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An atoms-in-molecules model of bond energy distributions in polyatomic moleculesy

Si^n T. Howard a Department of Chemistry, Cardi University, Cardi, Wales, UK CF10 3TB. E-mail: Received 27th March 2003, Accepted 10th June 2003 First published as an Advance Article on the web 23rd June 2003

Downloaded on 24 September 2011 Published on 23 June 2003 on | doi:10.1039/B303476N

A method is presented for describing the distribution of bonding energy at the equilibrium ground state conformation of a polyatomic molecule, based on Baders atoms-in-molecules (AIM) formalism. The model can describe bonds of any order between a particular pair of atoms within a single set of parameters. It appears to be the rst approach which successfully describes heteroatom-containing compounds. An additional feature of the model is that it provides an alternative method for quantifying strain and aromatic stabilization energies, quite dierent to the established approaches using isodesmic reactions. Also, the atoms-in-molecules nature of the model naturally leads to a kind of population analysis of the bonding energy distribution. Finally, the way in which the model might lead to bond energy functionals and total energy functionals, which would be of considerable utility in interpreting experimentally-derived charge distributions, is discussed. equilibrium distribution of bonding energy in molecules.1,12,13 Cremer and Kraka12 suggested that the integral of Ed(r) over the surface connecting two atoms should be proportional to the bond dissociation energy, in the limit of low charge transfer. They tried this for a few hydrocarbons, and it seemed to work reasonably well. Grimme13 proposed a more accessible method based just on the energy density per electron at the bond critical point, Ed(rc)/r(rc). Bond energies are written as E A B cAB 1  E d rc rrc c2  c3 DRAB 2

The distribution of bonding energy at the equilibrium geometry of a polyatomic molecule, unlike the set of bond dissociation energies (BDEs), is not an observable. However, the utility of a method for determining the former was recently summed up neatly by Exner and Schleyer.1 Such a tool would be extremely useful for interpreting the electronic structure, equilibrium (geometrical) structure, strain and aromaticity of a polyatomic molecule. Notwithstanding the various methods of computing bond orders from the charge distribution,25 until now the chief analytical tools of the quantum chemist have been various schemes of partitioning the charge distribution (population or multipole analyses).69 The approach of Bader and co-workers10 has provided one important alternative method, which permits one to partition not only the equilibrium charge distrbution of a molecule but also its total energy at an atoms-in-molecules (AIM) level. The partitioning scheme results in open systems (atomic basins, O) separated by interatomic surfaces characterized by their normal vectors n(r), where cr(r)n(r) 0. Integration of the appropriate property density over such basins, most importantly in our case the local kinetic energy G(r), gives rise to an AIM expectation value of the property concerned: Z Nocc 1X hG i nk Hfk r Hfk rdr GO 1 2 k1

where the sum runs over the occupied, canonical MOs {jk}. The particular choice of partitioning delivers atoms (strictly the union of the nucleus and the electrons contained in the basin) which obey the virial theorem: 2G(O) V(O). In a key paper, Bader dened both local kinetic and potential energy densities in terms of the rst-order density matrix.11 The local energy density Ed(r) G(r) + V(r) derived from this has been the focus of three previous papers on the
y Electronic supplementary information (ESI) available: MP2 energies, topological analyses and atoms-in-molecules properties of CHN compounds. See

where c3DRAB is a strain energy term based on the bond path in r(r), c2 , c3 are global constants for all types of bond; and c1AB is an adjustable parameter whose value depends on the type of bond AB. This method appeared to work well for hydrocarbons. However, more recently Exner and Schleyer1 tested this method on a wider range of hydrocarbons and found a number of less successful cases. Moreover, on attempting to extend the method to heteroatom compounds, they found that the Grimme method, in their words, failed drastically . It should be mentioned at this point that a previous body of work on bond energy distributions has focused on an alternative approach of parameterizing bond energies in terms of bond length1416 and/or bond order.17,18 Although these approaches have proved useful, they are limited in the sense that the bond length only indirectly responds to the charge distribution in the bond. Indeed we will go on to show that the bond energy, even for CC bonds, cannot be modelled as a single-valued function of bond length. The motivation for this work, in common with the published approaches of Cremer, Grimme et al., has been to develop bond energy formulae directly dependent on the bonding charge distribution. If bond energies can be associated with local regions of energy density between atoms, as chemical intuition would suggest, then the charge distribution (or equivalently localized orbitals) associated with the bond must be localized in the atomic basins of the two constituent atoms. So in principle at least, the bond energy could be obtained by integrating Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2003, 5, 31133119 3113

