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SPELLING BEE – Year 8 – 2022 List of Words

1. Suitable: She doesn´t have a suitable dress for the wedding.

2. Charity: They do a lot of work for charity.
3. Survey: A recent survey revealed that 60% of students passed the English test.
4. Embarrassing: They gave us such an effusive welcome it was quite embarrassing.
5. Encourage: The new teaching methods encourage children to think for themselves.
6. Ridiculous: It's ridiculous to expect a two-year-old to be able to read!
7. Frequently: They frequently hold conferences at that hotel.
8. Headline: The news of his promotion was splashed in headlines across all the newspapers.
9. Commuter: Because of disruption caused by the snow, many commuters faced long
10. Awesome: The family spend an awesome weekend at the beach.
11. Available: This information is available on the internet.
12. Purchase: Tickets must be purchased two weeks in advance.
13. Endangered: East coast populations of koalas are also being assessed for an official listing
as endangered.
14. Affordable: The store offers good quality at an affordable price.
15. Wheat: The country imports a huge amount of wheat.
16. Enthusiastic: All experimenters were enthusiastic and gave positive feedback.
17. Stressed: All students are stressed about the spelling bee this year. ;)
18. Decisive: My travels have played a decisive role in my life.
19. Possession: I have some valuable paitings in my possession.
20. Sensible: She was sensible and easy to deal with.
21. Anxious: My friends were a bit anxious to meet the new teacher.
22. Waste: This city produces 20 million tons of household waste each year.
23. Bargain: The airline regularly offers last-minute bookings at bargain prices.
24. Knowledge: Her knowledge of English grammar is very extensive.
25. Worth: I think this matter is worth our attention.
26. Analyse: She still needs to analyse the data.
27. Vision: Her vision was blurred by unshed tears
28. Instructor: His sailing instructor fell overboard during a lesson
29. Fantasy: Her fantasy is to be a film star.
30. Equipment: The new equipment enabled us to finish the work in an hour.
31. Igloo: that's just the igloo on the iceberg
32. Rug: She sprawled on the rug near the fireplace
33. Enormous: The earth has an enormous molten core
34. Terminal:We took the bus all the way to the terminal in downtown
35. Bother: He doesn't bother much about his appearance
36. Average: An average of 2,000 people attended the show each night
37. Company: The little company began its long journey
38. Furious: Now Alex is furious with me.
39. Telescope: A telescope is like a very strong eye
40. Ancestor: Many species have diverged from a single ancestor
41. Graffiti: The buildings were covered with graffiti
42. Background: The job would suit someone with a business background
SPELLING BEE – Year 8 – 2022 List of Words

43. Overcome: She stopped struggling, overcome by feelings

44. Scholarship: His excellence in baseball earned him a scholarship
45. Society: The future of society is in our hands
46. Represent: She hired an agent to represent her in the contract negotiations
47. Queue: The queue to get in here is longer than you'd guess
48. Musician: He is a very creative musician.
49. Original: she is quite original
50. Rehearsal: He did a dress rehearsal, which was open in the morning

WORDS from previous years also included in the competition

51. Neighbourhood: Our neighbourhood is full of children.

52. Maintenance: The trains were delayed because they were carrying our maintenance work
on the line.
53. Eyesight: I can`t be a policeman as my eyesight isn’t good enough.
54. Mountaineering: Mountaineering is one of the most popular extreme sports among
55. Humiliating: The team has suffered some humiliating harassment recently.
56. Efficient: The nets or snares are highly efficient for this purpose.
57. Promote: In Sir Benjamin D'Urban Philip found a governor anxious to promote the
interests of the natives.
58. Concession: This concession involved important consequences.
59. Itinerary: The best edition of the Itinerary is by J.
60. Initially: Steel bars separated us initially; until it was clear she had no desire to harm me.
61. Chaos: The country is in chaos right now.
62. Pressure: Teenagers are usually under a lot of pressure.
63. Aggressive: That sales assistant was really aggressive and tried to make us buy some jeans
we didn’t want.
64. Initially: Steel bars separated us initially; until it was clear she had no desire to harm me.
65. Chaos: The country is in chaos right now.
66. Muscle. I’ve trained so hard that I’ve hurt a leg muscle. Muscle
67. Understand. I’m sorry! I don’t speak Japanese so I can’t understand you. Understand
68. Transfer. Could you transfer the files I need to study before the presentation? Transfer
69. Download. I have to download more music for the party. Download.
70. Sculpture: That sculpture would take up too much space in the room.

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