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Medical Engineering and Physics 91 (2021) 28–38

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Review of physical stimulation techniques for assisting distraction

osteogenesis in maxillofacial reconstruction applications
Shahrokh Hatefi a,∗, Javad Alizargar b, Francis Le Roux c, Katayoun Hatefi d, Milad Etemadi
Sh e, Hajierah Davids f, Nan-Chen Hsieh g, Farouk Smith h, Khaled Abou-El-Hossein i
Precision Engineering Laboratory, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Research Center for Healthcare Industry Innovation, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taipei 112, Taiwan
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering, Isfahan University of Technology, Isfahan, Iran
Department of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery, Dental Implants Research Center, Dental Research Institute, School of Dentistry, Isfahan University of
Medical Sciences, Isfahan, Iran
Department of Physiology, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Department of Information Management, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences, Taipei 112, Taiwan
Department of Mechatronics Engineering, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa
Precision Engineering Laboratory, Nelson Mandela University, Port Elizabeth, South Africa

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Distraction Osteogenesis (DO) is an emerging limb lengthening method for the reconstruction of the hard
Received 18 May 2020 tissue and the surrounding soft tissue, in different human body zones. DO plays an important role in
Revised 17 February 2021
treating bone defects in Maxillofacial Reconstruction Applications (MRA) due to reduced side effects and
Accepted 24 March 2021
better formed bone tissue compared to conventional reconstruction methods i.e. autologous bone graft,
and alloplast implantation. Recently, varying techniques have been evaluated to enhance the characteris-
Keywords: tics of the newly formed tissues and process parameters. Promising results have been shown in assisting
Distraction osteogenesis DO treatments while benefiting bone formation mechanisms by using physical stimulation techniques,
Physical stimulation techniques including photonic, electromagnetic, electrical, and mechanical stimulation technique. Using assisted DO
Bone healing
techniques has provided superior results in the outcome of the DO procedure compared to a standard
Maxillofacial reconstruction
DO procedure. However, DO methods, as well as assisting technologies applied during the DO procedure,
Medical devices
are still emerging. Studies and experiments on developed solutions related to this field have been limited
to animal and clinical trials. In this review paper, recent advances in physical stimulation techniques and
their effects on the outcome of the DO treatment in MRA are surveyed. By studying the effects of us-
ing assisting techniques during the DO treatment, enabling an ideal assisted DO technique in MRA can be
possible. Although mentioned techniques have shown constructive effects during the DO procedure, there
is still a need for more research and investigation to be done to fully understand the effects of assisting
techniques and advanced technologies for use in an ultimate DO procedure in MRA.
© 2021 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

1. Introduction sequently, in 1992, MacCarthy reported the first clinical case of a

DO procedure on mandible [1–4]. DO is known as a technique for
Distraction Osteogenesis (DO) is a novel bone lengthening tech- the reconstruction of bone tissue without the need of bone graft.
nique for the reconstruction of skeletal defects/deformities in hu- Here, the bone tissue is generated along with the surrounding soft
man limbs, by using a gradual supply of tensile stress on the de- tissue. In the past two decades, different studies have been con-
fected bone. In 1989, Illizarov developed the DO technique. Sub- ducted in order to evaluate and improve the effects of applying DO
techniques as well as the quality of the newly formed bone tissue

Corresponding author. In Maxillofacial Reconstruction Applications (MRA), the DO
E-mail addresses: (S. Hatefi),
technique has received increased attention due to the superior out-
(J. Alizargar), (F. Le Roux),
(K. Hatefi), (M. Etemadi Sh), come of the reconstruction process compared to conventional bone
(H. Davids), (N.-C. Hsieh), (F. reconstruction techniques, including autologous bone graft and al-
Smith), (K. Abou-El-Hossein).
1350-4533/© 2021 IPEM. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
S. Hatefi, J. Alizargar, F. Le Roux et al. Medical Engineering and Physics 91 (2021) 28–38

Fig. 1. The place of DO treatment and assisting techniques during DO in MRA.