DOI: 10.1039/b303476n

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Ed(r) over an appropriate volume somewhere within the two basins (e.g. in the vicinity of the interatomic surface, as Cremer and Kraka supposed). The problem is, of course, that we have no prior information on the shape or extent of this region. We can circumvent this problem by taking advantage of the fact that Baders method already gives us localized energies at the atoms-in-molecules level. We can write the energy of the bond between a pair of atoms A and B as a linear combination of the appropriate AIM energies, EA B f A EOA f B EOB 3

where E (OA) and E(OB) are the AIM energies of atomic basins A and B; and fA and fB are dimensionless weights which characterize the fractional contribution of each atoms AIM energy to the bond. The utility of such a model therefore depends entirely on the determination of these weights, which we would like to respond directly to changes in the bonding charge distribution. Now the total energy of an atom in a molecule is dominated by the more-or-less spherically-symmetric charge distribution stabilizing the nuclear potential, so the AB bond energy is only a small fraction of E(OA) + E(OB).We can estimate typical values for the weights by considering a CH bond with energy of about 450 kJ mol1 (%0.2 Eh) and carbon and hydrogen atoms with typical AIM basin energies of %38 Eh . and 0.5 Eh . If both atomic basins contribute with equal weights to the CH bond, we would have fC % 2 103 and fH % 2 101, respectively. If we can develop an appropriate scheme for obtaining the partial weights { fi} for each atom and every bond it contributes to, this would automatically provide a very detailed picture of both the bonding and non-bonding energy in the molecule. It would provide an atoms-in-molecules decomposition of each bond energy, e.g. atom A contributes a fraction [ fAE(A)/{ fAE(A) + fB E(B)}] of the AB bond energy. In addition, since the fraction of an atomic basin As energy P which is involved in bonding is given by a AB fA , where the sum runs over all the bonds in which atom A participates, (1 a) is the fraction of basin As energy which is non-bonding. So the advantages of such an approach are clear: the choice of an AIM parameterization leads naturally to a kind of population analysis for the energy distribution. It will be shown that the weights { fi} can be parameterized in terms of the AIM and charge density topological parameters, without any need to invoke local kinetic energy or total energy densities, which has certain advantages. Topological parameters such as r(rc) and c2r(rc) have found extensive use in models of bond order5,10 and bond strain,10,13 electronegativity,19 aromaticity,20 hydrogen bond strength,21 molecular similarity22,23 and hydrogen bond donor capacity.24

each species, in order to verify P kinetic stabilities. Vibratheir tionless atomization energies De were derived from the MP2 total molecular energies by subtracting the appropriate free atom ground state energies at the same level of theory. We note that it is necessary to work with the vibrationless atomization energy in this approach since the AIM method partitions the electronic energy, and doesnt provide any way of partitioning the vibrationally or thermally-corrected energies. This should be kept in mind when comparing bond energies derived by this and related approaches with bond dissociation energies (i.e. one should compare calculated BDEs which have omitted a vibrational correction). The weights { fi} are written in terms of AIM and charge density topological parameters, e.g.: f A f A r f A rc ;c2 rc ;OA ; pOA ;QOA 4

The parameters {ck} are determined in a weighted non-linear (NewtonRaphson) least-squares minimization of the statistic. w2
Nmols X i1 Nmols X i1 Nmols X i1

Downloaded on 24 September 2011 Published on 23 June 2003 on | doi:10.1039/B303476N

w2 i w2 i w2 i

hX " X " X

De;i exact De;i


De;i calc

i2 #2

Nbonds X j1

E A Bj ( fjA fck gE OA j 5

De;i exact )#2

Nbonds X j1

fjB fck gE OB j

The least-squares weight was chosen in a standard way as 1/ P ( De,iexact). The parameterization chosen was a matter of considerable experimentation. We arrived at the following parameterization for the weights of atoms in a bond AB, as polynomial functions of the critical point density, Laplacian, and AIM population and dipole moment moduli: f A expc1 c2 rc AB c3 rc AB 2 c4 c2 rc AB c5 c2 rc AB 2 c6 NA c7 j pAj 6

