/she asks what application you are interested in, say you’re
considering buying their CRM software, and that you’d like to know more
about it.
 When he/she says that all application can be found online or in their store
catalog, ask if he/she could send you one.

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Business English 2-23 - 111 -


23 I would like to request a replacement.

Let’s try! (試してみよう!)

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are calling the shop where you bought the defective item.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say that there’s a problem with an item you bought and that it’s not working
 When he/she asks for the order number, say it’s 7184-0051.
 When he/she asks what’s the problem with it, say that the light is not working
and that you’d like to request a replacement.
 When he/she asks you to send the item back first, say sure and ask if they can
send the replacement as soon as possible.
 When he/she said they’ll send the replacement once they confirmed it’s defective,
say all right and ask when you can expect to receive the replacement.

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Business English 2-23 - 112 -

Phrases of the day

1.~ is not working properly.

A: Hi. Is there something I can help you with?
B: My smartphone is not working properly. It’s not charging.

2.Do you have the order number?

A: Hi. I’m calling to follow up on an order I placed last week.
B: Do you have the order number?

3.I would like to request a replacement.

A: Hi. The screen of the smart phone that I bought 5 days ago is not working anymore. I would
like to request a replacement.
B: Certainly. Do you still have the receipt?

4. Can you send me a replacement as soon as possible?

A: We’re very sorry about the mix-up with the shipping. We received the item you
B: I hope it doesn’t happen again. Can you send me a replacement as soon as possible?

5. When can I expect to receive the replacement?

A: When can I expect to receive the replacement?
B: We’ve sent the items already and you can expect to receive them within 3 days. We’re very
sorry about this.

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Business English 2-23 - 113 -

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1 の work は「(機械が)機能する・動作する」という意味です。work は本来「がんばる」で、「人ががんば

また、後ろの properly は「適切に・正しく」という副詞です。形容詞は proper「適切な」で、洋服屋の店員

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Could you tell me what’s wrong with the shredder?

B: It’s not (working properly). The paper keeps getting jammed for no reason.

2. A: Hello. I’m calling to follow up on my order.

B: Certainly. (Do you) have the order number?

3. A: I’d like to inform you that we’ve already shipped the replacement for your scanner.
B: Okay, thank you. (When) can I (expect) to receive the replacement?

4. A: I need this item right away. Can you (send me the replacement) as soon as possible?
B: We’re very sorry for the inconvenience. We’ll send it via express delivery.

5. A: Some functions of the printer don’t work. (I would like to request) a replacement.
B: I apologize, but we have to check the item before we can send you a replacement.

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Business English 2-23 - 114 -

Role playing

A: ABC computers. How may I help you?

B: I recently purchased a computer from you. (It’s not working properly). I always get a blue screen.
A: I am sorry to hear that. If it was a recent purchase, the computer should still be under warranty.
Let me check. (Do you have the order number)?
B: Yes, I do. The number is 94546-741. (I would like to request a replacement).
A: Thank you for providing the order number. I will pull up your order information.

<after a few seconds: >

A: I found your order. We can replace the unit. Please send the defective machine back to us.
B: (Can you send me a replacement as soon as possible)?
A: Yes, we can do that for you.
B: (When can I expect to receive the replacement)?
A: It should take 2-3 business days after we receive the defective unit.

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Business English 2-23 - 115 -

Say it in English

1. スマートフォンが正しく動きません。
→My smartphone is not working properly. A: My smartphone is not working properly.

2. ご注文いただいた際の番号はございますか?
→Do you have the order number? A: Do you have the order number?

3. 交換してもらいたいのですが。
→I would like to request a replacement. A: I would like to request a replacement.

4. 交換品をできるだけ早く送ってもらえますか?
→Can you send me a replacement as soon as possible?
A: Can you send me a replacement as soon as possible?

5. いつ交換品を受け取ることができますか?
→When can I expect to receive the replacement?
A: When can I expect to receive the replacement?

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are calling the shop where you bought the defective item.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say that there’s a problem with an item you bought and that it’s not working
 When he/she asks for the order number, say it’s 7184-0051.
 When he/she asks what’s the problem with it, say that the light is not working
and that you’d like to request a replacement.
 When he/she asks you to send the item back first, say sure and ask if they can
send the replacement as soon as possible.
 When he/she said they’ll send the replacement once they confirmed it’s defective,
say all right and ask when you can expect to receive the replacement.

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Business English 2-24 - 116 -


24 I received the wrong products.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are calling the customer support for the delayed order.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks how he/she may be of help, say you placed an order a week
ago, but it still hasn’t arrived yet.
 When he/she apologizes, and ask when were you expecting the item to be
delivered, say you were told it would arrived on Monday.
 When he/she says there’s a mix-up with the delivery and they’re very sorry about
it, ask when your ordered was shipped.
 When he/she says it was shipped 3 days ago, ask when can you expect to receive

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Business English 2-24 - 117 -

Phrases of the day

1.I ordered ~ but I only received ….

A: Hello, how can I help you?
B: I ordered 20 document organizers last week but I only received 16.

2.I received the wrong products.

A: What seems to be the problem with your purchase?
B: I received the wrong products.

3.I placed an order ~, but it still hasn’t arrived yet.

A: Hi. ABC General Supplies. How can I help you?
B: Hello. I placed an order 3 days ago, but it still hasn’t arrived yet.

4.It should have arrived ~.

A: The printer we ordered is still not here. It should have arrived yesterday.
B: We’re sorry for the delay. I’ve checked the shipping status of the order. It’s scheduled to be
delivered tomorrow.

5.I was told it would arrive ~.

A: What’s the status of my order? I was told it would arrive in 3 days but it isn’t here yet.
B: We had some problems with shipping. We’re sorry for the inconvenience.

<continue on to the next page>

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Business English 2-24 - 118 -

6.Can you tell me when my order was shipped?

A: I don’t have any updates on my purchases. Can you tell me when my orders were shipped?
B: Your orders were shipped yesterday. We apologize for the lack of updates.

7.When can I expect to receive it?

A: When can I expect to receive it?
B: It will take 2-3 days.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

3 の place an order は、「注文状態(order)に置く(place)」→「注文する」という表現です。ネットショ

ッピングで「order ボタンの上にマウスのカーソルを置く(place)」と考えてもいいでしょう。
また、4 は should have p.p.「~すべきだったのに(~しなかった)」の形です。should have は発音に注意
が必要で、「シュッド ハヴ」とはっきり発音されることはほぼありません。have は「ァヴ」という感じで、
should と have がくっついて「シュダヴ」のような発音になります。

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Business English 2-24 - 119 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: I received the (wrong products). I ordered a box of brown envelopes but I got white ones.
B: I’m sorry, we’ll send you the correct product immediately. There must have been an error
during packaging.

2. A: I (placed an order) last week, but it still hasn’t arrived yet.

B: We’re sorry for the delay.
We shipped your order yesterday and it should arrive in a few days.

3. A: We’ve received an update that our order was shipped. When can I (expect to receive) it?
B: It should arrive in 3 days.

4. A: Thank you for calling XYZ store. How may I help you?
B: Hi. I ordered 3 boxes of paper and I was (told they would arrive) today, but they aren’t here

5. A: Can you tell me when my (order was shipped)? The order number is 455-3234
B: Thank you for providing your order number. Let me check the order status.

6. A: We’re still waiting for the 15 USB flash drives that we ordered. They (should have arrived)
B: We’re sorry for the delay. I’ve checked your order status, and your order should arrive

7. A: What seems to be the problem with your order?

B: (I ordered) 10 binders (but) I only received 7.

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Business English 2-24 - 120 -

Role playing

A: ABC Office Supplies. How may I help you?
B: I placed an order last week. The order arrived, but a few items were missing.
A: I’m sorry, can you tell me what you ordered?
B: (I ordered 5 desks but I only received 2).
A: I’m sorry to hear that. Please provide me your information.
(We’ll ship the missing items immediately).
B: My order number was 11236-6879.
A: I will pull up your order right now.
B: Thank you.


A: ABC Electronics. How may I help you?

B: I placed an order 5 days ago. The order arrived, but (I received the wrong product).
A: I’m sorry, can you tell me what you ordered?
B: I ordered a 42 inch TV, but received a 32 inch one.
A: I’m sorry to hear that. Could you send us back the wrong product? We’ll send the correct one
right away.
B: I will. (When can I expect to receive) it?
A: It will take 2 to 3 days once we receive the product we sent you by mistake.

<continue on to the next page>

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Business English 2-24 - 121 -

A: ABC Shipping How may I help you?
B: (I placed an order on Monday, but it still hasn’t arrived yet).
A: Let me check our records. May I please have your order number?
B: My order number is 54671-142.
A: Please hold for a moment.

<After a few moments :>

A: I checked our records. (It should have arrived Wednesday), but it was delayed due to the
B: (I was told it would arrive Wednesday morning). (Can you tell me when my order was shipped)?
A: It was shipped Monday afternoon.
B: (When can I expect to receive) it?
A: I’ll check with the warehouse. Please wait another moment.

<After a few moments : >

A: We can have your order to you by Friday at the latest.

B: Thank you for your help.

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Business English 2-24 - 122 -

Say it in English

1. 先週、書類整理ケースを 20 個注文しましたが、16 個しか届いていません。

→I ordered 20 document organizers last week but I only received 16.
A: I ordered 20 document organizers last week but I only received 16.

2. 違う商品が届きました。
→I received the wrong products. A: I received the wrong products.

3. 3 日前に注文しましたが、まだ届いていません。
→I placed an order 3 days ago, but it still hasn’t arrived yet.
A: I placed an order 3 days ago, but it still hasn’t arrived yet.

4. 昨日届くはずだったのですが
→It should have arrived yesterday. A: It should have arrived yesterday.

5. 3 日で届くと伝えられていたのですがまだ届いていません。
→I was told it would arrive in 3 days but it isn’t here yet.
A: I was told it would arrive in 3 days but it isn’t here yet.

6. 注文した商品がいつ発送されたか教えてもらえますか?
→Can you tell me when my order was shipped?
A: Can you tell me when my order was shipped?

7. いつそれを受け取ることができますか?
→When can I expect to receive it? A: When can I expect to receive it?

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are calling the customer support for the delayed order.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks how he/she may be of help, say you placed an order a week
ago, but it still hasn’t arrived yet.
 When he/she apologizes, and ask when were you expecting the item to be
delivered, say you were told it would arrived on Monday.
 When he/she says there’s a mix-up with the delivery and they’re very sorry about
it, ask when your ordered was shipped.
 When he/she says it was shipped 3 days ago, ask when can you expect to receive

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Business English 2-25 - 123 -


25 Please accept our apologies.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are talking to a customer over the phone about his/her order.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she said his/her order was supposed to arrive 3 days ago, ask to accept
your apologies, then ask for the order number.
 When he/she gives the order number, say that you’ve checked his/her order and
that it’s been delayed because of the holiday rush.
 When he/she said he/she wasn’t informed about it, say you’re very sorry about
that, and say you won’t let it happen again.

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Business English 2-25 - 124 -

Phrases of the day

1.Please accept our apologies.

A: We ordered 10 computers but we only received 9.
B: Please accept our apologies. May I have the order number, please?

2.We're very sorry about this.

A: The scanner I ordered 2 months ago suddenly stopped working.
B: We’re very sorry about this. Could you please send us back the defective item so we can
check it?

3.I apologize for ~.

A: I received the wrong product. I ordered headsets, not headphones.
B: I apologize for the mistake. I’ll check your order right away.

4.We won't let it happen again.

A: I hope there won’t be any problems like this with shipments in the future.
B: We’re very sorry about this. I assure you, we won’t let it happen again.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

4 は let OC「O を C させる」の形で、won’t let it happen again「絶対にそれを再び起こさせない」→「二

will は「~するつもり」「~でしょう」と教わったと思いますが、本来は「100%必ず~する」を表します。よ
って、今回の won’t ~ も「100%必ず~しない」→「絶対に~しない」という意味になるわけです。もし

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Business English 2-25 - 125 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: I placed an order last week, but the item still hasn’t arrived.
B: Please (accept our apologies). There are delays in deliveries because of the holiday rush.

2. A: There was a mistake with my order. I was delivered a computer table instead of an office
B: I (apologize for) sending you the wrong item. May I have the order number, please?

3. A: I have a complaint. The items delivered to me were damaged.

B: We’re (very sorry about) that. Could you send us back the damaged items?

4. A: I received the replacement. Thank you.

B: I’m glad you finally received your order.
Again, please accept our apologies for the mix-up. (We won’t) let it (happen) again.

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Business English 2-25 - 126 -

Role playing

A: Thank you for calling XYZ Express. How may I help you?
B: Hi. I would like to make a complaint. My order was 3 days late.
A: (Please accept our apologies). May I have your order information?
B: Yes, my order number is 7593-508.
A: Allow me to check your order.

<After a few moments : >

A: According to our records, the item you ordered was on back order.
B: You should have informed us the item was on back order.
A: (We’re very sorry about this).
B: It was supposed to be a gift for my friend’s birthday!
A: (I apologize for the inconvenience). (We won’t let it happen again).

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Business English 2-25 - 127 -

Say it in English

1. 申し訳ございません。
→Please accept our apologies. A: Please accept our apologies.

2. このような事になり、大変申し訳ございません。
→We’re very sorry about this. A: We’re very sorry about this.

3. 不手際につきまして謝罪いたします。
→I apologize for the mistake. A: I apologize for the mistake.

4. 二度とこのような事がないようにいたします。
→We won’t let it happen again. A: We won’t let it happen again.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are talking to a customer over the phone about his/her order.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she said his/her order was supposed to arrive 3 days ago, ask to
accept your apologies and that your very sorry about it, then ask for the order
 When he/she gives the order number, say that you’ve checked his/her order
and that it’s been delayed because of the holiday rush.
 When he/she said he/she wasn’t informed about it, apologize for the delay,
and say you won’t let it happen again.

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Business English 2-26 - 128 -


26 I can understand why you’re upset.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are talking to a customer over the phone about his/her order.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says he/she hasn’t received the replacement that was promised,
and that he/she is very disappointed, say you can understand why he/she is upset,
and that you’re very sorry about it.
 When he/she says he/she wants the issue to be resolved as soon as possible, say
you’re very sorry, you’ll make sure that it gets taken care of today, and that you’ll
send the replacement right away

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Business English 2-26 - 129 -

Phrases of the day

1.I can understand why you’re upset.

A: I keep receiving e-mails that my refund is being processed, but it’s taking so long.
B: I can understand why you’re upset. I’ll look into it right away.

2.I’ll make sure it gets taken care of today.

A: I hope this issue about my order gets addressed soon.
B: I’ll make sure it gets taken care of today.

3.I'll check into it and call you back as soon as possible.

A: Hi. I’m calling to check on the status of my complaint. It’s been 4 days. My reference number
is 5563-453
B: I’m sorry it’s taking such a long time. I’ll check into it and call you back as soon as possible.

