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Answered Review

1. Question
You are developing a serverless application with Oracle Functions. Your function needs to store state in a
database. Your corporate security Standards mandate encryption of secret information like database
passwords. As a function developer, which approach should you follow to satisfy this security requirement?

Encrypt the password using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Key Management. Decrypt this password in your
function code with the generated key.

Use the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console and enter the password in the function configuration section
in the provided input field.

All function configuration variables are automatically encrypted by Oracle Functions.

Use Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Key Management to auto-encrypt the password. It will inject the auto-
decrypted password inside your function container.

Passing Custom Configuration Parameters to Functions
he code in functions you deploy to Oracle Functions will typically require values for different parameters.
Some pre-defined parameters are available to your functions as environment variables. But you’ll often want
your functions to use parameters that you’ve defined yourself. For example, you might create a function that
reads from and writes to a database. The function will require a database connect string, comprising a
username, password, and hostname. You’ll probably want to define username, password, and hostname as
parameters that are passed to the function when it’s invoked.
Using the Console
To specify custom configuration parameters to pass to functions using the Console:
Log in to the Console as a functions developer.
In the Console, open the navigation menu. Under Solutions and Platform, go to Developer Services and
click Functions.
Select the region you are using with Oracle Functions. Oracle recommends that you use the same region as
the Docker registry that’s specified in the Fn Project CLI context (see 6. Create an Fn Project CLI Context to
Connect to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure).
Select the compartment specified in the Fn Project CLI context (see 6. Create an Fn Project CLI Context to
Connect to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure).
The Applications page shows the applications defined in the compartment.
Click the name of the application containing functions to which you want to pass custom configuration
To pass one or more custom configuration parameters to every function in the application,
click Configuration to see the Configuration section for the application.
To pass one or more custom configuration parameters to a particular function, click the function’s name to
see the Configuration section for the function.
In the Configuration section, specify details for the first custom configuration parameter:
Key: The name of the custom configuration parameter. The name must only contain alphanumeric characters
and underscores, and must not start with a number. For example, username
Value: A value for the custom configuration parameter. The value must only contain printable unicode
characters. For example, jdoe
Click the plus button to save the new custom configuration parameter.
Oracle Functions combines the key-value pairs for all the custom configuration parameters (both application-
wide and function-specific) in the application into a single, serially-encoded configuration object with a
maximum allowable size of 4Kb. You cannot save the new custom configuration parameter if the size of the
serially-encoded configuration object would be greater than 4Kb.
(Optional) Enter additional custom configuration parameters as required.

2. Question
Which two are characteristics of microservices?

Microservices communicate over lightweight APIs.

All microservices share a data store.

Microservices can be independently deployed.

Microservices can be implemented in limited number of programming languages.

Microservices are hard to test in isolation.

References: –

3. Question
Which one of the following is NOT a valid backend-type supported by Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) API





In the API Gateway service, a back end is the means by which a gateway routes requests to the back-end
services that implement APIs. If you add a private endpoint back end to an API gateway, you give the API
gateway access to the VCN associated with that private endpoint.
You can also grant an API gateway access to other Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services as back ends. For
example, you could grant an API gateway access to Oracle Functions, so you can create and deploy an API
that is backed by a serverless function.
API Gateway service to create an API gateway, you can create an API deployment to access HTTP and
API Gateway service to create an API gateway, you can create an API deployment that invokes serverless
functions defined in Oracle Functions.
API Gateway service, you can define a path to a stock response back end

4. Question
Which statement accurately describes Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Load Balancer integration with OCI
Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE)?

OKE service provisions an OCI Load Balancer instance for each Kubernetes service with LoadBalancer
type in the YAML configuration.

OCI Load Balancer instance provisioning is triggered by OCI Events service for each Kubernetes service
with LoadBalancer type in the YAML configuration.

OCI Load Balancer instance must be manually provisioned for each Kubernetes service that requires
traffic balancing.

OKE service provisions a single OCI Load Balancer instance shared with all the Kubernetes services with
LoadBalancer type in the YAML configuration.

If you are running your Kubernetes cluster on Oracle Container Engine for Kubernetes (commonly known as
OKE), you can have OCI automatically provision load balancers for you by creating a Service of type
LoadBalancer instead of (or in addition to) installing an ingress controller like Traefik or Voyage
YAML file
When you apply this YAML file to your cluster, you will see the new service is created. After a short time
(typically less than a minute) the OCI Load Balancer will be provisioned.

5. Question
You created a pod called “nginx” and its state is set to Pending.
Which command can you run to see the reason why the “nginx” pod is in the pending state?

kubectl logs pod nginx

kubectl get pod nginx

kubectl describe pod nginx

Through the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Console

Debugging Pods
The first step in debugging a pod is taking a look at it. Check the current state of the pod and recent events
with the following command:
kubectl describe pods ${POD_NAME}
Look at the state of the containers in the pod. Are they all Running? Have there been recent restarts?
Continue debugging depending on the state of the pods.
My pod stays pending
If a pod is stuck in Pending it means that it can not be scheduled onto a node. Generally this is because there
are insufficient resources of one type or another that prevent scheduling. Look at the output of the kubectl
describe … command above. There should be messages from the scheduler about why it can not schedule
your pod.

6. Question
You are using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Resource Manager to manage your infrastructure lifecycle and
wish to receive an email each time a Terraform action begins.
How should you use the OCI Events service to do this without writing any code?

Create an OCI Notification topic and email subscription with the destination email address. Then create
an OCI Events rule matching "Resource Manager job - Create" condition, and select the notification topic for
the corresponding action.

Create a rule in OCI Events service matching the "Resource Manager Stack - Update" condition. Then
select "Action Type: Email" and provide the destination email address

Create an OCI Email Delivery configuration with the destination email address. Then create an OCI Events
rule matching "Resource Manager Job - Create" condition, and select the email configuration for the
corresponding action.

Create an OCI Notifications topic and email subscription with the destination email address. Then create
an OCI Events rule matching "Resource Manager Stack - Update" condition, and select the notification topic
for the corresponding action.

1. Create Notifications Topic and Subscription
If a suitable Notifications topic doesn’t already exist, then you must log in to the Console as a tenancy
administrator and create it. Whether you use an existing topic or create a new one, add an email address as a
subscription so that you can monitor that email account for notifications
2. Using the Console to Create a Rule
Use the Console to create a rule with a pattern that matches bucket creation events emitted by Object
Storage. Specify the Notifications topic you created as an action to deliver matching events. To test your rule,
create a bucket. Object Storage emits an event which triggers the action. Check the email specified in the
subscription to receive your notification

7. Question
You have a containerized app that requires an Autonomous Transaction Processing (ATP) Database. Which
option is not valid for o from a container in Kubernetes?

Create a Kubernetes secret with contents from the instance Wallet files. Use this secret to create a
volume mounted to the appropriate path in the application deployment manifest.

Use Kubernetes secrets to configure environment variables on the container with ATP instance OCID,
and OCI API credentials. Then use the CreateConnection API endpoint from the service runtime.

Enable Oracle REST Data Services for the required schemas and connect via HTTPS.

Install the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Service Broker on the Kubernetes cluster and deploy
serviceinstance and serviceBinding resources for ATP. Then use the specified binding name as a volume in
the application deployment manifest.


8. Question
What are two of the main reasons you would choose to implement a serverless architecture?

No need for integration testing

Automatic horizontal scaling

Easier to run long-running operations

Reduced operational cost

Improved In-function state management

Serverless computing refers to a concept in which the user does not need to manage any server
infrastructure at all. The user does not run any servers, but instead deploys the application code to a service
provider’s platform. The application logic is executed, scaled, and billed on demand, without any costs to the
user when the application is idle.
Horizontal scaling in Serverless or FaaS is completely automatic, elastic and managed by FaaS provider. If
your application needs more requests to be processed in parallel the provider will take of that without you
providing any additional configuration

9. Question
You are a consumer of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Streaming service. Which API should you use to read
and process the stream?





