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Review My Pals Science P1


1. Our five senses are: ______, _______, _______, _______ and

2. We see with our _____________
3. We feel with our _____________
4. We smell with our _____________
5. We taste with our _____________
6. We hear with our _________________
7. I __________ many colours with my eyes.
8. I __________ the birds sing with my ears.
9. I __________ the flowers with my nose.
10. I __________ the tree truck with my skin.
11. I __________ the ice-cream with my tongue.
12. I __________ with my tongue.
13. I __________ things with my skin.
14. I use my ______________ to smell.
15. I use my ______________ to hear.
16. I use my ______________ to feel.
17. I use my ______________ to see.
18. I use my ______________ to taste.
19. The different types of taste are: _______, _______, _______
and _______

Review My Pals Science P1

20. Does it feel hot or cold? Fill in the stars. This feels ………

Review My Pals Science P1

21. Does it feel hot or cold? Draw the line!

Review My Pals Science P1

22. Write sweet, sour, spicy, salty or bitter next to the pictures.







Review My Pals Science P1






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