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September 24, 2023 ENGLISH MADHYAM

English Madhyam
(Weekly vocabulary compilation)
From 18 Sep 2023 to 23 Sep 2023

For all competitive Exams

Bank (Po & clerk), IB ACIO, NDA, CDS, SSC (CGL, MTS, CHSL), MBA, Hotel Management, MCA, UPSC,
B. Ed and other competitive exams.


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English Madhyam 1
September 24, 2023 ENGLISH MADHYAM

Table of Contents
Part - A
Indian Express Editorial: Alien fossils: Life as you don’t know it (18 SEP 2023) ............................. 4
The Hindu Editorial: Testing time (19 SEP 2023) ............................................................................ 6
Indian Express Editorial: Raising the game (20 SEP 2023) .............................................................. 8
The Hindu Editorial: Serious allegations (21 SEP 2023) ................................................................ 10
The Hindu Editorial: Legislating change (22 SEP 2023)................................................................. 12
The Hindu Editorial: Silent killer (23 SEP 2023) ............................................................................ 14
Part - B
Indian Express Editorial: The new front: (18 SEP 2023) ............................................................... 16
The Hindu Editorial: Sanctions for change (19 SEP 2023) ............................................................ 17
Indian Express Editorial: Topic of interest (20 SEP 2023) ............................................................. 20
The Hindu Editorial: Asian giant (21 SEP 2023) ............................................................................ 22
The Hindu Editorial: Keep calm (22 SEP 2023) ............................................................................. 24
The Hindu Editorial: Gold Hunt (23 SEP 2023) .............................................................................. 27
Part - C
The Tribune Editorial: Responsible lending (18 SEP 2023) ........................................................... 29
The Pioneer Editorial: Moral compass in education is a must (19 SEP 2023) .............................. 31
The Pioneer Editorial: Stree shakti (21 SEP 2023) ........................................................................ 33
The Indian Express Editorial: Undoing reform (22 SEP 2023) ....................................................... 35
Indian Express Editorial: RBI’s framework for wilful defaulters (23 SEP 2023) ............................ 37

English Madhyam 2
September 24, 2023 ENGLISH MADHYAM

English Madhyam 3
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Indian Express Editorial: Alien fossils: Life as you don’t know it (18 SEP 2023)
1. Fossil (noun) – the shape of a bone, a 12. Fossilised (adjective) – petrified,
shell, or a plant or animal that has been ossified, hardened, preserved
preserved in rock for a very long period जीवाल्मभकृत

2. Narcissism (noun) – the habit of 13. Corpse (noun) – body, carcass, cadaver,
admiring yourself too much, especially remains शव
your appearance स्वमॊ की अत्मधधक प्रशॊसा
कयने का स्वबाव 14. Mummified (adjective) – preserved,
embalmed, dried up भभीफनामा हुआ
3. Of the kind (phrase) – like or similar to
what has been said इस तयह का 15. Remain (noun) – residue, remnants,
leftovers, traces ऩाधथिव अवशेष
4. Insist (verb) – maintain, assert, hold,
contend, argue दृढता से कहना 16. Cliché (noun) – platitude, banality,
truism, stereotype तघसी-वऩटी उल्तत
5. Evolution (noun) – development,
progression, transformation, 17. Elongated (adjective) – stretched,
adaptation, growth ववकास lengthened, extended, expanded रॊबफ

6. Extra-terrestrial (adjective) – 18. Claim (noun) – assertion, declaration,

otherworldly, off-Earth, non-Earthly, allegation, contention दावा
cosmic, alien अॊतरयऺीम
19. Justifiably (adverb) – rightfully,
7. Fantasy (noun) – imagination, dream, legitimately, validly, warrantedly उधित
illusion, fancy, daydream कल्ऩना रूऩ से

8. Myth (noun) – legend, fable, saga, 20. Take with a pinch of salt (phrase) – be
folktale, lore कल्ल्ऩत कथा skeptical, doubt, distrust, be wary of
शॊका से दे खना
9. Archetype (noun) – the most typical
example of a particular kind of person 21. Turn out to be (phrase) – prove to be,
or thing भर
ू प्रततरूऩ be found to be, be revealed to be
साबफत होना
10. Demon (noun) – devil, fiend, evil spirit,
fallen angel दानव 22. Renewed (adjective) – restored,
revitalized, rekindled, rejuvenated
11. Fairy (noun) – sprite, pixie, nymph, elf नवीनीकृत
23. Testify (verb) – bear witness, give
evidence, attest, affirm साक्ष्म दे ना

