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SMART GOAL 1 : My first goal is to complete my course and studies on time by

completing my getting good score in my assignments and exams. The goal is an academic

goal. Also, this goal is short term goal which is aimed to be achieved within 6 months. There

are some excuses which can prove to be obstacles in the goal achievement in which first one

is busy schedule, second one is time management between my work and studies, and last one

is exposure to new course. I will try to overcome these excuses by allocating proper time to

every activity so that I can work on my studies, also, I have decided to complete one topic

everyday so that this new course won’t prove to be difficult for me.

SMART GOAL 2 : My second goal is to keep myself healthy by staying fit, doing exercise

and eating healthy balanced diet. The goal is more of personal goal which I want to continue

for lifetime, because keeping myself fit is my whole life goal. Though there some excuses

like No proper time to go to gym or exercise, No balanced diet, and a bit lack of will power.

After all these excuses, I have decided to do running early morning everyday. To eat balanced

diet I will be avoiding junk food for at least 4 days a week. In order to increase up my will

power I am trying to retain my focus on keeping fit and staying in friend circle with similar


SMART GOAL 3 : To get job in field of marketing is my third and major goal. This is the

goal I want to complete after I complete my studies and get the necessary skills required to

get the job. This is my professional and long term goal which I want to get within next 2 to 3

years. Excuses which can hinder my goal achievement are huge competition among job

seekers, lack of communication and interviewing skills, lastly low knowledge about
marketing. To overcome these difficulties, I would be working on my communication and

interviewing skills by giving mock interviews online every week, also I would be reading

books of marketing and different case studies so as to gain more knowledge practically and


SMART GOAL 4 : Good communication skills area necessary in every part of life, and to

enhance communication skill is another goal for me. The goal is more of personal rather than

professional which is also a long term goal. The excuse here is that I came from India where

different language was spoken, low grammar and vocabulary knowledge, and lastly low

confidence to communicate with other people. To overcome these excuses I am planning to

read various books and daily newspapers so that I can learn different words and grammar,

Not only this but also communicating with my friends in English so that I can increase my

confidence while communicating.


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