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Alamat : Dsn.Buratbanyu Desa Penggung, Kec. Nawangan,
Kab. Pacitan, Kode Pos : 63584
Email :


Mapel : BAHASA INGGRIS Hari, Tanggal :
Kelas : IV ( empat ) Waktu : 07.30 – 08.45
1. Tulis nama dan nomor absen pada lembar jawaban yang tersedia
2. Pahami soal dengan membaca secara seksama sebelum menentukan pilihan
3. Kerjakan dahulu soal yang kamu anggap paling mudah
4. Teliti kembali pekerjaanmu sebelum kamu serahkan kepada pengawas
I. Choose The Correct Answer by Crossing (x) a, b, c or d
1. Nanda : "How are you, Bagus?"
Bagus : ". . ."
a. I am eleven years old b. I am fine, thank's c. I am here d. You are welcome
2. Dinda : "Nice to meet you, Vian"
Vian : " Nice to meet you.......Dinda"
a. To b. to c. too d. toe
3. Amel : "Thank you, Intan"
Intan : "......"
a. thank you, Amel b. I am fine, thanks c. not bad d. you are welcome
4. Enik : "Let's go to school together, Disa"
Disa : "...."
a. you are welcome b. allright c. I'm fine d. never mind
5. There are twenty eight .... in the classroom
a. Chair b. chairs c. car d. cars
6. There.....a butterfly in the garden
a. Is b. are c. am d. the
7. Four times four equals ...
a. 4 b. 40 c. 16 d. 26
Text for number 8 to 12

Hello! Let me introduce my self. My name is Ari, my full name is Arira Nakamura. I am a boy. I am
nine years old. I school in Lahora Elementary School at fourth grade. I live at Jambu street number

3. My father’s name is Hiro Nakamura and my mother’s name is Inem Takezo, I have one sister, Suki
Nakamura, she is at sixth

8. Who was introducing himself in the text above?

a. Inem Takezo b. Arira Nakamura c. Suki Nakamura d. Hiro Nakamura
9. Where does Ari live? He lives at ...
a. lahora elementary school
b. jambu street number 3
c. nine years old
d. Inem Takezo
10. What is Ari's father's name?
a. Arira Nakamura b. Suki Nakamura c. Inem Takezo d. Hiro Nakamura
11. How old is Ari? He is ...
a. 6 years old c. 8 years old
b. 7 years old d. 9 years old
12. Does Ari have a brother?
a. yes, he does
b. no he does not
c. yes, he does not
d. no, he does
13. My house is clean, but my garden is ...
a. beautiful c. dirty
b. nice d. expensive
14. Today is monday, yesterday was ...
a. friday c. tuesday
b. wednesday d. sunday
15. The room is too dark, please ...
a. turn off the fan
b. switch on the lamp
c. close the door
d. switch off the lamp
16. Riduwan want listen to the music. He can ...
a. turn on the radio
b. turn off the tape
c. switch off the television
d. turn on the fan
17. We celebrate Heroic Day on ...
a. August 17th c. April 21st
b. October 10 th
d. November 10th
18. We can see ancient things in the ...
a. zoo c. park
b. museum d. lake
19. We celebrate Kartini Day at ...
a. April c. June
b. May d. July
20. The students must wear scout
uniform on ...
a. wednesday c. saturday
b. sunday d. thursday
21. Mrs. Julie works in the hospital
She helps the doctor take care the
patients. She is a ...
a. nurse c. teacher
b. dentist d. secretary
22. The hospital is ... the
post office (disebelah)
a. between c. behind
b. in front of d. beside
23. Rudi is .... He want to eat a bowl
of meatball
a. hungry c. thursty
b. angry d. happy
24. Mother - nurse -
my - a - is The
arrangement is ...
a. a mother is my nurse
b. my nurse is a mother
c. my mother is a nurse
d. is a nurse my mother
25. Fandy is absent today ... he gets fever
a. Or c. and
b. but d. because
26. o-s-g-o-e = ...
a. sogoe b. gosoe c. sooge d. goose
27. we bake cookis use ...
a. glass b. cut pan c. broom d. oven
28. iguana is included in ... animal
a. wild b. pet c. seed d. fish
29. a ... lives in the water
a. lion b. mouse c. whale d. bird
30. t-s-o-e-v = ...
a. svoet b. voset c. stove d. svote
II. Fill the blanks with the correct answer !
1. Mention four (4) wild animals !
2. Mention four (4) jobs !
3. What do you usually do after school !
4. Translate into Indonesia !
a. Pet c. farm animals
b. Wild d. tame
5. Saya sedang memasak di dapur dengan ibu .
6. How do you say the sentence above in engglis !

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