loplast implantation [9–13]. By using the DO technique in MRA, a of the applied distraction force during the activation phase, higher
treatment with high quality formed tissue in a short treatment pe- distraction rates could be applied, which would result in a shorter
riod with improved postoperative stability and predictable healing treatment period and higher quality of the newly formed tissue.
can be achieved. In addition, DO could reduce the side effects of Recent studies [2, 4, 9, 10, 22] have revealed that by using au-
the conventional reconstruction methods on the patient including tomatic devices and applying a continuous distraction force, the
blood loss, scar formation, and pain. The DO method could be used condition of DO in MRA as well as the outcome of the recon-
for treating various defects in the maxillofacial area including post- struction procedure could be enhanced. Automatic distractors are
traumatic injuries, congenital malformations, post-tumor-resection, emerging medical devices used for enabling a continuous, accurate,
and acquired bone loss. In the cranio-maxillofacial skeleton, the and smooth bone distraction, while improving the working factors
most common sites for DO are midface, cranial vault, maxilla, and during the DO procedure. Recently developed automatic continu-
mandible [8, 9, 14–16]. ous distractors have shown promising results, and could success-
The DO technique starts with osteotomy of the bone, and fix- fully cover standard working parameters of the DO procedure in
ing the distractor to the bone segments. After a latency phase, be- clinical and animal trials [9]. However, there are limitations asso-
tween 3 and 10 days, the activation phase is started while gradu- ciated with the developed distractors. Further research needs to be
ally moving the bone segment towards a new position and filling conducted to develop an ideal solution to be used in human MRA
the generated gap with newly formed bone tissue. After the activa- [9, 12, 23].
tion period, there is a consolidation phase, in which the distractor Alternatively, different techniques could be used during the
is left in the distraction zone while the formed tissue consolidates. DO treatment to benefit the bone formation mechanisms and ac-
Finally, the distractor is removed through a surgical procedure [8, celerate bone healing. Fig. 1 illustrates the position of the DO
12]. method and assisting techniques in MRA. Recently, different tech-
The application of manual DO methods, based on the princi- niques have been developed and used to benefit the bone forma-
ples of the Ilizarov method [1], is well established. The success of tion/healing, while positively affecting physical and/or biological
this treatment method, as well as the high-quality newly formed characteristics of the generated bone tissue [24–29].
tissue in DO of the facial skeleton, have been demonstrated [9]. Chemical stimulation techniques, including mesenchymal cell
However, there are still limitations and complications in the appli- implementation, growth factors, and drug delivery techniques,
cation of the DO technique in human MRA [17–19]. Different ef- could chemically increase the activity of the bone cells and en-
forts have been undertaken to shorten the treatment time and re- hance bone formation mechanisms [29–31]. Bone Marrow-Derived
duce complications and related physical/psychological side effects Mesenchymal Stromal Cell (BMMSC) has the potential to evolve
[20]. There are different approaches that can enhance the DO pro- into active osteoblastic cells [32]. Growth factors could affect the
cedure and improve the outcome of the treatment. Various tech- bone formation; recombinant human Bone Morphogenic Proteins
niques have been developed and used to positively impact the DO (BMPs) are important inductive proteins used in bone reconstruc-
treatment from different perspectives. tion treatments [33]. The osteoinductive growth factors are an-
The results of performed studies have shown that distraction other category of factors which promote bio-activity of the cells
rhythm and rate, distraction accuracy, and distraction force are ma- [31]. The above-mentioned growth factors could also be used in
jor factors which influence the condition of the DO procedure and nano-biotechnologies and injectable delivery systems developing
the quality of the newly formed tissue [21]. For example, by in- customizable, localized, and release-controlled delivery materials
creasing the distraction accuracy and improving the smoothness [34, 35].

S. Hatefi, J. Alizargar, F. Le Roux et al. Medical Engineering and Physics 91 (2021) 28–38

Fig. 2. The application of LLLT during mandibular DO in a dog model [20].