An entity that reads messages from one or more streams.
A consumer group is a set of instances which coordinates messages from all of the partitions in a stream.
Instances in a consumer group maintain group membership through interaction; lack of interaction for a
period of time results in a timeout, removing the instance from the group.
A consumer can read messages from one or more streams. Each message within a stream is marked with an
offset value, so a consumer can pick up where it left off if it is interrupted.
You can use the Streaming service by:
– Creating a stream using the Console or API.
– Using a producer to publish data to the stream.
– Building consumers to read and process messages from a stream using the GetMessages API.

10. Question
You are tasked with developing an application that requires the use of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) APIs to
POST messages to a stream in the OCI Streaming service.
Which statement is incorrect?

An HTTP 401 will be returned if the client's clock is skewed more than 5 minutes from the server's.

The request does not require an Authorization header.

The Content-Type header must be Set to application/json

The request must include an authorization signing string including (but not limited to) x-content- sha256,
content-type, and content-length headers.

Emits messages to a stream. There’s no limit to the number of messages in a request, but the total size of a
message or request must be 1 MiB or less. The service calculates the partition ID from the message key and
stores messages that share a key on the same partition. If a message does not contain a key or if the key is
null, the service generates a message key for you. The partition ID cannot be passed as a parameter.
POST /20180418/streams//messages

“key”: null,
“value”: “VGhlIHF1aWNrIGJyb3duIGZveCBqdW1wZWQgb3ZlciB0aGUgbGF6eSBkb2cu”
“key”: null,
“value”: “UGFjayBteSBib3ggd2l0aCBmaXZlIGRvemVuIGxpcXVvciBqdWdzLg==”

11. Question
Which header is NOT required when signing GET requests to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure APIs?


date or x-date



For GET and DELETE requests (when there’s no content in the request body), the signing string must include
at least these headers:
– (request-target)
– host
– date or x-date (if both are included, Oracle uses x-date)

12. Question
Given a service deployed on Oracle Cloud infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE), which
annotation should you add in the sample manifest file to specify a 400 Mbps load balancer?
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-nginx-svc
app: nginx

type: LoadBalancer
– port: 80
app: nginx

service . beta . kubernetes . lo/oci-load-balancer-size: 400Mbps

service . beta. kubernetes . lo/oci-load-balancer-shape: 400Mbps

service.beta, kubernetes. lo/oci-load-balancer-kind: 400Mbps

service, beta, kubernetes. lo/oci-load-balancer-value: 400Mbps

The shape of an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure load balancer specifies its maximum total bandwidth (that is,
ingress plus egress). By default, load balancers are created with a shape of 100Mbps. Other shapes are
available, including 400Mbps and 8000Mbps.
To specify an alternative shape for a load balancer, add the following annotation in the metadata section of
the manifest file:
where value is the bandwidth of the shape (for example, 100Mbps, 400Mbps, 8000Mbps).
For example:
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-nginx-svc
app: nginx
annotations: 400Mbps
type: LoadBalancer
– port: 80
app: nginx

13. Question
Which two are required to enable Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE)
cluster access from the kubectl CLI?
Install and configure the OCI CLI

Tiller enabled on the OKE cluster

An SSH key pair with the public key added to cluster worker nodes

A configured OCI API signing key pair

OCI Identity and Access Management Auth Token

Setting Up Local Access to Clusters
To set up a kubeconfig file to enable access to a cluster using a local installation of kubectl and the
Kubernetes Dashboard:
Step 1: Generate an API signing key pair
Step 2: Upload the public key of the API signing key pair
Step 3: Install and configure the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI
Step 4: Set up the kubeconfig file
Step 5: Verify that kubectl can access the cluster

14. Question
You have written a Node.js function and deployed it to Oracle Functions. Next, you need to call this function
from a microservice written in Java deployed on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Container Engine for
Kubernetes (OKE).
Which can help you to achieve this?

Use the OCI CLI with kubect1 to invoke the function from the microservice.

OKE does not allow a microservice to invoke a function from Oracle Functions.

Use the OCI Java SDK to invoke the function from the microservice.

Oracle Functions does not allow a microservice deployed on OKE to invoke a function.

You can invoke a function that you’ve deployed to Oracle Functions in different ways:
Using the Fn Project CLI.
Using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI.
Using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDKs.
Making a signed HTTP request to the function’s invoke endpoint. Every function has an invoke endpoint.

15. Question
Given a service deployed on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine far Kubernetes (OKE), which
annotation should you add in the sample manifest file below to specify a 400 Mbps load balancer?
apiVersion: v1
kind: Service
name: my-nginx
app: nginx

type: LoadBalancer
port: 80
app: nginx 400Mbps 400Mbps

service, beta, kubernetes . io/oci-load-balancer-kind: 400Mbps 400Mbps

oci-load-balancer-shape: A template that determines the load balancer’s total pre-provisioned maximum
capacity (bandwidth) for ingress plus egress traffic. Available shapes include 100Mbps, 400Mbps, and
8000Mbps. Cannot be modified after load balancer creation.
All annotations are prefixed with For example:
kind: Service
apiVersion: v1
name: nginx-service
annotations: “400Mbps” “ocid…” “ocid…”

16. Question
A developer using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) API Gateway must authenticate the API requests to their
web application. The authentication process must be implemented using a custom scheme which accepts
string parameters from the API caller.
Which method can the developer use In this scenario?

Create a cross account functions authorizer.

Create an authorizer function using OCI Identity and Access Management based authentication

Create an authorizer function using token-based authorization.

Create an authorizer function using request header authorization.

Having deployed the authorizer function, you enable authentication and authorization for an API deployment
by including two different kinds of request policy in the API deployment specification:
An authentication request policy for the entire API deployment that specifies:The OCID of the authorizer
function that you deployed to Oracle Functions that will perform authentication and authorization.The request
attributes to pass to the authorizer function.Whether unauthenticated callers can access routes in the API
An authorization request policy for each route that specifies the operations a caller is allowed to perform,
based on the caller’s access scopes as returned by the authorizer function.
Using the Console to Add Authentication and Authorization Request Policies
To add authentication and authorization request policies to an API deployment specification using the
Create or update an API deployment using the Console, select the From Scratch option, and enter details on
the Basic Information page.
For more information, see Deploying an API on an API Gateway by Creating an API
Deployment and Updating API Gateways and API Deployments.
In the API Request Policies section of the Basic Information page, click the Add button
beside Authentication and specify:
Application in : The name of the application in Oracle Functions that contains the authorizer function. You can
select an application from a different compartment.
Function Name: The name of the authorizer function in Oracle Functions.
Authentication Token: Whether the access token is contained in a request header or a query parameter.
Authentication Token Value: Depending on whether the access token is contained in a request header or a
query parameter, specify:
Header Name: If the access token is contained in a request header, enter the name of the header.
Parameter Name: If the access token is contained in a query parameter, enter the name of the query

17. Question
You are deploying an API via Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) API Gateway and you want to implement
request policies to control access Which is NOT available in OCI API Gateway?

Limiting the number of requests sent to backend services

Controlling access to OCI resources

Providing authentication and authorization

Enabling CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) support

In the API Gateway service, there are two types of policy:
– a request policy describes actions to be performed on an incoming request from a caller before it is sent to
a back end
– a response policy describes actions to be performed on a response returned from a back end before it is
sent to a caller
You can use request policies to:
– limit the number of requests sent to back-end services
– enable CORS (Cross-Origin Resource Sharing) support
– provide authentication and authorization

18. Question
A programmer Is developing a Node.js application which will run in a Linux server on their on-premises data
center. This application will access various Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) services using OCI SDKs.
What is the secure way to access OCI services with OCI Identity and Access Management (IAM)?

Create a new OCI IAM user associated with a dynamic group and a policy that grants the desired
permissions to OCI services. Add the on-premises Linux server in the dynamic group.

Create an OCI IAM policy with the appropriate permissions to access the required OCI services and
assign the policy to the on-premises Linux server.

Create a new OCI IAM user, add the user to a group associated with a policy that grants the desired
permissions to OCI services. In the on-premises Linux server, generate the keypair used for signing API
requests and upload the public key to the IAM user.

Create a new OCI IAM user, add the user to a group associated with a policy that grants the desired
permissions to OCI services. In the on-premises Linux server, add the user name and password to a file
used by Node.js authentication.