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24. Assert (verb) – declare, state, profess, 31. Often (adverb) – frequently, regularly,
affirm जोय दे ना commonly, usually, habitually अतसय

25. Possess (verb) – own, have, hold, be 32. Resemble (verb) – look like, be similar
the owner of ऩाना to, mimic, echo, mirror सभान ददखना

26. Outline (verb) – delineate, sketch, 33. Bipedal (adjective) – Definition:

draft, trace, depict रूऩये खा तैमाय कयना relating to or involving the use of two
legs for walking दो ऩैयों ऩय िरने वारा
27. Veracity (noun) – truthfulness,
accuracy, reliability, credibility, 34. Reptile (noun) – cold-blooded
authenticity सत्मता vertebrate, snake, lizard, crocodile

28. Notwithstanding (preposition) –
despite, in spite of, although, even 35. Existence (noun) – presence, being,
though, regardless of फपय बी subsistence, actuality, reality अल्स्तत्व

29. Given (preposition) – considering, 36. Naval-grazing (adjective) – spending

taking into account, bearing in mind, too much time considering your own
assuming दे खते हुए thoughts, feelings, or problems अऩने
फाये भें अत्मधधक सोिना
30. Conception (noun) – understanding,
notion, perception, view, idea धायणा

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The Hindu Editorial: Testing time (19 SEP 2023)

1. Testing times (noun) – a challenging or 13. Turmoil (noun) – Confusion, chaos,
difficult time कदिन सभम disorder, upheaval, tumult. अशाॊतत/
2. Worrisome (adjective) – Troubling,
distressing, worrying, bothersome, 14. Feel the heat (phrase) – Experience
unsettling. धिॊताजनक pressure, face the challenge, be under
stress. दफाव भहससू कयना
3. Shrink (verb) – Contract, reduce,
diminish, dwindle, lessen. कभी होना 15. Minor (adjective) – Lesser, smaller,
secondary, insignificant, trivial. भाभर
ू ी
4. Consecutive (adjective) – Successive,
sequential, following, uninterrupted, 16. Intangible import (noun) – the
back-to-back. क्रमभक exchange of services, ideas,
knowledge, or other non-physical
5. Surge (verb) – Rise, escalate, swell, assets across international borders.
increase, boost. वद्ृ धध होना
17. Exacerbate (verb) – Worsen, intensify,
6. Hit (verb) – Reach, attain, achieve, aggravate, amplify, escalate. फढाना/
arrive at, meet. ऩहुॊिना बफगाड़ दे ना

7. Inbound shipment (noun) – Import 18. Imply (verb) – Indicate, suggest, hint,
insinuate, infer. सधू ित कयना
8. Lead (to) (verb) – Result in, cause,
19. Bridge (verb) – to reduce or lessen the
bring about, produce, engender, give
gap/deficit कभ कयना
rise to वजह फनना
20. Current account deficit (noun) –A
9. Trade deficit (noun) – a situation in
measurement of a country’s trade in
which the value of goods a country
which the value of goods and services
imports is greater than the value of
it imports exceeds the value of the
goods it exports व्माऩाय घाटा
products it exports.
10. So far (phrase) – Until now, up to this 21. Escalate (verb) – Increase, amplify,
point, hitherto, as yet. अफ तक magnify, heighten, intensify. फढना
11. Extrapolation (noun) – Projection, 22. Outgoing shipment (noun) – Export
prediction, forecast, estimation. अनभ
ु ान goods

12. Resilient (adjective) – Robust, durable, 23. Fuel (verb) – Power, drive, energize,
tough, hardy, adaptable. भजफत ू stimulate, provoke. प्रेरयत कयना

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24. Elevated (adjective) – Raised, 35. Sticky (adjective) – long-lasting or

heightened, increased, escalated फढा persistent. दीघि कार तक यहना
36. Dampen (verb) – Reduce, diminish,
25. Owing to (phrase) – Because of, due to, check, dull, inhibit, stifle, damp down
on account of, as a result of. के कायण कभ कयना

