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Republic of the Philippines)

Province of Quirino) s.s.

Municipality of Diffun)

That I, MAURA B. ESPIRITU, of legal age, Filipino, married to ROMEO ESPIRITU and a
resident of Balagbag, Diffun, Quirino, after being having been duly sworn on oath in accordance
with law hereby voluntarily depose and say:
1. That I am the registered owner of a parcel of land situated in the Municipality of Diffun,
Province of Quirino. As evidenced by TCT . No. T-23249, issued by the Register of Deeds of
Quirino, containing an area of Fifteen Thousand (15,000 sq.m.), more or less;
2. That sometime on year 1989, I, together with my husband went to work as Overseas
Filipino Workers (OFWs) in Hong Kong, as a result, we had to leave behind our personnal and
important belongings including Titles of our land to our certain caretaker;
3. That after a long time of spending years as OFWs in Hong Kong, sometime on year
1996, we decided to return to the Philippines;
4. That I am confident enough that our personnal belongings were safely kept at home;
5. Unfortunately, sometime on June 2021, when we moved to our new house and
checked our documents, we discovered that some of our important documents including TCT .
No. T-23249 was missing;
6. That I exerted utmost efforts to locate said Title, but no avail, and to the best of my
knowledge it was now lost and can’t be recovered;
7. That I am executing this affidavit to attest to all the above facts, and to request the
Honorable Register of Deeds of Quirino to issue the new owner’s duplicate copy of Title No.
TCT . No. T-23249.
IN TRUTH WHEREOF, I have here unto set my hand this 14th day of July 2021 at Diffun,
Quirino, Philippines.

OSCA I.D. No. 5166
Issued by the Municipality of Cabarroguis
Province of Quirino

SUBSCRIBED AND SWORN to before me this 14th day of July 2021 at Diffun, Quirino,


Notary Public-Notarial Commission No. 02-2019
Page No.: 96;
Until December 31, 2021
Book No.: XXX; PTR No. 9460968/01-04-2021
Series of 2021. Lifetime IBP No. 17396/05-26-2017
ROLL No. 67812/05-26-2017
MCLE Compliance No. VI 0013817/ Valid until April 2022
Diffun, Quirino

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