Before using Oracle Functions, you have to set up an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API signing key.
The instructions in this topic assume:
– you are using Linux
– you are following Oracle’s recommendation to provide a passphrase to encrypt the private key
For more details: –
Set up an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API Signing Key for Use with Oracle Functions

19. Question
What is the minimum of storage that a persistent volume claim can obtain in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE)?
1 GB

50 GB

1 TB

10 GB

Block volume quota: If you intend to create Kubernetes persistent volumes, sufficient block volume quota
must be available in each availability domain to meet the persistent volume claim. Persistent volume claims
must request a minimum of 50 gigabytes.

20. Question
Which two statements accurately describe an Oracle Functions application?

An application based on Oracle Functions, Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Events and OCI API Gateway

A logical group of functions

A Docker image containing all the functions that share the same configuration

A common context to store configuration variables that are available to all functions in the application

A small block of code invoked in response to an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Events service

Applications in the Function services
In Oracle Functions, an application is:
– a logical grouping of functions
– a common context to store configuration variables that are available to all functions in the application
When you define an application in Oracle Functions, you specify the subnets in which to run the functions in
the application.

21. Question
You are using Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI), Resource Manager, to manage your infrastructure lifecycle and
wish to receive an email each time a Terraform action begins.
How should you use the OCI Events service to do this without writing any code?

Create a rule in OCI Events service matching the "Resource Manager Stack - Update" condition. Then
select "Action Type: Email" and provide the destination email address.

Create an OCI Notification topic and email subscription with the destination email address. Then create
an OCI Events rule matching "Resource Manager job - Create" condition, and select the notification topic for
the corresponding action.
Create an OCI Notifications topic and email subscription with the destination email address. Then create
an OCI Events rule matching "Resource Manager Stack - Update" condition, and select the notification topic
for the corresponding action.

Create an OCI Email Delivery configuration with the destination email address. Then create an OCI Events
rule matching "Resource Manager Job - Create" condition, and select the email configuration for the
corresponding action.


22. Question
You are building a cloud native, serverless travel application with multiple Oracle Functions in Java, Python and
Node.js. You need to build and deploy these functions to a single application named travel-app.
Which command will help you complete this task successfully?

fn deploy --ap travel-ap -- all

oci fn application --application-name-ap deploy --all

fn function deploy --all --application-name travel-ap

oci fn function deploy --ap travel-ap --all

Check the steps for Creating, Deploying, and Invoking a Helloworld Function
in step 7 that will deploy the function
7- Enter the following single Fn Project command to build the function and its dependencies as a Docker
image called helloworld-func, push the image to the specified Docker registry, and deploy the function to
Oracle Functions in the helloworld-app:
$ fn -v deploy –app helloworld-app
The -v option simply shows more detail about what Fn Project commands are doing (see Using the Fn Project
CLI with Oracle Functions).

23. Question
In a Linux environment, what is the default locations of the configuration file that Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
CLI uses for profile information




By default, the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI configuration file is located at ~/.oci/config.
You might already have a configuration file as a result of installing the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI.

24. Question
Which statements is incorrect with regards to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Notifications service?

A subscription can integrate with PagerDuty events.

An OCI function may subscribe to a notification topic.

Notification topics may be assigned as the action performed by an OCI Events configuration.

OCI Alarms can be configured to publish to a notification topic when triggered.

A subscription can forward notifications to an HTTPS endpoint.

It may be used to receive an email each time an OCI Autonomous Database backup is completed.

Notification service supports 5 subscriptions – E-Mail, Slack, PagerDuty, Custom HTTP(S) URLs and
Also, notification service can be an action for Oracle Events. So, all 6 options given in the answer are correct
regarding OCI Notifications.
I can see all answers are correct that the reason that can’t find any good explanation can I put in this
Question but the only Justification that let me select this answer is the OCI Autonomous can’t send
notification direct unless you configure event first to trigger the notification when the OCI Autonomous
database Backup Action is completed

25. Question
You have two microservices, A and B running in production.
Service A relies on APIs from service B You want to test changes to service A without deploying all of its
dependencies, which includes service B.
Which approach should you take to test service A?

There is no need to explicitly test APIs.

Test against production APIs

Test the APIs in private environments.

Test using API mocks.

Testing using API mocks
Developers are frequently tasked with writing code that integrates with other system components via APIs.
Unfortunately, it might not always be desirable or even possible to actually access those systems during
development. There could be security, performance or maintenance issues that make them unavailable – or
they might simply not have been developed yet.
This is where mocking comes in: instead of developing code with actual external dependencies in place, a
mock of those dependencies is created and used instead. Depending on your development needs this mock
is made “intelligent” enough to allow you to make the calls you need and get similar results back as you
would from the actual component, thus enabling development to move forward without being hindered by
eventual unavailability of external systems you depend on

26. Question
In order to effectively test your cloud-native applications, you might utilize separate environments
(development, testing, staging, production, etc.). Which Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) service can you use
to create and manage your infrastructure?

OCI API Gateway

OCI Resource Manager

OCI Compute

OCI Container Engine for Kubernetes

Resource Manager is an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure service that allows you to automate the process of
provisioning your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources.
Using Terraform, Resource Manager helps you install, configure, and manage resources through the
“infrastructure-as-code” model.

27. Question
You have created a repository in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry in the us-ashburn-1 (iad) region in your
tenancy with a namespace called “heyoci”.
Which three are valid tags for an image named “myapp” ?

Give a tag to the image that you’re going to push to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry by entering:
docker tag
uniquely identifies the image, either using the image’s id (for example, 8e0506e14874), or the image’s name
and tag separated by a colon (for example, acme-web-app:latest).
is in the format where:
is the key for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry region you’re using. For example, iad. See Availability
by Region. is the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry name.
is the auto-generated Object Storage namespace string of the tenancy that owns the repository to which you
want to push the image (as shown on the Tenancy Information page). For example, the namespace of the
acme-dev tenancy might be ansh81vru1zp. Note that for some older tenancies, the namespace string might
be the same as the tenancy name in all lower-case letters (for example, acme-dev). Note also that your user
must have access to the tenancy.
(if specified) is the name of a repository to which you want to push the image (for example, project01). Note
that specifying a repository is optional (see About Repositories).
is the name you want to give the image in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry (for example, acme-web-
is an image tag you want to give the image in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry (for
example, version2.0.test).
For example, for convenience you might want to group together multiple versions of the acme-web-app
image in the acme-dev tenancy in the Ashburn region into a repository called project01. You do this by
including the name of the repository in the image name when you push the image, in the
format For example, Subsequently, when
you use the docker push command, the presence of the repository in the image’s name ensures the image is
pushed to the intended repository.
If you push an image and include the name of a repository that doesn’t already exist, a new private repository
is created automatically. For example, if you enter a command like docker
push and the project02 repository doesn’t exist, a
private repository called project02 is created automatically.
If you push an image and don’t include a repository name, the image’s name is used as the name of the
repository. For example, if you enter a command like docker push
app:7.5.2 that doesn’t contain a repository name, the image’s name (acme-web-app) is used as the name of a
private repository.

28. Question
You have deployed a Python application on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes.
However, during testing you found a bug that you rectified and created a new Docker image. You need to make
sure that if this new Image doesn’t work then you can roll back to the previous version. Using kubectl, which
deployment strategies should you choose?

Canary Deployment

Blue/Green Deployment
A/B Testing

Rolling Update

Canary deployments are a pattern for rolling out releases to a subset of users or servers. The idea is to first
deploy the change to a small subset of servers, test it, and then roll the change out to the rest of the servers.
The canary deployment serves as an early warning indicator with less impact on downtime: if the canary
deployment fails, the rest of the servers aren’t impacted.
Blue-green deployment is a technique that reduces downtime and risk by running two identical production
environments called Blue and Green. At any time, only one of the environments is live, with the live
environment serving all production traffic. For this example, Blue is currently live and Green is idle.
A/B testing is a way to compare two versions of a single variable, typically by testing a subject’s response to
variant A against variant B, and determining which of the two variants is more effective
A rolling update offers a way to deploy the new version of your application gradually across your cluster.

