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Time : 400 Mins JEE NEET RAY OPTICS 1 Marks : 1552

1. In Galilean telescope, the final image formed is

a) real, erect and enlarged b) virtual, erect and enlarged c) real, inverted and enlarged
d) virtual, inverted and enlarged
2. First and second focal lengths of spherical surface of n refractive index are f1 and f2 respectively. The relation
between them, is
a) f2 = f1 b) f2 = -f1 c) f2 = nf1 d) f2 = -nf1
3. If the focal length of objective lens is increased, then magnifying power of
a) microscope will increase but that of telescope decrease b) microscope and telescope both will increase
c) microscope and telescope both will decrease
d) microscope will decrease but that of telescope will increase
4. The dispersive powers of glasses of lenses used in an achromatic pair are in the ratio 5 : 3. If the focal length of
the concave lens' is 15 ern, then the nature and focal length of the other lens would be
a) convex, 9 cm b) concave, 9 cm c) convex, 25 cm d) concave, 25 cm
5. To measure the roughness of the surface of a material, which of the following microscope is preferred for better
result output?
a) Compound microscope b) Electron microscope c) Atomic force microscope d) None of the above
6. A boy of height 1 m stands in front of a convex mirror. His distance from the mirror is equal to its focal length.
The height of his image is
a) 0.25 m b) 0.33 m c) 0.5 m d) 0.67 m
7. Presbyopia can be removed by using
a) convex lens b) concave lens c) cylindrical lens d) bifocal lens
8. The astronomical telescope consists of objective and eyepiece. The focal length of the objective is
a) equal to the of the eyepiece. b) shorter than that of eyepiece c) greater than that of eyepiece
d) five times shorter than that of eyepiece
9. The focal lengths of a converging lens are fv and fr for violet and red lights, respectively. Which of the following is
a) fv < fr b) fv = fr c) f v > fr d) It depends on the average refractive index
10. A ray of light is successively deflected from two plane mirrors inclined to each other at a certain angle. If the total
deviation in the path of the rays reflected from the two mirrors be 300 , then what is the number of images
a) 30 b) 15 c) 11 d) 5
11. A converging lens is used to form an image on a screen. When the upper half of the lens is-covered by an opaque
screen, then
a) half the image will disappear b) complete image will disappear c) intensity of image will increase
d) intensity of image will decrease
12. In optical fibres, the refractive index of the core is
a) greater than that of the cladding. b) equal to that of the cladding. c) smaller than that of the cladding.
d) smaller than that of the cladding.
13. If in a plano-convex lens, radius of curvature of convex surface is 10 cm and the focal length of the lens is 30 cm.
The refractive index of the material of the lens will be
a) 1.5 b) 1.66 c) 1.33 d) 3
14. A convex lens has mean focal length 20 cm.The dispersive power of the material of the lens is 0.02.The
longitudinal chromatic aberration for an object at infity,is
a) 0.20 b) 0.40 c) 0.80 d) 103
15. An object is immersed in a fluid. In order that the object becomes invisible, it should
a) behave as a perfect reflector b) absorb all light falling on it c) have refractive index one.
d) have refractive index exactly matching with that of the surrounding fluid
16. A small coin is resting on the bottom of a beaker filled with a liquid . A ray of light from the coin travels up to the
surface of the liquid and moves along its surface as shown in figure. How fast is the light travelling in the liquid?
a) 1.8 × 10
b) 2.4 × 10
c) 3.0 × 10
d) 1.2 × 104 ms−1
17. An object is immersed in a fluid. In order that the object becomes invisible, it should
a) behave as a perfect reflector b) absorb all light falling on it c) have refractive index one.
d) have refractive index exactly matching with that of the surrounding fluid
18. An astronomical telescope in normal adjustment receives light from a distance source S, the tube length is now
decreased slightly, then
a) no image will be formed b) a virtual image of S will be formed at a finite distance
c) a large, real image of S will be formed behind the eye piece, far away from i
d) a small, real image of S will be formed behind the eye-piece closes to it
19. The magnifying power of the astronomical telescope for normal adjustment is 50. The focal length of the
eyepiece is 2 cm. The required length of the telescope for normal adjustment is
a) 102 cm b) 100 cm c) 98 cm d) 25 cm
20. A thin equiconvex lens of refractive index 3/2 and radius of curvature 30 em is put in water (refractive index =
4/3), its focal length is
a) 0.15 m b) 0.30 m c) 0.45 m d) 1.20 m
21. Relation between focal length (f) and radius of curvature (R) of a spherical mirror is
a) R = f/2 b) f = 3R c) f = R/2 d) f = R/4
22. What can be the largest distance of an image of a real object from a convex mirror of radius of curvature is 20
a) 10 cm b) 20 cm c) Infinity d) zero
23. The diameter of the moon is 3.5 × 103 km and its distance from the earth is 3.8 × 105 km .seen by a
telescope having focal lengths of the objective and the eye piece as 40mm and 1.0 cm respectively, the angular
diameter of the image of the moon will be approximately.
a) 2o b) 10o c) 20o d) None of these
24. A person has a minimum distance of distinct vision as 50 cm. The power of lenses required to read a book at a
distance of 25 cm is
a) 3 D b) 1 D c) 2 D d) 4 D
25. A concave shaving mirror has a radius of curvature of 35.0 cm. It is positioned so that the (upright) image of a
man's face is 2.50 times the size of the face. How far is the mirror from the face?
a) 5.25 cm b) 21.0 cm c) 10.5 cm d) 42 cm
26. For the myopia defect in eye, it can be removed by
a) convex lens b) concave lens c) cylindrical lens d) toric lens


27. If lower half of a concave mirror is blackened, then
a) image distance increases b) image distance decreases c) image intensity increases
d) image intensity decreases
28. An infinitely long rod lies along with the axis of a concave mirror of focal length f. The near end of the rod is at a
distance u > f from the mirror. Its image will have a length
2 2
f uf f uf
a) b) c) d)
u−f u−f u+f u+f

29. If focal length of objective lens is increased then magnifying power of

a) microscope will increase but that of telescope decrease b) microscope and telescope both will increase.
c) microscope and telescope both will decrease
d) microscope will decrease but that of telescope will Increase.
30. The aperture of a telescope is made large, because to
a) increase the intensity of image b) decrease the intensity of image c) have greater magnification
d) have lesser resolution
31. A thin convex lens of refractive index 1.5 has 20 cm focal length in air. If the lens is completely immersed in a
liquid of refractive index 1.6, then its focal length will be
a) -160 cm b) -100 cm c) +10 cm d) +100 cm
32. Dispersion of light is caused due to
a) intensity of light b) density of medium c) wavelength d) None of these
33. The optical density of turpentine is higher than that of water while its mass density is lower. Figure shows a layer
of turpentine floating over water in a container. For which one of the four rays incident on turpentine in figure the
path shown is correct?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
34. An object is placed at 10 cm from a lens and real image is formed with magnification of 0.5. Then the lens is
a) concave with focal length of 10/3 cm b) convex with focal length of 10/3 cm
c) concave with focal length of 10 cm d) convex with focal length of 10 cm
35. The radii of curvature of the two surfaces of a lens are 20 cm and 30 cm and the refractive index of the, material
of the lens is 1.5. If the lens is concave-convex, then the focal length of the lens is
a) 24 cm b) 10 cm c) 15 cm d) 120 cm
36. Two lenses are in contact having focal length 25 cm and -40 crn. Find power of this combination.
a) -6.67 D b) -2.5 D c) +1.5 D d) +4 D
37. A thin lens of glass (μ = 1.5)of focal length ± 10 cm is immersed in water (μ = 1.33). The new focal length is
a) 20 cm b) 40 cm c) 48 cm d) 12 cm
38. A beam of light composed of red and green rays is incident obliquely at a point on the face of a rectangular glass
slab. When coming out on the opposite parallel face, then the red and green rays emerge from
a) two points propagating in two different non-parallel directions
b) two points propagating in two different parallel directions
c) one point propagating in two different directions d) one point propagating in the same direction


39. An object is located 4 m from the first of two thin converging lenses of focal lengths 2 m and 1 m, respectively.
The lenses are separated by 3 m. The final image formed by the second lens is located from the source at a
distance of
a) 8 m b) 5.5 m c) 6 m d) 6.5 m
40. An object is placed at 21 cm in front of a concave mirror of radius of a curvature 10 cm, A glass slab of thickness
3 cm and μ = 1.5 is then placed close to the mirror in the space between the object and the mirror. The position
of final image formed is
a) -3.94 cm b) 4.3 cm c) -4.93 d) 3.94 cm
41. A convex mirror of focal length f forms an image which is 1/n times the object. The distance of the object from
the mirror is
n−1 n+1
a) (n-1)f b) [ n
]f c) [ n
]f d) (n+1)f

42. Two thin lenses are in contact and that combination has 15 cm focal length. If one lens has focal length 30 cm,
then what is the second lens focal length?
a) 15 cm b) 25 cm c) 100 cm d) 30 cm
43. A ray of light incident at an angle θ on a refracting face of aprism emerges from the other face normally. if the
angle of the prism is 5 and the prism is made of a material of refractive index 1.5, the angle of incidence is
0 0 0 0
a) 7.5 b) 5 c) 15 d) 15
44. For the myopia defect in eye, it can be removed by
a) convex lens b) concave lens c) cylindrical lens d) toric lens
45. What is the refractive index of a prism whose angle A=600 and angle of minimum deviation dm=300?
1 1
a) √2 b) c) 1 d)
√2 √3

46. In total internal reflection,

a) light ray travelling through a denser medium is completely reflected back to denser medium
b) light ray travelling through a denser medium is completely refracted to rare medium
c) light ray is partially reflected back to denser medium and partially refracted to rare medium
d) light ray is absorbed completely by denser medium
47. An object is placed at 10 cm from a lens and real image is formed with magnification of 0.5. Then the lens is
a) concave with focal length of 10/3 cm b) convex with focal length of 10/3 cm
c) concave with focal length of 10 cm d) convex with focal length of 10 cm
48. A prism has refractive angle 60°. When a light ray is incident on 50°, then minimum deviation is obtained. What is
the value of minimum deviation?
a) 40° b) 45° c) 50° d) 60°
49. Light travels in two media A and B with speeds 1.8 x 108 ms-1 and 2.4 x 108 ms-1 respectively. Then, the critical
angle between them is
−1 2 3 2 −1 3
a) sin ( ) b) tan−1 ( ) c) tan−1 ( ) d) sin ( )
3 4 3 4

