Example - Architecture Summary Example

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Example: Architecture Summary Example

This is an example of an architecture summary document. The "IT Research" business line (BL) of
the ThuNorTech enterprise is is summarized.

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Main Description

AnalyzeThuNorTech IT Research Business Line (BL) Summary

1. Introduction

This Business Line level architecture summary describes a portion of ThuNorTech, a small organization that: provides
up-to-date information on information technology (IT) to its customers (i.e. the IT Research BL), and IT solutions (i.e.
the IT Solutions BL). It can be compared to any IT information provider with the addition of a solution provision
business line.

The research BL of ThuNorTech does research, as required by customers, on specific aspects of technology such as
technology trends, technology comparisons and suppliers of technology. ThuNorTech's scope includes hardware and
software aspects of information technology as well as supporting tools and technologies such as software IDEs,
desktop and middleware software, and architecture tools and techniques, etc. The company also provides solutions to
customers (i.e. the IT Solutions Business Line), and optionally the management and operation of these solutions.

2. Technical Entities
A summary of the Technical Entities for ThuNorTech's IT Research business line.


Customers of ThuNorTech are one of two types: those that are provided IT security solutions in terms of hardware and
software (along with consulting and implementation services), and those that are interested in ThuNorTech's IT
research results. Some customers are both types.


Company - the company name of the customer.

Address - the address of the company.
Phone - a phone number for the company.
Type - the type of customer (i.e. "both", "research" or "solution").
Subscriptions - the list information that the customer subscribes to (i.e."all", "allMobile", "allDesktop", etc.).


Customers have Information Needs that are addressed by Research Reports. They are persisted on the Report
Info Store.


Customer employees of ThuNorTech receive Research Reports that address their information needs.


Name - the name of the employee.

Address - the address of the employee.
email - a address of the customer.
delivery - the mode for delivery of Research Reports to the customer employee (i.e. "pdf", "fullHtml", etc.).

Employees produce Research Reports.


Partner employees that work with ThuNorTech to provide information and materials.


Name - the name of the employee.

Address - the address of the employee.
email - a address of the customer.


Employees produce Research Reports.

Source Access Rules

The rules defined by ThuNorTech to control access to Source Information.




Define the permitted access to Source Information.

Report Access Rules

The rules defined by ThuNorTech to control access to Research Reports.




Define the permitted access to Research Reports.

Report Distribution Rules

The rules defined by ThuNorTech to define the distribution of Research Reports.




Define the distribution of Research Reports.

Partners of ThuNorTech provide some of the hardware and software offerings of the company. Other types of partners
also provide open source information (or access to it) as well as supplying the raw information that research is largely
built upon. This raw information and open source information is largely gathered from the Internet and other similar
sources and sent to ThuNorTech through various methods.


Company - the company name of the customer.

Address - the address of the company.
Phone - a phone number for the company.
Material - the material supplied by the partner.
Info - the list of information supplied by the partner.


Partners supply Information on their products and services, they also supply raw information (e.g. test results,
etc) on their products and services. THey also supply materials in support of ThuNorTech created Solutions.


Partners supply materials (i.e. software and hardware) for two purposes: the development of Solutions and to support
lab testing of technologies.


Name - the name of the material.

Make - the make of the material.
Model - the model of the material.
Partner - the partner supplying the material.


Material is supplied by Partners, is used in ThuNorTech developed Solutions, is provided in providing Services
to Customers and is also evaluated in Research Reports.


The hardware products sold and supported by the company. Also hardware products researched and reported on by
the company.


Category - the category to which the hardware belongs.

Version - the version of the hardware.


Hardware is supplied by Partners, is used in ThuNorTech developed Solutions, is provided in providing Services
to Customers and is also evaluated in Research Reports


The software products sold and supported by the company. Also software products researched and reported on by the


Category - the category to which the software belongs.

Version - the version of the software.