4.We’ll send a replacement right away.

A: Thank you very much for sending the item back. We’ll send a replacement right away.
B: All right. Thank you.

5.Could you send us back the defective item?

A: I received the smartphone that I ordered from you but the camera lens has scratches.
B: We’re very sorry about that. Could you send us back the defective item?

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Business English 2-26 - 130 -

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

2. I’ll make sure it gets taken care of today.「本日中に対応いたします」は、make sure sv「必ず sv

する」の形です。後ろは get p.p.「~される」という受動態で、be 動詞の代わりに get が使われています
(get を使って「動作」を明示しています)。また、take care of ~ は「~を世話する」の意味が有名です
て、it gets taken care of today で、直訳「本日これが対応される」→「本日中に対応する」となります。

Fill in the blanks

1. A: I haven’t received my refund for the damaged items delivered to me last week.
B: I’m really sorry about that. I’ll (make sure) it gets taken care of today.

2. A: The printer that I received 2 days ago suddenly stopped working.

B: Please accept our apologies. Please send it back and we’ll (send a replacement) right away.

3. A: I hope the issue with my order being delayed gets resolved quickly.
B: We’re very sorry about this. I’ll (check) into it and I’ll call you back (as soon as possible).

4. A: I wasn’t informed that the delivery has been pushed back for 3 days!
B: I can (understand) why you’re (upset). We’re very sorry about this.

5. A: I’ve got the receipt and the refund form. What else do I have to do to get a refund?
B: There’s one more thing. Could you (send us back) the defective items?

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Business English 2-26 - 131 -

Role playing

A: I recently switched to your Internet service and it’s not working. I can’t get any work done!
B: (I can understand why you’re upset).
A: I need our Internet connection working as soon as possible.
B: (I’ll make sure it gets taken care of today).
A: Please let me know if there are any updates.
B: (I’ll check into it and call you back as soon as possible).

A: ABC Telecom. How may I help you?
B: Hi. Our Internet router is not working.
A: I’m sorry to hear that. (We’ll send a replacement right away).
B: Thank you very much.
A: (Could you also send us back the defective item)?
B: I’ll send it tomorrow.

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Business English 2-26 - 132 -

Say it in English

1. お怒りはごもっともでございます。
→I can understand why you’re upset. A: I can understand why you’re upset.

2. 本日中に対応いたします。
→I’ll make sure it gets taken care of today. A: I’ll make sure it gets taken care of today.

3. 確認し、可能な限り早く折り返しご連絡いたします。
→I’ll check into it and call you back as soon as possible.
A: I’ll check into it and call you back as soon as possible.

4. 交換品を直ちにお送りいたします。
→We’ll send a replacement right away. A: We’ll send a replacement right away.

5. 不良品をご返送いただけますか?
→Could you send us back the defective item? A: Could you send us back the defective item?

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are talking to a customer over the phone about his/her order.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says he/she hasn’t received the replacement that was promised,
and that he/she is very disappointed, say you can understand why he/she is
upset, and that you’re very sorry about it.
 When he/she says he/she wants the issue to be resolved as soon as possible,
say you’re very sorry, you’ll make sure that it gets taken care of today, and
that you’ll send the replacement right away

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Business English 2-27 - 133 -


27 I’m glad to be here.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: It’s your first day in the company and you are being introduced by a colleague.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks if you would like to say something, say it’s nice to meet all of
them and you’re glad to be here.
 Then say you hope to get up to speed as quickly as possible and you’re looking
forward to working with all of them.

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Business English 2-27 - 134 -

Phrases of the day

1.I’m glad to be here.

A: I’m glad to be here.

2.It’s nice to meet you all.

A: It’s nice to meet you all.

3.I hope to get up to speed as quickly as possible.

A: I hope to get up to speed as quickly as possible.

4.I'm looking forward to working with you all.

A: I'm looking forward to working with you all.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

3. up to speed は直訳「スピードに到達する」で、そこから「軌道に乗った・精通した」といった意味があり
ます。会社で「要求されるスピードに達した」→「軌道に乗った」というイメージで考えれば OK です。よっ
て、get up to speed で「軌道に乗った(up to speed)状態になる(get)」→「軌道に乗る・慣れる」とな
ちなみに、後ろは as ~ as possible「できるだけ~」の形で、as quickly as possible「できるだけ早く」と

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Business English 2-27 - 135 -

Fill in the blanks

1. I’m (looking forward) to working with (you all).

2. I hope to (get up to speed) as quickly as possible.

3. (It’s) nice to meet (you all).

4. I’m glad (to be here).

Role playing

A: Welcome to the sales department.

B: Thank you.
A: Everybody, I’d like you to meet our newest member.
B: Hello. (It’s nice to meet you all). I’m Patrick. (I’m glad to be here).
(I’m looking forward to working with you all). (I hope to get up to speed as quickly as possible).
A: Welcome aboard. We’re excited to have you on the team.
Feel free to ask any questions.
B: Thanks. I’ll do my best.

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Business English 2-27 - 136 -

Say it in English (英作文)

1. ここにいる事ができて嬉しいです。
→I’m glad to be here.
A: I’m glad to be here.

2. 皆さんはじめまして。
→It’s nice to meet you all.
A: It’s nice to meet you all.

3. 少しでも早く慣れるよう努めます。
→I hope to get up to speed as quickly as possible.
A: I hope to get up to speed as quickly as possible.

4. 皆さんと一緒に働く事ができて光栄です。
→I'm looking forward to working with you all.
A: I'm looking forward to working with you all.

Let’s try again! (もう一度試してみよう!)

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: It’s your first day in the company and you are being introduced by a colleague.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks if you would like to say something, say it’s nice to meet all
of them and you’re glad to be here.
 Then say you hope to get up to speed as quickly as possible and you’re
looking forward to working with all of them.

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Business English 2-28 - 137 -


28 Let me show you around.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You show the new employee around the office.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you will show him/her around.
 When he/she says thank you, say you’ll start here and this is the editorial
 When he/she says okay, continue and say here on the right you will find the
planning department.

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Business English 2-28 - 138 -

Phrases of the day

1.Let me show you around.

A: This is a really nice office. It seems pretty big, too.
B: Thank you, it really is. Come, let me show you around.

2.We'll start here.

A: We’ll start here. This is the human resources department.
B: All right.

3.Here on the left/right, you'll find ~.

A: Here on the left, you’ll find the IT department.
B: Okay.

4.Just ahead of us, you’ll see ~.

A: Lastly, just ahead of us, you’ll see the conference room.
B: I’ll remember that. Thank you for showing me around.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1 には、show 人 around「人を案内して回る」という表現が使われています。around は「円(round)に沿

って、ぐるっと周りを回る」イメージで、show 人 around で「人に(建物などの)周りを回って(around)
全体は let OC「O に C させる」の形で、Let me show you around.「私に案内して回らせて」→「周りをご

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Business English 2-28 - 139 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: It’s your first day, so let me (show you around).

B: Thank you.

2. A: (We’ll start) here. On this floor, we have the sales department and IT department.
B: I see.

3. A: Is there a place where I can keep the food?

B: (Here) on the right, you’ll (find) the pantry. We have a big refrigerator.

4. A: Thank you for showing me around, but where can I find the restroom?
B: Oh, I’m sorry. Just (ahead) of us, you’ll (see) it.

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Business English 2-28 - 140 -

Role playing

A: Good morning. My name is Richard Smith, and I'm the new hire.
I'm supposed to have my orientation today.
B: Hello, Richard. I’ve been expecting you. My name’s Rachel.
I'm in charge of new employee orientation. (Let me show you around).
A: Thank you. I appreciate it.
B: (We’ll start here). This is the main office and this is where you’ll be.
A: Okay.
B: Let’s go down the hall. (Here on the right, you’ll find the) break room.
A: I’ll try not to spend too much time here.
B: Good to hear that. (Just ahead of us, you’ll see the) server room. Let’s go to the next one.

<After a few minutes:>

B: That’s it. Do you have any questions?
A: Not right now. Thank you for showing me around. I’m looking forward to working here.

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Business English 2-28 - 141 -

Say it in English

1. 社内を案内します。
→Let me show you around.
A: Let me show you around.

2. ここから始めましょう。
→We’ll start here.
A: We’ll start here.

3. この左にあるのが、IT 部です。
→Here on the left, you’ll find the IT department.
A: Here on the left, you’ll find the IT department.

4. この先に見えるのが会議室です。
→Just ahead of us, you’ll see the conference room.
A: Just ahead of us, you’ll see the conference room.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You show the new employee around the office.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you will show him/her around.
 When he/she says thank you, say you’ll start here and this is the editorial
 When he/she says okay, continue and say here on the right you will find the
planning department.

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Business English 2-29 - 142 -


29 I’d like you to meet the staff of the ~ department.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You will introduce the staff in your department to the new staff.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Greet him/her with his/her name and say you’d like him/her to meet the staff of
the HR department.
 Greet everyone, say his/her name, and say that starting today, he/she will be
part of the HR department, and that the staff give him/her a warm welcome.

Situation 2: You will introduce the new head of the IT department—your tutor—to the people
in the company.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you will introduce the new head of the IT department, [tutor’s name].
 Say that he/she was the head of the same department in our Florida branch.
 Say that he/she will be staying with the company for 1 year.

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Business English 2-29 - 143 -

Phrases of the day

1.I'd like you to meet the staff of the ~ department.

A: I’d like you to meet the staff of the human resources department.
B: Hello, everyone. It’s a pleasure to meet you all.

2.~ will be staying with us for ….

A: Ms. Clarke will be our temporary site manager. She’ll be staying with us for 3 months.
B: We’re looking forward to working with you, Ms. Clarke.

3.He/She was ~ at our … branch.

A: This is Mr. Reeves. He was head of customer support at our California branch.
B: We’re looking forward to working with you, Mr. Reeves.

4.Starting today, ~ will be part of the … department.

A: This is Mr. Thorne. Starting today, he’ll be part of the public relations department.
B: Nice to meet you, Mr. Thorne.

5.Please give ~ a warm welcome.

A: Mr. Sykes will be staying with us for 6 months. Please give him a warm welcome.
B: Welcome to the New York office! We are looking forward to working with you.

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Business English 2-29 - 144 -

関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

3 の branch「支社・支店」という単語は、ビジネスで非常によく出てきます。元々は「枝」で、そこから「枝
また、5 は give 人 物「人に物を与える」の形です。Please give ~ a warm welcome. で、直訳「~に温か
い歓迎(a warm welcome)を与えて(give)」→「~を温かく迎え入れて下さい」ということです。

Fill in the blanks

1. A: I’d like (you to meet) the staff of the sales department.

B: It’s a pleasure to meet you all.

2. A: Mr. Kramer will be managing this project. (He’ll) be staying with us (for) a year.
B: We look forward to a great year with you, Mr. Kramer.

3. A: Let me introduce Mr. Frey. He (was) an engineer (at our) Los Angeles (branch).
B: Welcome to the New York branch, Mr. Frey.

4. A: This is Mr. Mason. (Starting) today, he’ll (be part of) the finance department.
B: Welcome to the finance department, Mr. Mason.

5. A: Ms. Pearson will be joining the team. Please (give) her a warm (welcome).
B: Welcome to the team, Ms. Pearson. We’re looking forward to working with you.

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Business English 2-29 - 145 -

Role playing

A: Thank you for coming by. (I’d like you to meet the staff of the sales department).
B: It’s nice to meet you all. I’m Tom.
A: (He’ll be staying with us for) the next month.
(He was) a supervisor (at our) New York (branch).
(Starting today, he’ll be part of the sales department). (Please give him a warm welcome).
B: I’m looking forward to working with you all.
If anyone needs anything, don’t hesitate to ask me.

Say it in English

1. 人事部のスタッフをご紹介します。
→I’d like you to meet the staff of the human resources department.
A: I’d like you to meet the staff of the human resources department.

2. 彼女とは 3 ヶ月間ご一緒することになります。
→She’ll be staying with us for 3 months.
A: She’ll be staying with us for 3 months.

3. 彼はカリフォルニア支社でカスタマーサポートの責任者をしていました。
→He was head of customer support at our California branch.
A: He was head of customer support at our California branch.

4. 今日から彼は広報部の一員です。
→Starting today, he’ll be part of the public relations department.
A: Starting today, he’ll be part of the public relations department.

5. 彼を温かく迎え入れて下さい。
→Please give him a warm welcome.
A: Please give him a warm welcome.

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Business English 2-29 - 146 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You will introduce the staff in your department to the new staff.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Greet him/her with his/her name and say you’d like him/her to meet the staff of
the HR department.
 Greet everyone, say his/her name, and say that starting today, he/she will be
part of the HR department, and that the staff give him/her a warm welcome.

Situation 2: You will introduce the new head of the IT department—your tutor—to the people
in the company.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you will introduce the new head of the IT department, [tutor’s name].
 Say that he/she was the head of the same department in our Florida branch.
 Say that he/she will be staying with the company for 1 year.

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Business English 2-30 - 147 -


30 I can show you how to use it.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You need to use the scanner but you don’t know how to use it. You are going to
ask a colleague for help.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Give a short greeting, and say you need to use the scanner but you don’t know
how to use it.
 When he/she says he/she can show you how to use it, say thank you.

Situation 2: Your colleague needs help on how to use the copy machine.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says he/she doesn’t know how to use the copy machine, say
you can show him/her how to use it.
 Say first, make sure the machine is turned on.
 Say next, place the document he/she want to copy on the glass.
 Say then, select the number of copies.
 Say lastly, press the copy button.

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Business English 2-30 - 148 -

Phrases of the day

1.I need to use the ~.

A: Hello, I need to use the photocopier.
B: Sure, it’s over here.

2.I don't know how to use it.

A: Here it is. Please feel free to use it.
B: I don’t know how to use it.

3.I can show you how to use it.

A: I don’t know how to use the photocopier.
B: I can show you how to use it.

4.First/Next/Then/Lastly, ~
A: First, turn on the photocopier.
B: Okay, it’s on.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

2 と 3 で how to ~「~する方法」の形が使われています。how to use it で「それを使う方法」→「使い方」


3. I can show you how to use it. は、show 人 物「人に物を見せる」の形で、物の部分に how to use it が
きているわけです。ちなみに、can は「(私は)~できますよ・~しましょう」という感じで、「申し出」を表

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Business English 2-30 - 149 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Hello, (I need to use) the projector

B: Sure, here you go.

2. A: I (don’t know) how to use the fax machine.

B: Let me show you.

3. A: I don’t know how to use the scanner.

B: I can (show) you (how) to use it.

4. A: How do you use the photocopier?

B: (First), turn it on.
(Next), select the number of copies and paper size.
(Then), put your document on the glass.
(Lastly), press the copy button.

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Business English 2-30 - 150 -

Role playing

A: Excuse me. (I need to use the) photocopier.