Computational methods, notation and theory

A total of fty-eight molecules, 28 hydrocarbons and 30 nitrogen heteroatom-containing compounds, were geometryoptimized at the MP2/6-311G(d,p) level of theory using GAUSSIAN98.25 The post HartreeFock method was prefered to a density functional method in this case in order to obtain reliable AIMs energies (DFT gets the kinetic energy wrong, hence the virial is unreliable and so are the AIMs energies it would produce). The set consisted of only uncharged, closed-shell compounds, and fty-one of these (the molecules used in the tting procedure) are non-cyclic, unstrained and non-aromatic species. All densities were computed and analyzed at this level, using the atoms-in-molecules algorithms of Cioslowski and co-workers26 as implemented in GAUSSIAN98; the key details of these analyses are provided in the electronic supplementary information. Harmonic frequency calculations were also undertaken at this level of theory for 3114 Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2003, 5, 31133119

The negative exponential form acts to constrain all weights to be negative. Since all AIM energies must be negative, it follows that each partial contribution fAE(A) to the bond energy will be a positive quantity, the only physically sensible outcome. The exponential scale also eectively compresses the parameters {ck} to a range which is more convenient for numerical display and manipulation (the tted coecients spanned the range 50 < ck < +50 for the molecules considered here.). We reiterate that a particular pair of weights, such as { fC , fN} for CN bonds, will apply to all types of CN bond regardless of their multiplicity, degree of hyperconjugation or charge separation. Initial non-linear models of the atomization energy data were constructed with Mathematica,27 but ultimately a FORTRAN77 program AIMBE was written for the data analysis, which is freely available from the author on request.

Optimization of the model The nal set of 20 parameters tted to 51 compounds are reported in Table 1. During the tting procedure, it was found that the CH and NH bonds are well-described by a particularly simple model, in which the weight of the heavy atom is a constant and the hydrogen atom weight depends just on the electron population, e.g. fC 0.00155, fH 0.5798 exp[1.2799N(H)]. The CC and CN bonds require a more

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Table 1 Parameters obtained for 51 compounds containing carbon, nitrogen and hydrogen using charge distributions at the MP2/6 311G(d,p) level 20P parameters; w2 5.30 106; rms deviation on De 8.7 kJ mol1 CC bonds: fC exp[6.4281 + 7.0680rcCC + 0.4007c2rcCC 0.2315N(C) 0.1863|p(C)|] CH bonds: fC exp[6.4716]; fH exp[0.5451 1.2799 N(H)] CN bonds: fC exp[11.3748 + 30.8008 rcCN 48.2129(rcCN)2 0.3553c2rcCN 0.0836N(C)] fN exp[8.9595 + 9.7988rcCN 3.2763 (rcCN)2 + 0.2125c2rcCN] NH bonds: fN exp[6.5697]; fH exp[1.5441 0.6763 N(H)]

