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Original Activity Using Authentic Materials

Activity Name: Talk about the weather.

Class Description: The activity presented in this assignment is intended for high-
beginner classes, with an emphasis on vocabulary.

Objectives: By the end of the activity, students will be able to:

 Use weather vocabulary to analyze pictorial representations of the weather.
 Describe weather conditions using appropriate vocabulary.

What authentic materials are being used?

Students will use a weather forecast app, or use screenshots from one, and identify
different weather storms or weather descriptors using images and context clues from
numbers such as temperature, humidity, or percentage of rain.

How does this activity replicate language students will use outside the ESL classroom?

An important part of life is interacting with the weather. From deciding what outfit to
wear based on appropriate weather attire, to figuring out if certain weather accessories
are needed, and having both small talk and meaningful conversation starters regarding
the weather.

Describe the activity including the steps that both the T and the Ss will take.

I. Ss will have just come off with a lesson regarding feelings. TTW bridge the
lessons by asking how they feel about certain aspects of weather. “How do you
feel when it rains?” “How do you feel on hot days?” etc.
II. TTW then begin to have students draw what they picture when they hear certain
words. “When you picture snow, what do you see?”
III. Ss will get into pairs and begin to share about their favorite type of weather, and
then explain why using some of their feeling words from the day before.
IV. TTW break students into two groups and give out a sheet with a screenshot (see
Figure 1 and 2) of a weather forecast from the current location of the students
with relevance to their current conditions. The Ss will also be given a student
worksheet with questions to answer in regard to the worksheet.


Example student worksheet (using Figure 2):

Scenario: Team, I have a few important events coming up, and I need to know what
the weather will be like so I can dress appropriately. It’s time for you to put your
scientist hats on and figure out what the weather will look like this upcoming week!

Directions: Work with your groups to find the information for the questions in the
weather maps. HINT: Not all words in the word bank will be used.

Rain Windy Hot
Sunny day Cold Thunderstorm
Upset Umbrella Confused
Frustrated Happy Dry day

1) Oh no, I always feel ________ when the sky gets cloudy. I think it’s going to
________ on Saturday. I should bring my __________.
2) Brr, on Sunday it will be 65º, which means it will be __________, I should bring
a thick coat.
3) It looks like Wednesday will be a ________________, I think I will go to the
park. The park makes me very ________________ since I can go outside and

1. What will the weather be like on Friday?

2. How will you feel about the weather on Tuesday?

Write down 2 questions related to your weather map. Ask these questions to people in
your group. Write down their answers in full sentences! HINT: Look above for question
examples !



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