B: No problem. Do you know how to use it?
A: (I don’t know how to use it). I’ve never used it before.
B: That’s okay. (I can show you how to use it).
A: Thank you very much.
B: (First), place what you want to copy on the machine.
A: Okay.
B: (Next), make sure the paper is in the tray.
A: Got it.
B: (Then), select the number of copies, and if you want color copies or not.
A: Got it.
B: (Lastly), you just have to press the copy button.
A: Thank you very much.

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Business English 2-30 - 151 -

Say it in English

1. コピー機を使う必要があるのですが。
→I need to use the photocopier. A: I need to use the photocopier.

2. 使い方がわかりません。
→I don’t know how to use it. A: I don’t know how to use it.

3. 使い方をお教えします。
→I can show you how to use it. A: I can show you how to use it.

4. 最初に、コピー機の電源を入れて下さい。
→First, turn on the photocopier. A: First, turn on the photocopier.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You need to use the scanner but you don’t know how to use it. You are going to
ask a colleague for help.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Give a short greeting, and say you need to use the scanner but you don’t know
how to use it.
 When he/she says he/she can show you how to use it, say thank you.

Situation 2: Your colleague needs help on how to use the copy machine.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says he/she doesn’t know how to use the copy machine, say
you can show him/her how to use it.
 Say first, make sure the machine is turned on.
 Say next, place the document he/she want to copy on the glass.
 Say then, select the number of copies.
 Say lastly, press the copy button.

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Business English 2-31 - 152 -


31 It’s at the end of the hall.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: A newcomer is asking you about the directions to specific places in the office
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks where the sales department is, say it’s on the second floor.
 When he/she asks where the IT department is, say the IT department is just
past the sales department.
 When he/she asks where meeting room A is, say it’s near the sales
department and it’s at the end of the hall.

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Business English 2-31 - 153 -

Phrases of the day

1.Where's the ~ department?

A: Excuse me. Where’s the IT department?
B: Keep walking, it’s just at the end of this hall.

2.It’s on the ~ floor.

A: Hi. Which department should I deliver these documents to?
B: Go to the human resources department. It’s on the second floor.

3.It's at the end of the hall.

A: Excuse me. Can you tell me where the restroom is?
B: It’s at the end of the hall.

4.~ is just past the ….

A: Hi. Could you tell me where the conference room is?
B: It’s just past the IT department.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

end は「終わり」の意味が有名ですが、「空間における終わり」→「端・突き当り」という意味もあります。よ
って、3. the end of the hall で「廊下の突き当り」を表します(「廊下が終わる所」というイメージです)。
また、英語では「突き当り」を「点」で捉えているので、at the end of the hall「廊下の突き当りで」となり
ます(at は「一点」を表します)。

ちなみに、hall は大きな「ホール(公会堂・大広間)」のイメージが強いと思いますが、本来は「屋根のある

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Business English 2-31 - 154 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Where can I find the accounting department?

B: (It’s on) the third floor.

2. A: I’ve run out of paper. Can you tell me where the supply room is?
B: It’s (just past the) conference room C.

3. A: I was told to get the sales report. (Where’s) the sales department?
B: It’s at the end of the hall on the right.

4. A: Excuse me. Where should I go if I need to get more supplies?

B: We have a small supply room. It’s (at the end) of the hall.

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Business English 2-31 - 155 -

Role playing

A: Excuse me. (Where’s the marketing department)?

B: (It’s on the 5th floor).
A: Do you mind if I ask where to go from there?
B: No problem. Once you exit the elevator, turn right. (It’s at the end of the hall).
A: How about the human resources department?
B: It’s (just past the restroom).
A: Thank you.

Say it in English

1. IT 部はどこですか?
→Where’s the IT department? A: Where’s the IT department?

2. 2 階にあります。
→It’s on the second floor. A: It’s on the second floor.

3. 廊下の突き当りです。
→It’s at the end of the hall. A: It’s at the end of the hall.

4. 会議室は IT 部を過ぎたところにあります。
→It’s just past the IT department. A: It’s just past the IT department.

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Business English 2-31 - 156 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: A newcomer is asking you about the directions to specific places in the office
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks where the sales department is, say it’s on the second floor.
 When he/she asks where the IT department is, say the IT department is just
past the sales department.
 When he/she asks where meeting room A is, say it’s near the sales
department and it’s at the end of the hall.

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Business English 2-32 - 157 -


32 Would you like to join me for lunch/dinner?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You ask your colleague what he/she is doing for lunch.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say hello and ask what he/she is doing for lunch.
 When he/she says he/she is planning to have lunch at the burger stand, ask if
you may join him/her.

Situation 2: Your colleague invites you to lunch but you are not able to join him/her.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks would you like to join him/her for lunch, say you’d like to
go but you can’t and thank him/her for asking.

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Business English 2-32 - 158 -

Phrases of the day。

1.What are you doing for lunch/dinner?

A: What are you doing for lunch?
B: I’m going to the company cafeteria.

2.Would you like to join me for lunch/dinner?

A: I’m going to ABC restaurant. Would you like to join me for lunch?
B: Sure! I’d like to try their grilled chicken.

3. May I join you?

A: I brought a bag lunch. I’m going to eat it in the break room. How about you?
B: I brought a bag lunch today, too. May I join you?

4.I'd like to go but I can't. Thank you for asking, though.

A: I’m trying the new diner on Main Street. Would you like to join me?
B: I’d like to go but I can’t. Thank you for asking, though.

5. I brought a bag lunch today.

A: What are you doing for lunch?
B:I brought a bag lunch today.

6.I’d love to.

A: Would you like to join me for lunch at XYZ restaurant?
B: I’d love to. Thank you. The food there is really good.

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Business English 2-32 - 159 -

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

6. I’d love to. の to は文法書で「代不定詞」と呼ばれるもので、「直後に動詞が省略されていることを示す」

ことができます。たとえば、例文の I’d love to. は本来 I’d love to {join you for lunch at XYZ
restaurant}. で、反復を避けるために to 以降が省略されているわけです。この「代不定詞」は軽く扱われるこ

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Would you like to join me for lunch? I’m going to XYZ burger.
B: I’d (like to go) but I can’t. Thank you for asking, (though).

2. A: Josie and I are going to ABC Café for lunch. Would you like to join us?
B: I’d (love) to! I was just thinking about going there, too.

3. A: I’m going to the nearby Italian restaurant for lunch.

B: (May I join you)?

4. A: I can’t decide where to eat. How about you? What are you (doing) for lunch?
B: I’m going to the Indian restaurant just across the street. Would you like to join me?

5. A: Would you like to (join me) for dinner? I’m going to the deli near the train station
B: I’d like to go but I can’t. Thank you for asking, though.

6. A: Would you like to join us for lunch? We’re planning to go to a Spanish restaurant.
B: Thank you for inviting me but I brought a (bag lunch) today.

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Business English 2-32 - 160 -

Role playing

A: Hello. (What are you doing for lunch)?
B: I’m not sure yet. I didn’t bring anything.
A: (Would you like to join me for lunch)? I was going to check out that new Mexican restaurant.
B: Sounds good. (I’d love to).
C: I’ve been wanting to try that place. (May I join you)?
A: Sure, the more the merrier.
D: I’ve also been wanting to go there, too, but (I brought a bag lunch today).
A: I see. Let's go together next time.

A: Hello, are you busy? (Would you like to join me for lunch)?
B: I’m really swamped here. (I’d like to go, but I can’t. Thank you for asking, though).
A: No problem. Maybe next time.

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Business English 2-32 - 161 -

Say it in English

1. 昼食はどうしますか?
→What are you doing for lunch? A: What are you doing for lunch?

2. 昼食をご一緒しませんか?
→Would you like to join me for lunch? A: Would you like to join me for lunch?

3. ご一緒してもいいですか?
→May I join you? A: May I join you?

4. 行きたいのですが都合がつきません。でも誘ってくださってありがとうございます。
→I’d like to go but I can’t. Thank you for asking, though.
A: I’d like to go but I can’t. Thank you for asking, though.

5. 今日はお弁当を持って来ました。
→I brought a bag lunch today. A: I brought a bag lunch today.

6. ぜひそうしたいです。
→I’d love to. A: I’d love to.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You ask your colleague what he/she is doing for lunch.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say hello and ask what he/she is doing for lunch.
 When he/she says he/she is planning to have lunch at the burger stand, ask if
you may join him/her.

Situation 2: Your colleague invites you to lunch but you are not able to join him/her.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks would you like to join him/her for lunch, say you’d like to
go but you can’t and thank him/her for asking.

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Business English 2-33 - 162 -


33 Are you free for ~?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You ask your colleague if he/she would like to join you and your friends for dinner.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say hi and ask if he/she is free for dinner tonight.
 When he/she asks why, say you’re going out tonight and ask if he/she cares
to join you.
 When he/she asks where to, say you’re planning to go to a pub then ask if
he/she drinks.

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Business English 2-33 - 163 -

Phrases of the day

1.Are you free for ~?

A: Are you free for lunch? The team is planning to go to ABC restaurant.
B: Yes, I’m free. Thank you for inviting me.

2. Do you have any plans for ~?

A: Do you have any plans for tonight? Maybe you could join us for dinner.
B: Sorry. I’d love to join you, but I have to leave work early today.

3.We’re going out ~. Care to join us?

A: We’re going out tomorrow night. Care to join us?
B: Sure. I’d love to.

4.Do you drink?

A: Do you drink? The team will go to ABC pub tonight.
B: I don’t, but I could still join you and drink something else.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

3 では、Care to ~?「~しませんか?・~はどうですか?」という提案表現が使われています。元々care to
~ は「~したい」という意味で、{Would you} care to ~? で直訳「あなたは~したいですか?」→「したい
なら、~しませんか?」となりました。会話では Would you が省略されて、Care to ~? の形で使われること

また、4. Do you drink?「お酒は飲まれますか?」のように、drink だけで「お酒を飲む」を表すことができま


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Business English 2-33 - 164 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: (Do you drink)? We would like to invite you to the bar tomorrow night.
B: Yes, I do. What time?

2. A: Are you (free) for dinner?

B: No, I have to work late.

3. A: We’re (going out) after work. (Care to) join us?

B: Sure, where are you going?

4. A: (Do you have any) plans for Wednesday evening?

B: I do. I’m planning to go to a restaurant with my family.

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Business English 2-33 - 165 -

Role playing

A: (Do you have any plans for) tomorrow evening?
B: No, I don't have any plans.
A: (We're going out for dinner). (Care to join us)?
B: Of course. I'd love to.
A: After that, Let’s go to the bar. (Do you drink)?
B: Sounds good. I also want to drink.
A: All right. I’ll let you know later where to meet tomorrow.
B: Thank you. See you, then.

A: Excuse me. (Are you free for a talk)? I’d like to discuss our annual party.
B: Yes, I’m free. What’s up?
A: I found a venue and I’m planning to go there to check it out ahead of time.
(Do you have any plans for) Tuesday night?
B: No, I don’t. I can go with you.
A: Thank you. I’ll let you know you where we should meet.

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Business English 2-33 - 166 -

Say it in English

1. 昼食の時間は空いていますか?
→Are you free for lunch? A: Are you free for lunch?

2. 今夜は何か予定がありますか?
→Do you have any plans for tonight? A: Do you have any plans for tonight?

3. 我々は明日の夜に出かけます。ご一緒にどうですか?
→We’re going out tomorrow night. Care to join us?
A: We’re going out tomorrow night. Care to join us?

4. お酒は飲まれますか?
→Do you drink? A: Do you drink?

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You ask your colleague if he/she would like to join you and your friends for dinner.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say hi and ask if he/she is free for dinner tonight.
 When he/she asks why, say you’re going out tonight and ask if he/she cares
to join you.
 When he/she asks where to, say you’re planning to go to a pub then ask if
he/she drinks.

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Business English 2-34 - 167 -


34 There’s a good ~ restaurant nearby.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: Your colleague invites you to dinner.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks if you would like to have dinner, ask if he/she has a place
in mind.
 When he/she says he/she doesn’t have a place, and asks you what you want
to eat, say you feel like Italian and there’s a good Italian restaurant nearby.

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Business English 2-34 - 168 -

Phrases of the day

1.Do you have a place in mind?

A: I’d love to go out for dinner.
B: Me, too. Do you have a place in mind?

2.There’s a good ~ restaurant nearby.

A: There’s a good Vietnamese restaurant nearby.
B: Really? Let’s go there.

3.I know a great ~.

A: I know a great Greek restaurant.
B: Is it nearby?

4.I feel like ~.

A: What would you like to eat?
B: I feel like French.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1 は have ~ in mind「~を考えている」という熟語です。直訳「心(mind)の中に(in)~を持っている
(have)」→「~を考えている」となりました。Do you have a place in mind? で、「ある場所を考えてい

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Business English 2-34 - 169 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: I’m in the mood for something sweet.

B: (I know) a great dessert place. Would you like to go there?

2. A: Do you know a good place to eat?

B: (There’s a good) Mexican restaurant nearby.

3. A: What would you like to eat?

B: I (feel like) Italian.

4. A: Where would you like to eat dinner? (Do you have a place in mind)?
B: I know a great Thai restaurant nearby.

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Business English 2-34 - 170 -

Role playing

A: Let’s go out for lunch.
B: All right. (Do you have a place in mind)? (I feel like) Spanish.
A: Oh, really? (I know a great) Spanish restaurant.
B: Great! Let’s go there.

A: What would you like to eat?
B: (I feel like steak). How about you?
A: Really? Me, too. (There’s a good steakhouse nearby).
B: Let’s go!

Say it in English

1. どこか考えている場所はありますか?
→Do you have a place in mind? A: Do you have a place in mind?

2. 近くに良いベトナム料理屋がありますよ。
→There’s a good Vietnamese restaurant nearby.
A: There’s a good Vietnamese restaurant nearby.

3. とても良いギリシャ料理屋を知ってます。
→I know a great Greek restaurant. A: I know a great Greek restaurant.

4. フランス料理を食べたい気分です。
→I feel like French. A: I feel like French.

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Business English 2-34 - 171 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: Your colleague invites you to dinner.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks if you would like to have dinner, ask if he/she has a place
in mind.
 When he/she says he/she doesn’t have a place, and asks you what you want
to eat, say you feel like Italian and there’s a good Italian restaurant nearby.

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Business English 2-35 - 172 -


35 Would you like to go somewhere else?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You are in a restaurant with a colleague and have just finished dinner.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask if he/she would like to go somewhere else.
 When he/she asks if you have a place in mind, ask if he/she would like
dessert, and say you’d like to go to ABC ice cream shop.

Situation 2: You and your colleague are in a restaurant and it’s getting late and you want to
go home.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks if you would like to go somewhere else, say it’s getting late
and you’d rather just go home.