26. Omen (noun) – Sign, portent, 37. Dent (verb) – Reduce, diminish, lessen,
harbinger, presage, prognostication. undermine, Depress कभ कयना
38. Festive demand (noun) – Requirement
27. Amid (preposition) – Among, amidst, during celebration times. त्मोहायी भाॊग
between, amongst, in the midst of. के
39. Lift (verb) – Raise, elevate, uplift, hoist,
फीि भें
boost. फढाना
28. Gloom (noun) – Despondency, 40. Order book (noun) – A record of orders
melancholy, sadness, misery, sorrow. received by a business.
उदासी/ तनयाशा
41. Engineering goods (noun) –
29. Tally (noun) – Count, total, record, Manufactured products of engineering.
account, score. धगनती
42. Account for (phrasal verb) –
30. A double-edged sword (phrase) – Constitute, represent, comprise, make
Something having both positive and up, form के मरमे उत्तयदमी होना
negative consequences. दोधायी तरवाय
43. Clock (verb) – Register, record, note,
31. Strategic (adjective) – Tactical, log, measure. दजि कयना
calculated, deliberate, planned,
scheming. यणनीततक 44. Uptick (noun) – Increase, rise, growth,
boost, surge. वद्ृ धध
32. Gambit (noun) – Maneuver, strategy,
ploy, scheme, tactic. िार 45. Nurture (verb) – Encourage, support,
develop, foster, cultivate. प्रोत्साहन दे ना
33. Lucrative (adjective) – Profitable,
gainful, remunerative, moneymaking, 46. Precious (adjective) – Valuable, costly,
fruitful. राबकायी dear, prized, cherished. भल्
ू मवानGreen
shoots (noun) – Early signs of recovery
34. Moreover (adverb) – Furthermore, in or positive growth. अथिव्मवस्था भें सध
ु ाय
addition, also, additionally, besides.
के सॊकेत
इसके अततरयतत

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Indian Express Editorial: Raising the game (20 SEP 2023)

1. Raise the game (phrase) – to make an 13. All-boxes-checked (adjective) – meeting or
effort to improve the way that you do fulfilling all requirements or criteria.
something अऩना प्रदशिन सध
ु ायना
14. Rejigged (adjective) – Rearranged, altered,
2. Victorious (adjective) – Winning, changed, modified, adjusted ऩन
ु व्मिवल्स्थत
triumphant, champion, prizewinning,
15. Hold up (phrasal verb) – Support, uphold,
successful ववजमी
sustain, maintain, bear फना यहना
3. Understate (verb) – Downplay, minimize,
16. Hold one’s nerve (phrase) – to remain
belittle, play down, de-emphasize कभ
calm and confident in a stressful situation.
17. Pull off (phrasal verb) – Achieve,
4. Revealing (adjective) – Disclosing, accomplish, succeed in: to manage to do
unveiling, unmasking, telling, informative something difficult सपर होना
प्रकट कयनेवारा
18. Seamer (noun) – In the context of cricket,
5. Soundbite (noun) – a short extract from a a bowler who specializes in bowling
recorded interview or speech, chosen for deliveries that seam or swing. फक्रकेट भें
its succinctness or concision.
गें दफाज
6. Potential (noun) – Capability, possibility,
19. Retain (verb) – Keep, preserve, maintain,
promise, potentiality, prospect ऺभता
hold on to, keep possession of यखना
7. Squad (noun) – Team, group, crew, unit,
20. Layoff (noun) – Dismissal, redundancy,
brigade दर
unemployment, joblessness नौकयी से
8. Tear-drop-shaped island (noun) – a तनकारना
description to signify the shape of an
island resembling a teardrop. 21. Wander (verb) – Roam, drift, meander,
stray, travel aimlessly बटकना
9. Imbalance (noun) – Disparity, inequality,
unevenness, disproportion, variance
22. Realm (noun) – Kingdom, domain,
ु न territory, province, region दामया
10. Pitfall (noun) – Hazard, danger, risk, snare,
23. Disabuse (verb) – persuade (someone)
trap जोखखभ
that an idea or belief is mistaken. (फकसी
11. Breathing space (noun) – an opportunity को) मह ववमवास ददराना फक कोई वविाय मा
to pause, relax, or decide what to do next. ववमवास गरत है ।
12. Rethink (noun) – Reconsideration,
24. Notion (noun) – Idea, belief, concept,
revision, re-evaluation, review,
perception, view धायणा
reassessment ऩन
ु ववििाय