Physical stimulation techniques are another category of tech- MRA, as well as the effect of applying different treatment condi-
niques that could accelerate and benefit bone healing, by affect- tions on bone healing, has been under investigation in different
ing the bone formation mechanisms during the treatment [29]. The animal studies and clinical trials [28].
aim of this review paper is to examine the available literature and During the development of LLLT solutions for assisting DO treat-
study advanced technologies developed and used for assisting DO ments, laser sources with different specifications and wavelengths
procedures in MRA. In the following sections, physical stimulation have been used. The low-power Ga-Al-As laser has shown a posi-
techniques are categorized and reviewed. Subsequently, the effects tive impact on bone healing whilst assisting the DO technique. In
of the applying these techniques on the outcome of DO procedure an experimental study performed on a sheep model [53], the effect
are evaluated and discussed. of applying LLLT during the activation and consolidation phases of
the mandibular DO procedure was investigated. In the test groups,
a Ga-Al-As laser was used to emit onto the distraction region at
2. Physical stimulation techniques for assisting DO in MRA
four pre-established points on the mandible. Results showed that
applying LLLT during the treatment could improve bone mineral-
The application of using advanced techniques during DO treat-
ization in the newly formed tissue, with improved effects when
ment has recently emerged. Research has been conducted in or-
LLLT is applied during the consolidation phase. In another study
der to develop and use physical stimulation techniques during DO,
performed on a rabbit model [39], applying low-power Ga-Al-As
while investigating their effects on bone formation mechanisms as
during the activation phase of the DO treatment showed improved
well as the quality of newly formed bone tissue. There are differ-
quality of newly formed tissue, whilst having a shorter consolida-
ent mechanisms that could potentially influence the DO treatment.
tion period. In addition, the results of other experimental studies
These mechanisms have made use of different types of energy re-
conducted on these animal models [24, 54] have shown that ap-
sources [29, 36].
plying low-power Ga-Al-As laser during the consolidation period
Applying these techniques during the bone reconstruction pro-
could increase the hardness and the values of elasticity modulus
cess using DO techniques could enhance the activity of bone cells
in newly formed tissue, while accelerating bone healing.
and promote bone formation by osteogenesis-inducing abilities.
The low-power Ga-As laser also has a positive impact on bone
Cell activities including migration, differentiation, proliferation, and
formation mechanisms when assisting DO. In an animal study per-
apoptosis are important bone healing mechanisms, in which stim-
formed on a dog model [20], animals underwent mandibular DO
ulation techniques could induce/accelerate these mechanisms [29].
treatment, while low-power Ga-As laser was applied onto the dis-
In general, physical stimulation techniques for assisting bone heal-
traction area during the consolidation period. Fig. 2 presents the
ing mechanisms could be classified into four groups: photonic,
installed DO device and the application of LLLT during the treat-
electromagnetic, electrical, and mechanical stimulation techniques.
ment. The histological and bone histomorphometry results ob-
In the following subsections, developed technologies and their
tained from this study revealed that LLLT could positively affect
mechanisms for use during the DO treatment are introduced and
bone formation quality and quantity, neoangiogenesis, and colla-
gen synthesis. Additionally, applying LLLT has more influence on
bone healing during the early stages of the consolidation period
2.1. Photonic stimulation techniques compared to other activation time frames.
Furthermore, the results of performed clinical trials on humans
Photonic stimulation techniques could positively affect bone have shown the positive impact of LLLT during DO [28]. In a recent
healing by producing a biochemical effect in cells that strengthens study, a low-power Ga-As laser was applied during the consolida-
the mitochondria. By increasing the function of the mitochondria tion phase of the DO procedure for the treatment of mandibular
using photonic stimulation, a cell could synthesize more adeno- defects. The radiographic density on digital panoramic radiographs
sine triphosphate. With more energy, cells could function more ef- was used to assess the newly formed tissue. Results showed signif-
ficiently, rejuvenate themselves, and repair damage [37–40]. icant improvements on bone formation quality and quantity, with
Low-Level Laser Therapy (LLLT) is a novel photobiostimulation decreased relapse and morbidity in the photonic-stimulated sam-
technique that could enhance bone formation mechanisms and ples [28].
accelerate metabolic activities during bone healing [41–43]. LLLT LLLT could enhance vascularity, osteoblast activity, organiza-
could also decrease pain and bone swelling during the reconstruc- tion of collagen fibers, formation of bone callus, production of the
tion procedure. The beneficial impacts of LLLT on bone forma- bone matrix, and osteogenesis [20, 24, 39]. The biostimulatory ef-
tion have been revealed in different MRA, including DO, autoge- fect of laser light could enhance the production/release of growth
nous bone graft, bovine bone graft, peri-implant tissue healing, factors and stimulate neoangiogenesis. LLLT could stimulate the
and wound healing [44–52]. The application of LLLT during DO in transformation of the mesenchymal stem cells into osteoprogeni-

S. Hatefi, J. Alizargar, F. Le Roux et al. Medical Engineering and Physics 91 (2021) 28–38

Table 1
Effects of photonic stimulation techniques on DO in MRA (TG: test group, CG: control group).