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Business English 2-35 - 173 -

Phrases of the day

1.Would you like to go somewhere else?

A: Would you like to go somewhere else?
B: Yes, I’m in the mood for dessert. Let’s find a dessert bar.

2.I'd like to go to ~.
A: Where would you like to go?
B: I’d like to go to a seafood restaurant.

3. I'd rather ~ .
A: The menu doesn’t have a lot of choices. Would you like to go somewhere else?
B: I’d rather just stay here. I like the atmosphere.

4. It's getting late.

A: We should get going. It’s getting late.
B: Yes, I think we should. We still have work tomorrow.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

3. I’d rather ~. の I’d は、I would の短縮形です。「助動詞の過去形」は「仮定法」を表すことが多く、今回

も助動詞の過去形 would を使うことによって、「いくつかの選択肢の中で選ぶなら」「どちらかと言えば」と
いった仮定法のニュアンスが込められ、丁寧な表現になるわけです。I’d rather ~ than …「…するよりも(む

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Business English 2-35 - 174 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: I think we still have enough time. Would you like to go somewhere else?
B: No, I’m already quite full and I'd (rather) just go home.

2. A: We should get going. It's (getting) late.

B: You’re right. I’m full. Let’s go home.

3. A: What are you in the mood for? Would you like to (go somewhere else)?
B: Yes, I’d like to find a quiet bar. I’m in the mood for a drink.

4. A: Any ideas on where to go for dinner?

B: I'd like (to go to) a pizza parlor.

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Business English 2-35 - 175 -

Role playing

A: Where do you want to go for dinner?
B: (I’d like to go to) a Spanish restaurant. How about you?
A: That sounds okay, but (I’d rather) go to a steak house. What do you think?
B: That sounds pretty good.

A: That was a great meal. I really enjoyed it.
B: Me, too. By the way, (would you like to go somewhere else)?
A: Yes. I kind of want a drink. How about you?
B: Sounds good, but (it’s getting late). Is it ok with you?
A: Of course! We don’t have work tomorrow, right?
B: Yeah. Yeah. TGIF, right? Let’s go!

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Business English 2-35 - 176 -

Say it in English

1. どこか他に行きたいところはありますか?
→Would you like to go somewhere else? A: Would you like to go somewhere else?

2. シーフードレストランに行きたいです。
→I’d like to go to a seafood restaurant. A: I’d like to go to a seafood restaurant.

3. ここにいる方がいいです。
→I’d rather just stay here. A: I’d rather just stay here.

4. 遅くなってきました。
→It’s getting late. A: It’s getting late.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You are in a restaurant with a colleague and have just finished dinner.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask if he/she would like to go somewhere else.
 When he/she asks if you have a place in mind, ask if he/she would like
dessert, and say you’d like to go to ABC ice cream shop.

Situation 2: You and your colleague are in a restaurant and it’s getting late and you want to
go home.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks if you would like to go somewhere else, say it’s getting late
and you’d rather just go home.

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Business English 2-36 - 177 -


36 Let’s call it a day

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You just finished work and are preparing to leave the office.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you think that’s enough work for tonight and let’s call it a day.
 When he/she says he/she is staying, say okay and tell him/her to not work too

Situation 2: Your colleague has finished his/her shift and is saying goodbye.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says he/she is going home, say take care, and see you tomorrow.

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Business English 2-36 - 178 -

Phrases of the day

1.Let’s call it a day.

A: I’m so tired. Let’s call it a day.
B: Me, too. Let’s go home.

2.I'm going home.

A: I'm going home. See you tomorrow.
B: Take care. See you tomorrow.

3.Please don’t work too hard.

A: Please don’t work too hard.
B: Thank you.

4.Take care.
A: I'm going home. See you next week.
B: All right. Take care.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1. Let’s call it a day. は call OC「O を C と呼ぶ」の形で、直訳「それ(ここまでやった仕事)を1日(の仕


4. Take care. は、直訳「注意(care)を取って(take)」→「お気をつけて」で、オフィスでの会話に限ら


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Business English 2-36 - 179 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: I'm (going home). See you tomorrow.

B: Okay, see you tomorrow. Take care!

2. A: Finished! I’m tired. How about you?

B: Me, too. Let’s (call it a day).

3. A: See you tomorrow.

B: All right. (Take care).

4. A: I'm going home. Please don’t (work too hard).

B: All right. See you tomorrow.

Role playing

A: It’s getting late. (Let’s call it a day).

B: I still have a few things to get done.
A: Okay, then. (Please don’t work too hard).
B: Thank you.
A: (I'm going home). See you tomorrow.
B: (Take care). See you tomorrow.

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Business English 2-36 - 180 -

Say it in English

1. 今日はここまでにしましょう。
→Let’s call it a day. A: Let’s call it a day.

2. 帰ります。
→I'm going home. A: I'm going home.

3. 無理はしないでくださいね。
→Please don’t work too hard. A: Please don’t work too hard.

4. お気をつけて。
→Take care. A: Take care.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You just finished work and are preparing to leave the office.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you think that’s enough work for tonight and let’s call it a day.
 When he/she says he/she is staying, say okay and tell him/her to not work too

Situation 2: Your colleague has finished his/her shift and is saying goodbye.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says he/she is going home, say take care, and see you tomorrow.

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Business English 2-37 - 181 -


37 Do you have time?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: Your colleague says he/she wants to talk to you.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says he/she needs to talk to you, say you’re a bit busy at the
moment and ask what it is about.
 When he/she says it’s about our project proposal for next week, ask if it can
wait for a while.

Situation 2: You tell your colleague that you need to talk about something.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask him/her if he/she has time because you need to talk to him/her.
 When he/she says he/she only has 30 minutes, say it won’t take too much of
his/her time.

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Business English 2-37 - 182 -

Phrases of the day

1.Do you have time?

A: Excuse me. I need to talk to you. Do you have time?
B: Sure. What’s it about?

2.Will it take long?

A: Are you busy? I need to talk to you about a report.
B: Will it take long? I only have a couple of minutes.

3.I'm a bit busy at the moment.

A: Excuse me, are you free to talk right now?
B: Sorry, I’m a bit busy at the moment.

4.Can it wait for a while?

A: Excuse me, I need to talk to you about the itinerary.
B: Can it wait for a while? I have to finish this report first.

5.It won't take too much of your time.

A: Can we briefly discuss the project schedule? It won’t take too much of your time.
B: Sure. Where shall we talk?

6.Take your time.

A: I’m sorry. Can our meeting wait? I need to finish a presentation.
B: It’s all right. Take your time. Just come talk to me when you’re done.

<continue on to the next page>

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Business English 2-37 - 183 -

7.I only have ~ minutes.

A: Do you have time? I need to talk to you about our new projects.
B: Will it take long? I only have 20 minutes.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

3 では、at the moment「今は」という熟語が使われています。moment は「時間・瞬間」、the は「共通認

識」を表します。よって、the moment で「共通認識できる時間・皆で共有している時間」→「今」となりま
した。at は「一点」→「時の一点」を表し、at the moment で「今(という一点において)は」ということで

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Business English 2-37 - 184 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Hi. I need to talk to you about a new policy.

B: I’m sorry, (can) it wait for a (while)? I need to rush this report.

2. A: I’m free to talk now, but I only have a few minutes. Will it take long?
B: No, it’s just a few reminders. It won’t (take too much of) your time.

3. A: Are you free? I have to discuss something with you.

B: Sorry, I’m (a bit busy) at the (moment).

4. A: Hi, (do you have) time? We need to talk about the articles we’re going to print.
B: Yes, I have a few minutes to spare.

5. A: Excuse me, do you have a moment? I need to talk to you.

B: Will it (take long)? I have a meeting in a few minutes.

6. A: Can we move the meeting to 2 P.M.? I was given an urgent task just now.
B: Sure. There’s no rush. (Take) your time.

7. A: We need to talk about the content of our brochure. Are you free?
B: (I only have) ten minutes. Will that be enough?

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Business English 2-37 - 185 -

Role playing

A: Hi. (Do you have time)?
B: (I’m a bit busy at the moment). (Will it take long)?
A: (It won’t take too much of your time).
B: Okay.

A: (Do you have a time)? Can we talk about the project proposal?
B: I’m sorry, but (I’m a bit busy at the moment). (Can it wait for a while)?
A: All right. It’s nothing urgent. (Take your time).
B: Thank you. I’ll let you know as soon as I’m done here.

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Business English 2-37 - 186 -

Say it in English

1. お時間よろしいですか?
→Do you have time? A: Do you have time?

2. 結構かかりますか?
→Will it take long? A: Will it take long?

3. 今は少し手が離せないです。
→I’m a bit busy at the moment. A: I’m a bit busy at the moment.

4. 少しお待ちいただけますか?
→Can it wait for a while? A: Can it wait for a while?

5. そんなにお時間は取らせません。
→It won’t take too much of your time. A: It won’t take too much of your time.

6. ごゆっくりどうぞ。
→Take your time. A: Take your time.

7. 20 分しかありません。
→I only have 20 minutes. A: I only have 20 minutes.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: Your colleague says he/she wants to talk to you.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says he/she needs to talk to you, say you’re a bit busy at the
moment and ask what it is about.
 When he/she says it’s about our project proposal for next week, ask if it can
wait for a while.

Situation 2: You tell your colleague that you need to talk about something.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask him/her if he/she has time because you need to talk to him/her.
 When he/she says he/she only has 30 minutes, say it won’t take too much of
his/her time.

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Business English 2-38 - 187 -


38 There’s an item missing on the list.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You talk to your colleague about errors in the price list that he/she made.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Give a short greeting and as if he/she could check this catalog.
 When he/she asks if there is a problem, say yes, and that the price of the
printer ink doesn’t seem right and it should be $7.
 When he/she says it’s his/her fault, say there’s an item missing on the list
and there should be 50 items.
 When he/she says he/she will look into it, say thank you.

Situation 2: Your colleague talks to you about some errors in the article.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says he/she thinks there are some grammatical mistakes, say
it’s your fault, and that you’ll check it again.

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Business English 2-38 - 188 -

Phrases of the day

1.Could you check ~?

A: Could you check the project proposal?
B: Okay. I’ll check it later.

2.~ doesn't seem right.

A: Something’s wrong. The grand total of expenses doesn’t seem right.
B: Would you like me to show you the breakdown?

3.~ should be ….
A: There’s a mistake on the list. The price of Item C should be $40.
B: I’m sorry. Let me send you a new list later.

4.There's an item missing on the list.

A: There’s an item missing on the list. I can’t find the printer.
B: I’m sorry. I must have missed it when I was making the list.

5.That's my fault.
A: I saw some misspelled words in the catalog.
B: That’s my fault. I’m sorry. I’ll check it again.

6.I’ll look into it.

A: I found a duplicate item on the list. Can you check if there’s more?
B: Sure. I’ll look into it.

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Business English 2-38 - 189 -

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

5 の fault は「責任」という意味です。本来は「失敗」を表し(テニスでサーブ失敗を「フォールト」と言いま
す)、「失敗」→「欠点」→「(欠点の)責任」となりました。That’s my fault. で、「それは私の責任だ・

また、6 には look into ~「~を調べる」という熟語が使われています。into は「突入(~の中に入ってい

く)」を表し、look into ~ で「~の中に入って(into)見る(look)」→「~を調べる」となりました。「問

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Please review the guest list. The total number of attendees (doesn't seem) right.
B: Let me check it again.

2. A: There’s an (item missing) on the list. I don’t think it has been updated.
B: You’re right, this isn’t the latest information. Let me update it.

3. A: (Could you check) if our database has been updated?

B: Okay, I’ll look into it.

4 .A:There's an error on the poster. The release date of our new product (should be)
on the 12th, not the 21st.
B: Sorry for the error. I’ll fix it immediately.

5. A: The product list is incomplete. There are a few items not on the list.
B: I’m sorry. I’ll (look into it).

6. A: Why are there no graphs on the customer feedback report?

B: I’m sorry. (That’s my fault). I’ll add them now.

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Business English 2-38 - 190 -

Role playing

A: We got our expense report yesterday. (Could you check) the invoices?
B: I was looking at them. The grand total (doesn’t seem right).
A: I think the expenses from last month weren’t included.
B: I think you’re right. (I’ll look into it).
A: Thank you. Let me know what you find.

A: I was looking at our expenses from the trip. (There’s an item missing on the list).
B: What do you think is missing?
A: I remember now. We had a business lunch. (That should be $150).
B: Ah, I forgot to put it on the list. I’m sorry. (That’s my fault).
A: It’s all right. Glad we got it figured out.

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Business English 2-38 - 191 -

Say it in English

1. 企画書を確認していただけますか?
→Could you check the project proposal? A: Could you check the project proposal?

2. 支出の総計が正しくないようです。
→The grand total of expenses doesn’t seem right.
A: The grand total of expenses doesn’t seem right.

3. 商品 C の価格は 40 ドルのはずです。
→The price of Item C should be $40. A: The price of Item C should be $40.

4. このリストに不足している項目があります。
→There’s an item missing on the list. A: There’s an item missing on the list.

5. 私のせいです。
→That’s my fault. A: That’s my fault.

6. 調べます。
→I’ll look into it. A: I’ll look into it.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You talk to your colleague about errors in the price list that he/she made.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Give a short greeting and as if he/she could check this catalog.
 When he/she asks if there is a problem, say yes, and that the price of the
printer ink doesn’t seem right and it should be $7.
 When he/she says it’s his/her fault, say there’s an item missing on the list
and there should be 50 items.
 When he/she says he/she will look into it, say thank you.

Situation 2: Your colleague talks to you about some errors in the article.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says he/she thinks there are some grammatical mistakes, say
it’s your fault, and that you’ll check it again.

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Business English 2-39 - 192 -


39 Do you need a hand?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You see your colleague has a lot of work and you ask if he/she needs help.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask if he/she needs a hand.
 When he/she says thank you but he/she can manage, say if he/she needs
help with anything, just let you know.

Situation 2: You ask your colleague to help you prepare for the presentation.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say excuse me, and ask if he/she can give you a hand, and that you need to
prepare for the presentation.

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Business English 2-39 - 193 -

Phrases of the day

1.Do you need a hand?

A: That’s quite a large box! Do you need a hand?
B: Yes, please. I need to carry it to the 3rd floor.

2.Could you give me a hand?

A: Could you give me a hand? I have to bring these old documents to the reference room.
B: Sure, I’ll help you.

3.Thank you, but I can manage.

A: That’s a lot of articles! I can help you check them if you’d like.
B: Thank you, but I can manage.

4.If you need help with anything, just let me know.

A: I haven’t done the report yet, but I’ll find a way to do it as soon as I can.
B: All right. If you need help with anything, just let me know.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

2. Could you give me a hand? は、give 人 物「人に物を与える」の形です。直訳「私に(me)人手・助

け(a hand)を与えて」→「私を手伝って」となりました。この give 人 a hand「人を手伝う」の形は会話で

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Business English 2-39 - 194 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: I can help you photocopy those documents if you like.