Table 2 MP2/6-311G(d,p) and model calculated vibrationless atomization energies for 51 CHN compounds (kJ mol1) Compound Methane Ethane Ethene Ethyne Propane Propene Propyne Allene n-Butane Isobutane Isobutene But-2-ene 1,3-Butadiene Hexa-2,4-diene 1,3-Butadiyne But-2-yne Butatriene Neopentane Pentatetraene 1,3,5-Hexatriene n-Hexane HC(C=CH)3 C(C=CH)4 (HC=C)2C=C(C=CH)2 Ammonia Methylamine Dimethylamine Trimethylamine Diaminomethane Triaminomethane tert-Butylamine 1,1-Diaminoethene 1,2-Diaminoethene HN=CH2 HN=CMe2 H2C=NMe Aminoethyne HN=C=CH2 HN=C=NH HN=C=C=NH H2C=NCH=NH Guanidine HN=CHCH=CHNH2 MeC=N HC=N N=CNH2 N=CNMe2 (Cs) N=CC=N HC(C=N)3 C(C=N)4 Me3N+CH2 Deexact 1667.1 2840.8 2244.8 1632.0 4023.6 3438.7 2835.0 2811.4 5206.3 5214.2 4636.1 4631.8 4052.6 6442.2 2836.3 4035.2 3387.4 6411.0 3973.3 5865.7 7571.5 5153.9 6309.4 7015.4 1140.3 2279.8 3436.3 4605.8 2929.3 3608.6 5868.1 3586.6 3544.2 1723.0 4133.1 2891.0 2278.5 2331.9 1889.5 2338.7 3005.9 3123.7 4207.0 2475.2 1261.1 1919.1 4235.3 2051.3 4008.6 4749.2 5523.7 Decalc 1662.8 2840.8 2247.7 1637.7 4026.3 3445.6 2837.2 2809.3 5211.8 5215.0 4640.5 4642.8 4045.3 6443.3 2826.8 4031.4 3384.3 6406.0 3995.7 5844.3 7581.5 5155.6 6317.7 6996.1 1137.0 2284.3 3444.0 4607.0 2937.1 3608.1 5852.1 3586.4 3546.8 1723.7 4150.3 2884.3 2276.3 2324.7 1890.6 2348.3 2999.7 3127.7 4194.3 2463.6 1265.3 1918.3 4212.8 2049.2 4013.5 4750.0 5530.9 Error 4.3 0.0 2.9 5.7 2.7 6.9 2.2 2.2 5.5 0.8 4.4 11.0 7.3 1.0 9.5 3.8 3.1 5.0 22.4 21.4 10.1 1.7 8.3 19.2 3.3 4.5 7.7 1.2 7.8 0.5 16.0 0.2 2.6 0.7 17.1 6.7 2.2 7.2 1.1 9.6 6.2 3.9 12.8 11.5 4.2 0.7 22.5 2.2 4.9 0.8 7.2

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detailed model, as one might expect since they can form multiple bonds. For CC bonds it was found that the quadratic term in rcCC could be ignored; a linear term in c2rcCC made a small but signicant improvement to the model; and linear terms in both the electron population N(C) and dipole moment modulus |p(C)| also make signicant contributions. For CN bonds the carbon atom weight is very non-linearly dependent on rcCN (the quadratic term is essential), and a small linear dependence on c2rcCN is found. The nitrogen weight is far less non-linear with respect to rcCN, and appears to be independent of | p(N)|. As with the CC bonds, the model is signicantly improved by including a linear dependence on the Laplacian, although the coecient is small. The nal set of calculated atomization energies for the compounds in the t are compared with the exact values in Table 2.This 20-parameter model reproduces the 51 atomization energies with an rms deviation of 8.7 kJ mol1. If we treat the 24 hydrocarbons in a separate t (just eight parameters) the rms deviation is improved slightly to 8.2 kJ mol1; so the model treats hydrocarbons a little better than the heteroatom compounds, but the dierence is small. In this separate hydrocarbon model, the same two compounds (pentatetraene and 1,3,5-hexatriene) remain the worst cases with errors in the atomization energy of around 20 kJ mol1, although the error in the tetraethynylethene atomization energy drops from 19 kJ mol1 (full 51 compound model) to 11 kJ mol1.

Bond energies
Errors in individual bond energies areP rather lower than the P exact calc error in P calc the atomization energy, D( De ) De De . The atomization energy is summed over all n bond energies (BE) in the molecule, so using the usual combination P of errors law D( Decalc)2 % D(BE1)2 + D(BE1)2 + D(BEn)2. Thus in the simple approximation that all bonds have the simiP p lar error, D(BE) % D( Decalc)/ n. Taking the worst case in the 51 data, the error in the model predicted atomization energy of 22 kJ mol1 for pentatetrene (H2C=C=C=C=CH2), the error in the C=C bond energies is almost three times smaller, around 8 kJ mol1 (the actual values of C=C bond energy are 536 8 kJ mol1, 612 8 kJ mol1, with the larger energy belonging to the two central C=C bonds). Given that the rms P error in De for all 51 molecules is 8.7 kJ mol1, the error in bond energy of a typical molecule with 8 bonds (the average for this data set) is less than 4 kJ mol1. This level of accuracy seems quite an achievement given the wide range of bonding environments (CH, NH, CC, C=C, C=C, CN, CN+, C=N, C=N and all degrees of partial conjugation and charge separation between these nominal forms) which the twenty parameters of the nal model have to deal with. For some of the hydrocarbons at least, we can compare our CH and CC bond energies with those predicted by the Grimme model as calculated by Exner and Schleyer at the G2(MP2) level. Despite the non-identical levels of theory

