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Northern Luzon Adventist College

Artacho, Sison, Pangasinan

2nd Quarter Preliminary Examination | ICT 10 | MOVE TEST

Name: _____________________ Score: ________________

Date | Time: _________________

Identify the answer of the following questions and write legibly. Any queries arise, talk to your subject

A. IDENTIFICATION (2 points each)

____1____ Are the exchange of data between two devices via some form of transmission medium such
as a wire cable.

____2____ It is one of the four fundamental characteristics of data communication which refers to the
uneven delay and variation in a packet arrival time.

___3-7___ Components of Data Communication.

____8____ It is a component of data communication which the information or data to be communicated

are in the form of text, number, pictures, audio and video.

____9 ____ The four (4) fundamental characteristics of data communication.

__10-12___ Its is a kind of data flow communication which each station can both transmit and receive
but not at the same time.

__13-14___ Kinds of data flow direction between two devices.

____15___ It defines as synonymous with the rule.

____16 ___ This are agreed upon rules.

___17-20__ Data communications two standards and their meaning (2 points each).

___21_____ It is a type of standard that have not been approved by an organized body but have been
adopted as standards.

____22____ It is a type of standards that have been legislated by an officially recognized body.

____23____ It was developed through cooperation of standards creation committees, forums, and
government regulatory agencies.

__24-28___ Standards Creation Committees and their roles.

B. Essay (5 points each). Explain your answer briefly in each Figure.

Figure 1

Sender Receiver

Figure 2

Direction of Data

Mainframe Monitor

Figure 3

Direction of Data at time 1

Direction of Data at time 2

Mainframe Monitor

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