Software is supplied by Partners, is used in ThuNorTech developed Solutions, is provided in providing Services
to Customers and is also evaluated in Research Reports.

Study Plan

Tech Reports define the results of lab tests and analysis. They are quite detailed and technical and therefore a more
generally palatable Research Report may be produced from them.


author - the employees that authored the report.

labReport - reference to the report resulting from the study.
dateTime - the date and time that the study was completed.
priority - the priority assigned to the lab study.


Reports address Customer Information Needs, are based upon Raw Information and Substantiated by Partner
Information, and they may evaluate Material.

Ongoing Study Plan

Tech Reports define the results of lab tests and analysis. They are quite detailed and technical and therefore a more
generally palatable Research Report may be produced from them.


author - the employees that authored the report.

labReport - reference to the report resulting from the study.
dateTime - the date and time that the study was completed.
ongoingPriority - the priority assigned to the lab study.


Reports address Customer Information Needs, are based upon Raw Information and Substantiated by Partner
Information, and they may evaluate Material.

Research Report

Research Reports define the results of analysis of IT trends, IT equipment reviews, IT solutions, and tests on IT
equipment and solutions. More general analysis of and comparisons of technologies within specific domains are also
provided (e.g. Comparison of Smartphones).


Date - the date that the report was published.

Authors - the employees that authored the report.
Title - the title of the report.
Subject - the subject of the report.
Category - the report category (i.e. "desktopHw", "desktopSw", etc.).
Sources - the list of raw or open source information used as a basis for the report.
Substantiation - the list of partner information used to substantiate the report.
providedTo - the list people (customers) that the report was provided to or who viewed it.


Reports address Customer Information Needs, are based upon Raw Information and Substantiated by Partner
Information, and they may evaluate Material.
Tech Report

Tech Reports define the results of lab tests and analysis. They are quite detailed and technical and therefore a more
generally palatable Research Report may be produced from them.


Date - the date that the report was published.

Authors - the employees that authored the report.
Title - the title of the report.
Subject - the subject of the report.
Category - the report category (i.e. "desktopHw", "desktopSw", etc.).
Sources - the list of raw or open source information used as a basis for the report.
Substantiation - the list of partner information used to substantiate the report.
providedTo - the list people (customers) that the report was provided to or who viewed it.
teamLead - the team lead for the lab study from which the report was produced.
plan - a reference to the plan for the lab study from which the report was produced.


Reports address Customer Information Needs, are based upon Raw Information and Substantiated by Partner
Information, and they may evaluate Material.

Result Set

A Result Set contains the information (or references to them) that are found as a result of a query on the Source Info


rsFormat - the format of the query result set.

info - the list of source information in the result set.
dateTime - the date and time that the information was queried.


Created by a query on the source Information Store.


Employees of ThuNorTech produce Research Reports from partner, raw and open source information, largely gathered
from the Internet and other similar sources and sent to ThuNorTech through various methods. There are many other
kinds of employees as well.


employeeID - a unique ID for the employee.

Name - the name of the employee.
Address - the address of the employee.


Employees produce Research Reports.

Information Need

IT Research Customers of ThuNorTech define their research needs in terms of an 'information need'. There are a large
number of needs, with multiple Customers being associated with each information need, and each customer generally
has multiple information needs. These needs are supported through various 'subscriptions', but ad hoc needs for IT
research are also supported.

customer - the list of customers that have a particular Information Need.


Information Needs of Customers are addressed by Research Reports.

Enterprise Data Store

The Enterprise Data Store persists all ThuNorTech corporate level information such as HR data, financial data,
operations information and corporate planning information.




Persists employee information.

Source Information Store

The Source Information Store holds all information on the information and solution component (material) providers (i.e.
ThuNorTech Partners) along with the Partner, Raw and Open Source Information that they provide in support of
ThuNorTech Customers needs.




Persists Partner, Raw and Open Source information.