50. Two convex and concave lens are in contact and having focal length 12 cm and 18 cm, respectively. Focal length
of joint lens will be
a) 50 cm b) 45 cm c) 36 cm d) 18 cm
51. An object of size 7.5 cm is placed in front of a convex mirror of radius of curvature 25 cm at a distance of 40
cm.The size of the image should be
a) 2.3 cm b) 1.78cm c) 1 cm d) 0.8 cm
52. A Concave mirror form the real image of an object which is magnified 4 times. The object is moved 3 cm away,
the magnification of the image is 3 times. What is the focal length of the mirror?
a) 3 cm b) 12 cm c) 36 cm
53. The frequency of a light wave in a material and wavelength is 5000 A The refractive index of material will be
a) 1.40 b) 1.50 c) 3.00 d) 1.33
54. A combination is made of two lenses of focal lengths f1 and f2 and dispersive powers ω1 and ω2 respectively.
The combination will be achromatic, if
a) ω1 = 2ω2 and f1 = 2f2 b) 2ω1 = 2ω2 and f1 = 2f2 c) ω1 = 2ω2 and f1 = -2f2
d) 2ω1 = ω2 and 2f1 = f2
55. The r efracting angle of a prism is A and refractive index of the material of the prism is cot(A/2). The angle of
minimum deviation is
a) 180o-3A b) 180o-2A c) 90o-A d) 180o+2A
real depth
56. The radio is equal to
apparent depth

a) refractive index of denser medium with respect to air

b) refractive index of denser medium with respect to rare medium
c) refractive index of rare medium with respect to air
d) refractive index of rare medium with respect to dense medium
57. If the value of critical angle is 30° for total internal reflection from any medium to vacuum, then speed of light in
that medium
a) 3 x 108 m/s b) 1.5 x 108 m/s c) 6 x 108 m/s d) 4.5 x 108 m/s
58. The focal lengths of the lenses of an astronomical telescope are 50 em and 5 cm. The length of the telescope
when the image is formed at the least distance of distinct vision is
a) 45 cm b) 55 cm c) 275/6 cm d) 325/6 cm
59. A ray of light is incident at an angle of 60° on one face of a prism of angle 30°. The ray emerging out of the prism
makes an angle of 30° with the incident ray. The emergent ray is
a) normal to the face through which it emerges b) inclined at 30° to the face through which it emerges
c) inclined at 60° to the face through which it emerges d) None of the above
60. Two thin lenses are in contact and that combination has 15 cm focal length. If one lens has focal length 30 cm,
then what is the second lens focal length?
a) 15 cm b) 25 cm c) 100 cm d) 30 cm
61. For the refraction shown below the correct relation is,

n2 n1 n2 −n1 n1 n2 n2 −n1 n1 n2 n1 −n2 n2 n1 n1 −n2

a) v

= b) v

c) v

= d) v


62. For a normal eye, the least distance of distinct vision is

a) 0.25 m b) 0.50 m c) 25 m d) infinite
63. A vessel of depth 2 d cm is half filled with a liquid of refractive index μ1 and the upper half with a liquid of
refractive index μ2 The apparent depth of the vessel seen perpendicu.
μ1 μ2 1 1 1 1 1
a) d [ μ +μ2
] b) d [ μ +
] c) 2d [ μ +
] d) 2d [ μ μ2
1 1 1 1

64. If the focal length of objective and eye lens are 1.2 cm and 3 cm respectively and the object is put 1.25 cm away
from the objective lens and the final image is formed at infinity. The magnifying power of the microscope is
a) 150 b) 200 c) 250 d) 400
65. Which of the following quantity remains unchanged after refraction?


a) Speed of light b) Intensity of light c) Wavelength of light d) Frequency of light
66. The amount of scattering is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the wavelength. This is known as
a) Rayleigh scattering b) Maxwell scattering c) Oersted scattering d) Reynold scattering
67. For a normal eye, the least distance of distinct vision is
a) 0.25 m b) 0.50 m c) 25 m d) infinite
68. The radius of curvature of the convex face of a plano-convex lens is 12 cm and the refractive index of the material
of the lens is 1.5. Then, the focal length of the lens is
a) 6 cm b) 12 cm c) 18 cm d) 24 cm
69. An object is seen through a simple microscope of focal length 12 cm. What will be the angular magnification
produced, if the image is formed at the near point of the eye which is 25 cm away from it?
a) 6.08 b) 3.08 c) 9.03 d) 5.09
70. An astronomical telescope has an angular magnification of magnitude 5 for distant objects. The separation
between the objective and the eyepiece is 36 cm and the final image is formed at infinity. The focal length fo of
the objective and the focal length Ie of the eyepiece are
a) fo = 45 cm and fe = - 9 cm b) fo = -72 cm and fe = 5 cm c) fo = 50 cm and fe = 10 cm
d) fo = 30 cm and fe = 6 cm
71. In the formation of a rainbow, the light from the sun on water droplets undergoes
a) dispersion only. b) only TlR. c) dispersion and TIR. d) scattering.
72. An object 2 cm high is placed at a distance of 16 cm from a concave mirror, which produces a real image 3 cm
high. What is the focal length of the mirror?
a) - 9.6 cm b) - 3.6 cm c) - 6.3 cm d) - 8.3 cm
73. A glass slab has a critical angle of 30° when placed in air. What will be the critical angle when it is placed in liquid
of refractive index 6/5?
a) 45° b) 37° c) 53° d) 60°
74. convex lens of focal length f is placed some, where in between an object and a screen. The distance between
object and screen is x. If numerical value of magnification produced by lens is m, then focal length of lens is
2 2
mx mx (m+1) (m−1)
a) 2
b) 2
c) m
d) m
(m+1) (m−1)

75. The minimum distance between an object and its real image formed by a convex lens is
a) 1.5 f b) 2 f c) 2.5 f d) 4 f
76. A concave lens of focal length f forms an image which is 1/3 times the size of the object. Then, the distance of
object from the lens is
2 3
a) 2f b) f c) 3
f d) 2

77. The real image which is exactly equal to the size of an object is to be obtained on a screen with the help of a
convex lens of focal length 15 cm. For this, what must be in the distance between the object and screen?
a) 15 cm b) 30 cm c) 45 cm d) 60 cm
78. In the given figure, the angle of reflection is
a) 30
b) 60
c) 450 d) None of these
79. A small angled prism of refractive index 1.4 is combined with another small angled prism of refractive index 1.6
to produce dispersion without deviation. If the angle of first prism is 6°, then the angle of the second prism is
a) 8° b) 6° c) 4° d) 2°
80. The critical angle of a prism is 30°. The velocity of light in the medium is
a) 1.5 x 108 m/s b) 3 x 108 m/s c) 4.5 x 108 m/s d) None of these


81. The dispersive powers of glasses of lenses used in an achromatic pair are in the ratio 5 : 3. If the focal length of
the concave lens' is 15 ern, then the nature and focal length of the other lens would be
a) convex, 9 cm b) concave, 9 cm c) convex, 25 cm d) concave, 25 cm
82. Under minimum deviation condition in a prism, if a ray is an incident at an angle 30°, then the angle between the
emergent ray and the second refracting surface of the prism is
a) 0° b) 30° c) 45° d) 60°
83. A ray of light is successively deflected from two plane mirrors inclined to each other at a certain angle. If the total
deviation in the path of the rays reflected from the two mirrors be 300 , then what is the number of images
formed ?
a) 30 b) 15 c) 11 d) 5
84. Light travels in two media A and B with speeds 1.8 x 108 ms-1 and 2.4 x 108 ms-1 respectively. Then, the critical
angle between them is
−1 2 3 2 −1 3
a) sin ( ) b) tan−1 ( ) c) tan−1 ( ) d) sin ( )
3 4 3 4

85. A thin convergent glass lens( μ = 1.5) has a power of + 5.0 D. When this lens is immersed in a liquid of refractive
index μ it acts as a divergence lens of focal length 100 cm. the value of μ should be
a) 3/2 b) 4/3 c) 5/3 d) 2
86. An object of size 7.5 cm is placed in front of a convex mirror of radius of curvature 25 cm at a distance of 40
cm.The size of the image should be
a) 2.3 cm b) 1.78cm c) 1 cm d) 0.8 cm
87. Air bubble in water behaves as
a) sometimes concave, sometimes convex lens b) concave lens c) convex lens
d) always refracting surface
88. A ray is incident at an angle of incidence i on one surface of a prism of small angle A and emerges normally from
opposite surface. If the refractive index of the material of prism is μ , the angle of incidence i is nearly equal to
A A μA
a) μ
b) c) μA d)
2μ 2

89. The distance of the image from the focus of a lens is X and that of object is Y. What is the nature of the graph Y
versus X ?
a) Straight line b) Ellipse c) Parabola d) Hyperbola
90. In a plano-convex lens, the radius of curvature of convex surface is 10 cm and the focal length of the lens is 30
cm. The refractive index of the material of the lens will be
a) 1.5 b) 1.66 c) 1.33 d) 3
91. A Concave mirror form the real image of an object which is magnified 4 times. The object is moved 3 cm away,
the magnification of the image is 3 times. What is the focal length of the mirror?
a) 3 cm b) 12 cm c) 36 cm
92. A magician during a show makes a glass lens with n = 1.47 disappear in a trough of liquid. Refractive index of the
liquid is
4 12
a) b) c) 1.47 d) 1.33
3 5

93. A biconvex lens has a focal length f. It is cut into two parts along a line perpendicular to principal axis. The focal
length of each part will be
a) f/2 b) f c) (3/2)f d) 2f
94. A convex lens of refractive index 3/2 has a power of 2.5 D in air. If it is placed in a liquid of refractive index 2 then
the new power of the lens is
a) - 1.25 D b) - 1.5 D c) 1.25 D d) 1.5 D


95. If a convex lens of focal length 80 cm and a concave lens of focal length 50 cm are combined together, what will
be their resulting power?
a) + 6.5 D b) - 6.5 D c) + 7.5 D d) - 0.75 D
96. The magnification produced by an astronomical telescope for normal adjustment is 10 and the length of the
telescope is 1.1 m. The magnification, when the image is formed at least distance of distinct vision is
a) 6 b) 14 c) 16 d) 18
97. A ray of light, travelling in a medium of refractive index μ , is incident at an angle i on a composite transparent
plate consisting of three plates of refractive indices μ1 , μ2 and μ3 The ray emerges from the composite plate
into a medium of refractive index μ4 , at angle x. Then
μ μ μ μ μ
a) sin x = sin i b) sinx c) sinx d) sinx
4 1 3
= = sin i = sin i
μ4 μ μ2 μ2 μ4

98. Raypf light transmitted from glass (n = 3/2) to water (n = 4/3). What is the value of critical angle?

a) sin-1( 1 ) b) sin-1√ 9 c) sin-1( 9 ) d) sin-1( 7 )

8 8 5

99. For an optical arrangement as shown in the figure,Find the position and nature of image.
a) 32 cm b) 0.6 cm c) 6 cm d) 0.5 cm
100. A hollow prism is filled with water and placed in air,It will deviate the incident rays
a) towards the base b) away from base c) parallel to base
d) towards or away from base depending on the location
101. A double convex lens of refractive index μ1 is immersed in a liquid of refractive index μ2. The lens will act as
transparent plane sheet when
a) μ1 = μ2 b) μ1 > μ2 c) μ1 < μ2 d) μ1 =