applied, they are reassuringly similar. The CH bond energies of ethane, ethene and ethyne in kJ mol1, with the ExnerSchleyer values in parentheses, are 415 (436), 420 (444) and 438 (462), respectively. Similarly the CC bond energies of the same molecules are 348 (362), 567 (582) and 762 (759), respectively. The CC single bonds of butadiene and butadiyne are 410 (436) and 460 (523), and for propene and propyne are 369 (392) and 376 (436). The discrepancies for propyne and butadiyne serve to highlight the main dierence between our approach and the Grimme model: the latter predicts higher degrees of hyperconjugation, particularly for single bonds adjacent to triple bonds. The range of bond energies in kJ mol1 observed across all 51 compounds for formally single, double and triple bonds is: 348 (ethane) < E(CC) < 496 (cyanogen) 524 (HN=C=CH2) < E(C=C) < 614 (butatriene) and Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2003, 5, 31133119 3115

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716 (aminoethyne) < E(C=C) < 762 (ethyne). Exner and Schleyer reported a limited comparison of bond energies with BDEs in their work, so given the broad similarity of our results for hydrocarbons we do not repeat such an analysis here. Energies of bonds in kJ mol1 between carbon and nitrogen in the simplest nitrogen-containing compounds containing single, double and triple C-N bonds are: 273 (methylamine), 503 (HN=CH2) and 824 (HC=N). Vibrationless BDEs in kJ mol1 for the same CN bonds in these compounds, computed at the same (U)MP2/6311G(d,p) level of theory, are: 387 [378], 668 [657], 953 [947]. (The numbers in square brackets are projected energies, after removal of the rst wavefunction spincontaminants.) The BDEs are expected to be generally larger because of the eects of electronic and geometrical relaxation in the radical reference species, and indeed they are 114 165 kJ mol1 larger than the associated bond energies. This is consistent with the same comparison for CC bonds reported by Exner and Schleyer. The range of bond energies in kJ mol1 observed across all 27 nitrogen-containing compounds in the tted data set is: 271 (Me3CNH2) < E(C N) < 410 (Me2NC=N) 488 (HN CHCH CHNH2) < E(C=N) < 576 (HN=C=CH2) and 753 (Me2NC=N) < E(C=N) < 824 (HC=N). Bond energy populations In Table 3, for a number of illustrative compounds we list bond energies along with the full AIM decomposition of the bond energies suggested by the model. The results show that CC bonds have almost equal (near 50:50) percentage contributions from the constituent carbon basins. The most asymmetric case in this data set is for 1,1-diaminoethene (52:48) where the carbon bonded to the amine groups has the smaller contribution. Bonds between carbon and hydrogen have a near-constant 63:37 split dominated by the carbon atom; NH bonds have a near-constant but more equal split (53:47) in favour of nitrogen. The most variable behaviour is observed for CN bonds, with a strong dependence of the relative bond enegy populations of carbon and nitrogen on the bond order. Formally single CN bonds, such as the bond in tertiary-butyl amine, have
Table 3 Bond energy analysis for selected bonds Bond AB CH4 Benzene Butadiene Allene Butadiyne CH CC CH CC C=C CH C=C CH CC C=C NH NH CC CC CN CN CN CN CH CH C=N CC C=N N 4 6 6 1 2 4 2 2 1 2 3 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 2 fA 0.00155 0.00240 0.00155 0.00206 0.00278 0.00155 0.00283 0.00155 0.00230 0.00368 0.00140 0.00140 0.00186 0.00184 0.00107 0.00051 0.00097 0.00099 0.00155 0.00155 0.00045 0.00252 0.00052 E(A) (a.u.) 37.9186 37.9859 37.9859 37.9790 37.9531 37.8577 37.8577 37.9548 38.0335 37.9548 54.9259 55.0436 37.7248 37.7248 37.7248 37.7532 37.8014 37.7875 37.7532 37.4994 37.4994 37.5130 37.5130

the most equal contribution from the two constituent atoms (53:47 in favour of carbon). Formally double C=N bonds, such as the bond in HN=CH2 , have energies dominated by the nitrogen basin contribution (23:77). Finally, triple C=N bonds are substantially dominated by the nitrogen basin contribution (6:94). In order to understand this trend, we consider the ratios of electron populations in the basins C:N for the series {H2NCH3 , HN=CH2 , HC=N}, which in a.u. are {5.63:7.99, 5.31:8.05, 5.19:8.01}. These data suggest that the part of the energy density responsible for bonding is increasingly localized in the nitrogen basin as the electron population and (by inference) relative size of the carbon basin decreases with increasing bond CN multiplicity and polarity.