Ref. Year Model Method and details (performed on TG) Activation period/duration Results/conclusions (TG compared to
non-stimulated CG)
[53] 2007 Animal LLLT, Ga-Al-As laser at four Five times daily during the activation - Improved bone mineralization
(sheep) pre-established points, with treatment phase - Generating unwanted cartilaginous tissues
doses of 4 J/cm2 , and total delivered Five times daily during the consolidation - Improved bone mineralization
energy of 16 J/session phase - No unwanted cartilaginous tissues
[39] 2007 Animal LLLT, Ga-Al-As laser at six One time daily during the activation - Shorter consolidation phase and shorter
(rabbit) pre-established points, with treatment phase formation of a complete inferior border
doses of 6 J/cm2 , and total delivered - Less intervening fibrovascular intermediate
energy of 36 J/session zone in the regenerated bone tissue, advanced
trabeculation and ossification, less intervening
fibrovascular intermediate zone in formed
[54] 2012 Animal LLLT, Ga-Al-As laser in a continuous Continuous emission during the - Increased hardness and values of elasticity
(sheep) emission mode, with total delivered consolidation phase modulus
energy of 120 J/cm2 - Improved bone healing
[28] 2015 Human LLLT, Ga-As laser at four During a 24-days consolidation phase, - Higher mean bone density value
pre-established points, laser 905 nm, continuous contact mode, 12 sessions, - Increased quality and quantity of newly
dose 5 J/cm2 per spot, and total 2 min each session formed bone tissue
delivered energy 20 J/session - Shorter consolidation
- Decreased morbidity and relapse

[24] 2016 Animal LLLT, Ga-Al-As laser, 830 nm, emission During the activation and consolidation - Greater newly formed bone tissue and
(rabbit) at 4 points, dose 5 J/cm2 per spot, and phases, 10 times, each time 10 s, every collagen fibers
total delivered energy 200 J/session 48 h - Increased number of osteoblasts in the cell
division procedure and AgNOR per osteoblast
[20] 2018 Animal LLLT, Ga-As laser, 970 nm, During a two-week consolidation phase, - Increased rate of osteoblasts proliferation
(dog) extracorporeal treatment, power continuous emission for two minutes, five and differentiation, increased neoangiogenesis
=2 W, spot size 320 nm, and total times daily - Faster intramembranous ossification
delivered energy 840 J/session During a four-week consolidation phase, - Higher mean bone trabecular size, bone
continuous emission for two minutes, five trabecular total area, and the bony area
times daily fraction of the regenerate
During an eight-week consolidation - LLLT during early stages of bone formation
phase, continuous emission for two has better effects
minutes, five times daily

tor cells, then into osteoblasts. LLLT can also stimulate osteoblast the moving charged ions between the osteocyte membrane and
differentiation and proliferation. LLLT could modulate the inflam- bone matrix will experience a Lorenz force in the presence of a
matory and angiogenic genes expression and immunoexpression of MF, and form a generated hall voltage. This technique could pro-
cyclooxygenase-2 (COX-2), as well as vascular endothelial growth mote the cell membrane permanently, in which ions will pass
factor (VEGF). Applying a 830 nm laser light could increase the through the membranes of the cells and enhance the conductiv-
expression of osteocalcin, BMP-2, BMP-9, COX-2, and runt-related ity, while the higher current produces sequential bioeffects for en-
transcription factor 2 (RUNX2); applying 635 nm and 809 nm laser hancing bone formation. Applying a MF during DO could also in-
lights could enhance the expression of osteocalcin, collagen type crease the calcium concentration in the newly formed bone tissue;
I, and related transcription factor-2; while applying Ga-Al-As and this will affect the activity of the intercellular enzymes, as well as
Nd:YAG lasers could promote the expression of VEFG. LLLT could metabolism and activity of the bone cells. Another effect of ap-
improve bone healing factors up to 10% and shorten the consolida- plying a MF is the activation of the cyclic adenosine monophos-
tion phase [20, 41, 54–69]. phate system; inducing physiological functions and growth of the
Table 1 presents the studies using photonic stimulation tech- bone cells [76–78]. In addition, MF can improve osteogenic activ-
niques for assisting DO in MRA, and their effects on bone healing ity of the osteoblast, and reduce the bone reabsorption capacity
and the outcome of the reconstruction procedure. [79]. However, only a limited number of studies have been con-
ducted to evaluate the application of this technique during DO in
MRA [24].
2.2. Electromagnetic stimulation techniques
In an experimental study performed on a rabbit model [24], the
effect of applying MF during mandibular DO was evaluated. Fig. 3
Applying a Magnetic Field (MF) around the reconstruction area,
presents the installed magnets in this experiment. In this study, a
could enhance bone healing by increasing metabolism and cell pro-
5∗ 2∗ 2.5 mm ring-shaped gold-coated neodymium magnet was at-
liferation. This technique could be applied during different recon-
tached to each side of the corticotomy on the rabbit’s mandible;
struction procedures, including bone graft integration, fractures,
for forming a MF with a magnetic field intensity of 100 G. Re-
post-fracture non-union, and osteotomy sites. The results of ex-
sults of this experiment showed that the presence of MF during
perimental studies revealed that MF could benefit bone formation
the DO could have constructive/destructive effects on the bone
mechanisms including collagen formation, proliferation and differ-
formation. The results obtained from this study are presented in
entiation of the cells, and vascularization [70–75]. In addition, re-
Table 2.
sults of experimental studies performed on human bone marrow
In another study performed on a rat model [80], DO was used
mesenchymal stem cells showed that applying a continuous/pulsed
to reconstruct a tibia bone defect. During the treatment, a pulsed
MF could enhance the osteogenic differentiation of the cells and
MF device was used to apply high slew rate electromagnetic sig-
affect bone healing/growth factors, including vascular endothelial
nals around the distraction zone. The results of this study showed
growth factor, BMP-2, collagen I, alkaline phosphatase, and osteo-
that this technique could promote osteogenesis and angiogenesis,
calcin [76–79].
which would result in a shorter consolidation period and improved
The presence of a magnetic field around the distraction zone
quality of newly formed bone tissue.
could stimulate osteogenesis by producing a hall effect, where

