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Specific Terms and Condi1ons for Female Users of the


1. Purpose

The website or (hereina7er referred to as the

"Website") is a live video chat applica=on including text, audio and video messaging services.
The purpose of these Specific Terms and Condi=ons is to define the addi=onal terms and
condi=ons of use of the services provided on the Website (hereina7er referred to as the
"Services") for female users (hereina7er “Female Users”), as indicated during the registra=on
process, who have the possibility to convert the points they earn by chaGng with other users
(hereina7er referred to as “Points”) into cash or gi7s (“Conversion”). The Conversion of points
into cash or gi7s is op=onal and Female Users can use the site only for recrea=onal purposes
without benefi=ng from the reward system. However, as it is impossible for the Site Manager to
an=cipate this ac=on, these terms apply to all female users, regardless of whether they convert
their points or not.
These specific terms and condi=ons (hereina7er referred to as: the “Specific Terms and
Condi1ons”) shall apply in addi=on to the General Terms and Condi=ons of Use of the Website (hereina7er referred to as: the “General Terms and Condi1ons”), governing
the use of the Website by Female Users.
Unless otherwise stated, all capitalized terms herein have the same meaning as in the General
Terms and Condi=ons.
Specific Terms and Condi=ons are hereby incorporated into the General Terms and Condi=ons. In
case of any inconsistency between the General Terms and Condi=ons and Specific Terms and
Condi=ons, the laPer shall prevail.

2. Legal capacity

The Website and the Services can be accessed by any Female User that is at least eighteen (18)
years old and having the full legal capacity to be bound by these Specific Terms and Condi=ons.
Any Female who does not have such full legal capacity may only access the Website and the
Services with the agreement of their legal representa=ve. Any Female User that is under the age
of eighteen (18) may not access the Website and may not use the Services.
The Female User, as a natural person, cer=fies that she is of legal age and that she’s allowed to
use the site in her country. The site rejects all responsibility in case of illegal use of the site by the
Female User. The Female User confirms that she is aware of the legisla=on in force in her country
and cer=fies, by her use, that she is in agreement with the law in force in her country. She may be
asked to provide any valid iden=ty document required by the Manager in accordance with the
ar=cle "Conversion of Points".

3. Acceptance of the Specific Terms and Condi1ons of Use

3.1. A Female User that registers on the Website shall both accept the General Terms and
Condi=ons and these Specific Terms and Condi=ons by checking a dedicated checkbox in
the registra=on form.

3.2. Acceptance of these Specific Terms and Condi=ons can only be full and complete. Any
qualified acceptance is considered as null and void. Female Users who do not accept to be
bound by the Specific Terms and Condi=ons of Use must not access the Website or use the

4. Registra1on

In order to use the Services, the Female Users must request for registra=on on the
Website by comple=ng the registra=on form and comply with any required registra=on
process. The Female Users must provide all informa=on that is marked as being required.
Incomplete registra=ons shall not be validated.
The request for registra=on must be endorsed by the Manager before the Female User
may benefit from an Account and a Personal Space which shall enable them to use the
Services in a format and according to the technical means that the Manager deems the
most appropriate for providing the said Services.
The Manager is free to choose whether or not to accept the request for registra=on
without jus=fying.
For your informa=on, the Site Manager tries to maintain a balance between Male Users
and Female Users online on the site. Therefore, it may need to regulate the male or
female registra=ons depending on the situa=on on the site. Regula=ng registra=ons
means accep=ng only some or none of the registra=ons for as long as it deems necessary.

5. Financial Condi1ons for Female Users

5.1. Prices

The Services are provided free of charge for Female Users.

5.2. Points

By using the Services and chaGng with users, Female Users collect Points.
The amounts of Points earned by Female Users when chaGng with users are indicated in
"Help" or "How it works" sec=ons of the Website.
The Manager reserves the right to modify the calcula=on scale of Points at its own
discre=on. In such a situa=on, Female Users may be informed by a dedicated pop-up on
the Website or in the “News” sec=on.
The Points system is indicated per minute. However, the number of Points obtained during
one minute of chat may not be exactly as indicated on the Website. Female Users
acknowledge that calcula=on depends on the nature of the technically incremen=ng
methods. The Manager shall use its best efforts to ensure that the incremen=ng method
corresponds to the announced rate of Points.
5.3. Conversion of Points

The balance of a Female User’s account shall correspond to the Points earned by chaGng
and which can be converted into cash or gi7s, at Female Users’ ini=a=ve, when those ones
are greater than or equal to 50,000 points.