Report Information Store

The Report Information Store persists all entities related to Research Reports, the Information Needs that they
address along with information on Customers, and which Customers receive the Reports.




Persists Research Reports, Information Needs and information on Customers.

3. Technical Processes

The IT Research business line includes the gathering the raw information and open source information and organizing
it and making it available for analysts to do their research. Then ThuNorTech analysts research the provided raw
information and open source information based upon topics defined by the Information Needs. This activity involves
the augmentation of Raw information and Open Source information through the addition of cross-references, formation
of collections, accumulation of historical (timeline) connections, and other techniques in support of analysts. Many of
these activities are automated, with results provided to required analysts, including the periodic query of the
information in an automated fashion ensuring that analysts have up-to-date information in support of their research.
Finally the research reports and other substantiating material are distributed or otherwise made available to

Manage Customer Profile

The Manage Customer Profile service works with the Customer to ensure that their Information Needs are met.

The following sub-processes are defined:

Receive Customer Input

Customers provide information on the Information Needs of interest to them. The following steps apply:

1. Input from the Customer is received;

2. The current Customer profile is consulted and the required changes verified with the Customer;
3. The required changes are summarized.


Information Needs and other information from Customers.


Summary of required changes to the Customer Profile.



State Changes


Create Customer Profile

Customer profiles are updated as required. If no profile exists, one is created.

1. The change summary is compared to the current customer profile;

2. Required changes are made and saved..

Summary of required changes to the Customer Profile.


Update profile.

Update Customer Profile

Customer profiles are updated as required. If no profile exists, one is created.

1. The change summary is compared to the current customer profile;

2. Required changes are made and saved..


Summary of required changes to the Customer Profile.


Update profile.

Gather and Analyze Information

ThuNorTech gathers information in support of Customer Needs from many sources, most of which are on the Internet.
Raw information (information not in an organized or analyzed state) and open source information (information freely
available on the Internet from Partners and other sources) and organizing it and making it available for analysts to do
their research. ThuNorTech analysts research the provided partner information and open source information based
upon topics defined by the Information Needs. Reports are produced that address these information needs of
customers. Once published, the reports are provided to customers through various mechanisms.

Descriptions for activities under Gather and Analyze Information:

Gather Partner Information

ThuNorTech gathers information in support of Customer Needs from many sources, most of which are on the
Internet. Partner information, information made available by Partners, is extracted (if necessary), organized (i.e.
subject index, Information Need tags, etc.) and made available for analysts to do their research.


Information Needs, other criteria.


Searchable and indexed source information.

Gather Open/Raw Data

This activity is responsible for gathering the raw information and open source information and organizing it and
making it available for analysts to do their research.


Information sent from Partners.


Extracted Partner information.

Analyze Information

ThuNorTech research analysts look at source information to produce Research Reports that address
information needs of customers. Partner information, information made available by Partners, is extracted (if
necessary), organized (i.e. subject index, Information Need tags, etc.) and made available for analysts to do
their research.


Information needs and reporting requirements.


Modified result set containing useful source information, draft or outline research report.

Determine Report & Lab Studies Needs

This activity determines if research into specific topics or lab studies are required. Based upon the input from
"Analyze Information", and the "Corporate Lab & Reporting Rules" a decision is made on both the need for a
Report and the need for a Lab Study.

1. The output from Analyze Information contains detailed metadata on the information such as: topics,
subjects, vendors, hardware, and software names.
2. The "Corporate Lab & Reporting Rules" are compared to this metadata;
3. The system records the decisions regarding Report and Lab Study requirements and associates
these decisions with the source information.


Custom software


Analyze Information completed and metadata arrives.


Source Information metadata.


Source Information metadata with "Report" and "Lab Study" tags added.

Prepare Report

A Research Writer defines a report task that may contain a report outline based upon there research. A Report
Writer now produces a Research Report based on this analysis.


Final draft Research Report.


Updated final Research Report.