S. Hatefi, J. Alizargar, F. Le Roux et al. Medical Engineering and Physics 91 (2021) 28–38

Fig. 3. MF-assisted DO treatment on rabbit’s mandible. A Mechanical distractor is fixed to the sides of the fracture. B Small-size magnets installed next to the distractor [24].

Table 2
Effects of electromagnetic stimulation techniques on DO in MRA (TG: test group, CG: control group).

Ref. Year Model Method and details Activation Results/Conclusions

(performed on TG) period/Duration (TG compared to non-stimulated CG)
[24] 2016 Animal (rabbit) Intra-oral static magnetic field, using From osteotomy to - Decreased bone formation
5∗ 2∗ 2.5 mm ring-shaped gold-coated the end of - Greater amount of collagen fibers and
neodymium magnet attached to the treatment osteoblasts
mandible, with a magnetic field intensity - Greater blood vessel formation and
of 100 G degree of collagen fiber formation

2.3. Electrical stimulation techniques trical pulses in each session could increase the positive influence of
ESWT on bone formation mechanisms, including quality and quan-
Studies have shown that applying electrical signals to the bone tity of newly formed tissue and new vessel values in both test
cells during bone healing has a positive impact on the outcome groups.
of the bone reconstruction procedures. Extracorporeal Shock Wave Furthermore, the influence of ESWT on the pre-surgical phase
Therapy (ESWT) is an electrical stimulation technique that has of the DO procedure, before and immediately after the osteotomy,
been used for the promotion of bone healing. Experimental stud- have been investigated on a rabbit model [94]. Improvements on
ies on mesenchymal stem cells and animal models showed that the volume of the connective tissue and newly formed bone tissue
electrical waves could benefit different formation mechanisms in- were observed. However, no significant improvements in the Bone
cluding osteogenesis, mineralization, proliferation, and neovascu- Mineral Density (BMD), bone mineral content, and neovasculariza-
larization of the bone cells [81–83]. ESWT could also up-regulate tion were observed.
the mRNA expression of some growth factors, including transform- Table 3 presents the performed studies using electrical stimula-
ing growth factor (TGF)-β and BMP families, as well as fibroblast tion techniques for assisting DO in MRA, and their effects on bone
growth factor (FGF)-2, alkaline phosphates, and osteocalcin (BGP) healing and the outcome of the reconstruction procedure
[84, 85].
ESWT could stimulate bone healing by increasing the level of
2.4. Mechanical stimulation techniques
Ca2+ in the newly formed bone tissue. Electrical waves could fa-
cilitate the movement of the calcium salt to the cathode site and
Mechanical stimulation is a technique in which the energy
increase the rate of extracellular calcium ion influx to cells. It can
packet affects bone formation mechanisms by using mechanical
also increase the blood circulation in the healing zone, and en-
means, such as vibration of the bone cells. There are a few tech-
hance the ossification by affecting bio-chemical changes around
niques which have been developed and used to cause vibration
the healing zone [29, 86–90]. In a DO treatment, applying electrical
during bone healing, including continuous and intermittent ultra-
waves with different working parameters and treatment methods
sound waves, tensile stress, and piezoelectric [95].
during the osteotomy, latency, activation, and consolidation phases
Low-Intensity Pulsed Ultra-Sound (LIPUS) is a well-known tech-
is possible [29, 91].
nique applied to assist with bone healing in fresh fractures and
The application of direct current electrical waves during
non-unions. In LIPUS, by applying a piezoelectric crystal within a
mandibular DO has been studied on a rabbit model [26]. Fig. 4
transducer on the target tissue, acoustic energy is generated at a
illustrates the condition of this experiment; a direct-current elec-
high frequency. LIPUS could induce blood flow, angiogenesis, and
trical stimulator device was installed on the rabbit’s mandible and
signal transduction within the cell including biochemical pathways.
two screws were used as electrodes. Low-current electrical waves
This technique could promote protein synthesis, calcium uptake,
were applied to the distraction zone after osteotomy. Histological
and osteogenic gene expression with minimal thermal effects [96–
results showed that applying low levels of electrical waves with di-
102]. It can also increase endochondral ossification, stability of the
rect currents could promote bone formation and shorten the treat-
healing fracture, level of alkaline phosphate and osteogenic differ-
ment period.
entiation [95, 103, 104].
In other studies conducted on rat and rabbit models [92, 93],
The application of mechanical stimulation techniques during DO
the effects of applying ESWT during the DO procedure, as well
has recently been under investigation. The results of studies con-
as the influence of electrical signal parameters on the outcome of
ducted on animal models show that LIPUS could accelerate bone
the treatment, have been investigated. The results obtained from
healing and promote bone density during DO [96]. It can also re-
these experiments revealed that 14 kV pulsed ESWT had an im-
duce overall treatment time and increase the BMD of the callus in
proved effect on bone formation during consolidation phase com-
the distraction gap [105–110].
pared to 21 kV pulsed ESWT. In addition, upon applying a 14 kV
The application of different ultrasound modes during mandibu-
pulsed ESWT during the treatment, increasing the number of elec-
lar DO in different animal models have been investigated. The re-

