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Class – XII Practical List with Dates for Computer Science Practical’s

(Till September 2023)

Sr.No Date Topic Program
(To be written in
1 17/04/2023 Revision Part 1 1. WAP that inputs an integer in range 0-999 and then
Programs on if, loop prints if the integer entered is a 1/2/3 digits numbers.
and series 2. WAP to calculate and print roots of a quadratic
3. WAP to calculate xy
4. WAP to find sum of the following series
1+22 + 33+ 44+ ………………. nn
2 24/04/2023 Revision Part 2 1. Write a random number generator that generates
Random number, list random numbers between 1 and 6(simulates a dice).
sorting 2. WAP to generate 6 digit OTP using random module.
3. WAP to have a list that prints elements whose number
of occurrence is 2nd largest
4. WAP to implement sorting using selection or bubble
3 01/08/2023 Function- I 1. WAP to define a function to find the sum of the digits
Function definition of any given number.
and calling 2. WAP to define a function that takes a matrix ( 2
dimensional list) and to find maxmin. That value which
is max in row and min in column
4 08/08/2023 Function-II 1. Any function program implementing Positional
Function Arguments arguments.
are return types 2. Any function program implementing default
3. Any function program implementing keyword
4. Any function program returning value and arguments
are passed
5 19/06/2023 Exception Handling 1. WAP to demonstrate Exception handling using division
by zero, square root of negative number exceptions.
Demonstrate the use 2. WAP to demonstrate the use of Exception handling in
of try, except, finally binary file operations.
and else commands
6 26/06/2023 Text file 1. WAP to count and print no of characters in a text file
2. WAP to count and print number of vowels in a text file
Programs to read 3. WAP to count total number of articles in a text file.
and count chars from 4. WAP that reads a text file and count total words in the
text file text file.
7 3/07/2023 Text file 1. Create a text file to prepare the result of XII ‘C’. It will
have heading & data as per the following: Adm Roll
Programs to Create, Name Marks Per Grade
write and read from 2. WAP to open a text file and to count all the 3 letters
text files. words.
3. WAP to read a text file mynotes.txt and display those
lines which are starting with alphabet ‘k’
8 10/07/2023 Text file 1. Read a text file line by line and display each word
separated by a #.
Programs to read/ 2. Read a text file and display the number of
write data from text vowels/consonants/uppercase/lowercase characters in
files with specific the file.
conditions 3. Remove all the lines that contain the character 'a' in a file
and write it to another file
9 17/07/2023 Binary file 1. WAP to create a binary file that holds records of a
employee whose salary between 35000 and 50000
Programs to 2. WAP to create a binary ‘book.dat’ that stores book
create/read binary name, book id, and price. Your program will store 3
file records.
3. WAP to read from a binary file ‘test.dat’ and print details
of all students who scored less than pass marks.
10 24/07/2023 Binary file 1. WAP to count total number of bytes in binary file.
Programs to 2. WAP to read from a binary file test.dat and print a detail
count/read from a of all the students who scored pass marks in the test.
binary file
11 07/08/2023 Binary file 1. Create a binary file with name and roll number.
Search for a given roll number and
Programs to display the name, if not found display appropriate
create/search in message.
binary files 2. Create a binary file with roll number, name and
marks. Input a roll number and update
the marks.
12 14/08/2023 CSV file 1. Create a CSV file named employee.csv having
employee details like ID, name, salary, and grade.
Program to create 10 records into csv file
and write CSV file
13 21/08/2023 CSV file 1. Create a CSV file by entering user-id and password,
Program to read and search the password for given userid.
CSV file
14 28/08/2023 Data Structure 1. WAP to implement stack using a list having all
operations—push(), pop(), peep(), display()
Program to
implement basic
Stack Operations –
push, pop, peep and
15 11/09/2023 Data Structures 1. A list, NList contains following record as list
Program to elements: [City, Country, distance]. Each of these
implement basic records are nested together to form a nested list.
stack operations Write the following user defined functions in Python
using a list structure to perform the specified operations on the stack
named travel
(a) Push()
(b) Pop()
(c) Display()

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