The CN bond energy in a simple ammonium ylide Included in the tting data set is an example of an ammonium ylide, Me3NCH2 .This is isomeric with t-butyl amine Me3CNH2 , which was also chosen to be in the data set. Although the former is the only ylide in the data set, its atomization energy is well-reproduced by the nal set of parameters, which suggests that a comparison of the bond energies in two isomers will be meaningful. The main interest in ammonium ylides lies in the nature of the very long CN bond, 1.534 A at the MP2/6311G(d,p) level of theory used here, compared to the value of 1.472 A in t-butyl amine. Ylides are often written in charge-separated canonical form Me3N+CH2, despite the fact that generalized valence bond studies on the simplest ylides do not support this picture.28 If the chargeseparated picture of the ylidic C-N bond was correct, then it could be argued that the BDE should be computed using Me3 N CH2 ! Me3 N CH2 a

rather than the alternative (and lower energy) dissociation channel Me3 N CH2 ! Me3 N CH2 b

We have computed vibrationless BDEs at the MP2/6 311G(d,p) level using both routes (a) and (b), with the results

fB 0.16194 0.00240 0.16602 0.00206 0.00281 0.17344 0.00275 0.19971 0.00230 0.00378 0.13613 0.13515 0.00180 0.00179 0.00115 0.00076 0.00106 0.00107 0.14486 0.20758 0.00538 0.00252 0.00502

E (B) (a.u.) 0.6156 37.9859 0.6119 37.9790 37.9790 0.5929 38.2216 0.5435 38.0335 38.0335 0.4946 0.4995 37.9465 37.9532 55.0436 55.1525 55.1525 55.1525 0.6511 0.5296 55.1742 37.5130 55.1002

%A 37.0 50.0 36.6 50.0 49.6 36.3 50.6 35.1 50.0 49.3 53.4 53.3 50.6 50.5 39.0 31.5 38.5 38.8 38.2 34.5 5.4 50.0 6.6

%B 63.0 50.0 63.4 50.0 50.4 63.7 49.4 64.9 50.0 50.7 46.6 46.7 49.4 49.5 61.0 68.5 61.5 61.2 61.8 65.5 94.6 50.0 93.4

E(AB)(kJ mol1) 415.7 479.5 421.0 410.2 557.3 423.7 557.2 439.1 460.3 744.1 379.0 379.9 363.7 360.4 271.4 160.0 250.5 254.3 400.9 440.9 824.4 496.1 776.5





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967 kJ mol1 and 160 kJ mol1, respectively. These data alone strongly suggest that the charge-separated picture of the bond is incorrect, since it leads to far too high a bond energy (using BDEs). Although two recent quantum chemical studies at the MP2 level have looked at the nature of the CN bond in ammonium ylides29,30 neither of these studies determined either the BDEs or the intrinsic C-N bond energy at equilibrium. Our results for the bond energies at equilibrium for these two compounds in Table 3 reveal that the C-N bond energies in the trimethylammonium ylide and t-butyl amine are 160 and 271 kJ mol1, respectively. So as one would expect, the predicted CN bond energy in the ylide is much lower than that in its non-ylidic isomer, and is also in exact agreement with the BDE in this case, taking the (lowest energy) dissociation path to trimethylamine plus the methylene radical. This gives us a very clear picture of the bonding in the ylide Me3N CH2 as the adduct of the methylene radical and trimethylamine, the lone pair of the latter donating into the empty p* orbital of the radical. In this case at least, it appears to be quite incorrect to write the structure as the charge-separated canonical form Me3N+CH2. Strain energies and aromatic stabilization energies Both strain energies (SEs) and aromatic stabilization energies (ASEs) are commonly analyzed using isodesmic and homodesmic reaction schemes,3133 although the energy dierence between two isomeric forms has also been used in this context.34,35 Since all the compounds in our training set are non-cyclic, unstrained and non-aromatic compounds, we might anticipate that the parameters in Table 1 would give a signicant error when applied to predict the atomization energy and associated bond energies of strained and/or aromatic compounds. In Table 4 we report the results of such an analysis for eight additional compounds of interest, and for comparison we give the best recent literature values of SE or ASE where available. It is immediately apparent that the error in the predicted atomization energy using the current method correlates closely with the magnitude and sign of the stabilization energy due to the eects of strain or resonance. This is exactly what we would expect, given that these eects were neglected in the tting process. It therefore appears that the proposed method is implicitly capable of providing SEs and ASEs by a complementary route to the isodesmic/ homodesmic reaction approach. In fact this possibility was also built in to the Grimme model13 in a dierent way: he included an explicit term for the strain energy per bond in equation (2). Clearly, these estimates and the literature values do not always correspond closely (one notes in particular that the cyclopropane value is much lower than literature values). However, there is no universally agreed method for calculating these stabilization energies, so it would be wrong to take the values in the last column of Table 4 as completely reliable
Table 4 MP2/6-311G(d,p) and model calculated atomization energies (kJ mol1) for strained and aromatic compounds Compound Benzene Naphthalene Anthracene Pyridine Cyclopropane Triazine Aziridine