S. Hatefi, J. Alizargar, F. Le Roux et al. Medical Engineering and Physics 91 (2021) 28–38

Fig. 4. Applying low-current electrical waves during DO on rabbit’s mandible [26].

Table 3
Effects of electrical stimulation techniques on DO in MRA (TG: test group, CG: control group).

Ref. Year Subject Method and details Activation Results/Conclusions

(performed on TG) period/Duration (TG compared to non-stimulated CG)
[26] 2000 Animal(rabbit) Direct current electrical signals, From distraction - Promoted bone formation and %BMD in the early
3 V voltage and 10 μA current phase, periods of 10-, retention period
20-, 30- and 60-days
continuous activation
[92] 2010 Animal TG1: Pulsed ESWT, 500 impulses Two weeks - Enhanced biomechanical strength of the formed bone
(rat) at 14 kV with 1 Hz, and postoperatively tissue, osteoblastic cell recruitment, new bone formation,
0.18 mJ/mm2 total energy flux BMD, and vascularization in both test group
density - Up-regulation of neovascularization, cell proliferation,
TG2: Pulsed ESWT, 500 impulses and osteogenic growth factor expression in both test
at 21 kV with 1 Hz, and groups
0.49 mJ/mm2 total energy flux - 14 kV is optimal dosage of ESWT compared to 21 kV to
density be used during DO
[93] 2017 Animal TG1: pulsed ESWT, On the first and fourth - Enhanced BMD, new bone formation, new fibrous
(rabbit) 2∗ 500 impulses at 14 kV, and day of consolidation tissue, and new vessel formation in both groups
0.19 mJ/mm2 total energy flux phase - Highest volume of the new vessel, lowest volume of
density connective tissue, and extended consolidation phase in
TG2: pulsed ESWT, TG1
2∗ 1000 impulses at 14 kV, and - Highest %BMD and newly formed bone tissue and
0.19 mJ/mm2 total energy flux accelerated consolidation phase
[94] 2019 Animal TG1: Unfocused ESWT, 500 On days 5th, 12th and - High value of connective tissue and new bone tissue in
(rabbit) impulses with 5 Hz, and 19th after osteotomy both groups
0.19 mJ/mm2 total energy flux - No significant difference in BMD and neovascularization
density between TG1 and TG2
TG2: Unfocused ESWT, 500 On days 7th,14th and - Applying ESWT before and after osteotomy has no
impulses with 5 Hz, and 21st before osteotomy significant effect on DO
0.19 mJ/mm2 total energy flux and days 5th, 12th and
density 19th after osteotomy

