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Draft Tube Pressure

2 2
P1 V 1 P2 V 2
+ + z 1= + + z +h
ρg 2 g ρg 2 g 2 f
Neglecting the atmospheric pressure head and setting the datum line at the outlet of the
draft tube,
2 2
P1 V 1 V2
+ + z 1= +h
ρg 2 g 2g f
Average diameter,
=1.972 m
From figure [penstock design table] , interpolating the average diameter to obtain the
friction factor we get,
f =0.00952
Assuming turbine used is HL110-LJ-300 from
Rim Velocity (Tangential), U 1

πD 1 N
U 1=

π (1.5 m)(250 rpm)

U 1=

U 1=19.634 m/s
Solving for Flow Velocity, V f 1

V f 1=k f √ 2 gh

Where the standard value of kf is 0.15

Use average n = 0.15

V f 1=0.15 2(9.8066
)(160 m)

V f 1=8.4 m/ s

Velocity of Whirl at Inlet, V w 1

η❑ gh
V w 1=

According to Khan (2021), some of the modern Francis turbines have an

efficiency ranging from 90-95%. Taking the average, an average of 92.5%

0.925( 9.8066)(160 m)
V w 1=
19.634 m/s

V w 1=73.9216 m/ s

Velocity of Water in Turbine Inlet, V 1

V 1= √(V ¿¿ f 1)2+(V ¿¿ w 1)2 ¿ ¿

V 1= (8.4 m/s )2+(73.9216
m 2

V 1=74.397 m/ s

Computing for the friction head,

h f =f
2 Dg

(4.21 m)(74.397 m/s )2

h f =0.00952
2(1.972 m)9.8066
h f =0.077 m

Take V 2=8.4 m/s , V 1=74.397 m/ s, z 1= y=4.215 m

2 2
P1 V 2 −V 1
= −z 1 +h f
ρg 2g
P1 (8.4 )2−(74.397)2
= −4.2075+0.257
(1000)(9.8066) 2(9.8066)
P1=−2.811,237 .958 Pa

P1=−2 , 811.237 kPa

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