102. A concave shaving mirror has a radius of curvature of 35.0 cm. It is positioned so that the (upright) image of a
man's face is 2.50 times the size of the face. How far is the mirror from the face?
a) 5.25 cm b) 21.0 cm c) 10.5 cm d) 42 cm
103. The length of the compound microscope is 14 ern, The magnifying power for relaxed eye is 25. If the focal length
of eye lens is 5 cm, then the object distance for objective lens will be
a) 1.8 cm b) 1.5 cm c) 2.1 cm d) 2.4 cm
104. An object is 8 cm high. It is desired to form a real image 4 cm high at 60 cm from the mirror. The type of mirror
needed with the focal length is
a) convex mirror with focal length f = 40 cm b) convex mirror with focal length f = 20 cm
c) concave mirror with focal length f = - 40 cm d) concave mirror with focal length f = - 20 cm
105. The refractive indices of water and glass with respect to air are 4/3 and 5/3, respectively. The refractive index of
glass with respect to water will be
a) 1/3 b) 4/3 c) 5/4 d) 20/9
106. If light travels a distance x in t1 sec in air and 10 x distance in t2 see in a medium, the critical angle of the medium
will be
t1 t1 10t1 10t1
a) tan−1 (
) b) sin−1 (
) c) sin−1 (
) d) tan−1 (

107. An object placed at 20 cm in front of a concave mirror produces three times magnified real image. What is the
focal length of the concave mirror?
a) 15 cm b) 6.6 cm c) 10 cm d) 7.5 cm
108. Phenomena associated with scattering is/are
a) blue colour of the sky b) appearence of reddish sun during sunset and sunrise c) both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above


109. An astronomical refractive telescope has an objective of focal length 20 m and an eyepiece of focal length 2 cm.
Which one of the following is not correct?
a) The length of the telescope tube is 20.02 m b) The magnification is 1000
c) The image formed is inverted
d) An objective of a larger aperture will increase the brightness and reduce chromatic aberration of the image
110. A plano-convex lens ( f = 20 cm) is silvered at plane surface. Now, focal length will be
a) 20 cm b) 40 cm c) 30 cm d) 10 cm
111. Which of the following quantity remains unchanged after refraction?
a) Speed of light b) Intensity of light c) Wavelength of light d) Frequency of light
112. Aperture of human eye is 0.2 cm. The minimum magnifying power of a visual telescope, whose objective has
diameter 100 cm, is
a) 500 b) 0.002 c) 0.02 d) 100
113. If in a plano-convex lens, radius of curvature of convex surface is 10 cm and the focal length of the lens is 30 cm.
The refractive index of the material of the lens will be
a) 1.5 b) 1.66 c) 1.33 d) 3
114. A ray of light strikes an air-glass interface at an angle of incidence (i = 60°) and gets refracted at an angle of
refraction r. On increasing the angle of incidence (i > 60°), the angle of refraction r
a) remains same b) is equal to 60° c) increases d) decreases
115. Why sky appears blue?
a) Due to scattering b) Due to reflection c) Due to refraction d) Due to total internal reflection
116. Phenomena associated with scattering is/are
a) blue colour of the sky b) appearence of reddish sun during sunset and sunrise c) both (a) and (b)
d) None of the above
117. An equilateral prism is in condition of minimum deviation. If incidence angle is 4/5 times of prism angle, then
minimum deviation angle is
a) 72° b) 60° c) 48° d) 36°
118. In total internal reflection,
a) light ray travelling through a denser medium is completely reflected back to denser medium
b) light ray travelling through a denser medium is completely refracted to rare medium
c) light ray is partially reflected back to denser medium and partially refracted to rare medium
d) light ray is absorbed completely by denser medium
119. For the figure as shown below ,match the following columns.
a) b) c) d)
231 213 321 312
120. A magnifying glass is used, as the object to be viewed can be brought closer to the eye than the normal near
point. This results in
a) a larger angle to be subtended by the object at the eye and hence viewed in greater detail
b) the formation of a real inverted image. c) increase in the field of view.
d) infinite magnification at the near point.
121. A glass slab has a critical angle of 30° when placed in air. What will be the critical angle when it is placed in liquid
of refractive index 6/5?
a) 45° b) 37° c) 53° d) 60°
122. If c is the velocity of light in free space, then the time taken by light to travel a distance x in a medium refractive
index μ is


x μx x c
a) c
b) c
c) μc
d) μx

123. A ray is incident at an angle of incidence i on one surface of a prism of small angle A and emerges normally from
opposite surface. If the refractive index of the material of prism is μ , the angle of incidence i is nearly equal to
A A μA
a) μ
b) 2μ
c) μA d) 2

124. A boy of height 1 m stands in front of a convex mirror. His distance from the mirror is equal to its focal length.
The height of his image is
a) 0.25 m b) 0.33 m c) 0.5 m d) 0.67 m
125. The radii of curvature of the two surfaces of a lens are 20 cm and 30 cm and the refractive index of the, material
of the lens is 1.5. If the lens is concave-convex, then the focal length of the lens is
a) 24 cm b) 10 cm c) 15 cm d) 120 cm
126. The aperture of a telescope is made large, because to
a) increase the intensity of image b) decrease the intensity of image c) have greater magnification
d) have lesser resolution
127. To get three images of single object, one should have two plane mirrors at an angle of
a) 60° b) 90° c) 120° d) 30°
128. A convex mirror has focal length 20 cm. If an object is placed 20 cm away from the pole of mirror, then what is
the distance between image formed and pole?
a) 40 cm b) 10 cm c) 20 cm d) At infinity
129. The length of an astronomical telescope for normal vision (relaxed eye) will be
a) fo b) c) fo d) fo
− fe × fe + fe

130. A plano-convex lens is made of refractive index of 1.6. The focal length of the lens is
a) 400 cm b) 200 cm c) 100 cm d) 50 cm
131. A ray of light passes through an equilateral glass prism in such a manner that the angle of incidence is equal to
the angle of emergence and each of these angles is equal to 3/4 of the angle of the prism. The angle of deviation
a) 45° b) 39° c) 20° d) 30°
132. An object 2 cm high is placed at a distance of 16 cm from a concave mirror, which produces a real image 3 cm
high. What is the focal length of the mirror?
a) - 9.6 cm b) - 3.6 cm c) - 6.3 cm d) - 8.3 cm
133. The image formed by a convex mirror of focal length 30 cm is a quarter of the size of the object.The distance of
the object from the mirror is
a) 30 cm b) 90 cm c) 120 cm d) 60 cm
134. Two identical thin plano-convex glass lenses each having radius of curvature of 20cm are placed with their
convex surfaces in contact at the centre.The intervening space is filled with oil of refractive index 1.7.The
intervening space is filled with oil refractive index 1.7.The focal length of the combination is
a) -20 cm b) -25 cm c) -50 cm d) 50 cm
135. Reflecting telescope consists of
a) convex mirror of large,aperture b) concave mirror of large aperture c) concave lens of small aperture
d) None of the above
136. The angle of a prism is A. One of its refracting
a) 2 sin A b) 2 cos A c) 1/2 cos A d) tan A
137. The distance of the image from the focus of a lens is X and that of object is Y. What is the nature of the graph Y
versus X ?
a) Straight line b) Ellipse c) Parabola d) Hyperbola
138. Dispersion of light is caused due to
a) wavelength b) None of these c) intensity of light d) density of medium
139. Light from a point source in air falls on a spherical glass surface (n = 1.5 and radius of curvature = 20 cm). The
distance of the light source from the glass surface is 100 cm. Image distance from the glass surface is
a) 20 cm b) 50 cm c) 100 cm d) 75 cm
140. A ray of light strikes an air-glass interface at an angle of incidence (i = 60°) and gets refracted at an angle of
refraction r. On increasing the angle of incidence (i > 60°), the angle of refraction r
a) decreases b) remains same c) is equal to 60° d) increases
141. When sun light is scattered by minute particles of atmosphere, then the intensity of light scattered away is
proportional to
a) (wavelength ot light)4 b) (frequency of light)4 c) (wavelength of light)2 d) (frequency of light)2
142. An object placed at 20 cm in front of a concave mirror produces three times magnified real image. What is the
focal length of the concave mirror?
a) 15 cm b) 6.6 cm c) 10 cm d) 7.5 cm
143. In a compound microscope, the focal length of the objective is 2.5 cm and of eye lens is 5 cm. If an object is
placed at 3.75 cm before the objective and the image is formed at the least distance of distinct vision, then the
distance between two lenses will be
a) 11.67 cm b) 12 cm c) 12.75 cm d) 13 cm
144. For the figure as shown below ,match the following columns.
a) b) c) d)
231 213 321 312
145. If focal length of objective lens is increased then magnifying power of
a) microscope will increase but that of telescope decrease b) microscope and telescope both will increase.
c) microscope and telescope both will decrease
d) microscope will decrease but that of telescope will Increase.
146. The magnifying power of a convex lens of focal length 10 cm, when the image is formed at the near point is
a) 6 b) 5.5 c) 4 d) 3.5
147. Which of the following is not due to total internal reflection?
a) Difference between apparent and real depth of a pond b) Mirage on hot summer days
c) Brilliance of diamond d) Working of optical fibre
148. Calculate the focal length of a reading glass of a person, if the distance of distinct vision is 75 crn.
a) 75.2 cm b) 25.6 cm c) 100.4 cm d) 37.5 cm
149. A short-sighted person can see distinctly only those objects which lie between 10 cm and 100 cm from him. The
power of the spectacle lens required to see a distance object is
a) +0.5 D b) -1.0 D c) -10 D d) +4.0 D
150. A prism has refractive angle 60°. When a light ray is incident on 50°, then minimum deviation is obtained. What is
the value of minimum deviation?
a) 40° b) 45° c) 50° d) 60°
151. The resolving power of telescope whose lens has a diameter of 1.22 m for a wavelength of 5000 A is
a) 2 x 105 b) 2 x 106 c) 2 x 102 d) 2 x 104
152. The. distance of moon form the earth is 3.8x 105 km. Supposing that the eye is most sensitive to .the light of
wavelength 550 nm, the separation of two points on the moon that can be resolved by a 500 cm telescope is
a) 50 m b) 55 m c) 51 m d) 60 m