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25. Complacency (noun) – Self-satisfaction, 30. Rollicking (adjective) – Exuberant, lively,

smugness, self-congratulation, self-regard spirited, boisterous, buoyant उत्साहऩण
ू ि
31. Elite (adjective) – Superior, best, top,
26. March (on) (verb) – Advance, proceed, premier, prime उत्कृष्ट
move forward, progress, push forward
प्रस्थान कयना 32. Cope with (phrasal verb) – Deal with,
manage, handle, contend with, grapple
27. Arm (with) (verb) – Equip, furnish with, with साभना कयना
provide, supply with, endow with सल्जजत
33. Frontline (adjective) – Primary, main,
leading, foremost, principal प्रभख

28. Ambition (noun) – Aspiration, desire, goal,
34. Hiccup (noun) – a small problem or
aim, objective भहत्वाकाॊऺा
difficulty छोटी-भोटी सभस ्मा मा कदिनाई
29. Bazball (noun) – Bazball is an informal
term first coined by sport journalists and 35. Thoroughly (adverb) – Completely, fully,
bloggers during the 2022 English cricket entirely, totally, utterly ऩयू ी तयह से
season referring to the style of play of the
England cricket team in Test matches.

English Madhyam 9
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The Hindu Editorial: Serious allegations (21 SEP 2023)

1. Allegation (noun) – charge, accusation, 14. Diplomat (noun) – Envoy, ambassador,
claim, assertion आयोऩ representative याजदत

2. Stare (at) (verb) – looked at, gaze, watch, 15. Summon (verb) – Call, order, command,
gawk, gape दे खना/घयू ना instruct फर
ु ाना

3. Downturn (noun) – Decrease, decline, 16. Accuse (of) (verb) – Charge with, indict
reduction, slump, drop ऩतन for, blame for आयोऩ रगाना

4. Ties (noun) – connection, relations, link, 17. Scrutiny (noun) – Examination,

bond, association सॊफध
ॊ inspection, investigation, analysis जाॊि

5. Startling (adjective) – Surprising, 18. Violation (noun) – Breach, infringement,

astonishing, astounding, staggering, contravention उल्रॊघन
shocking िौंका दे ने वारा
19. Sovereignty (noun) – Autonomy,
6. Tie (to) (verb) – Bind, fasten, secure, independence, self-governance, authority
attach, knot, join से जोड़ना सम्प्प्रबत
ु ा

7. Mark (verb) – Indicate, signify, denote, 20. Invoke (verb) – cite, refer to, bring forth,
point out, show सधू ित कयना turn to, resort to आह्वान कयना

8. Unravelling (adjective) – Unfolding, 21. Confrontation (noun) – iscord, dissension,

coming apart, disintegrating, clash, conflict, disagreement, altercation
disentangling अरग हो यहा टकयाव

9. Accusation (noun) – Allegation, charge, 22. Given (preposition) – Considering, taking

claim, indictment आयोऩ into account, bearing in mind दे खते हुए

10. Bilateral (adjective) – Two-sided, mutual, 23. Rival (noun) – Competitor, opponent,
reciprocal द्ववऩऺीम adversary ववयोधी

11. Set off (phrasal verb) – Trigger, initiate, 24. Remark (noun) – Comment, statement,
begin, start प्रायॊ ब कयना observation दटप्ऩणी

12. A chain of events (phrase) – Sequence of 25. Critical of (phrase) – Disapproving of,
incidents, succession of happenings, condemning, censuring आरोिना कयते हुए
series of developments घटनाओॊ की श्ॊख
ृ रा
26. Chill (noun) – Unfriendliness, lack of
13. Expel (verb) – Oust, remove, dismiss, understanding, lack of sympathy, lack of
eject तनकारना warmth अमभत्रता

