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जािहरात कर्मांक – 90/2013 िदनांक – 1 नो हबर, 2013

पदाचे नांव - ाचायर् आिण उप ाचायर्, औ ोिगक िशक्षण सं था, / मुख्याध्यापक, शासकीय तंतर् माध्यिमक िव ालय/कदर्/
िनरीक्षक, यवसाय िशक्षण व िशक्षण अिधकारी, / सहा यक िशक्षणाथीर् स लागार (व)(तां), यवसाय िशक्षण व िशक्षण
संचालनालय, महारा टर् िशक्षण सेवा, गट-अ (किन ठ)(तांितर्क)

(1) Duties of the Principal Industrial Training Institute.MES Group‐ A

1) To carry out the training programme according to the training manual
2) To maintain the accounts properly.
3) To maintain the stores properly and to do the periodically verification of stores and check the purchases
according to the specifications.
4) To purchase raw materials required for imparting training to the trainees.
5) To look after the maintenance machinery and equipment.
6) To maintain the close relation‐ship between the trainees and instructional staff.
7) To maintain proper discipline in the Institute.
8) To keep watch on the follow up of the passed out trainees.
(2) Duties of the Assistant Director of Vocational Education and Training: MES Group‐ A
1) To inspect Industrial Training Institute (Technical Inspection).
2) To look after Industrial Training Institute admission.
3) To deal with matters relating to starting of new Industrial Training Institute.
4) Follow up of Technical Inspection Reports of Industrial Training Institutes (Government and Non‐Government)
5) To deal with the work related to the production oriented scheme.
(3) Duties of the District Vocational Education and Training Officer in M.E.S. Group‐A
1) To estimate through appropriate social economic survey of existing job opportunities as well as those that are
likely to arise in future. He would resurvey from time to time and bring it upto date. This is to ensure that the
scheme of courses operating in the district is relevant to the present and future needs of its population.
2) To formulate proposals for organizing Vocational courses, modification of existing courses and introduction of
new courses based on survey findings.
3) To collect information regarding existing facilities available in the district for Vocational courses training
activities for minimizing expenditure on the new programme.
4) To arrange for practical Training Programme relating to the course and to ensure prepare co‐ ordination
between the educational and training components of this programme .
5) To guide in the procurement of machinery and equipment required for vocational courses and arrange for the
full and part‐ time staff required for running the courses.
6) To render advise to the Teaching staff about the efficient operation of the courses.
7) To organize meetings of concerned departments of Govt. and Private Organisations whose cooperation and
involvement may be required for successful functioning of courses and for absorption of school student under
the Apprenticeship Training Programme.
8) To supervise the functioning of the Vocational courses in the institutions where Vocationalisational of courses
has been introduced.
9) To monitor the programme closely with the help of adviser to ensure that courses are run in effective manner
and imbalance are curbed.
10) To exercise all financial and administrative powers vested in him by the Govt. from time to time as Head of
office/ Centre.
11) To supervise, guide and co‐ordinate the various technical and vocational training scheme implemented by
Directorate in various institutions in the Dist. level.
12) To assist Manpower Surveys and to evaluate the need of technical Personnel in Industry and other economic
activities in the District and to advice Directorate for preparing appropriate scheme of training and its
13) To perform such duties as may be entrusted to him by the Director of Vocational Education & Training and
मुंबई - . दा. अडसुळे
िदनांक – 1/11/2013 उपसिचव, महारा टर् लोकसेवा आयोग.

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