153. Two convex and concave lens are in contact and having focal length 12 cm and 18 cm, respectively. Focal length
of joint lens will be
a) 50 cm b) 45 cm c) 36 cm d) 18 cm
154. Advantage of reflecting telescopes are
a) no chromatic aberration b) parabolic reflecting surfaces are used
c) weighs of mirror are much less than a lens of equivalent optical quality d) All of the above
155. A person wants a real image of his own, 3 times enlarged. Where should he stand in front of a concave mirror of
radius of curvature of 30 cm?
a) 90 cm b) 10 cm c) 20 cm d) 30 cm
156. The refractive index of the material of an equilateral prism is √3 What is the angle of minimum deviation?
a) 45° b) 60° c) 37° d) 30°
157. If μv = 1.5230 and μR = 1.5145 then dispersive power of a crown glass is
a) 0.0164 b) 0.00701 c) 0.0132 d) 0.0320
158. A double convex lens of refractive index μ1 is immersed in a liquid of refractive index μ2. The lens will act as
transparent plane sheet when
a) μ1 = μ2 b) μ1 > μ2 c) μ1 < μ2 d) μ1 =

159. A compound microscope has two lenses. The magnifying power of one is 5 and the combined magnifying power
is 100. The magnifying power of the other lens is
a) 10 b) 20 c) 50 d) 25
160. Magnifying power of a Galilean telescope is given by
f0 fe f0 fe f0 2fe f0 2fe
a) (1 −
) b) (1 +
) c) (1 +
) d) (1 −
f f f f
e e e e

161. The minimum magnifying power of telescope is M. If the focal length of its eye lens is halved, the magnifying
power will become
a) m/2 b) 2m c) 3m d) 4m
162. If the focal length of objective and eye lens are 1.2 cm and 3 cm respectively and the object is put 1.25 cm away
from the objective lens and the final image is formed at infinity. The magnifying power of the microscope is
a) 150 b) 200 c) 250 d) 400
163. What can be the largest distance of an image of a real object from a convex mirror of radius of curvature is 20
a) 10 cm b) 20 cm c) Infinity d) zero
164. To correct myopia,the focal length of the concave lens should be
a) equal to the distance of far point b) less than the distance of far point
c) less than the distance of near point d) equal to the distance of near point
165. A spot is placed on the bottom of a slab made of a transparent material of refractive index 1.5. The spot is viewed
vertically from the top when it seems to be raised by 2 cm. Then, the height of the slab is
a) 10 cm b) 8 cm c) 6 cm d) 4 cm
166. In the formation of a rainbow, the light from the sun on water droplets undergoes
a) dispersion only. b) only TlR. c) dispersion and TIR. d) scattering.
167. The radius of curvature of the convex face of a plano-convex lens is 12 cm and the refractive index of the material
of the lens is 1.5. Then, the focal length of the lens is
a) 6 cm b) 12 cm c) 18 cm d) 24 cm
168. A short linear object of length L lies on the axis of a spherical mirror of focal length f at a distance u form the
mirror. Its image has an axial length L' equal to


1/2 1/2 2 2
f u+f u−f f
a) L[ ] b) L[ ] c) L[ ] d) L[ ]
u−f f f u−f

169. A thin prism P1 with angle 6° and made from glass of refractive index 1.54 is combined with another thin prism
P2 of refractive index 1.72 to produce dispersion without deviation. The angle of prism P2 will be
a) 5°24' b) 4°30' c) 6° d) 8°
170. The focal length of a converging lens is measured for violet, green and red colours. It is respectively fv, fg fr we
will find that
a) fv = fr b) f v < fr c) f v > fr d) f g > fr
171. Which of the following statement is correct for hypermetropia?
a) Near objects are not clearly visible b) Distant objects are not clearly visible
c) Concave lens is used for remedy of hypermetropia d) None of the above
172. In the given figure, the angle of reflection is
a) 30
b) 60
c) 450 d) None of these
173. A thin equiconvex lens of refractive index 3/2 and radius of curvature 30 em is put in water (refractive index =
4/3), its focal length is
a) 0.15 m b) 0.30 m c) 0.45 m d) 1.20 m
174. A person wants a real image of his own, 3 times enlarged. Where should he stand in front of a concave mirror of
radius of curvature of 30 cm?
a) 90 cm b) 10 cm c) 20 cm d) 30 cm
175. Under minimum deviation condition in a prism, if a ray is an incident at an angle 30°, then the angle between the
emergent ray and the second refracting surface of the prism is
a) 0° b) 30° c) 45° d) 60°
176. To measure the roughness of the surface of a material, which of the following microscope is preferred for better
result output?
a) Compound microscope b) Electron microscope c) Atomic force microscope d) None of the above
177. An object has an image thrice of its original size when kept at 8 em and 16 cm from a convex lens. Focal length
of the lens is
a) less than 8 cm b) 8 cm c) 16 cm d) between 8 and 16 cm
178. In a compound microscope, the focal length of the objective is 2.5 cm and of eye lens is 5 cm. If an object is
placed at 3.75 cm before the objective and the image is formed at the least distance of distinct vision, then the
distance between two lenses will be
a) 11.67 cm b) 12 cm c) 12.75 cm d) 13 cm
179. A microscope is having objective of focal length 1 cm and eye-piece of focal length 6 cm. If tube length is 30 cm
and image is formed at the least distance of distinct vision, what is the magnification produced by the
microscope.(take, D = 25 cm)
a) 6 b) 150 c) 25 d) 125
180. A magnifying glass is used, as the object to be viewed can be brought closer to the eye than the normal near
point. This results in
a) a larger angle to be subtended by the object at the eye and hence viewed in greater detail
b) the formation of a real inverted image. c) increase in the field of view.
d) infinite magnification at the near point.
181. A vessel of depth 2 d cm is half filled with a liquid of refractive index μ1 and the upper half with a liquid of
refractive index μ2 The apparent depth of the vessel seen perpendicu.
μ1 μ2
1 1 1 1 1
a) d [ μ +μ
] b) d [ μ +
] c) 2d [ μ +
] d) 2d [ μ μ
1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2


182. The focal length of objective lens is increased then magnifying power of
a) Microscope will increase but that of telescope decreases b) Microscope and telescope both will increase
c) Microscope and telescope both will decrease
d) Microscope will decrease but that of telescope will increase
183. A microscope is focussed on a mark on a piece of paper and then, a slab of glass of thickness 3 cm and
refractive index 1.5 is placed over the mark. How should the microscope be moved to get the mark in focus
a) 1 cm upward b) 4.5 cm downward c) 1 cm downward d) 2 cm upward
184. A simple telescope ,consisting of an objective of focal length 60 cm and a single eye lens of focal length 5cm is
focusedon a distant object in such a way that parallel rays emerge from the eye lens.if the object subtends an
angle of 20 at the objective,the angular width of the image is
a) 100 b) 240 c) 500 d) (1/6)0
185. Sparkling of diamond is due to
a) reflection. b) dispersion. c) total internal reflection. d) high refractive index of diamond
186. A person suffering from the defect astigmatism
a) cannot see any object b) cannot see objects in two perpendicular directions simultaneously
c) cannot see near by Objects d) cannot see distant objects
187. The refractive indices of water and glass with respect to air are 4/3 and 5/3, respectively. The refractive index of
glass with respect to water will be
a) 1/3 b) 4/3 c) 5/4 d) 20/9
188. In order to increase the angular magnification of a simple microscope, one should increase
a) the objectsize b) the aperture of the lens c) the focal length of the lens d) the power of the lens
189. An object approaches a convergent of lens from the left of the lens with a uniform speed 5m/s and stops at the
focus. The image
a) moves away from the lens with a uniform speed 5 m/s
b) moves away from the lens with a uniform acceleration
c) moves away from the lens with a non-uniform acceleration
d) moves towards the lens with a non-uniform acceleration
190. Two lamps of powers P1 and P2 are placed on either side of apaper having an oil spot. The lamps are at 1m and
2 m respectively, On either side of the paper and the oil spot is invisible. What is the value of P1 /P2 ?

a) 0.25 b) 0.40 c) 0.50 d) 0.60

191. If the critical angle for total internal reflection from a medium to vaccum is 30 , the velocity of light in the
medium is
8 8 8 8
a) 3 × 10 ms
b) 1.5 × 10 −1
ms c) 6 × 10 ms
d) √3 × 10 −1

192. For having large magnification power of a compound microscope

a) length of the microscope tube must be small
b) focal lengths of objective lens and ele-piece should be large
c) focal lengths of objective lens and eye-piece should be small
d) focal length of eye-piece must be smaller than the focal length of objective lens
193. A thin prism of angle 7 and refractive index 1.5 is combined with another prism of angle θ and refractive index
1.7. The emergent ray goes undeviated. What is the value of θ ?
0 0 0 0
a) 3 b) 5 c) 9 d) 1
194. Diameter of the objective of a telescope is 200 cm. What is the resolving power of a telescope? Take, wavelength
of light = 5000A.
a) 6.56 x 106 b) 3.28 x 105 c) 1 x 106 d) 3.28 x 106
195. In reflection over a spherical mirror, ray parallel to principal axis, after reflection from mirror pass through
a) focus b) centre of curvature c) pole of mirror d) any point
196. Two beams of red and violet colours made to pass separately through a prism (A = 60°). In the minimum
deviation position, the angle of refraction inside the prism will be
a) greater for red colour b) equal but not 30° for both the colours c) greater for violet colour
d) 30° for both the colours
197. A magnifying glass of focal length 5 cm is used to view an object by a person whose smallest distance of distinct
vision is 25cm. If he holds the glass close to eye, then the magnification is
a) 5 b) 6 c) 2.5 d) 3
198. Relation between focal length (f) and radius of curvature (R) of a spherical mirror is
a) R = f/2 b) f = 3R c) f = R/2 d) f = R/4
199. A person has a minimum distance of distinct vision as 50 cm. The power of lenses required to read a book at a
distance of 25 cm is
a) 3 D b) 1 D c) 2 D d) 4 D
200. A point object is placed at a distance of 30 cm from a convex mirror of focal length 30 cm. The image will form at
a) infinity b) pole c) focus d) 15 cm behind the mirror
201. Two beams of red and violet colours made to pass separately through a prism (A = 60°). In the minimum
deviation position, the angle of refraction inside the prism will be
a) greater for red colour b) equal but not 30° for both the colours c) greater for violet colour
d) 30° for both the colours
202. An astronomical telescope has an angular magnification of magnitude 5 for distant objects. The separation
between the objective and the eyepiece is 36 cm and the final image is formed at infinity. The focal length fo of
the objective and the focal length Ie of the eyepiece are
a) fo = 45 cm and fe = - 9 cm b) fo = -72 cm and fe = 5 cm c) fo = 50 cm and fe = 10 cm
d) fo = 30 cm and fe = 6 cm
203. A ray of light passing through a prism of refraction angle 60° has to deviate by at least 30°. Then, refractive index
of prism should be
a) ≤ √2 b) ≥ √2 c) ≥ √3 d) ≥ √3

204. If the critical angle for total internal reflection from a medium to vaccum is 30 , the velocity of light in the
medium is
8 8 8 8
a) 3 × 10 ms
b) 1.5 × 10 ms
c) 6 × 10 ms
d) √3 × 10 −1