29. Question
You want to push a new image in the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Registry. Which two actions do you
need to perform?

Assign an OCI defined tag via OCI CLI to the image.

Generate an API signing key to complete the authentication via Docker CLI.

Generate an OCI tag namespace in your repository.

Assign a tag via Docker CLI to the image.

Generate an auth token to complete the authentication via Docker CLI.

You use the Docker CLI to push images to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry.
To push an image, you first use the docker tag command to create a copy of the local source image as a new
image (the new image is actually just a reference to the existing source image). As a name for the new
image, you specify the fully qualified path to the target location in Oracle Cloud Registry where you want to
push the image, optionally including the name of a repository.
for more details check the below link

30. Question
Which two statements are true for serverless computing and serverless architectures?

Long running tasks are perfectly suited for serverless

Serverless function execution is fully managed by a third party

Applications running on a FaaS (Functions as a Service) platform

Application DevOps team is responsible for scaling

Serverless function state should never be stored externally

Oracle Functions is a fully managed, multi-tenant, highly scalable, on-demand, Functions-as-a-Service
platform. It is built on enterprise-grade Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and powered by the Fn Project open
source engine. Use Oracle Functions (sometimes abbreviated to just Functions) when you want to focus on
writing code to meet business needs.
The serverless and elastic architecture of Oracle Functions means there’s no infrastructure administration or
software administration for you to perform. You don’t provision or maintain compute instances, and
operating system software patches and upgrades are applied automatically. Oracle Functions simply ensures
your app is highly-available, scalable, secure, and monitored
Applications built with a serverless infrastructure will scale automatically as the user base grows or usage
increases. If a function needs to be run in multiple instances, the vendor’s servers will start up, run, and end
them as they are needed.
Oracle Functions is based on Fn Project. Fn Project is an open source, container native, serverless platform
that can be run anywhere – any cloud or on-premises.
Serverless architectures are not built for long-running processes. This limits the kinds of applications that can
cost-effectively run in a serverless architecture. Because serverless providers charge for the amount of time
code is running, it may cost more to run an application with long-running processes in a serverless
infrastructure compared to a traditional one.

31. Question
You are working on a cloud native e-commerce application on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI). Your
application architecture has multiple OCI services, including Oracle Functions. You need to trigger these
functions directly from other OCI services, without having to run custom code.
Which OCI service cannot trigger your functions directly?

Oracle Integration

OCI Registry

OCI API Gateway

OCI Events Service

Oracle Functions is a fully managed, multi-tenant, highly scalable, on-demand, Functions-as-a-Service
platform. It is built on enterprise-grade Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and powered by the Fn Project open
source engine. Use Oracle Functions (sometimes abbreviated to just Functions) when you want to focus on
writing code to meet business needs.
The server-less and elastic architecture of Oracle Functions means there’s no infrastructure administration or
software administration for you to perform. You don’t provision or maintain compute instances, and
operating system software patches and upgrades are applied automatically. Oracle Functions simply ensures
your app is highly-available, scalable, secure, and monitored. With Oracle Functions, you can write code in
Java, Python, Node, Go, and Ruby (and for advanced use cases, bring your own Dockerfile, and Graal VM).
You can invoke a function that you’ve deployed to Oracle Functions from:
– The Fn Project CLI.
– The Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDKs.
– Signed HTTP requests to the function’s invoke endpoint. Every function has an invoke endpoint.
– Other Oracle Cloud services (for example, triggered by an event in the Events service) or from external
so You can then deploy your code, call it directly or trigger it in response to events, and get billed only for the
resources consumed during the execution.
Below are the oracle services that can trigger Oracle functions
-Events Service
-Notification Service
-API Gateway Service
-Oracle Integration service(using OCI Signature Version 1 security policy)
so OCI Registry services cannot trigger your functions directly

32. Question
As a cloud-native developer, you are designing an application that depends on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
Object Storage wherever the application is running. Therefore, provisioning of storage buckets should be part
of your Kubernetes deployment process for the application. Which should you leverage to meet this

Oracle Functions

OCI Service Broker for Kubernetes

OCI Container Engine for Kubernetes

Open Service Broker API

OCI Service Broker for Kubernetes is an implementation of the Open Service Broker API. OCI Service Broker
for Kubernetes is specifically for interacting with Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services from Kubernetes
clusters. It includes three service broker adapters to bind to the following Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Object Storage
Autonomous Transaction Processing
Autonomous Data Warehouse

33. Question
You are developing a serverless application with Oracle Functions and Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Object
Storage- Your function needs to read a JSON file object from an Object Storage bucket named “input-bucket”
in compartment “qa-compartment” Your corporate security standards mandate the use of Resource Principals
for this use case.
Which two statements are needed to implement this use case?

No policies are needed. By default, every function has read access to Object Storage buckets in the

Set up the following dynamic group for your function's OCID: Name: read-file-dg Rule: resource . id= '
ocid1. f nf unc. ocl -phx. aaaaaaaakeaobctakezj z5i4uj j 7g25q7sx5mvr55pms6f 4da !

Set up a policy to grant all functions read access to the bucket: allow all functions in compartment qa-
compartment to read objects in'input- bucket'

Set up a policy to grant your user account read access to the bucket: allow user XYZ to read objects in
compartment qa-compartment where target .bucket, name-'input-bucket'

Set up a policy with the following statement to grant read access to the bucket: allow dynamic-group
read-file-dg to read objects in compartment qa-compartment where target.bucket .name=' input-bucket *

When a function you’ve deployed to Oracle Functions is running, it can access other Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure resources. For example:
– You might want a function to get a list of VCNs from the Networking service.
– You might want a function to read data from an Object Storage bucket, perform some operation on the
data, and then write the modified data back to the Object Storage bucket.
To enable a function to access another Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resource, you have to include the function
in a dynamic group, and then create a policy to grant the dynamic group access to that resource.

34. Question
You need to execute a script on a remote instance through Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Resource Manager.
Which option can you use?

It cannot be done.

Download the script to a local desktop and execute the script.

Use /bin/sh with the full path to the location of the script to execute the script.

Use remote-exec

Resource Manager is an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure service that allows you to automate the process of
provisioning your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources. Using Terraform, Resource Manager helps you
install, configure, and manage resources through the “infrastructure-as-code” model.
With Resource Manager, you can use Terraform’s remote exec functionality to execute scripts or commands
on a remote computer. You can also use this technique for other provisioners that require access to the
remote resource.

35. Question
Which two “Action Type” options are NOT available in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Events rule






Event Rules must also specify an action to trigger when the filter finds a matching event. Actions are
responses you define for event matches. You set up select Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services that the
Events service has established as actions. The resources for these services act as destinations for matching
events. When the filter in the rule finds a match, the Events service delivers the matching event to one or
more of the destinations you identified in the rule. The destination service that receives the event then
processes the event in whatever manner you defined. This delivery provides the automation in your
You can only deliver events to certain Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services with a rule. Use the following
services to create actions:

36. Question
You encounter an unexpected error when invoking the Oracle Function named “myfunction” in application
“myapp”. Which can you use to get more information on the error?

fn --debug invoke myapp myfunction

Call Oracle support with your error message

fn --verbose invoke myapp myfunction

DEBUG=1 fn invoke myapp myfunction

Troubleshooting Oracle Functions
If you encounter an unexpected error when using an Fn Project CLI command, you can find out more about
the problem by starting the command with the string DEBUG=1 and running the command again. For
$ DEBUG=1 fn invoke helloworld-app helloworld-func
Note that DEBUG=1 must appear before the command, and that DEBUG must be in upper case.

37. Question
You are developing a serverless application with oracle Functions. you have created a function in compartment
named prod. when you try to invoke your function you get the following error:
Error invoking function. status: 502 message: dhcp options ocid1.dhcpoptions.oc1.phx.aaaaaaaac… does not
exist or Oracle Functions is not authorized to use it
How can you resolve this error?

