Program Proper

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Program Proper

1. To our honorable guests, students and fellow teachers, a Goodmorning! We are here once again in
another festival of strength, power and camaraderie in the intramurals.

“ Intramurals or sports competition is essential to the well-being, Sports instill how to win, how to
accept defeat, how to interact with other people and how to mold them to have desirable character
traits that are vital in achieving success in the future.”

2. Now to formally start the program, we will have our invocatory dance, remain standing for the singing
of our Philippine national anthem, and nationalistic song on screen.

3. and now let us listen to Mr. Quirico S. Molina for his words of Welcome. (Thank you very much sir)

4. Now we will hear a short introduction of each team with their advisers let’s hear the crowd of grade
7.. grade 8 , grade 9, grade 10, grade 11, grade 12

5. May I request ma’am Perlita Rostique to assist our School Banners with the representatives by team
with their muse and escort.

6. We will light up now our torch by Xian Sucatre, Vice pres. of MAPEH guild..

7. As a sports coordinator, I now formally Declared that INTRAMURALS day is now open, today of
January 20, 2023.

8. We will have our segregation of sports club. Please go on your line according to your sports but first
in line is your coach and clap our hands for you will be the future athlete of our School..

After this intramurals, Chess, athletics, and arnis will go on with their training for they will be competing
this February to our Leganes Municipality Meet. Other sports that I don’t mentioned you will go on with
your individual trainings every end of classes..

9. Before we begin and proceed to our sports or venue area we will dance our Unity Dance..

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