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27. Outlast (verb) – Survive, live longer than, 39. Separatist (adjective) – Relating to people
outlive से अधधक सभम तक यहना or groups wanting to form a separate
independent state or organization
28. Vote out (phrasal verb) – Oust from अरगाववादी
position through a vote वोट द्वाया फाहय
40. Interpol (noun) – An international
criminal police organization that
facilitates worldwide police cooperation
29. Unlike (preposition) – In contrast to, as
opposed to ववऩयीत 41. Red corner notice (noun) – An
international request to locate and
30. NATO (noun) – The North Atlantic Treaty provisionally arrest an individual pending
Organization, an intergovernmental extradition or similar legal action
military alliance between North American
and European countries. उत्तय अटराॊदटक 42. Hail (verb) – Acclaim, praise, commend,
applaud, salute प्रशॊसा कयना
सॊधध सॊगिन
43. Decade (noun) – A period of ten years
31. Alliance (noun) – Coalition,
confederation, federation, union, pact दशक
सॊघटन/ सॊधध
44. Mistrust (noun) – Distrust, suspicion,
32. Rupture (noun) – Disagreement, doubt, skepticism, disbelief सॊदेह
separation, estrangement, breach, rift,
45. Brush aside (phrasal verb) – Dismiss,
breakup सॊफध
ॊ ववच्छे द, अरगाव
reject, disregard, ignore, overlook नकायना
33. Fraught (adjective) – tense, anxious,
46. Reset (noun) – A process or instance of
charged, stressed खयाफ/ तनावऩण
ू ि setting, adjusting, or fixing something in a
34. Cold (adjective) – Unemotional, new or different way ऩन
ु स्थािऩन
impassive, unresponsive, reserved,
47. Free trade (noun) – A policy by which a
indifferent उदासीन government does not discriminate against
imports or interfere with exports by
35. Reflection (noun) – Contemplation,
applying tariffs or subsidies
deliberation, meditation, musing,
pondering धिॊतन/ सोि- वविाय 48. Acrimonious (adjective) – Bitter,
rancorous, caustic, resentful, hostile कटु
36. Admit (verb) – Confess, acknowledge,
concede, accept स्वीकाय कयना 49. On the sidelines of (phrase) – not actively
involved; observing rather than taking
37. Assertion (noun) – Claim, declaration, part के भौके ऩय
statement, contention, affirmation दावा
50. Niceties (noun) – Details, subtleties,
38. Safe haven (noun) – A place of safety or nuances, refinements, particulars
refuge; a shelter सयु क्षऺत शयण स्थर फायीफकमों

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The Hindu Editorial: Legislating change (22 SEP 2023)

1. Decade (noun) – A period of 10 years दशक 13. Tie (to) (verb) – Bind, link, attach, connect,
2. Table (verb) – Present, submit, introduce,
offer, propose, प्रस्तत
ु कयना 14. Delimitation (noun) – The process of fixing
limits or boundaries of territorial
3. Shatter (verb) – Break, fracture, splinter, constituencies in a country, सीभा तनधाियण
crush, smash, टूटना
15. Census (noun) – Population count,
4. Glass ceiling (noun) – An unofficially population survey, head count, जनगणना
acknowledged barrier to advancement in a
profession, especially affecting women and 16. Therein lies the rub (phrase) – That's the
members of minorities, आबासी सीभा main problem or difficulty, वही भख्
ु म
सभस्मा है
5. Stark (adjective) – Clear-cut, pronounced,
evident, glaring, अधधक स्ऩष्ट 17. Mandate (noun) – Order, command,
instruction, directive, आदे श
6. Amendment (noun) – Modification,
change, alteration, revision, सॊशोधन 18. Set aside (phrasal verb) – Reserve,
earmark, allocate, अरग यखना
7. Seek (verb) – try, attempt, endeavour,
strive प्रमास कयना 19. Ruse (noun) – Trick, stratagem, tactic, छर
8. Amend (verb) – Modify, alter, change, 20. In the meantime (phrase) – Meanwhile, in
adjust, सॊशोधन कयना the interim, इस दौयान
9. Sunset clause (noun) – A provision in a law 21. Fine tune (phrase) – making small
or regulation that automatically terminates adjustments to (something) in order to
or repeals the law or regulation after a achieve the best or a desired performance.
specified period unless it's explicitly
renewed, सभम-सीमभत प्रावधान 22. Mere (adjective) – Sheer, pure, simple,
10. Considering (preposition) – Taking into
account, given that, in view of, ध्मान भें 23. Tokenism (noun) – The practice of making
only a perfunctory or symbolic effort to do
यखते हुए
something, especially by recruiting a small
11. Fraught (adjective) – tense, anxious, number of people from underrepresented
groups in order to give the appearance of
charged, stressed खयाफ/ तनावऩण
ू ि
equality, प्रतीकात्भकता
12. Laudatory (adjective) – Praiseworthy,
24. Imbibe (verb) – Absorb or assimilate (ideas
commendatory, admiring, प्रशॊसात्भक
or knowledge) वविाय आत्भसात कयना