benchmarks. The advantage of our approach over others is the very large number of reference compounds (51 in this case) which eectively contribute toward the computed stabilization energy. Bond energy and total energy functionals We rewrite the bond energy in a way which emphasizes its dependence on the electron distribution: EA B f A rEOA f B rEOB 7

(The above expression is valid because we deliberately omitted local energy descriptors such as G(rc), V(rc) or Ed(rc) from the parameterization of the weights). This raises the intriguing question as to whether the bond energy expression could be expressed entirely in terms of r, in eect a bond energy functional . There are at least two reasons why this would be desirable. First of all, it would enable us to determine bond energy distributions without the need to determine the AIM energies. Secondly, it would in principle enable the determination of bond energies from experimentally-determined charge distributions, such as those obtained by careful analysis of high resolution elastic X-ray scattering data.38,39 Taking this one step further, we note that the total molecular energy in our model can be reconstructed as a sum of free atom energies plus the energy of all bonds in the molecule: Etot
Natoms X O1


Nbonds X j1

fjA rE OA j fjB rE OB j

In order to construct bond energy and total energy functionals from eqns. (7) and (8), it is necessary to obtain an expansion of the {E(O)} in terms of electron density parameters. Although it is not the only possibility, an expansion in terms of the atoms-in-molecules moments would be particularly attractive. As an illustration of this, we consider the description of the 97 unique carbon atomic basin energies in the tted data set of 51 CHN compounds. A t to the electron population alone up to quadratic level gives EC a0 a1 NC a2 NC2 36:4202 0:0903NC 0:0572NC2 9

This t illustrated in Fig. 1a reproduces the actual AIMs energies for carbon with an rms error of 120 kJ mol1. Taking this a step further to include the dipole moment moduli in a bivariate Taylor expansion gives EC 36:4384 0:1861NC 1:6217jpCj 0:0731NC2 0:0022jpCj2 0:2920 NO: jpOj 10

This reduces the rms deviation between actual and predicted AIMs energies (illustrated in Fig. 1b to 92) kJ mol1. This is not yet accurate enough for most envisaged applications, but these initial results do suggest that it may indeed be possible to obtain useful expansions of AIMs energies in terms of r, taking account of higher moments, relative orientations of the components, topological parameters and so on. We defer the detailed study of this problem to another paper. Bond energybond length relationships Krygowski et al14 combined the bond orderbond energy relationship of Parr and Johnston17 with the Pauling bond order bond length relationship40 to produce a simple exponential relationship between bond energy and bond length, which when parameterized appropriately is able to reproduce most hydrocarbon heats of formation to within 20 kJ mol1. Exner and Schleyer1 showed that the CC bond energies predicted by the Grimme model are also very well-represented Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2003, 5, 31133119 3117

Deexact 5536.9 8788.0 12023.7 4991.9 3420.1 3922.1 2849.9


Decalc 5398.6 8558.7 11707.3 4886.8 3583.7 3869.4 2958.5


Error 138.3 229.4 316.4 105.0 +163.6 52.7 +108.6

SE or ASE 137.2a 250.2a 350.2a 128.9b +117.2c

From ref. 35

From ref. 36

From ref. 37

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function of the bond length in question, i.e. such bond energy-bond length models are intrinsically limited, even for hydrocarbons. Nevertheless it may be possible to parameterize each bond energy in terms of the set of bond lengths in a polyatomic molecule, and such an approach deserves further investigation.