B: That’s very kind of you. Thank you, but (I can manage).

2. A: I don’t think I can lift this table on my own. (Could you) give me a hand?
B: Sure! I’d be glad to help.

3. A: You have a lot of tasks for today. If you (need help) with anything, (just let me know).
B: Thank you. I will.

4. A: Those boxes look heavy. Do you (need a hand)?

B: No, thank you. I can manage.

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Business English 2-39 - 195 -

Role playing

A: That’s a lot of things you’re carrying. (Do you need a hand)?
B: (Thank you, but I can manage).
A: All right. (If you need help with anything, just let me know).
B: Okay, I will.

A: (If you need help with anything, just let me know).
B: Really? (Could you give me a hand)? This box is really heavy.
A: Sure. Let me help you.

Say it in English

1. 手を貸しましょうか?
→Do you need a hand? A: Do you need a hand?

2. 手を貸していただけませんか?
→Could you give me a hand? A: Could you give me a hand?

3. ありがとうございます。ですが一人で大丈夫です。
→Thank you, but I can manage. A: Thank you, but I can manage.

4. 何か手伝えることがあれば、知らせてください。
→If you need help with anything, just let me know.
A: If you need help with anything, just let me know.

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Business English 2-39 - 196 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You see your colleague has a lot of work and you ask if he/she needs help.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask if he/she needs a hand.
 When he/she says thank you but he/she can manage, say if he/she needs
help with anything, just let you know.

Situation 2: You ask your colleague to help you prepare for the presentation.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say excuse me, and ask if he/she can give you a hand, and that you need to
prepare for the presentation.

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Business English 2-40 - 197 -


40 I’ll be gone for ~.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You ask a colleague where your boss is and say you will be away from your desk.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say excuse me and ask where Mr. Henson is.
 When he/she says you just missed him. say tell him you’ll be gone for two
hours to meet with the client.
 When he/she tells you to get back before the meeting at 4 P.M., say you’ll try
to be back before 3 P.M.

Situation 2: You will go out for an appointment and your colleague asks where you’re going.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks you where you are going, say you are off to ABC Café for
an appointment.
 When he/she asks what he/she would say if someone comes looking for you,
say you might not be back until 2 P.M, so please tell them to come back after

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Business English 2-40 - 198 -

Phrases of the day

1.I'll be gone for ~.

A: I have to go to the finance department. I’ll be gone for 30 minutes.
B: All right.

2.I'm off to ~.
A: I’m off to XYZ Company to meet a client.
B: Sure. Take care!

3.I'll try to be back before ~.

A: How long will you be away?
B: A couple of hours. I’ll try to be back before 5 P.M.

4.I might not be back until ~.

A: Will you make it to the meeting later?
B: I might not be back until 5:30 P.M. Please take notes for me.

5.You just missed ~.

A: Have you seen James? I need to talk to him.
B: You just missed him. He’s in a meeting right now.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

off は「分離(~から離れて)」、to は「方向(~に向かって)・到達(~に着く)」を表します。よって、2.

I’m off to ~. は、直訳「今いる場所から離れて(off)、~へ向かう(to)」→「~に行ってきます」と考えれ
ば OK です。

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Business English 2-40 - 199 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Hi, have you seen Walter?

B: Oh, you just (missed) him. He went to the accounting department.

2. A: What time will you be back?

B: I’m not sure. I (might not) be back until 6 P.M.

3. A: We need you at the meeting later.

B: I understand. I’ll try (to be back) before 4 P.M.

4. A: I’m (off to) ABC Hotel to meet a client.

B: Take care! I hope it goes well.

5. A: I need to attend a seminar today. (I’ll be gone) for 4 hours.

B: All right.

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Business English 2-40 - 200 -

Role playing

A: I heard you’ve secured an appointment with an important client today.
B: Yes. (I’m off to) ABC Company.
I’m going to a presentation about our services, so (I’ll be gone for) 3 hours.
A: All right. Don’t forget we have our staff meeting at 5 P.M.
B: Don’t worry. (I’ll try to be back before) the meeting.

A: Hi. Is Mr. Gilmore in his office?
B: No, (you just missed him). He went to lunch.
A: I see. Could you tell him that I’m heading out for a business lunch?
B: Okay. What time will you be back?
A: (I might not be back until) 2 P.M.
B: All right. I’ll inform him. Take care!

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Business English 2-40 - 201 -

Say it in English

1. 30 分ほど留守にします。
→I’ll be gone for 30 minutes. A: I’ll be gone for 30 minutes.

2. 顧客に会うため XYZ 会社に行ってきます。

→I’m off to XYZ Company to meet a client. A: I’m off to XYZ Company to meet a client.

3. 5 時までには戻るようにします。
→I’ll try to be back before 5 P.M. A: I’ll try to be back before 5 P.M.

4. 5 時 30 分まで戻れないかもしれません。
→I might not be back until 5:30 P.M. A: I might not be back until 5:30 P.M.

5. 一足遅かったですね。
→You just missed him. A: You just missed him.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You ask a colleague where your boss is and say you will be away from your desk.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say excuse me and ask where Mr. Henson is.
 When he/she says you just missed him. say tell him you’ll be gone for two
hours to meet with the client.
 When he/she tells you to get back before the meeting at 4 P.M., say you’ll try
to be back before 3 P.M.

Situation 2: You will go out for an appointment and your colleague asks where you’re going.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks you where you are going, say you are off to ABC Café for
an appointment.
 When he/she asks what he/she would say if someone comes looking for you,
say you might not be back until 2 P.M, so please tell them to come back after

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Business English 2-41 - 202 -


41 Can I ask you a favor?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: Your colleague asks a favor from you.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks if he/she can ask you a favor, say sure and ask when the
deadline is.
 When he/she says he/she needs it Wednesday morning, say all right and ask
is there anything else you can help him/her with.
 When he/she asks if you can print it after editing, say sure, no problem.

Situation 2: Your colleague asks for your help on a sales report.

(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks you if you could help write the sales report, say you’re
sorry but you can’t do it right now.
 When he/she asks how about later, say you have to finish this first.

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Business English 2-41 - 203 -

Phrases of the day

1.Can I ask you a favor?

A: Can I ask you a favor?
B: Sure, what can I do for you?

2.When’s the deadline?

A: I need you to proofread these contracts. Can you do it?
B: Sure. When’s the deadline?

3.Sure. No problem.
A: Could you send the research summary to me?
B: Sure. No problem.

4.Is there anything else I can help you with?

A: Is there anything else I can help you with?
B: I can’t think of anything. Thank you.

5.I can’t do it right now.

A: If you’re not busy right now, could you proofread this article?
B: I’m sorry, but I can’t do it right now.

6.I have to finish ~ first.

A: Could you please prepare the sales report for this month today?
B: I’m sorry, but I have to finish preparing a presentation first.

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Business English 2-41 - 204 -

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1. Can I ask you a favor? は、直訳「私は、あなたに親切(a favor)を要求(ask)してもいいですか?」


また、4. Is there anything else {that} I can help you with φ? では、関係代名詞 that が省略されていま
す。後ろは元々“help 人 with ~”「人の~を手伝う」の形で、“~”の部分が欠けた形(φの箇所)になっ

Fill in the blanks

1. A: (Is there anything else) I can help you with?

B: I think that’s all. Thank you.

2. A: Can you help me edit this promotional video?

B: I’m sorry, but I (have to) finish this (first).

3. A: Could you make a list of possible venues for our company party?
B: I can do that. When’s the (deadline)?

4. A: Can I (ask you) a (favor)?

B: Sure. What is it?

5. A: Could you help me organize the data in these survey sheets?

B: I’m sorry, but (I can’t do it) right now. Maybe later.

6. A: Could you print 10 copies of this report for me?

B: Sure. (No problem).

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Business English 2-41 - 205 -

Role playing

A: I‘m really busy here. (Can I ask you a favor)?
B: (Sure). (No problem). What do you need me to do?
A: If you could calculate the expenses for last month, that would be helpful.
B: All right. (When’s the deadline)?
A: Thank you very much. I have to have it done by the end of the week.
B: I see. (Is there anything else I can help you with)?
A: That should be enough for now. Thank you again.

A: Hi. Can you check this month's expense report for inconsistencies?
B: I'm sorry, but (I can't do it right now). I have a lot of tasks at the moment.
A: Okay. How about you, Alex?
C: Can it wait for a while? (I have to finish this data analysis first).
A: All right. Please let me know when you’re done.

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Business English 2-41 - 206 -

Say it in English

1. お願いを聞いてもらえますか?
→Can I ask you a favor? A: Can I ask you a favor?

2. 締切はいつですか?
→When’s the deadline? A: When’s the deadline?

3. もちろんです。問題ないですよ。
→Sure. No problem. A: Sure. No problem.

4. 他に何かお手伝いできることはありますか?
→Is there anything else I can help you with?
A: Is there anything else I can help you with?

5. 今すぐにはできません。
→I can’t do it right now. A: I can’t do it right now.

6. プレゼンの準備を先に終わらせる必要があります。
→I have to finish preparing a presentation first.
A: I have to finish preparing a presentation first.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: Your colleague asks a favor from you.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks if he/she can ask you a favor, say sure and ask when the
deadline is.
 When he/she says he/she needs it Wednesday morning, say all right and ask
is there anything else you can help him/her with.
 When he/she asks if you can print it after editing, say sure, no problem.

Situation 2: Your colleague asks for your help on a sales report.

(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks you if you could help write the sales report, say you’re
sorry but you can’t do it right now.
 When he/she asks how about later, say you have to finish this first.

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Business English 2-42 - 207 -


42 Would you please ~ for me?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You ask your colleague for help with preparing a presentation.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask if he/she could help you prepare for your presentation.
 When he/she asks what he/she can do, ask if he/she would make a graph of last
month’s sales for you.
 When he/she says he/she says he/she can do that, ask if you could have it in two

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Business English 2-42 - 208 -

Phrases of the day

1.Would you please ~ for me?

A: Would you please photocopy these for me? I need 7 copies each.
B: Sure. When do you need them?

2.Could you help me prepare for ~?

A: Could you help me prepare for my presentation?
B: All right. What do you want me to do?

3.Could I have it in ~, please?

A: I need you to update the sales ledger. Could I have it in 3 hours, please?
B: Okay, I can do that.

4.I’m just about done.

A: How’s the report I asked you to revise earlier coming along?
B: I’m just about done. I’m just revising the last paragraph now.

5.I’m done.
A: Have you finished the tasks I asked you to help me with?
B: Yes, I’m done.

6.I can’t thank you enough.

A: Here’s the document you asked for this morning.
B: I can’t thank you enough. You were a big help!

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Business English 2-42 - 209 -

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

done は do の過去分詞形で、「された」→「終わった」という「完了」を表します。よって、5. I’m done. で

「終わりました」となり、さらに 4. I’m just about done.「もう終わるところです」は間に just about「だ

また、6. I can’t thank you enough. は「否定文」になっているので、「感謝していない」と勘違いする人も

(enough)感謝することはできない(can’t thank you)」で、そこから「感謝してもしきれない」となるわ
けです。can’t ~ enough「いくら~してもしきれない」の形で、Thank you. を強調し、かつ丁寧に表すこと

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Could you (help me prepare) for today’s client meeting?

B: Sure. What do you need me to do?

2. A: I need your help. (Would you please) analyse these data (for me)?
B: No problem. When’s the deadline?

3. A: Could I (have it in) 20 minutes, (please)?

B: All right.

4. A: How’s the progress with the documents I asked you to prepare?

B: (I’m done). Here you are.

5. A: Hi, here’s the data analysis that you wanted done.

B: This helped me so much. I can’t (thank you enough).

<continue on to the next page>

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Business English 2-42 - 210 -

6. A: Hi, have you finished making photocopies of the flyers?

B: I’m (just about done).

Role playing

A: Hi. How are your tasks for the day?

B: (I’m done). How about you?
A: Not yet. If you have a moment, (could you help me prepare for) my presentation?
B: Sure. What do you need?
A: (Would you please) prepare last quarter’s sales figures (for me)?
B: No problem. When do you need them by?
A: (Could I have it in an hour, please)?
B: All right. I can do it.
A: Thank you.
<after an hour:>
B: Here’s last quarter’s sales that you asked for.
A: I really needed it. (I can’t thank you enough).
B: Don’t mention it. Do you need anything else?
A: I think that’s all. (I’m just about done).

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Business English 2-42 - 211 -

Say it in English

1. これらのコピーをしていただけますか?
→Would you please photocopy these for me? A: Would you please photocopy these for me?

2. プレゼンの準備を手伝っていただけますか?
→Could you help me prepare for my presentation?
A: Could you help me prepare for my presentation?

3. 3 時間でやっていただけますか?
→Could I have it in 3 hours, please? A: Could I have it in 3 hours, please?

4. もう終わるところです。
→I’m just about done. A: I’m just about done.

5. 終わりました。
→I’m done. A: I’m done.

6. 感謝してもしきれません。
→I can’t thank you enough. A: I can’t thank you enough.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You ask your colleague for help with preparing a presentation.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Ask if he/she could help you prepare for your presentation.
 When he/she asks what he/she can do, ask if he/she would make a graph of last
month’s sales for you.
 When he/she says he/she says he/she can do that, ask if you could have it in two

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Business English 2-43 - 212 -


43 Could you make copies of these?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You ask your colleague to photocopy documents for you.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you need help with the documents for the meeting, and ask him/her if he/she
could make copies of these.
 When he/she asks how many copies you need, say you need fifteen copies of
each of these.
 When he/she asks how you do want them copied, tell him/her to please make
double-sided copies.

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Business English 2-43 - 213 -

Phrases of the day

1.Could you make copies of these?

A: Excuse me. Could you make copies of these?
B: Sure. How many copies do you need?

2.I need ~ copies of each of these.

A: How many copies of these memos do you need?
B: I need 10 copies of each of these.

3.Please make double-sided copies.

A: Please make double-sided copies. Thank you.
B: I got it.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1 には、make copies of ~「~のコピーを取る」という表現が使われています。単語自体は簡単ですが、この


また、double-sided は「2つの(double)側(sided)」→「両面」を表し、3. make double-sided copies

で「両面コピーを取る」となります。ちなみに、「片面コピーを取る」は make single-sided copies と言いま

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Business English 2-43 - 214 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: I forgot to mention, please make (double-sided copies).

B: All right. I’ll make sure to do that.

2. A: How many copies of the expense report do you need?

B: I (need) 2 copies (of each) of these.

3. A: Can I assist you with those documents?

B: Yes, please. Could you (make copies) of these? Thank you.

Role playing

A: Could you help me prepare some documents for the meeting?

