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Term – I Examination Important Topics

Computer Science (083)

The question paper is divided into 5 Sections - A, B, C, D and E

 Section A, consist of 18 Questions (1-18). 1 Marks Each

 Section B, consist of 7 Questions (19-25). 2 Marks Each.

 Section C, 5 Questions (26 - 30). 3 Marks Each.

 Section D, 2 Questions (31-32). 4 Marks Each.

 Section E, 3 questions (33 to 35). 5 Marks Each

 All programming questions are to be answered using Python Language only

1. Types of function arguments – positional/required, default and keyword arguments.

E.g. argument order can be changed, arguments could be skipped
2. Use of read function of text file.
3. Stack- push, pop, peep, display, overflow, underflow, Top
4. Identifying a primary key from a relation.
5. Eligibility criteria for becoming primary key
6. Total number of primary key in a relation
7. Primary key and candidate key, their relationship
8. SQL views and virtual table
9. Output based on function return type.
10. Meaning of pickling and unpickling
11. Fill in the blanks based on read, reader, and readlines.
12. Fill in the blanks based on write, writer and writelines.
13. Output Questions based on function local and global scopes vaiables.
14. reader, writer functions format and use in csv files
15. Using reader and writer function to read and write in a CSV file.
16. Object return by reader/writer funtions
17. Output question based on text file—counting specific char or type of char from a text
file using read function
18. ASSERTION AND REASONING questions based on list, tuple, python module/library,
19. Output questions based on string function/methods – join, capitalize, title, upper etc.
20. Output questions based on random modules—rand(), random() etc.
21. Removing all the syntax and logical error from a program especially in a function.
22. Using build-in function of list, string, tuple, or dictionary perform specific functions like
insert, reverse, checking palindrome.
23. Difference between read and readlines, writerow and writerows, reader and writer,
write and append (compare and contrast), primary key & candidate key, primary key
and foreign key, DDL and DML, load and dump.

24. Counting total number of vowel, special characters, upper/lower case characters, digits,
blanks space, lines from a text file.

25. Output Questions based on dictionary, list etc.

26. Selecting an element from the list, dictionary

27. Define the terms – len(), int, float, random, and all the methods of random module,
math module, function str(), min() max() sum().

28. Examples or commands of DDL and DML

29. File opening modes, all the types, one example each for file opening modes

30. Opening a text file and counting/displaying words based on certain criteria like words
starting with specific letters, word having particular number of characters, word ending
with specific character, number of words in a line etc, counting a line which begins and
ends with specific word, counting a specific word.

31. Stack—push(), pop(), peep(), display()

32. Defining the terms related to stack and applying them by using specific operations.

33. To read from a binary file and copy the records of specific type and write into another

34. Searching for a specific value in a binary file.

35. Define terms – RDBMS, DBMS, domain, tuple, attributes, relations, primary key,
candidate key, foreign key, cardinality, degree, data inconsistency, data redundancy,
alternate keys, composite keys, DDL, DML, DCL, SQL

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