CSS Question

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What is CSS and why is it important in web development?

Explain the difference between inline, internal, and external CSS.

How do you select elements in CSS?
Describe the different types of CSS selectors.
What is the specificity of CSS selectors?
How do you apply multiple CSS classes to an element?
What is the "box model" in CSS?
Explain the difference between margin and padding.
How do you center an element horizontally and vertically in CSS?
What is the purpose of CSS floats and how do they work?
How do you clear floats in CSS?
Describe the difference between position: static, relative, absolute, and fixed.
What are CSS pseudo-classes and pseudo-elements?
How do you create CSS animations and transitions?
Explain the concept of CSS specificity and how it affects style application.
What are media queries in CSS and how are they used for responsive design?
How do you handle browser compatibility issues in CSS?
Describe the concept of CSS preprocessors and their benefits.
What is the difference between CSS grid and CSS flexbox?
How do you apply CSS styles specifically for different devices, such as mobile or print?
Explain the purpose of CSS vendor prefixes and provide some examples.
How do you create a responsive design using CSS?
What is the purpose of CSS frameworks and what are some examples?
Describe the concept of CSS specificity and how it affects style application.
How do you handle CSS specificity conflicts?
Explain the concept of CSS inheritance.
What are the different units of measurement in CSS and when do you use each?
How do you style an element using multiple CSS properties?
How do you apply CSS styles to only the first child or last child of an element?
What is the purpose of CSS pseudo-classes like :hover and :focus?
How do you create a responsive navigation menu using CSS?
Explain the concept of CSS sprites and how they can improve website performance.
How do you vertically align elements in CSS?
Describe the purpose and usage of CSS preprocessors like Sass or Less.
How do you handle CSS transitions and animations in different browsers?
What is the purpose of the "display" property in CSS and how does it work?
How do you hide elements visually but still maintain accessibility?
Describe the concept of CSS resets and why they are used.
How do you create a CSS gradient effect?
Explain the concept of CSS variables and their advantages.
What are CSS pseudo-elements like ::before and ::after used for?
How do you create a sticky/fixed header or footer using CSS?
Describe the concept of responsive typography in CSS.
How do you create a CSS grid layout?
Explain the purpose of the "z-index" property in CSS.
What are some best practices for writing clean and maintainable CSS code?
How do you optimize CSS code for performance?
Describe the concept of CSS preprocessors and their benefits.
How do you handle RTL (right-to-left) languages in CSS?
What are some techniques for debugging and troubleshooting CSS issues?

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