B: All right. Do you need something copied?
A: I do. (Could you make copies of these)?
B: Sure. How many copies do you need?
A: (I need 10 copies of each of these). (Please make double-sided copies).
B: Okay. I’ll get them right to you.
A: Thank you very much.

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Business English 2-43 - 215 -

Say it in English

1. これらをコピーしてもらえますか?
→Could you make copies of these? A: Could you make copies of these?

2. 10 部ずつ必要です。
→I need 10 copies of each of these. A: I need 10 copies of each of these.

3. 両面コピーでお願いします。
→Please make double-sided copies. A: Please make double-sided copies.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You ask your colleague to photocopy documents for you.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you need help with the documents for the meeting, and ask him/her if he/she
could make copies of these.
 When he/she asks how many copies you need, say you need fifteen copies of
each of these.
 When he/she asks how you do want them copied, tell him/her to please make
double-sided copies.

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Business English 2-44 - 216 -


44 It doesn’t turn on.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You ask colleague for help with the photocopier.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say the photocopier shows it’s out of toner, and ask what you should do.
 When he/she says he/she will ask if they have stock, say thank you.

Situation 2: You and your colleague are talking about the printer.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you’re having problem with the printer and the paper is jammed.

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Business English 2-44 - 217 -

Phrases of the day

1.It doesn’t turn on.

A: What’s wrong with the photocopier?
B: It doesn’t turn on.

2.The paper is jammed.

A: Why did the printer stop printing?
B: The paper is jammed.

3.It’s out of toner.

A: It’s out of toner.
B: Let me check if we have any.

4.This copy looks awful.

A: Is there a problem?
B: This copy looks awful.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1. turn on は、「スイッチを回して(turn)、オンの状態(on)にする」→「電源を入れる・電源が入る」と

また、2 で使われている jam は「グチャッと混ぜる」イメージです(パンに塗るジャムも、イチゴや砂糖を

ッと混ざった」→「交通渋滞」によく使われます。今回の jam は動詞「詰まらせる」で、The paper is

3. out of ~「~を切らして・なくなって」も頻出表現です。本来 out of ~ は「~の中から外へ」を表し、


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Business English 2-44 - 218 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Why isn’t the photocopier working?

B: It's (out) of toner.

2. A: Are you having trouble with the photocopier?

B: Yes. It doesn’t (turn on).

3. A: The paper is (jammed).

B: Open the cover and try to pull out the paper slowly.

4. A: This copy looks (awful).

B: Try adjusting the settings on the machine.

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Business English 2-44 - 219 -

Role playing

A: Can you call maintenance for the copier?
B: What’s wrong?
A: (It doesn’t turn on).
B: Okay, I’ll give them a call.

A: What's wrong with the printer?
B: (It’s out of toner).
A: Let me get some from the supply room.
B: Thank you.

A: What’s wrong with the printer this time?
B: (The paper is jammed).
A: Let me remove it.

<after removing the paper:>

A: Try printing again.
B: It’s working now, but (this copy looks awful).

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Business English 2-44 - 220 -

Say it in English

1. 電源が入りません。
→It doesn’t turn on. A: It doesn’t turn on.

2. 紙が詰まっています。
→The paper is jammed. A: The paper is jammed.

3. トナー切れです。
→It’s out of toner. A: It’s out of toner.

4. このコピーはひどいですね。
→This copy looks awful. A: This copy looks awful.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You ask colleague for help with the photocopier.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say the photocopier shows it’s out of toner, and ask what you should do.
 When he/she says he/she will ask if they have stock, say thank you.

Situation 2: You and your colleague are talking about the printer.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you’re having problem with the printer and the paper is jammed.

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Business English 2-45 - 221 -


45 How’s your work going?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are talking to a new colleague.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by asking how is his/her work going.
 When he/she says it’s going well and that everyone in the office is kind, say
that it’s good to hear, and ask where he/she originally is from.
 When he/she says he/she is originally from Sydney and ask how about you,
say you’re originally from Canada, but grew up in New York.

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Business English 2-45 - 222 -

Phrases of the day

1.How's your work going?

A: Hi. How’s your work going?
B: Pretty good. I’ve learned a lot in my first week here.

2.It's going well.

A: How’s progress with the new project?
B: It’s going well. We’re two days ahead of schedule.

3.Where are you originally from?

A: Where are you originally from?
B: I’m originally from Boston. I moved here two years ago.

4.I'm originally from ~.

A: Where did you say you were from?
B: I’m originally from Oregon. I moved here for work last year.

5.I grew up in ~.
A: I grew up in Tennessee. I just moved here a few months ago.
B: Wow. That’s pretty far away.

6.I was born in ~, but now I live in ….

A: Where are you from?
B: I was born in London, but now I live in Toronto.

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Business English 2-45 - 223 -

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1. How’s your work going?「仕事の調子はいかがですか?」は、How’s ~ going?「~の調子はどう?」と

いう表現です。直訳「~はどのように進んでいる(is going)?」→「~の調子はどう?」となりました。
それに対する返答として 2. It’s going well. がありますが、これも直訳「それは上手く(well)進んでいる
(is going)」→「上手くいっています」ということです。

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Are you originally from here?

B: No, I (grew up) in Florida. I moved here a few years ago.

2. A: Hi. Just checking in on things. How’s the new website going?

B: It's (going well). We’re almost done designing the top page.

3. A: How's (your work going)?

B: I still have a lot to learn, but it’s going well so far.

4. A: You said you aren’t from the US. Where are you from originally?
B: I'm (originally) from Switzerland.

5. A: Welcome to Texas. Is this your first time here?

B: No. Actually, I was (born) in Texas, but now I (live) in New York City.
I’m here visiting relatives.

6. A: You don’t sound like you’re from around here. Where are you (originally from)?
B: I grew up in England.

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Business English 2-45 - 224 -

Role playing

A: Hi, Steve. I haven’t seen you in a while. (How’s your work going)?
B: Hi. (It’s going well). How about you?
A: Same here. Let’s have dinner sometime. I’m free next month.
B: I want to, but I can’t. I’ll be transferred to our branch in Los Angeles in 2 weeks.
A: Really? (I’m originally from Los Angeles). My parents live there.
B: Wow! Give me a call when you visit your family there.

A: (Where are you originally from)?
B: (I was born in New York, but now I live in Philadelphia).
A: You mean you grew up in New York?
B: No. I was born there, but (I grew up in Chicago).

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Business English 2-45 - 225 -

Say it in English

1. 仕事の調子はいかがですか?
→How's your work going? A: How's your work going?

2. 順調です。
→It’s going well. A: It’s going well.

3. 出身はどちらですか?
→Where are you originally from? A: Where are you originally from?

4. 私は元々オレゴンの出身です。
→I’m originally from Oregon. A: I’m originally from Oregon.

5. 私はテネシーで育ちました。
→I grew up in Tennessee. A: I grew up in Tennessee.

6. 生まれはロンドンなのですが、今はトロントに住んでいます。
→I was born in London, but now I live in Toronto.
A: I was born in London, but now I live in Toronto.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are talking to a new colleague.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by asking how is his/her work going.
 When he/she says it’s going well and that everyone in the office is kind, say
that it’s good to hear, and ask where he/she originally is from.
 When he/she says he/she is originally from Sydney and ask how about you,
say you’re originally from Canada, but grew up in New York.

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Business English 2-46 - 226 -


46 Let’s talk again soon.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are talking to a colleague but you have to go soon.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by saying that it’s been nice chatting, but you should probably get going.
 When he/she says he/she enjoyed talking with you, say thank you, and say if
he/she will excuse you and that you have to go back to your desk.
 When he/she says “see you,” say you want to talk again soon.

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Business English 2-46 - 227 -

Phrases of the day

1.It's been nice chatting, but I should probably get going.

A: It’s been nice chatting, but I should probably get going.
B: All right. Take care.

2.If you'll excuse me, ~

A: If you’ll excuse me, I should be going now. I have to get home.
B: Sure. See you tomorrow.

3.Let’s talk again soon.

A: I enjoyed our talk but it’s getting late. I should go.
B: You’re right. Let’s talk again soon.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

{It is} Nice to meet you.「お会いできて嬉しいです」は有名ですが、別れ際には{It was} Nice meeting

you.「お会いできて嬉しかったです」を使います(動名詞 meeting は「過去」を表します)。

1 の It's been nice chatting「お話できて良かったです」は、それが変化した形と考えるとわかりやすいでし

ょう。動名詞 chatting が使われているので、「話した後」に使う表現になります。

また、2. If you'll excuse me, ~ は、直訳「もしあなたが私を許す(excuse)なら」→「申し訳ないのです

が」となりました。有名な Excuse me.「すみません」という表現も、本来は「私を許して」ということです。

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Business English 2-46 - 228 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: My friend is waiting for me in the lobby. I have to go now.

B: Okay. Let’s (talk again soon).

2. A: (If you’ll) excuse me, I have to go back to work.

B: All right. I should probably get going, too.

3. A: Well, it’s been (nice chatting), but I should probably (get going).
B: All right. It was nice talking to you!

Role playing

A: Lunch break is almost over. (It’s been nice chatting, but I should probably get going).
B: You’re right. I didn’t notice the time.
A: (If you’ll excuse me), I’ll go to conference room A. I have a meeting with ABC company.
B: All right. (Let’s talk again soon).

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Business English 2-46 - 229 -

Say it in English

1. お話できて良かったのですが、そろそろ行かないといけません。
→It’s been nice chatting, but I should probably get going.
A: It’s been nice chatting, but I should probably get going.

2. 申し訳ないのですが、そろそろ行かないといけません。
→If you’ll excuse me, I should be going now.
A: If you’ll excuse me, I should be going now.

3. 近いうちにまたお話しましょう。
→Let’s talk again soon.
A: Let’s talk again soon.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are talking to a colleague but you have to go soon.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by saying that it’s been nice chatting, but you should probably get going.
 When he/she says he/she enjoyed talking with you, say thank you, and say if
he/she will excuse you and that you have to go back to your desk.
 When he/she says “see you,” say you want to talk again soon.

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Business English 2-47 - 230 -


47 What are you making?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You and your colleague are in the pantry.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks what you are making, say you’re making tea, and ask if he/she
would like some.
 When he/she says he/she would love some, and asks where he/she can find a cup,
say there’s some in the cupboard. Also, ask if he/she puts sugar in his/her tea.

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Business English 2-47 - 231 -

Phrases of the day

1.What are you making?

A: That smells good. What are you making?
B: I’m making chamomile tea. Do you want some?

2.I’m making ~.
A: I’m making coffee. Would you like some?
B: No, thank you.

3.Where can I find ~.

A: Excuse me, where can I find coffee creamer?
B: It’s in a brown jar in the cupboard.

4.There's/There're ~ in the cupboard.

A: There’re some coffee cups in the cupboard. Can you get one?
B: All right.

5.Do you put ~ in your …?

A: Do you put cream in your coffee?
B: No, I like it black.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

4 に出てくる cupboard「食器棚」は発音に注意が必要です。日本の家具屋では「カップボード」と表記されて
いますが、正しくは「カバァド」と発音されます。TOEIC テストなどの資格試験のリスニングでも頻出ですの

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Business English 2-47 - 232 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Hi. What are you (making)?

B: Hi. I’m making coffee.

2. A: (Do you put) honey in your tea?

B: Yes, I do. Thank you.

3. A: What are you making?

B: (I’m making) hot chocolate.

4. A: (Where) can I find sugar? I want some for my tea.

B: There’s a box of sugar cubes in the cupboard.

5. A: Where can I get coffee?

B: (There’s) some instant coffee (in) the cupboard.

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Business English 2-47 - 233 -

Role playing

A: That smells really good. (What are you making)?

B: Thanks. (I’m making) milk tea.
A: That sounds good. Would you mind making me some?
B: Sure. Grab a paper cup.
A: (Where can I find) one?
B: (There’re some in the cupboard).
A: Found them. Here you are.
B: (Do you put) sugar (in your) milk tea?
A: Yes, I do. Thank you.

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Business English 2-47 - 234 -

Say it in English

1. 何を作っているのですか?
→What are you making? A: What are you making?

2. コーヒーを淹れています。
→I’m making coffee. A: I’m making coffee.

3. クリーミングパウダーはどこにありますか?
→Where can I find coffee creamer? A: Where can I find coffee creamer?

4. 食器棚にいくつかコーヒーカップがあります。
→There’re some coffee cups in the cupboard. A: There’re some coffee cups in the cupboard.

5. コーヒーにクリームは入れますか?
→Do you put cream in your coffee? A: Do you put cream in your coffee?

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You and your colleague are in the pantry.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she asks what you are making, say you’re making tea, and ask if he/she
would like some.
 When he/she says he/she would love some, and asks where he/she can find a cup,
say there’s some in the cupboard. Also, ask if he/she puts sugar in his/her tea.

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Business English 2-48 - 235 -


48 My computer froze.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You ask your colleague for help with your computer.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by saying “excuse me,” and ask if he/she could help you with your
 When he/she asks what’s wrong, say that you lost your Internet connection.

Situation 2: You ask your colleague for help with your wireless keyboard.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by saying you need help, and that your wireless keyboard is not working.
 When he says try switching it off and on, and that might fix it, say you’ll try
and say thank you.

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Business English 2-48 - 236 -

Phrases of the da

1.Could you help me with ~?

A: Are you all right? You look like you’re having trouble.
B: Actually, could you help me with my Internet connection?

2.My ~ isn't working.

A: Do you need help? What’s wrong?
B: My headset isn’t working. I can’t hear anything.

3.My computer froze.

A: My computer froze. I can’t move the cursor.
B: Let’s have someone from the IT department look at it.

4.I lost my Internet connection.

A: I lost my Internet connection.
B: Let me contact the IT department.

5.Try switching it off and on.

A: I need help. The scanner isn’t working, so what should I do?
B: Maybe a restart will fix it. Try switching it off and on.

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Business English 2-48 - 237 -

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1 は help 人 with ~「人の~を手伝う」という形です(with は「関連(~について)」を表しています)。

✕)help my homework のようなミスをする人が多いのですが、基本的に✕)help 物の形では使えません。
とにかく help の直後には「人」がくるという点を意識しておきましょう。

また、3 の froze は freeze の過去形です。freeze は元々「凍る」ですが、そこから「凍って固まる・止まる」


Fill in the blanks

1. A: I need a little help. My keyboard (isn't working).

B: Have you tried unplugging it and plugging it back in? That might fix it

2. A: Hi. Could you (help me with) my printer?

B: What’s wrong with it?

3. A: My wireless mouse isn’t working. What should I do?

B: There might be a problem with the signal. Try (switching it) off and on.

4. A: I need to send an e-mail as soon as possible but I (lost) my Internet connection.

B: All right, I’ll reset the modem. Let’s see if that fixes the problem.

