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Name: Crishun Jay E. Magdaraog Cooperating Teacher: Ralph A. Cascano

Grade & Section: BTLED-IA 4TH Year Date & Time: 04/05/2023

At the end of the lesson, students should be able to:
1. define the form, scaffolding and staging,
2. discuss the concept of wood board and plywood forms, and
3. draw a formwork.

VALUE AIM: Attentiveness and cooperation


 Topic : Form, Scaffolding and Staging
 Reference Materials: Books/Carpentry 10
 Instructional Materials : Plan A: Power Point Presentation, TV, Laptop
Plan B: Handouts, activity sheets, pictures

 Teaching Strategies: Inductive-Indirect Method; Concept Development Method;

Cooperative Learning



 Prayer
Please all rise for the prayer. May I Mr. (students name) leads the prayer and
request one student to lead the prayer? all students stand for the prayer

 Greetings Good morning, sir!

Good morning class!

 Checking of attendance
Is everyone present? Yes, sir!

Alright thank you!

 Classroom management

Class, kindly pick up the pieces of paper (Students pick up the pieces of paper
and arrange your chairs. and arrange their chairs).

How are you today? We’re all good, sir!

What was our discussion last meeting?
Sir! It was all about sheeting and
bracing shallow and excavation
Okay! Very good.

What is the common concept of the

word excavation? Sir! For me, excavation is the act or
process of digging.

How does shallow and deep excavation

different from each other? Shallow excavation are defined as being
anything less than 1.5 meters deep,
which is not really deep. Deep
excavation, on the other hand,are
defined as being any excavation which
is more than 4.5 meters dept.

Thank you sir!


This time we are going to have an

activity. Are you familiar with the game
“4 Pics 1 Word”?

I will show you 5 sets of pictures (with 4

pictures per set). I want you to guess the
word that best describes the pictures.
But this time, will integrate it with
another game called the “Genius Cap”.
This would be the flow of the game: the
first student on the left side will wear the
cap and pass it on his/her right side as
the music plays. Once the music stops,
the one who wearing the cap will guess
the word.

Class! is that clear? Yes, Sir!

Okay! Let’s start the game.


This morning, we will be discussing the

form, scaffolding and staging

Class, at the end of this lesson, you

should be able to:
1. define the form, scaffolding and
2. discuss the concept of wood
board and plywood forms, and
3. draw a formwork.

Okay class, before we start our lesson

for today, I have here a set of tools. You
are going to write O if it is excavation
tool and write X if it is not.

Excavation tools

1. Spade
2. Hammer
3. Shovel
4. Chisel
5. Hoe
6. Trowel
7. Rake
8. Pick axe
9. Crosscut saw
10. Mattock
Answers key:

1. O
2. X
3. O
4. X
5. O
6. O
7. O
8. O
9. X
10. O


How’s the activity?

It was nice; sir!
The hammer, can we use it to excavate?
No sir!
How about the chisel?
No sir!
How about the crosscut saw?
No sir!
Why those three tools are not belong to
excavation tools? Because those three are not capable of
excavating the soil.

Based on the activity, what do you think

our lesson for today?
Sheeting and Bracing Shallow
and Deep Excavation, sir!


12-1 FORM
Concrete mixture is generally semi-fluid
material that produces shape of anything
to which is poured. Thus, construction
form is used to produce the desire size,
shape, and form of concrete. Concrete
weights about 2,200 kg. to 2,400
kilograms per cubic meter, hence, it
requires forms that are substantially
strong and rigid enough to sustain the
weight and horizontal pressure of fresh
Forms must be watertight, simple, and
economically designed to be removed
and reassembled easily without damage
to themselves or to the concrete.
The selection of forms to be used
depends on the following
1. The cost materials
2. The construction and assembling cost
3. The number of times it could be used
4. Strength and resistance to pressure
and tear and wear

1. Cost of Materials is the primary

consideration in all kinds of construction
work. And cost of forms is not an
exception to this primary objective.
Indeed, most of the form should be
viewed in totality of its service rather
than the unit cost of the materials alone.
For instance, a certain form material
cost much higher than the other but it
could be used for multiple times as
compared with that of a cheaper one that
could be utilized only one or twice.