sults showed that both continuous and pulsed ultrasound methods affecting different bone formation mechanisms. The major differ-
could stimulate bone healing and increase the BMD of the newly ence between applying different types of techniques is the origin,
formed tissue. Pulsed ultrasound showed better results at an early amount of energy, and impact level of the energy packages that are
stage of consolidation phase, and continuous ultrasound showed delivered to the distraction zone. Therefore, during the DO treat-
better results during the last two weeks of the process. In addi- ment, suitable techniques and characteristics should be used [57,
tion, LIPUS showed an improved impact on bone healing when it 116].
was directly applied to the distraction zone [97, 111–113]. However,
clinical trials on humans reported incompatible results compared 3.1. Comparison of the effects
to animal studies [114, 115]. Fig. 5 presents the application of LIPUS
during these studies, where the patients received self-treatment LI- In a few studies, the effects of applying different physical stim-
PUS therapy during mandibular DO. Examination results showed ulation techniques on the outcome of DO treatment have been
that the ultrasound therapy during DO in the human mandible did compared [24, 117]. In the study by Freddo et al. [24], the effects of
not stimulate bone healing. applying MF and LLLT during mandibular DO were evaluated and
Table 4 presents the performed studies using mechanical stimu- compared. Fig. 6 illustrates the bone healing results after applying
lation techniques for assisting DO in MRA and their effects on bone LLLT and MF techniques. This study showed a statistically signifi-
healing and the outcome of the reconstruction procedure. cant difference in the quantity of the formed bone tissue in the MF
group compared to the LLLT group (p=0.006). In addition, the sum
3. Physical stimulation techniques during DO in MRA: of cells with three or more argyrophilic nucleolar organizer re-
evaluation of the effects gions (AgNORs) was significantly different between the mentioned
groups (p=0.038). Table 5 presents the statistical analyses on the
Physical stimulation techniques have different origins and en- obtained results. It has been revealed that LLLT could accelerate
ergy resources. These techniques could assist the DO procedure by bone healing at a faster rate than MF and control groups. LLLT has

S. Hatefi, J. Alizargar, F. Le Roux et al. Medical Engineering and Physics 91 (2021) 28–38

Fig. 5. LIPUS therapy during DO in human mandible (a) LIPUS device (b) Radiographic image [115].

Table 4
Effects of mechanical stimulation techniques on DO in MRA (TG: test group, CG: control group).

Ref. Year Subject Method and details Activation period/Duration Results/Conclusions

(performed on TG) (TG compared to non-stimulated CG)
[112] 2002 Animal TG1: pulsed ultrasound, with During the activation and - Enhanced bone formation and bone density
(rabbit) 200 ms pulses of 1.5 MHz at a consolidation phases, 20 min daily - High level of significance when assessed by the increase in
1.1 kHz pulsing frequency, and new bone photodensity, mechanical stiffness, vibratory,
output power of 30 mW/cm2 , coherence, and qualitative histological
applied to both sides of the
TG2: pulsed ultrasound, with During the activation and
200 ms pulses of 1.5 MHz at a consolidation phases, 20 min daily
1.1 kHz pulsing frequency, and
output power of 30 mW/cm2 ,
applied to one side of the
[115] 2005 Human Low intensity pulsed During the consolidation phase, LIPUS signals do not stimulate bone formation in the severely
ultrasound 20 min daily resorbed vertical distracted mandible
[114] 2008 Human Low intensity pulsed During the activation and LIPUS signals do not stimulate bone formation in the severely
ultrasound consolidation phases, 20 min daily resorbed vertical distracted mandible
[97] 2008 Animal TG1: Continuous ultrasound, During the consolidation phase, - Better formed bone tissue and higher BMD in both test
(rabbit) with frequency of 1.5 MHz 20 min daily groups
and output power of - Highest bone formation in the 3rd and 4th weeks in TG1
30 mW/cm2 - Highest bone formation in 1st and 2nd weeks in TG2
TG2: Pulsed ultrasound, with During the consolidation phase, - Earlier stage of bone healing is more enhanced with
200 μs pulses of 1.5 MHz at a 20 min daily continuous ultrasound
1.12 KHz pulsing frequency, - Late stage of bone healing is more enhanced with pulsed
with duty cycle of 22:4% ultrasound
[113] 2009 Animal(dog) Low intensity pulsed During the activation period, - Thicker and numerous trabeculae
ultrasound, with 200 μs pulses 10 min, twice daily - Increased BMD
of 1.5 MHz at a 1 KHz pulsing - Accelerated bone formation
frequency, and output power - No effect on the volume of new bone
of 40 mW/cm2
[111] 2011 Animal(rabbit) Low intensity pulsed During the activation and - Higher radiopacity, microhardness, and newly formed bone
ultrasound, with frequency of consolidation phases, 20 min daily tissue at 2nd week
1.5 MHz and output power of - No statistical difference between TG and CG at 4th week
30 mW/cm2 - Accelerated bone formation during the early stage of DO

Table 5
The average percentages of the bone regeneration factors obtained after assisted-DO treatment [24].