A Points balance of less than 50,000 points cannot be converted into cash or gi7s as
indicated above.

This minimum amount can be changed at any =me. In such a situa=on, Female Users may
be informed by a dedicated pop-up on the Website or in the “News” sec=on.

Female Users may freely decide to convert their Points into cash/gi7 or not. The Female
User may freely decide to use the Services for entertainment purposes only.

Female Users acknowledge that first Conversion may require verifica=on of her age to
ensure they comply with the requirements stated in ar=cle 2.

Female Users are informed that the Manager may use a secure “Know Your Customer”
so7ware, developed by a third party, for this purpose.

Regarding Conversion in cash, there may be transfer fees imposed by the Manager’s bank
or any payment system they use to send the money. The money can be sent in several fiat
money and crypto currencies. The female user has the choice between payment systems
and currencies.

These fees are charged on the amount due to the Female Users. They are indicated as far
as possible on the Website. The Manager shall use its best efforts to provide Female Users
with the lowest possible transfer fees.

If the balance and invoices are indicated in USD for interna=onal purposes, payments can
be issued by the Manager from another currency. In this case, the Manager converts the
amount in USD into the currency used, at the market rate of the day on which the
Manager processes the payment. The payment system or bank used for that purpose may
also apply a different conversion rate and addi=onal fees.

Reciprocally, Female Users shall choose the currency in which they wish to receive their
Conversion. The Manager uses banking and payment services allowing the Conversion.
The Conversion is generally carried out at the market rate of the day.

Under no circumstances shall the Female Users contest or claim compensa=on for transfer
costs or currency conversion rates, for both the ones applied by the placorm and the ones
applied by the payment systems used on the Website.

The delay between the comple=on of the payout request by the Female User and the
comple=on of the payment by the Site Manager is indicated on the site and respected to
the extent possible. The Site Manager does its utmost to meet this deadline. However, it
cannot be held responsible in case of delay of any kind. In the event of a delay, the Site
Manager does its utmost to warn Female Users and inform them of the nature and
dura=on of the delay in the "News" sec=on of the site.
5.4. Payment

An invoice is self-issued by invoice mandate when the Female User requests a Conversion
as indicated in the sec=on 4.3.

The Female User is responsible for the informa=on indicated on the self-issued invoice and
undertakes to ensure that this informa=on is accurate and complies with its professional

An invoice cannot be re-issued once the Conversion has been made. The Female User may
re-issue her billing and payment informa=on as long as the Conversion request has not
been processed. For this purpose, the Female User needs to ask for a new payout request
and edit required fields. The new payout request and the related informa=on will replace
the previous ones un=l the payout request is processed by the Manager.

The Female User is solely responsible for the accuracy, up-to-date and sincerity nature of
the payment and invoice details indicated on the placorm. Once the payout request has
been processed by the Manager, the Female User may no longer be able to cancel or edit
this informa=on.

The Manager cannot be held liable in the event of non-receipt of funds and shall in no
event be liable for any difficul=es arising from the payment process, which is operated by
a third party. Under no circumstances shall the Female Users contest or claim
compensa=on for any failure arising in this context.

