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Drama Conflict

Group members: Giselle, Matthias, Sai

Sai and Giselle travel across the country with a faulty GPS. Giselle thinks that it
is not the correct way so she asks Sai is the GPS shows the correct way, but Sai
says yes, it is correct. So, they move on until they were stuck in a forest. Giselle
and Sai are so panic and they don’t know what to do. They are so tired and
they want some water and have some rest, so, they sit at a big rock that is
beside the river. When they are drinking the water, a man appears from
nowhere. The man asks them what are they doing here. Sai and Giselle
explained to the man what has happen and they ask the man if he know the
way to the country that Sai and Giselle are looking for. But the man turned out
to be a bad guy and snatch their phone and wallet and run away. Sai and
Giselle are shocked. They are scared as they think they are going to die soon.
Sai started to cry and Giselle comfort her, and Giselle suggest that maybe they
can try to walk along the river so that they can find the way out. Sai stop crying
and do what Giselle says. They walk along the river and they finally are out of
the forest. They are so happy and cheer together.
-The End-

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