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The Set Up(Nigel)

Here’s the Graph of Quickbite sales From 2019-2023(Yung Graph)

As you can see at the graph(pointing to it) the sales of Quickbite is going down that because

In early 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic sweeps across the globe, leading to lockdowns, social distancing
measures, and economic uncertainty. People are forced to stay at home, and many are hesitant to dine
out or shop for groceries in person. Before we continue to break down the how pandemic affects the
sales of QuickBite Let me give you a brief context How a pandemic can affect a Instant food product
sales to go down.


As we Know Instant food is Full of pack of preserved materials also lots of sodium into it that its not
good for our body. That’s why also those Safety Concerns of peoples will now choose fresh food than
instant food because Fresh food is much healthier than instant food and QuickBite Foods must
implement strict safety measures within their production facilities. This includes reduced staff on-site,
social distancing, and additional sanitation protocols. These measures slow down production. That’s
why people is now choosing fresh and healthier food to consume than instant food. Now because of
that the sales of a instant food company is going down.

Its not just the Ingredients that it content concern by people if its healthy or not affects the sales but
also the material supply cause QuickBite Foods relies also on a complex supply chain that has been
disrupted by the pandemic. Suppliers are struggling to meet demands, and transportation logistics
become challenging due to lockdowns and restrictions. This leads to delays in raw material deliveries.

Now what are really the impact of these problem that can be cause of
sales are going down(Rocel)
Reduced Production Capacity: With a smaller workforce and slower production lines,
QuickBite Foods can't produce as many instant food products as before. This results in shortages of
some popular items, frustrating loyal customers.
Consumer Behavior Shifts: As people are stuck at home for extended periods, they start
to explore home cooking more extensively. Many individuals who used to rely on instant foods now
have more time to prepare meals from scratch or opt for fresher, healthier alternatives.

Reimagining The Product: QuickBite Foods starts to rethink its product offerings. They
introduce new, healthier instant food options that cater to the changing preferences of their customers,
such as frozen vegetable-based meals and low-sodium soups.
Base on the graph Because of those problem like people choosing fresh and healthier foods and the raw
materials delay safety protocols it made the sales to go down.

2019-2020: We can see here at the year 2019 before the pandemic hit QuickBite had 7 million sales but
when pandemic starts at year 2020 it goes down to 5 million. It seems like the Reimagining the product
didn’t work.
2021: In year 2021 while everyone is still adjusting cause by pandemic the sales remain at 5 million.
2022: In year 2022 As people taken the covid seriously they start eating for healthier food.
2023: In year 2023 as the people got vaccinated by the covid vaccine the sales goes Up. That because
after the Lockdown the raw material shipment become much faster and no delay and also people start
buying instant food again.

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