205. A vessel consists of two plane mirrors at right angles as shown in figure. The vessel is filled with water. The total
deviation in incident ray is
a) 0° b) 60° c) 90° d) 180°
206. The intermediate image formed by the objective of a compound microscope is
a) real, inverted and magnified b) real, erect and magnified c) virtual, erect and magnified
d) virtual, inverted and magnified
207. Aglass slab ( μ = 1.5) of thickness 6 cm is placed over a paper. What is the shift in the letters?
a) 4 cm b) 2 cm c) 1 cm d) None of these
208. A room (cubical) is made of mirrors. An insect is moving along the diagonal on the floor , such that the velocity of
image of insect on two adjacent wall mirrors, is 10cms . The velocity of image of insect in ceiling mirror is
−1 −1 10 −1 −1
a) 10cms b) 20cms c) cms d) 10√2cms

209. Calculate the focal length of a reading glass of a person, if the distance of distinct vision is 75 crn.
a) 75.2 cm b) 25.6 cm c) 100.4 cm d) 37.5 cm


210. Image formed on the retina is
a) real and inverted b) virtual and erect c) real and erect d) virtual and inverted
211. Why sky appears blue?
a) Due to scattering b) Due to reflection c) Due to refraction d) Due to total internal reflection
212. An object is placed at a distance of 0.5 m in front of a plane mirror. The distance between object and image will
a) 0.25 m b) 0.5 m c) 1.0 m d) 2.0 m
213. Two lenses of power 15D and -3 D are placed in contact. The focal length of the combinations is
a) 10 cm b) 15 cm c) 12 cm d) 18 cm e) 8.33 cm
214. An object is placed at a distance of 0.5 m in front of a plane mirror. The distance between object and image will
a) 0.25 m b) 0.5 m c) 1.0 m d) 2.0 m
215. Two lamps of powers P1 and P2 are placed on either side of apaper having an oil spot. The lamps are at 1m and
2 m respectively, On either side of the paper and the oil spot is invisible. What is the value of P1 /P2 ?

a) 0.25 b) 0.40 c) 0.50 d) 0.60

216. There are certain material developed in laboratories which have a negative refractive index. A ray incident from air
(medium 1) into such a medium (medium 2) shall follow a path given by

a) b) c) d)

217. A beam of light consisting of red, green and blue colours is incident on a right angled prism. The refractive index
of the material of the prism for red, green and blue wavelengths are 1.39, 1.44 and 1.47 respectively. The prism

a) separate the red colour part from the green and blue colours.
b) separate the blue colour part from the red and green colours
c) separate all the three colours from one another d) not separate the three colours at all
218. If the value of critical angle is 30° for total internal reflection from any medium to vacuum, then speed of light in
that medium
a) 3 x 108 m/s b) 1.5 x 108 m/s c) 6 x 108 m/s d) 4.5 x 108 m/s
219. The equiconvex lens has focal length f. If it is cut perpendicular to the principal axis passing through optical
centre, then focal length of each half is
f 3f
a) b) f c) d) 2f
2 2

220. An object of 5 cm height is placed 1 m apart from a concave spherical mirror which has a radius of curvature of
20 cm. The size of the image is
a) 0.11 cm b) 0.5 cm c) 0.55 cm d) 0.60 cm
221. Mark the correct one.
a) Our eyes can distinguish between real and virtual image b) Virtual image can also be taken on screen
c) If the incident rays are converging at a point, then the object is real d) None of the above


222. The length of the compound microscope is 14 ern, The magnifying power for relaxed eye is 25. If the focal length
of eye lens is 5 cm, then the object distance for objective lens will be
a) 1.8 cm b) 1.5 cm c) 2.1 cm d) 2.4 cm
223. To get three images of single object, one should have two plane mirrors at an angle of
a) 60° b) 90° c) 120° d) 30°
224. Four lenses of focal lengths ± 15 cm and ± 150 cm are available for making a telescope. To produce the largest
magnification, the focal length of the eyepiece should be
a) + 15 cm b) + 150 cm c) - 150 cm d) 15 cm
225. An astronomical refractive telescope has an objective of focal length 20 m and an eyepiece of focal length 2 cm.
Which one of the following is not correct?
a) The length of the telescope tube is 20.02 m b) The magnification is 1000
c) The image formed is inverted
d) An objective of a larger aperture will increase the brightness and reduce chromatic aberration of the image
226. We combine two lenses, one is convex and other is concave having focal lengths f1 and f2 and their combined
focal length is F. Combination of the lenses will behave like concave lens, if
a) f1 > f2 b) f1 = f2 c) f1 < f2 d) f1 < f2
227. Two identical thin plano-convex glass lenses each having radius of curvature of 20cm are placed with their
convex surfaces in contact at the centre.The intervening space is filled with oil of refractive index 1.7.The
intervening space is filled with oil refractive index 1.7.The focal length of the combination is
a) -20 cm b) -25 cm c) -50 cm d) 50 cm
228. Consider an extended object immersed in water contained in a plane trough. When seen from close to the edge
of the trough the object looks distorted. Which of the following is not correct
the apparent depth of the points close to the edge are nearer the surface of the water compared to the points
away from the edge.
the angle subtended by the image of the object at the eye is smaller than the actual angle subtended by the
object in air
some of the points of the object far away from the edge may not be visible because of total internal reflection.
d) water in a trough acts as a lens and magnifies the object.
229. Two lenses are kept in contact with powers +2 D and -4 D. The focal length of this combination will be
a) +50 cm b) -50 cm c) -25 cm d) + 25 cm
230. When light of wavelength λ is incident on an equilateral prism kept in, its minimum deviation position, it is found
that the angle of deviation equals the angle of the prism itself The refractive index of the material of the prism for
the wavelength λ is, then
a) √3 b) 2
c) 2 d) √2
231. If the image formed by a convex mirror of focal length 30 cm is a quarter of the size of the object, then the
distance of the object from the mirror will be
a) 30 cm b) 60 cm c) 90 cm d) 120 cm
232. A thin glass prism ( μ = 1.5) is immersed in water ( μ = 1.3). if the angle of deviation in air for a particular ray be
D, then in water will be
a) 0.2 D b) 0.3 D c) 0.5 D d) 0.6 D
233. The magnifying power of the astronomical telescope for normal adjustment is 50. The focal length of the
eyepiece is 2 cm. The required length of the telescope for normal adjustment is


a) 102 cm b) 100 cm c) 98 cm d) 25 cm
234. A small angled prism of refractive index 1.4 is combined with another small angled prism of refractive index 1.6
to produce dispersion without deviation. If the angle of first prism is 6°, then the angle of the second prism is
a) 8° b) 6° c) 4° d) 2°
235. A person suffering from the defect astigmatism
a) cannot see any object b) cannot see objects in two perpendicular directions simultaneously
c) cannot see near by Objects d) cannot see distant objects
236. A plano-convex lens is made of refractive index of 1.6. The focal length of the lens is
a) 400 cm b) 200 cm c) 100 cm d) 50 cm
237. A metal coin is at bottom of a beaker filled with a liquid of refractive index = 4/3 to height of 6 cm. To an observer
looking from above the surface of liquid, coin will appear at a depth
a) 1.5 cm b) 6.75 cm c) 4.5 cm d) 7.5 cm
238. A combination is made of two lenses of focal lengths f1 and f2 and dispersive powers ω1 and ω2 respectively.
The combination will be achromatic, if
a) ω1 = 2ω2 and f1 = 2f2 b) 2ω1 = 2ω2 and f1 = 2f2 c) ω1 = 2ω2 and f1 = -2f2
d) 2ω1 = ω2 and 2f1 = f2
239. Limitation of reflecting telescope is
a) objective mirror focusses light inside the telescope tube
b) objective mirror focusses light outside the telescope tube c) objective mirror has large focal length
d) tube length is large
240. In vacuum, to travel distance d, light takes time t and in medium to travel distance 5d, it takes time T. The critical
angle of the medium is
−1 5T −1 5t −1 5t −1 3t
a) sin (
) b) sin (
) c) sin (
) d) sin (

241. An astronomical telescope in normal adjustment receives light from a distance source S, the tube length is now
decreased slightly, then
a) no image will be formed b) a virtual image of S will be formed at a finite distance
c) a large, real image of S will be formed behind the eye piece, far away from i
d) a small, real image of S will be formed behind the eye-piece closes to it
242. A plot of angle of deviation D versus angle of incidence for a triangular prism is shown below. The angle of
incidence for which the light ray travels parallel to the base is

a) 30° b) 60° c) 48° d) 36°

243. If in denser medium, incidence angle is equal to critical angle, then refraction angle will be
a) 0° b) 45° c) 90° d) 180°
244. Two mirrors are kept at 60° to each other and a body is placed at the middle. The total number of images formed
a) six b) four c) five d) three
245. A converging lens is used to form an image on a screen. When the upper half of the lens is-covered by an opaque
screen, then
a) half the image will disappear b) complete image will disappear c) intensity of image will increase
d) intensity of image will decrease


246. The equiconvex lens has focal length f. If it is cut perpendicular to the principal axis passing through optical
centre, then focal length of each half is
f 3f
a) 2
b) f c) 2
d) 2f
247. A lens has focal length 10 cm. An object is placed 15 cm in front of it. Where should a convex mirror be placed,
so that image is formed at the object itself,when focal length of convex mirror is 12 cm?
a) 6 cm from lens b) 8 cm from lens c) 5 cm from lens d) 4 cm from lens
248. For the refraction shown below the correct relation is,

n2 n1 n2 −n1 n1 n2 n2 −n1 n1 n2 n1 −n2 n2 n1 n1 −n2

a) v

= b) v

c) v

= d) v


o o
249. A thin prism P1 of angle 4 and refractive index 1.54 is combained with another thin prism P2 of refractive index
1.72 to produce dispersion without deviation.The angle of P2 is
a) 4o b) 5.33o c) 2.6o d) 3o
250. Rainbow is caused due to
a) Refraction b) reflection c) dispersion d) All of these
251. A ray of light passes from a medium A having refractive index 1.6 to the medium B having refractive index 1.5.
The value ,of critical angle of medium
−1 16 −1 16 −1 1 −1 15
a) sin √ b) sin ( ) c) sin ( ) d) sin ( )
15 15 2 16

252. A room (cubical) is made of mirrors. An insect is moving along the diagonal on the floor , such that the velocity of
image of insect on two adjacent wall mirrors, is 10cms . The velocity of image of insect in ceiling mirror is
a) 10cms −1
b) 20cms −1
c) cms
d) 10√2cms


253. Aperture of human eye is 0.2 cm. The minimum magnifying power of a visual telescope, whose objective has
diameter 100 cm, is
a) 500 b) 0.002 c) 0.02 d) 100
254. If the reflected ray is rotated by an angle of 4θ in clockwise direction then the mirror was rotated by
a) 2θ in anti-clockwise direction b) 4θ in anti-clockwise direction c) 2θ in clockwise direction
d) 4θ in clockwise direction
255. A plano-convex lens of curvature of 30 cm and refractive index 1.5 produces a real image of an object kept 90 cm
from it. What is the magnification?
a) 4 b) 0.5 c) 1.5 d) 2
256. In order to increase the angular magnification of a simple microscope, one should increase
a) the objectsize b) the aperture of the lens c) the focal length of the lens d) the power of the lens
257. Which of the following is true for rays coming from infinity?