5. A: My (computer) froze.
B: Let’s wait for a while. And if it stays frozen, let’s do a forced shutdown.

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Business English 2-48 - 238 -

Role playing

A: I’m having some trouble. (Could you help me with my computer)?
B: What seems to be the problem?
A: (My computer froze). It’s been like this for a couple of minutes now.
B: I see. Do a forced shut down. Hold the power button down for a few seconds. That should fix it.

A: Can you help me? (My Wi-Fi isn’t working).
B: What happened?
A: (I lost my Internet connection).
B: There might be a problem with the router. (Try switching it off and on).
A: All right. I’ll let you know if it fixes the problem.

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Business English 2-48 - 239 -

Say it in English

1. インターネット接続について手伝っていただけませんか?
→Could you help me with my Internet connection?
A: Could you help me with my Internet connection?

2. ヘッドセットが動作していません。
→My headset isn’t working. A: My headset isn’t working.

3. パソコンが固まってしまいました。
→My computer froze. A: My computer froze.

4. インターネットの接続が切れてしまいました。
→I lost my Internet connection. A: I lost my Internet connection.

5. スイッチを一度オフにしてからオンにしてみてください。
→Try switching it off and on. A: Try switching it off and on.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You ask your colleague for help with your computer.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by saying “excuse me,” and ask if he/she could help you with your
 When he/she asks what’s wrong, say that you lost your Internet connection.

Situation 2: You ask your colleague for help with your wireless keyboard.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by saying you need help, and that your wireless keyboard is not working.
 When he sys try switching it off and on, and that might fix it, say you’ll try
and say thank you.

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Business English 2-49 - 240 -


49 I’m not feeling well.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are in the office and not feeling well. You tell your boss about it.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by saying “excuse me”, and say you’re not feeling well.
 When he/she asks what the matter is, say you feel dizzy, and you feel like
you’re going to throw up. Also, ask if you may take the rest of the day off.

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Business English 2-49 - 241 -

Phrases of the day

1.I'm not feeling well.

A: You don’t look so well. Are you all right?
B: No. I’m not feeling well.

2.I feel like I'm going to throw up.

A: Can you tell me exactly how you feel?
B: I’m dizzy. I feel like I'm going to throw up.

3.I feel ~.
A: I feel dizzy. I can’t keep my eyes open.
B: I think you should rest.

4.Would you like to lie down?

A: I’m not feeling well. I think I need a break.
B: Yes. I think you should. Would you like to lie down?

5.May I take the rest of the day off?

A: I’m not feeling very well. May I take the rest of the day off?
B: All right. Please get plenty rest.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

5 は take ~ off「~の間休む・休暇を取る」の形です。off は「分離(~から離れて)」を表し、take ~ off

そして、May I take the rest of the day off? で、直訳「その日の残り(the rest of the day)休んでもい

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Business English 2-49 - 242 -

The tutor MUST say: Please match the Japanese words with the correct health conditions.

(answers: 1-d, 2-i, 3-j, 4-f, 5-a, 6-k, 7-h, 8-b, 9-g, 10-c, 11-e)

病気の症状 英単語

1. 頭痛 a. fever

b. diarrhea
2. 腹痛
c. dizzy
3. 歯痛
d. headache

4. 風邪 e. chilly

f. cold
5. 熱
g. sore throat
6. 鼻水が出る
h. cough

7. 咳 i. stomachache

j. toothache
8. 下痢
k. runny noseour)
9. のどが痛い

10. めまいがする

11. 寒気がする

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Business English 2-49 - 243 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: You don’t look so good. What happened?

B: I only had two hours of sleep last night. (I feel) nauseated.

2. A: You look pale. Are you all right?

B: No. I’m not (feeling) well.

3. A: It feels like the room is spinning.

B: I think you need to take a break. (Would you) like to lie down?

4. A: I’ve been feeling sick since this morning. May I take the (rest of the day off)?
B: Okay. Please see a doctor and get plenty of rest.

5. A: Are you all right? How do you feel?

B: No. I (feel like) I'm going to (throw up).

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Business English 2-49 - 244 -

Role playing

A: You don’t look so good. Are you okay?

B: No. (I’m not feeling well).
A: What exactly is wrong?
B: (I feel dizzy). (I feel like I'm going to throw up).
A: (Would you like to lie down)?
B: I think I might need to go home. (May I take the rest of the day off)?
A: Yes, please go home and rest. I hope you get better soon.
B: Thank you.

Say it in English

1. 体調が良くありません。
→I’m not feeling well. A: I’m not feeling well.

2. 吐きそうです。
→I feel like I'm going to throw up. A: I feel like I'm going to throw up.

3. 眩暈がします。
→I feel dizzy. A: I feel dizzy.

4. 横になりますか?
→Would you like to lie down? A: Would you like to lie down?

5. 早退しても良いですか?
→May I take the rest of the day off? A: May I take the rest of the day off?

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Business English 2-49 - 245 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are in the office and not feeling well. You tell your boss about it.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by saying “excuse me”, and say you’re not feeling well.
 When he/she asks what the matter is, say you feel dizzy, and you feel like
you’re going to throw up. Also, ask if you may take the rest of the day off.

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Business English 2-50 - 246 -


50 Would you like a pain killer?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: Your colleague approaches you and complains about his/her health condition.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says he/she has a terrible headache since this morning,
sympathize, and offer if he/she would like a pain killer.
 When he/she says yes, say you’ll get one for him/her. Also, ask if he/she
would like you to get him/her a glass of water.

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Business English 2-50 - 247 -

Phrases of the day

1.Do you want me to get you a glass of water?

A: Do you want me to get you a glass of water?
B: Yes, please. Thank you.

2.Would you like a pain killer?

A: I have such a terrible headache.
B: Would you like a pain killer? It might help.

3.Do you have medicine for a ~ ?

A: Excuse me, do you have medicine for a stomachache?
B: Yes, we do. Hold on, let me get it for you.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1. Do you want me to ~? は want 人 to ~「人に~してほしい」の形で、直訳「あなたは私に~してほし

後ろは“get 人 物”「人に物を与える」の形で、get you a glass of water「あなたに水を与える」となって
います。get は「得る」という真逆の意味が有名ですが、“get 人 物”の形のときは「与える」という意味に
なるわけです。ちなみに、これは get に限らず、“V 人 物”の形をとる動詞はほぼすべて「人に物を与える」
という意味になります(give 人 物「人に物を与える」が有名)。

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Business English 2-50 - 248 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: I’m not feeling so well.

B: I see. Do you (want me to get you) a glass of water?

2. A: Excuse me, (do you have medicine) for a fever?

B: Yes, we do. Hang on, I’ll get you some.

3. A: My back has been hurting all morning.

B: (Would you like) a pain killer? I can get you one.

Role playing

A: My tooth is really hurting. (Do you have medicine for a) toothache?

B: Yes. We have several. (Would you like a pain killer)?
A: Yes, please.
B: Okay. (Do you want me to get you a glass of water)?
A: Yes, please. Thank you.
B: No problem.

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Business English 2-50 - 249 -

Say it in English

1. 水を持ってきましょうか?
→Do you want me to get you a glass of water?
A: Do you want me to get you a glass of water?

2. 痛み止めはいりますか?
→Would you like a pain killer?
A: Would you like a pain killer?

3. 腹痛用の薬はありますか?
→Do you have medicine for a stomachache?
A: Do you have medicine for a stomachache?

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: Your colleague approaches you and complains about his/her health condition.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says he/she has a terrible headache since this morning,
sympathize, and offer if he/she would like a pain killer.
 When he/she says yes, say you’ll get one for him/her. Also, ask if he/she
would like you to get him/her a glass of water.

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Business English 2-51 - 250 -


51 I won’t be coming in today.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re calling in sick.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say “hello”, and say who you are, then say you won’t be coming in today.
 When he/she asks how come, Say you’ve got a fever this morning.
 When he/she says he/she hopes you feel better soon, say thank you and asks
if he/she could tell Mr. Ross that you can’t come to work today.
 When he/she says he/she will tell him, apologize for the short notice.

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Business English 2-51 - 251 -

Phrases of the day

1.I won't be coming in today.

A: Hello. ABC Inc. James speaking.
B: Hi, James. It’s Elisa. I’m sorry, but I won’t be coming in today.

2.I'm sorry for the short notice.

A: I’m sick and can’t come to work today. I’m sorry for the short notice.
B: It’s all right. Just rest for today.

3.Could you tell ~ that I can't come to work today?

A: Hello, Tony. It’s Dan. Could you tell Fiona that I can’t come to work today?
B: All right. What’s going on?

4.Take care of yourself.

A: Hi, Sarah. It’s Stephen. I won’t be coming in today. I don’t feel well.
B: Okay. Take care of yourself.

5.I hope you feel better soon.

A: I won’t be coming in today. I’ve been dizzy all morning.
B: All right. I hope you feel better soon.

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Business English 2-51 - 252 -

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

come は「来る」と覚えている人が多いのですが、本来は「中心に近づく」イメージで、そこから「中心に行
「相手のところに行く」ということなので、1 や 3 のように come が使われるわけです。
それに対して go は「中心・相手から離れて行く」というイメージなので、この場面では come の代わりに go

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Hello. ABC Corp. This is Danica from HR speaking.

B: Hi. It’s Harry. I won’t (be coming in) today. I’m sick.

2. A: Hello, Maria. It’s Warren. I can’t come to work today. I have a fever.
B: Noted. I hope you (feel better soon).

3. A: Sorry, I can’t work with this headache. I’m going to take the day off.
B: Okay. (Take care) of yourself.

4. A: I can’t come to work today because of an upset stomach. (I'm sorry) for the short notice.
B: It’s all right. Just inform us sooner next time.

5. A: Hi, Catherine. It’s Jonah. Could you tell my boss that I can't (come to work) today? I’m sick.
B: Okay, I’ll tell him. I hope you feel better soon.

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Business English 2-51 - 253 -

Role playing

A: Thank you for calling ABC Builders. How can I help you?
B: Hi, this is Todd from IT department. Is Emma there?
A: Emma won’t be here until 10 today.
B: All right. When she gets in, (could you tell her that I can’t come to work today)?
A: What reason should I give her?
B: Please tell her I have the flu.
A: I will. (I hope you feel better soon).
B: Thanks.

A: Hi, Tony. This is Ryan. I’m sorry but (I won’t be coming in today).
B: Oh. Why not?
A: I’ve had a high fever since last night.
I thought it would be gone this morning, but my temperature is still above normal.
(I’m sorry for the short notice).
B: I’m sorry to hear that. (Take care of yourself).

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Business English 2-51 - 254 -

Say it in English

1. 今日は出社できません。
→I won’t be coming in today. A: I won’t be coming in today.

2. 急なお知らせで申し訳ありません。
→I’m sorry for the short notice. A: I’m sorry for the short notice.

3. フィオナさんに私が今日出社できないことを伝えてもらえますか?
→Could you tell Fiona that I can’t come to work today?
A: Could you tell Fiona that I can’t come to work today?

4. お大事にしてください。
→Take care of yourself. A: Take care of yourself.

5. 早く良くなることを祈っています。
→I hope you feel better soon. A: I hope you feel better soon.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re calling in sick.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say “hello”, and say who you are, then say you won’t be coming in today.
 When he/she asks how come, Say you’ve got a fever this morning.
 When he/she says he/she hopes you feel better soon, say thank you and asks
if he/she could tell Mr. Ross that you can’t come to work today.
 When he/she says he/she will tell him, apologize for the short notice.

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Business English 2-52 - 255 -


52 I’d like to take a day off on ~.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You’re telling your boss you’d like to take a day off.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by saying hi, and that you’d like to take the day off on Friday next week.
 When he/she asks why you need a day off, say you have a doctor’s

Situation 2: You’re telling your boss you’d like to take a day off.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you’d like to take 3 days off from the 20th to the 22nd of this month.
 When he/she asks what happened, say you need to take care of a few things.

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Business English 2-52 - 256 -

Phrases of the day

1.I’d like to take the day off on ~.

A: I’d like to take the day off on Wednesday next week.
B: All right. Just submit the leave form.

2.I’d like to take [number] days off from … to … ~.

A: I’d like to take 3 days off from the 12th to the 14th next month.
I need to visit my family in Texas.
B: All right. Just endorse your tasks to someone else before you leave.

3.I need to take care of a few things.

A: Why do you need a day off? Are you all right?
B: I’m all right. I need to take care of a few things.

4.I need to be somewhere.

A: What’s the reason for the day off?
B: I need to be somewhere.

5.I have a doctor’s appointment.

A: Why do you need to take the day off?
B: I have a doctor’s appointment.

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Business English 2-52 - 257 -

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

3 に出てきた take care of ~ は「~を世話する」の意味が有名ですが、「仕事を世話する」→「仕事を引き受

ける・対応する」といった意味でもよく使われます(UNIT26 でも出てきました)。ビジネスで非常によく使わ

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Why do you need a day off?

B: I have a (doctor’s appointment).

2. A: Why are you taking a day off?

B: It’s a family matter. I (need to be) somewhere.

3. A: I need the day off on Friday this week. I need to (take care of) a few things.
B: All right. I understand.

4. A: When would you like to take a day off?

B: I’d like to (take the day off on) Tuesday after next.

5. A: (I’d like) to take 4 days (off) from Monday to Thursday next week.
B: What do you want to take time off for?

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Business English 2-52 - 258 -

Role playing

A: Hi. (I’d like to take 3 days off from) the 16th (to) the 18th next week.
B: What do you want to take time off for?
A: (I need to be somewhere). Also, (I need to take care of a few things).
B: I understand. Just file the request in our system so I can approve it.
A: Thank you very much.
B: You’re welcome.

A: Excuse me. (I’d like to take the day off) on Monday after next.
B: Can I ask why?
A: (I have a doctor’s appointment).
B: Okay. It shouldn’t be a problem.

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Business English 2-52 - 259 -

Say it in English

1. 来週の水曜日に休暇をいただきたいのですが。
→I’d like to take the day off on Wednesday next week.
A: I’d like to take the day off on Wednesday next week.

2. 来月の 12 日から 14 日の 3 日間、休暇をいただきたいのですが。

→I’d like to take 3 days off from the 12th to the 14th next month.
A: I’d like to take 3 days off from the 12th to the 14th next month.

3. いくつかやらないといけない事があるのです。
→I need to take care of a few things. A: I need to take care of a few things.

4. 行かないといけないところがあるのです。
→I need to be somewhere. A: I need to be somewhere.

5. 診察の予約があります。
→I have a doctor’s appointment. A: I have a doctor’s appointment.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation 1: You’re telling your boss you’d like to take a day off.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by saying hi, and that you’d like to take the day off on Friday next week.
 When he/she asks why you need a day off, say you have a doctor’s

Situation 2: You’re telling your boss you’d like to take a day off.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Say you’d like to take 3 days off from the 20th to the 22nd of this month.
 When he/she asks what happened, say you need to take care of a few things.