Quality Control Report

Research Writers produce Research Reports that address information needs of customers based upon
completed research; now they are reviewed by a supervisor, edited as required and then released for


Final draft Research Report gathered and collated for a required Report.


Final Report queued for publishing.

Publish Reports to Web

Reports prepared as a result of research into specific topics or lab studies are formatted, metadata added and
then published.

1. The system adds metadata such as access rights, cross-references to Source Information and
Information Needs labels (topic, subject, vendor, authors, version, date of publication).
2. The system converts the report from a common base format "xxx" to the following formats for
publication to the web and mail distribution and saves these on the ThuNorTech web server:
secured PDF (for email and hard copy distribution);
full HTML5 page (for web users);
simplified 'mobile' HTML5 (for portable device users);
3. The system adds the "URL links" to the HTML5 and PDF versions published on the ThuNorTech
web server.


Web Publishing Product "X"


Report Completed (state for Report)

Report in the common base format "xxx".


Published Report in each of three formats (PDF, HTML5, mobile HTML5) and Report Metadata.


At step 2, the report contains images that are not suitable for the mobile HTML5 version.

2a. Remove images that cannot be converted and replace with note indicating their omission: Note: Please see
web version for this image.

State Changes

Report Published


Report Name, Version, Published Date, Authors

Perform Lab Study

Perform Lab Study activities involve the testing of hardware or software in a lab environment. These studies are
done as part of ThuNorTech's ongoing research or under contract with a Customer.


Final draft Research Report gathered and collated for a required Report.


Final Report queued for publishing.

4. Technical Locations

ThuNorTech IT Research technical locations model showing details of the headquarters Technical, including the
network backbone. This is the root of the IT Research Technical Locations Model for ThuNorTech's IT Research
Business Line, containing the definitions or linking to the various diagrams that define this aspect. This view looks very
much like the EA level view since ThuNorTech headquarters houses this business line. This BL also requires links with
its Partners and Customers, which are further detailed in their own views.
Descriptions for the elements:

HQ Domain

The ThuNorTech HQ Domain defines the limit of ThuNorTech's headquarters IT environment, and illustrates how
ThuNorTech communicates with its Customers and Partners. It is represented as a "Domain" since the policies and
rules governing it are defined by ThuNorTech.


This Domain encompasses all the activities at ThuNorTech.


Connection to the Internet, Partners and Customers provide the required communications for ThuNorTech operations.

Network Backbone

A technical level model of the network backbone at ThuNorTech HQ. Interface points to other Zones, such as IT
Research & Solutions, HR & Finance, and Corporate Desktops are identified. The Distribute Research and Research
and Solutions (R&S) Desktops zones are shown and have further detailed defined within additional
views. This describes the four network structures: Data Center Distribution, Core Switches, User Distribution and


This backbone provides the connectivity for all systems in ThuNorTech.


Connections to the Internet PEP and all Zones within ThuNorTech.

IT Research & IT Solutions Zone

ThuNorTech's core business, namely IT Research and IT Solutions, is supported by the servers, software and storage
systems contained within this security zone. At this EA level this Zone defines the top-level structure of this part of the
ThuNorTech Intranet (i.e. that it is a separate Zone, with no lower level detail defined), with details left to lower level IT

All core business activities except those elements directly or indirectly exposed to the Internet.


Connected to the HQ network backbone.

Distribute Research Zone

This Zone contains the servers and software used to safely and securely distribute Research Reports and Source
Information to ThuNorTech Customers.


Provides secure distribution of Reports and other information over the Internet to ThuNorTech customers.


Connection to the HQ Backbone.

R&S Desktops Zone

ThuNorTech Research and Solutions Desktops Zone contains all desktop computers for these employees. This is
done to provide better coarse-grained IT security in a simple manner for ThuNorTech.


Activities located in this zone include all R&S Desktops within HQ.


This zone connects to the User Distribution switches.