a) Two images are formed b) Continuous image is formed between focalpoints of upper and lower lens
c) One image is formed d) None of the above


258. An object is seen through a simple microscope of focal length 12 cm. What will be the angular magnification
produced, if the image is formed at the near point of the eye which is 25 cm away from it?
a) 6.08 b) 3.08 c) 9.03 d) 5.09
259. The velocity of image when object and mirror both are moving towards each other with velocities 4 ms-1 and 5
ms-1 respectively, is
a) -14 ms-1 b) 15ms-1 c) -9 ms-1 d) 14 ms-1
260. There are certain material developed in laboratories which have a negative refractive index. A ray incident from air
(medium 1) into such a medium (medium 2) shall follow a path given by

a) b) c) d)

261. If lower half of a concave mirror is blackened, then

a) image distance increases b) image distance decreases c) image intensity increases
d) image intensity decreases
262. Reflecting telescope consists of
a) convex mirror of large,aperture b) concave mirror of large aperture c) concave lens of small aperture
d) None of the above
263. The velocity of image when object and mirror both are moving towards each other with velocities 4 ms-1 and 5
ms-1 respectively, is
a) -14 ms-1 b) 15ms-1 c) -9 ms-1 d) 14 ms-1
264. The astronomical telescope consists of objective and eyepiece. The focal length of the objective is
a) equal to the of the eyepiece. b) shorter than that of eyepiece c) greater than that of eyepiece
d) five times shorter than that of eyepiece
265. Advantage of reflecting telescopes are
a) no chromatic aberration b) parabolic reflecting surfaces are used
c) weighs of mirror are much less than a lens of equivalent optical quality d) All of the above
266. In a compound microscope, the intermediate image is
a) virtual, erect and magnified b) real, erect and magnified c) real, inverted and magnified
d) virtual, erect and reduced
267. A focal length of a lens is 10 cm. What is power of a lens in dioptre?
a) 0.1 D b) 10 D c) 15 D d) 1 D
268. Air bubble in water behaves as
a) sometimes concave, sometimes convex lens b) concave lens c) convex lens
d) always refracting surface
269. The focal length of the objective of a terrestrial telescope is 80 ern and it is adjusted for parallel rays, then its
power is 20. If the focal length of erecting lens is 20 cm, then full length of the telescope will be
a) 164 cm b) 124 cm c) 100 cm d) 84 cm
270. Dispersive power depends upon
a) material of prism b) deviation produced by prism c) height of the prism d) the angle of prism
271. A plano-concave lens is made of glass of refractive index 1.5 and the radius of curvature of its curved face is 100
cm. What is the power of the lens?
a) +0.5 D b) -0.5 D c) -2 D d) +2 D


272. A rectangular block of glass ABCD has a refractive index 1.6. A pin is placed midway on the face AB When
observed from the face AD, the pin shall

a) appear to be near A b) appear to be near D. c) appear to be at the centre of AD d) not be seen at all.
273. Our eyes are most sensitive for which of the following wavelength?
˚ ˚ ˚
a) 4500 A b) 5500A c) 6500A d) Equally sensitive for all wavelengths of visible spectrum
274. Presbyopia can be removed by using
a) convex lens b) concave lens c) cylindrical lens d) bifocal lens
275. We combine two lenses, one is convex and other is concave having focal lengths f1 and f2 and their combined
focal length is F. Combination of the lenses will behave like concave lens, if
a) f1 > f2 b) f1 = f2 c) f1 < f2 d) f1 < f2
276. When a lens of refractive index n1 is placed in a liquid of refractive index n2 then the lens looks to be disappeared
only, if
a) n1=n2/2 b) n1=3n2/2 c) n1=n2 d) n1=5n2/2
277. Dispersive power depends upon
a) the angle of prism b) material of prism c) deviation produced by prism d) height of the prism
278. An equilateral prism is in condition of minimum deviation. If incidence angle is 4/5 times of prism angle, then
minimum deviation angle is
a) 72° b) 60° c) 48° d) 36°
279. If c is the velocity of light in free space, then the time taken by light to travel a distance x in a medium refractive
index μ is
x μx x c
a) c
b) c
c) μc
d) μx

280. For an optical arrangement as shown in the figure,Find the position and nature of image.
a) 32 cm b) 0.6 cm c) 6 cm d) 0.5 cm
281. The real image which is exactly equal to the size of an object is to be obtained on a screen with the help of a
convex lens of focal length 15 cm. For this, what must be in the distance between the object and screen?
a) 15 cm b) 30 cm c) 45 cm d) 60 cm
282. In reflection over a spherical mirror, ray parallel to principal axis, after reflection from mirror pass through
a) focus b) centre of curvature c) pole of mirror d) any point
283. An object has an image thrice of its original size when kept at 8 em and 16 cm from a convex lens. Focal length
of the lens is
a) less than 8 cm b) 8 cm c) 16 cm d) between 8 and 16 cm
284. A convex lens has mean focal length 20 cm.The dispersive power of the material of the lens is 0.02.The
longitudinal chromatic aberration for an object at infity,is
a) 0.20 b) 0.40 c) 0.80 d) 103
285. The image formed by a convex mirror of focal length 30 cm is a quarter of the size of the object.The distance of
the object from the mirror is
a) 30 cm b) 90 cm c) 120 cm d) 60 cm


286. The near point and far point of a person are 40 cm and 250 cm, respectively. Determine the power of the lens
he/she should use while reading a book kept at distance 25 cm from the eye.
a) 2.5D b) 5D c) 1.5D d) 3.5D
287. A diver at a depth 12 m inside water (μ = 4/3) sees the sky in a cone of semi-vertical angle
4 4 3
a) sin−1 b) tan−1 c) sin
d) 90∘
3 3 4

288. Image formed on the retina is

a) real and inverted b) virtual and erect c) real and erect d) virtual and inverted
289. The refracting angle of a prism is A and refractive index of the material of the prism is cot (A/2). The angle of
minimum deviation is
a) 180°- 3A b) 180°- 2A c) 90°- A d) 180°+ 2A
290. A beam of light consisting of red, green and blue colours is incident on a right angled prism. The refractive index
of the material of the prism for red, green and blue wavelengths are 1.39, 1.44 and 1.47 respectively. The prism

a) separate the red colour part from the green and blue colours.
b) separate the blue colour part from the red and green colours
c) separate all the three colours from one another d) not separate the three colours at all
291. A ray of light travelling in a transparent medium of refractive index μ on a surface separating the medium from
air at an angle of incidence of 450 For which of the following value of μ the ray can undergo total internal
a) μ =1.33 b) μ =1.40 c) μ =1.50 d) μ =1.25
292. An object is placed at a distance of 10 cm from a co-axial combination of two lenses A and B in contact. The
combination forms a real image three times the size of the object. If lens B is concave with a focal length of 30
cm. The nature and focal length of lens A is
a) convex, 12 cm b) concave, 12 cm c) convex, 6 cm d) convex, 18 cm
293. The magnification produced by an astronomical telescope for normal adjustment is 10 and the length of the
telescope is 1.1 m. The magnification, when the image is formed at least distance of distinct vision is
a) 6 b) 14 c) 16 d) 18
294. Two lenses are in contact having focal length 25 cm and -40 crn. Find power of this combination.
a) -6.67 D b) -2.5 D c) +1.5 D d) +4 D
295. Diameter of the objective of a telescope is 200 cm. What is the resolving power of a telescope? Take, wavelength
of light = 5000A.
a) 6.56 x 106 b) 3.28 x 105 c) 1 x 106 d) 3.28 x 106
296. The phenomena involved in the reflection of radiowaves by ionosphere is similar to
a) reflection of light by a plane mirror b) total internal reflection of light in air during a mirage
c) dispersion of light by water molecules during the formation of a rainbow
d) scattering of light by the particles of air
297. A luminous object is separated from a screen by distance d. A convex lens is placed between the object and the
screen such that it forms a distinct image on the screen. The maximum possible focal length of this convex lens


d d
a) 4d b) 2d c) 2

298. The magnifying power of a microscope with an objective of 5 mm focal length is 400. The length of its tube is 20
cm. Then, the focal length of the eye-piece is
a) 200 cm b) 160 cm c) 2.5 cm d) 0.1 cm
299. A ray of light passes through an equilateral glass prism in such a manner that the angle of incidence is equal to
the angle of emergence and each of these angles is equal to 3/4 of the angle of the prism. The angle of deviation
a) 45° b) 39° c) 20° d) 30°
300. The focal lengths of a converging lens are fv and fr for violet and red lights, respectively. Which of the following is
a) fv < fr b) fv = fr c) f v > fr d) It depends on the average refractive index
301. A Convex lens and a concave lens, each having same focal length of 25 cm, are put in contact to form a
combination of lenses. The power in dioptres of the combination is
a) infinite b) zero c) 25 d) 50
302. The focal lengths of the lenses of an astronomical telescope are 50 em and 5 cm. The length of the telescope
when the image is formed at the least distance of distinct vision is
a) 45 cm b) 55 cm c) 275/6 cm d) 325/6 cm
303. A lens has focal length 10 cm. An object is placed 15 cm in front of it. Where should a convex mirror be placed,
so that image is formed at the object itself,when focal length of convex mirror is 12 cm?
a) 6 cm from lens b) 8 cm from lens c) 5 cm from lens d) 4 cm from lens
304. If x1 is the size of the magnified image and x2 is the size of the diminished image in lens displacement method,
then the size of the object is
a) √− − −−
x1 x2 b) x1x2 c) x12x2 d) x1x22
305. An object approaches a convergent of lens from the left of the lens with a uniform speed 5m/s and stops at the
focus. The image
a) moves away from the lens with a uniform speed 5 m/s
b) moves away from the lens with a uniform acceleration
c) moves away from the lens with a non-uniform acceleration
d) moves towards the lens with a non-uniform acceleration
306. A beam of light composed of red and green rays is incident obliquely at a point on the face of a rectangular glass
slab. When coming out on the opposite parallel face, then the red and green rays emerge from
a) two points propagating in two different non-parallel directions
b) two points propagating in two different parallel directions
c) one point propagating in two different directions d) one point propagating in the same direction
307. A car is moving with at a constant speed of 60 km h-1 on a straight road. Looking at the rear view mirror, the driver
finds that the car following him is at a distance of 100 m and is approaching with a speed of 5 km h-1 In order to
keep track of the car in the rear, the driver begins to glance alternatively at the rear and side mirror of his car after
every 2 s till the other car overtakes. If the two cars were maintaining their speeds, which of the following
statement (s) is/are correct?
a) The speed of the car in the rear is 65 km h-1
In the side mirror, the car in the rear would appear to approach with a speed of 5 km h-1 to the driver of
the leading car


