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Precision of GE Lunar iDXA for the Measurement of Total and Regional Body
Composition in Nonobese Adults

Article in Journal of Clinical Densitometry · April 2012

DOI: 10.1016/j.jocd.2012.02.009 · Source: PubMed


99 3,683

11 authors, including:

François-Pierre J. Martin Yi Xia

H&H Group General Electric


Maurice Beaumont David L. Ergun

Retired from Nestlé University of Wisconsin–Madison


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Journal of Clinical Densitometry: Assessment of Skeletal Health, vol. 15, no. 4, 399e404, 2012
Ó Copyright 2012 by The International Society for Clinical Densitometry
DOI: 10.1016/j.jocd.2012.02.009

Original Article

Precision of GE Lunar iDXA for the Measurement of Total

and Regional Body Composition in Nonobese Adults
Megan P. Rothney,*,1 Francois-Pierre Martin,2 Yi Xia,3 Maurice Beaumont,2
Cynthia Davis,1 David Ergun,3 Laurent Fay,2 Fiona Ginty,1 Sunil Kochhar,2
Wynn Wacker,3 and Serge Rezzi2
Computational Biology and Biostatistics Laboratory, GE Global Research Center, Niskayuna, NY, USA; 2Nestec Ltd.,
Nestle Research Center, Lausanne, Switzerland; and 3GE Healthcare, Madison, WI, USA

Dual-energy X-ray absorptiometry (DXA) is a well-accepted technique for measuring body composition. Knowl-
edge of measurement precision is critical for monitoring of changes in bone mineral content (BMC), and fat and lean
masses. The purpose of this study was to characterize in vivo precision of total body and regional body composition
parameters using the GE Lunar iDXA (GE Healthcare Lunar, Madison, WI) system in a sample of nonobese sub-
jects. We also evaluated the difference between expert and automatic region-of-interest (ROI) analysis on body com-
position precision. To this end, 2 total body scans were performed on each subject with repositioning between scans.
Total body precision for BMC, fat and lean mass were 0.5%, 1.0%, and 0.5% coefficient of variation (CV), respec-
tively. Regional body composition precision error was less than 2.5% CV for all regions except arms. Precision error
was higher for the arms (CV: BMC 1.5%; fat mass 2.8%; lean mass 1.6%), likely owing to the placement of arms
relative to torso leading to differences in ROI. There was a significant correlation between auto ROI and expert ROI
(r O 0.99). Small, but statistically significant differences were found between auto and manual ROI. Differences
were small in total body, leg, trunk, and android and gynoid regions (0.004e2.8%), but larger in arm region
(3.0e6.3%). Total body and regional precision for iDXA are small and it is suggested that iDXA may be useful
for monitoring changes in body composition during longitudinal trials.

Key Words: Body composition; DXA; precision.

Introduction disease, and monitoring changes in the body as a result of

aging. The use of DXA in monitoring body composition
Body composition measurement with dual-energy X-ray has been pointed out by numerous studies on energy balance
absorptiometry (DXA) is increasingly used by physicians, di- and exercise (2), menopause transition (3,4), obesity (5e7),
eticians, and researchers for a variety of clinical and research and various chronic diseases and conditions (1,8e18) in
applications (1). Measurement of body composition is widely both adult (19) and pediatric populations (20e23).
used in fields such as nutrition and exercise science, where DXA measurements have many advantages as compared
changes in lifestyle have a profound impact on the lean and with other body composition measurement methods, such as
fat tissue of the human body. It can provide important infor- air displacement plethysmography, computerized tomography
mation for capturing disease risks, such as cardiovascular (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). Measurements
with DXA take less than 10 min, are noninvasive, have low
Received 11/01/11; Revised 02/11/12; Accepted 02/21/12. interoperator variability, and can provide both total body
*Address correspondence to: Megan Rothney, PhD, GE Global and regional (trunk, arms, legs, pelvis, android, and gynoid)
Research Center, One Research Circle K1-5D27, Niskayuna, results and automated analysis from a single whole-body
NY 12309. E-mail: rothney@ge.com scan. Although the system uses X-ray radiation, the

