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Final Activities

In partial fulfillment

of the


Understanding the Self



Data Center College of the Philippines

Submitted to:
Mrs. Josephine Saddam
Submitted by:
Jhon Paul V Baruela

You are about to study for your final examinations and it is as if
the universe conspired for a heavy finals week, all your subjects
provided at least three new reading materials and topics one week before
the examination period. Create a diagram or schedule using at least five
of the metacognitive strategies, skills, and studying techniques
mentioned in this lesson on how you would prepare for the next seven
days before your final examination.
ENVISIONED SELF PLAN: Answer the following questions.
1. Who are or what would you become:
a. In five years
 Envisioning myself after 5 years I’m about to take a board
b. In ten years
 In Ten years I am about to look for job for me to earn money for
my future plans.
c. In twenty years
 In twenty years I am to meet the one that I loved and have a family
with her.
2. What are your motivations for your envisioned self:
a. In five years
 Its my parents keep saying to me that I will study hard for myself
and for them.
b. In ten years
 It is also my parents and my friends keeps motivating me that
everything will be fine and I can get a suitable job for myself.
c. In twenty years
 It’s my coworkers saying that I need to find the girl that I want to
have a family with for taking care of me and our future children.
3. Outline your plans on how you will make your envisioned self into
a. In five years
 I will study hard for my goals in life
 I will always remember what my parents and teachers teach me
 I will strive for better results
b. In ten years
 I will maintain my composure
 I will do my best for my work
 I will save my times for preparing myself
 I will do the right things
c. In twenty years
 I will make sure to love and take care of her and especially our
 I will save up money for my family
 I will show that I am not a loser
4. How do you feel after doing this exercise?
 I feel excited and happy because even it’s just a vision it really is
my goals in life it feels like reality.
5. What is your perception on goal setting?
 Goal setting is important, it inspire and motivate you. A well-
planned goal will increase. By establishing the importance of goals
in your life, you can give yourself, Learn More. Grow Your
Business and Become a Leader.
1. Reaction Paper
- Make a reaction paper about the article “Stress and Filipino” by Michael L. Tan
from the Philippine Center for Investigation Journalism. Use the lesson on the
social end cultural dimension of stress in making your reaction paper.

Reaction Paper
Stress and Filipino really depicts the natural and unique culture
and identityof being a Filipino. We naturally acquire the
“Cheerful Personality. Filipinos have a habitof smiling and
laughing a lot. They smile when they are happy, or sometimes
even whenthey are sad or angry.

Smiling has been a coping strategy for many Filipinos

especiallyduring trying times and calamities. For instance,
Filipinos smile and wave at the camerawhile being interviewed
even after a fire or flooding incident.

They always try to maintaina positive outlook in life which

makes them resilient and able to manage almosteverything with
a simple smile.These are certainly not the best of times for
Filipinos, so it’s not surprising thatwe’re pretty much feeling
more than the usual physical aches and pains.

2. Self-Care Plan. Design for your self care plan for the whole school year.
My Self Care Plans
1.Sleep. Remember, your body needs 6-8 hours of sleep to function
properly. Sleep is a natural healing for your body and it allows your
brain to actively work while you’re sleeping. A research at Brown
University showed that 73% of college students reported sleeping
problems while only 11% reported a good sleep. One great tip to
increase better sleeping habits is to turn off all electronics at least 30
minutes prior to bedtime. Download the SLEEP GENIUS app to track
your sleep patterns, schedule naps and listen to calming sounds.
2.Eat healthy and balanced meals. By following a nutritious food
plan, it will give your body the natural vitamins and nutrients it needs to
thrive. As a college student, you should incorporate more fruits and
vegetables into your daily intake. Things to do: Eat breakfast daily, take
multivitamins, drink 6-8 glasses of water and pack snacks for those long
hours in the library and lab. Things to avoid: fried foods, refined sugar,
alcohol and caffeine.
3.Exercise. Exercising can really help to decrease stress levels. As a
college student, you should have unlimited access to the gym on your
college campus. In addition, some gyms will offer discounts to college
students. Aside from the gym, you can integrate other fitness activities,
such as yoga, kickboxing, riding your bike, hiking, running, etc.
4.Set realistic goals for myself. Set short-term and long-term goals for
yourself. You can write out your goals and place them in an area where
you can see it daily to stay motivated. Remember the S.M.A.R.T. goals
formula: Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Timely and Realistic when
creating your goals. Don’t forget to reward yourself when accomplishing
your goals. Download the app STRIDES to track your goals and habit

3. Reflection Paper. Make a self-compassionate letter and make reflection paper

about it.
Reflection Paper
Self Compassion and love are two things everyone needs to discover.
When you discover the true concepts and apply them to your everyday
life your outlook on life can be transformed.I will discuss the idea of
self-compassion and provide examples of my life experiences and
strategies that I have used.
I will share my fears, doubts and difficulties about love and provide
examples of my life experiences and strategies that I have used. Lastly, I
will reflect on how I have changed and developed as a person.
Life Experiences When we focus on our shortcomings we tend to focus
all our energy on our own feelings of inadequacy and insecurity. We
then feel like we are the only ones who feel this way and nobody else
has gone through what we are going through. If we feel unworthy we
separate ourselves from others, we isolate and feel all alone.
Unfortunately, the more we feel imperfect the more we isolate and the
less we feel like we belong.
When I got sober and started attending AA the feeling that I was not
alone and that I belonged to a group who understood what I was going
through helped me to stay sober. It is amazing how feeling like you
belong and that you can be yourself with no one judging you, can heal
your negative feelings about yourself.

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