In the rear view mirror, the speed of the approaching car would appear to decrease as the distance between the
cars decreases
In the side mirror, the speed of the approaching car would appear to increase as the distance between the
cars decreases
308. The image formed by an objective of a compound microscope is
a) virtual and diminished b) real and diminished c) real and enlarged d) virtual and enlarged
309. The angle of a prism is A .One of its refracting
a) 2 sin A b) 2 cos A c) 1/2 cos A d) tan A
310. When a ray of light enters from one medium to another, then which of the following does not change?
a) Frequency b) Wavelength c) Speed d) Amplitude
311. A ray of light incident at an angle θ on a refracting face of a prism emerges from the other face normally. If the
angle of the prism is 5° and the prism is made of a material of refractive index 1.5 then the angle of incidence is
a) 7.5° b) 5° c) 15° d) 2.5°
312. A simple telescope, consisting of an objective of focal length 60 cm and a single eye lens of focal length 5cm is
focused on a distant object in such a way that parallel rays emerge from the eye lens.if the object subtends an
angle of 20 at the objective, the angular width of the image is
a) 100 b) 240 c) 500 d) (1/6)0
313. A 4 cm thick layer of water covers a 6 cm thick glass slab. Acoin placed at the bottom of the slab and is being
observed from the air side along the normal to the surface. Find the apprent position of the coin from
a) 7.0 cm b) 8.0 cm c) 10 cm d) 5 cm
314. In an experiment to find focal length of a concave mirror, a graph is drawn between the magnitude of u and v. The
graph looks like

a) b) c) d)

315. If μv = 1.5230 and μR = 1.5145 then dispersive power of a crown glass is

a) 0.0164 b) 0.00701 c) 0.0132 d) 0.0320
316. The sun light reaches us as white and not as its components because
a) air medium is dispersive b) air medium is non-dispersive c) air medium scatter the sunlight
d) air medium absorbs the sunlight e) speed of light depends on wavelength in vacuum
317. A thin lens of glass (μ = 1.5)of focal length ± 10 cm is immersed in water (μ = 1.33). The new focal length is
a) 20 cm b) 40 cm c) 48 cm d) 12 cm
318. A biconvex lens has a focal length f. It is cut into two parts along a line perpendicular to principal axis. The focal
length of each part will be
a) f/2 b) f c) (3/2)f d) 2f
319. A ray passing through or directed towards centre of curvature of a spherical mirror is reflected such that it trace
back of its path, because
a) it does not follow law of reflection b) angle of incidence is 0°
c) centre of curvature is midway between object and pole
d) distance of centre of curvature from focus is equal to its distance from pole
320. If in denser medium, incidence angle is equal to critical angle, then refraction angle will be
a) 0° b) 45° c) 90° d) 180°
321. The optical density of turpentine is higher than that of water while its mass density is lower. Figure shows a layer
of turpentine floating over water in a container. For which one of the four rays incident on turpentine in figure the
path shown is correct?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
322. A 4 cm thick layer of water covers a 6 cm thick glass slab. Acoin placed at the bottom of the slab and is being
observed from the air side along the normal to the surface. Find the apprent position of the coin from
a) 7.0 cm b) 8.0 cm c) 10 cm d) 5 cm
323. The focal length of a biconvex lens of radii of each surface 50 cm and refractive index 1.5, is
a) 40.4 cm b) 75 cm c) 50 cm d) 80 cm
324. When sun light is scattered by minute particles of atmosphere, then the intensity of light scattered away is
proportional to
a) (wavelength ot light)4 b) (frequency of light)4 c) (wavelength of light)2 d) (frequency of light)2
325. A convex mirror has focal length 20 cm. If an object is placed 20 cm away from the pole of mirror, then what is
the distance between image formed and pole?
a) 40 cm b) 10 cm c) 20 cm d) At infinity
326. A glass slab consists of thin uniform layers of progressively decreasing refractive indices refractive index such
that the refractive index of any layer is μ − mΔμ Here, μ and Δμ denote the refractive index of 0th layer and
the difference in refractive index between 'any two consecutive layers, respectively. The integer m = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...
denotes the numbers of the successive layers. A ray of light from the 0th layer enters the 1st layer at an angle of
incidence of 30°. After undergoing the mth refraction, the ray emerges parallel to the interface. If μ = 1.5 and
Δμ = 0.015, then the value of m is
a) 20 b) 30 c) 40 d) 50
327. The direction of ray of light incident on a concave mirror is shown by PQ while directions in which the ray would
travel after reflection is shown by four rays marked 1, 2, 3 and 4 (figure). Which of the four rays correctly shows
the direction of reflected ray?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
328. The length of an astronomical telescope for normal vision (relaxed eye) will be
a) fo b) c) fo d) fo
− fe × fe + fe

329. A glass slab consists of thin uniform layers of progressively decreasing refractive indices refractive index such
that the refractive index of any layer is μ − mΔμ Here, μ and Δμ denote the refractive index of 0th layer and
the difference in refractive index between 'any two consecutive layers, respectively. The integer m = 0, 1, 2, 3, ...


denotes the numbers of the successive layers. A ray of light from the 0th layer enters the 1st layer at an angle of
incidence of 30°. After undergoing the mth refraction, the ray emerges parallel to the interface. If μ = 1.5 and
Δμ = 0.015, then the value of m is
a) 20 b) 30 c) 40 d) 50
330. Raypf light transmitted from glass (n = 3/2) to water (n = 4/3). What is the value of critical angle?

a) sin-1( b) sin-1√ c) sin-1( d) sin-1(

1 8 8 5
) ) )
2 9 9 7

331. In an experiment to find focal length of a concave mirror, a graph is drawn between the magnitude of u and v. The
graph looks like

a) b) c) d)

332. A concave lens of focal length f forms an image which is 1/3 times the size of the object. Then, the distance of
object from the lens is
2 3
a) 2f b) f c) f d) f
3 2

333. When light of wavelength λ is incident on an equilateral prism kept in, its minimum deviation position, it is found
that the angle of deviation equals the angle of the prism itself The refractive index of the material of the prism for
the wavelength λ is, then
a) √3 b) c) 2 d) √2

334. When an object is placed 40 cm from a diverging lens, its virtual image is formed 20 cm from the lens.The focal
length and power of lens are
a) F = - 20 cm, P = - 5 D b) F = - 40 cm, P = - 5 D c) F =- 40 cm,P =-2.5 D d) F =-20 cm,P =-2.5 D
335. Consider an extended object immersed in water contained in a plane trough. When seen from close to the edge
of the trough the object looks distorted. Which of the following is not correct
the apparent depth of the points close to the edge are nearer the surface of the water compared to the points
away from the edge.
the angle subtended by the image of the object at the eye is smaller than the actual angle subtended by the
object in air
some of the points of the object far away from the edge may not be visible because of total internal reflection.
d) water in a trough acts as a lens and magnifies the object.
336. Resolving power of a microscope is given by
2μsinθ μsinθ 2μsinθ 2μcosθ
a) 2
b) c) d)
λ λ λ λ

337. A plano-convex lens of curvature of 30 cm and refractive index 1.5 produces a real image of an object kept 90 cm
from it. What is the magnification?
a) 4 b) 0.5 c) 1.5 d) 2
338. If the image formed by a convex mirror of focal length 30 cm is a quarter of the size of the object, then the
distance of the object from the mirror will be
a) 30 cm b) 60 cm c) 90 cm d) 120 cm


339. The refracting angle of a prism is A and refractive index of the material of the prism is cot (A/2). The angle of
minimum deviation is
a) 180°- 3A b) 180°- 2A c) 90°- A d) 180°+ 2A
340. A focal length of a lens is 10 cm. What is power of a lens in dioptre?
a) 0.1 D b) 10 D c) 15 D d) 1 D
341. A mark at the bottom of a liquid appears to rise by 0.1 m. The depth of the liquid is 1 ill. The refractive index of the
liquid is
a) 1.33 b) 9/10 c) 10/9 d) 1.5
342. Which of the following statement is correct for hypermetropia?
a) Near objects are not clearly visible b) Distant objects are not clearly visible
c) Concave lens is used for remedy of hypermetropia d) None of the above
343. A luminous object is separated from a screen by distance d. A convex lens is placed between the object and the
screen such that it forms a distinct image on the screen. The maximum possible focal length of this convex lens
d d
a) 4d b) 2d c) 2

344. In a plano-convex lens, the radius of curvature of convex surface is 10 cm and the focal length of the lens is 30
cm. The refractive index of the material of the lens will be
a) 1.5 b) 1.66 c) 1.33 d) 3
345. A plano-concave lens is made of glass of refractive index 1.5 and the radius of curvature of its curved face is 100
cm. What is the power of the lens?
a) +0.5 D b) -0.5 D c) -2 D d) +2 D
346. In vacuum, to travel distance d, light takes time t and in medium to travel distance 5d, it takes time T. The critical
angle of the medium is
−1 5T −1 5t −1 5t −1 3t
a) sin (
) b) sin (
) c) sin (
) d) sin (

347. A microscope is having objective of focal length 1 cm and eye-piece of focal length 6 cm. If tube length is 30 cm
and image is formed at the least distance of distinct vision, what is the magnification produced by the
microscope.(take, D = 25 cm)
a) 6 b) 150 c) 25 d) 125
348. A ray of light strikes a transparent rectangular slab of refractive index √2 at an angle of incidence of 45°. The
angle between the reflected and refracted ray is
a) 75° b) 90° c) 105° d) 120°
349. The frequency of a light wave in a material and wavelength is 5000 A The refractive index of material will be
a) 1.40 b) 1.50 c) 3.00 d) 1.33
350. A beam of light is incident on a glass slab in a direction as shown in the figure. The reflected light is analysed by a
polaroid prism. On rotating the polaroid,
a) the intensity remains unchanged b) the intensity is reduced to zero and remains at zero
c) the intensity gradually reduced to zero and then again increases d) the intensity increase continuously
e) the intensity increases initially and remains constant afterwards
351. The intermediate image formed by the objective of a compound microscope is
a) real, inverted and magnified b) real, erect and magnified c) virtual, erect and magnified
d) virtual, inverted and magnified
352. An object is 8 cm high. It is desired to form a real image 4 cm high at 60 cm from the mirror. The type of mirror
needed with the focal length is
a) convex mirror with focal length f = 40 cm b) convex mirror with focal length f = 20 cm
c) concave mirror with focal length f = - 40 cm d) concave mirror with focal length f = - 20 cm
353. If the focal length of objective lens is increased, then magnifying power of
a) microscope will increase but that of telescope decrease b) microscope and telescope both will increase
c) microscope and telescope both will decrease
d) microscope will decrease but that of telescope will increase
354. F1 and F2 are focal lengths of objective and eyepiece respectively, of the telescope. The angular magnification of
the given telescope is equal to
F1 F2 F1 F2 F1 +F2
a) F2
b) F1
c) F1 +F2
d) F1 F2