HQ Domain PEP

The ThuNorTech security Domain is protected from the Internet by this Domain Policy Enforcement Point (Domain
PEP). At this EA level this PEP defines the top-level structure of this part of the ThuNorTech Intranet (i.e. just that it is a
PEP, with no lower level detail defined), with details left to lower level IT architectures.


Provides secure access to the Internet and provides secure access to ThuNorTech resources form the Internet.


Connection to the Internet and to the HQ Backbone.

5. Technical Roles

This is the summary view of the Technical Roles Model. Views of each of the Roles in context is also provided. Note
that this view generally covers only the "Distribute Research" business domain elements in the interests of brevity. This
summary view contains the complete model, but the other "roles-in-context" views are limited to this business domain.
Employee Actor

Employees of ThuNorTech are represented by this Actor.


Employee actors don't have particular roles.

Customer Support Researcher (CSR) Actor

ThuNorTech employee deployed to Customer sites are represented by this Actor. The CSR (Customer Support
Researcher) Actor may assume the Roles as shown that provides them with the accesses necessary for them to
properly perform their duties in on-site support to ThuNorTech's select Research Customers.


This actor may assumer the roles: Research Writer.

Researcher Actor

ThuNorTech employee that researches source information and produces Research Reports are represented by this


This actor may assumer the roles: Research Writer and Research Analyst.

Manager Actor
A management level employee at ThuNorTech. This includes managers at all levels except executive level managers.


This actor may assumer the roles: Lab Team Lead and Account Manager.

Tech Expert Actor

A technical expert employee at ThuNorTech. This includes all sorts of experts in many technical disciplines.


This actor may assumer the roles: Tech Writer and Lab Engineer.

Customer / Research Actor

Customers of ThuNorTech are either Research Customers or Solutions Customers. Customers are generally one or
the other, but there may be Customers that are both.

IT Research Customers of ThuNorTech are provided access to research reports and other information by ThuNorTech.


This actor may assumer the roles: Customer Researcher.

Employee Role

This role is added to the model to address specific requirements identified at the technical level.


Uses general employee activities such as HR and others.

Manager Role

This role is added to the model to address specific requirements identified at the technical level.


Uses general manager activities such as Financial and specific HR activities and others.

Research Writer Role

This role is responsible taking the collated research information and producing a Research Report. They may also do
addition research.


Uses the Prepare Report, Query Reports and Query Source activities.

Customer Researcher Role

Select Research Customers are provided access to ThuNorTech's Reports repository and also to the Source Info
Store through this Role.


Uses the Query Reports and Query Source activities.

Research Analyst Role

Once Source Information of interest are found by this role, they are analyzed, printed and perhaps distributed further.
Information of interest is collated and made available for the production of a Research Report.


Uses the Technical Topics/Metrics, Augment Information, environment Information, Augment Information, Tag Source
information and Queue Report Task activities.

Research Supervisor Role

Once a Research Report is produced a supervisor reviews it and edits as required, then releases it for publication.


Uses the QC Report Task activity.

Lab Team Lead Role

Responsible for planning lab studies, getting the resources necessary and managing the lab studies.


Uses the Manage Lab Studies, Request Demo Products and Plan Study activities.

Lab Engineer Role

Involved with the many activities necessary to do a lab study.


Uses the activities to Receive and Log Demo Products, Prepare Test Scripts, Setup Test Equipment Technical Test
Results and Write Tech Report.

Tech Writer Role

The Tech Writer takes the draft Tech Report and produces the final report and releases it for publication. They also edit
and publish Research Reports.


Uses the QC Report and Edit Tech Report activities.

Account Manager Role

Account Managers use various activities to ensure Customer profiles are up to date and that customers needs are


Uses the Receive Customer Input and Update Customer Profile activities.

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© David W. Enstrom, 2018. All rights reserved.

* Licensed under the EUPL, (the "Licence").

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