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2022 PH1012 Tut 2: 1D Kinematics

Basic questions 1 - 4 (Will not be discussed in class.)

1. A car moving at 15 m/s accelerates at a constant rate of 3 m/s2 for 7s.
a. Determine the velocity at the end of 7s.
b. Determine the displacement at the end of 7s.

2. A car moving at 25 m/s slows down at a constant rate of 4 m/s2 to come to a stop.
a. Determine how much time the car takes to come to a stop.
b. Determine the displacement of the car coming to a stop.

3. A car moving at 20 m/s slows down in 8s to come to a stop.

a. Determine the rate at which the car slows down.
b. Determine the displacement of the car coming to a stop.

4. A boy standing on the edge of a cliff 30m high has 3 identical stones. (Take acceleration of free fall
as 𝑔 = 9.8 m/s2.)
If the sign convention is a problem for you, I suggest that you use upwards as +ve.
a. The first stone, he released from rest.
b. The second stone, he threw vertically downwards at 15 m/s.
c. The third stone, he threw vertically upwards at 15 m/s.

For each case, determine the time it takes for the stone to hit the bottom of the cliff and the
vertical velocity just before hitting the bottom of the cliff.

5. [*] A series of drop test is to be conducted on a new mobile phone. It is first released from a height
of 0.75 m (typical table height) from rest. You can treat the phone as a point object.
a. Using the kinematic equations of motion, determine the theoretical value of the velocity of
mobile phone just before impact with the ground and the duration of the fall.
b. Do you expect the actual experimental impact velocity and duration of fall to differ
significantly from your calculated theoretical value? Explain your answer.
c. Subsequently, this phone is to be released from heights increasing at 5 cm intervals up to
1.50 m. Using a spreadsheet, construct a table for the height released, velocity of impact
and duration of fall from 0.75 m to 1.50 m.
d. Without any protection, it was noted that this phone will survive most falls if the impact
velocity is 7 m/s or less. What is the corresponding height if the phone is dropped from rest?
6. [YF 2.70, modified] [**] You are on the roof of the Physics building,
𝐻 = 46.0 𝑚 above ground. Your Physics professor who is ℎ = 1.80 𝑚
tall is walking alongside the building at a constant speed of
𝑣 = 1.20 𝑚/𝑠.
a. If you wish to drop an egg such that it lands on the head of the
professor, where should the professor be when you release
the egg? Assume that the egg is in free fall.
b. Derive the general expression for 𝑑 for the distance of
professor should be from the building when the egg is to be
released for a hit in terms of the variable ℎ, 𝐻 and 𝑣 and any
other relevant variables.
c. [Optional, Algodoo / SIMPHY*] Create a simple simulation of
the above using Algodoo / SIMPHY and show it to your tutor
and friends. *Watch pre-tutorial video for Algodoo / SIMPHY first.

7. [G2.61, modified] [*] (a) Referring to the figure below, a stone is thrown vertically upwards with a
speed of 12.5 m/s from the edge of a cliff 75.0 m high. (i) How much later does it reach the bottom
of the cliff? (ii) What is its speed just before hitting? (ii) What total distance did it travel?
(b) Now the stone is thrown vertically downwards with a speed of 12.5 m/s from the edge of a cliff
75.0 m high. Calculate (i) to (iii) as you did in part (a).
(c) Using a spreadsheet, plot the position 𝑦 − 𝑡 graph of the stone for (a) and (b) at 0.1 s interval.

G2.81 G2.61
8. [G2.81] [**] A falling stone takes 0.33 s to travel past a window 2.2 m tall. From what height above
the top of the window did the stone fall?

9. [G2.76] [**] A stone is dropped (i.e. released from rest) from the roof of a high building. A second
stone is dropped 1.50 s later. How far apart are the stones when the second one has reached a speed
of 12.0 m/s?

10. [S2.18] [*] An object moves along the x axis according to the equation:
𝑥(𝑡) = (3.00𝑡 3 − 2.00𝑡 2 + 3.00)𝑚 where 𝑡 is in seconds.
(a) the average velocity between t = 2.00 s and t = 3.00 s,
(b) the instantaneous velocity at t = 2.00 s and at t = 3.00 s,
(c) the average acceleration between t = 2.00 s and t = 3.00 s, and
(d) the instantaneous acceleration at t = 2.00 s and t = 3.00 s.
(e) At what time(s) is/are the object at rest?
11. [G2.87] [**] A person driving her car at 45 km/h approaches an intersection just as the traffic light
turns yellow. She knows that the yellow light lasts only 2.0 s before turning to red, and she is 28 m
away from the near side of the intersection. Should she try to stop, or should she speed up to cross
the intersection before the light turns red? The intersection is 15 m wide. The maximum rate that
the car can slow down is 5.8 m/s2, whereas it can accelerate from 45 km/h to 65 km/h in 6.0 s. Ignore
the length of her car and her reaction time.

Numerical Answers:

1. a. 36 m/s b. 179 m
2. a. 6.3 s b. 78 m
3. a. 2.5 m/s2 b. 80 m
4. a. 2.47 s, 24.2 m/s b. 1.38 s, 28.5 m/s c. 4.44 s, 28.5 m/s
5. a. 3.83m/s, 0.39s.
6. -
7. (a) (i) 5.39s, (ii) 40.3 m/s, (iii) 90.9 m (b) (i) 2.84 s (ii) 40.3 m/s (iii) 75 m
8. 1.30m
9. 29.0 m
10. (a) 47 𝑚/𝑠 (b) 28 m/s, 69 m/s (c)41 m/s2 (d) 32 m/s2, 50 m/s2 (e) 0 s, 4/9 s
11. She should stop.

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