Enterprise Innovation POV

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InnovaLon AmbiLon Matrix

Firms that excel at total innova7on management simultaneously invest at

three levels of innova7on, carefully managing the balance among them
Building on Others’ Insights
We are aggressively scouring the plethora of books, ar7cles and
experts on innova7on, both broadly and specific to Corporate
InnovaLon and AcceleraLon Lab
Innova7on. We are experimen7ng with the insights from these Our objec7ve is to advance and accelerate the iden7fica7on and implementa7on of new viable offerings and
enhancements that create new sources of value and long-term growth for our customers and business
TRANSFORMATIONAL materials to develop and iterate our capabili7es.

o Consciously-Designed Environment – Levering an in7mate space built to s7mulate

thinking and spark conversa7on.
o Growth Mindset and Culture – Methods and behaviors that drive embracing
challenges, persis7ng in the face of obstacles, seeing efforts as the path to mastery,
learning from cri7cism, and finding lessons and inspira7on in the success of others.

o Research-Based Methods – Approaches built on empirical data, research, leading

prac7ces and focused exper7se, that we tailor and apply in our business (e.g.
Design Thinking, Agile Development, 10 Types of Innova7on, Business Canvas)

CORE o Immersive Methods & Approach - Methods based on behavioral research, team
dynamics, and conversa7ons with team members and stakeholders.

o Relevant Subject MaCer Experts and Mentors – Bringing teams together with
diverse perspec7ves from experts that can advise and challenge them to further
Ten Types of expand their thinking
InnovaLon o Custom-Trained, Expert Facilitators - Business prac77oners that know our business
Integra7ng mul7ple types of
and people, that get trained in mo7va7on, disrup7on, alignment, and consensus.
innova7on will develop
offerings that are more
difficult to copy and that
generate higher returns Idea Hub InnovaLon Lab Accelerator
Defining InnovaLon Emerging Models of Corporate Entrepreneurship
A logical, yet seemingly uncommon , star7ng place for We are connec7ng with companies both in and outside of our industry to learn
many organiza7ons is to agree on a defini7on from their journeys to fuel innova7on
Discover Design Deliver
Dedicated The Enabler The Producer A central physical and virtual The vehicle we use to deliberately take a Our controlled pressure cooker, that
Simple, yet broad:
The company provides The company establishes and hub to collect and track ideas different route to work. Working sessions will pair small teams with a mentor
“Something different that has impact.” funding and senior execu7ve supports a full-service group
aUen7on to prospec7ve with a mandate for corporate and insights that we are range from 1-on-1 interac7ons to highly in the space for 48 hours – 2 weeks,
projects entrepreneurship pressure tes7ng and itera7ng interac7ve facilitated group sessions. where they will be driven and
across the enterprise. enabled to itera7vely prototype and
P&G Nasdaq Google CapitalOne
Offering-focused: Interac7ons are designed to be engaging and test high poten7al ideas to
BBH 3M Motorola Cargill
The crea6on of a viable new offering.
Resource no7ceably different than the approaches that determine how to best implement
Authority we use across our business today. and bring them to reality.

The Opportunist The Advocate

The company has no The company strongly
evengelizes for corporate
Criteria-based: deliberate approach to
entrepreneurship, but
corporate entrepreneurship.
• Provides unique and compelling solu6ons valued by Internal and external business units provide the
primary funding.
our customers and aligned to our brand; networks drive concept
State Farm
selec7on and resource
• Creates compe66ve advantage that is difficult to copy; alloca7on Allianz Ingredion
• Creates differen6ated shareholder value. Ad Hoc
DEFAULT Stryker Avery DuPont

Diffused OrganizaLonal Focused

InnovaLon and AcceleraLon Lab
ObjecLve: Advance and accelerate the iden7fica7on and implementa7on of new viable offerings and enhancements that create new sources of value and long-term
growth for our customers and business

Enterprise AmbiLon & Focus

Level of AmbiLon AllocaLon of Focus

__% à __% a. Core Enhancements: Change the known, by op7mizing how we posi7on, package, provide and promote our current __ à __% a. Offering innovaLon: Reinven7ng, recombining or finding fresh connec7ons across products, systems and services to
offerings to our customers. create new value for customers
Range of Choices

__% à __% b. Adjacent space: Expand the boundaries of our business by expanding into offerings, capabili7es and / or customer __ à __% b. Process innovaLon: Reengineering or redefining processes to enhance value through increased efficiency and
bases that leverage our exis7ng business and unlock new value for customers and our organiza7on. effec7veness

c. TransformaLonal: Change the game by exploring and ac7ng on opportuni7es (or threats) that could fundamentally __ à __% c. DistribuLon / Customer experience innovaLon: Focuses on changing channel, service, brand and customer
__% à __%
change the types of customers we serve and / or the types of capabili7es / offerings we provide. engagement to connect, serve and engage customers in dis7nc7ve ways

__ à __% d. Revenue model innovaLon: Configuring profit model, network, structure and process to serve customers and make
money differently

Lab PosiLoning
DefiniLon Structure Process and Methods IntegraLon with Core Lifecycle Sources Mindset and Culture

a. No clear definiLon / criteria: a. ‘None’ – No specific func7on a. No standard pracLces or a. Undefined a. Idea generaLon and a. Undefined / Ad hoc a. Mirror exisLng prevailing
“In the eyes of the beholder” focused on innova7on methods around innova7on; discovery: Structured idea culture and mindset
lassie fare where anything formula7on, not
b. TradiLonal - Innova7ons b. Senior Leaders
goes ‘brainstorming’
b. Broad: b. ‘Service Center’ - Op7onal follow and compete in same b. Complement exisLng culture
• “Something different that innova7on resource available tradi7onal process as as a mix / bridge between
c. Select few designated exis7ng and new
to organiza7on b. Core set of pracLces u7lized mainstream investments b. Basic business case
has impact” individuals / teams
and applied in the lab, that formaLon: Organizing ideas
• “Significant posi6ve change” people can chose to apply or into narra7ves and c. Embodies growth mindset
• “Something fresh (new, c. ‘Central hub’ - Center of not outside of the lab c. Parallel - complementary
excellence for innova7on, possibili7es d. Every Employee and encourage broader
original, improved) that investment processes for
connec7ng and facilita7ng innova7ons with some adop7on through leading by
creates value
innova7on efforts across c. Guiding principles around dedicated funds c. CompeLLon for e. Customers, Suppliers and example
Range of Choices

• “Crea6on of a viable new enterprise innova7on at the enterprise- development of the idea: Distributors (‘Open’)
offering” level, with some la7tude for From ideas to ac7on d. Mindset and culture vehicle,
applica7on d. Completely separate -
d. ‘Greenhouse’ - Dedicated dis7nct investment process proac7vely driving change
c. Criteria-based: group of SMEs focused on across organiza7on
and funding d. TesLng and
Innova6on is the applica6on of centrally developing new d. Mandated standard experimentaLon of the
beHer solu6ons that: innova7ons for enterprise protocols and processes ideas: Prototyping, market e. Totally different, completely
e. Embedded - Tradi7onal
• provide unique and experimenta7on, separate culture and mindset
processes and ac7vity
compelling solu6on valued
systems reengineered to
by our customers or
embed innova7on e. Large scale
commercializaLon: concept
• creates compe66ve lockdown, investment
advantage that is difficult to decision, product launch, etc
imitate or replicate
• creates differen6ated
f. Ongoing management and = As of 1/1/2014
shareholder and/or
stakeholder value = Proposed 12/31/2014 Target

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