Group Newly formed bone area (H&E) Picrosirius collagen fibers AgNORs > 3 Average AgNORs per Cell
Control 55.06% 49.64% 29.33% 2.00
DO + MF 38.76% 60.37% 26.16% 2.06
DO + LLLT 64.74% 55.35% 32.23% 2.28

shown a positive impact on bone cell organelles in the maturation evaluated and compared. This study showed increased BMD when
phase, while promoting cell division and increasing the collagen both methods were assisting the DO process. In the LIPUS group,
secreted by osteoblasts. In the MF group, limited bone tissue was the mean BMD values increased from the baseline value for the
formed, and the presence of 100-Gausee MF did not influence os- first 30 days, and continued to increase from day 30 to day 60. The
teoblast activity. However, in the MF group, a greater number of LLLT group indicated a decrease in the mean BMD values within
blood vessels were formed, and a substantial amount of collagen the first 30 days, but showed a significant increase from day 30 to
fibers and osteoblasts within the area of trabecular bone and in day 60. Both treatments groups showed significantly higher mean
the interstitial tissue were observed. BMD values than the control group throughout the process, except
In another experimental study [117], the effects of applying LLLT at day 60 where LLLT showed the highest mean BMD value and
and LIPUS on the BMD of the newly formed tissue during DO were the LIPUS group showed only a slightly higher value than the con-

S. Hatefi, J. Alizargar, F. Le Roux et al. Medical Engineering and Physics 91 (2021) 28–38

Fig. 6. A: The formed bone tissue in the laser-assisted group. B: Arrangement of collagen fibers in the MF-assisted group. C: Osteoblast containing 3 AgNORs in an animal
from the LLLT group. AgNOR, argyrophilic nucleolar organizer region [24].

trol group. Results showed that LIPUS had a positive effect on the bined technique showed no additional positive effect during bone
DO procedure by stimulating healing and ossification when applied healing.
during the early stages, which demonstrated the importance of the The application of physical and chemical stimulation techniques
timeframe of the process, to ensure that the LIPUS treatment is ap- in the development of combined methods for assisting DO in MRA
plied at the correct time. is not fully understood. Further research needs to be conducted
for evaluating the effectiveness of various combined solutions for
stimulating bone healing during DO in MRA.
3.2. Combination of stimulation techniques
4. Conclusions
By applying more than one stimulation technique during MRA,
the DO procedure is subject to the combined effects of the differ- Physical stimulation techniques are emerging solutions for pro-
ent energy types and mechanisms. Therefore, by applying a com- moting bone formation mechanisms, as well as accelerating bone
bined stimulation method during the treatment, various bone heal- healing during DO in MRA. The results of experimental studies and
ing mechanisms can be positively influenced. The combined solu- clinical trials have shown optimized conditions of DO treatment
tions can accelerate the bone regeneration and optimize the out- and improved quality of newly formed tissue when these tech-
come of the bone healing procedure more than using a single as- niques are assisting the bone reconstruction process. With regard
sisting solution. In addition, physical stimulation techniques could to recent contributions to the application of physical stimulation
positively influence the effect of chemical stimulation techniques, techniques during DO in MRA, the following conclusions can be
including BMP. drawn:
Limited studies have been conducted to evaluate and compare • Photonic stimulation techniques, including LLLT, are effective
the effects of applying combined stimulation methods during bone solutions for promoting bone healing during the DO treatment.
healing in MRA. The results of experimental studies revealed that The application of LLLT is painless and easy, without the need
MF and ESWT are physical stimulation techniques which could im- of sedation or anesthesia. The application of LLLT during DO
prove the effects of chemical stimulation techniques on bone heal- could enhance bone formation mechanisms and the production
ing. By using such combined techniques, different healing factors of growth factors, which would result in an accelerated consol-
including BMD, bone volume, trabecular thickness, trabecular num- idation period, as well as a harder, longer, and thicker formed
ber, and trabecular separation, could be further improved [118– bone tissue.
120]. Additionally, the effects of applying LLLT and LIPUS tech- • Electromagnetic stimulation techniques, including pulsed and
niques, alone and in combination, during bone healing, have been static MF, are effective solutions for promoting bone healing by
evaluated [121]. The results showed that in the early stage of bone improving osteogenesis and bone cell activities. Electromagnetic
healing, LLLT and LIPUS had similar effects on bone healing, while field is a constant, safe, and non-invasive technique, void of side
accelerating osteogenesis and bone healing. However, the com- effects and infections during the treatment.

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