This work goes further than previous models of the equilibrium bonding energy distribution in several important respects. Firstly, the parameterization scheme presented deals with multiple bonds within a single set of parameters, regardless of their multiplicity or conjugation. Thus the user does not need to make an initial assignment of each bond as as single, double, triple or something in between, in order to implement the method. The values of the parameters derived for unstrained and non-aromatic molecules in this work could be applied to predict the bond energies of related molecules, provided that they have been geometry-optimized and their atoms-in-molecules properties determined at the same MP2/ 6-311G(d,p) level of theory. They may also be used to predict vibrationless strain energies and aromatic stabilization energies of appropriate hydrocarbons and C,H,N-containing molecules beyond those treated in this paper, with the same caveat. It is important to realise that the parameterization of the weights that works well for the molecules studied here is unlikely to be suciently general to deal with e.g. metals, and that other terms such as the density gradient |crc| might usefully be tried when extending the method to these cases. Secondly, it provides a method for dealing with heteroatomcontaining compounds, which previous methods have been unable to model. Application to the ammonium ylide Me3NCH2 reveals that the CN bond is about 60% of the strength of the equivalent bond in isomeric Me3CNH2 , and is in exact agreement with the bond dissociation energy, which unambiguously supports the picture of the CN bond in this ylide as the result of Me3N:CH2 adduct formation. We might expect that applying the method to more varied types of compound, in particular to organometallic species, will also provide fresh insight into the nature of bonding in these species. Thirdly, the nature of the atoms-in-molecules model used naturally lends itself to a kind of population analysis of the bonding energy distribution. Exactly how stable are the predicted percentage contributions of atoms to each bond with respect to the number and type of parameters used to model the weights, or the level of theory, should become clearer after a number of dierent applications. If it reects in any way the behaviour of charge distribution population analysis then we might anticipate strong dependence of the results on the details of the applied model. Finally, we have pointed out how the approach might lead to bond energy functionals, which would be a particularly useful tool in the analysis of experimentally-derived charge distributions (from elastic X-ray scattering). It follows that a unique type of total energy functional, which applies just to the ground state equilibrium geometries of molecules, could also be constructed. Both of these possibilities depend on the ability to expand the atoms-in-molecules energy in terms of the atoms-in-molecules multipole moments, which will be explored in greater detail in subsequent work.

Downloaded on 24 September 2011 Published on 23 June 2003 on | doi:10.1039/B303476N

Fig. 1 (a) Relationship between AIM energies and electron populations for the 97 unique carbon atoms in 51 CHN compounds, calculated at the MP2/6-311G(d,p) level. The solid line shows the quadratic t of E(C) versus N(C). (b) Actual MP2/6-311G(d,p) AIMs energies E (C)obs plotted against calculated values E (C)calc using the bi-variate Taylor expansion of E (C) in N(C) and |p(C)| up to quadratic level, given in the text.

by a single exponential function in the bond length. However, if we take the 59 unique CC bond energies from our data and plot them against bond length (Fig. 2) then a much larger degree of scatter is seen compared to the equivalent plot produced by Exner and Schleyer. Clearly our data can only be very approximately represented by a single exponential in the bond length (the solid line in Fig. 2): our best-t is EC C 10:997 exp2:434fr 2:947g kJ mol1 11

where r is the CC bond length in A. Now although our CC bond data include 16 examples of CC bonds in nitrogen heteroatom compounds as well as 43 CC bonds in hydrocarbons, in fact, the same plot based on just the hydrocarbon data shows almost the same degree of scatter around a single exponential t. This appears to be compelling evidence that it isnt possible to parameterize the bond energy as a single-valued

The author is grateful to Dr M. K. Cyranski (Warsaw University) and Dr J. A. Platts (Cardi) for contributing the anthracene data, and to Prof. P. v.-R. Schleyer for a useful discussion on the interpretation of aromatic stabilization energies.

Fig. 2 Plot of CC bond energy in kJ mol1 against the CC bond length in A, with the best exponential t shown as a solid line.


Phys. Chem. Chem. Phys., 2003, 5, 31133119

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