Construction and assembling cost -

refers to the ease of assembling the
forms. In general, cost under this
consideration refers to the kind of
materials, the manner of assembling and
the cost of labor. Comparatively,
laminated plywood is much more easier
to assemble and to work on than the
other type of materials, and this is the
reason the use of plywood as form
gained wide acceptance in almost all
construction work.

Strength and resistance to pressure

and tear and wear refers to the quality
and strength of the form to resist the
weight and horizontal pressure of fresh
concrete. The thickness of the form, the
size and spacing of the frame depends
upod the nature of the structure to be
supported classified as small medium or
massive structure.

12-2 Wood Board and Plywood forms

As forms, Plywood has the following
1. Plywood is generally economical both
in cost and labor.
2. Plywood has plain, smooth and even
surface with uniform thickness.
3. When jointed, plywood is easily fitted
eliminating extra cost for dressing
finished concrete.
4. Plywood is lightweight material,
handy and fast to work on.
5. Plywood forms produces smooth
finished concrete that sometimes needs a
little or no plastering at all.

Ordinary Plywood - This type of

plywood is not resistant to moisture or
water saturation. If used as forms, its
service could be limited to one or two
Marine Plywood - is a waterproof
material suitable for all types of work
that needs a laminated board. As
concrete form, it could be used in
multiple times if properly handled in
assembling and dismantling.

12-3 Construction of Forms

Plywood as form requires wood frames
and ribs. Plywood in itself is not yet a
form, it is only classified as material but
when framed and provided with ribs
intended for use as sheeting of a
concrete structure it is called form. A 2
x 2 lumber in commonly used as
framing of a form regardless of the type
of the structure.

Two types of framing adopted for

plywood forms are:
1. The longitudinal rib type
2. The Perpendicular rib type
Form for Concrete beam
Forms for concrete beam consist of one
bottom form having a width equals the
width of the beam plus 4 inches and two
side forms having a width equals the
depth of the beam.

12-4 Securing the Form

Forms can be secured with:
1. Nails
2. Cleats and braces
3. Tie wire
4. Bolts
5. Clamps

In Securing the forms, their dismantling

and removal must be anticipated. If
possible, nail-head should not be driven
totally below the surface of the lumber,
at least 5 mm of the nail should be left
protruding for the hammer or the
wrecking bar to pull off during the
dismantling operations.

Wall Forms
Wall forms are usually mounted in pair
opposite at a distance equal to the
thickness of the wall secured rigidly
strong to resist the lateral pressure of a
fresh concrete. Wall forms must be
guarded against bulging, the most
common failure of form. The use of
bolts or tie wire has been proven to be
effective amd economical means of
securing wall forms.

Wall forms are classified into the

following types:
1. Continuous form
2. Full unit form
3. Later unit form
a. Continuous
b. Sectional

The advantages and the disadvantagea

of the full unit and the layer unit form
1. The Layer Unit Form is considered
economical as far as the material is
concerned. The same form is beaing
used on different sections that involve
labor for the removal and assembling of
the same form. The disadvantages
therefore, is the delay and labor cost.

2. The Full Unit Form has a

disadvantage of cost by buying the
entire materials for the full unit of the
work. On the other hand, it has the
advantage of one labor assembling cost,
one setting of mixing and pouring and
the shortest time involved.

Greasing of Forms
The purpose of greasing the form is to
make the wood waterproof. Thus,
preventing absorption of water in the
concrete that causes swelling and
warping of the forms. Greasing also
prevent adherence of concrete to the
pores of the wood and likewise, prevent
rust on metal forms.


Let’s see if you can now apply what you

have learned. This time you are going to
draw your own formwork design.

DIRECTION: Read the questions
carefully and write the letter of the
correct answer.
1. The ______ and _______ must be
strong enough and capable of resisting
lateral pressure.
a. Wales and Rake
b. Brace and Strut
c. Sheeting and Bracing
d. Blocking and Sheeting
2. Identify the missing data in the below

a. Bracing
b. Sheeting
c. Wale
d. Strut
3. Identify the missing data in the below

a. Wale
b. Strut
c. Bracing
d. Sheeting
4. Identify the given type of sheeting.

a. Steel sheet piles

b. Vertical wood sheeting
c. Horizontal wood sheeting
d. H-pile
II. Essay type.
Why is it important to sheet and brace
the excavated soil?

Answers Key:
1. C
2. D
3. A
4. B


Choose one excavation tool that you

think is the most important, draw that
tool, and explain why you think that tool
is the most important.

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