400 Rothney et al.

measurements are low dose as compared with CT and even experienced DXA application expert, who did not participate
standard X-ray. A whole-body iDXA scan is estimated to in data acquisition, also verified and, when indicated, reposi-
have an effective dose of 0.96 mSv in thin and standard tioned the ROI placements (expert ROI) based on the cut line
mode, and 1.92 mSv in thick mode (24), which is considerably placement instructions provided in the enCORE operator’s
less than the worldwide average background radiation dose of manual.
2400 mSv for a human being per year (25). Therefore, body
composition measurement by DXA is proposed as a reference Statistical Analysis
standard to which other techniques can be compared. Microsoft Excel 2007 and Minitab version 12.23 were
The GE Lunar iDXA (GE Healthcare Lunar, Madison, WI) used for the statistical analysis. Descriptive statistics of sub-
is a fan-beam DXA system released into the market in 2005. jects include group mean, standard deviation (SD), and range.
It has demonstrated a high in vivo precision for bone mineral Precision of DXA at different regions were calculated using
density (BMD) measurements of the total body, lumbar spine, the root mean square SD (RMS-SD) and %CV using the
femoral neck, and total hip (26). Previous reports on the International Society for Clinical Densitometry guideline
iDXA precision have largely been focused on total body pa- (32). Correlation coefficients, means, and variances for auto
rameters. In these studies, the average precision error (coeffi- ROI and expert ROI placements were compared using regres-
cient of variation) reported was 0.9% for total body fat mass, sion analysis, paired t-tests, and F-tests.
0.7% for total body lean mass, and 0.6% for total body bone
mineral content (BMC) (27e31). To date, only 1 publication Results
has reported precision for regional body composition with
iDXA (26). This study showed precision in the order of CV Descriptive statistics of subjects grouped by gender are
lower than 1% in total body and gynoid region, and a CV listed in Table 1. Participants included 47 male subjects and
of 2.3% for the android region. The purpose of this study 67 female subjects. Males and females were of similar age
was to establish the measurement precision of the iDXA in and BMI. BMI was in the normal to overweight range in
healthy, nonobese men and women for the total body as males (21.1e28.2 kg/m2) and females (18.9e29.2 kg/m2)
well as the trunk, arms, legs, android, and gynoid subregions. with only 1 underweight female (BMI 5 18.0 kg/m2).
Furthermore, this study sought to characterize the impact of The mean, range, precision and least significant change
manual region-of-interest (ROI) selection, which is performed (LSC) for BMC, fat mass, lean mass, region percent fat (region
by some iDXA users, on precision of iDXA measurements. % fat), and tissue percent fat (tissue % fat) are shown in Table 2
for both total body and subregions (arm, leg, and trunk). Re-
gion % fat is defined as fat mass divided by the sum of fat,
Methods lean, and bone masses, and tissue % fat as fat mass divided
by the sum of fat and lean masses. The %CV ranges from
Subjects 0.5 to 1.0 for total body, 1.5 to 2.8 for arm, 0.5 to 1.6 for
An independent Ethics Committee located at the Hospital leg, and 1.0 to 2.0 for trunk. Results of fat mass, lean mass,
of Lausanne, Switzerland approved this study. A total of 114 and tissue % fat are presented in Table 3 for the android and
adults (aged: 22.8e60.2 yr, male: n 5 47 and female: n 5 67) gynoid regions. The fat mass precision (RMS-SD) is 31.4 g
volunteered for the study and were recruited at the Nestle for the android region and 45.6 g for the gynoid region.
Research Center. Informed written consent was obtained When comparing auto to expert ROIs, F-tests showed no
from all the subjects. The criteria of exclusion for this study statistically significant differences ( p: 0.54e0.99) for vari-
were pregnancy, obesity (body mass index; BMI O 30kg/m2), ance between the 2 methods in all regions. Table 4 shows
and implanted metal devices. the comparisons of the mean values calculated using auto
and expert ROI. The mean percentage differences (mean
DXA Measurement
Total body scans were made on a GE Lunar iDXA system Table 1
(software version: enCORE version 12.10.113) (GE Health- Descriptive Statistics of Subjects
care, Madison, WI) with scan mode automatically determined
Sex Variables Mean (SD) Range
by the device. For the DXA measurement, all subjects were
wearing a hospital gown and had all metal artifacts removed. Males (n 5 47) Age (yr) 39.7 (9.2) 22.8e59.7
The iDXA unit was evaluated daily using the GE Lunar block Height (cm) 177.0 (6.7) 164.5e193.5
calibration phantom, which ensured that the device was oper- Weight (kg) 76.3 (8.5) 58.4e95.3
ating within the manufacturer’s specifications. A single BMI (kg/m2) 24.3 (1.9) 21.1e28.2
trained operator performed all scans following the operator’s Females (n 5 67) Age (yr) 38.9 (9.3) 24.6e60.2
manual for patient positioning and data acquisition. Height (cm) 164.2 (6.3) 150.0e184.0
Scans were analyzed with the enCORE software (version Weight (kg) 59.9 (8.0) 48.0e84.2
13.60.033) (GE Healthcare, Madison, WI) . The ROIs were au- BMI (kg/m2) 22.2 (2.5) 18.0e29.2
tomatically determined by the enCORE software (auto ROI) for
total body, arms, legs, trunk, android, and gynoid regions. An Abbr: SD, standard deviation; BMI, body mass index.