Deleting the function and redeploying it with fix the problem

Create a policy: Allow function-family to use virtual-network-family in compartment prod

Create a policy: Allow any-user to manage function-family and virtual-network-family in compartment prod

Create a policy: Allow service FaaS to use virtual-network-family in compartment prod

Invoking a function returns a FunctionInvokeSubnetNotAvailable message and a 502 error (due to a DHCP
Options issue)
When you invoke a function that you’ve deployed to Oracle Functions, you might see the following error
{“code”:”FunctionInvokeSubnetNotAvailable”,”message”:”dhcp options ocid1.dhcpoptions…….. does not
exist or Oracle Functions is not authorized to use it”}
Fn: Error invoking function. status: 502 message: dhcp options ocid1.dhcpoptions…….. does not exist or
Oracle Functions is not authorized to use it
If you see this error:
Double-check that a policy has been created to give Oracle Functions access to network resources.
Service Access to Network Resources
When Oracle Functions users create a function or application, they have to specify a VCN and a subnet in
which to create them. To enable the Oracle Functions service to create the function or application in the
specified VCN and subnet, you must create an identity policy to grant the Oracle Functions service access to
the compartment to which the network resources belong.
To create a policy to give the Oracle Functions service access to network resources:
Log in to the Console as a tenancy administrator.
Create a new policy in the root compartment:
Open the navigation menu. Under Governance and Administration, go to Identity and click Policies.
Follow the instructions in To create a policy, and give the policy a name (for example, functions-service-
Specify a policy statement to give the Oracle Functions service access to the network resources in the
Allow service FaaS to use virtual-network-family in compartment
For example:
Allow service FaaS to use virtual-network-family in compartment acme-network
Click Create.
Double-check that the set of DHCP Options in the VCN specified for the application still exists.
38. Question
What is the difference between blue/green and canary deployment strategies?

In blue/green, both old and new applications are in production at the same time. In canary, application is
deployed Incrementally to a select group of people.

In blue/green, current applications are slowly replaced with new ones. In < MW y, Application ll deployed
incrementally to a select group of people

In blue/green, current applications are slowly replaced with new ones. In canary, both old and new
applications are In production at the same time.

In blue/green, application Is deployed In minor increments to a select group of people. In canary, both old
and new applications are simultaneously in production.

Blue-green deployment is a technique that reduces downtime and risk by running two identical production
environments called Blue and Green. At any time, only one of the environments is live, with the live
environment serving all production traffic. For this example, Blue is currently live and Green is idle.
Canary deployments are a pattern for rolling out releases to a subset of users or servers. The idea is to first
deploy the change to a small subset of servers, test it, and then roll the change out to the rest of the servers.
Canaries were once regularly used in coal mining as an early warning system.

39. Question
Which is NOT a valid option to execute a function deployed on Oracle Functions?

Send a signed HTTP requests to the function's invoke endpoint

Invoke from Docker CLI

Invoke from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI

Invoke from Fn Project CLI

Trigger by an event in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Events service

You can invoke a function that you’ve deployed to Oracle Functions in different ways:
Using the Fn Project CLI.
Using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLI.
Using the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDKs.
Making a signed HTTP request to the function’s invoke endpoint. Every function has an invoke endpoint.
Each of the above invokes the function via requests to the API. Any request to the API must be authenticated
by including a signature and the OCID of the compartment to which the function belongs in the request
header. Such a request is referred to as a ‘signed’ request. The signature includes Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
credentials in an encrypted form.

40. Question
How can you find details of the tolerations field for the sample YAML file below?
apiVersion: v1
kind: Pod
name: busybox \
namespace: default
– image: busybox
– sleep
– “3600”
imagePullPolicy: IfNotPresent
name: busybox
restartPolicy: Always

kubectl describe pod.spec tolerations

kubectl get pod.spec.tolerations

kubectl list pod.spec.tolerations

kubectl explain pod.spec.tolerations

kubectl explain to List the fields for supported resources

41. Question
You are developing a distributed application and you need a call to a path to always return a specific JSON
content deploy an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure API Gateway with the below API deployment specification.
What is the correct value for type?
“routes”: [{
“path”: “/hello”,
“methods”: [“GET”),
“backend”: {
“type”: “————–“,
“status”: 200, .
“headers”: [{
“name”: “Content-Type”,
“value”: “application/json”
“body” : “{\”myjson\”: \”consistent response\”}”





“type”: “STOCK_RESPONSE_BACKEND” indicates that the API gateway itself will act as the back end and
return the stock response you define (the status code, the header fields and the body content).

42. Question
A leading insurance firm is hosting its customer portal in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Container Engine for
Kubernetes with an OCI Autonomous Database. Their support team discovered a lot of SQL injection attempts
and cross-site scripting attacks to the portal, which is starting to affect the production environment.
What should they implement to mitigate this attack?

Network Security Firewall

Network Security Groups

Network Security Lists

Web Application Firewall

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Web Application Firewall (WAF) is a cloud-based, Payment Card Industry (PCI)
compliant, global security service that protects applications from malicious and unwanted internet traffic.
WAF can protect any internet facing endpoint, providing consistent rule enforcement across a customer’s
WAF provides you with the ability to create and manage rules for internet threats including Cross-Site
Scripting (XSS), SQL Injection and other OWASP-defined vulnerabilities. Unwanted bots can be mitigated
while tactically allowed desirable bots to enter. Access rules can limit based on geography or the signature of
the request.

43. Question
You have been asked to create a stateful application deployed in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Container
Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) that requires all of your worker nodes to mount and write data to persistent
Which two OCI storage services should you use?

Use GlusterFS as persistent volume.

Use OCI File Services as persistent volume.

Use OCI Block Volume backed persistent volume.

Use OCI Object Storage as persistent volume.

Use open source storage solutions on top of OCI.

A PersistentVolume (PV) is a piece of storage in the cluster that has been provisioned by an administrator.
PVs are volume plugins like Volumes, but have a lifecycle independent of any individual Pod that uses the PV.
A PersistentVolumeClaim (PVC) is a request for storage by a user. It is similar to a Pod. Pods consume node
resources and PVCs consume PV resources.
If you intend to create Kubernetes persistent volumes, sufficient block volume quota must be available in
each availability domain to meet the persistent volume claim. Persistent volume claims must request a
minimum of 50 gigabytes
You can define and apply a persistent volume claim to your cluster, which in turn creates a persistent volume
that’s bound to the claim. A claim is a block storage volume in the underlying IaaS provider that’s durable and
offers persistent storage, enabling your data to remain intact, regardless of whether the containers that the
storage is connected to are terminated.
With Oracle Cloud Infrastructure as the underlying IaaS provider, you can provision persistent volume claims
by attaching volumes from the Block Storage service.

44. Question
Which pattern can help you minimize the probability of cascading failures in your system during partial loss of
connectivity or a complete service failure?

Circuit breaker pattern

Retry pattern

Anti-corruption layer pattern

Compensating transaction pattern

A cascading failure is a failure that grows over time as a result of positive feedback. It can occur when a
portion of an overall system fails, increasing the probability that other portions of the system fail.
the circuit breaker pattern prevents the service from performing an operation that is likely to fail. For
example, a client service can use a circuit breaker to prevent further remote calls over the network when a
downstream service is not functioning properly. This can also prevent the network from becoming congested
by a sudden spike in failed retries by one service to another, and it can also prevent cascading failures. Self-
healing circuit breakers check the downstream service at regular intervals and reset the circuit breaker when
the downstream service starts functioning properly.

45. Question
A service you are deploying to Oracle infrastructure (OCI) Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) uses a docker
image from a private repository Which configuration is necessary to provide access to this repository from

Create a docker-registry secret for OCIR with API key credentials on the cluster, and specify the image
pull secret property in the application deployment manifest.

Add a generic secret on the cluster containing your identity credentials. Then specify a registry credentials
property in the deployment manifest.

Create a dynamic group for nodes in the cluster, and a policy that allows the dynamic group to read
repositories in the same compartment.

Create a docker-registry secret for OCIR with identity Auth Token on the cluster, and specify the image
pull secret property in the application deployment manifest.