6. Status of Female Users

It is the Female User’s responsibility to respect all the rules of its country of residence that apply to
the exercise of its ac=vity and its use of the Services.
By using the Conversion mechanism, Female Users are hereby informed and acknowledged that they
shall comply with the applicable administra=ve, tax and social security obliga=ons and obtain the
status of “provider”, required to claim for a Conversion as indicated above.
The rules governing the use of Services by Female Users are further indicated on the tab “Rules” or
“Help” of the Website. Female Users shall accept such rules prior accessing or using the chat service,
which are incorporated into these Specific Terms and Condi=ons. The Manager reserves the right to
amend these rules at any =me on the site. In such a situa=on, Female Users may be informed by a
dedicated pop-up on the Website or in the “News” sec=on.
The Website reserves the right to suspend the account of any User deemed as breaching one of the
rules. In certain situa=ons, the balance of Points can also be deleted. These cases are described in
“Rules”. The Female User acknowledges that the balance of Points may, in any event, cons=tute a
legal credit note before its conversion into money. It may cons=tute a legal credit note only once the
money has been sent.
The Female User acknowledges that a payout request may be rejected and that a processed payout
may be cancelled at any =me, in par=cular in the case of error in informa=on provided to the
Manager. In these cases, the points are returned to the Female User Account. In such a situa=on, the
Female User may ask for a new payout request following a wai=ng period that may vary depending
on the situa=on. In any event, the Manager may not be held liable in this context. The Female User
acknowledges that a rejected payout request doesn’t cons=tute a legal credit note. The Female User
acknowledges that a cancelled payout doesn’t cons=tute a legal credit note. The Female User
acknowledges that only a processed payout cons=tutes a legal credit note. The Site Manager is not
responsible for the receipt of money by the Female User. The Female User acknowledges that the Site
Manager is not responsible for the non-receipt of funds. The Site Manager's liability is limited to
sending its funds via the means it deems most appropriate. The Female User acknowledges that the
Site manager cannot be held responsible for errors coming from the chosen payment providers.
As for France, Female Users shall therefore obtain the status of micro-entrepreneur (auto-
entrepreneur) in order to launch the Conversion.
Female Users are solely responsible for the proper comple=on of all formali=es, in par=cular
administra=ve, fiscal and/or social formali=es and for all payments of contribu=ons, taxes or levies of
any kind regarding their status. The Manager cannot be held liable in any way in this respect. The
manager systema=cally sends, by email, the invoice generated through invoice mandate to the
provider by email so that they can manage their accoun=ng and tax declara=ons.

7. Female Users obliga1ons

Without prejudice to other obliga=ons provided for in these Specific Terms and Condi=ons, Female
Users undertake to respect the following obliga=ons.
- Female Users are solely responsible for the accuracy of the reward receipt informa=on
provided. In the event of a mistake and a Conversion made to the benefit of a third party, or
the gi7 is sent to a third party, the Manager cannot be held responsible and will not proceed
to any compensa=on.

- Female Users are responsible for complying with any laws applicable within her country,
especially regarding her professional status and ac=vity. The Manager shall use its best efforts
to assist the Female User to fulfil their legal obliga=ons. The Manager reserves the right to
communicate the Female User’s personal informa=on to any competent authority.

8. The Manager’s obliga1ons

Without prejudice to other obliga=ons provided for in these Specific Terms and Condi=ons, the
Manager undertakes to respect the following obliga=ons.
- The liability of the Manager regarding the delivery of gi7s is limited to its sending ac=on on
the basis of informa=on provided by the Female User. If a delivery failure occurs due to a
third party used for sending or receiving the gi7/reward (delivery service, bank transfer
service, etc.), the Manager shall not be held liable. The Manager reserves the right to use the
sending services without being responsible for their failures over which it has no control.

- The delivery =me for a gi7 or Conversion is indicated on the Website, at the =me the request
is made by the Female User. Delivery =me may vary according to the nature of the reward/
gi7, the currency, the payment method, etc. Late payment can occur when banks and
payment service providers ask for more informa=on. The Manager’s liability is limited to
processing the request and execu=ng the transfer. The Manager may not be held liable for
delays occurring later in the process.

9. Term of the Services, cancella1on

Female Users can opt out of the Services at any =me, by clicking “Account” and “Delete my
account” on their Personal Space.
This shall cause the automa=c dele=on of their Account. Upon dele=on of Account all Points
earned by the Female User are irrevocably lost.
Besides, the Manager reserves the right to close and delete any Account that shall remain
inac=ve for a con=nuous period of 365 (three hundred and sixty-five) days.
In general, the site manager reserves the right to suspend access to one, several or all features of
the site if he considers it necessary, without jus=fying.

10. Amendments

The Manager reserves the right to amend these Specific Terms and Condi=ons at any =me.
Female Users shall be informed of these amendments through the “News” sec=on on site or a
dedicated popup.
Any Female User who does not agree with the amended Specific Terms and Condi=ons must
unsubscribe from the Services according to the provisions set out above.
The amended Specific Terms and Condi=ons apply immediately. Female Users are thus invited to
regularly consult the latest version of the Specific Terms and Condi=ons on the Website.
Female Users who con=nue to use the Services a7er the entry into force of the amended Specific
Terms and Condi=ons shall be deemed to have accepted these amendments.

11. Language

In the event of a transla=on of these Specific Terms and Condi=ons into one or more languages,
the language of interpreta=on shall be English in the event of any contradic=on or dispute
concerning the meaning of any one of their terms or provisions.

12. Law and Jurisdic1on

These Specific Terms and Condi=ons of Use are governed by French law.

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