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Student's full name: Marcos Ackerman Grade/Course: 1st Tech

Subject: English Homework Number: 3 Date: 11/07/23

New or unknown word Translation Meaning picture

1. myself Yo mismo I or me personally

2. Would Haría past of will, in various senses.

3. Go Ir Move to a place o location

4. Case Caso a situation requiring investigation or action

5. Work Trabajo activity involving mental or physical effort done in

order to achieve a purpose or result.

6. Point Punto, tema, apuntar a dot, give force or emphasis to (words or actions).

7. Week Semana Period of seven days.

8. think Pensar have a particular opinion, belief, or idea about.

9. Believe Creer Think that something is right

10. Enchanting Encantante charming or attractive.

11. Place Lugar a particular position or point in space

12. most la mayoría, el mayor greatest in amount, quantity, or degree.
número, el máximo,

13. any Alguno/cualquiera used to refer to one or some of a thing or number of

things, no matter how much or how many.

14. well Bien Something is right

15. also También in addition; too.

16. into dentro de, en, contra expressing movement or action with the result that
someone or something becomes enclosed or
surrounded by something else.

17. Solitude soledad The state of being alone or isolated.

18. Ineffable Inefable Too great or extreme to be expressed or described in


19. Whisper Susurro speak very softly using one's breath without
one's vocal cords, especially for the sake of
"Alison was whispering in his ear"
20. Taken Tomado/a lay hold of (something) with one's hands; reach for
and hold.

21. Born Come into existence


22. Staying Quedarse Remain in certain place

22. Having Teniendo

The action of have something

23. Warm Calido acogedor That is hot o produces hot

24. Everything todo Totatilty of elements in a especific place

25. Fair Justo Who acts a just form

26. Load Carga A weight o time to wait

27. Occasionally Ocasionalmente By chance or for accident

28. Wearing Vistiendo Covering persons body with clothes

29. Spend Gastar Give or destroy something by use

30. Look after Cuidar/cuidado Taking care of something


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