Pulling Images from Registry during Deployment
During the deployment of an application to a Kubernetes cluster, you’ll typically want one or more images to
be pulled from a Docker registry. In the application’s manifest file you specify the images to pull, the registry
to pull them from, and the credentials to use when pulling the images. The manifest file is commonly also
referred to as a pod spec, or as a deployment.yaml file (although other filenames are allowed).
If you want the application to pull images that reside in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry, you have to
perform two steps:
– You have to use kubectl to create a Docker registry secret. The secret contains the Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure credentials to use when pulling the image. When creating secrets, Oracle strongly
recommends you use the latest version of kubectl
To create a Docker registry secret:
1- If you haven’t already done so, follow the steps to set up the cluster’s kubeconfig configuration file and (if
necessary) set the KUBECONFIG environment variable to point to the file. Note that you must set up your
own kubeconfig file. You cannot access a cluster using a kubeconfig file that a different user set up.
2- In a terminal window, enter:
$ kubectl create secret docker-registry – –docker-username=’/‘ –docker-password=’‘ –
is a name of your choice, that you will use in the manifest file to refer to the secret . For example, ocirsecret
is the key for the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry region you’re using. For example, iad. See Availability
by Region. is the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry name.
is the auto-generated Object Storage namespace string of the tenancy containing the repository from which
the application is to pull the image (as shown on the Tenancy Information page). For example, the
namespace of the acme-dev tenancy might be ansh81vru1zp. Note that for some older tenancies, the
namespace string might be the same as the tenancy name in all lower-case letters (for example, acme-dev).
is the username to use when pulling the image. The username must have access to the tenancy specified
by . For example, If your tenancy is federated with Oracle Identity Cloud Service, use the
format oracleidentitycloudservice/
is the auth token of the user specified by . For example, k]j64r{1sJSSF-;)K8
is an email address. An email address is required, but it doesn’t matter what you specify. For
– You have to specify the image to pull from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry, including the repository
location and the Docker registry secret to use, in the application’s manifest file.

46. Question
Your organization uses a federated identity provider to login to your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
environment. As a developer, you are writing a script to automate some operations and want to use OCI CLI to
do that. Your security team doesn’t allow storing private keys on local machines.
How can you authenticate with OCI CLI?

Run oci session refresh -profile

Run oci setup oci-cli-rc -file path/to/target/file

Run oci session authenticate and provide your credentials

Run oci setup keys and provide your credentials

Token-based authentication for the CLI allows customers to authenticate their session interactively, then use
the CLI for a single session without an API signing key. This enables customers using an identity provider
that is not SCIM-supported to use a federated user account with the CLI and SDKs.
Starting a Token-based CLI Session
To use token-based authentication for the CLI on a computer with a web browser:
In the CLI, run the following command. This will launch a web browser.
oci session authenticate
In the browser, enter your user credentials. This authentication information is saved to the .config file.
47. Question
A pod security policy (PSP) is implemented in your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes
cluster Which rule can you use to prevent a container from running as root using PSP?





# Require the container to run without root privileges.
rule: ‘MustRunAsNonRoot’

48. Question
Which one of the statements describes a service aggregator pattern?

It uses a queue on both sides of the service communication

It involves implementing a separate service that makes multiple calls to other backend services

It involves sending events through a message broker

It is implemented in each service separately and uses a streaming service

This pattern isolates an operation that makes calls to multiple back-end microservices, centralising its logic
into a specialised microservice.

49. Question
Your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE) administrator has created an OKE
cluster with one node pool in a public subnet. You have been asked to provide a log file from one of the nodes
for troubleshooting purpose. Which step should you take to obtain the log file?

It is impossible since OKE is a managed Kubernetes service.

Use the username opc and password to login.

ssh into the node using public key.

ssh into the nodes using private key.

Kubernetes cluster is a group of nodes. The nodes are the machines running applications. Each node can be a
physical machine or a virtual machine. The node’s capacity (its number of CPUs and amount of memory) is
defined when the node is created. A cluster comprises:
– one or more master nodes (for high availability, typically there will be a number of master nodes)
– one or more worker nodes (sometimes known as minions)
Connecting to Worker Nodes Using SSH
If you provided a public SSH key when creating the node pool in a cluster, the public key is installed on all
worker nodes in the cluster. On UNIX and UNIX-like platforms (including Solaris and Linux), you can then
connect through SSH to the worker nodes using the ssh utility (an SSH client) to perform administrative
Note the following instructions assume the UNIX machine you use to connect to the worker node:
Has the ssh utility installed.
Has access to the SSH private key file paired with the SSH public key that was specified when the cluster
was created.
How to connect to worker nodes using SSH depends on whether you specified public or private subnets for
the worker nodes when defining the node pools in the cluster.
Connecting to Worker Nodes in Public Subnets Using SSH
Before you can connect to a worker node in a public subnet using SSH, you must define an ingress rule in the
subnet’s security list to allow SSH access. The ingress rule must allow access to port 22 on worker nodes
from source and any source port
To connect to a worker node in a public subnet through SSH from a UNIX machine using the ssh utility:
1- Find out the IP address of the worker node to which you want to connect. You can do this in a number of
Using kubectl. If you haven’t already done so, follow the steps to set up the cluster’s kubeconfig
configuration file and (if necessary) set the KUBECONFIG environment variable to point to the file. Note that
you must set up your own kubeconfig file. You cannot access a cluster using a kubeconfig file that a different
user set up. See Setting Up Cluster Access. Then in a terminal window, enter kubectl get nodes to see the
public IP addresses of worker nodes in node pools in the cluster.
Using the Console. In the Console, display the Cluster List page and then select the cluster to which the
worker node belongs. On the Node Pools tab, click the name of the node pool to which the worker node
belongs. On the Nodes tab, you see the public IP address of every worker node in the node pool.
Using the REST API. Use the ListNodePools operation to see the public IP addresses of worker nodes in a
node pool.
2- In the terminal window, enter ssh opc@ to connect to the worker node, where is the IP address of the
worker node that you made a note of earlier. For example, you might enter ssh opc@
Note that if the SSH private key is not stored in the file or in the path that the ssh utility expects (for example,
the ssh utility might expect the private key to be stored in ~/.ssh/id_rsa), you must explicitly specify
the private key filename and location in one of two ways:
Use the -i option to specify the filename and location of the private key. For example, ssh -i
~/.ssh/my_keys/my_host_key_filename opc@
Add the private key filename and location to an SSH configuration file, either the client configuration file
(~/.ssh/config) if it exists, or the system-wide client configuration file (/etc/ssh/ssh_config). For example, you
might add the following:
Host IdentityFile ~/.ssh/my_keys/my_host_key_filename
For more about the ssh utility’s configuration file, enter man ssh_config
Note also that permissions on the private key file must allow you read/write/execute access, but prevent
other users from accessing the file. For example, to set appropriate permissions, you might enter chmod 600
~/.ssh/my_keys/my_host_key_filename. If permissions are not set correctly and the private key file is
accessible to other users, the ssh utility will simply ignore the private key file.

50. Question
You are building a container image and pushing it to the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry (OCIR). You need
to make sure that these get deleted from the repository.
Which action should you take?

Create a group and assign a policy to perform lifecycle operations on images.

Edit the tenancy global retention policy.

Set global policy of image retention to "Retain All Images"

In your compartment, write a policy to limit access to the specific repository.

Deleting an Image
When you no longer need an old image or you simply want to clean up the list of image tags in a repository,
you can delete images from Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry.
Your permissions control the images in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Registry that you can delete. You can
delete images from repositories you’ve created, and from repositories that the groups to which you belong
have been granted access by identity policies. If you belong to the Administrators group, you can delete
images from any repository in the tenancy.
Note that as well deleting individual images, you can set up image retention policies to delete images
automatically based on selection criteria you specify
(see Retaining and Deleting Images Using Retention Policies).
In each region in a tenancy, there’s a global image retention policy. The global image retention policy’s default
selection criteria retain all images so that no images are automatically deleted. However, you can change the
global image retention policy so that images are deleted if they meet the criteria you specify. A region’s
global image retention policy applies to all repositories in the region, unless it is explicitly overridden by one
or more custom image retention policies.
You can set up custom image retention policies to override the global image retention policy with different
criteria for specific repositories in a region. Having created a custom image retention policy, you apply the
custom retention policy to a repository by adding the repository to the policy. The global image retention
policy no longer applies to repositories that you add to a custom retention policy.