Journal of Clinical Densitometry: Assessment of Skeletal Health Volume 15, 2012

iDXA Measurement Precision 401

Table 2
Total Body and Regional Body Precision Acquired by Lunar iDXA

Region Variables Mean (range) RMS-SD CV (%) LSC

Total body BMC (g) 2622 (1595e3766) 12.2 0.5 33.9

Fat mass (kg) 17.3 (7.9e36.7) 0.18 1.0 0.49
Lean mass (kg) 45.92 (32.60e72.70) 0.22 0.5 0.61
Region % fat 27.2 (13.1e45.3) 0.25 d 0.68
Tissue % fat 28.3 (13.7e46.6) 0.26 d 0.72
Arms BMC (g) 364 (226e627) 5.3 1.5 14.7
Fat mass (kg) 2.0 (0.89e4.1) 0.06 2.8 0.16
Lean mass (kg) 5.39 (3.0e10.8) 0.09 1.6 0.25
Region % fat 26.8 (10.6e45.2) 0.52 d 1.44
Tissue % fat 28.1 (11.2e46.7) 0.55 d 1.53
Legs BMC (g) 984 (612e1502) 4.7 0.5 13.1
Fat mass (kg) 6.6 (2.54e14.4) 0.10 1.6 0.28
Lean mass (kg) 15.70 (10.3e24.3) 0.20 1.3 0.56
Region % fat 28.6 (14.3e45.1) 0.29 d 0.81
Tissue % fat 29.8 (15.1e46.7) 0.31 d 0.85
Trunk BMC (g) 739 (409e1132) 11.6 1.6 32.1
Fat mass (kg) 8.64 (2.70e21.74) 0.18 2.0 0.49
Lean mass (kg) 21.69 (13.3e33.9) 0.23 1.0 0.62
Region % fat 27.3 (10.7e51.9) 0.44 d 1.23
Tissue % fat 28.0 (11.0e52.8) 0.46 d 1.28
Abbr: RMS-SD, root mean square standard deviation; CV, coefficient of variation; LSC, least significant change; BMI, body mass index;
BMC, bone mineral content.

difference/mean) for tissue mass ranged from 0.004% to 2.8% had a higher CV for fat mass (2.8%). When compared with
in total body, leg, trunk, android and gynoid regions, and from other GE DXA models, iDXA has superior precision for body
3.0% to 6.3% in android and gynoid regions, respectively. composition measurements (28,31). It has also been shown
that the iDXA has improved precision in skeletal measure-
ments, relative to other DXA instruments (26,33,34). Improved
Discussion precision may be owing to increased image resolution in the
In this study, we evaluated the precision of body composi- iDXA image, which allows better tissue point typing.
tion measurements using Lunar iDXA in 114 nonobese adults. There is increasing evidence that fat in certain areas of the
For the total body, this study demonstrated %CV less than 1% body, namely the abdomen, may indicate increased risk of car-
for BMC, and lean and fat mass, which was similar to that of diovascular and metabolic diseases (35e40). For this reason, it
previous studies with iDXA (27,28,30,31). Regional precision, may be important to understand the ability of a DXA instrument
which is not as frequently reported for DXA measurements, to precisely characterize the tissue composition regionally. In
was less than 2.5% in all regions other than the arms, which this study, the precision as measured by %CV, of the android

Table 3
Android and Gynoid Region Precision Acquired by Lunar iDXA

Region Variables Mean (range) RMS-SD CV (%) LSC

Android Fat mass (kg) 1.29 (0.30e4.04) 0.03 2.4 0.09

Lean mass (kg) 3.13 (2.05e4.98) 0.05 1.7 0.15
Tissue % fat 27.9 (8.1e56.7) 0.60 d 1.67
Gynoid Fat mass (kg) 3.33 (1.45e7.49) 0.05 1.4 0.13
Lean mass (kg) 7.14 (4.79e11.13) 0.08 1.1 0.21
Tissue % fat 31.9 (16.1e51.4) 0.43 d 1.19
A/G % fat ratio 0.90 (0.36e1.61) 0.024 d 0.065
Abbr: RMS-SD, root mean square standard deviation; CV, coefficient of variation; LSC, least significant change; A/G, android to gynoid ratio.