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25. Grassroots (noun) – The basic or 30. Fall (verb) – to become lower or less कभ
fundamental level, base, जनता का सभह
ू होना, घटना
26. All sorts of (phrase) – Various types of, 31. At the outset (phrase) – In the beginning,
different kinds of, numerous, a range of,
initially, at the start, firstly, प्रायॊ ब भें
assorted, भौजूद हय प्रकाय का
32. Falter (verb) – Hesitate, waver, stumble,
27. Patriarchal (adjective) – Male-dominated,
be unsure, दहिफकिाना
fatherly, androcentric, patrilineal,
ृ त्तात्भक 33. Institute (verb) – Establish, set up, start,
initiate, आयॊ ब कयना
28. Make a difference (phrase) – Have an
impact, bring about change, effect change,
34. Have one’s say (phrase) – Express one’s
matter, अॊतय ऩैदा कयना opinion, voice one's thoughts, get a word
in, speak out, अऩनी याम यखना
29. Counts (noun) – Considerations, aspects,
factors, points, ऩहरू

English Madhyam 13
September 24, 2023 ENGLISH MADHYAM

The Hindu Editorial: Silent killer (23 SEP 2023)

1. Hypertension (noun) – High Blood Pressure, 14. Meagre (adjective) – Scanty, Sparse, Limited,
उच्ि यततिाऩ थोड़ा

2. Grim (adjective) – Bleak, Dire, Dismal, Ghastly, 15. Marginally (adverb) – Slightly, Somewhat, थोड़ा
Harsh, बमॊकय, ववकट सा
3. Inexpensive (adjective) – Cheap, Affordable, 16. Sketchy (adjective) – Incomplete, Rudimentary,
Low-cost, Economical, Reasonable, सस्ता Imperfect, अधूया
4. Cardiovascular disease (noun) – A class of 17. Incidence (noun) – Occurrence, Frequency,
diseases that involve the heart or blood vessels,
Rate, घटनाववृ त्त
such as coronary artery disease, heart failure,
valvular heart disease, etc. रृदम योग 18. Fatality (noun) – Death, Casualty, Mortality,
5. Stroke (noun) – Paralysis, Seizure, रकवा
19. Intake (noun) – Consumption, Ingestion, Input,
6. Associated (with) (adjective) – Connected,
Related, Linked, सॊफधॊ धत
20. Cut down (phrasal verb) – Reduce, Decrease,
7. Continuum (noun) – A continuous sequence in
Lessen, कभ कयना
which adjacent elements are not perceptibly
different from each other, although the
21. Label (verb) – Tag, Mark, Designate, धिल्ह्नत
extremes are quite distinct. अफाध क्रभ, सततत
8. Classify (verb) – Categorize, Sort, Arrange,
वगीकृत कयना 22. Reformulation (noun) – The process of
changing, altering, or amending the
9. Obese (adjective) – Overweight, Fat, Corpulent, composition or structure of something.
अत्मधधक भोटा ऩन
ु तनिभािण

10. Underestimate (verb) – Undervalue, 23. Undertake (verb) – Embark on, Take on,
Underrate, Disregard, कभ सभझना Commit to, कयना

11. Cumulative (adjective) – Combined, Aggregate, 24. Novel (adjective) – New, Original, Innovative,
Total, सॊिमी नमा

12. Rely (on) (verb) – Depend (on), Count (on), 25. Enroll (verb) – Register, Sign up, Join, बती कयना
Trust (in), तनबिय कयना
26. Hypertensive (adjective) – Relating to or
13. Diagnose (verb) – Identify, Detect, Find, योग का affected by hypertension. उच्ि यततिाऩ सॊफधॊ धत

ऩता रगाना

English Madhyam 14

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