51. Question
Which Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) load balancer shape Is used by default in OCI Container Engine for
There is no default.The shape has to be specified

100 Mbps

8000 Mbps

400 Mbps

Specifying Alternative Load Balancer Shapes
The shape of an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure load balancer specifies its maximum total bandwidth (that is,
ingress plus egress). By default, load balancers are created with a shape of 100Mbps. Other shapes are
available, including 400Mbps and 8000Mbps.
To specify an alternative shape for a load balancer, add the following annotation in the metadata section of
the manifest file:
where value is the bandwidth of the shape (for example, 100Mbps, 400Mbps, 8000Mbps).

52. Question
Which two statements accurately describe Oracle SQL Developer Web on Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI)
Autonomous Database?

It provides a development environment and a data modeler interface for OCI Autonomous Databases.

It must be enabled via OCI Identity and Access Management policy to get access to the Autonomous
Databases instances.

After provisioning into an OCI compute Instance, it can automatically connect to the OCI Autonomous
Databases instances.

It is available for databases with both dedicated and shared Exadata infrastructure.

It is available for databases with dedicated Exadata infrastructure only.

Oracle SQL Developer Web in Autonomous Database provides a development environment and a data
modeler interface for Autonomous Database .
The main features of SQL Developer Web are:
– Run SQL statements and scripts in the worksheet
– Export data
– Design Data Modeler diagrams using existing objects
SQL Developer Web is a browser-based interface of Oracle SQL Developer and provides a subset of the
features of the desktop version
SQL Developer Web is available for databases with both dedicated Exadata infrastructure and shared Exadata

53. Question
Who is responsible for patching, upgrading and maintaining the worker nodes in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Container Engine for Kubernetes (OKE)?

The user

Oracle Support

Independent Software Vendors

It Is automated

After a new version of Kubernetes has been released and when Container Engine for Kubernetes supports
the new version, you can use Container Engine for Kubernetes to upgrade master nodes running older
versions of Kubernetes. Because Container Engine for Kubernetes distributes the Kubernetes Control Plane
on multiple Oracle-managed master nodes (distributed across different availability domains in a region where
supported) to ensure high availability, you’re able to upgrade the Kubernetes version running on master
nodes with zero downtime.
Having upgraded master nodes to a new version of Kubernetes, you can subsequently create new node
pools running the newer version. Alternatively, you can continue to create new node pools that will run older
versions of Kubernetes (providing those older versions are compatible with the Kubernetes version running
on the master nodes).
Note that you upgrade master nodes by performing an ‘in-place’ upgrade, but you upgrade worker nodes by
performing an ‘out-of-place’ upgrade. To upgrade the version of Kubernetes running on worker nodes in a
node pool, you replace the original node pool with a new node pool that has new worker nodes running the
appropriate Kubernetes version. Having ‘drained’ existing worker nodes in the original node pool to prevent
new pods starting and to delete existing pods, you can then delete the original node pool.

54. Question
How do you perform a rolling update in Kubernetes?

kubectl upgrade -image=image:v2

kubectl rolling-update -image=image:v2

kubectl rolling-update

kubectl update -c

Rolling updates are initiated with the kubectl rolling-update command:
$ kubectl rolling-update NAME ([NEW_NAME] –image=IMAGE | -f FILE)
55. Question
Per CAP theorem, in which scenario do you NOT need to make any trade-off between the guarantees?

When there are no network partitions

When the system is running on-premise

When the system is running in the cloud

When you are using load balancers

“CONSISTENCY, AVAILABILITY and PARTITION TOLERANCE are the features that we want in our
distributed system together”
Of three properties of shared-data systems (Consistency, Availability and tolerance to network Partitions)
only two can be achieved at any given moment in time.

56. Question
What is the open source engine for Oracle Functions?


Fn Project


Apache OpenWhisk

Oracle Functions is a fully managed, multi-tenant, highly scalable, on-demand, Functions-as-a-Service
platform. It is built on enterprise-grade Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and powered by the Fn Project open
source engine.
Use Oracle Functions (sometimes abbreviated to just Functions) when you want to focus on writing code to
meet business needs.

57. Question
As a cloud-native developer, you have written a web service for your company. You have used Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure (OCI) API Gateway service to expose the HTTP backend. However, your security team has
suggested that your web service should handle Distributed Denial-of-Service (DDoS) attack. You are time-
constrained and you need to make sure that this is implemented as soon as possible.
what should you do in this scenario?

Use OCI virtual cloud network (VCN) segregation to control DDoS.

Use a third party service integration to implement a DDoS attack mitigation.

Re-write your web service and implement rate limiting.

Use OCI API Gateway service and configure rate limiting.

Having created an API gateway and deployed one or more APIs on it, you’ll typically want to limit the rate at
which front-end clients can make requests to back-end services. For example, to:
– maintain high availability and fair use of resources by protecting back ends from being overwhelmed by too
many requests
– prevent denial-of-service attacks
– constrain costs of resource consumption
– restrict usage of APIs by your customers’ users in order to monetize APIs
You apply a rate limit globally to all routes in an API deployment specification.
If a request is denied because the rate limit has been exceeded, the response header specifies when the
request can be retried.
You can add a rate-limiting request policy to an API deployment specification by:
using the Console
editing a JSON file

58. Question
Which two handle Oracle Functions authentication automatically?


Fn Project CLI

Signed HTTP Request

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure CLl

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure SDK

Fn Project CLI
You can create an Fn Project CLI Context to Connect to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure and specify –provider
oracle This option enables Oracle Functions to perform authentication and authorization using Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure request signing, private keys, user groups, and policies that grant permissions to those user

59. Question
You are developing a polyglot serverless application using Oracle Functions. ‘Which language cannot be used to
write your function code?





The serverless and elastic architecture of Oracle Functions means there’s no infrastructure administration or
software administration for you to perform. You don’t provision or maintain compute instances, and
operating system software patches and upgrades are applied automatically. Oracle Functions simply ensures
your app is highly-available, scalable, secure, and monitored. With Oracle Functions, you can write code
in Java, Python, Node, Go, and Ruby (and for advanced use cases, bring your own docker file, and Graal VM).
You can then deploy your code, call it directly or trigger it in response to events, and get billed only for the
resources consumed during the execution.

60. Question
Which concept is NOT related to Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Resource Manager?





Following are brief descriptions of key concepts and the main components of Resource Manager.
Information to codify your infrastructure. A Terraform configuration can be either a solution or a file that you
write and upload.
Instructions to perform the actions defined in your configuration. Only one job at a time can run on a given
stack; further, you can have only one set of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources on a given stack. To
provision a different set of resources, you must create a separate stack and use a different configuration.
Resource Manager provides the following job types:
Plan: Parses your Terraform configuration and creates an execution plan for the associated stack. The
execution plan lists the sequence of specific actions planned to provision your Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
resources. The execution plan is handed off to the apply job, which then executes the instructions.
Apply. Applies the execution plan to the associated stack to create (or modify) your Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure resources. Depending on the number and type of resources specified, a given apply job can
take some time. You can check status while the job runs.
Destroy. Releases resources associated with a stack. Released resources are not deleted. For example,
terminates a Compute instance controlled by a stack. The stack’s job history and state remain after running a
destroy job. You can monitor the status and review the results of a destroy job by inspecting the stack’s log
Import State. Sets the provided Terraform state file as the current state of the stack. Use this job to migrate
local Terraform environments to Resource Manager.
The collection of Oracle Cloud Infrastructure resources corresponding to a given Terraform configuration.
Each stack resides in the compartment you specify, in a single region; however, resources on a given stack
can be deployed across multiple regions. An OCID is assigned to each stack.

61. Question
Which two statements are true for service choreography?

Decision logic in service choreography is distributed.

Service choreography relies on a central coordinator.

Service choreographer is responsible for invoking other services.

Services involved in choreography communicate through messages/messaging systems.

Service choreography should not use events for communication.

Service Choreography
Service choreography is a global description of the participating services, which is defined by exchange of
messages, rules of interaction and agreements between two or more endpoints. Choreography employs
a decentralized approach for service composition. the decision logic is distributed, with no centralized point.
Choreography, in contrast, does not rely on a central coordinator. and all participants in the choreography
need to be aware of the business process, operations to execute, messages to exchange, and the timing of
message exchanges.