Journal of Clinical Densitometry: Assessment of Skeletal Health Volume 15, 2012

402 Rothney et al.

Table 4
Comparison Between Auto ROI and Expert ROI Placement

Region Variables Mean difference 95% CI for Mean difference % Difference

Total Body BMC (g) 1.2 14.4, 16.9 0.05

Fat mass (g) 5 356.0, 366.0 0.03
Lean mass (g) 2 298, 302 0.004
Region % fat 0.01 0.5, 0.5 d
Tissue % fat 0.01 0.5, 0.5 d
Arm BMC (g) 10.9 8.1, 13.7 3.0
Fat mass (g) 122.4 83.3, 161.5 6.3
Lean mass (g) 174.8 127.6, 221.9 3.3
Region % fat 0.6 0.1, 1.1 d
Tissue % fat 0.6 0.1, 1.2 d
Leg BMC (g) 1.8 5.8, 9.3 0.2
Fat mass (g) 10.9 105.4, 127.3 0.2
Lean mass (g) 65.8 43.7, 175.3 0.4
Region % fat 0.06 0.39, 0.50 d
Tissue % fat 0.06 0.39, 0.50 d
Trunk BMC (g) 15.6 9.0, 22.3 2.1
Fat mass (g) 156 71, 384 1.8
Lean mass (g) 352.2 165.5, 538.8 1.6
Region % fat 0.07 0.6, 0.7 d
Tissue % fat 0.07 0.6, 0.7 d
Android Fat mass (g) 22.3 16.8, 61.4 1.7
Lean mass (g) 89.0 55.1, 122.9 2.8
Tissue % fat 0.2 0.6, 1.0 d
Gynoid Fat mass (g) 48.6 23.5, 120.7 1.4
Lean mass (g) 146.7 85.8, 207.6 2.0
Tissue % fat 0.1 0.4, 0.7 d
A/G % fat ratio 0.1 1.2, 1.5 d
Abbr: ROI, region of interest; CI, confidence interval; BMC, bone mineral content; A/G, android to gynoid ratio.

and gynoid regions, which encapsulate waist and hip fat depots, regions of the body. The differences, as characterized by per-
was approximately 2%. This suggests that the changes that centage differences, are relatively small in regions such as
might be encountered in a weight loss program targeted toward leg, trunk, android, and gynoid regions (0.004e2.8%) when
prevention of cardiometabolic disease (5e10%) could be de- compared with arm region, where the average difference in
tected with the device and should not be confounded by noise fat mass is 6.3%. Because the arm ROI seems to have the largest
from the DXA data acquisition (41e45). percent difference between manual and automatic region detec-
The largest variation seen in this study is in the arm region, tion, it is critical that investigators perform manual checks of
with RMS%CV 2.8% for fat mass and 1.6% for lean mass. their images and adopt a standard procedure for modifying
This may be owing to the orientation of the palms relative ROIs within a given study.
to the DXA table, which was not perfectly standardized in One important value of DXA measurements is the ability
our cohort, or may be owing to the position of soft tissue of to make measurements longitudinally allowing for monitoring
the trunk extending toward the arms making it difficult to as- of an intervention targeted either toward weight loss, change
sign tissue consistently to the arm ROI in each scan. Also, be- in tissue from fat to lean mass or in BMD. Therefore, the pre-
cause arms are small region of the body, modest changes in cision of the measurement is an important factor in determin-
the total fat and lean mass can lead to larger percentage ing the utility of an instrument in this context. Previous
changes than are observed in the trunk. This finding is consis- reports of regional body composition have generally shown
tent with reports on arm precision from previous DXA im- precision values, outside the arms, of between 2% and 5%
ages, which showed a range of precision values from 3.5% (46e48). Results shown here and in other reports on the
to 11.4% (46e48). iDXA (26) show smaller values, in the order of 1% for total
We found high correlation between auto ROI and expert ROI body and 1e3% for the regional measurements. Taken
method (r O 0.99) in our study. However, statistically signifi- together, these observations suggest that the precision in the
cant differences between means are demonstrated in many iDXA system is improved over previous GE DXA scanners

Journal of Clinical Densitometry: Assessment of Skeletal Health Volume 15, 2012

iDXA Measurement Precision 403

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Journal of Clinical Densitometry: Assessment of Skeletal Health Volume 15, 2012

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