355. A plano-convex lens ( f = 20 cm) is silvered at plane surface. Now, focal length will be
a) 20 cm b) 40 cm c) 30 cm d) 10 cm
356. A vessel consists of two plane mirrors at right angles as shown in figure. The vessel is filled with water. The total
deviation in incident ray is
a) 0° b) 60° c) 90° d) 180°
357. A rectangular block of glass ABCD has a refractive index 1.6. A pin is placed midway on the face AB When
observed from the face AD, the pin shall

a) appear to be near A b) appear to be near D. c) appear to be at the centre of AD d) not be seen at all.
358. Which of the following is correct for the image formed by a plane mirror?
a) Always real b) Always virtual c) Virtual and laterally inverted d) Real and laterally inverted
359. In a compound microscope, the intermediate image is
a) virtual, erect and magnified b) real, erect and magnified c) real, inverted and magnified
d) virtual, erect and reduced
360. To correct myopia, the focal length of the concave lens should be
a) equal to the distance of far point b) less than the distance of far point
c) less than the distance of near point d) equal to the distance of near point
361. A glass prism ABC (refractive index 1.5), immersed in water (refractive index 4/3). A ray of light is incident
normally on face AB. If it is totally reflected at face AC, then
8 2 √3 2
a) sinθ ≥ b) sinθ ≥ c) sinθ ≥ d)
9 3 2 3

362. If light travels a distance x in t1 sec in air and 10 x distance in t2 see in a medium, the critical angle of the medium
will be
t1 −1 t1 −1 10t1 10t1
a) tan−1 (
) b) sin (
) c) sin (
) d) tan−1 (

363. Rainbow is caused due to

a) Refraction b) reflection c) dispersion d) All of these
364. A thin prism P1 of angle 4o and refractive index 1.54o is combained with another thin prism P2 of refractive index
1.72 to produce dispersion without deviation.The angle of P2 is
a) 4o b) 5.33o c) 2.6o d) 3o
365. The image formed by an objective of a compound microscope is
a) virtual and diminished b) real and diminished c) real and enlarged d) virtual and enlarged


366. If x1 is the size of the magnified image and x2 is the size of the diminished image in lens displacement method,
then the size of the object is
a) √x1 x2 b) x1x2 c) x12x2 d) x1x22
367. A plano-convex lens has a maximum thickness of 6 cm. When placed on a horizontal table with the curved
surface in contact with the table surface, then the apparent depth of the bottom most point of the lens is found to
be 4 cm. If the lens is inverted such that the plane face of the lens is in contact with the surface of the table, then
the apparent depth of the centre of the plane face is found to be cm. The radius of curvature of the lens is

a) 68 cm b) 75 cm c) 128 cm d) 34 cm
368. The minimum distance between an object and its real image formed by a convex lens is
a) 1.5 f b) 2 f c) 2.5 f d) 4 f
369. You are given four sources of light each one providing a light of a single color-red, blue, green and yellow.
Suppose the angle of refraction for a beam of yellow light corresponding to a particular angle of incidence at the
interface of two media is 90°. Which of the following statements is correct, if the source of yellow light is
replaced with that of other lights without changing the angle of incidence?
a) The beam of red light would undergo total internal reflection
b) The beam of red light would bend towards normal' while it gets refracted through the second medium
c) The beam of blue light would undergo total internal reflection
d) The beam of green light would bend away from the normal as it gets refracted through the second medium
370. A metal coin is at bottom of a beaker filled with a liquid of refractive index = 4/3 to height of 6 cm. To an observer
looking from above the surface of liquid, coin will appear at a depth
a) 1.5 cm b) 6.75 cm c) 4.5 cm d) 7.5 cm
371. F1 and F2 are focal lengths of objective and eyepiece respectively, of the telescope. The angular magnification of
the given telescope is equal to
F1 F2 F1 F2 F1 +F2
a) F2
b) F1
c) F1 +F2
d) F1 F2

372. A ray of light strikes a transparent rectangular slab of refractive index √2 at an angle of incidence of 45°. The
angle between the reflected and refracted ray is
a) 75° b) 90° c) 105° d) 120°
373. Which of the following is not due to total internal reflection?
a) Difference between apparent and real depth of a pond b) Mirage on hot summer days
c) Brilliance of diamond d) Working of optical fibre
374. A thin prism P1 with angle 6° and made from glass of refractive index 1.54 is combined with another thin prism
P2 of refractive index 1.72 to produce dispersion without deviation. The angle of prism P2 will be
a) 5°24' b) 4°30' c) 6° d) 8°
375. A thin prism of angle 7 and refractive index 1.5 is combined with another prism of angle θ and refractive index
1.7. The emergent ray goes undeviated. What is the value of θ ?
0 0 0 0
a) 3 b) 5 c) 9 d) 1
376. A ray of light incident at an angle θ on a refracting face of a prism emerges from the other face normally. If the
angle of the prism is 5° and the prism is made of a material of refractive index 1.5 then the angle of incidence is
a) 7.5° b) 5° c) 15° d) 2.5°
377. The refractive index of the material of a prism is √2 and its refracting angle is 300 .One of the refracting surfaces
of the prism is made a mirror inwards.A beam of monochromatic light entering the prism from the other face will
retrace its path after reflection from the mirrored surface,if its angle of incidence on the prism is
a) 450 b) 600 c) 00 d) 300


378. A plano-convex lens is made of glass of refractive index 1.5. The radius of curvature of its convex surface is R. Its
focal length is
a) R/2 b) R c) 2R d) 1.5R
379. The minimum magnifying power of telescope is M. If the focal length of its eye lens is halved, the magnifying
power will become
a) m/2 b) 2m c) 3m d) 4m
380. An object is located 4 m from the first of two thin converging lenses of focal lengths 2 m and 1 m, respectively.
The lenses are separated by 3 m. The final image formed by the second lens is located from the source at a
distance of
a) 8 m b) 5.5 m c) 6 m d) 6.5 m
381. Two lenses are in contact having powers of 5D and -3D. The focal length of this combination will be
a) 50 cm b) 75 cm c) 25 cm d) +20 cm
382. A person can see clearly objects only when they lie bet ween 50 cm and 400 cm from his eyes. In order to
increase the maximum distance of distinct vision to infinity, the type and power of the correcting lens, the person
has to use, will be
a) convex, + 2.25 D b) concave, - 0.25D c) concave, - 0.2 D d) convex, + 0.15 D
383. A glass prism ABC (refractive index 1.5), immersed in water (refractive index 4/3). A ray of light is incident
normally on face AB. If it is totally reflected at face AC, then
8 2 √3 2
a) sinθ ≥ b) sinθ ≥ c) sinθ ≥ d)
9 3 2 3

384. The angle of incidence for a ray of light at a refracting surface of a prism is 45°. The angle of prism is 60°. If the
ray suffers minimum deviation through the prism, then the angle of minimum deviation and refractive index of the
material of the prism respectively, are
1 1
a) 30°, √2 b) 45°, √2 c) 30°, d) 45°,
√2 √2

385. The direction of ray of light incident on a concave mirror is shown by PQ while directions in which the ray would
travel after reflection is shown by four rays marked 1, 2, 3 and 4 (figure). Which of the four rays correctly shows
the direction of reflected ray?

a) 1 b) 2 c) 3 d) 4
386. A thin convex lens of refractive index 1.5 has 20 cm focal length in air. If the lens is completely immersed in a
liquid of refractive index 1.6, then its focal length will be
a) -160 cm b) -100 cm c) +10 cm d) +100 cm
387. A Convex lens and a concave lens, each having same focal length of 25 cm, are put in contact to form a
combination of lenses. The power in dioptres of the combination is
a) 25 b) 50 c) infinite d) zero
388. Two lenses of power 15D and -3 D are placed in contact. The focal length of the combinations is
a) 10 cm b) 15 cm c) 12 cm d) 18 cm e) 8.33 cm
389. The limiting angle of incidence for an optical ray that can be transmitted by an equilateral prism of refractive
index μ = √
is given by (angles can be assumed to be small, so that sine of the angle is angle itself)
π π 2π π
a) 3
b) 6
c) 3
d) 2


390. Two thin lenses of focal lengths f1 and f2 are placed in contact with each other. Then, the equivalent focal length
of the combination will be
1 f1 f2 f1 +f2
a) f1 + f2 b) c) d)
f1 +f2 f1 +f2 f1 f2

391. A thin glass prism ( μ = 1.5) is immersed in water ( μ = 1.3). if the angle of deviation in air for a particular ray be
D, then in water will be
a) 0.2 D b) 0.3 D c) 0.5 D d) 0.6 D
392. If the reflected ray is rotated by an angle of 4θ in clockwise direction then the mirror was rotated by
a) 2θ in anti-clockwise direction b) 4θ in anti-clockwise direction c) 2θ in clockwise direction
d) 4θ in clockwise direction
393. For having large magnification power of a compound microscope
a) length of the microscope tube must be small
b) focal lengths of objective lens and ele-piece should be large
c) focal lengths of objective lens and eye-piece should be small
d) focal length of eye-piece must be smaller than the focal length of objective lens
394. An infinitely long rod lies along with the axis of a concave mirror of focal length f. The near end of the rod is at a
distance u > f from the mirror. Its image will have a length
2 2
f uf f uf
a) b) c) d)
u−f u−f u+f u+f

395. An object is placed at a distance of 10 cm from a co-axial combination of two lenses A and B in contact. The
combination forms a real image three times the size of the object. If lens B is concave with a focal length of 30
cm. The nature and focal length of lens A is
a) convex, 12 cm b) concave, 12 cm c) convex, 6 cm d) convex, 18 cm
396. An object is placed at 21 cm in front of a concave mirror of radius of a curvature 10 cm, A glass slab of thickness
3 cm and μ = 1.5 is then placed close to the mirror in the space between the object and the mirror. The position
of final image formed is
a) -3.94 cm b) 4.3 cm c) -4.93 d) 3.94 cm
397. The r efracting angle of a prism is A and refractive index of the material of the prism is cot(A/2).The angle of
minimum deviation is
a) 180o-3A b) 180o-2A c) 90o-A d) 180o+2A
398. The amount of scattering is inversely proportional to the fourth power of the wavelength. This is known as
a) Rayleigh scattering b) Maxwell scattering c) Oersted scattering d) Reynold scattering
399. Resolving power of a microscope is given by
2μsinθ μsinθ 2μsinθ 2μcosθ
a) 2
b) c) d)
λ λ λ λ

400. Magnifying power of a Galilean telescope is given by

f f f f f 2f f 2f
a) 0
(1 −
) b) 0
(1 +
) c) 0
(1 +
) d) 0
(1 −
fe D fe D fe D fe D


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