62. Question
In the sample Kubernetes manifest file below, what annotations should you add to create a private load
balancer In oracle Cloud infrastructure Container Engine for Kubermetes?
apiversion: vi
kind: Service
name: my-nginx-svc
app: nginx

type: LoadBalancer
– port: 80
app: nginx

apiVersion: vl
kind: Service
name: my-nginx-svc
app: nginx

type: LoadBalancer
– port: 80
app: nginx

service.beta.kubernetes. service.beta.kubernetes. o/oci-load-balancer-private: "true"

service.beta.kubernetes. service.beta.kubernetes. o/oci-load-balancer-internal: "true"

service.beta.kubernetes service.beta.kubernetes io/oci-load-balancer-subnet1:

service.beta.kubernetes. service.beta.kubernetes. o/oci-load-balancer-internal: "true"

service.beta.kubernetes. service.beta.kubernetes. o/oci-load-balancer-private: "true"

service.beta.kubernetes service.beta.kubernetes io/oci-load-balancer-subnet1:

Creating Internal Load Balancers in Public and Private Subnets
You can create Oracle Cloud Infrastructure load balancers to control access to services running on a cluster:
When you create a ‘custom’ cluster, you select an existing VCN that contains the network resources to be
used by the new cluster. If you want to use load balancers to control traffic into the VCN, you select existing
public or private subnets in that VCN to host the load balancers.
When you create a ‘quick cluster’, the VCN that’s automatically created contains a public regional subnet to
host a load balancer. If you want to host load balancers in private subnets, you can add private subnets to the
VCN later.
Alternatively, you can create an internal load balancer service in a cluster to enable other programs running in
the same VCN as the cluster to access services in the cluster. You can host internal load balancers in public
subnets and private subnets.
To create an internal load balancer hosted on a public subnet, add the following annotation in the metadata
section of the manifest file: “true”
To create an internal load balancer hosted on a private subnet, add both following annotations in the
metadata section of the manifest file: “true” “ocid1.subnet.oc1..aaaaaa….vdfw”
where ocid1.subnet.oc1..aaaaaa….vdfw is the OCID of the private subnet.
63. Question
Which two are benefits of distributed systems?




Ease of testing


Distributed systems of native-cloud like functions that have a lot of benefit like
Resiliency and availability
Resiliency and availability refers to the ability of a system to continue operating, despite the failure or sub-
optimal performance of some of its components.
In the case of Oracle Functions:
The control plane is a set of components that manages function definitions.
The data plane is a set of components that executes functions in response to invocation requests.
For resiliency and high availability, both the control plane and data plane components are distributed across
different availability domains and fault domains in a region. If one of the domains ceases to be available, the
components in the remaining domains take over to ensure that function definition management and
execution are not disrupted.
When functions are invoked, they run in the subnets specified for the application to which the functions
belong. For resiliency and high availability, best practice is to specify a regional subnet for an application (or
alternatively, multiple AD-specific subnets in different availability domains). If an availability domain specified
for an application ceases to be available, Oracle Functions runs functions in an alternative availability domain.
Concurrency and Scalability
Concurrency refers to the ability of a system to run multiple operations in parallel using shared resources.
Scalability refers to the ability of the system to scale capacity (both up and down) to meet demand.
In the case of Functions, when a function is invoked for the first time, the function’s image is run as a
container on an instance in a subnet associated with the application to which the function belongs. When the
function is executing inside the container, the function can read from and write to other shared resources and
services running in the same subnet (for example, Database as a Service). The function can also read from
and write to other shared resources (for example, Object Storage), and other Oracle Cloud Services.
If Oracle Functions receives multiple calls to a function that is currently executing inside a running container,
Oracle Functions automatically and seamlessly scales horizontally to serve all the incoming requests. Oracle
Functions starts multiple Docker containers, up to the limit specified for your tenancy. The default limit is 30
GB of RAM reserved for function execution per availability domain, although you can request an increase to
this limit. Provided the limit is not exceeded, there is no difference in response time (latency) between
functions executing on the different containers.

64. Question
What can you use to dynamically make Kubernetes resources discoverable to public DNS servers?





ExternalDNS allows you to control DNS records dynamically via Kubernetes resources in a DNS provider-
agnostic way

65. Question
You are working on a serverless DevSecOps application using Oracle Functions. You have deployed a Python
function that uses the Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Python SDK to stop any OCI Compute instance that
does not comply with your corporate security standards There are 3 non-compliant OCI Compute instances.
However, when you invoke this function none of the instances were stopped. How should you troubleshoot

Enable function logging in the OCI console, include some print statements in your function code and use
logs to troubleshoot this.

Enable function tracing in the OCI console, and go to OCI Monitoring console to see the function stack

Enable function remote debugging in the OCI console, and use your favourite IDE to inspect the function
running on Oracle Functions.

There is no way to troubleshoot a function running on Oracle Functions.

Storing and Viewing Function Logs
When a function you’ve deployed to Oracle Functions is invoked, you’ll typically want to store the function’s
logs so that you can review them later. You specify where Oracle Functions stores a function’s logs by
setting a logging policy for the application containing the function.
You set application logging policies in the Console.
Whenever a function is invoked in this application, its logs are stored according to the logging policy that you
you can view the logs for a function that have been stored in a storage bucket in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure
Object Storage

66. Question
Which testing approaches is a must for achieving high velocity of deployments and release of cloud-native

A/B testing

Integration testing

Penetration testing

Automated testing

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure provides a number of DevOps tools and plug-ins for working with Oracle Cloud
Infrastructure services. These can simplify provisioning and managing infrastructure or enable automated
testing and continuous delivery.
A/B Testing
While A/B testing can be combined with either canary or blue-green deployments, it is a very different thing.
A/B testing really targets testing the usage behavior of a service or feature and is typically used to validate a
hypothesis or to measure two versions of a service or feature and how they stack up against each other in
terms of performance, discoverability and usability. A/B testing often leverages feature flags (feature
toggles), which allow you to dynamically turn features on and off.
Integration Testing
Integration tests are also known as end-to-end (e2e) tests. These are long-running tests that exercise the
system in the way it is intended to be used in production. These are the most valuable tests in demonstrating
reliability and thus increasing confidence.
Penetration Testing
Oracle regularly performs penetration and vulnerability testing and security assessments against the Oracle
cloud infrastructure, platforms, and applications. These tests are intended to validate and improve the
overall security of Oracle Cloud Services.
The best answer is automated testing

67. Question
You are implementing logging in your services that will be running in Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Container
Engine for Kubernetes. Which statement describes the appropriate logging approach?

All services log to an external logging system.

All services log to a shared log file.

Each service logs to its own log file.

All services log to standard output only.

Application and systems logs can help you understand what is happening inside your cluster. The logs are
particularly useful for debugging problems and monitoring cluster activity. Most modern applications have
some kind of logging mechanism; as such, most container engines are likewise designed to support some
kind of logging. The easiest and most embraced logging method for containerized applications is to write to
the standard output and standard error streams.

68. Question
You are processing millions of files in an Oracle Cloud Infrastructure (OCI) Object Storage bucket. Each time a
new file is created, you want to send an email to the customer and create an order in a database. The solution
should perform and minimize cost, Which action should you use to trigger this email?

Use OCI Events service and OCI Notification service to send an email each time a file is created.

Schedule an Oracle Function that checks the OCI Object Storage bucket every minute and emails the
customer when a file is found.

Schedule an Oracle Function that checks the OCI Object Storage bucket every second and email the
customer when a file is found.

Schedule a cron job that monitors the OCI Object Storage bucket and emails the customer when a new
file is created.

Oracle Cloud Infrastructure Events enables you to create automation based on the state changes of
resources throughout your tenancy. Use Events to allow your development teams to automatically respond
when a resource changes its state.
Here are some examples of how you might use Events:
Send a notification to a DevOps team when a database backup completes.
Convert files of one format to another when files are uploaded to an Object Storage bucket.
You can only deliver events to certain Oracle Cloud Infrastructure services with a rule. Use the following
services to create actions:
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