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Business English 2-53 - 260 -


53 Can I get reimbursement for ~?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re asking about reimbursement.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by asking if you can get reimbursed for a business trip you took last
 When he/she says you can and that he/she will process it as soon as possible,
say thank you, and ask if souvenirs for clients covered.
 When he/she says they are, ask what the procedure for getting reimbursed is.
 When he/she says you just fill out a reimbursement form and attach all of the
receipts, ask when you will be reimbursed.

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Business English 2-53 - 261 -

Phrases of the day

1.Can I get reimbursed for ~?

A: Can I get reimbursed for my hotel bill?
B: Yes. Just submit your receipt.

2.Is/Are ~ covered?
A: Is lunch with clients covered?
B: Yes, it is.

3.What’s the procedure for ~?

A: What’s the procedure for getting reimbursed?
B: You have to fill out this form and attach your receipts.
Then submit it to the accounting department.

4.When will I be reimbursed?

A: When will I be reimbursed?
B: You’ll receive it in a week.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1 と 4 で使われている reimbursement「払い戻し」は、re「再び」に注目して、「再びお金が戻る」→「払い
戻す」と考えれば OK です。

また、2. Is/Are ~ covered? は、「~は(経費で)カバーされている?」→「経費で落ちる?」となりまし

た。cover は「覆う・扱う・報道する・賄う」などたくさんの意味がありますが、すべて「カバーする」と考え

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Business English 2-53 - 262 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Are meals during business trips (covered)?

B: I’m sorry, but no.

2. A: Can I get (reimbursed for) transportation?

B: Yes. Please fill out this form and submit it with the receipts.

3. A: (When) will I be (reimbursed)?

B: You’ll get the money within 3 days.

4. A: What’s (the procedure for) getting reimbursed for travel expenses?

B: You need to fill out a form and attach your receipts.

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Business English 2-53 - 263 -

Role playing

A: Accounting. Ellen speaking. How may I help you?

B: Hi, Ellen. This is Jacob from marketing.
(Can I get reimbursed for my business trip last week)?
A: Hi Jacob. Of course you can.
B: (What’s the procedure for getting reimbursed)?
A: You need to fill out the necessary forms, attach your receipts, and submit everything to
B: I see. (Are gifts for clients covered)?
A: That depends on the arrangement between you and your immediate supervisor.
B: All right. One more thing, (when will I be reimbursed)?
A: In about 3 to 5 business days.
It will be credited to your account once we’ve received and confirmed all of your documents.
B: Okay. Thank you very much.

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Business English 2-53 - 264 -

Say it in English

1. 宿泊費の清算をしてもらえますか?
→Can I get reimbursed for my hotel bill?
A: Can I get reimbursed for my hotel bill?

2. 顧客との昼食は経費で落ちますか?
→Is lunch with clients covered?
A: Is lunch with clients covered?

3. 清算の手順はどうなっていますか?
→What’s the procedure for getting reimbursed?
A: What’s the procedure for getting reimbursed?

4. いつ払い戻しを受ける事ができますか?
→When will I be reimbursed?
A: When will I be reimbursed?

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re asking about reimbursement.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by asking if you can get reimbursed for a business trip you took last
 When he/she says you can and that he/she will process it as soon as possible,
say thank you, and ask if souvenirs for clients covered.
 When he/she says they are, ask what the procedure for getting reimbursed is.
 When he/she says you just fill out a reimbursement form and attach all of the
receipts, ask when you will be reimbursed.

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Business English 2-54 - 265 -


54 Congratulations on ~?

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re congratulating a colleague who just got engaged.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by saying congratulations on getting engaged and that you are happy
for him/her.
 When he/she says you’re invited to his/her wedding and that it will be in
November, ask how the preparations are going.

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Business English 2-54 - 266 -

Phrases of the day

1.Congratulations on ~!
A: Congratulations on your promotion!
B: Thank you.

2.How are you going to celebrate?

A: I got promoted to operations manager!
B: Congratulations! How are you going to celebrate?

3.How are the preparations going?

A: The company’s anniversary celebration is next week. How are the preparations going?
B: We’ve finalized the program and we’re all very excited!

4.I’m so happy for you!

A: I closed a deal with a big client today!
B: Congratulations! I’m so happy for you!

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1. Congratulations on ~! では、congratulations と「複数形」で使うことに注意してください(Thanks.

と同じイメージで押さえておくといいでしょう)。また、on は本来「接触」を表し、そこから「意識の接触
(~に関して)」の意味があります。よって、Congratulations on ~! で「~に関しておめでとう!」となる

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Business English 2-54 - 267 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: I heard that you’re planning a housewarming party. How are the (preparations going)?
B: They’ve been going well! We’re excited to show our new place to our friends and colleagues.

2. A: I just finished giving a presentation this morning.

I think the response was mostly positive!
B: Good job! I’m (so happy for) you!

3. A: We’re planning to celebrate my promotion next week!

B: I’m happy for you. How are you (going to) celebrate?

4. A: Great news! Our project proposal was finally approved today!

B: That’s amazing! (Congratulations) on the approval!

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Business English 2-54 - 268 -

Role playing

A: I heard you got the director’s position at our new office. (Congratulations on your promotion)!
(I’m so happy for you)!
B: Thank you. Yeah, I’m excited about the work, but I’m not looking forward to moving.
A: Yeah, I imagine it’s going to be a hassle. When are you moving?
B: It will be in the first week of next month, but I won’t start working until the week after.
A: I see. (How are the preparations going)?
B: They’re going well.
A: That’s good to hear. (How are you going to celebrate)?
B: Some people in my department are planning a party for me. You should come, too.
A: All right. I’ll definitely be there.

Say it in English

1. 昇進おめでとうございます!
→Congratulations on your promotion! A: Congratulations on your promotion!

2. どのようにお祝いするのですか?
→How are you going to celebrate? A: How are you going to celebrate?

3. 準備はどうですか?
→How are the preparations going? A: How are the preparations going?

4. とても嬉しく思います!
→I’m so happy for you! A: I’m so happy for you!

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Business English 2-54 - 269 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You’re congratulating a colleague who just got engaged.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by saying congratulations on getting engaged and that you are happy
for him/her.
 When he/she says you’re invited to his/her wedding and that it will be in
November, ask how the preparations are going.

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Business English 2-55 - 270 -


55 I’m sorry to hear that.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You found out that your colleague will be transferred to another branch.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by congratulating him/her for his/her transfer to Seattle branch.
 When he/she says thanks, but he/she will be leaving away from his/her family
for at least 3 years, say you’re sorry to hear that.
 When he/she says it was an honor working with you, say you are, too, and
that you will miss him/her.

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Business English 2-55 - 271 -

Phrases of the day

1.I’m so sorry to hear that.

A: Our client backed out at the last minute today.
B: Oh no! I’m so sorry to hear that.

2.I’m so sorry to hear about ~.

A: I’m so sorry to hear about the result of the advertising campaign.
B: It didn’t really work out like we intended it to.

3.~ will miss ….

A: Mr. Hartwood was such a good man and a good leader.
B: I agree. We will miss him.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

I’m sorry. は「ごめんなさい」のイメージが強いのですが、1 で使われているように「お気の毒に」という意

味もあります。sorry は本来「痛む」で(sore「痛い」という単語と関連があります)、I’m sorry. は「私は
われます。ぜひ I’m sorry. は「心が痛んでいる」という正しい感覚を押さえておきましょう。

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Business English 2-55 - 272 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: Alyssa was the kindest member on our team.

I still can’t believe she’s gone.
B: I agree. We (will miss) her.

2. A: Three of my most reliable team members just resigned.

B: I’m (sorry) to (hear) that. Don’t worry. I’m sure you’ll find some good replacements.

3. A: I’m sorry (to hear about) the project being cancelled for budgetary reasons.
B: It’s okay. I just wish we could’ve had a bigger budget.

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Business English 2-55 - 273 -

Role playing

A: Did you hear about Ralph, the manager?
B: No. What happened?
A: He’s quitting.
B: (I’m sorry to hear that). Why is he quitting?
A: His wife got a new job in another city.
B: We (will miss) him. I hope he enjoys the new place.

A: I won’t be here on Friday. I’ll be attending my uncle’s funeral.
B: (I’m so sorry to hear about) your uncle. Take all the time you need.
A: Thank you. He was a really great guy.

Say it in English

1. それはお気の毒ですね。
→I’m so sorry to hear that. A: I’m so sorry to hear that.

2. 広告キャンペーンの結果はお気の毒ですね。
→I’m so sorry to hear about the result of the advertising campaign.
A: I’m so sorry to hear about the result of the advertising campaign.

3. 彼がいなくなると寂しくなりますね。
→We will miss him. A: We will miss him.

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Business English 2-55 - 274 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You found out that your colleague will be transferred to another branch.
(The student will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 Start by congratulating him/her for his/her transfer to Seattle branch.
 When he/she says thanks, but he/she will be leaving away from his/her family
for at least 3 years, say you’re sorry to hear that.
 When he/she says it was an honor working with you, say you are, too, and
that you will miss him/her.

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Business English 2-56 - 275 -


56 May ~ rest in peace.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You were told that a colleague’s father died last week.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says his/her dad died last week, say “please accept my
 When he/she says he/she feels lonely, say you are sorry for his/her loss.

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Business English 2-56 - 276 -

Phrases of the day

1.I’m sorry for your loss.

A: I need to leave work early today. I need to go to my uncle’s funeral.
B: I’m sorry for your loss. Please take care.

2.May ~ rest in peace.

A: My grandmother died of old age last Sunday.
B: I’m so sorry to hear that. May she rest in peace.

3.Please accept my condolences.

A: I won’t be coming in today. My father died last night.
B: I’m sorry to hear that. Please accept my condolences.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

I’m sorry. は「心が痛む」なので、1. I’m sorry for your loss. は「亡くなったことに対して心が痛みます」


また、2 は May SV「S が V しますように」という少し珍しい形です(文法書では「祈願文」と呼ばれるもので

す)。May ~ rest in peace. で、直訳「~が安らかに(in peace)眠り(rest)ますように」→「~のご冥福
をお祈りいたします」となりました。ちなみに、in には「包囲」→「包囲状態(~の状態で)」の意味があ
り、in peace で「平和な状態で」→「平和に・安らかに」ということです。平和な空気にすっぽり「包まれて

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Business English 2-56 - 277 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A: My uncle lost his battle with cancer. He died 2 days ago.

B: I’m sorry to hear that. Please (accept my condolences).

2. A: My mother died last week and I’m not in the mood to go to work.
B: I’m (sorry for your loss).

3. A: My grandfather passed away last night.

B: I’m so sorry. May he (rest in peace).

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Business English 2-56 - 278 -

Role playing

A: I won’t be around next week. My father passed away.
B: I’m so sorry. (Please accept my condolences).
A: Thank you. I feel so lonely.
B: (I’m sorry for your loss).

A: Hi. Why do you look so sad?
B: A close friend of mine died in an accident yesterday.
A: I’m so sorry to hear that. (May she rest in peace).
B: Thank you. She was my best friend. I feel like a piece of my heart is missing.

Say it in English

1. お悔やみ申し上げます。
→I’m sorry for your loss. A: I’m sorry for your loss.

2. お祖母様のご冥福をお祈りいたします。
→May she rest in peace. A: May she rest in peace.

3. ご愁傷様です。
→Please accept my condolences. A: Please accept my condolences.

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Business English 2-56 - 279 -

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You were told that a colleague’s father died last week.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says his/her dad died last week, say “please accept my
 When he/she says he/she feels lonely, say you are sorry for his/her loss.

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Business English 2-57 - 280 -


57 I’m here for you if you need anything at all.

Let’s try!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are talking with your colleague about a meeting tomorrow.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says you have a crucial meeting tomorrow, and that he/she is
not sure if the attendees will approve the new proposal, say that you all hope
everything will be fine.
 When he/she says he/she will check the slides again to see if there’s anything
to add, say to him/her to let you know if there’s anything you can do.

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Business English 2-57 - 281 -

Phrases of the day

1.Please let me know if there’s anything I can do.

A: Please let me know if there’s anything I can do.
B: I will. Thank you very much.

2.I’m here for you if you need anything at all.

A: I’m not confident that I can do a good job on this project by myself.
B: I’m here for you if you need anything at all.

3.Let’s hope everything will be fine.

A: My brother will have a medical procedure tomorrow. I’m worried for him.
B: Let’s hope everything will be fine. I’m here for you.

□■ 関先生のワンポイントアドバイス □■※次のアクティビティへ進む前に黙読してください

1 は let OC「O に C させる」の形で、Please let me know「私に知らせて」となっています。このままの形

また、後ろは if there’s anything {that} I can do「もし私にできることがあれば」と、関係代名詞 that が

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Business English 2-57 - 282 -

Fill in the blanks

1. A:I have to prepare a proposal for next week’s meeting. I’m anxious that it won’t be very good.
B: I’m here. Please (let me know) if there’s anything I can do.

2. A: There’s no one at the office I can talk to about my problems. I’m so depressed.
B: Don’t think that way. I’m (here for you) if you need anything at all.

3. A: I’m worried that we won’t be able to finish the project on time.

We’re already one week behind schedule.
B: I know you can make up for lost time. Let’s (hope) everything (will be) fine.

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Business English 2-57 - 283 -

Role playing

A: Are you all right? You look stressed out.

B: No, I’m not all right. I have to prepare a new business proposal for tomorrow’s meeting,
but I have other tasks to do, too. I don’t know if I have enough time to finish everything.
A: Don’t give up! I’ll be staying late in the office tonight.
(Please let me know if there’s anything I can do).
B: Really? Thank you, I really appreciate that. All right, I’ll do my best.
A: That’s the spirit! (I’m here for you if you need anything at all).
B: Thank you again! Okay, here goes!

<Around midnight:>
B: Done! Thank you so much for all your help!
A: You’re welcome! I hope the board members like your proposal.
(Let’s hope everything will be fine).
B: I hope they approve it.

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Business English 2-57 - 284 -

Say it in English

1. 何か私にできることがあれば、知らせて下さい。
→Please let me know if there’s anything I can do.
A: Please let me know if there’s anything I can do.

2. 何かあったら頼って下さいね。
→I’m here for you if you need anything at all.
A: I’m here for you if you need anything at all.

3. 全てが上手くいくよう願いましょう。
→Let’s hope everything will be fine. A: Let’s hope everything will be fine.

Let’s try again!

DO NOT READ THIS TO THE STUDENT: (Allow the student to just read silently)
Situation: You are talking with your colleague about a meeting tomorrow.
(The tutor will start the conversation.)
Student’s Goals:
 When he/she says you have a crucial meeting tomorrow, and that he/she is
not sure if the attendees will approve the new proposal, say that you all hope
everything will be fine.
 When he/she says he/she will check the slides again to see if there’s anything
to add, say to him/her to let you know if there’s anything you can do.

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ビジ ネ ス 英 会 話


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